Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022Pinned

Because people over 75 don't matter?

It's poison, not medicine. It's clearly toxic and no one needs nor benefits from it.

Let's stop pretending otherwise.

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Not a single "journalist" has written about Moderna's sponsorship of the US Open. They announced it right after banning Djokovic from playing, even though he played in 2020 and 2021. Billie Jean King sold her soul to them: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/update-on-novak-djokovic

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I’m suing my former employer for firing me for refusing the vaxx. It’s insane and disgusting how this has played out, lives, livelihoods, have been lost over this poisonous shot.

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I presume this is simply a timeline issue. The longer the problem can be denied, the more money will be earned. Tobacco industry obstruction and foot-dragging, Purdue/oxycontin obstruction/foot-dragging - this is the same dynamic, over and over. Probably applies to Ford Pinto, Union Carbide/Bhopal, Monsanto/glyphosate etc. Probably worthwhile to set up comparative timelines and sketch out tactical/legal history of these events to see which public interest tactics were most successful.

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I am 79 years old, which is considered to be the age when the vaccines would be most beneficial! Yikes! Not in my body, thank you very much. I have never succumbed to the pressure of ever getting the annual flu vaccine, and guess what? I’ve never had the flu! The flu vaccine nearly killed my mother several years ago, being sick for months after the jab, but her doctor kept insisting that at her age she should definitely protect herself. I told her that the most important thing is to build up your immune system…Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and she listened to me, and she refused all fly vaccines after that.

And that is what I focus on for me and my husband…build up your natural immunity!

Pumping foreign chemicals into your body never works, and the side effects are horrendous, as well as THOUSANDS OF DEATHS!!

I do my research and avoid listening to the fear mongering on MSM, trying to scare the hell out of you if you don’t listen to those idiots, Fauci and Bill Gates, and anyone connected to Bug Pharma.

But Big Pharma makes no money telling you to build up your own immunity. They only make money selling drugs and vaccines! PERIOD!

This is not “health care”.

It’s “ disease management”!

And they are powerful enough to silence anyone who disagrees with their narrative, calling it misinformation.

They have taken licenses away from doctors who recommended natural remedies, or Ivermectin, when in fact, it is one of the best medicines to fight Covid.






But sadly, you can’t fix stupid!

And now, guess what? The non vaccinated were right!!!

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You clearly stated in your Unreported Truths book on vaccines that older people don't produce a good immune response to vaccination... I seem to remember a duration of weeks until there was little to no antibodies detected. Why do you keep saying that the vaccines could be effective for those 75+? You're going against your own writing that you seem to have forgotten

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I am in a city of 50,000, so the deaths are easy to track, the sudden deaths are off the charts, I thought they woud not be able to hide the bodies, but it seems to be full steam ahead!

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Alex did you see Naomi Wolfs reporting. CCP owns the Pfizer plants in North America that makes the vaccine for America. She did a Wolf Bannon interview on this. I've always thought that's like drinking the soup made by your enemy. It's a fact not exploited enough.

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On your point of suspending the shots to everyone, except those over 75…I’m over 75, and (from the onset) concluded that I would not put that untested, unproven ‘shit’ in my body! Extremely happy to be in the unvaccinated Control Group.

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Just got this notice from the state coordinator for the job I VOLUNTEER for: All volunteers who wish to attend training in person or work in person or at a site MUST BE VACCINATED. The reason? Because it's a federally funded government program. I'm the only one at our site whose not jabbed. I'm also the youngest and arguably the most "ablest" person to do the job. It's possible the program won't happen this year without me and that will result in 500 people not getting their income taxes done for free. Unreal.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Naomi Wolf has been reporting on the damage to fertility, pregnant women, and to the unborn children. This is a nightmare.

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Joe Thanos Biden.

It is that simple.

Chinese Terrorism Gone Viral.

It is that brutal.

Evil thrives when cowardice is prevalent.

It is that pathetic.

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Re: your final point: CCP needs its army to be at full strength for whatever they are planning. Meanwhile, the Biden admin is deliberately weakening our military.

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By the way, have you ever looked into how the counties reclassified deaths that would normally be from cancer, lung cancer, etc. as Covid-19. Prior to Covid, infectious diseases would never be the first cause of death if a person had a co-morbidity because most people that are healthy survive infectious diseases. So it overstated Covid-19 deaths. But, the flu is still secondary to co-morbities. So if you have the flu and cancer, you are still a cancer death. Just another way for authorities to overcount Covid-19 deaths and scare the population into accepting the vaccines.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Alex - when will you make the connection that these shots are modern day eugenics and depopulation plans. It’s obvious now, more than ever, and it’s becoming undeniable as the evidence piles up. It has the fingerprints of all the same players as those who believe overpopulation is a threat to our species and believe in “supreme genetics”.

We desperately need people like you to sound the alarms.

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Alex, we are at a point where I believe we should push for charges against Pfizer and Moderna. I know, I know.... they were given immunity. Blah, blah. As I understand, in contract law, you can put verbiage in a contract that excludes you from charges for use of a product. But as I understand it, no one can ever be exempt from Gross Negligence. I'm not a lawyer, but if this isn't GROSS NEGLIGENCE by these companies (ignoring significant data sets and giving us test results only in the prime of the period for highest antibody production), then what the hell is.

And I'm sorry, how can the risk - reward benefit be good for any single category of folks. Even those with extreme comorbidities, when we know that they are MORE likely to get the RONA after being jabbed? Doesn't that seem like they're actually being led down a path to having a greater chance of infection? And aren't the still the ones most likely to have major issues? So now they're still the most likely to have complications and they're MORE likely to catch the Rona.

I don't know, but if that ain't working on the population control and reducing end of life care, I'm not sure what is. Sorry to go full blown conspiracy on you, but what else would one assume with the push to use dangerous drugs on folks and the lack of investigation in the country who created the damn thing AND that country isn't giving the drug to their folks (I realize that China could care less if they lose a few million folks - I get it), but that doesn't mean the above thought process is necessarily invalid.

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Disagree about letting slide the dangerous recommendation for over 75 year olds to take this poison. Their lives matter.

And any moderate decrease in covid 19 deaths in 2021 was due to early treatment as opposed to 2020 when the "experts" wanted people to die by telling them to quarantine if they had cold/flu symptoms.

The branch covidians don't deserve an olive branch.

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You should read carefully the adverse event data in Pfizer's and Moderna's original randomized trials.

Taken together they do show excess amount of grade 3, grade 4 and severe adverse events.

Claimed unrelated to vaccine, but the randomized trials themselves are proof of opposite.

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A complete scam in referring to people as unvaxxed up until two weeks after the second dose.

And the CDC silently deleting the part about the vax spikes not lasting long in the body should have covidians a lot more worried than seeing someone without a mask on.

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Never mind single mRNA shots, so many doctors discovered so many alternative drug treatments that worked as effectively or better than the vaunted vaccines. I've no problem with developing a vaccine, I've no problem with those who choose to take the vaccine. But Let Freedom Reign on this.

My body, my choice should be each individual's right. Do Not Comply simply because some busybody says so.

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Why haven't the Chinese used mRNA is because they knew there were side-effects of the vaccines. Just as they knew about the airborne spread of Covid back in December 2019. Here's a question. Why didn't the CCP allow anyone from Wuhan to travel to Beijing or Shanghai, but yet let 850,000 people from Wuhan get on planes going to Europe, the U.S., Canada and other parts of the world? Because they knew it would spread across the world quickly and cripple the economy of every country that was doing well as the Chinese economy had been going down. It's called levelling the playing field and they succeeded! Then they began producing PPE's for everyone which got their economy going. Everyone should read The Art of War by Sun Tzu, which is the CCP playbook.

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Consider the standard by which the original EUA’s were issued was a reduction in symptomatic disease by 50% where symptomatic disease was a positive PCR test and at least one non-specific symptom like fever. The Pfizer trial started in late July and ended by year end. No one was jabbed for as long as six months therefore. By mid-July 2021 Israel knew vaccine effectiveness waned and was below 50% within six months. Had the Pfizer trial continued long enough for everyone to be jabbed at least six months, the concoction would not have been approved by the stated standard. Yet here we are.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Hey, just saw that the NIH added (not sure when) ivermectin to its list of treatment guidelines. How did that happen?


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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Did you see the leaked video out of Israel? Governments all over the world are not going to acknowledge that they mandated shots that kill people, especially the young. I'm just hoping they don't want to distract so badly that they are willing to escalate the war in Ukraine on a much larger scale. https://rtmag.co.il/english/breaking-the-israeli-ministry-of-health-has-been-warned-it-might-open-itself-to-lawsuits-for-encouraging-the-public-to-get-vaccinated-while-claiming-that-the-covid-19-vaccine-is-safe,-and-that-side-effects-are-mild-and-transient

It was on GB News as well, but I don't have the link handy.

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Occam's razor

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Disclaimer: Am Over 75

Please leave us out of the target jabbeds!

We are the very lucky generation, at least in the Anglosphere.

Born at the end of the last WW, when everyone wanted things to be good.

Brought up (in the UK, at least) with free schooling, including University if appropriate, free healthcare, and an ambience of optimism.

I'm still fit. I've driven over the high parts of the Andes.

My brothers (still in the UK) ride bikes regularly, one plays tennis, the other badminton.

If any of us became infirm. our families will be the first to call for help.

Where I live, that still applies.

Please, Alex, no more "Oldies Need Jab".

And the others, well, some of these comorbidities are treatable from a lifestyle angle. If that happened on a reasonable scale (say 50-75%) the there'd be plenty of slack in whichever nation's healthcare (¡!) for the rest.

T H A N K S !

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The risk from the shot is greater than the risk of covid in my estimation and experience.

At 74 I am unvaccinated, followed the FLCCC guidelines to strengthen my immune system, got covid from my virtuously vaccinated husband who was sick (headache, painful sore throat, fever, aches, pains, plus dizzy, foggy brained and exhausted) and two days after I tested positive, I felt fatigued so I spent time on the couch.

This made all the relatives and friends who were certain I would die quite furious. The same people who badgered and bullied and treated me like a second class citizen, and a dreadful irresponsible person - akin to a drunk driver who should not be allowed out of her house and should lose ALL FREEDOM until I obeyed and took the shot according to that horrible LEANA WEN of CNN.

Alex please have another go at her. She needs to be cancelled for all the pain and misery she caused the unvaccinated before simply changing her tune - a full 180 degrees - in February because the wind began to blow in another direction. Now she is whining people are being mean to her. How dare she appear in public ever again and how dare anyone put her in a position of power or give her a platform to spew her venom ever again. The nerve of this person. She came from communist China where people are routinely locked in their houses until they obey their tyrannical government!

I am also SO SICK of all the 4 shot folks who catch covid and then insist they would have been SO MUCH SICKER without all the jabs. How exactly do they know this? Do these people all have a twin somewhere who is unvaccinated and nearly died - or actually died of covid?

Rant finale: a fellow at church took one jab last year and promptly bled out and somehow also had a stroke, spent almost 4 months in the hospital and his health is ruined forever. Because he would not take any more shots he was also branded an anti vaxxer.

So I say NO SHOTS. NOT SAFE AND NOT EFFECTIVE. No more money for Michelle Wolensky to rearrange the furniture at the CDC and then do even worse things to the American public when they release their next horror on us. I used to be circumspect about making comments like this and gave authorities the benefit of the doubt. No more. Meghan Kelly has put out a wonderful fact filled rant about all the lies and horrors Fauci has heaped upon us - if anyone wants the link I'd be glad to share it.

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I am a woman over 70 now with aggressive cancer according to my oncologists. I have had 3 surgeries over the years, no chemo, radiation, or hormone treatment. I have managed to survive my 2nd cancer coming on 5 years in Nov. The last thing I want to happen to my body is for the immune system to get any more compromised. I would never take a jab that has no chance of protecting me from virus and yet could end my life or leave me more immune compromised. How utterly stupid. The control group are those of us refusing vaccine. To the best of my knowledge, I have never had virus. However early in 2020, after doctor appointment, I sure did get very sick. It was within days of being in hospital setting to see cancer doctor. I had all the virus symptoms, but easily could have been flu. Anyway, recovered just fine. I find it impossible at this point that everybody has not been exposed to virus countless times. I know I have been. I know other unvaccinated that have been exposed many times. We did not get sick. Why not? Every person I know that has been vaccinated has had virus. Why? Geert would say it depends on the exposure. So repeated exposure with minimal viral load will slowly train the immune system.

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Reporters are more prone these days to respond to their paychecks, and pats on the back, because they fear the conspiracy label from their associates, than they are to respond to facts.

Almost every facet of commerce, including the media, are ultimately owned or controlled by Davos attendees, such as Mr. Larry Fink of Blackrock.

At the bottom of the food chain are the reporters. They write the 'right' thing, and they can continue to buy their food and receive their "atta boys." At the top, it's a war against the world and they are winning hands down.

If anyone is unsure about their winning, the CDC reported that 618 people died Wednesday of a cold called covid, and over a million have died from the same cold. No one dies from a cold!

We have a million casualties in the US. In WWII the US suffered 400,000 deaths if anyone needs a comparison. Yet we blithely still accept 600 deaths on a typical day and on and on.

Had Anthony Fauci blown up a skyscraper in NYC and killed 600 people, the US would have declared war on him and NIH. Yet he does this every day. This does not include however many of the vexxed he has murdered plus the still births and the vexxing-induced abortions. There is every reason to believe that premature death rates will accelerate as the clotshots continue to do their damage.

If that were not enough, the same Davos attendees are screwing with the food supply by making it too expensive or simply unavailable.

If this is not war, then it is a holocaust.

So, yes, they are winning.

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I don't know if Twain actually said this, but this quote comes to mind: "IT IS EASIER TO CON A MAN THAN TO CONVINCE HIM HE HAS BEEN CONNED."

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Alex I follow the Zelenko Protocols. We started with getting HCQ from America’s Front Line Doctors. Have taken this protocol since January of 2020. Never took the shots. Only wore a mask on rare occasions. Have no underlying comorbidities. I am 77 . My wife is 70. The CDC, et al are full of crap. Knock on wood, never a sniffle. Had several friends die in hospitals who were fully vaxed!

More will die in the next couple of years from this poison.

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Thank you Alex for this dialogue opportunity. I'm struggling on SS and sub to several Substack writers. They don't all allow the 'Unable to Pay' group to participate.

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I’m a minority in this country: black. And because I love humanity, I just can’t believe people aren’t jumping up and down about the possibility of the European race population - the world over- becoming smaller because of these injections. My homeland, Africa (with a billion+ population), for the most part are not mRNA injected, neither is billion+ populated China, Cuba, and so forth. No LIFE on earth should be harmed. So Come on, my white fellow human beings, Go out and shout from the rooftops to your race to stop taking the toxic possibly linked to low birth rates and high death rates. The Government can’t claim that the mRNA has nothing do with this unless it’s investigated. They should stop giving them until a definite conclusion is reached. **Ending my rant~ for love of humanity💕

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Keep the faith Alex! We don't know what we don't know but I know what happened to an 88 yr old family member with Parkinson's disease. She lived alone and except for transportation, took total care of her home and her self and often babysat (weeks at a time; she loved children). She got vaccinated and within weeks was in the nursing home... got Covid/ recovered somewhat/ boosted and died shortly thereafter. I also (against all that I had read and against my gut instinct got the jab as well. For 11 months I could not find a dr that was not dismissive or would help yet I was unable to work which I do from home. I found a top notch neurologist and a hematologist and a cardiologist. Proven fact: Reaction to the Vax!!! and no I didn't have any co morbidity health issues prior to getting it .

It takes great courage to stand up and fight for the truth Alex. It makes you a target... I know that. So thank you. What you are doing matters!!! (P.S. haven't started my newsletter yet!)

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My guess, you won't get a response. I read an interesting three-part series by a fellow named John Michael Greer. It doesn't say anything I didn't know already, but he articulates it in a way that I never could. Greer touches on Covid, among other subjects to explain where the western world is at in this moment. I apply his reasoning to your situation thusly. The mRNA vaccines could not have caused the harms you claim because the smart guys never saw any harms in the studies they did, or so they claim. Further, they must be effective for the same reason, that is what their studies said. Lockdowns and masking are effective because the models say they are.

The studies that the smart guys performed and their models are reliable, because the smart guys developed them and ran them. The smart guys spent years at institutions of higher learning studying and thinking about stuff. You didn't. The smart guys are published in and read all the right journals. You aren't and don't. The smart guys have been declared "experts" in the topic by people in charge of declaring experts. You haven't been.

The smart guys are right about all these things because they are the smart guys and have been appointed as such. Any apparent deviation from their conclusions by "so-called" facts just means that (a) said facts are erroneous, or (b) you don't comprehend said facts.

Just sit back, relax and listen to the smart guys. Because even though they've never actually done anything like an actual experiment or observed real world phenomena, they have read lots of each other's books, thought really hard about these things and built lots of models based on their reading and really hard thinking.

By the way, those brownouts, never mind them. That green energy should be kicking in any moment. The smart guys know this because they've thought about that a lot too.

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Conversely, in regard to “Why hasn’t the largest country in the world,……..offered a single mRNA dose to its citizens?” Why is the Biden Administration so aggressively and irrationally forcing experimental mRNA on all of America’s citizens? It’s increasingly more difficult for us to not see sinister intentions.

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Alex, your last sentence questioning what almost everyone is forgetting would be great if it were the #1 wonder of the world. Why haven't they rolled out the mrna to their 1 billion + population with a safe and effective. Really curious.

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I saw that you were looking to recruit people to look over data and otherwise investigate linkages.

I would like to get involved, my publications are at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2487-0636. I am a PhD student in the Physics of Living systems laboratory, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Let me know if I can be of service.


Thank you for your work,


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Pfizer will not release any human data on their bivalent booster. Very worrisome.

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They r trying to convince people only the mRNA ones are bad.

This site is key https://learntherisk.org/pharma/

The current Rotavirus, Rotarix vaccine killed 68 babies in the trial, and it was approved and still used today “Rotavirus package insert” then do ctrl F “death”. https://www.fda.gov/media/75726/download

Vioxx killed 5 in the trial, it was approved and then taken off the market for oh for killing people Search "Vioxx package insert" then do crtl F "death"

"Coumadin package insert" then do crtl F "death"

Tip: Read every package insert for every drug and every vaccine and decide if worth the risk and if they proved it works

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Can you really make the statement "the mRNAs caused a moderate decrease in Covid mortality in 2021" when there is no control group to compare the un-vaxxed mortality vs vaxxed mortality??

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Mr Berenson deserves much credit for keeping the mRNA catastrophe in the news. It has always been an experimental vaccine with limited time/testing. No one should be subjected to vaccination unless totally voluntary and after understanding the litany of potential complications.

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"everything since July 2021 has gone the wrong way."

I think the downhill slide goes back further than that. There were plenty of warning signs by April 2021, and people like Robert Malone and Robert Kennedy Jr. were raising red flags before that.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

Forget the simple fact that the injections are highly unstable and we have no idea how many were completely useless in the field since we never tested on a regular basis.

"Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine candidate is stored at minus 70 degrees Celsius because of the mRNA vaccine’s inherent instability – the very cold temperature slows down the chemical reactions that break apart RNA. Though both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain synthetic genetic material, they do not genetically modify humans receiving them."

"Likening the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines’ storage temperatures to “freezing food to keep it from spoiling,” Margaret Liu, a board member of the International Society for Vaccines who specializes in genetic vaccines, told NPR that lower temperatures slow down the pace of chemical reactions, like the enzymes that break down RNA (here). Since the manufacturers do not disclose their specific formulations, it is not yet clear why Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines require different storage temperatures. "


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Let me channel my inner Pierre Kory:

Why are you so reluctant to believe what is increasingly obvious? But this time it is Ivermectin.

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IMPORTANT: my daughter is a nursing student and the hospital required that she get the booster in order to do her clinicals. The pharmacy we went to last week gave her a vaccine that was expired in December 2021. Pfizer claimed that they can extend the expiration date to November 2022. In addition this particular vile had been taken out of the deep freezer 21 days ago. The pharmacist said that was OK. But initially when these vaccines launched you had to use the vaccine five days after taking it out of the deep freeze. That was then extended to 30 days, and now it’s 10 weeks! mRNA is very unstable. I don’t think these vaccines work partly because the mRNA fell apart in the vile. Thoughts???

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Scrolling down and reading these comments about how we feel about those over 75 yrs old, umm, the complete lack of reaction to nursing homes decimated says the predominant feelings were “expendable inconsequential and disposable”

No outrage and flagrant protesting, yeah, that silence deafened society into abject servitude!

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What do the Chinese know that we don’t.

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China doesn't need mRNA as it already has a trained population.

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