I never would’ve believed two years ago that Australia of all places would become an Orwellian autocratic hell hole.

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Australia - its happening here in the U.S. Cant work without the jab, criticism of your employer results in immediate termination and perhaps action against your license. Most certainly exclusion from healthcare plans. Australia is just being more open about it.

What is needed is a healthcare bill of rights so these wacko's can't hyper regulate us into oblivion.

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So Australia wants their physicians to essentially be government employees. No independent thought at all. Got it. 👌🏻

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Bet they wish they didn't turn their guns in all those years ago.... Remember this saying, if the government wants to take your guns away, they are probably planning on doing something you'd shoot them over.

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HELLO!!! Every single primary care doc in the USA received THIS threatening letter last September telling us our board certifications and medical license will be revoked if we were found to be ‘spreading Covid misinformation’!!!!


Welcome to Medical Marxism

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No different in the USA. A doctor in Massachusetts received letter that he would lose license if he was anti Jab and vocal about it.

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I already avoid doctors like the plague. This further validates my decision making in this regard. Medical treatment has not been my friend over the years. At 70 I have avoided both the vax and the ro. I anecdotally credit my keto diet, specifically the complete elimination of refined sugar from my diet. We have to take more responsibility for our health because obviously the government doesn't give a shit. My unprofessional advice is to maintain a healthy weight, exercise, quit sugar and eat at least a Mediterranean style diet. Supplement reasonably according to independent honest research. Its out there. These lifestyle changes IMHO will help keep you out of the doctor's (government's) office. They cant make us go to the doctor. Yet...

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The descent into hell continues. WAKE UP AMERICA

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My God - these authoritarians are bent on destroying the world.

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I remember when they took their guns. Funny how that works.

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Silly regulators. In the US, you can get doctors to do what you want to do with cash. Free rounds of golf, fancy dinners, conferences in Maui. They now just write scripts and dispense non-generic Pharma products. Carrot beats the stick every day.

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How about a ray of hope? Went to far western Oklahoma on Thursday to assess and repair the damage done to my field operations caused by a wildfire that burned 35,000 acres. Volunteer fire departments from all over rushed in to try to control the fire being fanned by 50 MPH sustained winds. All the locals from miles around pitched in. Some individually fought the fire near their homes. Food and water came from every where. Companies brought in water trucks, graders and dozers. The county supplied equipment and water. People stayed up and fought for 48 hours straight. The local store became the command center and stayed open the entire time. People from the State Emergency Agency and Feds were somewhat overwhelmed by the good character and actions of the local people and expressed their thanks often. Although the local people lost a lot of pasture land, some llamas and cattle, out buildings and one house, no one lost their life. The people were tired but happy and grateful the fire was out. It was uplifting being there. BTW. The locals still have their guns and lots of them.

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This is the exact reason AB should be promoting therapeutics including ivermectin..anything we can do to go against the vaccine lords will help the fight

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I figured when they dragged the Fauci Fraud back out of the basement the virus would appear again....magically

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Remember the good old days when Doctors actually cared about their patients and their health. They took seriously the Hippocratic Oath of "Do No Harm." I miss those days, which I might be naive but I don't think it was that long ago. I now think the best thing for one's health is to stop listening to public health and avoid going to the Doctor. Take charge of your own health and eat healthy and exercise regularly and stay strong and free.

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