“Donald Trump’s unwillingness to accept he lost the 2020 election - which was unfair but in no way stolen - is dangerous.”

If you did half the research into the 2020 election as you did into Covid you would change your mind on this immediately. Saying the election was not stolen is literally akin to claiming the vaccines are safe and effective.

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Can I prove the 2020 election was rigged? No. There's no denying, a lot of strange things happened that have never happened before: the number of bell-weather counties won by Trump, not Biden; more votes cast for Biden than Obama; the shutdown of vote counting in multiple states. One of my favorites is the vertical lines at 3am in a couple of states, where Biden overtook Trump. I've never seen that adequately explained. They say it was a lot of early voting, and early voting favored Biden. That might work for the gullible, but it doesn't make sense. Counting of early voting ballots continued in the following hours and days. What caused THOSE unique blips?

It's not for me to prove the election was flawed. It's for the election officials to demonstrate it was legit. Instead of showing us, they circled the wagons and hid everything. Now, 3 1/2 years after that election, it's emerging that 17,000 ballot images in Fulton County, Georgia were lost. Why are we just now learning that? And they're still not being forthcoming with answers to a lot of other valid questions about the election.

There's a million lousy excuses not to take closer looks when anomalies are discovered. Here's a batch of 200 sequentially numbered, mail-in ballots- with the voters names in alphabetical order. That's something that can't be. Here's an experienced poll-worker claiming she saw a box of MAIL-IN ballots with no creases, therefore they were never in envelopes. And all with identical markings, as if produced on a copier. Yeah, maybe there were 200 or 1,000 suspicious-looking ballots. BUT THEY WEREN'T ENOUGH TO CHANGE THE RESULT OF THE ELECTION. So don't worry about it. Stuff happens. What do you want? Perfection?

Actually, yes. I want perfection. Every publicly traded company in America has an audit every year. The books balance to the penny. Is accurate counting of votes less important?

A final point- if anyone says any election was done with no cheating - and I've heard many say that about the 2020 election - they are lying, because they are stating as fact something they cannot know. The cheaters obviously are going to conceal their cheating. Unless they brag about it, no one will know about it. As with almost all crime statistics, the actual number of rapes, burglaries, car thefts, assaults, etc, is higher than the reported number. Same with election cheating. Just b/c you don't know about it, that doesn't prove it didn't happen.

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I agree. Why did it take so long to count votes? Why did social media sites say before the election that we should not expect the results right away? One thing we do know is that 51 Intel "experts" lied in a letter that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation right before Election Day. I think they call that, election interference. They've been exposed now because of discovery in Hunter's trials. Why aren't any of them being held accountable?

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Most all of the votes in my lifetime (I'm 74) were cast on Election Day and only on Election Day, except for military overseas absentee ballots and a few others that were applied for with legitimate reasons. We saw the vote count come in on TV that night, and we knew who won by midnight on election day. I've always felt that if you valued your voting rights and wanted to vote, you sure as heck could manage to do it on Election Day.

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Exactly. I’m flying back to my Dem state from TEXAS and LA work trip deliberately on 11/2 to make sure I’m there to vote in person.. I want to make my kids fly back from TX AND CA TOO to vote in person. Paper bills get lost in the mail so WHY WOULDNT PAPER ABSENTEE BALLOTS!!???

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Me too. I've voted in person on Election day since the age of 18.

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Recently I was unexpectedly hospitalized a few days before a council person vote in my city. Because this occurred literally days before the election, it wasn't possible for me to vote by mail (the deadline was long past).

The experience has prompted me to rethink my views on in-person-only voting.

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And never forget that the "refs" (the media) would rather have a potato in office vs Trump.

They are not honest brokers...so they would never even consider digging into the election irregularities.

Plus 85% of the sprawling State votes for Dems...every single election.

I mean what could possibly go wrong?!

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Well, the “refs” got their potato.

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A demonic potato that can speak. Unfortunately, every word, literally, that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

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And we're suffering.

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The refs are playing for the D team. They have no interest in investigative journalism.

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Agree except that you can prove 100% it was rigged. There is a trail a mile long that shows how the government, big tech, and mainstream media colluded to rig the election before a single vote was counted.

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Why do they fight voter ID tooth and nail? That alone indicates they are stealing votes at every opportunity

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Every other first world country has serious voting rules in place we are a joke. It’s embarrassing and we know exactly why the Democrats say this. Do you think the French people in the south of France complain that they don’t have a way to vote? No, they don’t. They get someone to pick them up or they take care of business because they care about getting their vote case… not to digress into French politics or Canadian politics or Japanese politics but why are we so LAX???? Other countries have a very strict system. ( apologies for all the typos .. dictation isn’t always accurate)

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The Law of Large Numbers suggests that half of the “irregularities” should have fallen in Trump’s favor.

There isn’t even a claim that “Trump” stole the election.

The most convincing proof that the election was stolen is psychological: has any Dhimmi said with full-throated arrogance - you bet we’ll recount every state, any way they want. It will be great to rub their face in the loss. Not a one.

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Unless I missed something you forgot the single biggest piece of evidence that the election was stolen; attorneys general, courts and boards of election changed the rules on how voting could take place in certain states. They did it under the guise of the plandemic's emergency. Those changes were in violation of the constitution which says only state legislatures can determine how the electors are chosen.

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And yet somehow, all these people managed to get food and they managed to get cell phones and they manage give me a break… Ridiculous

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Exactly. Do I believe the Demoncrats meant to kill so many people worldwide, not necessarily, but I also think they did not give a shit, anything to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse.

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exactly. we have fallen so far...that the burden is on the institutions to prove it.

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Proof is an almost impossibly high standard, even in the courtroom. What we have instead is evidence, and a lot of it, that the election was rigged.

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Jul 1Edited

Exactly! And it's not just one or two pieces of evidence...there is a LOT, too much to ignore or dismiss unless you are Democrat. And coincidentally, the irregularities all occurred in the most critical states. Not in California, for example...a state that is a supermajority Democrat and in which it is known before the election that all California's electoral votes will be going to the Democrat candidate.

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Hunters laptop was part of the rig.

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Excellent summary! Thank you.

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And as the saying goes. Fool me once and you know the rest.

It’s going to happen again and The perpetrators need to be caught.

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Alex needed to hear this. Well stated. We will eventually get to the bottom of 2020. Or should I say, we will eventually have an honest accounting of that election. Just because corporate media doesn’t want to cover these stories, doesn’t mean there aren’t efforts underway to continue pursuing the truth. Why this is a red line for some people like Alex, I don’t understand. But there is ample evidence, shocking evidence actually, to ask questions. Maybe the day will come when Alex’s transformation will edge towards completion. With or without him, the truth will eventually be known. And Americans can decide for themselves.

One thing I’d like to say to Alex… after observing the debate and aftermath and reasonably concluding that the President is very ill, you are now aware that the corporate media and Democrats covered (and oddly continue to cover) for Biden in unprecedented gaslighting of American people. Are we to just shrug our shoulders over this and pretend this is not a severe betrayal of the American people? We don’t know who has been guiding policy for this administration and we are witnessing policy that is overtly destructive to the fabric of this country and is causing unnecessary pain on struggling Americans. Why? We sit on the edge of WWIII with this very sick man and his administration constant saber rattling with a nuclear power. Has the Russia hysteria, largely feigned by Biden and his admin, Democrats and their media partners, contributed to decisions that have put us on the precipice of WWIII?

So yes, by all means if it comes down to Trump or Biden, please vote for the man who can finish a sentence. But deeper questions should be asked about a deception of unprecedented scale that has DIRECT national security implications. We know we will be hit by people we’ve allowed to enter (terrorists?) through the southern border during Biden’s Presidency. Sadly it isn’t a matter of “if” but “when”. Why should we not be asking to know IMMEDIATELY who is in charge. Why isn’t this the question people are asking instead of “what does it all mean for democrats politically?”

Do we know that no one in this administration has committed treason? Is that even a thing anymore? As usual, it’s all about the politics, the politicians, and the news media. And no one with a voice has the balls to ask the right questions. We are so fucked.

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Well said.

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Well said.

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I was going to write almost the same thing but you did.

As it currently stands, the system seems to be designed for cheating considering the use of Dominion voting machines, mail in ballots and lack of voter ID laws in many states. Although I can’t say for certain there was enough cheating to elect Biden, I know the system is designed son that is possible. By the way, the same could be said for Ohio in 2004.

It has been demonstrated that all our institutions have been corrupted - the Law, Medicine/Public Health, the IRS, the Three letter agencies, etc. Yet, lo and behold! The system of elections is just fine. Healthcare databases are hacked all the time but the election machines are perfectly safe. Nope, not buying it.

Finally, France just completed an election which took one day to count paper ballots. 68M people in France or overseas. One day. The population of CA is only 39M yet it takes two weeks for some results to be tabulated. Something is wrong with US voting.

Trump got 62,984,828 votes in 2016. In 2020 he got 74,223,975. Show me ONE election where an incumbent loses after getting 20% more votes. Never happens in any major election

I can’t say that it was stolen but I can’t say that it wasn’t stolen.

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Exactly. Alex has come a long way, perhaps he will dig into this too

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I think AB is holding on to the last "trust" he has in our institutions. I think it worries him that if there isn't faith in the election process than the American experiment failed.

What's more perplexing to me is he says it was unfair, but in no way stolen. To me that is a distinction without difference....because it has the same net effect on our belief in the system.

In other words; how unfair does it have to be in order for unfairness to be one and the same as cheating?

I also wonder if he understands why we feel cheated? It wouldn't matter, for the obvious reasons, if the election was stolen or not, it doesn't change the fact that the "unfairness" during Trumps presidency and the 4 years since has been a slap in our faces...and our votes were "disenfranchised".

Isn't his lack of understanding in relation to this, de facto, the same thing as all the covidians who couldn't care less to understand our experience during the plandemic?

I really wish he could make that connection.

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correct...he has lost trust in the medical establishment and media. But the rot is much deeper.

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Thank you for your analysis.

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One can only hope…

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That would be great!

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Does it matter at this point? That's a legit question. I think he's doing the Patriot thing to do....which is a helluva refreshing thing to see given the last 8 years. THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WE HAVE TO GET THESE COMMIES OUT OF OFFICE.

That said, for the life of me, at this point, I can not figure out how ANYONE could have ANY faith in ANY of our institutions. So yes, I think he's being naive to not leave the possibility open that the election was stolen....if for no other reason that it doesn't take widespread cheating to take place...Indeed it only takes 60-100k votes in 6 precincts to tip an election.

And why is it dangerous if Trump thinks the election was stolen?....when to this day many D's (including at the highest level) don't believe Trump was legitimately elected.

But I agree with Alex on 85% of most issues...which is good enough for me. And he's got brass balls...so I'll go into a foxhole with him any day....or have a beer with him any day.

And if I had that opportunity I might be able to help him open his mind...lmao...

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Alex, tell me how this is not more DANGEROUS than Trump denying the results of an election:

“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”

- Schumer

Not only did he say it, it's exactly what happened.

Isn't this, for all intents and purposes, exactly what happened to you?

I've never heard a politician say something this DANGEROUS.

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Funny how no one talks about Al Gore… Or the fact that Stacey Abrams of Georgia never conceited and still whines that she had her position stolen from her and then people like Hillary Clinton say that Trump was an illegitimate president you can’t win with these people they want so much power they will lie, cheat, and steal to get there These idiots keep voting people go to jail in Connecticut and the guy who lined his pockets with GOLD bars

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I always try to point out that in a normal election, 2% to 4% of absentee ballots are thrown out due to irregularities. In 2020, when millions and millions more mail in ballots were received than ever before, about .5% of mail in ballots were thrown out. Does that sound legitimate to anyone?

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The lab created “virus” hysteria resulted in giving the deep state and its tentacles every opportunity/reason to steal a federal election with the approval/blessing of every media outlet except OAN and the suppressed social media site Parler…

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Absolutely the election was stolen.

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Alex seems not to grasp the difference between "proof" and "evidence", and demands that the absence of absolute proof proves that it wasn't stolen.

He continues to use the term "widespread fraud/cheating" when "widespread" isn't needed for a presidential election to be stolen, because it's SWING states where targeted fraud can steal an election.

He also ignores the fact that 20 bellwether counties around America have ALL picked the correct winner for the past 10 presidential elections, or whatever it is, and that 19 of them went for Trump in 2020.

He *knows* it was probably, likely stolen, but his hubris won't let him (apparently) EVER admit he was wrong, about ANYthing.

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They don't have to target the "swing states" - only about 12 key "swing cities" in those six or seven states.

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Jo, you took enough words from my pie-hole that I can limit my own response. I will say, the 2020 election was UNCONSTITUTIONAL in that individuals took it upon themselves to change the rules delineated for elections that bypassed numerous constitutional safeguards. If that doesn’t shout STOLEN…

Second: SERIOUSLY Alex, are your morals so low that you would support unfettered destruction of babies in utero, UNFETTERED - your word, over limiting that aberration of humanity? Please, don’t tell me you find yourself moving more conservative until you find that last vestigial spark of humanity we were supposedly blessed with.

As for President Trump - do you think a man (or woman) closer to your ideal of what presidential looks or behaves like could have dealt with the weaponry the immoral bastards of our political dynamic have continuously launched? I’m a believer, yeah that means Christian, and I believe President Donald John Trump is a man designed by God for this time designed by men. He is no better, no worse than others who have been necessary for their times, we just have better means today to defame and abase those men.

You want perfect, then sit out until the 2nd Coming but keep in mind, when that happened the 1st time that man was crucified for the crime of doing nothing but good. Trump ain’t no Jesus, but he doesn’t appear to be a demon either.

Sheesh, hypocrites and fools.

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I agree that NO abortion is the only choice between "none and unfettered". Partial birth abortion is a real thing--full term babies pulled partially out of womb and dismembered. There is no difference between this and technical infanticide except the geographical location of the victim.

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The only problem with abortion is babies die

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Not everybody has your beliefs so like another countries where they’re not interested in Christians and persecute them. Why should everybody else follow your belief about abortion? I’m sure you’re for the death penalty and if you’re not then at least you’re being true to yourself… But the Republicans keep throwing away elections Over this issue France, which is predominantly a Roman Catholic country just voted in a policy about abortion. You’re not gonna stop it.

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NYC, you should preview your comment(s) for clarity&grammar. I'll respond as best as I can to what I understood: societal actions, actions of individuals within the constraints of what society permits and/or encourages have impacts beyond just the individual. Yes, in an abortion, the immediate impact is a murdered child and how that impacts may or may not impact the mother with near or long term consequences. But what does that say to the father - does that not demean him that his child was just terminated w/o his consent or in spite of his desire not to. What does it say to the greater number of members of that society when it is common practice that human life (HUMAN life) is worth no more than the cost of a couple chemicals ordered by mail - I’ve seen people get more upset over the loss of life of a dog they have no connection to.

When society accepts the valuelessness of the most helpless of humans it has no recourse other than to devalue humans in general and increase that sentiment in those already predisposed to devaluing humans / humanity. Consider: the first horrendous mass killing in American schools occurred in the late 90s that is epitomized by the horror of Columbine HS — after a generation of living with the downstream effects of R v. W in ‘73.

And while it wouldn’t be better in my estimation, these abortions are not part of any sort of religious offering to appease god(s), rather these are babies sacrificed to nothing more than the gid of self. We are paying the societal price for the slaughter of millions of little people.

As for supporting, or not, capital punishment: babies are innocents, capital punishment is reserved for the most evil - entirely different situations. Sheesh

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Agreed, Alex Berenson is suffering from TDS. He did no investigations into the 2020 election. A simple look at the facts support that the "election was full of fraudulent activity" and that in itself should question the results.

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"Stolen" vs "Unfair" is a distinction without a difference. Others have laid out some of the multitude of reasons one might land on the former, but one other thing I'd add is that, as Megyn Kelly pointed out to Bill Maher, Hillary Clinton is the OG of election deniers, and called her loss to DJT "stolen" many times.

Georgia at this moment is trying to destroy hundreds of thousands of ballots from that election that they were supposed to keep, due to storage concerns. Seriously? And there are similar goings-on in Arizona.

This isn't a hill to die on, especially when the stakes are this high.

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Absolutely. How do you account for Fulton Co, Georgia to have 17,000 more votes than ballots?

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My take on the 2020 election which is sure to piss off both sides. The Democrats have a vote manufacturing (fraud) machine in every big city in the country they control. This is why maintain control of these big cities. But it doesn't affect most of us living outside of those cities EXCEPT in a presidential election, and even then, only the cities in swing states come into play and ONLY in a particularly close election. This Dem machine uses all the old tricks like bussing people to the polls from black churches, ballot harvesting, having dead people vote, etc. In 2020, this vote manufacturing machine was strengthened by measures established under the pretext of the pandemic. Expanded mail-in ballots, absentee voting, drop boxes, etc. A lot of these changes were made by state elections officials and secretaries of state, without legislative approval. That's a problem because the constitution vests the power to determine how a state's electoral college votes are awarded ONLY to the legislature. But Trump, being Trump was too stupid to see what they were doing was undermining his re-election by weakening election security. He actually signed bills that provided funds for these schemes. The GOP should have vigorously challenged all these changes BEFORE the election. Once the election happens it's too late. Judges are loath to throw out certified election results. The threshold for doing so is extremely high. And to meet that threshold you need lawyers with experience in election law, not Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell. In short, the Dems did cheat. They always cheat. It doesn't always matter though. In this case, Trump got rolled and he didn't help himself.

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They did challenge before the courts said they had not shown they were harmed because the election had not yet happened. After the election the courts said it was too late. That is how the democrats work. The courts have been captured by the democrats like every other institution. Add this to the number of RINOS that we are forced to vote for because the alternative is worse and you have the perfect storm. I live in PA Wolf disenfranchised half the population along with the Supreme Court of PA and democrat controlled hack court. Back when Corbett (R) was governor the census redistricting was done by the republicans who controlled the legislature. The democrats sued. The result THE SUPREME COURT OF PA REDISTRICTED THE STATE THEMSELVES USING THE DEMOCRAT PLAN. HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO LIVE IN A STATE LIKE THIS?

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Jul 2Edited

Yes, a great many of the courts in consequential areas are controlled by leftist, activist judges. This is why the left is currently in hysterics about the Supreme Court ruling on immunity. They would like a court with at most, only one or two conservatives on it so they would be powerless and overruled in many of these issues. It's instructive to read and digest the dissent from the 3 leftist judges. Sotomayor's comments about what the ruling will lead to is patently absurd and not dignified from a person in her position. She should be embarrassed and ashamed to write such comments. They were something a 20 year old activist would write. Or possibly she lifted her comments from Joy Reid.

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Don’t forget how they go into nursing homes and get people to sign off in collusion with the staff that work there don’t forget how they bribe the homeless and get them to go vote

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I was about to write exactly what you so succinctly stated. Thank you.

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I think people should consider what they can do, in all the precincts, from oneself, to ones community, to networked nationally. We are the people:



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I had someone respond to a comment I posted on the stolen 2020 election . They claimed to have been part of a research grouping looking into election integrity. They said that the Republican benefiting interference was more intense in the 2016 election and that the Democrats benefiting interference was far greater in 2020 election. Just thought I would pass that along.

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I'll just chime in to say that nearly ALL elections are contested somewhere and for some reason. And when the claims are made, journalists generally investigate them to some extent or another. When we were immediately told after the 2020 election that Trump was making false claims and that "we have no evidence of voter fraud that would have changed the results of the election", with no investigation whatsoever, I knew the fix was in.

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Exactly! Same w me.

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Just the fact that people said they would have changed their vote if they would have known about the Hunter Biden laptop, shows the election was rigged. The suppression of the laptop was election interference.

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In 2020, our state had a candidate, who I will refer to as "Candidate X", run for U.S. Senate. Statewide he garnered 46% of the 917,237 votes cast. There were 1,351,811 records of "eligible" voters (sitting in the Secretary of State's database) on election day.

In 2022 "Candidate X" decided to run for governor. Statewide he garnered 46% of the 712,256 votes cast. There were 1,364,559 records of "eligible" voters on election day.

"Candidate X" is really good at not being bothered by math and leaving the stage.

This is one of thousands of examples of visible "symptoms" ("A neurosurgeon diagnoses Joe Biden") of stolen elections. The diagnosis, although not the conclusion of a brain surgeon, has been painstakingly laid out by an army consisting of physicists, IT professionals, statisticians, engineers, and auditor-types across the U.S. We have done the "blood tests and scans" so to speak. Jo Highet, thank you for your comment!

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There’s much more positive to Trump than he’s just “not demented”. His record as President was pretty stellar up to covid. Strong border, strong economy, peace in the Middle East, energy independence, vastly improved trade deals with Mexico and Canada, weak Iran, cautious China and Russia, no new wars, low inflation … the list goes on. Yeah, he says a LOT of stupid and cringy stuff; but for me, actions are way more important. Glad you’re on board, even if reluctantly.

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You took the words right out of my mouth. I always ask people what policies of Trump’s did you/do you disagree with, personality aside. No answers yet. The media tells them to hate Trump and they fall in line.

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It was stellar thru COVID. He made the mistake of allowing Fauci to take over management of the pandemic, instead of being a consultant. The leadership of that effort should have been Pence or a General, and Fauci should have been an advisor.

Fauci was not equipped to make sweeping changes to our economy, as he had no balance in his approach. Normally, when you make decisions like mandates, lockdowns, closing of schools and social distancing, you do a cost/benefit analysis. Fauci only considered benefits.

I was already retired from my career in healthcare, but it was clear in March 0f 2020, when Fauci was advising the nation to go in directions that were against the data we were getting out of many other countries, that we had the wrong person in charge.

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Pence was one of the leaders advising on Covid and he followed whatever Fauci and Brixx told him. Pence ignored the advice of an actual epidemiologist. Read the book by Dr Scott Atlas- very informative regarding the Covid response.

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Completely agree! "A Plague Upon Our House" by Scott M. Atlas, MD, should be required reading. I read it shortly after I finished "Pandemia," and it was mind-blowing and revelatory.

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And Jon, that information has been buried by the media, academics, healthcare industry and the .gov. Thanks for speaking out.

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Fauci was also markedly responsible for causing the problem too—fox being consulted about managing the hen house

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And Biden says a lot of stupid and cringy stuff too. And as you pointed out Trump's policies were solid and Biden's policies are disastrous.

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Just last Thursday, Joe said young women are being raped by their brothers and SISTERS.

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Unbelievable 🤦🤦

Yep... he's all there.... nothing to see here folks....

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What Michael said.

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I don't care about the cringy things he says, I just want to be able to afford gas and groceries again. We were all in the better spot financially in 2019 than today.

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I'll point out that while Trump may say a bunch of cringy stuff, Biden DOES a lot of cringy stuff!

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Here is the thing on abortion, frankly Trump agrees with you and he's correct in that sending it back to the states solves the problem. If you believe in unfettered access move to CA or NY. If you believe in some restrictions pick a state that aligns with you're beliefs. We need more decisions to be moved back to the states and get DC and the Feds out of our lives on a vast array of topics.

DC and the government should be limited to macro economic areas (though their track record sucks!) and defense / foreign affairs. and That's it every thing else needs to be state driven.

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On abortion, no one said it more clearly and succinctly than President Ronald Reagan:

"I've noticed everyone who is for abortion has already been born."

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He was like this 4 years ago. You SHOULD be terrified that a party like the Democrat party exists. You shouldn't even dream of voting for anyone from the party. The party is is full blown marxist. Biden's condition is just an example. That should be your slant.

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I agree.

I think if nothing else he should wake up to the low grade evil simmering in the D party.

For example:


good luck having a society that puts the welfare of children below those short for this world. Any society that does that is DOOMED!

And it's fucking EVIL. Who can vote for evil?

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I was (and still am) mad as hell about masking children. And making people die alone. And forcing shots. Still very F*CKING mad.

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You and me both.

What also drives me nuts is all if this was the easiest call of all time.

Yet the more obvious something was, the more illusory it became.

There has to be a name for this phenomenon.

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yikes RG. You droppin' the hammer...

and that 'low grade evil' is rapidly rising to satanic levels...

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Well what would you call it?

Another example is the sexualization of children.

For God sake can we just let children be children.

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I wonder who Alex would vote for if Biden steps down, or accidentally steps off a ramp & has to be replaced by the party.

Would Alex vote for Kamala? Whitmer? The fat billionaire governor of Illinois?

Would he throw his vote away on RFK or JFK?

I am tickled pink with this announcement, but I am afraid I have more questions than ever!

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What is disturbing at this point is that Biden is emblematic of the Democrat party. He has clearly not been running things, and the rot behind him will remain if you vote Democrat at this point. The party needs a serious housecleaning if it is ever to get back to its former liberal, reasonable roots. The radicals who have taken over need to go, stat. Start with the squad, although they aren't actually the ones with much power right now, but they are still negative influence. We need to know who the shadow government is and they need to go.

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Voting for JFK really would be throwing away your vote!

With every passing day, unless Biden dies, it will be harder to take his name off of state ballots as things stand now. Some say the problem can be solved up until the ballots are printed...well maybe in theory

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Well he's not on *any* ballots yet because the Dems haven't had their convention yet. The DNC can and will choose whoever they want between now and November. To "save democracy". The third party choices are actually officially on more ballots now than Biden or Trump.

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Well yeah, Biden will definitely have to die if his poll numbers get too low.

I can see a frantic aide trying to convince Jill to get him to pull out of the race as he whispers, "Look, I mean he *has* to drop out. They are going to *kill* him if he doesn't!" As he gestures wildly trying to contain his volume.

She glances in the next room where Joe is happily coloring on a piece of paper with crayons, closes her eyes to consider, and then abruptly opens them & wrinkles her nose.

"No, you are bluffing. And they are bluffing. And then again, even if not - do you really think that I would like to retire to take care of him alone - or live on as a celebrated widow?"

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Nice! I think you’ll find that Trump is a big proponent of the first amendment, and the constitution in general.

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Given the personal investment Alex is making in a First Amendment law suit it is surprising this issue seems forgotten in his Biden versus Trump analysis. On a First Amendment basis Trump seems far superior to any Democrat.

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The Dems' talking points on the debate are that Biden wasn't at his best but Trump lied. I compiled a non-exhaustive list of Biden's debate lies:

• Biden rehashed the phony claim that Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach to fight COVID-19. In fact, Trump never used the word “bleach”; he instead referred to a new technology in which ultraviolet rays are used to fight viruses.

• Biden claimed unemployment was at 15% when he took office; the unemployment rate was 6.4% in December 2020, just weeks before Biden took office.

• Biden bizarrely claimed that the Border Patrol union endorsed him; in fact, that union endorsed Trump.

• That’s likely because the number of illegal aliens pouring across the border has exploded under Biden, despite his false claim that there are fewer crossings now than when Trump was in office.

• Biden claimed he had lowered the cost of insulin shots to $15 under Medicare; in fact, the cost is $35 per shot, and it was Trump, in 2020, who created a voluntary program under Medicare Part D to reduce the price to $35. The 2022 ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ codified that price.

• Biden claimed he capped Medicare drug spending at $200 per year; in fact, it’s $2,000 per year.

• Biden claimed that Trump wants ‘to cut Social Security and Medicare’; in fact, Trump’s website says, ‘Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security.’

• Biden callously insisted that he didn’t have ‘any troops dying anywhere in the world.’ That ignores the 13 US soldiers killed in America’s disastrous exit from Afghanistan.

• Biden falsely claimed that billionaires only pay 8.2% in taxes; according to the IRS, the 400 wealthiest Americans pay an average federal tax rate of 23% – nearly three times higher than Biden claimed.

• Biden said people died on J6, when the only person to die was Ashli Babbitt, shot by a Capital police officer.

The Federalist put out its own list: https://thefederalist.com/2024/06/28/here-are-the-20-biggest-whoppers-biden-told-during-his-debate-with-trump/

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Exactly! Biden lied about many things but all you hear from diehard Democrat voters is Trump lies. Trump is a liar. Liar, liar pants on fire. This has been repeated over and over for so long they they automatically say it without thinking. I ask what he lied about and they have no answer.

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Bob, what a great, useful compilation! Thank you.

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grand slam

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Yay! And 2020 was definitely stolen. I think if you spent the time to look into it, you would see how it was. Probably the easiest thing to start with is Michael Gableman’s report in Wisconsin. Trump is not dangerous in standing up for this, he is being courageous and standing his ground.

Nevertheless, we are proud of you!!!!

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And I should say that we all recognize that you have not yet looked into 2020 not out of laziness but because your efforts have been elsewhere...and we are extremely grateful for those efforts! I think we all see Berenson v Biden as a monumental case. However, if you were so inclined to direct some effort towards this, I think you would be quite quickly black pilled about that election.

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Ah, at last! I thought you would. I'd be ok with RFK if I had to, but Trump has the best chance of beating him and no matter what they say, he was no threat to freedom the way these people are. I hope he stays that way, but he's saying all the right things about how damaging this has all been to our country, so I don't think he will do all this.

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Sorry, but consciously choosing someone who begins by demanding he and his family be protected by the Secret Service at the same time he’s sure that your own life & family requires special tests or be denied your 2nd amendment right to be secure in your person and property, requires a level of trust that left with mandates, lockdowns and jabs. It’s hypocrisy at its most damning level.

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I couldn’t vote for RFK considering his running mate. No, she is too far out for me and it makes me not believe his campaign promises.

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Yeah, I would only vote for him if I was sure Trump couldn't win. He's much better than Biden, but not my first choice.

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"He should not be President now." Exactly.

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RFK Jr. is by far the better choice than either of them. I'm disappointed but not surprised that you won't acknowledge that.

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Read up on his view of our energy grid. As the future demands of AI and data centers are starting to prove, society needs baseload power generation to thrive. For wind, solar, and batteries to do this, massive swaths of land would have to be cleared and coated in them, not to mention all at the expense of the taxpayer (and environment).

RFK was awesome on vaccines and Fauci but still has a D after his name.

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Ya he is a card carrying member of the man made climate change religion, which calls into question his judgement. Deal breaker in my book.

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Mine too!

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Mine too.

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I am surprised though. If Alex is basically centrist and disagrees with both major parties on the deficit and the health care industrial complex, RFK Jr. seems like an easy choice for him. Why leave the ballot blank?

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Biden has been worse than people presume. Trump is better than people presume. If you factor out the relentless persecution by the progressive cabal, public support for Trump is very strong.

And like a lot of people, the more progressives show themselves for being the totalitarians that they are, the more I support Trump.

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Alex, please take the time to watch 2000 Mules. It showcases incredibly damning evidence that the last election was indeed stolen. You really should educate yourself and do the research as others have said. I mean come on, if they lied to us about everything concerning covid, why is it so hard to believe they are lying about the election as well??? In addition, the lengths the Dems have gone to to try and quash Trump not only border on insanity but should give anyone with a brain pause. If anything, all that nonsense they've pulled over the last 3 years only serves to add to the mountain of evidence (including the election hijinks) that they will stop at NOTHING to try and keep Trump out of politics altogether!

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Alex, by recognizing and reporting in 2020 the coordinated governmental operation that was all things Covid, you inadvertently aligned yourself with 25% of Americans who you never really understood. I believe you are getting to know us. We are a free-thinking consortium of intellectually curious, power suspicious, down-to-earth purveyors of common sense. And you are coming on board this train full of eclectic individualists. Welcome aboard. Like you, Donald Trump occasionally makes us cringe, and we worry about the volatility of his actions and opinions. But he did, or tried to do, everything he told the public he would tackle in his first term. As a Christian, I do not worship Donald Trump. But I love my country and, unless Trump is deceiving us, so does he. Thanks for all you do for the team.

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So why not RFK?

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For starters, RFK, Jr. is for reparations and the Green Agenda. He's a Democrat who will keep most of Biden's policies, although he's better on vaccines and the border.

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Deep down inside RFK Jr is a radical Democrat. He has a good stance on vaccines but all of his other policies would be the same or worse than Biden's.

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TO Bob & JKIR -- the fact that the Dem Establishment hates him speaks VOLUMES in his favor and makes me doubt your characterization. I actually think he listens to counter-arguments. I think that for instance Michael Shellenberger could persuade him that "alternative energy" is very environmentally destructive

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Perhaps....or perhaps the establishment hates him because he isn't part of the "pack" .... he's deviated just enough that they fear he cannot be controlled, and that the establishment doesn't like. Or perhaps it is because he would listen to alternatives.... another thing the establishment isn't fond of. Either way, he's still too far from what this country needs at this time, in my opinion.

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I hear you but I will throw a this concern: I would say that Trump himself used to be a genuine outsider/disruptor. I think that is less and less the case. One of his top advisors, Wiles, is totally a "business as usual vested interests" type -- Pharma, military sort of stuff. Sure Trump can close the border and protect free speech (I hope) but so can Bobby -- who would also clean house in areas I am not sure Trump would attempt to deal with anymore.

Also, both Trump and Biden are "money printers" who have run up unsustainable deficits to pass on to my kids. Bobby call them out on it stating that the country needs Growth in New Industries, not just Cutting. At this time, the country needs fiscal reality.

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Agree 💯% on the fiscal reality! I am concerned about what new industries RFK Jr wants growth in.... would he agree to both fossil fuels and alternatives? Nuclear? What keeping industries in America?

I wonder what her would do with China buying up farmland all around military installations.

Trump has been through the ringer and he may go into this with different feelings on cleaning the swamp. We can only hope because it needs to be drained and scrubbed with acid.

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Third party candidates cannot win.

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And that's what every Dem and Repub says every single election. If there was a sane third party I'd vote for it just to start the build of a new course for America. I mean how far down shithole status do we have to fall before we agree the two party system is broken?

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Perhaps not now, and not in the primitive first-past-the-post electoral system we now employ. They can spoil though, and therein lies their power. They put pressure on the positions of the duopoly candidates by threatening to "split the vote". I personally relish the moment when either major party loses and starts bitching about being spoiled. Didn't want the libertarian to split your vote? Maybe should have been better on the deficit and foreign military adventures.

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IF this were a regular election with just two equally bad choices, sure.

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Biden to Trump “ you have the morals of an alley cat.”

Said the man who…..

Cheated in college

Lied about his class ranking

Lied about the circumstances of his wife’s death to garner sympathy

Threatened and silenced 18 women accusing him of sexual misconduct

Got his son an honorable NAVY discharge despite cocaine charges

Lied about the Hunter Laptop, enlisted 51 Intel experts to lie

Has instructed his DOJ to target POTUS 45 despite have DOCs in his possession

Does not acknowledge his grand daughter Navy, fathered by Hunter impregnating a Stripper….

Joe and Jill are amoral. This is all a big game to them… Biden “ I know how to tell the truth”…. But he doesn’t do it.

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One has to remember a puppet is incapable of feeling remorse. A puppet cannot. This puppet was marinated 50 + years in the deepest end of the swamp

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But Alex, he has a record. His “blow-hardness” aside wasn’t the country better off under Trump? Even compared to Obama? Who cares if he doesn’t accept the election results, who does that have any bearing on your life? He didn’t put up with crap from other countries! Didn’t SPEND GOBS of money we don’t have! HE’S PROBABLY NOT ON THE TAKE!!!

I don’t understand how people won’t vote for him just because he’s abrasive!

Oh yeah, and ALL politicians lie or exaggerate!!!

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I agree with most of what you said but he did spend gobs of money. He even defended it during the debates as necessary to save the country from a depression during the pandemic. Of course that's wrong because another way not to have a depression would have been not taking advice from authoritarian charlatans and locking the whole country down. We can debate whether it was justified but both Trump and Biden drove up the federal deficit massively.

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