Chapter 25! Idiot I am

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Mis-numbering chapters is symptom 17 of Long Covid

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Too easy

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Looks to be entirely bogus in kids https://twitter.com/andrewbostom/status/1441752119044976641

Pediatr Infect Dis J review of 14 studies of pediatric “Long C19 Syndrome” finds they “do not show a difference between children who had been infected by SARS-CoV-2 & those who were not” & “difficult to separate symptoms attributable to long COVID from pandemic-associated symptoms” https://journals.lww.com/pidj/Abstract/9000/How_Common_Is_Long_COVID_in_Children_and.95677.aspx

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Exactly right!

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But impossible to resist.

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Hi Alex, I sent you a question (see below) about YOUR opinion/guess/knowledge of China virus data - which you published in "Virus gonna virus". Got an enormous number of "explanations" from your many readers but -- not yet from you.


Boris PetrovOct 23

I don't understand -- a very confusing blog or message in your Virus gonna virus blog.

How do you explain China data and vaccine type?

Many thanks

PS: Without the usual response (I hope) -- "China data is fake....?

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Any Chinese data is very questionable they likely just don’t care or report it now as before when it was helpful for their cause

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“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

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Love Solzhenitsyn.

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Fauci too.

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But - you are NOT Alex Berenson who writes this blog, whose book I pre-ordered and whom I specifically asked. Why are you eager to "explain" with your simpleton farts and prejudices? ALL governments lie - lie consistently, including our more than most.

Here is an example:

More on St. Obama: ( Barack Obama is a spook, from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… )

In 1965 CIA organized a coup against Indonesia founding president Sukarno by CIA-trained generals. The US considered Sukarno too progressive (he implemented land-reform – same reason for CIA coup in Guatemala which resulted with a genocide of high-land Mayas). CIA installed one of the most murderous military regime (under Suharto dictatorship) on Earth which killed more than two millions ( 2M ) civilians – the massacres are known as “The Jakarta Method” (see book by Vincent Bevins) used subsequently in Africa (Angola, Mozambique) and throughout Latin and Central America.

What is important here is that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as later in Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama always lied and claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose policies Obama’s mother praised. And – Obama became a labor and community “organizer” – while he actually worked for a large corporate foundation.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021 ( Note: Photos themselves are truly fascinating )

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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Our government doesn't lie more than most, "Boris" - if that is your name.

People in here expect a certain level of courtesy borne out of respect for other people and their different experiences and opinions.

Mr. Berenson is an author; he writes. At the moment he is wearing the hat of an investigative journalist and is not at your personal beck and call to hold your hand and answer your questions.

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How Many FBI agents are going to show up at Fauci, Place 29 or more.

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You really want to believe the Chinese data which claims that out of their massive 1.4 billion population, they have entirely eradicated Covid? And after them lying to the world and hiding data and allowing international flights while banning domestic flights to let it spread everywhere? You want to believe them?

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Boris PetrovOct 24

Hi Alex, I sent you a question (see below) about YOUR opinion/guess/knowledge of China virus data - which you published in "Virus gonna virus". Got an enormous number of "explanations" from your many readers but -- not yet from you.


Boris PetrovOct 23

I don't understand -- a very confusing blog or message in your Virus gonna virus blog.

How do you explain China data and vaccine type?

Many thanks

PS: Without the usual response (I hope) -- "China data is fake....?

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Great timing 😂

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Well done! 🤣

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CNN Gupta and Chris Cuomo , is a perfect example of "Long covid " snap out of it their is nothing wrong with you . They have been profiting off of the American taxpayers with commercials for Pfizer . And i believe Twitter owns the Atlantic and candy corn Apple . Alex, you are far from what you said and you know this , you are one of the very few who has been 100% right on many topic's . You was one right out of the gate the new what Covid-19 was no one can ever take this away from you . God see's everything Alex , You will be rewarded for your good deeds . This country right now is suffering the hospitals are full with overdoses and mental health issues . The media caused this every single one of them with total misinformation and disinformation from President Puppet , and Autocorrect . If everyone listened to you Alex , back in March 2019 instead of Fauci and the media . Right now we as a country would be in a much better place right now for certain .

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Spike Protein Damage of Lung Function??.....Long Haul Symptoms mimic Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms?? We don't have enough Data either way to be critical of Covid Long Haulers. People are also reporting Long Haul Covid Vaccine side effects, Are Spike Proteins causing this too??


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Trusting Alex Berenson!

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You have a typo on page 260. "Yong" (the author whose work you quote) became "Young" at the top of page 260. (The first time his name appears after the quote ends.)

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Alex has free proofreaders! Yay!

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Studies show the virus can trigger other viruses that lay dormant such as chicken pox becoming shingles and mono. I had long haul, didn't know it, was diagnosed during my annual checkup, got my entire immune system tested and it showed I was still fighting a virus. I believe, as we tested for prior mono, that it was reactivated. Long haul is more properly called post viral syndrome, which can occur from other virus infections as well as Covid. Now that treatment is complete with Ivermectin, I am scheduled for retesting my immune system.

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On the other hand, as Dr. Thomas Levy notes in his excellent free eBook, "Rapid Virus Recovery", any illness tends to leave behind CPC (Chronic Pathogen Colonization) which doesn't go away on its own. Thankfully, there's an easy fix, which is nebulized 1-3% H2O2 (dilution as tolerated but 3% works fast and 1% takes days). I highly suggest checking out the ebook: https://www.medfoxpub.com/cgi-bin/htmlos.cgi/00344.5.041198898534290088/push//60_minutes/ebooks/pdfs/RapidVirusRecovery.pdf

Liposomal vitamin C is excellent as well. Aurora sells 3g packets on Amazon that actually taste good.

Also make sure to avoid taking iron, copper, and calcium supplements, which are pro-oxidants. Processed foods often have iron added. GMO rice and maybe other crops now have 2-3x more iron than nature intended.

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Did you see the study showing the virus is NOT the cause of long-haul syndrome in kids? Adults probably the same. I suggest everyone get an EMF meter. You'd be surprised how much toxic EMF you are exposed to every day. And see how many of the hundreds of toxic chemicals in the water, air and food you can avoid. FDA cares about our health enough to allow industries to kill us bit by bit.

I'm re-posting from another comment here:


Pediatr Infect Dis J review of 14 studies of pediatric “Long C19 Syndrome” finds they “do not show a difference between children who had been infected by SARS-CoV-2 & those who were not” & “difficult to separate symptoms attributable to long COVID from pandemic-associated symptoms” https://journals.lww.com/pidj/Abstract/9000/How_Common_Is_Long_COVID_in_Children_and.95677.aspx

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HIV/AIDS is a huge fraud. Luc Montagnier won the Nobel for isolating HIV and he doesn't believe anymore that it is related to HIV. Most cases are in Africa but everything about AIDS in Africa seems unlike AIDS elsewhere. Tends to be associated with malnourishment rather than homosexual anal sex and IV drug use.

And according to research done by the Perth Group as well as Kary Mullis, Nobel inventor of PCR, even the HIV virus was not actually proven to be isolated.


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From an anecdotal PoV I can tell you what my father learned from the RAMAR communities which are Christian ex-drug addict communes. A lot of their members used to die of AIDS. Then they decided to stop testing for HIV and suddenly they had no more AIDS deaths. What really is the likelihood anyway that a virus causes a disease 20 years later (and only half the time on average at all)?

Another anecdote.

Trungpa Rinpoche had HIV and he also had unprotected sex with many different women every day in his bizarre "buddhist" cult. Nobody ever got HIV from him. He said it was because of religious rituals he did. Then after his death, his successor tried the same thing and ended up infecting everyone with HIV. Maybe he didn't believe strongly enough?

If you are skeptical of long covid, you should definitely be skeptical of HIV/AIDS.

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When covid broke I had time to read Peter Duesberg's materials and concluded that what killed gays wasn't an almost impossible to isolate retrovirus, rather it was the AZT from Burroughs Wellcome, via our man Fauci. The vaccines currently putting Fauci back in the news seem to have a familiar face.

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After learning the way people are being deceived about the Covid virus, I am beginning to think AIDS/HIV was also created in a lab somewhere.

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Thankfully you did not mis-gender the chapter.

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BOY Karen , would be screaming " Let's go Brandon "

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Hi Alex, I sent you a question (see below) about YOUR opinion/guess/knowledge of China virus data - which you published in "Virus gonna virus". Got an enormous number of "explanations" from your many readers but -- not yet from you.


Boris PetrovOct 23

I don't understand -- a very confusing blog or message in your “Virus gonna virus” blog.

How do you explain China data and vaccine type?

Many thanks

PS: Without the usual response (I hope) -- "China data is fake....?

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Look. China released this on purpose and had the antidote for their people.

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Are you pretending to be Alex Berenson -- the ONLY person whom I asked?

ALL governments lie -- our more than most !! More on St. Obama: ( Barack Obama is a spook, from a spook family, and his political campaigns were financed by spooks… )

In 1965 CIA organized a coup against Indonesia founding president Sukarno by CIA-trained generals. The US considered Sukarno too progressive (he implemented land-reform – same reason for CIA coup in Guatemala which resulted with a genocide of high-land Mayas). CIA installed one of the most murderous military regime (under Suharto dictatorship) on Earth which killed more than two millions ( 2M ) civilians – the massacres are known as “The Jakarta Method” (see book by Vincent Bevins) used subsequently in Africa (Angola, Mozambique) and throughout Latin and Central America.

What is important here is that Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, worked for U.S. government agencies and allied NGOs—the Ford Foundation, Asia Foundation, Development Alternatives Inc., and United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—in Indonesia in the 1960s and 1970s as well as later in Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, and Thailand.

Obama’s mother married Indonesian Lt. Col. Lolo Soetoro; they had a daughter Maya Soetoro when Barack Obama was four. The colonel was from an aristocratic family which lost out in Sukarno’s land reform; the marriage was likely arranged, Obama’s mother may have acted as a female “honeypot” for the CIA whose job was to recruit assets

Obama always lied and claimed that his mother did not know about the countless atrocities that were committed by the Suharto government, which is implausible given her CIA background and the fact that they were much reported on by mainstream newspapers at the time (although mostly favorably by right-wing media). Of significance, Obama underplayed his stepfather Lolo’s army rank in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope.

Soetoro went on to become an executive at Mobil Oil and its liaison to Suharto, whose policies Obama’s mother praised. And – Obama became a labor and community “organizer” – while he actually worked for a large corporate foundation.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA

By Jeremy Kuzmarov - October 1, 2021 ( Note: Photos themselves are truly fascinating )

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA - CovertAction Magazine


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Boris, thank you for that info on Obama. I never knew that about his mother and her connections…this background helps explain another reason why he was the “chosen one” for that party.

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good info

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Thank you -- and why neither Hillary nor Trump never mentioned it during campaigns...

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Poor Boris.

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From 6-7 to 10 - 15 this year zero Covid -19 deaths reported . Here is this link to further your curiosity . Data from the CDC .


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Pharma isn't pushing vaccine for kids to protect them against harm, they're creating a new breed of users who'll need boosters (maybe 2 per year) in perpetuity.

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A Subscription Service like Office 365

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Good analogy! (Hope you don't mind if I use that one...) I'm still an old-timer hold-out; no subscriptions services for me, nope.

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Check this out:


The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the COVID-Zero Con: A Classic Bait-And-Switch for a Lifetime of Booster Shots (Immunity as a Service)

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Pfizer, should be helping out the ones that President Puppet, Put out of business work because they don't want an Injection of Vaccine trials. We the American taxpayers people are Paying more ways than one. The American taxpayers people should be Paid back with interest with Profits including The Rooster 🐓 Salary should go back to the American people.

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Dr. McCullough believes that once boosters are mandated every six months Big Pharma will have to drop “vaccine” and call the jabs medical biotech treatments.

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Are you pretending to be Alex Berenson -- the ONLY person whom I asked?

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Have you been eating rattlesnake sandwiches with extra venom today 🤔 I sent you a link for your curiosity.

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Why are you pretending to be Alex Berenson? The ONLY person I asked to clarify his views on graphs on China he provided...

Why such eagerness to publicly fart and "educate"? Something that happened in your youth? Go and see a doctor -- to pull your head out of your ass.

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Are you a Pilot 🤔

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Anyone know if you can block people on substack? asking for a friend

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Not a bit of it. You’re very clever. Covid is an inflammatory disease and this makes perfect sense to me. Thank you.

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Hi Alex, I sent you a question (see below) about YOUR opinion/guess/knowledge of China virus data - which you published in "Virus gonna virus". Got an enormous number of "explanations" from your many readers but -- not yet from you.


Boris PetrovOct 23

I don't understand -- a very confusing blog or message in your “Virus gonna virus” blog.

How do you explain China data and vaccine type?

Many thanks

PS: Without the usual response (I hope) -- "China data is fake....?

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China data is fake.

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Boris PetrovOct 24

Hi Alex, I sent you a question (see below) about YOUR opinion/guess/knowledge of China virus data - which you published in "Virus gonna virus". Got an enormous number of "explanations" from your many readers but -- not yet from you.


Boris PetrovOct 23

I don't understand -- a very confusing blog or message in your Virus gonna virus blog.

How do you explain China data and vaccine type?

Many thanks

PS: Without the usual response (I hope) -- "China data is fake....?

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Did your mother run away at a young age for another man who lives in a tree .

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Got some typos in there bro! Is it Young or Yong? Etc

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As a kid, my parents were careful to allow few sweets for their children. So one cookie. I hated that. I love sweets. So once I grew up, I ate as many sweets as I wanted. I loved to bake. Made my own ice cream. Pies, cookies, breads, cakes, candy, soda. I read years later that humans should only consume 6 tsp a day of sugar. I added my up. I won’t tell too embarrassing. I also had migraines, never slept, panic attacks, unreal body aches. My joints were killing me. However I exercised a lot as I owned a farm, rode horses, swam, hikes, tennis, etc. I am tall so could carry lots of weight. I also had a bad back due to a cracked disc. Unreal pain a few times a year. I consulted a surgeon when pain meant I no longer could function. The last doc said “only do surgery if you feel like you want to shoot yourself”. I could not bend over. I also apparently have a high tolerance for pain. So I endured.

Then one day I read an article by Dr Bob Arnot the tv doctor. That article spoke to me. It explained what was happening to my back and why I could not get relief. I did exactly as he requested and for the most part I got rid of all pain. No drugs. It was a matter of getting blood flow to an area in the body that often is difficult. I believed and within a few months life was good again.

Then came cancer. First primary I just ignored. I was 40. Just blew it off. Second primary came about 4 years ago. This time aggressive and much further along. The 2 not related. I decided to research my disease. I had surgery but no drugs. I wanted to figure out why I had cancer and all my previous pain. I determined it was sugar. So I cut it out. I lost a lot of weight. I also never had another headache. No joint pain. No restless leg syndrome, I could sleep fine. It was for me like a miracle.

Need to mention this as well. Just before my last cancer bout, I fell and damaged my knee. Bad. I was on crutches. The pain was awful. I saw specialists. It was a tear. I would need surgery. Nope. I decided to do what I did for my back. I researched what might work. Biking. Yup, biking cured me. I never had one second of pain while riding and once again got blood flow,to difficult area and thus my body healed itself.

My point to this rambling is that many health issues can be resolved by diet change, lifestyle,changes, exercise, and frankly empowering oneself to give your body a chance to find a solution. I am not physically perfect today. All my injuries have left me not quite as before, but pretty good. I do not dwell on those changes. Maybe denial, but that is working for me.

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My cancer experience is similar to yours; life experience somewhat similar. I also had 2 cancers in addition to basal cell skin cancer. My cancer experience, as for you, taught me the importance of nutrition, exercise and especially mental state. Stress and fear really are killers. I think I'm a much, much healthier and fit person today than I would have been without the experience. It's also why I don't fear covid at all (I do however fear the medical industrial complex...but only a healthy fear!).

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Geez…I forgot about my skin cancers. I have had a couple surgeries. See….I just cancel out bad stuff. My mom actually died from melanoma cancer. Mental state is really key. I have dumped people that I felt were toxic for me. I wish them well, but not around me. Too negative. We all struggle with fear. I ride horses. I have had 2 horrible falls this summer. I am shocked how well I have recovered and how I have pushed through my anxiety. I just read the Queen at 95, still rides everyday. Not sure how true this is, but I hope so. So if she can I can. 😀

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You sound resilient and courageous 😎

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Thanks. Just hard headed. 😂

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😂I'm working on becoming more hard-headed myself. Too sensitive I Be😂

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You go, girl!

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The Queen does indeed ride every day or did. Currently she has been instructed to "rest" and not even allowed to walk her dogs. People are becoming suspicious.

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Well, she's 95...and recently lost her lifelong companion....I think she has lots of reasons to need rest.

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Fear creates hyper-arousal, which over repetition becomes procedural memory, like learning to play guitar. Our body gets so good at it, body gets sensitized to any cue n subsequently only answer becomes a freeze... Cortisol at the core of both hyper-arousal in traumatic stress n hypo-arousal in advanced post-trauma . A dissociative condition linked to many chronic, pain conditions. Dr. Robert Scaer

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I have been addressing my PTSD through vagus nerve retraining. Up until about three months ago, I was doing really well. Faithfully following the protocols. Then, I got preoccupied with all of these massive societal changes and I stopped working on it. Boy can I feel a difference! The big question is...How do we take care of ourselves and yet not have our heads in the sand about what is going on? So difficult.

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Exactly! The blessing is you found something which made a difference. Few do. Congrats, 😎

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The sugar issue was documented for the first time in Pure White and Deadly by John Yudkin, who was roundly panned. Still, in the years that have passed, everything he had written in this 1972 book has become accurate. The KETO diet is the lowest inflammation diet one can be on and can and will change your life. Enjoy that Steak!

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I went on a ketogenic diet last March to date, and not only did I lose 33 pounds (so far) but my high blood pressure returned to normal and I am off all blood pressure meds. Also, I was having dangerously severe hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) episodes about 3 times a week before keto, and that all stopped almost immediately after I went keto, ...avoiding all sugars (natural and otherwise) and carbs. And, I no longer have acid reflux which was horrible before keto. My energy level which was low before keto, is now through the roof. I’m a firm believer in a ketogenic lifestyle. Love all the healthy fats and meats 🥩 I eat on keto ♥️. I feel healthier than I have in years!

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Congratulations!! Detoxing from sugar is very difficult for me, but ur post giving me hope 👍

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Me, too. You've also reminded me of the pint of Baileys and brownies ice cream I have in the fridge. Wish I had the self-control to go on keto. Maybe that's what I'll ask Santa for this year.

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We can do it! Unwire ourselves one day at a time, just as we wired our bodies to it😁

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Oh, and I forgot to mention I was having chronic pain throughout my body daily, before keto. All my chronic pains STOPPED except my back pain. (I’m not going to have surgery on it since too many people have told me it only made their pain worse. So it’s a crap shoot if surgery will help or exacerbate someone’s back problems.)

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You by chance don't have a root-canaled tooth? if so watch the Documentary "Root Cause" which has one Dr they have no recounts a patient he had that had debilitating back pain and had undergone 2-3 surgeries with no success. However, he notices a sign of inflammation in the jaw and asks to inject novocaine to deaden nerve signaling from that tooth. In doing so in five minutes she was up walking about bending over as if there was no pain.

May not be your case but could be helpful.

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I don’t. But thanks for the heads up.

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I’m carnivore now…..

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Well, first time I've very much disagreed with you Alex, as one of those "middle aged women" suffering from something chronic that has defied lab tests but has been on and off disabling...and so the best diagnosis the mainstream doctors could give me was "fibromyalgia." I was in the ER last month for the worst vertigo I've ever experienced and I have a scheduled spinal tap in November to make sure I don't have an infection in my central nervous system.

BTW, I do have confirmed POTS and small fiber neuropathy, proved by tests, but they are idiopathic. Doctors don't know why I got the conditions but I had a severe infection in 2017 that almost killed me. I also had "chronic fatigue syndrome" when I was younger and it's real.

I'll be writing up an article about this I guess since as much as I support your work, you aren't helping people with real problems here. Just because Western medicine hasn't figured out what something is doesn't mean it does not exist.

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The point, of course, is that this is not even CLOSE to being confined to covid. "Long sickness" is a result of a LOT of different things, as you even allude to since you got it before covid was even a thing.

Yet how often do you hear about "long flu"?

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I agree they may be trying to hype up long covid as a reason to push the vaccines but mocking women with chronic illnesses is not helping the situation. So many women like myself have had to battle with the "it's all in your head" or "hysterical" diagnosis when real stuff is going on that can be devastating.

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I am sorry you have to go through this. I had a similar situation when in my 20s. The doctors treated me so badly, dismissing me as depressed, stressed, and that it was all in my head, that I stopped trying to heal myself and got progressively worse. Serendipitously, in my late 30s I found alternative practitioners and after many years of healing I finally feel like I have my life back.

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Agreed. I may have to unfollow and unsubscribe. I’m absolutely livid. This reeks of medical sexism.

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Spike Protein Damage of Lung Function??.....Long Haul Symptoms mimic Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms?? We don't have enough Data either way to be critical of Covid Long Haulers. People are also reporting Long Haul Covid Vaccine side effects, Are Spike Proteins causing this too??


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reposting from another comment:


Pediatr Infect Dis J review of 14 studies of pediatric “Long C19 Syndrome” finds they “do not show a difference between children who had been infected by SARS-CoV-2 & those who were not” & “difficult to separate symptoms attributable to long COVID from pandemic-associated symptoms” https://journals.lww.com/pidj/Abstract/9000/How_Common_Is_Long_COVID_in_Children_and.95677.aspx

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You hear about “Yuppie flu,” you hear about mononucleosis, you hear about Epstein-Barr, you hear about mysterious flulike illnesses that don’t go away (aka Incline Village Syndrome/CFIDS/CFS/ME. I don’t think regular influenza usually has a postviral syndrome but if it causes one it would be labeled CFS.

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Happy to read your article, happy to contribute. Watching my beautiful 19 year old daughter ideate for the past 7 years because of her suffering turned me into Lion Mama. And the main reason I'm fighting all this vaccine mandate bullshit. Am keeping you in my 💜.

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Could your daughter be suffering from the HPV vax?

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A doctor who says “good for you” when you answer “no” to the question, “did you receive the HPV vax as a teenager?” is a keeper !

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Where? We need more docs like this!

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Comment deleted
Oct 25, 2021
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And that's how my daughter got her HPV. Doctor convinced her while they were alone. Daughter insisted on getting it. Makes me sick that I relented. Wish I was awake 6 years ago...

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A nurse friend of mine took her mother to her primary doc, and almost the same thing happened—the doc immediately started pushing flu shot, Covid shot. They too are switching doctors.

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That's part of it. That and the flu shot unleashed all the shit her body had handled before. She has detox issues. Just connected the dots about a year ago.

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There are several lawsuits you may be able to join.

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Yep. Working with one lawyer re COVID stuff who also does HPV. We're chatting...

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Any root canals or amalgam fillings?

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Ok just checking as amalgam is about 50% mercury and will till it is removed leach mercury into the body and is a known neurotoxin.

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I'm just skimming thru quickly here. have you considered mast cell activation syndrome. MCAS.

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Yes, my integrative doctor diagnosed me with that but based on symptoms; but it's not likely because every time my symptoms flare up my eosinophils are too low. If it was MCAS, they'd probably be too high.

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MCAS / POTs root causes are Lyme, Babesia, but CSF, fibromyalgia are umbrella terms and really mean nothing, you need to dig deep to get to the root of the issues.

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MCAS/POTS are co-morbidities of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Worth investigating.

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try a functional doc to see if they may be able to enlighten. you need some relief. I truly wish you were not dealing with all this:{

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I have an integrative doc and I've also tried just about everything under the sun but no cure yet. The spinal tap is the one thing I have not gotten and have been pestering my neuro about for a while now. So maybe that will show something.

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Fingers crossed that you finally get an answer. This is too much for a person to bear, just too much. Sending you rays of sunshine and healing thoughts.

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I agree with you and am also a woman who has struggled on this path for 30 years hoping for help instead a dismissive label. I have dealt with chronic illness since 1989 and have followed the research carefully and I really wonder how Alex did his research to come up with the conclusions he did on long Covid and other invisible illnesses. I was very disheartened to see what he wrote because it maligns so many people who are truly suffering and could use advocates instead of insults. I am trying to make educated decisions for myself concerning Covid vaccinations and do not trust the MSM. Clearly, I don’t know enough about Covid but I do understand CFS, Pots, IBS, Fibro and other post viral syndrome illnesses. I can’t afford another bout with either a serious virus or a vaccine reaction given my history with these conditions so I look for good sources of information.

This post and book chapter on Long Covid, CFS , Lyme , Fibro, etc as an example of Alex’s research and deductive ability really made me question this rabbit hole I have apparently fallen into.

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Disappointing. As someone who has had medical doctors tell me for over a decade “your labs look great” meanwhile I have sharp shooting pains throughout my body, intractable crushing fatigue (not just “being tired “ ), and a feeling I can only describe as Stage four cancer, and western medicine doctors telling me I’m just depressed, this is upsetting. Chronic pain and fatigue IS REAL. I’ve no doubt long covid is probably real as well, most likely having to do with a woman’s body being unable to clear the viral load sufficiently. That being said, long covid isn’t something to fear. It’s no different than long term effects following influenza, Epstein Barr or Lyme. It’s real, and I’d wager in the next five years there will be more acceptance of this, instead of telling women yet again, how we feel must be “all in our head”

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For the record, I don’t take any pharmaceuticals, as these seem to only exacerbate the problem. There’s a reason the “wellness” industry is exploding in growth. It’s because women are fed the fuck up with Western medical doctors telling us there’s nothing wrong when we can barely get out of bed, so we continue slogging to work day after day thinking everyone must feel like total dog shit on the daily

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Yep. Herbs are more gentle. There's definitely misogyny in medicine. No pharma here, either--and I'm a freaking pharmacist!

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Oct 24, 2021
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Yep. I'm looking for farm land to grow veggies and medicines from herbs. And chickens!

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lets buy from linda's farm!

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Buff Orpingtons

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Stop drinking and eating sugar. Pretty simple hon.

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Oct 24, 2021
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Just go take a timeout in your safe specs and hopefully everything will be okay

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functional medicine all the way.

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I workout at the gym lifting weights as this gets your endorphins working. This does wonders for one’s mind and body.

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I lived the past 20 years with moderate to severe pain in neck and lower back, disc degeneration, 3 fusions. Nothing helped the pain much until I hired a good personal trainer for private sessions and he strengthened my core, and every other muscle over the course of the past year. PT did nothing. A very good careful trainer can really help. And the blood flow alone makes you feel better

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People have no idea how important it is to do all of this. Especially the core.

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How much ya bench?

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I’m small and not as much as I used to a few years ago. Haha!

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I had a fibromyalgia diagnosis many years ago-extremely frustrating. Three years ago, I ran across a podcast called The Naked Mind- she had suffered chronic pain- couldn’t pick up her toddler. A stranger suggested the book Healing Back Pain- said by the time he finished the book his chronic pain was gone. This woman read the book and had the same experience. I decided to give it a shot and wouldn’t you know it, simply reading this book, my pain was gone. It is phenomenal and applies to a lot more than just back pain. Highly recommend. That being said, I disagree with Alex on this. Dr. Bruce Patterson is studying immune markers in long Covid and sees clear patterns. It’s also perfectly plausible that there’s a low grade inflammation going on, especially considering the virus hangs out in the gut after symptoms have gone.

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I've been calling SARS-CoV-2 as an inflammatory disease, not just a respiratory one although that's usually the first system effected. It inflames systems across the board, even managing to cross the blood-brain barrier which is not at all typical. Long Covid may be nothing more than a continuing immunological reaction to the disease long after it's cleared or continued residence of the virus at a low level in various bodily systems. We don't have enough data to call this at this time.

BTW: @DeckerMage on twitter and I'm still surprised they only knock me offline in 72 hour chunks, so far.

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And what turns up? A new article attributing brain fog and similar symptoms attributed to inflammation in the brain due to breach of the blood-brain barrier. SMH.

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Is the author J Sarno? Want to get the book for my friend

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Alex is just questioning truth and reporting

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There’s questioning and then there’s ridiculing. “Mi mi

mi mi mi” sounds more like ridiculing imaginary illnesses. The people who suffer from these and who have suffered from them already get enough of that.

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He was ridiculing the msm reporter who was writing about himself. Competitive suffering among journalists is insufferable.

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I feel you, Vee. I think it's all about our body's ability to detox--or not. The MTHFR gene might be in play. Anyway, yes, it's not in our fucking heads. Wish it were. Wish a little Prozac would cure it all.

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Yes, the old "good news, your labs are fine, so there is nothing wrong with you," I can relate. I'm so sorry. As a woman, I was told "some women need attention" when I insisted it must be Lyme, even though shitty Elisa testing showed a negative test. Of course, I got every band on the Western Blot when I finally saw a good doctor months later, by then the infection had gone chronic. I'm so sorry you are suffering. Best to you.

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It is real and you have every reason to be upset. I know I am. Women deal with enough BS in medicine. This is utterly disappointing. He’s just like they are.

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Spike Protein Damage of Lung Function??.....Long Haul Symptoms mimic Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms?? We don't have enough Data either way to be critical of Covid Long Haulers. People are also reporting Long Haul Covid Vaccine side effects, Are Spike Proteins causing this too??


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they could be, will know in time. thanks for posting, good stuff!

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Investigate Candida. I too have had fatigue and such as you describe.

I went on a strict Candida diet- one must follow and be disciplined- and I feel like I've discovered what real health is now- I've changed my whole diet, now go to the gym and swim 4x a week- completely changed my outlook and health.

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good point on this Anna. everyone should look at their tongues. they should not be furry or any other color than nice and red colored. if there is a furry appearance and white or grey on the tongue that does not come off, see a functional doc or chinese medicine trained doc.

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I don’t doubt long haul Covid is real. My husband had many of the Covid symptoms back in 11/19 after coming back from a golf trip in CA. No one knew about Covid then. After his “flu” went away, he started getting sharp stabbing like pain right above his one shoulder blade. He figured he slept wrong or something. Then it moved to the other side—very painful. Finally he went to his primary, had MRI, and then was sent to a chiropractor. Anyway, long story short, it has gotten much better, but it wasn’t until afterwards that I started reading about long haul Covid symptoms and many people complained about this type of pain, and in the same place.

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The fact that this illness is confined to middle aged Caucasian women has never led you to suspect it's root is not biological?

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It’s not confined to middle aged white women. White people will often have more access to help. Autoimmunity affects overwhelmingly women. Don’t be part of the problem

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I don't like the way things get dismissed because they supposedly affect mainly "middle aged white women". You might as well say"only Karens get fibro or CFS". Kinda smells like contempt. Unhelpful.

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Agreed. When you're the middle aged white woman who has been battling a chronic health condition going on 20 years it's incredibly unhelpful and full of contempt. Where I work we have received THOUSANDS of emails from all sorts of people, predominantly women, who have been gaslighted by medicine into total hopelessness and despair while the research to help them goes completely ignored by mainstream medicine. I'm still shaking my head Alex is on that boat.

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This condition in NOT confined to Middle Aged women! Young men and women get it. I’m a young, very fit woman who was sick for months with it. I encountered many healthy young people who had it as well.

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You’re absolutely right. Middle aged women make up arguably most of cases and perimenopause/menopause is another area rife with misinformation, neglect, and gaslighting. But truthfully we are seeing an alarming increase in younger people and children. Gotta love industrialization.

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please try a functional medicine doc.

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I got in the elevator in my building (where I live) today. A woman in the elevator said "excuse me". I pulled my dog's leash back, thinking that my dog was too close to her. But no, that wasn't it. I said "what?" - she said "you're not wearing a mask"- I said "there is no mask requirement and I am not sick" -she said "it's a PANDEMIC" - I said "I don't even have a mask" - she said "get off the elevator, I can't ride with you" - I said " you get off if you can't ride with me" - eventually, she got off, angry. She was wearing an N95 mask, btw - and I'd bet my last dollar that she was triple vaxxed. What is wrong with these people? Sometimes I start to think the world is normal and then I encounter someone like this woman who was clearly hiding in her condo for nearly 2 years, coming out only to collect the mail. Long Covid - or mental illness from Covid fear porn - who can tell the difference anymore?

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Good for you for telling her to get off

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In fairness, I have 2 very old dogs. If I have to wait long for an elevator, there is a good chance they don't make it and I will be cleaning up an "accident" in a place that I don't want to have to clean up said accident so I am far less willing to be accommodating to the crazies when I know I am 30 seconds from having a poop in my hands (one dog doesn't walk anymore so I carry her.)

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No obligation to be accommodating to the crazies whether or not you have old dogs.

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You should have said, "It's ok, I can stand the odor for a couple of floors".

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I loved your response! Yes, there are people all over like the one you described, and there’s no way to get through to them. They will continue this behavior until Fauci tells them it’s okay to breathe the air unfiltered again…sad but true 😷😷😣

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Yep pure panic porn

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If I ever see this woman again, I will tell her that I am unvaxxed to send her screaming off into pure panic - LOL

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I don't have a strong opinion on this subject one way or the other, but I'm glad that your readers find this piece so controversial. It's a good reminder that your readers think their own thoughts rather than blindly cheer for their favorite team.

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I admire your work, but this piece comes off as very off base, arrogant and a bit misogynist. The middle age lady stuff is really tired. What about doctors being almost unbelievably incompetent? They are trained to be robotic drug pushers which doesn’t help patients if they have less than obvious issues. It took me 7 years to get diagnosed with celiac disease despite almost daily vomiting and eventually coughing up blood and being hospitalized. During that time, I was told by one of New York Magazine’s “best doctors in New York” that I was ruining my life by insisting I had an illness. It took years to recover from the anemia and other results of HIS incompetence.

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Yes, thank you! Alex Berenson may do good research on some topics, but after having read these pages above, I am terribly disappointed. Arrogant to say the least. And clueless. Sorry to be harsh but the excerpt really pushed my buttons. He is siding with all of those incompetent, arrogant, heartless mainstream doctors who have been the bane of my family's existence until we all started going to holistic doctors (not covered by our insurance) and finally found some relief there.

The few pages shown here discredit all of his work.

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I found it interesting that Alex accepts the HIV-causes-AIDS theory uncritically. But CFS and fibro .. That's middle aged women who probably don't have enough to do..🙄

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This piece is as bad as the gauntlet of gaslighting every chronic health patient has to walk.

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Similar story with me.

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I have chronic Lyme and 4 other tick diseases that have ruined the last 8 years of my life. What is the point of your post? Very disappointing Alex- please explain.

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I’m at a loss as well, it’s too long of a point to make. Not his best post. Is he mocking long covid? I’m on board that world has gone crazy mad and this thing is completely overblown and the entire point of it was to get an injection in people. However, I do believe people have been genuinely sick with long covid, just like with Lyme and other like diseases. Chronic illness is real, doesn’t matter what starts it off.

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Very well said. That is why I am a paid subscriber because I appreciate his work and think the Branch Covidians (someone on here coined!) are nuts. Thank you for believing in those of us who are ill. It is very appreciated.

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tick diseases are bad news. I am truly sorry you are having to deal with any of it.

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Thank you- it's made worse by people who don't believe you. I appreciate your comment!

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we see tick borne diseased in vet med all the time. I believe you.

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Thank you!

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I don't think it has to do with the particular disease, but the specific person from the NYT.

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Then he should clarify.

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Thanks- I cant read his chapter without my cheat glasses which are at home. It's upsetting to have a chronic illness as it is-

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I think part of the problem with the difficult-to-define-objectively diseases is that their definitions and treatment protocols have been created by pharma, not by experts in basal good health. So chronic conditions that actually can be managed or cured with stringent diet and physical therapy protocols are defaulted to drug regimens instead. The pain and the suffering are real, the drug treatments are ineffective, and those who offer nonpharmacologic therapies are mocked and suppressed.

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functional doctors are mds with so much more holistic training and certification. Vitamins diet, minerals tailored to each unique patient. they are fabulous. find one and divorce your regular GP.

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I see an excellent Dr. - after having been bounced around by 18 doctors who were clueless as to what I had which landed me in the ICU for 3 days. Agree- functional medicine docs have so much to offer. TY!

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does my heart so good to hear this. keep up your good health and blessings always!

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Most Lymies use functional docs and herbs. Two weeks of doxy, which ID docs prescribe IF they see a bullseye, does nothing except force the bugs into hiding in bone, biofilm, the brain.

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Exactly. It took so long to find a doctor who diagnosed me and who understand the bacteria burrow its way into tissue and organs- and how to "trick the bacteria" into coming out to kill them.

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Just bought Ross Douthat’s book, was wondering the same thing

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Going to get as well!

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I think I’m going through long haul Covid fatigue due to the fact that the media, medical establishment and politicians just won’t let this virus disappear.

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I agree, it’s causing all of us mental distress. Coupled with the fact that the evil elites are trying to turn us into a communist country on top of the C virus, it’s EXHAUSTING!

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Amen, brother!

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Post-viral syndrome certainly appears to be real. Like many people, I wasn’t previously aware that a small proportion of people who get sick with influenza remain distinctly sub-par for months afterwards. Most people are fully ok within a month, though.

I have seen just one sizeable comparative review of this post-flu subpar condition & long covid19.

Neither jumped out as strikingly more of less common or more or less severe.

I’m not surprised that some people are genuinely & sometimes quite obviously still unwell, months after systemic infection by a influenza, a respiratory virus that kills a low single figure number of people per 1000 infections.

It would arguably be surprising if this didn’t occur after infection by SARS-CoV-2.

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Dr. Y, Thank you for getting the word out about the hellish future the pandemic managers have in mind. As a committed leftist, your "Why are we being lied to about COVID?" changed my life. You asked exactly the questions I was asking, and gave me deeply disturbing, but legitimate answers. You made it possible for me to think the unthinkable. Thank you for giving me the key to open my mind to seeing the looming totalitarian takeover. I owe my present clarity to you. I will take what I have learned, and go fight the mandates!

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Thank you for your kind gift of feedback!

I’m glad it’s helped you, though I’m sorrier than I can communicate than I can explain that this is happening.

You mentioned “making it possible to think the unthinkable”.

Can you say what prevented you thinking the unthinkable beforehand?

It’s a serious question, and the answer might be a key to helping others.

Best wishes


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The feedback was heartfelt. I am indebted to you--and never imagined I'd have an opportunity to thank you.

What's unthinkable is the scale of evil now coordinating globally to control all the peoples of the Earth. It sounds way too paranoid to possibly be true. It would be a bad sci-fi movie, except that it's real. It's really hard for a workaday person to wrap their head around the idea that their government wants to kill them and/or enslave them. It is so shocking that it turns one's world upside down--everything one previously trusted disappears. That's extremely disorienting...

I've been listening to Prof. Desmet of Belgium lecture on Mass Formation. He says that one-third of the people are in a kind of trance, brought about by the climate of fear set up by the lies you've identified. That's why ridiculous ideas like a vaccine mandate are acceptable, despite the failure of the vaccines.

I'd be happy to help you any way I can.

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I have no idea what to do.

I’ve been doing my best for 18 months.

The lack of sufficient impact isn’t for what of trying, it’s been 18 hours a day until I fell ill, unsurprisingly.

I have held onto the idea that SOMEONE would read what I & others have said & decided to organise a resistance.

I’m unable & unsuited to leading.

Too ill, too tired, wrong skill sets.

I could lead a small band of scientists. That’s it. That’s what I was good at.

So I urge you to help yourself & others to do whatever you can & encourage others to do the same.

If we don’t all do so, bluntly, we will soon be beyond the point of no return, if we’re not already there.

I don’t have the three points of a plan beyond what I’m already doing.

Best wishes


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I had swine flu in Nov 2009. I was very sick for 3 weeks. Then it took me another 2 months to be able to walk up one flight of stairs without becoming winded. And a few months more to feel back to normal.

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Thank you for posting that. 5 weeks since I got covid here, almost back to normal, done with fever and the worst of it in one week, but up till today still hungry all the time, and prone to spells of fatigue. I know I got off light (ivermectin+zpak etc helped) but still felt unlike anything I'd ever had. Your experience post swine flu is a good data point. I hope you're all better.

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Guess I'm one of the many who didn't know that. Thanks for pointing that out. Can you point us to the research about similar post flu symptoms and the one comparative review you mention? I'm working on a piece about what I think might be causing that.

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I've had the flu 3 times in my life. The first time I had it my recovery was a couple of months to 100%. the subsequent times was water off a ducks back. The flu is a remarkable infection. There is no mistaking a flu from a bad cold as it comes on from nothing to full-blown sick in less than 8 hours. Impressive.

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I'm disappointed, Alex, to see you firmly rooted in the "It's all in your head, dear" school of medicine. You also aren't up to date with your science.

A genuine pioneer in medicine, Dr. Bruce Patterson, whose website is covidlonghaulers.com, has done profound work identifying immune markers that are specific to long haul COVID. Perhaps even more interesting, he hypothesizes that similar mechanisms are at work in CFS/ME. His amazing paper: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2021.700782/full

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While I agree that there has been a surplus of fear porn over COVID, some persistent long COVID symptoms are real - especially the autoimmune/neurological ones. Dr. Patterson's work indicates that these are related to on-going dysregulation of the immune response. For instance, in earlier work he showed that in long COVID patients, certain circulating immune cells (monocytes) express S1 subunit of spike protein for 15 months or more, thereby continually presenting antigen to the immune system. Normally these monocytes turn over in a day or so. Thank you for pointing out this more recent paper of DR. Patterson. Perhaps Alex will take a look and can decode the implications with the help of well-versed immunologists.

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Spike Protein Damage of Lung Function??.....Long Haul Symptoms mimic Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms?? We don't have enough Data either way to be critical of Covid Long Haulers. People are also reporting Long Haul Covid Vaccine side effects, Are Spike Proteins causing this too??


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Mr Berenson. I am a physician (internal medicine and endocrinology) with decades of experience in the clinical care of patients. I also have expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with Lyme disease. I also treat patients with COVID-19. I have devoted a lot of study to these clinical challenges. I urge you to adhere to the COVID "vaccine" story. Your ignorance and lack of medical expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 and other medical conditions (including chronic Lyme disease) is not consistent or worthy of your other important effort. A similar snide arrogance is what we get from many physicians who have dismissed the reality of chronic Lyme disease for decades. That includes the CDC. So I urge humility and restraint.

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Julie and kittynana: read what I wrote. Do not be simple minded in accepting all that someone writes. He knows nothing about these other areas. He should stick to the vaccine story. HE DOES WELL THERE. But I question everything with my medical expertise and critical thinking. Alex is ignorant about the very complex chronic Lyme story and knows nothing about outpatient treatment of COVID. Treatment is not vaccines. He does not need your support. He needs a rebuke. Julie: Check out https://covid19criticalcare.com/

But there are more resources. Few doctors are courageous or knowledgeable enough to treat.

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Wasn't my intent to show support for what he said. I apologize for that miscommunication.

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im confused. Alex does know about treatments and he is reporting that the vaccines r a problem. As far as lymes disease i thought he was questioning , what did i miss

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The ball is now in your court, Doctor. In other words, you claim he's not capable of reporting properly and yet you offer no proof of your argument.

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You want all the body of knowledge of chronic illness in a substack comment?

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See what I wrote: vaccines are NOT treatment

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Oct 25, 2021
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Not my intent to make any dialogue hostile. But I take offense with those who look down on others because they don't have the same letters after their names then offer no argument to their point. You gave more info in your comment than the poster.

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Oct 25, 2021
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I've been out of town and just saw this. Responses like your are why I haven't missed Facebook while I've been a guest in their jail (I'm a frequent flier). I appreciate the maturity and thought processes of those on Substack.

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Oct 27, 2021
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This is correct. The FLCCC Alliance doctors are treating long-haul COVID as MCAS.

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Thank you Diana. Be well

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Lyme disease, like covid was made and released from a lab. Sad and disgusting.

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mr unamed physician! Alex has more truth being revealed than Fauci and most maimstream drs! what r you doing to treat covid! Id love to know !

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see what I wrote: vaccines are not treatment.

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Wow again. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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Oct 25, 2021
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Yes. Doctors and the establishment will ridicule and mock and dismiss or blame the patient when they have an illness or symptoms that we cannot explain. This has been going for years . For example, asthma, ulcer disease were thought to psychogenic

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I had severe asthma and was born in the fifties when many, many practitioners still thought asthma was a psychological disease. My poor parents! To have it implied that their child was struggling to breathe because of some pathology in the home psychology, that had to be terrible. There were no breathing treatments in those days. It was frightening for everyone. Terribly wrong to dismiss it as psychological.

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Oct 24, 2021
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i took alex’s article as questioning. from what i know about Alex i dont believe he is discounting anyone, again just questioning and reporting. You will have to read the whole book. wishing you well 😊

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Please don’t dismiss these post-infectious & post-vaccination problems. Problems can arise from both infections & vaccinations. Unfortunately, My family has experienced this with our child. Tick-borne illness caused our previously athletic child to develop dysautonomia. Read up on POTS & how devastating it can be. You also may want to check out https://www.fmtest.com/ , https://www.omf.ngo/. More is being learned everyday.

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I read something a few weeks ago about ivermectin’s ability to possibly cure Lyme disease. I didn’t know much about Lyme disease until our sweet collie became infected. He passed away from kidney disease several years later which we believe was attributed to Lyme disease. From what I understand it’s estimated over 300,000 people are affected by this annually in the United States, in addition to pets. It angers me that there isn’t enough focus on this disease. If we had a legitimate CDC perhaps it would be.

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Chagas disease killed two labrador puppies which we got from a breeder (most of the dogs in his kennel were infected, and there's no cure). Ticks aren't the only ones carrying devastating illnesses. Look up the "Triatominae" bug - it's very common. Pets left outdoors are at grave risk.

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Thank you for your comment. My daughter battled tick bourne illness for 6 years. The pain and cognitive dysfunction were debilitating. She has finally got the infection under control but is now left with lifelong autoimmune complications.

Given a choice, I’d take “long Covid” any day.

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Is she doing Ozone Therapy?

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Been there with my daughter. It has devastated her life. Prayers.

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go to redpill78 on rumble and listen to his latest podcast on clorine dioxide

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go to redpill78 and listen to his latest podcast on clorine dioxide

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on rumble

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Yeah had to stop reading at "restless leg syndrome isn't real", just because you haven't experienced something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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Lol! Yeah restless leg syndrome became real when pharma wanted to make money off of it lol. Wasn’t around until they made commercials to scare the sheep. Sad.

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I've never seen a commercial for it, never taken medication for it, experienced it before I had ever heard of it. Just because you haven't experienced something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

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Wrong - I had RLS way before I ever knew what it was or saw “commercials” for it - what commercials btw? It has to do with brain iron deficiency for some people. Certain things exacerbate it. It’s extremely unpleasant and greatly affects quality of life and sleep.

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Said this is previous comment. Still correct.

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I had a week of incredible leg pain in high school, a few days after I started cross country - as if I suddenly was having an autoimmune attack on my leg bones. "Couldn't" get up for a week, not that lying down was any better.

Fortunately, there was no affording a visit to the doctor at the time.

So I eventually just got up and went to school and back to cross-country. Pain went away after a day.

Medicine invents illnesses. Not to deny the extent to which medicine also downplays pain when it doesn't have an answer - but sometimes not having an answer is better than having one.

Somehow I only discovered Ivan Illich this year. He warned society about this well before it happened.

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Our bodies are wondrous machines!

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I no longer read the New York Times. I will just mention that chronic Lyme Disease (likely another bioweapon) is vey real. My brother has been fighting it for ten years. The medical establishment only recently acknowledged that it exists.

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My sister had Lyme disease about 30 years ago--they found a tick in the bed--and her husband may have gotten it also, with the symptom of Bell's palsy that went away after about a half year. I think they gave him antibiotics. My sister's case was not diagnosed untill later, and by then the spirochetes had reached her spinal fluid. She took a course of intravenous antibiotics for a half a year and finally recovered. I'm not sure what all the symptoms were--joint pain and other things. I don't know when it became permissible to say this was a fashionable disease that celebrities faked, when the cause and symptoms are very real.

Also hasn't chronic fatigue syndrome been related to Epstein-Barr virus? It's obvious that's not the only cause. I also believe that a lot of these conditions are the results of vaccines or medications. Specifically the Sabin live attenuated oral polio vaccine, which was given from the early 1960s up to 2000 in this country, which can cause Acute Flaccid Paralysis, and other symptoms that emerge for years or decades, including symptoms like dystonia and chronic fatigue; and older psychiatric medication like phenothiazines, can cause neurological damage, including tardive dyskinesia and other dyskinesias, including restless leg syndrome, and possibly trigger Tourette syndrome, as can amphetamines, which were sometimes given with those psychiatric drugs, supposedly to counteract the depressive effects, as can an Ritalin, an amphetamine-like drug, in some children. Millions of people a year were and are damaged and disabled by these and newer drugs.

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Thanks for your post. Glad your sister beat it. My bro was misdiagnosed, as the standard test was negative. By the time it was diagnosed it was years after he first contracted it. He has been though many multi-drug protocols and has just embarked on another. The neuropathy is the worst part. Is Alex sneering at this? If so, I won't continue as a subscriber, sad to say.

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please bruce, i do not believe alex is sneering. we are all here bc of him and what he has to say. just dont think he is that kind of guy. perhaps the benefit of the doubt, something we could all use at times, i know i could. please stay.

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He may not be sneering but he is too arrogant for me. Not too surprised as he comes from the mainstream media journalist cabal. They obviously fancy themselves to be part of the elite insiders who rule the world with their propaganda and lies.

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But Judith, you knew that and still came to this group. There must have been a good reason. Stay, we need your voice and input. I humbly disagree with your assessment of Alex but I respect your stance as much as my own. We are all works in progress and probably not finished even on the day we are no longer here. Just stay with us.

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Thank you, Laura, your kind words. Yes, I knew, but I was hoping he was "different" from all the other wolves in media. Maybe he is, and perhaps it is just that old habits die hard. I do know that men in general are not as empathetic as women and that it is hard to believe in others' pain and suffering when the mainstream medical establishment declares that there is "nothing wrong" with that person.

I guess it is just that scoffing chronic Lyme disease patients hit very close to home!

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Get Stephen Buhner's book, Healing Lyme. It is not effortless to implement his protocols, but they really work well. Much better than long-term antibiotics.

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My brother has read Everything. He is well informed and is working with one of the few doctors who treat chronic Lyme.

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anything is better than long term AB's and especially if you have broke with c. Difficile.

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yup EB virus can cause CFS. May be worth it to test for CMV as well.(cytomegalo virus).

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But they don't acknowledge the chronic nature of the tickborn disease.

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I'm not surprised. My brother has had to ry all sorts of protocols and is now working with a very expensive specialist, hoping for some relief.

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Been there done that with my kiddo. Prayers to your brother. Functional medicine is the best help for him. Peace...

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what is functional medicine?

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Docs who go for the root of problems. Genes, diet, ability to detox, lifestyle. Ours discovered my daughter had a mutation on the MTHFR gene which is involved in almost every metabolic aspect of the body. The mutation prevents her from getting rid of toxins efficiently. Her mitochondria we're screwed up. Between aggressive antibiotics and antimalarials, plus detox protocols and supplements, we rid her of Lyme and babesia, which caused her POTS. She still suffers from depression, fatigue, and mycoplasma but is starting to live.

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Glad you got her some help. I'm sure this wasn't inexpensive.

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The acronym for that gene looks like a vulgarism, and to me, POTS is the kind of telephone landline I still have. Not so much here, but in some cases using acronyms can be very ambiguous, or interpreted to mean multiple different things.

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https://www.ifm.org/ hope this enlightens

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darn tootin, best thing going

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I looked it up. Thanks.

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dogs have chronic issues after getting lyme disease. these mds have got to go. veterinarians will take care of you!

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Good yo know

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I meant to

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you have got to be kidding me, we have seen it in vet med for years.

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Alex - I am someone who is a long hauler. Treated my Covid as a cold and got back to running and cycling while still not 100%. Reactivated my Epstein Barr Virus (mono). I understand EBV reactivation is about 60% of long covid cases, so it is a real medical condition. I'm no 66 have been trim and active, had mono back when I was 21. Ivermectin helped me but I started it too late to prevent the EBV.

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This week's Darkhorse podcast talks about his book, 12:20 mark. Well worth the listen.


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Awesome thank you for posting: advice from darkhorse... "follow the silence", "read the books they want to burn", and seek out and listen to the people they don't want you to hear or to talk to and I'll add ... share share share...

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Here are a few pertinent things I want to share:

Thomas Renz Interview from 10/22 starts at 6:20 but got back to >> Know his name, remember it -- he is an American Hero--This man is single handedly going to save the world

Here is an interview he did from 10/22/21 on OAN his part starts around 6:20 MIN

but the part right before at 4:20 is very good too about OSHA


This guys from Florida - the Surgeon General- Tells it like it is -No Hold Bar:



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By “his book” I mean Ross Douthat’s.

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Why is this your take? I suffered horrible from Lyme. Seems unnecessarily callous. And I’m totally team Berenson. I don’t get it.

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i believe you. Alex is questioning everything. See an alternative dr. and go to redpill78 on rumble and listen to the podcast on chlorine dioxide. Supposed to cure lyme disease. wishing you well

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I have so far considered Mr Berenson a great researcher, at least as far as the whole tissue of lies build around the Covid hoax is concerned. But I am appalled that he apparently writes about medical things that he knows nothing about, in lockstep with mainstream doctors whose misdiagnoses and (mis)treatments of Lyme disease patients have been causing untold suffering for years. Those same mainstream doctors have ridiculed, talked condescendingly down to or ignored the tens of thousands of people who do not get better from Lyme after a 1- to 4-week low-dose antibiotic treatment.

Berenson quotes CDC (!!) opinions and federal studies to opine that chronic Lyme is only in the head of patients because they don't choose Sontag's "good passport." I am outraged because both of my daughters and I had chronic Lyme and for one of my daughters it was debilitating, very difficult to treat, and frightening because of the callous and ignorant attitude of the pediatricians who "treated" her while she was so sick she couldn't even read, barely ate and slept 20 hours a day for many weeks. Only when I took her to an alternative doctor who put my daughter on long-term antibiotic treatment, combined with holistic treatments did she finally get better -- after a year and a half. To ignore the stories of terrible suffering of countless people like those in my family is callous and ignorant, if not arrogant.

I am very disappointed and feel that such superficial treatment of issues about which he obviously knows very little and using the CDC and federal sources to make a point discredit his work in general. I won't trust anything he says any longer.

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hes just questioning

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No he’s not. He’s joining legions of doctors who dismiss and gaslight very real conditions backed by plenty of research but that have no pharma applications. He’s a straight up pharma shill with this.

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i believe reading the whole book is in order here

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No, I am sorry, he is giving his opinion on -- or "reporting" on -- some studies from very questionable sources (who in his right mind sources the CDC?), and stating things that have no basis in reality, all without doing any credible research....

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It didn’t take the media very long to create ‘Long Covid’ and as usual, they have shamelessly promoted it for clicks.

There is not a single objective finding, no laboratory or radiological evidence to support its existence.

When I heard colleagues say they were treating it with anti-depressants, I knew it wasn’t worth worrying about.

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Oct 25, 2021
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How fortunate for you that your antidepressant also suppresses inflammation. The tricyclic antidepressants, as leukotriene blockers might also be of benefit to you. A medical education might add context for you. In the interim, please know that Google is no substitute for actually understanding and knowing what works in our patients.

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As a middle aged woman with some very serious health issues it is almost impossible to be taken seriously by society or by doctors. There is a huge blind spot in society that one hopes maybe writers and 'trained observers' would actually be able to see: that there is an epidemic of auto-immune and endocrine related diseases in women. So day after day women by the time they're 40+ are pretty sick and going into the doctor -- "I have no energy, I feel awful" and day after day they're misdiagnosed with depression, given pharma drugs and sent home. They try every diet on the Internet. They order supplements. They shop the health food store and they wonder -- why don't I feel better?

Why does no one ask - what in the world is going on with the 40+ women? Grandma wasn't sick like this.... Well they don't ask why everyone has at least one or two transgender people in their family now do they? Why Grandpa is now Grandma. Why your best friend is obese when they starve themselves silly.

The questions you're not allowed to ask is the dog that isn't barking and that is where the story is, and the quasi narcissistic image conjured loosely in this chapter of the depressed middle aged woman, I'll add: alone at home with her cats slowly descending into further neuroticism and booking as many doctor appointments as possible, this isn't an image conjured by the author, it's an image the chemical companies hope we hold to our chests and keep forefront in our minds as the rest of our people and society succumb quietly to a whole slew of powerful environmental toxins as well as those added to food.

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Exactly. Thank you. Unreal and incredibly blind.

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Wow. I really don’t understand you ragging on those suffering with and from fibromyalgia and ME, me being included in both columns here.

You obviously have never suffered from these conditions. Believe me, they are real, and I hope you never personally find out how real. How and why you’ve weaved fibro and ME into the COVID hoax is beyond me.

I’m not a “middle-aged woman” with fibro and ME; I am a man who contracted this in my early 40’s, and am now approaching 60. I was a high-level, multi-sport athlete, accomplished in some of the most (perceived) “tough-guy” professions around. I mocked people with this condition. I abhorred weak people.

I didn’t just get one aspect of this thing. I got almost all of the classic symptoms. If anything, it’s getting worse in some ways, but I’ve learned to live with it.

I do agree with getting away from the medical enablers. I took part a 2-year long “program” designed specifically for folks like me, albeit I was one of only a couple of men in said program. What I found was a lot of “software” help, but hardly any “hardware” assistance. By that I mean there was a ton of focus on one’s mental state and how to “cope” with the disease, but not much help in the traditional sense of medicine. I wanted to hear what I could DO about my condition, but there’s precious little, especially if you’re on a disability pension. You can treat the symptoms to an extent, it seems, but the disease is not yet curable, as you so aptly compared to AIDS. For someone as smart as you seem to be, how tone deaf could you possibly be?

You personally don’t have to believe in something for something to be true. But you don’t get to tell me what I’m experiencing isn’t true or real.

An element you never touch on, let alone address (but I’m not really surprised by this now), is the effect that concussions can have on felt pain. I myself have had around 20 concussions, luckily only a handful of which were serious to the point of losing consciousness. The affects of these brains traumas don’t just go away like a bruise on your knee. Synapses are damaged or destroyed. Things feel, look and sound different afterwards. Phantom pain is still pain to the brain. Brain fog is really brain fog. Temporary loss of hearing or vision really happens. Spending hour after hour tossing and turning in bed because of severe restless legs, hands and arms is frustratingly real. Having days on end of diarrhea is painfully real. Embarrassingly, anxiety attacks are unfortunately horribly real.

I think the old saying (please excuse the loose paraphrasing here) of spending a minute in another’s shoes before criticizing or denying his pain is in order here for you to pay special attention. Don’t let your success in outing the COVID hoax let you think that you now are qualified to speak about, or know everything related to, the human body and its ills, because you certainly don’t.

Congrats on the book.

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Apologies if you've had too many suggestions like the following, but based on my experience this year, I recommend reading https://www.amazon.com/Eat-Rich-Live-Long-Mastering/dp/1628602732 and seeing if the approach in the book addresses some symptoms. For something more extreme, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daK6nMpxLeE

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In the last 20 years, I’ve heard almost everything, friend, but I’ll give it a read. Thanks for the thought.

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Having suffered with a syndrome for many decades, my first reaction when I hear about someone else's syndrome is usually belief combined with empathy. I realize the first reaction of many people who don't suffer from a syndrome is unbelief combined with condescension. A syndrome going away (or into remission?) can be a wonderful situation, which I wish on everyone who suffers from one or more!

Ironically some people are unaware that they have a syndrome, because no one has connected the dots among their set of frustrating symptoms.

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So...you think chronic Lyme is made up, Alex? I love your writing, but you're way off-base on this one. It took three idiot doctors mis-diagnosing my husband for two years before we finally figured out (with help from Stephen Buhner's excellent book) that he was suffering from chronic Lyme. And trust me, there is nothing fake about the fevers, chills, recurring skin infection at the bite location, debilitating joint pain, and other symptoms. With how little we know about Covid, and the general incompetence of our medical establishment, who am I (or you, or anyone else) to say that there's no such thing as long Covid??

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LP: yes as I stated; he should stick to the COVID inoculation story.

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I bow to Stephen Buhner. I've read and reread every one of his herbals, and used many of his protocols. This man is a healer.

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People are sick because we're poisoned every single day all day. The body freaks out at the poison in various ways. Our air is poisoned, our water is poisoned, our food is poisoned. People are obese because we don't get enough nutrition out of our food. People are addicted to sugar (a poison), fat, and caffeine. Of course they're sick. But, big pharma to the rescue to slap a band-aid on it that will make things worse in the long run. The Hegelian Dialectic continues.

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Great points! To be more specific, processed foods are often poisons: sugar, high fructose corn syrup, refined grains, and most vegetable oils other than olive, avocado, palm, and coconut. For some people caffeine may need to be eliminated, but for many it's fine in moderation. Each of us may have intolerance for certain plant products, and it's good to know what those are, even if it is difficult to figure out. I had/have one of the conditions Alex was pooh-poohing in chapter 25 for over 5 decades, but when I eliminated the "poisons" I listed above earlier this year, the annoying syndrome's symptoms disappeared! I do NOT believe it was all in my head.

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Most peoples' thinking is in Opposite Land. We've been conditioned over decades to trust medicine to treat things that only diet and exercise and the right supplements can treat and cure. We're all mired in wrong-think.

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Look at how people reacted to the jabs, with all those horrible symptoms. My lawn guy's legs swelled up and turned purple. He thought he was going to die after both jabs. He got delirious from fever, walked into a wall and cracked it. That ain't a vaccine 'working' - that's your body trying its best to detox from poison!

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Caffeine is good for you bud

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I've seen plenty of evidence to the contrary, including my own experience.

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Explain please

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Besides caffeine affecting various people differently, the form of caffeine and time of day matter too. Coffee and caffeinated soft drinks affect me badly, but black, green, and white tea any time of day before I finish my evening meal is fine.

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Horrible for your endocrine system, bad for women in menopause, causes horrible anxiety, and road rage. If you drink it every day and then stop suddenly you will feel like shit. That's because you're addicted.

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Long Covid (or long-haul Covid) documents myriad symptoms NOT related to respiratory for which the FLCCC Alliance has created a protocol. My son & I contracted and recovered from Covid last year, ~July 2020. My wife & I caught & recovered from Covid about 2 months ago. As they recovered, I developed a rash (or hives) on my lower left leg; sensitivity to heat; euphoric feeling coursing through my body, tingling skin; body aches. After going through a doctor affiliated with the FLCCC, I am better informed on "Long Covid." I've been prescribed their regimen, but it's been almost impossible to find a pharmacy around me in Florida that will fill Ivermectin. You know the drill: anyone who considers a "horse dewormer" needs help from "Big Brother." I finally have found an online pharmacy that will fill IVT, but I'll need to wait one month to receive it. In the meantime, I'm taking Quercitin, C, D, B.

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You are on the right path. These supplements plus zinc, magnesium and COQ10 helped me. But it takes time. Good luck.

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There are hundreds of thousands of people who have joined long Covid groups. I hope nobody will suggest they’re all attention-seeking hypochondriacs. One of the many terrible aspects of modern medicine is its tendency to explain away and disparage illnesses it can’t explain or treat.

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Check out InCellDx Dr Bruce Patterson and Dr Yogendra’s work on long Covid and Long vax patients. Very interesting findings.

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Spike Protein Damage of Lung Function??.....Long Haul Symptoms mimic Pulmonary Hypertension Symptoms?? We don't have enough Data either way to be critical of Covid Long Haulers. People are also reporting Long Haul Covid Vaccine side effects, Are Spike Proteins causing this too??


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check your vitamin D levels, most americans are deficient.

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hell yeah...

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Correction: My wife & daughter caught & recovered Covid about 2 months ago. Sorry.

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excellent plan MDP. so happy to hear that your family is ok and you are on your way to healing

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As far as your reference to restless leg syndrome, this is another example of symptom that is treated like a syndrome. I had it for years. Sitting on a plane or bus in the evenings would drive me mad. I had to take an extremely hot bath every might to fall asleep. But once I stopped eating gluten and especially corn, poof it was gone. If I consume corn, it will immediately return that evening. I had to figure it out on my own, but far too often doctors just want to write you a Rx and send you on your way and never get to the bottom of the real issue.

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I wonder how many here complaining have root canal teeth? Given keeping dead tissue in the body will always lead to chronic pain issues, from the effect of asymptomatic infection slowly leaching bacterial toxins into the body. Given the 97% correlation of breast cancer on the same side as the root-canaled tooth, it's a wonder anyone would still get one.

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coconut oil pulling and find dentist to remove fillings. Robert Scott Bell and DrEricZ.com

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plus the mercury in the fillings....

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OMG! Thank you , Alex for telling it like it is, but that's not a surprise, you've been doing it since the beginning of COVID. As a physician who has spent the last 15 years reviewing and testifying at SSA disability appeal hearings, the number of people attempting to get disability for fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, migraine headaches, chronic pain syndrome, chronic Lyme disease and all sorts of basically subjective complaints is astounding. Long COVID sure has a striking resemblance to good old FM or maybe chronic Lyme disease. Better start getting daily antibiotic shots for the next few years. I'm sure they'll find a doctor who needs a new Porsche. Can't wait till all these people file for disability. I guess I'll have a job for quite a while.

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antibiotics rot your microbiome and mds use too many of them. now we have MRSA and other multi drug resistant organisms.

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C. Diff anyone?

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Thank goodness I had a more helpful/compassionate doctor.

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I wasn’t trying to “get” anything but some help.

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Thank you doc. Americans are sick. Mostly in the head. Sad!

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I’ve said this before but I have never heard of an illness with such a varied and all-encompassing list of symptoms. Or no symptoms! You can have none, one, any number in combination, or all. Amazing virus.

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It really is crazy. I had it earlier this month, and this weekend I talked to another women who had it in September. We had completely different symptoms. I had GI issues with fever and major fatigue along with a tightness in the lungs if I breathed VERY deeply. She had fever, respiratory issues, bad back pain, and very bad vertigo. Hearing the wide variety of symptoms gives me even more reason to believe this is a man-made Frankenvirus.

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And we both had loss of taste and smell.

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Take zinc. Being ill from anything depletes zinc and causes loss of taste and smell.

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The Coronavirus attaches to the ACE2 sites. Which are in many areas inside the body besides the lungs. The circulatory system. The nerves. The kidneys. It crosses the blood/brain barrier.

It can bury itself inside the body. Just like herpes, hpv, chickenpox, and many other viruses.

A little more knowledge and compassion are in order.

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Funny you say that, since there is 0 scientific proof ot it.

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Think maybe you read too much into my post. Project much?

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A general comment. Perhaps you have read too much into my comment?

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Covid19 has never been isolated.

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COvid19 = death, rebranded.

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You are really wrong on the Lyme stuff Alex. It’s really incredibly painful and debilitating. This is not a good look when you say these things. Dr. Fauci himself gaslighted a group of chronic fatigue syndrome patients, you sound like him now. Why don’t you talk to a NY doctor treats it Like Dr. Kenneth Liegner or Dr. Leo Galland. It’s not about being tired or not feeling great. It goes from acute and then can become that. I was bedridden for a couple years, and I’m normally a healthy and active person and now I’m much better. Believe me, it is real. It can take years of brewing in your system with mild symptoms and then get a lot worse. It’s an infection. Most people don’t get adequate treatment. Do you think having symptoms after Ebola is also mental?

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I meant Dr. Kenneth Liegner. He is not at all holistic, if that’s a sticking point. Also Dr. Brian A. Fallon at Columbia, researches Lyme and directs Center of Neuroinflammatory Disease. I’m sure he can show you some studies and data.

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Long Covid is a media diagnosis of what is known as Viral Infection Syndrome. This happens after a severe viral illness including influenza, gastroenteritis, lyme and other viral diseases. I had the flu many years ago and effects lingered for months afterwards. Nothing new here except for the lies told by the mainstream media to keep people who don't know any better scared and watching. Disgraceful.

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Well, yes. Long covid aka VIS cna exist.

But also: there are people claiming to have long covid whose symptoms are not tied in any way to an upper respiratory illness.

For example, I have a colleague claiming to have long covid and she says it has caused neurological damage, so bad she can't look at a screen for more than 30 seconds, which means she can't work. But she's still getting paid her handsome partner's salary to sit at home and do whatever she does all day. It's complete bullshit. I know her fairly well, and I'd say she's having a somatic experience, rather than trying to grift the company. But since she's been gone her team has had to work twice as hard to cover the hole she left. It really sucks.

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The spike proteins do cross the blood brain barrier- it’s not outside the realm of possibilities

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I wonder if in certain people the immune response triggered by viral or bacterial infections becomes hyper-responsive for some prolonged period of time after the triggering infection is eliminated. Any slight change in the body's internal environmental status triggers an excessive immune response. Certainly some of the symptoms are probably entirely psychological, others probably not. If this were the case, then a course of steroids to tamp down the immune reactivity might help.

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Lyme is bacterial. To be fair, there are a number of coinfections that accompany it, some of which may be viral. But Borellia itself is a bacterium.

Just an observation—I find it interesting that Alex, who is skeptical of the CDC/NIAID nevertheless cites their official stance on chronic Lyme.

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After reading the chapter and the comments, perhaps this wasn't the best section to preview. By the way, Restless Leg is real.

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Stop all carbohydrates for two weeks - all sugar, all grain, all carb-containing foods - and your restless legs will rest. I promise.

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I am low carb, no sugar, have not been to a dr in5 years, but my restless legs are real.

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Try adding epsom salt baths before bed. If that's not possible, Theraworx Relief foam (available at chain drug stores) is a good alternative.

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You are fierce Deb, wish I was as disciplined as you. Keep it going!

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cut out processed oils dt linoleic acid. canola, soy, sunflower, safflower, avocado, rice bran, grape seed, corn and peanut. read ty our food labels. even if these oils are organic, cut them out.

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It’s real. I had it. Means you are too sedentary. Walk 20 minutes at a good pace at night before bed. Boom solved

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You may be interested to know they walking briskly brings RLS on for my teen daughter.

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Yes, exercise only helps RLS if you go to bed early and don’t wake us.

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You’re extremely blessed that works for you.

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Can’t read the PDFs - please tell me that RLS is not mocked. I’m the biggest AB fan there is and I will he devastated. RLS is a very real and horrible condition for some people.

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Dude! 😂 do you just every now and then feel the need to shed subscriber and piss off your base??? Those with chronic symptoms do truly suffer. I know. And yes, it is likely they are just latching on to ANY available explanation. But you come across as intentionally discrediting them and saying it’s all in their heads. They may have their faith in their diagnosis or treatment misplaced, but their suffering is real. Something is going on that is NOT psychological. Compassion is warranted.

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I have a friend that is deathly afraid of getting long haul Covid. Nothing I say can convince her that she likely doesn't need to worry about it unless she is hospitalized and more likely in the ICU on a ventilator. And in that case, her concerns would be much greater, like not dying. If she gets Covid, I am afraid she will be a long haul case, because she already has a lot of the symptoms and she doesn't even have Covid yet. The fear of everything Covid that medical professionals have instilled in emotionally vulnerable people is cruel. And people that are fearful are willing to give up rights, which is why she is in favor of mask / vaccine mandates. So she is willing to leverage her fear to infringe on the rights of others. I can only hope people of her mindset remain in the minority.

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it must be hell to live like that. thank you for being a steadfast friend.

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It is very difficult for me to get past her support for vaccine mandates, because even though I am not impacted by them, I find it abhorrent to force someone to submit to a vaccine against their will or forfeit their financial stability, feeding their kids, etc. But she is a lovely person. I just regularly remind myself that she is fearful and I try to share positive news with her. I try to share Alex's substack with her, but you can imagine that she isn't a fan. lol

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that is all you can do. she has her own timelines. if we try to shove something down a persons throat, all they do is vomit. slow and steady wins the race!

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Pre-ordered it back in September. I've read everything you've written about Covid. It's participated in shaping my understanding of what has been going on. It's all very important and vital work. I've re-ordered and spread a lot of what you have researched and written on the matter. Thank you for the work you do. I cant wait to read Pandemia.

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Somewhat surprisingly, I think "long Covid" is a thing, because of evidence presented by Patterson which found that spike protein fragments get stuck in the monocytes, which then live for much longer than normal, and run around causing inflammatory damage for months - as long as 15 months in one case. There do seem to be treatments that work to deal with the issue. I'm not too surprised that a lab-leak gain-of-function virus does some pretty unusual things. And it turns out, if you get early treatment (which decreases the number of viral particles created), then in most cases, long COVID doesn't happen.


Persistence of SARS CoV-2 S1 Protein in CD16+ Monocytes in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) Up to 15 Months Post-Infection

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Thank you for this reference! I heard Dr. Peter McCullough mention this paper on his podcast in reference to "long COVID". I think "long COVID" is real, but rare. Something similar occurs with flu as well.

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Not a good take Alex - Dark Horse #101 much better in regard to Ross Douthat. Go high when others go low.

Let’s go Brandon!

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Just read quick post from CNN that says vaccine shots basically stop or slow down all other diseases. So vaccinated much healthier. Oh boy….

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I saw that too. I laughed !! Of course the CDC said that; they have to counter the real data of rising All-Cause Mortality in vaccinated people. Translated: The vaccines kill you before anything else can!!!

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It seems the vax are more effective in stopping cancer and CVD than they are at stopping the virus. Maybe the could market them in the future "Reduces All cause mortality by 40%"

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WHAT DOES CHRONIC LYMES MEAN? My son has had this condition for 20+ years. He has been diagnosed with it! His life is hell. Chronic means - never ending and the pain, misery, multiple doctors visits, great expense, massive doses of antibiotics (even a pic line for 6 months) over the years, exhaustion, everything on the list in this book, and more. This in not a whine..... this is a nasty and debilitating condition. He was a good and loved police officer and had to retire early because his body could not go the distance. HE LIVES WITH THIS EVERYDAY AND NIGHT OF HIS LIFE, so for those of you who scoff.....GET A LIFE..... hopefully without Lymes.

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You are wildly off base and uninformed with your gaslighting of people suffering from chronic health conditions. There is a whole world of science that has not made its way into insurance-based models of medicine about which you are apparently completely unaware. I’m so disappointed in your lack of awareness coupled with your arrogance and self-appointed superiority. I’ve been in this world as a patient, writer, and assistant to a researcher and can tell you chronic health conditions are indeed very real and have very real and obvious underlying mechanisms — which aren’t acknowledged simply because big pharma can’t fix them. You inadvertently became a shill for the very forces you purport to oppose.

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Journalists need to avoid believing in their own infallibility. Once you become a “personality”, you really need to keep feeding the beast. With accurate information or, if you run out of that, opinion. AND if you run out if that, snark.

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Yeah he’s shown a serious lack of integrity. How he chooses to respond to these comments about people’s experiences will say a lot. Im happy to point him in the direction of autoimmune research, including in regards to the spike protein. I’m super disappointed.

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I don’t begrudge anyone their success. I just don’t want investigative journalists to become performance artists. Berenson has a far larger audience and impact than ever before in his career. But his value and currency is fact, not opinion. He has always been grounded in fact. There are plenty of talking heads who can do that.

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Good points. And here he is presented with ample opportunity to do some actual reporting and get his facts straight. He has tapped into a vast world of the dismissed and unacknowledged. Vaccine caution is par for the course in this world because many are extremely sensitive to anything that goes in their bodies. My mistake was assuming he already knew about us. The mandates are very ableist and I rarely see anyone address that.

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Still waiting for you to explain why you are making fun of those of us with chronic Lyme and other tick diseases- not funny. I appreciate a piece like Douthats because a lot of people don't "get it" until they get it. I wouldn't have understood either, until it happened to me. Heartless.

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Alex, I think you may be correct that the bulk of "Long Covid" cases are not a true disorder (non-psychiatric anyway). However, POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is a legitimate, measurable (tilt-table testing) disease manifesting as dysregulation of the autonomic nervous system. Symptoms such as marked tachycardia on standing, temperature dysregulation, profound shortness of breath and "brain fog" can occur. It can be seen with several disorders including Parkinson's Disease. POTS is also known to occur as an autoimmune process in a post-viral setting. This is not new at all and a variety of respiratory viruses can cause this. It occurs more commonly in young women. This can be incredibly debilitating and these patients are often misdiagnosed (with depression) as most Primary Care Docs do not have sufficient knowledge about it. It is treated typically with waist high compression stockings, salt tablets, beta blockers other cardiac meds and a graduated seated exercise program. It will be challenging for clinicians to tease out the legitimate illness from the mass hysteria, depression and anxiety occurring in our society today.

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Babesia, found in ticks and co-occurs often with Lyme, is often diagnosed when POTS shows up. Treat the cause of POTS, the POTS disappears. Took a year of anti-malarials and antibiotics to cure my kid's POTS.

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I just signed up for this substack and this is the first post I received in my inbox. As someone who had suffered from chronic Lyme since fourth grade, it was disappointing to see you mock and dismiss this very real illness that has destroyed my life and my son's life (I passed my Lyme down to him. Yes, that happens, and it's devastating.) I was impressed by your truth-telling on Rogan, but it seems your willingness to look beyond the official narrative ends at Covid. Too bad; chronic Lyme sufferers could have used you in our corner.

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I had Covid last August (‘20). A supposed “mild case”. It took me 10 weeks to get close to normal. I couldn’t walk 20 feet without getting out of breath. I woke up each morning exhausted. My arms and legs felt like lead. I couldn’t leave my house, climb stairs, drive, or shop.

The worst aspect was the thought that this might be with me for years. I took supplements and researched the best treatments. I wasn’t a triathlon runner, but I have always been able to do pretty much whatever I wanted physically. It was truly terrifying. And it’s real.

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You are describing the same symptoms I had after a bout with the flu in 1973. This is not an unusual course of recovery after a serious respiratory illness. The best road to recovery is to not dwell on the insufficiencies, but push through them.

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^^^ THIS

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I had a full battery of tests. My Harvard trained Dr. had no explanation. But he didn’t say it was imaginary. I joked with him that “I looked pretty good on paper”.

PS. My heart rate would shoot up to 110-120 while sitting in a chair also. There was also chest pain and dizziness. I have been in a hospital once in my life (tonsils, 6 years old). Not a hypochondriac or attention seeker. I don’t think this should be minimized, or considered imaginary.

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It's not imaginary, but it should be minimized. Work around, but work. Dwelling on the anomalies solidifies them.

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Give it a try living with it. Then get back to me.

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I did. I had covid in February 2019 - before it was a well-known thing. So... Aloe vera gel and compression gloves for aching hands at night helped me sleep. Codeine cough syrup in premeasured vials in my purse or at my bedside for occasional unrelenting coughing spells. Guafenesen to keep chest loose. Warm water sip every 20 minutes or so. Holding onto a counter or chair back while bending slowly forward and deeply breathing - sometimes making me cough, but getting a sense of balance back. Epsom salt baths for aching legs. Peppermint&Basil oil on a dish near bedside to ease breathing. And walking. Short stretches at first. Gradually expanded. Work. Don't dwell. Work. Don't dwell.

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Feb 2019? You must be the first case ever recorded.

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Among them. Lived on a coast near international airport. Confirmed much later.

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I'm 99.99% sure I had Covid starting October 8 2019, but the media and even doctors were saying it was impossible before January 2020, even though they didn't have the facts. Many people were reporting that type of illness all over the country in the fall of 2019. And genetic analysis using techniques for determining this aggression of cancer found that hoping to spread around the world by October 2019, and probably immersion will hand in August 2019--I suppose it's like possible it could have been out earlier.

I felt like I weighed double my weight, could hardly walk to my bed, slept a lot, had a dry tickling cough for a week that made me choke to where I was afraid of passing out. I don't recall a fever or maybe I had chills for part of a day, but most notably, I couldn't eat or drink anything for at least three days, not even water, which tasted horrible. Slowly after that I was able to take some nourishment. I lost 12 pounds in ten 10 days. It took three weeks to recover. Months later I started having other symptoms but I believe it was because of several eye medications I had to start taking, which I've cut back on or out. as the damage is done anyway for the eye involved (pseudoexfoliation glaucoma).

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Oh, please! Only people who don't know what it feels like to deal with one of these chronic illnesses talk like this. "Work around, but work." Are you kidding me? When sometimes one is so sick and exhausted that it is too hard to go out to the kitchen to make some tea, let alone go to work? When you don't know what you are talking about, it is best if you don't say anything.... otherwise, you invalidate other people's suffering. Not cool.

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How would you know what I have dealt with? You do not. But you might if you do a search for my user name on this page. You do not need me or anyone else to "validate" your suffering. If you are suffering then you are suffering. But you might not suffer as much if you were seeking support that helps you overcome that suffering rather than support that says "yeah, you might as well give up, your life is over."

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Post-Viral Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome experts (and sufferers) know that the worst thing you can do is to over-exert yourself. Some illnesses benefits from “pushing the boundaries”, like in standard physical therapy. In these cases it crushes you and makes you worse. You can’t “walk it off” or exercise your way out of this. You might just end up in the ER.

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I'm unsubscribing. Sad arrogance. My wife has chronic lyme and we both now have chronic Covid. I asked my dr about Chronic Covid and she said there are MANY cases (plus much documentation). So everyone who has shortness of breath, that won't go away, due to Covid, is a psych case?!! Your analysis of Covid vaccines has usually been good, but now you have lost all my respect.

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I was thinking of unsubscribing too as was my wife, who is also a physician. Sometimes popularity gets to people's heads. Reminds me of actors and actresses who like to opine on issues they do not comprehend. Alex should stick to the "vaccine" story.

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Don't leave. You have been here for a reason. Please consider giving benefit of the doubt. Perhaps we can ask his motivation for this story. None of us are above walking into the sticky pot sometimes. Lets not welcome cancel culture in this group. There is enough of that already. Please stay. We need your voices.

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There are many other independent/alternative journalists who are just as good as -- actually much better than Berenson and who have been doing invaluable research and telling the truth about the world much, much longer than him. I have been following and listening to James Corbett, The Last American Vagabond, Derrick Broze, globalresearch.ca, Mike Adams' Natural News, etc. etc. At least these truth-tellers are humble and never talk down to their audience, just the opposite. I don't need the arrogance, the superficial treatment of serious subjects, and the condescension. Unsubscribing.

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I will check out the other authors, thank you for listing.

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Wishing you all the best and please stay healthy in the months to come!

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dont go ed, please reconsider. alex did not mean any disrespect. he does not appear to be that kind of person. give Alex the info you have been given and educate. we all can be educated on this. pls share and not disappear.

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Now do the flu, or literally any other illness.

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I agree with LauraA.

If all the knowledgeable and compassionate people just leave, all that will be left are the people who joke about it and the kooks.

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thanks Peter. sometimes i am not so compassionate as you can tell by reading some of my posts (compassion lacking for fauci, ccp, cdc and their ilk) but it is bc i am spitting mad about what is happening to the world bc of the evil of some and i am pissed off.

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I'm sure some of it is legitimate long-term effects but where do you draw the line. when there's a legitimate reason there's going to be people who use it illegitimately. Add in extra unemployment extra medical benefits and free rent for covid and you have a recipe for people milking the system for everyday off, every penny, every emotional-sympathy crutch they can get. Again I'm not saying it's not real, I'm just saying at what point do you draw the line between legitimate sufferes vs all the me toos piling on so they can get some free stuff too.

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I dunno Alex. I can't read Ross' piece because it's behind a paywall and I no longer subscribe to any MSM. But as someone who has tried to heal my child who suffered from Lyme, babesia, and other tickborn nasties, I can say the effects devastate. Two years bed-bound, CFS and psychiatric conditions that exist 7 years later. The Lymies are perhaps our greatest allies as 'medicine' and public health care not a whit about their 'all in their head's symptoms. And, of course, the other similarity to COVID is both are the result of weaponization. A bit disappointed in your dismissal of someone who has suffered from a condition that is all too real and all too disregarded.

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tick borne diseases are very insidious.

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According to https://lcrhealth.com/many-key-hormones-affect-health/, the human body has over 200 types of hormones or hormone-like substances, plus vitamins, minerals, and gut biome. If diet, lifestyle, stress, and misuse of prescribed or illegal drugs lead to an imbalance or dysregulation of these hormones or other substances, especially hormones like insulin, then some of the syndromes Alex mentions could be the result. Just because we haven't isolated the cause to a particular germ or mechanism doesn't mean the conditions aren't real. And even when we know the mechanism, only sometimes would a new drug be beneficial. Other times an old drug or, even better, a change in diet, lifestyle, and/or use of drugs is the most beneficial approach.

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Alex, I’m disappointed. I am grateful for the information you provide regarding Covid, which has been essential to our understanding. This time though, you are down a path of judgment that is based on falsehoods and helps no one.

Some of us have discovered terrible realities. We have learned that experts are often compromised, arrogant, ignorant and callous. We learned of government deceit and manipulation, and of regulatory capture which has hollowed out our bureaucratic institutions. We’ve realized that media exists to feed itself and it’s benefactors, by creating a public narrative built on lies.

It’s even more unfortunate, that this awakening often doesn’t lead to broader understanding; to the realization that the manipulation is ubiquitous, and eternal. It taints everything and affects us all. The only novel aspect of the Covid deception, is that the destruction has been turned up to eleven.

Our own fear and struggles are repeated billions of times over, our suffering mirrored in the experiences of others. The question facing each of us is this: will we recognize pain that may look different than our own, but which ultimately stems from the same source?

Often the answer is no.

It’s tragic, really, because we are missing opportunities to learn from and support each other, and to unite. So while we need the information you are providing, please remember that we are and always have been, in this together.

We must do better if we hope to save ourselves this time.

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