Big Pharma had bought and paid for the CDC and their vax mandates! Does anyone realize that our poor America babies get SEVENTY, yes you read that right, SEVENTY vaccine jabs by the time they’re 3! Try getting into school without them! And these damn politicians allow this!

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The universal use of Ivermectin would had eliminated almost all of those hospitalizations and deaths in the children. Going from 680 to zero. So who would do this???? Destroy the reputation of a safe and effective treatment to push a deadly toxic shot that is ineffective and then lie about those that are killed or harmed IE teen age boys and girls have always died in their sleep or drop dead on the stage or court all the time. This wasn’t about money it’s much much worse. There is a evil force that is intent on killing you and your family. Do not comply.

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and, sadly, even those kids not showing serious side effects may have been harmed by the vaccines. (RFK Jr. was all over this, and for the most part was ignored or villified by the mainstream.)

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And the USA still has vax mandates for green card immigration, including for little kids! Help to stop them! https://twitter.com/NoGreenCardVax

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"You never count your money

When you're sittin' at the table.

There'll be time enough for countin'

When the dealin's done."

The vax plan was never going to work.

They took ENORMOUS risks.

With everyone else's health and well- being.

Whether it's the war on drugs,

armed conflicts in the middle east, eastern Europe, and across the globe, a war on poverty or an airborne virus, the game is always the same:

The rich and powerful collect the spoils.

And the common folks pay the price for their sins.

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At least Elmo won't get myocarditis.

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This all makes sense, but I also wonder how many of these hospitalizations, and deaths, especially in the elderly, could have been prevented by other means. IE, actually trying to treat people instead of just telling them to get vaccinated. Then when you throw vaccine side effects on top of this, the jab has to be a net negative.

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Grandkids were #forced to jab FOUR (4️⃣) times….both got the #VID. How do you spell psyop, @alex❓❓

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Good Lord. This should piss off all parents. But it won't. They're eiher completely tamed and managed by their trusted news sources, or just culpably lazy.

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3

As a pharmacist, I did my research before the mRNA jabs were released. The fact that the initial animal trials resulted in 100 percent death was the first red flag. Note that Moderna and Pfizer did not repeat these trials before jabbing millions of unsuspecting people. Tsk, tsk.

The second red flag popped up when the government granted said companies with complete immunity for injury. Say what now?The NIAID also refused to update the VAERS system, making it cumbersome to report vaccine injuries. I believe also, that doctors were instructed to deny any relationship between side effects and the shot.

The third red flag was the complete suppression of any differing opinions on the vax other than it was one hundred percent safe and effective, which we now know was hogwash.

The fourth red flag emerged when the shots were forced on people. What happened to my body, my choice?

The fifth warning came when they began to make excuses for why the tox shots weren't working. Had pharma not demonized early treatments like HCQ and ivermectin, this could all have been avoided.

This has been the biggest con in all recorded history. I hope everyone involved chokes on their money.

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But look at the upside for pharmaceutical companies, doctors and hospitals. The will make jillions treating turbo cancer, myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, blood clots as wells as an untold number of other vaccine caused diseases. mRNA vaccines appear to be bad for a peoples health but great for a certain sector of our economy.

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Alex. That is a fine how do you do! I just flew past 75 last week and you just called me "very old"! In my mind I am still 21 but, granted, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. I can only hit the driver 250 yards now instead of the 300 yards I used to! And I still have all my teeth. Watch out I might bite cause I am "very old" and unpredictable! LOL.

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Any very old person (>75 years old) who were near death and contracted Covid and then died were counted as Covid deaths. All goes to prove that "figures don't lie but liars figure"!

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Feb 2·edited Feb 2

And they will continue to STILL push these on kids and humanity in general because they CAN. ZERO accountability remains the greatest existential crisis we face. It's all just "allowed" to continue. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. This is nor has it ever been rocket science. Just astonishing EVERYone does not "get this" The definition of insanity. Similar to the border and what is going on in CA, IL, NY, WA and every other BLUE run city and BLUE run state. It's all just "allowed" ZERO accountability

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Sadly it appears that it become all about the money--I never thought we would see the health care complex stoop to this level. I don't think the health care bureaucrats can regain any semblance of the credibility they used to have with a large portion of the public. God help these kids as we find out in the coming decades what the long term effects are of this cruel medical experiment.

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Wonderful. One MORE article preaching to the choir, meanwhile places like Paine College in Ga. closed campus due to a "COVID" outbreak" and employers like CVS STILL require the shots. You can write all you want until your fingers bleed about how the shots don't work, but I am seriously wondering WHY you seem to be so afraid to address the places that still REQUIRE them. THAT is the bigger story, not the fact they don't work. That is obvious to anyone with half a brain. Why do you refuse to address the REAL issue??????

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