Sadly though those with the medical expertise and knowledge have failed us miserably. They have withheld vital information and put all the eggs in the vaccine basket, virtually ignoring early treatments and therapeutics. Why is that? If this was about public health and saving people/protecting the vulnerable we'd have options and doctors…
Sadly though those with the medical expertise and knowledge have failed us miserably. They have withheld vital information and put all the eggs in the vaccine basket, virtually ignoring early treatments and therapeutics. Why is that? If this was about public health and saving people/protecting the vulnerable we'd have options and doctors would not have their hands tied in treating their patients.
Covid is serious for some people... absolutely...and what have those with the medical expertise done? FDA now pulling EUA for monoclonals and telling us the continue the same protocols that haven't worked. Truly sad times.
Sadly though those with the medical expertise and knowledge have failed us miserably. They have withheld vital information and put all the eggs in the vaccine basket, virtually ignoring early treatments and therapeutics. Why is that? If this was about public health and saving people/protecting the vulnerable we'd have options and doctors would not have their hands tied in treating their patients.
Covid is serious for some people... absolutely...and what have those with the medical expertise done? FDA now pulling EUA for monoclonals and telling us the continue the same protocols that haven't worked. Truly sad times.