They know they lie. We know they lie. They know, we know they lie, but they continue to lie.

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and why...because they can. They know no one is holding them accountable. Lot's of huff and puff by us all, but the same perps are in their same positions doing the same things .Round and round we go

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That’s just it. There is no reckoning for their idiocy. We might get a temporary reprieve at the ballot box but then it’s Groundhog Day all over again. Ultimately, people want to be taken care of and free stuff will always be their “crack”.

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This ZERO accountability is the whole crux of it all. Why would this obvious corruption and fraud end without it? I do not mean at the ballot box either. REAL accountability!

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The ones who do the accounting are also in the corruption club.

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THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️

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seems so cinna!

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Real accountability at this point would be wheeling the guillotine out onto the national mall. And to the NSA agent reading this, that’s self evident hyperbole. My point being we’re beyond the stage of being able to vote to change anything.

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something BOLD is needed that truly stops these crooks in their tracks and think twice

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the past use of the G is not an option

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I agree. The rot is so deep, and elected politicians actually aren't in charge. The elected reps are like icing on the cake of the unaccountable administrative state. Voting won't fix it.

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So funny you say that about people wanting free stuff. I grew up with a mom who lived thru the depression and any government money was a "hand-out". Work, do whatever you are able to do, that was the motto of the farming community we had. We have worked and taught our kids to work for what they want. Both in their mid-twenties now and have worked hard to get were they are - one in medical school and the other in NY in banking. All with farmer's values.

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Yeah. Growing up, being on welfare was something to be ashamed of.

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Respect to you and yours!

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Grew up in the 70’s/80’s. My dad left and my mom qualified us for free lunch. I never once used that card as I didn’t want charity. It amazed me how things changed so rapidly and people have no trouble with handouts.

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It was all planned. The great society was the first step. Get people used to being on the government dole under the guise of some sort of social justice reform. Make entire generations dependent on government handouts. Celebrate single motherhood, encourage it even. Eventually you can get over the half the electorate reliant on government money. You’ll hold onto power forever. We are just about there only 60 some odd years later. This wave of illegal immigration is the final act. In another few years they will have won, and only civil war will fix it. There are agencies on top of agencies, an entrenched bureaucracy of people whose entire existence relies on these handouts.

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100% right. Just one spoke on the wheel of the great reset. Get more people to rely on the government for life and then blame the people that haven’t or won’t get on that plan for being the real villain for their problems. Especially when you start to slowly turn off the welfare. Civil war!

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In my mind, I believe people think, "Why am I busting my hump working, when 'they' have nicer stuff, don't have to put up with crappy managers, and co-workers that don't do anything? I deserve to have an easy life, too."

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My dear departed, grandmother lived thru the depression. She worshipped FDR, and no matter what fucking cancer the democrats dropped on us from that point forward she voted democrat. I hate to say it, but she was bought.

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So loss of critical thinking isn't a new thing. Some people don't know to think for themselves; some people don't want to think for themselves; and some people are afraid that thinking for themselves will lead to a different outcome than they thought.

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My Mom's family hated FDR with a passion. Guess how they voted. 😂

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Solution: only men can vote, but only women can run for office.

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Interesting idea!

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Apr 12, 2022
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They used to say we moved from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. How can a service economy sustain a country. Aren't call centers in the Philippines and around the world part of a service economy?

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Service provides a product, that manufacturing creates. Yes, all those robo calls while fake are for a service. Hub had 1 yesterday, from the exempt political, some DemonRat is running for the state of Tennessee disctrict 5. We are REGISTERED REPUBLICANS. There are also campaign signs up for Tipton County, TN with NO PARTY LISTED. I know 2 Naiefh is a DEMONRAT, GIANNI IS GOP. beyond that never heard of any 1 of them and we've lived here 11 yrs. We are in Primary season for State/local.

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I don't think a service always has to have a manufactured product. Not all healthcare involves manufactured products, there are beauticians, massage therapists, dentists, lawn maintenance providers, financial services, media, etc. which don't rely primarily on physical manufactured items. But those that do rely on manufactured products, Amazon, big box stores, and car dealerships, for example, to the extent that those products are manufactured in other countries, are built on a house of cards.

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Where I live they took the parties off the campaign signs years ago. It really upsets me, because If you want to run you should be proud enough of your party to say what party it is.

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Because people moved to TN to get on the ballot. TN like most red states, are under attack from outside sources. They want power and there’s nothing they won’t do to get it.

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Yup.. Relocate manufacturing to the poorer economies, relocate service to the poorer economies. The same economies doing deals with Putin. We have nothing left except Honor and a flag. That flag needs to be flied. Otherwise all those stars and stripes are forgotten.

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The sellout began when Clinton invited China into the WTO.

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Apr 13, 2022
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On point BF! Not only the creation of the Fed Reserve, but the creation of the EEC, in 1971....we Europeans thought it was all about the Eurovision Song Contest, but the Franco/Prussian/Charlamagne/ Holy Roman Empire kept chipping at the edges and weak spots in our provisional memories. And here we are. On a precipice.

Russia has now pegged the ruble to gold, trading lower than LME. India is buying, Saudis are going bull, China is commodities all in, Africa is owned by China, and a lot of S America.

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Good point and thanks for the reminder about the Federal Reserve

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PS--I don't think a lot of people are aware that the Federal Reserve is a private institution

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We are commodity-rich. But it's not ok to harvest bc rich kids said so? The mind boggles. America has globally and locally valuable commodities, but the Fed ties gas and oil companies up with bureaucratic red tape. And rich kids (check out Extinction Rebellion)..... will shout down anything they don't intrinsically understand. Because they are projecting their hurt, pain, children not nurtured - onto mainstream. And they will take over....!

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It's funny, not very long ago they used to call the United States the breadbasket of the world. Now they're calling Russia the bread basket of the world. I think I read United States is the third-largest wheat producing country.

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And Democrats and Republicans continue to sleep in the same bed. They just switch positions occasionally.

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IF we could just remove that contingent of RINO's and those who are in fact bought off!

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I mean... theyre all bought off.

The whole system is broken... has been for a long time. Both sides are corrupt and neither has accountability. Dig deeper. Stop falling for the 2-party illusion.

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I get it....its all corrupt

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This is all about good vs evil and freedom vs tyranny. This is not blue vs red. People need to choose sides going forward with they wish to belong too

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We keep voting for the same two parties in every election and we expect things to change.

Who are the dummies? Vote this fall for anyone but a Dem or RePub !!

Shake the system up!!

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No, please don't push the false illusion that voting independent makes ANY difference.... it doesn't. Literally the entire system is broken and the only way to fix it is to throw it away & start over OR parallel societies <-- my preference, STOP participating, remove dependence - we dont actually need SElected people to control us, and there are methods to completely remove yourself. But it won't be easy. I for one, will NO LONGER support this bullshit charade. And im tired of paying taxes and not getting any receipts; or when I do, its being pissed away on "gender studies in Pakistan" and perpetual war.....

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Why only 2 parties? A lot of other nations have 4-10. Which makes it very democratic. France in 2 weeks will be interesting. EU hangs in the balance.

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problem is how are those you vote for held to account doing what they say they will do? Sure we can oust them next cycle after and hope next servant works, but there must be day today hands on auditing of their actions...full transparency don't you think? I mean this is the problem. We always say accountability happens at the ballot box

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I say vote for non-pussies. God save us if the last two generations have to defend us. This nation has been pussified. Look no further than the masks

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A 2 party system for almost 10 decades is not healthy, and not in the Peoples' interests. It will change. I fear for the worst though!

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So basically 95% of republicans and 100% of democrats. Good luck

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Right :) Is it that bad percentage wise? Who are the 5% GOP in your opinion keepers as servants?

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Doesn't matter which side you sit on, they are mostly all bought. It's our turn. It's now our turn. That is the surface. They serve only themselves.

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Republicans are useless. All they seem to do is complain about what is wrong and do nothing. They never have a solution with applying action.

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Democrats are far worse. I used to be one.

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We keep voting for the same two parties in every election and we expect things to change.

Who are the dummies?

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Yep, lots of couch crusaders.

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The partisan media has brainwashed too many.

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If folks stop doing business with the companies who buy Democrat politicians things will quickly change! We don’t have to wait for any election either! I don’t do business with any firm who forces employees to wear masks either. Just sayin’

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You are right! I have not bought any Hershey, Nestle or Mars candy for a couple months now. It's a killer, but it's got to be done. Remember when you buy Easter candy to buy Brach's or Russell Stover.

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Buy from a local candy making business. We have at least five great companies that make wonderful candy for all occasions.

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Including me.

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we the people are doing what we can, but what are those elected servants who know this is wrong doing in positions we pay them to serve in? This is the huff and puff I tire of!

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Right. Or even others with more influence who claim to work on our behalf against these vile tyrants? Like, what, actually, has been the result of the Great Barrington Declaration or the legal work set in motion by people like Reiner Fuellmich, for example?

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Yes and all the others like you mention! What get's me is we are 26 months in now or more and not ONE perp has been held remotely accountable. Some even seem more brazen than ever. I mean we know who the main perps are too. Not ONE in 26 months. How is that possible with what has been done to humanity?

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Hopefully that changes in November ... so vote wisely (and keep your representatives accountable)

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Keep accountable how?

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Good question. Only idea I have is to hold a gun to their noggin for the entire term. Except bathroom breaks.

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where can I apply for that job :)

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You go to their rallies/meetings and say, "Remember when you told me you are going to do this and that" for example

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have done that for years...its the old model of accountability hopes. We need black and white accountability. a day to day holding to account and if you stray you are held to real account. These are servants remember...ours.

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Term limits would be a good start.

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How many 100's and 1000's of times has that been suggested yet never gets any place. I mean it makes total sense yet never happens

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similar to a FLAT tax. Common sense

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I am open to suggestions, but obviously what we do now and have done is not working. To show up and vote or write to our reps sure isn't cutting it!

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I don't think it's a lie. It's deliberate. They are deliberately destroying the economy and society in furtherance of some idiotic re-making of culture & society.

One thing echoes in my mind, "You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."

OK, so there are a bunch of "congresspersons" not seeking re-election. But there are some who ARE seeking re-election who are responsible for this disaster.

I say throw 'em all out--and start over again.

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It all makes sense when you realize that “you’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy” is a *command*, not a prediction.

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I think we're saying or implying that the lie IS deliberate. (Can there be such a thing as a nondeliberate lie?)

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Apr 12, 2022
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I've spent two years, Al Rosen, shaking my head and refusing to imagine that there's some conspiracy or sinister plan. You know: Hanlon's Razor.

Now? It's gone on too long; there's TOO MUCH stupidity. The withdrawal from Afghanistan comes to mind as the single best example of "What the HELL were they thinking?"

Or maybe the stupidest policy is the open border.

I don't believe I've moved to this point. But here I am.

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Everything you and Al Rosen are saying is spot on and Absolutely Accurate!

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You, Rosie and Al Rosen are spot on!

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Apr 13, 2022
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At this point whether it’s sinister or stupid…the result is the same. I see it as the people at the top are not accountable to anyone. Heck, they are so wrapped in their own little world (the “I’m going to make a sh!tload of money in this government job” world) that they barely know anyone else exists.

If you are an “elected” official, then the citizenry magical pop into existence for 3 to 4 months every 2, 4 or 6 years. I think the colonists who dumped the Tea had more representation than current Americans.

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Apr 13, 2022Edited
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“We rule; screw you and shut up; we know we’re lying, you know we’re lying, we know you know and vice versa; eat it and like it.” That’s the message.

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She would have been a great spokesperson during the Vietnam War.


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Great article! 👍

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Great article. The comparative analysis between the handling of the virus and the Vietnam War was spot on!

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That was a great article.

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They get away with it because the average American has about a 6-second attention span--and believes 90% of what their social media influencers tell them. They'd rather watch Tik-Tok videos than take any kind of political stand to assert the rights of another. And we all well-know how social media sites handle--I mean cover up "truth." Yet they keep pushing and pushing and pushing. I have a sick feeling that by or just before the midterms, they are going to provoke an all-out revolution from those of us who well-understand what's going on. The Dems are sick, desperate, power-hungry liars and cheaters--but sadly, they have plenty of RINO help. They're bankrolled by the richest people in the world.

Only an idiot would not see what's brewing.

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Dead on RC!

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“There’s a sucker born every minute”. Is an idiot equivalent to a sucker? Perhaps an idiot is slightly less informed than a sucker? People are wandering around society and they don’t even KNOW they are idiots. 😈

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I fear you may be spot on.

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Something is most definitely brewing..

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They don't care that we know they are lying. There is nothing or anybody who can stop them.

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That's wrong ... we can do it, ask your representative what they'll do about it BEFORE you vote for them and then follow-up to make sure they keep their word!

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therein lies the rub. Just HOW do we keep them to their word with a simple ask? Must be more to make sure. In essence that is what we do now...we ask them what they will do and tell us and then don't follow script of what we the people require them to do as servants.

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This is probably true.

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It is their religion.

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Liars gonna lie.

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Hey, Norton! C'mere, I wanna show you something!

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That's a good summation for all LIBTARDED media

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Oh! Hey, Dad, I didn’t know you were on here.

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They think we can’t smell BS when it is thrown at us.

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We smell it all right, but then just sit there with it dripping all over our faces whilst complaining to each other. 😕🤔

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They couldn't care less if we smell it or not.

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Apr 12, 2022
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Didn't remember the author, but comrade Alex is a Russophobe anyway.

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Apr 12, 2022
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Moron's who are intentional and laugh at you as they wink at you...

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a joke from the Jimmy Carter era -- "...and if you are interested in a more expensive car I can show you this exact same model again next week."

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or with a full tank...

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That woman certainly can lie. She will be perfect on MSNBC.

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I'm glad I don't watch MSNBC

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No one does. Except Psaki.

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She probably doesn’t.

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In life a-likes attract each other (not like in magnetism)

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Of course she will..she's been head copywriter for it since January 2021!

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The real inflation rate is between 30% and 40%. Don't let this 8.5% bull shit nonsense fool you.

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Very true, the PPI has been gamed. I’m in the manufacturing sector and was presented with up to 50% higher production costs LAST SEPTEMBER well before the Ukrainian war. Idiotic Covid and monetary policy are to blame.

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Well they did inflate the money supply by 30%.

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8.5% by today's formula (which is far away from 30-40 years ago one)

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They're not morons, they're idealogues. They know exactly what they're doing. There's a plan. Death of freedom and independence. Emergence of complete government dependence. I'm a boomer, but I'm not one of those boomers. The next generation has got to save us, or maybe it's two generations down. The ones who laughed when asked if they trusted public health officials. Those are the ones who can fix this. I hope I live to see it.

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Those that know exactly what they're doing are the sinister schemers (Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates, etc.). They want to destroy the current global system of governance and make us all their slaves. They have said as much ("You will own nothing and be happy"). Then there are the useful idiots who think they are leading us to a utopian nirvana where the "government" is the solution to all problems (this list is long, but think Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, John Kerry, AOC and the Squad, etc.). They will be seriously disappointed when the schemers get to the end game (think Robespierre after the Reign of Terror). Then there are the political entrepreneurs just milking the game for financial gain (also a long list, but Nancy Pelosi is a fine example). And finally, there are the genuine morons that don't know what the fuck is going on (again a long list, but think of Kamela Harris as a prime example). Unfortunately, us sentient, thinking, self reliant, freedom loving citizens must develop and implement different, parallel battle plans to deal with the schemers, useful idiots, grifters and morons to preserve our civil society and freedoms.

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Yes, they are idealogues and this is all a plan. The puppet master is Klaus Schwab. I am reading his book "Covid 19: The Great Reset" and the phrase "build back better" is peppered throughout. Keep in mind this book was written and published in June of 2020 (pretty quickly considering covid did not blossom until March of 2020) and long before the President alleged slept walked into the oval office.

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That’s also Biden’s catch phrase too. His people are all in for The Great Reset.

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that's every globalist's catch phase

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This is a global Mafia thing. Hopefully struggle for power in the top will lead to their disruption and weakening. With a noticeable body count.

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I know a lot of 24 thru 35 year olds through my grandkids. A huge number of them are totally disgusted with Biden in particular, but also with government in general. There might conceivably be some hope, because this age group seems to feel very betrayed. They don't want to vote Democrat, and they mostly don't want to vote Republican either because they think they are pretty much the same. I have to wonder how or even if they will vote. They pretty much think their vote is meaningless at this point

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What concerns me is the example of Canada. It seem's like Jordan Peterson is saying that it's politics just "drifted along" with unengaged citizens. The Truckers who became engaged citizens who then protested did the world a favor by unmasking just how totalitarian-minded those are who took advantage of the vacuum. (Shutter)

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That's the demo I think is the key. They're out in the world paying bills and taxes--and seeing what they get for those taxes. That's when my eyes really opened.

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Plus all the high school kids rebelling against masks in schools. Future conservatives!

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I sure hope so

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So nice to see one that can "see"...100% However, it's a global plan not just for the U.S.

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Yes. they were the 1's that said "? authority & resist". now they are in charge & having none of it.

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OH they KNOW IT Alex. This is all intentional.

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Reading Dr. Scott Atlas's book gave me the horrible realization that the elites are morons. I thought for sure there was some kind of overarching, evil plan behind it all, but no. They are in fact that stupid.

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nope...it's all a scripted plan by those you are calling idiots. It's all about crashing the U.S. economy.

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I wish.

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after reading dr. atlas's book I thought 1 of trump's biggest errors was putting pence in charge of covid. he did what bureaucrats do-picked a bunch of obsolete bureaucrats to run things. He should have put a public health expert (like atlas) in charge.

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That’s why it’s so hilariously easy for Putin and Xi to stomp all over the United States.

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And well they should. While Russia and China were spending money on improving their militaries, we were trying to make ours more woke and leaving top notch equipment with our enemies. We were also trying to make other countries more woke and Nazi (stands for National Socialist Party). We just found out that regime change and nation building don’t work for Russia, and the Ukrainian people are paying the price.

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Yes, his book provided another stark reminder of how dumb the elites who gravitate to government positions are.

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A competent administration would: 1) Create "warpspeed for oil" program to get American wells pumping IMMEDIATELY. 2) Create "warpspeed for shipping" to at least solve our end of the supply chain nightmare. Freight delays and costs are killing our economy. 3) STOP BORROWING A DIME more than we have already committed to. If we can get the currency valuation under control, everything else will unwind itself when we follow these three policies.

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In other words, wait for it....Trump!!

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Except Trump wouldn't "stop borrowing a dime more than we have already committed to." Sorry, he's a spender and at least deserves partial blame for this situation, as do Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc. It's just accelerated in the last year, but it's been coming for a long time.

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I know, right!

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CA has environmental regulations on trucks that are strangling our supply chain.

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Not only are the environmental regulations affecting the supply chain, CA AB5 went into effect Jan 1, 2020 making it impossible for independent contractors and owner-operators to operate without effectively becoming employees of those they do work for. This probably had a bigger impact on the situation at the California ports than the environmental regulations.

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CA really wants to eliminate all small business owners.

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Please run for president. Srsly please???

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I second

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Honest question…which president ran the last competent administration? Was it pre Civil war? Pre world war 1, perhaps ww2. Post world war 2?

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Ronald Reagan

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The worst part is that there is no admission that printing up trillions of dollars and shoveling to their buddies is the core reason for rising prices. Their answer (shocker!) is to print up trillions MORE dollars and shovel them to their buddies.


We tend run into huge problems when monetary inflation is increasing quickly and the number of goods and services in the economy is not. I’m guessing those of you old enough to remember the Jimmy Carter years remember stagflation.

Stagflation is an economic event in which the inflation rate is high, economic growth rate slows, and unemployment remains steadily high.

Sound familiar? This is exactly what the government’s response to covid (not covid itself) created. They flooded the country with dollars while also shutting down places that actually create the goods needed to grow. Now even the zoned-out are noticing prices rise extremely quickly. And once the fake economy of being close to the people running the money-making machine overtakes the real economy of voluntarily providing goods and services, the wheels come off the bus.

Unfortunately for us, Joe Biden has a plan to tackle inflation. He wants to print and spent trillions MORE dollars so that you pay ‘less’ for stuff like drug prescriptions or child care! Remember how Obamacare was going to save you money on healthcare costs but you never actually saw any savings? We’re going to take that ‘efficiency’ and spread it out to MORE places! He wants to crank that wave machine up to 11, and he claims this will LOWER inflation. But it will do the opposite.

‘United wishes and good will cannot overcome brute facts. Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.’

Winston Churchill

This is a major problem for the Biden administration in particular and way too many of our current ‘leaders’ in general (and by extension the rest of us). They believe something is true, and think that strong enough belief will conjure it into reality. So they spend millions on the homeless in Seattle and don’t make the problem any better. They dole out millions to schools to ‘safely open’ when schools never needed to be closed in the first place. Billions get spent on high-speed rail, only for the cost to continue to climb while still having no high-speed service. No matter! They will throw good money after bad! After all, if they stop spending money, they might have to return some of that cash. Better to light it on fire!

With regards to inflation, the Biden administration first claimed that the problem was temporary. Then they shifted the to blame ‘greedy’ businesses (who all decided to get greedy at the same time, I guess?), an excuse that continues today. He’s still fighting to pass multi-trillion dollar bills, claiming they won’t add to inflation — while admitting Americans are already getting ‘clobbered’ by it. There’s simply no admission — or even the inkling of one — that terrible monetary policies over the last couple years are to blame.

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40% of every single dollar ever printed ("created" is probably more accurate--as most were just changed balances on Fed member banks' spreadsheets) was done in the past 2 years! There is no way in hell the dollar won't meet a spectacular crash soon. They've been pushing toward crippling the fiat dollar for years--what's truly sad is that it took a coup coordinated by our 3-letter agencies (FBI/CIA/DOJ/FEC), social media and legacy media working together to put a clueless stooge like Brandon in power to facilitate it.

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Can't Build Back Better if everything's Still Standing.

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It's not that they are morons. THIS IS ALL PLANNED. THEY OWN. THEY ARE MAKING $$$ off of it.

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There is one sure way to tell if a Democrat is lying to you. If they are speaking then you can rest assured they are lying to you. This used to be a joke. It isn’t a joke any more. It is proven to now be a fact each and every day.

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True, but also true of a heck of a lot of Repubs as well. A lot!

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Matt Taibbi said the federal government is like Game of Thrones, but the characters are the kids you went to high school with.

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Great. That means Spicoli is running things. Sounds about right.

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“What Jefferson was saying was, Hey! You know, we left this England place 'cause it was bogus; so if we don't get some cool rules ourselves—pronto—we'll just be bogus, too! Get it?”

— Jeff Spicoli

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“This is U.S. History, I see the globe right there.”

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Don’t insult Spicoli…

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Peak Sean Penn. Now he seems rather preening in his righteousness.

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Your suggestion that the elites don't know they're morons implies that what's happening is not intentional. I'm not so sure I agree. We've known for decades that masks and lockdowns don't work against a virus but literally every country on earth immediately jumped on the bandwagon. The danger of this virus was dramatically overstated from jump, as was the death toll, all to scare the world into taking multiple doses of a "vaccine" that has proven more dangerous to the vast majority of the population than the virus itself while any mention of therapeutics (known to be safe, effective, and CHEAP!) was silenced. And just as we are starting the recovery from the self-imposed global recession caused by the last lockdown, enter Faucci and his cohorts to tell us we might need to do it all again! Sorry, I don't think they're morons. I think they're evil and WE are the morons if we go along with this BS again!!

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This is why people like Obama complain about information on the internet.

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Why do the republicans keep thinking it will be a blowout in Nov? After all the fraud that took place in the last election and the more than 20 million illegals that will be here by Nov. to commit more fraud, it's laughable the RIGHT think they have it in the bag! The LEFT own the media, the judges and they have a gangsta militia ready to pounce if needed.

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My spouse informs me that our Governor wants to start bussing folks directly to Washington DC upon crossing the border; I would advocate stopping in AOC's district as well. Better yet, the all the districts of open border Congressional reps.

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Where were these Governors 16 months ago? Abbott talked a big game but lacked action.

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Anthony.. talk a big game take no action. I think that’s in the Republican 101 manual on the first page. And if things get really bad, talk a bigger game. Maybe a letter in ALL CAPS!!! But, still don’t take action.

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I can't help but agree with you. I don't think a Republican landslide is a given. Joe was deliberately installed and they're not going to let a Republican majority in the House or Senate stop what he and his "team" are doing.

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When will everyone realize this is all INTENTIONAL? There is no plan to go "back to normal" - there never was. This is all to accelerate the Great Reset, which means they're trying to inflate our currency into oblivion (not just the USD) so that they can justify a "reset" and roll out CBDC.

Problem --> Reaction --> Solution

"Uh-oh! Our economy isn't recovering, no matter how many trillions of dollars we throw at it... We propose a financial, economic reset of sorts.... all debts forgiven! but there's a catch! Surrender your assets! Anyone who does not conform cannot participate in our new society!" <-- sound familiar? This is the new strategy of the future. Everything is digital - it can be turned on & off with the flip of a switch...

"are you being a good citizen today? Have you gotten your 17th booster? NO!? Your digital vaccine, identification, finance card will be shut off then. Maybe you'll comply when you're starving!"

And don't think you can vote your way out of this one. The system is VERY broken. It cannot be fixed.

Throw the whole thing away & start over.

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Oh they know. They know exactly what they’re doing. The destruction is intentional.

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"I meant to say 2.2% per quarter. So 2.2% X 4 is 8.8%. Because of the actions of President Biden, inflation at 8.5% is actually lower than the 8.8% I meant to predict. You're welcome. Next question."

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“It was woke math. 8 = 2.2 or you’re a racist.”

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i can't wait until she takes her new job at MSNBC so i never have to hear from her again

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"Jen, last year you said 2.2. What the actual fuck?"

"I never said that. "

"Here's the video of you saying that. "

"That's Russian disinformation. "

"We got it from the Press Secretary archives."

"Well, as a nation we celebrate the First Amendment, so if that's how you choose to interpret what I said, I support your unconventional interpretation of my words. "

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that's Babylon Bee worthy

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lol 😆

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Unless of course this inflationary outcome was the intended outcome.

How do you default on unpayable debt without actually defaulting? Inflation.

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Must be PutInflation - definitely nothing to do with lockdowns. It's only going to get worse.


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oh, but lockdowns prove now to work...look at Shanghai :)

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Shoutout to Dr V Prasad's latest youtube video with its pointed reminder that our lockdown supporters (who by definition are calling for zero covid) are now seeing in Shanghai the logical conclusion of their bad public health policy advocacy -- even if they want to pretend otherwise.

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"of their bad public health advocacy" Now THERE is the understatement of the century!

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I’m a bit freaked out it might be another gift virus from 🇨🇳 Hope our true natural immunity still works!

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exactly what they want you to feel...eternally worried and freaked out. Control is what they desire and FEAR is the easiest path for the evil doers

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You’re so right! I’m gonna wash that worry away!

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Xi is still striving for the elusive covid zero.

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And to think some actually believe that's possible. The delusions simply get worse and worse and they call it science

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Australia bought into it. They even had "covid camps".

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I still wonder if they had done so IF the people at Australia had not had their gun rights taken away

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Good point. Americans should remember this when Democrats are trying to outlaw our guns.

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WA was building them too!

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think the CCP has its fingers in the NW more than any other area of the states

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Fauci and Gates believe the CCP model is the perfect model

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Well, they should go live there for a few years. Then ask them about it.

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Think they know what happens there. Its just what the CCP gives them which makes them tout the perfect model

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Bidenflation blaming Putinflation

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Gilbert Gottfried RIP @ age 67. After a long illness of Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia due to Myotonic Dystrophy type II. Although he was doing stand-up in Toronto 2.5 weeks ago.....so yup he was jabbed. RIP Gilbert.

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Ever get a look at him roasting Bob Saget?

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Nope I love roasts but missed that, so will check out. He did tweet a pic of him, Bob Saget, and Louis Anderson a few months ago. Everyone - Louis Anderson needs 24/7 protection.

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Even if it goes back to 2.2% by the end of the year, prices will still be 10% (a lot more in real life, official inflation is fake) higher than now. State sponsored thievery, nothing less.

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Trump warned how many times what would happen if the puppet was placed into the WH?

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biden is corrupt, a disgrace and an embarrassment by any measure.

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I would actually characterize Biden as a criminal at this point.

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Everything he said has come true. Unfortunately.

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Maybe they are overconfident in their ability to rig the elections. . .

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They're working on another phony C19 surge to enact Shanghai type lockdowns for the November election. You better start practicing your screaming out of your windows.

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Or your swan dive.

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there are more firearms than people in the USA. we won't be starving, lol.

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Or a real war with Russia. Whatever it takes. Never ever put anything past them.

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Question is, will enough Americans comply this time around.

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I think many here wonder what is in store for 22 elections. I mean on paper it looks OBVIOUS, but its paper and we saw what happened in 2020 on paper

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Hugh Hewitt wrote a book a few years ago with the title of "If It's Not Close, They Can't Cheat: Crushing the Democrats in Every Election and Why Your Life Depends on It". If voting truly does crush the Dems in the midterms, the sheer numbers might make it more difficult to cheat.

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solid point!

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Someone knows it. Or they think we’re the morons.

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They aren't morons they are robbing us blind before the house of cards collapses.

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If calculated the same as it was in 1978 the current inflation would be about 16%.

Our leaders are lying liars lying!

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The place I go to see actual inflation numbers is:


The current numbers are completely understated. The fact that they have to admit that it is over 8% shows how bad things really are.

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Go read Robert Reich's substack. He is an elite professor of economics. He blames corporations. Of course if Trump was president he would blame Trump and Republicans.

I don't know if "moron" describes it, but something is definitely off.

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You would think he’d blame Putin.

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Psaki blamed Putin. "Putin inflation" I think she labeled it.

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He was in the Obama Administration so moron is a given.

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I will admit to something of a soft spot for Reich. Whether I agree with him on everything or not, I think he is thoughtful and genuine and at least he tried to stand up for free speech at UC-Berkeley. (Plus he did a classic comedy sketch with Conan O'Brien (which probably could not be done today.)

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He has a current quote that Elon Musk owning Twitter is a bad thing. I think his views on free speech have changed.

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Even this administration is not that stupid. They KNOW what they are doing. The actions they take that harm this country are intentional.

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Joe Thanos Biden…

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Meanwhile Elizabeth Warren, who lied about being an American Indian to get a good job and hasn’t been forced to resign out of shame by her fellow Democrats, says high prices are due to corporate greed. How come they didn’t raise prices when Trump was President, Lizard, you know, Republicans are the party of big business according to you (Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros).

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Let's not forget "Pat"!!! SNL was funny but now it is a reality. The jokers are now afraid to make jokes. This is the beginning of the end....

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If you need help with gas, buy a $70000 electric car

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It is terrible 😢 this administration is awful … some voters are so dumb!!

In my state of Pa…. Philadelphia has re-enacted the mask mandate for all indoor areas..!!?? didn’t CDC say face coverings don’t work?!!… cases aren’t not high…all about control

Oh we have mid term elections coming up

They are trying to get ready for the Covid restrictions

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Oh, Raggedy Ann, enjoy your time at MSNBC. You will fit in great with the rest of the Disney characters.

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And she has children 🙈

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No wonder the economy is doing so bad.

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They keep citing Nobel prize winning economists. "Expert forecasts" are just regime propaganda.

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The elites know what they are doing. Maybe their flying monkeys are morons but not the ones setting policy. This is a deliberately controlled demolition from the first. Communists may be misanthropic assholes but they are not stupid.

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Inflation exceeds 12%. Following this trend, food prices will double in six months or less.

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Housing in many areas seems to double every couple of years. Especially in places rich Californians are fleeing to.

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Far worse than morons. Far worse.

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How do young adults react to what they’ve seen the past couple years? My 19 year old son, so young and naive just a few years ago, is now a political animal: he believes that everything that has happened is not in fact incompetence, but deliberate. An attempt to bring down the current systems of government, economy and middle class to usher in a new world order. Is is true? No idea. I guess time will tell. A discussion I ever thought I’d be engaging in with him? Never.

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Seems like your son had himself a nice red pill…

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I'm actually finding that a lot of kids in that 19-34 or so age group think similarly these days.

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I hope he runs for office!

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Pepperment may actually be correct! After a pandemic, and the way Brandon has spent money and trashed the economy, a depression may actually lower prices.

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Apr 12, 2022
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I don’t think anyone in that group will die of despair. Despair would indicate that they felt like they failed. These bitches have no shame, so why would they be ashamed of failing and having to live on a government handout? There is no 1930 mentality in any of these snowflakes.

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The gov't needs hyperinflation to inflate away the federal debt. The fed will jawbone about rate hikes, but these won't happen because hiking rates will make the federal debt unserviceable.

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Oh, but we were told this is TRANSIENT and same people said 14 days to flatten the curve

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Morons? They don't know it? This is not stupidity. It is deliberate gaslighting. Lies are hope to quell the masses--who cares if it doesn't pan out in 6 months or a year. And they know it won't. They'll just keep telling new stories. They are hanging on as best they can right now--nothing is off limits much less strategized lies.

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Just watched “The Dropout” - another moment when you really wonder about the “elite.”

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My 18 and 21 year old both dropped their community college classes. They are so depressed. My 26 year old is wrapping up her MBA. She was forced to get a booster from her college. She has anti covid shot parents so she cried her out before getting the booster. She got the J&J. Alex, is the J&J less risky than the Pfizer

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My nonscientific impression is that each of them have their own safety issues, but Moderna is particularly bad for young males/heart issues, so bad in fact, it is not used in Europe. I am in your same boat with college aged kids getting shots. Honestly my only hope is in praying for miracle related to harms, seriously, praying for a miracle. I will not send my youngest anywhere that requires more shots. Two years to go...and hoping the insanity will be over.

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Check Facebook group called No College Mandates.

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Just found them on substack too: https://nocollegemandates.substack.com/

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Inflation does NOT affect the elite. They are immune to it. They can still afford their lifestyle.

Taxes don't affect them either--tax exempt investments.

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My cousin said she doesn't care if gas is ten dollars a gallon as long as trump isn't president. Her husband makes 45k a month

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I hate to be harsh, but what is he? a hedge fund manager or some sort of non-producing parasite on the economy...

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“ The only thing rising faster than prices is the number of Congressional seats the Republicans are projected to pick up in November.”

Is it just me or does anybody else notice cancer rates also rising quickly?

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What if they're not morons, though? What if all this is meticulously planned to destroy us just the way it seems to be doing? Will they still seem like morons if the much predicted Red Tide of Democrat losses come November does not occur? I mean Biden was supposed to have gotten more votes than Obama!...and Obama actually campaigned! What if we fall victim to the same voting miracle in November?

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These WEF “elite” are intentionally executing their great reset, delayed by Trump from 2016-2020. Immediately, their pandemic allowed them to steal an election. If you’ve not seen Charlie Kirk’s stunning interview with True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Greg Phillips, you must - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-they-did-it-my-conversation-with-true-the/id1460600818?i=1000556504385.

In 5 states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, True the Vote proves 4.8 MILLION fraudulent votes. See with your own eyes the “mules” stuffing the ballot boxes. Keep in mind, Biden’s fake Margin of “Victory” - AZ 10,457; GA 11,779; PA 81,660; WI 20,682; MI 154,188

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We are no longer at the beginning of the train wreck anymore. More towards the middle of it. I guess she has not gone grocery shopping in the last year. Bag of grapes 12 dollars up here in Canadistan.

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Somewhat perversely, this comment (and I am truly sorry for your situation) reminds me of a classic scene from Arrested Development when weathy Lucille Bluth says to her son, "How much could a banana cost, ten dollars?"

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Wendy's combo meal is almost $14 in Florida. Combo meals are a better way to normalize inflation vs. the new and improved CPI calculations. True statement

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