If only he’d had his 5th booster.

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Becoming more and more obvious vaxx kills natural immunity. The only question left is if it was on purpose?

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That was the cringiest "comedy" aka regime bootlicking of all time.

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And that's why you don't get medical information from a late show host!

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I wonder if Colbert took Paxlovid? Covid whack a mole is par for the course with that “miracle” drug.

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I’m old enough to remember when comedians were funny.

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My hobby is community theater, in which for the majority of companies I am no longer allowed to participate. I’m not, in most cases, even allowed into the theaters to see a show. In the last two weeks I have seen four theaters in my immediate area cancel performances (and probably a fifth on the way) because the fully vaxxed cast and crew came down with Covid. Gone are the days when a cold would run through an entire cast and we’d all say, on with the show! People have done this to themselves.

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A vaxxed-boosted relative died late last March. 65, perfect health, definitely not obese, non drinker/smoker (ever). Found unresponsive on floor. A nurse told us later "Something major happened with his heart - he threw a big clot into his brain stem". Over three quarters of the brain was dead before the EMTs got there. This relative and their spouse relentlessly harped at us to get vaxxed, to "be safe like we are".

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That's OK, he got it from Bill Gates, so he'll be fine. Unless he's not.

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Couldn’t write a funnier headline if I tried.

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A prick for a prick.

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The sad thing here is, there are millions who still believe this crap! A women in the high-rise condo I live in was getting on the elevator yesterday, she thought she was alone but then saw me! She took 2 steps back, fumbled in her purse and grabbed her N95 mask, put it on and said, "few, that was close". I chuckled. 😀. She was not amused.

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Oh my . I was at my gym about 1 1/2 hours ago. While there, I overheard a lady talking to another about her first C19 vax which she got a couple of weeks ago. I kid you not, she said she passed out on the floor when she got the vax and the next day her arm hurt and she felt exhausted like "when she had Covid before". She said "I'm not sure how the second shot will go." I wanted to say don't get it, are you crazy. Willingly take an injection that made you pass out? Thank you sir may I have another.

I once took Vicodin after I had oral surgery and it made me extremely nauseated. I refuse to ever take it again. Isn't that common sense or was my nausea to let me know it was "working".

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We all know what every one who took the prick will say "oh but it would have been so much worse. Thank God I took the prick. Thank you sir may I have another"

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At what point does the cognitive dissonance explode entire heads as in "Scanners"?

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They cant do a test? “Exhibits?” Also, who cares anymore.

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The 7th boosta will cleanse your dirty covid soul! Five no good, six no good, seven shall it be!

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It's going to be an interesting summer

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Will there be a vax against the vax?

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He acted like the ultimate bitch about the vax. Karma. He pimped the vax so hard… I’m sure he’s grateful today he had the booster too.

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Even better: Bill Gates tested positive yesterday. Let the jokes begin!

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The Late Show should be paused indefinitely because it's not funny at all and Colbert is a political hack and a left-wing activist. If CNN and MSNBC had a baby, it would be Stephen Colbert's Late show.

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The NIH/CDC needs billions more money to find a cure, like AIDS and Cancer. How many more years of this shell game do we need before we recognize that we're being rolled?

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LMAO! Gotta love it when commies taste reality.

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But it will keep him from "developing severe illness, getting hospitalized or dying", right? Isn't that the line?

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Zero sympathy

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I recommend everyone check out Igor Chudov's sub stack. Some interesting articles on chronic Covid. (https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/israel-chronic-covid-persists-in?s=r)

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I’ll betcha he’s got “mild symptoms and is happy he got double boosted” or else….blada, blada, blada. 😉

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Means it’s working

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He got VAIDS.

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Stephen is so well programmed that after taking all the shots and contracting COVID twice, he is still happy and feels protected.

When will he realize he has damaged his innate immune system?

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This Vax skit never made sense. I know most adults don’t watch cartoons, but everyone should be able to see the way those syringes are drawn. Those are the eyes an artist gives to a nervous wreck, not a healthy person. I agree with the art direction, but I don’t think anyone who put it on TV would if they knew what they were looking at.

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Couldn't happen to a better guy hopefully he gets all the symptoms, Explosive diarrhea uncontrollable coughing and it would be wonderful if it happened during taping of his stupid show

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A major prick got pricked.

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“Why do the protected, need to be protected, from those who are not protected; by forcing those who are not protected, to have the thing which was meant to protect the protected in the first place?🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂

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Don’t you find this announcement is oddly stated? “Symptoms consistent with…”? I mean does he have it or not? And given his show is paused indefinitely, are they hiding some serious condition they don’t want the public to know?

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Sigh. Have a neighbor who talks to me over the fence. Have a sneaky suspicion that they are not interested in coming closer.

Vaxxed & boosted, & now being treated for liver cancer. No history of cancer in the family, this is out of the blue.

But no one is asking “what is new or different that maybe we should be looking at?”

Somehow they feel safer keeping a distance from the unvaxxed though…..

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Its not a recurrence, its the coVAIDS. Chronic lifelong infections for the vaxxed. Life won't be long though!

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Permanent pause would be preferable

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Wonder if Colbert took Paxlovid? They're seeing "rare" (LOL) occasions where the infected person takes the 5-day course of meds, feels better, tests negative...then symptoms return, often worse, and the virus takes an unusually long time to clear.

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Seeing this is not of God, not surprised he’s had it again. And will keep getting it as they all will.

I am vaxxed by the Blood of Christ.

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he will get his booster shot as soon as possible.

We are living in Clown World.

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Omg. What will it take? All the elderly in the U.K. racing to get their fourth shot even though they all had covid after three shots. The same will now happen in the US to all those who took three shots. It will take a few months to clear and then come to a halt. But then what? VAIDS a very serious outcome.

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Don't normally wish ill on folks but this prick should go away. A Covid ride into the sunset would be true Karma. Good riddance.

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Lucky him if it 'just' that. While you can live with the 'recurring symptoms of covid', your chances are slimmer with lymphoma and similar types of cancer. This oncologist's Linkedin thread will have your hair stand on end (if you are vaccinated, that is) https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6929928256724869120/

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But i am sure he did everything right?!!

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Sars Cov 2 food. He’s a walking talking mutation- inducing mutant.

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I ran out of symathy for gobshites like him, oh in early 2020. I am sure these hair brains will very soon start blaming "Climate Change" or "Climate Anxiety" for all the evils of the world, 'cause science or something. Go Truckers!! Go The Great Unwashed!!

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he was unwatchable anyway...not that I ever watch tv in the first place

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