I also see that Joni Mitchell pulled her songs from Spotify. Apparently the thing to do when it's been so long since you had a hit that middle-aged people have to google you.
At least they were her songs to pull! Neil Young was so stupid that he didn't know he didn't control his own music on Spotify, AND, his infantile demand STILL resulted in HIS music being pulled despite Spotify having no obligation to do so!
Neil Young is Canadian born, I think Joni Mitchell as well. Canadian here too but I just attended the Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa yesterday. For me, that was a 5 hour drive there and a five hour drive back to join freedom fighters in -15 deg C weather. Never really was a big fan of either Neil or Joni.
I have to add, Canada likes to highlight these successful expats who although they were born in Canada hit the big time elsewhere and continue to live elsewhere today. There are some unflattering words to describe that.
Thank you for going to the rally I heard it was massive. I went to a smaller one in BC very well attended and peaceful. I have some friends that drove from BC to Ottawa. Your are correct in your assessment of these has-been's.
It was massive. That despite the city of Ottawa placing pylons to close off exit ramps that went to the parliament (protest) area. I expected to see more trucks but I spoke to someone who came in with the convoy and he told me they weren't all in the city. Made sense: they wouldn't fit. I saw police in attendance walking through the crowd. What surprised me was seeing police from the York Region (Toronto area). I heard they were called in because a request to have the army present was turned down as was a request to have the OPP present.
Joni Mitchell had a hit? When? Perhaps circa 1971? You'll have to forgive me if I didn't notice. I was in kindergarten at the time, and it might have happened during nap time.
Most do not even know who the hell these buffoons are. Of course I do I am so embarrassed they are from the the country I live in Canadistan. They can kiss my keister.
and my older brothers bought their music and made them rich and now they want us censored. Neil Young buried his freedom in the ground! his words, his song
I am sure Old Neil will realize the error of his ways when that $4.56 a month from Spotify quits rolling in. Oh and Neil how ironic The Needle and The Damage done.
Joni Mitchell, Barry Manilow (not pulling his music but against misinformation) Peter Frampton,--many artist from the 70's & 80's. Seriously people who are supportive on censoring free speech don't even know who these people are. They have to google them. But putting this into perspective, when is the last time anyone heard from Peter Frampton, Barry Manilow, Joni Mitchell or any of these people that are jumping on board. When is the last time any of them had a hit? Joni Mitchell was known as the ethereal hippie goddess. Neil Young was a figure of the hippy counterculture. The others probably had similar politics. The hypocrisy of these people is stunning. Neil Young, misguided as he is probably though he was doing the right thing but the others I believe just are seeing this as a PR stunt. When is the last time they were relevant? Now, people are checking out their music and they get a bump in publicity for a month or so but when the shite hits the fan about the deadly nature of these shots and how many people have been killed by them and permanently maimed by them, they will run for cover.
Thankfully, Naomi Wolf figured it out early unlike the vast majority of legacy leftists. I can’t understand how so many so-called artists in particular have so eagerly embraced statism and totalitarianism.
How can they not look at Canada, Australia, Fauci, and the long line of absurdities and contradictions and not be horrified? I suspect that they were always sell-outs and that their hypocrisy is simply being revealed for what it always was.
If anything, perhaps this experience will euthanize our societal tendency to worship celebrities. They’re just like us except worse.
I’d love to see a gato or eugyppius discussion of this phenomenon.
They live in a bubble. They may not even believe what they are supporting but its a chance to get their name back in the public arena. Like the saying goes, any publicity good or bad is better than no publicity.
Tessa Lena just published a very enlightening exploration of the factors behind Neil Young’s demand to be removed from Spotify. It’s definitely worth a read.
Had an argument with Joni Mitchell over a jukebox. I was putting in quarters and she was pushing buttons. Now I'm glad I won. I'd rather let free speech win.
TBH many artists have not been happy with Spotify for a long time and its nothing to do with censoring free speech. Its about how much they earn on each play which is a pittance. They are probably using this as an excuse to protest as it seems more "virtuous" than a boycott over money.
I've never thought about either of them. I don't know a thing about Neil Young, and I'm 66 years old. But then, I wasn't particularly into popular music or culture back then, nor have I ever been.
So curious how 1960-70's free thinkers have lost their lib in their senior years. Must be the result of over-consumption of brain altering chemicals. I knew LSD had some side effects.
I thought she died? Well her music did, my husband knew her and she and the rest are not now or ever were mentally healthy so why would we listen to them? Just look at their history
Let’s say, hypothetically, that our side prevails. What happens to people like Bono, Neil Young, Sting, Joni Mitchell, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and so many others who became eager and highly visible dupes for the globalists?
You'll be the subject of a Paul Joseph Watson video called "[name] is an idiot." But only if his audience has any idea who you are. After that, you'll be remembered as a poser or a sellout--or forgotten.
Hadn't thought of that. But doesn't NYT and others who do that let you have so many "freebies" per month (3 or 4)? Guess I could break down and sign up but I actually hate Twitter, I liked looking while not touching.
When I heard about this earlier in the day, I thought, The Clintons have devolved into the First Family of Grift...only to be outdone by the Current First Family on PA Ave
Could the Roman Empire near its end have been any more corrupt than where we find ourselves today? The scenes out of Canada the last few days show there will once again be spring even if it might be a long, very tough and very dangerous road ahead.
Caligula planned to appoint his horse Incitatus as a consul before he was assassinated. (Perhaps the horse was deemed too much of a neigh-sayer.) The devolution of our public servants is a sign of the end-times. You know you’re there when you’d rather be represented by a horse.
I agree with you. Chelsea looks like a cheap slut. Monica looked (at the time) like a famous, glamorous, iconic film actress whose name I can't recall at the moment. (I'll probably remember her name after I post this, or maybe tomorrow...)
These comments on her Twatter give me so much hope for this country. More than I have had in a long time. Everything I’ve ever wanted to say to a Clinton was said and I feel very satisfied by this. Thank you
You might enjoy the comments lobbed at Pfizer on Shitter. It's a perverse waste of time, I admit it, but when I need a laugh I go to @pfizer and admire how they routinely get blown up. I don't have an account but don't need to post. Others do such a good job on Pfizer. It's heartwarming.
"Anti-vaxx" is the calling card of someone educated beyond their intelligence. They're what Nassim Taleb called an intellectual-yet-idiot: they're so taken with words like science, evidence, education, etc. that they're easily taken for a ride.
Grace Slick said several years ago about the counterculture of that time, "We were going to change the world, but the truth is we couldn't even change our socks."
For those who don't know Grace Slick, she was a counterculture goddess who could actually sing (check out Somebody to Love), but who managed to grow up. Unlike these overgrown immature idiots.
Grifters gotta grift. As Tucker used to say, if you want to see the definition of poorly educated banality, read her social media musings. She is a corruption conduit and lacks the self awareness to just STFU
So the Wokesters are going after Substack. They are going after Joe Rogan. I think they are too full of themselves and finally have bitten off more than they can chew. Maybe America is waking up to the Woke.
I hope so. It’s tragic. A very nice woman I know Is a daughter of Hollywood and her Dad is the coolest dude. But she believes the groupthink. Kinda has to.
She’s 38,slender and healthy and has just had a stroke. People are telling her Covid gave her the stroke, not the recent booster.
The comments were worth a half hour of my time! It’s tough to virtue signal when Ghislane Maxwell is a guest at your wedding!
The photoshop of Chelsea in her wedding dress overlaid on a street in Haiti is priceless.
Nuts and sluts.
I saw what you wrote and took a look—hilarious!
I'm so glad you remembered that!!!
I also see that Joni Mitchell pulled her songs from Spotify. Apparently the thing to do when it's been so long since you had a hit that middle-aged people have to google you.
At least they were her songs to pull! Neil Young was so stupid that he didn't know he didn't control his own music on Spotify, AND, his infantile demand STILL resulted in HIS music being pulled despite Spotify having no obligation to do so!
Talk about cutting your nose to spotifyce.
He is such an irrelevant hypocrite He cancelled himself and still doesn't get it. I hear there are tens of people heart broken.
A southern man don’t need him around anyhow
Not just southern nobody needs that clown.
More nasal howling I won't miss.
Neil Young is Canadian born, I think Joni Mitchell as well. Canadian here too but I just attended the Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa yesterday. For me, that was a 5 hour drive there and a five hour drive back to join freedom fighters in -15 deg C weather. Never really was a big fan of either Neil or Joni.
I have to add, Canada likes to highlight these successful expats who although they were born in Canada hit the big time elsewhere and continue to live elsewhere today. There are some unflattering words to describe that.
Thank you for going to the rally I heard it was massive. I went to a smaller one in BC very well attended and peaceful. I have some friends that drove from BC to Ottawa. Your are correct in your assessment of these has-been's.
It was massive. That despite the city of Ottawa placing pylons to close off exit ramps that went to the parliament (protest) area. I expected to see more trucks but I spoke to someone who came in with the convoy and he told me they weren't all in the city. Made sense: they wouldn't fit. I saw police in attendance walking through the crowd. What surprised me was seeing police from the York Region (Toronto area). I heard they were called in because a request to have the army present was turned down as was a request to have the OPP present.
I admire you for going, esp since it was such a cold hard trek! I am adding my voice on social media here in the states.
Also, I should mention that the an ex-CEO of Pfizer runs Blacksone which is heavily invested in the company that owns 50% of Neil Young’s catalog
Bless your truckers❤️ Following the news closely in the states. You have heroes there! Freedom from mandates!!
He woked himself into oblivion👍
AND, it's not the first time he's done it!
Joni Mitchell had a hit? When? Perhaps circa 1971? You'll have to forgive me if I didn't notice. I was in kindergarten at the time, and it might have happened during nap time.
Most do not even know who the hell these buffoons are. Of course I do I am so embarrassed they are from the the country I live in Canadistan. They can kiss my keister.
Check out the end of the State of the State address the governor of WV did with his dog along these lines. It's on Infowars. 🤣🐶
Yes! 😂
The net should be papered with it.
Hey, you Canadians gave us RUSH! No embarrassment there 😎
and my older brothers bought their music and made them rich and now they want us censored. Neil Young buried his freedom in the ground! his words, his song
Eric Clapton needs to give him a ring !
Van Morrison as well he isn't drinking any of the kool aid.
oh... would actually like that to happen and for there to be a transcript available
These Leftist Artists are disappearing themselves. We are better off when that happens.
I am sure Old Neil will realize the error of his ways when that $4.56 a month from Spotify quits rolling in. Oh and Neil how ironic The Needle and The Damage done.
Someone did a video of vax injured people with that song playing. Yes, the irony.
Yes... wasn't Spotify close to 60% of his income? Not exactly a smart business move 🤦
Joni Mitchell, Barry Manilow (not pulling his music but against misinformation) Peter Frampton,--many artist from the 70's & 80's. Seriously people who are supportive on censoring free speech don't even know who these people are. They have to google them. But putting this into perspective, when is the last time anyone heard from Peter Frampton, Barry Manilow, Joni Mitchell or any of these people that are jumping on board. When is the last time any of them had a hit? Joni Mitchell was known as the ethereal hippie goddess. Neil Young was a figure of the hippy counterculture. The others probably had similar politics. The hypocrisy of these people is stunning. Neil Young, misguided as he is probably though he was doing the right thing but the others I believe just are seeing this as a PR stunt. When is the last time they were relevant? Now, people are checking out their music and they get a bump in publicity for a month or so but when the shite hits the fan about the deadly nature of these shots and how many people have been killed by them and permanently maimed by them, they will run for cover.
Thankfully, Naomi Wolf figured it out early unlike the vast majority of legacy leftists. I can’t understand how so many so-called artists in particular have so eagerly embraced statism and totalitarianism.
How can they not look at Canada, Australia, Fauci, and the long line of absurdities and contradictions and not be horrified? I suspect that they were always sell-outs and that their hypocrisy is simply being revealed for what it always was.
If anything, perhaps this experience will euthanize our societal tendency to worship celebrities. They’re just like us except worse.
I’d love to see a gato or eugyppius discussion of this phenomenon.
They live in a bubble. They may not even believe what they are supporting but its a chance to get their name back in the public arena. Like the saying goes, any publicity good or bad is better than no publicity.
You mean gato or eugyppius. Honor their lower-cases, man! ;-)
Duly noted and edited.
Hey, I'm with Manilow. We need to root out and expose and ridicule the purveyors of misinformation and their enablers.
That's why I've said for years that the alphabet legacy media need to be burned to the ground and the earth salted where they stood.
They need to stick to their job title music or entertainment nothing more.
Tessa Lena just published a very enlightening exploration of the factors behind Neil Young’s demand to be removed from Spotify. It’s definitely worth a read.
can't find it.
thank you! Ugh
Neil Young, the Incidental (?) Prophet of Pfizer
Had an argument with Joni Mitchell over a jukebox. I was putting in quarters and she was pushing buttons. Now I'm glad I won. I'd rather let free speech win.
Probably recommended by her publicist--to get some attention after a l-o-n-g time of no one cares about her.
Wonder if anybody would have noticed if the press hadn't reported it?
Right—desperate ploy to get attention by woke has-beens.
Ok. I'll bite. Who's Joni Mitchell?
Its funny how they crossed over to the other side
TBH many artists have not been happy with Spotify for a long time and its nothing to do with censoring free speech. Its about how much they earn on each play which is a pittance. They are probably using this as an excuse to protest as it seems more "virtuous" than a boycott over money.
I'd have immensely more respect for them if they confronted Spotify over their earnings on their intellectual property (or whatever it's called).
Not only is this tack dishonest (if their real beef is over fair compensation), it's anti-free speech and ALL that that implies.
Agreed, I would actually support them in this. But for them to attack podcasters they do not agree with is vile.
That wouldn't surprise me at all.
Follow the money.
hahaha. Spotify is evil but not because of Rogan. First Amendment is not evil. Get it straight Hollywood
I haven’t thought about Joni Mitchell or Neil Young in half a century.
I've never thought about either of them. I don't know a thing about Neil Young, and I'm 66 years old. But then, I wasn't particularly into popular music or culture back then, nor have I ever been.
So curious how 1960-70's free thinkers have lost their lib in their senior years. Must be the result of over-consumption of brain altering chemicals. I knew LSD had some side effects.
The culture shifted so far that they're no longer counterculture but mainstream. And unfortunately, some are authoritarian after all.
Oh gosh i hope it's not the LSD. I think the problem might be their country of origin
Almost like they were the targets of CIA experiments to turn them into "the man".
Did anyone notice?
I thought she died? Well her music did, my husband knew her and she and the rest are not now or ever were mentally healthy so why would we listen to them? Just look at their history
what's google?
Let’s say, hypothetically, that our side prevails. What happens to people like Bono, Neil Young, Sting, Joni Mitchell, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and so many others who became eager and highly visible dupes for the globalists?
You'll be the subject of a Paul Joseph Watson video called "[name] is an idiot." But only if his audience has any idea who you are. After that, you'll be remembered as a poser or a sellout--or forgotten.
and howard stern
Sting too?! I thought he liked children?
"Chelsea apparently expected Twitter high-fives for her denunciation of “anti-vaxx grift.”"
From the crown princess of grift...
Takes one to know one? Princess of gift! Lol.
I was a proud participant in the ratio!
Lol. Me too!! She’s the biggest grifter of all…plus who’s your daddy!
Have you seen these pictures of Hubbell's daughter next to Chelsea? It's spooky.
Whoa I had not seen that before. Wow!
Twitter will not let me view. I must sign up or sign in. Is this happening to anyone else? It happened to me yesterday and I shrugged it off.
The same happened to me just now. I wonder if we non-members get a max allotment of reads, then they block you. NYT does the same.
Hadn't thought of that. But doesn't NYT and others who do that let you have so many "freebies" per month (3 or 4)? Guess I could break down and sign up but I actually hate Twitter, I liked looking while not touching.
One of my favorite responses was when someone simply posted a photo of Web. Fricking hilarious
When I heard about this earlier in the day, I thought, The Clintons have devolved into the First Family of Grift...only to be outdone by the Current First Family on PA Ave
Claiming someone is putting out "misinformation" is the new McCarthyism.
Yes! Thank you. I need to become a teacher so I can tell the next generation.
Could the Roman Empire near its end have been any more corrupt than where we find ourselves today? The scenes out of Canada the last few days show there will once again be spring even if it might be a long, very tough and very dangerous road ahead.
Caligula planned to appoint his horse Incitatus as a consul before he was assassinated. (Perhaps the horse was deemed too much of a neigh-sayer.) The devolution of our public servants is a sign of the end-times. You know you’re there when you’d rather be represented by a horse.
I did not have sex with that virus
sexual relations
Bill said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Chelsea’s not as classy
I agree with you. Chelsea looks like a cheap slut. Monica looked (at the time) like a famous, glamorous, iconic film actress whose name I can't recall at the moment. (I'll probably remember her name after I post this, or maybe tomorrow...)
Elizabeth Taylor.
Can we all have a drink TOGETHER one day? LOLOLOLO
If you live in Florida where people are normal, we could have a drink tomorrow night LOLOL
Moving there this summer
Chelsea’s got Grifter Envy. 🤣
These comments on her Twatter give me so much hope for this country. More than I have had in a long time. Everything I’ve ever wanted to say to a Clinton was said and I feel very satisfied by this. Thank you
You might enjoy the comments lobbed at Pfizer on Shitter. It's a perverse waste of time, I admit it, but when I need a laugh I go to @pfizer and admire how they routinely get blown up. I don't have an account but don't need to post. Others do such a good job on Pfizer. It's heartwarming.
Also the comments lobbed at Indiana State Health. People are posting data from other countries--the word is out.
I'll have to go take a look. Thanks!
Why Indiana State? I missed something clearly
My home.
I am heading there now, thank you for the tip. Love it
I just enjoyed it. Good way to avoiding working on taxes on a snowy day
The Clinton’s must be cringing as they read them - not what they expected for sure.
All the money in the world can’t fix ignorant and ugly.
"Anti-vaxx" is the calling card of someone educated beyond their intelligence. They're what Nassim Taleb called an intellectual-yet-idiot: they're so taken with words like science, evidence, education, etc. that they're easily taken for a ride.
Grace Slick said several years ago about the counterculture of that time, "We were going to change the world, but the truth is we couldn't even change our socks."
For those who don't know Grace Slick, she was a counterculture goddess who could actually sing (check out Somebody to Love), but who managed to grow up. Unlike these overgrown immature idiots.
Not a nice person though.
All they are able to do is repeat words or slogans they have heard or read, they are nothing more than Bots.
Grifters gotta grift. As Tucker used to say, if you want to see the definition of poorly educated banality, read her social media musings. She is a corruption conduit and lacks the self awareness to just STFU
Great post, Alex. Made my night.
So the Wokesters are going after Substack. They are going after Joe Rogan. I think they are too full of themselves and finally have bitten off more than they can chew. Maybe America is waking up to the Woke.
I hope so. It’s tragic. A very nice woman I know Is a daughter of Hollywood and her Dad is the coolest dude. But she believes the groupthink. Kinda has to.
She’s 38,slender and healthy and has just had a stroke. People are telling her Covid gave her the stroke, not the recent booster.
You mean the Covid she got from the booster?
She is a loathly damsel.
She's loathsome. (But I get your pun.)