I feel like anyone who didn’t go through 9/11 as an adult is disproportionately more likely to buy into Covid hysteria. They didn’t have their first “oh the government is incompetent, the press is a bunch of pussies, and our response can be worse than the problem” moment yet.

Especially in the MPH crowd... seems there are a slew of < 35 year olds who are oblivious to that we are just recycling 2001 tropes.

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Fact check: true. My slow-dawning understanding that our government overreacted to Sept. 11, as terrible as it was, helped drive my skepticism about our Covid response. (And as I say in the piece, it's not like I was the first to raise questions - it took me a while to understand that the cure can be worse than the disease.)

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Do you really think someone who took a couple of flying lessons on a Cessna is going to fly a commercial airplane? Talk to an pilot on that one. And then just to amuse yourself go talk to an architect/ structural engineer about the buildings collapsing like they did. And building 7 too.

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Larry Silverstein

Despite his confession to demolishing his own building, Silverstein has already received $861 million from insurers for Building 7 alone, as well as over $4 billion for the rest of the Trade Center complex. That $861 million for WTC-7 was paid on the basis of Silverstein's claim that airplanes were somehow responsible for making Building 7, which was not hit by any plane, disappear at free-fall acceleration.

The insurers have not mentioned the fact that the World Trade Center Towers were condemned for asbestos in early 2001, just months before Silverstein bought them in July, six weeks prior to their demolition. They have not mentioned that Silverstein doubled the insurance coverage when he purchased the Trade Center. They have not mentioned that Silverstein hardballed his insurers to change the coverage to “cash payout.” They have not mentioned that Silverstein engineered his purchase of the Trade Center through fellow Zionist billionaire Lewis Eisenberg, Chair of the Republican National Committee and head of the New York Port Authority.

The insurance companies have likewise neglected to mention that after doubling his insurance coverage immediately before 9/11, Silverstein re-doubled his winnings after 9/11 by claiming double indemnity. According to Silverstein's spokesman, “the two hijacked airliners that struck the 110-story twin towers Sept. 11 were separate 'occurrences' for insurance purposes, entitling him to collect twice on $3.6 billion of policies.” The bizarre double-indemnity claim was approved in 2004.

Additionally, the insurers have failed to mention that on the morning of 9/11, Silverstein and his daughter both failed to show up for their daily breakfast at Windows on the World restaurant atop the North Tower. Both offered flimsy pretexts - Silverstein claiming that he had suddenly remembered a dermatologist's appointment.

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My boyfriend (now husband) and I saw the buildings fall from my rooftop on Houston and Mulberry street. I didn’t know enough to question the media narrative, but I remember wondering why they just collapsed and saying to my husband right after they fell that it looked exactly like a controlled demolition my dad had taken me to go see as a kid. A good friend from college died in Tower 2 that day.

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I think a few structural engineers felt the same way you did. Sorry to hear of your loss. Awful.

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Is this fake news? Or do I need to be very concerned?

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How has Silverstein managed to get away with murder, in the most obvious case of insurance fraud ever?

Thanks to his partner in crime, Judge Alvin Hellerstein.

Hellerstein's courtroom is Ground Zero in the cover-up of the crimes of 9/11. Virtually all 9/11 litigation has been funneled through his courtroom, including Ellen Mariani's recent lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and others.

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This is all true. Also in July 2001 Westfield America took over the mall under the original WTC. Westfield was owned by Frank Lowy, an Israeli Australian. Wikipedia has since sanitized the Wikipedia entries, but this goes very deep.

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“Fellow Zionist”

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Jewish lightning?

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They apparently had some training in commercial aircraft. Whether it was live or simulator, I can't recall. As a private pilot, I can tell you it doesn't take nearly as much skill to fly/navigate as it does to take off and land (safely)—neither of which were demonstrated on 9/11.

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Takes a fair bit of skill I'd imagine to fly into several buildings. Especially the Pentagon.

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a plane did not hit the Pentagon, a missle did though...the most protected via security bldg in world has one , one 2 second video on youtube of a big flash...?? where are the bodies ? where is the luggage...there are a few chunks of metal thats it ,,it was staged folks sorry, where is the video of the plane flying low over the highway and crashing into bldg like W trade centers .... huh ? ill wait....

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Gotta give you that. Looks like they had big time training and not just out of Venice Fla little airport.

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Not really hard to "steer" the aircraft and decrease the throttle. Again, they had several hours of jet training. More than me.

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I think most inexperienced people would crash the Pentagon plane into the ground and completely miss hitting the Pentagon. Just my two cents, no experience whatsoever here.

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I remember the Florida flight instructor who trained them noted they were not interested in learning how to land. My question about that fateful day was, why follow the Hudson River down from Boston and fly over Indian Point nuclear power plant, which would have taken out about 6 million people if a plane flew into it? Clearly WTC was the more important target.

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I remember that story vividly.

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It was crazy in the days that followed. Someone made a lot of money shorting United and American Airlines stock, but that story disappeared from the news pretty quickly.

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"A couple of flying lessons"? Pretty sure they had more training than that. Hell, I had one one-hour classroom lesson and then flew (via Groupon) a Cessna 172 - took off, flew for 30 minutes, and landed the thing (with the instructor waiting to help if I needed it, of course). They had much more training than *that*.

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Apparently, they were proficient in singe-engine land aircraft (Cessna's Cherokees, etc.) I soloed at about 16 hours. You can get licensed with as little as 40. At least that was the deal back in the 90's. The principles of flight are identical no matter what you're flying. Just need to know what "buttons" to push (and there are a lot of buttons on a commercial airliner).

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Yes, but not as many buttons once you're in the air, with no intention of landing the bird.

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That’s the same as a commercial airline? Seriously

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No it's not, FFS. The point that you missed was that they had MORE than just "a couple of flying lessons". I even said that *twice*.

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Sorry if I’m coming across as antagonistic, but I never realized until recently how evil and corrupt our government is (Epstein island/hunters laptop) and how depraved and evil they are. I trust nothing they say.

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The point is I don’t care how many lessons someone took with a Cessna, they are not going to fly a commercial airliner afterwards

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Please go and try to fly one

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I don't think they learned to fly on a Cessna.

An aviation student from Saudi Arabia opened fire in a classroom at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola FL.

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There is a pretty clear parallel between the COVID hysteria playbook and the methods used to stir up Global War on Terror hysteria. Twenty years ago it was daily reports of terror levels and burning Dixie Chicks CDs because Natalie Maines made an anti-war comment. It was Judith Miller lying in the NYT about Saddam's WMD program. It was WaPo and the WSJ piling on to make the war case. It was Hollywood taking turns posing with Bush and vilifying anyone who dared question the Bush/neocon war narrative as 'unpatriotic' and/or treasonous.

Of course, it only took a couple of years, a few thousand dead Americans, several hundred thousand dead Iraqis, to reveal the truth. Regardless, in typical American "We're forever doomed to repeat history" fashion, Bush, Cheney, Kagan, Max Boot, and the rest of the neocons are now being feted by the DNC as visionaries and patriots. In retrospect, it's no wonder so many RINOs and neocons supported Biden.

Sadly, just like now, most Americans then did not understand all of the factors that led to 9/11 and, as with COVID, the vast majority of Americans were easily convinced that Saddam Hussein and Iraq were behind 9/11 and supported the war. Of course, it was all a pretext for realizing the neocon wet dream of ousting Saddam and using Iraq as a staging ground for Middle East domination and a war with Iran. It was also a pretext for introducing the Patriot Act, the CLOUD Act, and our current surveillance state.

There's a reason why Naomi Wolf wrote 'The End of America' in 2007. She saw what was happening then and immediately saw the connection with COVID. There seems to be a clear nexus between 9/11 and all that ensued from that event and where we are now. Manufactured crises with manufactured outcomes.

Just imagine what it would have been like in 2001 if Twitter, Facebook, Google, and the rest had the power to control the media narrative and to push the ruling power's war agenda?

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Why are so many still so blind?

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That's a great point. I fell for the weapons of mass destruction line and thought it was reasonable that they were watching out for our safety. Now I know better and well never trust the government to be doing anything for my interest. It's all about power and profit. I'll never take any medication that hasn't been around for 40 years. I'll never take another vaccine of any kind. And there's NEVER a good reason to cross over the lines of protection that our Constitution and Bill of Rights afford us. My biggest failure is in not realizing it sooner and discussing it with my kids before COVID hit.

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All three of my brothers and their wives were grown ass adults on 9/11, but they fell for the Covid psy-op hook, line, and sinker. They are jabbed and boosted as are their young adult children. They'll probably get the next booster and the one after that as well.

I've wondered what separates "us" from "them". I'm not sure the answer is the same for all of us. I'm naturally skeptical and a bit of a control freak. I don't like being told what I must do. I never have. I don't think I I'll ever understand why/how so many intelligent and informed people were completely taken in. To this day, they still cannot accept that they made a bad bet. I imagine their internal dialogue goes something like this: Yes, yes, the jabs don't stop infection or transmission, but at least the antivaxxer n'er-do-wells are dying more than we are.

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Putting the masses in a deep state of constant fear while repeatedly feeding them soundbites gets impressive results.

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I've concluded for most people they are just sheltered. Some just trust authority and are scared of their shadow (in the Jungian sense) the rest are lazy and just want to feel comfortable. They don't question and they don't rock the boat.

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How about the politicians saying it’s safe to fly, but they all took the train from DC to NY?

Or the fashion show still going on and M Jacobs having his after party at the Mercer (south of the demarcation line where everything was closed) and the fires were burning that horrible smell?

Sure, we’re all in this together…

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New details to me.

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LOL. Imagine thinking the official 9/11 narrative is true

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Apr 6, 2022
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The week after 9/11, I had to drive to the USA using the Ambassador bridge (Windsor/Detroit) for business and I had to cross commercially, with all the trucks.

Anyone who has been paying attention lately will remember this bridge was blocked by truck drivers very recently and phone calls were made from President to Prime Minister to get the bridge open because this is the biggest trade route between Canada and the USA. This bridge down is a major financial blow to both countries.

In those days (2001) crossing the bridge for commercial purposes was a slow process. Truck traffic through Windsor to the bridge inched along and truck traffic over the bridge inched along.

I expected that the crossing would be horribly slow because I fully expected that there would be security checks before you could get on the bridge (a few years later, I drove across the Hoover Dam and there were security checks on both sides). To my amazement, there was nothing, not on the Canadian side and not on the American side. Once over the bridge when you entered the customs compound, of course, the trucks including mine were checked somewhat more thoroughly.

I remember sitting in stop and go traffic on the top of the bridge praying "please God, don't let any of these trucks be a suicide bomber".

Just to be clear, I thought it would have been ridiculously easy for a truck loaded with explosives to be driven onto the bridge and then detonated. Had that happened, the bridge would have been destroyed causing both countries lots of damage.

To this day, I wonder why that bridge was not secured.

Was it an oversight?

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Yes it was of course an oversight, just like GWB on 9/11 after reading My Pet Goat (upside-down!) got aboard Air Force One while a supposed unknown number of hijacked planes were still in the air. With no fighter jets to accompany him. Complete oversight, that one stayed with me.

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I wondered as well. I’m from Michigan originally (Mom was Canadian) so crossed it often.

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Research the internet there are plenty rabbit holes t o fall down related to 9/11. There are "documentaries", websites, YouTube videos, books including the "official" Govt account.

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Hard to know. But the official narrative is not the real one.

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Building 7 is disturbing.

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And somewhere in all this is ... Anthony Fauci? Wasn't he on a quest for an anthrax vax...along with an AIDS vax...and didn't he forecast a bird-flu epidemic, later a swine flu epidemic...later Zika epidemic?

Help me, Alex. I'm trying to connect these dots with covid.

Keeping track of all sinister government plots gives me a headache.

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The dots are distraction. The straight line is relentless quest for power. They're opportunists, and epidemics are a target of opportunity. Restraining government power is the only solution. As long as government remains powerful, and growing, they will use endless excuses to oppress.

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Exactly!! I have said that repeatedly [quoting you, "Restraining government power is the only solution. As long as government remains powerful, and growing, they will use endless excuses to oppress."].

You can't vote your way to that result, you can't legislate your way to that results, the SCOTUS isn't going to guide us down that path, or their usual advice..."start at the local level"....what B.S. None of them will be enough.

It will take what it always takes - to rid powerful people of their abusive power.

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Fixing legislatures and courts will fix the problems. Slowly. If they don't work quickly enough the only solution is force. We're not there yet.

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"Growing" is the worst part.

There are far too many people in The Swamp who spend too much time spending tax money.

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Life imitates art. Epstein also had a painting of Bill Clinton in a blue evening dress. Think about that one.

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The blue evening dress was originally worn by Hillary.

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Spot on. So to speak.

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I see what you did there.

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Thanks. Who looked better in that dress is genuinely debatable.

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Shower curtains are more Hillary.

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Devil in a blue dress.

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I heard she wore it after

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Holey crap I've never seen that. Wow.

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All credibility has evaporated. Nothing, believe NOTHING spewing from any 'official' media source.

One example ... Donald Trump, Jr versus treatment of Hunter Biden. Biased, selective media 'hits'.

Appalling, disgusting, reprehensible...

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Oh I agree totally about the comparison. Hunter literally smokes crack, impregnated a stripper, and fucked his dead brothers wife. If Donald trump Jr did any of that shit, I can only imagine the msm coverage.

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And his minor niece, apparently

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Indeed. I hesitate getting started and all wound up.

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Apr 6, 2022
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Look at a US coin or currency... 'in God we trust.' NO ONE else.

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Get a copy of His book, and read it. Takes about 75 hours.

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I take it in small doses regularly. Thanks.

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you might really enjoy this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA0Ojxr4pv0 Werner Gitt, phd, "In the beginning was information", or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNme1VUJlbY&t=745s John Barnett on 7 reasons the Bible is true.

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It is physically impossible for buildings to collapse at free fall speed unless the supporting structures are cut in the proper order. The fact that all 3 buildings that fell on 9/11 came down at free fall speed can be verified using any of the available videos and a simple stopwatch. Therefore the buildings came down as a result of controlled demolition. The planes were just for show. The terrorists, to the extent they hijacked the planes, were stooges in a much more sinister project. The events of 9/11 had to be run by our own government precisely so they could eliminate our liberties. When the Senate wouldn't go along they ran the anthrax attacks. Bruce Ivins was a patsy.

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Your 9/11 attribution is refreshingly naïve. Who benefited? You won’t like the answer.

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“using them to justify preemptive war against countries hostile to the United States”

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The anthrax threat was always greatly exaggerated. Anytime an infectious disease researcher can look up from his microscope and/or vacuous studies, they tend to maximize the opportunity and run to the pandemic altars with unbelievable (and I mean unbelievable) tales of impending doom.

Usually I don’t judge others but Penicillin is not the drug of choice in Anthrax. Doxycycline or Ciprofloxacin are nearly 100% effective and cheap.

9/11 confirmed Ben Franklin’s warning:

“If you’re willing to trade freedom for security; you’ll have neither”

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BF was so insightful with what he said about freedom. Personally, I believe it's one of the more major understated non-embraced notions by Americans present day. Understanding what freedom truly means is hard to grasp for so many and hence easily conned in giving it away. People need to wake up because we are only going to see greater threats to our liberties and freedoms going forward. This has become freedom vs tyranny more so than red vs blue. People are going to choose sides...

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Oooo, yes! Alex, write THAT book, pronto.

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I was on the medical staff at JFK Medical Center in Atlantis FL when Robert Stevens was admitted in 2001. The National Inquirer at the time was located in Lantana FL, a "suburb" of West Palm Beach. Atlantis is a small gated community south of West Palm Beach also and JFK is within the town limits.

Larry Bush, MD, infectious disease specialist at the hospital actually made the diagnosis. JFK was a medium size community hospital. It was not a major medical center or a teaching hospital so for Larry to make the diagnosis was somewhat remarkable. He was later asked to speak all over the world.

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Gosh I remember how scary it was in south Florida during that time. Didn't realize that about JFK Medical Center and the doc there.

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I believe some time between Labor Day and October 7th there’s going to be a government created / media enabled “crisis “ that’ll impact the ability to conduct fair and secure elections.

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The elections won’t matter much anyway. The cowardly republicans don’t stand up to dictator Biden on anything. They don’t even try to force him to give up on the airplane mask mandate, and that’s the low hanging fruit because everyone is sick of it.

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I think the same as well. It makes me sick even thinking about it!

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Us old "boomers" went thru Cigarettes are good for you, Duck and Cover, Vietnam and Pentagon Papers, Agent Orange, WMDs,and countless drugs being removed for causing more illness than they cured. If my age group fell for Covid and are now suffering consequences or worrying about them albeit privately the definition of insanity continues to prevail and those who refuse to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it over and over

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I’m certainly no expert at anything but I could smell a rat over the whole “Covid” fiasco. The military industrial creeps that run the planet would do anything to get rid of DJT. It seemed insanely and clearly obviously opportune to do just that. What causes people to vote anyone out the fastest? Decimate the economy. When that didn’t seem to be quite enough cause there was no one in team DNC that was likely to win they ad to use the pandemic to “alter” the voting. There has been shenanigans with that for a while but this was much bigger of a difference and it had to be possible to have been legit so in every place possible, and after the number needed was known, miraculously the right amount of votes appeared. Now that we have a forever crisis with new strains of Covid surfacing there are enough useful idiots to convince them that online voting and mail in voting are really very safe and reliable. No conservative will be likely to ever win again.

The whole thing was way too convenient. Additionally Fauci is a rat with a past and they couldn’t hide his connections to Wuhan, the fact that Covid isn’t new or novel since it’s been patented in the US since 1999. All one has to do is pay any attention and the charade is far more believable than this coincidence that favors the deep states preferred outcome. America is, for all intensive purposes, already gone. The time for playing nice is past.

I’m not suggesting we initiate a revolution and I abhor violence but I for one see no way forward. Our civilization has reached a new tipping point. We either March forward into the sick and demented violent future laid out in popular novels or we reestablish the country we started as in 1776. It’s still a marvel of intellect and the only really free society ever constructed.

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One would think after Richard Jewell and Stephen Hatfill that no one would believe a word that comes out Feds mouth.

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Fear and Godlessness, diseases of the American soul.

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“using them to justify preemptive war against countries hostile to the United States” is the key to everything you mentioned here

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