YES that is exactly what I was thinking!! I think she/the publication will do the "crickets" thing. I have more than half a mind to do a little "content analysis" of Quillette covid coverage. My offhand impression is that for Quillette "debunking ivermectin/Bret Weinstein = covid coverage." Time for a little "log removal" from thine own eye, Claire!
On the contraty, she is the editor in chief of Quillette, which takes a lot of bold and contrarian stances on subjects like the trans movement. But on Australian vaccines she swallowed the propaganda hook line and sinker, much to the detriment of Quillette's reputation.
Got it. I wonder if any of these people will apologize for the tremendous damage they’ve done by supporting martial law for the last two years? I’m not holding my breath.
No, apologizing means that they were wrong/made a mistake which equals weakness in their minds. They view everything as a battle and those who aren't supporting them are the enemy.
Sort of a free-speech liberal with some severe blindspots and more than a touch of social class condescension. As a subscriber I reached out to her about covering the Canadian convoy. Her initial response was that the story "would not appeal to Quillette's international readership." Good grief, woman. I have become rather disenchanted with the publication lately and may unsubscribe.
Since I live on the other side of the continent, I can almost enjoy the slow motion sht show as Californians turn their state into Detroit. But, really, it's sad.
Wait a minute. Come to the Detroit area and see that’s it is absolutely not what people think it is. Crime is down, Mayor is effective, bars and restaurants are amazing, no vaccine passports or masks anywhere, very small homeless problem (too cold), wonderful theaters, 4 professional teams, 2 popular college teams, no racial issues just hard working people, close to water, small towns, world renowned zoo, housing is not sky high. When is the last time you saw or heard of problems in Detroit? The police shut down BLM crap immediately and they are respected. Only issue is Detroit’s culpability in the election (yes, there was a small group of Dem officials that allowed the 2 am drop off of fake ballots) and The Gretch, our asinine Governor. And our roads suck! Michigan is mostly Red except for Detroit, and who knows, that could change 🤞. In fact, Trump is in Michigan today. Sold out crowd!
I watched a travel show touring the newly renovated downtown, very impressed w the cleanliness & pride the locals have for Detroit. It’s obviously one of the few places that is on the rise in this country, but that is after hitting rock bottom- so there’s hope for the rest of us in blue cities.
That’s exactly right. Detroit lived thru the 68 riots and years of corruption. Residents do not want to go back to that. Actually voted in a white Mayor for a 2nd term by an overwhelming majority against a black man.
That is awesome! So when they’ve finished tearing Down California, we can hope good people are voted in to fix it. ( somehow, Detroit’s comeback makes more sense to me )
Australia, the US, UK, Canada, Israel, New Zealand are all run by satanists. The public dismisses this as crazy conspiracy theory, which is how the satanists get away with it:.
We have had it very tough here. From one of the worst and longest lockdowns in the world here in Victoria, to jab mandates and passes to go just about anywhere. They even banned use and importation of ivermectin - luckily just after I managed to get some. We have had doctors office raided and seen them banned from practice. Hell hole isnt far from the truth mate... :-(
Australia - its happening here in the U.S. Cant work without the jab, criticism of your employer results in immediate termination and perhaps action against your license. Most certainly exclusion from healthcare plans. Australia is just being more open about it.
What is needed is a healthcare bill of rights so these wacko's can't hyper regulate us into oblivion.
I know a brilliant young woman who works for one of our US service branches, doing high level work. She’s 28 weeks pregnant and was just denied an exemption for the shot, in spite of all the evidence from whistleblowers who’ve shown how the Army covered up the vaccine injuries and that miscarriage is the number one side effect. She was told to get the shot or she’s out.
In the AF at least there is an ability to separate when one gets pregnant, but of course that would mean the end of her military career. She could come back and do same job as civilian contractor if the company doesn't require jabs but I bet they'll follow whatever nonsense the Federal gov't is mandating. But at least she can get out without jab.
It's so bad that if having medicare required being vaxxed I would tell them to put their medicare where the moon don't shine. I have a feeling I will have to put my money where my mouth is before I go on to meet my Maker.
Opt-out of Medicare and insurance! I have done it and the AAPS is standing by ready to help and has a LOT of experience with this! My email is if you want to converse!
Here in Georgia, we thankfully have a governor that gets it. They just passed a law where schools can no longer force kids into wearing masks as of this past week. There’s also a one year ban on requiring the vaccine. I hope that gets extended but if Stacy Abrams wins the governors race this fall, we’ll all be in lockdowns again.
I was coming at this from a healthcare perspective but government service and military are great examples too. Even in the face of a variant that the shots have no effect on - they are still mandating these jabs. Crazy times.
The adage "just following orders ma'am" needs to be changed to "no, this is wrong, I will not comply". Our military is becoming so depleted, those leaving due to jab mandates, and weakened, as who know long term effects, that we are an easy target for our enemies.
Not true. You cannot prescribe drugs that are different than the NIH protocols or hospitals lose reimbursement. For example proven drugs like Fluvoxamine that have been proven in randomized controlled trials. You can't work unless you have had the jab in most red states as well. The healthcare mandate is still in place.
You are probably right about health care (I was talking in general) since the only place that they'll make you wear mask is hospitals (and I don't mind wearing mask there ... lots of sick people that usually must go and some are freaking out for their health - though masks have no measurable effect anyway)
The government always seeks to expand, to drag more people in. Use media to establish and enforce a narrative. Inform on your neighbors. Etc etc. I was in banking and remember how after 9/11 banks that years earlier had strongly resisted being essentially deputized as government agents under "know your customer" laws suddenly capitulated. To resist was unpatriotic. And no bank wanted to be used by criminals and terrorists. These things are always incremental -- and cumulative. Each crisis builds on the "gains" of the prior crisis.
No need for doctors or insurance in that case. My chances of coming out of something alive, were I in Australia, would be better with me taking my own advice.
Bet they wish they didn't turn their guns in all those years ago.... Remember this saying, if the government wants to take your guns away, they are probably planning on doing something you'd shoot them over.
HELLO!!! Every single primary care doc in the USA received THIS threatening letter last September telling us our board certifications and medical license will be revoked if we were found to be ‘spreading Covid misinformation’!!!!
And the very next day, every single doctor should have stood up and done the right thing and gone public and force these criminals to do their worst in public.
I tried - I emailed that letter to Alex, Tucker, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro - NO RESPONSES. I wrote letters to my medical board and American Academy of Pediatrics. I RESIGNED my fellowship from the AAP after being a fellow for 20+ years. NOBODY CARED
For all that, I learned last November that I was ‘under investigation’ by the AAP and had been reported to my medical board for making public statements against the AAP policy on universal masking in school children and for my position against vaccinating children against Covid. I’m a pediatrician and I would NOT give any Covid vaccine to ANY child including my own children and I fully support all other childhood vaccinations!
37K cases of myocarditis post-Covid vax AND NOBODY IN THE MEDIA WILL EVEN TALK ABOUT THIS!!
If I had babies again or grand babies, I would absolutely want someone like you as their doctor. I am currently shopping for new docs, independent types, holistic, concierge that aren’t beholden to large medical cartels. I have to believe there will be more like that, walking away from the malfeasance of the current structure.
God bless you, Glenn. YouTuber Dr V Prasad, though way too pro-vaxx, has at least been loud and consistent on the myocarditis problem, the masking kids problem, and the vaxxing children problem.
I am an American living in Japan. I am certified in the use of respirators and know their capabilities and health risks. No matter. One of my med schools, its nursing school and a medical vocational school tried to force me to wear masks at school and in the classroom. So those classes were moved online. However, one of these demanded I wear a mask at home for their online classes. I did not.
Everyone wears them everywhere, including my wife and kid. Was forced to wear one at an outdoor ballgame last Thursday. If on my own, I would have just left but it was my kids first time to watch a game at the ball park. Had to wait outside yesterday as they went shopping at the super market. I am a the only person out of all I know in this country that isn’t following these stupid rules. The only one. One of the other teachers at the vocational school is an infectious disease control expert. he confirm what I already knew that all we are doing is useless. None of it can stop the spread of an airborne virus. He said that all in his field know this. So, why then does he wear two masks, a face shield and sprays and wipes down all surfaces in empty rooms at the school? “It’s the rule.”. How does one respect such people?
I have lost 40% of my income so far these past two years due to the panic and with the ending of two more positions with the start of the new school year April 1st, losing even more. Will end the year earning below the poverty line. My one remaining med school and nursing school are holding classes online again this year, for the 3rd year. Theses institution should know better, they DO know better but still force all this on us, their staff and students. All my 1st year students have been vaccinated. 18-20 year olds an they are all vaxxed and boosted or they can not attend class.
Thank you for your courage and integrity -- for caring enough to stand up at great personal cost. It may be that the fruits of your efforts have not yet been seen. I choose to hold on to hope even though I am a cynic at heart. We may never know who our actions inspire, and who those folks inspire, and so on.
My doctor told the mom of a child to be aware of myocarditis risks, and the mom reported her to the medical board! I feel bad for the doctors who are TRYING to help but are punished.
Let me guess, a Karen type. That’s the group driving a lot of this. Mentally ill, narcissistic Karens of the world. Apologies to actual Karens but there is no other way to describe the type. You all can picture her, can’t you?
My word! It has come to that already? Well, she has none but herself to blame for the future she is crating for her child. Doubt she’ll ever realize it was her that helped that bleak future into reality though.
They don’t see that though. But I thoroughly understand how shit went down in the 1930s now. Apparently about 30% of humanity are assholes who like to turn people in, or wish death on them cause they aren’t vaccinated or other silly reasons. Wait there no reason ever to wish death on a fellow human. I guess that is no longer fashionable.
Beats me. I don’t have ailments and don’t take drugs. I monitor my labs and would only go if something is amiss. Kids are seen annually and all peds do is shots. Whenever you have a question they say let me refer you to a specialist. It’s quite funny actually.
I never would’ve believed two years ago that Australia of all places would become an Orwellian autocratic hell hole.
Just wait….coming to a country near you…
Already here in Canada…
Yeah, I know it’s every liberal’s fever dream.
Similar blackmail in California.
Unfortunately, you're right. What we're seeing is the planned demolition of all nations as part of the New World Order, which has 4 goals:
1) One world government.
2) Massive depopulation down to 500 million max per the Georgia Guidestones.
3) Central Bank Digital Currency.
4) Hell on Earth.
Financial collapse was planned decades ago in order to bring about the NWO. And we have the misfortune to be living through it's implementation.
This is what we resist with everything within us.
It all started when these enlightened Aussies voted away their gun rights.
You know, come to think of it, Canada did the same thing. Wow. It’s almost like they’re following the same playbook ( because they are. :).
It’s like Karen from the HOA took over a whole country.
Dude, I just spit my coffee out my nose.
Funniest post of the day!!
I look forward to Claire Lehmann trying to explain this away in Quillette.
YES that is exactly what I was thinking!! I think she/the publication will do the "crickets" thing. I have more than half a mind to do a little "content analysis" of Quillette covid coverage. My offhand impression is that for Quillette "debunking ivermectin/Bret Weinstein = covid coverage." Time for a little "log removal" from thine own eye, Claire!
I’m not familiar with her. Is she the Aussie Rachel Maddow?
On the contraty, she is the editor in chief of Quillette, which takes a lot of bold and contrarian stances on subjects like the trans movement. But on Australian vaccines she swallowed the propaganda hook line and sinker, much to the detriment of Quillette's reputation.
Got it. I wonder if any of these people will apologize for the tremendous damage they’ve done by supporting martial law for the last two years? I’m not holding my breath.
No, apologizing means that they were wrong/made a mistake which equals weakness in their minds. They view everything as a battle and those who aren't supporting them are the enemy.
Then they are tyrants and hopefully the voters will replace them.
Sort of a free-speech liberal with some severe blindspots and more than a touch of social class condescension. As a subscriber I reached out to her about covering the Canadian convoy. Her initial response was that the story "would not appeal to Quillette's international readership." Good grief, woman. I have become rather disenchanted with the publication lately and may unsubscribe.
These are the type of bills they are trying to push in California. Watch this weeks highwire where they discuss these bill proposals.
Since I live on the other side of the continent, I can almost enjoy the slow motion sht show as Californians turn their state into Detroit. But, really, it's sad.
Wait a minute. Come to the Detroit area and see that’s it is absolutely not what people think it is. Crime is down, Mayor is effective, bars and restaurants are amazing, no vaccine passports or masks anywhere, very small homeless problem (too cold), wonderful theaters, 4 professional teams, 2 popular college teams, no racial issues just hard working people, close to water, small towns, world renowned zoo, housing is not sky high. When is the last time you saw or heard of problems in Detroit? The police shut down BLM crap immediately and they are respected. Only issue is Detroit’s culpability in the election (yes, there was a small group of Dem officials that allowed the 2 am drop off of fake ballots) and The Gretch, our asinine Governor. And our roads suck! Michigan is mostly Red except for Detroit, and who knows, that could change 🤞. In fact, Trump is in Michigan today. Sold out crowd!
I watched a travel show touring the newly renovated downtown, very impressed w the cleanliness & pride the locals have for Detroit. It’s obviously one of the few places that is on the rise in this country, but that is after hitting rock bottom- so there’s hope for the rest of us in blue cities.
That’s exactly right. Detroit lived thru the 68 riots and years of corruption. Residents do not want to go back to that. Actually voted in a white Mayor for a 2nd term by an overwhelming majority against a black man.
Actually I used to use Detroit as the synonym for violent liberal shit hole but I’ll admit your police chief is changing things for the better.
That is awesome! So when they’ve finished tearing Down California, we can hope good people are voted in to fix it. ( somehow, Detroit’s comeback makes more sense to me )
Love the UP-truly God's country Don't tell anyone
Check out Mackinac Island if you ever get a chance. Amazing place!
It's only fun until a those blue-state morons move in next door and start turning your area into what they left.
Hello Colorado.
And unfortunately the insanity of California spreads eastward.
Cali is crazy. I keep tabs on it at
I dont know, it seems to be tracking on the Mad Max theme quite nicley.
Hahaha! So, who's gonna replace Tina Turner?
No one can replace Tina 🎤🎶
In reality ... probably the other 'black' girl, though she doesn't have the clearness of thought the character in Mad Max had
Australia, the US, UK, Canada, Israel, New Zealand are all run by satanists. The public dismisses this as crazy conspiracy theory, which is how the satanists get away with it:.
We have had it very tough here. From one of the worst and longest lockdowns in the world here in Victoria, to jab mandates and passes to go just about anywhere. They even banned use and importation of ivermectin - luckily just after I managed to get some. We have had doctors office raided and seen them banned from practice. Hell hole isnt far from the truth mate... :-(
That sickens me. I know with a compliant media it’s hard to win back your freedoms. God bless and I wish you luck.
Australia - its happening here in the U.S. Cant work without the jab, criticism of your employer results in immediate termination and perhaps action against your license. Most certainly exclusion from healthcare plans. Australia is just being more open about it.
What is needed is a healthcare bill of rights so these wacko's can't hyper regulate us into oblivion.
I know a brilliant young woman who works for one of our US service branches, doing high level work. She’s 28 weeks pregnant and was just denied an exemption for the shot, in spite of all the evidence from whistleblowers who’ve shown how the Army covered up the vaccine injuries and that miscarriage is the number one side effect. She was told to get the shot or she’s out.
She may want to contact attorney Tom Renz who’s a military freedom fighter and Ohio attorney
Thank you for this suggestion. I will pass it on.
Judge just shut it down for Navy. That's at least precedent for other branches. They should have all sued together.
Was also shut down for the Air Force on 3/31. Case No. 1:22-cv-84 in Southern District of Ohio Western Division District Federal Court. Getting there.
Thank you for this info.
I would absolutely get out. If enough of the pregnant military member leave the service perhaps the “woke leaders” rethink their criminal demands
This is tragic and criminal.
In the AF at least there is an ability to separate when one gets pregnant, but of course that would mean the end of her military career. She could come back and do same job as civilian contractor if the company doesn't require jabs but I bet they'll follow whatever nonsense the Federal gov't is mandating. But at least she can get out without jab.
Thank you for this info.
Yes, she will get out. She will never take the shot.
It's so bad that if having medicare required being vaxxed I would tell them to put their medicare where the moon don't shine. I have a feeling I will have to put my money where my mouth is before I go on to meet my Maker.
Opt-out of Medicare and insurance! I have done it and the AAPS is standing by ready to help and has a LOT of experience with this! My email is if you want to converse!
Here in Georgia, we thankfully have a governor that gets it. They just passed a law where schools can no longer force kids into wearing masks as of this past week. There’s also a one year ban on requiring the vaccine. I hope that gets extended but if Stacy Abrams wins the governors race this fall, we’ll all be in lockdowns again.
The kids will be masked and Stacey won’t be. That’s how it works. Kids are easy targets.
Time for a mask burning I say. Bonfire of the vanities.
Bills of Rights and Constitutions are already being violated. I don’t know how we get out of this but it’s got to be more than that.
Specific legislation to roll back these "emergency powers". Patients rights to chose therapies, physicians rights to prescribe and treat.
Real world consequences that make this unthinkable to repeat.
Those involved need to be held accountable. If not, nothing will change.
Nailed it. Giving state governments emergency powers was giving needles to crackheads.
I was coming at this from a healthcare perspective but government service and military are great examples too. Even in the face of a variant that the shots have no effect on - they are still mandating these jabs. Crazy times.
The adage "just following orders ma'am" needs to be changed to "no, this is wrong, I will not comply". Our military is becoming so depleted, those leaving due to jab mandates, and weakened, as who know long term effects, that we are an easy target for our enemies.
But we take care in calling people by the correct pronouns 🤦🤦😞😞 (heavy sarcasm intended)
Priorities my dear Just, priorities. We peasants must be "learned" real good as we just don't know nothing at all, nope we r ignorant. 😝😜🤪
🤣😂 yes, the masses just need to be properly educated in the finer ways of life.
Healthcare bill of rights?! Our actual Bill of Rights is being violated!
Not true for US (at least in red states). And it won't happen here ... we have guns, Aussies and Canadians don't.
Not true. You cannot prescribe drugs that are different than the NIH protocols or hospitals lose reimbursement. For example proven drugs like Fluvoxamine that have been proven in randomized controlled trials. You can't work unless you have had the jab in most red states as well. The healthcare mandate is still in place.
You are probably right about health care (I was talking in general) since the only place that they'll make you wear mask is hospitals (and I don't mind wearing mask there ... lots of sick people that usually must go and some are freaking out for their health - though masks have no measurable effect anyway)
So Australia wants their physicians to essentially be government employees. No independent thought at all. Got it. 👌🏻
The government always seeks to expand, to drag more people in. Use media to establish and enforce a narrative. Inform on your neighbors. Etc etc. I was in banking and remember how after 9/11 banks that years earlier had strongly resisted being essentially deputized as government agents under "know your customer" laws suddenly capitulated. To resist was unpatriotic. And no bank wanted to be used by criminals and terrorists. These things are always incremental -- and cumulative. Each crisis builds on the "gains" of the prior crisis.
Incremental is absolutely correct. That’s the only way they can implement their agenda on the rest of society.
Yes, the slippery slope pops up everywhere now & waaaay too often. Banks were the canary in the coal mine.
No need for doctors or insurance in that case. My chances of coming out of something alive, were I in Australia, would be better with me taking my own advice.
Yes, all government health care schemes aim to achieve this very thing.
Be a good soldier. After all we are all in this together...
Bet they wish they didn't turn their guns in all those years ago.... Remember this saying, if the government wants to take your guns away, they are probably planning on doing something you'd shoot them over.
HELLO!!! Every single primary care doc in the USA received THIS threatening letter last September telling us our board certifications and medical license will be revoked if we were found to be ‘spreading Covid misinformation’!!!!
Welcome to Medical Marxism
And the very next day, every single doctor should have stood up and done the right thing and gone public and force these criminals to do their worst in public.
I tried - I emailed that letter to Alex, Tucker, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro - NO RESPONSES. I wrote letters to my medical board and American Academy of Pediatrics. I RESIGNED my fellowship from the AAP after being a fellow for 20+ years. NOBODY CARED
I also marched in protests against bullshit vax mandate in front of my hospitals.
For all that, I learned last November that I was ‘under investigation’ by the AAP and had been reported to my medical board for making public statements against the AAP policy on universal masking in school children and for my position against vaccinating children against Covid. I’m a pediatrician and I would NOT give any Covid vaccine to ANY child including my own children and I fully support all other childhood vaccinations!
37K cases of myocarditis post-Covid vax AND NOBODY IN THE MEDIA WILL EVEN TALK ABOUT THIS!!
If I had babies again or grand babies, I would absolutely want someone like you as their doctor. I am currently shopping for new docs, independent types, holistic, concierge that aren’t beholden to large medical cartels. I have to believe there will be more like that, walking away from the malfeasance of the current structure.
Same, here! We do not trust our current doctor or the hospital systems.
God bless you, Glenn. YouTuber Dr V Prasad, though way too pro-vaxx, has at least been loud and consistent on the myocarditis problem, the masking kids problem, and the vaxxing children problem.
I am an American living in Japan. I am certified in the use of respirators and know their capabilities and health risks. No matter. One of my med schools, its nursing school and a medical vocational school tried to force me to wear masks at school and in the classroom. So those classes were moved online. However, one of these demanded I wear a mask at home for their online classes. I did not.
Everyone wears them everywhere, including my wife and kid. Was forced to wear one at an outdoor ballgame last Thursday. If on my own, I would have just left but it was my kids first time to watch a game at the ball park. Had to wait outside yesterday as they went shopping at the super market. I am a the only person out of all I know in this country that isn’t following these stupid rules. The only one. One of the other teachers at the vocational school is an infectious disease control expert. he confirm what I already knew that all we are doing is useless. None of it can stop the spread of an airborne virus. He said that all in his field know this. So, why then does he wear two masks, a face shield and sprays and wipes down all surfaces in empty rooms at the school? “It’s the rule.”. How does one respect such people?
I have lost 40% of my income so far these past two years due to the panic and with the ending of two more positions with the start of the new school year April 1st, losing even more. Will end the year earning below the poverty line. My one remaining med school and nursing school are holding classes online again this year, for the 3rd year. Theses institution should know better, they DO know better but still force all this on us, their staff and students. All my 1st year students have been vaccinated. 18-20 year olds an they are all vaxxed and boosted or they can not attend class.
Thanks for the link, BTW.
You sir, did what you could. That is all we can do. Appalling that so very few follow suit.
Thank you for your courage and integrity -- for caring enough to stand up at great personal cost. It may be that the fruits of your efforts have not yet been seen. I choose to hold on to hope even though I am a cynic at heart. We may never know who our actions inspire, and who those folks inspire, and so on.
THEY may try to take everything from you, but THEY cannot take your soul, integrity, or honor, those, you have to give away.
Thank you for your stance, stay strong!!!
Thank you for trying. Sadly, I assume no one else would join you. You did the right thing.
I care, we will all be looking for real doctors, licensed or not.
I am so sorry.
My doctor told the mom of a child to be aware of myocarditis risks, and the mom reported her to the medical board! I feel bad for the doctors who are TRYING to help but are punished.
Let me guess, a Karen type. That’s the group driving a lot of this. Mentally ill, narcissistic Karens of the world. Apologies to actual Karens but there is no other way to describe the type. You all can picture her, can’t you?
And they are mentally ill, emotionally compromised , spiritually bereft,and incapable of any behavior other than severe narcissism!
I shouldn't be shocked by this - but I am. Wow.
My word! It has come to that already? Well, she has none but herself to blame for the future she is crating for her child. Doubt she’ll ever realize it was her that helped that bleak future into reality though.
They don’t see that though. But I thoroughly understand how shit went down in the 1930s now. Apparently about 30% of humanity are assholes who like to turn people in, or wish death on them cause they aren’t vaccinated or other silly reasons. Wait there no reason ever to wish death on a fellow human. I guess that is no longer fashionable.
I think you are correct, they do not see it and never will.
Yes, a lot of the mysteries from the 1930s have finally been solved.
I’m not shocked. The Bay Area parents would do this any second.
Then why go to a doctor at all? To get prescripts? Is that they only reason?
Beats me. I don’t have ailments and don’t take drugs. I monitor my labs and would only go if something is amiss. Kids are seen annually and all peds do is shots. Whenever you have a question they say let me refer you to a specialist. It’s quite funny actually.