I really wish you hadn't waded into this, Alex.

And I have to disagree with this statement. The J&J shot is associated with blood clots (in the brain) and Guillain-Barre. It uses a different technology to basically do the same thing that the mRNA shots do...co-opt the cells to make spike protein in an uncontrolled manner for an unknown period of time. The Salk Institute has stated the spike alone...with the virus...damages the endothelial cells that line all of our blood and lymph vessels.

None of the "vaccines" available in the US are safe. None. You're playing Russian roulette with a needle.

Moreover, the more people comply with unnecessary, immoral, and unconstitutional mandates...the more "they" will take.

The "vaccines" aren't safe, and they don't work.

You have the power. Use it.

If all the people who don't want the jab refuse, they will back down...'cause the country will go bankrupt.

If all the parents who don't want to pay $75,000 a year for their kids to be imprisoned in their dorm rooms wearing useless and dehumanizing pieces of paper on their faces...after running the gauntlet of injections they didn't want and didn't need...would take their money and their kids to another school. The schools will back down, or they will go bankrupt.

If you continue to go along to get along, "they"...whoever they are...will continue to take your liberties one-by-one, until you have none left. And your children will grow up in a very different world than the one you grew up in.













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I couldn't agree more. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. Stand up, say "hell, no!" and starve the beast or else learn to live with a yoke around your neck and on your knees.

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“You cannot comply your way out of tyranny.” Is solid gold! I store quotes in a Notes app, and have a file for quotes on tyranny, to which I just added your little gem. Thank you for that!

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You might like a bumper sticker I seen “your mask is as useless as joe Biden”

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Love that stcker!

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There’s blank stickers, you could make your own “you can’t comply your way out of tyranny”.

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I read this earlier "the Govt is the Virus"

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"The only way I can stand...emotionally...all the damage these malign people are causing is to remind myself of the coming tidal wave of moral revulsion in the form of votes... which will in both 2022 and 2024 give us perhaps out last clean chance to turn this around."

Don't hold your breath my friend. Oh, there will be a tidal wave of moral revulsion and votes. But, you'll never find out about it. The last election that was on the up and up is 2016. After that, the powers that be vowed to never make the mistake of letting the people decide again.

Don't believe me? You saw the stadium-sized crowds for Trump literally everywhere in 2020, at least if you were paying attention to any alternative media outlets. You saw the empty events hosted by Biden and Kamala (although not if you were consuming the mainstream news). We used to be told that voter enthusiasm counted for something, right?

You went to bed on election night with Trump comfortably in the lead, 1.5 million votes in PA, 500,000 in MI ,etc., and woke up to find out that all of the critical swing states had massively swung in Biden's favor while you slept. All the critical swing states and nowhere else.

Just a coincidence, though. It's all still legitimate. We'll get 'em next time.

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And just look at all the new votes coming across the southern border-automatic Democrat votes guaranteed.

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Canada just followed California and voted for more abuse. Newsom still in, Trudeau still in. Eyes turn to Germany. I'm not too hopeful.

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The election was stolen. If we don’t fight we will never have another free election.

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No, you are not wrong. Just looking at these stats by Brookings institute (They are Liberal), can you say Biden won fair and square?

Obama won 69 million votes and 873 counties. Trump 74 million votes and 2497 counties. Biden won allegedly 81 million votes and 477 counties. (No, it is not any typo in here.) Obama won 18 out of 19 bellwethers. Trump won 18 out of 19. Biden won 1 out of 19 bellwethers. Obama won FL. Ohio and Iowa. Trump won FL, Ohio and Iowa. Biden lost FL, Ohio and Iowa. Obama won House seats, Trump won House seats, Biden Lost House seats. No one can say Biden won fair and square with straight face unless you are a serious political hack.

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IF enough moral people volunteer to watch the polls and get involved so that all legal votes count!

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I agree with the anticipated vote in 2022 and 2024; provided all legal votes are counted. That should be the primary concern of us all.

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Thank you! I loved it too which is why I borrowed it ;) The credit goes to Sundance @ theconservativetreehouse.com Fantastic blogger, researcher and analyst, if you're not familiar with him and his work.

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“The Ronacoaster, Once You Get in the Vaccine Car You Ain’t Getting Off Until The Ride’s Over“ - - Sundance

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Agree with others and thank you for the share. Do not know Sundance but will definitely check out his resources. There are so many amazing, thoughtful people doing incredibly hard work for truth and transparency.

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Yup, know his work.

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Here is another one for you: You can't put enough lipstick on the vaccine pig to make it look pretty.

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I was just saving this too! Great quote.

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Funny, short video (42 sec). I guarantee you'll think it's funny.

Just b/c the government and media are trying to mindfuck us, it doesn't mean we can't have a little fun.


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Very funny!

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one has to wonder about controlled opposition here...

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Well, if you listen to most opposing the Left, they want you to gear up for the 2022 midterms, as elections are going to wipe tyranny off the map!!!

Yeah, two caveats to those 2022 "elections": first, will they be honest even in "Red" states, and second, what if the Left gets their next batch of Co\/id variant, the Andromeda Strain, and cancel elections as they wipe out more irrelevant inconsequential disposable Americans they couldn't kill off in the next 9 months!?

Ahh, tip to those paying attention, even the Republicans are more worried about cancelation and not getting their perks being rulers.

Deeds, not words, what are those Repugnocant deeds we should be cheering on that shows they care about the American people...

Don't insult crickets when you talk of silence, deafening silence is the lack of sound just before that truck is upon you!!!...

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Kamikaze is not an effective tactic. Fighting a superior adversary requires more cautious tactics. The tyrants have the power for now. Comply when necessary, resist when possible, wear them down. Guerrilla tactics work.

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Covid Vaccination is NOT about Public Health, it is about CONTROL !!! RESIST !!!!!!

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Is it about control? I think that's part of it, but we have a vax that is literally killing thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people based Steve Kirsch data analysis and now Dr. Jessica Rose: https://downloads.regulations.gov/CDC-2021-0089-0024/attachment_1.pdf

The thing I've heard in Nurse Erin Marie Olszewski undercover video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIDsKdeFOmQ at Elmhurst hospital NYC, and the latest undercover video released yesterday by Veritas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obdI7tgKLtA. Both Nurses asked "are THEY trying to kill them?" That is what both nurses said in the undercover videos. Why can't we even take that thought seriously but instead it must be immediately discarded?

I think we should start taking that "gut reaction" as a serious consideration. Fact: The shots are killing people. Fact: The government is ignoring this. Fact: The are MANDATING this shot that is literally killing people. Fact: They are threatening people by using terrible coercive tactics that ignore the Nuremburg Code.

The only point I think we could argue is it manslaughter or cold blooded murder?

I think cold blooded murder myself.

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I am thinking eugenics.....been thinking it for quite a while now but afraid to say the word for fear I will be straight jacketed.

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Yes. To say these things out loud gives them a fearful energy, not to mention the human target for derision you make yourself into, but I think ironically it’s the strong minded people who have the ability to step back and see the big picture here. A virus that targets the elderly and frail, and in Australia, low socio-economic areas have been shut down the hardest and for longer, the population of these areas not able to work at home from a lap top, all forced to get vaccinated in order to return to work…while Bezos left the planet, we couldn’t leave our living room. While football stadiums around the world are packed with millions of people we are only, by law, permitted to venture 5kms from our home, and only with five other people for a picnic all of whom must be vaccinated. I feel like I am in the twilight zone where people have lost their marbles not being able to sniff these anomalies out

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But you’re right.

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Two words: Georgia Guidestones

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I have been there and seen them. Very interesting and mysterious. The first rule is world depopulation.

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Someone told me about them a couple days ago. Wild stuff.

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Why shouldn't we ask this question when Israelis are seemingly harmed by this vaccination campaign, as shown by Alex and others in this forum? How can we be sure other countries will have the same results? African Americans have such enormous 'hesitancy' it's palpable. They know something the rest of society doesn't. How can we not question the motivations of all involved when Fauci stood up there in his mask saying"15 days to stop the spread" when he knew damn well what had come down in us?

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They know they're in the abortion industry crosshairs too. They're expendable and they sense these vaccines are more Tuskegee "science"

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https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2020/06/09/bill-gates/ In the videos The Fall of the Cabal the Sequel - part 10 starts on Gates. Really amazing stuff that people just don’t know.

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I think that the killing is deliberate. This was the hardest thing to wrap my brain around. I mean why would they want to kill us. Simple. They want to be King of the Universe and there are just too many of us to control until they cull the herd down by 90%.

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If you know any hard core environmentalists you know they hate mankind. They think they'll get to clear out other people so they can go do the Audubon Christmas bird count unimpeded. They are hands down the most selfish bastards on the Earth

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That's the funny part. Everything points to depopulation conspiracy - yet now that the media/state have successfully turned Australia, Canada, half of Europe, and the coastal US into China, they have to be wondering about all the fun things they could have done with a shot that *doesn't* kill everyone.

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When my double-vaxxed parents came down with COVID last month, and they were told to stay home and do nothing, take nothing, unless they got really bad, all I could think was, "They are trying to kill my parents." They're old, were high earners with high Soc Sec payments, and are, I'm sure, expensive to Medicare. The evil cabal wants them dead. Fortunately, mine are among the 94% of 80+ year olds who didn't die of COVID...even without the benefit of cheap, readily-available treatments.

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I'm so glad they got better. I'm hearing Vitamin C can be a real game changer - make sure it's pure, unsugared L-ascorbic acid (1,000 mg).

Also, Quercetin for your HCQ replacement that's on Dr. Zelenko's prophylaxis protocol.

Artemisinin is an effective substitute for IVM, & was patented by Madagascar last year, as Covid Organics.

Quercetin can replace HCQ as zinc ionophore. Pill

There are a number of excellent telemeds that can provide treatment and pre-exposure prophylaxis.




If your current doctor is corrupt and giving you bad advice, look for a new one with @AAPSonline membership.

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Nice comment.

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I disagree with David below, this IS about killing people, continuing to underestimate and be polite and civil to doctors who are just servants to the Nazis who run our world, stupid clueless, and deserving of scorn.

Do nothing for 80-year-olds, WTF is that thought, David?

And to Maria above, continue to watch out for those who are at risk, unfortunately not many seem to care about them these days in my opinion…

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I heard this yesterday and found it pretty chilling but accurate. "Hospitals are the new ovens". After everything last year and the knowledge of early treatment most hospital protocols haven't changed. They won't see you unless your in a bad way (deny hcq/ivermectin) put you on Remdesivir flood your lungs/kidneys, then a vent, and your done.

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Yep, making money on dead "Co\/id patients". A death certificate gets better reimbursement than successful discharges?!...

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I’m a physician and I agree with you 100%.

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Reagan taught us 80% friends are not 20% enemies. The real world is not black and white, good and evil, but shades of gray everywhere. Those who want to visit destruction on everyone who disagrees is doomed to be alone and frustrated.

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Yeah, but, keeping the enemies closer seems a bit more accurate in the long term, so, yeah, I am paying attention to your commentary hereon. If I am misreading you, your comments echo the most important agenda that Alex and many here embrace with passion:


Oh, and for me, as a doctor, let me treat my patients as long as it meets a standard of care that is defendable and effective.

Again, why the F are fed and state governments restricting if not preventing the use of Ivermectin?!

Got an answer for that clinical care disruptive, DAVID!?!?

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I don't expect they want them dead, just complacent and submissive, which is the moral equivalent.

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No. They want them dead. They want the people left alive as serfs.

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No, they don't. There are a few psychotic in any group, but the prevailing sanity keeps them in check. The prevailing sanity is sometimes undermined by fear, which is used by tyrants to manipulate the ignorant.

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It is nothing less than amazing and pathetic how people underestimate how the sociopath is absolutely disgusted with people who have a level of dependency. Because to the core of the sociopath, it frightens them that people can turn to them for help, that’s a sociopath could never provide…

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Wow so good they got through it . Honestly wow

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Faux-i seems to smile like F’ing Hannibal Lector each day he is on TV…

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It is about control. But socialists are like a virus, they don't want to kill the host, just to use it. If the vax is intended to kill its very inefficient. Six billion doses globally, tiny fraction of those with any adverse reaction at all. Statistically insignificant. Anecdotal stories sound like a lot of cases, but you have to keep it in perspective of the totals.

The real problem is not the vax, or even the virus. The real problem is the fascist control by governments, parroted by cooperative corporations and institution, and the manipulation of science that supports it. It seems we can't trust the government.

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Just because Vaxxed people don't have larger death percentages ( besides the fact that a lot of vaccine deaths are not being reported) does not mean that the deaths will stop- in 3-5 Years chronic illness and deaths will still be linked yo these vaccines.

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If you are lucky enough to survive the initial Death and Disability they cause , it seems like the V's provide 3-6 month protection against severe covid but after that these people are left bare . Also this doesnt account for what you said about what might be in 3-5yrs and longterm effects and injury

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Same is true of cheeseburgers. I choose not to eat them, but I don't panic about them. We should worry about things we can do something about, never about things we can't.

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I have to agree with that philosophy and I am sure getting a lot of practice with it, these days!

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I am suspicious of David above, he writes things that just don't add up, viruses don't have minds to figure out how to save hosts, and I interpret his analogy of socialists like viruses to be disingenuous at least, dishonest more likely.

this article to talk of the mass genocide of 20th century socialistic rules and their "losses", and in it:

"U.S.S.R.: 20 million deaths; China: 65 million deaths; Vietnam: 1 million deaths; North Korea: 2 million deaths; Cambodia: 2 million deaths: Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths; Latin America: 150,000 deaths; Africa: 1.7 million deaths; Afghanistan: 1.5 million deaths; The international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power: about 10,000 deaths… The total approaches 100 million people killed."

Poor analogy by David there if you believe the article???

Besides, viruses flee before they clueless terminate their existing host...


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Your mind and that of a virus differ only in size. Both are functions of chemical processes that seek the best outcome for every situation. As Churchill said of Americans, we try all the wrong solutions before trying the right one. Viruses and politician's who kill their victims become king of the wilderness, and die alone. Not what either wants.

Weeping about victims of communist tyranny is not useful. Plan to avoid the same fate unless you want others to weep for you.

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something is wrong here at this thread, keeps freezing, here is the source:


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The vaccines are meant to kill people not the virus.

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No, they are not. That sort of unfounded accusation is always driven by fear of the unknown. Learn how things actually work to vaccinate against fear.

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Even if it started off as manslaughter, it's turned to cold-blooded murder by now. They know the dangers.

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You might all be interested in watching The Fall of the Cabal. On Rumble and Bitchute. Quite interesting.

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I'm not discounting what you're saying, but just to play devil's advocate: If they kill all the serfs who's going to do all that icky work stuff? On the other hand, if you're right, then Fauci has just accomplished where Hitler faile and came up with the Final Final Solution

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This why they are allowing the illegals and the Afghans in without requiring the jab. They are the serfs!

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Okay. Valid point.

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They don’t want to kill all. They want to get it down to a manageable number.

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Okay. So they kill the 80% compliant population who take the jab, and then they're left with the likes of us and a bunch of 3d world refugees? It doesn't quite add up for me. Again, considering all the sheer evil we're witnessing, anything is possible at this point. I think the more likely scenario is that these injections cause sterility, and thus depopulation but at a slower rate. It doesn't solve the need for serfs though, since I doubt the elites want to go extinct themselves. I suppose The Handmaid's Tale gives to answer to that dilemma, doesn't it?

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Dolores Cahill thinks the shot will kill 90% in 3 years. Mike Yeaden thinks 70% in a little longer than that. They scaled back their rhetoric because people weren't ready to hear that, but you can still find their original videos like Dr. Bhakdi who is in the same group as Yeaden/Cahill. They all believe this is genocide https://thenewamerican.com/covid-shots-to-decimate-world-population-warns-dr-bhakdi/ - Dr. Bhakdi is a world renown microbiologist, or was, before he came out and they tinfoil hatted him and labeled him anti-vaxxer.

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How I see it- Fauci & co, are “true believers” in vaccines. They also like to see Big Pharma get a piece of the action. Along the way, their egos fall prey to ancient malevolent forces (the Gnostics called them Archons) so they function as “yes men” serving a dark agenda to subvert our systems & use technology to control mankind. But fortunately for us, Biden tends to fail down, while technology & finance are moving in the direction of decentralization & gov towards hyper-localism. It’s all happening fast, but it can come crashing down in equal measure. And every day, more medical professionals put their foot down, speak out, & there is mounting evidence against the vxx & other failed Covid policies.

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Yes, it was significant that the FDA is not approving the boosters. Game changer in the big picture. https://brownstone.org/articles/the-meaning-of-the-fda-resignations/

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I think their Artificial Intelligence is where they need it to pull this off. They have driverless cars and trucks which they haven't been able to roll out because it puts people out of work. We have automated factories, and automated farming. Our economy is about to collapse and they don't want chaos (they might get hurt), so the roll out the shot. They don't need skilled labor, we're the problem, they're flooding the border with unskilled labor they must have a purpose for them, they aren't vaxxing them because why would they kill our replacements? Maybe they are going to do the dirty corpse work, I don't know, but the WEST is the major target population wise. Africa as well, but they like India so they let them get away with Ivermectin. China isn't mandating, Russia's vax doesn't look to be killing their population (could be wrong). Anyway, I hope enough of America finally figures this out and makes a stand, otherwise we're done.

Revelation's Mark of the Beast is closer and closer everyday. If you aren't a Christian you might want to start thinking about spiritual matters because that's where we're at: www.ttb.org if you are interested in learning the Bible (completely free) daily lessons on their app about 26 minutes a day, and not boring or sanctimonious but interesting and solid teaching.

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AI and automation (robots) will take care of the icky work. No need for serfs anymore.

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Haven't you heard? Schwab thinks having a few million Asians will keep things comfy for his wrinkled old ass. Asians are so obedient, you know.

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It's the old and sick that are dying.

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That was true of the original CCP virus, but the argument here is that the vaccines are designed for depopulation, and they are not as discriminating as the original virus was.

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Look who they’re targeting. Police. Armed forces. Healthcare workers.

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Some will survive. They will be the ones they want to breed because they are strong and resilient. They need a few of us but not all. Thus the instant kill, the later kill, the oncoming Alzheimer’s and the stabs that weaken the ability to procreate.

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Not all. Just most.

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They dont do it all at once - wait until AI and robots Get more sophisticated

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It's about money. It's always about money (which in turn is control). And data collection. Look at Moderna stock price over the past 18 months. You need to be morally empty to buy that stock. Look at supply chains, lockdowns, , Reddit stock boosts, property values, new/used car prices, missing inventory at the supermarket, food delivery network (log in with Gmail everyone), free money to stay home, TikTok marketing, Not to mention the ideological schisms dividing people from family and friends. And media censorship. And AI. Ever get the feeling you are being manipulated? I do. But maybe I am paranoid?

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Just want to add, the Reddit stock scene was actually a coordinated action *against* Wall St. One of their first targets was a specific hedge fund group. Last time I checked some were sending the proceeds to a gorilla conservation group- they call themselves ‘apes’. I totally agree w your point, however, there are ppl working behind the scenes to create pathways out of this rotten system :)

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Yes, this entire comment. What is the point of getting the J&J vaccine - just because it's "not as bad?" It sure as hell isn't GOOD, either. At this point, are people really just going to comply? Please, no.

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You cannot comply your way out of tyranny

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Some people have few to no other options if they refuse. Are you going to pay my bills? Should i starve?

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My daughter is losing her career at NYU after 22 years. She will find a better way to live than be subjected to this poison! We stand for freedom. However, I do understand why people feel that they have no choice. Before long thought, it will be something else. If everyone stood up and fought back this wouldn’t be happening. Contol

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I work at nyu langone. I have until monday to take a shot or thats it for my job. Been here 21years.

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I'm just going to post this again for anyone who needs it.

Employer Letter Example: Vaccine Mandate Objection

No authorship claim or copyright asserted.

Dear Boss,

First, I request a religious exemption. "Each of the manufactures of the Covid vaccines currently available developed and confirmed their vaccines using fetal cell lines, which originated from aborted fetuses. ( https://lozierinstitute.org/an-ethics-assessment-of-covid-19-vaccine-programs/ ) For example, each of the currently available Covid vaccines confirmed their vaccine by protein testing using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. ( https://lozierinstitute.org/an-ethics-assessment-of-covid-19-vaccine-programs/ ) Partaking in a vaccine made from aborted fetuses makes me complicit in an action that offends my religious faith. As such, I cannot, in good conscience and in accord with my religious faith, take any such Covid vaccine at this time. In addition, any coerced medical treatment goes against my religious faith and the right of conscience to control one’s own medical treatment, free of coercion or force. Please provide a reasonable accommodation to my belief, as I wish to continue to be a good employee, helpful to the team.

Equally, compelling any employee to take any current Covid-19 vaccine violates federal and state law, and subjects the employer to substantial liability risk, including liability for any injury the employee may suffer from the vaccine. Many employers have reconsidered issuing such a mandate after more fruitful review with legal counsel, insurance providers, and public opinion advisors of the desires of employees and the consuming public. Even the Kaiser Foundation warned of the legal risk in this respect. (https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/issue-brief/key-questions-about-covid-19-vaccine-mandates/)

Three key concerns: first, informed consent is the guiding light of all medicine, in accord with the Nuremberg Code of 1947; second, the Americans with Disabilities Act proscribes, punishes and penalizes employers who invasively inquire into their employees' medical status and then treat those employees differently based on their perceived medical status, as the many AIDS related cases of decades ago fully attest; and third, international law, Constitutional law, specific statutes and the common law of torts all forbid conditioning access to employment, education or public accommodations upon coerced, invasive medical examinations and treatment, unless the employer can fully provide objective, scientifically validated evidence of the threat from the employee and how no practicable alternative could possible suffice to mitigate such supposed public health threat and still perform the necessary essentials of employment. As one federal court just recently held, the availability of reasonable accommodations like accounting for prior infection, antibody testing, temperature checks, remote work, other forms of testing, and the like suffice to meet any institution’s needs in lieu of masks, public shaming, and forced injections of foreign substances into the body that the FDA admits we do not know the long -term effects of.

For instance, the symptomatic can be self-isolated. Hence, requiring vaccinations only addresses one risk: dangerous or deadly transmission, by the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic employee, in the employment setting. Yet even government official Mr. Fauci admits, as scientific studies affirm, asymptomatic transmission is exceedingly and "very rare." Indeed, initial data suggests the vaccinated are just as, or even much more, likely to transmit the virus as the asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic. Hence, the vaccine solves nothing. This evidentiary limitation on any employer's decision making, aside from the legal and insurance risks of forcing vaccinations as a term of employment without any accommodation or even exception for the previously infected (and thus better protected), is the reason most employers wisely refuse to mandate the vaccine. This doesn't even address the arbitrary self-limitation of the pool of talent for the employer: why reduce your own talent pool, when many who refuse invasive inquiries or risky treatment may be amongst your most effective, efficient and profitable employees?

This right to refuse forced injections, such as the Covid-19 vaccine, implements the internationally agreed legal requirement of Informed Consent established in the Nuremberg Code of 1947. (http://www.cirp.org/library/ethics/nuremberg/ ). As the Nuremberg Code established, every person must "be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision" for any medical experimental drug, as the Covid-19 vaccine currently is.

Second, demanding employees divulge their personal medical information invades their protected right to privacy, and discriminates against them based on their perceived medical status, in contravention of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (42 USC §12112(a).) Indeed, the ADA prohibits employers from invasive inquiries about their medical status, and that includes questions about diseases and treatments for those diseases, such as vaccines. As the EEOC makes clear, an employer can only ask medical information if the employer can prove the medical information is both job-related and necessary for the business. (https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/questions-and-answers-enforcement-guidance-disability-related-inquiries-and-medical). An employer that treats an individual employee differently based on that employer’s belief the employee’s medical condition impairs the employee is discriminating against that employee based on perceived medical status disability, in contravention of the ADA. The employer must have proof that the employer cannot keep the employee, even with reasonable accommodations, before any adverse action can be taken against the employee. If the employer asserts the employee’s medical status (such as being unvaccinated against a particular disease) precludes employment, then the employer must prove that the employee poses a “safety hazard” that cannot be reduced with a reasonable accommodation. The employer must prove, with objective, scientifically validated evidence, that the employee poses a materially enhanced risk of serious harm that no reasonable accommodation could mitigate. This requires the employee's medical status cause a substantial risk of serious harm, a risk that cannot be reduced by any another means. This is a high, and difficult burden, for employers to meet. Just look at the all prior cases concerning HIV and AIDS, when employers discriminated against employees based on their perceived dangerousness, and ended up paying millions in legal fees, damages and fines.

Third, conditioning continued employment upon participating in a medical experiment and demanding disclosure of private, personal medical information, may also create employer liability under other federal and state laws, including HIPAA, FMLA, and applicable state tort law principles, including torts prohibiting and proscribing invasions of privacy and battery. Indeed, any employer mandating a vaccine is liable to their employee for any adverse event suffered by that employee. The CDC records reports of the adverse events already reported to date concerning the current Covid-19 vaccine.(https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/vaers.html )

Finally, forced vaccines constitute a form of battery, and the Supreme Court long made clear "no right is more sacred than the right of every individual to the control of their own person, free from all restraint or interference of others." (https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/141/250)

With Regards,

Employee of the Year,

Thomas Paine"

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Thanks, please like me, so I can book mark this!!

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I may send something like this just for the record but its not going to matter. CMS is requiring vaccinations for all institutions as a condition of reimbursement for services provided. Thats millions from medicare and medicaid in the balance. No way any healthcare institution does not capitulate.

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Are you going to pay mine if I'm rendered unemployment due to vaccine mandates?

Should I starve?

"We're all in this together," huh?"

No one's going to stop you getting the shot. Just don't expect applause or sympathy for choosing the pragmatic route that enables tyranny.

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I'm not expecting applause or sympathy. And no, you shouldn't starve. If i were in a position to do so, i would gladly donate to a fund to help those unfairly disemployed.

If you want to treat everyone who gets the shot as your enemy, as tyrant enablers, and if you want to shame and blame them, know that you are taking a page right out of the pro-vax mandate playbook. I'm not sure that is a winning strategy but wish you all the best.

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It is a non-judgmental fact that submitting to unlawful mandates enables unlawful mandates. Why so defensive, buddy?

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To those saying "you're not resisting hard enough" or "you're enabling tyranny," keep in mind that every time you pay tax you are funding that tyrannical system. There are brave and principled protesters who have refused to do so and landed themselves in jail. I could get on my soap box and tell everyone that they are funders of tyranny and oppression and that they should stop paying taxes, but I won't - because I know we all have to pick our battles.

Sorry you think i'm being "defensive, buddy." My goal here is to exchange ideas.

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Maybe it’s your tone. Please. We all need a place to converse without the hostility

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Are you willing to take boosters #1, #2, #3 .... #34 whenever they instruct you to do so ? That may make you take that decision faster. So be happy and pay your bills.

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Nope, no boosters here. I did what I was FORCED to do once. They can now go pound sand.

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Really? But what if you they "force" you again?

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Some people have different limits. For example, some may wear a mask on a plane because they need to travel and don't want to be arrested or put on a no fly list. But that same person might resist in other meaningful ways. They may get one vax but refuse future vaxes. Everyone has a line they won't cross. Not everyone will live their life according to your standards and desires. Better to find common ground and form coalitions instead of antagonistically shaming those who aren't as brave as you.

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You won't be considered

"fully vaccinated" when that booster drops.

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It’s funny how people can “comply” and get two jabs but the minute the “booster” is mandated if the person does not comply in a timely manner then regardless of the other two jabs they will be considered “unvaccinated”.

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You’ll be dead well before #34.

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Its extremely hard to be backed up against the wall and have to decide between taking the shot & keeping your job or getting fired. My sister-in-law was in the same position at a private university and went ahead and got the shot and now she’s having medical issues. For everyone in this position, just keep in mind that you don’t know the long term effects (or short term). If you end up getting cancer in a couple years or have a massive heart attack you won’t be working at all. Try to preserve your health and find a way to work now that will still bring in some money but not force you to accept the shot. The dangers of these shots will continue to come to light more and more. Stay strong now. ❤️

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Thank you. As much as many of us are scared of getting the vaccine, some of us are in a situation that we are left with no choice. Being single and 59, and with no option for an exemption, it would be more damaging to my health to not have a job and have no health care than to take a chance with the jab. I feel a little sense of relief that the J&J is somewhat safer than the mRNA shots.

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They will have to hold me down. Literally.

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Not everyone can avoid the consequences of refusing vaccination. Please don't denigrate those who are trying to survive. This information is very helpful.

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I'm not denigrating anyone, and I understand that I'm likely in a better position than others. My husband and I have had the conversation. We will not comply.

The CDC Director admitted to Wolf Blitzer on CNN...in early August...that the jabs don't stop infection with or transmission of the Delta variant (the original Wuhan virus is long gone) and that the fully vaxxed and the unvaxxed have similar viral loads. The fully vaxxed can be infected and can transmit. There is no greater good.

Why are they mandating "vaccines" that they've admitted don't work?

They aren't pushing for boosters because the 1st and 2nd doses worked too well.

My brother's office just shut down again because of an outbreak. Everyone is fully vaxxed.


Seriously, this interview should be game over. Take it to your employer and ask them why they are mandating an experimental gene therapy with a very high risk profile that doesn't provide protection for more than a few months.

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The pro vaccine bunch believe they are protected from getting a serious case of the virus. So they know they are not protected from getting virus, but they believe they will be spared from being the worse cases or dying. A recent poll showed majority of democrats believe if they get virus they will die. Additionally they believe the people responsible for spreading the virus is the unvaccinated. They do not believe the vaccinated are the spreaders.

Along those lines, my cancer friends dropped me when they realized I would not take chemo. They tried to persuade and really I just listened. They wanted me in their boat. So if the boat is going to sink, all on board. We do this together.

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You just described my brother's reaction. I'm vaccinated, so I'm not gonna get it (even though three of his vaccinated co-workers were already sick)...but, if I do get it, I'll have a mild case (even though his three co-workers were pretty sick). I came over with my medicine chest of vitamins, etc., and a copies of the FLCCC and Zelenko protocols. He obliged me and his wife by getting a test, taking the supplements, and using the gargle.

His twisted logic hurt my head.

The failure of the media to talk about vaxx failures and to maintain the myth that the cloth face coverings and pieces of paper will stop this virus will, I'm afraid, cost people their lives. Last year, they "public health" talking head doctors on tv claimed that the "masks "would serve as a reminder to be careful. I think the "masks" and "vaccines" have the opposite effect. Vaxxed people think they have this magic force field that protects them from the 'ro.

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"My husband and I have had the conversation. We will not comply."

Same here, w/ my wife. We are fully aligned.

All the more so for our 12 yo daughter.

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I’m fearful for my kid as lausd and culver city have made it a mandate for 12 and up which I can’t understand when it’s under eua still. Approved comirnaty isn’t even available yet .

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Those who trust the vaccines push the goalposts and are convinced they work bc they aren’t dead

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https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/videos/white-coat-summit-the-one-year-anniversary/ At the end of this video someone talks about legal support and information on how to keep your job and not get the shot. You need to fight back, even if it means getting involved with a lawyer. Many employers back down when they realize you are taking it seriously and will fight back. It could very well be your life your fighting for. You can’t work at all if you’re dead. And there are help wanted signs everywhere you turn. There are class action lawsuits happening for the military, healthcare workers, etc. People are not giving up.

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I hear you Peter. I’m in the same boat. Wondering how far the govt will push things.

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Rather than be concerned about “how far the government will push things”, I say with so much hard information coming out on an almost hourly basis against their lies and corruption, “how far will the People push things?!”

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So true. In my neck of the woods, blue state, no one is protesting. And in the red states, they don’t need to.

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Same. I'm in Western NY and most people here are in the jab cult. I find solace reading these comments knowing that I'm not alone. I've tried to reach people and share all the info I've researched but most people think I'm a crazy anti-vaxxer now. Even though both of my kids have all of the "normal" vaccines. My work claims they won't force the jab but will offer testing instead. I have no details on how that's going to work or who pays for these weekly tests. I will NOT get this jab no matter what. They can fire me. My husband is in a union and works in the grocery supply chain. They can't afford to lose/fire people because they're desperately short handed as is. We can afford to live off 1 income and savings at least until the jab cult can't hide from the truth anymore.

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I'm in a red area of a blue state. It's nice here. Lots of vaccine resisters.

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I’m in Eastern NY. You’re not alone.

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Look at Australia--we're next. NWO is not stopping until full enslavement happens. Lock and load---it's here.

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I don't, any more than I denigrate those who willingly, with no reservations, chose to take the vax (I'm describing my brother here).

It's their decision, based on what makes sense for them.

Problem is, a lot of 'em don't see it that way in reverse.

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I have a young—35 yr old— formerly healthy male friend who is now undergoing chemo and facing a stem-cell transplant due to a demyelination of his nerves. Think polio. His symptoms started about 10 days after the J&J jab. Bell’s palsy, GBS, to his current situation. None of these poisons are ‘safe’ for anyone.

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Notice the influx of diseases on our southern border (read about measles recently and suspect polio is next to be reported). What an excellent way to justify an increase in two diseases that produce symptoms just like the side effects from vx!

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Yes, I’ve heard they’re already talking about quarantining for measles now too.

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The Niatonin protocol will help your friend. Study below on re-myelination of nerves via niacin. Lots of people being helped by this protocol. Find the chat on Telegram.


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Interesting… learning so much medical information lately, 😆

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So sorry for your friend, do you know if he had covid infection some time before the vax? Previous infection can lead to more serious adverse events "Vaccine may trigger Side Effects in those already infected with Covid" https://undercurrents723949620.wordpress.com/2021/05/24/vaccine-may-trigger-an-adverse-immune-response-in-those-already-infected-with-covid/

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Thank you so much for this - the first article I have seen on this. So important.

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No covid exposure or symptoms. Tests were negative.

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I love the sentiment here, but not everyone can afford to lose their jobs. I admire those who are willing to, and I appreciate anyone who does this. I have the highest respect for them. But the truth of the matter is that some people are having to choose between feeding their families and taking the shot. Lots of hospital workers are not being given an option to opt out and religious exemptions are not being accepted. The quote that was super accurate and heartbreaking was:

Two weeks to flatten the curve has now evolved into two jabs to feed your family.

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And what will that be evolved into?

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ring ring! It's booster time again... if ya wanna keep that job...

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He qualified it with "If you must get a vaccine…

Alex Berenson 1 hr ago


It looks more and more as if unless you are a young woman on birth control" which should cover most if not all of those links you provided. Totally agree with your statement to resist, but a some point t you become a prisoner in your own home. What happens when your insurance company cancels you? Your employer? These assholes don't give 2 shits about your resistance because there's millions of minions who happily got in line. So picking the lesser of 3 evils seems to be the only recourse here unless you are totally self sufficient and want to be a hermit. Wished we could keep up the fight, but I want a life and if this kills me, then so be it. They're probably going to eventually go door to door and poke everyone anyway. Sad, sad situation in the country right now because nobody wants to collectively come together and fight. I see a lot of keyboard cowboys and that's it.

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When I consider giving up the fight, I'm always reminded of what the alternative is. Do I want a life of 'go along to get along while accepting all of the bull'. No. Sometimes, you are forced to fight passively, i.e., by not giving in etc. Anyone who was born in a communist country knows this.

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Yep! Today it’s a vaccine. Tomorrow it’s much, much worse. It will never stop.

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Conspiracy Theories are NOW Spoiler Alerts !!

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If you are not going to fight then move. I am thankful I live in a state with a red Governor who is fighting against the mandates. Plenty of jobs here and its not such a bad place to live. Even Boris Johnson slammed Biden's mandates today declaring Brits "love liberty so it wouldn't happen there". Although once again that seems to have been missed in the US msm as they focus on Johnson's perceived dig at Trump. The left media are obsessed with Trump.

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We live in a red state and moved here specifically for that reason. We are VERY conservative. My point is you also have to have some quality of life. I don't have many years left to wait this BS out. I do not want to wear face diapers for the rest of my life. I want a social life. See this is what they do. You talk a big talk but what are you doing to help the cause? Do you go and protest? Of course not. Do you go door to door and tell your neighbors about joining the good fight? Of course not, we have. We just visited San Fransisco 2 weeks ago. I was accosted by some idiot liberal who yelled, yes yelled at me at the top of his lungs, told me to cover my nose with the face diaper they made me wear and then proceeded to tell me I was the reason we have a pandemic sticking his finger in my face. Yeah, right. I'm a very fit 63 yo man and don't take shit from anyone. I was back in his face, toe to toe, yelling loud enough that my wife, in the back of Costco, heard me and I was hoping he'd hit me so I could rip his throat out and shit down his neck. It took 3 Costco managers to separate us. See where I'm going? I confront all minions every chance I get, but at what cost? It's only me. I don't see anyone standing up for me. We can no longer do or enjoy the things we want and like to do. This is where they go with this, pit us against each other. I for one do not want to end up in jail because I beat the living hell out of someone. Like I said in my original post, we selected the lesser of 3 evils so we can get on with whatever time we have left on this planet because most folks just offer lip service and are keyboard cowboys. So before you go and slam someone, you should first find out what they have done in support of this. I will still join all my brothers and sisters if and when it comes to that, but until then I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home because thus far nobody seems to be willing to go the extra mile and again all I see are keyboard cowboys.

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This is also a fight for the young who seem to now be indoctrinated to the Marxist ways and agree with this crap because we were asleep at the wheel. We all have nobody to blame but ourselves. I'm just glad I don't have to go around another 63 years, I wouldn't make it... :(

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I agree Dan. I’ve thought about moving to a red state, but deep down I know that politics is a game and next year, the red state could be purple, then blue. I was thinking Ole Miss may stay red….

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Ummm you literally just assumed I do nothing except post on here. I do a lot more than that and what I can. And no I did not slam you - was just throwing out a suggestion. True I don't go to Costco picking fights with people but not sure what that actually achieves.

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Tell us about your endeavors. Maybe some on here can get involved and glean some ideas from them.

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I like your post. I am constantly looking for ways to fight back, even small ways. Every single day. And I’m not even just talking about masks and the vaccine, I’m talking about government ineptitude too. Time to make the corrupt, lazy state employees uncomfortable at the DMV, the post office. Time to move to a red state. Do not buy products in blue states (I buy my gas in a neighboring red state until I can move there). Do not buy or patronize left-owned businesses. Every single day I look for ways to do these things. Parallel economy needs to happen NOW

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We're not allowed to criticize each other or point out flaws in anything because we're "all on the same size" and occupy the moral high ground.

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"What happens when your insurance company cancels you? Your employer?"

You become independent. If that means you are no longer attached to the umbilical cord of the healthcare system, that's still a smaller price than most people have had to pay to wrest liberty from authoritarianism.

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Yes this. You may have to move to a free state to avoid this. I currently live in a blue controlled state but most of the area of the state is red and hates Inslee with a passion. So not totally sure I'll have to move. We just have to keep the fascists holed up in the Seattle to Olympia area. I will die in the woods before I enter a damn hospital. Those people are evil. Kill your kidneys with remdesivir, drug you up unconscious, shove a tube don't your throat and blow up your lungs? I think I will pass. Funny how all the countries not doing this have better outcomes. Especially ones that take Ivermectin.

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Also blood transfusions. It’s a thing to watch.

I am keeping a note in my wallet around the stuff, what is OK what’s not. In case there’s ever an involuntary situation, like an accident. I have also made sure that my friend knows my wishes.

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I will also need to have an uncomfortable conversation with a friend. My attorney advised as part of my will to have a medical power of attorney. The medical power of attorney can authorize something you do not wish.

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Where do you find data on counties not adopting the murder protocols? I find it very hard to figure out where FLCCC still has any reach. I thought Houston was supposed to be good, but one Houston hospital is publishing ventilator utilization counts that are bonkers.

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There is no safe spot in the USA. The feds passed the prep act giving immunity to hospitals if they follow the feds protocol. The feds also pay for the treatment. This is the stick/carrot they used so nearly every hospital administrator in the US is onboard for this. Low liability and guaranteed payments! You almost can't blame them. The FLCCC and frontline doctors are the only ones I would trust. If I needed care I would call them immediately and ask for guidance. Kate Dalley's husband went into the ICU and somehow managed to beat them into submission. She has a pretty strong character though. https://www.katedalleyshow.com/show-topics/the-protocol-we-used-with-attached-links/

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Yeah, I misread "countries" as counties since the rest of your comments were about differences in the US. Yes, I saw her story.

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yeah , I'm surprised, too, at rising ventilator numbers... thought that was discredited a year ago. #NeedMoreDeath ?

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Remdesivir kills the kidneys. The ventilator finishes them off.

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Stew Peters has been hosting ostensible nurse whistleblowers to try to get a peek into the totalitarian regime of the American healthcare system. They all contend the neglect>remdesivir>ventilator NIH protocol is being followed (though, the actual NIH protocol is a schizophrenic mess that appears to have 800 authors with different intentions). Are these whistleblowers legitimate/reliable? Who knows, but their testimony is the info we have https://rumble.com/c/StewPeters

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AFAIK there is only one good Houston Hospital - Dr. Varon's.

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There are cooperatives for insurance for Christians. Probably not as great as traditional but it’s out there.

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Yes! We have used Liberty Health Share for about 10 years and love it.

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Right. There's always Medicaid. At least for now

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Glad your independently wealthy. Let me know how that Cancer treatment cost or major surgery bill goes. That is if the hospital will even perform those services unless your vaxed. Nice try.

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Again, you're trying to play "escape from authoritarianism" while holding onto safety and comfort. The game can only be won by sacrificing both.

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Dan calls people "keyboard cowboys"? There is sacrifice required. It is the very reason you are able to sit in the comfort of your home and refer to people as "keyboard cowboys". How many died so you could do this, Dan? And, you think less of a sacrifice should be required in regards to this?

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See my reply above, I am anything but a keyboard cowboy....

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Why would you want them to do anything to your body? Their results are terrible. At this point in time in history you better off trying to leave. Private care in Mexico is affordable and they have better outcomes.

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Plus, a mandate will never be workable given that half the economy is off the books to begin with. Though the universal cultural embrace of masking sucks.

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Do you really think this is about a virus?

Do you really think getting jabbed to go along will be the end of it?

It won't. It will be the beginning of their complete control and the end of your freedom.

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Agreed. But what does one do in the meantime? No Medical Insurance, no job, absurd costs incurred for testing out of your pocket, no dining out, no sporting events or concerts, no anything outside your home. What's an alternative?

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Those lambasting others who have to make the extremely difficult choice between getting the vax or destroying their livelihoods are just as bad as the covid fascists.

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One other quick point on this. When you choose YOUR comfort, you just push the burden down the road to someone else. YOU protect YOURSELF while making it that much harder for OTHERS. You have the right to think only about yourself, but let's make sure we're framing it properly. If you want the comfort compliance brings, then say it. Don't act like this is a rose ceremony where it's so hard to decide what to do for appearances when you know you're going to choose YOURSELF and it was never in question.

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Very well said

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Why is it difficult? Because self matters so much to people? I have a wife, 3 kids, a mortgage. Will gladly live homeless if this would stop the world going down the path it seems to be going. I also realize that whatever sacrifice I might give may not help others. But, I will know in my heart I didn't not choose ME over others. Who you are at your core is everything. The choice is quite simple if who you are at your core is not self-centered.

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Really? Somehow I don't believe you would subject your wife and kids to abstract poverty, that's just nonsensical. There is nothing wrong with choosing you, You have responsibilities to the family and to insure you can still provide and care for them. If you have to compromise, then you do it, even begrudgingly. This REALLY sucks, but the thought of living in the elements and starving seems to be a bad trade in my opinion and it is only my opinion which I, like you, are entitled to. We can still push and fight without having to go to that extreme. This would also leave you financially powerless to contribute to those who are fighting and need our support. As an example, Mr. Berenson comes to mind. We must all do what we have to for ourselves. Nobody should be chastised for their decision. I did not WANT this, I was put into a position I had to do this. It's the way it works, period. It doesn't mean I stop fighting, absolutely NOT!!! But we may have lost the battle, but we WILL WIN the war. Please stay strong and choose what you think fits you and your family. I think that was the OP's point.

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Thank you.

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Move to another state. Get a new job. Don't go to events or places that become agents of tyranny. Starve the beast.

You have one body. You have one life.

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Are they doing all of that yet? No they are not. The more people who are vaccinated, the more likely the above scenarios happen.

If your movements are not being restricted now, and you don't want to get it, don't get it. I don't understand people getting vaccinated because "they will restrict travel to vaccinated" ... why not wait until that happens?

Again, the more people vaccinated the more likely these restrictions will happen.

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Exactly. The more you comply, the more they will take...until there' nothing left to take from you.

Israel is mandating a 3rd dose for all people 12 and up. If they don't comply, they are considered out of compliance...and they lose their green pass. They're already talking about a 4th, 5th, and 6th shot.

This is not about a virus. This is not about personal or public health.

The CDC director admitted in early August that the jabs don't stop infection or transmission of the virus.


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"Wished we could keep up the fight..." So sad.

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So you become a minion, as you put it, because you want your life back? Do you think the government will give you your life back if you're a good boy and do as you're told?

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Ok I was going to ask when we can start rioting.

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Don't riot. Don't use violence unless in self-defense. Refuse to comply, and live with the consequences. Move. Find a new job. Boycott stores and restaurants that are not agents of tyranny. Tell them what you're doing and why.

And, most importantly, show them this clip of the CDC Director admitting to Wolf Blitzer on CNN...in early August...that the jabs don't stop infection with or transmission of the Delta variant (the Wuhan strain is long gone) and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. The fully vaxxed can be infected and can transmit. There is no greater good.

Israel has already dministered a 3rd shot to about a third of their population. And the "feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap" in the White House is not pushing for boosters for everyone because the 1st and 2nd shots worked too well. The FDA advisory panel slowed them down, but they'll be back.

My brother's office just shut down again because of an outbreak. Everyone is fully vaxxed. They do not...do not...have mild infections.

According to the Public Health England data, the ratio of Delta infections in the unvaxxed to fully vaxxed has dropped from 7.4 in late June to 1.6 as of last Friday. They are fast catching up...and there are more deaths in the fully vaxxed than the unvaxxed...lots more.

Really, this Walenksy interview should be game over.


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You do realize that when you point out all that you say above you'll get a bovine stare from the enforcers because their minds cannot hold a fact contrary to the party line?

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Yup. I do. Critical thinking is another victim of the jabs.

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Heh heh

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Damn well put. I was going to write something along these lines, but this is well put. Sometimes people have to get the vax. So need to pick the lesser of the 3 evils. In (one of) the jobs I do, the employer required vax. The job is easy for me, pays good $ ($/hr is excellent) so what am I to do? Resist and lose the job? Picked the lesser of the 3 evils (J&J) - no problems, no side-effects, everything is fine. Employer happy. etc.

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Three of the eight women the CDC was tracking for blood clots after JJ died. Others have died too, men and women, from brain bleeds and clots. JJ was banned in Belgium after a death and has been banned in some other countries too. Hard to say it’s more dangerous than the others or if the authorities are more willing to throw it under the bus by admitting to a few of the deaths; it may well be less harmful. There’s not so much money in it nor the glory of mRNA. But it’s still turning people

into spike-protein factories.

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Watch JDFarag.org from 9-5

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Yes! This all the way. The more we give, the more they will take.

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“Wake the hell up and fight”…

Let me give you and everyone else reading here a little tip, and go to Matt Walsh’s Dailywire Podcasts and he will remind you nearly every day what the problem is:

George Carlin first said it 25 years ago, it’s not the politicians who suck, but, the public. When you have 70+ million people who are going to go along with these tyrannical despotic leftist narratives and agendas to crush freedom independence autonomy and choice, and all you want to focus on is government & bureaucracy, you’re missing the basic inherent point!

You want to wake the hell up, you need to start by getting in the faces of these neighbors, coworkers, people who shop in stores and participate in services around the community you also use, and even your extended family members if not your spouses and children, who have sabotaged your efforts to live the American dream that was appropriate and responsible. Yeah, keep getting shots every other week, wear a mask wherever you go, stay the hell away from people in public, if not just lock yourself in your house, and if you even try to dissent from the narrative, you’re a despicable horrific vile disgusting creature!

You want to wake the hell up, you need to tell these people in so many words, “fuck off, get the fuck out, and don’t ever come back into my fucking life again if you think that being dependent irresponsible unaccountable and uncaring is a lifestyle you find valuable and endearing!”

And you have to use the F word, because if you think that being respectful, civil, polite, and tolerant is going to be heard and agreed to, you’re a moron! The 70 million + who have completely embraced leftist narratives and agendas are only there to crush hope faith freedom and choice. They are horrifically rude insensitive uncaring, but in their core are selfish shameless and soulless shit bags, and most of all, wish you dead. So, if you want to be the “mensch” and basically just get on your knees and be battered and crushed into pieces, keep it up!

All these people who tell you to keep doing the “right thing”, they have no clue what’s the right thing is in 2021. And you know what is the most disgusting thing, all these “conservatives“ and Republicans, who tell you that we need to do it “right”, they are all cowards and whores who are going to be at the back of the room, letting you sacrifice your lives so they can continue to profit and be safe. These people fear being canceled even more than you do…

So, what the hell are you gonna do about this dynamic, that at least 25% of this country is completely at peace with being ruled and terrorized into the dirt?


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Could not agree more. I’m tired of playing nice to people I know who support this regime and this tyranny. They are responsible for attacking my fundamental rights. I don’t care about making things uncomfortable any more. Stay away from me if you support this Marxist tyranny. They want me dead. I want nothing to do with them. I’m moving to a red state where there are fewer brainwashed idiots around me. Republican politicians are no better. They’re just as corrupt and they’re all on the take. My eyes are wide open. I’m not going quietly.

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I’m sorry, I just don’t think that is the way to go. We have to make our voices heard peacefully. Aggression just makes you an easier target for derision. Remain calm and firm and articulate. Huge numbers of people being resolute and sticking together is the way to win this.

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While my flesh wants an eye for an eye, I don't believe it will work. They're begging for a fight so they can demonize us more. Call us terrorists and take away more rights. You aren't going to win anyone over with hate/aggression. HATE gets hate, violence gets more violence, etc. Love always eventually wins.

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Hmm, so we can all shriek “Sieg Heil” in English!?

Let’s try it: “science”, “racist”, “canceled “!!!

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Right on! Our "peers" are literally wishing death to those who do not comply with something basically not one person in the world has the expertise at this very moment. Who was the person to actually isolate the virus? Oh, I see, NO ONE! Again "isolate".

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There WILL be a tipping point on everything and unfortunately it will smack the woke left in the head when it happens.

That “tipping point” is called “The Truth”. It may take their Blessed NYT or Rachel Maddow slinking under her desk for people to WAKE up. But even the WOKE jabbed will realize they’ve been lied to…BIG TIME.

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Addendum: what is the Occam’s Razor to Leftist agendas? Abortion on demand to and after birth? Unvetted immigration and putting people with no skills marginal health and starting a “new” life on a lie into communities who don’t know these invaders’ culture?? Promoting alternative sexuality and gender determination that does not promote procreation??? Empowering criminality and criminalizing law abiding beliefs???? Hating religion and boundaries set by society for generations with past healthy impacts????? Demoralizing our military and police??????

And other narratives, that lead to anarchy, decay, destruction, and death.

Hmm, I guess to the Left, the only “good” American is one without hope and faith, who has no real progeny to promote well being, and, relies on primitive immature maladaptive coping skills interpersonally…

Welcome, to, Hell, if you survive to 2022?

Ironic all the alleged leaders are old fucks easy to bump off after Nov 2022?!

Wow, your hypothesis?!…

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"But I have to feed my family, so..."

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SO well said, thank you for this!!!!!!

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Thank you! It almost feels like someone hacked Alex's account or something.

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I felt the same way.

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Exactly what I initially thought.

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Yes, I already have my biggest client and my own children and sister trying to get me to compromise - I guess I get the idea of the “if you must” angle but I’m able to look at those studies - I’m not able to clean off my guilt from premeditated use of vaxes all either tested on or employing aborted human tissue; when Project Veritas-type people receive 9 felony charges for exposing Planned Parenthood baby parts Sales — and China ramps up theft of organs from their regime’s murdered enemies & Christians, Chinese moslems

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There are no options for pro-life people...don't care what the pope says.

The CDC director admitted in early August that the jabs don't stop infection with or transmission of the Delta variant (the original Wuhan virus is long gone) and that the fully vaxxed and unvaxxed have similar viral loads. The fully vaxxed can be infected and can transmit. They can even become very ill, be hospitalized, and die.

The jabs don't work. Whatever level of protection they provide fades within months. The medical-pharma cartel aren't pushing boosters because the 1st and 2nd jabs worked too well.

This interview should have been game-over. The fact that they are still pushing the jabs and calling for mandates after the CDC director admitted they don't stop infection or transmission is proof of malfeasance.


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This Pope really went off the rails. Pure cowardice

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Science is literally God to most people alive today. Apparently to the Pope as well.

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You're right. Scientism is the new faith. I have a PhD in physics, worked for NASA and had an instrument on STS 85. Its mission was cloud measurements that could feed climate models. I don't think man is ruining the climate. We can't say that yet. But I've had pompous half wits with two years of college tell me I'm a climate change denier. Because they've been catechized and I'm a heretic in the new religion.

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I agree. My coworker died within 8 weeks of taking the J&J shot. He did not even become a statistic as the J&J "experts" denied the correlation even though it was clear as day.

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Did they do an autopsy? Do you know what they say killed your coworker? Generally concerned for myself and not asking sarcastically as I took the J&J as best of the bad.

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No, autopsy was not even an option given by the hospital. My co-worker was 61, male, active and healthy. He started feeling tired a few days after the poke. 2 weeks later he stopped working out altogether. 4 weeks later he could barely stand on his feet. Then his kidneys started to fail to the point that he had to be on dialysis. He died 2 weeks after the dialysis started. 8 weeks altogether.

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Wow! That's scary. Many in my family have gotten a "vaccine". I'm grateful they weren't hurt, but I worry about longterm risks of autoimmune disease, neurologic disease, and cancers. The dissident doctors and scientists have been making scary predictions...and they've been right about most of their predictions so far

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They aren't doing autopsies.

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They might if you demanded it

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I just watched an interview of Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. He said that Peter McCullough recently lost a patient post vaxx. He asked for an autopsy, and the coroner refused. I supposed they can't stop you if you can afford a private autopsy, though.

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Thank you for your post - could not agree more. Was a bit saddened by all the defeatist- sounding comments on here today but you have cheered me up.

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totally agreed, organized resistance is best!

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I agree. Imagine if all college students took a year off or went to a college that didn’t require the shot.

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Imagine a vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it, for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it."

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If you don’t want the shot, don’t get it. I know it might require massive sacrifice, but if you won’t stand up for this, what will you stand up for?

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It's a "what hill are you willing to die on?" situation. I have a friend quitting his 30 year career in nursing whereas I'm retired with several pensions and can hole up till this blows over. Neither of us is getting vaxed, but his "hill" is a bigger climb than mine!

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It is a hill I am willing to die on. I have lived my life. My adult children haven’t and their children haven’t. I cannot make those decisions for them. I can only worn them what’s in store and I do do that.

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But why does anyone have to die on any hill? Most people can simply avoid the vax mandate by testing weekly. Which is often free. It's a hassle and I hate it but it's not unendurable

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I not only will never willingly be vaccinated, but I want no engagement with the medical system or testing. This entire fiasco, the attack on science and vaccines, is fraudulent but very effective. Doctors cannot have opinions/second opinions, and the medical system will not treat covid patients because it is competition with the "vaccine". It really is the hill to die on (at home) if ever there was one.

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Agreed. I don't even want to be tested. I don't want my medical status to be tracked, monitored and used against me. This tyranny has turned me off of medicine in almost every way. I realize how crazy that sounds but it's not as crazy as the left's hysteria over this highly survivable virus.

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Agreed. Three weeks ago, I went into AFib while on vacation due to too much thyroid meds. I went in to see a cardiologist friend whom we respect a few days later. I was having some pressure in my chest at my visit and he thought I had coronary artery disease on top of AFIB. He recommended a cardio angiogram right away. If I didn’t want to start there, I could start with a nuclear stress test which with the radiation, exposes you to the equivalent of 1500 chest X-rays (levels of radiation you’re exposed to can vary depending on the meds they give you during the test). So, I chose the stress test which they scheduled for the next day. That night, I read all I could about nuclear stress tests and decided to cancel it. Articles on internet say it’s WAY overused and there’s even a public awareness organization trying to shed light on its overuse.

Then, on my own scheduled a calcium score test and tested my cholesterol. The calcium score was 0 or no blockage and my cholesterol 163.

All that to say, everyone needs to research every medical procedure being recommended. Not just the vaccines. We need to think twice before we let anyone in the medical establishment do anything to our bodies!!

I have not had the vax, but Covid in January and am confident in my immunities. That being said, I urge everyone who doesn’t get the vaccine to have a protocol early treatment plan in place. The most important thing you can do is get your Vit D levels up high! And, if you’re overweight, start walking everyday! But, also have zinc, NAC, quercertin, vit C and D on hand. Get ivermectin if you can. It’s essential to have these things in your house for early treatment. Blessings and good health to all. May God save us from these Evil men and organizations!!!

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I agree. I honestly don't trust what any of them say. I look at it like anything else. These are people - under the same pressures as all of us, and they are threatened to stay silent more than most. It means their career and livelihood, which most of them have spent years and $$$$ building. So, they push a vaccine. They parrot the "science", they don't ask questions.

And I don't trust them. It's crazy, but it's the world we live in now.

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I totally agree!

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How long does this person without illness remain a 2nd class person while my vaccinated co-workers can contract the virus and only report this when they only have symptoms? Why isn’t that good enough for me?

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Not so. Not all employers offer weekly testing. It's get the vax or you "voluntarily resign" (and voluntarily means forcibly). One of the airlines claimed they would finally honor religious exemptions, but then told everyone who applied for one that they would not be working until further notification when it was "safe". Employers are attempting to skirt every possible accommodation. In the meantime, you have no income to pay lawyer fees to fight it. So yes, there is a hill to die on for some people.

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My husbands work is not offering weekly testing. He has until the end of year to be vaxed, or he will be fired. They are willing to lose brilliant engineers over this.

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Maybe they are willing….and maybe they won’t be.

Stand firm.

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Unbelievable. I am not understanding any of this.

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Are there some class action lawsuits brewing?

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Yep. My employer is mandating vaccine with no testing option. If you do not show proof of vaccination they will put you on unpaid suspension indefinitely so you can't collect unemployment.

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My employer is not offering a testing option because it is too expensive for them. I work in a small local city gov't. Also, the J&J has the blood clotting issue and I know of at least one young women in the news who died after receiving. I'm not confident that J&J is any less risky than the others.

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This is a good article that breaks down the VERS data by vaccine manufacturer


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Alex's point is partly that the risk/benefit may be lower because its efficacy against severe disease takes longer to wane.

Unfortunately the adverse reactions stats we have seem to be of terrible quality and are not being analysed well so I'm not very confident about any of these risk statements. The efficacy statements are actually better grounded in data.

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Because the PCR is a test designed for massive false positives!

The inventor is gone but he stated and you can still read about it . Never meant to be used for Covid !

And they run at crazy high cycles to

get the positive results. Right now they are running at different cycles for vax and not vax ! Lies and more lies .. Just say NO

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Everyone not vaxxed should say they are if they have to get a COVID test so it will be run at the correct cycle threshold!!

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12 months ago vaccine passports were a conspiracy theory. Look at Australia. The vaccines don't even work. This isn't a pandemic it is world war 3.

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Conspiracy Theories are NOW Spoiler Alerts !!

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some places, like all of NYC, don't accept testing.

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Exactly. New Orleans does not either and the government is talking about requiring the vaccine for air travel.

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I'm going to become an unemployed hermit

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Remember nothing's free. Somebody is paying for those tests and those lab workers etc. Not exactly sure who but it bothers me. We must be spending billions each month on "free" tests. But I do agree with you, I'd rather test at this point than vax

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George Soros and Bill Gates own a testing manufacturing facility. Nuff said

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A friend has been looking for a job in California as she was already laid off by her gym for not getting the vax. The first question is 'are you vaxxed?' If no that is it. So maybe in other states this isn't going on but it is in CA.

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Has she thought about moving?

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Let’s see, when they are threatening to pull you out of your house, put you in a car and put a jab into your arm? Where they are threatening to take your children away from you and put you in a quarantine camp until you agree to this vaccine? Where they are threatening in our military with a court-martial and put you in prison? Even though healthy ages between 0 to 50, according to the CDC, have a 0.0002% chance of dying from COVID-19. Even though it is equally as risky to drive to work.

As you can see, it is not as easy to make a decision as you may think. I see a time coming soon where you will not qualify for your Medicare or your Social Security (that you’ve paid for in advance) until you have received their injection. And many more injections after that.

Remember this, they could not create a vaccine if there were other known treatments available.~FDA That is why they wouldn’t allow anyone to even speak of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Yet, a state in India, whose population in that area is equal to the entire population of America, is completely Covid free because of ivermectin.

Meanwhile, here in the United States assuming you can get a physician to write a prescription there are nearly zero pharmacies that will fill it. There are some but they are very few and far between. The hospitals are not allowed to give you ivermectin. Just in case you have fallen for the ‘ivermectin is only for horses story’ if you believe that you should also not be taking tranquilizers, antibiotics, any pain medication, etc., because all of these are also used treating animals.

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Many of you sound as hysterical and paranoid as the covid extremists. I wish you'd all pull yourselves together

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Four billion doses of Ivermectin, an FDA-approved Merck drug whose creators won a Nobel for its use in humans, have been given mostly in non-Western countries for many diseases. Japan is the latest to use it for Covid, other countries do already. The people denigrating it are the epitome of racism and white supremacy (which they claim to abhor, what a joke). When they say “horse” they mean “nonwhite

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(cont.—hit “post” too soon) people.”

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Bill Gates and George Soros bought a testing manufacturing facility. How safe so you think that testing is now?

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Saliva test maybe. Swab test weekly? Toxic! Hard hell no!

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If I'm not sick, I don't need to be tested.

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You seriously think that's going to be where the tyrants stop?

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Healthcare workers do not have the option of testing because the facilities receive funding from CMS.

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So, if I'm understanding correctly, this article states the cms requirement isn't effective yet, but the details will be confirmed next month. I guess at best, this could be a temporary stay of execution, pun intended.


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Many Mandates do not allow for a testing option

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I support your mindset on this issue. My wife and I are in a similar situation regarding our kids. Both young adults with common sense!

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I am in the same boat, retired. My friend is 2 years away from retirement and the company is vaccine crazy (defense contractor) and isn't sure if it's easier to take the shot. 2 years to a better retirement is a large hill to die on. The most I do is wear my "legalize freedom" to stores and restaurants or walk out if they require a mask. Much easier for me to "I will not comply" than my friends still working. The consequence for me is minimal.

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Understand the "easier to take the shot". But we all know that the VAERS system is underreported. A serious side effect is 100% in the person that is experiencing the effect. Also, what happens to you at the 2 year mark, 5 year mark, 10 year mark? This isn't a simple decision or an easy decision.

Final Thought: Utta Pradesh....look up the Covid rate and the population...also check the Geography.

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I completely understand and empathize with that. I meant my question literally, though. If one can be bullied into this, at what point will one say "no more?" I'm afraid the answer is never.

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Worst is the single parent younger nurses. I feel for them. At least I had a working man husband to take over when I got fired from pharmacy over the abortion issue years ago. This time it’s easier. Kids are grown and we are still able bodied enough to do some manual labor. I think the government will deny us social security and medicare, by the way. But we have had 60 plus good years. We believe in Creator God.

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I would love to know your story. Do you mind sharing more about your choice?

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The original webpage that was put up in 1997 is still online. Browses best on a computer rather than phone. Gargaro.com/kmart You can see my current religious exemption request at themorningafter.us. I wish to assist anyone filing a religious exemption request to avoid ethically troubled Jabs. Job deadline is Oct 31. That could change, because there is legal action in my area, though I have no involvement thus far.

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I told my friends I’m now in The Great Depression mode. My grandmother always talked about how they survived with literally nothing during that time. I figure I can too. This is my hill to die on. When you don’t have control over your own body you have no freedom. I don’t see why people can’t see this and where tees mandates are heading.

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I'm in a similar situation as you, thanking my lucky stars that I'm not currently forced into anything. People who have kids to support, a mortgage to pay, and a job at risk are in a very tough spot. I wouldn't presume to judge them. J&J might well be the least bad choice.

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Now here’s a rational and compassionate person! Rare nowadays. Thanks Bill!

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That’s next. If you haven’t had mandated covid vaccines, your pensions will be ended.

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The problem is, this won't "blow over" without sacrifices. I have a state pension and I can totally see it being threatened down the road if I don't "comply".

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I can see them freezing or seizing assets—homes, bank accounts—after declaring all unvaxxed to be bioterrorists.

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Doing our best. My wife, a Doctor of Nursing Practice, is looking at lots of job losses, closed doors, and even the suspension of her medical license in D.C. My career, which involves lots of international travel, is up in the air. We're determined to stand up to this, but the cost may be tremendous.

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I admire your courage.

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I believe in a bountiful universe. By standing firm in your convictions, you and your wife will prosper!

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Good for you. Have y'all considered moving to a place and working for people with whom your values more closely align?

Maybe a positive aspect of all of this madness is we reorder ourselves into better communities.

Good luck with everything and thank you for standing up. Until people are willing to sacrifice, this will not be derailed.

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God bless you.

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I have 12 tubes of Ivermectin, long-term food, and firearms.

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I found a naturopathic doctor that was willing to prescribe IVM for me to take when I finally do catch it as a therapeutic. Was able to fill it at CVS (up to the pharmacist I guess). That way if I get sick on Friday night I can immediately start the early treatment with it. When the Front Line doctors upped the IVM amount for the delta variant the doctor gave me another script so I had the correct full amount and would not get shut out if there is a federal ban. BTW the same CVS in Phx filled it for me last Sunday 09-19-2021.

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The FLCCC (https://covid19criticalcare.com/) had a talk the other day about people being told by pharmacies and pharmacists that they could not fill these scripts because they would lose their license and/or it is not allowed. They have talked to the heads of CVS, Rite Aid, Walmart, and other large chain grocery stores. They are filling invermectin scripts and the drug is readily available. If you have trouble getting it you should call the companies customer service number. My local pharmacy gave me trouble so I went to a compounding pharmacy and had no problems.

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I did try to get one filled at Walgreens. They refused. I did it more to test availability and have a bit on hand. I figure with all the propaganda and lies going on it must be really good medicine. LOL. I didn't push it though. I paid FLD $60 for the prescription but I never got it filled. I didn't try anybody but walgreens.

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Lucky you. I've spoken to 2 pharmacists at CVS who refuse to fill, same at Walgreens and Rite Aid. My local pharmacist said no, and I called every compounding pharmacy in the Pittsburgh area who also claimed they couldn't get it. I eventually found a compounding pharmacy in Florida that filled it for me.

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Try https://speakwithanmd.com/contact-us/

They will send you the meds

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Can you share the place in Florida and do you need a prescription? Thank you

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I'm in another state, but we have 2 independent pharmacies that will fill and do. I got mine filled yesterday. Insurance would not pay at all. How do you like that. But I got it. Look around for INDEPENDENT pharmacies and they will probably want the sale.

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visit steve kirsch's web site, skirsch.io, for the whole process. it cost me approx $630 USD total. i'm 6'1" 185 lbs, will cost more or less if you're bigger or smaller.

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I think you got ripped off! I had a consult with an Front Line doctor $90 and a 5 day supply of Ivermectin and z-pack for $110 Total for both $200

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I also got IVM through Frontline Doctors. I have 20 tablets of 3 mg each. Is this the full amount needed?

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IF you get it. My doctor has me rely on Vit. D/K, Zinc, C, and Quercetin. IVM only but at first sign of a symptom, high fever and or loss of taste smell. Don't wait for a Covid test take the IVM right away. 2 links for you.


"1. First line agents (use any or all medicines; listed in order of priority/importance)


Ivermectin: 0.4–0.6 mg/kg per dose (take with or after meals) — one dose daily, take for 5 days or until recovered. (Find a Doctor). Use upper dose range if:  1) in regions with more aggressive variants; 2) treatment started on or after day 5 of symptoms or in pulmonary phase; or 3) multiple comorbidities/risk factors."

My script at 210lbs * 0.45 is ~95KG 95KG *0.6 is 58mg daily for 5 days or about 18 pills daily for my weight.

Follow this guy on YouTube for his uncensored Wuhan virus news>


As always find a doctor that is open to prescribing it locally.

Good luck and an updated 3R's

research, research research

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The FronLine Imask treatment states 6 3mg pills a day for 5 days! Hope you’re not overmedicating with 18 daily?

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They go by your weight and it’s a 5 day treatment. Did you get z-pac antibiotic too?

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What is the protocol for using IVM? I can get it in a liquid form from the vet.

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I'm ordering Ivermectin pills from overseas. I'm doing it for friends as I'm pretty sure I beat the ChiCom Virus early on. Remote chance a pressured mutation will be problematic but I think its better to have some on hand as friends could be in need.

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BE CAREFUL as there are many sites passing the animal stuff off as the human pills etc Frontline Doctors has a list of doctors in foreign countries who might get you the legit stuff....

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"Horse" Ivermectin is the legit stuff. Durvet for the win!

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the animal stuff includes an ingredient that can apparently damage human kidneys IF you don't take a proper dose. Ideally, get the human stuff that's the correct size dosage...

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I had a pharmacist tell me the correct dosage of Ivermectin to take. First off it is the Ivermectin injectable (Durvet is what I've used), taken orally (mix with water or soda). Take 2.4ml per day for five days as a therapeutic if you get Covid. 2.4ml is approximately a 1/2 teaspoon. To take as a preventative, take 1ml every three days.

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Chiropractor we know had this animal IVM tested- it’s just starch & IVM. They’re a vet supplier based in Ukraine, ships fast, always stocked so far & no gouging. https://homelabvet.com/product/ivermectin-capsules-3mg-50caps/

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Frontline Doctors is the best way to go. Will write up your prescription and send it in to a pharmacy that will mail it to you! My consult and Ivermectin plus antibiotic came up to $200

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Will Frontline Doctors prescribe enough ivermectin for the I-Mask+ early treatment protocol, i.e., 0.6 mg/kg for 5 days?

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Yes, their prescription comes right from the I+mask protocol. Strictly by weight and 5 day dosage! Here is the link to set up Appt if interested:


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I was going through the Frontline Doctors request form. It asks if I want a treatment kit that includes HCQ but I don't see IVM mentioned. Is that what you saw or do you think they've changed their kit. I haven't completed the request as I really prefer to get IVM.

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I would think they also offer IVM as that was what the FrontLine doctor I consulted with prescribed!

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You can buy human ivm on alldaychemist india. The only trouble is the delivery time, about 2 weeks.

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Many of our drugs used to come from India prior to our country selling out to China. Lots of generics there.

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That’s where I got mine, also HCQ.

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I was looking at that site, then DuckDuckGo'd it and saw people saying it was a scam. It's good to hear that it is not!

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How much for the pills and how much for shipping to the USA? Any issues with customs etc?

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Sorry, can’t remember how much I paid, don’t think it was more than $50. No script needed and no issues with customs. Shipping is $20-25 per order. I’ve been buying retin-a and careprost from them for years with no problems.

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Last time I tried to buy Careprost the company wanted my routing number. WTH!

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Thank you! Is a prescription required?

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If I may ask, what overseas site do you use? Have you used that site before?

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They warn that the list has not been verified or vetted in any way, but the FLCCC has a list of some possible places in your state...


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Also can so some research into some of these....


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These are inside the USA -- telemedicine mostly

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Don't be sure that is a safe formulation or even if it is ivermectin

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When you say tubes of ivermectin do you mean for your horse? Hopefully you’ll get the human version that comes in tablet form. Others have gotten sick using ivermectin for animals.

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If you use the correct amount of horse ivermectin you'll be alright. Those news stories s few weeks ago about people getting poisoned were all total lies. The Bimectin I have two tubes of will give a correct human dose per 1/5 tube. I'd ask for the human stuff first but if it's refused then any port in a storm.

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Knowing the correct dose does not seem to be trivial. There's not agreement in the comments. I think you are right but downplay this risk and may not be giving people the correct dose.

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Just the same medicine. Only humans must use. Smaller doses.

Make the math conversion. .200mg per each kg of your weight

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Same medicine; it has to be cut to appropriate dose for body weight !! A 200 pound person should not take a 1500lb dose !!

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That's what I just said

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😆. I mean, that sounds like a plan.

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Double check but you shouldn’t need anywhere near that much. As a farmer we only give that tube stuff to equine. And we give them very little of a whole tube. Most other animals we give the liquid.

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you just going shoot the damn man mad covid?

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God Bless You

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No one must get a vaccine.

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Correct answer

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Agree with you. (even if it sounds like i didn't later in this thread.)

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No vaccine is the wisest choice, when you look at the odds of surviving the disease vs the odds of surviving the side effects and/or mortality of the "vaccine." Once you cross that line, there's no undoing it…

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Can't Return a Shot !

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And can’t sue for damages either!

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even if you keep the receipts?

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I did not get the shot and tested positive for covid yesterday. It feels just like when I had the flu in the past. I do plan on surviving and my hospital employer will still mandate the vax for me Oct 29. Hopefully they will add natural immunity.

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Get the antibodies. Beside helping to shorten the duration, you can get vaccinated for 90 days after them.

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Capitulation to tyranny is a recipe for more tyranny. We are in a war for our very right to exist as beings created in the image of God. My bod my choice anyone? Or does only apply or the satanic ritual of murdering a child. No one has a right to force an experimental gene therapy into my body, or even a vaccine that I don’t want or need since I recovered from the virus and have a more robust immune response than any vaccine.

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Right on, Tim! God gave us an immune system, He numbers our days, and He give us free choice. The government give us none of that, hard as they try to play God.

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You have said it best! Unfortunately the left is trying to usurp the One True God and His authority and become god to the masses. We need to stand for truth.

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Not just the Left - UK Conservatives & also ppl of all political persuasions follow the hierarchical playlist without critical thinking. Mass panic to get the jab as govt/s & media geared up the covid fear factor but few willing to admit they may have been wrong as they see more vaxxed hospitalised than unvaxxed. Other sheeple keen to have the Autumn booster (with more to follow ?) will hasten ADE - the total weakening of their natural immune system

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You are 100% correct.

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I’ve had terrible side effects from J&J. Horrible tinnitus, ear and neck pain, swollen lymph nodes, muscle aches, fatigue. Tinnitus started within minutes of the shot and I had never had it before. It’s torture.

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I had a very rough 36 hours after J&J shot.

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Hope you’re fully recovered. I’ve been struggling since May.

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I know 3 people that got the J&J shot and also had a rough 36-48 hours.

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It’s been since May for me.

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Have you tried using the protocols (I think on FLCCC) and ivermectin for post vx recovery?

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You will need aIt take a ccr5 antagonist such as maraviroc

Plus Lipitor statins

Plus ivermectin

See dr Bruce Patterson’s site

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I got the shot in May. Side effects have not improved.

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I hope you reported them

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What are your side effects?

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Even with traditional vaccines, a number of people will experience side effects.

Before taking any vaccine, talk with your Doctor about your allergies and other medical issues. This is because a vaccine contains a variety of ingredients to stabilize, preserve, and boost the immunizing agent. There are usually alternative vaccines for the same virus to compensate for allergies and sensitivities.

This is the same idea used in other medicines such as acetaminophen. One brand may give you a stomach ache while another brand using different inactive ingredients may be fine.

Here's a CDC link that briefly explains the "filler" ingredients and why they're used in a vaccine. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/additives.htm

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Talk with a doctor? They don't care. They just say shut up and take the damn shot. Side effects are rare and they are safe and effective. I might as well be talking to my TV.

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My daughters specialist was very aggressive about her taking the jab and shes PREGNANT with twins. Lucky for those unborn boy and girl we are nurses. Treacherous Times. Now everyone knows what we’ve known for a long time: can’t trust your doctor. Do your research and take care of your family!

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True story. And if you do suffer side effects you are on your own, or worse. Suddenly a liar or a villain. Even though I do agree there is side effect potential for all jabs

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Talk with your doctor. I've tried. They're all braindead

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Do you still have the symptoms?

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Unfortunately, I’ve had the symptoms since May.

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My husband got the J&J vaccine about six months after we both recovered from Covid. Within days he felt like he had just been on an airplane, totally lost hearing in one of his ears, and then had to get his hearing aid adjusted. Three months later, he suddenly felt that the hearing aid was too strong, and the doctor then confirmed that he no longer needed the high strength. Apparently loss of hearing is not uncommon in “traditional vaccines”. The doctor however brushed off any association with the vaccine but had no other explanation. Not confidence inspiring.

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Not a bad idea to get your affairs in order.

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Why are you trolling the guy? Damn.

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uggh. sorry.

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I am sorry. I have that from the side effects of a tetanus shot, and it has been over a decade - same thing. Some issues went away but not the tinnitus. It is actually torture, I agree.

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My friends arm was sore for a month. Literally.

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None of these vaccines have had their actual trial by fire yet; the winter season.

The mass administrations began on the down-slope of the Spring season, and the efficacy claims are all being touted with numbers during the softer Summer season.

We'll know pretty much everything we'll need to know about their efficacy by Jan/Feb 2022. But even then, it will be tough, considering how much broad immunity already exists within the population.

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And any Antibody Dependent Enhancement effects are likely to be quite clear. Of course, governments and health authorities are going to say that it is a new variant caused by the unvaccinated and never admit the truth, should that come to pass.

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Correct, even though it's the vaccines that drive virus evolution and mutation. They are pointing the finger at the wrong people.

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Yes. It’s the standard “Nothing to see here protocol.” Fully supported by an u curious media.

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Under honest circumstances, we'd know. However, the medical powers-that-be will continue to misdirect (name anything possible CoVid), hide numbers, fail to gather relevant info (jabbed, twice jabbed, boosted, or unjabbed) from patients, conduct studies designed to fail (as with HCQ studies in 2020), refuse to try safe alternatives, and last, but definitely not least, CENSOR important information that doesn't fit their narrative.

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True. It is virtually impossible to get an accurate picture about what is actually going on.

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Yes, that will be the ultimate test.

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I can't believe we are even entertaining the idea of relenting to this tyranny. I don't care if the syringe is full of sugar water. The more the government pushes, the more I run the opposite way.

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I agree. No giving in with this because, and we all know it, this is just the beginning.

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I've always been that way. The harder you push, the worse you smell to me.

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This is the hill to die on. DO NOT COMPLY.

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Hold the line!

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J&J and AstraZeneca are pretty much the same and are the DNA shots. Their main adverse is Blood Clots and several people have died from those as well. I think they used this one primarily in the UK and Australia is that right Alex?

I saw some really awful deaths coming out of those places, so I don't think you can say it's even an option. These shots are Russian Roulette no matter how you twist it, and I don't think anyone MUST play Russian Roulette. I can't feed my family if I'm dead or immobilized, but I can move to another state, find another job, or fight these mandates/passports etc.

These shots are nothing to mess around with.

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R. Malone, MD says the same about JNJ

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By "R&B" album, you mean "Rubbish & Bullshit"?

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Thanks, I was trying to figure that one out.

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There is no positive benefit/risk ratio for any of the COVID vaccines, especially for young people. How do you justify an utterly unnecessary genetic experiment, with an already poor track record against a virus with >99.9% survival in young people? Especially considering the already successful use of widely used therapeutics, backed by now hundreds of studies?

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That is the question though, isn’t it? It’s also the question that loomed over NPIs and shutdowns that have never really been answered. I don’t want to think that the CDC is so corrupt that they’re purposefully running around of ethics, but I’m having a hard time being devil’s advocate when I sort things out in my head. I can’t make any sense of it. And that what really disturbs me. If they don’t want people to be conspiratorial, they shouldn’t act so outrageous.

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When they tell you, or show you who they are, believe them.

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I do think it's that corrupt.

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I suspect the corruption is like FBI and other government and corporate institutions -- its all at the top. Most working level are competent and honest and as frustrated as the rest of us. Seems to be dem tactics.

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I suspect Nazis could justify it.

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If enough people hold out and don’t do it, these mandates will go away. don’t give in

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That's why they "paused" it, it doesn't use the new tech, and that would hurt Pfizer and Moderna. SICK.

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probably also why the Novavax is not getting approved.

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Novavax is the purest form of a traditional Vaccine. Fixed amount of Spike Protein, no mRNA instructions to make your body make it, in which the amount of Spike Toxins is different in everyone of us!! Your body has a pure immune response. Still won't be as good as natural immunity,though.

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Subunit is not traditional vaccine. It is only a forerunner of the mission creep on the term "vaccine" that led us to mRNA.

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Check out COVAXIN, a traditional vaccine created thru an India/US partnership an awaiting EUA, along with Novavax in Canada!


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I'd like to know more about this. Can you point me to resources? Thx!

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I basically source my knowledge of Novavax from wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novavax_COVID-19_vaccine#Technology

They infect moth cells with a moth virus that tells the moth cells to make spike protein, then they "harvest" the protein from the cells somehow and stick them onto lipid nanoparticles. Lots of potential for contamination.

Protein subunit has been used for bacterial vaccines since somewhere around the 90s, which of course is when all these experimental platforms started to attract funding. The use of the protein subunit platform for **viruses**, however, is novel and very limited, almost comparable to the "track record" for the mRNA platform.

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the spike protein itself is a toxin, though probably less toxinogenic when in free form, rather than expressed on the surface of human factory cells.

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True, But I rather have a fixed amount of poison, rather than an uncontrolled manufacturing process. There's an old saying..." a little bit of poison goes along way", example...Botox, Alcohol , Tylenol ,etc.

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Here is a link to a similar vaccine made through an India/American partnership and awaiting EUA approval, together with Novavax, in Canada. The name is COVAXIN


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also why Dr. Martin Kulldorff/Harvard Med got fired from Vaccine Advisory Board because he called them out over the PAUSE...

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I wonder if Dr Jessica Rose and Dr Steve Hirsch will be fired for their testimony on Friday?

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I didn’t hear or see that testimony- know where i can read about it?

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It’s up on the FDA you tube channel. Almost a million views.

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It’s 8hours long but go to timestamp 4:09:50-4:23:50

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Steve is a philanthropist, who has been actively supporting research into covid treatments and, most recently, investigating the adverse events from the injections. He is not a doctor, but works closely with doctors, scientists, statisticians, and others to expose what is clearly becoming a massive burial of early treatment and cover-up of vax injuries.

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Dr Kirsch is self employed.

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I'd put money that Biden will put a decree: All those with JJ are not longer considered "fully vaccinated."

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That's going to happen to everyone eventually, no longer considered vaxxed, all the more reason to skip it to begin with. We got JJ, thinking it was the "safest". We had side effects. No way are we getting a booster. I wish I had known the road they are taking us down.

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It uses DNA not mRNA but it's still new technology. Does the same thing.

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How about a medieval indulgence system where you can just pay Fauci $100 or something to get a shot of saline?

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I love this. But that’s only for government officials, not us plebes.

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Ask Harvey Weinstein about indulgences. Just pay enough to the Democratic Machine and you can do almost anything.

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J&J's still tells the cells to produce the spike protein in order to create antibodies, just through a viral shell, rather than a lipid shell like Moderna and Pfizer. The dangers are the spike proteins themselves and the fact that the antibodies are created against a protein produced by your own cells. A tragic recipe for damaging auto-immune responses and micro-clotting.

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I understand that no one's situations are the same here and we all have to give grace to each other as we navigate this. However, we have to realize that it's a slippery slope once we take the first one. First, you can't take it out of your body but, second, what do you do when they require a third, a fourth, a fifth, a twentieth? What happens when they start mandating other adult vaccines? You have lost your right to object based on religious beliefs because you willingly took the first one. And, rest assured, they will absolutely use that as justification for requiring it later. If you say no then, you've lost your job anyway. And what do you do when they start making other demands of you? They now have control over you (and they know it). Where are we headed? We all need to think big picture here.

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Religious exemptions can be based on recently found beliefs

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Laws applied unevenly are not laws, they are weapons...personally have approximately 20yrs until I turn to dust. I will do it my way, not there way...

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Here’s my issue - at healthy, thin, fit, 39, and female (no birth control, hubby got fixed 😂), I’m probably at about the same risk from J&J as the virus. However, I’m really allergic to grumpy old men telling me what they can coerce me into shoving into my body. The younger ones who tried crap like that in high school and college got a firm knee in the nuts and slap in the face.

When it comes right down to it, I’m not nearly as opposed to vaccines as I am old men whose IQ was likely below 100 at its peak talking like a condescending fool claiming “it’s good for me.” I have a long list of reasons I’m not getting vaccinated based on the actual health cost-benefit analysis. However, at this point, I’m not getting vaccinated because I’m not giving into the demands of stupid people acting like little wanna be Stalin’s.

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Well the shot kills more people than the disease so if one is healthy and has immune why subject oneself?

This all really needs to stop.

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That's funny because I took a J&J shot 3 days ago. I didn't wanna get vaccinated, but unfortunately, as my Green Card process will start soon, I am required by USCIS to get a shot.

I'm a healthy 29 y.o male, can run 10k at 38 min, never been ill for the last 5 years. I didn't wanna take mRNA because of the myocarditis.

So 3 days passed, I only have a little pain in the arm. No fever, no headache, no fatigue. As if nothing happened.

I am still against vaccine coercion, vaccine passports and I don't care if a person around me is vaccinated or not.

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I pray each day that God will shield those coerced into these shots from damage.

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My 28 year old son wanted to have his life back and took the J & J vax too, despite my insistence that he not give in. He hasn't complained of any side effects, so so far, so good. I'm a mom and still worry, since we have absolutely no idea about long term effects. One thing I recommended to him, and suggest to you, is start taking a daily aspirin. At least for a month or so. It can't hurt, and it may help with the possible blood clotting issues.

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J&J inserts spike protein DNA into your own DNA via adenovirus in contrast to MRNA therapy. The longer term effectiveness is probably due to the viral DNA becoming a permanent addition to your genome. MRNA is typically decomposed in a short period of time by the cell's housekeeping functions. If true, the J&J vaccine should result in more, long-term, complications that will be difficult to tie back to the vaccination, such as pulmonary hypertension.

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And of course we will have no studies for years to see if the spike is passed on to new generations.

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With natural immunity I am not in a hurry to get any shot. But if or when there is significant demonstration of natural immunity waning, I would hope for Novavax to be on the market by then.

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Check out this article about the Covid vaccine COVAXIN . It’s an India/US partnership now awaiting EUA in Canada, along with Novavax.


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I don't think Novavax is quite the same as old school type vax either though, is it?

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Novavax is the purest form of a traditional Vaccine. Fixed amount of Spike Protein, no mRNA instructions to make your body make it, in which the amount of Spike Toxins is different in everyone of us!! Your body has a pure immune response. Still won't be as good as natural immunity,though.

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Any vax based on the spike protein is still a problem because it is the spike protein itself that is toxic. Novovax is not safe. Despite any new propaganda being circulated.

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As others say here, Novavax is still focused on the spike protein. I think a truly traditional vaccine would be live attenuated SARS-CoV-2. I doubt we'll ever see that.

I'd prefer a live, attenuated SARS-Cov-2 nasal spray. Sterilizing immunity, anyone?

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An attenuated virus vaccine would still have the spike protein as part of it. I therefore can so no reason it would be safer than Novavax.

The Novavax vaccine has a fixed amount of spike, which, to my understanding, is much less than the amount the current vaccines get your body to produce. And the older tech means it's much more likely to stay local.

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I heard there were something like 28 proteins in the virus. They seem to be injecting the same spike protein as the others are creating.. I've seen some articles saying it's harmless, but that spike is known to do much of the damage. Doesn't seem they are deactivating it first. Need more info for sure.

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Any news when they’re app,yin’s for EUA? I know they’ve launched a new study that combines their COVID jab plus their influenza vaccine all in one shot. Unfortunately, it’s being tested in Australia!

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Supposedly in the fall. The rub is, will the government approve it? They seemed to have an amazing dedication to the Mrna vaccines.

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I'm sorry but never should anyone get any shot which was directly tested and produced with aborted baby fetal cells.

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At times I wonder if the horrible side effects are directly related to fact that we cannibalized babies to put their cells in the mix.

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What good could come of that?

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AstraZeneca used dead 1970s foetal cells. Not sure about the others

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Most of them are using cell lines from the same few dead babies. Killed in France and Sweden for the convenience of the parents, exploited by human jackals to the present day.

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They all used aborted fetal cells somewhere within the production or testing of these "vaccines".

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I got the J&J because I needed it for work, I remembered a comment from a doctor on your Twitter feed saying J&J was the way to go if you absolutely had to get it. “Strange” thing was they tried to push MRNA shots on me when I had my appointment. I had to keep insisting on J&J, they relented.

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JJ uses similar technology to Pfizer and Moderna, just viral DNA, lipid coated. It's ruined two people I know.

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It is still a Spike Protein Toxin delivery system !!!

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My understanding was that lipids are not used in J&J

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Ivermectin is as much a "vaccine" as any of these "vaccines" And it's safer and more effective. So I choose the Ivermectine vaccine.

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HCQ for me

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Twitter suspended me for re-posting Alex’s Covid information! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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That’s a badge of honor!

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of course they did. Effers.

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Your surprised??

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I’m permanently suspended because of Covid talk. It’s insane

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Thanks Alex. Appreciate your assessment. Feels a bit like playing Russian roulette making these choices - still shocked that in the U.S. we are put in this difficult position. My husband decided to go for it even tho I encouraged him to quit or be fired, sell our home and move somewhere we can get by. He’s a few yrs away from retirement but we have a disabled daughter we financially support so he weighed out the risks/benefit. He decided on the shot. Our functional doctor came to the same conclusion you stated, based on data - J&J. Extremely difficult to find (not popular) but eventually we located it an hr away from our home, he got the shot, and no problems at all (so far). His dr had put him on a pre-vaccine treatment plan with aspirin and supplements. Maybe that made a difference but who knows. Now I’m the last one shot free in my family and circle (which has disminished - they think I’m crazy, excluded from much, etc). It’s lonely being me out there so I appreciate finding you, Alex and your forum for education, support and validation. Thanks especially for sharing your 2 cents regarding shot choice. No one else is putting themself out there when it comes to this subject (that I’ve found). Yes, you are brave!

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Sanwish, you are not alone.

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Malcolm Kendrick, Scottish MD, mentioned recently he took aspirin after getting vaccinated (which he did for his job).


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Do you mind sharing the specifics of the pre-vaccine treatment plan? TIA

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Go to the website for FLCCC, there is a complete plan of the vitamins, etc to take. It is put together by doctors and also gives you dosage and warnings to consider if you are taking other medications. If nothing else, go outside and get 15 minutes worth of sunshine - Vitamin D may be one of the biggest factors of preventing Covid19 (or take a supplement if you are further away from the equator) if you are otherwise healthy.

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Is this even you Alex? Am I right?

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They .... they got to Alex.

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I bought and read Alex Berenson's pamphlet Unreported Truths...Vaccines. It contains excellent observations and information. Unfortunately he left out one critical indisputable set of data. If a person refuses a vaccine, that person has a 0 possibility of suffering vaccine death (VAERS says 14000 deaths from vaccine-lawsuit in Alabama with a CDC whistleblower says 45,000), a ) possibility of severe reaction to the vaccine that includes constant joint pain and amputated limbs (VAERS says the severe reactions have been in the several hundreds of thousands) and zero risk of future vaccine complications that usually show up 3 to 4 years later. That is zero, zero and zero.

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I've have been wondering this very question, and was also leaning towards the answer being J&J, so thank you for some confirmation.

Unfortunately, my 23-year-old son is in the Air Force and is being mandated under threat of punishment and eventual discharge to get the vaccine. Even though he has already had COVID (documented in his military records), and even though twice this year he reported to the ER with chest pains of unknown origin and is doing a follow up with cardiology (these things happened well before the talk of mandates for the service). His doctor has stated he is denying his medical exemption, and we are also applying for a religious exemption.

If my son receives anything other than an honorable discharge, he will not be eligible for the G.I. Bill educational benefits, otherwise he would be 100% on board with getting discharged.

I encouraged my son to serve his country, and this is how my family is being repaid.

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"His doctor has stated he is denying his medical exemption" FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR! e.g. go to the Frontline Doctors website and contact one of them....

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I think you missed the part about this situation concerning my son IN THE MILITARY.

You don't get to choose your doctor in the military. The one you are assigned is who decides on the exemption. If you do manage to get another doctor, it still has to be a doctor FROM THE MILITARY. And they are all under the same pressure to find any way possible to deny requested exemptions.

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I don't want to sound unfeeling, but are the G.I. benefits that important that he is willing to risk his future health?

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They could be. The whole problem is that we do not have enough information to do a proper risk-benefit analysis when it comes to any of this. Complicating matters for my son is that he intends (or intended) to go into the medical field in Colorado, so is going to be faced with these mandates in that realm also.

If scrutinized closely, you'll see the vast majority of people advertising their "walk away" and resignations actually do have some sort of fall back option. Usually another income in the family or other form of employment. These mandates are geared towards the many people who do not have those kinds of options, and are truly faced with taking their principled stand or giving up any source of income. Even that is easy to do if you're only responsible for yourself, but do you give up the ability to care for your family so that you can take a principle stand?

These are the types of things that drive people towards more subversive tactics.

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I should add that another factor for us though, is if he "voluntarily" takes any of the EUA vaccines at an off-base facility, the military will not be responsible for anything bad that happens as a result of the vaccine. Versus taking the Comirnaty shots on-base.

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My understanding is that Comirnaty is not available on the market, what's being administered is still under the EUA. The FDA approval was a feign in order to facilitate mandates. They are all still immune from any liability.

There's a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of all services members in all branches of government that is making its way through the courts. It's a strong suit and will likely prevail. https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/military-vaccine-mandate-complaint.pdf

Finally, under RFRA religious accommodations must be made, despite what they're telling you and your son. There are very robust protections in the law, and the government cannot meet it's burden of proof. They know this, they're just hoping that you don't. Just fight them, don't risk your son's health on this.

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I agree with everything you are saying, but people in the military do not have the same rights as civilians. Unfortunately, I am not sure if that case you referred to is actually going to succeed. The same attorneys filed for an emergency temporary restraining order (TRO) to prevent the mandate from taking effect until the chief case could be heard (the one you linked to), and the judge for the TRO dismissed it with prejudice. It does not look good on the legal front.

In the civilian world, the RFRA would prevent the type of process the military has for requesting a religious exemption. But it's apples to oranges for military vs. civilian.

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Nice to get an analytical breakdown but sadly the J&J jab is the most connected to development using abortion as its faucet. I'm a conscientious objector. Thanks Alex for the hard work breaking down all these angles.

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I was surprised to read this approval on Johnson and Johnson vaccine. I just heard today from a friend who was 17 years into post menopause that she started bleeding again after taking that vaccine. All of these vaccines are dangerous and I wouldn't recommend that anyone take one.

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The whole thing is so foolish. You can get infected exactly once, meaning if you haven't been infected yet, you haven't infected anyone, and haven't been "part of the problem", even if there was a potentiality.

Repeat after me "Sweden, Sweden, Sweden...". If and when you do become infected...you're pathogenic exactly *once*, for about a week, and then you're never gonna be pathogenic again.

Be normal, get infected sooner or later, take your licks and then you have the best possible immunity for life. In the limit, everyone has immunity to SAR2-descended viruses and everything is fine.

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There are more reasons to not trust our politicians, government officials and corporate media as they have politicized everything and clearly have been profiting from the pandemic.

There is also a layman's fact pattern clear to see... that the vaccines along with masking, social distancing and shutdowns of some business while others have been allowed to stay open have likely prolonged the pandemic because it has lengthened the time we would otherwise have developed herd immunity from natural infection.

Think about the benefits to the collectivist Democrats with a virus that kills off old people and destroys the working economy that was also so inconvenient to the leftist narrative for the causes of minority misery. The left was on the precipice of irrelevancy, then mail in ballots along with a corporate and tech media propaganda and control project... and they are now in complete control and the CCP is smiling.

Israel proved that getting vaccinated isn't enough unless 50-60% of the population gets infected and has natural immunity. So we should have stuck with keeping things open, protecting the vulnerable and flattening the curve.

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Worked in Sweden !!

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I will not get the vaccine, period. Heart attack at 43, in perfect shape at the time, still in good shape at 60. i just have no faith in anything except GOD ALMIGHTY!

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I really admire your attitude. Having already suffered a freakish medical event, it would be easy to get the shot out of fear. What a testament to your Faith!

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Nobody “must get a vaccine.” Say no and stand up for your rights. Compliance doesn’t get you anywhere in this game. All it does is buy you more and more shots. That vaccine card has all kinds of lines on it. It was never meant to be a “one and done.“

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Of course not to “must get vaccinated”, but, then “must be ostracized into fleeing or incarcerated “…

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I have more than a lay person's knowledge of vaccines as a pharma/HC investor for 20 years. I generally agree w this but my two very healthy college-age kids (college athletes) had a tough time after the JNJ shot. It'll hit you hard. Still it's better than the mRNA route, which is so shockingly experimental, it's hard to convey how irresponsible society has been on this issue.

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My 18 year old daughter (needed it for college) so we went with the Pfizer. I treated her as if she had covid and gave her a ton of supplements for weeks and thankfully she had no side effects. It is so awful that they are mandating the vaccines for our college students.

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It's good that she got supplements, however, it concerns me that the spike proteins migrate heavily to the ovaries and bone marrow. I pray your daughter doesn't have issues down the road.

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California pressure is mounting and vaccinated people are getting hateful. I’m 72 so high risk but still thinking I’m better off without the vaccine.

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The pressure here is intense. I hate it. What happened to the free thinkers of the 1960's? SF was so counter culture and now they mask up and take the shot while celebrating their mayor in a crowded club maskless. What has happened to us?

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There are good people out there. Join Telegram and find the group East Bay Freedom Lovers.

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I signed up but can not find that group. Like the app though, thanks

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If I were 72 I'd probably get it. The upside is that it looks like older folks have less severe adverse reactions. The downside is that they seem less effective. Both are driven by the fact that a healthy older person has a less robust immune system than a healthy younger person.

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Thanks for that input. During this pandemic most of my contact has been with people outside so not much risk but as winter approaches that will change so I’ll be weighing my options.

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Tough call at 72. I salute your bravery.

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Take out a $million dollar life policy just in case, at least for 6 months. Make someone rich other than Big Pharma.

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I want to move. Tired of being around these people and being hesitant to speak my mind.

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Marjorie, a friend who is also your age wants to leave the East Coast, is looking for like minded people. Can you tell me how to reach you? I would like to introduce the two of you. She is willing to go anywhere, including out of the country.

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Just Say No

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One concern I have that remains, regardless of delivery platform, is the risk of ADE.

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Dr. Fauci also won the Nobel Prize for Publicity Seeking. No small feat.

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These days, with the media willingly fawning over anybody decent looking, I'm not surprised that the so-called "Sexiest Man Alive" still has his job in spite of his track record, lies before Congress, and conflict$ of intere$t.

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If my employer requires it, this will be the one I get, but I also have already had covid so I'm very much hoping there is an exception for natural immunity.

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My employer did so I quit. Should have waited to be fired but it is a small organization that I have loved for a long time. Supposedly I was the only one out of 25 to not be vaccinated but once the mandate came 8 quit within 2 weeks of me giving notice. We all had to work onsite due to the nature of the job which was deemed essential. We worked all through the shutdowns, even had 3 known exposures to teammates who got the virus. No one died, no one hospitalized. The three were back to work in about 7 days.

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People who have natural immunity fare the worst due to ADE. Beware.

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Sorry I didn’t phrase that quite right. What I mean is that those with natural immunity who get vaccinated tend to have more severe complications because their body overresponds to the antigens.

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Righto! At least that’s what I suspect. Wish someone would study this. Hugely important to know.

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You lie. SARS-1 survivors still have strong immunity to COVID today. Singapore study.

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I think you got that backwards

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Please see my reply below. I phrased it a little differently.

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Then you will die of ADE, wagie.

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Huge problem here

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Hugely disappointing post - I guess you are ready to start complying with the least evil option - a very bad strategy - maybe twitter will take you back now

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Have you been hacked?

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My thought exactly!

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What if you're a middle aged woman with a history of extremely heavy menstrual bleeding who is on bc to avoid needing another blood transfusion? Yay peri-menopause. You know the very common condition that hasn't been studied at all in all of this?

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One of my sisters had been through the change, then had a surprise period after the vaccine. Moderna

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A friend of mine had uterine ablation with very good results, just fyi

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yup. had one. still bleeding. fun times.

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J and J also produces spike proteins. Aren’t they the danger?

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The lipid nanoparticle delivery system of the mRNA vaccines are a big part of the problem and probably why subsequent doses cause more severe adverse reactions

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It does what the others do, just uses viral DNA not mRNA.

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yes. but in this case the j&j mimics an actual viral infection -

with the mRNAs - the mRNAs are synthetic/modified to stay around a long time - making probably way more spike than is needed. hopefully with j&j that is not the case.

Another advantage to j&j is that there are no LNP lipid nanoparticles. It's thought that the LNPs are the reason the mRNA in moderna and pfizer can go "anywhere" in your body, eg ovaries, testes, adrenals, and other places.

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The mRNA is modified not so much to increase longevity but because native mRNA can cause tremendous inflammatory reactions itself (even fatal ones), before it gets translated into protein. The protein (the famous spike protein) is apparently cytotoxic itself, and while it was expected to stay bound to the cell wall, it becomes free-floating and can then penetrate cells where it causes clots to form.

They've been working on these types of vaccines for a few decades now and developed one for rabies and one for Zika but never got them approved. A DNA version for one of the encephalitises in horses was approved but now is off the market, though I don't know why.

The lipid nanoparticles are probably a problem themselves.

More to the point, when a virus invades your body a whole lot of things happen involving many different cells and chemicals. We understand some of this but certainly not all of it. So short cutting the total immune response by creating the antibodies alone may work short term to give protection, but clearly it does not in fact create the kind of robust immunity needed. Older vaccines were pretty good at doing so because the attenuated or killed virus triggered the entire immune cascade and so their immunity is quite robust. If anyone comes up with an attenuated strain, then I will consider getting vaccinated but not before.

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agree 100%. but for now in the USA, the only choices are pfizer, moderna, and ? j&j if you can find it?

Covaxin - is made in India, is an inactivated virus.

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Are you sure, BC? If “control” and “depopulation” is the ultimate goal via this pandemic and vaxxing (see UN Agenda 2030), then how would J&J ever get approved as a “vaccine” if it didn’t meet those (stealth) requirements? My understanding is that J&J’s vehicle is not through mRNA technology, but rather a piece of adenovirus delivered into the cell. I’m open to correction; I’m still learning.

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all i can say to this is: good luck finding a j&j shot in the usa, and if you do find one, tell us where!

The adenovirus "shell" contains double stranded DNA. which will be converted to mRNA by the human cell, which is then converted into spike protein.

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I don't think that's correct, I think it uses lipid coated DNA

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stolen from that site...

Here are a few highlights from the survey among Americans overall:

+ 71% would like to see additional COVID-19 vaccines made available developed from a more traditional method such as those developed against diphtheria, mumps, chickenpox or polio

+ 69% would be more likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine (primary or booster) if there was an option with fewer side effects

+ 65% believe Americans should have more COVID-19 vaccine options to choose from

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Yes, spike proteins can be a danger.

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The spike proteins are the things the body needs to identify it and built antibodies to

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Only a very small piece of the virus, though. And so very toxic.

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My best friend (Moderna) and his wife (JNJ) are both going through covid. We (team rx Ivermectin) caught cov last month from my parents (Pfizer) and sister/bro in law (JNJ) and my brother in law seemed to have the easiest time, though the other vaxxed family seemed to have a way worse time than we (IVM) did. Ivermectin turned things around dramatically & rapidly but I still had some brain fog in retrospect. Work, neighbors, chuch... breakthrough is everywhere but it's like adverse effects. People whisper about it, not wanting their "Safe and Effective" badge to get tarnished. I actually believed that the vaccines were likely effective, just not within my risk tolerance (or "safe"), but now I'm like "why would anyone bother?" Yet my newly recovered from breakthrough parents cannot wait to get their Fauci Ouchie booster. Sigh.

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How did you get Ivermectin?

Many states are now restricting access, especially Blue States that cheer on death like the Hunger Game rulers..,

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Got it in June, was pricey then. I imagine it's tough to get now. I had bought some of the horse stuff but was very disappointed in the apple flavoring.

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apple is fine, not sweet, has greasy feel, but hell it's given to $100k horses

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True that.

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Oh, and I live in blue state California.

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I got a protocol from America''s Frontline Doctors. Paid for a consultation and then for the Ivermectin and supplements. They use a pharmacy in L.A. and it was all mailed to me. Cost about $300 for consult and meds. Took a LONG time though because they are swamped. I also got a stand-alone Rx for Ivermectin from Push Health dot com. Again, paid for the consult and then called my local Safeway pharmacy to ensure they could get it for me. They filled it the day after the doctor called it in. It was covered by my insurance and the copay was $7.

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