Hmmm... so this coronavirus with a 99.85 percent survival rate can only be defeated by:

The media no longer asking questions and doing journalism, and instead becoming the mouthpieces of the government

Washed up formerly rebellious artists and musicians making demands that everyone now must do whatever 'the man' tells them to do

The consolidation of state and corporate power

The strip-mining of personal liberties

The mandating of masks, social distancing, and stay at home orders

The outlawing of criticism of public health officials, big pharma, and uncensored speech

The deification of science, and the persecution of anyone debating or questioning it

The proliferation of contact tracing digging into the communications, associations, and actions of all citizens

The destruction of the world’s economy, supply chains, and work ethic

And the repeated forced injections of barely tested gene expression modifying concoctions into the arms of every person on the planet?

The hell with it, I'll put up with the virus, thanks.

If you agreed with that and found it worth sharing you can do so with this link:


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Absolutely! To those miserable folk who ask “Well, what laws have they broken?” I respond “Where do I start!”.

It’s true that these are offences without obvious precedent. But they’ve committed such heinous acts that I have no doubt that clever lawyers, interrogating the medics, scientists, human rights lawyers & others, will land such a lengthy list of potential indictments that the problem will be one of choice.

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I hope you are right Dr. Yeadon. Here is a long list of a small percentage of their crimes:


I am a huge fan of your tireless work, sir, and am very very grateful for it. The world owes you so much for all you've done to research and raise awareness in order to put an end to this madness.

Speaking for myself and my son, thank you for everything you are doing to make and ensure a brighter future for everyone--from the bottom of my heart.

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I agree with you one hundred percent. Dr. Yeadon, you are a northern star leading us faithfully out of the this nightmare and we are blessed to have you.

Fortiori, that criminal article is a smoking gun that is being completely ignored by law enforcement...

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The way justice may be partially served is that they have taken the shots. Their days are numbered.

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I wonder how many politicians really have had the covid19 vaccination?

For example, we know that California Governor, Gavin Newsom, apparently did because he suffered from Bell’s Palsy.

I doubt that all members of the British Parliament’s House of Lords have received a covid19 vaccination.

I say that because there would likely be a small number of deaths & double figures of obvious injuries.

That said, they might have received known-benign substances, even saline (I wonder if Parliament arranged vaccination for members?)

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I suspect if Newsom was naive enough to take the shots a number of other "statesmen" will have. The adverse effects would likely be unreported because to admit to them would be to admit you'd been played for a chump. Just the way Newsom had to hide his palsied face behind a Halloween costume.

I have some very conservative, non-vax-pushing friends who, having taken the shots in order to participate in hobbies, concealed serious side effects for a long time. A fireman friend for instance, left with neurological problems from the Janssen shot. Finally admitted he had the shot 8 months later and has had incessant beeping in one ear/ facial numbness every since the shot. Politicians could be expected to lie to themselves and everyone else about adverse events from the shots they're trying to ram down everyone's throat. So it's hard to know.

No one likes to admit he got played.

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All good points!

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You basically outlined my theory as to why many independent journalists who are not beholden to corporate money still go to great lengths to avoid the lies of the jabs.

I think they are embarrassed and terrified.

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Jan 31, 2022
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Good points but remember they are a few steps ahead of us always trying to create “situations or crisis” so who knows whether they really broke the line or if that was a set up too to make people think “if these politicians are running to get it then it must be safe” don’t put anything past your gov at this point.

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Very interesting Dr. Is there a test that reveals whether a person has had the clot shot aka "vaccine" (like hell), can a blood test show the spike protein, for example?

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It can be a differential test of antibodies to spike protein only or antibodies to spike protein along with nucleocapsid antibodies, which you can only get if you've seen the whole virus, not just the mRNA shot. There was a large seroprevalence study done in blood donors with this differential distinction. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2784013. The other test is the T-Detect test which apparently has a very high specificity and sensitivity, to prove long term immunity from recovering from infection via T cell immunity.

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I was wondering if the eye Dr. could see the micro-clots??

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I’m not sure. Surely a person knows if they have or not & nobody else should expect to know.

Short them, raised D-Dimer test results are commonplace.

A generic test I’m not aware of

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It can be a differential test of antibodies to spike protein only or antibodies to spike protein along with nucleocapsid antibodies, which you can only get if you've seen the whole virus, not just the mRNA shot. There was a large seroprevalence study done in blood donors with this differential distinction. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2784013. The other test is the T-Detect test which apparently has a very high specificity and sensitivity, to prove long term immunity from recovering from infection via T Cell immunity.

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Wow. So true death is up 40-65%. Hey day to own a funeral home.

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thanks for that link fortiori, that is one of the best blogs around in this fight of ours

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The work there is excellent. This is the best article in my opinion, Www.tritorch.com/illFaresTheLand.index.html

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That article is a masterpiece O_O

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It is amusing that these washed up artists were from the same generation who were known for being rebels and telling 'the man' to shove it!

Now they want all the younger generations to sacrifice the prime of their lives, their rebellious fire, their freedom and their future, all so that they don't have to deal with the fact that they spent decades doing drugs and destroying their bodies and now are old sitting ducks reliant on vaccines that don't work.

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Great insight there, thank you Persephonia

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Thanks :)

Ultimately a society that sacrifices both the very members that it relies on to survive, and its children (future) is doomed to destroy itself. Once you accept that this outcome is a logical consequence of these actions, you can't help but ask if this is the real goal of everything we are seeing occur in the world right now.

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And these were two with the hardest-to-listen to voices. The first time I heard Neil Young sing I thought I was being pranked. And Joni ... The original crazy white cat lady who sounded like a cat in heat. Now we're supposed to quake in fear because we won't find them on Spotify. Can't make this stuff up.

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When Mediocrities can make Millions it gives Hope to us all. No matter how bad you are at what you are doing…you too could be a success story 😏 I can barely draw stick figures but I may be a world famous artist yet 😜

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Yup. I arrived at pretty much the same conclusion!


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It is so interesting. My sister who is 10 years older was at Kent State during the shooting. She left, got married and moved to California in the 70s. Barely to be seen again. We have nothing in common.

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So true I’m only 48 but it seems that the “question authoity” bumper sticker philosophy of the 1960s has taken a back seat or rather is considered a squalid unsavory hitchhiker that we should never pick up if we are smart and follow the “science “

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Punk is dead, so to speak.

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Jan 31, 2022Edited
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Not all of the older generation feel that way, I know there are many grandparents out there who would sacrifice themselves if it meant their children and grandchildren would be spared.

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So true! Nothing I wouldn’t do for my children and grandchildren.

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Jan 31, 2022Edited
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Hormonal adolescents, BLM-shirts, paunchy/balding never-quite-made-its, and fading beauty Karens are feeling powerful and holy, while they are actually being used by those faceless elites who profit from pandering to our weakness and fear in the face of our own government's police powers. And all the while, those selling fauxcinnes and designer face masks to us are raking in the money -- for our own good! Ri-i-i-i-ight.

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Your description is great!

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40+? More like 65+. These are baby boomers

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It was obvious, I was agreeing with you ;)

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What's interesting is that ancient pagan religions worshiping Marduk and Molech sacrificed their children to these gods for the hope of benefits for the adults. This is not much different than today's thinking that you describe.

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Why classic education has existed in our culture since the early colonialists arrived from Europe. And Why the Demonutsies are removing smarts from our kids, the furure of our unique American Constitution, culture and our economy.

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There it is! I was looking for the thing that bound all of the colonial western civilizations together. It had to run deeper than just colonization, It had to be deeper than just the Catholic or Christian Church that came with it. An end to human (or any) sacrifice in the name of a pagan god fits the bill (I know, people will argue it's been happening in the name of Christian God through wars etc., not my point).

Now we just need to figure out who in a position of power is "openly" worshiping some pagan god. With the ban against Christian and Jewish church services I don't know how I missed that connection.

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Kindly do not include me in that statement. I am unvaxxed and do not want any child or young person to have the vaccination.

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Killing the young to "protect the elders" is called "eating your children". Anyone who's ok with that is a spider.

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Is this just the narrative? None of the 60+ folks I know demand their grandkids to be vaccinated. The only person who told me this was a 42 year old MD who thinks it’s societal contract to sacrifice a few children for the old. 🤢

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This is atrocious. However, it is interesting that those who have 'faith' that the vaccines are 'safe and effective' despite significant evidence to the contrary will be removing themselves from the gene pool. This doc is prime age to end up sacrificing his own children. The more the 'true believers' continue to get jabbed and boosted the more likely they will suffer from an adverse event.

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It’s a person I otherwise like. But yes. His children are doomed. He has issue with folks having side effects. Cognitive dissonance.

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I'm sorry that is the case - it is very sad. Most will not see it until it touches them personally - and then they will either convince themselves that it is impossible that it was the vax or they will be fairly certain it was and be psychologically destroyed for life. I don't think anyone can really grasp the magnitude of damage that has been done.

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aw i like this post! it's hard to keep strong!

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Don't look at me. I'm 66, fat, T2 diabetic, and I've been against general lockdowns and school closures since mid-2020.

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You covered that well. It's always good to see a comprehensive shredding of left wing policies and ideas.

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Sounds like Joni needs some Ivermectin.

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- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Joni Mitchell (Who?) Joins Neal Young in Spotify Heaven Memes & Tweets https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/joni-mitchell-joins-neal-young-spotify-heaven

- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Spotify Cancels Neil Young (Who?) Memes https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/best-spotify-cancels-neil-young-memes

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Damn straight! Just like nobody under the age of 220 has heard of Bach.

Both of them were supremely talented artists. It is tragic they've degenerated into this state in their dotage, but that doesn't detract from the fact that they were objectively talented and influential.

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They're a little before me too but I used to like both of them, in their 70s guises.

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Wow. Gonna steal that.

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Great list, though to be precise, it's deification of 'the Science'. Only on rare occasions does it have anything to do with the scientific method, and even then it is always used to claim there are no "gold standard studies" that contradict the oligarchs' narrative. Usually people saying "the science" just mean "expensive technology" or they mean "a consensus of left-wing self-proclaimed experts".

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I remember in 2015 msnbc, NPR said Neil Young was spreading lies about Monsanto, GMOs the makers of roundup. How things have changed.

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Spotify to add ‘content advisories’ to podcasts with COVID discussions


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I wish people would stop saying "99% survival rate". One percent of any large population is an extremely large number of people. We get extremely upset when a plane crashes, but that's more like 99.999999% survival rate for those not on the plane.

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Well it’s actually 99.85% survival of those who catch it and by no means is everyone going to catch it. Do the math

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Survival is greatly affected by denial of early treatment. If everyone had easy and quick access to vitamin C, D, zinc + HCQ or ivermectin, we could do a lot better than 99.85%.

It would also help if we didn't count car accidents and cancers as "deaths with Covid", or overdose the elderly with Midazolam because if they tested positive, they're "as good as dead already".

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Agreed. The site posted in the op has an article on this which covers that fraud well:


It’s incredible they were able to get away with this but i guess when the media is working night and day to propagandize like they are and have been anything is possible

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I can’t even fathom the number of vaccine deaths worldwide.

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I agree, because as a population average, 1% is HUGE, equivalent to the annual death toll of the entire population.

If the objective in using a number is to show it’s not that big a threat, it would for me be important to qualify the survival % value for - say - the working age population. Then we’d come out with something closer to 99.9% survival rate. If we inspect the deaths from vs the deaths with the alleged virus, we see that at worst, the threat to the overall population is on a par with seasonal respiratory virus epidemics.

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" threat to the overall population is on a par with seasonal respiratory virus epidemics."

yep, and THAT'S the main point.

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Depends on how old, sick people are.

Old, sick people die. It's how life is.

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Jan 31, 2022Edited
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I changed the wording for #2, thank you

Can you provide a source for #1? For whatever reason we thought it was 99.7%, and if we are wrong about that we definitely need to know it, so thanks again.

I wish I were tri, but I am merely a watered down version. I help him where I can

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"Conclusions: All systematic evaluations of seroprevalence data converge that SARS-CoV-2 infection is widely spread globally. Acknowledging residual uncertainties, the available evidence suggests average global IFR of ~0.15% and ~1.5-2.0 billion infections by February 2021 with substantial differences in IFR and in infection spread across continents, countries and locations."

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Can't trust the NIH.

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Jan 31, 2022
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Thanks for the lead AussieGerl, I will look into it

And thanks for the kudos =)

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The mind blower for me is that these "icons of rebellion" against the establishment of the 60's and 70's, are actually asking for CENSORSHIP? WTF? These muscisians used to be in the position of being anti government, anti war? I just can't believe they have come in to a position of asking for censorship, without even giving respect to research, factual data and the bigger picture of government mandated control. It is a total flip around of values and discernment. I am so dissappointed in Neil, Joni and now Bruce! What a wierd position they have placed themselves in.

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Typical baby boomer behavior. They joyously tore down the fabric of our country and now they want the safety and security that fabric would have provided them. - Don’t mind me I’m just a gen xer who has had all I can take from them.

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Fellow Gen Xer here. I’m so disappointed in our young people. They should be staging rebellions on college campuses. Instead they line up for boosters, remote learning (while paying for exorbitant dorm rooms and tuition)and masks everywhere. It is sickening to see how compliant they are.

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I'm genx too and I have kids. This isn't the kids fault. Helicopter parenting, extreme safetyism, coddling, and public schools are why kids are so compliant and obedient. This is on us.

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12-13 years ago the government school teachers across the United States lined up their 6, 7 and 8 years old and taught them to worship Obama in songs of praise. These are the 18-21 y.o. we are expecting to rise up and object?

Did their parents pull them from those schools? No. They voted that lying thief another 4 years.

Don't blame the kiddos. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

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An excellent point. Something about reaping what you sow? 😏 (gen Xer here too…)

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As a Gen Xer, this generation has been disappointing in all this too. I expected more 'f-you'.

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I am an Xer as well and have had so many Boomer bosses over the years. Biggest generational hypocrites on the planet. They are the worst. Their millennial children clearly are their offspring. Selfish, childish, vain, arrogant and horribly insecure.

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'Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right' was a line written for the Xers...

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Stuck in the middle with you

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Jan 31, 2022
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Where “everyone’s a Weiner”. I mean Winner! 😂

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Hopefully the generation coming up through middle and high school will be the biggest libertarian generation in decades.

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We share your hope. Here is why. I have 5 grandchildren, ages 5 to 22 - none vaxed because among their parents are 2 nurses and one MHA. Our grandkids know the truth. In addition, we talk virus at every family party. We also had a family friend almost die from the jab. Unfortunately, because of Justice Cavanaugh, one nurse and my MHA daughter have had to get the jab. Also, I share the Rumble video of Sen Johnson's discussion last week with all my family and friends. If you haven't, you should too.

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That's a hope. Judging from my 16 year old grand daughter, they're buying into the mass beliefs.

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Jan 31, 2022
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Good point. I never saw it that way but now I do.

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I'm a boomer, and I've also had about all I can take from the arrogant, hubristic members of my cohort.

Paraphrased from the book The Fourth Turning (1997): the baby boomers are a very destructive generation, and they're not done with their destruction. That turned out to be pretty accurate.

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Too many asked them what they thought and then the never ending blathering began. Oprah and Donahue began this nonsense. Everybody became an expert. I ever liked my generation. I avoided them as much as possible.

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I hated the privileged cowards who ran to Canada and otherwise avoided the draft during the Viet Nam War leaving poor boys with no family pull to serve in their places. For them I have a special contempt.

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Hey I agree a lot of us were hypocrites but I think it's time to lay some blame on GenX. Why should boomers continue to hog the spotlight?

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I am boomer and my generation makes me sick. They were spoiled. They brought the drugs. They love to lecture. They spend like drunken soldiers. I knew a man for many years that served in military, became a huge anti war activist, did quite a bit of drugs, and wasted most of his life. He was the guy sitting around denouncing US policies and influencing younger people to just sit around. Here is where it gets strange. Around 65, he realized who he had become. He softened a lot and started contributing instead of berating. He became fun to be around because he began to listen. He became appalled and really sad how jaded the younger generation was. He could not sit and listen to their cries of inequality. That group wanted no part of him anymore. He switched friends. He stopped just sitting around being miserable. He was once considered so radical. BTW, he softened a lot because he got pets. Yup, he loved his animals.

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That's Bull. I'm a Baby Boomer and don't agree with them at all.

Don't lump everyone into the same category.

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As a boomer, albeit the tail end, I can't tell you how ashamed I am of my generation and what we have demanded of people. But to be fair, it's not just the boomers who wanted these measures. Look at Trudeau and Ardern. And remember that we have also produced good'uns like McCullough and Malone.

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Hard to pin this on any one generation but Boomers seem to be quite self-absorbed. A massive generation to which we all had to watch pass through. Gen X is wedged between them and another massive generation with Millennials. We're gonna end up taking care of both despite our tiny size. I just think there's an overall general malaise of miseducation, selfishness, lack of fulfillment and mental illness driving all this. 'We're all in this together' was one of the great lies among many during this hysteria. Clearly, some benefitted far more than others and those who continue to applaud restrictions couldn't care less about who it hurts - mostly small business, kids and the lower classes.

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It's not a great idea, however, to cast blame at different generations. It can lead to the same sort of 'othering' as blaming different ethnic groups. Also, you need to be aware that many of us boomers also had "double" care duties.

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Boomers are the grandparents of the lefty sheep of today. I believe GenX is who you should be blaming🤡

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I'm a boomer and they exemplify everything that stank about my generation.

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Amen bro. Who made us what we are. Latch key, hands off, they were too busy with themselves... I grew up out West and had some friends who's parents were hippies on a commune (I kid you not). Pretty sick twisted stuff out in that commune with the kids, lets just say, BARF

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Not all "boomer" . . . just those corrupted by corporate money.

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Jan 31, 2022Edited
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Nailed it!

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"We don't want censorship, we just want to suppress information we don't agree with." Yes, sometimes really the Left (or anyone in a position of power) really make statements as illogical as this.

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They were just corporate shills playing their parts all along. Van Morrison ended up being the true rebel. Even punks proved to be less about 'anti-establishmentarianism' and ended being, well, just punks. Rage Against the Machine asks for passports. With that, they ARE the machine.

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Joni a sellout? Nah..

You know I'd go back there tomorrow

But for the work I've taken on

Stoking the star maker machinery

Behind the popular song

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Too much money, too much fame, and years of drug abuse. I still haven’t forgiven Neil for Southern Man.

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Indeed. Many have tried to spin Lynyrd Skynyrd's rebuke of Young, trying to claim Skynyrd members liked Young's music. That may have been true to some extent, but the Sweet Home Alabama rebuke was definitely a rebuke. They blasted Young and they blasted George Wallace in the same song.

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Just proves they have always been on the wrong side of truth.

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Is there any doubt Neil would have sang a duet with Joni in praise of Stalin? 'Concert for dear Joseph!'

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Aren’t Joni and Neil entitled to their free speech? Is attacking them personally the only response you can come up with to counter their standing up for their beliefs? You can’t suck and blow at the same time. If you want to be taken seriously then address issues in a credible manner.

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They are entitled to it. However, do you see anyone calling for their censorship? We're criticizing their POSITIONS. They're the ones who are looking to censor opinion they disagree with. Know the difference. That's what it means to be in a free society. You're free to be an idiot but you're not protected from criticism.

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Even Rogan is rethinking his behaviour and what he puts into his podcast. He made a recent announcement about it. These mean personal attacks and negative headlines can only hurt all of us in the end. If you have credible information that is not being manipulated for reasons unrelated to reality then by all means share it. Share it in a journalistic way we all can be proud of. We can’t keep accepting this kind of behaviour in anyone and from anyone. What will happen to this world we are creating for us and our children! Integrity is going down the drain.

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No hes not. I read what he put out on Instagram and he is basically just explaining his position in having conversations with different people with different opinions. Frankly he should not even feel he has to do that but thats the world we live in. Full of stupid censoring people. However if I am wrong here and he did put out an announcement in addition to this, by all means post the link. Thanks.

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No you are criticizing and belittling them. Read what you posted about Joni. You are attacking her personally, not her ideas. Trying to discredit her mental reasoning. Just doesn’t help the credibility of your opinion as a journalist. Certainly you can do better. And if you can’t then maybe your opinion is not worth sharing??

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Lol. You are right! But I will say I don’t know how you listen to the negative noise Alex uses around his opinions. It’s not necessary and he takes everyone for a fool with his headlines. If he has facts and opinions he wants to express that’s great. Just cut out the negativity. He shouldn’t need it. And if he does need it, that makes is question what he is saying!

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Hello Leztroll! Who is denying them the right to free speech? Show me.

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They are certainly entitled to free speech but they are advocating for others to have their free speech taken away.

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I am not one to silence dumb opinions unless the dumb opinion is to censor other peoples right to share ideas. Then the dumb opinion goes further to try and cancel the livelihood of the person they don’t agree with. Please please tell me you get the difference.

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I'll 2nd Alex's comments. The very basic concept of free speech has clearly escaped you. Old washed up has been and never really was left wingers like Young and Mitchell get to say what they want, and then we get to figuratively bash them over the head for the stupid comments they make. We can always be nicer in pointing out the stupidity, hypocrisy, Marxism, fascism, etc.,, but there is zero requirement for niceness when it comes to free speech.

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This condition is a mental illness,and very disruptive.If someone is trying to school you on your interpretation of reality,and you learn they have a delusional psychosis,it kind of undermines their preaching…

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Yes, the sheer irony of Alex complaining about "hit pieces" in WaPo or other press, and then doing a hit piece himself on Joni Mitchell (who didn't attack Alex, so far a I can tell), is not lost.

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Neil Young wanted Rogan taken down. He wanted Rogan censored.

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They were never against censorship, they were against them and their friends being censored

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They follow the Commie narrative which is pro Jab. They can't think on their own. Both are mentally ill.

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Steven, have you noticed that this Covid thing actually exposes the mentally weak.

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Patti, Yes 100%! Also possibly mentally illness. :) I had it over Christmas, recovered in less than a week and finished 3rd in a national fencing tournament the following weekend. Never gave into the Virus or Jab.

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I also had it back in Feb. 2021 before it was in the news. My family has all had it and are fine. My 88 year old mother who is double vax and boosted , just tested positive. Go figure!

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Much like many others, they were never about freedoms. It was about the $$$. Their way only. Now Neil is pushing Amazon as doing great work. Ha, ha. Does AOC agree? Our celebs have been getting in reliably rich taking money from China and our woke corporations.

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Jan 31, 2022
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My theory, “old age makes you 10 times the personality you were as a younger person,good or bad, proven again. I know for certain, anecdotally, because I have attended a board meeting of an Over 55 community. Never do that.

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Oooh! So true about over 55 Community meets. Hahaaaa!

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They are now old and afraid to die. They a lived a carefree unrestricted life but they want to stop others. Howard Stern biggest hypocrite of all. He goes to Sirius to say any stupid thing he wants. Down is up and up is down. Crazy

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The “afraid to die” is what has allowed this pandemic to keep going. Do you remember when the Atty General of TX said as an older person he was asking to please not ruin children’s lives with masking and no school and that he was ready to die to give his grandchildren freedom? Boomers hated him. Saw it in my family. Sibling is terrified of dying and literally put pictures of grandkids on chairs instead of seeing them which btw all lived very close. Just plain nuts.

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This life is not the guarantee. See Medjugorje, Fatima, Kibeho, Akita, Cuapa, SanNicolas, Asdee, Manila, Belpasso, Yagma and Louda, Hrushiv, Kurescek, Mexico City, Warraq, Zeitoun, Trevignono. All over the world, in almost every nation, for 100 years, in almost every year. Government will not rescue you. Over and over it has proven it does not give a d _ _n about the victims they create. Men like JPII and Padre Pio are once in a lifetime gifts. Start listening.

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All 3 a Commies. Commies will Commie.

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Jan 31, 2022
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Oof. Howard Stern. The man who took advantage of porn stars and freaks for decades but once on top changed his tune - worse, judges others. The ultimate sell-out and hypocrite.

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Everyone should go on Spotify now and play a Rogan episode or ten. You don’t have to even listen. Just let it play in the background today. One after the other.

Let’s show them what we think about this.

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You are surprised that hippies are totalitarians? That's what the whole movement was about. I grew up on the 60's in a large and infamous midwestern college town. These people were always nasty, destructive, threatening and dangerous. Jerry Rubin and Abby Hoffman were NOT Libertarians.

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Weird to see rabid vaxx support just as vaxxes are failing so spectacularly.


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Spotify to add ‘content advisories’ to podcasts with COVID discussions


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And it begins.

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they're the ppl of "immediate gratification" 2 year olds demanding their way no matter what stage in life. The very ones taken as victims by the political BS and the Vaxx's. Very unhappy ppl who spew their hate and imagined self importance and grandiosity onto anyone who'll put up with their BS.

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Ask Alex. I would suggest it's marijuana user psychosis. Once it got legalized, they had no reason to rebel against the Establishment.

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You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

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hey berenson, I really have enjoyed Joni's music and its too bad about her. but hey how about doing something useful and compiling a list of corporations that are mandating vaccination and disseminate this list and everyone around the world who is against mandates should BOYCOTT them.. Lets hit them in the wallet

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AT&T has kept there mandate in place. Enforcement begins tomorrow Feb. 1

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Spotify to add ‘content advisories’ to podcasts with COVID discussions


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Let's start with T-Mobile since they're going ahead with their vax mandate for corporoate employees.

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I, for one, am delighted to see all these Hippie Communists being unmasked in the final years of their lives. They were never about freedom, they were always about control -- as long. as they were the people in control.

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They were never really for personal freedom. They just wanted freedom to do drugs and have promiscuous sex — playing right into our Communist enemies’ hands.

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And this is exactly what was initially pushed by the Leninists and Troskyists in the Soviet Union. Same with Béla Kun in Hungary.

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Yes I understand Mr. Young was a real hound dog back in the day, using his status as a rocker to hustle chicks to get laid!

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You'd have had to put a bag over his head for me to even consider it.

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So true…Ms. Mitchell also suffered a debilitating aneurysm in 2015…she can’t even walk on her own and has trouble speaking since the aneurysm …in the few times she has been seen in public at awards shows and the like she is always in a wheelchair. She is ‘managed’ by a caregiver…I’m sure Neil Young’s ‘people’ (Darryl Hannah) called Joni’s people (her care givers and handlers) and said she should get on the “pull your music off Spotify train”. I grew up listening to both their music and ‘own’ their music (so no need to stream on Spotify or Apple or Amazon) but now these two old Hippie rockers are a total joke!

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I am from the 'BOOMER Generation' , The PROTEST generation. However, I am disgusted how many have now, because of too-comfortable, have no air in their 'booms.' I was heavily in the '60s anti-war movement; still continue to PROTEST lies and intend to keep it that way until my last breath. I'm not much for cowards and hyprocrites. John 3.3, 33-34.

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We always were a bunch pampered hypocrites.

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We were WARRIORS. Not many left, however, too comfy. I remain a WARRIOR. Good to hear from you.

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its kind of sad though... like watching bill cosby be disgraced

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Don’t you think the drugging and raping of women was sadder?

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I think the comparison is not between the actions of the celebrities, but between his/her personal feelings changing about the celebrities.

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What was sadder, watching sexual predator Bill Cosby be disgraced or being his sexual prey?

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So you’re the Feelings Enforcer? Making sure no one makes an off-color comparison. Got it.

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I just read that T mobile the cell carrier is going to mandate vaxxes by april 1, time to BOYCOTT

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This might be Eric Clapton's finest hour!

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Motor City Madman Ted Nugent tops them all. He has fought against the Commie narrative from day one (he started in the mid 1960s). Always a Patriot!

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Yes! How could I miss Ted! I won a Les Paul Guitar back in the day at one of his shows. He does top them all!

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My first concert at age 15 (mid 1970s). Had ringing in my ears for a couple of days. The only reason Ted isn't in the Rock and Roll Hall Fame is because of his politics. Ted is still going strong. No way Commies Mitchel or Young could ever command the stage like Ted. They wouldn't even try because their Commie Dem minds couldn't accept that Ted is more talented than they are. That is the Fing truth.

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The Nuuuuge! was campaigning with Texas Gov. canidate Allen West recently. I support them both!

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Kid Rock is also standing for Freedom. It seems to me the Classic Rockers have gone soft?

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They have not gone soft.. they were and always will be tools and useful idiots for the communists.

In the 60s they were not in power..in the last 50 plus years .they have captured all major US institutions from the education system, to Wall Street to the US military

Now that they are at the commanding heights of power, they are revealing their true tyrannical character.. it is ugly but not surprising... Liberals are the very Fascists that they pretend to oppose but actually admire and embrace

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Great post! This is why I brought up Ted Nugent. The reason why he isn't in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is because of his politics. Ted would blow Commies Mitchel and Young off the stage. He is still going strong. They wouldn't have a chance.

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And that is the TRUTH.

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Motor City Madman Ted Nugent tops them all. He has always fought against the Commie narrative.

Mitchel and Young are Commies. They are going follow the Commie Dem narrative that the Jabs are good.

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There you have an honest guitar

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People like Neil Young and Joni Mitchell have never, ever been in the real world. As celebrity pop music starts from the drug addled 60's and 70's, they are nothing but a shell of any real man or woman. This description also applies to career politicians maybe without some of the drug use. Especially true of FJB and his ilk. Zero connection to the real world and those of us making our way through it where actions and decisions have very personal consequences. Like making money and raising children. We do not need this type of person making any decisions on our behalf. The moral and intellectual elites are unfit for duty. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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They're not elite. Merely elitist.

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Clapton is from that same era and was an even bigger star. You can't generalize.

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Jan 31, 2022
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Truth is like gold, incorruptible

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Hunter is more drug addled than even Young and Mitchell combined.

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Neil's the guy who dropped his wife for someone much younger.

No credibility.

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Class act for a mermaid

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Read Mr Berenson’s book on marijuana.

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Jan 31, 2022
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Not really tempted to do so much as throw tomatoes. They're doing themselves in with boosters. It's going to be interesting to see the parade of symptoms they'll manifest.

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These people are cartoon characters, nothing more.

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That's being unkind to cartoon characters.

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No they are dangerous, corrupt and insane and should not be underestimated.

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THEY MAKE GREAT MEMES ;) - COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Joni Mitchell (Who?) Joins Neal Young in Spotify Heaven Memes & Tweets https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/joni-mitchell-joins-neal-young-spotify-heaven

- COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Spotify Cancels Neil Young (Who?) Memes https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/best-spotify-cancels-neil-young-memes

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All these has been’s have left to get the attention they crave is there silly virtue signaling. There critical thinking ability has certainly been severely compromised. If they could only realize that the evil globalists and criminal Pharma companies that they are inadvertently serving are the very ones they railed against in their love conquers all days of the sixties and early seventies. Pretty pathetic actually.

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Nope - I won't comment on Morgellons Disease. That is absolutely not fair. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia were ridiculed but are now accepted, as was peanut allergies. Do we really know what is going on with Morgellons Disease or all other conditions? No, but that doesn't make the suffering less real, and it doesn't mean there isn't a physical cause.

What I will comment on is the audacity of Joni Mitchell & Neil Young to use their financial clout in an attempt to silence my voice and the voices of Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone who were expertly interviewed by Joe Rogan, who by the way also interviewed a pro-vaccine doctor, CNN's Sanjay Gupta. Dr. Gupta admitted that CNN lied about Joe Rogan and ivermectin.

Rogan also was sand-bagged by a pro-vax political satirist, Josh Szeps, with a questionable CDC report that contradicts what cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough reported. Rogan was gracious and only asked where did the data come from, an excellent question as the CDC is known for manipulating data with study design and other statistical tricks.

The bottomline is that Joe Rogan has been a scrupulously fair interviewer while pro-vax entities have proven themselves to be deceitful over and over.

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For some of us the liberal worship of tyranny and censorship "seems like it's from outer space," Joni. It's hilarious and pathetic to see these faded celebs aligning themselves with the slave labor crowd because they want to group-hate on Rogan.

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Spotify has lots of songs protesting the lockdowns and vaccine mandates, with Van Morrison and Eric Clapton’s “Stand and Deliver” and “No More Lockdown” but also “No Vaccine” by Forgiato Blow and Bryson Gray, and “I Will Not Comply” by Blind Joe to name some of the most famous ones. Why doesn’t Joni Mitchell team up with Neil Young and put out a song where they sing the virtues of requiring everyone to get vaccinated and locking up the non-compliant? I’m sure their fans would love it!

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Both Joni and Neil had polio as children. I think they have an emotional investment in vaccines because they think they are like polio vaccines. Many people who have done no reading or research assume that all vaccines are sterilizing and safe. They know nothing about the history of vaccines or how often it takes years before you can say they are safe--even the polio vax was a disaster at first. I would not make fun of Joanie--there is no such thing as a purely psychological illness. Something is causing the feeling of Morgellons. It's just that doctors don't know yet what has gone haywire in the body. The list of things that were once thought to be psychological but have been shown to be real is long.

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Or something is causing the reality of Morgellons. The honest truth is that we have absolutely no idea what is happening to her. We discount her narrative at our own peril.

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I’m old enough to remember people shrieking “Trump’s not a doctor!”

Same people have no problem demanding I take an untested shot & censoring “misinformation,” whatever that is.

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Turns out Neil Young sold a big chunk of his music to a Blackrock entity last year for $150 million. 12 year olds don't care and neither does Neil. He and the Fascist Left just love the hive of oppression by the State above all.

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The Babylon Bee had a (satirical) piece about Google saying they had a spike in searches for "Who's Neil Young." Laughed my butt off.

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It's probably true, I've been looking it up myself (with DuckDuckGo) and yet I'm not exactly young.

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And Blackrock is linked to Pfizer right?

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They're linked to everything, including trying to get you out of your house.

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https://tessa.substack.com/p/neil-young-pfizer thanks to TJ for this link. BlackRock Blackstone whatever!! Jesus.

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She had some really great songs. She wasn't an icon. And now we know she's into child sacrifice. 60s freedom singer? How about a NWO fucking bitch

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Gotta have Joe Rogan’s back. Unequivocally. No excuses. He was there for you when you needed him. Fearless.

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They can certainly quietly remove their music, but they are choosing to make it publicized so as to passive-aggressively elicit censorship.

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This is a real disease, I know someone with it. Morgellons can be seen in blood. Particularly in the covid injected who are having neurological injury. Pretty sad that you’d mock something that’s also happening to the vaccinated- who’s injuries & data you’ve been reporting on. Here’s a research paper. I’d recommend doing a little more digging. Also look up Brit Galvin. Her Moderna injury is well documented- and so are the morgellon parasites in her blood post injury.


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Washed up celebrities trying to become relevant. They should have just gone off into the sunset instead of kissing big pharma's ass.

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16-30 'who is Joni Mitchell?'

30-50 'Joni Mitchell is still alive?'

50+ 'what is Spotify?'

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You're funny Glenn, and mostly right, but my 67 year old carcass has been a Joe Rogan fan for quite a while. His decision to move to Austin proves he's a smart boy. Heard the Malone broadcast live! How 'bout that, sports fans? Not bad for an old fart. And by the way, I can't stand either of the artists. You don't see George Strait pulling such hijinx.

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You'd think Berenson would be able to work out by now that c-19 isn't the first medical cover-up in the world, it's just the first one he woke up to (*along with large chunks of the community* - congrats on being semi-average) because it was so screamingly blatant. Morgellons is peer-reviewed, a type of borreliosis and *real* parasitosis. My strong suggestion to AB would be to spend a few weekends digging into the genre he now seems to want to contribute to. There has never been a chronic illness suffered by thousands-to-millions with idiosyncratic markers which has not been first blamed on the patient, then subsequently turned out to be real. (GRID anyone? How about Gulf War Syndrome?) Denial of medical care is torture and you are prolonging the suffering of those who are unable to get care in order to make a cheap shot about a celebrity.

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He dissed Lyme a couple of months back. And restless legs syndrome. And chronic fatigue. It's important to remember that all conditions not understood or treated by main stream medicine are NOT in one's head but are real. Like long haul COVID and vaxx injury.

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The fact is that all of these "complex. multi-factoral. perfect-storm" conditions make up the rising tide of illness. It is why one size fits all medicine doesn't work - illness is as personal as a fingerprint and takes years to undo. Doctors are trained to believe in one-bug-one-pill, so their response when they see all these chronic intractable cases they don't understand is "it's not real, it doesn't exist!" The problem is the training, and the arrogance that comes with the training, not the patient. Medicine has so many skeletons in the closet, that when they all converge in one person, they can't handle it. I'm following this because he has done some reasonable work on covid, but it's obvious his schtick is "hey I'm on the edge guys, your adjudicator of truth between the normies and the quacks...." Unfortunately, he knows nothing about illness or medicine, so can't judge this line at all.

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Alex (and others). SO WHAT???? Tell us something important; something that qualifies as journalism and not this bullshit way of criticizing and demeaning (BULLYING) this person who is suffering. It's BELOW YOU!!! I bought several copies of your book for friends and I'm beginning to doubt your integrity and wish I hadn't. What Happened????

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Jan 31, 2022
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Joni Mitchell did not attack Alex. So this is not Alex "responding in kind."

It's just Alex attacking.

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It occurred to me to point that out about the medical credentials, as well.

Alex is displaying a somewhat extreme example of throwing stones from a glass house on this one.

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Joni is a towering figure in music, Neil is right up there with her. But this a bad moment for both. Joni had a stroke and has had a long recovery. Morgellons is clearly a byproduct of some brain injury or other The more interesting history here is Neil Young's multi-year campaign against GMO's, genetically modified food He is outside the mainstream on this, but has the freedom to believe what he wants and say what he thinks is true. Neil's cosmology boils down to Monsanto evil, Pfizer sacred. An odd belief system, but again he's free to indulge in it. He can go to hell though for trying to prevent others from challenging it.

Joe Rogan's video statement is good, nicer than I would have been, but I'm sure he's trying to smoothe things over for Spotify, who have been more honorable than most in big tech.


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Towering figures???

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Towering. Joni especially is one of the greatest songwriters of the 20th century. The most impressive run of masterpiece albums from Blue to Hejira of any solo artist in the rock era. Neil is a titan too but, but a notch below Joni. Almost everyone is.

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Tom this is the deal. Alex s post was not about the talent of songwriters towering or not ( to me eye rolling calling these two towering but that's really another discussion). Its about anyone really who has the hubris to see themselves as so important and impressive that it is reasonable for them to demand that no one listen to Joe Rogan and if that demand is not met then guess what - can't have access to their music. Im sure you've read the rest of the comments. Such arrogant behavior just breeds contempt. Like my Cajun grandmas would say about them "they think themselves big". A nasty unattractive habit I was taught. Nothing to do with songwriting. And Joe Rogan could teach them both more than a few things about public discourse and how to conduct it.

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let's get a bit of perspective:

Joni was inducted in to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2014.

Neil was inducted as a solo artist in 1995, and again with Buffalo Springfield in 1997; he is one of 26 multiple inductees.

So, yes, towering.

And of course they have every right to speak their beliefs, including wrt platforms. Whether or not "they think themselves big" is irrelevant; they *are* big and their stance has apparently had an impact on spotify's value that far dwarfs the size of their mega-contract with Rogan.

Rogan isn't so vain as to believe he has anything at all to teach them.

Alex doing a hit piece on Joni reflects far more on Alex than it does on Joni.

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All irrelevant in my view. But I’ve never done celebrity hero worship. My first reaction when I saw Alex’s post was to literally laugh out loud. Sorry

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If it was irrelevant in your view, then you probably shouldn't have challenged the assertion that they are towering figures in music.

They clearly are, and you just as clearly don't care.

That's all fine, but let's just be straight about it.

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Please I did enjoy the Joe Rogan clip.

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I agree about Joni. My playlist will miss her

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Pfizer and Monsanto are very close companies. Along with GSK & Bayer.

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Funny and stupid as this all is, it’s kind of your own doing. All of you on the other side of the marketing, influencing. and promotional celebrity glass wall (kind of like the old glass ceiling only vertical) have become so sure of your abilities to talk the rest of us into anything that you’ve lost the thread on what dopey things these anythings are. Thing of it is, the glass wall is really a one way mirror. We can see all of you but you can’t see (or even care about) us. Small wonder you drown us with surveys.

Sorry. What was the question again?

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Now don’t go bashing long Covid again. My wife was the healthiest person I know. She got Covid and pneumonia and ended up in the hospital despite all the home treatment protocols we tried. 2 months later she still has no sense of taste, her platlet count is still way to high, and she has some neurological issues that are improving, but not yet resolved. So while you like to bash on long Covid, while at the same time bashing Joni M for not being a doctor, maybe you should take your own advice and avoid playing doctor b

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Jan 31, 2022
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Whoa. Where did you come up with “follow[ing] Fauci blindly.” You missed the entire point. Alex is practicing scientism not science. He likes to pretend to be a doctor and say long Covid does not exist. But then he criticizes others for doing exactly what he does.

In regards to all the rest. I wrote a long reply. Sadly because of the ill thought out way Substack works (or doesn’t work) it was all lost because it timed me out during composition and forced me to log back in. Which of course deletes all that was written.

Bottom line. Not vaccinated. Aggressive home treatment for 12 days with everything you could imagine. Including Ivermectin and HCQ. Plus Nebulizer with multiple concoctions. Rx and non Rx. On day 12 O2 fell below 85 and she started to panic. She was in and out in 3 days. Pneumonia in both lungs. Positive for the Rona at 30 cycles. IV antibiotics, IV corticosteroids, IV Vit C, anti clot shots, we agreed to one single treatment of Remdesivir essentially to keep her out of ICU. Small southern town. Small hospital. Great care. Honest doctors. 9 weeks post discharge she still has neurological issues and no sense of taste. Other than bitter metallic. Two follow up visits. They are clueless. We just completed another 5 day round of Ivermectin and double dosing of a variety of Vitamins and Supplements.

We were better prepared than 99% of people. But we could not solve the pneumonia on our own.

Lastly. I knew this was a manufactured hoax from the very beginning. I started prophylaxis in late February 2020. As a lawyer I had cases with individuals on drugs authorized under EUA. So I knew from the start they were breaking all the rules.

Hope that deals with your issues. I reread my post and I can’t determine where you might have gotten the wrong idea. But no matter. Clarified now.

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Not that I think Joni's statement is anything other than pathetic, but I would have thought that you and the many commenters on this side of the Covid divide would have more skepticism about "consensus" opinion rather than indulge in mean-spirited piling on:

"Morgellons disease (MD) is really a dermopathy characterized by multicolored filaments that lie under, are embedded in, or project from skin. Although MD was initially considered to be a delusional disorder, recent studies have demonstrated that the dermopathy is associated with tickborne infection, that the filaments are composed of keratin and collagen, and that they result from proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in epithelial tissue. Culture, histopathological and molecular evidence of spirochetal infection associated with MD has been presented in several published studies using a variety of techniques." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5072536/

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Thank you for saying this. Alex tends to call out, what he thinks are fake diseases like long covid. I had doctors telling me for years I was crazy and making up my symptoms when I really had lyme disease and the doctor just didn't know how to diagnose it.

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I'm sorry you had to go through that. One of my friends has Morgellons. She sees the official Covid narrative for the fraud that it is and is probably the sanest person I know. The disease is real.

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I don't know if anyone else saw Joe Rogan on Instagram today talking about the controversy with Neil Young and Joni, but he said something really funny. First he said that he's always liked them and loves their music. and then he added that Joni's song "Chuckie's in love" is one of the best songs ever written. lol ( Ricki Lee Jones wrote it...I think he knew that)

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I think so too

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Morgellons is probably vaccine damage…🤷🏼‍♀️

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Artists believe in nothing but attention.

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You ought to have written "celebrities," rather than "artists." True artists do not put their faith in attention, nor in fame. True artists survive, perpetually. Celebrities are forgotten, quickly.

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Van Morrison is an artist. Listen to his song "Professional Jealousy" if you want to know the difference between celebrities and artists.

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"Think Twice Before You Vaccinate Your Kids", Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents On COVID-19 Shots

“These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including their brain and nervous system, their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots, their reproductive system, and this vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system.”


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“You go to a supermarket and you see a faggot behind the fuckin' cash register, you don’t want him to handle your potatoes.”

- Neil Young

Neil always believed Dr. Fraudci who said AIDS could be spread through “general contact”…

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Never liked him. If this quote is true it’s disgusting. Another not sure if it’s true but would like to know: I read that Blackrock owns most or all his music rights.

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The comment he made is true…I’ve seen it several

Places now.

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Thanks to TJ for this https://tessa.substack.com/p/neil-young-pfizer BlackRock Blackstone ugh.

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The most dangerous source of misinformation about wuflu vaccines is Dr. Fauci, CDC and FDA.

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It's hard to believe these are the same people who railed against the "establishment."

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It's easy to be a kumbaya revolutionary when you're young, singing protest songs and feeling hip. When you're old, railing against the establishment either means you've lost your marbles or you've developed a strong character based on integrity.

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Honestly Alex I feel like you’re being needlessly callous with your attacks of what you regard as fake conditions. I know you’re mad about Joni Mitchell, but let her calls for censorship disqualify her, not her (probably genuine) struggle with disease. Please don’t lump long Covid in with things like RLS and Fibromyalgia. Restless Leg Syndrome is real! I know you’re the data guy, but there are conditions that have thus far eluded adequate explanation. Also you wind up sounding like a jerk. Please.

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Seriously? Alex isn’t attacking anyone, if she was a huge coke broad so be it. I don’t recall him saying anything else about any other so called disease. Get a grip.

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Actually he published the chapter I’m referencing on this sub stack (Long long Covid), so go read up. Thx.

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You haven’t read his book then.

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Do you have carpet tunnel disease?

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The disorder is very real, the bugs they claim crawl under their skin are not.

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We don't know what it is they're suffering from. But I don't doubt that their suffering is real, not psychosomatic. Also, there certainly is such a thing as bugs under the skin causing suffering! Scabies is one well-known example of that. I've had it. Believe me, it's real! The "bugs" in scabies are mites, which are devolved spiders, i.e. arachnids which devolved from spiders into parasites, which instead of working for their living by spinning webs and waiting for prey to get caught in them, devolved into critters which burrow underneath the skin of other species and eat their prey from within.

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thought headline was about "liberalism" which truly is a horrible and dangerous disease...

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Don't forget Fauci murdered thousands starting in 1987 through 1994--pushing his highly toxic AZT HIV antiviral medicine. Who in their right mind would take the advice of this mass murderer?

Wait---the entire US government. He is the prime mover stopping the use of HCL and Ivermectin killing hundreds of thousands more.

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And now there's a Moderna mRNA vax in the pipelines for HIV positive people. The slaughter continues.

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Fauci has been trying to find an HIV vaccine for over 40 years--he doesn't care how many people he tortures and kills to achieve this goal. He's Mengele reborn---and the MSM loves him.

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Joni's nickname minted by Crosby, Stills and Nash, was Musollini. She trashes anyone she can in a hopeless strategy to elevate herself. Neil Young is despised by anyone who has had the misfortune of working with him. He's a world class gay-hating bigot who somehow blamed gays for the AIDs virus. Both of these "icons" now take orders from their corporate overlords. Like most hippies, they were frauds capitalizing on a movement in order to promote themselves and grab as much wealth, celebrity and power as they could. Left on their own, they are horrible people. Yes, they do have a modicum of talent but they are essentially far right corporatists who are so different from their youthful selves as to be unrecognizable.

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And yet these "far right" entities align themselves perfectly with the socialist, communist, marxist, globalist, fascist tyranny, we see being imposed upon the Western world.

Almost as if they are all the same thing.

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"most medical practitioners consider MD a purely delusional disorder"

It's still a *disorder*. Are we going to now tell bipolar and schizophrenic people "it's all in your head"?

There's huge pressure on Alex so I get that he cracks around the edges at times -- any of us would. But Alex please keep your eye on the ball! Lowering yourself into these inter-personal squabbles will tank your credibility (which is why they're baiting him so hard).

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He does keep his eye on the ball. You aren’t paying attention.

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I pay attention at least as much as you do pal. I've been talking about how bad these vaccines will be since Trump was in office.

If you're going to fall into yet ANOTHER cult then you've achieved zero. Nobody is perfect, including Alex. If you bristle when anyone criticizes him, that's cult territory.

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I m 67 and I enjoyed Neil Young and Joni Mitchell. I knew how they felt politically but it didn’t really effect me. I find this very crazy that 2 artists who sing songs about big brother watching us or in Joni’s case “looking at both sides now” would have such intense feelings for sucking up to the government and bad science. Glad I have their albums so I don’t have to buy anything to support them. I didn’t toss my Cat Stevens albums either. Ugh…

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Cat's good.

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These people once had some artistic relevance. Doubtful their music will be remembered a 100 years from now. Same goes for all the other artists, outside their bounds of mental acuity, lecturing us peasants about what to put in our bodies, how to think and what to believe in. Unfortunately, the dire consequences of the evil they, and all the insidious Leftists, render will be with us for a long time. If we let them!

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CNN Labels Rogan's Millions Of Listeners As "Less Enlightened" Than Their Few Thousand Viewers


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She's singing a new song "One Side Now"

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In a battle with Joe Rogan, Joni and Neil will quickly find out how irrelevant they've become. And, by the way, "Hey Spotify, if you cancel Rogan, I'm going to swiftly cancel you."

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Weird to see all the vaxx support just as it is failing so spectacularly.


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And I'm sure Joni goes to Spotify for her medical advice like the rest of us do 🤣

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I'm the same age as Neil Young and I never liked his whiney voice, his hackneyed music [McRock] or his phony politics. He should record a new song "Keep on knockin' the free world". I wouldn't listen to that one either.

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The first time I heard him sing I couldn't believe it. World's most annoying voice, Joni a close second.

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As a wise man on YouTube once said (earlier on today actually on the Matt and Blonde show) "Keep on submitting in the formerly free world" As for long covid, I mean, there's more to it than just imaginary ailments that can't be proven. As an anecdote, I had real covid at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021, not this sniffles and scratchy throat business people are getting now. I had bloating like my guts were going to explode for more than a month, a shingles-like rash that after all this time is still present and will flare up if I ever give in to the temptation to scratch it, odd veins suddenly appearing, burning and tingling of the nerves in my arms and legs, irregular heartbeat, difficulty staying focused, sudden never before experienced joint and muscle pain and insomnia. All of it, with the exception of the non-stop exploding gut issue has persisted for well over a year now. None of it stops me from doing anything, like working out, etc and I don't mention it to people (except to my employer before they fired me for resisting) :) I don't think I've even posted anything about it online until now, and if I weren't some anonymous internet rando, I wouldn't even do that. The point I'm making is, I'm sure there are people whose symptoms didn't just go away in a week or two the way they do for the vast majority. I think assuming everyone's brush with covid is exactly the same makes about as much sense as mandating a vaccine because you assume everyone will react to it the same way.

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Maybe Rogan's audience is growing though, with all the attention? That would be a good result!

As for Joni Mitchell and Neil Young...oh dear... I wonder if these old people ever gave a thought to the massive impact on the young of the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response?

Including now with Covid jabs being pressed upon five-year-olds, who aren't in the main at risk with the virus? What will it mean for children to be repeatedly jabbed against a virus that wasn't a threat to them? What lies ahead for them after this assault on their natural immune response?

I don't think self-centred old people such as Mitchell and Young are going to come out of this smelling of roses...

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I am old enough to remember both. I loved Neil Young's voice and hated his politics. Joni Mitchell was one of those girl singers whose recent lifestyle doppelganger is probably Gwyneth Paltrow: stinky, stupid, and affected. Old men and old women can not carry off the long hair cool of their youth....especially those who were never much to look at in their prime. Now, they look like a smelly old wilted head of cabbage....not like a rose!

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