After being in denial for weeks,the administration at the hospital where I work finally sent a weekly staff email reporting the percentage of hospitalized patients with Covid who were fully vaccinated ( >30%). The ‘epidemic of the unvaccinated’ narrative is breaking down…

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the stats are cooked in two main ways: a) people with one shot OR two shots but less than 14 days after shot 2 are 'unvaccinated', which is a lie. b) the cdc has entirely different testing guidelines for vaxxed and unvaxxed. Vaccinated people are only tested if they seem to be symptomatic and having actual covid issues, whereas unvaccinated people are (likely) tested no matter what, regardless of any symptoms. This will automatically find more 'cases' in the unvaxxed. Thus, US data on vax efficacy is garbage.

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Yeah it looks like this "unvaccinated' b.s. is just to continually push the nonstop propaganda that the unvaxxeded are the ones getting sick and essentially killing everyone the world over.

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What is commonly overlooked (or misunderstood) is vaccines aren't a cure, simply an artificial activation of the immune system. This is a pandemic of people with weakened I'm unemployed systems, increasingly common in modern hedonistic cultures. The vax gives everyone a boost, but much weaker response in people with weakened immune health. Those co morbidities affect vax response just as much as real virus.

A competent medical bureaucracy and honest government would be advising everyone that people with healthy immune systems are mostly unaffected by this virus, and don't really need vaccination except as an insurance policy if they're unaware of their immune strength. But the medical industrial complex is interested in profitable pills and procedures. It's a sickness industry, not health. They prefer you to get sick. It's their business model.

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Well then. Let’s stop with the PCR tests and move to the serum immunity tests.

I found out today that two doctor friends of ours attended a wedding back east in the summer. The criteria for attending? (These are mostly doctors mind you), was a vax pass OR proof of immunity!

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Agreed . But it seems what constitutes someone being unvaccinated. Some "unvaccinated" stats include vaccinated people but over 14 days ago 🙄🤣

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And now that you are unvaccinated after X months it will become nearly impossible to distinguish vaccine injury from Covid from ADE from other viruses. Juking the stats, starting with the definitions, is a time-tested way to avoid accountability and raise ambiguity and consequent hysteria and strife among even the brightest people.

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That’s why I keep to my four C19 truths - they don’t require ‘data’ or ‘science’ to be valid - so I don’t flounder when it comes to the ‘doctoring’ of statistics (just realised how apposite ‘doctoring’ is in the current sentence - lol)

Everything rushed is never best

Everything new is never known

immunity from prosecution is admission of guilt

SARS and MERS vaccines were a fail

Longer explanations of them are here ->> https://adrob.substack.com/p/the-4-reasons

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SARS vax was a fail with way less adverse effects than this one. By the same standards, the mrna vaxes would have been called failures months ago. We need to decide whether it's more important to have zero risk vaccines, harming a tiny fraction of recipients, or to save millions who actually died from the vax being withheld for a year. It appears that decision has been made, at least partly. I'm guessing future pandemics will see vaccines rolled out even quicker.

We'll never have zero risk, in anything. But we know how to determine very low risk quickly.

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It isn't an all or nothing answer. The risk is possibly justified for older people and those with health issues but pretty obviously not for young healthy adults and children. I'm also not sure that you would have "saved millions who actually died from the vax being withheld for a year". I think it's unknown how many people would have been saved and for how long.

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A serious medical practitioner must wonder:

How many lives and livelihoods would have been saved had the medical “higher ups” been honest about using life-saving early treatment protocols like the ones being posted from the FLCCCdotnet?

Think of the hundreds of thousands who died perhaps needlessly and painfully because the “leadership” at the top was negligent, corrupt and lying?

And most definitely they were not (and still are not) “following the science”.

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Yes, but its also unknown how many were saved by not trying to climb Everest. But probably a lot. The vax clearly reduced serious illness. Sooner would have been better.

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If the FDA and CDC had been “following the science” then the jabs would have been stopped months ago due to deaths from the jabs and the hundreds of thousands world-wide who have been injured.

And ZERO liability from Big Pharma.

Nice scam if you will fall for it.

People ask me why I won’t submit to the jab.

There are scores of serious reasons not to. The biggest one is the fact that NO ONE is being held liable for deaths or injuries.

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People should be able to take whatever vaccines they want to. Just don't make them. If it's such a lifesaver, self-interest ought to be enough.

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We have to wonder why they seem so desperate. We could be generous and accept that they only want to stop the virus, and they believe the vax of the only way. They probably know better, if not initially, certainly by now. Next best guess is they're embarrassed that nothing is working so they look for scapegoats -- the unvaxed. Possibly it's good old corruption, shilling for the lobbyists who made them the best offers. Banning effective meds clearly says something nefarious is afoot. But the worst motive is they hope for political advantage. They won white house and senate purely on the virus panic, and they think they can do it again. I smell sedition.

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I like these specific truths. I have found that one broad truth illuminates the hubristic behaviour on brazen display throughout this crisis--which is no longer one of health but of morality: time and nature are implacable authorities and they always prevail.

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They're gamed the numbers and labels throughout. Gullible people will buy it again.


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Here's how this is playing out in Israel--a looming program of booster shots, etc., sounds less about health and more about obedience training.


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"there's nout dumber than 'clever' folk"

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And the moment the gov and workplaces demand a 3rd and 4th shot you are at that point unvax'd again.

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Exactly 🙄🤣 purposely confusing-- that is the way they roll. So disengage and let them kill the people that want to believe them.

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I'm can't wait to see vax subscriptions advertised along with an app to remind you. /s

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How can they both claim vaccines give herd immunity and is better than natural immunity (which is lifetime), and also that they don't work after 2 weeks? I guess just put it on the list with all the other DoubleThink they are selling.

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They don't claim this. The NY Times reported some weeks back that herd immunity is "off the table" according to the CDC. Yet still the myth persists that vaccines will get us there. Pfizer has said openly that the vaccines were never intended and cannot provide herd immunity.

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The NYT also supported Stalin with glowing news of his success while suppressing the Holodomor. It is paper of Marxist record. This is and never has been about the virus.

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They only said this because anyone with one eye can see these vaxs do NOT contribute to herd immunity. I'm old enough to remember Fauxi saying we needed 60-70% to get to herd immunity... "Dr. Anthony Fauci has long cited 60% to 70% as the level of COVID infection/vaccination the country would need to achieve herd immunity — for the disease to fade and life to return to normal, writes the New York Times' Donald G. McNeil Jr."

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Herd immunity has not been defined and accepted according to my research, which means any politically inclined actor can make it up as we go along.

This is a great read that lays bare lies told by the WHO and Fauxi. https://www.aier.org/article/who-deletes-naturally-acquired-immunity-from-its-website/

This is the CDC definition, which you will notice shows no measurable, verifiable numbers. They have, apparently, accepted the study linked in the article, which was IMO a start, but not definitive. If you can't measure it, it is always open to games. You will also notice that, while they include prior infection, they go against their own definition and down play natural immunity. Bunch of skunks.

"Community immunity: A situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely. Even individuals not vaccinated (such as newborns and those with chronic illnesses) are offered some protection because the disease has little opportunity to spread within the community. Also known as herd immunity."

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Yes 'they' do keep claiming it, over and over. On the TV.

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The media is the propaganda wing of the Dems & deep state. Thank God for the internet

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Herd immunity only applies to a specific pathogen. We're dealing now with "variants" which are mutations of the original virus ("victoria") which is pretty much gone. Most areas have herd immunity against the original version. Mutations naturally occur in all viruses, quicker in those with broad proliferation. It's a probabilistic function of replication. Widespread adoption of vaccines reduces survivability of the original virus, but not the mutations. They should probably call the current versions covid-21 -- they're different from -19.

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Now they are trying to propagandize us with the TRUE Delta variant. The other was just a “test run” kinda Delta variant?!:


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Yeah, this thing mutates fairly quick. They're going to run out of letters. Keep in mind the current vaccinescwere designed for the original version. Shouldn't be surprised it doesn't work as well on the mutants. They try to simplify it to a specific version because they think we're stupid. Seems to be working.

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Herd immunity is a “fantasy” according to Dr. Paul Marick.

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Years ago this kind of thing would be funny if it was a plot in a ridiculous sci fi movie. But things just got too real. And this 14 day "unvaccinated" is just more idiocy. Lies, lies and more lies. And it's never ending.

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I refer you to my comment above. Partial/Fully Vaxxed Delta infections have surpassed Unvaxxed Delta infections. The ratio of Unvaxxed to Fully Vaxxed Delta infections has dropped from 6.7 as of June 21 to 1.9 as of August 29. Deaths have been upside down for weeks. The Fully Vaxxed are less likely to be infected (as of today), less likely to seek care, less likely to be hospitalized, and more likely to die.

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Really? You believe their stats on deaths? Natural herd immunity has always been better, when dealing with “corona” viruses. Besides, thousands & thousands of people have beat the infection with prophylaxis & treatment protocols…without the vax.

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Please- source on this one if you have it. Thanks

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I refer you to my comment below. All data comes from the Public Health England technical reports.


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Sep 3, 2021
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Yep. They’re desperately hiding real world facts & studies.

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The narrative they continue to push is “ at least they didn’t die, they would have surely died without the vaccine.”

You can’t even have a conversation anymore with this cult.

I had a staff meeting the other day and we were discussing the rate of young people in the company not being vaccinated.

The HR flunkie was ranting about these young female workers worried about infertility, when they need to be worried about being on a ventilator!

I honestly believe that many people are just angry because they were bamboozled into receiving this vaccine and now want us all to suffer. This large amount of people cannot possibly think that everyone with Covid-19 is ending up on ventilators.

Something more is at play here, could it be Stockholm Syndrome?

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** people are just angry because they were bamboozled into receiving this vaccine and now want us all to suffer**

That's exactly what it is. It's the "crabs in a bucket" cliche. They can't undo their decision, so they want you to do the same thing and be remorseful, too, even if they can't express their own remorse in public.

The odds of a healthy young woman being on a ventilator from covid is infinitesimal, that's the irrational fear shining through. The comparative risks are not equal.

I have a friend with three healthy teenage girls, ages 12 to 17. All three got the shot. All three literally didn't need it at all. I could never do that to my own kids.

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I agree about a young woman getting sick being infinitesimal. What's bizarre is that I see young women in their 20's remasking again at the gym, at the grocery store etc. Not all, but some. I cannot fathom was is going on in their minds. After 20 months are that just that uninformed and that risk averse?

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HR employees are not a good place to look if you want to find a healthy respect for individualism.

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I would refer to Toby.

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love your Office reference.

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Oh wow, tell me about it. They are the worst!

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You nailed exactly what it is. Misery loves company. They are starting to see that the vaccines are not the key to freedom and can maim or kill. Rather than wanting it to stop, they want everyone in their miserable boat. Horrible.

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"The narrative they continue to push"

Let's all just hope (and for those so inclined, pray) that antibody-dependent enhancement does not rear its ugly head among the vaccinated. As wrong-headed as I believe the vaccine cultists are, I do not wish any harm on a single one of them.

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The ones that want people dead, I couldn't care less what happens to them. A friend of mine saw a facebook post from a rabid pro-vaxxer that said (without irony or joking) that all unvaxxed should be put in a pit and buried alive.

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The irony of that sentiment - which I have seen online as well - is that if these vaccine maniacs are so convinced that the vaccine is life saving and that everyone will eventually get Covid then shouldn't they be content to sit back and let Covid kill all the unvaccinated naturally? Why do they have to murder the unvaccinated when, by their belief, Covid will kill all the unvaccinated anyway while the vaccinated will be safe and alive? It just goes to show you that they don't really believe that the vaccine works.

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Again, you're using logic. These people no longer can, or care to. Fear and hate rule the day.

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No, they're control freaks, less interested in resolution than retribution. Modern version of Spanish Inquisition. Political correctness on woke steroids. When we're not allowed to criticize insanity, it proliferates. Always.

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Oh I just saw a story about some Colorado testing center REFUSING to test Candace Owens, who was to appear at some event and she needed a negative test (ridiculous, but...). So this testing center run by wokies refused to test her because they don't like her politics. So, it is not about health, and they truly don't believe that people can get others sick, when they are not sick themselves. Otherwise, why refuse the test?

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Yet another reason to avoid Facebook.

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The narrative they continue to push is “ at least they didn’t die, they would have surely died without the vaccine.”

the reply i would use is 'yes, at least they didn't die though they surely would not have been hospitalized if they did not have a.d.e. from getting the vaccine'. neither argument can be proven but their narrative is always what they want to think the science says. mine too maybe...

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Nailed it! Yes!!

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Sep 3, 2021
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It’s not a religion…it’s a cult. Sorta wish the hateful and condemning ones, end up like Jonestown.

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Something I remember back in January is seeing the news reports showing trucks at a loading dock and the headline, "FIRST SHIPMENTS OF VACCINE LEAVING THE FACTORY!"

I thought at the time it was blatantly idolatrous... which fits right into the "religion" narrative.

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Jonestown koolaid 2.0?

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Yes! I thought it was so surreal! People acting like it was a wedding or the prom, women getting dolled up, crying... insane.

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The investment to the narrative about vaccinations continues to amaze me. It really is like a mass psychosis.

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I heard on a Canadian webinar by Vaccine Choice Canada from last night that to date world-wide that $11 TRILLON has been "invested" in this "pandemic". I also heard something about the IMF and the World bank are behind it too. Here is the link: this was a great webinar I watched it twice even though is pretty long. It had great information about fighting back. https://vimeo.com/event/1243465/videos/594751965/

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The VCC is wonderful 💗 I refer all my patients to it - even before COVID bs to answer questions about vaccines and injury. Wonderful resources for us Canadians.

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I'm surprised to read the word 'Choice' and 'Canada' in the same title. I didn't watch the video but I do hope that the choices you have are real and plentiful. I am rooting for you, I really am.

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COVID-19 vaccines revenue is 30+ billion dollars. Imagine what 5% of that spent on advertising can accomplish. Add to that government spending on "public health campaigns". That's a lot of money for influencers and "journalists" to keep the narrative going for a long time.

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Here in Canada Trudeau gave $850m to MSM in October 2019-- reason was to "support the industry"' uh huh-- this is a plandemic

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Agree, and Also the $$ spent on testing....

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Dr. Zelenko absolutely nails it.


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Yes, he does. I’ve posted this several times already, but it bears re-posting because it goes to EXACTLY what Zelenko is saying: we are being forced into mass psychosis for the purpose of centralizing global control over the population. This video explains, step-by-step, how it’s done and what we can do to stop it:


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Video taken down. :-(

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It has been clear by now that the whole covid panic was manufactured by the media for partisan election year reasons. The US started the panic and it spread to other countries and became self-sustaining.

Note that I'm not saying covid isn't real, just that the panic was manufactured and that led to an overreaction by government and individuals who are led around by the media.

The panic was so extreme and so self-sustaining that only an exogenous element could reduce it, hence the rush to get the vaccines out. Government needed those vaccines to quell the panic. And they appeared to work at first.

But now they don't evidently don't work as well and the panic is starting to roar back as the religious converts lose their faith.

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Sep 3, 2021
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You are 100% correct about tyranny, but I also don't think countries like Australia and New Zealand and the UK would have gone as far as they did had the U.S. not led the way with the panic-palooza during Q1 2020 (which was primarily driven by anti-Trump sentiments in the media and the permanent Washington establishment).

American media drives the world and the over the top initial reaction to covid gave all of these other places excuses to jump into the tyranny they were already wanting.

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Yup. You’ll want to watch this:


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Thanks for this. I listened… mind blowing!

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Sep 3, 2021
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Well said!!

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I was hospitalized about a month ago with double viral pneumonia, very similar to Patrick Reed's experience, except that I was only tested when I went in (positive) and they never tested me on the way out six days later, instead just saying, "symptoms started two weeks ago, you're probably negative".

It started out as a very minor fever and I should have gone to the doctor once the coughing started, but I didn't and I took a turn for the worse. I saw getting sick as an act of God and getting worse as combination of bad luck and my own ineptitude for not handling it better. I never once regretted not getting the shot.

Nonetheless, the vitriol I received from family members after I got home, one in particular, was off the charts. I was called "arrogant" and "ignorant" and "reckless" and "selfish" for not being vaccinated.

"This hospitalization was totally preventable," was a theme they kept coming to.

I'm tempted to share Patrick Ward's story with them - he was vaccinated after all - and ask if his hospitalization was "preventable" too, but I'm also resolved to take the high road and show grace to those who have been brainwashed by the perma-panic and not let is escalate.

But it sure is tempting.

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People suddenly forget that we still got sick before covid? Everyone I know that regularly takes the flu shot seems to get the flu every year and no one harassed people for getting sick back then. What a strange world we now live in. Glad you're okay.

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Yes, exactly. I am overweight. Not obese, but I could stand to lose a few pounds.

I suspect that had it been a heart attack or a stroke - both "preventable" by losing weight - there would not have been the same response.

This particular relative has also been VERY compliant since the nonsense started 18 months ago: religious masking, skipping family holidays, keeping his kids home even after school reopened. He had to be shamed into attending his own grandmother's outdoor funeral last fall and even then he stood at the very back and wore a mask the whole time and drove home as soon as the service was over.

I think a lot of his screed was directed towards what he sees as "recklessness" from me for not playing along with his overcautiousness.

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Exactly and I’ve been sick since my last flu shot 2 years ago this month. I’m getting better but it was debilitating for month and I still can’t work full time as a result.

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"I'm also resolved to take the high road and show grace"

This is of ultimate importance. The ONLY way we will get through to the people who have been frightened and misinformed to the point where they lash out at their own kin is to do precisely this: disarm them with kindness and patience. This "weapon" is far more effective than any form of escalation.

(Note there is a time and place to take action if the government becomes too aggressive -- but for day to day interactions we must indeed take the high road -- do not live in fear!)

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Yes but it is all dependent upon your circumstances. It is not a one size fits all. Always use empathy and kindness first. Depending on where you live and what your circumstances are you may be past that. Living in fear has nothing to do with not taking the high road.

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Agree. We need to stay above the fray and not fan the flames of their vitriol. It is hard to not engage but grace helps!

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That your family got angry at you for getting sick shows how mentally ill the MSM has made them. So sorry. That's just reprehensible.

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At least you now have lasting immunity…

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Agreed and now I don't have to get the shot ever.

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That doesn't matter to the monsters pushing this toxic injection.

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Sorry for your experience, thanks to God you have recovered. It's so disturbing how this pandemic is tearing apart society on so many fronts, even dividing families. We have to stop being victims of this virus. Medically, there's not much progress but socially, emotionally, psychologically we can't let this thing ruin our lives.

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I'm sorry your people treated you badly. I guess I'm glad you're taking the high road too. But sometimes that feels very lonely.

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I really appreciate your attitude. It is not easy to bless those that persecute you, but we are called to do that. When rubber meets road, our faith is being pressed to the max these days. Thanks for being an example to others!

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Isn't Wards story an opportunity for teaching? Where has the high road (sic) left us?

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I always take the high road too. But it looks to me that the low road people are winning left and right. maybe we need to rethink whether the high road actually is the right thing.

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I was always taught to take the high road, its polite and respectful. But as I get older I realize view is supposed to work both ways. Right now it doesnt.

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Taught the same, except also taught Plan B. Pull no punches and take none.

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I like your Plan B-- is my default now as well 😊

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you can share the story in a friendly way to shed enlightenment without veering off the high road. People are coming to their senses one at a time but they need a bit of push back.

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I might have agreed with you a year ago. Not now-- the vitriol and nastiness is disgusting. I have patients in tears because their family member is hounding them to get "vaccinated" - with an experimental medical device 😳. We are past the "bit of a push back" . You need to stand in your light and tell them you are not doing it. That can mean not seeing them. Ironically many of my patients told me before COVID how much their family members were causing them stress/health problems. Why they want to visit them now is baffling.

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Agree I am in favor of standing up for yourself in less polite ways too. I have often taken that tactic recently even though it's against my nature. I've also feed a lot if studies/info to my husband who is a natural extrovert and a bulldog. i happily let him take on family and friends at the dinner table.

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Some people are just mean, but most of the vitriol is driven by fear, which is driven by ignorance. Teaching the vitriolic is difficult, but we'll get through eventually.

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Maybe its driven by fear or its past that. There is lots of study about human tribalism and "perceived protection". Teaching the vitriolic is not an option for many people and frankly like masks is not effective-- all it does is deplete your energy. Save your energy to stay in your light-- your love and your "high road". It is not your job to convince people.

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The road of convincing people leads to fascism. Competent education is supposed to teach people to convince themselves. We can all help others learn.

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Your positivism is commendable, however we have reached a point of such deep brainwashing in most people. Education or reason will not persuade them. The natural way to persuade them is time, time will tell if getting vaccinated worked out for them or not.

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Yes, Carol your comments are on the mark!!

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Yeah, I had "unfriend" a woman I have known for years once she started posting that the unvaccinated should not get medical care for anything. I have known her for over 10 years. She's a recovered drug addict (her baby was born addicted to heroine) she's obese and a smoker. Never would I call for her to not receive medical care because of any of those life choices. Plus she's on disability for back issues from her obesity, so we taxpayers are covering that medical care.

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Now THAT'S insanity!

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Yes at this point, those who want to stay unvaccinated need to stay away from the hostile vaccinated. The vaccinated seem to be angered that they allowed themselves to be fooled, and now they want everyone else to get the jab.

As they say, "misery loves company".

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How did they know it was viral vs. bacterial pneumonia? AFAIK, both lungs is likely to be viral and one lung bacterial, but how firm is this distinction? I wonder how many casualties are caused by the undertreatment of bacterial infections for fear of breeding antibiotic resistance.

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My understanding is that they can tell from the chest x-rays. Viral pneumonia is usually inflammation and structural damage in multiple spots in both lungs. Bacterial pneumonia is usually just a single spot of inflammation in one lung.

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They're not mutually exclusive. Bacterial infection often results from the mucous and inflammation produced by viral infection. Also common in masks worn more than a few hours. Bacteria and viruses are everywhere, just looking for a welcoming home. Healthy immune systems handle both. Those with weakened immune function are susceptible to both.

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Be careful trusting the experts. I just posted on this above: Sounds like bacterial pneumonia (against which PCV-13 protects) is being misdiagnosed as COVID pneumonia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7989304/

COVID mortality was reduced by 35% for PCV-13 recipients.

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Wish I could edit and add: Is it more likely that "penumococci interact with SARS-CoV-2" through some unknown mechanism, or doctors are overestimating their diagnostic skill?

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You could be right. They also gave me antibiotics in addition to the Remdesivir and convalescent plasma. Maybe it was the antibiotics that turned me around.... IRONY!

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Starting antibiotics early is standard of care for the minority of doctors who still believe in early treatment.

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Bacteria are everywhere. They like warm, moist surfaces, like lung tissue inflamed by viral infection and coated with mucous by that immune response. Just a target of opportunity. Those with pneumonia vax have a head start dealing with the bacteria.

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It's still a misdiagnosis if the bacterial pneumonia goes untreated.

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Hey, after our original posts this morning I had to go to my doctor for my annual physical. I specifically asked him about the PCV-13 vaccine. He told me that while he couldn't guarantee the 35% number, he said that yes, the vaccine definitely provides some protection against COVID.

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They can't tell for sure from x-rays. Of course there are clues from x-ray, but sputum culture is necessary. And that is often inconclusive so they often just try different abx one by one. 🙄

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Friend, vax’d early as a healthcare provider, has been battling pneumonia for weeks—-now drs think it is a fungal infection. Lungs are certainly a breeding ground!

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Sorry, I mean Patrick Reed. LOL

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It used to be called double pneumonia. The American technocracy's obsession with continually reinventing terms is designed to break the chain of continuity which is essential for the sharing of knowledge.

As stupid people rise up through the ranks on demerit (race and quota-based promotion), so they need new pseudo-intellectual terminology to put a glass floor under their feet. Pulling up the drawbridge to keep the smart folks out.

Everyone needs access to Ivermectin, zinc, HCQ, D, C and mouthwash.

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I like that - "rise up through the ranks on demerit". that's exactly right. That's the root of the whole problem today. Idiocracy took much less time than the movie predicted

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Betadine nasal spray or swabs too

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damn right

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Mouthwash? Haven’t heard that…

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Well, gargling with any antiseptic mouthwash like listerene is good practice. A lot of people are developing bacterial infections as a result of mask-wearing - get bacterial pneumonia and they'll class you as having wuflu, jab you up and stick you on a ventilator.

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It's a betadine mouthwash. It's hard to find it right now

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Fortunately he was vaxed or he would’ve had triple or quadruple pneumonia.

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triple or quadruple masking will smother that bug(and the patient) posthaste...

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Finally after 2 years this Month when this all started in Wuhan Communist China. They are calling Covid-19 what it truly is a Form of Viral Pneumonia. This is what Alex Berenson, has been saying from day one. He is the only Person who called it right out of the Gate. Knowing what this is and Whom treats these Patients. Nobody on Fox , CNN , MSNBC, PBS the Atlantic, The New York Times Non of these big Networks even seen or treated a Covid-19 patient. They have been a total Fraud spewing nonsense Misinformation and from our Government leaders Like Fauci and Collins Disinformation. Alex Berenson, Comes from a good Family a good bringing up by a Loving family. He doesn't deserve to be treated like a Criminal. People Need to Man up and Apologize to him and respect him as well. He Alex Berenson, is not only right about Drugs he is right on Covid-19 Face masks and social distancing and the Locked 🔒 downs. I put all my decades of Knowledge on the line and I support Alex Berenson, and I will never stop supporting him he is a Great Man.

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People what we are seeing is a form of chemo brain. I see it with my friends. It took me awhile to realize they were not having just 1 bad day. They were in a fog all day long. It does not appear my very young friends have chemo brain. My older friends are bad. I am not sure they recognize me each day. So if they are walking past me they don’t seem to see me. When later I mention their walk, they seem confused they walked at all. They are forgetting events all together. They also seem more reclusive. They seem to be picking fights with others. Combative. Seriously, I am not joking here. Ran this past a friend not vaccinated and she admitted she is seeing it with her family. Anybody?

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I have seen what you are describing. It feels to me like a zombie-fication of the population. Perhaps this is what is meant by the zombie apocalypse?

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my mother is in a nursing home(in new york no less and she lived thru the cuomo debacle). she can't stay away for more than a few minutes at a time. she got covid after her first jab back in january. slept constantly then as well. she has had a couple of 'mild' strokes in the months since the jab and is so confused that she doesn't know where she lives and cannot understand phone conversation. could it be dementia from old age? yes. could it be blood clots killing here gray matter due to the jab? that is my bet...

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My mom also had a series of "mild strokes" post vaxx.

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my wife's uncle has had a heart attack and 3 strokes since he got his jab(the third one yesterday). non-smoker, teetotaler, in pretty good shape for a 73 year old. seems suspicious to me. my wife works for the state of massachusetts and our governor has made the jab mandatory for all state employees. we are concerned that she could have clotting issues as well if it runs in families. we were hoping to get her a religious exemption but after her uncles strokes, i am wondering if a medical exemption may be possible.

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sorry, i meant to type 'she can't stay awake' not 'away'. probably my own 'chemo brain'(which i used to call a brain fart) though i am not vaccinated...

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They’re belligerent too!

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Stay out of hospital. Don't take tests. Don't be mRNAted.

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New to Alex's Substack page. Just needed to say this guy is a flippin' hero. I am absolutely loving watching the mainstream just crumble in front of our eyes and indy's like Alex kicking their asses. Such a beautiful thing to behold

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BBC - BREAKING NEWS - VERY GOOD NEWS (Note: all text below is directly quoted from BBC)

The UK's vaccine advisory body (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) has refused to give the green light to vaccinating healthy children aged 12-15 years old...based on concern over an extremely rare side effect of the Pfizer vaccine which causes heart inflammation.

Children are at such low risk from the virus, the JCVI decided that vaccination would offer only "marginal gain" and, therefore, there was "insufficient" evidence to offer mass vaccination to this age group. Prof Wei Shen Lim, chairman of Covid immunisation for the JCVI said it was "taking a precautionary approach".

"The margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal Covid-19 vaccination for this age group at this time.

"The committee will continue to review safety data as they emerge," he added.

The JCVI's advice is that at-risk children aged 12 to 15 should be offered a vaccine.

They include children with the following conditions:

blood cancers

sickle cell disease

type 1 diabetes

congenital heart disease



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Which also blows the justification for approving it for anyone under 40.

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Maybe good for now but they'll create a situation in which it will be revisited. Their technique is squeeze and release. So they give us a little good news, then clamp down soon after.

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Public Health England latest technical report dropped today...

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England/Technical briefing 22/September 3, 2021

Public Health England reports that Delta is the dominant variant in the UK. This variant accounted for 99% of sequenced and 98% genotyped cases from July 25 through July 31, 2021 in England (PHE technical briefing 20/August 8 ). PHE has not updated this data since.

PHE last reported the Delta variant Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of ~0.2% - 0.3% in early July (PHE technical briefing 18/July 9). PHE has not updated the CFR since.

PCR cycle threshold (Ct) values from routinely undertaken tests in England show that Ct values (and by inference viral load) are similar between individuals who are unvaccinated and vaccinated.

Delta in England as of 8/29/2021...

Unvaxxed: 219,716 cases/536 deaths/0.2440%

Unvaxxed <50: 212,989 cases/99 deaths/0.0465%

Unvaxxed 50+: 6,724 cases/437 deaths/6.499%

Fully Vaxxed: 113,823 cases/1,091 deaths/0.9585%

Fully Vaxxed <50: 62,403 cases/37 deaths/0.0593%

Fully Vaxxed 50+: 51,420 cases/1,054 deaths/2.450%

50,119 Unlinked Infections

108,870 Partially Vaxxed Infections

113,823 Fully Vaxxed Infections

219,716 Unvaxxed Infections

Partially/Fully Vaxxed infections have surpassed Unvaxxed infections.

1.9 times more infections in Unvaxxed versus Fully Vaxxed.

(2.5 times more infections in Unvaxxed versus Fully Vaxxed as of August 15)

(3.2 times more infections in Unvaxxed versus Fully Vaxxed as of August 8)

~60.7% of deaths were in fully vaxxed.

~64.1% of deaths were in fully vaxxed 50+.

~68.6% of deaths were in fully/partially vaxxed.

555 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed.

617 more deaths of fully vaxxed than unvaxxed in 50+ cohort.

697 more deaths of fully/partially vaxxed than unvaxxed.

745 more deaths of fully/partially vaxxed than unvaxxed in 50+ cohort.

We don’t have the prior health status of those who died in any of the cohorts.

We don’t know the breakdown of “vaccines” taken by the vaxxed.





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In NJ, Governor Murphy is requiring the "vaccine" for all teachers. Teachers that don't get the experimental gene therapy will have to submit to weekly Covid testing to keep their jobs. "vaccinated" teachers will not have to be tested weekly. Given that there is almost zero difference in transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated, having separate rules for the different groups is insane. If the fear is unvaccinated children will be infected, they can be infected just as easily by a vaccinated teacher, who can in turn be infected just as easily as a non-vaccinated teacher.

It blows my mind that no journalists are even asking this question and pointing out the contradiction. The media in NJ simply parrots out whatever the administration decides to make up for the day. It is beyond infuriating.

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It's not just New Jersey.

In early August on CNN, the CDC Director admitted the fully vaxxed can be infected and transmit the Delta variant and have similar viral loads to the unvaxxed. She claimed that the fully vaxxed were protected from serious disease but the PHE data undermines that claim if the objective is to not die.

This video has been hard to find, so...


The fully vaxxed Delta infections are catching up with the unvaxxed Delta infections...and more fully vaxxed have died. The CFR for the <50 unvaxxed cohort is lower than the CFR for the <50 fully vaxxed. The CFR for the 50+ unvaxxed is very high, but this group likely includes people who are too ill to take a vaxxine and have a higher risk from infection.

I'm not a data person...and the data is incomplete and imperfect...but even I can see something isn't right.

IMO, better to submit to the weekly Covid tests than take the jab. They'll figure it out soon enough.

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Hey CM! Many thanks for the data and analysis. Your post really helps us see what the true picture is. Beautiful work.

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CM, which chart is this 8/29 data taken from? I can’t seem to identify these numbers in the charts at the links below.

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Data is from the PHE technical report 22.

pages 21-22,

Table 5. Attendance to emergency care and deaths of sequenced and genotyped Delta cases in England by vaccination status (1 February 2021 to 29 August 2021)


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Interesting signal for the under 50 vaccinated. But, if all or most of those 37 were immunocompromised it would not be as relevant - it would also be important to know whether they were from early or late "breakthrough" infections relative to vaccination date.

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We need more data on age stratification, time from 2nd vaxx, and co-morbidities to have a better understanding.

Nevertheless, the data do not support the narrative claims of a pandemic of the unvaxxed or vaxx protection from severe disease. The ratio of Delta infections in the unvaxxed to fully vaxxed has dropped from 6.7 as of June 21 to 1.9 as of August 29. Delta infections in the partially/fully vaxxed now outnumber those in the unvaxxed, and the deaths have been upside down for weeks.

The fully vaxxed are less likely to be infected (but the gap is closing), less likely to seek care, less likely to be hospitalized, but more likely to die. The goal is to not die.

I've always been suspicious of the low number of infections in the 50+ unvaxxed cohort. It's counterintuitive that the most vulnerable cohort would have the smallest number of infections even if the majority of the 50+ population is vaxxed. The high CFR for this cohort is concerning, although it dropped slightly since the last report.

And we cannot assume people in this cohort are anti-vaxxer ne'er-do-wells who refuse the jabs. This group also includes people who are too unwell to take the vaxxines and are likely at greater risk of serious disease with infection.

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It's not just a majority - it's close to 99% vaccinated for over 50s.

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So it is. I was using the ONS charts which make it look higher.

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The most dangerous thing about the current vaccine discourse is everyone pretending the vaccines work, that mandating them will bring an end to the pandemic, and that vaccine passports will keep people safe.

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As more and more people get damaged, maimed for life, and killed from the vaccines, we will see the psychosis of the already-jabbed increase. As they realize what they've done to themselves in allowing themselves to be used as lab rats, and that it's irreversible, they will become more and more hostile toward those of us who refused.

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I totally agree with this. It feels like a real-life dystopian novel where in 10-20 years there will be one group of people with cancer and infertility and other permanent side effects and another smaller class of people who never took the shot and who don't have those conditions.

And because the "vaccinated" class is larger (at least 70% got at least one shot), the government will be catering to them at the expense of the unvaccinated... or maybe it causes a breakup of the country? Or a conflict between the two groups?

Either way it's scary, because such a large group of people let themselves be panicked into a permanent decision to take an under-tested experimental medical treatment when, for most of them, the risk of the disease was much less than the potential risk from the drug itself.

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Yes, I think you are right. The dissonance can only get worse from here. The only way to avoid it is for them to realize they were wrong. There has to be a path to redemption for the pro-Vax cult. As much as I think they are wrong, I would love to start converting them by showing them the real data of what is going on. I think we must all be careful not to vilify them as they have to us.

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Agree. While I don't really care what happens to the truly psychotic ones that wish us all to die by firing squad or put in camps, I refuse to act the same way as they do. In fact, it's just not within me. I think the people who have gone psychotic during this time must have already had a lot of dysfunction mentally going on already.

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"I think we must all be careful not to vilify them as they have to us."

Unless when specifically referring to Australians. They've gone psycho.

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Sep 3, 2021
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I completely agree with you. We're nowhere near the tipping point right now.

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That would be irrational. More likely they'll become hostile to those who misled them to take it. Envy, maybe, for those who avoided it.

This was a dem driven disaster. Likely they'll be punished in 22 elections. Maybe the Inquisition will follow. Exciting times ahead. You ain't seen nuthin yet.

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Taking an experimental medical intervention into the human immune system and believing long term harms are impossible is irrational.

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Taking a medicine, or avoidng it, without understanding the risks is irrational. A risk evaluation shows the vax is very low risk, and the virus is very low risk for most. Many people have higher risk for handling infections, so taking the vax is rational. Taking a risk you don't need is irrational, unless there are other benefits like the thrill of victory. Mountain climbers. Free divers. Driving to a bar.

Rationality is a complex business. Accusing others of being irrational for taking risks you don't understand is ... irrational.

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I like a lot of your posts, but I'm not going to address your repeated assertion that your risk assessment demonstrates the Covid vaccines are low risk until you actually articulate it.

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At a simple level, most vax recipients are unharmed by the vax, and most people are unharmed by the virus. Both are exceptionally low risk. Taking a low risk vax to avoid a low risk infection needs additional considerations to make an informed choice. For most, the deciding factor is convenience. They avoid a lot of hassles by complying, like wearing brand name clothes helps pick up women.

Some people are higher risk, both from infection or vax. If they know the vulnerabilities, that helps inform their decision. Many don't know, and have to decide emotionally. Fortunately, even deciding on incorrect criteria is mostly harmless. It's unfortunate that so many are incapable of making informed choices, depending instead on the orthodoxy prescribed by whichever tribe they joined.

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"That would be irrational..."

Uh, yeah. Where exactly are you living that irrational is not the baseline? It's "The New Normal."

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Right? Irrationality, doublethink, cognitive dissonance... all new normal.

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Republicans are just as responsible. We have a two-headed hydra, and perceived opposition to each other is just that. It's all theater. This began under Trump.

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It began when the first humanoid met another. Opposition is human nature, a necessary survival skill. Accusing "Trump" of everything you dislike is a manifestation of that nature, just like nazis accusing jews or Yankees fans accusing Mets fans.

But the recent hysteria is driven exclusively by dems, desperate to seize power they can't win honestly.

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Every thought in their head in the past 1.6 years is 100% irrational.

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But what will it take for them to see what’s happening? I can’t tell you the number of cases I hear about where people experience horrible side effects and simply deny the connection.

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I don't know what it will take. These people literally excuse vaccine injury when their own family member dies right after the jab, and still tells others to do it.

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I just got into a Facebook exchange with a friend today who insisted that “the unvaxxed are spreading faster and more” than the unvaxxed. I told him “The Science” is changing faster than the headlines he’s reading. When I sent him recent data from Israel and the UK showing the majority of hospitalizations are now vaxxed, he never responded. Crickets. It’s like pointing out to a child that a house doesn’t have a chimney, so how is Santa Claus expected to get in to deliver presents?

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A couple more bits of "the science" for you friend...

"Viral loads of breakthrough Delta variant infection cases were 251 times higher than those of cases infected with old strains detected between March-April 2020. "


And here's the CDC director telling Blitzer...a month ago...that the fully vaxxed can be infected and transmit the Delta variant and have similar viral loads to the unvaxxed.


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Check it out, hospital closest to me:

399 inpatient beds occupied

81 inpatient ICU beds occupied

701 inpatient beds total

169 inpatient ICU beds total

43.08% of inpatient beds available

52.07% of inpatient ICU beds available

THEY LIE. And lie and lie and lie.

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I live in Idaho, and the MSM here is reporting that the hospitals are overflowing with covid19 infected unvaxxed people. I looked up bed usage in the nearest hospital to me, and it's 50% full. So they are outright lying. They must be about to try something funny.

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Hey how do you look up your hospital stats? That could come in very handy... Is it thru your state?

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thank you for that link! I'd never seen it before. What I would also like to know though is some historical data. I see the number of beds available, but how many that were available 2 years ago are now not accessible because of staff shortages?

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I don't know where to find that. But I did know they took down the makeshift treatment tents they erected across the country without ever using them. Billions of dollars worth.

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Excellent point. It’s important to have a baseline to compare capacity. People often forget that hospitals are never anywhere near empty, especially during cold and flu season. If a hospital is less than 50% full, it’s probably losing money (sad, but true).

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YES THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this link. I have a feeling it will come in very handy....

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Dear god when are they going to treat this illness instead of just leaving you to almost die in the hospital. Hospitals are now a death trap, protocols are made by AI in the electronic medical records such as Epic. Medicine is no longer in the hands of doctors. I do not want to go into a US hospital. I buy private insurance at about 1000+ a month, I would gladly pay a monthly fee to a hospital chain directly if they would have a comprehensive approach to heal you, including nutrition, rest, and yes medicines and procedures IF you need them. If they could look you in the eye instead of at the computer screen and speak with your family that would also be a plus.

Any doctors want to band together and get it started? I want out of this government/hospital administrator run healthcare system.

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Many "rogue" doctors who are using the holistic therapeutic approach are under immense pressure from the colleagues and hospitals to stop doing it and in some states are getting threats from the licensing board. It's terrible what is happening.

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The NFL is like a Monty Python sketch and some actors are starting to notice it!

“I would just point out that I don’t know what the number is — you guys can look it up, you have the access to a lot of information — but the number of players, coaches, and staff members that have been infected by COVID in this training camp who have been vaccinated is a pretty high number. So I wouldn’t lose sight of that.” - Bill Belichick.


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the local sports radio hacks vilified belichick as being an 'anti-vaxxer lunatic' for his comment about newtons release and his vaccination status...

speaking with anyone on the pro-vax side is like living thru the monty python 'argument' sketch...

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Whenever someone tells me that a friend or acquaintance has suffered an unexpected illness, or even death--invariably these are otherwise healthy, fit people--I ask, "Was it Covid?" The answer is always "Oh no. They were vaccinated!" This is followed by a long thoughtful pause and no further discussion. This plants the seed of doubt among the true believers.

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My friend is a university prof (and of course as left as they come in centers of "higher learning"). He was quite proud of the fact that his parents among the first to get vaccinated. Turns out they recently contracted covid and made it through alright. He still insists that things would have been worse had they not vaccinated. This guy is a PhD and teaches graduate level courses.

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Favorite apocryphal story is the doc who said the patient died of Covid but if he hadn't been vaccinated it would have been worse.

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My son gets an email from high school. He needs to get tested, close contact. He gets a mild cold and positive test. Mom and Dad get sick. Positive tests. Feels like the flu. Aches, fever, sore throat etc. Mom not vaxxed, Dad fully vaxxed. Dad more lethargic than Mom. Dad orders a bottle of tequila to try to help with his severe sore throat and swollen lymph glands. So this was the test. I am still sick, but so is he. Not impressed. It is a scam.

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