A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. But ACTUALLY having had Covid isn't associated with any (except loss of sense of smell).
Honestly I have no dog in this long COVID fight but it seems like small potatoes while there are tyrants dead set on maiming and killing children. That is giving me chest pains and trouble sleeping too
“I'd say what we are seeing is unnatural selection.”
Aww—you had to like that one, didn’t ya… There’s a crazy story behind my saying it. Want to hear it? Doesn’t matter—I’m going to tell you.
I’m an intellectual spaceshot. It was the way I was born. I write easy stuff and hard stuff. I try to make it all easy, but it’s hard…
I gravitate towards PhDs because I figure they can at least understand what I‘m saying, but since I had to decline my own PhDs to take care of babies brain-damaged by their baby shots, would you believe PhD buggers think the Lack of the PhD moniker makes me unsmart?
One person I’ve been conversing with for over three years is a top man in his field worldwide—perhaps tops. Over time, I’ve come to know that he loves the Huxleys—believes in Darwinism—and I get this weird, “I don’t know?” sense about him.
He believes in Natural Selection. He is the reason I previously coined the term, “unnatural selection.” I’m fairly certain he believes my station in life marks me for death and that I’m simply an intellectual child.
The man is a eugenist. Most scientists are. He is of this ilk:
‘We’re all in This Together’ but we’re not: Welcome to Transhumanism
And unless we shut down all institution of higher learning we are screwed. There is a book I am trying to find outlining how scientists will take over the world. If I can find it, I will provide you with the link.
And what do you think these clueless uncaring inattentive parents are going to do should their kids die?
Blame it on Trump, conservatives, Republicans, and all those people who didn’t get vaccinated, and forget that their kids got vaccinated and died.
The public sucks, fuck up!
Sorry if that’s rude to people including Alex, but it is what it is, 150 million more people are stupid clueless and will jump off a cliff if the person behind them just uttered , “boo!”
Stupid buttinsky text editors are all the same. I've taught mine a few bad words unfortunately. When I mean to type "cant" I double check and then check again.
I agree. But they are convinced that this virus has potential devastating long term effects, even for that age cohort. They also think that the jab is totally safe because people - including themselves and their older kids 12+ didn't die / collapse immediately after receiving the shot. They think that the stories of those who did suffer such horrific consequences are incredibly rare, coincidental to the shot, or made up by right wing conspiracy theorists. There is no acknowledgement that adverse effects of this vaccine can be experienced over time, that the shot can interfere with natural immunity (in fact natural immunity doesn't exist for this virus), and that they're signing their young kids up for a series of shots, etc etc. I literally have to come to this site every day to remind myself of those actual facts because it's so unsettling to watch people who I care about (and, yes, who I have tried to reason with) race to give this to their young kids. Alas.
I think we all have a dog in this particular fight. Every lie that gets debunked undermines the justification for mandates a little bit more, and weakens the credibility of the talking heads who have been fear mongering with obvious bunk like "long COVID" and "COVID toe" for the past 18 months. That includes the media, politicians and public health "experts."
"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus."
The people pushing the mandates and passports must be discredited if they are to be stopped. Smashing BS shibboleths like "long COVID" will go a long way toward unmasking the fools and the frauds.
I just recall seeing a story that said it wasn't really a COVID thing, it was related to diabetes or some other issue that's common among very sick COVID patients. Correlation, not causality. And it just sounds like BS to me, so there's my confirmation bias showing.
Hmm. How many of those symptoms can also be caused by atrophy as a result of reduced physical and mental stimuli -- which are, likely, a result of lockdowns, isolation and fearmongering? My guess is a whole walloping lot of them.
Haven't watched CNN for probably 20 years. Never watched Netflix. Rarely wore the mask and only then when I had to shop for groceries or visit the dentist's office. I definitely need to work on the 5 mile thing though!
I wish this article would get much more attention than it likely will.
Clinically, anosmia was the most pathognomonic symptom of COVID patients whom I have seen clinically over the last year +, and to some extent ageusia (loss of taste). Persistent and / or complete anosmia was the key symptom I saw that distinguished COVID from previous and different respiratory infections, especially the anosmia that lingered long after other symptoms cleared. (After having COVID myself, the anosmia lasted for months till my first capsule of ivermectin. Then I could smell again 3 hours later.)
Medicine had always been practiced - till the COVID era - with reliance on the patient's signs and symptoms, not over-reliance on lab tests.
It's a profound loss of smell. I've seen a couple articles that referred to those with the flu reporting when asked, that ,their sense of smell was affected. Physicians, PAs, NPs, were, are set to the yes code it as covid, because... and just in case. But that loss of smell is so - Wow. I had a relapse of West Nile, summer 2020, more than a flare from chronic WNV, and POW! that profound, bizarre, loss of smell, and some other overlapping symptoms. That was about 90 days after the 21 days of hell ccp fauci virus infection. Brain as a reservoir ~. Yes, talk about over reliance on "test!". CDC in passing finally says, oh, yeah, we knew we made a fraudulent test and anyone wanting to go commercial with it had to use our protocol, and FDA says it can still be used to the end of the year. Yeah, we said the test is the Gold Standard" and can be a "confirmed case," without clinical exam. All those papers using those "positives!" Another beef I have is use of the John Hopkins numbers for claimed fatalities. The CDC quietly, very quietly, said they knew the actual fatality rate was 6% in July, 2020, and just over 5% of in June, 2021.
I'm glad to hear the IVM cleared your anosmia; that is Very interesting, and makes sense.
I've thought about using the post infection IVM protocol, wondering if it might help with the WNV as well. Dr. Cole's lab is about 50 miles from me, I should see if he can squeeze me in sometime.
Our "nonprofit" hospitals here demanded employees be jabbed or fired. The downstream culture into the outpatient clinics discourages looking into the protocols, researching even. Scary. Hospitalists cannot use them, either. Very bad situation.
Ivermectin has at least 5 known mechanisms against SARS-CoV-2, including blocking all three parts of the trimeric spike protein. My book's chapter on ivermectin explores this. As for anosmia, I think it was possibly that spike protein that gummed up olfactory function.
Indeed. I find this the most egregious sin of all (well, not worse than jabbing children). There is no justification for withholding a potentially life-saving medicine from a dying patient just because it's "not protocol". This is murder, plain and simple.
Well it has nothing to do with "protocol". If ivermectin works, then there is a treatment. The "emergency authorization" for covid is predicated on the fact that there is no treatment. All these non-approved "vaccines" would lose their EUA & not be allowable.
At this juncture, that's a question for people who insist on RCTs to prove what has already been observed. In a better time, it would have been a question that a scientist would have had fun exploring.
My Dr wanted me to continue Ivermectin until I regained my smell. However, the pharmacies in Oregon are no longer filing the prescription so I will not get to see how effective this is.
Go to the FLCCC.net site they have a list of Drs that, with a tela-med vistit, will give you a prescription that can be filled by out of state pharmacies and mailed to you. I live in the fascist state of NY. That’s how I got my Ivermectin which I use prophylactically.
You can order from alldaychemists.com and get the meds in about a month. Indian company that ships from Germany and then delivers by the mail (USPS). Got my ivermectin from them a few days ago. Reasonable prices and no prescription required.
Yes, do as Gioia says. It’s what I did and well worth the money. Took a bit for me to get my Rx, but I finally received my script. I’m taking a prophylactic amount only 2 times a week and the bottle has instructions on how to take it, should I get Covid. I received a year supply.
In a "better time"I wouldn't have to question every single person who puts an MD behind their name and makes a claim that I have never heard before. I have heard that ivermectin is excellent in dealing with Covid but I have never heard that it eliminates amnosia in hours. I am curious about it because I suffered from anosmia (suspected Covid but tested negative) and the experience was surprisingly frightening.
I was actually afraid of losing my sense of smell. All the women in my family seem to have a strong olfactory sense. We're the women you see in the deodorant aisle sniffing all the different kinds. To lose that would feel like going blind.
In the US at least, one doesn't simply "put an MD after their name.". Medical degrees are issued by state licensing boards after 4- year med curriculum, clinical board exams, etc. In my case, NMD is naturopathic medical board, separate state licensing authority from MD.
You may want to see c19ivermectin.com for abundant rcts and other ivermectin clinical data.
What was your experience? I currently am day 5 of what I believe to be covid. Rough first 2 days last 3 tired, weak with continued low grade fever. No cough
I would love to see a study done on long haulers on the Swedish population - in a population that was not fed a fear pill and shut down for years on end, how are their thoughts manifesting into symptoms (and long haulers symptoms)? Our government and agencies and media told the population that they were going to die, die, die every single day. What do you think this did to people's spirit, brains, and body?
Saying someone's illness is psychosomatic is often seen as fobbing them off. It's not necessarily. The mind is a powerful thing that can have real effects on the body.
With respect for your scientific background, everyone, including scientists, should be seeing the forest through the trees when it comes to chronic illness. Just this morning I'm reading an article in the local rag about a recent large survey from Cincinnati Children's. Children at unhealthy weights has soared to nearly 40% from approx 36% since Covid. 36% is ridiculous to begin with. We are more than half a century into the fattening and sickening of America. Unless we see the forest and deal with it we'll continue to be overwhelmed with chronic illnesses. Yes there are chronic illnesses not caused by obesity and toxic foods, but if a 300 pounder tells me their joints hurt, before or after Covid19...well I'm going to tell them it's simply because you're a hog. I wish you the best in dealing with your particular chronic illness.
Diane, I'm really sorry to hear you are leaving the substack. I 100 % acknowledge chronic illness is real outside of obesity. I commented on your comment because it's sound science. We're not oppositional. We both want people to be healthy. I wasn't trying to be abusive in any way towards you. I'm harsh on obesity because it's a disaster for the US. We need both discussions. Much respect.
If you aren’t part of Dr Peter McCullough’s C19D email distribution group, but would like to be, let me know. Worldwide scientists and medical practitioners and other interested parties coordinating to share information. It’s private, so have to be added by his assistants.
But the truth of the story is that this pandemic has gotten far worse since shortly after they started the first injection of these unlicensed Vaccine trials globally. If they these so-called medical experts which none of them even work or worked with a Covid patient. Listened to Alex Berenson, instead of non-medical experts like Fauci and Collins, this country would not be in the mess we are in and facing every day.
It looks as though the assault on the populace with the phony "vaccine" was the goal of the whole fraudulent pandemic all along. The end game is population reduction. What's striking about it is that the promoters are so obviously stupid.
Evil is always stupid. There is such an obvious disconnect between the evil people and their intended victims. They don't really seem to know how human beings think, or how to connect through any feelings other than fear or greed.
Listen to the kind of things a person like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, or the the demented Joe Biden say. They say things that wouldn't even occur to a normal human being. Biden will suddenly raise his voice for no apparent reason, emphasizing a part of a sentence that needs no emphasis.
President Puppet says it is a pandemic from the unvaccinated. Taking medical advice from him is like believing what CNN Gupta and Chris Cuomo is true. Even after the open your head and flood your brain with lies. Joe Biden, has more than 50 years of abusing hard drugs and alcohol. He has no credibility of an ounce of compassion. He is as evil as Fauci and Collins.
Not everyone I have known or seen. It is very real. I had it after a 2 day post surgery stay June 2020. 21 days of hell, oh yes, it is a lab made virus alright. Took another 3 weeks of sequelae, asthma set off and some neurological stuff. Another surgery later that year, a necessary one too, dang it, I talked with 4 nurses that had gotten nailed. It took them a while to gain some stamina. Same hard symptoms. 5 others I know from church, all older than me, got the virus in August and September. I think, guessing, 2-3 of them had the virus, or a virus, with a fast pneumonia secondary killed them. My primary doctor lost 2 of her patients after 6-7 weeks in the hospital, definitely the virus. No IVM protocol intervention. I think it is more than sniffles, and given the useless swab tests, anything is a "positive" hence flu and colds are coded as the ccp fauci virus.
I have to question how sick any of you/them would have been, had an early intervention with one of the now-common "kitchen sink" protocols been applied. Not saying I *know* you would not have suffered, just truly wondering. Still wondering how any self-respecting health care worker can refuse to treat people with these proven meds at this point. It blows my mind.
The rules to defining psychosomatic is to DEFINITELY rule out medical factors do not exist.
Nothing like telling a woman with projectile vomiting she has anxiety and not assess for a small bowel obstruction that she then dies from a week later.
Or, a person with psychotic symptoms and yet not doing a thorough neurological exam after seeing overt one sided tremors and ignoring the history of abrupt onset of thought disorder that screams medical cause, to then have another MD order the CAT scan to find the benign meningioma that was easily excise-able…
And watch more doctors to be sloppy, uncaring, and rude…
it implies a lack of awareness and control of your mind. it is profoundly insulting. and arrogant to assume that just because they don't know what it is, it must by psychosomatic. I periodically suffer panic attacks. I can manage them well using CBT. that does not mean there isn't an underlying physical cause.
That is true, nonetheless, my physician husband would tease it out, get both body mind treated. One of his patients actually willed himself to die, despite everything. Hospice, everyone was dumbfounded. Took him about 7 days.
I sense the trolls, programmed and real, have showed up to Alex's Substack. Some of it is relatively sophisticated, some of it is zeroes and ones programmed from who knows where. And why not? Did we think the Overlords would just let Substack be a peaceful place to share information? Ignore the comments that incite fear, uncertainty and doubt. It's part of the psyop.
If you let the Left make their rigid inflexible intolerable contributions go unchallenged if not appropriately rebuked by vanishing, then, well, another CATS contribution here, SE?
These folks of the Left are not interested in dialogue, negotiation, or tolerance of different narratives, but, history shows that tyranny does incredible long lasting damage before prior responsible people finally said, "you scum are done!"
Again, if most here were around in the 1940s with this civil acquiescing tolerant BS, German and Japanese would be the languages from American coast to coast...
I don't know what CATS is? I agree that the Left are completely intolerant, I even agree that they are using long covid to try to scare people, but don't know what that has to with it being a real syndrome or not.
I feel you are referring to me, which makes me think my comment got posted, even though I don't see it anywhere. I have not had long COVID, but I think it's kind of cheap and pointless to use one poorly conceived study to say long COVID doesn't existing, where there are plenty of studies that show real physiological changes. I respect Alex, but I think minimizing CFS, Lyme disease, and Long Covid using the CBC is very 1980s. Also, you can say covid restrictions are stupid and vaccine mandates are wrong without throwing people who have experienced real harm from Covid under the bus. This doesn't have to be some antinomian struggle.
Of course, part of mass psychosis! It is expected that hysterical symptoms would be part of this pandemic equation. You cannot scare the shit out of people for months with a death ticker, extreme exaggerations and blatant lies, and then not expect anxiety to play a significant role. We've all had that moment where we suspect we may be coming down with covid and you get that knot in your throat at the apprehension of feeling poorly (and the unknown outcomes of a virus that has either been entirely created by, tampered with at a minimum, by man. I've assumed that long covid was simply post-viral syndrome, which occurs in less than 10% of people, depending on the virus. Anxiety and attention seeking behavior by narcissists are the other most likely reasons to report long lasting symptoms. Another thing I found most interesting is the CDC's study 'Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021' (https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2021/21_0123.htm) , in which 'Anxiety and Fear Related Disorders' was the SECOND most common comorbidity among those hospitalized with a C19 diagnosis. We literally scared people into hysterical symptoms that increased the likelihood of ending up in the hospital, which seems to be a 50-50% shot of getting out of alive if you were unlucky enough to be part of the everyone-on-a-ventilator and/or Remdesivir phases of the medically incompetent NIH treatment plan. Damn, we are collectively stupid.
Well can you blame the poor souls, working grunts in NYC, not well educated, trusting, who were told they would be filling up the cemeteries if they caught the Wuflu? They go for evaluation to the ER when they get sick, get admitted because Cuomo and de Blasio knew there was federal money for each intubation, and then bang, they WERE dead. Do you blame their families for being terrified? This is government at its utter worst.
So many entities- government, hospital systems, federal agencies, the media (especially) are complicit in scaring people and ultimately killing people. This has been an awful revelation to witness.
I just had covid. Fever, body aches and fatigue. No loss of smell. All symptoms resolved in a week. Nothingburger compared to previous flus. But I still got an effing positive on a PCR yesterday. Annoying because that means another week of ignoring calls from contact tracers.
Hope you are taking masses of Vit C, D, Zinc and NAC! Eating yummy nigella seeds - good to hear but can I ask how old are you and do you know what variant you contracted?
I'm currently sick day 5. Symptoms similar to yours. Not tested but assume covid. I'm feeling better but still weak and have low grade fever. How long did your fever last?
You might want to consider the monoclonal antibody infusion. My husband's case was like yours and he got it. It seemed to put a stop to the fever that would show up each evening.
Hey that's fantastic! I know people who've gotten the infusion even later than ten days and it really did seem to help. My husband got the infusion on day 9. He didn't have real fever till maybe day 5 but then it would come up each evening and seem to be a bit higher each evening. So at that point I freaked and told him he should go for it.
He felt slightly worse the very next day, but then got better rapidly. Fever in evening for a few more days but smaller fast. I've heard other people say it felt a bit worse the very next day after infusion but they all say it helped.
I'm sorry. It was like that in our city last spring but somehow we now have enough for anyone over, say, 50 or seriously sick or comorbid. They've really loosened up here.
4 days. I drank 8 bottled waters every day and I took Emergen-C Immune Plus every 12 hours and I ate one big meal every day. My fever lasted 4 days. This was before I knew about Ivermectin. Smell and taste was somewhat screwed up for 2 months.
How interesting. My husband lost his sense of smell for three months (we were house shopping and would walk into some homes and the kids and I would grab our noses because they stink and he would get upset because he couldn't smell anything 😆) so I hope this does mean his antibodies are strong.
There's a woman on Twitter that swears she has long covid, takes pics of herself claiming she has aged ten years, wants the whole country locked back down. I have always thought she has serious mental problems.
Ironic, there is a man in the White House who claims to care about the Country he is in charge of who hides from his job responsibilities, can’t talk to reporters or the public unless interactions are fully screened prior, and promotes narratives and agendas that harm and kill his citizens…
And a couple hundred million of those citizens do nothing to demand accountability or responsibility and therefore by inaction are at peace ready to be F’ed relentlessly and die.
Is he ever IN the Whitehouse? Seems like he is always on a fake set to give us the "feel good" that he is in control of or at the Whitehouse. Does he even remember what the Whitehouse is?
Judging by his facial expressions/empty gaze, he's in his last year or so of dementia. Maybe pfizer can pump him full of something to keep him moving once he's dead. Anything but Kamala in the oval office.
OH, I SEE NOW. The AMA. This abuse is what happened to people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CDC gave it the misnomer "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," or CFS, and the disease picked up more stigmatizing as "Yuppy Flu" in the 1980s after outbreaks in Lake Tahoe and other places.) The CDC knew, and knows, what causes it. There is some treatment that helps a great deal, finally, and prolongs life. My husband, a great physician, Veteran, F-16 pilot, with many other qualities and accomplishments, lost his life to it early Palm Sunday morning, 2020. 26 years. Two of his highly accomplished sisters lost their lives to it as well. Fibromyalgia went through a similar process. Now both are acknowledged to be real. Acquired Immune Disorders, Immune Disorders, neuro-auto-immune diseases. For decades these patients were largely abandoned and suffered terribly; were generally considered to be at most somatic disorders. I am ever more amazed, and my outrage knows no bounds at the psychopath cruelty of Wicked Men destroying peoples' lives and our country. AMA has for decades traveled forward helping to establish full Marxist mayhem, and they are almost there. They are not going to like it when they, as collaborators are dealt with the way Marxism has always deal with collaborators.
Honestly I have no dog in this long COVID fight but it seems like small potatoes while there are tyrants dead set on maiming and killing children. That is giving me chest pains and trouble sleeping too
The crazy thing is that the parents I know who are jabbing their 5 - 11 year olds right now site long Covid as part of their rationale...
Who needs eugenics when you have natural selection?
The Darwin Awards coming this Winter...Stay Tuned.
The dumbest & the smartest will survive evidently, according to the “statistics” about who will not succumb.
“I'd say what we are seeing is unnatural selection.”
Aww—you had to like that one, didn’t ya… There’s a crazy story behind my saying it. Want to hear it? Doesn’t matter—I’m going to tell you.
I’m an intellectual spaceshot. It was the way I was born. I write easy stuff and hard stuff. I try to make it all easy, but it’s hard…
I gravitate towards PhDs because I figure they can at least understand what I‘m saying, but since I had to decline my own PhDs to take care of babies brain-damaged by their baby shots, would you believe PhD buggers think the Lack of the PhD moniker makes me unsmart?
One person I’ve been conversing with for over three years is a top man in his field worldwide—perhaps tops. Over time, I’ve come to know that he loves the Huxleys—believes in Darwinism—and I get this weird, “I don’t know?” sense about him.
He believes in Natural Selection. He is the reason I previously coined the term, “unnatural selection.” I’m fairly certain he believes my station in life marks me for death and that I’m simply an intellectual child.
The man is a eugenist. Most scientists are. He is of this ilk:
‘We’re all in This Together’ but we’re not: Welcome to Transhumanism
And unless we shut down all institution of higher learning we are screwed. There is a book I am trying to find outlining how scientists will take over the world. If I can find it, I will provide you with the link.
Perfect! I'm going to be borrowing that line!
I'd say what we are seeing is unnatural selection.
And what do you think these clueless uncaring inattentive parents are going to do should their kids die?
Blame it on Trump, conservatives, Republicans, and all those people who didn’t get vaccinated, and forget that their kids got vaccinated and died.
The public sucks, fuck up!
Sorry if that’s rude to people including Alex, but it is what it is, 150 million more people are stupid clueless and will jump off a cliff if the person behind them just uttered , “boo!”
Another iPhone screwup…
It should’ve said… F hope!.…
iPhone’s Freudian slip, it F’ed up!…
Stupid buttinsky text editors are all the same. I've taught mine a few bad words unfortunately. When I mean to type "cant" I double check and then check again.
Try typing NWO. It likes to correct to NOW all the time.
Parents jabbing their 5-11 year olds lack rationale.
I agree. But they are convinced that this virus has potential devastating long term effects, even for that age cohort. They also think that the jab is totally safe because people - including themselves and their older kids 12+ didn't die / collapse immediately after receiving the shot. They think that the stories of those who did suffer such horrific consequences are incredibly rare, coincidental to the shot, or made up by right wing conspiracy theorists. There is no acknowledgement that adverse effects of this vaccine can be experienced over time, that the shot can interfere with natural immunity (in fact natural immunity doesn't exist for this virus), and that they're signing their young kids up for a series of shots, etc etc. I literally have to come to this site every day to remind myself of those actual facts because it's so unsettling to watch people who I care about (and, yes, who I have tried to reason with) race to give this to their young kids. Alas.
I think we all have a dog in this particular fight. Every lie that gets debunked undermines the justification for mandates a little bit more, and weakens the credibility of the talking heads who have been fear mongering with obvious bunk like "long COVID" and "COVID toe" for the past 18 months. That includes the media, politicians and public health "experts."
"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus."
The people pushing the mandates and passports must be discredited if they are to be stopped. Smashing BS shibboleths like "long COVID" will go a long way toward unmasking the fools and the frauds.
I have a loved one who swears he got COVID toe! Do you have more info please?
I just recall seeing a story that said it wasn't really a COVID thing, it was related to diabetes or some other issue that's common among very sick COVID patients. Correlation, not causality. And it just sounds like BS to me, so there's my confirmation bias showing.
Agreed 100%, Texbat.
Yes, that’s what bothers me most too and I’m having the same symptoms lately
Hmm. How many of those symptoms can also be caused by atrophy as a result of reduced physical and mental stimuli -- which are, likely, a result of lockdowns, isolation and fearmongering? My guess is a whole walloping lot of them.
Too much CNN & Netflix will do that.
Ditch the mask & go walk 5 miles.
Haven't watched CNN for probably 20 years. Never watched Netflix. Rarely wore the mask and only then when I had to shop for groceries or visit the dentist's office. I definitely need to work on the 5 mile thing though!
Me too!
And I’ll add crazy Governors and Mayors! I’m seeing what they’ve done to friends and family in Blue States
Yes Yes Yes. The medical costs of lockdowns are constantly ignored. Phil Devine
Agree, huge issue being ignored.
Likely a lot considering the statistics on who is most likely to contract Covid & get the sickest. (If you can believe the statistics)
I wish this article would get much more attention than it likely will.
Clinically, anosmia was the most pathognomonic symptom of COVID patients whom I have seen clinically over the last year +, and to some extent ageusia (loss of taste). Persistent and / or complete anosmia was the key symptom I saw that distinguished COVID from previous and different respiratory infections, especially the anosmia that lingered long after other symptoms cleared. (After having COVID myself, the anosmia lasted for months till my first capsule of ivermectin. Then I could smell again 3 hours later.)
Medicine had always been practiced - till the COVID era - with reliance on the patient's signs and symptoms, not over-reliance on lab tests.
I agree.
It's a profound loss of smell. I've seen a couple articles that referred to those with the flu reporting when asked, that ,their sense of smell was affected. Physicians, PAs, NPs, were, are set to the yes code it as covid, because... and just in case. But that loss of smell is so - Wow. I had a relapse of West Nile, summer 2020, more than a flare from chronic WNV, and POW! that profound, bizarre, loss of smell, and some other overlapping symptoms. That was about 90 days after the 21 days of hell ccp fauci virus infection. Brain as a reservoir ~. Yes, talk about over reliance on "test!". CDC in passing finally says, oh, yeah, we knew we made a fraudulent test and anyone wanting to go commercial with it had to use our protocol, and FDA says it can still be used to the end of the year. Yeah, we said the test is the Gold Standard" and can be a "confirmed case," without clinical exam. All those papers using those "positives!" Another beef I have is use of the John Hopkins numbers for claimed fatalities. The CDC quietly, very quietly, said they knew the actual fatality rate was 6% in July, 2020, and just over 5% of in June, 2021.
I'm glad to hear the IVM cleared your anosmia; that is Very interesting, and makes sense.
I've thought about using the post infection IVM protocol, wondering if it might help with the WNV as well. Dr. Cole's lab is about 50 miles from me, I should see if he can squeeze me in sometime.
Our "nonprofit" hospitals here demanded employees be jabbed or fired. The downstream culture into the outpatient clinics discourages looking into the protocols, researching even. Scary. Hospitalists cannot use them, either. Very bad situation.
How would ivermectin make anosmia go away in hours? How does it work?
Ivermectin has at least 5 known mechanisms against SARS-CoV-2, including blocking all three parts of the trimeric spike protein. My book's chapter on ivermectin explores this. As for anosmia, I think it was possibly that spike protein that gummed up olfactory function.
Wow, people blocking access to this medicine are evil.
Indeed. I find this the most egregious sin of all (well, not worse than jabbing children). There is no justification for withholding a potentially life-saving medicine from a dying patient just because it's "not protocol". This is murder, plain and simple.
Well it has nothing to do with "protocol". If ivermectin works, then there is a treatment. The "emergency authorization" for covid is predicated on the fact that there is no treatment. All these non-approved "vaccines" would lose their EUA & not be allowable.
At this juncture, that's a question for people who insist on RCTs to prove what has already been observed. In a better time, it would have been a question that a scientist would have had fun exploring.
My Dr wanted me to continue Ivermectin until I regained my smell. However, the pharmacies in Oregon are no longer filing the prescription so I will not get to see how effective this is.
Go to the FLCCC.net site they have a list of Drs that, with a tela-med vistit, will give you a prescription that can be filled by out of state pharmacies and mailed to you. I live in the fascist state of NY. That’s how I got my Ivermectin which I use prophylactically.
You can order from alldaychemists.com and get the meds in about a month. Indian company that ships from Germany and then delivers by the mail (USPS). Got my ivermectin from them a few days ago. Reasonable prices and no prescription required.
Yes, do as Gioia says. It’s what I did and well worth the money. Took a bit for me to get my Rx, but I finally received my script. I’m taking a prophylactic amount only 2 times a week and the bottle has instructions on how to take it, should I get Covid. I received a year supply.
You can always order from India. Just be sure to have it mailed regular post and not UPS or it’ll be confiscated for the FDA.
These days, the control group just ends up being unmasked, so you can only refer to the trials as RT's, I suppose.
I don't know what an RCT is.
Randomized Controlled Trial. https://himmelfarb.gwu.edu/tutorials/studydesign101/rcts.cfm
In a "better time"I wouldn't have to question every single person who puts an MD behind their name and makes a claim that I have never heard before. I have heard that ivermectin is excellent in dealing with Covid but I have never heard that it eliminates amnosia in hours. I am curious about it because I suffered from anosmia (suspected Covid but tested negative) and the experience was surprisingly frightening.
I was actually afraid of losing my sense of smell. All the women in my family seem to have a strong olfactory sense. We're the women you see in the deodorant aisle sniffing all the different kinds. To lose that would feel like going blind.
In the US at least, one doesn't simply "put an MD after their name.". Medical degrees are issued by state licensing boards after 4- year med curriculum, clinical board exams, etc. In my case, NMD is naturopathic medical board, separate state licensing authority from MD.
You may want to see c19ivermectin.com for abundant rcts and other ivermectin clinical data.
I experienced a loss of smell during a bout with flu a long time back. It persisted for several weeks after I had recovered. It's annoying.
What was your experience? I currently am day 5 of what I believe to be covid. Rough first 2 days last 3 tired, weak with continued low grade fever. No cough
FYI it may be this simple to restore smell.
I would love to see a study done on long haulers on the Swedish population - in a population that was not fed a fear pill and shut down for years on end, how are their thoughts manifesting into symptoms (and long haulers symptoms)? Our government and agencies and media told the population that they were going to die, die, die every single day. What do you think this did to people's spirit, brains, and body?
Amen and three up votes (if only I could actually give that many).
Saying someone's illness is psychosomatic is often seen as fobbing them off. It's not necessarily. The mind is a powerful thing that can have real effects on the body.
Agree completely
... and that brings us back to the widespread, intentional, fearmongering issue, doesn't it?
always using fear to control yes!
Remember when Celiac's was "psychosomatic?" This study is horribly flawed, as I just now explained down thread (or is it upthread?).
With respect for your scientific background, everyone, including scientists, should be seeing the forest through the trees when it comes to chronic illness. Just this morning I'm reading an article in the local rag about a recent large survey from Cincinnati Children's. Children at unhealthy weights has soared to nearly 40% from approx 36% since Covid. 36% is ridiculous to begin with. We are more than half a century into the fattening and sickening of America. Unless we see the forest and deal with it we'll continue to be overwhelmed with chronic illnesses. Yes there are chronic illnesses not caused by obesity and toxic foods, but if a 300 pounder tells me their joints hurt, before or after Covid19...well I'm going to tell them it's simply because you're a hog. I wish you the best in dealing with your particular chronic illness.
Might give you some additional ideas.
Diane, I'm really sorry to hear you are leaving the substack. I 100 % acknowledge chronic illness is real outside of obesity. I commented on your comment because it's sound science. We're not oppositional. We both want people to be healthy. I wasn't trying to be abusive in any way towards you. I'm harsh on obesity because it's a disaster for the US. We need both discussions. Much respect.
If you aren’t part of Dr Peter McCullough’s C19D email distribution group, but would like to be, let me know. Worldwide scientists and medical practitioners and other interested parties coordinating to share information. It’s private, so have to be added by his assistants.
How about the MN Vikings OL Player, fully vaxxed, is now hospitalized with Covid 19.
They are quarantining anyone that had close contact. And It Begins.
... and unvaxxed Aaron Rogers had the sniffles for a day.
Pandemic of the untreated
Yep. A quote I read on another thread:
"This is the first time in the history of medicine,where the inefficiency of a medicine is blamed on the people who didn't take it" -Dr Robert Malome
But the truth of the story is that this pandemic has gotten far worse since shortly after they started the first injection of these unlicensed Vaccine trials globally. If they these so-called medical experts which none of them even work or worked with a Covid patient. Listened to Alex Berenson, instead of non-medical experts like Fauci and Collins, this country would not be in the mess we are in and facing every day.
It looks as though the assault on the populace with the phony "vaccine" was the goal of the whole fraudulent pandemic all along. The end game is population reduction. What's striking about it is that the promoters are so obviously stupid.
Evil is always stupid. There is such an obvious disconnect between the evil people and their intended victims. They don't really seem to know how human beings think, or how to connect through any feelings other than fear or greed.
Listen to the kind of things a person like Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, or the the demented Joe Biden say. They say things that wouldn't even occur to a normal human being. Biden will suddenly raise his voice for no apparent reason, emphasizing a part of a sentence that needs no emphasis.
Bourla definitely gunning for people like Malone and Alex with criminalizing criticism of his product.
Yep, typical gangster behavior taken to a higher level, IMO.
President Puppet says it is a pandemic from the unvaccinated. Taking medical advice from him is like believing what CNN Gupta and Chris Cuomo is true. Even after the open your head and flood your brain with lies. Joe Biden, has more than 50 years of abusing hard drugs and alcohol. He has no credibility of an ounce of compassion. He is as evil as Fauci and Collins.
he is perfectly fine
He is! Like everyone I know who had Covid.
Not everyone I have known or seen. It is very real. I had it after a 2 day post surgery stay June 2020. 21 days of hell, oh yes, it is a lab made virus alright. Took another 3 weeks of sequelae, asthma set off and some neurological stuff. Another surgery later that year, a necessary one too, dang it, I talked with 4 nurses that had gotten nailed. It took them a while to gain some stamina. Same hard symptoms. 5 others I know from church, all older than me, got the virus in August and September. I think, guessing, 2-3 of them had the virus, or a virus, with a fast pneumonia secondary killed them. My primary doctor lost 2 of her patients after 6-7 weeks in the hospital, definitely the virus. No IVM protocol intervention. I think it is more than sniffles, and given the useless swab tests, anything is a "positive" hence flu and colds are coded as the ccp fauci virus.
I have to question how sick any of you/them would have been, had an early intervention with one of the now-common "kitchen sink" protocols been applied. Not saying I *know* you would not have suffered, just truly wondering. Still wondering how any self-respecting health care worker can refuse to treat people with these proven meds at this point. It blows my mind.
Like anyone believes the casedemic and dictating how we navigate day to day now in the new normal would go away. There is only ONE way this ends
The rules to defining psychosomatic is to DEFINITELY rule out medical factors do not exist.
Nothing like telling a woman with projectile vomiting she has anxiety and not assess for a small bowel obstruction that she then dies from a week later.
Or, a person with psychotic symptoms and yet not doing a thorough neurological exam after seeing overt one sided tremors and ignoring the history of abrupt onset of thought disorder that screams medical cause, to then have another MD order the CAT scan to find the benign meningioma that was easily excise-able…
And watch more doctors to be sloppy, uncaring, and rude…
You know, the AMA card carrying MF’ers…
For real! Somatic illness is real ... like depression is real ... and should be treated as such.
it implies a lack of awareness and control of your mind. it is profoundly insulting. and arrogant to assume that just because they don't know what it is, it must by psychosomatic. I periodically suffer panic attacks. I can manage them well using CBT. that does not mean there isn't an underlying physical cause.
That is true, nonetheless, my physician husband would tease it out, get both body mind treated. One of his patients actually willed himself to die, despite everything. Hospice, everyone was dumbfounded. Took him about 7 days.
Hope & faith, NEVER mess with those beliefs…
I sense the trolls, programmed and real, have showed up to Alex's Substack. Some of it is relatively sophisticated, some of it is zeroes and ones programmed from who knows where. And why not? Did we think the Overlords would just let Substack be a peaceful place to share information? Ignore the comments that incite fear, uncertainty and doubt. It's part of the psyop.
Yup - only light and love can shine the truth on the lies . United we stand … divided we fall
Evil gets its power from fear .
Reinforce Alex monitor his threads, or, put on a feature to note questionable comments.
No censoring is as bad as partisan censoring?..,
Road to hell in that way of thinking. "Our censoring is good censoring."
If you let the Left make their rigid inflexible intolerable contributions go unchallenged if not appropriately rebuked by vanishing, then, well, another CATS contribution here, SE?
These folks of the Left are not interested in dialogue, negotiation, or tolerance of different narratives, but, history shows that tyranny does incredible long lasting damage before prior responsible people finally said, "you scum are done!"
Again, if most here were around in the 1940s with this civil acquiescing tolerant BS, German and Japanese would be the languages from American coast to coast...
I don't know what CATS is? I agree that the Left are completely intolerant, I even agree that they are using long covid to try to scare people, but don't know what that has to with it being a real syndrome or not.
SE may have long Covid.
I feel you are referring to me, which makes me think my comment got posted, even though I don't see it anywhere. I have not had long COVID, but I think it's kind of cheap and pointless to use one poorly conceived study to say long COVID doesn't existing, where there are plenty of studies that show real physiological changes. I respect Alex, but I think minimizing CFS, Lyme disease, and Long Covid using the CBC is very 1980s. Also, you can say covid restrictions are stupid and vaccine mandates are wrong without throwing people who have experienced real harm from Covid under the bus. This doesn't have to be some antinomian struggle.
Of course, part of mass psychosis! It is expected that hysterical symptoms would be part of this pandemic equation. You cannot scare the shit out of people for months with a death ticker, extreme exaggerations and blatant lies, and then not expect anxiety to play a significant role. We've all had that moment where we suspect we may be coming down with covid and you get that knot in your throat at the apprehension of feeling poorly (and the unknown outcomes of a virus that has either been entirely created by, tampered with at a minimum, by man. I've assumed that long covid was simply post-viral syndrome, which occurs in less than 10% of people, depending on the virus. Anxiety and attention seeking behavior by narcissists are the other most likely reasons to report long lasting symptoms. Another thing I found most interesting is the CDC's study 'Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021' (https://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2021/21_0123.htm) , in which 'Anxiety and Fear Related Disorders' was the SECOND most common comorbidity among those hospitalized with a C19 diagnosis. We literally scared people into hysterical symptoms that increased the likelihood of ending up in the hospital, which seems to be a 50-50% shot of getting out of alive if you were unlucky enough to be part of the everyone-on-a-ventilator and/or Remdesivir phases of the medically incompetent NIH treatment plan. Damn, we are collectively stupid.
Well can you blame the poor souls, working grunts in NYC, not well educated, trusting, who were told they would be filling up the cemeteries if they caught the Wuflu? They go for evaluation to the ER when they get sick, get admitted because Cuomo and de Blasio knew there was federal money for each intubation, and then bang, they WERE dead. Do you blame their families for being terrified? This is government at its utter worst.
So many entities- government, hospital systems, federal agencies, the media (especially) are complicit in scaring people and ultimately killing people. This has been an awful revelation to witness.
It's like a nightmare. Like the rape of my country by people who hate everything but their own gain.
Good points, all.
I just had covid. Fever, body aches and fatigue. No loss of smell. All symptoms resolved in a week. Nothingburger compared to previous flus. But I still got an effing positive on a PCR yesterday. Annoying because that means another week of ignoring calls from contact tracers.
Hope you are taking masses of Vit C, D, Zinc and NAC! Eating yummy nigella seeds - good to hear but can I ask how old are you and do you know what variant you contracted?
56. And no - PCR doesn’t sequence virus.
True, and the covid19 "sequence" is an extrapolation of what the sequence might look like if there was an actual virus.
I'm currently sick day 5. Symptoms similar to yours. Not tested but assume covid. I'm feeling better but still weak and have low grade fever. How long did your fever last?
You might want to consider the monoclonal antibody infusion. My husband's case was like yours and he got it. It seemed to put a stop to the fever that would show up each evening.
I'm actually going to get monoclonal antibodies tomorrow but I'll be day 9.
They said you can get up to day 10. I'm hoping they work for my fever.
Hey that's fantastic! I know people who've gotten the infusion even later than ten days and it really did seem to help. My husband got the infusion on day 9. He didn't have real fever till maybe day 5 but then it would come up each evening and seem to be a bit higher each evening. So at that point I freaked and told him he should go for it.
He felt slightly worse the very next day, but then got better rapidly. Fever in evening for a few more days but smaller fast. I've heard other people say it felt a bit worse the very next day after infusion but they all say it helped.
So glad you're doing it! Get better!
Great! Thank you for input. Much appreciated 🙏
That’s lining Gate’s pockets. There are many other prophylactic drugs that are better.
It's saved a few people I know from what might have ended in intubation. Including a fully vaxxed nurse.
I've thought about it but our community was only given 12 doses and I don't fit any criteria to be eligible.
I'm sorry. It was like that in our city last spring but somehow we now have enough for anyone over, say, 50 or seriously sick or comorbid. They've really loosened up here.
4 days. I drank 8 bottled waters every day and I took Emergen-C Immune Plus every 12 hours and I ate one big meal every day. My fever lasted 4 days. This was before I knew about Ivermectin. Smell and taste was somewhat screwed up for 2 months.
Day 1 - 103. Day 2 -100. Then back to normal. Body aches and fatigue (similar to past flu’s) - for another 3 days. Hope you feel better!
Ok, mines been <100.5. Mostly hovers around 99.6. Glad to know it will get better. Thank you
Long Covid=Long, big paychecks.
How interesting. My husband lost his sense of smell for three months (we were house shopping and would walk into some homes and the kids and I would grab our noses because they stink and he would get upset because he couldn't smell anything 😆) so I hope this does mean his antibodies are strong.
There's a woman on Twitter that swears she has long covid, takes pics of herself claiming she has aged ten years, wants the whole country locked back down. I have always thought she has serious mental problems.
Ironic, there is a man in the White House who claims to care about the Country he is in charge of who hides from his job responsibilities, can’t talk to reporters or the public unless interactions are fully screened prior, and promotes narratives and agendas that harm and kill his citizens…
And a couple hundred million of those citizens do nothing to demand accountability or responsibility and therefore by inaction are at peace ready to be F’ed relentlessly and die.
The public sucks, FUCK HOPE!!!
Is he ever IN the Whitehouse? Seems like he is always on a fake set to give us the "feel good" that he is in control of or at the Whitehouse. Does he even remember what the Whitehouse is?
Judging by his facial expressions/empty gaze, he's in his last year or so of dementia. Maybe pfizer can pump him full of something to keep him moving once he's dead. Anything but Kamala in the oval office.
I wonder why they don't give him the same DBB that Nancy Pelosi is getting
Did you ever read the Kipling poem "When the English Began to Hate"? We have a long fuse but when it's done watch out
OH, I SEE NOW. The AMA. This abuse is what happened to people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CDC gave it the misnomer "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," or CFS, and the disease picked up more stigmatizing as "Yuppy Flu" in the 1980s after outbreaks in Lake Tahoe and other places.) The CDC knew, and knows, what causes it. There is some treatment that helps a great deal, finally, and prolongs life. My husband, a great physician, Veteran, F-16 pilot, with many other qualities and accomplishments, lost his life to it early Palm Sunday morning, 2020. 26 years. Two of his highly accomplished sisters lost their lives to it as well. Fibromyalgia went through a similar process. Now both are acknowledged to be real. Acquired Immune Disorders, Immune Disorders, neuro-auto-immune diseases. For decades these patients were largely abandoned and suffered terribly; were generally considered to be at most somatic disorders. I am ever more amazed, and my outrage knows no bounds at the psychopath cruelty of Wicked Men destroying peoples' lives and our country. AMA has for decades traveled forward helping to establish full Marxist mayhem, and they are almost there. They are not going to like it when they, as collaborators are dealt with the way Marxism has always deal with collaborators.
I am reading Eustace Mullins Murder by Injection about the sordid origins of the AMA
I haven't seen this book before, I'll check it out, thx.