Can we all take a moment and give thanks to Nicki Minaj for single-handedly red-pilling millions of Americans about the vaccine narrative?

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I love her. Thank you Nicki for speaking Truth to Power. No one should be bullied into a medical treatment.

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She certainly had all the receipts on Joy Reid!

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But ALL of Vietnam is -- and foreign nationals like myself will have visa renewals dependent on it -- this shit isn't just about the USA its a world wide problem

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How CRINGE was that - hearing Denver-raised, Harvard film studies alum, race-baiting grifter Joy Reid turning up her 'hood image to publicly spank Nicki Minaj? "Sista, please! Lord! OhmaGAWD Sista!"

Just stop. Please. Just...no.


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Joy Sharpton Reid gave us the biggest gift possible yesterday.

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Am I out of line to consider Joy a possible Black Nationalist? She seems to have a real disdain for folks who are not black or brown.

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or obedient

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What’s it saying about our country when she’s the adult in the room.

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It says everything. Sadly.

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That was something I didn't really see coming, but I'm thankful.

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WAP (Wet-Ass-Pill) Yo.

Nicki is a thinker. I like her even more now.

The Left went nuts as to be expected. I smiled.

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I believe the credits go to Cardi-b and Megan Thee on WAP.

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LOL...you're right. Now I feel silly.

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It indeed was hilarious to watch them turn, "my relative had an adverse reaction; don't let anyone bully you into taking this thing" into "spreading harmful misinformation," as if people can't read.

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She's my new favorite person!

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The real bomb part must've had guys the world over unconsciously grabbing their testicles to shield them.

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1. Call me crazy, but perhaps there is a reason that Moderna never brought an mRNA vaccine to market before Spikevax.

2. And I don't think Fauci was surprised at all. See 1 above. I think he just says whatever he thinks people will accept and whatever is politically expedient at the time. He has zero credibility.

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I have come to the conclusion that Fauci is a psychopath and that he has no problem with hundred of thousands Americans dying to advance his agenda and earn him and his pals some money.

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Rand Paul is definitely on to him. RFK jr as well. Like Cuomo Fauci will eventually need to be removed by those protecting him right now. Cuomo killed the wrong people’s parents. Maybe many. One day we will find out who decided enough was enough. There is always a tipping point. Remdesivir may be what brings Fauci down.

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The Chinese govt bought the rights to make generic remdesivir in Jan 2020. A coincidence.

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I was hospitalized with Covid 12/2020,my doctor flat out told me he hated using Remdesivir because in just about all instances he used it the patient's liver ended up fried, it is that toxic putting them on the transplant list

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Yes, Dr. Ardis has outed that particular way of killing people (remdesivir) and more and more are learning about it every day.

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Imagine what did Al Capone in!

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Yes he's a psycho. He's done this before, with AIDS. He is a monster, through and through, and seems to actually relish killing people.

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Yes he has - the king of AZT he is a serial killer

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I am pretty convinced of that as well. But I think he really does see himself as synonymous with science so he does not have to actually do or read science - things are scientific merry because he says them

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He is a murderer a thief and a grifter

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He's a govt. employee who has never been held to account. Likely he is just the tip if the cultural incompetence that is the cultural norm.

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When someone is casually able to send innocent puppies to suffering deaths for very very little medical knowledge, you know he is a psychopath who would have no problem justifying killing people to get to his desired "ends".

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I think sociopath is closer to the mark.

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Sociopaths don't tend to enjoy killing people.

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they enjoy the control, and the suffering.

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The genociding is more of a pychopath sorta thing

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he def didn't care about the deaths and misery he caused during the first few years of the age epidemic in the US. He was hated and still lived on in DC.

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Fauci is the narrator in Dostoyevsky's gem: The Underground Man.

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How long would they remain on the market without the immunity from liability?

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I seriously doubt they would have submitted the vaccines for any kind of approval if they were liable. It isn't that they are worried about people dying or suffering serious side effects but they are business people that understand risk to benefit and the risk would have been too great without the protection.

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He is laughing all the way to the bank. As an egomaniac, he gets interviewed every day as if he is a king, and on the covers of many magazines. Cuomo was treated the same. Bill Gates as well. When their opinions are called into question, these 3 turn into some seriously nasty attack dogs. At the moment, nobody is allowed to question Fauci. His day is coming. See RFK jr. Gates as well.

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He's just a self-serving gas-bag, a weathervane, if you will.

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He's a Geppetto windsock puppet 😂

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As the number of vaccinated continues to rise, and we have much higher case numbers than at the same point last year prior to the vaccines, when do people start getting red pilled by the ton? I’d never expect half of these folks to make the jump that leaky vax are the cause, but maybe just maybe they’ll start to question their overall effectiveness? I’ve just never seen so much failure double downed on in the 45 years I’ve been on this planet. At some point you would hope the irrational fear and nonstop propaganda would lose some of its effectiveness. Truly incredible to watch this play out.

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And truly incredible how people refuse to question it.

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We are in an information war. We need to keep talking to people one at a time and red pilling them.

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I am afraid the vast majority of the American people will have to see major adverse reactions among the jabbed and the un-jabbed (control group/probably with natural immunity) being relatively unscathed. There’s your “science”.

Couple this with groups of honest doctors from around the globe coming out against the jabs (with good cause) and FOR early Covid treatment and preventive protocols, plus lawsuits being won against forced jabs and THAT will all cause a tipping point.

Hopefully then handcuffs will be polished off for Fauci and Co. and the indictments will start flying.

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Ironically, if this is a leaky vaccine, the vaccinated are actually putting the vulnerable and the unvaccinated more at risk. I'm part of the control group and still don't have natural immunity in the form of antibodies (maybe T cell?). Which is strange because other than maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I've disregarded every mitigation measure they've recommended re: masks and social distancing etc. as much as possible; I've flown a lot domestically and internationally in last 19 months, and somehow missed the infection I need for natural immunity. 8 straight blood donations with a negative Ab test.

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I’m in the same boat. Just had to go get tested because I got a bit of a sore throat and fatigue after hanging out with a fully vaxxed coworker who had symptoms then tested positive, I tested negative. This is now the 3rd time I’ve had the weird fatigue (the last two times were more like a week long, not a day) and the whole time no antibodies. I’m starting to think I have Tcell immunity, or just can’t catch covid. I did start taking the IMASK+ protocol minus ivermectin, because I do worry about harsher variants down the road. It might be a rough winter.

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Well I have seen a ton of research now proving how effective vitamin D is at preventing viral infections so if your levels are good (which they probably are as you are following I-Mask) this may be helping to prevent infection? Along with the zinc and quercetin.

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This thing will surely boomerang to harsher variants and put us all at risk. I share your concern.

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It's really just like a flu.

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I would bet money you have t cell immunity. Have you considered testing for it?

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Yeah, I'm researching the most accurate assay.

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My understanding is that the antibody test is useless really because it only detects free floating antibodies. Cleveland Clinic has a T cell test that they are using for a study on natural immunity. They won't offer the test to the public because they don't want to discourage people from getting jabbed.

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Thanks and ugh!

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Same boat and I lived with a COVID patient for weeks with zero precautions. I did T-detect. No dice. The vaccinated putting unvaccinated at risk is a real concern sadly. I almost wonder if they realize it and that is the reason for the almost desperate push

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I'm going to trust the eons of evolution that gave me a wonderful immune system

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Yes! I'm angry that these selfish pigs at lowest risk were tripping over each other to get vaxxed first when they never needed i and nobody knew what it would do. This shot started out being only for the vulnerable, but the manufacturers got greedy. It's defective and will kill a lot more people than if we had just left well enough alone. The vax with its fake "immunity" is the new transfat margarine. Natural butter is better.

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YES @Abbywood! Just got into a stupid argument with a colleague who said there was "hard data that shows natural immunity is NOT long-lasting" - right after I pulled up the Israeli study that showed jabbed patients were 27 times more likely to develop symptomatic COVID-19 and 8 times more likely to be hospitalized than natural immunity. If I posted this true statement anywhere but here, I'd be banned or in Twit jail.

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The Cleveland Clinic said years of immunity with recovered people.

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Dr. Malone recommends the Socratic method. Ask questions and let people come to the truth.

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The Socratic method is based on appeals to reason. It won't work on committed progressives. I've tried this with some relatives.

My older cousin used to send me links to NYT-type articles on climate change, peak oil, etc. I'd reply with pointed questions about the articles, meant to get him to do some question-asking of his own. He just ignored them.

At Thanksgiving last year, my 20-something niece was in the background chortling and guffawing while my mother and I were having a conversation about politics, letting us know how ignorant she thought we were. When I asked some probing questions about her beliefs, she said, "I don't want to answer those questions."

She's a graduate of William & Mary. 'nuff said.

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Yeah - it won't work on everyone. But it might work with some of the folks in the middle.

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It's so strange that they "won't answer those questions" (they never do, generally resorting to emotional outbursts or outright hostility), but don't consider the questions once the questioner has left the room. I remember an argument I had as a teen where I "fled", only to see I was wrong an hour later. Sure it was tough on my ego, but better in the long run to learn that I might want to listen more and not let my emotional knee jerk reaction rule the day. Im starting to wonder if quite a few are truly incapable of a reverse course not just out of ego, but of genetics?

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That’s how we learned in law school. Professors rarely lectured; just asked questions.

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I think it could be helpful when the EUA for the vax for under 12s shows up this fall. I think it's helpful to realize the neglible risk healthy kids face from the disease and the unknown and largely uncharacterized risks from the injection.

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I think it’s the risk of serious disease is less then negligible as an absolute metric, and also in comparison to not fully vetted risks of vaccine. Plus the infection of u12 who will get mild of moderate, not life threatening virus will confer them immunity.

Some Socratic questions:

1. what are the statistical risks (data) posed by all known variants to u12’s - of mild symptoms, moderate symptoms, severe symptoms death?

2. what are the statistical risks/adverse events (data) associated with vaccines for u12’s boys - mild, moderate, severe, permanent, death? Same questions for U-12 girls?

3. Do the vaccines prevent infections in U-12’s? If not, what is their efficacy in u-12’s? Do they prevent moderate or severe disease or death and if so what is the efficacy for each strata of degree of disease?

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I'd love to see examples, or even a "how to". lazy, I know. 😀

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Haven't tried it much. But questions like "What is the IFR of COVID in healthy children" shut up the Karens on my neighborhood social media pages. Perhaps "Why would you vaccinate a child for COVID? What problem are you trying to solve?". Malone has a lot of examples on his Twitter page. "Is the vaccine designed for current variants?" "How long will the vaccine protect you?". A lot of people don't think for themselves.

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If you're vaccinated, why are you worried if someone else is not?

Why are they pushing the vax so hard if it's so good?

Why do people have to wear a mask if they're vaccinated?

And ask for more detail/explanation when they answer. Leave out the YOU, ME and I. Keep it impersonal.

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How did supermarket workers not all die en masse before the vaccines came out? They were never locked down - even in the countries with the highest case numbers.

How did the scientists know that the virus was "novel" to humans back in January last year? Did they have a time machine that enabled them to test everybody before that date?

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And why are the people who have been out in the world from the beginning the least afraid of COVID?

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If they believe hard enough, they’ll be on the right side in the end. It’s those other troglodytes that are keeping them from utopia.

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People enjoy feeling superior. They won’t let go of it so easily.

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A few weeks ago NYT opinion columnist Charles Blow wrote a piece about how evil Fl Gov Desantis is b/c of his handling of coronavirus. Just what you'd expect- a lot of bloviating and name-calling but not a single statistic.

What surprised me though (really, it shouldn't have) was the reaction of NYT readers in the comments. They didn't just pile on, they doubled down, usually by adding even worse insults (as you might imagine, "Nazi" was thrown around a lot).

A couple of commenters quoted statistics that were so much worse for NY state, NJ, CT, etc. It didn't slow the lynch mob down a half-step. They kept up the barrage of outrage against DeSantis.

They're a cult. They delude themselves into thinking they make their judgments based on science. But their version of science is whatever the government and State Media says it is.

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Wow, despicable! It is a cult. I call them Branch Covidians.

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love it

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The Feds will do everything they can to bring Desantis down (and TX too in the process...) Biden in his infinite wisdom limiting monoclonal treatments to those "*sshole" states... https://dailyfloridapress.com/biden-administration-took-control-over-distribution-of-monoclonal-antibodies-will-this-impact-fl/

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Unfortunately, I doubt - it will be met with more propaganda. But, it's becoming clear from the data that there is probably leaky vaccine nightmare coming.

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The nightmare is antibody dependent enhancement. Leaky will seem like a walk in the park if that occurs.

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It's about control and "the end justifies the means" ideology with this administration. Data,what Data??

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If you want to understand this then go all the way back to rats and fleas being blamed for the Black Death.

Why did these rats and fleas cause mayhem and misery for a few decades in the 14th century but for every other period in history they just sat back twiddling their thumbs?

Were there no rats and fleas in the 13th century? The 15th century?

The explanation is obviously nonsense. What happened was that people panicked about a contagious disease. They couldn't get that idea out of their head just like they couldn't get the idea that doctors would save them out of their heads. So they ignored all the evidence mounting up in front of their eyes that it was the deranged medical treatments that was killing people and instead, every time they saw someone die from a medical treatment, they said that that was merely proof that everybody needed more medical treatments and they needed more people to get them.

Drinking arsenic, eating glass, being whipped, hiding in sewers, locking people in their homes and burning or starving them - this is what caused tens of millions of people to die. Rats and fleas had precisely nothing to do with it - nor any other kind of contagious disease (apart from the contagious effects of hysteria).

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and now, y pestes is alive and well on the streets of LA... seriously, the plague. and we're doing the same thing!

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Again the Vaccine trials are built like an Apple iPhone so that every 3 months you need a new one . What i dont understand about Fauci , how a person who has never seen a patient in any type of setting knows all the answers so he thinks most of them are wrong . But he is never challenged debated or questioned for more than 30 years . This is made for television movie . Why is no public figure sticking up for the American people . Look how Joe Barely Alive Biden , called the girl who has questions and for you to asks questions and not to just let them force you into injecting something that nobody truly knows what is going to happen tomorrow . You can not just think about the moment as i want to live forever . If i was in charge if Fauci , and wanted to keep his job he would be made to produce the source of this virus bio weapon and all . Not to roam free like he does and continue to destroy lives like he has for more than 30 years .

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Why are we surprised that some guy who is almost 80 years old isn't all that great at his job?

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Because like i have said i have been around Covid-19 Patients long before he has as most like him dont work with these types of Patients . And Most Hospitals dont have these types of Doctors to care properly for Covid patients . Fauci , is a fraud he has zero clue about respiratory . If he did he would not be doing the things or say half the things he does . He is out of his league and he should of been stopped months ago with this Covid and years a go with AIDS .

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He has had 40 years of perfecting bureaucratic abuse to utterly decimate society…

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Wisdom does come with age, but Fauci getting wiser had a really low bar.

He's in love with money. That's his thing.

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And corruption. He is compromised but nobody will say a peep. Why?

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Hey, the Guardian just named him "sexiest man alive"

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W.H.O . did the randomized trials for that decision . Why has he not had the FDA or CDC provide the American people with one randomized trials for each of these mandates like face masks , social distancing , locked downs and these Vaccine trials . Between both groups FDA and CDC they have well over 20,000 employees . The American need credible data from Fauci and Collins , no more pipe dreams they have had 2 years and neither one of them have Patient zero as of yet and they stay on the job telling us how to live each day . Fauci and Collins , need to answer how many have had an heart attack or stroke from them wearing a face masks .

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WHO, CDC and most public health officials (and the media) around the world believed the laughably false data the CCP/China provided on the totalitarian mitigation efforts in Wuhan. It’s still infecting people in Wuhan and China at large. Anyway, the Western world started out with the false premise - If only we could be totalitarians like China we’ll eradicate the virus. Foolish and dumb! Then when it clearly didn’t work, Western leaders doubled down, plus they had learned to love being authoritarians. Thinking about and acting on collateral damage (heart attacks, suicides, OD’s) requires deep thinking and diverts from being authoritarians. Pathetic and disgusting

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Happy Yom Kippur from all of your Gentile fans!

It pisses me off that since Alex has been silenced and other true journalists have been downgraded, all of these prior inconsistent Fauci statements and proclamations have been or will be sent down the memory hole. The main stream media not ask him about these statements (or his interview in 2019 about masks (useless) and virus protection(common sense)) much less confront him. F**K FAUCI but also F**K THE PRESS as Fauci would have already been wished out into the cornfield if we still have a free press. Instead we have propagandist. The press is the enemy of the people.

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Fau-Xi belongs is prison.

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Nice one. I'm stealing that.

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Fau-Xi. I like that. That's how I spell his name from now on.

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CORRECTION: Alex has not been slienced.

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Sorry, I think I meant "FACT CHECK". (d'oh)

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What is the predominant mode of communication for news in the world today? How do journalists (real and their counterpart, propagandists) get their news stories the most coverage? And I don't want to hear about Twitter and other social media companies being private companies because when you collude with the government to censor speech, you're not a private company.

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Alex have u seen this latest study https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.31.21261387v4.full-text

“Combined with other studies 2–5, these data indicate that vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals infected with the Delta variant might transmit infection. Importantly, we show that infectious SARS-CoV-2 is frequently found even in vaccinated persons” this study found almost zero difference in transmissibility between vax and unvaxed

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Doesn't this undermine the arguments that a vax mandate would create public health benefits?

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That's a pretty important study. It's beginning to change my mind about whether a high viral load implies infectious transmission. That study leans on a Finnish study that also arouses concern "Eurosurveillance - An outbreak caused by the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant" https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.30.2100636. The Finnish study is not a preprint. Things are lining up to suggest that the vaccine isn't worthless given so few breakthrough cases but that if a vaccinated person feels ill they need to be quickly treated. Worse, for a period, they might be carriers. It appears the only real boost to the immune system is the infection. If the vaccine is simply another therapeutic we need better therapeutics.

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Spoiler alert.

There is no such thing as contagious disease.

If there was, visiting - let alone being - a doctor would be suicide.

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Most the people who supposedly got ebola didn't have hemorrhaging disease. This is pretty bizarre really given that hemorrhaging is supposed to be the defining characteristic.

It's like the Black Death. We imagine that everybody who died must have had the black sores. But there is no way of knowing if the vast majority did. Or even a plurality. Or even a significant percentage of them. Doctors diagnosed everybody who died or got sick - regardless of symptoms - as having the plague. So the record books seem to show that tens of millions of people died with the exact same symptoms.

And that, is why people think diseases are contagious and epidemics exist. Well epidemics do exist, but they are invariably caused by iatrogenesis.

That's not to say diseases cannot cluster. They most assuredly can. If two people just return from a traumatic episode (eg war) there is a high chance they will have illness (possibly the same symptoms even). Similarly, if two people drink from the same poisoned well, they can get sick - with the same symptoms even.

So disease can be shared, but not spread.

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Could this mean the the jabs NEVER WORKED. UK and Israel might think so. US is beginning the see it... (Sorry for the lugubrious thought).

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Correct. The only thing we have ever seen is a manifestation of the uselessness of epidemiological data. Falling cases are about two things - less testing and more strict interpretation of said tests. Rising cases are the opposite - as people get sicker/more scared then tests rise and so too do covid "cases", as covid "cases" rise, pathologists interpret the tests less strictly and so more positives ("cases").

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During the last major chicken virus (remember when you couldn't find eggs a few years ago) they tried vaccinating into the outbreak with a "leaky" vaccine (google it) which mRNA vaccines are. They found that it made it worse; waves of variants, at least one actually worse than the original pathogen, viral whack-a-mole. This is established science. Maybe instead of mocking Okies eating horse pills, Fauci could have called a vet.

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Geert Vanden Bossche has been all over this issue.

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Marek's disease.

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He's a vaccine salesman because the CDC are vaccine pushers.

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He’s been on that bandwagon for decades.

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As a fellow Jew, you have to wonder where God is on this one?…

I’m still believing that this is about something more insidious and nefarious.

It’s not coincidence that these vaccines are failing, and in the end, I really believe this Spew Green Zeal (for population control) is a covert player.

If it really is truly some poorly mismanaged virus, we haven’t gotten control of it now? And more “vaccinated” are getting sick to need hospitalization?

And the more aggressive efforts by fed and state governments to minimize access to monoclonal antibodies and ivermectin, what’s that about?

Keep underestimating evil, they count on your poor judgment.

Good Yun Tiv to you, Alex, and pray hard, more so for your family.

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Good Yom Tov, sorry for my sloppy dictation and editing before forwarding the comment…

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Gmar chasima tova!

As to where's God, the unfortunate reality is free will is a bitch. Hashem is merciful, but as we see from the liturgy of Yom Kippur, to gain true כפרה, man needs to take that first step. If you're genuinely curious about how this sort of thing works, I can't recommend Aryeh Kaplan's translation of דרך השם (Derech HaShem) enough. You should be able to find it on Amazon

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I sent Alex an e-mail with this info in it but I think I'll post it here just incase he gets flooded with emails or is too bust to check them. Just so people can see it.

Page 23 of the FDA briefing doc on boosters

23? "Among these 312 participants, 6 received a prototype vaccine based upon the B.1.351 (Beta)

variant that originated in South Africa (BNT162b2SA) in error (this vaccine was being

administered to a second randomized group)."

How does that happen by error? Seriously they already have a tiny number of people in the trial. And consider how important these are. These are not normal trials they have the attention of the entire world. Do they not double then triple check things beforehand!?

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Safety and honesty has long seemed to not be a priority of Pfizer's, especially in this sales campaign.

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Sure seems like a small study with errors. In any event, for a valid epidemiological study, any research findings would need to replicated or reproduced in another trial

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Despite the media hype, I believe the schools are calming down and treating positives as a... cold. No shutting down anymore. My oldest goes to an uber liberal HS in Annapolis. Every other day, I get an email someone on campus has tested positive. They have them stay home, but no one else is effected. My youngest goes to a Catholic HS (we cover all political bases, what can I say)... and the Archdiocese just today sent a letter saying no one is getting sent home because they were near someone who tested positive. At the end of August, they sent out a threatening letter saying there was no possibility of remote learning and anyone unvaccinated would be automatically quarantined if they had had any contact with a positive test person. Direct threat to vaccinate, no other way to interpret it, since a vaccinated kid would be allowed to remain in school. Big change in policy today. Thank goodness.

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We all need to keep pushing to get back to normal. I'm working on getting the stupid "wear a mask" signs out of our neighborhood playground.

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so cruel to make children wear masks outside.

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No one is really wearing them - it's more the principle. I am pushing back as much as I can where I can.

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I'm seeing it here in the Hamptons. Not amongst the elite but among the Karens with children. awful. Masks on the beach.

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The sick part is that they force little kids to wear masks because "they can't get vaccinated yet".

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torture them and then force autoimmune diseases into their futures

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The common denominator for places "having" high number of "cases" (same as crime, bankruptcy, financial and moral) is DEMOCRATS. Living in a Red-State, i witnessed more sensibly intelligent measures and actions. Not the demonic thirst to have the populous OBEY THE MASTER BLINDLY. As result, we are generally functioning; not having government telling us what, when or how we do things.

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Great call from"Paul" on the Clay Travis Buck Sexton show today. https://www.clayandbuck.com/videos/audio-clips/epidemiologist-calls-c-b-with-whirlwind-of-information/

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WOW!!!!! I have tears in my eyes from listening to that! CLEAR TRUTH!! I'm sharing it with everyone that will listen!!!

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Wow is right! Thank you FreedomSeeker for sharing that audio from the show. A whirlwind of great info, explained simply and clearly.

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Great Barrington does, in fact work!

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Happy Yom Kippur Alex! I really appreciate your efforts and the flak you're willing to take to inform us poor sinners. Shalom! (If I can say that here. Always learning.

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When does Fauci find time to any actual science when he's on TV 24x7?

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I’m pretty much exhausted by all of this nonsense but I’m waiting the the fun that ensues when the vaccine companies turn on each other. Only so many billions to go around. That will pretty much destroy what minuscule credibility any of them still have.

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Pfizer already used politics on J&J.

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If you vaccinate with a "leaky" vaccine (one that still allows infection but lessons symptoms) then the virus is MORE able to spread. Not only does the virus not have to worry about killing the host as quickly but the host is far less likely to know they are infected. So the vaccinated host spreads the virus far faster and allows for a virus to mutate to become more deadly as well as more contagious.

The policy of only testing the unvaccinated worsens this phenomenon because the unvaccinated, infected are more likely to be symptomatic so they know to quarantine. The vaccinated don't get mandatory tests in most schools and workplaces so they have less ability to know they are infected and they will still go to crowded places where the virus can spread.

Now the kicker. The vaccines aren't just leaky, allowing for infection but preventing severe disease. The vaccines are temporary. So we are creating a world that allows the virus to mutate to become MORE deadly, more contagious and in a few months, even the vaccinated will have no protection. It almost seems like somebody is trying to kill us.

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Who's trying to kill us may be answered by watching this video, or at least keep us mindful of who are enemies are.

Video link below investigates the 20th century's first "existential threat" - - - Overpopulation. This is more than just Bill Gates and friends... its Rockefellers, Turner, Sanger, Bloomburg, UN, etc.

Per the video, each elaborate pandemic "exercise" took place just weeks before these US catastrophes.... Sept 11/2001, Hurricane Katrina 2005, Covid 2019.

Question: How does the innovation of "more effective" vaccines contribute to the goal of de-populating the Earth??

I knew some of this already, but it's much more plausible to me now.


1st hour is the meat, 2nd hour is call-in.

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