Seriously...the entire world??? So China was forthcoming?? Fraid not! Have you seen the craziness in Australia or Austria or Canada? You think those draconian tactics are grounded in any science? Have you not seen or heard of any of the FOIA requests on Fauci's/Collins emails? These people didn't come out and say this is what we know as …
Seriously...the entire world??? So China was forthcoming?? Fraid not! Have you seen the craziness in Australia or Austria or Canada? You think those draconian tactics are grounded in any science? Have you not seen or heard of any of the FOIA requests on Fauci's/Collins emails? These people didn't come out and say this is what we know as of now... Instead they came out and said don't wear a mask, and Fauci's emails indicate he was telling colleagues that because the virus is too small and will go through the fibers of the mask, and then he turns and says no we should wear a mask and was just saying that because he didn't want a run on masks to keep them for the medical community. That's a negative motivation... he's a public health expert! Then further he said we'll have herd immunity when we get 70% vaccinated and then a few weeks later he moved the goal post and said 80% and then he changed it again and he even admitted he changed it claiming he wanted to ease people into the real number needed. Dr. Walensky did the same thing when it came to changing the quarantine guidelines (this is what we think will end tolerated...). That all erodes trust. How about the "medical experts" demonizing other doctors who used treatments like ivermectin or hydrochloroquine... All with claims that it doesn't work at all or there's no data to support it works... They are lying and people are dying.
Seriously...the entire world??? So China was forthcoming?? Fraid not! Have you seen the craziness in Australia or Austria or Canada? You think those draconian tactics are grounded in any science? Have you not seen or heard of any of the FOIA requests on Fauci's/Collins emails? These people didn't come out and say this is what we know as of now... Instead they came out and said don't wear a mask, and Fauci's emails indicate he was telling colleagues that because the virus is too small and will go through the fibers of the mask, and then he turns and says no we should wear a mask and was just saying that because he didn't want a run on masks to keep them for the medical community. That's a negative motivation... he's a public health expert! Then further he said we'll have herd immunity when we get 70% vaccinated and then a few weeks later he moved the goal post and said 80% and then he changed it again and he even admitted he changed it claiming he wanted to ease people into the real number needed. Dr. Walensky did the same thing when it came to changing the quarantine guidelines (this is what we think will end tolerated...). That all erodes trust. How about the "medical experts" demonizing other doctors who used treatments like ivermectin or hydrochloroquine... All with claims that it doesn't work at all or there's no data to support it works... They are lying and people are dying.
They lost our trust and don't deserve it.