This Illusion of Control is destroying people. Can't they just throw a couple virgins into volcanoes and move on like they good old days?

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Save the virgins, thrown a Brandon.

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And a Kamel Toe

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A Fauci would also be nice.

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And a witch would complete de cocktail…Ice Cream Nancy?

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I suspect most self-respecting volcanoes would immediately spit these out 😅

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Joe Versus the Volcano.

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witch? so many to choose from.....

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How do you know she's a witch?

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Gates has to be the first one in. To test the temperature.

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and his whole family and party

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Would a volcano be able to burn off that many Depends?

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Nov 4, 2021
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history will show that millions of people worldwide were killed by fauci because he led the us response following WHO an China lead. If Fauci would have led with early directed treatment of the vulnerable .. the world would have followed.

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Apparently Brandon a.k.a FJB , now has a January 4th deadline for the rest of us to bend over and take the Jab. They are sore losers; expect a 200% increase in loss of reality from the Brandon Administration by year's end !!! I also hear Brandon's Doc wife is trying to legally ditch Kamala the Hun. They are cracking up. Keep up the RESISTANCE !!!

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Hold the line, Patriots! DON'T GIVE YOIR EMPLOYER YOUR HEALTH DATA! They can't fire us all. They need us more than we need them. Stock up on supplies, get ready for.a rocky road, and don't give in!

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Hubby's employer offering many chances at BIG BUCKS for revealing your vax status so they can get an idea where the company stands. Company dragging feet on implementation. Don't want to lose customer-facing employees, which are tough to hire/retain nowadays. Interdasting.

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Principles can be costly. Just ask Ice Cube, Kylie Irving, and Dan Bongino. I don't envy your position. It should have never come to this. Today it's Vax status, what is next? Where do you draw the line? Best of luck, sincerely.

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#Resist and good luck. He should have a fully thought out set of questions to delay and confuse the tyrants at his work. Never answer, only ask.

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Sounds like a national strike.

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She is not a Doctor, despite Whoopi Goldberg's idiotic cheerleading. She has a Ph.D in some arcane aspect of education.

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Doctor of Education Ed.D. and you should read her dissertation, it looks like a high school book report.

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I did read it. It wasn’t even that good. Is English her second language?

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Got a link? Maybe it needs republishing.

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Tucker read it months ago on his show , totally illiterate! It made no sense , something about a jr college in Wilmington 🤭

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It was so bad I laughed to tears.- Dr. Jill -

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Sad if high school book reports are now that bad. :(

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her educational attainment level is immaterial. I dont care if she is semi moron. What offends me about her is how she could allow the man she supposedly loves honors and cherishes to be put in such a humiliating position is disgusting

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I'll bet dollars to donuts it was, Joe will be our puppet president, or he and Hunter are going to prison forever. Oh, and here's a laptop with 100 lbs of evidence if you doubt us.

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I absolutely agree. Their family should be ashamed!

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She believes that was the right thing to do. Even more appalling.

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It was awful. Like a 6the grader.

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A C+ high school book report maybe

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I read Michelle Obama's. That was enough.

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Pay the fee and get a PHD. If a PHD in education was materially worth anything our schools would be the best in the world, but what it really about is high pay for doing nothing productive.

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BS, Bullsh** MS More of the Same. PHD, Piled Higher and Deeper.

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Truer words never spoken. I used to teach in a masters program but the standards got to be so low, I could not do it any more. The administrators are only interested in money. They don't care if students can spell. I was dealing with "masters level" students who could not spell, and often had their parents contact me about their grades. NOPE! Very sad because I have 20+ years of high level experience in my field along with a MA that I actually worked hard to earn, and I enjoyed teaching.

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So sorry. I'm feeling ancient for my belief that higher education is for scholars. Scholars? What are those? A college degree is for earning more money. period. I heard a talk show host say to a caller, "If that's what you inferred from what I said, you went to grad school." The farther one goes in the scaffolds of the ivory towers, the less common sense there is.

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True very true. There is a distinction between scholars and students. I would say maybe 2% of my students were scholars.

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Any PhD in the 21st Century that insists on being called "Doctor" is a narcissist and a moron.

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She knows she’s an idiot, so it’s Dr to

You ! Wanted to be First Lady desperately that’s why she pushed her abuse on him , he deserves too , FJB and DrJ

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The product put out is behavioral modification and destruction of the family unit and racism. Commonwealth of Virginia had a little wake up call when are the rest of the parents and tax payers in blue and red states going get off their butts.

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PHD...Piled High and Deep!

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Or, post hole digger...

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A woman post hole digger, about as useful as social justice degrees

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so, a friend, PhD in Ed, former Superintendent of Schools, when I told him I had a BS in Engineering, said "getting thru to PhD in Ed is easier". Just nodded at his frankness.

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And it's not as though she's a tenured professor at MIT, for heaven's sake. The woman is a part-time teacher at a community college

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Dr. Jill "Pepper" Biden

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Which she obtained copy pasting blah blah blubber for her “online” thesis

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a pH,d From a community college.

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P H D in woke AKA: push here dummy

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English community college teacher

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it was more of an honorary doctorate if I recall, wasn't it?

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Businesses need to step up and resist this overreach of federal power.

This is a individual freedom lockdown and a states rights issue. This is how civil war starts we are in the quiet part now just heavy harassment.

Ignorant and lazy employees will use this to force this mandate by telling their employers this is. A unsafe place to work and the feds. Or state that have chosen to implement the same policy with thier administrative state agency like cal- osha or W I S H A which is Washington state .Oregon probably have their own version of this totalitarian agency Aka: fascist government.

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Nov 4, 2021
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Our republic was lost Nov, 4 2020 in the early morning.

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Nov 5, 2021
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Long ago, I was at a dinner party in Boulder CO and I was upset about the direction of our country, and the young woman next to me, a scientist with NIST said, "Don't despair. There's a tendency for things to morph." I loved it.

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Australia is showing the way. They're trying to give one premier total power to rule during unending so-called emergencies. It's happening here but so far to a lesser degree. And there is NO EMERGENCY!

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Nov 4, 2021
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To paraphrase Dean Wormer, "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go down in history."

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They should’ve made it January 6th.

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what type of enforcement would he have on those of us who work for small businesses and don't need to fly or go to the gym, etc. I am ungovernable!!!!!

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I wonder how much the homeless population will increase. Seriously.

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Since its the obvious result of a LOT of policies implemented by leftist governments over the past few years, I would say a lot. The argument will be motive. Malice? Or incompetence. People who do not understand communism will say its incompetence. People who do, know its deliberate and malicious.

There. Tipped my hand. But at some point, if you don't name the enemy, you can never hope to defeat it.

Below, the essay that helped me see clearly what is taking place around us. Up to and including these mandates.


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How will they track? Is there a nat’l database?

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If you mean who took the shot, the Canadians actually have a program to PHONE each and every person and try and coerce or intimidate them into getting the shot. The homeless will not lose welfare and other benefits if they refuse but the working poor will. No unemployment insurance or pensions etc.


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They want us all homeless, I still think flying to Mexico and walking back in is the best bet!

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Nov 4, 2021
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FIAT money knows no limitations.

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Nov 4, 2021
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"They want you dead, but will settle for your submission."- Michael Malice

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Nov 4, 2021
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Old Russian joke: "What's the most permanent feature of socialism? Temporary shortages." LOL

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Nov 4, 2021
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Very quick and witty add !

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Covid shots for little kids is the modern version

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Good luck finding two virgins. Maybe at a Dungeons and Dragons tournament.

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As a DnD nerd, I resent that...unless you are talking about LARPing, then...yeh. :)

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Well its pretty much impossible to tell a joke without offending someone, so if you can include me in a punchline, I totally accept it as proper retribution!

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Pretty much impossible???

It’s TOTALLY impossible to tell a joke without offending SOMEone !!!

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As my friend's name is Jim Totally, I take umbrage at your statement on his behalf.

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They’ll just bankrupt the small businesses by having the IRS take the fines directly out of the bank accounts. They are considering adding all small businesses to the mandate. Will it be customers next? See above post

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Don't get too gloomy. This whole thing is going to collapse this winter. The shots are such a spectacular failure, even the propagandists won't be able to hide it.

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This is my opinion as well. If trends from overseas in regard to covid spikes in highly vaccinated populations play out here this winter, the Brandon administration will make sure the booster gets a rubber stamp approval from FDA and all the “vaccinated” that complied will suddenly be “unvaccinated” until they take the booster. This I’m hoping will be the tipping point for this mandate insanity.

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You hope but I am ashamed to know plenty of people, my age so not old or infirm, that are already gagging at the bit for boosters.

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I forget if it was Berenson, but someone highlighted only half of Israelis took a booster, and only 5% of Americans took a booster. Once governments decide to mandate boosters, "anti-vaxxers" become the clear super-majority.

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I hope so but I think there are two factors: the propagandists ability to hide things and human stupidity. Make sure you don't underestimate the latter.

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Something for tracking the disaster in Public Non-Health.

US Excess Deaths....click on Filter....select only 0-24 yo group.....2021 excess is skyrocketing! Double from 2020! Can't use the excuse of lack of medical care catching up as the nay-sayers use for the excess deaths in 65 Plus.....0 to 24 yo should be a overall healthy population.


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I have seen corporate media trying to start to frame excess deaths as possibly covid deaths that they missed.

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It's customers in Canada.

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Hence the children

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I shouldn't laugh, because it isn't funny!

But, I did laugh.

However, this isn't a laughing matter. People's lives are being destroyed. MDs who can no longer work.


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That worked for the Aztecs, at least until Cortez showed up.

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Sung to the tune of "12 days of Christmas" feel free to improvise :)

On the first month of this year my government sent to me a Fauci in a pear tree.

On the second day of this year my government sent to me 2 shutdown pipelines

On the 3rd day of this year my government sent to me 3 vaccine passports

On the 4th day of this year my government sent to me 4 pointless lockdowns

On the 5th day of this year my government sent to me FUCK JOE BIDEN!

On the 6th day of this year my government sent to me 6 green new deals

On the 7th day of this year my government sent to me 7 percent inflation

On the 8th day of this year my government sent to me 8 supply chain screw ups

On the 9th day of this year my government sent to me 9 migrant caravans

On the 10th day of this year my government sent to me 10 tranny admirals

On the 11th day of this year my government sent to me 11 screaming liberals

On the 12th day of this year my government sent to me 12 election recounts

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They are already doing that

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The sacrifice is ready to begin.....parents throwing kids in, and away.

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This is a great sum up, wow

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At this point, that's where we are heading.

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If they don't get a clue soon, they may all go like Mussolini. Not advocating that; I'd prefer they spend the rest of their lives in solitary after a fair trial by 12.

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Yep, I'm from Alabama, unvaccinated, unmasked (since the beginning), working with the public daily, going shopping, to church, to Trump rally (Cullman), Braves game in Atlanta, Auburn football games, all the COVID superspreader venues.... happy to live in the land of the free! War Eagle, not that other saying.

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States like yours are going to get crowded soon. Texas, Florida, Idaho, Alabama. Even the "liberal" pundit Bill Maher (who also happens to be an arrogant ass) has said the Red States are a joy to visit, the pandemic is over in them. Meanwhile in Blue States fear still reigns supreme.

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As long as liberals visit and don't stay, I'll take their money any day !!

Keep the sick ideologies back at home !!

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Don't worry - the Liberals who are moving to the red states are the ones who are truly liberal* and are starting to despise the current incarnation of the Democratic party. I think you'll find these folks are even more concerned about government overreach than anyone who's been in a red state this whole time. They know what a disaster it's been.

*Liberalism is a political and economic doctrine that emphasizes individual autonomy, equality of opportunity, and the protection of individual rights

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That is Classic Liberalism. Definitely Has been hijacked by "progressives".

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The atmosphere of fear is pervasive in those Blue States. I am from Alabama.

War Eagle!

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I resent the Maher slur. I'm an arrogant ass, and quite conservative, I'll have you know! 😎

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Haha, well played, sir. No, but, seriously, you shouldn't allow Maher in.

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I'm way left, and I'm so ready to move to one of those states.

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Way left in what way? Just curious.

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we have a small condo in bonita...we paid 169 in 2008 and similar units are going for 350 now...nuts. problem is, the prices are so high that the people who are large part of the workforce, cashiers, waiters etc can't afford to live there now so new problem.

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I love the south.

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Me too! All the above except Trump rally. Been all over the US, too, traveling for business. No Covid. War Eagle!

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War eagle! I did wear a mask in order to fly to Wyoming summer 2020, and for Disney World last January but it is very seldom when there is no way out of it and those times have only occurred outside Alabama.

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Unvaccinated and haven’t changed my lifestyle even during the “lockdown” still worked with humans everyday. I haven’t worn a mask since May and barely wore one prior to that. Been to all Auburn home games, concerts, superspreaders galore. No Covid here either.

War Eagle alum 2004

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Me too! Never have worn a mask, either. War Eagle!

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Same, but if they require me to wear I mask, they don't want my business, so I leave. Easy peasy.

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Exactly. In pockets of the world like Alabama Covid as a societal phenomenon is over. We could all be that way. This state chooses not to. So, we will move to a state that chooses otherwise.

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Yeah I live in a small college town in MO. Nobody masks around here. We had a little surge in November 2020 where some people were sick, but since then I haven't known a single person who's been diagnosed with Covid.

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My family is all unpoked as well. I keep wondering if I have the only 88 year old mom in all of CA who has been living on her own natural immunity strength since this whole thing began. She's as healthy as a horse.

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I have an 80 yr old gym friend, a super fit female, who will not take the shot. Quite a few gym members got covid last winter (including myself), but it never touched her.

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Quit thinking you’re invincible. We’re all going to get Covid we just need to be prepared.

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Most of us are invincible. This is a pretty routine virus for most of us, easily handled. Those who are interested in improving their odds should learn more about the vulnerabilities instead of accepting whatever twits say.

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Explain prepared?? Prepared for what?? Most likely these people already had covid and didn’t even know. I’m from Florida and have basically lived free since June 2020, no masks, eating out, etc. I don’t think I’m invincible. I’m pretty sure I had covid and didn’t know. Definitely had to be exposed to it as both my kids got it in fall 2020. Not sure what your implying.

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Hi Jim. I take Steve's post as "get prepared" equates to take care of your body. Take supplements, eat good food, get fresh air and exercise. Build up your immune system so that if you get COVID your body has the support it needs to fight it. Also, prepare by having supplies on hand such as Ivermectin, HCQ if you can get it. Know where you can get monoclonal antibodies should or more accurate, when you get COVID. I do think everyone is going to get this virus at some point. Correct me if I'm wrong Steve :)

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What do you mean? Is it frowned upon to be prepared? Does that make me a pussy? Maybe I’m just a bitch? You need to be prepared to get sick and perhaps really sick. For example, if it you get really sick you need to know where/how to get treatments like monoclonal antibodies or ivermectin. Alabama does have one of the highest obesity rates in the country and we know that covid likes fat people. Not sure what point you’re trying to make here.

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I am prepared to take the risks and have. I have weighed the chances of getting the virus and having serious complications with the risks of vaccine complications taking into consideration my body type and underlying health conditions. I have decided to opt against being vaccinated, masks are pointless and if large gatherings were a problem, I've had plenty of opportunities to be exposed. I have been exposed for short periods directly to infected individuals twice and indirectly several more times. I choose to live free and fearless fully understanding the implications of my choices. Thanks for your concern.

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You’re welcome. I just genuinely believe everyone is going to get covid at one point. With or without a vaccine (obviously). I just feel that taking care of yourself is being brushed aside when it can prevent so many illnesses. Covid aside Americans are seriously unhealthy and we should take this as an opportunity to improve ourselves but that is just my opinion.

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Probably unnecessary, but if interested in reassurance antibody test is cheap and easy. In my case I was surprised to learn a previous sniffle I thought at the time was jet lag was probably covid. High percentages of every population they've surveyed has natural immunity.

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Hold on to that feeling!👍🏻

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Don’t stop believing 😎

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how do we poor gits living in France get over to your beautiful state, sounds almost perfect , if you BBQ it could be a winner :)

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It is! Y'all come visit and we'll show you some southern hospitality including some BBQ with some Alabama White Sauce!🙂

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I'm in Georgia, but I love me some Alabama White! Shh.🤫

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Live On!!!!!

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From Barrons: "Moderna’s Sales Miss Forecasts by 20%. Pfizer Is Taking the U.S. Vaccine Market."

I wonder how many gov ghouls, public health goons, and advisory pools have taken payoffs from Pfizer and the Gates Foundation. There is something really fishy going on with Pfizer.

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The "Vax" Happy are taking a therapy from a Veterinarian. They are all Guinea Pigs.

Look into Pfizer's CEO Curriculum Vitae....Not M.D.....DVM.

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He should know a lot about Ivermectin. Let's ask him.

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Well. Geet is a dvm and he's been way more correct than all these Marxist sheep.. need dvm to treat sheep after all

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Geert is also a virologist and researcher, plus he has a soul. I'll take his word over that evil Bourla A-hole who says we're stupid for not wanting his poison.

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The vax is working so well they just approved Merck's magic Covid Pill! What can go wrong now? Covid Cured !! ( NOT )

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It seems this pill is even worse that the death jabs. But it’s all about people’s health!

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Why screw with your RNA a couple of times when you can screw with it several times a day?

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It’s worse than that. It causes cancer as well and other stuff I forgot now.

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Yes that is what I think of as the null hypothesis for effing with RNA. Burden of proof should be on the biotech folks to show a treatment *doesn't* cause cancer.

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That's a pre-covid rule, silly.

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Heaven forbid we should easily get what works on it & was stated early on by many in the public and on TV. Now it's crickets & none of it is allowed to be prescribed/purchased, etc. and at a nominal cost. How much is the new magic pill? Guaranteed to continue to make them rich-er (typed that way on purpose)? This is insane but unfortunately too real!

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In the UK...forgot that part!

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You think? Search the European Union member press conference where the Romanian member shows and describes the Pfizer contracts signed by Govts. They look like something redacted from Abu Grab torture sight. The comparison isn't over the top😳

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I believe nothing short of criminal prosecution should happen to Pfizer. and that will be the only option too, given it has immunity from all civil avenues

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I just wrote an email to SD governor and cc'd state reps and senator: Here's the meat of it:

If the South Dakota legislature and governor are not able to align themselves with the rights of individual citizens as greater than or equal to the rights of the businesses they work for, perhaps they could at least do this:

Pass a law that makes any business that mandates a medical procedure or injection for a healthy person in their employment fully liable for any and all negative outcomes for the individual, whether it is proximal to the time of injection or years later, and whether the CDC and FDA green light it or not since there is a lot of published data and research out there to inform such a decision.


Perhaps if businesses eager to jab their employees had the liability that the government refuses to place on pharma, they might not be such willing enforcers.

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Add government meme bets that have instituted Nazi lockdowns too. Jailing them is too nice for crimes against humanity!

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Pfizer is already the proud owner of a fine worth $ 2.5 dollars for false marketing....go figure! And we are supposed to believe it's Vax marketing??

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$billion dollars...I'm not typing to well today...maybe vax shedding got to me.

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Can’t shed this jab because it has no active virus.

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Pfizer own data packet submitted to the FDA had a section expressing this as a possibility...Spike Shedding! All Ignored of course because what are the odds of being down wind from a shedder?

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Kim you could theoretically shed the damn spike protein. 🤔

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there is a video of an Indian journalist that looked into a few pfizer contracts. it's true

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Yup saw that awhile back- incredible criminal language basically saying if you don’t buy this by these days then our recourse will be to have title to X part of your country’s patrimony😳😳🤯

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Yes. They are true. I have them all. The guy who found them has been banned from Tweeter. What a surprise… 🙄

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Countries offering Pfizer military bases as collateral. What could go wrong.

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Covid Rockets--Air dispersal of Spike Proteins?

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Even better than mRNA lettuce. Maybe I can walk around with a respirator just inhaling it all the time.

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Indeed. I have the contracts from Pfizer Leak. All of them.

And now, Gates the nazi is making a partnership with that Van Der Leyen bitch here in Europe.

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Its amazing how the Nazis have never really left isn't it? Its WW2 all over again. I knew that the Nazis that were invited by the US govt to help establish the Atomic energy, Pharma/Public Health and Advertising (love those propaganda films) industries. But this level of extortion and bribery really shows just how desperate they are. Like rats cornered. You know what rats do eventually? Eat each other. Eugenicists gotta kill ("no we are superior 🙄)

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Angela Merkel achieved what Hitler could only dream of.

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Nov 4, 2021
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Yes!! and notice how MSM hasn't pushed the India fear ? Why? Its because they used Ivermectin very successfully and no issues now? NOW silence from MSM

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Nov 4, 2021
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Ivermectin is available at sevencells.com ! Ordered mine this week from another post on one of Alex’s story’s when some referred this company. They are in Florida and you’ll complete a questionnaire and then get approved. I was given this name to put in the coupon code section as well “Daniel” good luck!

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Order from insulinhub.com. Payment is processed thru NY, medication comes from India. They have everything you need for Covid. Takes about 3 weeks.

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Nov 4, 2021
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There are 70 CCP members of the Chinese Communist Party on Pfizer. Pfizer also has board members who are on the main media board. CCP-MainStream Media-BillGates, Fauci, Phizer, Glaxo, are practically all one company.

Pfizer has now hired 22 separate lobbying firms, all in Washington, DC, to craft drug policy in the United States.

Tons of top Congressional staffers & fmr WH officials have been recruited to push Pfizer's agenda in DC.

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Whoa! @ the 70 CCP members! GRRRR!

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Follow the money …..

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Moderna is quickly becoming the disfavored mRNA due to higher dose causing more and greater damage. They tried to pin the lower sales forecast on supply chain issues but astute analysts and cardiologists know the real reason.

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that's a ruse. it's not the dose. Pfizer garbage causes the same problems, maybe a little less. I believe it's about who they have paid off and overall influence. Pfizer has much resources in that regard.

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Pfizer is a lower dose than Moderna (30 vs 100 micrograms) with fewer side effects. A zero microgram vaccine would be even more popular if it counted for the mandates.


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If you study pfizer's history over the last 40 years, you find an extremely corrupt company supported by nothing but lies, propaganda and brute force over the medical mafia. In fact, the entire pharmaceutical industry make the mafia look like saints at a Sunday prayer meeting.

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Not sure why anyone would trust drug dealers in the first place but here we are

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It's one of the things that my favorite president did that I have the most anger about - giving the pharmaceutical companies immunity from liability back in the 80s.

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I agree. Some of the current drug company tyranny traces back to the 1960's as Congress got more involved. It seems to me that Congress has been bought off over the years since they have given all the protection to the drug companies and virtually nothing to the people who would their products.

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Agreed 🥰 and with extortion and coercive business practices that would make the Vatican look clean

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You are right on track if you do the work to look into it.

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also, I believe Gates Foundation is more invested in BioNTech , than Moderna

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That is right. Do you remember how in the summer of 2020 they were saying that nearly 100 drug companies were working on a "vaccine" for covid? What happened to them? It sure seems questionable that the only companies allowed to produce these poisons are those that gates and fauci and other billionaires have investments with.

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yes. Moderna doesn't have the tentacles to be making as much payoffs. that's what I can conclude.

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Remember this guy( even though he is a WEF son like Nz prime minister) can't lead a horse to water . Read Whitney Webbs excellent piece about the” turn around” ( sic) of Moderna- Pharmas black sheep.

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didn't moderna start vac in 2019?

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More like 2009 or earlier.....Moderna&NIAID( Fauci's Agency)

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wow didn't know that long

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The first patents for spike proteins go back to 1990, by pfizer. In 1999, fauci and pfizer started the process of creating mRNA type injections with hundreds of patents that grew into over 4,000 by 2019. I think moderna started around 2008-09. Dr. David Martin has several videos explaining all this. In any event, fauci is certainly one of the main characters in this fiasco.

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Alex please address the OSHA mandates that just dropped this morning

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Loads of senators are fighting this, including mine. As of this morning these are the ones fighting (not a single Democrat of course):

Joining Grassley and Braun are Sens. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), John Thune (R-S.D.), Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Richard Burr (R-N.C.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Pat Toomey (R-Pa.), Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), James Risch (R-Idaho), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), Todd Young (R-Ind.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), John Cornyn (R-Texas) as well as several members in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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Well they need to fight a hell of a lot harder - this is insane to force or pressure parents/kids to take an experimental shot - there is no risk reward benefit to healthy kids

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Oh I agree. I have been constantly harassing my senators about this and the response up until now has been very lukewarm. This is the first bit of real action I have seen from them. The Governor has not been bad, she has put up a good fight. If push comes to shove they will honor a religious exemption but why should it come to that? If I don't want the damn jab that should be it.

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Our courts/judges have failed us too - it really is hard to believe, particularly as more info comes out about how ineffective the vax is and how the danger profile is becoming more pronounced- but you are right we should get to choose for ourselves and children

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MIA: All democrats (demoncrats), Mitchell McConnell, ...

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Ditch Mitch

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Mitch seems to think that the Red Wave that happened Tuesday is a good harbinger for the GOP. He doesn't realize that we are going to primary every RINO ass next year.

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Mostly theater. The vast majority of them are useless along with GOP governors and legislatures. Kay Ivey and Asa Hutchinson being the absolute worst.

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Emailed coach asking for help with this overreach and got a reply that he was vaccinated and encouraged me to get vaccinated. Waste of time.

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That is a very disappointing response

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I heard him interviewed on Clay & Buck yesterday - they asked if he thought Fauci should be fired- he dodged the question - if he can’t even commit to Fauci needing to go then he’s just another member of the uni party

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Agreed. Was hoping it was a staffer trying to preach but fear it’s just the real Tommy 🙁

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Where the representation for the black community? They do t want this crap. They remember Tuskegee. And the working poor the Dems are so fond of using for votes? People shouldn't have to choose between job or jab.

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First they push the mandate for companies with 100+ employees. They are asking for comments on smaller companies. This is totalitarianism. Although the OSHA ETS exempts remote workers, they will eventually come up with a reason to mandate it for remote workers and their families.

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That is how they do it. There were city governments that required those working via Zoom from home to wear a mask. I had an employer here tell me I must wear a mask from working from home on Zoom. Said “No”. And nothing more. They gave me special permission to not wear a mask. Nice of ‘em, eh?

No doubt that after they get large companies on board, they’ll take the next step and mandate it for smaller companies and eventually those who work from home.

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Ts in Washington state our evil guv mandates vaxx for work from home state employees (and just fired a boatload of them)

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Yeah, saw that. But there a couple of steps away from mandating private companies to do the same.

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I second that, Mai.

Thank you, Alex.

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I’m remote so I’m exempt, apparently, but I’ll never stop fighting against these garbage mandates.

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I just read this and am kind of shocked by the exemption:

"One wrinkle to the rule involves remote workers. OSHA said the emergency temporary standard "does not apply to employees who do not report to a workplace where other individuals such as coworkers or customers are present, employees while they are working from home, or employees who work exclusively outdoors."

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Postal workers?

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Yes, they are exempt. Of course.

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Is it time to move sooner rather than wait to see how it folds out. Question is where. I expect the big metropolitan areas will also ask for customers to be jabbed. Not grocery store, gas stations, doctors and necessary things like that I hope

Then again, being able to earn a living is necessary

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Can't do any of those things (except maybe doctors' offices and gas stations) in L.A. county.

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Nick- you won't be for long I predict

My state already mandated even for work from home

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I am remote and not exempt. I submitted my religious exemption and am safe for approximately 2 weeks😭🤣

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Whoa whoa. Give the man time. Trust him. He’ll get to it. The poor guy must already be burning the candle at both ends as it is.

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Look how Biden did the mandate,announced September 9th and waited until now to stop any court cases until it was official.Takes affect on January 4th totally after busy economic season,totally about the virus and not controlling everyone for sure!

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CHeck out Tracy Beanz of Uncover DC - also an independent journalist. She has been following this closely and stunned no one else has been picking up on this.

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There's no clear discernment.....just bloviating from the MSM. Still looks like a head fake.

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Nov 4, 2021
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Are you sure so you'll be exempt? I'm remote as well, but I wouldn't be surprised if they demand that I get weekly tested at my expense and wear a mask during Zoom calls.

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Since all measures since the start of Covid are unneccesary and clearly made to drive all people to the vaccines, being remote will not make you an exemption. In fact in Canada, Civil Servants were given the ultimatum even if they work entirely from home. This isn't about health. That is why you should never use a government given excuse to not take the shot as its just dryer hose leading from the exit of their rat trap back to the entrance. Once you use a prefab reason for not wanting it, they will make up a reason why you don't count. Not a real religion, the religion doesn't really say that. You don't really believe that. You didn't attend Church enough or any number of reasons

If you don't want the shot, you say, "I don't want the shot and that is the ONLY reason I need" and get ready for the consequences. When enough people deny the government authority over their bodies, they will lose that authority. Till then, get used to the idea that freedom means making a free choice and knowing it will cost you if its against government narratives and agendas. In this case, the total collectivization of the population by removing the most basic human right of all.

Bodily integrity.

Sorry that went a LOT longer than I wanted it to.

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☝️YES, THIS! Stop playing their game with these "exemptions" and "accommodations," which, even if mercifully granted, can be taken away, and which force you tomato yourself for discrimination. Just say no.

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6.A. Do unvaccinated employees who work remotely need to submit to weekly COVID-19 testing?

No. The requirements of the standard do not apply to the employees of covered employers who do not report to a workplace where other individuals such as coworkers or customers are present or while working from home. This includes the testing requirements of paragraph (g) of the ETS

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My wife is 100% remote and must get tested twice weekly.

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So stupid! My mom works two jobs and since the state is covering testing for one of them….she is not allowed to use that test for the part time position. So she is testing twice for these roles. What a waste and adds to the shortage of tests. I wonder if that is why our county DOH won’t allow rapid tests for children anymore….not enough to go around. My 6 yr old has required testing twice in one week. She has not had COVID. Getting to the point where I will not submit to these. I am also concerned about the chemicals on the swabs.

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Swabs may or may not contain carcinogens depending on the brand as far as I am aware. If you have options, try looking around.... I do not. Not sure how long I can continue getting tested as they have been causing nose problems for me.

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One benefit is she can use her tests to enter the theater or your local restaurant with that proof if you live in nazi Los Angeles, San Francisco or nyc.

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Who pays?

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Where did you read that you are exempt?

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Ireland’s high case numbers are obviously caused by unvaxxed Red state tourists. ;)

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Why does deSantis do this to Ireland?

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Let’s go Brandon!

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Paul - 🤣🤣

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They are not vaccines.

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I've been making a conscious effort to refer to them as covid shots or poison shots. They never should have been called vaccines.

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Clot shots.

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1. First it is not a vaccine.

2. Alabama are more intelligent than the MSM makes them out to be.

3. More evidence from above article that yet again, the injections are depopulation bio-weapons.

4. Stay injection free, take care of yourself in health and ultimately put your trust in the true God/Jesus and you will be fine.

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The data against these shots is getting worse and worse. And global governments and media cheerleaders are like the pilots of the Titanic with the iceberg looming larger and larger, full steam ahead!

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That’s why they are in a rush... before the truth comes out. Get it in every arm . We need to be asking what is their end goal bc it’s obviously not about health .

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There seems to be a link between the data getting worse and the messaging and dictates getting increasingly deranged.

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Bad-news damn is going to break and/or Brandon's puppetmasters know they may be run out on a rail. It's a race against time to inflict maximum, irreversible damage.

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The worse the data gets, the more desperate and deranged the dictates are becoming. Jacinda in NZ and some of the Oz politicians have reached cartoon villain levels of absurdity. I expect one more massive push to force the shots on people this winter, right as they fail on a massive scale.

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Nomad - can't they make this ship go any faster?!

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Well stated, minus, pilots fly aircraft, sailors/navigators/shipmaster sail ships.

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The top 10 vaccinated states in the US had a 17% higher number of daily new cases per capita in than the bottom 10 vaccinated states as of Monday 11/1. This gap will continue to grow as the South seasonally declines and the heavily vaxxed Northeast moves into traditional flu season. Vaxx Nazis love to attribute seasonal changes to the vaccine when the numbers work in their favor, but completely ignore the numbers when seasonality moves against them.

The vaccines at best do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of Covid. At worst, they increase the spread because vaxxed people think they have "just a little cold" and go into work and public places while mildly symptomatic. Total fucking joke.

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From Florida. My wife works in a small office. 6 people. 4 Vaxxed, 2 not, including my wife. 2 weeks ago one of Vaxxed coworkers gets covid. Boss freaks, makes all test. He tests positive, fully Vaxxed. My wife and her in Vaxxed coworker both negative. He made them test 3x, all negative. Then he begs her to get vaxx because he says that’s why he’s not in the hospital dying, and he worries about her. My wife laughed. There is mental damage being done here that can’t even be measured. It’s pure lunacy.

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At this point, I am starting to believe the vaccine must also destroy cognitive function.

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Points aptly stated. But I'd argue "at worst" will be the side effects of the vax that are just starting to be known: premature deaths, long term chronic and perhaps crippling conditions, etc. At some point these may become so obvious that even the powers that be can paper them over no more.

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Nov 4, 2021
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Fun story - June of 2020 I went on a camping trip to PA. We decided to stop off and get ice cream along the way. I shit you not, there were like a dozen people all in line that must have been 250+ pounds. All masked up. That's when it hit me - a) these people are actually at real risk of dying from COVID (like 5%) if they catch it and they are out in a very public place thinking their cloth mask "protects" them when it doesn't and b) people this large should restrict their diet and exercise to reduce their COVID risk, not eat enormous amounts of ice cream.

By not clearly communicating the risk stratification of the disease, they've created a perverse situation where high comorbidity people take too many risks and young healthy people are scared shitless and take zero risks. Completely absurd.

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Alabama is the least vaccinated state in the country. According to the Covid tyrants the whole state should be dead by now. How will they rationalize this?

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Irish native here.

Dont let "the fighting irish" concept fool you. The vast majority are cowards and sheep.

Fortunately they are running out of road in selling this snake oil. Their own stats on it are horrible and getting worse by the second and if they revert to the lockdowns it'll be a tacit admission that their jab policy has completely failed. Either way, you cant polish a turd.

I know plenty of people who took it, either through fear or coercion, who are slowly starting to question their decisions. Its a bit late but nonetheless I can at least respect when someone can have the courage to admit they may have made a mistake.

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Florida now has the lowest case count in the country. The main reason is that we’re all dead.

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Don't tell us that, Manny V. Did they get EARLY TREATMENT, or did they sit at home with their Tylenol bottle and thermometer????

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I don’t know. The dead don’t speak.

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Are you Dead?

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I like to think so.

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Your thought reflect dead thought.

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Thank you.

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I'm not dead yet!

I feel fine!

I think I'll go for a walk!

(Truth is, I'm stuck in the Northeast until after the holidays, and I can't wait to get back to Florida)

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Dead Floridian here

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Do you Vote?

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Good point, they can't all be dead, otherwise Florida would be deep blue.

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Another athlete died after cardiac arrest,Boris Sadecky 24 years old and league he played in 80% vaccinated.

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Some articles mentions it was a mild cardiac arrest.

Imagine if he had not been vaccinated. It probably would not have been mild

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It was a mostly peaceful cardiac arrest . But in all seriousness , may he Rest In Peace . Truly sad

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Patrick thank you. I'm going to look this up

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Just looked it up. "as a sign of mourning, the family asks that cause of death not be revealed"

This is suspicious.

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Awful lot of that weird attitude. Tacit admission.

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Here's a list....Article out Germany ...in German,if you scroll down to the list of Athletes and their Ages...you'll get the picture. Not good.


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Meanwhile OSHA just put out their mandate and workers will have to be vaccinated by Jan 4. Because the vaccine works so well! Haha So sick of all of it. I know so many people that are now mental cases over Covid. Probably scarred for life. Afraid to live life even with a vaccine. Mass psychosis is a real thing!

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The irrational paranoia at this point is biblical. These people are never coming back from this.

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Is it possible the vaccine is causing cognitive decline and paranoia? I'm seeing some really strange behavior in one family member

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It had already started even before the vaccines became available. Some people are just weak-minded.

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Yep... the fear in these vaccinated are real. Wearing double masks or n95s indoors .

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Or power walking or running thru the neighborhood with a mask on while fully vaccinated.

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I saw a video today of a woman putting a mask on her dog before she walked into a store with him. The dog was not happy.

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I hate it here. I live in the county but not the city and I hope this doesn’t get pushed to the cities in the county, but if it does , will be going to Orange County .

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And now they’re working on for less than 100 employees

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Make no mistake, this is a pandemic of the midwits.

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A Pandemic of the Brandons!

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You mean underwits.

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Less than halfwits.

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So I’m a NY nurse, not vaccinated, no Covid (yet), and in the last month 2 of my close relatives, along with their close contact family members, (ages 55 and 79, and best friend age 51…along with her husband and 2 kids) all got COVID (all unvaccinated too) Managed mostly with either Dr. Kory’s FLCCC IMask protocol or Dr. Zelenko’s protocol. All doing well. One complicated with DVT (age 79, but has underlying clotting disorder) No hospitalizations, no death, all infected from different sources). Mind you this is almost 2 years into this “pandemic “. Now all have natural immunity! The treatment protocols work! My blue state is hypoxic with fear!

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Are you doing anything for prophylaxis?

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Red state bad. Everyone in red state already dead

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I’m dead!? Yippee!!! They’ll leave me alone now! No need to get the stupid shot nor wear a compliance rag! Yippee!

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Here is another reference on this issue https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=244109

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WOW! Market-ticker's response/analysis was FANTASTIC.

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There is something to this!

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Just imagine how much better off Alabama will be when 5-11 year olds get vaccinated. Sarc.

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Manny - at least we can be reasonably sure that most Alabama parents aren't intending to put their kids anywhere near those clot shots.

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Alabamans are a surprisingly intelligent bunch.

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They should pull their kids out of school. They are setting up vaccine clinics. They will jab your kid without permission and say "oops". You cannot keep them safe.

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You must not know much about the Deep South. For reasons that must not be broached in polite conversation, private schools have been very popular, especially since 1954 or 1964 😎

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Mai liberty - I generally agree, but I'm thinking there are certain states where they are less likely to try that kill-stunt.

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I hope so. Unfortunately, I live in NJ so I can't say the same.

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MA gov just had his public health dept say they contacted every school district & "encourage" them all to give the vax right there in the schools..... Completely disregarding the fact that gov acknowledged Covid cases are way down. Where's the emergency??? Oh, I forgot it's getting close to holiday bonus time for pharma, friends & company. That's the emergency - more $$$ needed shot straight into their veins.

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Your governor is considering Mandates a Mandating jabs if re-elected. He didn’t say so in his campaign because he was afraid he would not get reelected. Unsure how he plans

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Walgreens is already pulling this off with the flu shots. Oops I gave you a Covid vaccine instead. Sorry,

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I wouldn’t be so sure. Live here, and my ignorant SIL took her two young daughters to have it. Also will take my nephew soon I’m sure. He’s 10. I have heard of people “vaccinating” their children as they are available for them. I don’t understand it!

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These kids will be chained to bi-annual booster shots for years.

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I don't think we have years.

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I had a conversation with a woman in my building this morning. We got to discussing the vaccine mandates. I said I was opposed. She said "half the country is so stupid that they need to be told what to do." I pointed out that the gov't doesn't mandate healthy eating or exercise or other things that help keep you out of the hospital. She said "well those aren't immediate."

I asked her what she thought the chance that a healthy 70 year old who caught Covid would die was. She said "about 65%". I ran the numbers for a healthy 70 year old white woman using the online Covid calculator and for someone who was previously uninfected and unvaccinated, the risk of death was 5 in 1000 or 0.5%. So she thought the risk was 65% when the real risk was 0.5%.

(The risk for all people in their 70s runs closer to 4% but that includes people who are already sick.)

Most people still don't know that 85% of the people who died from Covid had FOUR or more comorbidities. FOUR. OR MORE.

Oh, and when I pointed out how many vaccinated people were getting infected, she said "well I'm sure they weren't wearing masks." Now, I have to point out that I have known this woman for years. She is a very nice woman and not unintelligent. But she watches CNN and MSNBC. This is what we are dealing with.

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I had my blood taken yesterday for T-Cell COVID detention. The nurse that drew my blood told me the vaccine isn’t working. All I needed to hear

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Detection not detention.

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oh man...yall said ...DETENTION...

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Good afternoon everyone. According to Dr. Robert Malone, the creator of the MRNA technology, the vaccine provides protection from only about 10% of the virus, not the entire thing. When the virus enters the body, it only has to mutate around that percentage of the virus to create a new strain. In essence, the vaccine is accelerating the virus, not slowing it down. It is a lot harder for it to mutate in a person that got the disease and got over it, because they were exposed to the entire virus, not just a small portion of it. Natural immunity is not established via vaccine, but from passing it from person to person, which is why Alabama is much better off. Again, we are being lied to for profit. Govt is its own entity, it's own life form. It grows by taking from you, like a parasite. I wish people would see that. Peace.

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They are vaccinating kids in Chicago now. Oh my God this is such a horror.

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How is this legally still called a vaccine? You get the virus the same, but you get a temporary boost (at the expense of unknown long term adverse effects) and you can spread it. Imagine if the polio vaccine worked like this? I feel like we've been in a never ending twilight zone episode since covid. Science evolves on a damn near daily basis. Liberals refusing to believe the facts here.

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The CDC had to change the definition of vaccine to make it fit the description. Not a conspiracy that actually happened.

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Perhaps, but most swim water is now chlorinated.

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Ivermectin ends this by Thanksgiving. Well, except for the vaxxed who have destroyed their adaptive immune systems; all will die.

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Covid cases strictly depends on the cycle settings by the lab. In Italy, they just revised covid related deaths from 132,000 down to about 4,000 (March 2020-October 2021). This means most covid cases are also fake. Put together, the pandemic is entirely fake. Finally, the vaccines are fake since they are mRNA gene therapies, something far and away from any vaccine as we know it.

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Two years of this nonsense and they STILL don't understand seasonality.

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And Fraudci is still not in jail for gain of function studies funded by our government via eco health alliance at the Wuhan lab

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My hard heart: “The correct voters are V’ing their kids.” That’s where I am. In Idaho, we’ve treated our kids right. ZERO deaths in entire state. The proof is in the living. If this is war (and it is), the right side will win.

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Alabama here. As some have noted below - not only do we have the below-50% vaxxed rate, we also have had almost three months of colleges back in session, hundreds of thousands gathered at football games - college and high school - every weekend, school back in session, minimal mask mandates. That *has* to be considered when looking at how insane mandates of all kinds are. I will say, anecdotally that I am seeing a lot more masking at stores over the past month, but to me that proves you don't *need* a mandate if people are voluntarily doing it (even if it's pointless, yeah, yea.)

(Note - the major colleges do have indoor mask mandates, still, but it's idiotic because these kids (son is at one of the major state U's) have to mask inside the classroom, and then they leave, go to the dorms/apartments/restaurants/grocery stores/ bars - unmasked, crammed close together. Stupid, stupid, stupid.)

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Also, Alabama's Covid dashboard is here https://tinyurl.com/xzwv6knw in case anyone is interested. The usual delays in reporting and data dumps which skew things, but over the past week, we've had several days on which either 0 or 1 person is reported to have died from Covid. Hospitalization rates declining by the day, steadily.

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Sorry, but one more thing: I follow a local (Bhm) woman on Instagram who got her booster this morning and was mourning the fact that the UAB vaccine station was all set up to receive lots of folks, but according to the nurses...no one was coming. Heh.

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I had a confirmed case in Dec, 2020. This past summer/fall I've been to several "super spreader" events: The Quarter for a week this July, IndyCar Street Race in Nashville, Bama/Mercer, Bama/TAMU, and Bama/10RC...almost nobody cares in my neck of the woods (Huntsville, AL). There are a few Karen's but they are in the minority. Except for sporadic masking in schools and the Federal worker/contractor mandates, we are basically back to normal.

Also, I cannot detect a signal at all that can be traced to 80-100K football fans packing the SEC, B10, B12, and ACC stadiums weekend after weekend.

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French Quarter is all you need to flex your immune system. 🤣

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Did the vaccine change ANYTHING in terms of covid mortality? It's a legit question to ask now. I don't think it changed a friggen thing. It made a bunch of conmen rich though.

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Yup. Boosted it.

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Would like to call your attention to a headline from http://www.theexpose.uk claiming that "100% of the adverse effects were caused by just 5% of the lot numbers"

Should be easy to confirm from the publicly available VAERS database.

If so, the most benign interpretation would be that Pfizer and Moderna have serious quality control issues. From that we could conclude that the clinical trials showing that the drugs are safe would be worthless – they cannot produce the same serum twice in a row.

The article claims that the most damaging lot numbers were distributed across a great many US states. None of the deadly lots was confined to a singles state, despite the fact that a great many did go to only one. Putting on my statistician hat, I would say this is very, very unlikely to have happened randomly. The article does not indicate which lots went to which states. If they were targeted, it is truly sinister.

Several researchers have found surprising inclusions in the injections. This was first reported by the Spanish researchers at Quinta Columna, but has subsequently been confirmed by Dr. Carrie Madej, Dr. Jane Ruby and several other researchers. They reported magnetized metallic flakes in some batches of the sera, other microorganisms such as hydra polyps, photoluminescent particles and graphene oxide. Researchers reported that these inclusions are not in every batch of vaccine. I'll offer my own caveat – all of these reports came from one TV show, Stew Peters. It is dangerous to rely on a single source, but speaking up is likewise dangerous in these times.

You should be aware of these bizarre claims. Some may have substance.

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It's not so easy to confirm that particular statement with VAERS by itself because you can't tell how many lots there were, total. But you can easily confirm that the distribution of AEs is not a gaussian the way you would expect if it were random. There is some more analysis direct from VAERS here:


I pulled the data and did my own calculations and confirmed this is true.

Another interesting fact in the data is that the AEs are heavily concentrated toward the lots manufactured earlier, although this could be due to fewer reports being made over time, whether because of reporting fatigue, because of direct orders not to report, or because of lags in processing by the CDC.

But the fact that the distribution is not gaussian ("normal") proves that either there is a lot-dependent manufacturing issue, or that the reporting is screwed in some way.

Another oddity is that this phenomenon is present for all 3 manufacturers including J&J which has a very different technology (adenovirus vectored DNA vs. mRNA). TBH we don't have enough data in the public realm to understand what's going on, other than there is clearly a huge problem.

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Sometimes data appears random because it really is random.

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If it was truly random with no confounders, it would be a gaussian. What the confounders are, whether they are reporting problems or manufacturing defects, etc, is unclear.

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He dug in to disprove the bad-lot theory and found it held.

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That's a repost of the same article I referenced :).. Karl says he believes this issue is a "tolerance stack up" issue which means several variables that are independently in tolerance for the process combine under some conditions to cause a problem - if the variables are all off in the same direction, it can add up to a problem in total.

One thing that makes this product particularly tricky to control is that the final effect is a function of some very complex processes in your body (i.e. producing the RNA to make the proteins), and those processes are well outside the direct control of the factory making the original vaccine.

So for example, how much spike protein is created might somehow be a function of characteristics of the original mRNA formulation that are difficult to control, vs. making a certain concentration of protein in the factory and shipping it. This is just an example, I don't know if this is specifically an issue.

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That's the problem David. True errors are random, true anomalies follow a normal distribution. These problems do not.

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We're getting off the topic of whether the data were manipulated. In either case, statistical analysis gives interesting clues but can never be proof. Statistics are useful to identify patterns where patterns exist. Often they don't. One of the foundations of encryption, for example, is use of random numbers to hide the keys. But calculated randomness is never random, but algorithmic, and therefore subject to cracking. In this case, statistical patterns, if repeatable across data sets, might indicate manipulation that should be investigated. But we need more practical evidence to prove fraud. My guess is there was some fraudulent data, but most of the uncertainty comes from erratic collection from so many independent sources that the errors outweigh the manipulated data. The probability is the results are really random, therefore meaningless. The joy of statistics is even meaningless data can be modeled.

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Alex, what’s the point, your data is sound, yet no legal entity or government group cares. Now Joe has his Jan 4th date with destiny.

The courts won’t rule by then, and it is unlikely they will even have discovery. The scientific and medical communities are completely ignored. It doesn’t matter what Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Tom Renz, Pam Popper or any AFLDS of the like say… they are totally ignored.

Not to mention every legal challenge has been a losing battle.

You will have no legal protection as Comirnaty isn’t available in the US.

They hide behind OSHA, when any other time if your company supported Diversity and Inclusion not vaxxing would be covered as a lifestyle choice.

Those that arent vaxxed will be segregated and jobless.

I’m ready to leave the USA, but where to go?

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Stay and #Resist

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Look at the second chart from the top of this website, it shows new cases in real time per country. Scroll to the bottom tochange country.


Notice the countries that have relied on vaccines as their main means of combatting Covid (US, UK, Ireland, Israel, Germany) continue on the up and down roller coaster ride, indicating the Covid virus is exhibiting a seasonal character as is typical of airborne viral pathogens, and the vaccines are doing nothing to disrupt that pattern.

But in some countries, like India, Indonesia, and Namibia, after the spike earlier this year from the introduction of Covid viral variants, new cases have plummeted and Covid has been eradicated. Its not because of vaccines, because some of these countries are highly vaccinated and others not.

The difference is that the countries that have not seen recurrent rising cases of Covid have been distributing Ivermectin/Zinc packets across their countries, and encouraging prophylactic use. They started once they saw last Spring that the vaccines were not working against the Covid variants, and they were correct.

Its amazing that other countries where Covid is still infecting and killing large numbers of people have not changed their game plans and adopted an Ivermectin/Zinc prophylactic protocol. We can only speculate why they haven't, but this much is for sure....knowing now that the Ivermectin/Zinc protocols work to stop Covid, any country government that is not advocating them is truly criminal.

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Big Pharma has nations locked in contractually. Those other nations must have told BP to pound sand. Western democracies have decided that Tyranny is their future course of procedure. What’s next, seizure of assets, internmentcamps, yellow stars, March to the ovens? Canada is firing people left right and center, and then governments blaming us for their systems breaking down, due to short staffed facilities. It’s Despicable (in my best Sylvester the cat imitation!)

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COVID seems to like a certain latitude/climate e.g. Wuhan, Milan etc I guess have similar climates....

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New cases in Ireland? So how’s that vaxx working for you? If you, at this point still believe that the vaxx is the way back to normal, I can’t give you an answer to that.

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At least vaccine sanity in regards to young children has reached Israel. Per Times of Israel, top health official: Parents will not be coerced to vaccinate kids against COVID. Health Ministry public health director Sharon Alroy-Preis tells hearing on approving shot for children ages 5-11 that ‘every parent will make the decision for their child’.

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If I had a company with more than 100 employees. I think I'd be tempted to just split it in two if possible (or 3 or 4). That might have the added advantage of moving the parts to a lower corporate tax bracket too (at least it would in Canada) :-)

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that is a great idea. I hope hundreds of companies will do just that!

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A culture built on consumerism and instant gratification is attempting to utilize a new form of medical technology utilizing gene therapy to instantly make a virus go away like much tylenol can make a headache go away. The trap is, it does make the virus go away, the data shows this unequivocally. Massive vaccine rollouts absolutely crush covid cases. Why would you not get the jab, look! It only leads to everyone running to their nearest walgreens, cvs to get it.

But the virus doesn't go away, it mutates, gets stronger, circumnavigates the antibody response generated by mRNA and the cycle continues. Vaccinated people still get it, they pass it to their vaccinated friends and family putting pressure on the virus to mutate into vaccine resistant strains. Endless boosters now, take your jab to stop the spread, blame the unvaxxed. Except tylenol doesn't reprogram your innate immune system.

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Not all of that is correct. For now i will point out, as viruses mutate they do not get stronger as they pass through the population - so to state this, is the lie we are being told by the enemy.

As for your position that the virus actually exists (sars-cov-2), i kindly ask you to consider the below if you are not so rigid/stubborn in your position to consider perhaps you might be in error since we have honest brave doctors/neurosurgeons like Dr. Scott Jenson in Minnesota making clear this is a severe form of influenza not "covid" and the severe flu is being called "covid" in his perspective, of which he is not alone;

videopress.com/v/p8R7ebPy - If people get jabbed after watching this they are are beyond saving - (well, only Jesus can save them if they want to be saved.)

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I agree that as a virus passes through the population it weakens, on caveat to that if it's allowed to go through a population normally. In this case many countries are introducing large vaccination programs on the tail end of an outbreak, putting pressure on the virus to selectively mutate, maybe stronger isn't the word, perhaps more contagious? Only reason why I look at many countries with high >80% vax rates and comparing cases in 2021 vs 2020 and seeing higher cases than a year with 0% of population w/o the jab. Still trying to figure out what covid is and for sure there is overlap of covid/flu cases and probably many flu cases inadvertently being diagnosed as covid. The sad thing he is people having the bad case of the flu, developing bronchitis or pneumonia, going to hospital, testing positve for covid, treated as covid patient w/o receiving life saving antibiotics and becoming another statistic.

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Michael - that'll probably get yanked once the Marxists have a meltdown.

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Those are the Great Barrington folks. I am hopeful that Newsweek will discover they can 10X their subscribers by just taking up a niche in the reasonable middle vs the MSM.

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Shhhh!!! Let them stay locked down & hidden in their homes. I am so enjoying all the ‘liberal-free’ places and events. 👍

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I'm still reeling from the announcement of the new OSHA standard yesterday... I can't believe they are going to plow forward with such blind force when the US numbers / trends like this show it is totally unnecessary, it is going to be extremely destructive and disruptive, and for what ? Conspiracy theories start to seem sane in this context.

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Two worlds emerging. Will be a long hard winter for the lock down vaxxers. Hopefully parents haven't been scared into injecting their healthy 5 yr olds.

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Does anyone know the rules on these small businesses.

I work for a popular (and woke) department store. Locally I think our store has about 40 ppl but corporate wide it’s thousands!!

Even on a regular non holiday shift we’re lucky to have 7 or 8 employees in the store…it’sa big store.

I’m not taking the jab nor am I paying for a weekly test. I’ve been working this whole time and healthy/safe. Not changing!

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Wuhan Tony's Arm Sauce failure.

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Alabama has ZERO deaths per day 7 day average.

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Man plans. Virus laughs.

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I think it's more like "fake vaccine go'na give people covid."

There's nothing "natural" about C19. At this point the pathogen is the jab.

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Let me fix it for ya: Vaccines Gonna Vaccine.

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Clot shots gonna clot

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Those of us in the blue have no representative to call (talking to the wall would be just as good). Balance of power via branches of gov - we all learned that in school; how is it not a fantasy now???? Brandon & OSHA -- they deserve each other.......

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....Meanwhile the Brandon administration doubles down on vaxxxines and vax mandates for children and private industry, respectively.

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