Clickbait, Alex? Give it a rest. I could provide a link to all the IVERMECTIN WINS AGAIN studies of similar caliber, but you're not interested, are you?

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I can’t believe he is conforming to his bias. This study used only a 3 day dose and was limited to high risk participants. Prophylactic dosing and early treatment dosing calls for many more days of treatment. And I would add the dose itself was not high enough given these are high risk participants. He is losing credibility.

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You know Alex, you failed to follow up the last time something like this happened.

Let my try to refresh my own memory. You were crowing about some study, in Malaysia I think it was, showing Ivermectin a bust. Not just crowing, but gloating. It's unusual for someone to ridicule his own paid subscribers. "Take that, you ivermectin-believing idiots." But I guess you showed us, by God, you're on the side of TRVTH.

A couple of days later, some giants in the biz weighed in, noting the people doing the study misinterpreted their own results. The study authors' conclusions were the opposite of what the data showed, according to these top-level scientists. They were well-known names, but an old fuck like me- well, the memory's not that good anymore. The way I remember it, though, I'm pretty sure they know how to analyze data - especially this kind of data - better than you. They've been doing it for decades.

Even before this rebuttal came out, many of your subscribers had read the study in question, and found a lot of what the pros later commented on. The point being, your readers were able to suss out the study flaws.

I read most of your stuff, but not every single substack. AFAIK, you let all that pass without comment. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

If I'm right, why didn't you matter-of-factly explain why these professionals, and so many of your readers, were wrong, and you were right?


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Dude, I am laughing my ass off. This is the most awesome response. I think this shows how biased we can all be. Early on Alex proclaimed ivermectin was a farce. His ego is overwhelming the critical thinking part of his brain. There are so many flaws in this study and TOGETHER is promoting fluvoxamine, an anti-depressant that you get hooked on. Go Figure.

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Fluvoxamine is NOT anything you "get hooked on." Antidpressants are not addicting medications. And for Covid, in the California race horse trial, everyone who took fluvoxamine was symptom free within 14 days of fluvoxamine, with no other meds as I understood it. Then larger trials gave similar results. I do like Ivermectin and I think it is better tolerated than fluvoxamine which can cause nausea, vomiting, and sometimes sedation (also in some people insomnia). Fluvoxamine works very well, and has many different helpful mechanisms of action, and the side effects are more nuisancy rather than dangerous. But more often I have prescribed Ivermectin rather than fluvoxamine just because I never have people reporting side effects from Ivermectin, and I have had side effects reported with fluvoxamine. For a while, the Frontline Covid 19 Critical Care Alliance was recommending Ivermectin plus Fluvoxamine (along wiht Vitamins etc) but now they list it further down the list as an option if needed. In the California study at Day 14 no one in the Fluvoxamine group had any difficulty breathing, muscle aches or brain fog by Day 14, no deaths, and no hospitalizations, but 60% of the no-med group still had symptoms in one or more of those categories, plus there had been a couple hospitalizations and at least one death. And at the start, it was the sickest patients that chose to have treatment, it was not randomized, but those who were more well at the start chose not to have medication, then ended up still sick at 14 days. My opinion is, not a bad idea to have some fluvoxamine on hand, but probably not necessary if you have the vitamins and Ivermectin on hand. There is more than one way to treat Covid successfully, while big pharma would like you to think their way, with costly new products, is the ONLY way - in fact, there are a number of repurposed older meds that certainly help very well, and not only IVM or HCQ, but others like fluvoxamine, and also budesonide and colchicine. But normally I prescribe Ivermectin on Day 1, if I know on Day 1, or as soon as I know. Ivermectin is very unlikely to have side effects, and it works, but I would never disparage fluvoxamine. The majority of people do not have side effects from fluvoxamine, but some, a minority, will have side effects. And sometimes hard to know since Covid can cause nausea and vomiting and diarrhea - and sometimes does so early on before people have had any meds, so in some cases, I know the nausea etc. are from the virus and not meds, if it starts before they even take any meds. But addiction / dependence - no.

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Thank you for the great info. I want you for a doctor.

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Thanks Martha....I was being a little tongue and cheek since it is an anti-depressant........But, yes indeed you need to ween yourself off:https://mentalhealthdaily.com/2014/11/02/luvox-fluvoxamine-withdrawal-symptoms/

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I have prescibed this for psychiatric patients who needed it in past for psychiatric purposes. The dose used for Covid is relatively low and it is used for such a short time, 14 days, that I don't think it is absolutely necessary to make gradual increases at the start nor gradually discontinue at the end. If it were a psychiatric patient and we were not in a hurry, I might start with 50 mg. daily for five days or a week at the beginning, then go to 100 mg. per day - but if I were using this for Covid, the dose used in the studies was 100 mg. and my recollection with the California trial is they used 50 mg. twice a day. So, if for Covid - you want to get Covid under control and not worry so much about possible (infrequent) side effects that probably won't happen. So, I have started with 50 mg, after a meal which I hope will prevent nausea. If they do it at lunch today and no problem, then go ahead and take 50 mg. again after supper, and continue twice a day thereafter until Covid is gone. If you start on Day 1 of symptoms, perhaps Covid will be entirely gone in several days, then you could just stop. And in the California Covid trial, I do not recall that they wasted any time leading up to the 50 mg. twice a day nor do I remember anything about a tapering afterward - though I have suggested they could cut back from 50 mg. twice a day to only 50 mg. after supper for one day, then stop entirely - or if side effects in the first place, just stop, period, if it bothered enough they didn't want to take it, but it really is a minority that will have side effects. When they talk about tapering to prevent discontinuation symptoms - psychiatrists would usually refer to these as discontinuation symptoms rather than "withdrawal" - but when they are talking about tapering, they are usually thinking of people who have been on the medication for a more prolonged period of time. Taking it briefly during Covid is not the same as taking it for months or years for depression, anxiety or OCD. Right, I know that normally with antidepressants one tapers in part to help prevent recurrence of the psych illness from abrupt discontinuation, and there are physical symptoms, but it's not like an addiction and with relatively low dose for short time, there is not going to be any necessity of any taper - and that was not done in any of the Covid trials that I recall at least. Different situation. I was more concerned about going from nothing to 100 mg. so quickly, because for depression you go a little more slowly to prevent side effects, and that may have contributed to some having has nausea, but on the other hand many of my patients had nausea to start with and in those cases, I just would not give Ivermectin anyway - and while I might take fluvoxamine myself if i had Covid, it has so many beneficial effects - for me, I might take it along with an anti-nausea med - but due to the possibility of aggravating nausea, for the most part, I am not prescribing it. If it were impossible to get Ivermectin, I would certainly prescribe fluvoxamine. In my state, it's not permitted to use HCQ, and fluvoxamine would be a good choice if IVM and HCQ were unavailable.

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Alex reads headlines. Period.

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He’s a good investigative reporter in many instances…but he isnt for these study’s. Sure wish he’d lay aside his ego and debate someone…anyone about this study and why its flawed.

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I read ES's Twitter comments yesterday, and he pointed he's not advocating FOR ivermectin, just pointing out the studies seem designed and intended to debunk it, whatever it's true merits.

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Also, food for thought. With all the world renowned teaching hospitals in the US, how come none of them are actively looking for treatments that can help patients if they all don't believe HCQ and IVM don't work? Are the just too busy doing their fancy dances?

Also, I've pointed this out quite a while ago, but it's worth mentioning again. Medicare and Medicaid patients that are on HCQ for other indications such as RA and Lupus may or may not have a statistically significant difference in infection rates, hospitalizations, and death. All of that data is in CMS and can easily be queried, but crickets. I know because I have a family member with lupus, nearing 80 and they never got Covid. Yes, they were self-quarantined, but still makes you go hmmm.

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Agreed. Early on, the studies to test HCQ were also seemingly designed to fail by late use, insufficient qty. of medication, and other factors. Dr. McCullough did a good write up on the phases and when to treat:


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Love the link you shared.

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Great response.

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Same for getting doctors to give you Tamiflu. Doctors would see you in a few days and by that time it was no longer effective. My doctor finally gave me it to keep with me and I would call him to tell him I feel first symptoms of the season and it worked great for years.

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I support ivermectin. Tamiflu can be very dangerous. I wouldn’t touch it.

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Ivermectin fails again=myocarditis is mild and transitory

Let’s go Brandon

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Pssst - don’t tell the 150+ members of Congress/staff who have taken IVM.

Dr. Zelenko says IVM is a zinc ionophore - the gun that shoots the bullet zinc into the cell where it destroys viral replication.

Other zinc ionophores are HCQ and Quercetin. All three are recommended by docs who successfully treat patients - McCullough, Kory, Fareed & Tyson.

I take Quercetin prophylactically.

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"I take Quercetin prophylactically."

I do as well. I also have a supply of ivermectin in case of infection ( for myself and my family).

I personally know people who have taken ivermectin at the first time of illness and within 2 days were perfectly fine.

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True, but if you do not have access until later in the illness, it cannot help as much or as quickly. In some of these studies, they wait until the virus has time to multiply for several days, and in that case, they will not recover in only 3 days. With thus study, the 3 days was not long enough - you keep treating until the person is well, if they are still sick and you arbitrarily stop, then yes, they may get sick enough to go into hospital. You want to treat on Day 1 if you can, yes, at the first sign of illness, then you prevent the virus from multiplying and you may get well very quickly- then you have prevented yourself from ending up with "long Covid" and those long lasting symptoms that some get.

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Yes, absolutely agree 100%! And that is why it is so important to have this and other treatment options readily and easily available for people at the first signs of symptoms. It is mind-boggling and shameful that our public health experts and the healthcare system has set protocols that tell people to go home and stay inside until you get too sick. I remember having a conversation with my doctor in August of 2021 and that was still the protocols! I couldn't believe it!

Covid-19 could have easily been managed and hundreds of thousands of lives spared if it was approached in a sensical way and got people the early treatment, whether it was ivermectin or monoclonal antibodies or hydrochloricine, when they were first ill to prevent the virus from replicating.

I hope people are held accountable and severely punished for the malpractice that was committed.

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Yep. A relative of mine had COVid for one week in Dec 2020. At that time, his O2 Sat = 80%. Started him on IVM and was well in 48 hours. I have it at home and have taken it prophetically prior to air travel and cruise. The Brazil study has many flaws as is pointed out above. PS, I'm a family doc

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I'm glad it worked for your friend and nice to see these comments from a family doctor!

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It’s impossible to get north of the border and Customs will impound it if you try to order it. Christiane Northrop recommended wormwood as a substitute.

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The plant Nigella Sativa, "black cumin" or "black seed," but specifically "Nigella sativa," is recommended as a substitute for Ivermectin. It has been used in cooking and for medicinal purposes in the middle East for 2,000 years or maybe longer. From long use, it seems to be safe, and if you search in scientific journals it seems to be safe - it is not regulated - sold as a food supplement - but a study of this being used for Covid appeared to be quite successful. If it were a situation, "Darn, no treatment at all" vs. "try some herbal thing that has been around for 2,000 that looked pretty effective in that study" and I would try it - in fact, I bought some to have on hand myself. The research was done on the powder made from toasting and crushing the seeds, but what is more often available is "black seed oil" with the oil that is extracted from the seeds. I think the powder is preferable because it also contains small amounts of zinc, quercetin, and other potentially helpful substances in addition to the main ingredient, plus, the successful Covid research was done with the powder in a capsule I think, but the oil is okay if that is what one can get. I can't prove it is effective treatment, but in my opinion seems better than doing nothing. The dose is 40 mg. per kg for prevention and 80 mg. per kg for treatment of Covid. It is supposed to work for many things, and perhaps it does.

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150lbs means a teaspoon according to this breakdown for preventative


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I've gotten shipments with no problems.The first last year and purchased enough to last 6 months and I received a second order 2 weeks ago. Most places will send out another order if confiscated. I usually buy whatever the limit is from that source. That way I'm not ordering it often to flag my name in the system.

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From where?

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You can get the stuff with a horse on the bottle and it too works great -from Ontario

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Magnolia TX is ~a half-hour drive outside the Houston city limits. STEINHAUSER'S feed store has the horse paste.

The point about that is, even in metropolitan areas, if you can get into a more rural area, it's out there.

Like with everything else the gubmint is doing, they try to scare everybody about it. I'd have zero problem eating the horse paste.

I'd be a little more concerned about he injectable, but I'd use it if I had to. (I keep a supply in the fridge - got it at Tractor Supply. Some will ask what you want it for. Just tell 'em you need to treat your goats for worms.)

My wife, daughter, and I used the for-human ivermectin tablets when we got Covid the week before Thanksgiving. The 13 yo got over it pretty quickly. For the adults, it was rough.

We all think we made the right decision not to get vaxed.

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I ordered IVM OTC from a pharmacy in India; got the referral to it from the FLCCC site. Nice to know it’s in the closet if and when I get the bug.

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I got my ivermectin from Sevencells pharmacy in Florida. It wasn't cheap but the process was relatively easy and painless. I also take nigella sativa and quercetin. I believe the FLCCC website has a link to two different types of nigella sativa..... One is a liquid capsule and one is the oil.

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A Dr. who prescribes Iver can generally have it made by a compounding pharmacy locally.

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Depends. I'm not sure that is the case in Canada. And not all compounding pharmacies in the US do it. Some do. You can find lists of pharmacies in US and internationally that will supply IVM by checking at FLCCC.net and then click on Ivermectin in the banner across the top then click on Pharmacies. There are pharmacies in pretty much every state that will supply IVM in US, but far fewer in Canada, and variable in other countries. Sadly, some countries where it used to be non-prescription (over the counter) it is now more regulated, and in some countries, the supply of Ivermectin was intentionally destroyed to make it unavailable. A lot of IVM was destoryed in the US, though it is still available. The FDA is creating pressure for MD's not to prescribe, and pharmacies not to fill prescriptions for IVM.

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Good luck finding one in Canada

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Most people are fine in two days with no intervention whatsoever, especially with Omicron. That’s why double blinded experimental studies with a placebo group carry the most weight scientifically. This study trumps anecdotal stories, whether from lay persons or physicians.

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If this had been Omicron, people would not have ended up in hospital. Experts all over the world are saying, the ones who are in the hospital are there "with Covid" as an incidental finding, not in hospital "because of Covid." Omicron is not making people sick enough to go into the hospital. And if this had been delta - that did make people pretty sick, and no, they usually did NOT get better in 3 days. Even now with Omicron, I am seeing people sick for a full week or two, but they don't get pneumonia. As for RCT's - if you had a new cancer med and you wanted to make money on it, you would not wait till the cancer was end stage and had spread throughout the body before you tried out your med against a placebo. Sure, RCT's are useful, but you have to be sensible about design. Everyone knows that if you wait till a cancer has spread widely through the body, your chances of survival are much less. And if you were testing out any antiviral medication, everyone knows your best chance of a good result is starting on Day 1 before the virus has had a chance to multiply and spread. By waiting till Day 7, the virus has finished multiplying and now the immune system is going crazy and it is past the time to be thinking Ivermectin would be able to fight this as the only prescription med. In fact, even with cancer, you often use cocktails of meds that work together. But this RCT was set up to fail by starting late and then only dosing for 3 days. And, by starting that late, omitting other meds that would have been needed for that stage.

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If there were nothing but anecdotal results, I couldn't argue. But that's not the case.

How does it match up against the collection of studies showing beneficial results from ivermectin?

And why didn't you mention them?

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I think ivermectin should be available for those patients and doctors who want; I’m just not convinced that it does any good. Pfizer’s new antiviral is probably much more effective as are monoclonal antibodies. But, with Omicron no treatment is usually needed, unless you have a serious underlying illiness.

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Yes, most people are okay with recovering from Omicron. The delta varient not so much. I'm not so sure about the new Pfizer pill, particularly given how the vaccine from Pfizer has been fairing. It's just a trust issue at this point. And it helps me rest at night knowing I have a treatment on hand if needed. Whether or not it's based on anecdotal evidence and what I've personally seen as compared to RCT's, it's better than the lies and manipulations that have been coming out of the healthcare system since this pandemic started.

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Ivermectin can be hard to get, but Quercetin is easy to obtain - also easy to step up Quercetin, C, D, zinc if you feel symptoms coming on, plus some Aspirin for the fever.

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Ivermectin has five more known effective mechanisms against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID disease, as I show here:


and is the most successful COVID treatment to date.


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Thank you for sharing this!

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Yes, I do the same. To increase the efficacy of IVM, it should be taken along with zinc and D3.

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RCT is designed to fail if the Ivermectin is administered without the supplements you mentioned! 🤦‍♀️

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What's interesting is that I was taking Quercetin to alleviate inflammation for lyme before the pandemic started. And I had heard about zinc at that point, so was taking that as well. I got Covid on Christmas Eve of 2020 (did not know) - the next day traveled to South Carolina to stay with friends. We got the call that our nephew had gotten sick a couple of days later, and I was beginning to feel achy with little cold symptoms, but we stayed until our test results came back because I was barely sick. We stayed with these friends three days, sharing food, drinks, air, etc. None of them got sick from two freshly infected people. That's Quercetin and Zinc at work. We ended up leaving when I got a positive test four days later. QUERCETIN. Ivermectin is significantly more effective than quercetin, but this guy has to stick with to his guns. Stubborn isn't a good look on a reporter trying to live in truth, which is how it seems. This hurts his credibility.

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I’ve been taking quercetin and zinc since April 2020. I have a stash of ivermectin and take that with increased zinc when i feel like i am getting a cold. To my knowledge, I have not had covid and every time I feel a cold coming on and I follow the FLCCC ivemectin protocol I feel better the next day. And I am not and will never be vaccinated. Ha. so much for our “Winter of Severe Illness and Death”. 🤣. Proper ivermectin usage would have made this whole thing a non-event. It’s criminal.

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You're 100% right. And flushing the sinuses with the Neti pot salt/iodine is an amazing preventative as well. It's sad, frustrating, and beyond concerning that this bullshit continues to happen. No accountability. Pure manipulation.

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Agree again. I would add nebulized saline/hydrogen peroxide when we had a known exposure. Both my husband and I followed this protocol and did not ever get the vid even after close contact with (usually vaccinated&boosted) symptomatic spreaders.

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Exactly right. I’m not sure why Alex is so hard headed on this. Without the sample population also taking zinc with the ivermectin, the study is garbage and the results are meaningless. The zinc stops the virus from replicating when treated early enough. The zinc is the bullet, the ionophore is ivermectin and/or quercetin which is the gun.

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Ivermectin has multiple mechanisms of action. Being a zinc ionophore is only one of several. I don't even remember all of them, but it does block transport of the Covid virus into the nucleus of the cell, and thus prevents the virus from replicating. But as a zinc ionophore, it lets zinc into the cell where it can fight Covid, and besides, it is anti-inflammatory and can help prevent or mitigate the cytokine storm. The mechanisms of action are known, so it is silly to say it doesn't work - but they can make it look like it doesn't work by waiting too late and allowing the virus to multiply, then cutting short treatment when it should be given early, and given until the person is well, not first let the virus multiply for days, then treat for only 3 days and stop before the person is well.

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Exactly. I take small amounts of Quercetin with extra C, D, and zinc, and would ramp up to the max recommended dose for a few days if I had symptoms.

Quercetin over 1000mg and zinc over 40mg per day can cause problems - check your multivitamin to see what you are getting already.

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Thank you!

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Safe and effective- ask Bruce Willis or Dion Sanders.

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I’m a believer in Ivermectin. But Bruce Willis has suffered from aphasia for many years, long before covid.

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It worked for my family. We all got it and took Ivermectin and recovered.

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Same here. We started it asap, took it for five days at the proper dosage, and got better. After two days of ivermectin, I was already getting better and my illness only lasted a few days. We now have it on hand in case anyone else gets sick.

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Most people that get covid are sick for about one or two weeks (yes, more severe cases occur). Like in the case of my brother and his family recently - all unvaxed. They could assert that their Aspirin, and vitamin D3 saved them from severe illness. Or maybe the Indian tonic with quinine did, or the mint lozenges. They hadn't access to Ivermectin, otherwise Ivermectin would have been the reason for their swift recovery, of course.

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Study was poorly designed. No vax status, under dosed for IVM, 3 days vs recommended 5 day treatment, etc. And a very large number of control group didn't follow protocol. Not the "gold standard".

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Politely, you’d be ‘Gish Galloping’, much like the Mask Enthusiasts do when they cite the “70 studies (all non RCT of course) which show masks work”!

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With Ivermectin, the key things are to start treating ideally in the first 3 days, or at least within the first 5 days, then keep treating until well, and even people with many risk factors can escape hospitalization. In this study, they treated for ONLY 3 days, and clearly designed the study in a way that they could "prove" Ivermectin did not work. If you had a strep throat, your doctor would treat for more than 3 days, and with Covid, if you treat with Ivermectin starting early, to prevent the virus from replicating, and continue until the person is well, even with risk factors, I have seen many people avoid hospitalization. There have been many RCT's from many other countries showing efficacy with Ivermectin for prevention and for treatment. In India, in the state of Tamil Nadu, some WHO official convinced them to stop using Ivermectin, and death rates increased by 100-fold so they started using Ivermectin again. In Japan, when they stopped vaccinating and started using Ivermectin, they pretty much ended the pandemic there in 30 days. But people will believe what they want regardless of the facts. Keep in mind that Ivermectin is an existential threat to all the new profitable products that would lose their emergency use authorization if it could be "proven" that Ivermectin or anything else worked for Covid - if there is treatment that is safe, effective, and available, there is no regulatory basis for EUA, and the pharmaceutical companies would have to stop selling these products that are earning them billions and billions. Quite a motivation for careful research design so that any inexpensive generic will never be successful in a US study.

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"Keep in mind that Ivermectin is an existential threat to all the new profitable products that would lose their emergency use authorization if it could be "proven" that Ivermectin or anything else worked for Covid - if there is treatment that is safe, effective, and available, there is no regulatory basis for EUA, and the pharmaceutical companies would have to stop selling these companies that are earning them billions and billions."

That ALONE should be sufficient reason for Alex to be doing more than his drive-by journalism, as coined by Rush, against IVM.

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Excellent reply. Thank you.

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One more time, please. In English. Hopefully, you're not comparing ivermectin use with mask use.

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Gish Gallop - the fallacious debate tactic of drowning your opponent in a flood of individually-weak arguments in order to prevent rebuttal of the whole argument collection without great effort. It's essentially a conveyor belt-fed version of the on the spot fallacy, as it's unreasonable for anyone to have a well-composed answer immediately available to every argument present in the Gallop. The Gish Gallop is named after creationist Duane Gish, who often abused it.

-Rational Wiki


We all would have liked IVM to work. Unfortunately it hasn’t passed large scale RCT. Citing large numbers of non-RCT studies is a form of Gish Galloping, and we have seen the exact same thing play out for two years with masks. And HCQ. And lots of other things.

When you have such an extremely high rate of beating infection by simply doing nothing, it’s easy to be fooled that our actions make a difference. Give me 50 PhDs and some grant money I could come up with 10 retrospective cohort studies to find wearing an onion on your belt helped against Covid.

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You don't speak for us and you don't speak for dozens of global studies, far bigger than what Alex cited here. The deck is stacked against Ivermectin exactly the way it has been against HCQ therapies. That's how they sell us "science" from the ChiCom Virus to Global Warming.

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Ivermectin doesn't have to be effective in order for Big Pharma & Co to stamp it out. It is sufficient that people believe it is effective, which would lead to less demand for the vaccine.

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I can tell you this. Its far less dangerous than the jabs. How about those studies that say how safe and effective those jabs are. Please I'll take my chances with the ivermectin and HCQ and furthermore, all doctors did not use either of those substances soley but in comb. with other treatments. We all have different systems and some things make work better for some people than others. Clearly all the doctors and people's testimonies I've read have no reason to mislead people, but surely the CDC, FDA and Big Pharma have every reason to mislead the people!!

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Completely agree it’s essentially harmless to try it.

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Doctors absolutely have reasons to mislead people. They want to keep their jobs, and if they tell patients who are in no danger from Wuhan to skip getting vaccinated, or that there might be something to Ivermectin, they'll likely lose their licenses.

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So then why is the near-entirety of the American medical establishment preventing Americans from obtaining prescriptions for this "useless" supplement?

If it's truly useless, as you claim, what's the downside to the US government and the entire medical establishment allowing its use? They don't prevent the use of Zicam or Airborne or myriad other OTC products that may or may not be like pissing money down the drain.

WHY such disparate treatment for this "useless" supplement?

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Because it’s become completely politicized and the CDC, AMA, FDA have pissed away all credibility.

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How is that a reason why they've all put up such a wall against IVM and threatened the livelihoods of virtually all doctors over prescribing it? What does their zero credibility have to do with their steadfast refusal to allow it?

Their refusal to allow IVM is a cause of their lack of credibility, but their lack of credibility is not a *reason* for refusing to allow IVM, it's a function of their refusal.

So what *is* their reason?

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I’ve tried to upvote your comment.

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Appreciate the response. Let's agree to disagree.

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Tried that!

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Gish Gallop is a classic case of the ad hominin attack. When you are losing the argument, attack the person rather than his line of reasoning. Classic.

Duane T. Gish (February 17th, 1921 - March 5th, 2013) was a prominent young Earth creation scientist and debater. He had a Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of California, Berkeley. He was the Senior Vice-President Emeritus of the Institute for Creation Research, and frequently used to travel abroad to give seminars and lectures on creation science. Dr. Gish was arguably the foremost debater of creation science in the world. Gish was known as creation's 'bulldog'.[1]

Gish spent a total of 18 years in biochemical research; with Cornell University Medical College (NYC), with the Virus Laboratory, U of Cal-Berkeley and on the research staff of the Upjohn Pharmaceutical Company (Michigan). - Creationwiki

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Well stated!

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Not only are there so many studies showing how effective ivermectin is, if he really looked carefully at and analyzed the study itself, he'd see it doesn't even show what he is claiming it does. Or he could just read the CHD Defender article on it: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/ny-times-mislead-public-ivermectin-study/?itm_term=home

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Key Point form the article: "Only 288 of 679 participants randomized to receiving the placebo reported 100% adherence to the study protocol. Nearly 400 didn’t.

Why not? We asked Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist and member of the Children’s Health Defense scientific advisory committee.

Nass told The Defender:

“Presumably they knew the difference between ivermectin and placebo, and the placebo subjects went out and bought ivermectin or something else … but whatever they did, they didn’t bother with the pills they were given. "

That is very strong evidence that it was not blinded and therefore is a very flawed study. Don't draw conclusions on this. Who trusts the NEJM any more?

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How did Alex not see that?

More worrisome is the likelihood that he DID see it, and STILL wrote this column.

Credibility is ALL that Substacker authors have to monetize in here. Lose that, and it's over.

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I agree wholeheartedly. This and other places where he has seemed to show that he either hasn't read articles carefully or doesn't have the skills to analyze them when he has already made up his mind, are making me question whether he's right when he reports on covid articles, even when he's saying something I agree with. I'm less likely to share his articles now because of that and look for confirming analysis from other writers I find more credible, like El Gato Malo, Jessica Rose, and others. Berenson's credibility with me is slipping badly.

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Yeah, he seems to have a few obvious blind spots, and they remain spots even when *many* commenters make persuasive, or at least compelling, arguments to the contrary.

What's the saying?, There are none so blind as those who refuse to see?

JUST THE FACT that the entirety of the government and medical establishment against whom Alex has gone to war over the vaxxes have summarily and nearly-completely blocked access to IVM with blatant threats to the livelihoods of every doctor in America, how that doesn't provoke his investigative curiosity and bulldog tenacity "to get to the bottom of it," choosing instead to hit-and-run with these weak-ass self-serving posts, only works against his credibility in many of ours eyes.

(That paragraph is one sentence; a pox upon me but I'm in a hurry.)

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Fully agree. I never share him with friends for this reason alone.

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He saw it was a “large randomized placebo control trial” that was reported to show no effect and that’s all he needed to claim that we are all wrong once again.

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Yep, my $6/month that I contribute to this substack is not much, but if Alex persists in this crap or in his insistence on beating the drums of war for WWIII against Russian, I'm cancelling my subscription. you're on the edge Alex...and I don't think I'm the only one about to cancel. Stick to the covid vax fakery going on and we are with you....

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I already have. I paid the year in full so it will be several months before my cancellation has any effect, but that's one less subscriber he'll have at that time. Now I'm working on figuring out which Substacker will get my subscription in replacement.

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I don't know.

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Exactly! After the NEJ published that fake study on Hydroxychloroquine that was retracted....and one of the largest scandals in the history of so called peer-reviewed medical journals.... I would NEVER trust the NEJ again for any real information. If I want information I can trust....I'll read what Dr. Peter McCullough has to say! Period, end of story! McCullough should be running the FDA and CDC right now with Dr. Pierre Kory! Meanwhile...Arrest Fauci and arrest the current and former NIH directors who we now have learned DELETED key genetic data on covid they had from the very start of the plandemic:

FOIA Reveals NIH Secretly DELETED COVID Data Provided by the Wuhan Lab at the BEGINNING of the Pandemic


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"Of randomized test and control cohorts careening to the ground at 150 mph, and average 800 ft off the ground we found that 1.5 seconds of parachute was not effective.

Parachutes therefore are ineffective at saving lives of people falling from the sky."

The Ethical Skeptic


Too little too late:


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That's hilarious! Thanks!

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I have been dealing with pulmonary respiratory diseases for more than 25 years. In real life in real time level one trauma center ICU CCRU this drug has never been used for any type of viral pneumonia covid-19 or coronavirus. You are dumpster diving with that fringe group run by papa Smurf.

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64 year old with chronic bronchitis contracted COVID 4/21. 40lbs overweight at the time. Started the FLCCC treatment protocol immediately. Had a hell of a cough for a few weeks and little sleep because of it. I’m a believer.

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Yep. There are countless testimonials out there like yours, but hey, actual real-world evidence as reported by both the infected and doctors with the intestinal fortitude to actually TREAT COVID patients is thrown out right along with the 80+ studies showing ivermectin, as part of a multi-drug/nutrient protocol, is beneficial in treating COVID

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Yes, all done by fringe groups like Papa Smurf. Most likely from people who believe a woman with balls is superior to a woman?!?

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Okay, I give up. WTF is Papa Smurf?

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“Proper treatment will cure a cold in seven days, but left to itself a cold will hang on for a week”

- attributed to Henry G Felson in “How to Lie with Statistics” by Darrell Huff, 1954

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Did he have a fever?

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Third night touch over 101, nothing after. Lost sense of taste and smell for around 90 days total

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You never had a true case of covid-19.

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You have no idea whether he did, or he didn't, yet you make statements like this. Silliness.

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Strangely I just heard a long story tonight from a colleague about a "renowned neurologist" who in his 60s has gone quite batshit insane. The poor fellow has a history of spouting increasingly bizarre non sequiters to patients and staff. *Sigh*

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Thinking you’re a make believe trauma one specialist at this point. Refuse control?

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Yep, I'm betting the house on someone who assumes I'm "dumpster diving with a fringe group run by papa Smurf," whatever the hell that even means. No need to reply. My time is valuable.

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When come back with a actual Person other than Papa Smurf who said he had covid-19 2 times and that was even a lie!

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Anthony you’ve been barfing BS for 25 years

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Who is dumpster diving?

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Papa Smurf and his believers!

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sure you have!

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who are you referring to as Papa Smurf?

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Robert Malone is the Papa Smurf !

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thank you...why is there so much animosity to him. Alex has really expressed his...

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Apr 4, 2022
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Really. I think he’s quite accomplished.

His ignorance is someone’s opinion.

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Hey! Why are yall picking on Papa Smurf! Lay off! He is one smurfy smurf!

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Thank you for your own CLARITY! Ivermectin works! No matter what Alex posts.

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Can you please provide that link?

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I was just about to provide the link, but I see you already have (the first one). In addition, Dr. Pierre Kory's substack is tackling the topic in-depth, including the global disinformation campaign, which Alex is apparently involved with: https://pierrekory.substack.com/.

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Alex is not winning any converts here. Ivermectin has been used too widely even with the suppression here and combined with the global success seen in dozens of studies, he's not winning hearts and minds. At least he stopped nitpicking at Dr. Malone's resume.

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OK, that's the last straw Alex. Thanks to JanC1955 (one of my favorite years), I'm going to kill my subscription to Alex's substack and support Dr. Kory instead (and save a buck a month!). Bye Alex! One less coffee for you I guess with the loss of my subscription). too bad. You only hated the NYT and the vax....but the rest of your brain is just like all the other sheeple who caused this crap that started two years ago. I lost my job after 40 years for refusing the damn clot shot...and now I have to be very picky where I spend my few remaining dollars after buying food. Enjoyed your writings on the covid vax scam Alex..but the rest is total bullshit. bye!

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@JanC1955 Then why don't you? Seriously - many of us don't have time to dig this stuff up. I for one would like to hear the other side.

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Links have been provided in this thread (above and earlier than your comment). FYI, I was responding to Alex, and I'm 99% certain he has zero interest in any links involving ivermectin efficacy in treating COVID, thus my original comment.

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11:45 PM



CDC advisory on Ivermectin

The CDC has issued a health advisory warning against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

• Ivermectin is not authorized or approved by FDA for prevention or treatment of COVID-19.

• It is approved for some human diseases but not treatment of COVID-19, for which there is insufficient evidence it is effective.

• Prescriptions have increased greatly, indicating

inappropriate use.

• Overdoses and calls to poison control centers have also increased. People have suffered both physical and mental symptoms requiring hospitalization

• Veterinary formulations intended for use in large animals such as horses, sheep, and cattle can be highly concentrated and result in overdoses when used by humans. Animal products may also contain inactive ingredients that have not been evaluated for use in humans.

CDC health advisory: Rapid Increase in Ivermectin Prescriptions and Reports of Severe Illness Associated with Use of Products Containing Ivermectin to Prevent or Treat COVID-19


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Apr 4, 2022Edited
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You beat me to it. I was JUST about to post that link. Great minds . . .

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We keep telling you that there is a very specific protocol that needs to be followed for Ivermectin to be effective, which involves Zinc and Vitamin D. Somehow, it's just not registering, either with you or with the designers of the studies you cite.

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And it’s early treatment. When it’s given 7 days into illness, that is not protocol.

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The guys who design these studies are doing it intentionally for Ivermectin to fail. Notice, they treat for only 3 days? In what world do you treat any infection for only 3 days? The doctors who treat with Ivermectin start early and keep it going until full recovery - not for three days and then let the illness continue its course.

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probably, like in the Malaysian study, the treated vs. untreated group start to separate after 3 days , so they truncate it.

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Someone ask Papa Smurf how do I give a Patient who is Endotracheal Tube Intubation ivermectin Pill Medications? He isn't going to now the cuff rate to keep the patient alive.

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Why don't we ask Paul Merrick instead, since he's the ICU doctor who staked his reputation and livelihood on it?

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See https://www.rocketcitynow.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/ventilators-covid-treatment-hospitalization-avoid-ventilators-coronavirus-pandemic/525-8bfd0987-f5b9-4b10-9e2b-09d6f6975a90 from Sept 2021.

"A lot of people come late. They wait and wait, they don't seek medical attention early," said Hassoun.

"Hospitals are seeing firsthand: the longer you wait, the harder the recovery.

"The issues that we are seeing, because they come in late with significant inflammation- that recovery is not easy," said Hassoun.

"And remember, ventilators are not intended to be the go-to treatment for COVID-19."

See https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200415/ventilators-helping-or-harming-covid-19-patients#1 from EARLY - April 2020.

Are you really a doctor? Or just trolling the site?

People said in spring 2020, ER doctors who were afraid the Covid patient would breath on them, sometimes trached them up, so the patient could not exhale on hospital staff. This was a harsh treatment and many patients died.

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Baltimore student - about this - "A lot of people come late. They wait and wait, they don't seek medical attention early," said Hassoun.

It's true that some students come late to treatment, but the actual reason is that they sought early treatment and could not find any. I had an elderly lady who had, in advance, asked her new primary doctor, "Would you treat me if I get Covid," and the primary doctor said, "Absolutely not!" This was in 2022, and she did get Covid. Her family asked me to care for her - by that time, she had been ill for about 2 weeks, and had been having diarrhea all that time, so she was very debilitated. If her family doctor had ONLY just talked to her and given her something for diarrhea, and maybe some vitamins, she would have been in better shape, but the primary doctor didn't even know what she needed, because the primary doctor had let her know in advance, pretty much, don't bother me if you get Covid. A lot of people I treated have had both respiratory symptoms and also gastrointestintal symptoms, but I don't recall CDC ever putting the gastrointestinal symptoms on their list of symptoms - they may not be aware since they don't treat patients themselves. Other patients have been to Urgent Care or hospital Emergency and have been seen but not treated or have gotten relatively useless treatment such as azithromycin with no zinc and of course no HCQ or Ivermectin, or a different antibiotic that hasn't been studied for Covid, or they get a steroid dose pack during week 1 which is not the time for a steroid dose pack - that is suppressing the immune system at the time when your body needs to be stopping the virus from replicating. So - no treatment or useless treatment. When they find someone who can help them, it's a bit late, but there are still treatments that can often keep people out of the hospital. After the first week, things like steroid dose packs and also budesonide plus IVM etc. can be helpful. I do get annoyed when people wait but often they didn't wait, they just couldn't find treatment or didn't know where to look.

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Absolutely no Medical Doctor who works on a covid-19 patient who is on life support uses ivermectin for treatment. Absolutely anyone who tells you that is not a doctor who works in a hospital 🏥 setting or treats a covid patient.

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The important is that NO patient should be on life support in ICU for Covid. I am an MD and I have treated many patients who have been able to AVOID hospitalization entirely by taking Vitamin D, zinc, and Ivermectin, and sometimes other meds - even patients with multiple risk factors. I do not treat Covid patients in the hospital. I treat them early so that the illness doesn't get to that stage. In the first stage of the illness, the important thing is to try to prevent the virus from multiplying. The more virus particles, the greater degree of sickness. The longer the illness goes untreated, the more the virus can multiply. It is known that there is a transport protein in our cells that can help the Covid virus to get into the nucleus of the cell where it can multiply - Ivermectin blocks that transport protein. However, if you wait a full 7 days, the virus is finished, it's not going to multiply further. But even if it dies out, then your body can still react to dead virus. It is somewhat like an allergic reaction. By that stage, you can still benefit from Ivermectin because it is anti-inflammatory, but by that stage you also need other meds. If your lungs are reacting and it is betting hard to breathe, budesonide is good at this stage and also oral steroids. But, if you have waited 7 days to begin treatment, it is more difficult to keep you out of the hospital. And certainly by the time you get to hospital, Ivermectin alone is NOT of itself a single treatment that is likely to cure anyone. At that point, you can hook people up to a ventilator and do nothing and wait for them to die, and they are likely to oblige - if that is the treatment you desire, then I hope you can get it, the "ventilator and do nothing" treatment. But supplemental oxygen by least invasive means, plus steriods, and Ivermectin along with, can be helpful, and there are patients who have been in ICU and had their illness turned around with this treatment. Nonetheless, the majority of doctors who do treat Covid do so starting at the earliest moment possible with a goal of entirely preventing hospitaliztion. Sort of like with cancer, most doctors don't wait until you are stage 4 with metastases to the liver and lungs and bone marrow before they lift a finger to treat you. People are warned to get checked at the first sign of cancer "just in case" and early treatment is so much more successful. Except with Covid that has always been a principle in medicine, early treatment is best. Lance an abscess while it is small rather than wait till it's the size of a grape fruit. Excise a breast cancer while it's still a small "lump" rather than waiting till it's the size of a grape fruit (which my aunt did who died of her cancer), and so on. Funny how that works, when you wait till people are on death's door, sometimes you can't bring them back. Early treatment is best, but with Covid, all my patients were told by their primary care doctors, stay home, quarantine, do nothing, an then many got Long Covid and were still disabled months later now 2 years later) and I started thinking, maybe I should learn how to treat this rather than do nothing - I am not primary care, but since the primary care doctors were not treating Covid, I started reading, studying, taking continuing education, and have now provided early treatment to many. Many doctors who treat Covid at the early outpatient stage say that the goal should be to prevent hospitalization and some of the guys who have treated thousands of cases in hospital also agree, it should not be treated in hospital - it should be treated much sooner to avoid hospitalization. By the time they are on a ventiliator, you could do voodoo or do anything you want, and it's too late for a lot of them, but there have been people who recovered, and some of those had Ivermectin as part of the reason they got well, but hardly Ivermectin alone. But then again you get people nearly dead with cancer or anything else, and by end stage, it usually takes multiple meds to turn things around. In my training I did take care of ICU patients, long before Covid, and I am certain that not one of them was on only one med. Often for serious illness, many meds are needed and sometimes there are combinations of treatment that will help when one alone cannot. But as for "NO" doctor would use Ivermectin for patients on life supoort - I know of doctors who have used it many times with benefit within the FLCCC protocol.

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ThAAnk you Martha!!! I am giving you a standing ovation for your valuable input!! People like Mr. A. J. Barton, ALex, those conducting the intentionally set up for failure trials and the like... they are seRiously exhausting and unnerving, to nO end. What matters is the truth we knoW that has saved countless lives, by honest practicing MDs like yourself. ThAnk you, for being one of the angels in this war of parasites!! ❤️

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Thank you for being a brave doctor and actually helping people instead of telling them to go home, do nothing and wait until they can't breathe, then go to the hospital! This latter description was the 'standard of care' for covid for the evil bastards in the USA ! Arrest every one of them who refused to treat sick patients!

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So refreshing to read your post, Dr. This is the most sinister part of this health debacle. I and other members of my family experienced this first hand. Two on ventilators & Remdesivir. Mercifully, both survived. One is late 30’s, no prior health issues, not overweight. None of us fit Covid profile for bad outcomes. This is why I take such strong exception to people like Alex, who almost implies it’s your own fault if you die from Covid, since you’re fat and old. God bless you, Dr. for upholding your oath to your patients.

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Won't let me heart the response so here I write - Thank you Doctor!!!!

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Trying to like Martha’s comments but can’t. Does this count?👍🏻

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Thank you.

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Martha, in case I need a Covid doctor, where do you practice?

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You can look for Covid doctors at FLCCC.net, they have lists of providers, pretty much in every state. Doctors who prescribe Ivermectin. With Omicron, it's much less serious, and if you take your Vitamin D, and keep your level at or above 50, you're unlikely to get any respiratory virus, plus zinc 30 - 40 mg. per day. Sorry, not seeking new Covid patients. But, there are doctors who will treat if needed.

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Ivermectin is part of early treatment protocol. It should be taken 3 or so days after catching Covid - before the patient needs to go to the hospital. Teke it with zinc, vit D, and other drugs.

See https://www.scstatehouse.gov/CommitteeInfo/SenateMedicalAffairsCommittee/Dr.%20George%20Fareed%20and%20Dr.%20Brian%20Tyson%20share%20early%20treatment%20protocol%20_%20News%20_%20thedesertreview.com.pdf . This is dec 2020 advice; perhaps there is an updated version?

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Enteral feeding tube, I'd give you a link but you can Google it yourself

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Exactly. It works wonderfully as an early treatment, and none of the COVID patients who came to me were hospitalized. All recovered.

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All the early treatment patients I have cared for avoided hospitalization and recovered.

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Only studies that torpedo IVM in the conclusion or abstract will get published in the main journals (NEJM, JAMA, Lancet...). They underdosed, used short duration, don't define placebo, start therapy late, didn't define the rest of their protocols, which likely aren't the most effective complementary protocols, and who the hell knows what "adaptive platform" study means.

Willing to bet that if Alex or his loved one is seriously sick with the coof, he'd reach for his IVM stash.

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Can I give Paul Dioron 1000 likes?

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Obstinate as hell, that one.

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I don’t understand why Alex only posts about the “studies” that denigrate ivermectin use. Makes me wonder why.

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Can you read?


CDC advisory on Ivermectin

The CDC has issued a health advisory warning against the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19.

• Ivermectin is not authorized or approved by FDA for prevention or treatment of COVID-19.

• It is approved for some human diseases but not treatment of COVID-19, for which there is insufficient evidence it is effective.

• Prescriptions have increased greatly, indicating

inappropriate use.

• Overdoses and calls to poison control centers have also increased. People have suffered both physical and mental symptoms requiring hospitalization

• Veterinary formulations intended for use in large animals such as horses, sheep, and cattle can be highly concentrated and result in overdoses when used by humans. Animal products may also contain inactive ingredients that have not been evaluated for use in humans.

CDC health advisory: Rapid Increase in Ivermectin Prescriptions and Reports of Severe Illness Associated with Use of Products Containing Ivermectin to Prevent or Treat COVID-19

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Oh, well, why would I doubt the CDC?

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Or myself I have told everyone this 2 years ago there is no evidence that this will help with covid here in America. No doctor can use this product for treatment for covid-19. Anyone who tells you different is living in a fairytale world.

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Can you read? No one here trusts ANYTHING the CDC says.

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Yes the experts say you have to throw a cocktail at it, not just ivermectin.

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That is called Rabbit's Foot Science.

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Whatever. Read that MD’s reply to you.

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Honest question, have the studies showing ivermectins effectiveness when used with vitamin d and zinc controlled for the possibility that it could simply be the vitamin d and zinc helping with treatment? Because if its true that IVM on it's own is not working but it does with zinc and vitamin d it seems plausible that it's just the vitamin d and zinc. I'm still not sure what to make of IVM use for covid

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I’m not as familiar with IVM as HCQ, but I think both help zinc enter the cells and hamper viral replication. Important to take early, at onset of symptoms

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How do you know if you are low in vitamin d? And at what rate you take it at?

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It’s a blood test. They say 30ml is fine but best to have 50 or above. I take 5000 mg daily with vit k2.

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You do need to get your physician to order a Vitamin D level. There is a broad range that is considered "normal." But ask to see the result and see the actual number. Many doctors who are knowledgeable about Vitamin D say to get your level up to at least 50. If it is 50, your body will not produce a "cytokine storm" which is the reaction that puts people on ventiliators and sometimes causes death. If your level is 50, you are extremely unlikely to have severe illness like that, and you probably will not get Covid or any respiratory virus at all. The "normal range" is supposedly anywhere from 30 to 100, but the "normal range" was first established shortly after World War II when many people were malnourished, and they wanted to say what is the minimum level and the minimum amount to take to not be malnourished. But today many realize that the minimum is not enough, and 30 is not enough for optimal function of the immune system. I was talking to a colleague at a conference and mentioned I had recently learned that you really need to have your Vitamin D level at least at 50, and she said she and her husband try to keep it more like 80. 80 is till in the normal range which is up to 100, but she is an MD and thought it was good to have her level around 80. From all that I read, I would say, you definitely want at least 50 for your level. IF it is not at 50, if it is lower, it can take a very long time to get it built up, and the Frontline Covid 19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC.net) have a protocol for taking increased vitamin D for some number of weeks to get the level up to 50; you can find this in a treatment guide that they have posted under "protocols" at their website. kThe guide is here, and in it, there is information on temporarily increasing Vitamin D if the level is too low, depending on how low, what your weight is, etc. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/FLCCC-Protocols-%E2%80%93-A-Guide-to-the-Management-of-COVID-19.pdf Many people do not get enough sunshine to produce enough Vitamin D, but at many latitudes it would be impossible to get enough D, and also, as we age, we are not as able to produce Vitamin D from sunshine compared to younger people. Also, due to risk of skin cancer etc. we cover up and use sunscreens, and we have indoor jobs anyway, so the majority of people in the US and in many countries are deficient in Vitamin D.

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You can order your own Vitamin D test from Quest labs for 69.00 I do it twice a year.

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Are you going to or coming back from the Asylum? 🤔

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Please your insulting and arrogant comments elsewhere and leave this space where people are seeking truth and honesty.

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Exactly we only want objective truths and realities only. Fringe groups and Rabbits Foot Science need not replay or imply.

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A physician such as yourself doesn't know this?

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ExActly!!! He's a 'tool'... probably paid by sOmeone to bring a good game of annoyance to the post.

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When you get a blood test from a doctor, "vit D, 25-hydroxy" is one item for which they can test. Reference interval is 30-50 or 30-100 ng/mL. Deficiency is under 20 ng/mL. Insufficiency is under 30. My doctor said you don't want to be on the low side of normal, so he thinks good to about 50 or above. In summer, with more sunshine, people have slightly higher vit D levels.

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I used to test a lot of patients, but even here in Arizona, unless taking supplements, almost no one was over 30. The darker your skin the more supplement you need. Take at least 2000 i.u. of D3 and maybe twice that.

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I would ask your doctor. This is one of the few things modern GP's are reliability sensitive to and reasonable about.

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Many docs don’t believe in D. You can order your own test at Directlabs.com. They prescribe the test and you go to a local lab for the blood draw. I just ordered a D3 test from them for $49. I do NOT work for them. Just have used them for years. It’s not thru the mail. You go to a local lab like Quest, with your pre-paid lab slip.

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I've used a similar service. I absolutely LOVE the ability to order my own tests, even if I have to pay out of pocket for them. These days, the less I see of doctors, the better (with obvious exceptions such as the hero docs treating patients for the last 2 years).

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My GP is fairly conventional, but he thinks vit D is important. He also recommends organic veg when possible (buy organic for dirty dozen veg & fruits tend to have more pesticides) and exercise. He knows may be difficult to follow, so do best you can. Walking is good exercise.

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Your GP is way ahead of the game in terms of U.S. docs. Most don't discuss nutrition, exercise, or avoiding toxins as a way to maintain (or regain) good health. My vitamin D level has been higher than recommended for several years now, thanks to what I've learned from Dr. Joseph Mercola (online). I'm also familiar with which veggies and fruits are more heavily sprayed and go organic if the price isn't too far out of whack. I do a good cardio + weights workout at the gym 4 days a week. I also take nutritional supplements both to fill in the gaps in my diet and to help keep my heart, liver, etc. supported - a very expensive habit but I swear by them.

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Wow, five minutes to refute Alex.

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I like a lot of what Alex says but his boner for disproving ivermectin is too much. He needs to chill out

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And it turns out the study doesn't even quantify the number of patients that were vaccinated, and how they were spread out among placebo and Ivermectin patients. What a waste of time/effort.

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Seems pretty comprehensive. I wonder if Alex has read it, and if he has maybe he can point out why it’s wrong.

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This was a hit-and-run effort. He dropped his little stink bomb and won't be back to clear the air. That's why I suspect clickbait.

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I missed this article. Thanks for sharing.

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C'mon man, do better. Could you please spend at least 5 minutes reading the literature that shows that this study is nonsense? There are many very good takes on Twitter showing that you've been played here. In fact, you've gone full Ding.






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Thank you for those outstanding links! Terrific!

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The story hasn’t been whether ivermectin (or HCQ) actually defeat Covid. The story has always been the demonization of two drugs which were considered safe for decades because they posed a threat to the pandemic and eventual vaccine solutions (big profits).

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If they didn’t work, they wouldn’t care. Why ban it or even make it illegal. It won a Nobel prize and not dangerous.

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*it not they

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Excatly. You are spot on here. Alex, you ought to get that this has been a political smear. Were drugs that helped some, NOT cures. And were attacked for the specific purpose of promoting those vaccines. You are just hypocritical on this, Alex. You should be skeptical of this whole smear campaign of these drugs.

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After seeing the massive propaganda and corruption, Alex still believes the narrative when convenient. See e.g. his religious faith in the honesty of the 2020 election. Apparently, a century of relentless election corruption by Democrats magically disappeared in the election against the great Trumpian satan whose very name turned Democrats into raving, hate-filled lunatics. Sure. They discovered integrity for the first time against Trump. Hey, narratives are powerful for believers.

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Yep, that's exactly it. He sees what they are doing on one issue he disagrees with adn then fails to even consider if this is happening with things like other drugs or the election. Hunter Biden. Never occurs to him this could be happening (and clearly is) with many other issues. Narratives. Dead on.

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Maybe Alex gets a kickback from Pfizer for promoting their narrative on this. Maybe Pfizer designed the study.

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Oh, sorry, now I see, it was Gates & Company - well, that explains it. Yes, if Ivermectin worked, none of the Emergency Use products could keep their Emergency Use Authorization, and then that would be the end of so many multi-billion dollar products, and how could Gates, and Pfizer, and the others keep on making so much money? They couldn't. To get EUA, it hinges on no other product being safe, effective and available.

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I believe it was the Gates Foundation (duh) though I haven't verified that myself.

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Exactly.. if it didn't work there would have been no need to suppress it. It's funny, I think they were prepared to suppress HCQ so got right on it but IVM took them more by surprise.

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Alex you just totally undermine your credibility when you publish rubbish like this without doing some very simple fact-checking. Have at look at who Craig Rayner and the Together Alliance are funded by - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - yes the very same people who have invested heavily in vaccines and worked overtime to suppress or discredit all early and effective COVID treatments so they could get their FDA emergency vaccine approval. This is one study by a highly conflicted researcher. There are literally dozens of studies by scientists with no financial interest in the outcome that show the exact opposite. The treatment protocol used in this Rayner study was also set up to fail. A fact even the paper acknowledges when Rayner says he expects criticism of the protocol used.

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Yeah, he's just lazy and blind about this issue. Alex gets tiresome.

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I wish he would open his mind to the possibility he’s wrong about this. I really don’t understand why he hasn’t except he’s so dug into this position.

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Kick backs from Pfizer?

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You’re unreal. The discredited agenda big pharma bought and paid for NEJM! Are you kidding me. If you were honest you would report on all the other ones that support it and were done more appropriately. You would also debate McCullough, Kory and Marik. You always cite Malone because you have some axe to grind but he does not treat patients. The ivermectin study that you cited two months ago was poorly done. You did not mention that. You are killing your credibility because you keep going down roads you know nothing about and reporting falsely. What else are you skewing. Losing respect daily for you.

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Yeah, pretty soon, he really is going to lose readers, not because he questions this, but because he simply isn't researching it. And using the same critical thinking he claims to use when analyzing the vaccines. Yeah, it is starting to make me wonder if we can trust much of what he posts. Way too hasty on some of it.

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Alex, we know you hate ivermectin or is it that you hate Dr. Malone? Or both?

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Pro-tip: If you're ever on the same side as the NYT, reevaluate yourself.

Jk but read this article: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/ny-times-mislead-public-ivermectin-study/

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Why do you buy the same Pharma lies on early treatment but not the vax? Try checking @rmconservative who is retweeting the scientific community who are dissecting yet another Big Pharma-driven fraud.

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So much hate around IVM. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. One thing is definitely true, there's ZERO money to be made from it, and if it somehow DID work, it would be devastating for the Vax makers.

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Not entirely true- telemed companies are making big money off ivm. Dr. Kory charges 1k for a session & I’m told it’s just a video. I can tell you from personal experience & research the adverse events (esp vision problems, tinnitus, neurological) are underreported. Dr Been tells ppl to take selenium & E to protect the kidneys, liver & testes from IVM toxicity. And if you have leaky gut (most Americans do) you’re at higher risk for an AE & it crossing the brain barrier.

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Pfizer has made more than 30 billion dollars on its vaccine the first year, and no liability, and didn't have to do all the usual research, got some tax dollars to help out - NO ONE who treats Covid is making billions. Most who treat are getting very little and take what insurance allows. I had not heard of Kory charging that much, but depends on what he's doing. If you had to go to the ICU, that's not cheap, and if your insurance pays only 80%, your part is not cheap. If Kory can keep people out of the hospital, good for him. The companies who make the new products are making billions, and no one who treats, no health professional is making billions on this, no way.

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New England Journal of Medicine also has studies demonstrating the effectiveness of vaccines (which we all know is BS). So why should we trust this study about Ivermectin?

NEJM is also literally funded by Big Pharma: https://thepulse.one/2022/03/10/new-analysis-reveals-how-much-big-pharma-controls-the-science/

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Using Ivermectin for only 3 days is not a trial of Ivermectin. The study was funded by the Gates Foundation. That tells me all I need to know. In any case, 3 days is not a trial of Ivermectin, and it is not normal to give antibiotics or antivirals for only 3 days and expect them to successfully treat most illnesses. It was clearly a trial designed to fail, created for the purpose of failing. For more behind the scenes on big pharma and Covid, read Robert Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci. Learn more about fraudulent research, how it's been done so many times already, and of course the reason is to make sure there is no other medication for Covid that is safe, effective and available, to protect the new favored cash cow meds.

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3 days, what a joke.

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Did they use it in conjunction with zinc?

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Wrong dose

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The dose was okay, but too short a time, 3 days and then stop is not how it is done. Or not how anyone with any sense does it.

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Selective investigating reporting...I hung in with you after you ambushed Dr. Malone against my better judgment. Making blanket statements that are bytes from the TNI (WSJ & NYT) without truly researching and being open to the possibility Ivm works is just not honest. Even a politician has researched and heard from the Doctors with different perspectives. I'm canceling my subscription, I wish you the best in defeating Twitter.

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