We won today too! On Monday, we filed suit against Boeing & Raytheon companies, challenging their unlawful vaccine mandates as government contractors. Today, Boeing announced that it's suspending the vaccine mandate policy. We anticipate Raytheon may do the same, perhaps as early as next week (or face the legal consequences). The case is Case 5:21-cv-01668-HNJ, in the Northern Federal District of Alabama. Thanks to Alex for continuing keeping the pressure on, and bring attention to those who don't respect individual rights.

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You sir, have taken action, and that alone is heroic in this day and time. Thank you, from a retired attorney who is going crazy watching people bitch and moan, and bitch and moan, and do nothing.

Hurray for you!

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Can you come out of retirement?

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I believe Dr. Reiner Fuellmich was just ready to go into retirement when his wife dragged him back in. I think she told him it was his “moral duty”. nothing like a smart wife as your conscience 🤣

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Then she is an unusual woman and I cheer for more. There are too many Karens so afraid of dying they refuse to live, and they drag their men with them because the weak men go along rather than fight.

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RemovedDec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021
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LOL, I stated it as a woman.

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Behind a STR p by man is a strong woman. Eleanor roosevelt

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strong (cell phone has a mind of its own LOL)

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Hear hear!

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The 6th circuit reinstated Biden's OSHA vaccine mandate...heading to Supreme Court...Not Over Yet!

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SCOTUS will appease the establishment and fck over the Constitution like they’ve done for the past 2 years

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By “fck” did you mean “fuck”? I think we all know what you meant. Don’t self-censor. That’s part of the fucking problem. Your self censorship acquiesces to what “polite” society demands of you. “Politeness” is really used to dictate your control. Fuck that. A Viking (if literate and with access to writing instruments) would not write “fck”. I think we need mandatory testosterone jabs.

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Some of us object to obscenity without being government pawns. I tend to discount claims that depend on obscenity for their force instead of on force of the argument.

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Unfortunately, obscenities have become the norm even in polite society:(

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Well, I wouldn't call such a society "polite" in the first place. Maybe we should lament the disappearance of politeness instead of redefining it. 🙁

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Calm down dude. Going off on him abbreviating fuck didn't look as bad ass as you thought, it looked like you were heckling the back row. Heckle the guy on stage and win, or take the fall, then get up and go again. I just wasted my time writing this, so now I see how easy it is. Fck that.

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Fuck yeah!! ✅

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Except that too much use of the word fuck makes an argument unintelligent and with more descriptive words, you can be more clear. Other words: Marxist tyrannical behavior, anti-USA destruction and dismantling, etc. But it's true, SOMETIMES THE WORD FUCK just suits the occasion!

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Indeed. Fuck the censors and fuck their attempts to control free thought of intelligent people by attempting to dictate what can and cannot be said.

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Why are we even having this discussion? Phil Devine

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A classic Canadian song that should be the national anthem of the resistance to coerced/forced medical experimentation. I give you "MacLean & MacLean"


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Lol, I remember this. Too bad Canadians only sing about protest. We need to start some serious shit.

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Oooooohhhhh !

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2 years? Try 102 years.

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exactly 🥲🥲🥲it will take a miracle

Amy Comy Barrett and Brett Kavanaugh have basically been MIA

let’s pray and heaven help us all

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You forget the recent appointments.

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I started to read their decision, but I had a hard time continuing past the blind rage produced by the line: "Recognizing that the “old normal” is not going to return. . ."

This court basically just accepted the government's arguments without question.

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Well, the activist judge who wrote the opinion was obviously imposing his personal opinion - above the law. The dissenting judge got it right.

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It will most likely get reversed by the En Banc and then appealed again to SCOTUS where it will end.

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I'm getting nervous about how SCOTUS might rule on vax mandates. They only have THREE reliable justices - Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch. Trump appointees Kavanaugh and Barrett have been major disappointments. And Roberts has gone off with the 3 Libs. It truly sickens me that it's possible Biden might even win this.

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It almost seems like Kavanaugh and Barret do the opposite of what you would expect them to do because they were so scrutinized that they are proving a point like “see I didn’t vote the way the conservatives wanted me to”

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Or they were compromised, or they were always pathetic stooges.

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That line begs the question (in the real sense of "beg the question").

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SCOTUS has mostly scared older people on it and probably vaccinated to the hilt. Concerning

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I know many older people (I am 68) who can think for themselves, question everything like we did in the 60s and 70s who are NOT getting the shot and are out and about doing what we do. I see a LOT of 30-somethings walking around outside with masks on. Who has been fooled and manipulated?

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Bravo Cheryl....I am 77...no jab for me. My circle of friends are for the most part over the age of 60. None of us will ever acquiesce to the jab.

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This makes me happy! (I do have many friends, neighbors, and family members who are triple shotted though (NEVER using the word "vaccinated" for this!)

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I have very few friends who have taken the clot shot. A few so that they could travel internationally. I think some are having deep regrets. They may not be able to travel to the places they want to go anyway. Because of lock downs. I also have a good number of friends who have had COVID. Some over 70. The friends who were in good physical health said it was like having the flu. Some said they had been sicker. A few of my friends ended up in the hospital...one nearly died. Everyone one of those who had to be hospitalized....number one....waited too long to seek medical attention and number two....most were overweight...one young woman morbidly overweight. She nearly died from the remdisivir. One infusion and her liver enzymes went thru the roof. She made it. I think the reason was she was only 26. The virus can be deadly....no doubt about it. My husband and I are both over 75. We are both using the FLCC protocol for protection and have IV on hand if we should become infected. We both have health issues but not due to being overweight. My husband actually was diagnosed with brain bleeds the first of the year. Thank God he had not taken the jab. He probably would have died. His neuro doc told him he can never take the jab. It was pure Godly intervention he found out he had brain bleeds. He had been having headaches and brain freezes...like when you eat ice cream. He went to his cardio doc because he thought maybe it was his blood pressure. Cardio doc said I bet you have brain bleeds. Lets get a brain scan right away. So thankful for those little miracles.

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67 and agree with you both!

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 19, 2021

I am 74 and haven’t had the vaccine. I have worked hard over the past two years to prepare my internal ‘terraine’. I am healthy, my weight and BMI are great, I exercise regularly. I don’t abuse my microbiome (except, darn, holidays, yikes). I have increased my vitamin D level to near 70ng. Everyone I know has been vacced and or boosted. They know I am not. And yet here in my area of Florida I am not a pariah tho’ I can tell most think I have not chosen well. But they seem to have accepted my decision. Living in Florida has been life and sanity saving. Yet should it too fall to the madness I have taken the time and expense to create a Plan B with a permanent residency in another country. My recommendation- Don’t sit back. Look at options. Make them happen. And to comment on another thread… in many instances there really is no adequate replacement for the term Fuck.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 19, 2021

I would like to say I made this choice all on my own but I must say that my choices relied on early information from Chris Martinson aNd Peak Prosperity. And from reading comments from his (their) many, many followers I was able to order several of the repurposed meds (ivermectin, HQC, etc) and feel comfortable that I will be able to treat myself should omi find me.

As for a Plan B I highly recommend Simon Black and his company, publication Sovereign Man. He has been researching world-wide locations for a very long time and now has many ‘boots on the ground’ with hands on experiences at multiple locations to access citizenship, residencies, and 2nd passports. As for me, because of proximity, I chose Mexico. It is relatively easy to obtain residency, in fact you must begin the process at a Mexican Consulate in the US. I made an appointment at an immigration office in Playa del Carmen and received my permanent residency card that same day. I may never have the need to relocate but I can only hope/assume another country might accept and help someone who introduced herself in advance a bit more readily than someone else showing up at the door ‘unannounced’. It is also a country made up of independent states. Several of them read the research and offered their residents ivermectin, hydroxychloraquin and zinc. Totally reversed their Covid outbreaks. Find that anywhere in the US? Don’t think so. And true, the cartels are dangerous. But do your research. One can chose downtown Chicago or a small town in Florida. Life is a choice. Don’t jump blindly because you waited until the flames are at your back.

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Great advice - thank you

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My husband and I are 60 and in VA. Have not had the Jab either. Healthy, workout and high Vit D levels also. We have been everywhere since this started. Never slowed down!

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Yay! We are 68 and 65 in Az. Never once quit our routine (had to find a lake to swim in vs a pool and built a home gym in the garage...)- but yes, traveled, picnicked, swam, shopped, mountain biked, ate out...etc. etc. If you are out there in the community one can see how silly all these recommendations of masking and distancing were (are!)

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Yes in NY and planning my escape ASAP!!

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Good for you. Good health is better than the vaccine. Most likely, everyone is going to get covid, vaccinated or not. And when you do, you need to be healthy enough to survive it. 99.97% of us will survive it and most that don't will not because they are elderly and unhealthy and overweight. There's nothing you can do about being elderly but you can control your weight and get in good shape. That's the way life works.

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And coming to FL next Dec!!

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Good job taking charge of your own health. I don't understand how anyone can believe the establishment really has our health in mind when they've never told us to do any of those things you mentioned. Would you mind sharing what country you've chosen for Plan B? I've been trying to come up with a Plan B since this nonsense started but it seems like every country I've looked into is worse than here, either in terms of covid insanity or just general quality of life.

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I had some friends relocate to the Netherlands and another to New Zealand. That's not working out. I saw a video by Max Igan in Mexico, admitted he's basically traded government for cartels.

Perhaps we can't stop what's coming, then this is time to examine our belief in God and read the book of John and Revelation. Pray for insight - He always responds to a seeking heart. Afterall, we will all die one day and eternity awaits.

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Thank you. I wrote above about a Plan B. I suggest you look at Sovereign Man

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I will. Thanks so much for the response!

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SO many like you! Smart lady!!!

Thank you for being you! Gives me hope for actual thinking humanity. You have to wonder if your friends are looking around and looking at you and your health and re-thinking their choices. Especially if they come up with side effects later on (hopefully not- but we don't know, do we?)

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Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch will shut it down mostly because OSHA doesn't have this authority. ACB and Kavanaugh are the ones who will make or break it.

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After reading their comments on the previous scotus cases it appears they pushed back because of states rights. At the end of the day we are a republic and the states hold more power than the people realize.

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Yes. And the people want, no DEMAND, that power back!

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I’m sure glad TX has chosen to exercise those rights. It took long enough but better late than never.

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And I hope we continue to hold strong.

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Just saw that; reading the order now. Of course, it was headed to the SCOTUS anyway. This just changes who the appellant will be.

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Regardless of who wins, it wouldn't matter if people would show some testosterone and say FUCK YOU! to their employers and their government.

Before last year, I never used this phrase.

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SCOTUS can always let a lower court ruling stand,too. SCOTUS seems hesitant to ruffle the establishment narrative.

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but then which ruling will stand? don't 5th and 6th circuits contradict each other?

I don't trust Barrett and Kavanaugh, they seem to think fears of a sniffle mean any restriction is constitutional.

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Along with a majority of republican appointed judges. Cowards all.

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How sickening that Barrett and Kavanaugh are turning out to be nearly like that smirking jerk Roberts. How in the world are we going to peacefully remain the Constitutional Republic the Founders gave us in the face of a corrupted SCOTUS and outright Communist Fascist Globalist Democrats allied with RINO Anti American fake conservative elected officials - supposed humble servants and representatives of We-The-People? Very disconcerting and makes one wonder if the Alex Jones' of the world are right.

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When Coney Barrett let that Indiana U vax mandate stand, without even providing comment to justify her decision, I wondered if Trump picked the wrong person.

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They are

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Do you trust ANY of them?

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Thomas and Alito.

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Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch will shut it down mostly because OSHA doesn't have this authority. ACB and Kavanaugh are the ones who will make or break it.

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The notion that the SC members can be partisan makes my brain fry.

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Why would you expect the Supreme Court justices to be any more immune to the corruption which has thoroughly rotted both the legislative and the executive branches of our government?

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Always remember the current corrupt AG was almost a corrupt SCJ

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I believe that if circuit courts come to different decisions, it must go to the Supreme Court.

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Supreme court will follow precedence of lower courts. UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

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SCROTUM will find some stupid "reason" not to get involved.

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You could be right; I pray you are not.

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Congratulations !! you and your colleagues are beacons of light to the rest of us 💗

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" The. people United will never be defeated" ( a workers right chant I happily chanted)

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Marxist slogans are catchy...that's why skulls full of mush get hooked.

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Excellent! Thank you for holding the line and fighting for our freedom!

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SCOTUS is NOT on the side of individual liberty and the US Constitution. I do not believe that We-The-People will prevail at the SCOTUS, so be ready. They already have refused to strike down 'Vaccine' mandate cases. The Roberts court is in the pockets of globalists and their corporate and government/media enablers.

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Sadly, your assessment may be the case. If that's the outcome we can all know with certainty, our Constitutional Republic is done, over.

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I disagree that this means our Constitutional Republic is over. We still have ways of sorting this out. We're working on them locally here. Address the election fraud and restore election integrity, and then we can sort out SCOTUS.

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Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and continue to persever.

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That is one hell of an accomplishment for a muppet. Congrats, and thank you.

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Thank you for your hard work and success

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Congratulations! That’s a huge win!

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You see the dang 6th circuit OSHA ruling?

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It's a pathetic joke. Instead of being heard by the entire 16-judge court, it went to a 3-judge panel -- 2 of which are leftist liberals. The OSHA "standard" is blatantly unlawful, as the 5th circuit clearly stated. This should prove to be nothing but a waste of time, appealing to the Supreme Court. The legal standard is clear, the faux "regulation" should be thrown out and Biden chided as a lawless president for trying to pull this ruse.

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Id hope that. I cant trust SCOTUS. I fear more people harmed by these jabs before it is finally over

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Thanks for your efforts, I am at Boeing myslef

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Scooter, is that a legal group that takes donations?

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At the bottom of this article is an email address. If you send a message indicating interest in supporting the effort one of us will follow-up with details about our group.


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Maybe a GiveSendGo link?

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We're a grass roots group that sprung up in response to employer mandates. We don't have a web site but we do send updates on our efforts to anyone who asks to be added to the email distribution using the email address included at the above link.

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Our lawsuit challenges the law itself so isn't dependant on exemptions.

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Very nice.

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Hope they don’t flip flop in light of the 6th circuit. 🙏🏻

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Three cheers 🥂

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

How do I get involved in this? I know dozens of people interested, even if it just means helping with funding? Enough is enough it's time to fight!!! We are in Virginia.

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At the bottom of this article is an email address. If you send a message indicating interest in supporting the effort one of us will follow-up with details about our group.


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Well done! Now do Wells Fargo.

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My husband refused to bend the knee. No vax especially since we had Covid. His company sent him separation papers and he retired on a Friday. On Monday they called. “We made a mistake and we are sorry” Husband said he only wants to work as a consultant. He is now working just two days and is making what he used to make for a week. He came to play. I am married 40 years and I have never been more proud of him ever.

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This makes my day 🙌🏽

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It's so good to hear something has gone well for someone. There are so many horror stories.

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(Applause) To you and your husband!

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God bless him! He beat them at their own game! 🤗 I don't know you guys, but I'm proud of him, too. I hope he enjoys his free time.

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I love this!! Give that man a huge hug for me!! Brothers in Arms!

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Best story I heard all week. Bravo. 💕

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You married a real man. Cleave unto him.

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You have no idea.

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I know you meant well with your comment, but there are much better outcomes than that. We can ALL rise up and say, “No!” To tyranny.

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Not sure what you mean but that was a much shorter version. We had no idea it would end that way. There were many stages of corporate bullying. From you must be masked then you must be separated to you must get an exemption (husband said no don’t need your permission to not get vax) to you have to be tested every week, to you will have $200 taken out of you pay. So there was a lot of standing up along the way and a lot of saying “no”. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

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Mkay. 🙃

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Dermatologist today: “unvaxxed fill hospitals.” I showed her our county dashboard, UK data screenshots, went to my car & got a copy of Pandemia. She got more out of the appt than me. 🥳

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good for you!

btw, Moderna CEO was pushing his poison today, saying that the hospitals have a lot of people in ICU. He didn't say they were Covid patients (I've heard this trick before) or that hospitals always have people in ICU. That's what they do

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I've been in and out of ICU several times in the past 10 years and it's filled EVERYTIME in EVERY hospital. During flu season my go to hospital runs at minimal 110% capacity. Was that newsworthy? Apparently not because the media had no agenda.

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I’m sorry you’ve experienced the horrors of the ICU so many times. Hopefully you can take some steps to improve your health with a doctor that actually cares. ICU’s are expensive to equip and operate. If you were a business (as hospitals ultimately are), would you dedicate extraordinary resources and let them go unused? Explain that to your board members. Folks, Bob is absolutely right. This is nothing new. The only thing new is the propaganda. I’ll remind you all that nurses were making TikTok dance videos last winter. The hospitals weren’t overwhelmed.

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I'm sorry you've been in and out of ICU so much! But now they can't fool you!

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Our hospital is too small for the size of area it serves, so yeah, the whole hospital is normally full, ICU and all, and patients waiting for 12 or more hours in the ER for a bed. --- Sad thing is, the hospital building is more than large enough, they have unused floors. They don't want to use the space. Probably get some sort of kickback from the government for having the hospital overflowing.

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Incentives do strange things to CEOS

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“Show me the incentive and I will show you the outcome.” Charlie Munger

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It could be that the CEO is trying to save cost of heat & electricity...which are increasing b/c idiots don't want energy independence and we now need to import oil.

But that's another story, isn't it.

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Yes, the same idiots that are the cause of everything being masked, shutdown, out of work, too lazy to work, but paid, or being banned from having a life. Those idiots.

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THAT is what I said to my best friend whose daughter is an MD. "The ICU is full!" my friend reported after talking to Dr. Daughter.

I said, "Good. That's what the ICU is for."

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I think I need to start fore arming myself for medical appointments. My last derm appointment they wanted to know if I was jabbed. I asked what that had to do with my appointment.... Arghhh! Next time I'll be ready

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You should have said, "omg, is the jab causing skin problems adverse reactions in large numbers like all of the other problems its victims are having?" :)

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Actually it is! Booster five weeks ago caused my aunt welts and rashes that have prevented her from sleeping and she’s distraught. Another relative, who had been brutal with me about not being vaxxed wrote to her that he has also had a rash since his booster.

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Yes, we know that, and they know it too, but to get the point across to them you gotta ask it to their face in a way that they can't miss or avoid so they realize right from the jump, "oh, this one knows what's up." :)

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Has she tried prednisone for the rash and welts? How awful.

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Don’t know. She sees her doc regularly so possibly. The other relative recommended antihistamines.

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She should find a homeopathic doctor and kick the MDs to the curb.

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Beautiful comeback! Kudos!

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Funny - I had an appointment with my derm this week. The PA was taking background info before the doc came in the room and she asked me, "Have you had your shot?" I could have been snarky and said, "What shot?" but I told her I declined to answer. She looked surprised but said they are just asking people.

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My derm used to ask me each year if I had a flu shot. I always said I didn’t want to tell her and she would say ok. I wondered if she was going to ask about the Jab. I went and she asked NOTHING about ANY shots. It told me a lot about her! Yay!

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It's sad that the propaganda is distributed so effectively 24/7 that even open minded people are totally unaware of how complicit they are in helping to spread so much garbage.

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Its evil genius in action

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Most MDs are NOT smart.


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They’re smarter than 98% of the population on average (let’s just be honest). They’re also overworked, conditioned to “fit in”, scared to take a stand and give up everything they worked so hard for, and oftentimes intellectually lazy. Some are also complicit, evil, assholes (like Fauci).

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They're really good at rote memorization. That's all they needed to get through med school.

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I have worked as a contractor to the medical field up to cutting edge technology.

MDs & Medical administrators really are not that bright. They are, as a standard, full of tunnelvision and self importance. Wont be long now that AI will replace most of the specialists . Believe me or not it is coming.

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I hope they don't replace my specialists! They're the only good doctors I have! I would GLADLY deal with a computer rather than my GP and the nurse practioner! Talk about self important, egotistical skin bags. They make my skin crawl.

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Many are sheep and scared to get sued if not keeping with these assignin unscientific guidelines

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Time for a new dermatologist.

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Education to those that are even a bit open is the best. Even better if they have known you for a long time.

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THIS is what I've been saying for six months: provide information that disputes the narrative.

So many people have politely kept quite for so long. We're too courteous for our own good.

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💕💕💕this is how it’s done!💕🐱💕

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You go girl! 🤗 I hope she really did learn, meaning it soaked in. Great job!

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Everyone, vaxxed and unvaxxed needs to stand against these mandates!

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A lot of vaxxed I know do not believe in mandates

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I hope everyone gets a chance to listen to Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr. Peter McCullough. Stand up for your country!!! 🇺🇸

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Yes, worth a listen, even if you don't agree with everything he says. One thing that's stuck with me is that NONE of the big medical schools, with all of their expertise, came up with a single treatment for prior to hospitalization.

Easy to say that Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine don't work, but what did they come up with other than "stay home until you're critical?"

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RFK jr says at least 500K Americans died because they didn’t treat them. Just told them to stay home and quarantine until you can’t breathe. It’s fucking infuriating.

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My parents were told this. My dad asked for iver, but his doc told him, "I just don't know how to dose it." What kind of horse shit is that?! I am not a doc, but I was able to find it readily online. They are all complicit in mass murder. It is a pandemic of the untreated.

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It’s total horseshit. Their excuse was there is no data on ivermectin or hydroxycloriquine. No shit! This is a novel corona virus. You need to try something. Instead they let these people suffocate to death.

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Exactly. And they suffocated alone. Such a terrible way to go. The monsters that facilitated this should die the same way.

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Denying visitation to the people in the hospital for covid was also part of the "Cares" (not at all) Act.

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My college aged son was told to go home and rest. Fortunately I had already stocked his medicine cabinet with Ivermectin. Worked great and better in 48 hours. He had some underlying issues which concerned me on how his body would respond to Covid but the IVM worked like a charm. Pushhealth.com provides prescriptions quickly.

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Your son would have been fine without treatment. I’m so tired of hearing that everyone thinks they (or their family members) are at some special increased risk. You’re not. Get your cold and get on with living.

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Probably so but having used Ivermectin due to a different issue, there was nothing to lose by having it available for Covid as well.

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Is Pushhealth.com in the US?

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It’s easy to dose, 1/2 inch of the paste for 200 lbs.

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It makes me pray that Fauci will be tried for murder

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Or just murdered

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Now now, it's not murder after his sentencing. It's the death penalty.

I hereby sentence him to death.

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...for crimes against humanity.

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It's not just Americans. The same approach has been used in lockstep in the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, most of the Caribbean islands, and much if not all of the EU countries. Consider that one of the very first to say that the virus could be treated with Ivermectin as part of a protocol was Prof Robert Borrody, the same Australian doctor who figured out over 30 years ago that stomach ulcers were caused by a bacterial infection. So ask yourself why this treatment continues to be banned almost worldwide and is now impossible to get. Its well and good for the FLCCC to tell us all about it but if you can't get it, then what?

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It’s instructive to read a history of the discovery of the stomach ulcer/bacterial infection link. It took years for the medical establishment to accept what the Australian doctor had discovered. Docs would not give up the notion that bleeding ulcers were caused by worry and anxiety. My poor dad had to have emergency surgery after being exhorted for years that his condition would resolve if he would only learn to relax. All that hectoring!

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No Money for BIG ASS PHARMA.

HORSE PASTE.....readily available....

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It's at most Walmarts, with the animal feed. Seriously.

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Tractor Supply

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

I will look there. However, our Wal-Mart doesn't sell meds for horses.

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Well....not readily, they're usually out of it.😏

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I brush my teeth w it!

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I got it for the family, but not cheap. I dread the day we may need it, but am more terrified if I need the hospital for that particular cold virus.

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Avoid hospitals any way you can. People walk in sick and dollar signs light up in the medical chief’s eyes. For 2 years I’ve been loading up on C, D, Zinc, Quercetin and NAC. Works for me.

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You need to take K2 with the D. Your body makes the K2, but some peoples bodies don't make enough, better to be safe than sorry.

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Why do you “dread” a virus that 99.7% survive? Are you 87 with stage IV cancer? 600 lbs. with type 2 diabetes? If you are, I’m sorry, but something’s gonna get you anyway.

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and then the killer remdesivir and vents

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It’s demonic

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Not only did they say that then, they're still saying it

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that was the ONLY way to open the path for EAU for the toxic gene therapies. Otherwise, no EUA would've been issued. The minute Ivm and other life-saving protocols, the plandemic would've been over because thousands would have avoided hospitalization and death. Like Dr. McCullough mentions often: MALFEASANCE it's what we're talking about.

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the answer is here: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/alix-mayer-interview-part-2-why-you. emergency use of vaccines is being used as an excuse for lots of mendacity

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Yes. And more importantly - why did they do this?

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you gotta burn it down to build back better

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They burn it down and I assure everyone it will be built back better... without their sorry asses.

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That's what they don't understand. The 'real' people on the ground are way more clever than the idiots who think everybody will follow their stupid rules.

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We have to many people according to George soros old people

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Genocide thru toxic vaccines.

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According to Dr. David Martin, SSA will run out of money in 6 or 7 years. They need to get rid of the old folks to save themselves some $$$.

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No early treatment is sinful

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Your response implies you disagreed with Dr.McCullough on some points. Will you share what you disagreed with and why?

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Why did Dr McCullough get vaccinated after he had Covid and antibodies ?

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He got it prior. When there was hysteria in early 2020. Poor guy. He’s one of the lucky ones that survived.

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Did ge? I know Robert Malone did bc he had long covid and heard some had relief from that…

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Told my daughter she wasn’t allowed to try LeBrons shoes on, we went with Kyrie’s 💯 %!

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I bought a Celtics Kyrie jersey on secondary to show my support. Money for NBA = no. Support for Irving = hell yes!

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Nice. I saw Boeing just lifted their mandate, too. I feel sorry for my friends who work for Boeing that were coerced into the jab.

I "came out" to my manager as unvaxxed the other day when he mentioned scheduling a team lunch in a county that has mandates. The next time I get a recruiting email from a company that has or ever had a mandate, I'm going to tell them to pound sand because of that policy.

The truth really does set you free. Good on you, Kyrie.

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This is what my family is doing now. Every time I see or here a business is doing this I write them a letter. We will not support these businesses and will never return in the future.

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Exactly -- easy to do to if you get a mailing or flyer or email. I point out what they are asking for is illegal and ask why cant you accommodate your employees?

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The media captured people really believe that you are selfish if you are unvaxxed and if Everyone has got vaxxed this would be over. Because they still think the unvaxxed spread it.

In reality then vaxxed are getting into negative immunity and be all 4 people I know who have covid are double vaxxed.

Brainwashing is strong

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It's just crazy how people can't see through this. My mind is blown with the people that repeat what they say. It's like are you listening to yourself?

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What I don't get is why people don't see how crazy things are. And so evil.

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It is absolutely crazy. The only thing is that I'm not sure that anything can be done to stop what is going on. And if that is true, I wish I was idiotic like most people. It would make my life so much easier right now to be indifferent. I also wouldn't be accused of being crazy or nervous....but I certainly am nervous.

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The more they vax, the more viruses we will have.

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Love that idea!

LOL @ "came out". Too funny!

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Net's had Kyrie Irving on the injured list. He got better once his vaxed teammates came down with covid. So vax healed his "injury." It's working miracles everyday.

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I generally hate everything Kyrie stands for … but the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Now that all the Nets that are vaxxed are testing positive the nets need Kyrie more than he needs them.

Burn the Nike’s, stop drinking woke Coke, boycott Kroger, Ford, and United Airlines!

And wait to about May - then San Francisco and New York will welcome us all back no masks and no vax cards … just stop spending money in these cities - they will conform to the will of the 40% … we control too much cash!

Okay NBA check, NFL - your next!

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I like your plan: "stop feeding the fascist Pharma tapeworm"

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Yes! No one should come to New York until they lift the vax mandates !! Vaccinating Children is a horror

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Or SF or LA either.

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Covid is now messing up the NFL schedule for which I'm please. The vaccine they forced on all the players is working so well !! Now the NFL wants to mandate Boosters by end of the year. Their Wokeness is choking!!

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I don’t understand why soccer players are having heart attacks on the field but nfl football players are not yet.

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The only thing that may make sense is the level of prolonged cardiac stress in soccer as compared to American football. In the NFL, the players generally have at least as much (if not more) resting time between brief 10 to 15 second burst of hard physical activity. In soccer, play stops far less often.

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They have had injuries. Vinny Curry and Demaryius Thomas are a few. There are just less players (1,700 NFL, 450 NBA) to over 50k soccer players depending on how you define professional.

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There are a lot more soccer players. They also play non stop for 45 minutes at a time with no break. Many players run ~7-10 miles per game at high pace.

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I think part of it is it's the same dose per person; body weight and muscle mass is much higher in the NFL than in soccer leagues. Less likely for vax leak in the large deltoids of the NFL. The vax still fails 100%.

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We MUST hold the line. We MUST. Our freedoms are on the line, and I feel that far too many "Patriots" have caved ( for various reasons). Thank GOD our founding fathers didn't but too many big mouths have not put their money where their mouth are. And a big reason is that so many Americans are in debt up to their eyeballs and they can't AFFORD to stand for the freedoms they profess. It's the plain and simple truth. Let this be a warning to people to GET OUT OF DEBT. It's foolish to believe that freedom comes with no sacrifice. That our constitution stands alone, it doesn't. The People MUST be willing to fight for it and sacrifice if need be. But our houses must be in order, and built on a firm foundation. Not a house of cards. God bless America and have mercy on us🙏

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And a warning for people to really take care of their health in particular their guts (essential to a strong immune system) -- diet, exercise-- walking even and get off Pharma meds-- there are alternatives --do some reading and research.

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Exactly! There are plenty of legitimate alternative healthcare options outside of pharmaceuticals. Big Pharma and most medical doctors don't want you to know about them. Find a good homeopath or naturopath, most do virtual appointments.

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This ^

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Very few in 2021 are going to be able to farm their own land, have a water source, and generally be independent. But this shit stops when enough of us can extract ourselves from the system that wants to hold fear over our heads. Are we our own masters or beholden to some master that just tells us what to do? I for one, am done.

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Every little bit of extraction from the system/govt helps us and hurts them. Be resilient, aim for more independence in all areas of life.

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And start using cash… get rid of as many phone apps as you can, etc…

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Very well said!

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George Washington forced his revolutionary soldiers to get vaccinated. https://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/GW&smallpoxinoculation.html

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Yes. But George Washington was not president at the time, and he was only able to force the soldiers to get vaxed. He never issued a mandate for the entire population to be vaxed against ANYTHING once he became president. Also, his mandate to the soldiers came during the Revolutionary War, and because we weren't a country yet, we didn't have a Constitution to protect us from overreaching government powers. So the whole "George Washington did it so that makes it okay!" argument falls apart on a lot of levels.

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Remember when he did that and the vaccines leaked and the entire country caught smallpox and died anyway and we lost the war?

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Ah, but you see, Washington only mandated it for the army. He needed to do it for every citizen, starving them into submission if need be. If he had only done that wee little bit more he'd be as great as Biden... or maybe even Fauci! Imagine.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

This is NOT a vaccine. It's an EXPERIMENTAL concoction which does NOT stop covid infections or the spread of it as the Smallpox vaccine did. So your comment is disingenuous and you know it. Smallpox was eradicated. So was polio. But you know what, Americans actually DON'T have to have their children take them if they chose not to.. it's not wise, as they are PROVEN VACCINES. But people still have a choice.. There are MILLIONS of Americans who have had and recovered from COVID. They are NATURALLY IMMUNE and you know it. Vaccinated people get sick and transmit this virus AND YOU KNOW IT. So please stop with your weak and feeble attempt at defending your personal choice. Just own it and move along.

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I am so utterly bored of the "lol George Washington smallpox" posts.

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And a fun fact about that is that GW only inoculated troops "who had never been sick from smallpox"

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He must have been a science denier, because everyone knows there's no such thing as natural immunity.

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Except for the approximately 25% who had already had the virus

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...which killed at a rate of about 1 in 3 and had virtually no risk stratification by age.

So basically a completely different circumstance.

But this NPC knows this or doesn't care. The "hey George Washington smallpox" factoid was old by the end of March 2020.

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GW also didn't force inoculations on troops who had already been sick and recovered from smallpox. A little fun FACT that these parrots don't know because they don't do research, they just spew narratives. Talk about misinformation 🤷‍♀️

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Big difference: Having Covid only gives immunity for a short time. Having Smallpox gives lifetime immunity.

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Incorrect, but we know you don't care.

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You have it backwards sir. This shot only gives immunity for a short time, data has already proven long term natural immunity . But I know you just need to keep justifying your willing ignorance

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Cleveland Clinic says that natural immunity may last for years. So far, way longer than the clot shots.

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If he did, it doesn't mean he was right.

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I will never, ever get these clot shots. The hill is here. Good for Kyrie.

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in australia they are fining the unvaxxed 15,000 a year.

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That's outrageous!

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Kyrie has been my fb avatar since he was ousted. We are very happy about this development!!


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Let’s keep the momentum!! I agree they need us more than we need them.

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These aren’t victories. This shit should haven never happened. How soon we forget that this was once a free country. Sad!

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Well true but at least the needle is being pushed in the right direction.

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They don't know they're wrong deep down. They know it right up front. They've known it all along 🙄

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Thank you Kyrie! I stood up too - so many people ran to get the jab when their company said they had to BUT we will win in court!!!

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I am pure blood physician, I’m sick of the bullying … and my colleagues.

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God bless you for standing up to that every single day. You have great tolerance.

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All the vaxed players tested positive for Covid so he’s the only one eligible to pay. Oh the irony!

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Nothing is a victory as long as the OSHA mandate is alive. Does anyone think Supreme Court has courage to rule the right way? (like in the CDC eviction moratorium)

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I fear no. They will pass the buck and let the Appeals court ruling stand.

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I would have felt much better if we were going to Supreme Court in the lead, where they couldn’t justify overturning with word salad. Easier to let it stand but the consequences would be a President would never have to pass a law again, could just use OSHA and other agencies to get around everything

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According to a report on John Solomon's "Just the News" the South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson, tweeted confidence SCOTUS would blast the mandate to smithereens.

“We will go immediately to the Supreme Court- the highest court in the land- to fight this unconstitutional and illegal mandate,” he said. “The law must be followed and federal abuse of power stopped.”

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I wish I shared his confidence. I hate being a Negative Nellie, but I just don't trust some of the members of the Court. The only ones I do trust are Thomas, Alito, and more and more Gorsuch.

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I have a sinking feeling as well. My hope is just a black hole.

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Alan is pro-business. He calls himself a “libertarian kind of guy.” I have challenged him on this: you can’t pick and choose who gets protected by the Constitution. The OK AG is going to be a key player…hopefully Jeff Landry too (Louisiana)

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No chance SC gets involved. They've shown their fear of the repercussions 🥴

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Alex is so right. All they have is a terror campaign. Wait them out. Powell (Fed Chair) talked about a massive labor shortage right now. They need us more than we need them.

Only 30% of the US adult population is "boosted." The double-vaxxed "happy vaccine valley" was over months ago. They are panicking as a result. And America is largely saying "no" to the boosters-forever campaign. "We tried it your way - two shots to save Grandma. Now you will do it our way. How about: no more shots, and we'll lead normal lives."

And Early Treatment as a cherry on top. Can you say: "Monoclonal Antibodies?" I knew you could.

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Wake up America. You've been played. Let's not become Europe, Australia, or some other socialist regime

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That would fit on our T-shirts!

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Fauci just started mentioning the second booster. ‘Let’s see where the science goes’ while politicians around the world sign multi year booster deals.

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Been on your side from the beginning, Alex, but maybe it's time to partner with some big libertarian money to create legal defense funds/survival stipend funds for the ordinary person with no resources nor recourse when the heavy hand comes down. People like Kyrie can afford staring contests. Most others can't.

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My son decided to take the year off from college after he done the whole year remote. The children that were there spent most of their time quarantined. They would test them 3-4 times and keep them in their dorms/jail. serving dinner outside the door and classes online. This Fall he took a couple classes last minute at a community college. There were no mandates in place when he decided to go. A few days before he started they changed that. The SUNY school wanted him to test and he would not. He was getting letters saying he needed to comply. Then the third time he was told if he didn't comply he would have to face judicial action. Basically they would kick him out. We were able to transfer him to online classes before that happened. For Spring semester he has a religious exemption for the vaccine but they refuse to except it for testing. He will not test. They're not offering classes online that he needs this semester. I've tried to find a lawyer numerous times. Can't even get a call back or email.

My daughter is a teacher and has to test every week. They are coming for the teachers in the rest of New York State.

My husband normally does a scenic art design for the local school. He enjoys it has helped for years. They hired him a few years ago after years of volunteering, He will not test. He received a letter telling him he must comply to the New York State mandate and they want to keep him. He was suppose to respond by today but hasn't.

His full time job had a Christmas Party yesterday which we really were looking forward to. They sent out notification they would be requiring proof of vaccination. If not shown you must wear a mask all night except when eating or drinking. Ended with lets keep everyone, healthy, safe and happy. Hell NO we were not going.

This followed with a new workplace requirement. The vaccinated must wear masks around everyone and eat away from everyone else.

Yes we've had it and want to get out of this horrific state. We have been looking for months. I hate the fact that I feel like I'm being forced to leave my home. The pressure is overwhelming.

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By a happy accident of fate I'd already moved out of NY to a red NE state a few years before The Plague hit. I happen to be in a very blue area and the tension between local progressives and statewide conservatives is strong, but at least we're spared the full-on crazy of NY. (I'm Bklyn born and Queens raised, and the regional culture here is as alien to me as Mars would be, but I'm more grateful than I can say to be here. And thank God that I'm retired and can resist vaxxing to the end. But watching the destruction of two generations of young people in front of my eyes is just horrifying. These poor kids. Wishing you strength, courage and the mercy of fate.

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Thank you so much . We will go bankrupt if we have to. I would never do that however if I feel it's life or death, I choose Life. My family is #1. I just wish we were in a better position right now. I never visited NYC and now I never will.

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go somewhere you never thought of - like Iowa or Tennessee - or Indiana - Nebraska - Mississippi - pick a small city - look up cost of living - when you move to a small town you meet people faster - take a chance in life - I am with you - I am about to make a move myself like so many others are

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You will be ok! Go to a small city where it costs WAY less to live - trust me - you will find happiness but you have to just do it!

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Its very sad - we are really lucky though that we have states because we could be like Canada or Australia right now. I don't want to move either - I live in Las Vegas and have spent a good amount of money fixing my house up and I really love my house and neighborhood - I planned on keeping this house for the rest of my life (I am just a couple years from retirement ). But in the long run freedom is worth it - what I have been doing is traveling to different free states and looking for a new place to move to - I totally recommend this! I went to a smaller city in AZ for thanksgiving and I was so happy that I got to see the waitresses faces - no masks! We have masks in Las Vegas. And I went to the tourist center and I learned a lot about how they lived there - basically they ignored the covid crap - I have learned I must move to a smaller city- very small - but I will enjoy life! Change is hard - but once you do it - it exhilarates you - just do it! You will be happy - meet new people - take this chance in life!!! I hope I meet people like you where ever I end up - I am looking at Tennessee - I love the west but I want to grow my own food - Tennessee is like Florida but they are quiet about it - JUST TRAVEL - SEE PLACES - YOU WILL FEEL IT - you will feel freedom

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Just make sure you don't vote for people who implement the type of culture that lead to the forced masking and jabs. That's the one thing those of us who already live in freer states DO NOT WANT. Too many people don't seem to understand the role their voting record plays in putting bad people into positions where they then abuse that power. HintHint--oftentimes voting for someone w/a D after their name is a bad choice. Usually voting for someone with an R is a much better option. :) Please check out the best and worst governors where Covid/lockdowns are at play to confirm what I've said. Wishing you the best--An Okie-Texan

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Great advice and I really appreciate you responding. I know we're not alone but sometimes it feels that way. I have been looking into Tennessee also. I think we're going to drive out after Christmas to look around. I'm so nervous about making the wrong decision.

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There is no wrong decision. Do not BUY a place - rent for like 6 months learn the city - I moved to Las Vegas with my parents when they retired - I was able to live with them for 6 months - I am a software developer so that helps me get jobs but in the next 15 years I lived in 3 different areas of the city. I finally bought a house and I really love where I live - I DO NOT want to move but I will - I never wear a mask but everyone else does - it bothers me that they are stupid and I have to see them in masks - but I have lots of friends I met now at protests - but if a vax passport comes here I cannot live here - I traveled all throughout covid - went to CA, FL, Utah, AZ - got airbnb's looking to find places that were better - and I found them - and I was happy in a smaller town where I could see the waitresses faces and they told me "We dont do that shit here"

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oops sorry I repeated myself - didnt even read my last post MY BAD

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I am so sorry. Is there anywhere else in NY state that is more accommodating? I read that the Hudson Valley area and others part of northern NY state are not enforcing the "NYC" vaccine mandate thing.

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I was in Rockland County the other day maskless through a mall and into a Target. No one bothered me but all were masked. Cashier finally mentioned new mask rule but politely. I told her "Not enforced in this county". People just don't know.

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It depends on the business everywhere. The Christmas Party was not even in a county complying. Neither is his job.

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Quite a few NY counties are refusing to enforce Horrible Hochul's mandate. NYC is hopeless. Hochul and DeBlasio are competing to be the most left candidate for gov and the people are in the way...

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I feel ya. When the SHTF I want to be in a redder state with more gun owners, but don't have the money to move.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

I'm not positive on where to land. I've been kind of holding out to see what states will actually protect the people 100% or be able to through court. Florida seems to be the only one I here about going all out so far. The others are looking like show only. I like how some are getting land and creating communities with stores, schools, doctors, and more with like minded people. This although sounds extreme I think I would feel much safer.

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Where? I'm curious. Small communities? Sounds interesting.

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

Yes, it does. I've read and watched on places like the High wire about this. People I know are doing this with family, however I think it's going to take more than family members to keep safe and freedom. The stories on HighWire do not say where. I guess you have to be on the inside. Some in Upstate are just focused on living together or near on large pieces of land. To me the whole community thing with the businesses sounds like the way to go. They want to lock you out of society then be prepared. I will pay a nurse, doctor, neighbor, for medical treatment, food, so on. Take care of each other. They're creating schools also but within the community they build. I can't believe I'm actually writing this.. Feels like a nightmare that won't end.

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I was wondering if any of you happened to see the NY bill that is supposed to be presented in January A416. It has been introduced a few times and altered each time. Check it out on nysenate.gov. I'll give you a hint Australia is making it's way here. Make sure you read it all the way through.

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The libertarians had their moment this past year and they blew it

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Exactly. What has Rand Paul accomplished this year apart from a slanging match with Fauci which might be good theatre but has achieved nothing.

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but fun to watch. Fauci is so unused to be called out

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And I love him!!! He's a lion.

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Choose those "libertarians" carefully. Many of them have been exposed as totalitarian frauds. See https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/08/laurence-m-vance/cdc-libertarians/

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That made me cry. Thank God. This is a strong sign we’ll be able to get ourselves back to normal.

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We're at a turning point, but this is the time to stand strong, to step out and be counted in whatever way we can. I've been trying to speak up more, in a polite and non-argumentative way, in front of those who I know feel differently.

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Beautiful 🥰

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Fuck Joe Biden

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All Americans Need to stand up and be heard!! Your freedoms are being slowly taken away and you will NEVER get them back!!

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If I had millions already in the bank I’d have held out too. But alas…I’m just a cardiac sonographer who needs to support a family. Good for him tho 👊🏻

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I don't know what state you live, your financial situation or anything else about you, but I have great sympathy with this short but sweet comment. I live in TX and to this point am lucky to have dodged this vax bullet decision. I want you to know, I feel deep sympathy and understanding for people that had to make this decision between jab or job/provide for your family. Sorry its come to this, it should never have been this way. Just wanted to say that, your comment struck me a little. God Bless!

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I love this. I’ve bought his shoes before for my kids and will buy double know. This is a leader.

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Defund the NBA and all their crap made with slave labor in China. There has to be a better way to support this guy than giving Nike another cent.

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I don't watch basketball, but I think I might be wearing his gear now!!

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Good idea. I never thought of that. I'm not a basketball follower either.

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Like the poster said below, the government has no treatment plan except the vaccine. Just stay home until you can't breathe and then go to the hospital. Coming up on two years of this shit. They are not telling you to lose weight if obese, get your diabetes and blood pressure under control like they should be on the fucking daily. Unvaxxed are apparently the devil reincarnated and filling up hospitals beds. Drug addicts, food addicts, smokers and alcoholics are all OK tho if they take up a bed and also are jabbed

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I have two family members who got a really nasty “flu” bug, late February and early March 2020. Both were told a really bad flu was going around, both were given steroids, and antibiotics in case it turned to pneumonia!!! They recovered! Now?! Go home and hopefully you don’t die. What the hell changed? Why can’t that simple protocol be used now? Someone who is in the medical field, please explain to me what changed? And Why?

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Irving should flip them the bird and walk away.

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The bloom has come off this rose, not that it ever had one to begin with. Stay the course.

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If you’re physician tells you to get vaxxed even if you’re healthy, under 70, and/or have had COVID, get a new doctor. Stat. These people can no longer be trusted.

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Last week, New York bragged that 80% of the state is vaccinated. This week, they're panicking with highest ever rates of new infections. There's a clue.

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Those tough New Yorkers. Double masked and triple vaxxed. This country is becoming emasculated. Sad.

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Same thing underway in Europe: Denmark - proudly proclaimed victory over this nasty plague back in late August. All restrictions removed, free to live and play. Extremely well ventilated, pardon me, vaccinated. Look now: numbers skyrocketing, doubles by days. Also in Spain - they were bragging about same vaxx rate as Denmark, 90%. Now newsflash - cases going through the roof there as well... Similar in Norway, not to mention UK! UK first to start vaccinating - first to reach 80% vaxx coverage now reaches max incidences ever

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Actually, governor said we only have 70% now. How did we go from 90% to 70%? Not sure the math there. Just like the health dept reporting the hospitalizations and deaths. We had a 21yo die vaccinated and it never made it to the list of vaccinated death or even in hospital. I swear they have been lying about how many people were vaccinated along time ago. I think it was part of their plan to get more people to get it.

( You know everyone is doing it except you.)

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Why these people keep on pushing the vaccines is beyond me. I mean, they must see the data and yet they just do not let up. Just like the sole reason for failure in any government program is lack of funding, the sole reason for vaccine failure is that they simply haven't administered enough doses. There has to be a gigantic reckoning coming soon, lots of people did not want to get the vaccine but were threatened with being fired if they didn't (my wife is certainly in that camp). You have to realize the constant goalpost-moving, and now it may very well be that the vaccines are doing more harm than good. The world was sold a bill of goods, personally I can't help but fear this was all a massive mistake.

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If history proves this all a big mistake as you fear then I will rejoice. There is something a lot more sinister afoot here than a mistake.

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Yes...nefarious agenda. Obviously not a mistake or accident. Don’t miss any opportunity to call out the lies when confronted...💕🐱💕

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Dec 18, 2021·edited Dec 18, 2021

I was trying to be optimistic :) But really, what are they going to say? Hey, look we made all of you get this vaccine but it turns out they really don't work. My bad, so sorry. Oh, and all of those boosters just wreck your immune system so best of luck with that cold...

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Check out RFKs book on Fauci. No mistakes. These people are corrupt and pathological. Population and social control (and coin, of course) is why this has been done.

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creating customers for coming drugs

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They are PAID to push it. They signed contracts and get wonderful big bonuses-- I am not talking just about doctors, public health officials, govt apparatchiks, politicians, NIH, CDC, WHO etc.

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Contract signature will be the easy part....hard part, when all is said, & done...will be living with it.

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"Why these people keep on pushing the vaccines is beyond me." --- Follow the money. It's all about money and power, nothing else.

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...praying for your wife’s health💕and everyone who felt they had no choice...

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I'm praying for them too. This time don't make the same mistake.

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No mistake. Sorry but we're way past that.

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Tonight: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/us-appeals-court-reinstates-covid-19-vaccine-or-test-rule-us-workplaces-2021-12-18/

Will the AG’s be up to the task? This is now championship chess. Predicable. The good news…the AG’s will be forced to challenge based upon the lack of scientific justification for the mandates. They can’t hold out, picking and choosing who is forced (private sector) and who is free. Are we looking at rolling, aggressive mandates now? There was a reason for the omnicron moronic hype …(didn’t mean for this to be off topic—this decision will embolden employers)

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What effect, if any, does this have on the 5th Circuit case?

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This is the Fifth Circuit case. All cases were consolidated and the Sixth Circuit was picked to handle the consolidated cases.

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Yes, I see now about consolidation. Thank you.

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Appeals court handed Biden a win. Headed to SCOTUS.

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Thank you to all those who are taking meaningful action, putting themselves out there and weathering the barrage of criticism and ignorant vitriol.

Thank you thank you to all the Kyrie Irvings of the world. Im guessing that Kyrie could have taken the easy road, gotten a fake vax card and quietly played like many other pro athletes are doing. But he chose the dignified road, the hard road, and for that he gets my utmost respect.

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It gets even better: the reason they're bringing Kyrie back is... wait for it... because they have too many jabbed players out with Covid. Can't make this stuff up.

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Please address the 6th circuit appeals court reinstating the OSHA mandate. That is a huge loss, unless I’m missing something- and I hope I am!

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You are not missing anything. This entire covid agenda was cunningly planned. Two SCOTUS judges have upheld mandates. This is slightly different because of the strong statement from the 6th circuit against mandates. But this is the bottom line:

If a SCOTUS decision upholds OSHA, the US is officially a fascist country.

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You are not missing anything. This is horrible news. I want to read the opinion.

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You a sharing WONDERFUL WINNING news today Alex. Happy Holidays Alex.

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The bluechecks must be losing their minds over this one.

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damn right never give up - do it out of spite if you have to

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Been saying the same to my adult kids the whole time. But they ignored me and vaxxed. Very painful to know.

I stood by my principles. Because my em;loyer needs me more than I need them.

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Amen !! Me too

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I have done the same. My entire family was going to get it. Luckily I had an adverse reaction to a vaccine when I was young. This made me research a lot before I would get it. In the process I shared the info with my college age children and husband. It was very difficult to get through to my daughter in particular but now she knows. She will most likely be fired soon and then I will see how strong she is. If she stands by her beliefs or not.

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stand by the truth!

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nothing to see here...as Alex often says

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Young people have always just suddenly dropped dead, and often have strokes and myocarditis.

*This public service message brought to you by Blackrock.

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yay! My daughter is winning also (at work) she never caved to the shot and would quit before getting it! I a proud of her! (and Kyrie!)

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Wanna do some real journalism, Alex? Tell people about the World Economic Forum / Davos crowd. Tell them about their psychopathic urge to rule the world. Tell them about the truly wealthiest people in the world (hint, folks, it ain’t Bezos, Gates, or Soros). Tell them about their actual conspiracies dressed up in pretty, diplomatic language. Tell them about their depraved moral predispositions to pedophilia and other sicknesses. Are you brave enough? Are you honest enough?

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I second this. How is this not the core of Pandemia?

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I don't care about basketball even slightly, but I'm buying this guy's jersey

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You be you Kyrie. You have courage to follow your convictions.

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Unfortunately the nursing school I got accepted into doesn’t need me as much as I do it.😔

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This is not the way to be thinking. How good will that school be if you end up dead or permanently disabled. This is how you need to be thinking. This will not be forever, we are at war. When at war you have to sacrifice for the greater good. I assure you the vaccine is not the greater good. I will pray for you.

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Now if only there were away games in nursing.

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Thanks, I needed that Alex!

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