They know they lie. We know they lie. They know, we know they lie, but they continue to lie.

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a joke from the Jimmy Carter era -- "...and if you are interested in a more expensive car I can show you this exact same model again next week."

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That woman certainly can lie. She will be perfect on MSNBC.

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The real inflation rate is between 30% and 40%. Don't let this 8.5% bull shit nonsense fool you.

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They're not morons, they're idealogues. They know exactly what they're doing. There's a plan. Death of freedom and independence. Emergence of complete government dependence. I'm a boomer, but I'm not one of those boomers. The next generation has got to save us, or maybe it's two generations down. The ones who laughed when asked if they trusted public health officials. Those are the ones who can fix this. I hope I live to see it.

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OH they KNOW IT Alex. This is all intentional.

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Reading Dr. Scott Atlas's book gave me the horrible realization that the elites are morons. I thought for sure there was some kind of overarching, evil plan behind it all, but no. They are in fact that stupid.

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A competent administration would: 1) Create "warpspeed for oil" program to get American wells pumping IMMEDIATELY. 2) Create "warpspeed for shipping" to at least solve our end of the supply chain nightmare. Freight delays and costs are killing our economy. 3) STOP BORROWING A DIME more than we have already committed to. If we can get the currency valuation under control, everything else will unwind itself when we follow these three policies.

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The worst part is that there is no admission that printing up trillions of dollars and shoveling to their buddies is the core reason for rising prices. Their answer (shocker!) is to print up trillions MORE dollars and shovel them to their buddies.


We tend run into huge problems when monetary inflation is increasing quickly and the number of goods and services in the economy is not. I’m guessing those of you old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter years remember stagflation.

Stagflation is an economic event in which the inflation rate is high, economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high.

Sound familiar? This is exactly what the government’s response to covid (not covid itself) created. They flooded the country with dollars while also shutting down places that actually create the goods needed to grow. Now even the zoned-out are noticing prices rise extremely quickly. And once the fake economy of being close to the people running the money-making machine overtakes the real economy of voluntarily providing goods and services, the wheels come off the bus.

Unfortunately for us, Joe Biden has a plan to tackle inflation. He wants to print and spent trillions MORE dollars so that you pay ‘less’ for stuff like drug prescriptions or child care! Remember how Obamacare was going to save you money on healthcare costs but you never actually saw any savings? We’re going to take that ‘efficiency’ and spread it out to MORE places! He wants to crank that wave machine up to 11, and he claims this will LOWER inflation. But it will do the opposite.

‘United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts. Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.’

Winston Churchill

This is a major problem for the Biden administration in particular and way too many of our current ‘leaders’ in general (and by extension the rest of us). They believe something is true, and think that strong enough belief will conjure it into reality. So they spend millions on the homeless in Seattle and don’t make the problem any better. They dole out millions to schools to ‘safely open’ when schools never needed to be closed in the first place. Billions get spent on high-speed rail, only for the cost to continue to climb while still having no high-speed service. No matter! They will throw good money after bad! After all, if they stop spending money, they might have to return some of that cash. Better to light it on fire!

With regards to inflation, the Biden administration first claimed that the problem was temporary. Then they shifted the to blame ‘greedy’ businesses (who all decided to get greedy at the same time, I guess?), an excuse that continues today. He’s still fighting to pass multi-trillion dollar bills, claiming they won’t add to inflation — while admitting Americans are already getting ‘clobbered’ by it. There’s simply no admission — or even the inkling of one — that terrible monetary policies over the last couple years are to blame.

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It's not that they are morons. THIS IS ALL PLANNED. THEY OWN. THEY ARE MAKING $$$ off of it.

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There is one sure way to tell if a Democrat is lying to you. If they are speaking then you can rest assured they are lying to you. This used to be a joke. It isn’t a joke any more. It is proven to now be a fact each and every day.

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Matt Taibbi said the federal government is like Game of Thrones, but the characters are the kids you went to high school with.

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Your suggestion that the elites don't know they're morons implies that what's happening is not intentional. I'm not so sure I agree. We've known for decades that masks and lockdowns don't work against a virus but literally every country on earth immediately jumped on the bandwagon. The danger of this virus was dramatically overstated from jump, as was the death toll, all to scare the world into taking multiple doses of a "vaccine" that has proven more dangerous to the vast majority of the population than the virus itself while any mention of therapeutics (known to be safe, effective, and CHEAP!) was silenced. And just as we are starting the recovery from the self-imposed global recession caused by the last lockdown, enter Faucci and his cohorts to tell us we might need to do it all again! Sorry, I don't think they're morons. I think they're evil and WE are the morons if we go along with this BS again!!

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This is why people like Obama complain about information on the internet.

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Why do the republicans keep thinking it will be a blowout in Nov? After all the fraud that took place in the last election and the more than 20 million illegals that will be here by Nov. to commit more fraud, it's laughable the RIGHT think they have it in the bag! The LEFT own the media, the judges and they have a gangsta militia ready to pounce if needed.

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When will everyone realize this is all INTENTIONAL? There is no plan to go "back to normal" - there never was. This is all to accelerate the Great Reset, which means they're trying to inflate our currency into oblivion (not just the USD) so that they can justify a "reset" and roll out CBDC.

Problem --> Reaction --> Solution

"Uh-oh! Our economy isn't recovering, no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at it... We propose a financial, economic reset of sorts.... all debts forgiven! but there's a catch! Surrender your assets! Anyone who does not conform cannot participate in our new society!" <-- sound familiar? This is the new strategy of the future. Everything is digital - it can be turned on & off with the flip of a switch...

"are you being a good citizen today? Have you gotten your 17th booster? NO!? Your digital vaccine, identification, finance card will be shut off then. Maybe you'll comply when you're starving!"

And don't think you can vote your way out of this one. The system is VERY broken. It cannot be fixed.

Throw the whole thing away & start over.

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Oh they know. They know exactly what they’re doing. The destruction is intentional.

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"I meant to say 2.2% per quarter. So 2.2% X 4 is 8.8%. Because of the actions of President Biden, inflation at 8.5% is actually lower than the 8.8% I meant to predict. You're welcome. Next question."

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i can't wait until she takes her new job at MSNBC so i never have to hear from her again

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"Jen, last year you said 2.2. What the actual fuck?"

"I never said that. "

"Here's the video of you saying that. "

"That's Russian disinformation. "

"We got it from the Press Secretary archives."

"Well, as a nation we celebrate the First Amendment, so if that's how you choose to interpret what I said, I support your unconventional interpretation of my words. "

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Unless of course this inflationary outcome was the intended outcome.

How do you default on unpayable debt without actually defaulting? Inflation.

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Must be PutInflation - definitely nothing to do with lockdowns. It's only going to get worse.


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Gilbert Gottfried RIP @ age 67. After a long illness of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia due to Myotonic Dystrophy type II. Although he was doing stand-up in Toronto 2.5 weeks ago.....so yup he was jabbed. RIP Gilbert.

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Even if it goes back to 2.2% by the end of the year, prices will still be 10% (a lot more in real life, official inflation is fake) higher than now. State sponsored thievery, nothing less.

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Maybe they are overconfident in their ability to rig the elections. . .

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Someone knows it. Or they think we’re the morons.

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They aren't morons they are robbing us blind before the house of cards collapses.

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If calculated the same as it was in 1978 the current inflation would be about 16%.

Our leaders are lying liars lying!

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Go read Robert Reich's substack. He is an elite professor of economics. He blames corporations. Of course if Trump was president he would blame Trump and Republicans.

I don't know if "moron" describes it, but something is definitely off.

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Even this administration is not that stupid. They KNOW what they are doing. The actions they take that harm this country are intentional.

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Meanwhile Elizabeth Warren, who lied about being an American Indian to get a good job and hasn’t been forced to resign out of shame by her fellow Democrats, says high prices are due to corporate greed. How come they didn’t raise prices when Trump was President, Lizard, you know, Republicans are the party of big business according to you (Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros).

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If you need help with gas, buy a $70000 electric car

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It is terrible 😢 this administration is awful … some voters are so dumb!!

In my state of Pa…. Philadelphia has re-enacted the mask mandate for all indoor areas..!!?? didn’t CDC say face coverings don’t work?!!… cases aren’t not high…all about control

Oh we have mid term elections coming up

They are trying to get ready for the Covid restrictions

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Oh, Raggedy Ann, enjoy your time at MSNBC. You will fit in great with the rest of the Disney characters.

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They keep citing Nobel prize winning economists. "Expert forecasts" are just regime propaganda.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

The elites know what they are doing. Maybe their flying monkeys are morons but not the ones setting policy. This is a deliberately controlled demolition from the first. Communists may be misanthropic assholes but they are not stupid.

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Inflation exceeds 12%. Following this trend, food prices will double in six months or less.

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Far worse than morons. Far worse.

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How do young adults react to what they’ve seen the past couple years? My 19 year old son, so young and naive just a few years ago, is now a political animal: he believes that everything that has happened is not in fact incompetence, but deliberate. An attempt to bring down the current systems of government, economy and middle class to usher in a new world order. Is is true? No idea. I guess time will tell. A discussion I ever thought I’d be engaging in with him? Never.

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Pepperment may actually be correct! After a pandemic, and the way Brandon has spent money and trashed the economy, a depression may actually lower prices.

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The gov't needs hyperinflation to inflate away the federal debt. The fed will jawbone about rate hikes, but these won't happen because hiking rates will make the federal debt unserviceable.

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Oh, but we were told this is TRANSIENT and same people said 14 days to flatten the curve

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

Morons? They don't know it? This is not stupidity. It is deliberate gaslighting. Lies are hope to quell the masses--who cares if it doesn't pan out in 6 months or a year. And they know it won't. They'll just keep telling new stories. They are hanging on as best they can right now--nothing is off limits much less strategized lies.

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Just watched “The Dropout” - another moment when you really wonder about the “elite.”

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My 18 and 21 year old both dropped their community college classes. They are so depressed. My 26 year old is wrapping up her MBA. She was forced to get a booster from her college. She has anti covid shot parents so she cried her out before getting the booster. She got the J&J. Alex, is the J&J less risky than the Pfizer

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Inflation does NOT affect the elite. They are immune to it. They can still afford their lifestyle.

Taxes don't affect them either--tax exempt investments.

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“ The only thing rising faster than prices is the number of Congressional seats the Republicans are projected to pick up in November.”

Is it just me or does anybody else notice cancer rates also rising quickly?

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What if they're not morons, though? What if all this is meticulously planned to destroy us just the way it seems to be doing? Will they still seem like morons if the much predicted Red Tide of Democrat losses come November does not occur? I mean Biden was supposed to have gotten more votes than Obama!...and Obama actually campaigned! What if we fall victim to the same voting miracle in November?

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

These WEF “elite” are intentionally executing their great reset, delayed by Trump from 2016-2020. Immediately, their pandemic allowed them to steal an election. If you’ve not seen Charlie Kirk’s stunning interview with True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips, you must - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-they-did-it-my-conversation-with-true-the/id1460600818?i=1000556504385.

In 5 states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, True the Vote proves 4.8 MILLION fraudulent votes. See with your own eyes the “mules” stuffing the ballot boxes. Keep in mind, Biden’s fake Margin of “Victory” - AZ 10,457; GA 11,779; PA 81,660; WI 20,682; MI 154,188

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We are no longer at the beginning of the train wreck anymore. More towards the middle of it. I guess she has not gone grocery shopping in the last year. Bag of grapes 12 dollars up here in Canadistan.

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