Imagine a medical community as a whole that is so disinterested in investigating what is killing thousands of people worldwide. Then silencing dissent. Suppressing supporting data. And forbidding known therapies (as Congress critters receive it). Oh, and by the way, trust us. So many doctor-patient bonds have been shattered over this. Thank you Alex, for plowing along, reporting the truth.

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As Mike Yeadon points out, there must be a point in time when the Pharma executives, their boards, public health officials, doctors, hospital system executives, pandering government idiots & corporate interests who pushed everyone to get the experimental gene therapy must be arrested and put on trial for murder. As with the Nazi regime after World War II, this is the only way to assure this madness doesn't happen to our grand-children. They have all gone all-in on satanic lunacy. There must be an equally aggressive reaction. Save all of your documents, guys.

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What about the Politicians (President Biden) who are FORCING people to be vaccinated in order to feed the families and keep their livelihoods?

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"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."

Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.

An Awakening? I hope more Politicians wake up !!!

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They knew from the beginning. The presentation of the Pfizer shot said already it would not stop the spread, would not prevent infection, only would make the sickness less severe. They did NOT do their work properly. When I read that presentation I already wondered why anyone would want that shot. Specially since it contains a product I don't want in my shampoo!

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They failed to mention that with all the breakthroughs after jabs 40% would still be hospitalized and die!

Because there were no long term studies!

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Die, yes. Die from Covid-19, no. This wonderful mRNA technology turns the body against itself. These people are dying from what they call autoimmune diseases, which are caused by the body's own immune system attacking healthy cells and tissue.

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There has been no official mandate from the Feds on vaccines. Biden talked about it, but it never has been enacted. What we are seeing is from States and employers. More reason to RESIST!

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Your wrong

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Can you please post a link to the official mandate?

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You are correct Michael. In spite of Biden's executive order, OSHA has yet to implement any policy on vaccination requirements.

You realize that you are asking an individual who cannot distinguish between the possessive pronoun "your" and the contraction "you're" to provide you with evidence that supports his statement, don't you?

Ol' Lance is just parroting "information" he got off of his favorite TV or YouTube channel. That is what passes for knowledge these days.

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Question is who, in a position to bring these people to trial, will have the courage to stand up to a huge, powerful organization that will do literally anything to protect itself?

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These are the actions of a New World Order which has already captured most of the meaningful business and political leadership positions across the world. Check out the World Economic Forum and its involvement in the pandemic:


Check out the list of "Young Leaders" trained by the WEF. These include nice folks like French PM Macron, California's Governor Newsom, German Chancellor Merkel, New Zealand's Prime Minister Ardern, and so forth.

All of these are in on the WEF agenda. This agenda is nicely laid out by King Klaus himself in his books "The Fourth Industrial Revolution" and "COVID-19: The Great Reset".

It's all laid out, we know where they are going, we know they want to microchip us, we know the pandemic is an excuse for the vaccine, and the vaccine is to normalize mandatory medical procedures regardless of risk to the individual and the resulting death toll.

The only way this is going to stop is if the people go and PHYSICALLY REMOVE these people from their positions of power. They're not going to stop otherwise, and they wouldn't have started if they didn't already feel secure with their worldwide collection of leadership positions.

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I was NOT surprised to see Gruesom (Gov Newsom - oh how I HATE him) as well as most of the folks on that list. What shocked me was seeing Nikki Haley! I have to get my hands on King K's books. Thanks for the suggestion.

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No surprise to me, at all. Recall that Nikki advocated for warmongering throughout her time as UN Ambassador. She knows on which side her bread is buttered, and that side is with the establishment/globalists.

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Really? Nikki Haley? That's suprising. What a disappointment.

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I’ll never forget how two-faced she was with Trump. Phony!

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Dr. David Martin is putting together a list to present (these are the "they" behind the scenes) during an event Nov 6-7 in LA. The war criminals behind the scenes need be identified and put up on the web similar to the FBIs most wanted. The citizens of the world will hunt them down.

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I think Argillier is a bullshitter. I like Stew but I think he should vet people a bit better.

For context where this opinion is coming from, I also think Mike Yeadon's warnings are on point, Zelenko, McCullough and Malone are heroes, and Alex Jones is a legit prophet.

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Remove them and most of those working in and for the government (deep state, people in congress and senate) and all these agencies. A HUGE seasonal deep cleaning.

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I've got a bus . Giddy up!

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Oct 15, 2021
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You claim America first, yet you are suggesting to people that they boycott the companies that own the country you love so much.

You aren't from this country, and, perhaps, you've yet to learn what the dominant ideology over here is. It is "me first." We follow the cult of selfism, selfishness, and egocentricity. That is why we little people won't unite even though it is our only hope of restoring the freedoms and liberties that we have lost over the last several decades. We can't see passed our own noses. It's the old divide and conquer strategy being employed by our own government for the purpose of subjugating us. And it has worked like a charm. We are no longer citizens of a republic. We are Uncle Sam's subjects. Welcome to neo-feudalism, neo-serf. America first.

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Us. We the people are the power. Don't expect some superhero. We have to do it ourselves, just like the founding fathers did. We first try legally and vote people out, and the new ones who run We need to get involved, inquire, ask questions so on and so forth. Even prior to elections, we must call our representatives and tell then that as a constituent I do not agree with these policies, demand responsibility. As thomas Jefferson once said, he who is willing to sacrifice freedom for some safety, deserves neither safety nor freedom. They can suppress us if we all say enough is enough and stand up.

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You know who. With a Republican house and senate, even though 60% GOP frightened, weezely, low testosterone, Rhino's with very few vertebrae. ...🥧 ⚾️ Chevrolet and Eat A D Brandon

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Oct 16, 2021
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All politicians rely on big money. All hands are dirty. I had hopes for some, but after a while they all capitulate. No matter which party.

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Reiner Fuellmich seems to leading the charge


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What grandchildren? They're ensuring low fertility and decreased birth rates.

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Oct 16, 2021
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Brave New World

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Purdue Pharma anyone?

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Agree, of course. But, who is there to prosecute? There are no Allies in this war.

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I'm sure the Jews felt the same way in 1944.

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there is infact an article on line, where a few survivors from the Holocaust tell exactly that. how politics were before war and how little by little, everything changed for the worse

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Well stated, Amen Joseph. Yes i been an archivist for some time, good to re-state that.

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There will be no such "point in time". The monsters who have done this to us will get away with all of it. They will be richer and more powerful than they ever imagined. Not so much as a single hair on their collective heads will be touched by our sclerotic and demonic "justice" system.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc. committed ghastly crimes against humanity and died peacefully in their sleep, all powerful and unpunished right to the end. Besides, who

among us would be in a position to punish the punishers?

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Yes, assuming we all took that view, that would be the case. But as Atlas continues to shrug and the victims stop sanctioning their victim hood, the good, freedom loving people of this country, who are very different from the peasants & serfs of China, Cambodia & Russia, will wake up and take out the trash. Bank on it.

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Oct 16, 2021
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Millions are already fighting back - you just don’t see it. History is determined by belief systems. The sociopathic lunatics have completely lost the hearts & minds of a vast majority of the citizenry. Watching them now is akin to watching a 2 year old flail around after taking a dump on the floor. They have nothing left and they know it. All of the censoring & manipulation in the world can’t change reality. Evil only triumphs when good men do nothing.

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Most are fighting back via lawsuits. There are many underway against employers already, and so far, employees are winning. The employers (like Southwest) will start backing down in a hurry.

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There is another way. I’d invite you to read Atlas Shrugged

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I recommend everyone try to understand the bigger picture. I'm not saying I do, but there are only so many ways you can script a show like this. One of the things they are pushing here in the US is the "death tax" so when people die early, who gets the cash? Not the heirs. And they are setting up a LOT of people to die, and die early. That's important for the transition of wealth and power to look "natural". They will just be just paying their fare share after all.

There will be no organized revolt, however, I think extremists are being created, on purpose, and when they all act individually, the 2nd amendment will be repealed and that is why we have a vax mandate in the US.

A global "utopia" is what "they" are after. They have started at the end and are working their way back to script the changes that need to occur to get from there to here. Need to reduce the global population, remove the "rugged individualists" etc. Freedom is decadence. It's gotta go.

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wanted to add, These changes are happening globally. People need to look at what is happening locally and see how it fits into the global story. That's why this is so hard to understand for most people. They think its about a pandemic, when the pandemic is just a plot device in chapter in a story. Nobody gets to see the book until the very end when all of the chapters have already been completed because if they did, they'd hunt the authors down.

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This is not another "happy ending" movie, where, in the end, justice is served automatically, and the system safeguards our rights and interests. This C19 charade was the ultimate proof that the political system is broken beyond repair, and chances of restoration of normality appear every day dimmer.

Nazi regime fell, and its exponents were brought to justice, simply because the force of its opponents (allied forces: US, Soviets, etc) overwhelmed them militarily. The difference with our situation is that the balance of forces is heavily skewed in favor of the "new normals". They don't care whether their narrative sucks and changes every few months, for so long as their MSM mouthpieces and censorship factory continue to brainwash the morons. The unpleasant realization of our times is that morons are the vast majority, and together with the compliant subjects get to more than 80% of all. Tough times, really.

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Sorry, but do not agree. The silent majority is a massive force and the enemy has exposed themselves for all to see over the last 4 + years. They are clearly unhinged and can no longer hide. They are not a massive force, but rather small in number. Moreover, they have no appreciable skills aside from lying, conniving, manipulating, etc.. I firmly believe that the decent, righteous, God fearing people of the US, outside of "morons" outnumber them 500-1.

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I wish that were true, Joseph.

But, I live in a blue area and it's far from what I see around me. The vast, vast, majority of people here want the abuse being meted out. If anything, they want more.

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Yes, its easy to pretend objective reality doesn't exist when there is food on the table, the lights are on and paper money can be used to exchange for goods & services. Unfortunately, the moral & spiritual bankruptcy that has gripped our nation will lead to financial bankruptcy, which is already baked in the cake. Anyone living in a "blue area" will learn super fast what happens when the parasite class is upset that their never-ending buffet of free stuff has ended. The vast majority of the citizens of this country do not live in future socialist hellholes.

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Oct 16, 2021
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They're also 'the resistance'. Except, when they're the red guards. We could go on and on, couldn't we, lol.

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Your comments are spot on. I've been preaching the exact same thing. Pushed into a corner, good men will do bad things. The idiots "in charge" should have disarmed us before they moved forward. It will not end well for most but it will be especially painful for the idiots who are just dumb enough to think they have a good plan for their utopia.

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I could not agree more with you, Joseph. "They" really have co-opted governments around the world and now effectively control the world's entire population. It was not coincidence that 190 countries followed in lock step with the mandates to shut their economies and quarantine their healthy populations. How on earth do we deplorables even begin to fight back against the behemoth that they have created to enslave us all? Who is brave enough and talented enough to lead us against people who can exert this kind of raw power? Governments around the world have lost their sovereignty, likely because of bribes by the likes of the IMF, World Bank, and other central bankers. If you want find the nexus of this cabal, look there.

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Oct 16, 2021
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1913 was the magic year for the Fed. That said, you could argue that governments around the world have been at the mercy of bankers for decades, or, for millennia, ever since bankers realized the insane profits available to them from fomenting wars around the world. History reveals the truth of that statement; not many are either willing or able to discover this truth.

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How did that silent majority do in 1940's Germany? Anyone still silent is an enemy of collaborator.

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Nuremberg 2.

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Oct 15, 2021
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Instead of hanging, how about jailed for the rest of his life and jabbed with needles every hour on the hour, all televised live. Same for all of them.

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And made to listen on a continuous loop to all of the self contradictory statements he made about Covid and the vaccine. Just play it over and over again to him and his fellow conspirators.

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Or just give him the shots...all of them...at once. Maybe he’ll experience every side effect! Now that would be karma and justice!

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Nah…it would probably be a federal crime including the death penalty. Pretty sure it is still by injection. But we’d have to have plenty of witnesses.

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I think hanging is too quick and dirty. Perhaps a .22 magnum to each knee. Then for the rest of his life he would have to suffer unrelenting pain so he could experience the depth of the heartache felt by each JABBED person and their families and friends as they desperately try to comfort their sick and dying loved ones.

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Oct 16, 2021
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Alone! With no friends or family by his side!

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Would be better to heal them with Ivermectin THEN impose the federal death penalty.

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With each of our bare hands with this murderer

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Oct 15, 2021
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Well, you can watch it so the rest of us don’t have to.

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Oct 18, 2021
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Oct 18, 2021
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hanging is too nice

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And too quick. I'm thinking cobalt.

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I would like to see him ordered to repeatedly tour the country (I'm talking infinite tour here) explaining all the lies he told, educate the public on his use of logical fallacies and propaganda.

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Oct 15, 2021
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Nuremberg 2.0

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wasn't that Epstein guy protected? Maybe the protection is short-lived?

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Oct 20, 2021
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I know he was well connected, and highly protected (for a time)

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I disagree. I don’t think they protect anybody. As soon as they need a scapegoat, he’s on deck!!! No tears shed over that one though!

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It is not just over in Europe.....The USA is much higher over last year !!!!


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I think the entire failed response to Covid is causing All-Cause Mortality to increase ....masking, lock downs, economic loss,medicine in disarray ,,and now CLOT SHOTS !!!

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Tim, there is a roughly 99.7% recovery rate from "sars-cov-2" for those below 70 in the USA and Canada etc.. then you have the huge 5000 pound Gorilla in the room that sars-cov-2 has never been isolated which there is a serious growing amount of evidence for. Perhaps you consider this.

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"then you have the huge 5000 pound Gorilla in the room" for a second there, I thought you were going to say something about comorbidities

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Can you explain what you mean by "not isolated"? What evidence can you share? They have had the genomic sequence since early 2020.

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And I don’t know about you but I still have friends in denial. Many have woken up but others continue on with booster shots and won’t open their minds to reading anything.

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Thanks for the link. Looking at Worldometer, there were 725,234 deaths WITH COVID as of October 3, 2021 (end of week 39). As of December 31, 2020, there were 366,410 deaths WITH COVID. So, for 2021 through October 3, there were 358,824 deaths WITH COVID.

The US mortality site you linked claims there were 306,156 deaths deaths than what was expected. If this accurate (heh), then without deaths WITH COVID, the US would actually have experienced 52,668 FEWER deaths than expected.

Maybe it's just me, but something seems wrong here.

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Deaths "with COVID" do not automatically translate to Covid *active infections*. The high pcr cycles have ensured that *exposures* and *recent past infections* were conflated with *infections* to artificially increase the active case #s. Fauci used one of his many "half-truths" when he stated on PBS that above 40 cycles is probably just artifacts & remnants. The same is true at 35 cycles and at 30 cycles. Iirc, at 35 cycles, false + rate works out to 97%.

When they finally, recently dropped recommended cycles to 28, that wasn't "evolving science." It was corrected math. They were using bad math all along, made worse when the testing was reduced from the industry standard of 3 genes to just 2 genes (remember when the pcr tests were 1st shipped to state CDCs, and 1 of them kept failing QC due to mfg problems? So Fauci said it would be ok to just use the 2 tests that were working? That made significant changes to the accuracy of the results, and not in a good way.

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According to President Puppet and Susan Rice , those numbers of deaths are people who are hiding . So this is why he is ordering the IRS to watch everyone's spend of less than $ 600.00 transaction . And he is mandating an unproven non FDA Approved Vaccine trials . President Puppet the media is ignoring science and facts for more than 2 years now and it is only getting worse by the day .

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Look no further than China's claimed total deaths from COVID-19 and you'll see what's wrong 🤣 "Case", illness and death statistics should be taken with a whole shaker or in some cases, an entire salt mine, of salt.

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It seems that the mass vaccinations did not change the covid trajectory!!

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By "if this is accurate", I mean all the numbers, especially the "COVID" deaths.

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Did you see where the Nebraska Attorney General just generated a 48 page authorization for physicians to order Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 if they have patient consent and feel it is medically indicated?


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gee, and yet 40 some other states are using their medical boards to threaten and bully doctors into denying this care intervention, so, what the hell are citizens going to do with bureaucracy happy and eager to let people die?!

Yep, gonna write the Loki line here until either evil is refuted, or, millions are dead:

"Humans were meant to be ruled!"

Or, just slaughtered!... and people kneeling in line waiting their turn!...

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Yes I did. One down, forty nine to go.

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Imagine? Its actually happening.

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John Rapaport published an article about the virus that doesn't exist yesterday. Scroll down to his October 14 article if you are interested. https://blog.nomorefakenews.com

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Thank you.

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"Unfortunately, we now know the vaccines do not preclude infection or transmission. As a result, we are forcing people to choose between their livelihoods and a freedom-robbing vaccination mandate with no rationale. We are only beginning to see the dire consequences of these ill-advised mandates."

Author: U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.

An Awakening? I hope more Politicians wake up !!!

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The sociopathic lunatics in government understand that they have no moral, philosophical or intellectual basis for anything they do. And they know that we know it. The only thing left is force & dividing people against each other. That works until you’ve destroyed people’s ability to take care of themselves & their families and you can no longer grease the palms of your various parasitic constituencies from money stolen from producers. We’ve reached that line. The problem IS the government.

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Does he favor firing people for smoking a joint in the comfort of their homes? Does he favor throwing people in jail for smoking pot? I know most people have finally come around to seeing how stupid criminalizing marijuana was, but just realize that, for 50 years, being caught smoking a joint meant your life was destroyed. Both parties can be very authoritarian - the left can be with public heath, and the Right has been authoritarian when it comes to national security and criminalizing drugs.

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Breaking News @5 on local news.......

The CDC released "long-awaited" vaccine data by case and death; too bad they cannot use (or won't) the Public Health England methodology so the American People will be properly informed how bad these "Vaccines" really are.....It's all BS to convince more people to get the CLOT SHOT!!

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Panic kills. That was obvious from day zero, but there was an election to win, a build back better policy to justify, and a group of political opponents to demonize.

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Truly scary times

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The entire model of trust is shattered IMHO. That goes for the agencies who, as of this date, not provided any sort of regular cadence or deliverables to the public with regards to the safety, (and the rest of the criteria) for the gene therapeutic injections.

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I agree that trust has eroded for institutions in general. Unfortunately, when that occurs, then you have people paying a spy novelist (Alex) $5 per month for Covid reports, which is even worse.

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uh, yeah, it is called systemic intention genocide.

In the 1940s, ammunition, gassing, and incinerating.

in the 2020's, bioweapons, vicious canceling, cutting off supplies, and then, ammunition, gassing, and incinerating.

gotta fall back on the standards, eh?!

have a nice weekend...

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First do no misinformation.

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This is classic Alex. Post some statistics, but with no context. We know he wants you to believe these excess deaths were caused by "vaccine injuries", but he can't prove it, of course.

Here are some other hypothesis:

-Complications from long covid (which does involve cardiac and pulmonary issues)

-Undercounts in COVID

-Lag effect of delayed screenings and medical appointments which happened early in the pandemic

-Increase in drug abuse and suicide

-Increase in crime

Of course, Alex won't investigate any of those hypothesis. It's gotta be vaccine injury.

That's why Alex is known as the disinformation merchant. I remember a time when disinformation was free, but now you have to pay $5 per month.

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Educate yourself. Alex provides data, it is up to you to do your own homework. That is why MORE information is best, not less. Suppressing opposing views makes for an uninformed individual. I prefer to look at every single piece of info I can get my hands on.

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Statistics are great, but Alex is supposed to be an "investigative reporter" - why isn't he investigating all the hypotheses? Why does he only seem to consider his favorite hypothesis - that vaccines are causing all these excess deaths?

If you're paying this dude $5 per month, then he should be diving into all hypothesis, regardless of whether it's convenient to his narrative. But he doesn't do that.

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How much are we paying the CDC and their cronies every month? Are they diving into all hypotheses regarding excess deaths? Their only message is to get vaccinated.

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CDC has been terrible with data collection. It's sad that we're relying on Israel for so much data right now. I also think they should have tracked breakthrough infections, but I believe they decided no because corporate elites didn't want that info tracked.

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You can rule out "complications from long covid" since that would likely be listed as a Covid death and these reports went out of their way to indicate these were not Covid deaths.

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Sorry dude, that's not how it works. If someone dies from a blood clot or myocarditis 3 months after the Covid virus has disappeared from their system, that death is attributed to a cardiac or pulmonary issue, not Covid. We know that blood clots and cardiac issues arise in many Covid patients long after their acute infection is over. Are these increases in cardiac deaths due to that? I don't know. But if you're paying Alex $5 per month, I would expect him to investigate all hypotheses, not just the one that is convenient to his narrative.

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If you think someone with long haul Covid isn't going to be marked "Covid related" as cause of death, in an era when hospitals are incentivized for that kind of reporting, you're not thinking straight.

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If you call out Alex for hinting at vaccine injury without proof, do you also call out the CDC for their deception and fear mongering? It took Alex's substack, or maybe it was "bad cattitude" to alert me to vaccination actually increasing COVID infection rates in the UK. Yet the CDC claims the exact opposite for the US. See Figure 2 in


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well said

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Oct 15, 2021
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They Know. They have been ordered to stand down !

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They absolutely have been ordered to stand down. You are correct. When the civil rights divisions, human rights divisions, lawmakers, elected officials, doctors and even many lawyers are sitting in silence you know it is a planned operation. All an evil plan to get that injection into all people.

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Yes, the NBA player who was harmed admitted that he was told by the NBA not to go public with his injuries, but fortunately, he doe