You are going to do very well! Thanks for being a pain in everyone's ass and a free speach advocate

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The politician quoted defending free speech on page 1 of your Complaint is Joe Biden. How ironic, given his later censorship of those of us who were the first to warn of the COVID vaccine hazards.

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My favorite part of the complaint is the reference to Biden and his henchmen as "conspirators." I practiced law for decades and think your case has great merit. Unfortunately the American justice system has been corrupted by the same conspirators who deprived you of your constitutional rights so the outcome is difficult to predict. Whatever the outcome, you are doing a great service to your country by litigating it.

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You go, Alex! Like that you put into lawsuit that you represent us as well. I'm happy you have resources to fight back against this encroachment of our right to free speech!

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This is what happens when you speak truths about everything. These fools in charge have no clue what they are doing or have done not just here in America worldwide. Destruction for generations to come all because of a few Evil people and Legacy Elite media fell head over heels. They are even as guilty as our government leaders they put Faith in disciple of Satan.

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There have been many studies over many years covering the subject of “employee motivations”, what motivates a person to act. In all these studies the motivations of private sector employees, government sector employees and even criminals is the same, SELF INTEREST. We should never assume that a person working for government is putting the public good ahead of his own interest, they are not, we have to remain vigilant and aggressive in calling them out, VIVA LA Alex!!

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I'll have to admit Alex, you have b...lls

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very few people can pwn both biden (lawsuit) and trump (voting for biden)!


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Might also consider joining RFK Jr's class action?

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Is it on the docket?

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Thanks for your work. And, some more on that thing you don't think exists... https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2023/04/09/time-restricted-eating-water-fast-long-covid/

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Love it Alex & Thank you for all the work you do for us!! Stay Well & keep it going...

Aloha from Hawi,Hi....where we still hear radio ads to get vaxed ??

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This should be very interesting!

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Please make the URL an active link.

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Wouldn't load when I tried it. Has it been taken down?

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