On your side, but as for primary earner - isn’t your wife an MD?

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She was not working

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You’ve still got trolls, I see. Keep up the good work. It’s always a good sign.

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As long as they are paying.

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Sure she was, she was part of Team Berenson!

I hate it when people criticize choices like that.

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And still living under the Poverty level.

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MD is abbreviation for the state of Maryland. M.D. is the abbreviation for medical doctor. His wife is not a town in Maryland. This common mistake was caused by autocorrect. Very small point in the world with many errors.

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Brian Stelter's doctor told him "You're fat." Stetler said "I want a second opinion." The doctor said "OK you're fat and ugly." </rimshot>

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My only complaint about this article is Alex didn't call him Elaphantine!

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Thank you for that laugh. 😂

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try the veal!!

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Dont forget to tip your waiter

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I'll be here all week.

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Hahahhah epic!

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🤣🤣 good one

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You have earned the right to call Stelter anything you want(Fatty is pretty mild). I thank God every day for your calm reasonable narrative on COVID during those dark days. It would have been really hard to survive without it. And now we need you even more to sound the alarm on what this very corrupt administration did to us and continues to do. I will pray for you to have the strength AND monetary means to continue this fight.

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Shira, I agree with you as well. During those crazy times I refused to be stuck in my house. I went out whenever I wanted, wherever I wanted. Masks be damned. But there were times when I was stuck inside, and when everyone else was doom & gloom, Alex was the bright light, the sanity. I knew there was more to the story.

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May 6Edited

Agree as well. I hope you are totally vindicated in court, and though I don't expect the news of THAT to make the mainstream media, those of us with independent minds will know about it and celebrate your victory on all of our behalfs. Keep up the good work!

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Totally agree! Alex saved people's lives while Fat Pig 🐷 big mouth name caller extraordinaire KILLED people.

Someone should be makin bacon!

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Alex is right to call him fatty. You have crossed the line. Calling fatty a pig is mean. pigs don't deserve to be insulted by compairing them to that stlnking, beta, bitch ,useless, no good ,filthy, P.O.S..💩🤬 pigs make bacon. I love bacon it is proof god loves us.

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Alex was the first person I found in early 2020 who seemed to be speaking any sense and made me feel like I wasn't going crazy.

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I totally concur

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“Covid” and all that we mean by it, is not over. Not until we win back our freedom!

Not until all the (Dems almost completely) f*ckheads are defeated in every way they can be.

For politicians, defeated electorally.

And the politicians NEVER even think to do again what they did.

And the Media recants and reforms and PROMOTES. Free speech.

Then “COVID” will be over.

And the bureaucrats in NIH and Pfizer and similar orgs never think to do anything like this.

And all doctors and other scientists never feel threatened by “the bureaucracy” to be silent.

Particularly: the money given to NIH must be divided into at least 4 equal chunks and distributed by COMPETITIVE people and orgs. This will mean that a Fauci is much less likely to ever happen again.

We have a long way to go.

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Watch out Alex. Per Walter Kirn “The authorities and the incurious corporate press are belatedly acknowledging the truth about COVID so they can repair their reputations sufficiently to lie to us about new things,”

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Sandra, thanks for the Kirn quote. Impressive words that say a LOT.

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Walter Kirn is a wise man. I enjoy hearing what he has to say.

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That is an excellent point. Challenge everyone in your life who says "there's no way we could have known".

The whole thing is a big red pill moment in terms of how far the rot had spread, and how brazen the various actors have become. It frightens me that maybe they know they have sufficient power to not be stopped. Or maybe it's just hubris, there are a lot of egotistical paper tigers in that camp.

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During the 2020 campaign, Biden blamed Trump for every COVID death when he was President. When the COVID death toll under Biden surpassed the number who died during Trump's term, no one in the WH or MSM said anything.

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...speaking of Trump, I saw his terrible X post saying RFK Jr.'s views on covid are "fake" -- what does that even mean?? I suppose he meant to say that Bobby's ACTUAL views on covid are incorrect, because ...? Because Trump says so? This is a completely losing move for Trump. Does he really not know that his supporters are likely voting for him DESPITE his covid obstinacy?

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Rock on. I have disagreed with you often but believed (and still do) that you deserved support to fight back against the cartel. Praying these recent revelations provide you and your lawyers all sorts of opportunities.

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God bless you Alex - for your courage, your resolve and your willingness to fight the good fight - for your family, yourself and all of us! And you have every right to throw it back in Fatty's face after he tried to get you banned from Twitter and Substack. What a loser that guy is. Glad to hear about the new release of documents from Congress and hoping this helps your lawsuit!

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Substack is also my only source of income. This week, I lost three paid subscribers. I used to get 400 to 500 free subscribers per month. This month I got 65. I think they are still coming after Substack and maverick journalists who don't accept their bogus propaganda.

My last story was on the NY Times finally admitting that vaccines might be injuring a few people. The lady who wrote that story is probably earning a salary (including benefits) of $200,000. That is, she's being paid handsomely to publish disinformation.

In March, I made about $150 on Substack.

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Bill, I’m sorry. Only $150? Ridiculous. It sucks. The New York Slime, a propaganda rag. Every now and then a friend sends me a free article. I can’t finish reading them, I get too furious.

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I did better in April, but the trends have definitely reversed - big time - in the last six or so months. My "Spider Sense" says "something's changed" at Substack, but I admit that I can't prove this.

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You haven’t forgotten or forgiven, but will you vote Trump or still Biden?

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Don't throw your vote away on a man who, if he were elected, would be another Democrat - although being better on the COVID vax.

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Democrats are fascists in the Mussolinian sense of the perfect merger of corporate and state power. RFK by contrast has proven himself capable of opposing such crony capitalism and winning repeatedly.

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Bobby is an bona fide environmentalist. I'm concerned he will continue Biden's support of Green New Deal policies.

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Proven himself ?

Winning repeatedly ?

Has RFKJr held public office of which I am unaware ?

And character matters ...

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geez, winning lawsuits, for pete's sake, because he's a lawyer

this is his first run for public office

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Are you suggesting Kennedy has character flaws? Which ones?

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Start with fidelity ...

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Honestly, he's won by even being in the game (and not having been shot). I admire him greatly for his integrity. And disagree with a lot of his positions. His running mate is a lefty loon (ok, that's imprecise, but do we need Left Silicon Valley running the country any more than Neo-Right Silicon Valley?)

I agree 100% with your more precise definition of fascism, which is exactly the current trend. Yes, he resists some elements well. My concern is that the underlying "liberal" framework leads inexorably back to that same place. Esp. when we benighted people won't simply do what they say ("against our own interests") the government must coerce. It is naïve to think RFKJ does not reflect that line of thinking.

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I appreciate your good faith disagreement. Might I suggest it's just as naive to expect *anyone* currently in the race to resist the urge to misuse the One Ring Of Executive Power? I'm sympathetic to just ending the entire institution of the executive. Or breaking the US up into smaller units. But in the system we've got I'm just fishing around for the best option that seems to have the most integrity and commitment to civil libertarian values, and I keep coming back to Kennedy.

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As far as I am aware Bobby was the first to oppose centralized digital currency which is strongly correlated to being strongly pro-free speech so right there he is completely distinguished from Biden & Co. I am not thrilled with his running mate, but I understand that she is now free to financially support the campaign to the max. Still almost anybody is better suited to be "a heartbeat away" than VP Word Salad. What will be interesting is if Trump nabs Tulsi for his ticket. For now I see that Trump's ego has led him to double down on his primary weakness: covid vaccine obstinacy. That will only help Bobby.

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The One Ring is a good metaphor. That said, we do have track records for both Biden and Trump. Trump has shown great restraint in his past actions (though not his words). The Biden Administration has shown they truly don't care. Or maybe I should all it the 3rd Obama term; policy-wise it is.

Removing the executive is something I'd not heard. It's an interesting idea I would need to think a lot more about. Executive functions are required unless you are seriously considering anarchy (I mean anarchy technically, as someone like Michael Malice would advocate, not as a pejorative).

I would OTOH be very happy to roll back a lot of the executive power and the "unitary executive" theory, Chevron deference, etc. that all have been relentlessly increasing since (G) W. Bush.

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Trump is easily manipulated by these fascists. He let Fauci and Birx run the pandemic response and "WMD Project for a New American Century" Bolton run his foreign policy. He has the weakness of going along with whoever will flatter his ego.

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When COVID started, Fauci was universally considered the top expert on epidemics. It took a while for people, including Trump, to catch on. Bolton was National Security Advisor for about 18 months. Biden doubled down on the vaccine by issuing mandates, resulting in the firing of military personnel, first responders and many others who wouldn't comply.

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Let's just get the mother effing totalitarians out of power.

You guys are on the same (and sane) team. Please don't lose sight of that.

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Trump was President for four years. I saw no evidence he was a totalitarian.

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Yes Biden is an authoritarian. I could never vote for him. But Trump has demonstrated he is easily played. 1 day would have been too many for Bolton to be in office. And Fauci had known character defects dating back to the AIDS epidemic decades ago. RFK would have these kind of people out on Day 1.

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I've watched Biden since he first oozed into Congress 50 years ago. He's a liar, he's a sub-par intellect, he's not very smart, he's incompetent, he's corrupt, he has a clearly racist history, and because of all that I don't think many people ever envisioned even a remote possibility of him reaching this level of power. The myriad slimy things we all observed about him for so many decades, but an authoritarian too? That one has been a shocker.

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Even after Trump hired Dr. Scott Atlas to be on the COVID committee he didn't listen to him when Atlas told him Fauci and Birx were wrong. Trump is a good, old fashioned dolt.

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You're right. He had many chances to set this right and didn't take them. But he keeps owning the libs and selling golden shoes and Bibles and people eat it up, never looking beneath the reality TV surface to analyze his actual record on draining the swamp. We get the leaders we deserve.

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Atlas was part of a team on which he was out voted on virtually everything. Read what Dr. Atlas has written about his experience.

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Fact check: true. All of it.

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With his far left extremist running mate he would be worse than Biden in terms of free speech. But it is a fair question

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This is a fair concern. Counter-point is reasonable but quibbling. Let's not afford her more independent cred simply for being "anti-vax". Anti-vaccine sentiment, magnet healing, etc, was all very much a thing of the Left. Energy gurus, trips to India, utopianism. Esp. coming from Silicon Valley, a skeptical approach and detailed look at her record are reasonable.

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Can you give me an example of her advocating against 1A? I can't say she was my favorite pick for the job but I don't know if that's a fair accusation.

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Merely the fact that she is a far left extremist progressive and the left is no longer in favor of the 1st Amendment. Look at the ACLU and the judges the left has attempted to nominate who have been more than willing to "balance" the first amendment. Let alone the fact that the 1A was designed as a secondary bulwark to freedom of speech and is now the only one given the left-wing's gutting of the concept of enumerated powers. :-)

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I agree with you on every single thing there except for this particular individual being opposed to 1A. She called for the recall of the Moderna vaccine for instance. These days that's the kind of speech that the radicals you speak of would try to quash.

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I agree with that regarding vaccines, given his stance she's probably similar, but her leftward bent means she's no friend to free speech. Like the ACLU no longer is. 😀

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And you didn't give an example.

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VPs don't make any decisions of consequence except breaking Senate ties.

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Tell that to Dick Cheney.

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Dick Cheney had as much power as GWB gave him. It was a rare case where the candidate wanted a trusted advisor as his VP. The position itself doesn't inherently have any power.

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pretty sure he recently said on twitter that he would not, in fact, vote for trump.

typical boomer move to not vote or throw your vote away in protest of the system because you have enough money to not sweat the day to day.

although, *it could be* that he is worried that his wife might accidentally read one of his substack posts or twitter & read that he might, sort of, kind of consider voting for trump & then she would immediately take the kids & the dog upstate & get 85% of his future earnings awarded to her in a manhatten divorce court.

total shot in the dark.

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I think it is highly unlikely he'll change his ways no matter what the left does to him. It is akin to battered partner syndrome. lol.

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I think the comment, “fatty”, was about as kind as you could have been to such a loser.

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I, for one, don't think mockery of Brian Stelter can be over done.

NSFW: https://youtu.be/4Qqendp1kLE?feature=shared

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Brilliant T.!

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A fat bastard I might add. It is important that no one forgets. These charlatans must be dealt with at some point down the line. Tar and feathers then out come the pointy rocks.

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Your right on about Stelter. Go for the jugular and do not let go. Make it as painful as possible.

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I don't always agree with you, but your stand in defense of free speech has been a crucial and courageous one. And your lawsuit has gained in importance as SCOTUS appears to be dodging the major issues, such as who gets to determine "The Truth" or "The Science."

Keep it up!

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With you Alex. Go get 'em !

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I, like you, will resort to name calling when pushed too far. It is not my best quality. What I also share with you is a deep sense of standing for what is right. It is one my best qualities, and yours as well. The good in us, outweighs the bad a million fold.

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