Covid went through my kids and I last week without us really realizing it. I did have questions with the 10 year old’s fever, headache, and “cloud in her brain,” the day after little brother had a headache and I blew my nose twice. Her home test was negative. A cool towel on her head, an open window, and the next day she was fine.
Covid went through my kids and I last week without us really realizing it. I did have questions with the 10 year old’s fever, headache, and “cloud in her brain,” the day after little brother had a headache and I blew my nose twice. Her home test was negative. A cool towel on her head, an open window, and the next day she was fine.
Wednesday night this week my husband got knocked on his butt very suddenly. High fever. Headache. Body aches. Chills. Not super scary, but knocked him out for the night. First thing Thursday morning he took the ivermectin. Also the vitamins. (Our integrative health practice customizes specifics but mostly the normal drill). The Covid test came back negative Thursday morning, but our hunch was Covid. Took ivermectin again Friday morning. Was out of bed by 10am and working but tired. For the heck of it took another test Friday night. Instantly positive. Took Ivermectin this morning (Saturday). Was totally fine. No fever or anything. Energy mostly back. He’ll take another final dose tomorrow. We are all unvaccinated pure bloods.
It wasn’t all that bad. He’s healthy and 42. But, his vitamin D levels were low in October (32) before we added K2. He has underlying inflammation.
I don’t know if Ivermectin worked or not. Or the vitamins. Or the fresh the cool towel (people, if you’re sick, open a window even if it’s freezing outside. Fresh air helps!).
What I do know is it sure as heck didn’t hurt anything. It wasn’t any worse than doing nothing. It might have saved him a few extra days of misery or worse.
Millions of people have the stuff because millions of prescriptions have been filled for human ivermectin in the US. And it was nice to enjoy a happy healthy snow day with the kids today. 😊
Next time I get a virus I’m totally going to pop a few ivermectin and see what happens. It’s an anti-microbial. Not like big pharma has a great alternative. 😂
We weren’t opposed to vaccinations two years ago. We haven’t gotten any shots since 2019 because we saw no point in 2020. By 2021 it became clear to us it’s gonna be a long long time before any of us do again. Our daughter wasn’t getting guardisil before this. It’s in our 2018 will. The kids have already gotten everything else.
Covid went through my kids and I last week without us really realizing it. I did have questions with the 10 year old’s fever, headache, and “cloud in her brain,” the day after little brother had a headache and I blew my nose twice. Her home test was negative. A cool towel on her head, an open window, and the next day she was fine.
Wednesday night this week my husband got knocked on his butt very suddenly. High fever. Headache. Body aches. Chills. Not super scary, but knocked him out for the night. First thing Thursday morning he took the ivermectin. Also the vitamins. (Our integrative health practice customizes specifics but mostly the normal drill). The Covid test came back negative Thursday morning, but our hunch was Covid. Took ivermectin again Friday morning. Was out of bed by 10am and working but tired. For the heck of it took another test Friday night. Instantly positive. Took Ivermectin this morning (Saturday). Was totally fine. No fever or anything. Energy mostly back. He’ll take another final dose tomorrow. We are all unvaccinated pure bloods.
It wasn’t all that bad. He’s healthy and 42. But, his vitamin D levels were low in October (32) before we added K2. He has underlying inflammation.
I don’t know if Ivermectin worked or not. Or the vitamins. Or the fresh the cool towel (people, if you’re sick, open a window even if it’s freezing outside. Fresh air helps!).
What I do know is it sure as heck didn’t hurt anything. It wasn’t any worse than doing nothing. It might have saved him a few extra days of misery or worse.
Millions of people have the stuff because millions of prescriptions have been filled for human ivermectin in the US. And it was nice to enjoy a happy healthy snow day with the kids today. 😊
Next time I get a virus I’m totally going to pop a few ivermectin and see what happens. It’s an anti-microbial. Not like big pharma has a great alternative. 😂
We weren’t opposed to vaccinations two years ago. We haven’t gotten any shots since 2019 because we saw no point in 2020. By 2021 it became clear to us it’s gonna be a long long time before any of us do again. Our daughter wasn’t getting guardisil before this. It’s in our 2018 will. The kids have already gotten everything else.