Subscribing to Unreported Truths isn't just about supporting journalism. It's about believing the Constitution truly matters even now - that it protects every American from government overreach.
To me, a constitutionalist IS a conservative. There's at least heavy overlap!
Let's hope the incoming administration can pare back the federal government to its actually-enumerated powers. I don't expect total victory, but any move in that direction will be most welcome.
Exactly. If you look at Scalia and Thomas, they were/are constitutionalists/originalists which means they interpret the constitution as written. Not by the whim of a particular moment.
President Trump is, at heart, a tax and spend Democrat. During his first term he signed every budget submitted by Congress. Hopefully he's realized that this was a mistake. His appointment of businessman Elon Musk and fiscal conservative Vivek Ramaswami to head up DOGE is a good sign. If he takes their advice, maybe this administration can put the brakes on the deficit spending which is driving the inflationary spiral.
Same. Same. Same. I guess we could call it Constitutional Classic Liberal?
I would take it a step further by saying that you've become a person that values an individualistic society vs. a collectivist society.
At base, that's really all this election came down to.
What The Modern Left really wants is a collective organism, living, working, eating, sleeping, and suffering together in pitiless and forced symbiosis vs. the animated contest of freedom.
Well I think Sam Adams had a point about that:
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude, than the animating contest of freedom- go from us in peace. Crouch down & lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, & may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
Thank you for sharing that quote, Ryan. It’s been a long time since I read it and it’s good to remind ourselves about the devotion of the Founders to our country. I don’t live far from Monticello and I often feel like Jefferson’s shadow is over us. I hope he’d be as optimistic about our upcoming administration as so many of us are.
If you look at Scalia and Thomas, they were/are constitutionalists/originalists which means they interpret the constitution as written. Not by the whim of a particular moment. If you look at the so-called progressive / left leaning justices of the Supreme Court, they have been anything but constitutionalists. They have treated as a living document which they can then mold to their own whims of the moment. And a living document means that the entire amendment process is meaningless. Not to mention it makes the entire document meaningless if it can be reinterpreted to suit someone’s needs. I’m glad you have joined us Alex. 😀😀
It is very sad and even scary when someone worries that it might be over-the-top to say he reveres and want to defend our Constitution. But yet, that is the case. Keep up the fight. Thanks!
Hurray for your conversion to Constitutionalism! As a registered Independent who leaned left and voted Democrat all my life, I, no too, have found the way to my true political identity. My appreciation for our Constitution is constantly affirmed. I have come to believe it is the most critical cornerstone we have in our govermental/ societal construct. The movement to amend, or even abandon it as obsolete, seems very dangerous to me.
Again, congratulations on your process! Truly intelligent people amend their opinions and perspectives as information comes in and terrain changes. Right?! I'm glad to know you are in that group. Your journey has been inspiring to follow!
But being a constitutionalist shows that you are (small c) conservative. Today's liberals believe that our Constitution is a living, breathing document that means whatever a judge wants it to mean. This judge should be commended for this decision. It would be great (long-term) if this case went to the Supreme Court who hopefully overturn this rule, and strengthen the meaning of the Commerce Clause, getting the Feds out of most of our commercial interactions.
An indispensable document for those that want to be free. Our government was designed to protect our rights and freedoms, not to grant them. That is uniquely American.
You know, I am always amazed at this constitution and the group of people who were brilliant enough to write it! So very nice. I also think we just MIGHT have a group of people together close to as smart, which makes me more optimistic than I've been ever, maybe even more than when Reagan was president. Though he sure had some great speech writers! I also think Trump is listening to Musk and Kennedy who are civil libertarians. Say what you want about Trump, but he listens to smart people and knows he needs to surround himself with such. People always made the mistake of confusing his "reality style" of politics with stupidity. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Amazing times we live in. I hated the last four years but I have to say we are witnessing an incredible time in history.
I actually think that the 2020 steal provided us with a golden opportunity. Many eyes were opened in the last 4 years that previously might not have even fluttered.
He seems to be listening to some good people now. In 2016, not so much. So happy he realized his errors and is working to assemble a much stronger coalition this time.
Love this post Alex. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution need to be taught aggressively in our schools. They are the documents that stand against tyranny and government overreach. My brother and I just spent several thousand dollars paying a lawyer to comply with the law struck down by the judge Simply to comply with this law for a 3 member LLC that holds one passive investment. These are real costs that hit the little guy much harder than huge corporations. They are also a massive invasion of privacy. Three cheers for this judge!
Alex - I've been a thankful and appreciative free reader for quite a while. Your fight is much more valuable to the future of this country than anything I've done in my time on this earth (and I deployed 6 times). Subscribed. Thank you.
This is a great essay and I love the way you reveal your motivation in it. When I looked again at the title, I think government overreach is much of what this election was about.
“But if we don’t keep fighting for it, we’ll lose it.
I’ve realized lately that I am not a conservative or a liberal, I am a constitutionalist - a constitutionalist as only someone whose rights were violated by the White House can be.”
You literally brought chills to my person in reading this. I’ve spent nearly 40 years in elected office, in government, or in citizens groups fighting to keep government overreach (and those who would corrupt good, effective government) from negatively impacting our lives. Just your average Joe citizen who believes, as you clearly now do, that limits on government power are good.
I have SO enjoyed reading your “stuff” over the years. Thank you.
Exactly Carol...there will always those who just despise the protections and beauty of our constitution and want to eliminate it if possible. The FIGHT is never over!
Alex, I am a constitutionalist as well... abandoned the political parties about 10 years ago... got fed up with both parties ignoring their oaths to our Constitution. I encourage others to join me as an Independent. We have got a lot of work to do to return our federal government to the boundaries of our Constitution.
I knew Antonin Scalia, and he would be proud of you. Actually, though, so would Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It's not a political statement to understand and support a fundamental concept and it's impact on we the people.
I became a Constitutionalist 30 years ago, realizing that the party system was at best corrupt and at worst a lie - the concept of "uniparty" explains too much.
As soon as one comprehends "limited and enumerated" and then observes the out-of-control leviathan the administrative state has become, one has a context of the actual fight between individual sovereignty and central control.
The Constitution exists to protect the individual from thoroughly expected overreach of those who grasp for more power over them. As Jefferson noted, this is the responsibility of every generation.
Who does the Constitution belong to? Not the denizens of the federal bureaucracy; it belongs to those identified by the first seven words therein: We The People of the United States.
To me, a constitutionalist IS a conservative. There's at least heavy overlap!
Let's hope the incoming administration can pare back the federal government to its actually-enumerated powers. I don't expect total victory, but any move in that direction will be most welcome.
Exactly. If you look at Scalia and Thomas, they were/are constitutionalists/originalists which means they interpret the constitution as written. Not by the whim of a particular moment.
President Trump is, at heart, a tax and spend Democrat. During his first term he signed every budget submitted by Congress. Hopefully he's realized that this was a mistake. His appointment of businessman Elon Musk and fiscal conservative Vivek Ramaswami to head up DOGE is a good sign. If he takes their advice, maybe this administration can put the brakes on the deficit spending which is driving the inflationary spiral.
Amen AB.
Same. Same. Same. I guess we could call it Constitutional Classic Liberal?
I would take it a step further by saying that you've become a person that values an individualistic society vs. a collectivist society.
At base, that's really all this election came down to.
What The Modern Left really wants is a collective organism, living, working, eating, sleeping, and suffering together in pitiless and forced symbiosis vs. the animated contest of freedom.
Well I think Sam Adams had a point about that:
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude, than the animating contest of freedom- go from us in peace. Crouch down & lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, & may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
I'm on Sam Adam's side.
Damn I thought all he did was make beer. Now I'd like him even more.
Thank you for sharing that quote, Ryan. It’s been a long time since I read it and it’s good to remind ourselves about the devotion of the Founders to our country. I don’t live far from Monticello and I often feel like Jefferson’s shadow is over us. I hope he’d be as optimistic about our upcoming administration as so many of us are.
I’m with Sam too!
Such a wonderful quote! Thanks so much for sharing it!
I'm a constitutionalist too. Hope all your readers are! We stand together, or tyrants rule.
Mark's evolution is why I am a new subscriber.
If you look at Scalia and Thomas, they were/are constitutionalists/originalists which means they interpret the constitution as written. Not by the whim of a particular moment. If you look at the so-called progressive / left leaning justices of the Supreme Court, they have been anything but constitutionalists. They have treated as a living document which they can then mold to their own whims of the moment. And a living document means that the entire amendment process is meaningless. Not to mention it makes the entire document meaningless if it can be reinterpreted to suit someone’s needs. I’m glad you have joined us Alex. 😀😀
The "progressive/left leaning" justices can't even define a woman, so how in the world can we trust anything that comes out of their addled mouths?
It is very sad and even scary when someone worries that it might be over-the-top to say he reveres and want to defend our Constitution. But yet, that is the case. Keep up the fight. Thanks!
Hurray for your conversion to Constitutionalism! As a registered Independent who leaned left and voted Democrat all my life, I, no too, have found the way to my true political identity. My appreciation for our Constitution is constantly affirmed. I have come to believe it is the most critical cornerstone we have in our govermental/ societal construct. The movement to amend, or even abandon it as obsolete, seems very dangerous to me.
Again, congratulations on your process! Truly intelligent people amend their opinions and perspectives as information comes in and terrain changes. Right?! I'm glad to know you are in that group. Your journey has been inspiring to follow!
But being a constitutionalist shows that you are (small c) conservative. Today's liberals believe that our Constitution is a living, breathing document that means whatever a judge wants it to mean. This judge should be commended for this decision. It would be great (long-term) if this case went to the Supreme Court who hopefully overturn this rule, and strengthen the meaning of the Commerce Clause, getting the Feds out of most of our commercial interactions.
Being a constitutionalist means you're American. If not, you're in the wrong country....;)
There's a lot of so-called progressive Americans that want to fundamentally alter the Constitution, if not abandon it. I prefer your definition.
The constitution is an instructional guide on how to REMAIN free.
Key difference than other constitutions, etc. They just define what it is to be free.
Single greatest document ever signed. No reason to mess with it.
An indispensable document for those that want to be free. Our government was designed to protect our rights and freedoms, not to grant them. That is uniquely American.
I’ve been remiss for some time now. Finally woke up and bought a yearly subscription. Non illegitamus carborundum
Do not let the bastards get you down! Spot on sean!
I knew that 3 years of High School Latin would come in handy! ABOUT TIME
You know, I am always amazed at this constitution and the group of people who were brilliant enough to write it! So very nice. I also think we just MIGHT have a group of people together close to as smart, which makes me more optimistic than I've been ever, maybe even more than when Reagan was president. Though he sure had some great speech writers! I also think Trump is listening to Musk and Kennedy who are civil libertarians. Say what you want about Trump, but he listens to smart people and knows he needs to surround himself with such. People always made the mistake of confusing his "reality style" of politics with stupidity. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Amazing times we live in. I hated the last four years but I have to say we are witnessing an incredible time in history.
I actually think that the 2020 steal provided us with a golden opportunity. Many eyes were opened in the last 4 years that previously might not have even fluttered.
That's totally true, but it sure was miserable. I couldn't even believe this was America.
He seems to be listening to some good people now. In 2016, not so much. So happy he realized his errors and is working to assemble a much stronger coalition this time.
Love this post Alex. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution need to be taught aggressively in our schools. They are the documents that stand against tyranny and government overreach. My brother and I just spent several thousand dollars paying a lawyer to comply with the law struck down by the judge Simply to comply with this law for a 3 member LLC that holds one passive investment. These are real costs that hit the little guy much harder than huge corporations. They are also a massive invasion of privacy. Three cheers for this judge!
EVERYone should TAP into what Hillsdale College offers. Some excellent constitution education, and many FREE courses!
Alex - I've been a thankful and appreciative free reader for quite a while. Your fight is much more valuable to the future of this country than anything I've done in my time on this earth (and I deployed 6 times). Subscribed. Thank you.
I happen to think that YOUR contribution has been very valuable. Thank you for your service.
This is a great essay and I love the way you reveal your motivation in it. When I looked again at the title, I think government overreach is much of what this election was about.
“But if we don’t keep fighting for it, we’ll lose it.
I’ve realized lately that I am not a conservative or a liberal, I am a constitutionalist - a constitutionalist as only someone whose rights were violated by the White House can be.”
You literally brought chills to my person in reading this. I’ve spent nearly 40 years in elected office, in government, or in citizens groups fighting to keep government overreach (and those who would corrupt good, effective government) from negatively impacting our lives. Just your average Joe citizen who believes, as you clearly now do, that limits on government power are good.
I have SO enjoyed reading your “stuff” over the years. Thank you.
Exactly Carol...there will always those who just despise the protections and beauty of our constitution and want to eliminate it if possible. The FIGHT is never over!
Alex, I am a constitutionalist as well... abandoned the political parties about 10 years ago... got fed up with both parties ignoring their oaths to our Constitution. I encourage others to join me as an Independent. We have got a lot of work to do to return our federal government to the boundaries of our Constitution.
I knew Antonin Scalia, and he would be proud of you. Actually, though, so would Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It's not a political statement to understand and support a fundamental concept and it's impact on we the people.
While I admire Justice Ginsberg, she was in the living constitution school of construction, the opposite of what Alex is arguing for.
I became a Constitutionalist 30 years ago, realizing that the party system was at best corrupt and at worst a lie - the concept of "uniparty" explains too much.
As soon as one comprehends "limited and enumerated" and then observes the out-of-control leviathan the administrative state has become, one has a context of the actual fight between individual sovereignty and central control.
The Constitution exists to protect the individual from thoroughly expected overreach of those who grasp for more power over them. As Jefferson noted, this is the responsibility of every generation.
Who does the Constitution belong to? Not the denizens of the federal bureaucracy; it belongs to those identified by the first seven words therein: We The People of the United States.