“THEY” knew this then…..still closed schools 🤷‍♂️

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Agreed. It's so sad to hear all this. I wrote an article on medium in 2020/2021 which showed that, while we're locking down schools to prevent the spread: 1) schools were probably the safest place, but 2) we're sadly increasing the mental health crises on our children.

So sad to hear that suicides increased greatly within our children.

At one point, we're going to have to come to terms with the fact that: 1) this was not accidental, this was intentional. and 2) they will do this again if they want too.

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So true. It is not enough for people to just stop talking about it. People who allowed the fear and coercion to take hold need to take a good hard look at WHY, if we are to prevent this from happening again.

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The social isolation produced was quite devastating for my then high school aged daughter. The increase in suicides did not surprise me at all.

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I personally blame Jay Inslee for rendering our beautiful Waldorf school inoperable.

And yes. It was intentional.

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Well I hate to agree but you’re right. Once “they” taste the power given them they don’t want to relinquish it. That’s what the whole debacle, from school closures to vaccine mandates, American children were pawns in a ruthless power struggle.

The school shut downs caused irreparable harm to thousands of kids. The increase of suicide was undoubtedly a driving force. The number of teen deaths from fentanyl poisoning also increased.

My 16 yr old nephew in Texas and his bff were casualties of the fentanyl increase. My daughter here in Md is a special needs student and while she hated going to school was cognizant that she needed that in class education to stay more focused and missed seeing her few though important friends. All children here over 12 were mandated the vaccines to attend school. That scared me more than the school closures. The vaccines are another whole area of a fraud upon the world. We have no idea what the long term ramifications of this “gene” therapy. It’s not a genuine vaccine at all.

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The school closures and the mask idiocy were intended to stoke hysteria to encourage Covid vaccination. It was a disastrous mix of policies with a silver lining: millions now have a new understanding of just how corrupt the "health" and government bureaucracies are (and it was an expensive education!).

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No, the hysteria was designed to LINE THE POCKETS of the teachers unions.

I've listened to these grifters my entire life., especially their nauseating battle cry of "Our Children Are Our Future."

I could puke.

ADHD? This fuels the teachers union to agitate to hire more teachers AIDES, thereby increasing the union membership, which then funnels the union dues to Democrats.

When my kids were in school, I looked at the school calendar. For four consecutive months, there NO five-day school weeks. When there wasn't a week with a holiday, the teachers had some sort of "training" day. Check the school parking lot on those "training" days--no cars at all.

In Maskachusetts, for reasons no one can fathom, schools have a vacation week in February AND one in April. An organization tried to change it to one vacation week in March. The teachers protested. Do you know why? They'd all locked in their time-shares in Orlando for those vacation weeks.

And the union concocted some sort of pay increase for teachers with graduate degrees. The PhD teachers didn't know their subject curriculum, but they had a PhD in "education," JUST LIKE DR JILL.

Now we have purple haired teachers with pierced noses, telling boys they can be girls.

Fire all of them.

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The teachers are whack jobs now. I’d never allow my child to be indoctrinated by any of these young, green haired Marxists.

What happened to the older, strict, “school marms”?

I had nuns growing up. I see now at 59, how fortunate I was.

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My high school US history teacher was a former lieutenant in the WACs during WWII. She was 5-foot 10, and dressed impeccably in Pendleton suits. She had a tanned circle on her hand--where her golf glove didn't cover.

She was the BEST teacher I ever had--and that includes 12 years of public school, four years of college and two years of graduate school. She didn't take any grief from anyone. I'll never forget that she spent two lessons illustrating every minute of the Battle of Gettysburg. To this day I understand flanking maneuvers.

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I envy you. The most important qualification for history teachers in my state is what sport they can coach. My HS history teacher was the football and wrestling coach. We had one class period on the entire civil war.

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They don't value history teachers....after all, history is being cancelled. The coaches always taught history on the side. History just wasn't thought to be of any importance at all. Pathetic.

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THAT is a great memory! Teachers like that love teaching so much, that their students feel it. What a great mark to leave on a person…it still touches you. God bless her!

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So, you’re not a fan of Randi Weingarten?? 😝😜😝😜 she oozes insincerity. She’s been to the Ukraine twice...why?? 🤦‍♀️

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TC called her " a loathsome woman". Watch her at rallies. Watch her in congressional testimonies:

Nutzoid off the hinges.

You are correct, Tucker.

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Yes....fire them all and furthermore, cancel their teaching credentials because they are not fit to teach.

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Bigger than that. This is a world wide phenomenon.

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Yes and there were multiple benefits to mass vaccination. The obvious was the money to Big Pharma which also benefited the medical cartel and the politicians and many others but maybe equally important and less obvious is the benefit of creating a majority to bully and silence the minority. There are a few exceptions but in general the vaccinated population became a huge part of the problem because once they got the first jab the damage was done (pun intended) so once they realized they were sold a bill of goods, they just wanted to move on. Plus, many of them know they were monsters during the pandemic and they don't want to face that reality. This gives the medical cartel a huge advantage in trying to cover up what happened because most of the US population is guilty on some level and they have no interest in looking in that mirror.

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It takes a major opening of the mind and self reflection. If you’re honest with yourself, you’d say you’re sorry to those you hurt. I would want forgiveness. This is very spiritual.

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I think the biggest problem is that it's much easier to continue using the machine that still arms them with propaganda and still ignores most of the truth. This is why having the majority of the population vaccinated is so important because even those that didn't harass and bully the unvaccinated still share views with those that did. So with most of the vaccinated population being part of that machine that includes the medical cartel, media, and politcians, they have some level of plausible deniability where they can still cling to those beliefs instead of facing the truth. Most of them know they're wrong but they can't say it out loud and probably can't even admit it to themselves and this gives them the cover they need.

I don't see many of them admitting anything and asking for forgiveness unless we have significant changes in the government, medical cartel, and media that allows the truth to reach the vaccinated population. As long as they can find so many places to validate their views, they have little incentive to admit the truth.

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I understand what you’re saying. I’m referring to an individual person that wants to “come clean”. If you’re honest with yourself, you know what you should do.

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Great discussion here. I agree, and appreciate the insights. (Although this does confirm my decision to homeschool our 4 kids 😜)

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I do so hope all the worst vax pushers got vaxxed to the hilt themselves so they will eventually suffer the repercussions of their vax idiocy. Probably won't happen, though. If I had to guess, I would say most of them evaded the vax.

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I doubt that many more do understand the corruption and most who do will never act in a positive manner because they were duped into aiding this and they can never ever admit that; not even to themselves.

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Absolutely. No amount of evidence and actual science seemed to sway millions of people. There remains thousands of people still masking, vaccine promotions and mandates are still in place even though the science doesn’t support it.

Hysteria continues. Insanity is more like it.

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Yep. They did it because of optics -- everybody else was locked down, but thousands of kids were still going to school and making a mockery of the whole thing. So they sacrificed the kids to improve the optics.

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People need to remember this whole plandemic was a trial run. Just how many previously "duped" people will in fact, walk right into the next duping is a concerning question. So many seem to simply jump off the cliff if told it's good for society or shows they follow the narrative science. Some say ya can't fix stupid though and we will at some point soon SEE just who those stupid are because the trial has been done.

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Well-executed pandemic psyops require the fuel of mass hysteria. Instituting fear is the only way to entice people to cede their freedoms to tyranny. To turn neighbor against neighbor, and family against family--it worked exactly as planned: the panicked fearful ones desperately going along with the narrative to shut down the fighters carefully parsing "their authoritarian" words to point out the obvious disconnects within that narrative.

Not only did suicides rise, but once good relationships have been torn completely apart--some sadly, forever. The devastating damage of distrust goes far beyond the "people" and "the government." Mass hysteria has led to incredible relational dysfunction throughout society.

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And without full-on cooperation of the mainstream media, social media and teachers' unions in disseminating that crafted narrative, it would never have been achieved.

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Precisely. We were grand slammed

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This whole thing has been a farce from day one It’s super sad to see how everybody fell for this. We would’ve been far better doing nothing and just being careful like our grandmothers used to tell us to do stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands, cover your mouth. The corruption on both sides of the aisle is amazing but if I have to pick somebody to vote for or a party, I’ll stick with the republican party because I think the Democrats are far worse.

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"I'll Stick with the republican party because I think the democrats are far worse." Which says a whole lot about our present political scene.

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Vote for the best of the worst if we have to.

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I’m not voting. I’m done. I trust no government.

I do trust in God.

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Not to vote is to surrender. Please reconsider.

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I realized a long time ago that “voting” was an illusory participation in a nonexistent “representative” “democracy”.

It’s all theater. All of it.

(I still vote, though… Against my better judgment 😝)

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I understand your disappointment in government. Sometimes our votes are stop gap measures to prevent something more damaging. I have voted for the best of the worst several times on that basis. Keep voting for the best candidates you can find. I am cautiously liking Ramaswamy more each time I hear him. Kennedy isn't terrible either.

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Actually, voting is surrendering. The POTUS candidates are chosen way before an election by those who run the world…and have for over 100 years.

What would they do if people simply ignored them? It’s the same as saying, what if there was a war, and no one showed up?

We are the dumb fucks.

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Looks like you want four more years of Biden. I am in the anyone but Biden camp.

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This is the first year in 60 that I will not be voting. All elections are scams. Not interested. Make way for communism.

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Sad. But you usually get what you don't vote for. Glad you voted for 60 years.

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The root of the problem was the fear created by the media that hypnotized 90% of the population. I fought against all of the nonsense ultimately being right but nobody that harassed me over my unwillingness to play along with the masks etc has any intention of apologizing. There’s a hot anger in my soul that wasn’t thinkable before this chapter in my life. I’ll never be the same.

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Here's a hypothesis that will blow everyone's minds. One reason kids weren't infecting other kids or teachers (once the lockdowns were lifted and they could go back to school) might be that most of them had already been infected ... back in November 2019 through late February 2020 ... when at least 107 schools/school systems in at least 15 American states closed because of "flu outbreaks."

Many - most? - of them probably already had natural immunity! Whether people realize it or not, "early spread" matters.


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And this article - original journalism/research! - only documents the school systems that DID close. Many more schools and school systems must have been very close to closing as well (due to excess absences).

Most school systems close schools when they reached 20 percent absences from illnesses (some 10 percent). The school system in my town did NOT close, but I know it had huge numbers of sick students and teachers in late January 2020. I know this because my wife taught at the local high school. She told me "half" of one of her classes was absent from illness one day and that her high school was almost deserted.

She told me this when I was at home sick in bed .... with all the Covid symptoms! Both of my children were also out of school with some "flu" like illness ... but we all tested "negative" for flu.

This is called "anecdotal evidence" of possible early spread. But we're not supposed to consider such evidence ... Just like we're not supposed to given any weight or credence to the millions of people who think they had a vaccine injury. "Ignore the anecdotal evidence" is the way real science (and "journalism") works these days.

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Correct. Another segment of the population that never needed to get jabbed.

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I think there is a lot of truth to this. I know people who were terribly sick with respiratory illnesses at the end of 2019. Many people seem to think covid had only arrived in the US when they saw it on American TV news.

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Back then I told everybody that Karen was going to be flabbergasted when little Timmy's antibody test came back positive, but Karen avoided that situation by not getting him tested at all.

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Exactly. Or the antibody tests happened too many months after the symptoms/infection. Antibodies fade over time in some people. And the cutoff-values on the tests can be manipulated if needed.

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Those PCR cycle thresholds were a complete and utter joke. Totally arbitrary and/or fabricated.

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without the casedemic FEAR porn narrative the ploy would NOT have worked to drive the sheep into the injection lines

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Totally agree with you comment!

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By now I'm probably known as the "early spread" Substacker. Actually, though, my research is trying to prove that the official narrative is non-sensical or is impeached by mountains of known counter-evidence. When you think about it, the "authorized narrative" is that "late spread" is what happened in America and the world. We had a respiratory virus that suddenly became "virulent" and super-contagious in late March and April 2020 - in the warm-weather weeks or months outside of the normal "cold and flu" seasons. The big spike in ILI cases in the weeks and months before "official Covid" was simply a coincidence. All of these "sick" people with Covid-like symptoms certainly didn't constitute any possible "evidence" of early spread. Nor do all the positive antibody tests that pre-date any outbreak in Wuhan. ALL of those antibody test results were just "false positives," I guess.

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This is just a start to revisionist history....more to come. Never forgive nor forget!

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The Teachers Union controlled the narrative, and saw hundreds of millions or billions go into schools to combat Covid which was never spent. Where's the money? It was never about the spread of Covid by kids, although they told kids they would kill their grandparents if they didn't stay home and lockdown. It was all about control by the teachers union. Now look at the results, where education has gone down into the dumps and kids are years behind in learning. There was many experts who gave warnings of this happening, but they were muzzled or cancelled.

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Hmmm....I wonder if any of the bigwigs in the Teacher's Union have been purchasing multi-million $$ homes like BLM people did. Someone should look into that.

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As I always say, follow the money. Just like BLM and the Bidens, it generally leaves a paper trail towards corruption.

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Aug 6, 2023
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Not only was it already happening… apparently it was pre-planned.

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It is insane that public resources are being wasted prosecuting Trump for thought crimes when there are real criminals to prosecute: the people who created the virus and released it on the public, the democrat politicians and media propagandists who exaggerated the risk, the homicidal doctors who denied beneficial treatments to patients in favor of remdesivir and death by ventilation, the teachers unions who kept children n at home, the public health and political authorities who forced people to cover their faces and stay in their homes, the human monsters in BLM/Antifa who sacked and burned cities during the crisis to stoke fear, Fauci for overseeing the operation, Pfizer and Moderna for performing human experimentation with the mRNA shots, and Biden and his administration for illegally mandating the injection of millions of Americans against their will to kill and maim them. This episode is one of the greater crimes in the sad history of civilization, and it will happen again unless the criminals behind it are thrown out of office and put behind bars.

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Unfortunately, I think the guillotine may be needed.

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Sorry to say I think I might enjoy the guillotine being used on more than a few people. It's well deserved considering all the deaths they caused.

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schools and camps were likely to be major sources of new Covid cases.

Am I reading this wrong or should it be unlikely?

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Thought the exact same thing. He left out the word not.

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You aren't reading it wrong, I stuck on that too. Alex missed putting a negative into that sentence.

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That’s the question I was going to ask also but was reading to make sure it hadn’t already been asked. Thanks!

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It is physically repellent how children's education, social development, and general well-being were all sacrificed to political ends by 'educators' and even parents. I was working at a biotech in February 2020, where a scientist explained to me that children were generally much less susceptible to covid due to properties of the receptors in their lung tissue. That is, there were biological reasons that clear-thinking, educated people acknowledged before lockdown fever took hold. Three years later the American scientific community is a political cesspool where clear-thinking physicians and scientists are the exception. Shameful and embarrassing.

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I imagine many/most teachers supported this because they were afraid for themselves. These people would have trampled kids to get to the lifeboats on the Titanic.

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Yup, I’d like to see how much $$ was made in the lucite business building little cages around teachers’ desks... grocery store, etc etc...

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Kids have tons of glutathione! I believe that’s why they don’t get sick and heal quickly.

I take NAC and glutathione at 59.

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It sure seems that the "scientists" and "experts" sure didn't know the first, most elementary thing about how viruses etc. are spread in a population. So it's definitely not "about the science".

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Great comment.

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Thank you!

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Aug 6, 2023
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Insanity to mask your own children inside their own house, and the fact that a medical doctor would insist on this is terrifying when you think about it.

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Aug 6, 2023
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Now the education kids are getting has been replaced with transgender theory and critical race theory. Kids are being indoctrinated into little social justice warriors, by government for the government.

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Welcome to the Fidel Castro Summer Camps.

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We knew this extremely early.


Throughout the pandemic, many child care centers have stayed open for the children of front-line workers — everyone from doctors to grocery store clerks. YMCA of the USA and New York City's Department of Education have been caring for, collectively, tens of thousands of children since March, and both tell NPR they have no reports of coronavirus clusters or outbreaks.

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Golly gee whiz - what American politician said way back in 2020 that this was not a threat to kids????? Anybody wanna hazard a guess?

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Covid-19 is a Respiratory disease the worst form of it is Viral pneumonia this form of viral pneumonia was not antibiotic resistance. People need to understand Respritory and how things work. Everyone has blood in your body but not everyone knows that Oxygen is also in the blood as well. 🤔 Does your average doctor PCP know when a number gets below 88% of Oxygen means? No this is when a Plumonighist Critical care MD comes in and cares for a true covid-19 patient. So other than not listening to Alex Berenson you have been lied to for at least 4 years now. No Jokes either. So we have millions of Patients who are on high blood pressure medication diabetes mental health issue Medication the list goes on and you get what Alex Berenson has been saying. So all these medications are taken daily and they suppress breathing most are say between 92 and 98% Oxygen in the blood. You add a face mask to a patient the patients heart rate goes up even without exercise so instead of taking in 12 breath a Minute your doing 20 and your heart is working hard your Pulse rate as well move up. So you go for a jog say for example your breathing hard your heart rate goes up your blood oxygen level drops below 88% Boom Respritory Failure Heart attack stroke and Mortality. Most dangerous but manageable Virus are absorbed through tissue skin gets into your blood vessels. Not the way Fauci Collins Slavitt Broula Gottlieb Legacy media pharmaceutical companies is telling you. Pay attention to to everything Alex Berenson says Please.

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Hypoxia is real.

Perhaps depleting the oxygen flow to the brain was part of the herd culling/mass cognitive impairment protocol?!?

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First time in my life for me to have a Phlebotomist Anthony Fauci as a Plumonighist 🤔 A Veterinarian as head of Pfizer 🤔 this belong in the Guinness World records as idiots. We have a President who can't find his way in his own bed. Soon enough way things are going we will be moving to Australia 🇦🇺 to live in a Kangaroo pouch fully lined with fir that is!

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Probably the greatest aspect of the Crime against humanity in context with what was DONE intentionally with children, and has been since the 86 injection act (Reagan signed into law) "allowed" carte blanche to Fauci and the Pharma cartel. Look what has happened to children since...

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"In reality, schools were among the safest possible places for students and teachers during Covid, this study suggests."

The liberal activists and other podgy ladies of leisure who have thoroughly hijacked the teaching profession will use precisely that observation to try to mandate masks for kids into the foreseeable future.

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[In reality, schools were among the safest possible places for students and teachers during Covid, this study suggests.]

Well, aside from the lack of physical activity, the incessant demands to follow orders and not think for oneself, and the institutionalized bullying they're subjected to on a daily basis.

Other than that?

Yeah- pretty... pretty... pretty safe.

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Schools are far from perfect. But they put kids in contact with each other. And that was lost.

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And then in some liberal leaning areas, the helicopter parents lost their minds and started demanding that kids who had had the VID should be isolated in the classroom and not participate in recess....

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Please refer to Jon Rappoport's Substack from today on the socializing aspect of schools.

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They were so scared the teachers were preparing wills?! I worked as a critical care nurse all throughout covid. I did not prepare a will. Give me a freaking break.

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Curious - what was the “COVID fear factor” amongst your professional cohort, overall?

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Depended on the person. Some were freaked out. Some really jumped on the "stay home and let the essential people work, asshole" bandwagon. It was like they were blaming people who dared to go out in public for the big increase in work load. Some, like me, saw what covid was early on and were way more concerned about the loss of civil liberty than the virus itself. I was certainly concerned about the toll covid was taking on the elderly and infirm, but I was never scared for myself or my family. A lot depended on, and I hate to say it, political views. Seems like my liberal friends were way more scared than I was about the virus. They didn't give two craps about civil liberties or the government labeling people "essential" and "nonessential." Masking was a virtue. There are still a few people in my hospital who wear masks at work even though masking ended in May. They are few and far between and they are mostly doctors.

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