My son is 16 and plays an elite level of ice hockey in Canada. A few weeks back he was invited to an upcoming rookie camp for a WHL team (the WHL is one of the prime amateur leagues the NHL typically drafts players out of). Then yesterday we received an email that all players must be vaxxed with at least their first shot to attend.

The pressure at my wife's work, a major large Canadian company, is increasing on almost a weekly basis to be vaxxed.

And then last week Trudeau announces no travel on planes or trains unless you're vaccinated - and my job involves flying at least 20-30% of the time. He's turning up the heat more and more...it's clear that country-wide mandates are coming once he has his majority in about a month's time.

My family and I have been waiting for the Novavax vaccine, which now seems delayed until who knows when. I DO NOT want either mrna ones for all the reasons Alex has outlined.

But, here are: if we want to continue to make a living and live life we have no choice but to vaccinate ourselves with a substance we DO NOT know the long-term consequences of taking and clearly isn't working long-term.

To say I genuinely hate my gov't right now is an understatement. How could they FORCE me to take something I don't want - especially when there are alternatives like ivermectin that are working according to friends using it in Argentina?!?! This is beyond insane and I'd move my family immediately somewhere this isn't happening - IF that place existed. But, the insanity is everywhere.

The hopelessness is overwhelming right now.

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The legal ramifications of mandate coercion are too great a risk for employers. I just read about a nurse who refused to jab teens bc she was afraid she’d be sued. It’s just a matter of time. We need to start sending employers letters like this en masse. https://vivabarneslaw.locals.com/post/889925/vaccine-mandate-protest-letter

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YES and THATS what people need to do . Many consent site websites have letters you can download to sign and present to the COVIDidiots. Search them out in your area. The Frontline doctors web , Childrrens Health Defense in the US

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I think our biggest obstacle is the slave mentality/workism. Maybe the fact that companies are shamelessly acting like they own us will help trigger the awakening.

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Make them own the risk! Do not decline it, just leverage some tools and push the risk back onto them.

Every ISO cert I perform for 27001 always has to look at operational, reputational;, financial risks...clearly having 1/2 of the staff book is a MAJOR operational, reputational and financial risk. Entitles without labor will be out of business in short order. Nurses and doctors are forcing their hands, unions are forcing their hands...I sent a note to the top man that runs Maryland Health...looks like he backed off from pushing the booster shot because I mentioned that he'll be liable for civil suits. Give them hell.

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Mic Drop. Folks gotta make that switch from defensive to offensive.

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Excellent! Yup assert your rights nail them with their regs and certifications. And BEST withdraw your money. Think the Airlines will last long with sick vaxxed people as a customer base-- think again.

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Oh HELL YEAH. I love this letter. My wife’s employer is mandating vaccines and she is looking for another job. She had ‘the Delta Variant’ in June. It makes ZERO SENSE for her to be injected with this crap.


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💗 from a similar feeling Canadian-- there are many many of us. FYI there are options to forward to the WHL for your son. Look at Vaccine Choice Canada website for information. Also for your wife's office. Some of my patients are arranging deals where they get tested regularly instead, do part of their work/school from home etc. The narrative is crumbling, hang in there, it's hard. Also deny Trudeau the majority they want.

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I want to add that I just spoke with several of my Israeli patients yesterday and one told me that what he and his family are doing to avoid vaccination is "Duck and Dive". Deal with things as they come up, don't try to plan for a moving/changing target. Live in the moment. Inspirational and beautiful advice.

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You know several southern US states have outlawed vaccine mandates? You can spend 180 days a year there on vacation. At least buy your family half a year. By which time vaccines and boosters will have proven themselves unnecessary.

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Especially now that they have announced we are in an endemic phase. Right up there with the various flu strains. Covid and all the variants are here to stay.

I have refused all “flu shots” at UCLA and they just drop it. I hope we are rapidly coming to that point.

“Covid vax?” “NO”.

Do the FLCCC preventive protocols and live your lives.

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I agree, the FLCCC has updated info on which vitamins & what to do to help prevent COVID. Also use the PUSH Health app to get a doctor who will prescribe Ivermectin. Our general doctors will not prescribe It, but we were able to get a prescription within hours using the PUSH Health app.

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This virus is easily defeated by healthy immune systems. Supplements are unnecessary, and sometimes counterproductive, for healthy people with healthy diet.

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Apply for asylum.

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Where? The lunatics seem to be running the asylums, everywhere.

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🙄 seriously

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I'm sorry you are in this situation. Companies may blink if enough people resist. It's already happened in the US airlines.

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And in other industries here in Canada. Don't forget the Almighty dollar has a loud voice. Take your power, your money and walk. There are always alternatives. Be creative.

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Crowdsourced Nuremberg 2 type of a lawsuit would get my money.

Ponder this: "In 1976 there was a small increased risk of a serious neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination with a swine flu vaccine. The increased risk was approximately 1 additional case of GBS for every 100,000 people who got the swine flu vaccine. When over 40 million people were vaccinated against swine flu, federal health officials decided that the possibility of an association of GBS with the vaccine, however small, necessitated stopping immunization until the issue could be explored."

1 out of 100,000!! Even the most anti-vax haters would admit that those mNRA experimental treatments created more than 1 "adverse event" out of 100K vaccinations. And yet, stopping this atrocity is not even being seriously pondered.

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Right...momentum is picking up. The anger will be off-the charts.

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Here is the “adverse event” they will listen to:


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That may be here already. I mean you trust a .Gov who's shown to blow, I don't know, $2-5 Trillion on WMD and chasing ghosts in caves? VAERS is just 1 of 12 inputs. I'm sure just as with any other Fed IT infrastructure the data is silo'd. These systems don't democratize any of the data. If I were Alex, I'd call into GDIT (the contractor who owns the BPA for VAERS) and start asking about scope, performance-based RQMNTS, staffing...taxpayers own the contract...we pay for it.

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Right...bring in the A-Team now. Bring in 100s of SMEs...the 1500\hr. types and crowd-source it.

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Texas or Florida. Our last stand.

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Yes but that isn't an option for everyone. Stay and assert your rights, it scares the shit out them and then they accommodate you. Take a look at the many School Board meetings with parents over masks and tests etc.-- these are parents who are angry and confront their bullies. The bullies back off.

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Maybe California by September 14th when Warden Newsom is facing a recall.

Vote for recall and for Larry Elder to replace.

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Yes, lets send good vibes and support to CA to rid themselves of Nancy Pelosi's psychopathic nephew by marriage.

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I’m vaccinated. It was a nightmare. I will not take a booster. I’m moving from NY to Florida in October. Tomorrow begins Diblasio’s Vaccine Mandate. The government is out of control. Each day they take away more and more of our freedom. Enough is enough.

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Good for you! As a Canadian with an American mother I am considering applying for a passport. I already have a British passport (father born in UK) and a Canadian passport.

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I feel your frustration. My doctor husband caved because of a work mandate (already had Covid) and my 28 yo daughter caved because of the NYC vaccine passport (was one of the first infected when she lived in NYC back in Mar 2020, confirmed by an antibody test.). They are not giving people the choice and it's sickening.

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"having no choice" is merely a logical fallacy, you always have a choice

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Easier said than done.

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In many cases the alternate choices are also bad. We all need to learn to be better risk managers.

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What they’re doing is illegal, when they realize that depends on us, but it’s coming. I hope your family is open to protocols like ivermectin to clear the spike protein asap…🙏

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HCQ, D\C\Zinc\Nasal Spray\NAC\Ivermectin....

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This comment to me is just basically saying, “we need to decide how important freedom autonomy independence and choice is to us”…

Or, “is just cowering and kneeling going to let me survive another day…”

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It’s a lost-lose. This investigative vaxx causes ADE. If they do take it, get on Ivermectin immediately to bind the spike protein. Also look into the Dmitry Kats protocol: https://twitter.com/Sam06853952/status/1426803950209093637?s=20 Avoid the jab at ALL costs— resist employer mandates w protest letters, live off savings, get a freelance gig, until the lid blows off this thing very soon.

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"Cheer up! Things could be worse". So... I cheered up and sure enough, things got worse. But that's just a tired old joke. Actually, there are several indicators that the epidemic is scheduled to be phased out over the next few months as the pandemic-enabling PCR test is also phased out. BigPharma declares victory for the New Year and we go on to The Next Big Thing, whatever that may be. Naturally the push to vax will maximize for the next few months, but that will phase out too. So resist, keep your heads low and wait it out would be my advice. And, there are sure to be class action suits based on the Nuremberg Code and various national laws which state similar things. Court action takes time, but their is a wealth of evidence that a great many suits have already been filed, sluggishly working their way through the judicial swamp.

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Agreed 💗 Also by the end of the year many of the worlds court cases-- e.g. Germany, Canada and France will be at the stage of final deliberation- so we have to get in as much damage as we can before the rulings come out. I love your phrase judicial swamp-- SO true!!

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I wouldn't want to be in Canada. But if I were, the solution would be obvious: show up at your province government's door and tell them they are overthrown. Write a new province constitution (I understand that you do not have provincial constitutions / functional federalism at present) banning mandatory medical procedures, send it out for ratification. The police and army will either support you or not. Trudeau will just piss himself, who cares.

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I like your idea. FYI-- the provincial govts each have responsibility for health in our Constitution- the feds have some powers over basic health education, some funding and the border-- which is why they can do the border/plane Nazi approach.

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Hi, I'm sorry that's happening to you and your family. I'm in the same boat, I work in healthcare as a physical therapist and my company mandated the vaccine by October 15th. I will be leaving my job, and trying to make up my income elsewhere. I agree, it is a type of insanity that has come over people, a vaccine fanaticism, even amongst many of my friends. This has been fueled by mainstream media fear mongering, with repeated phrases and traumatic pictures of people in the hospital. It's true, it's a nasty bug if you get it. But the risk for people under 65 is anywhere from 0 to 2%. This is really a "vaccine treatment", much like the flu vaccine is, to choose to take in advance if I'm afraid of my risk. A treatment should never be mandated, especially one with the side effects of this vaccine. Now that the CDC has admitted it doesn't stop transmission, we're not taking the vaccine to protect other people. I'm writing a complaint letter before I leave the company I love. I outlined my main points to someone else on Twitter who wanted help for their sister. Here's the link if you are thinking of doing the same thing and want some ideas. https://twitter.com/farm_ape/status/1433810965972193284?s=20

I was thinking of making up a religious exemption, but I can't get myself to lie. I think it's important that people stand up now and not give in to these mandates, if they can financially. I think this is the next step in a future that I don't want to be in. We've already accepted mass surveillance, and here's another step towards what I think will be a social credit system like China.

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Isn’t there anyone running against Trudeau?

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Yes four others-- Green, Peoples Party, NDP and Conservative. The Conservative leader has come out and said Why do we need mandatory vaccine? why not just test like we have been doing? Exactly! He is now rising in the polls-- people want choice not Dogma and fear.

The NDP (left of centre) is the traditional party of Human Rights. The leader Jagmet Singh said we "may" need mandatory vaccines to keep people safe 🙄🙄. So for the first time in my life I am voting Conservative. I recommend to fellow posting Canadians if they value human rights to consider doing the same.

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You Carol are part of the Canadian problem voting for the left. A little too little, a little too late.

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Ah you don't know me and don't know how I vote. I typically vote on the right. BTW the blame game is SO over-- we need to find commonality and work together 💗

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Leftists don’t “work together” or find “commonality”..it was you who said you are voting Conservative for the first time in your life not I.

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Sorry you dont understand Canadian parties-- there is more than one right wing party-- the Conservatives are just one --

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Did Trudeau ever put his big boy pants on and get his vaccine? He was still unvaccinated at the G7, what a 'leader'

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As a Canadian I don't care if he gets vaccinated- his choice. The issue is not whether you get one, its about consent and its about choice. People who don't want them because of natural immunity (fyi antibody tests are cheaper, faster and more accurate) should be able to opt out.

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There is hope, as long as you refuse. There are ways to do this. The best advice I can give is to go to https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/join/. You don't have to join, but there are advantages. Another is https://takeactioncanada.ca/know-your-vaccine-rights-get-letters-of-informed-consent/ . There's also the lawyer Rocco Galati. You can find some of his videos on youtube as well as https://www.wholeheartedmedia.ca/ . Those are starting places. Good luck.

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All so terrifyingly true. You are not alone.

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I decided to go with JNJ. Tough choice for you friend. Same as you, I wasn’t ready to roll up the sleeves for mRNA technology and Novvax was likely delayed on purpose. I took ivermectin and then pharmacies no longer filled prescriptions. It’s all coming to head. They’re making the rules; we’re all just chumps now. I hate to be so pessimistic but how could I not be. I wish we had more freedom in the matter.

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Anecdotally was in an employee/HR meeting where testing the unvaxxed was mentioned and someone commented that if the vaccinated can spread the virus as easily as the unvaxxed why not test everyone, and that persons comment was applauded. A lot of people are beginning to rub the sleepies out of their eyes..

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Push back. Ride right through them - they are demoralized as hell. On my neighborhood social media site it doesn't take that much firm and polite pushback to stop discussions in their tracks. They lock the thread or delete the thread. They can't deal with any kind of opposition.

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I love the smell of vaccine failure in the morning

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Nice one. 😆

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robert duvall in apocalypse now is one of the most iconic characters in film history, great post texbat

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And the vaccine "refuseniks" (among all the HCWs yet) are equivalent to the draft protesters of the late 60's and 70's. And just like when the government was spying on the anti-war movement, DHS has recently suggested we "refuseniks" are domestic terrorists, "enemies of the state".

Everything old is new again!

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Hi Alex, not just Israel but right here in the good ol USA. San Francisco is a covidian stronghold, with super high vaxx uptake and a worse summer wave than last year. We can no say conclusively the the vaccine program as a public health measure has failed. These shots have failed.

The interesting question is … did Pfizer know this going into the roll out? Why was there so much emphasis on reaching a certain rate of injections by July? Why is there so much panic to push them by September? They have had no positive effect on the summer season, so what's the point? Obviously to get them into people's arms before the lie becomes obvious. Well, now the lie is obvious. And it will all come crashing down very rapidly. At least in this regard, Kabul is a powerful metaphor.

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Pfizer knew...the proof is simple. They were already working on their booster then. Anybody with a brain could figure out the C19 would quickly evolve/adapt to a "vaccine" that produced genetically identical cloned spike proteins in mass.

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Mass unnecessary vaccination is a stupid as mass unnecessary prescription of antibiotics, all it does is create resistant mutants.

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As someone who self-medicates a chronic sinus infection, I disagree. Show me where the antibiotic-resistance alarmists make a cost-benefit calculation that includes the harm of under-treatment.

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I'm not against low and slow antibiotics regimens on Resistance Apocalypse Fears grounds. However, bacteria are supposed to be in your nasal passageway and sinuses - as well as everywhere else in your body - and bacterial microbiomes play an important part in immune competence.* All pathway-targeted antibacterial drugs potentially disrupt collateral microbiomes and immune competence (for example, a causal link to poorer outcomes for enterovirus (gut virus) infections is theoretically plausible). This has not gotten the research attention it deserves considering the microbiome-immunity link is an over 10 year-old discovery. Anyway, it might be something to think about.

*In fact, as we don't otherwise have a valid explanation for why sinuses even exist, providing a microbiome-mediated immune regulation "lab" might be what they are meant for.

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Another indicator those in charge knew: Pfizer stock did not perform anywhere near Moderna stock.

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Plus all of Big Pharma and the FDA should be prosecuted for ignoring the mission statement for the “Emergency Use Authorizations” that all therapeutics (like Ivermectin) must be exhausted prior to starting the jabs.

They buried Ivermectin, even though I have read that Trump received Ivermectin at Walter Reed in October 2020.

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also why hydroxychloroquine was banned... you can't get emergency approval unless there's no effective treatment, and there's an overwhelming need... hence the "everything is Covid" spike at the end of last year.

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When does it become clear that either the those at the top are incompetent or following an agenda? I mean right, censored front-line doctors, censored effective low cost solutions, an aggressive one-size-fits-all approach that is anything but precision tailored medicine, hidden informed consent, non-transparent weekly briefings, hidden clinical data, no data on toxicity...the list is growing. On Medscape there are some nurses and doctors that are yelling....it won't be long before they are screaming at the top of their lungs.

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It has been clear. Today more confirmation on the Pfizer contracts with governments. Horrific blackmail (we'll take your sovereign assets if you sue us) language and provisions. They are instructing Govts to only buy their vaccine and they can sue if another non vaxx treatment is used. https://off-guardian.org/2021/07/29/covid-vaccines-the-leaked-pfizer-contract/

First came to light months ago and people have been verifying it, ie former VP Pfizer etc.

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Yes he did- his doctor is the one in this video- warning heavy-- presenting in front of the Rabbinical Court in Israel. https://www.bitchute.com/video/WsvhxBD4k1uZ/

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Kabul, COVID its the same business model. This is how the US and unfortunately more and more of the world work.

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Yes Pfizer knew this-- do some reading. Its all about money honey

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I will throw my psychic/political antennae up here and say this:

Today the three voters in our household in SoCal received our Recall Warden Newsom ballots in the mail.

Two of us promptly filled out our ballots, “Yes to recall Newsom” and “Larry Elder to replace for governor”. I dropped them both at Mar Vista post office an hour ago.

I say all this because I want everyone to be aware of the fact that Larry Elder just said his first action as governor would be to “stop the lockdowns, stop the vax passports and stop mandatory jabs and stop the mask mandates in California.”

This potentially makes the California Newsom recall a referendum between Newsom and Elder on the “appropriate, Constitutional, scientific Covid response”.

September 14th could be a pivotal day in US politics and for the world. The registrar says ballots must be dropped off or post-marked by Election Day. Which means final results may not be available until September 21st.

If Newsom is dumped and Larry Elder becomes governor, THIS will be the shot heard round the world on our response to the now “endemic” Covid and its variants and the previous “pandemic”.

Covid and it’s nasty cousins are here to party among us. Wash your hands, follow the FLCCC protocol, lose weight if needed, get as healthy as you can, ditch the fucking masks and live your lives!

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There are many more reasons to vote for Elder.

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Bravo! Elder for prez!

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The problem is 24 repubs on the ballot. That guarantees dilution of the vote. No repub party endorsement. Repubs seem determined to become insignificant losers.

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The irony is this. The whole reason they are pushing vaccine mandates is precisely because so many people have looked at the *actual data* coming out about these vaccines. And when you look at the actual data, the vaccines are doing very poorly. They can cause serious side effects and they don't work as well as promised. Instead of shifting gears and focusing on treatments for covid, they are doubling down on the failed vaccines. It's maddening but also sad. Many deaths could be prevented if treatments were made available.

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But the alternative treatments don't make them any money. Deaths? they dont care. It is classic Pharma dependence. OOhhh buy/take my drug your blood pressure will magically disappear. Oh sorry about the side effects. Oh I didn't tell you that an adjustment to your diet could do just as well? Ah but you want to keep eating those foods right? The majority of people do NOT want to take responsibility for their health. I am a doctor and I see it/gear it every day.

We have outsourced the responsibility for our health our immune systems to doctors like me and Pharma.

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Agree. “Just give me a ‘script, doc, and I’m out of here”. Unfortunately, we depend on PRC for our generic medications.

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Johnny Mnemonic was a fun early dramatization of the risks of overdependence on pharmaceuticals and the inevitable power of the pharma industry in a dependent society. It's satire, of course, but all satire contains some truth. Don't be dependent.

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...and deaths would be avoided if only they'd stop hiding the actual data from the people.

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Yes, the authorities are not being honest with us about vaxxed vs unvaxxed hospitalizations. The 99% has been of the biggest lies the nation has ever seen. Main reasons summed up:

1) Some stats consider newly vaxxed as unvaxed (even up to a few weeks)

2) Some stats consider single vaxxed as unvaxed

3) Some stats include old monthly data, when many weren't vaxxed.

4) Many doctors and patients are in denial that vaxxed can be hospitalized so under report it (same reason why VAERs under reports adverse effects).

5) As Alex pointed out, those in poor health may not get vaxxed for this very reason yet are more apt to be hospitalized regardless.

I'm sure soon the authorities will consider those without a third booster as "unvaxxed" and attack them!

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a nurse on our covid ward said the hospital policy was to report all admitted patients as untaxed unless there was definitive evidence they were vaxed - in other words vaxed in the same system and documented n the record.

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I try not to include anything in my picture of reality that depends on recorded stats being falsified, but I may have to hang onto this one. There have been recent stories of the unvaxxed rates at local US hospitals that are just implausible. The elderly are still going to dominate hospitalizations for severe outcomes to (or with) infection of SARS-CoV-2, and they are vaxxed. It's not even a relevant signal of vaccine efficacy failure until you compare overall rates.

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Oh that’s really interesting. And convenient for the vax gestapo.

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The objective is selling vaccines, and other medical products, not health. That's the focus of all the hype, and the basis for all the prohibitions. Good health is protective against this routine virus. But it's unprofitable. They need people to get sick.

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and while we are telling people a magic shot will protect them we ignore the true cause of the covid deaths--comorbidities. mostly lifestyle-related.

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Keep those hospitals filled!

What an obscene racket!

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the CDC has no way of monitoring how Vaxed vs. Unvaxed are doing in real time. They can only look backwards and look at studies that are already done. If you dont believe me - read Scott Gotlieb's tweet this weekend about the CDC. We simply can't trust these Vaxed vs Unvaxed numbers unless they are done within a study like the Wisconsin and Massachusetts studies.

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They'll probably label them: 'BaVotch't'

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Agreed-- that is what we are seeing and hearing in the real medical community here in Canada- not the public health politicians or regulators

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It will take an American public that’s tired of it. But right now, not enough people are telling “the man” to go and fuck himself. More are speaking up, but not enough. Remember this is also a time when Apple just said it will monitor you using the very phone you bought from them. We’re a country of sheeple right now. If there’s enough pressure on Apple that they walk this back, then I’ll be more hopeful. But I suspect people will run to buy new Apple phones just to support the spying…you know…for the sake of the children.

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Yes. "For the Children." Agree 100%. Upside: none. Downside: dragged off to prison if some hacker (or nation-state actor) uploads a "bad picture" to your device. "But they weren't mine!!" Sure pal, sure. "Take him away!"

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At this point does Apple really think there’s a pedo ring still using Apple hardware and iCloud? I mean, really, after all the hype, they’re gonna nab a bunch of people? Cmon. This is about getting the capability out there. Later on you’re gonna hear them say they can selectively detect people who attend violent protests. Anyway - well off the vaccine topic.

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What's the best alternative to Apple? I'm due for an upgrade.

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Sign this petition and send pass it along.


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If you’re not using iCloud and iMessage then it doesn’t effect you (yet). If you’re bought into the whole environment wherein you’re using iCloud and able to sync everything across all their hardware, then it’s hard to find a competitive system. You could still use iCloud but cut out iCloud photo sharing and use a SMS text instead of iMessage, or use a completely different messaging app like Signal. So there are work arounds, just depends on how invested you are into their whole world. I’m pretty heavily invested. But I think I’m going to be forced to stop using iCloud Photos. But that’s not that big a deal.

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Thanks Al!

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Its almost as if the expert leadership in our country has no memory of the last 18 months. Over a year ago, I thought that the way out of this is for people to just get exposed, rather than hiding and avoiding it. Lock-downs, closing, cancellations, just postpone the inevitable. Its August 2021, and its like Ground Hog Day: push a vaccine mandate, mask mandate, vaccine passports, etc...... repeating failure. All the current administration wants is enough people jabbed so they can run campaign ads in the next election.

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Florida and Texas are using monoclonal antibodies now as a treatment. And DeSantis has a big sign touting "Early Treatment" at a press conference. Granted it's early treatment with patented stuff but it's a big start. Texas and Florida are the leaders of the resistance.

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And so... a new country is born.

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as the Babylon Bee reported, "amid Covid rise, experts recommend everything that didn't work before".

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The government is hiding the truth that this fairly routine virus isn't a problem for people with healthy immune systems. The old are particularly vulnerable because they have so many years of accumulated bad decisions. Other "comorbidities" are more obviously related to immune dysfunction, but that is never discussed. The conditions associated with covid prevalence are usually reversible. The medical-industrial complex hides it because it's not profitable. Same for a lot of proven therapies now aggressively forbidden. If you trust your government bureaucrats, just do what they say and maybe it will save you. Didn't work out well for more than half a million so far. Better to learn to protect yourself.

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I’ll upfront acknowledge I risk this raising outrage, and being deleted, but it comes from the heart and it comes from my basic instinct being a genuine responsible caring attentive human being in American society:

We are at a point that most people in positions of power authority and influence, in my opinion the elite in general, need to be voraciously and relentlessly marginalized and ostracized so they instinctively flee this country, or risk being terminated.

Trust is lost, the people who shriek propaganda platitudes the loudest, which basically is just “wolf!” of fear and cowering. So now, we have to decide whether we are going to continue to maintain this level of ignorant unsubstantiated trust, or just let them figuratively not literally lead us to the railroad cars and to the gas chambers.

Do you know why the Left doesn’t want schools to be teaching history, because they don’t want you to know history, and that just plays into their hands.

Sorry Mr. Berenson, people need to think about this, they can reject it, they can ostracize me if they choose, but at least they have that basic right of choice!

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We’re going to have to overcome the slave mentality in ourselves before this happens.

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Good luck how to educate what are at least 150 million humans, no, not calling them Americans, because all they know how to vote and support is about either the letter “D” or “R”, as they instinctively cower kneel and shriek “racist”.

My guess, maturity as a construct diminished by 40% or more these last 4 years alone.

Now you 150 million, shut up and get in line for your first or next shot, and hope you don’t get profoundly ill or die!……

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The ultimate “adverse event” with the jab could be death.

At 71 I have enjoyed good health trusting my immune system and will NOT play American Roulette with my life for ANYONE with ANY experimental jabs.

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Alex: I'm sure you will not delete the previous in order for us to examine carefully what's being suggested.

Re: outrage - why would anyone be outraged. We all here are searching for the real truth. Truth waiting to be uncovered, unraveled, and just plain understood.

Re: 'get the hell out of this country' - nobody is going anywhere. What needs to happen is - a total revamping of the checks and balance system in place. And so we need to put non-compromising men and women with strong backbone, who are qualified to be put in prominent important positions, and who will be our voices (without their hand out waiting for their own selfish gain, but rather) will advocate on behalf of us for the ideals we understood this country to be built on. And will never be compromised... Never!

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So, in a nutshell, you would like those we elect and others in the bureaucracy to tell us the freakin’ TRUTH?!

How radical!

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To dreeeeam..... the IMPOSSIBLE dreeeam!

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I heard the biggest vaccine side effect for MSM journalists is severe amnesia.

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In both the Vietnam and Afghanistan conflicts, the U.S. found itself supporting the side motivated more by money than ideology. In doing so, it seems we've forgotten lessons learned in our own war of independence, when a group of plucky, outnumbered Americans somehow managed to defeat the better trained/equipped Hessians, many of whom surrendered rather than fight. And that's where we are today with Covid. The profit-motivated pharmaceutical companies and the political class they've bought with campaign contributions, and the media companies they fund through advertisements are on one side. Those who's ideology allows them to laugh off a lottery ticket, donut or $100 payment in exchange for a vax are on the other. It will be a long battle, but as Vietnam and Afghanistan have proven, ideology ultimately will win out over money.

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As a lawyer, I was contacted today by a group of hospital employees who must be vaxxed by 10-1 or will be fired. They want to fight but need legal help. It's outside my area of expertise but am trying to find them representation in Iowa. Please reply with contact info if you can help me get them referred or help?

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They've already done an important thing and formed a group. One person can be fired and replaced. But 10? 100?

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They tried that. Was rejected

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Tell them you are vegan and oppose animal testing. This is a federally protected group which is why all prisoners in US prisons who demand vegan diets get them.

This will work for the military as well.

Tell them you are “woke” too! Can’t hurt!

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Are the boosters going to be required too? If so then this "group" may end up being 100% of the staff at this hospital and they may have considerable leverage.

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Absolutely essential reading about the spike protein’s deleterious effect on telomerase.


Short lived immune response is fool’s gold, replacing the immune system’s ability to replenish itself.

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Wait til we see a documentable spike in miscarriages, or to the Left, gleefully shouted out as spontaneous abortions.

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Even though I don’t think I can get pregnant, I am VERY happy to say I am a member of the unvaxxed “control group”.

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