Hi I am a Twitter employee or former Twitter employee. Does anybody have a need for an East Asian Literature major, with a minor in diverse studies and a shelf full of participation trophies?

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Every single left-wing partisan knows, consciously or subconsciously, that Twitter has been an indispensable propaganda tool — exclusively theirs for at least a decade now — with an outsized influence on reality thanks to algorithms that’ve codified the ideological predilections of Silicon Valley oligarchs who happily kowtow to the Democratic Party.


Twitter became integral to the same people who’ve cloaked pretty much every significant American institution in progressive orthodoxy; in more ways than not, this social cesspool again made members of once hallowed progressions the rightful custodians of knowledge, and they’ve since sought increasingly dystopian ways to manage the perturbing agent between authority and the public: information.

Information and the technology of dissemination form a central pillar of power in a democratic society: Democratic power tends to be partial toward those with the best command of political information at any particular stage in history—which is sort of like a fancy way of saying those who control the narratives a society uses to make sense of reality are the ones in possession of real power. It follows, then, that if relationships among people, information (i.e. news), and political authority are altered, it impacts how a society functions and how its citizens fare. Which means change(s) in the structure and accessibility of information will royally mess things up for complacent elites enamored with the status quo.

That's why they're so worried about Musk. The liberal obsession with Twitter and the Disinformation Boogeyman is a front for maintaining a stranglehold on the flow of discourse devoted to the perpetuation of their power and the cultural hegemony they enjoy thanks to an unofficial partnership between Big Tech, corporate media, academia, and cash-rich foundations.

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If this goes through and free speech is allowed, I'll FINALLY get a Twitter account.

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While most of us were opining about Twitter and the possibility of Elon Musk restoring genuine free speech, most Americans completely missed the development that might end up helping save the country - the unbelievable growth of Substack. That's where many of us now comment because Substack's founders allow free speech. Not only that, thousands of smart "citizen journalists" have mobilized to do the job the Fourth Estate no longer does.

Substack has been the greatest "workaround" to fight the myriad agendas of Big Brother. In the minds of the Powers that Be, Substack must now be considered the greatest "threat" to their control. So let's defend - and grow - Substack. That is, we should make sure our friends and family members who haven't discovered this platform do discover it. This will help us get around "the gatekeepers of the news."

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I wish I was as optimistic as you. The knives are well and truly out for Elon, and regulators will put pressure on not just Twitter but also Tesla and SpaceX unless he plays ball.

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To my knowledge Alex Berenson has been the only person to successfully bring a lawsuit (and win) against this mass censorship and violation of the 1st amendment. Many bitch and complain, but few take action. Plus, the documents showing Federal Government, Public Health, Media, and Pharma pressure to mass censor can only be described as Communist China meet Orwellian Ministry of Truth = Form of Dystopian American INGSOC. We all need to continue backing Alex and others willing to fight for freedom and elect Federal Officials that will reverse the trend and hold these Bad Players Accountable.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

For everybody excited about the mass woke lay-off … those wokesters are going to land at other tech companies. Just hope it’s not your favorite. Like this one. God help us.

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Thank you for your continued efforts, Alex. Without your pushes, we would not have the information about COVID, vaccines, side effects, Twitter itself, and so many other topics you cover. Grateful beyond measure.

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Congratulations! Thank you so much for being a leader.

You will go down in the history books as a force for freedom!

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thanks for this Alex. I just upgrade to paid, partially out of appreciation and partially to participate on occasion here. I would like to make the point that the issue of vaccination became the defining point of division between the elites and the rest of us (even those of us with elite backgrounds!) long before covid. And some of your colleagues when you were at the NYT led the way in this. Gardiner Harris most notably when he turned the elite readership against a parent movement over concerns about rising autism rates (newsflash: they've kept rising!!). I hope at some point you turn attention to the antecedents of the trends on which you have so effectively reported. The mRNA vaccines are far and away the worst product ever offered, but that doesn't mean Gardasil and flu and hep B vaccines (not to mention the bloated overall childhood schedule) aren't also terrible products and policies. The central failure is that the agencies made vaccination an issue of power and compliance (therefore inevitably political) and allowed no safeguards, checks or balances. The fox started watching the hencoop in 1986 and it's been downhill ever since.

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Now “main stream media” will gaslight Twitter as partisan, divisive and “dangerous.” Free speech is not in authoritarian play book & avoided at all cost.

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Judging from the employee demand letter to Musk, I still don’t trust the Twitter employees to be honest about doing their jobs. Eventually, maybe. But it will most likely be a very rocky “us vs. them” start.

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Alex, you have been great on Twitter and I think Elon taking over is great for Twitter at this moment. But just like Kanye West, I wouldn't be surprised if Musk lets everyone down. He has done some good things lately, but his wealth was built on government handouts and I would not be surprised if he is bipolar and suffers from manic episodes.

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Many tears will be flowing as soon as those negated through cancel culture regain their voices. Can’t wait to see the flood👍

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It will ONLY be free and open, if we can amplify the very real and true conversations begun by Kanye West...

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I read a tweet that compared Musk's opinions with the WEF. If I remember correctly, it said Musk was in favor of lockdowns, in favor of masks, in favor of the vaccine, transhumanist and pretty much a globalist. Thinking Musk bought Twitter to embrace free speech could be a gross miscalculation. It sounds like he's a tech genius so maybe he just sees the opportunity to brainwash us better. Twitter seems like a perfect weapon to push ideology and hoover up every scrap of info on what makes each individual tick. Of course, Musk would want this and if he has any interest in free speech, maybe it's simply because it will give him better data to reach his ultimate goals.

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