The same nonsense is happening here in Belgium. For months they bragged about having the highest vaccination rate in the EU with 86% of the adult pop fully backed (not sure if they still hold that title). This is straight from the Brussels Times btw. This week they announced cases had jumped by 50%, surpassing the highest daily infection rate of the second wave. My guess is that it will overshadow the height of the first wave too as this ramps up. What’s even more interesting, is that Belgium is basically split into 3 provinces - Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels. For months they lamented the low vax uptake in Brussels (currently around ~60%, hovered closer to 50% before the Covid pass) while boasting the high vax rate in Flanders (80% vaxxed) and then actually ran an article this week on how the cases in Flanders doubled in the last two weeks. So.... the province with the highest vax uptake is also having the biggest spike in cases. I’m like... can’t they see the writing on the wall here?!? Wtf

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It's because they haven't gotten their boosters, c'mon man! (sarcasm font.)

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Interesting is Sweden: about 67% (whole population), >90% in over 60 year olds are fully vaccinated. They currently have extremely low incidence levels and number of deaths (1-2 per day). My theory is that because they never locked down, etc, there is a much higher level of natural immunity among both the vaccinated and unvaccinated.

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Belgium should have listened to Belgium virologist Geert Vanden Bossche, who has been warning the world since at least last March that using these "leaky," non-sterilizing vaccines (i.e. vaccines that don't stop infection or transmission) in the midst of a pandemic would only make the pandemic much worse.

This is becoming like a very bad movie, where one scientist tries to stop humanity from killing itself, but nobody is listening until it's too late.

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100%. Yes they should have. I can’t imagine that they haven’t at least heard of his arguments. He just doesn’t have the backing of big pharma $

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It's coming......It's a known effect of these vaccines, ooops, I mean toxins.


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Yes, thank you for this link

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Wow! This is important, and the studies that link to it look interesting.

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Being an American physician and having worked and lived in Denmark, I’ve seen a less politicized view of the two worlds. My Danish friends and relatives speak freely, more freely than those in the USA.

My views are respected in Scandinavian polite company and open minded friends still remain friends there. I wish that were true in America. Being a physician is valued and respected there, and people like Fauci are correctly marginalized.

Both countries have extensive blood banking operations and pointed studies. But America allows its biased media to interpret the poor conclusions we should embrace, often with total disregard to the realities needed to understand that which confronts us.

80% of American adults have either natural or vaccine acquired immunity. Yet our overlords now want to vaccinate our pediatric population. There is zero evidence that our kids will have any benefit, but the Left needs to keep the chaos alive and they are willing to sacrifice children’s safety to achieve the political overthrow of good Americans.

Europe isn’t throwing their next generations under the bus, why should we?

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Lots of European countries are now very actively promoting the vaccination of children.

In Germany we currently have 39% of 12-17 year olds fully vaccinated. I predict <12 years are next. Children in Germany have effectively missed >1 year of school and sports, forced to wear masks and been terrorized with tests. I don't think we are treating our children any better than the US.

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In California there are student mandates. No school without vaccination; once approved. Every ‘Blue State’ has plans to follow suit. Promotion of an unproven treatment is still concerning. I hope they get through this without demanding mandates.

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I will say that my friends are more receptive to the truth over here, even the vaxxed ones. So in that regard it’s better here. All the jabbed people I know told me they only got it to be able to travel. None of them actually wanted it.

Unfortunately the politicians push on. They ran an article yesterday in Brussels Times “Pfizer 95% effective in 5-11 year olds” so that train is coming in hot here in BE.

Hopefully Denmark doesn’t make they mistake. They dropped all mandates recently, correct?

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Yes, I saw that Pfizer study. "Pfizer 95% effective in kids age 5 - 11" However, without the vaccination, kids 5 - 11 are 99.9% effective at not being infected. Take the jab and increase your chances at getting COVID. Yeah, that makes sense!

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And isn’t Belgium already among highest deaths per capita? Sweden now below top 50….

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What's the current case load in Brussels and how does that compare to Flanders?

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The Brussels Times doesn’t break the numbers down by region. I’m sure that info is available, but they only share the percentage increases I listed above and the overall case load of the whole country

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A friend is in New Orleans right now. Vaccine passports to get into restaurants, not just bars. One place that doesn't require vaccine passports -- The National WWII Museum. Hmmm. Maybe they know "showing your papers" doesn't end well.

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I guess they don't get any federal funding! Or the vaxinazis would be demanding the unclean be kept out.

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Oct 23, 2021
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Mark, please don't respond to my posts with a link to your substack. You are advertising excessively on Alex's substack.

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But many people read my stuff and thank me for it. I make no money.

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And I'm glad people find value in it.

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Many write me heartfelt thanks that they learned about my messages. I'm not sure what harm posting a few links does to your posts. But then, I'm not sure what sense universal vaxxing makes.

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Same story in Singapore. 85% fully vaccinated. Unvaccinated are not allowed in shopping malls. Only vaccinated are allowed to dine in restaurants, in pairs. No music in restaurants (because that makes people speak louder, hence letting the fully vaccinated to spread virus to the other fully vaccinated in the restaurant!).

Cases shot up to ~3500 per day. 80% of the total covid deaths since beginning of pandemic happened in the last two months when the full vaccination rate has been 80% or more.

And yet all the policies are designed to expressly prohibiting unvaccinated from participating in normal life as if they are to blame.

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It's coming......It's a known effect of these vaccines, ooops, I mean toxins.


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You would think people could use this info for purposes of exemption from the vaccine.

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thank you

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This sort of phenomenon is the best smoking gun that the vaccines actually cause the disease. Crazy crazy stuff, and certainly correlative and we can't prove causation, but we've seen this pattern so many times it makes my eyes pop out of my head.

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But of course somehow they'll end up blaming the unvaccinated for the rise in cases.

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Or Trump! He’s the scapegoat 🐐🐐🐐

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When Trump starts getting the blame, for everything, Fauci, gain-of function, warp speed, vaccines - vaccine injury - long term injury, ineffectiveness, ADE, etc., that is when we have turned the page. Biden* demanding the mandates? Trump's fault, to be sure. In the seas of lies, the truth teller is the apostate. Where can we get off the crazy train?

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Seems like causation to me. It's a known phenomenon predating covid, and they proved it by conducting this experiment on formerly free, sane countries. 'nuf said.

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A family member of ours is “so angry” that people aren’t getting vaccinated. She believes they are so selfish! It angers her. Wondering if others are seeing this from friends and family. They have total trust in the jab. But more than that, absolutely zero recognition of understanding of natural immunity from previous infection. I guess it’s just me but I simply don’t get it.

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I recently called my oldest sister to wish her a happy birthday. At the end of the call she went into a full on rant about how the unvaccinated are causing all the cases. Now my brother told me she hopes they die (that would be me - a happy member of the control group, but I won’t tell her). Yikes. You are definitely not the only one.

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I make sure they know they just wished me dead when they say stuff like that.

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We've all had interactions like this. I welcome these as an opportunity to ask Qs. The Vaxx cult can't answer rationally. They foam at the mouth.


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Oct 23, 2021
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I don’t blame a lot of people bc they believe corporate media are not propagandists and the cdc is unbiased when in fact both are heavily funded by big pharma

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It’s astounding how many people I know believe that government leaders have their best interest at heart. Astounding to the level of speechlessness. Read history much?

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I blame them because they refuse to look at all the information available and behave like the members of a cult.

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From my very good liberal colleagues, I get a kind of condescending, heavy-sighing, 'patience' with my clearly benighted selfish attachment to individual rights over a martyrish 'concern' for the collective 'good'. They like to believe and say they 'understand' why I'm unv-d, why I'm against all the mandates, why I find it offensive and outrageous that it is now considered fine and even good citizenship to ask complete strangers what kind of medical procedures they've had, or what medical conditions they have that might prevent them from getting the allegedly-collective-benefitting medical procedures. But these colleagues don't understand. Because if they did, they'd be in 'my' (our?) camp. There was never a question about any of this for me. It's THAT hill. God-given rights. Privacy, bodily autonomy, freedom to associate, religion, etc. I've lost friends over this, for sure. And it is amazing--there is no breaking through with reason, stats, CDC articles about mask ineffectiveness--nothing.

I think they were undone by the early shock-and-awe phase of the propaganda--hey, anybody remember the mass graves photos from Iran? the mobilized military ships for hospitals? What on earth will it take to recoup them from that? My only guess is that idea of parallel structures...the best revenge (and proselytizing) is good living. Course, it's looking like I have to get out of CA to do THAT, so....we'll see!

And yes, I do have acquaintances who say things like: "hey, if they [the unv-d] all die, then it'll just make life better for the rest of us." And those acquaintances were Trump voters, which just shows it's really not a red v. blue thing.

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When asked if you are vaccinated a fun reply is “how much money do you make?” A reminder to mind their own business.

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Funny how many are just sure unvaxxed are Trump voters down the line, yet when running against Trump, there was no way they'd ever touch "his" vax. They got over that awful quick when FJB showed up.

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Your colleagues will probably never admit to having been wrong about the "vaccines". It's human nature (for most people).

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.” – Carl Sagan

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If I were you, I'd post this quotation in my workplace/office, for all to see --

“For the greater good”:

the phrase that always precedes

the greatest evil.”

― Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

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The common good before the individual good.

Adolf Hitler

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Totalitarians always believe that their “rightness” gives them the moral authority to commit atrocities against fellow human beings. Maybe if more whistleblowers like these nurses come forward, they will begin to understand the harm they are actually forcing upon their neighbors.


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Reading this now - wow! Just had the ahah moment of why they won't require testing on the Vaccinated- it would show the increase in Covid Positivity ten fold or more! Oh my goodness. Everything is so backwards right now-

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I'm amazed that article hasn't been scrubbed from the Internet! Good job Conejo Guardian reporter.

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It's always a good idea to make sure important articles are archived, as so many are being censored. Here's the archived link: https://archive.md/qEzq1

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Thanks, I agree, but I don't know how to do that!

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Just go to this link -- archive.md -- and then paste the URL you wish to archive (save). You will then receive a new URL of the "saved" article.

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Thank you!

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OMG. What an incredible testamony. It takes a long time to load the webpage but the wait is well worth it. God help our nurses and doctors.

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I can’t access their website. Overloaded? Or deplatformed?

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It takes a very long time to load. Try entering conejoguardian.org in another tab and search under Covid news for this article, October 21, 2021. Worth the read!

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It's been archived -- https://archive.md/qEzq1

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Ohhhh yes we are seeing this from friends/family. So naturally they call me "trumper", "idiot", "fool". Meanwhile I have graduate level virology, immunology and more under my belt. Oh well. It's unpleasant but not so unpleasant that I would change my status as part of the ever shrinking Control Group.

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I have friends and family that are extreme vaxxers too. With them, I just don't admit my pureblood status. I won't say that I lie openly about getting vaxxed but I will sometimes make comments that make people assume that I am vaxxed. For instance, I will say "we should trust that the vaccines work and remove our masks" or "if I was unvaxxed, I might be worried about getting Covid" or "I wish my friend had gotten vaxxed so she would be safe." None of these statements is a claim that I am vaxxed (I'm not) but they all make it sound like I am. I feel like I am in the 80s miniseries "V" where I am pretending to be a lizard person.

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I did that with the 16 election I met daily with a co- worker who was for Hilliary and we spoke about the election at length - he never once suspected I was for Trump. When he came in after the debate and said "can you believe that guy?" - I would just say "I know- can you believe it?" and act all shocked- cause I was, but not for the reasons he thought. :)

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I don't want to contribute to their bubble-luke existence. They're too comfortable because they think this is a forgone conclusion. I'd rather they question that.

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Agreed. I slip in my unclean status just like vegans love to tell us they are vegans. Lol. I guess im obnoxious

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When someone just comes out and blabs that he or she is "fully vaccinated," I immediately say, with *feeling*, "Oh, I'm so sorry." And then an interesting conversation starts (for the most part, that is). I'm kind enough and so will never explain what this phrase means: "All the ferrets died."

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Haha! I'm going to start doing that!!

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Two thumbs up!

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I always tell people who say anything to me, "I'm good." They don't need to know more than that.

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Haha! But they think THEY are the purebloods! They all remind me of that horrible teacher in Harry Potter - professor umbrage

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I don't have anyone in my family like that (yet). I have some old friends that have stated publicly that if you don't get vaccinated you shouldn't be able to go to the hospital, etc. (one of them is a doctor). I'm honestly at a loss for words re: all the hate. Re: the doctor, she has posted that the reason Fauci/public health officials change their position is because the science changes and they have to update the protocols... She is also pregnant and got vaxxed, and posted that she would gladly welcome any booster even if still pregnant. That was about 2 months ago I think. Lately nothing has been about the vaxx.

I think some people truly believe if everyone on the face of the Earth were vaccinated, this would all go away. Yet another group I think is secretly regretting getting the vaccine, and they want others to get it too so if something bad happens it all happens to us together. I also recognize there are many vaccinated that regret it, or at least do not think we should all be subject to it.

I have a friend that says that the government/public health is so far down this path they can never reverse out of it. That is why some double, triple, quadruple down. However, I think at some point it will be impossible for them to ignore, and the damage/repercussions will be much worse than if they backed out of this sooner. Do they know and just not care? Is there some nefarious agenda afoot? Are they just really that bad at interpreting what is happening? How many more people have to suffer/die/be injured from the vaxx/all these authoritarian policies? These are the questions keeping me up late at night. I guess time will tell.

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I’m with you on that. People truly believe that if everyone got vaxxed it would all go away. Also, I think people think they took one for the team so you should too.

Others just want to be able to travel.

And probably some regret taking it when they were promised no more masking and a normal life if they took it. Now they regret it because 1. They had side effects 2. They still have to mask and no normalcy or rewards exist and 3. Now they need a booster.

Lastly, I got sick with Covid last summer, recovered with full natural immunity. The question I ask them is “Why do I need to take a shot for a disease I’ve already had?” For that they have no answer and just walk away mumbling. But it’s an honest question. Until the health authorities come clean and admit the truth about natural immunity I consider them dishonest. When they come clean and admit that I don’t need a shot since I’ve had the disease, then we can honestly talk about this vaccine and other therapeutics to help those at risk. One more thing. I remember last year June 2020 when I got sick. The prevailing wisdom was “Hey, I’m sorry you got sick, but at least you got it out of the way”. They were initially talking about ID cards for people who had already had Covid so they could be free from some of the lockdown and distancing stuff others were asked to do. (Remember, in March of 2020 Pence “asked” people to do all this and “thanked them” daily for their help and cooperation. How times have changed!

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Speaking of therapeutics, while I hate the fact that AB got booted from Twitter, it sure is nice to have this message board of encouragement from others like you. Helps me know I’m not alone and encourages me knowing I’m not crazy. Trust your gut people! And stay informed. Thanks for the platform. I would never do this on Twitter. Never.

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Yes! I appreciate that there are very few trolls here.

Sometimes people here can be aggressively against the other side, but recently I feel that we are all becoming settled into this battle preparation. I sense calm resolve and implacable conviction for truth. It's a good place to be.

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Battle preparation... yes.

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Totally! I learn so much from the comments and get a real feeling of community.

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Yes, the flip flopping is insane. At least we can go back and cite the videos/articles showing how they've changed over time. Maybe they knew if they told us all the crazy shit they were going to do no one would go along with it?

You have the best version of immunity! It really makes me mad that they want to assume all vaxxed are immune. My work is going to implement a policy where you vaxx or if unvaxxed, test every week.

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I run a business. We don’t ask. It’s none of our business. We don’t mask either. If you’re sick stay home. If it’s Covid symptoms go get tested. That’s our policy. Been that way for over a year now. Our employees like it and frankly, appreciate it.

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Wow. What state are you in in? I was just thinking where are the lawsuits of only testing on group (unvaxed) when both groups can contract and spread Covid. That's incredible that your work is implementing this for both groups and hopefully not a mandate for the V.

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Georgia. They haven't officially implemented it yet but that's the basic idea

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Bad idea. For many reasons.

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Yes, for Fauci and his ilk, we've reached the point of no return. Now everyone simply has to be vaxxed in order to eliminate the control group. Here is my Substack post about the current rush to vaccinate all the school children so there are no unvaccinated kids left for cohort studies of vaxxed vs. unvaxxed:


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Thank you. This was excellent and I appreciate all the supporting material. My data geek husband seems to require references for everything! I'm becoming more uncomfortable with childhood vaccines.

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For the first time ever I am questioning childhood vaccines. And other medical must-haves.

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Watch VAXXEDII on Children’s Health Defense website. You’ll see how long we have all been brainwashed. 😓

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Darby, this is what I keep saying. The only reason for the crazy push for all to be v is so that there is no control group. How do we resist? I have two young boys & live in California and am willing to take them out of school if need be but what about oUR rights/ livelihoods/ what if we need medical care at hospitals? I know I am thinking of worst case scenarios but it's already happening.

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It's very difficult, but I have the sense that by April 2022 we will all have a lot more information. So if you could manage to hold off until then, keep your boys home with you if necessary, the wait may prove very worthwhile. By April, if things continue at their present pace, the vaccine will be designated a complete failure, as will the boosters. Covid will be raging among the highly vaxxed everywhere. At the same time, the vax injuries will have continued to pile up and will be impossible to ignore. Anyone not vaxxed by April 2022 quite possibly never will be.

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I hope you are right. I fear that the weasels will keep changing the narratives and the true believers will keep believing. I don’t want to have to wait 10-20 years for the truth to come out. That would be a long, painful ride from which there is no return.

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Thank you Darby for the reply. I need hope right now. Yes, we are staying strong. Luckily for me I have a great support system of like minded friends and support from my husband. I registered to receive notifications from your Substack as well- so thank you so much. Continued prayers for us all.

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Why April Darby?

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It's just a guess. But we will be past flu season by April, and the vaccine will have had plenty of time to do whatever it's going to do, good or bad. If the virus is going to become completely resistant to the vaccine, even with the boosters, we should be seeing that by April.

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My mind keeps going there too. I keep wondering how far this is going to go. It seems we have 2 main factions: those for authoritarianism and those for freedom.

I think they really are trying to coerce as many as possible to take the shots. Note the full FDA approved Pfizer vaccine is not available in the US, and won't be until 2023 I think. So they are still under EUA.

We know there are Healthcare workers that do not want the vaccine either. I hope they open up their own practices. I would definitely use them and probably have less worries about sleath jabs.

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If you are located in the Bay Area, get on Telegram and join the East Bay Freedom Lovers group. Great community, very active.

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Thank you, very well written and researched. My children are not school aged yet but I'm definitely worried they will try to push younger. Then I see articles like the below and I really start to worry.


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There was a mom on the news touting the fact that she let her little kids like 18mos and 4 year old, be in a clinical trial for the vax. She was all proud like they were trophy's or some sort- it made me sick to my stomach that a mother would potentially purposefully sacrifice her children to the vax industry. Talk about psychosis! That is child abuse.

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Yes, that is child a abuse. What is going to make them wake up?

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Sick. But I have a beloved family member that can’t wait to vaxx her toddler . I have no words and just bite my tongue bc she believers Pfizer was fda approved . I keep telling her cormirnaty was approved and it’s not available for us so no it’s just word garbage

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Hold off on all childhood vaccines at this point. There is too much of a risk of "accidental" vaccinations....

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I’ve had many distressful encounters with family members and friends who are vaccinated and disapproving of my choice to not get vaccinated. It really caught me off guard. No one ever questioned my decision to not get the flu vaccine. In fact with many of these people we had previously scratched our heads over whether we should get the flu vaccine. None of us ever did, to my knowledge, but last year the happily trotted out to get it.

I don’t blame them for thinking that the unvaccinated are the root cause of Covid still being a threat. If you watch the “information” that the CDC promotes and what MSM reports, that’s exactly what’s happening. And these people don’t stray from these sources. What I do blame them for is not thinking for themselves. Not being able to see the patterns I see in human behavior. Not questioning the anger and hatred and condescension in the leaders—suspicion, not?

This is such a frustrating impass for me. I guess I have to accept what I see as the intellectual and emotional limitations of the majority of people. Frankly, it is terrifying if think about it too much. Because no matter how strong I am, no matter how much time I put into seeking ever more layers of the truth, they are still more in control of my fate because of their sheer numbers. I hate it!

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Jennifer, I think there are a lot of us too. I think the deplatforming of Alex, El Gato Malo (also on Substack), Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Malone, and all of those brave enough to question/speak out is partially so that we cannot realize how many people feel the way we do (also so the people that believe the MSM don't see something to make them question their beliefs). Some people who got vaccinated, like my parents, genuinely believed the early data (they are older so they were some of the first to get shots). My dad never pushed it on me and in fact strongly advised that me and my children not get it... now he is reading the studies out of Israel and worrying about ADE, and does not want the boosters.

I know it's hard, but I just have to tell myself the truth will prevail. I am also mad on behalf of the people who got the shot because I do feel that they were legitimately deceived. However the ones trying to shove it down people's throats upset me too.

I agree, it is concerning that more people have not changed their minds. Though, deep down I'm sure some of them are starting to feel like something is not right. Early early on in the pandemic I listened to MSM, but as time went on I had a growing feeling that something was not right. Then the vaccinations started, and now I see red flags being thrown up right and left.

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Wait till they all find out that the next variant - A.30 - that NONE of the vax's will work against that one, too many mutations in the spike. Will this wake them up?

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ok to be fair (to be faiiiiirrrrrr...) maybe i spoke too gleefully. So far A.30 evades Pfizer and AZ.


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It's hard to know how much of it is true and how much of it is fear porn. I do think they hype the variants to keep people scared and to get vaccines. But in a way it is self fulfilling because the more they vaccinate the more they put pressure on the virus to escape vaccines. I think that's why they want to eliminate the control group, because the more of us there are the more obvious it is the vaccines are causing buckets of problems.

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I hear you.


I have let some friendships go. Being around fearful, misinformed people who can't think critically would drag me down.

Maybe those relationships will resume somewhere down the line. And maybe they won't. But I can't enjoy time with those people now. I also don't watch/read MSM. When I do, I'm disgusted by the fearmongering.

I'm in survival mode. Not physical survival. Mental survival, amidst the craziness.

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I feel exactly the same. I have to block it out a lot of the time in order to stay sane.

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Do not despair. Truth is truth. It always finds a way to bubble up to the top over time. You are not alone. Just don’t “hate” those who are caught up in the fear or lack intellectual curiosity. Just keep asking questions. I’ve found that asking good questions is much more effective than making declarative statements.

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Completely agree. Well said.

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Same here. You are not alone. Families, friends and country are divided over a vaccine that does not stop infection or transmission. And which 76% of the mortality are age 65 and over.

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Yup, seeing it. And when I ask "why are you worried about me, you're vaxxed? I get a Deer In The Headlights effect....it's really scary how rational thought has been lost !!

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My sister told me that vaxed people are less likely to spread it to other vaxed people. She wants me to get tested before going to my niece’s bridal shower since I’m so germy.😖 Where do they get this information?

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Ask her what her source is for this request.

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The news. It's so sad.

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Already told her if they don’t come to my house for Thanksgiving which we have been hosting for years, then I won’t go to the shower. Just want to get our kids together.

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Thanks, Mark. So true. Have another appointment with my allergist this week. His office gives out Moderna. Last month he pretty much mocked my concerns. Told me “I just got the booster and I didn’t die!” Really pushing for me to get it. Wonder if he’ll tell me to find another doc if I don’t. Same with my dentist. He actually equated the jab to the smallpox vaccine and said everyone needs to get the jab so that we can eradicate Covid. 🤦‍♀️ Told me I should get it before I’m back in 6 months for cleaning. I said “I guess this is my last visit”. He thought about it and said he’d accept a negative test.🤬

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Time to change your dentist . I’m in healthcare and I tell my unvaccinated patients they are always welcome t see me. I won’t discriminate even though I am vaccinated

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Yes. Been asking around. Glad you haven’t gone to the dark side.

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As I read on Twitter last month: "If only the vaccinated had *something* -- ANYTHING! -- to protect them from the unvaccinated!

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Right! It's because of fake news! It's the same messaging over and over to the point that people are not thinking for themselves. It's literally critical thinking 101. Stay strong!

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Yep. Even my dad in the Uk (I live in Los Angeles where it’s nuts) emailed me to tell me to get it so that when I go back to Uk at Christmas I won’t make anyone feel uncomfortable. I actually have a medical exemption… but that doesn’t matter apparently.

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Pretty soon you won’t be able to enter a restaurant , gym, lounge , bar without your card . I’ll be avoiding Los Angeles and going to the oc to avoid the nazis

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Stay strong! My dad passed away abruptly in 2019 and I wonder what he would have said about all of this craziness. Exactly medical exemptions seem to be obsolete and up there with natural immunity.

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I wonder if she'd be willing to listen to voices such as Steve Kirsch and Dr. Malone who were injected but have provided credible reasons to stop the madness.

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I tried that with my daughter but she ignores my texts & emails with links to Dr Malone’s videos. Her 2 oldest have also been vaxxed and I have pleaded with her to not get her 6 year old vaxxed.

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I'm sorry to hear that, Nancy. What on earth will it take, I wonder?

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I honestly don’t know but it breaks my heart.

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Nancy- I am in your shoes- my daughters now won't speak to me, unfriended me on all social media and left me the most vile VM telling me she is disowning me and never wants to speak to, or see me again because I am "breaking up the family" all because I don't want to take the vax.

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Stay strong. I am so sorry to hear this - praying all family members wake up soon- when someone isn't nice or understanding - my reply is lets be kind to one another its okay to agree to disagree but not okay to be hurtful. If we can be anything lets be kind

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The insanity is so scary. I'm so very sorry to know your own daughter has done that. I have a group of friends who have cut me out of their circle but, thankfully, no family yet!

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I’m so sorry to hear that. I feel fortunate that mine still talks to me but we aren’t as close as we once were and she refuses to hear anything that contradicts the vaxx. It’s just so sad how “this thing” (the ro) has split up so many families and friendships.

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Awful. I am so sorry.

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:( No words. ((hug))

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It will take a serious vaxx injury unfortunately.

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And not even that according to reports out there of family members who've died after the vaccine - they rationalize it away: "oh, thank God for the vaccine - it could've been so much worse!" (really?! what's worth than death?) or "it's the anti-vaxxers' fault!"

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Yes, I had family member tell me over the summer that I wasn't a good mother to my children since I didn't have the V. Blaming all the un-v for the cases rising. The media is brainwashing people on the daily. The fact that we don't test the vaccinated and only the unvaccinated when both can spread covid is beyond me .

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Oct 23, 2021
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I can’t wait for that day.

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They've said they may change the definition (I think they will at some point). If that is the case, I wonder if health officials will count those who refuse to get boosted and/or pass away from the booster within 14 days of the booster as unvaccinated? If so, won't that make it hard for us to calculate/keep track of how the completely unvaccinated are doing against the vaccinated (whether they choose to keep going with boosters or not)?


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BB, did you explain that if their vaxx works, why be concerned about their neighbors!

Same conversation about masks, just a little logical thinking.

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Yep, we have an actual virologist family member, married to another virologist, they vaxxed their tween kids right away, posted online how glad they were so many morons weren't getting vaxxed so there was more for the kids. Absolute nut jobs. One had a vaxxed parent get covid and that's when the real rage storm hit, cursing out the aunts and uncles for not getting vaxxed, blaming them for parent's illness. Crazy.

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Sure. Just like good Nazis got so angry at how the Jews were.... whatever it was they were supposed to be doing.

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They trust their vaccine so much that they will double mask indoors . Vaxxholes are in a cult .

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Many people are reporting that their vaxxed friends, family members, or colleagues are having personality changes, and yes, angry, spittle-flying fits. Here's a short 4-minute video in which Dr Richard Fleming (MD, PhD and JD) explains that the toxic spike proteins cross the blood-brain barrier and are causing prion disease: https://rumble.com/vimr6h-dr.-richard-fleming-spike-protein-crosses-blood-brain-barrier.html

Also, see this: COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease


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I saw someone post "Their tombstone will say, but they were fully vaccinated"

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At least they are testing the vaccinated. In Canada and many part of the US, they are rigging the numbers by not testing the vaccinated or testing them much less often.

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I find it most painful to a logical mind that we know that vaccinated can get and transmit the virus, often at higher viral loads, and yet they are not required to show a negative test before concerts, traveling, etc. Like, what?!

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Nobody should have to test, get vaccinated, wear a mask, social distance..etc etc to do anything. It’s all pointless theater. Our lives have become a simulation for some cabal of sick weirdos that want to control all the $$$.

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It's by design......it's a faster way to depopulate!

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Manipulation of the data is what government does best! Covid, Vaccines, Global Warming, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Food Pyramid. Americans have never been truthfully informed!

Everything is distorted for money and politics!!

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The government: your vaccinated, multiple boostered, broke, fat ass will be washed away by the rising oceans, barely clearing all the container ships, while in a nuclear rainstorm, and dying alone of COVID. The container ships have your families Christmas presents so send us all your money.

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That was amazing.

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In the US, if you are vaccinated, they run fewer cycles on the PCR. 27 cycles, I believe, versus 35 or more for the unvaccinated. They want more false positives for the latter group to support the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" narrative.

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Also a significant number of cases are from people in the hospital for something else with no idea they had covid. And then if tested positive - count as hospitalized cases. And later that different PCR threshold approach on top of that.

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Great point. Can anyone think of a VALID reason to use different cycle thresholds (i.e., different test sensitivities) for vaccinated vs. unvaccinated?

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I imagine someone justified it along the lines of 'we need to be more careful with the unvaccinated'. But the reality is they know PCR above 35 is how you create fake cases - good for both pro-vax propaganda purposes as well as making life harder for the holdouts.

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Stop testing! People are feeding the beast. Two can play this game!

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Also massively overtesting in the schools.

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So true.

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This is so sad. How can this be the state of the world? How can people want this? Why do so many Americans want this?

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I watched an interview with a doc from Canada who described it best. It is a type of mass psychosis that has happened many times before. Think witch trials, Dutch tulips, any kind of mass genocide. Every time we come out of a mass psychosis, we swear it won't happen again yet.. here we are.

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I just watched an older documentary on the Rwandan massacres that happened in the 1990s. I was very familiar with the events, but I just had to watch it again because of the things happening today. One thing I wasn't aware of was that the government had been dividing the Hutus and Tutsis for decades. However, the onset of the killing literally blew up overnight, with the murder of one million people occurring in only 100 days. Our government and their overlords are playing with fire.

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Which one was it?

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As We Forgive - 2010 was the release year.

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Watch this brief 1-minute video from 1995 of Dr Pierre Gilbert -- pay attention when he mentions the "liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells". And note that he references the 1994 genocide in Rwanda as being a result of their ability to create "zombies".


And then read this link -- an analysis (via microscope) of Covid testing swabs conducted by hospital lab researchers in Slovakia, and note this description of the Darpa hydrogel crystals:

“After expelling a mixture of nylon fibre fragments, Darpa Hydrogel along with lithium remains on the nasal mucosa below the pituitary and pineal glands. This mixture immediately reacts with living structures to form crystals that target the pineal gland, which has its own electromagnetic field. The shape of the crystals determines the type of hydrogel used. The crystals are conductive because of the lithium in them. The crystals can receive the signal from the transmitter to the cell and send signals from the cell to the transmitter. These are actually nano-antennas”


More info: https://philosophers-stone.info/2021/05/10/darpa-hydrogel-vs-human-pineal-gland/

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mass psychosis.. wow. I believe it - especially with so many people distracted from reality.

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They’re no longer Americans. They’re collectivists who believe this is doing their part, protecting the elderly, etc. You don’t give healthy nonsusceptible children an investigational treatment to protect other people, ever. Unless you’re a collectivist.

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Went to the site everal days ago, this is my comment as posted

FDA public comment in re"  Regulations.gov Document - FDA-2021-N-1088-0001 (+)

There is no rational justification to allowing this treatment to be administered to children. Children's natural immunity in far superior to a treatment that fails (established fact) within months.

The risk factors, from Covid, for children, is minuscule, The risk from this treatment, for children, is significant. The risk-benefit ratio is prohibitively negative..

Mandating (forcing) this treatment upon healthy children is abhorrently irresponsible.

My stated position, (appearing above) regarding this matter, is supported by a plethora of research data.

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Thank you Kathleen!

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You're welcome :)

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You are welcome :)

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Thank you for reminding me to post my comment. Doing so now.

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Thank you Sarah!

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I think levels of adherents to the impressions created by the 'presstitutes' are grossly exaggerated by the 'presstitutes' to benefit the tyrants. At this time, that appears to be the only tool left in their box.

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Look at where your kids are “educated”

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Not my kids. We are homeschooling because of this madness. BEST decision ever.

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So happy to read this! :-)

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It's gross. This is not my America.

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Highly recommend this video: MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09maaUaRT4M

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Thank you for the share. note - "large portion" does not indicate 'majority' - something to remember, lest we become overwhelmed by despair.

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don't need to see it we are living it...

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Thanks will check it out.

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Alex, we’re anxiously awaiting what you have to report about potential (understand your caution) rise in below age 50 deaths due to random and odd cardiovascular causes. I am hearing of these in my circles…. Random PEs and cardiomyopathy in 30 year old men.

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There’s a story out of Australia recently - super fit couple, woman got myocarditis and guy got pericarditis. What are the odds with such safe vaccines? Doctor was kind and honest enough to tell the guy the second shot likely would have killed him.

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It’s hard to be charitable. So many “just want to travel.”

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Just spoke to a friend this morning. “I just want to travel, so I look at it as a flu shot”.

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It's so crazy. I understand the need /desire to travel but we have to just seriously slow down for a minute. Take the gravity of the situation into stride - traveling can wait.

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Then they have the audacity to say they’re being “forced”

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OpenVAERS.com and c19vaxreactions.com/ have some of these stories but no hard data on their frequency / distribution. If VAERS reports >1% as it has historically, then 17k deaths on VAERS = 1.7M deaths in the real world...!

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I have a theory for the brain trust. From my observation of the myo issues in young men, the vast preponderance are fit and/or low body fat. This is from seeing a whole series of these anecdotes (20+) and not one has been overweight. Perversely, could cardiovascular fitness make them at higher risk?

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A doc I know thinks that because vaccines generally work better for younger people as they make more and laster longer antibodies as Alex describes in his booklets, that the Covid vaccines also have more powerful effects among the young. Younger stronger bodies likely create more antibodies from these stimuli, exacerbating their dangers.

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Agree, but how do we explain men vs. women? Must be something to do with body composition.

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Listen to a very informative podcast by Daniel Horowitz CR from 10/20/21. He interviews Flavio Cadegiani,MD. He points out that covid has an increased affinity for androgens. Thus, the suggested use of dutasteride as part of early treatment protocols.

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stronger / fitter men vs women? just guessing. so much noise, so little data / wisdom behind any of this.

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I'm no doctor, but it appears from the untrained eye that high testosterone levels in general are a major risk factor for developing heart inflammation from these vaccines. Perhaps this will spare the kids under 12, but I wouldn't bet the ranch on it.

This would be yet another reason why Fauci needs all the kids vaxxed right away -- so that there can be no cohort studies of vaccine adverse events in boys before vs. after puberty.


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YES Sean, I am noticing/wondering similar things. What the mechanism is, I can't imagine. Well, maybe I could. But I would be spitballing.

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In the real world... just in the USA. No idea if any study was performed on the other reporting systems around the world. Wonder what the global death toll will end up being?

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I saw the short video he produced while he was in the hospital. It was obvious that he regretted taking the "vaccine". His final words were: "DO YOUR RESEARCH."

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Yes I second this!

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I shared tons of data with my loved ones -- some much smarter than me. Didn't matter. They rushed out to get the vaccine at the earliest possible moment. Now they are happily entering venues that discriminate against me. They refuse to listen to bad news about the vaccines. They demonstrate zero empathy for people losing their jobs and not being able to provide for their families because they don't want the vaccine. They even tell me to just get the shot with such vitriol. I'm mourning the loss of relationships.

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What's the old saying...."You can lead a Horse to the Trough, But you can't make it drink".

I tried......

Most of My Family has been Kool-Aid drinkers and it drives me crazy; Actually I'm disappointed that they have some much faith in the government talking heads despite clear data on the true Covid risk Vs Covid Vaccine Risk. UGH !!

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There's a better version of the "old saying": "You can lead a horse's ass to water, but you can't make it think.

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I'm so sorry for what you're going through. I did the same -- shared tons of information with my siblings. They all went out and got vaxxed anyway, seemingly without hesitation. Now I'm bracing myself as they get ready to vaccinate my five nieces and nephews, all under the age of 12. I've even secretly started a Substack called "Kids, Covid, and Covid Vaccines," with tons of data and resources, which I hope they will learn about from somebody other than me, since they aren't listening to me.

Please help me spread the word:


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Thanks. Fear drives a lot of poor decisions. I'm concerned for my nieces and nephews too.

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Thanks, Darby, I just subscribed.

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As part of a group of ladies that 99% of them got the jab, I'm the only hold out. They all want to go on vacation. May be the last one they go on.

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I think this is part of the plan and what's behind the federal contractor mandates . . . once a certain % of population get the vax (whether they wanted it or not) people will stop caring because it doesn't affect them personally. Face it, people are self-interested; it's human nature.

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Once a large portion are vaccinated, look for interstate travel vaccine mandates. Unless enough people hold the line now, I anticipate that restrictions will only get worse. There is much to be said for being financially independent and living far below one's means. Allows for freedom of speech without worries of being cancelled and bodily autonomy. I seriously don't recognize our country anymore.

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Agree, sadly. But I'm determined not to get defeated and withdrawn - plays into the hands of the corrupt.

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Completely agree on the interstate travel mandates. Not super confident in how SCOTUS would rule on that despite the fact that it should be cut and dry.

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You tried to save them, that’s what counts in the end. You can now let the fallout they will experience speak for you.

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For me, it isn't about being right. I want my family and friends to be healthy and well. The response to the virus has taken so much more from me than the actual virus ever could.

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It's more ridiculous when you recognize the virus was never a serious risk. the mortality rate for healthy people under 60 is what - 0.01%? Overall mortality is like 0.2% - and it's mainly made up of the oldest and sickest people on the planet. 0.2% is also based on a lethal standard of care - remdesevir and ventilators for anyone unfortunate enough to step foot in a hospital.

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And the risk 'long covid' can easily be eliminated with early treatment.

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ditto- I so want to be wrong

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I'll be your friend - we definitely think alike and I am in the same situation. My family is 3 vs 1 and they think I am the crazy one. My daughter has disowned me and my husband is ready to divorce me (no loss there- thinking this may be a good thing after all) my son at college is on the fence, but the other 2 are poisoning him against me. The one good thing is most of my 5 siblings and their spouses all think like we do and absolutely will not get the vax of course 3 of them caved for work and travel but regret it and one has suffered blood clots. You can find me on twitter same name if you like what I tweet reach out - maybe we can be each other's sounding board.

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Geez. I'm sorry you are going through all of that. I still have relationships, but they certainly aren't what they were. Some are better than others. I've mostly stopped sharing information because no one really wants to hear it. Glad you have your siblings. Hope the one with clots is ok. Sorry, I'm not active on Twitter anymore. Not a fan of any social media that inserts itself into social interactions between people either via algorithms or censorship. But you can find me here. I'll definitely be around. 😎

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Hang in there. You may feel alone, but you are not...

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Again Mark, I respectfully ask that you please not advertise your substack on my posts.

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Yes, it’s getting old to see his posts repeatedly on Alex’s substacks; once is enough.

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I am beginning to agree with some of the other commenters here. I appreciate that you want to spread your writing. However, the number of links you are posting is verging on spam. Thank you.

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It is the same story throughout the west: High vaccination rates = High infection rates. Low vaccination rates = Low infection rates.

This would actually be fine if the vaccinated were getting infected, suffering only mild illness, then recovering with broad, durable protection against future infection. Unfortunately, the data coming out of England shows the opposite: Thousands of fully vaxxed Brits are dying every month. The vaxxed who don't die the first time around remain vulnerable to reinfection as well as to variants.

And yet, we must now vaccinate all the children:

From my Substack article: Coming for Your Kid's Cohort


"The current mad dash by the FDA and CDC to quickly approve and mandate a Covid-19 vaccine for all children under 12 in the United States now seems motivated by a desire to eliminate any chance for researchers to conduct a cohort study of health outcomes among children who do and do not receive a Covid-19 vaccine.

Pfizer recently published a press release describing the clinical trial results of its Covid-19 vaccine in children between the ages of 5 and 11, for whom it is now seeking FDA authorization... Pfizer’s press release listed no reduction in severe illness, hospitalization or death among children who took the vaccine. [1]

Apparently, the company plans to tell the FDA that no such benefits from its vaccine can be detected in this age group without very large clinical trials, because the virus poses such little risk to children. This bizarre argument, in favor of giving all school-age children a dangerous vaccine even though the clinical trial showed no meaningful benefit, is widely expected to be embraced by the FDA, and authorization granted...."

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Pfizer is disgusting pushing this on kids; I'm seeing headlines saying Pfizer is 91 to 96 % effective in 5-11 yo. Compared to what??? Is this better than the 99.9998% effective natural immunity in 5-11yo? NOT !! Natural Immunity is FREE and Pfizer can't stand that fact. There is no justification,period. Parents need to fight this BS !!!

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But natural immunity doesn’t help fix climate change.

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LOL, thank-you for the laugh!

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I'm hoping the FDA for once says NO to EUA. Fat chance.

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They'll just overide the FDA anyways and 2 FADers against the original "approval" quit 2 days before the pronouncement.

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If it was really about a Public Health emergency, Yes, but it's about saving the planet from the human species!

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Thank you. I just went to this link and signed the petition. Everyone needs to do it. We need to get our objections to this madness on the record while we still have a chance.

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Thank you Darby!

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It's like saying it makes you 90% less likely to die of a shark attack.

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Their>90% relative risk reduction numbers mean exactly nothing. If you can vac a five year old your children should be taken away from you

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With each successive shot, there is a risk of the child getting taken away permanently.

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The Left and sociopaths: they hate EVERYONE who has any element of dependency…

Kill the elderly, then kids, then whites and Jews/ Christians, people with developmental disabilities and chronic illnesses, heterosexuals, law abiding citizens, authority figures not genuflecting to leftist diseased narratives,…

Oh, they already kill fetuses with relentless glee…

See the trends?!…

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Anybody that’s injects there kids with this stuff just to be able to attend some government school is insane. Your better off home schooling your kids anyhow. My oldest is done and my youngest has 1 year left, neither of them have learned jack squat at these government schools anyway. My oldest was completely unprepared for college.. took him a year to adapt. The youngest learns nothing, and especially last year and a half was totally pointless. I told him to just quit and get a GED, work and then go to a community college. He plays sports so he wanted to stay, but I don’t cate about anything his teachers relay to me about that school. I tell him to just keep quit and stay out of any real trouble until you get out of that place.

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I am no mathematician but if they add the kids into the denominator that will skew the stats in their favor (for now anyway) - am i right? and great for their PR machine

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It occurs to me that at some point there won’t be any unvaccinated left to be getting sick because they will all have had it. I think that is why the proportion of vaccinated getting sick is going up. The vaccine doesn’t protect them and they don’t confer terrific immunity. I think what we will see next is higher and higher proportions of vaccinated sick.

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Vaccine Enhanced Disease maybe finally taking hold in highly vaxxed populations. If so, this trend will be getting worse into the winter months!


A known possibility !

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This is just anecdotal, but to me, speaks volumes. A woman developed an intense headache and rashes after getting the shot, and her doctor looked to her existing meds for cause and not the shot. This kind of behavior would lead to underreporting of adverse events caused by the shot.

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I know multiple people with bad reactions to the shot. None of the doctors admitted it was the shot.

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Doctors have turned into the biggest bunch of blockheads! But they're arrogant. You can't reason with most of them.

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The stories just keep piling up. Healthy people dropping dead after being vaccinated. Many older seemingly healthy people dropping dead after taking the jabs. Vaxxed still getting covid then dying from blood clots soon after. It’s pure insanity. Throw in all the mental health problems, drug overdoses, suicides..etc. etc. and yet still people think mandating this shot is ok. That what’s gone on for last 2 years is ok. It’s a mental disorder, plain and simple.

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The CDC had 30 years to practice "deny, deny, deny," which is what they did every time a parent said that his/her child was injured by any vaccine. Now they're doing the exact same thing, to adults AND children, with the Covid vaccines. You can read all about that history here:


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VAERS just crossed 17k deaths from the vaccine. Has anyone seen an update on its reporting accuracy since the 2011 Harvard study estimating 1%...?

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Steve Kirsch has done phenomenal work debunking VAERS numbers. His article (10/15/21): "Proof that the CDC is lying to the world about COVID vaccine safety":


And then there's his earlier video with slides, etc:

"The False Narrative Takedown Series #1 explains how to calculate the number of American killed by the COVID vaccines":


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What is shocking to me is so many compliants. A man told me he just returned from france where you cannot go nor do anything without the pp. and he said ‘i think its a good thing’. He then said ‘the hospitals are filled with the unvaccinated’. He actually believes all of that, everything he hears from politicians and mainstream. I really felt sorry for him.

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And yet, France has reported exactly ZERO deaths from Covid for people under the age of 45.

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They have hijacked the word "vaccine" to push all these insane policies. While most other vaccines are sterilizing and prevent catching and transmitting the disease, this one does NOT. Even Pfizer or Moderna don't make the claim this garbage does that, but the woke politicians do. By just using the word vaccine, they are getting away with this scam over the dumbest members of society who just hear "vaccine" and nothing else.

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This infuriates me about the 'you have to take other vaccines' crowd. THIS WASN'T A VACCINE UNTIL THEY CHANGED THE DEFINITION!!

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This is 100% true.

I got into an argument with a lady at church (of all places, I know) a couple weeks ago about why cops shouldn't be forced to get jabbed.

She's the second person that has used the argument, "well, didn't you give your kids a smallpox vaccine". I said to her, just because they call this a 'vaccine' doesn't mean it has the same safety & efficacy profile of decades old vaccines. She looked at me completely bewildered. Long story short, she'd never even heard of mRNA.

Dr. Fauci was asked in an interview how we could know the long term safety of these jabs. He said, well, we know from decades of experience with "vaccines" that adverse events almost always present in the first 45 days. So, he's either an idiot, too, or a degenerate liar (or both).

Strange days.

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Most vaccine lovers know NOTHING about vaccines. The smallpox vaccine is dangerous and hasn’t been given to general public in the US since 1972

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Great point. Though it's not just Fauci. See also, Paul Offit, David Gorski, Gavin Yaney, Dorit Reiss, Peter Hotez, etc... All of the "pro-vaxx" Drs, advocates, and regulators are intentionally obfuscating that there is no significant long term safety profile for mRNA by labeling them as "vaccines" and telling the public that all vaccine problems are found early. They never mention that this assumption might not hold true as the quaxxes are made using new technology.

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Pretending we know the long term risk because of all other vaccines has to be one of the most absurd things to come out of this. Science!

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Bet you'd like the book Dissolving Illusions...

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He is a proven liar

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Yup. It was a brilliant PR move by the pharma companies to label this new medicine a "vaccine", because now they can use the dreaded "anti-vax" attack to shame people into taking it. It's a disservice to real vaccines to lump this one in with them.

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The insanity and corruption laid bare over the past year has me legit questioning all the trust I had in vaccines in the past.

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I think the politicians ARE the dumbest members of society.

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“Safe and effective. Safe and effective. The leader is good. The leader is great.”

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Repeat it enough and you begin to believe it. Our TVs are brain washing the masses!

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It Looks like the curve is starting to flatten out on the wrong axis!

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