Alex, a couple of things here. First, since 2020 Joe Biden has never been mentally competent to be president. He may have declined, but his mental faculties were already clearly diminished in 2020. This fraud has been going on at least since then. The only cause for alarm among the democrat ranks on this point is that the cat is finally out of the bag. Second, the question is not whether Joe Biden is capable of beating Trump. He is not, and was not capable of it in 2020. The question about this election is whether or not the leftist uniparty cabal can repeat their feat of 2020, manufacturing sufficient ballots in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, Detroit and Milwaukee to drag Biden's moth eaten husk over the finish line again. The panic is not over Biden's mental competence per se, the "right" people were always aware of that, but over how that impacts the second point.

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Exactly correct! Anyone who cared to see it saw it clear as day... Joe Biden was not fit to be President. They used the advantage of COVID to keep him hidden away and cover up his "condition". The hatred of Trump played right into it. The only news is that his allies in the media and Hollywood are turning on him. But let's face it these people would turn on their own mother if they thought it would be to their advantage.

It's fun to watch! But Joe's decline is not news ... It has been clear as day for years!

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Well said and I am not disagreeing. But it presupposes there is genuine panic (not saying there isn't) and that the panic is caused by their preferred plan, which was and is to pull Biden over the line. But how does that make strategic sense if Biden's state of functioning was already clearly known to be very low way back in 2018? Did they expect the dude to not decline significantly? This is what leads people to pursue theories about clones or body doubles etc. What a drama, and how it hides and reveals much, simultaneously!

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My sense is, that in 2020, it was far less about proactively choosing Joe as much as it was preventing Bernie's seemingly inevitable march towards the nomination. The DNC knew Bernie would get slaughtered in the general, so they went to Pete B, and Amy K., and said, "It's been a good run, you've had your fun, but now, it's time to drop out and throw your support to Joe for the good of the party."

Joe wins S. Carolina, and the tide turned. Disaster avoided. They had to have known of Joe's cognitive decline then, but first priority was to fend Bernie off, and in the process, kick the dementia can down the road.

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Beating Bernie was the goal because these politicos don’t give a rat’s a** what their own voters want.

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It's all about installing a Dem President so they can get the policies they want, the power they want, the money they want. To hell with what the voters may want, they're irrelevant.

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Thanks, very interesting.

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Most likely, they believed they could continue to hide it. They also did not count on the recent rapid decline, which has made hiding it impossible.

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It makes you wonder if in fact he did take the vaxx & boosters

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If they do succeed in pulling him over the line, he wouldn’t last long. His successor, VP Harris, is likely viewed as being just as easily “handled,” although she would probably be more difficult than they think. The key to keeping her in line would be to hold some compromising evidence.

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If he stays in and actually beats Trump, I think he would just refuse to leave, almost no matter what. Would have to be death or 25th amendment - both very possible but if he stays in the race, wins, I don’t think he willingly will step down.

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Never under-estimate the power of the left to live in a subjective reality— I just want it to be true so it is true. Biden is saving democracy and such like nonsense.

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Also do not underestimate the power of "subjective reality" (strongly held beliefs we attach to and view through and CREATE through) to create reality itself! In other words, imo, the trance state literally creates it's match through attraction. Call it law of attraction BS, but it's how reality is created and then experienced according to my studies. Wild! Nothing is more powerful than a story believed.

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The Dems have a real problem continuing to try and control the outcome of events. It will be fun to watch them keep trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube..

Dave Peterson

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I don’t think he’s been in charge and that would be how it’s done. He gets carefully curated bits of information from those who are really in charge. The cabinet? Obama? Hilary? Not exactly sure but I agree that he has not been fully functioning since at least 2020. He’s a puppet. That’s been said many times and dismissed as far right conspiracy but I’ve believed it to be true the whole time. Their house of cards is disintegrating and rats are leaving the sinking ship. They have to be very careful though because if it’s proven that people knew about his inability to perform the functions and duties of his job they will face criminal charges, as well they should- Jill and the gang carefully curating his daily activities and exposure. I think this threat of the end of the money tree and possible jail time will keep some continuing the game until they either lose the election or are voted down at the convention. Interesting times…

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Something interesting to note, that I read in the comments somewhere, is that is his last cabinet meeting was held on Oct. 2 then there have been no meetings since 0ct 7. Just interesting. The whole thing feels like a collapse, a planned demolition, and this huge shift in consciousness that has been predicted for ages (I am not coming from a religious perspective, but speaking inclusively of religion and spiritual beliefs and prophesies) is exactly what causes massive change. The consciousness changes FIRST, then the physical out picturing appears. Usually with great drama!

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Exactly the points I wanted to make, but you got there first.

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Knowing what we all know now about the games played with ballots in 2020, I can't imagine half the country is still clueless about what went on, and I find it hard to believe another "huge victory" for Biden would again be accepted as it mostly was before. People just won't believe it at this point.

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Yep. A hamster can win with massive voter fraud. That’s why the RNC has 80+ current lawsuits in process to keep election integrity and is recruiting 100,000 lawyers and volunteers to work the polls.

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Saw that the FBI is getting ready for a "foreign disinfo campaign" if the election results don't match the polls. ie if Trump leads the polls but Biden wins the election...

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FB won't let me post a link to the article because it's "Spam."

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Nicely put

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Having spent almost my entire working life in geriatric healthcare and the many related seminars, it was not difficult to see things in his movements, behaviors, and communications that there was a progressive disease process at work. But I’m no journalist…

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Agreed. As a nurse working in Med/Surg and then seeing a father-in-law decline with Alzheimer’s, the symptoms were glaringly obvious. “There are none so blind as those who will not see.”

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Oh they saw.

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So true👍

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It's so infuriating that Biden's mental decline was clearly visible in 2020 but the MSM, DNC, & USIC went to extremes to hide it. What utter hubris to think they could conceal an irreversible condition ad infinitum. How dare they put the country in this position?

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Kamala is terrible but at least she's alert.

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Kamala is alert but alert to the wrong things.


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They would still lose the election, but a Biden/Cornpop ticket would probably get more votes than a Biden/Harris ticket

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Kamala also hid the truth. She is a lying, cheating, brainless, faded and also not black. JOKE.

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She may be worse than whoever is currently in charge because she thinks she’s competent. Apparently she has a horrible reputation as a boss. She can’t seem to keep a staff.

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Because they can !

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What are you, some sort of dog faced pony soldier?? He graduated top of his class! He took down CORNPOP -- a bad dude -- and he has a six handicap! He's "sharp as a tack" and wears out his entire staff with his endless energy! C'MON MAN!! But seriously...take a step back for a second and ask yourself this...is he capable of ANY job? Not just President, but ANYTHING? Hell no! There is not a single job in my company or any company I have ever worked at that he could do.

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I wouldn't trust him to walk my dog.

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He’d get lost. The dog couldn’t help him find the exit left off the stage…anyway…

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Some people have been saying for years the elected representatives don’t really run the country, Biden has simply made those contentions a distinct possibility in many more minds.

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Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden has never been a good and decent person. Alex Berenson had been saying that before Uncle Joe took office as President. Uncle Joe was unable to run anything his entire life look how his children turned out 3 German shepherds Dr Jeckel Jill Biden. Uncle Joe's mortician David Frum puts him together every day like he is the best that democrats have to be a leader. Look at our economy if you think paying more for everything and getting less is a good thing then vote for Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden and soon enough you too will be living under a bridge. Am I good enough at 58 years old to play baseball for the New York Mets as a starting pitcher? The President of the United States was just asked what his regrets were over the Israel-Hamas war.

Not once in his 5-minute answer did he mention the word "hostages" or the inability to secure the release of the 8 American hostages *still* being held in Gaza. Uncle Joe Robinhood Biden should have never been in politics his whole life he and his family are losers.

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Correct! What decent person lets their dog bite the people protecting him more than 20 times.

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Unfortunately, many Ds and other liberals will still stick with Biden and vote for him. My 3 brothers and one sister still believe he is the best choice. They only watch MSNBC. Ignorance is the real problem in Amerika!

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Amen to that. Same thing with my family they only listen to MSNBC NPR read NYT etc.

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It's hilarious that this will be their undoing.

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KJP and his staff have effectively admitted that Joe isn't the person governing. It's Jill and Hunter. Which implicitly admits that they don't think he's fit for office, either. But Jill and Hunter want the perks, so they hide him and prop him up.

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Power absolutely corrupts, absolutely. Look at how Covid was treated by many politicians. They loved the power.

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Jul 13·edited Jul 13

His response to the question about skepticism over his role at the NATO conference reminded me of confronting my mom about her driving and perhaps I should take her keys away. "What do you mean it was a bad conference? I dare you to find a leader to tell you that I didn't lead a great conference!"

Regardless of his specific ailment, he is 81 years old and we need to take away the nuclear keys from him.

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Hard to watch. The Emperor can't find his clothes.

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Probably can’t find the toilet paper either 🤢

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The democrats, coastal elites and MSM have played themselves right into a bear trap. They KNEW that Biden was not fit to be President now, much less into the next four years, but they joined together like an airtight container to keep this secret from the public, despite our lying eyes. Now they are SHOCKED and looking for scapegoats to tag with their own malfeasance that coddled Biden through a primary process to an ironclad nomination - through a democratic, that is democracy, process. The very thing they scream that Trump is trying to destroy until they pass out.

So, where are they now? Desperate to force Biden into resigning, because that’s the only way to introduce a non-democratic selection process to find someone anyone that they think can preserve their power. Do they care about the US or its citizens. Don’t make me laugh, if they did Biden would never have been president. They pulled the backroom levers to ensure Bernie wasn’t ever the candidate.

There are all sorts of probs with that approach, but most of all the repudiation of a democratic process for all to see. They deserve to ride Biden to a Trump election. Best thing for the country? Hardly. Better than Biden? Absolutely. But when it’s done, the masters of the universe hiding behind the curtains will still be there and probably more likely to go even further than they have to make sure democracy doesn’t get in their way.

How about invoking the 25th amendment? Doesn’t get him off the ballot or it would be done.

Hope to elect him, then invoke the 25th A? Only if they cared a scintilla about this country and not just their greasy grasp on power. No, at the point Biden is once more what he has been: a useful puppet. If they can’t get Biden off the ballot and quickly, this will become their play. The Biden rehab campaign, already sprouting will flower fully.

By the way, I am sick of the line “Biden has served this country…”.. you mean suckled at the taxpayer’s teat. There is nothing honorable in unbridled ego, arrogance and ambition strapped to a halfwit.

Democracy can die in broad daylight so long as the masters can manipulate in the shadows.

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Now that Biden has declared Trump to be his vice-president, I'm switching my vote from RFK Jr. because I think a Biden-Trump presidency would be so good for this country. We'd finally get the Left and Right working together!

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This would be funny if the truth wasn’t that we have a uniparty of vested interests ( which Trump seems to be moving toward) already in power as we Kennedy supporters know😉

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According to Mike Benz who was interviewed by Winston Marshall on Youtube, in order for Trump to achieve his top objectives he is going to have to cut a deal with The Blob. Mike says this deal will be something that pisses off the MAGA base but will be necessary. Tough to hear but probably true.

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Just became aware of WM after Tucker interview. I think this is an accurate prediction—but it’s not like MAGA is going to look elsewhere, are they?

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Agreed. If all Trump does is shutdown the Neocon influence on foeeign policy and brings congressional oversight to the CIAs dirty tricks department I will consider his second term a huge success.

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The people orchestrating the cocooning of the President need to be scrutinized and interrogated. I don’t know what, if any, actual crime is being committed but what they are doing is wrong.

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Treason is the crime.

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Short answer: no. But is Kamala? No, she isn’t either.

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Who is worse? Probably Joe

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I posted a comment about the implications of her position before seeing that you’d mention her.

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Setting aside the obvious - he has never been fit to be President, even when he wasn't senile - it is beyond obvious that he has no business being President now. And no serious person believes he is in charge, every one of us know that his handlers are calling all of the shots.

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The Amazing thing Alex is I do not need any of these stories from the failing MSM. It’s been obvious since he started to run in 2019. All you had to do is look and listen and have more than two functioning brain cells and have sworn off MSM except for insight into the moral rot that is on the left and specifically in the Democratic Party. Even when he didn’t have mental infirmities he was never very bright nor did he ever have principles besides winning political power Joe has said and done whatever it takes to win. No amount of lying cheating or stealing is too much. Don’t think you can be your opponent politically sic your DOJ to concoct some fake crime is a solidly democrat community so we can call our opponent a convicted felon. Etc etc. Joe has never been qualified for the office of the President of the United States. Neither was Obama nor Trump. But yet here we are. Three unqualified presidents in a row.

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