Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with civil liberties and everything to do with inflation on essentials, the ridiculous cost of housing and our insanely broken healthcare system — all mostly driven by massive unfettered immigration (like 10% of our population in the last 4 years) and unparalleled government overspending.
I still know tons of Covidians here and their thirst for his lockdowns and pride in destroying the freedom convoy remain as stout as ever, sadly. 😢
And all he’s done is say he’ll go… I won’t celebrate until he *and* his mob of miscreant ministers and MPs are decimated in an election at some point this year.
Alex, as a post-partisan political independent who was a monetary supporter of the Canadian trucker's Freedom Convoy 2022, and as an Ottawa resident who lived within a few blocks of the protest encampment on Parliament Hill, I'm gobsmacked by the slap-dash, misleading, unsubstantiated reporting that you've done in this essay. I.e: "Right-wing groups from the United States were funding the protests, which were thus a threat to Canada’s security. Canadian authorities then blocked funding and seized bank accounts associated with the protests and cleared out the encampments".
For starters, it is generally understood that the Convoy was overwhelmingly funded by small donations from individual Canadian citizens. Moreover, rumors of significant funding from "right-wing" sources, or "foreign" sources, have been investigated and largely discredited. As for freezing bank accounts of convoy donors, it began when the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) obtained illegally hacked information and then publicly reported the names of people who had donated to the convoy. The CBC even went so far as to place harassing phone calls to the homes of individual donors, with the intent of soliciting incriminating comments. FWIW, I was one of the recipients of a cold-call from the CBC, as was my next-door neighbor. At some point in the midst of all this, banks assumed the unprecedented authority to freeze the accounts of numerous private citizen convoy donors.
Throughout the 2+ weeks duration of the peaceful protest in the nation's capitol, citizen journalists produced live coverage of hundreds of thousands of visitors, of all ages and ethnicities, who came to Ottawa to witness and participate in what was essentially a tremendously celebratory, dead-of-winter, street fair that encompassed the whole of downtown Ottawa. Any half-way accurate account of this historical event would need to seek out substantial input from some of these hundreds of thousands of first-hand witnesses. You could begin by contacting reporter Rupa Subramanya @rupasubramanya, who is an Ottawa resident who writes for the Free Press and the National Post.
seized the bank accounts of the many small donors, mostly just regular folks. Especially appalling was Herr Trudeau’s seizure of bank accounts of those who contributed before he & govt. got pissed off at opposition & made it “illegal”, abd decided to brutally stomp out all dissension with asset seizure.
Alas, despite being appalled by this overreach, Berenson remains left wing, so still characterizes the outrage from the US as “right wing”. But anyone supporting the right to peaceful demonstration was appalled but unfortunately it got characterized as “right wing” —as was everything & everybody who has freaked over the progressive left’s madness of the past 5+ years.Creepily no one on the left dared to make a peep as the BLM movement burned and raged through our cities. This violence was insanely deemed “justified” with the same sense of smugness & self righteousness that accompanied the Covid Capers hysteria. I’m curious to see if Berenson & others see the connection to the fact that we in the US are now facing the same possibility at any time now with Biden’s recent passage of the Digital Act (not full title) which allows government to track any bank acct and cut off folks from their own financial resources if they deem them naughty. It seems some bizarre mind virus has indeed infected the English speaking countries (UK, NZ, Australia, Canada) as they guiltily apologize for their heritage, give up their individual rights and their collective sanity for silliness like laws in the UK to arrest & jail people for “mean thoughts & memes”. As you note, many in Canada (and in the US!) are just fine with this, happily trading “the illusion of safety” for free speech & other rights. We’ve dubbed this creepy version of Canada as “Canuckastan”. Contrast the hard Plath “das boot” on the Canadian truckers versus the celebratory mood and “hurray for our side” of the popular 80’s movie “Smokey & the Bandit” where truckers with their CB’s show those authoritarian SOB’s just what righteous means. My how culture has changed! Now it’s safety first. And we can’t allow a sense of humor either.
I think that Alex intended that part of the paragraph to represent what was reported by the government and its news sources, not what he personally believed. It could be clearer.
Fair enough. But, I don't know what Alex "personally believed" about the trucker's convoy, or whether he's aware of the hideous role that the state-sponsored CBC and all legacy media played in relentlessly demonizing everybody associated with it. This was done to such an extreme that the general public came to believe the situation warranted mass debanking of individual donors and a federal government imposition of province-wide martial law via the Emergencies Act. Imagine if that had happened in the US with the J-6 Capitol protest. It wouldn't though, because the US is not a banana republic.
Alex can defend himself but I think your criticism is misdirected. (And by putting two separate sentences together when not written that way, misleading.)
His beat is not the anti-Trudeau one; it's the "Major International Stories With Special Attention to Freedom of Speech and Big Pharma" one.
Trudeau just happens to fit - but not define - it.
Mietzsche, you state that in my above comment I was "putting two separate sentences together" to form what you think is a "misleading" conclusion about Alex's essay. Let's be clear, the "two separate sentences" were quoted directly from two sequential sentences that were separated by a paragraph break in Alex's essay. In its original form these two sequential sentences were written as follows by Alex:
~"Right-wing groups from the United States were funding the protests, which were thus a threat to Canada’s security.
Canadian authorities then blocked funding and seized bank accounts associated with the protests and cleared out the encampments". ~
In my comment, I quoted Alex's two sequential sentences in full, but without the paragraph break, as follows: "Right-wing groups from the United States were funding the protests, which were thus a threat to Canada’s security. Canadian authorities then blocked funding and seized bank accounts associated with the protests and cleared out the encampments".
So, is that "misleading" in any way? Respectfully, I think not. Frankly, I feel like the essay was an inadequately researched rush-job and I would love to see Alex do a thorough piece of investigative journalism on Canada's full role in the global pandemia debacle.
The sentences were also in separate paragraphs - indicating new arguments. (That's what paragraphs are.)
Alex' statement about 'Right-wing groups...' comes at the end of a para discussing Trudeau's reactions to the trucker's protest: a case can even be made, in that context, that the statement doesn't even represent Alex' belief but is only a shorthand elaboration of the last of Trudeau's.
...And by linking this sentence without acknowledging the separate para beginning a new argument - an argument that ends, "Months later, CBC News reported that the Canadian government...was nonsense. And...a Canadian court ruled the government should never have invoked the act" - you do the same thing, twice-over. (Again - making it seem like Alex sanctions or at least understands why the Canadian authorities blocked the bank accounts.)
Alex is a fantastic ally in the fight to preserve free speech, maintain a sane and fact-based approach to social policy, and indeed to combat against silly and uninteresting men like Trudeau. If he fails to focus 24/7 on the problems of our country and devote his entire life to the excoriation of Trudeau and the Liberals, it doesn't make him less useful a commentator in my eyes.
well that's sad. [My Mom was born in Canada. my sister-in-law DECIDED to become Canadian (about a decade ago :( - from Boston, 1st to Vancouver, now in Toronto. [I'll continue praying until the TRUTH gets through to their polluted brains and they see the light (that exposes communist ideology.]
Which is why Canada also allegedly had a mass exodus as a result. Is that something you saw? I had friends who emigrated to Canada from the U.K. and ran back because of the people’s mentality around unvaccinated people.
Canadian Democracy failed when the Liberals started funding the floundering Corporate Media with Taxpayer funds. There are a dozen scandals that swirl around him, and the media has ignore them. In the US it is more confusing, as the narrative is driven by both corporate and Democrat interest. In Canada - it is single threaded - The Party.
Unvaxxed Canadian here. Thanks for writing this, Alex. Although I'd like to believe that this was the result of anger over his covid policies, I think the main reason was economic discontent over housing / rent prices, coupled with rising anger over mass immigration. While I think a lot of even centrist Canadians now believe the govt ( provincial and federal ) overreacted during covid, I don't see a lot of anger over that from a civil liberties perspective.
You are correct, there is little or no resentment over the covid nonsense. Most people in Canadistan are buffoons and would quickly do it all over again if ordered to (wu flu policies). This country is in tatters and won't last much longer. Canadistan has almost broken up before, once in 1980 and another time in 1995. The third time will be the charm. Morons deserve everything they get.
I have to agree with you. As an American living in a blue state there is almost zero anger over covid policies. If they locked us down tomorrow I don't think most people would be upset and they would roll up their sleeves for the latest jab. I know way too many people who got the latest covid jab!
Yes zero anger and still a lot of terrified folks bumbling around not happy those sanctions were lifted. Many in my town are still wearing masks when walking alone outside or driving alone in their car despite the Cochrane Study showing masks are pretty much an illusion when it comes to tiny tiny viruses. The reality is masks are hell on asthmatics and greatly increase my blood pressure, but go ahead dearie, keep it on if it gives you peace of mind. Some garlic around your neck & a few still bloody just plucked chicken feathers might be of help as well.
I live a mile from the Canadian border (Niagara Falls area). Even though we have passports and enhanced licenses, we haven't been back to Canada since before they shut down. The Canadians that come here for shopping and medical procedures (because they can't trust their own healthcare system) hate Trudeau and wish him gone. As do we.
Liberals know with 100% certainty that Trudeau doesn't stand a chance of being re-elected so now they're in desperate mode trying to find a leader who might beat Conservatives..
But keep in mind, every single liberal was responsible for destroying Canada alongside Trudeau
I have an aunt who emigrated from the U.K. to Canada / Toronto in the 60’s. She is a wet liberal who does whatever is needed to fit in. She isn’t interested in taking responsibility for herself. I lived in Toronto for a while in the 90’s, and enjoyed my time there. Looking back, I never would have seen the direction of travel to where you are today. Thank god they wouldn’t let me in officially.
Good riddance. The anti-semitism that has festered under his leadership is right behind his Covid authoritarian tendancies. I recently read that 31-37% of Jewish doctors in Toronto want to or have plans to leave Canada. Do the math on that folks. That's a lot of talent needing/wanting to leave under the failed leadership that is Justin Trudeau. Or perhaps he didn't want to be domoted to Governor? LOL.
In most major cities - 10% of the population is Muslim, and growing FAST. Demographics... Look no further than the UK, where both Labour AND conservatives are pandering.
Anyone that defends vaccination mandates for a vaccine class (mRNA) that sits at the top of the CDC list of vaccines to have caused the most adverse effects and deaths than any vaccine in history...........has no right to lead any country or organisation. I am a passionate supporter of vaccines and have had almost every vaccine known to man in my travels, however, the mRNA class have a plethora of issues. Until they are resolved I will not be having one nor recommending them to my clients/patients.
Yes most Canadians had enough of this globalist ass hat. His ordering of excessive covid vaccines for a population of 35 million or so was questionable. Especially since his foundation was part owner of the lipid nano particle production here in BC. Forbes has reported Trudeau's wealth increased from $10,000,000 to $385,000,000 in the past 9 yrs. That can't be right can it?
As an American who contributed to the Canadian truckers, I did not consider myself to be part of a “right wing” group “funding” the demonstration. Rather, I sent in my $100 via Go Fund Me because these poor people were constrained in getting heating fuel while they protested Covid tyranny— and inspired many Americans who felt the chilling effect of January 6 repression and were reluctant to protest themselves. My contribution was then expropriated by Justin Trudeau, never to be returned to me. Does anybody know whether the truckers finally got their money?
GFM reimbursed me my donation, they were not helping our Truckers. I turned around and donated with give send go. I read that yes the truckers did get the money, however the actual donation headquarters that organized the funding did not. I did my part and am grateful to all that were able to do the same.
I don't want Canada to become the 51st state. The population of Canadia is roughly equivalent to that of California. Canada is not majority conservative or even libertarian. We would just acquire another California, albeit one with tremendous natural resources.
Yes. I would not want Canada to become part of the U.S. either for the same reason. They are mostly leftists and need to stay as their own country. I do not want them.
Cannot believe you wrote this down. I just said a lot of scathing stuff about him in my post and stopped short of writing I hope someone just walks right up and slaps him. Yes his self satisfied preening condescending and annoying expression does make slapping his face a nearly irresistible imperative....
So glad for this. My wife's family is Canadian. We weren't able to see them for three years, and her mom is still afraid to come back across the border.
A few of our nieces/nephews lost their jobs, and my brother in law had a heart attack after his second booster.
Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with civil liberties and everything to do with inflation on essentials, the ridiculous cost of housing and our insanely broken healthcare system — all mostly driven by massive unfettered immigration (like 10% of our population in the last 4 years) and unparalleled government overspending.
I still know tons of Covidians here and their thirst for his lockdowns and pride in destroying the freedom convoy remain as stout as ever, sadly. 😢
And all he’s done is say he’ll go… I won’t celebrate until he *and* his mob of miscreant ministers and MPs are decimated in an election at some point this year.
Agreed, I’m a Canadian and most folks aren’t that upset about Covid policies these days.
Alex, as a post-partisan political independent who was a monetary supporter of the Canadian trucker's Freedom Convoy 2022, and as an Ottawa resident who lived within a few blocks of the protest encampment on Parliament Hill, I'm gobsmacked by the slap-dash, misleading, unsubstantiated reporting that you've done in this essay. I.e: "Right-wing groups from the United States were funding the protests, which were thus a threat to Canada’s security. Canadian authorities then blocked funding and seized bank accounts associated with the protests and cleared out the encampments".
For starters, it is generally understood that the Convoy was overwhelmingly funded by small donations from individual Canadian citizens. Moreover, rumors of significant funding from "right-wing" sources, or "foreign" sources, have been investigated and largely discredited. As for freezing bank accounts of convoy donors, it began when the state-funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) obtained illegally hacked information and then publicly reported the names of people who had donated to the convoy. The CBC even went so far as to place harassing phone calls to the homes of individual donors, with the intent of soliciting incriminating comments. FWIW, I was one of the recipients of a cold-call from the CBC, as was my next-door neighbor. At some point in the midst of all this, banks assumed the unprecedented authority to freeze the accounts of numerous private citizen convoy donors.
Throughout the 2+ weeks duration of the peaceful protest in the nation's capitol, citizen journalists produced live coverage of hundreds of thousands of visitors, of all ages and ethnicities, who came to Ottawa to witness and participate in what was essentially a tremendously celebratory, dead-of-winter, street fair that encompassed the whole of downtown Ottawa. Any half-way accurate account of this historical event would need to seek out substantial input from some of these hundreds of thousands of first-hand witnesses. You could begin by contacting reporter Rupa Subramanya @rupasubramanya, who is an Ottawa resident who writes for the Free Press and the National Post.
I was horrified when Trudeau
seized the bank accounts of the many small donors, mostly just regular folks. Especially appalling was Herr Trudeau’s seizure of bank accounts of those who contributed before he & govt. got pissed off at opposition & made it “illegal”, abd decided to brutally stomp out all dissension with asset seizure.
Alas, despite being appalled by this overreach, Berenson remains left wing, so still characterizes the outrage from the US as “right wing”. But anyone supporting the right to peaceful demonstration was appalled but unfortunately it got characterized as “right wing” —as was everything & everybody who has freaked over the progressive left’s madness of the past 5+ years.Creepily no one on the left dared to make a peep as the BLM movement burned and raged through our cities. This violence was insanely deemed “justified” with the same sense of smugness & self righteousness that accompanied the Covid Capers hysteria. I’m curious to see if Berenson & others see the connection to the fact that we in the US are now facing the same possibility at any time now with Biden’s recent passage of the Digital Act (not full title) which allows government to track any bank acct and cut off folks from their own financial resources if they deem them naughty. It seems some bizarre mind virus has indeed infected the English speaking countries (UK, NZ, Australia, Canada) as they guiltily apologize for their heritage, give up their individual rights and their collective sanity for silliness like laws in the UK to arrest & jail people for “mean thoughts & memes”. As you note, many in Canada (and in the US!) are just fine with this, happily trading “the illusion of safety” for free speech & other rights. We’ve dubbed this creepy version of Canada as “Canuckastan”. Contrast the hard Plath “das boot” on the Canadian truckers versus the celebratory mood and “hurray for our side” of the popular 80’s movie “Smokey & the Bandit” where truckers with their CB’s show those authoritarian SOB’s just what righteous means. My how culture has changed! Now it’s safety first. And we can’t allow a sense of humor either.
I think that Alex intended that part of the paragraph to represent what was reported by the government and its news sources, not what he personally believed. It could be clearer.
Fair enough. But, I don't know what Alex "personally believed" about the trucker's convoy, or whether he's aware of the hideous role that the state-sponsored CBC and all legacy media played in relentlessly demonizing everybody associated with it. This was done to such an extreme that the general public came to believe the situation warranted mass debanking of individual donors and a federal government imposition of province-wide martial law via the Emergencies Act. Imagine if that had happened in the US with the J-6 Capitol protest. It wouldn't though, because the US is not a banana republic.
Alex can defend himself but I think your criticism is misdirected. (And by putting two separate sentences together when not written that way, misleading.)
His beat is not the anti-Trudeau one; it's the "Major International Stories With Special Attention to Freedom of Speech and Big Pharma" one.
Trudeau just happens to fit - but not define - it.
Mietzsche, you state that in my above comment I was "putting two separate sentences together" to form what you think is a "misleading" conclusion about Alex's essay. Let's be clear, the "two separate sentences" were quoted directly from two sequential sentences that were separated by a paragraph break in Alex's essay. In its original form these two sequential sentences were written as follows by Alex:
~"Right-wing groups from the United States were funding the protests, which were thus a threat to Canada’s security.
Canadian authorities then blocked funding and seized bank accounts associated with the protests and cleared out the encampments". ~
In my comment, I quoted Alex's two sequential sentences in full, but without the paragraph break, as follows: "Right-wing groups from the United States were funding the protests, which were thus a threat to Canada’s security. Canadian authorities then blocked funding and seized bank accounts associated with the protests and cleared out the encampments".
So, is that "misleading" in any way? Respectfully, I think not. Frankly, I feel like the essay was an inadequately researched rush-job and I would love to see Alex do a thorough piece of investigative journalism on Canada's full role in the global pandemia debacle.
It is.
The sentences were also in separate paragraphs - indicating new arguments. (That's what paragraphs are.)
Alex' statement about 'Right-wing groups...' comes at the end of a para discussing Trudeau's reactions to the trucker's protest: a case can even be made, in that context, that the statement doesn't even represent Alex' belief but is only a shorthand elaboration of the last of Trudeau's.
...And by linking this sentence without acknowledging the separate para beginning a new argument - an argument that ends, "Months later, CBC News reported that the Canadian government...was nonsense. And...a Canadian court ruled the government should never have invoked the act" - you do the same thing, twice-over. (Again - making it seem like Alex sanctions or at least understands why the Canadian authorities blocked the bank accounts.)
Alex is a fantastic ally in the fight to preserve free speech, maintain a sane and fact-based approach to social policy, and indeed to combat against silly and uninteresting men like Trudeau. If he fails to focus 24/7 on the problems of our country and devote his entire life to the excoriation of Trudeau and the Liberals, it doesn't make him less useful a commentator in my eyes.
Yes I wish he had been ousted in 2022 but I guess it takes more than the inhuman treatment of the truckers for the masses to see what is going on. However, I agree with the argument here that we are past peak bias, both in the US and in Canada: https://www.wildhorsewisdom.xyz/p/arab-mares-are-fourteen-to-fifteen?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
well that's sad. [My Mom was born in Canada. my sister-in-law DECIDED to become Canadian (about a decade ago :( - from Boston, 1st to Vancouver, now in Toronto. [I'll continue praying until the TRUTH gets through to their polluted brains and they see the light (that exposes communist ideology.]
"First they came for the truckers, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trucker." - The Canadian people.
Which is why Canada also allegedly had a mass exodus as a result. Is that something you saw? I had friends who emigrated to Canada from the U.K. and ran back because of the people’s mentality around unvaccinated people.
Canadian Democracy failed when the Liberals started funding the floundering Corporate Media with Taxpayer funds. There are a dozen scandals that swirl around him, and the media has ignore them. In the US it is more confusing, as the narrative is driven by both corporate and Democrat interest. In Canada - it is single threaded - The Party.
Canadian covid authoritarians certainly don't appear to believe in personal Freedom.
he should have shown up to his announcement today in blackface just for old times sake, since he has little left to lose
Let's see Macron next.
Unvaxxed Canadian here. Thanks for writing this, Alex. Although I'd like to believe that this was the result of anger over his covid policies, I think the main reason was economic discontent over housing / rent prices, coupled with rising anger over mass immigration. While I think a lot of even centrist Canadians now believe the govt ( provincial and federal ) overreacted during covid, I don't see a lot of anger over that from a civil liberties perspective.
You are correct, there is little or no resentment over the covid nonsense. Most people in Canadistan are buffoons and would quickly do it all over again if ordered to (wu flu policies). This country is in tatters and won't last much longer. Canadistan has almost broken up before, once in 1980 and another time in 1995. The third time will be the charm. Morons deserve everything they get.
I have to agree with you. As an American living in a blue state there is almost zero anger over covid policies. If they locked us down tomorrow I don't think most people would be upset and they would roll up their sleeves for the latest jab. I know way too many people who got the latest covid jab!
Yes zero anger and still a lot of terrified folks bumbling around not happy those sanctions were lifted. Many in my town are still wearing masks when walking alone outside or driving alone in their car despite the Cochrane Study showing masks are pretty much an illusion when it comes to tiny tiny viruses. The reality is masks are hell on asthmatics and greatly increase my blood pressure, but go ahead dearie, keep it on if it gives you peace of mind. Some garlic around your neck & a few still bloody just plucked chicken feathers might be of help as well.
Well said.
Has anyone asked if they can have your 10 doses?
Justin Castro should be exiled to his paradise and home planet of Cuba.
Yes...he needs to experience living in the true Commie paradise he espouses.
I’m sure Xi would take him, too.
I live a mile from the Canadian border (Niagara Falls area). Even though we have passports and enhanced licenses, we haven't been back to Canada since before they shut down. The Canadians that come here for shopping and medical procedures (because they can't trust their own healthcare system) hate Trudeau and wish him gone. As do we.
Now we need an election (which could take MONTHS).
But this unvaxxed, trucker convoy supporter and attendee is defintitely happy to see the end of him!
Liberals know with 100% certainty that Trudeau doesn't stand a chance of being re-elected so now they're in desperate mode trying to find a leader who might beat Conservatives..
But keep in mind, every single liberal was responsible for destroying Canada alongside Trudeau
I have an aunt who emigrated from the U.K. to Canada / Toronto in the 60’s. She is a wet liberal who does whatever is needed to fit in. She isn’t interested in taking responsibility for herself. I lived in Toronto for a while in the 90’s, and enjoyed my time there. Looking back, I never would have seen the direction of travel to where you are today. Thank god they wouldn’t let me in officially.
Good riddance. The anti-semitism that has festered under his leadership is right behind his Covid authoritarian tendancies. I recently read that 31-37% of Jewish doctors in Toronto want to or have plans to leave Canada. Do the math on that folks. That's a lot of talent needing/wanting to leave under the failed leadership that is Justin Trudeau. Or perhaps he didn't want to be domoted to Governor? LOL.
In most major cities - 10% of the population is Muslim, and growing FAST. Demographics... Look no further than the UK, where both Labour AND conservatives are pandering.
Anyone that defends vaccination mandates for a vaccine class (mRNA) that sits at the top of the CDC list of vaccines to have caused the most adverse effects and deaths than any vaccine in history...........has no right to lead any country or organisation. I am a passionate supporter of vaccines and have had almost every vaccine known to man in my travels, however, the mRNA class have a plethora of issues. Until they are resolved I will not be having one nor recommending them to my clients/patients.
Yes most Canadians had enough of this globalist ass hat. His ordering of excessive covid vaccines for a population of 35 million or so was questionable. Especially since his foundation was part owner of the lipid nano particle production here in BC. Forbes has reported Trudeau's wealth increased from $10,000,000 to $385,000,000 in the past 9 yrs. That can't be right can it?
The WEF is in the midst of a helluva losing streak. Hallelujah and amen.
As an American who contributed to the Canadian truckers, I did not consider myself to be part of a “right wing” group “funding” the demonstration. Rather, I sent in my $100 via Go Fund Me because these poor people were constrained in getting heating fuel while they protested Covid tyranny— and inspired many Americans who felt the chilling effect of January 6 repression and were reluctant to protest themselves. My contribution was then expropriated by Justin Trudeau, never to be returned to me. Does anybody know whether the truckers finally got their money?
GFM reimbursed me my donation, they were not helping our Truckers. I turned around and donated with give send go. I read that yes the truckers did get the money, however the actual donation headquarters that organized the funding did not. I did my part and am grateful to all that were able to do the same.
Same here, on all counts.
Also same here - GFM sent my money back.
Have no fear Canadian brothers, when Trump annexes Canada as our 51st state the Canadians can rent Greenland from us!...;]
I don't want Canada to become the 51st state. The population of Canadia is roughly equivalent to that of California. Canada is not majority conservative or even libertarian. We would just acquire another California, albeit one with tremendous natural resources.
Sarcasm, Susan.
You're right they'd vote for the same nonsense
Oh, I got your sarcasm. But I've seen several commenters on multiple sites seriously pushing for this union. Just had to throw in my 2 cents.
Susan, 💯 percent right!
Yes. I would not want Canada to become part of the U.S. either for the same reason. They are mostly leftists and need to stay as their own country. I do not want them.
So nice to see the low T twirp feminist OUT! Let's HOPE the Canadians are wise enough not to replace with the same type or worse.
Am I the only one or does Justin Trudeau have a face that just begs to be slapped?
Cannot believe you wrote this down. I just said a lot of scathing stuff about him in my post and stopped short of writing I hope someone just walks right up and slaps him. Yes his self satisfied preening condescending and annoying expression does make slapping his face a nearly irresistible imperative....
LOL...as slappable as any face I've seen...
And so many slappable faces. Indian face, black face, smug liberal face, tyrant face.
Sadly, the devastation these little tinpot dictators wrought will be felt for decades. Many have not and will not recover.
So glad for this. My wife's family is Canadian. We weren't able to see them for three years, and her mom is still afraid to come back across the border.
A few of our nieces/nephews lost their jobs, and my brother in law had a heart attack after his second booster.
If there was a tragic button I would hit it! Very sad indeed.