I come for the reporting. I stay for the snark :)

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That's an excellent way to state it and I am confident that you speak for many of us.

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Yes he does

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No one does it better.

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Exactly. Freedom and snark or die here. We need it.

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You know what they say about snark: It's the most sincere form of snark.

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without the snark we might "raise the black flag and go about...."

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H.L. Mencken — 'Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.'

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Ok Blackbeard...

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My grandmother was born in 1919, she caught Covid 2 weeks before her 101 st birthday. She was given hydroxychloroquine and pulled though without any issues. The thing that she could not beat was the isolation of the lockdowns. She was 126 lbs at the start of Covid, and when she passed in Jan of this year she was down to just 70 lbs. This is the unreported toll of the plandemic

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My grandmother too beat Covid which she contracted at 98 in her “nursing prison” which was following all the protocols including keeping us out because we were a terrible threat. But she was alone in her room. Eating alone and isolated and as her friends and table mates who she missed died one by one without her knowledge, she tried to keep her spirits up with phone calls to us. But there were so many tears and the confusion got worse and the Covid still got in and still killed even after they all got the vaccine. And the vaccine. I believe that too caused harm to my sweet Nannie who suffered terrible neurological symptoms after, yes maybe from Covid and maybe from vaxx and maybe from quarentine but who would would know. What I know from a nurse was the worst harm was the removal of family and love. A crime against humanity to keep human contact and viable treatments away. Though in the end a long life is good and heaven is a reward.

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Nursing prison is right. It’s a crime what is being done to the elderly. This whole plandemic is about control and depopulation.

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and we were paying (er she was out of what would come to the family when she passed) 10k a month for the privilege. grrr...had the Lord not given us a literal miracle the day before she died where I pushed on a nurse to let us in to see her...I got to be with her 6 hours that day - I told my mother to insist on getting back in to see her - the administrator kept saying she only had 3 of the 5 signs necessary (even though she was a hospice patient) for them to allow us in - but b/c I had been with her and have been with dying patients before...I knew and I told my mom to fight to get in....they finally relented...oh and my mother is on the local hospice board...so they let her in and were going to let her start arranging for family to come two days later...My grandmother died hours after my mother left. NO other family got to say goodbye...I think she was waiting on us...to see us...touch us...say goodbye...and shame on the administrator who was withholding...wretched...wretched...and by all accounts this is a STELLAR facility with which we had had NO complaints...I should also note - that day I was in there were hundreds of people in and out b/c they were holding a vaccine clinic there...hmmm...but I digress. I am only thankful...I got a miracle..and was able to hold her once more...be with her...love her....look into her eyes and she was able to speak her last coherant words to me..."I Love you too cathie..." God is good and faithful...in the presence of my enemies. indeed. Nursing prison.

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cathietheconservative - I understand and agree and I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Solitary confinement is considered to be a horrendous punishment for the worst criminals - yet we (actually "they") have inflicted it upon the *innocent* -- the elderly population otherwise known as "The Greatest Generation."

Dad passed in December 2020 before the current "regime" took over. We were both keenly aware of the voting isssues and the non-stop deceipt from the left, but neither of us quite anticipated just how bad it would be ... or how quickly it would turn.

In a way, it's probably a good thing that he didn't have to watch everything that took place from January forward. Seriously, I cannot imagine what they think of the deteriorating condition of America ... and the world.

I, too, am Christian, as were Mom and Dad so this pandemic panic and the way it's been used against everyone worldwide is, in my opinion, straight from the pits of hell. I'd best stop right there. I'll do what I can as I can, but I must leave the outcome in God's hands.

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I am a Christian too, but not feeling so Christian right now. I do not want to forgive, I want these basta****to pay. Evil needs to be utterally obliterated. I am tired of seeing good people pass in all this mass that would otherwise be here if not for these subhumans that started all this shi*.

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utterly...cant spell I am so mad....

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meant to say in all this mess.

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I am so sorry. Yes...so true...Nannie and I had many conversations as we were frustrated and often she would encourage me not to be angry or try to "bust her out her bedroom window.." She would remind me to trust God and know that we are not in control. That is certainly evident. And for that generation that endured much, the Great Depression as children fought in wars, civil unrest and watched great things come of a nation through all of these things...an honest and true faith in the Eternal God who said it would be like this...is the hope. As it is for us. I also believe that lessons learned from the likes of Boenhauffer and others who have been Martyrs, yae, even now in Afghanistan and around the world would do us well to be studied and pondered as the day approaches. Still standing for and speaking for Truth and Righteousness. For only in the Light of Truth is the darkness of evil revealed and will people come to hope and love of Christ. That is why we are all so encouraged on this forum. We find the fellowship of TRUTH.

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cathietheconservative - as difficult as this horror show is, I personally consider it to be a privilege to be living at a time when we can watch so many of God's biblical prophecies being filled right before our very eyes. I take a lot of consolation from that. It's not easy, but there is honor in that.

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Oh Cathie you got to me again 😰

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You know I had totally forgotten that. Prisoners were treated better than the parents and loved ones who paid for their own care.

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Dear Cathie, I am not exaggerating when I say your story is breaking my heart. Yes, God IS good and faithful. I admire so deeply your strength and faith. If I could only be as strong as you, maybe I could deal with some of this better. I'm scared though of how much hate I have in my heart lately which I never thought I could be capable of. God please forgive me and give me strength like Cathie's.

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That is so awful. Glad for your miracle, but still just so awful. And I was thinking the same - that she was holding on to say goodbye. Her last months shouldn't have been so lonely and it's still hard for me to believe that society has come to believe that just being and staying alive is all that matters. Obviously the rest of us (here) know that's not true. (A Man who died at age 33 a couple millenia ago clearly didn't think simply staying alive here on earth for as long as possible was all that mattered...) There's so much more to life than simply having a beating heart...it's what you do with that life, no?

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Thank you. I'm old but still learning from wise Christians. You are inspiring.

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Vengence is mine sayeth the Lord....and that...is how the book ends...;)

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Here's a question, It's not my question; I think the answer is worth considering...

"What if leading healthcare “experts” are psychologically motivated to generate widespread suffering?"

And you can include elected officials and the MSM & Local News in the answer.

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I have thought more than once that we are witnessing a variation of the Milgram experiment, but instead of fake torture electroshock, people are being coerced into torturing others thru isolation, rejection, fear mongering. How many died alone in hospitals, or gave birth alone in hospitals, without needed loved ones nearby? Torture also for those excluded loved ones who didn't get to say goodbye. It is crimes against humanity.

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Absolutely. This is more than just about Covid now, it is about absolute power and control of the citizenry. I call Bullshit. Excuse my French.

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Not so much coerced, but frightened into being horrible to others. We are fed 24/7 stories of dying by Covid ( most stories not based on fact). We are told that the only way to survive is to wear a rag across our faces, stay away from others, take toxic injections and condemn those who dont as horrible humans. People are ignorant and scared. Fear makes people do stupid, horrid things.

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Yes, it is lunacy at this point. Covid is being used as a smokescreen for more sinister intentions.

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Yes, plus there's the element of the separation of those who are intelligent and who follow the science from those who are ignorant and misinformed. Who doesn't want to be among the scientifically knowledgeable?

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Laura A. -- one more thought here. We need to keep in mind the following from Ephesians 6:12 -->

"... our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Actually, Ephesians 6:10-13 is a very worthwhile (and, in my opinion, a necessary) read. We need to don the "full armor of God" for the times in which we currently live.

May God the Father, Jesus the Son, and The Holy Spirit (the great comforter) give you, and all of us, all the strength, peace and love that we need.

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Thank you Randy for this reminder. I definitely need to spend time polishing my shield 🙏

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Laura A. -- I do understand and grieve that "they" have driven us to this point.

Personally, I will do what I can as I can and will gladly leave the rest of the "vengeance" part in the Lord's hands. There's no better place to leave things than that.

With that thought, and only with that thought, I find my peace returning.

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Yes, you are so right. Left to the Lord's Hands. I just wish HE worked a little faster but that is just my impatience. Heavy sigh. I hope my peace comes back. I have such rage in my heart against this evil and am angry as hell. Thank you for your beautiful and kind reply.

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twistertim - I believe that all people everywhere have a powerful need to be needed and to be perceived as valuable. I think that's at the heart of your question.

The best of the best will rise above that selfish "need" and will serve humbly with honor.

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Don't listen to TwistedTime, he is a troll

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David H - gotcha. Thanks!

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You just summed up how I feel about my sweet Momma. She deteriorated so quickly during this how could it be denied. But your final point is what I hold onto. I know where she is now. Paradise.

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I have this same experience with my mother's nursing prison.

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Does any elderly person love living in a nursing home? Depressing as hell, you what what they say, pneumonia is an old man’a friend.

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Yep. Who among us would not choose death over being locked in a nursing home? Maybe people who've never visited a nursing home.

Longevity is not the purpose of life. The purpose of life is to live.

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*know what

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This plan began from evil, for evil.

Your story prompts me to thank God that all my family members are still with us on earth. Reading accounts like yours usually makes me so sad. But this time I am SO angry, I can feel my blood pressure rising.

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So sorry for your loss

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I'm so sorry. The toll on our dear elderly is unreal. My parents were in assisted living. They locked down in March 2020. They were in separate rooms. They were not allowed to see one another, or anyone else. They were not to leave. I was not allowed to visit. Mom died May 2020. Dad died September 2020. They never made it out of lockdown. It's so horrible an ending for such wonder people I can hardly keep my head together. They were married 60 years, and in the final months, forbidden to see each other. I think this is why they died. The assisted living took everything from them that made life worth living.

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I am so terribly sorry. This is heartbreaking. I don't know how you endured this. I might have been arrested breaking down the walls to get them out or get them in the same room or something. This is these are the stories that should be told...no common sense...we know how withholding love from premie babies causes them not to thrive..how have we lost our noodles when it comes to grown people? Sorry to keep bringing it to the Bible, but it says that in the end times there will be a great delusion..and I have to say...this all seems to count...how else do you explain the mass "trance" like state of the medical community denying viable treatments and forgetting all reasonable scientific practice and protocols while screaming "SCIENCE" at the top of their lungs? I can't explain it any other way. It defies all other explanations.

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Thank you so much for your kindness. I can't say I disagree with your explanation. I'm not religious anymore, but I know enough to be dangerous. lol There is truly a mass delusion going on. Professional, whom were once trusted, are beating the party line drums now. It feels like a small percentage of us that have our eyes opened to the big picture. Of course, we have fewer, and fewer, places to convey our thoughts now since censorship has kicked in to stop us. You know something dastardly is going on when censorship kicks into cover up the truth. Take care of you! We will live to fight another day.

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My sincere condolences to you and everyone on this thread who has suffered such sad losses.

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it's not about religion...don't forget what you know...or knew...it's truth...I'd encourage you to look again...and consider. Truth is Truth and all Truth is God's.

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cathietheconservative - I agree with you.

If I look hard for a positive in all this, I come up with Romans 8:28 --> "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

That does NOT mean that all things are good, not by a long shot. What it does mean is that in all things, whether they be good or evil, HE will work them to the glory of His name and for those who love and follow him.

I am convinced that God is currently threshing (beating and separating) the wheat from the chaff, strengthening marginal Christians, and trying to reach those who are almost ready to call out to Him. ... and THAT's a VERY good thing in spite of the evil horror show we're participating in!

To the marginal and nearly ready Christians, I admonish you to seek Him now and don't wait. He is our strength, our banner, our provider, our Father!!


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Randy, I envy your clarity. I've been so consumed by grief and anger toward my fellow man, I haven't taken the time to contemplate what God's plan might be through all this. Threshing the wheat... you might be right.

I'm thinking this passage could be applicable:

Matthew 3:12 “His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather His wheat into the barn; but He will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire.”

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It was stone cold cruel how they isolated the elderly. I have a few friends who suffered losses and never got to say goodbye. I am thankful my parents were gone long before this plandemic. I hate this administration.

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Horrible- i agree the elderly completely discarded. My condolences for both your losses. May your parents memory be eternal.

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Thank you Mathew. Thank so much. :-)

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"forbidden to see each other." Who the hell is that callous of a human being to believe that's okay? I'm with Cathie below; it would have been extremely difficult to not storm the place and remove both of them. My god. This is the sort of thinking that has paved the way for atrocities in the past.

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I can't stand this. I am utterly devastated just imagining the tortuous hell your folks endured. This particular column is becoming extremely painful to read through... yet, I keep coming back. These stories like yours need to be known, shared, proclaimed. So many people write these off with a callous "old people die" mentality. I'm so sorry for your parents and for your family's excruciating pain. What possible type of compensation can the facility offer you? They owe plenty. Can they be sued for such inhumane activities?

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Thank you for your thoughtful words. It was truly a living nightmare for my parents, and myself. I, powerless to stop the assisted living machine, and my dear parents, at their mercy. We were told that they were following CDC, state, and county health dept guidelines for assisted living facilities. I know we all lose our parents if we live long enough, but I hope the pandemic ends, and people don't continue to have to bare this extra hardship.

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Unfortunately your parents story, and thousands of other elderly people’s stories aren’t being told by the msm, so most have no clue as to the devastation this ‘pandemic’ has wrought on the elderly community. I’m so sorry for your loss.

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Thank you. I appreciate your kindness.

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This is horrible. I am sorry. I can’t even begin to tell you how furious this makes me.

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This is utterly heartbreaking.

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I'm so sorry for your loss and sorry for what your parents had to go through. That is one of the saddest things I've heard. Who does that to people?! Pure torture! Up until I read your post, the saddest story I heard was a local couple who both got COVID and ended up in the hospital - and placed in separate rooms. They were not allowed to see each other. One passed away and their adult child had to inform the other parent of it. Makes me sick!

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I mean I hate to sound callous but you also allowed this yo happen. I would not.

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Excuse me? I'm not sure if you are meaning to reply to me, but I didn't allow my parents to die. I didn't put them in assisted living, that was their idea entirely. They were suckers into independent living, they both got dementia, and on the same campus were move to assisted living. I never had a say so. I tried to talk my parents out of the whole thing. They were determined, and I had no power to stop them. Yes, whoever you are talking to, you sound extremely callous, mean, judgmental, and list of other colorful words I will not say to you.

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I’m not going to jump down your throat. I’m going to assume that you don’t understand because you didn’t have a loved one in in assisted-living or a nursing home and of course your passion would seem logical. The rules, are the rules and the police will arrest you if you persist. Do you think you’re going to break through the doors and kidnap somebody? Sounds like the people above did not have a power of attorney and hands were tied. And let’s take it a step further. Maybe mom or grandma was in a lovely assisted living situation that turned rancid with Covid and lockdowns. Perhaps These loved ones didn’t have room in their homes to take in an Alzheimer’s patient who requires 24-7 care along with locked doors and baby gates. My mother had Alzheimer’s. After 2 1/2 years I could no longer take care of her and she was a danger to herself and to my children when she lost her mind. I hope this educated you rather than alienated you. There are facts beyond what you may understand. Please have a good evening and maybe a little understanding.

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I'll be reserved in my reply by saying I urge you to NOT make the assumption that you could control anything that happens in the majority of these cases. In my case, control was stripped from us at every turn and level. It did not matter how high I went. Even a doctor's second opinion in today's world is not considered. Whoever has the strictest ruling is the winner. For the evilest involved this is about death and money. Evil of this sort requires supernatural forces to overcome.

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I'm so sorry. We have known for years what isolation does to people, and we just threw that all out the window along with babies needing to see facial expressions. In my line of work I work primarily with senior citizens and everything was about encouraging them to get out and socialize, now the "experts" won't even mention that.

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It's curious - the 'experts' get the isolation caused for forcing people to work remotely, relying on Zoom and similar tools rather than face to face interaction. Nothing wrong with working from home but there is a tradeoff in terms of human contact and it can be an isolating experience. I get the sense that counselors, therapists, and psychologists have more business than they can handle.

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Yep. Not to mention the drugs they're prescribing for all of it. It's pharma's dream scenario

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You got that right Sasha! They were constantly telling me my parents where depressed, and wanted to give them various mood pharma. I would say, " yes, they are depressed, you won't let them see each other, you won't let them see me, what is wrong with you people?" All I did the whole time they were in assisted living is do battled with those idiots. They had everyone drugged to the hilt, and it is intentional, and it is evil. They do not have people best interests at heart. I would have been glad to have my parents live with me, but they had my Mom brained washed. She didn't think she would live if she left. So because she wouldn't leave, my Dad wouldn't leave. He would never leave my Mom, and that is as it should be. He didn't leave until she died, and he died shortly afterward. They did life together, and they did death together too. I have the utmost respect for my parents. They were the most committed people I've ever seen. Committed to each other, and committed to me. They were rocks. I'm lost without them truth be told. It would be bad enough under normal circumstances, but during these times...I think I've lost my marbles. Sorry, I tend to run on, and on, and on.

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That's just horrendous, I am so sorry. It makes no sense to keep them apart?? I know it's too late but how could they justify that when the nurses and staff were coming in and out. I think this has all just been one mass murder crusade! My grandmother passed away as well in a nursing home in may 2020 and no one had seen her since February. It worries me wondering what her actual health was like in those last days. She had been a nursing home nurse for decades and was insistent that she not spend her last years in one because of what she saw, same with my mother in law. Hearing their stories it really makes me fearful of what's happening in them with no visitors allowed.

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Sasha and NOWHERE MAN -- Amen to you both. You're *nailing* the appropriate points.

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I'm so sorry for your losses. It must be so difficult. Don't apologize for going on. If it helps you to tell your story, get it out, and repeat it as much as you need to.

We're all experiencing different degrees of depression and pain right now, and connecting, even if it's anonymously like on here, is so important.

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I got a therapist last summer, when COVID and BLM were bearing down on my sanity. The first thing he asked was if I'd be open to anti-anxiety drugs. I should have fired him right then and there.

My mom was addicted to downers to manage her anxiety. First valium, then Xanax. She was anxious because she was in an emotionally abusive relationship, which mirrored her abusive relationship with her mother. Maybe dealing with the source of anxiety would have helped her more than medicating it so she could tolerate it?

The drugs, when she was abusing them, made her into a zombie. They did not help her resolve her problems or feel better for more than a few hours.

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When what we really needed was socialization, sunlight, exercise and love.

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Jane Adams and Vernon - you are also relaying a lot of extremely valuable truth. It's good to hear even if it's mostly in retrospect now. Thank you both.

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That is perhaps the least reported story of this sorry episode - the number of deaths caused by govt actions to "keep us safe." There is one study that estimates close to a million additional deaths stemming from the economic harm that has been caused.

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Also decreased medical care, for cancer, heart disease, etc.

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Yes you are right-- I am sorry your grandmother had to experience that isolation-- its a cruel and sociopathic streak in govt that enables it.

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Thank you for your empathy. And indeed. We rejoice that she is with her savior Christ and we cling to psalm 37 that reminds us not to fear when EVIL men prosper or scheme. For the Lord God will have the victory.

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💕my heart goes out to you. The cruelty of the bureaucrats

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Timothy Hawes and the others on this thread: I am sorry for your losses.

My dad also died -- in December 2020, just under two years after losing his wife of 72 years. He was over 97.

He did not have Covid and had not been vaxed. He was in an assisted living center, which is a bit better than a nursing home, but they followed the same rules. They did a good job keeping Covid out of the retirement home and the AL facility, but he missed many of his doctor's appointments or had them by "remote" (a tiny cellphone screen held at arms length by the nurse so he could "see" the doctor). That's NOT a good way to see the doctor!

After the rare times that he did go out for a "critical" appointment, he was essentially locked in his small apartment away from everyone for two weeks solitary confinement upon his return. The nurses wore what passed as fright-inducing hazmat suits. Family and friends were forbidden to visit in person, though he was allowed to come see me on one occasion in a neighboring state -- but, once again, he went back into a two week solitary confinement upon his return with the hazmat-attired staff.

In my opinion, he died of the isolation, worry over our country's future, and a nearly complete absence of exercise (muscle and mental atrophy). I can't quite fathom the thoughts of a WWII veteran watch the country they love unravel so badly ... and so quickly!

The panic over Covid is likely far worse than the bug itself. BOTH aspects hurt our elderly population far worse than it does our school-age children.

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@Randy R Your post captures the absolutely unnecessary and deliberately cruel "pandemic response" instituted by the NIAID unelected bureaucrat - the very same one who advocated AGAINST quarantining Ebola cases in the U.S. I am so sorry for your father, and your losses by not being able to be there with him.

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Thank you, Potatodots. As anyone can see from reading the posts on Alex's (and a couple other) articles, mine is one of many, many, many similar situations.

Both Mom and Dad lived good and long lives as a devoted Christians, so I'm certain they're with our Heavenly Father and Jesus right now. That's some comfort, and yet, ... .

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comfort and yet...indeed.

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So very sorry. Technology has allowed the country to crumble. If my parents were alive, they would be crushed and wanting to go. A small number of very evil people have destroyed people’s love of life. Freedom to think and decide one’s course is the essence of happiness. The democrat party and many Republican elite have willingly help the evil doers. All in the name of believing they know best for all of us.

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They treat animals better

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These people are focused on one thing only, when in truth it’s one slice of whole health issues including mental health and social life etc. The stress is extremely harmful to health and well-being

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My mother was born in 1922, and died in late 2019. I am so grateful that she did; I would have to have thought about her all alone in her nursing home bed wondering why her kids didn't visit her. She would have understood the reason - but would have forgotten it 5 minutes later.

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Oh Betsy, I'm so sorry, however, I agree with you. I am glad my parents passed last year. They were in hell, and now they are free. I often wish I could join them, but I know I must be here, for now. I must have some unforetold use in these crazy times. Take care of yourself. I know how hard it is.

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Your sweet mom, I too am relieved she did not have to witness all of this.

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You speak of the huge psychological effect on many, especially the elderly who were kept isolated for so long for their own safety (?). Terrible.

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Oh Timothy, please accept my condolences for your grandma. They are very special people in our lives. And she beat Covid, what a blessing. But yes, the lockdowns are a torment and it all broke her heart and the zest for life waned. Please know she rests with Angels and someday further on you will be reunited, and then forever. She is your Guardian Angel now. Sending you a loving hug filled with peace and comfort for your grandma was a legend here on Earth and I am sure she is keeping everyone on their toes in Heaven. She sounds sensational. To you sweet grandma of Timothy's, thank you for loving your grandson and being such a strong woman, a role model to many and for the life lessons you shared. Rest gently in Paradise.

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Thank you

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So sad you had to go through this. Especially sad for your mother.

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So sorry for your loss, that is sad the isolation they are forcing on the elderly

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That's heartbreaking. I'm sorry for your loss.

It appears there is a culling of the elderly in homes using a med called Midazolam, as researched and reported by Wayne Smith and Jacqui Deevoy. Coincidentally, Smith was found dead recently due to *cough* Covid. Riiiiiiiight. Following is him telling of his disturbing findings:


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Midazolam, sold under the brand name Versed, among others, is a benzodiazepine medication used for anesthesia, procedural sedation, trouble sleeping, and severe agitation.[4] It works by inducing sleepiness, decreasing anxiety, and causing a loss of ability to create new memories.[4] It is also useful for the treatment of seizures.[6] Midazolam can be given by mouth, intravenously, or injection into a muscle, by spraying into the nose, or through the cheek.[4][6] When given intravenously, it typically begins working within five minutes; when injected into a muscle, it can take fifteen minutes to begin working.[4] Effects last for between one and six hours.[4]

Side effects can include a decrease in efforts to breathe, low blood pressure, and sleepiness.[4] Tolerance to its effects and withdrawal syndrome may occur following long-term use.[7] Paradoxical effects, such as increased activity, can occur especially in children and older people.[7] There is evidence of risk when used during pregnancy but no evidence of harm with a single dose during breastfeeding.[8][9] It belongs to the benzodiazepine class of drugs and works by increasing the activity of the GABA neurotransmitter in the brain.[4]

Midazolam was patented in 1974 and came into medical use in 1982.[10] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines.[11] Midazolam is available as a generic medication.[8] In many countries, it is a controlled substance.

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This is so sad. I’m sorry. The same thing happened to my neighbor as I have stated here before. She had no cause of death, she was isolated in a nursing home on an empty floor because she kept trying to be around people. They wouldn’t let her family visit unless they were between two sliding glass doors and everyone wore masks. She gave up and died.

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Larvatus - "because she kept trying to be around people". She KNEW what she needed!

This tops the list for why the "world's" panicked reaction to the pandemic is so horrid.

At the opposite end of the age continuum, can any of us truly anticipate the damage we're doing to our youngest children with the fear, isolation and mask mandates ... not to mention with a thoroughly suspicious vaccine and booster shots!

I went through the old "Duck and Cover" days in the mid-sixties with Russia and Cuba and still at 69 remember them quite vividly and those days weren't as evil as these.

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* I meant the early sixties. They were pretty much over by 1965.

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That is criminal.

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I am utterly sorry.

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Her Mother life began as Fascists were trying to take over the world and she left as Fascists are trying again to take over the world. The "flu" was and is being used to accomplish those goals.

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brilliant point!

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Exactly right.

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Alex, I welcome your snark and your hard-hitting pieces. Please do not hesitate to send as many substack posts as needed. Truly, some of the best parts of my day.

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Completely agree…I get tons of crap in my email but I click on every one of Alex’ emails!!!! I look forward to them!

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Well put. His emails are among a select few that I read almost immediately. :)

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I fail to see how the loss of Snark is an asset? I, for one, need snark like a vital nutrient.

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There is no common sense left anymore anywhere. None. Currently the oldest living people are twins who are 107. A person of 105 is so inherently fragile that blowing on them could knock them over and kill them. We all have a built-in time clock which may vary a bit due to genetic inheritance and just plain luck but we still have this clock. It is in each of our cells in the telomeres. They shorten with each cell replication until at some point they become so short the cell can't replicate any more and death occurs. Not only is there no common sense but there is no basic science knowledge. Didn't schools once teach biology?

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The point of all of this is if it wasn't covid, it would have been heart failure, or kidney disease, or cancer, or an auto accident, or a fall in her home... The focus of all reportingshould be on the wonderful and extended years of life that she did have. Not on how it ended--because it will end for all of us in some way, shape or form. "No one here gets out alive"

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As Clinton's Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders said, "We're all gonna die of somethin." I was and am no fan of those two, but her quote is true.

Often family members left behind are quick to place blame (frequently without truthful proof) for 'the untimely death'.

At 105, Alex is correct in disputing Primetta's claim that without Covid, her mother would have been around a lot longer. At 105, a human being is beyond the expected span of life!

And also this: sweet-tongued Primetta was exposed to three people who had received the Covid 'vax', and she then contracted Covid. Hmmmm...

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vax shedding

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There isn't much question (for now) IF we're going to die, but WHEN. surgeon generals and entire medical industry seem to want it to be sooner than we do.

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They are 'playing God'.

God will most-assuredly judge them for sins.

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Perhaps. The NY governor says she believes God wants us to get vaccinated. I doubt she knows, either.

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Some people are more successful at survival than others. We should be trying to learn from the successful, not assuming we're doomed. Fatalism encourages failure. There is no reasons that we can't live forever are that we haven't figured out how, yet, and many seem to be uninterested in trying. Researchers are getting much closer to figuring it out. Many people alive today will live forever.

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You are so right.

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Telomeres are an interesting lot. So the oldest a human can live is 122 according to the Hayflick limit (interestingly no human has lived past 122 that can be verified). The Hayflick limit is based on cellular replication limits engendered somewhat in teleomere biology. My question is this: The oldest genetic material one has is as old as their mother (since ova are formed at birth in the female who eventually becomes your mother), what is your true age. Is it the traditional number or is it the traditional number + the age of your mother when you were born?

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Birth is not the beginning of life. Counting time from birth is a cultural shortcut for a more complex process than most people care to contemplate.

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That's interesting. Telomere shortening doesn't begin until the cell divides. The ovum in the ovary will not divide until fertilized by the sperm. That would mean that "aging" doesn't start for a person until fertilization and cell division starts. A woman who does not become pregnant with a viable fetus until age 40 still has a baby who's "age" would start with fertilization. We don't start the count until birth.

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Telomere biology makes for an interesting "when does life begin argument".

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By your assertion, we are all 40 weeks older than the birthdays we celebrate.

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If life begins at conception and we begin counting a life when the cells divide from the fertilized egg into the zygote. Not every pregnancy goes to 40 weeks. My daughter's went to 39 weeks and my son's went to 34 weeks.

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Well, some pregnancies go over 40 weeks, so I'm not sure what your point is. 40 weeks is the agreed upon gestational period for humans and that was what I was referring to.

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You seem to want to split hairs. The point of using telomeres to calculate age is that the age of the person would physically start when the fertilized egg starts to divide into individual cells. If you are counting backwards to figure out the age it would have to be when the egg began to divide. Not all pregnancies are the standard, textbook 40 weeks.

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More like the age of your mother added to your chronological age.

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No, not your mother's age but from the day the fertilized egg begins to divide and grow into a fetus.

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Genesis 6:3 (KJV) And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

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This is a good question…. The egg carried by your mother doesn’t replicate or regenerate… so at conception is when the telomere clock starts?

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Yes, the telomere clock would start when the fertilized eggs begins to divide.

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Your first sentence is fascinating.

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Nope. Schools are teaching only how to hate US. Period. It is the mitochondria that can no longer power the cells. They just get ragged and fewer. That is why old people slow down. I have never met one single person in my lifetime that knows what mitochondria are and do.

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I do, but no one listens to me about science. They don't want science. They want outrage and feelings.

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I know what they are and what they do. I have never before heard they become ragged and decrease with age. There are many reasons old people slow down.

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Mitochondria are the engine in our cells. The number of mitochondria and their condition matters a lot. I spent a significant amount of time as a member of exercise group of seniors. I am in my late 60s. While most were overweight, although not terrible, their energy level was low except for 1 or 2 of us that could keep up with young instructor. I saw very little improvement with a class around 35. The men were the worst. Stiff and very weak with much loss of balance. I also took a yoga class with even more in that class. Again, I saw much weakness. They wanted to do better, but could not. Some were faithful riding stationary bikes and working hard but not getting stronger. I was just getting over major operation and started doing an easy workout. Within a year I was just as able as a 30 yr old. I pushed my bike riding up to 30 miles a day. So as sick as I was with aggressive cancer, my mitochondria was still quality enough to power muscle groups through cell respiration to better performance. It is all about the mitochondria. BTW, I was never athletic. MAny in my classes once were.

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NAC or L-glutathione for mitochondria!

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I thought it was telomeres too. That the telomeres get shorter with time.

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But now schools, medicine teaches us how to be immortal-- just look at all the Silicon Valley types pushing " being a better human" " live longer " etc. I like the Keto way but people like Dave Asprey go WAY too far in "perfecting the perfect human"

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While also killing off the unborn lives who would normally replace us

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Most things in moderation. Eat organic, know the dirty dozen and clean 15. EWG website to see if food/products you use are dangerous. Cut out sugar and processed foods. Eat as naturally as possible. And whoever teaches how to be immortal, is a nut.

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Many things we consider routine today were once considered nutty. Diets are like religions, where everyone thinks theirs is the only truth, and the others are nuts. They can't all be right. Web sites are not necessarily the best arbiters.

The wrong things in moderation are still deadly. Lots of organic vegetarians die of heart attacks.

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Thats why I said most things. I stick by what I said but ty for your comment.

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What is particularly humorous is how media hypes boomers as being so active and healthy. Such bs. I live in a retirement community. Not healthy at all.

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I hope you are.

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Keto works for me (dirty keto) but there is always a crazy willing to "guru" a trend

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Survival doesn't require perfection, just good choices. Esselstyn teaches how to avoid heard disease by skipping fats, saying "moderation kills," but confesses that he eats a bag of peanut butter cups every new years. We win the war one battle at a time.

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Would it then be possible to test for telomere length and factor that into cause of death determination wrt to sars-covid-2?

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Telomere length correlates to many factors that affect longevity. For example, smokers have shorter telomere etc. Likewise, virtually all the co-morbidities associated with COVID as risk factors (age, skin color, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease etc) also are correlated with shorter telomere length. So that study has been done...at least in theory. So the prediction is this: Those with shorter telomere lengths are more susceptable to adverse COVID outcomes - we already know this to be most likely true due to previous telomere findings. What would be an interesting study is to see if FEAR of COVID affects telomere length (telomeres are very labile and can change situationally) and if that FEAR affects COVID outcomes. I'll bet it does! In the early 1900s there was a field of inquiry looking at the mechanisms involved in Voodoo Death. Basically, if the subject's belief in the voodoo was strong enough there would be associated physiological changes that would precipitate the death of the believer. Is there a contribution of Voodoo Death in COVID deaths? Probably.

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The Voodoo Flu does have a certain ring to it.

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If belief in voodoo can cause death, maybe believing in immortality will keep us living. The mind has a lot of power most people leave untapped.

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A general surgeon once told me that there are 'patients who die who have no reason to die' and that there are 'patients who should not live who thrive'. The mind is a powerful entity!

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Don't forget stress! I had my telomeres tested and they were "aged" at 72 years. I was 62 years at that time and had experienced tremendous stress for many years due to family issues.

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Here is a Telomere/COVID paper just published https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.19.21257474v2

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I love what you did there. Stress has to affect telomere length, no?

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You can be sure few know what a telomere is. We are not educating the masses because we do not want them to think for themselves. They do not even know the right questions to ask, and because curiosity is removed today from learning, few value learning for its intrinsic value.

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TeloYears is a genetic testing company that will "age" your telomeres. It's my understanding that you can alter the length of your telomeres through better health habits.

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Um... Yeah, let's go with COVID. Certainly there were no underlying factors here

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yup, no

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We busted my 95 year-old grandfather out of nursing home prison in April 2020. We had a video link to his room and we didn't believe he had gotten out of bed for 4 or 5 days. My aunt was happy to take him in, where he happily lived until mid-January 2021. He would not have lasted another week in the nursing home, but he thrived at my aunt's home (his daughter). Of course he tested positive for Covid 3 weeks before he passed, but it had nothing to do with the two weeks of hospice prior to passing. No fever, no cough, no symptoms. He was ready to go and he went on his own terms. We refused to allow any mention of Covid on his death cert, as we didn't want to give The Party one more number to use to instill fear amongst the sheeple. He was a fantastic man and I only miss him everyday.

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Blessings on you and your aunt and your grandfather!

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Your Aunt is a saint that allowed his days to be with family where he was greatly loved.

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61 year-old daughter? This woman gave birth at 44 in 1960? That’s an amazing story!

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My mother was 45 in 1952 when I was born. My mother had 2 children in a row to start family again after young son died in car accident. My mother was severely injured in crash, told not to have more children, and did so anyway. My mom was made of tough stuff. Many in her generation were tough.

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I think your Mom was a loving badass!

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My mother was born in 1907 and she was 43 years old when I was born.

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I think people didn't think of giving birth in one's 40s as much of a big deal as today, with what we know about greater risks... I remember people being apt to say, wow, that's going to be harder for her chasing rugrat(s) than when a 20-something.

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I just read yesterday that the US NATIONWIDE only recorded 68 flu deaths last year (as compared to thousands every other year), so I guess everyone really does die of covid (including the guy who fell off a ladder and broke his neck who tested positive).

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We made up for the lack of flu deaths with teenage suicides

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nah, because those died of covid too. It's horrible.

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The CDC admitted the pcr was made up of adeno virus, some plant virus, an animal bit or two, flu - not one bit of the ccp Fauci Gates virus. The others not much better. MsM ignored the fraud by the CDC. CDC did not express any remorse over the 97% false positives rate. The pcr tests still have the blessings of the FDA until the end of the year. FDA says new tests must distinguish between flu, colds, ccp virus. The purpose of the fraudulent tests was to get high numbers of what the CDC termed positives as "confirmed cases," no clinical assessment required.

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Love the snark! It takes the air out of people’s self righteous sanctimony.

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I know you had said that you wanted to keep us from getting our inboxes flooded, but I like these shorter posts. The long ones are great, but since I work from home and am always fighting distractions, these short punchy commentaries are great for me. Almost like some other platform that I used to see you on.... what was that name?

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I think her mother could have been around for longer than she was if she'd been given early treatment. WE HAVE A PANDEMIC OF NO EARLY TREATMENT = DEATH! Sorry for the caps but I feel so badly everytime I see one of these stories. She's missing her mom yoo soon.

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We have a PCR test pandemic, too. None of the statistics are trustworthy.

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Antibodies or it didn't happen.

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Great point

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I like the snark. Right now, we need some snark.

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People just give me a dead stare when I enlighten them with the fact that the average age of deaths in the US With Covid is 79 and our life expectancy is 78.

BTW - I never asked for less snark 🤔

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LOL!!! me neither!

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I 100% agree that we are all spoiled brats!!! For real!! Child of an immigrant speaking here, and I assure you Americans have no idea how spoiled we are.

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The current admin is going to take care of that.

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Or Canadians 😊

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At 105, you are the lowest hanging fruit when DEATH comes a calling.

She died of COVID? No, she died because SHE'S 105 F***ING YEARS OLD!

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There are decent numbers of very elderly, who were treated with the HCQ/IVM protocols that pulled through despite being hospitalized. Sure, it was the straw or the bale of straw that broke the back for many, but.

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My father turn 90 this year, and my mother 87. I joke with my dad that by the law of averages, he's stealing years away from somebody else...lol When he complains, I remind him. Covid, the common flu, a hard fall, his horrible driving (lol). Everyone dies, enjoy everyday. Covid mandates make this much more difficult, especially the elderly. The true tragic result.

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We're not stealing years from others, but from the universe, which wants to kill us all and recycle our parts. It's a game where we're playing against the house, and some days you win, some days you lose. Some do it better than others.

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well said

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Mrs. Giacopini was very wise with an observation of, "basically, all Americans who were not around for World War II were basically spoiled brats.”

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My late parents, who just died, both of them, in 2020, not of covid, and luckily they didn't try to say it was covid, would have 100% agreed with Mrs. Giacopini. While I am not of that generation, being raised by that generation, I agree as well. I'm thankful everyday that I was raised by people who knew how to think outside themselves, the exact opposite of selfish. They knew suffering, they knew poverty, they knew hard, hard times. Their parents ruled, and they didn't dare cross them. Parents of yester-year didn't have time to put up with mouthy children. No sass! My parents were, of course, not that hard on me, times where much better when I was growing up. My parents instilled values in me, that are clearly not being instilled in generations after me, sad to say. I never thought I'd live to see the day that a novel we read in English class, 1984 by George Orwell, would actually start becoming a reality. As an American, I will never surrender my freedom. I will never surrender my autonomy over my body, or my health. I will fight if I have to, and I will die, rather than live in a USA that has turned tyrannical. Sorry, I'm long winded. lol

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so true. Keep in mind that 1984 reality hit Europe years ago and is more advanced in Australia.

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Well said and so true!

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In researching my ancestors, I found out my parents living in Chicago lived with about 30 others in a rooming house when they were in their 20s. Now I have lived in a very old home with 4 apartments which was pretty different for me that grew up rural. When everybody cooked we knew what they were having to eat. It felt like one big family.

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only the Americans, huh? Total BS

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This. And then there's the "my Dad's death would have been so much worse if he hadn't taken the vaccine." Yeah.

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My own grandmother died a bit after her 100th birthday, and even though it might’ve been covid, it was listed as cause of death on a presumptive basis, no definitive tests were performed.

She led quite the life and may hold the record for the oldest driver to ever get a DUI. She was 95 and drove without a license for an additional 4 years.

We’re not happy she’s gone, but we’re happy she lived.

When did it become acceptable for people to make a false assumption and then whine their way to the highest pinnacles of self-victimization?

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I followed the included link to the AP News article; note that it reports that Primetta and her caregiver and caregiver's husband had all been vaccinated! Another "breakthrough" case!

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In a non-clown world, the fact that she was vaccinated would have been the headline. But here we are.

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What? oh. Now that's a different story.

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I saw that too - at the bottom of the article! As if it was just a throwaway statement, said under the writer's breath. If she was unvaccinated it would've been the headline!

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“… all three were vaccinated…” thus achieving the merit badge of the Left on their way to death caused by the heartless anti-vaxxers.

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I am 70 and was vaccinated back in early February (when it was being sold as 95% effective against getting the disease) but I still got "the" covid in July. I took Ivermectin, zinc, vitamin D and got better in a week. It was akin to having a sinus cold. My 100 1/2 year old mother (1/2 years count at that age) also got covid and had no symptoms. She's fine now. Difference is she lives with us and sees people. She told me her biggest fear of catching covid was not the disease, it was dying alone in a hospital. I attribute her strength to eating moldy bread during WWII, eating leftovers that may be a few days to old, and just not worrying about things being perfectly sterile.

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Your mom.... YES, "not worrying about things being perfectly sterile"!. I've been telling our kids for years how we used soap & water WITHOUT all this 'antibacterial' crap in it. Just like over prescribing antibiotics, much of our population has become overdosed with antibacterial this & that. I'm 71, husband's 85 and we're both not vaxxed AND will not take any of these vacs PERIOD. Yet we do value others' who choose to do so. While we took some precautions during the first of 2020, not knowing much then, we also didn't worry. I'd say over time by now, we been exposed to covid like everyone else has. Fear will not guide our daily life!

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Give her a hug for me. She sounds like an amazing woman!

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My heart sank when I saw your promise of “less snark”, please keep it coming.

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Mega dittos

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Cut down in the prime of her life by Corona.....seriously lady 105 is a good run.

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Did you really need to say that?

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Did she need to politicize her mom's death to guilt and shame others? That's the question you should be asking, Karen.

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I’m having a hard time believing that it was CoVID that killed her but regardless, what a life she led and if I make it to 105 I’ll be blessed.

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Somebody wake me when AP starts covering the parents of healthy kids that have been injured by or died from the vaccines.

In the meantime, have some truly deranged fear porn on par with the infamous Daisy ad against Goldwater.


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The three elderly widows I know are all concerned about only one thing. One lives in her home. One lives in an independent living facility. The third lives in an assisted living facility. None of them have dementia or serious illnesses. They all got vaccinated. None of them got COVID. Thank God!

They all have children and friends who live nearby. They were all alone for many months; having only calls and videos to communicate with loved ones. They are all "free" now. Thank God! They can go out and have visitors. The only thing they now say that they are afraid of is "being forced to isolation again and being all alone"; not COVID. 🙏

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My mum was a child during WW2, lived in London during the Blitz until she was evacuated. She said last year, being forced to stay home during lockdown was far worse than what she experienced during the war. Its the grinding boredom and isolation that gets to you. She was a very active woman before, always out and about socializing at shows and exhibitions, going to dance classes, swimming. Now the highlight of her day is walking up the road to the chemist or meeting a friend for lunch as things are still not back to normal. I think she would rather die than be forced into lockdown again. I live 5000 miles away in the US otherwise I would definitely have her come and live with us.

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Well, I'm 50 and I'd rather die than being forced into lockdown again. Not exaggerating. What's the point of living if we can't actually, you know, live?

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No apologies needed for the snark. Sometimes people are complete dipsh*ts, and both of these women sound like they may fit that category. Primetta was 105 for G*d's sake! I know it sounds heartless to say this, but she was a dead woman walking. At her age, it wasn't just waking up each morning that was a blessing, it was every additional breath she took until she passed. She was waaaay beyond any expected lifespan anywhere on this planet at any time in human history. And for Dorene not to get that ... Look, I understand she loved her mother, and misses her terribly. But it was just Primetta's time to go, and while Covid may have been the incidental cause of her death, even a bad cold would have done it at her age.

And that's the thing about Covid: it's almost universally taking the aged and the unhealthy -- people who are the walking dead under the best of circumstances. I see these huge men and women wearing masks, and I think: if you're really that afraid of Covid, the single best thing you could do to make it a relatively minor event in your life is lose weight. Now, Primetta obviously couldn't undo her age (which was a blessing), and she couldn't do much about her death (which was inevitable and coming soon anyway), but Doreen can (if she chose to see this correctly) treat the fact that Primetta lived to be 105 as the near-miracle it was.

But Doreen's thinking is what comes of a society that treats everyone as a victim of one thing or another, and which acts like we can regulate death away if we just impose enough "safety measures".

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I agree. The Branch Covidians won't listen to facts or science. but they absolutely blow a gasket when you make fun of them. Humor and snark are useful tools in a debate.

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Excellent comment! So much good stuff here.

But THIS cannot be said enough. This truth is at the heart of why we're all here.

"it's almost universally taking the aged and the unhealthy -- people who are the walking dead under the best of circumstances."

Why don't people get this?

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The panic is driven by ignorance. The government and medical industry are invested in keeping us that way. Useful idiots in media (and their readers) play along.

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Because that’s not the only people it’s taking.

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Who, then? Most are old. Even higher percentage are obese, and suffering diseases of obesity. But they're trying to sell vax, so they try to bury that.

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Doreen is not thinking like a victim, not talking like a victim nor walking like a victim nor embracing "victimhood!" Wow. That's just ad hominem for no reason. WTH!?

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Potatodots, you're completely wrong. I quote: “'I think my mother would have been around quite a bit longer if she hadn’t contracted COVID,' her 61-year-old daughter, Dorene Giacopini, said." That is, by definition, seeing herself and her mother as a victim -- expressly as a victim of Covid, and implicitly (in this battle to medically rape those who aren't vaccinated) the unvaccinated.

You're sentimentality doesn't trump the fact of what she's doing and the position she's taking (and the position those pushing her story are taking), and my cold hearted analysis of a 105-year-old's death (which is inevitable any day once you hit that age) isn't an ad hominem attack. An ad hominem attack would be if I started calling Doreen or Primetta names. I didn't do that -- at all. I addressed Doreen's position of supposed victimization, and explained the hard reality of life. I'm not required to wear my heart on my sleeve, and you're not helping the analysis or the fight for liberty by wearing your heart on your sleeve.

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Yes, Alex's observation is similar to when a famous person, who is 95ish, is reported to have died and the report says the death was UNEXPECTED!

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So we were all going to live forever until covid came along. Okay. I guess if we can make people believe the whole world wearing masks will end all disease than we can convince people of that too.

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Actually. Pfizer and Moderna CEOs both want us to take boosters for life annually just be able to participate in society. They came right out and said it

They buy the CDC and FDA so it could be so

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Immunity as a service.

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So, the daughter, Dorene, is a spoiled brat? I can see that.

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Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it."

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I am keeping your incisive comment, Tank.

Thank you!

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Here’s snark…she had LONG passed her expiration date..in fact, her daughter

is fast approaching it

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If John F Kennedy was tested positive for covid in morgue they would say he died from it..even with his brains splattered all over the seat of the Lincoln. This is now a religious cult

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Tucker has a segment on The Religion of Covid the other night. They have silver necklaces that say vaxxed and candles with St Fauci on them. This is not satire these people are a cult

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The problem with leftists is that since they do not believe in God they are constantly creating ersatz-religions in order to fill the void in their lives . A few examples are veganism, climate and now covid.

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wow! hadn't thought of that

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Great point

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Ya MaryJo who is brother murdered too

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She did not die of COVID. She died of antiquity. We should all be so blessed to live nearly 30 years past life expectancy.

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REALLY - 105??? Keep the snark coming - it keeps us sane. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU ARE DOING!

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The Irish Times has a Covid 'wall' on their website, which 'commemorates' people who died from Covid in Ireland. There are about 800 people featured. I scraped the webpage contents and calculated their average age at death. It wasn't precise because I only had the year of birth and death but it worked out at 82.14 years. A quick search online gives the average life expectancy in Ireland of 82.26 year. All those precious years lost ! My arse.

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It’s all a lie — a big lie. The New World Order — global totalitarianism — is here. And the Revolution IS being televised, for now as a “health dictatorship. Dissidents, free-thinkers as such, sub-citizens — the “vaccine hesitant” — will be punished by the loss of freedoms in the new two-tier social system. Gulags will follow in the process of time.

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Mrs. Giacopini might have been around at least a while longer had she received ivermectin as soon as her caretaker began feeling ill. No mention of either trying to prevent or early treat this dear old lady with therapeutics, just hospital > ventilator > gone.

P.S. to Alex: I love your snark. Snark away.

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Maybe she just had enough of her idiot daughter

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Shouldn't laugh but can't help myself!

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Thats what snark is all about 😉

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Her 106 year old mother was fortunate. But no, her daughter is a ingrate, the world owes me, victimhood. My grandmother died during the 1918 pandemic, she was 33 years old left and behind 8 bambinos. I was deprived of knowing my grandmother, so there, I one uped her.My Gmother’s certificate of death: “cause of death”- labor pneumonia; “Contributory”- influenza.most people died from bacterial pneumonia in 1918. Today we have antibiotics.

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Alex, please keep doing what you are doing. You are supported by many!

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Snark called for on this pure propaganda campaign. Of course use a life well lived to push your agenda. How do so many struggle to see. It’s not even hidden anymore. Feed the sheep

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I'm here for the snark - please don't stop

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I like a little snark.

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Whoa whoa whoa... We were all going to live forever unless we lost the war against microbes like SARS-CoV-2, and every life lost is a horrendous tragedy at any age, don'tcha know. Unless it's lost to the v#x. Then it didn't happen.

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Love the snark. Don’t change just be you Alex. We love it.

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Definitely worth the snark.

I have a friend that has been so scared for her 95-year-old mother during the pandemic. She just was so nervous waiting for the vaccine because she needed her mom to get it. I was thinking to myself, "She is 95. Her time on this earth is closer to over than ever before." Crazy!

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My 91 year old parents got the vaccine at the urging of their doctor. Mom had impacts from it immediately and ended up hospitalized because it threw her fluid retention issues and high blood pressure (normally well controlled by meds taken per daily monitoring) way off track. We have it back under control now but she is very clear and quite adamant in her refusal to take any further boosters, etc.

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Humor may have died for late night comedy but MSM have filled the void.

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