Hopefully this trickle turns to a flood. Enough of this Pharma garbage peddling.

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The stock price doesn't lie. Moderna is a pure play on this technology and it is way down since August. Hopefully they are not killing Moderna to fatten Pfizer.

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Cynically I fear that’s what they’re doing. They are only halting moderna

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Given the ZeroHedge article that said these pharma companies coordinated the rollout of their products (Moderna-vax, Merck-anti-viral, Pfizer-booster), this is not as crazy as it may sound.

Moderna was built on seed money from the DoD. Not too far fetched that the founders might cash out before the company is sacrificed to Pfizer.

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I was in at the ground floor when crazily excessive amounts of venture capital was being shovelled in. I knew a bit by then & was sure on the fundamentals that the field & company was way over valued as an opportunity.

They’ve all had their $ back plus a return.

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What in the F is going on at Pfizer? First, we see all of these contracts between Pfizer and foreign governments... literally hawking infrastructure in exchange for vaccines and guaranteeing absolute liability protection. Then Aussie politicians stepping down after accusations of pharma bribery. Interesting tweet yesterday, detailing all of Pfizer's bribes and fines, and at the bottom—a revelation that Pfizer had bribed more than 4000 doctors and hospital administrators in one of their scandals.

Are we witnessing a global coup, Pfizer essentially compromising sovereign governments, bribing every politician and health bureaucrat on the planet?

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Unfortunately it’s apparently not that different from past behaviours.

As a complete normie & in Research, I had no idea what was going on at HQ & Commercial.

We were pretty angry when there were large, criminal fines.

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hey...I've got an investment for you that is a 100% home run can't fail,, then name drops who all else is in on the scheme....but you can't tell anyone else, OK? this is how you get ppl sucked into a pyramid scheme. I promise you this is precisely what happened! I pray they all get covered in painful boils and blisters mysteriously and then we will know WHO ALL IT WAS INVOLVED!

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I’d love to see, know what tweet you’re referring to with the Pfizer bribes

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Can you send the tweet regarding the bribes?

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No, we’re looking at a few million self defined elitists who think that humanity can die so that they can live high off the hog…

You folks better be ready to watch real serious death and destruction, it’s coming, and hiding out in your home is not going to keep you safe…

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So when you post items that are functional scare tactics, you need to explain your statements a bit. IMO Are you referring to forced " vaccines" and internment camps? ADE, for the vaxxed?

New bioweapon releases? Supply chain disruptions? What? Everyone has enough to deal with right now. If you have information that can help people prepare for another upcoming attack from the so called "elite," on the rest of us, spit it out!

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Sorry, this is not rocket science, when you have evil that is out to cause relentless decay destruction and death, you need to decide how you’re going to reject it. It should be rejected relentlessly pervasively and effectively.

But, you have 150 million people who are siding with either despicable Democrats or repugnant Republicans.

At the end of the day, you’re either going to get shot in the face or stabbed in the back, and people here by a large aren’t going to accept that likely reality.

America is dead, because the majority of the occupants have basically relinquish their independence freedom autonomy and choice. Nothing is going to change that Trajectory, it’s just a question of who survives…

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By the violence of your response I would hazard a guess you are male, and in "war" mode or mentality. But problems are never solved at the same level of consciousness they were created at, and excuse me for stating the obvious, but it is the war mentality that got us where we are. Humans beings, the so called "normies" who do not understand psychopathy, sociopathy and narcissism, coupled with unbridled ambition and greed, and the evils they lead to, are going to experience a rude awakening, this winter, I also believe. But it is truth, aligned with compassion, empathy, and ingenuity, that will get us through. Not more violence, competition, oragression. IMO. Where I live we are building a parallel society to meet human needs and stay reasonably safe. The truth always comes out in the end. It just may take a while...

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I'm not saying it's true, but feminist professor and author Camille Paglia said that if women ran the world we would still be living in grass huts.

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Good luck with passivity.

Evil counts on your perspective.

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A few years ago, the daily mail posted two photos side by side as a comparison. One was taken before Hitler, the other after Hitler. The before showed a lovely day of people enjoying the outdoors in a public area. Maybe a park. Some people seen waving. Happy faces. The after Hitler photo same place saw some saluting each other. The change happened quickly. One minute things looked pretty normal, the next very grim. Technology rapidly changing things and not for the good.

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Welcome to 1930s Nazi Germany 85 yrs later in North America. Except, as Dr. Pam Popper said on the Paul Thomas podcast a few days ago, this time, the agenda is 6 billion genocide, imagine Nazi Germany 1000 times worse, except for you won’t have to imagine it now.

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Lol, about the, "if women ruled the world, we'd still live in grass huts, " comment. On Hawaii, I'll take peace, instead of war, and a grass hut, anyday, instead of the technological, war based societies, now dominating Earth. I know many don't perceive a world based on cooperation as opposed to competition, but, if you learn factual biology, as opposed to the inaccurate tales from 6000 years of male dominated thinking, cooperation is the foundation of life and all ecosystems on Earth. For Real. Many women know this, intuitively. Our modern civilization's mental disease, called "Wetiko" by the Native Americans, is based on excessive and violent competition, with the winner taking all, and leaving destruction in their wake, as they move forward. Think oil companies, big tobacco, pharmaceutical companies, weapons manufacturers, corporate raiders, etc. It is the "war" mentality, and it doesn't matter if you are talking about running through the Earth's clean water, natural resources, or overpopulation, or, corporate greed and malfeasance, or governmental corruption, overreach, and destructive behavior towards the citizens it is supposed to serve, all of these problems stem from 2 things: the war or competitive/controlling mindset, the erroneous concept that "there isn't enough," and a lack of, (true, not "false,") female perspective in decision making. Males compete. They must. Females cooperate, and nurture, as they must. It is BIOLOGICAL. Add in the insanity of war, which begin 6000 years ago with severe climate change, the inevitable starvation and death which followed, when certain tribes went "insane," turned their hunting and farming implements into tools to kill other humans, did so, and took their "stuff," to survive. Females lost social, religious, and economic power, eventually lost all standing, and since then, the violence has spread across and virtually destroyed our home planet. Unless the human race figures this out, we will not solve our problems. Doesn't matter if you are male, female, or other. War and endless competition are insanity. Corporate, National, or Other. We must wake up and see the disease we are carrying before it kills us all. And takes half or three quarters or more of the other species on Earth with us. Once women recover social, economic, legal, and educational parity with men, the birth rate falls, to an average of 2 children per woman.

If women, (not men in women's bodies,) sit on governmental agencies and corporate boards equally with men, normally their whole organization moves from straight aggressive, competitive choices to a more balanced, inequitable stance, with long term consequences accounted for. Not to say women cannot be unstable, or make bad choices, they certainly can. And when they have had to "out boy the boys," to succeed, they can be worse than the men! But, stable mature women are societies' natural leaders. Males are inherently selfish. Read your Bible, or "The Selfish Gene," it doesn't matter. There are huge exceptions, of course, but too many are just following their biology. Testosterone is the hormone of aggression and competition. We just need to face the facts. Post menopausal women are the least "hormonal" people we have. They should be holding the reins. Older societies knew this. Whales know this. As other species do. The older females will make wise decisions for the society. Youth is foolish and too many men just want to be "on top of the heap." If you want "war," and endless competition however, just stick with the boys!

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Find the key elitists, hold citizen trials. Execute them in the street. It'll take the wind out of their sails.

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I couldnt agree more. Peaceful protest wont get you nowhere and always tolerated. When real threat is imminent shit gets off the pot real quickly!

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Oct 8, 2021
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Let them fight.

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Well, when Covid19 hoax fades away, climate lockdowns will take their place.

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They can’t do that, it’s FDA approved! Come on man. Stop the malarkey!

Let’s go Brandon!

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Lol cant wait for the let's go brandon shirts. Alex usually is on clay and buck in fridays, enjoy the freedom in Florida. Thanks for the laugh.

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Why can't Iceland get its act together and follow the guidance?

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Actually the Pfizer Bioweapon is not approved although the media reported that. What actually happened is that the FDA extended the EUA for the Pfizer Bioweapon and on the same day they gave approval for a bioweapon called Corminaty, which is made by Pfizer and at the time was not even in production. This Corminaty bioweapon is not currently available in the USA, only in other countries.

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Moderna is under EUA, with no obfuscation like “Comirnaty.”

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Lol thanks, didnt take long.good old American capitalism

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I’m retired Law Enforcement from the SF Bay Area, and I am watching some of the greatest hero’s (no longer hero’s by the despot Democrats) on the LAFD that have until October 20th to take the shot or be fired. Based the article in the American Thinker (link below) approximately 1600 fire fighters will be fired for not complying, if they can hang together- (take no examples from the Republican Party that can’t seem to stay strong in Congress, but that’s a different story). Take in consideration the size of their department and that would be half of their force. As stated by one of the fire fighters- “… that whatever happens in Los Angeles in California spreads across the rest of the country like wildfire.” Pray for these true patriots that have so much to lose, but a lot to gain for all of us.


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Definitely praying for them.

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That’s what…four countries now? Iceland, Finland, Denmark and Sweden. I wonder what it’s like to live in a country that has some sort of science based decision matrix?

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Japan stopped it too when they discovered metal particles in the Moderna vaccine. Not sure if they resumed jabbing with Moderna.

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they resumed.

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And by the way, Trump is partially responsible here, waving the process to allow profit driven agendas is abject failures in health care matters.

ALL politicians need removed from office, not just one half of the floridly polluted aisle of Republ-ocrats, or, Demo-blicans…

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Trump was weak. He should have fired Fauci.

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He was fed bogus information, as we all were. I do agree that rushing a vaccine was a rush to profits. Every elected official should have to disclose investments made in companies that made a killing off of this, pun intended.

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don lovell - I'm with you on this one.

Initially, very little was publicly known. Trump's main advisor was Fauci [because of his "apparent" credentials] and, as we all know [now], Fauci is a massive liar trying to pad and protect his own pockets. Trump failed (in this) only because he initially bought Fauci's lies and spins.

After that, extensive misinformation [speculation and rampant censorship against all things Trump] muddied the waters so badly that it takes the likes of Alex Berenson and el Gato Malo to demonstrate the real truth.

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Spew Green Zeal 🤮🤮🤮

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I said back in March 2020, we’re going to see who is selfless, and who is selfish, and it has devolved into who is shameless soulless and sociopathic…

Evil prevails when good people just cower and kneel in abject terror…

Sociopathy, the real pandemic on earth…

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I agree. I have been inspired by the doctors at the FLCCC and other organizations. They seem to be practicing medicine the way it's supposed to be practiced, selflessly.

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You are on the mark with that.

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Boy you got that right. I would vote for Trump again but he should have fired that asshole Fauci. It’s a travesty.

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He trusted Pence way too much, stupid ass warp speed

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At first Trump had no choice but to listen to Fauci. After while, he realized he was being duped.

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Oct 8, 2021
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When you're battling the Deep State (and yes, there is one), you're undermined at every turn.

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Much as I would like to have seen Fauci go, Trump was wise not to fire him. From the beginning, and especially when Covid arrived, Trump was called anti-science, and the leftist press was predicting that he wouldn't follow the science and would fire the brilliant and experienced Fauci. So Trump didn't take the bait, and instead he took away the big daily press conference stage and used his tactic of ridicule.

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Stop with the excuses for Trump! Buck stops there. He was too lazy to Google Fauci and find out about his "everyone is at risk" malfeasance during AIDS, as well as the fact that he was a Hillary supporting leftist. And other docs like Atlas, Ionnidis and Kuldorff were contradicting Pfauci from the beginning. Trump was lazy and then weak. This is his legacy and it is unforgivable.

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Trump is many things, but "lazy" and "weak" are two adjectives that I guarantee haven't been used about him since he went off to military school. I'm quite sure that the POTUS doesn't "Google" epidemiologists/virologists recommended to him by those in the hierarchy of the medical and scientific community. Fauci was a logical choice as head of the important medical agencies-- well connected and well regarded. (not by me, but within the upper echelons of those communities)

You don't define his legacy. The people will define his legacy.

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Dr. Zelenko said Trump wanted to issue an executive order to make hydroxychloroquine available to every American, & then CDC used falsified studies to discredit the treatment.

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I'd still like to know more about Fauci stating Trump would be facing a pandemic during his presidency. but I don't think Trump was being lazy.

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Oct 8, 2021
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I think he's pretty savvy. He didn't make his billions by misreading people or trying to please people. In fact, his calling out some important people as phonies was quite refreshing. He knew they would seek revenge, and journalists can do a lot of damage, but he just put it out there anyway. Like me or not was his attitude. I hope you do, but either way, I'm fine.

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I hate Fauci, Biden, AND Trump. Trump inherited his fortune and would have made more just putting it in an index fund. His “success story” is a self-created myth.

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Right you are. Besides, the military has everything... all the information on deep state members. They were advising Trump and did an excellent job. They knew about Fauci and what firing him would mean. Trump was well advised.

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Trump believes in American ingenuity and greatness. He thought we would rise to the occasion. If the "vaccines" had worked it would have been terrific. There was no way we weren't going to try. The problem was the entire establishment hated Trump more than they loved the truth.

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agree. but you don't know what you don't know. i never thought they would force these on us. that has never happened in my 45 years of life. but this a NEW WORLD ORDER so all bets are off. scary times

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Trump was responsible for Operation Warp Speed. Trump was not responsible for research, development, trial, and approval. As I recall Pfizer made their big announcement after the election. Any political pressure Trump exerted was ignored.

Whoever gave Trump advice suggesting vaccines were the preferred solution to the covid issue made a mistake. It was my opinion, for what it's worth, that effective anti-virals were the better alternative. Then you get the disease. Get cured. Gain future immunity. Problem solved.

Now you get the vax. Risk adverse events. Wait a few months. Get covid. Maybe get cured. Screw up your immune system otherwise perhaps, and risk long-term severe effects.

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In my opinion, we have profoundly diminished accountability and responsibility in leader ship. We have elected relentlessly profoundly personality disordered people in positions of authority power and leader ship, our last four presidents have been abject failures interpersonally.

But, 150 million people will continue to vote for the letters D and R…

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There is no accountability among the bureaucracy. If there were, Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci would be on trial for crimes against humanity.

I won't get into a political debate about the relative merits of R or D, but I must remind people that perceptions about Trump might be very different if he weren't relentlessly attacked from day 1 with a false and contrived narrative pushed by the MSM. Much of what he said subsequently was defending himself when few others would. I can't blame him for that. My responses might have been far worse.

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DividedUpWorld - Your name suggests you see an accurate picture of things. Let me tell you, as Bob V just did, that Trump thought he could trust his advisers, including Fauci. I listened to a tv host recently explain how Obama had set up the FBI and the CIA. Trump unknowingly hired those supposedly most qualified, people like Mattis, Kelly, McMaster, etc., who were always loyal to Obama (just as Biden and his WH team still follow the evil chieftain), and what did they do? They subverted Trump and lied about everything including Syria, Iraq, etc., so that they could continue the plans for chaos and globalism which their candidate Hillary was supposed to win in 2016. Obama has always been in the shadows (making his billions) Trump’s fatal flaw was his trust in people. Now you know! But then you already have seen this because they have revealed who they are.

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No, the flaw with malignant narcissists is they want other’s successes and acknowledgments to be extensions of the boss.

And Trump couldn’t handle any brief but harsh shrieking for getting rid of a leftist operative.

Narcissists, sociopaths, histrionics, these are the people you all vote as leaders…

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We who supported Trump in 2016 did so for many reasons, but mainly because of his enormous success in the business world as opposed to being an established career politician. He had the disadvantage of being a complete outsider in trying to fill positions. Obama used the Clinton people and his Marxist pals from Chicago. Bush used his father's people. Trump was like Reagan, far removed from the Washington power structure, and he had to rely on some of the top people in the agencies for recommendations. Reagan at least had trusted allies from California whom he brought with him. Still, as a conservative, he was hated within the beltway, disappointed by many and betrayed by some.

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We definitely agree on the deep state and swamp dwellers. Some call them globalists, but global socialism will eventually become communism, and I've been an anti-communist all my adult life. Where we differ is that I don't accept that Trump has a fatal flaw in trusting people. Whom did you want him to put in place at the Pentagon, the IRS, the FBI, the CIA, the justice department and all the cabinet positions? The only generals with backbone and enduring patriotism are retired and over 80. He had to go with the ones who had gotten to the highest levels and had the chests full of medals and were the most highly regarded. How was he to know which agents in the FBI were going to work against him and which ones were going to be the consummate professionals?

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Abject personal failures interpersonally? I respectfully disagree. Most U.S. Presidents have been sociable, normal, confident, capable leaders. (Because he's in office I'll leave President Biden out of this.)

We have a system that puts candidates through tortuous rigor that few people in the world could endure---debates that now require a month of debate prep to ensure that there will be not the tiniest deviation from politically correct speech. OMG! She said "disabled!" It's "differently abled." Speaking to the Black Urban League which focuses on economic improvement for Blacks, H.Ross Perot said, "When taxes are raised, you people are the first ones hurt." OMG, he called us You People!" Off with his racist head.

Every wart and gaffe or controversial remark are magnified all out of proportion. Five o'clock shadow? Tsk tsk. Took a sip of water during a debate? Unfit! Ultimately, the American people usually use ignore irrelevancies and use good judgment in Presidential elections.

The four last Presidents had profound personality disorders? That's ludicrous. Barack Obama and George Bush are socially well adjusted, generally likeable men. I like Donald Trump, just as over 80 million other Americans do. I like his strong and engaging personality as well as his policies. His longtime highly successful friends gave up their pleasant lives to join his cabinet and serve the country, not for financial gain. Like Trump, they donated their salaries to charity. I like Trump's personality because I don't recall laughing since Reagan. Mostly, though, Trump was effective when the others were forgettable if not harmful. He received more votes than any sitting President in history-- the second time around received more votes as Americans became familiar with him, despite an unrelentingly vicious media. They don't elect people with profound personality disorders. Yes, he taunts opponents and gets them off balance. I am around jocks. They do that. No, I don't agree that our recent Presidents have profound personality disorders.

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You are lost, and they see your feigned ignorance and simpleton malleability…

IE you will be the first deemed inconsequential and irrelevant once used up…

And you outwardly reveal your leftist agenda, you cannot in good conscience and attentiveness to accountability believe BOTH Bush and Obama are of good character…

Unless Bush’s abandonment of Conservative principles fit your covert intents…

The dishonesty disingenuousness and disdain reeks from this thread so blatantly.

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Your assertions and style of discourse aren't reasonable. I love and respect our country and our system of government. I'm a conservative, and I become exasperated with the lack of backbone and the Congress people who are swayed by every direction of the wind. Still, I work to maintain our two-party system, because that way, the elected President has a majority of votes, not a plurality among many parties, as they have in Europe, where their Presidents or Prime Ministers might have earned only 37% of the vote, necessitating coalition governments and consensus. I responded to the ridiculous assertion that the last four presidents had profound personality disorders. My opinion that Presidents Bush and Obama both had normal personalities. I didn't comment on Obama's Marxist politics or Bush's globalism because I was confining my objection to the allegation of disordered personalities. Trump's personality is normal. He's a hugely successful business mogul, enjoyable to his family, fun-loving to his friends. You confuse your political views with presidents' personalities.

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Trump did try to get HcQ treatments to everyone using an executive order but CDC used falsified studies to kill it- according to Dr Zelenko (Trump’s former dr).

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Falsified studies to kill people…

Spew Green Zeal 🤮🤮🤮

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Pence gave the advice which he had as leader of the task force

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Trump was never more than the less bad of two bad options. That being said I would still prefer him over the current administration. I don't think he would have ever entertained the idea of mandates.

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Trump was never considered a "less bad" option by the 80 million who voted for him. That was evidenced by the huge sell-out crowds, sometimes standing in the rain or snow for days to attend his rallies. I've never experienced anything like the Trump enthusiasm. When was the last Amish buggy brigade in farm country? Or a twenty- mile long convoy of truckers across "flyover country?" When was the last 1,000 boat flotilla with flags flying across the Gulf, lakes, and American waterways?

Over the years I've heard people say, "It's just a choice between Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum." There's nothing laudable about denigrating both major party candidates. It's an indication of a perennial malcontent.

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What did Trump do/not do to warrant the 'lesser' moniker?

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I have a big problem with the fact that we are forced to choose between one of two major parties and that the candidates from both parties tend to be "selected" for us by the RNC and the DNC. The result is that we are forced to vote against the other candidate rather than "for" the candidate that actually aligns with our beliefs. Personally I want most of the laws that impact me directly to come from my local or state government. The federal government has grown into a behemoth under both major parties. The RNC and DNC just want to grow different parts of it.

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Well said. I see what you're saying.

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Don't get me wrong, I will be voting against whoever the DNC nominates and for whoever the RNC nominates in 2024 because I don't think I have a choice at this point. That is assuming our rulers still allow us to participate in elections in 2024.

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Okay, I seem to be the Trump apologist du jure. President Trump and we, the American public, were being warned constantly that there would be more and longer shutdowns of the economy with many businesses left to wither on the vine, never to reopen. Unemployment was growing. The Governors of NY and CA said their hospitals were overwhelmed, and they had no ICU beds and no PIP. Trump was determined not to let the Coronavirus bring the American and global economy to its knees, so he moved into high gear and met with companies to convert their plants to making protective masks and equipment. Then he sent two fully-outfitted medical ships to the east coast and the west coast. Then he converted the NYC Jacob Javits center into a temporary hospital.

Within his scope of authority, he met the crisis head on. Certainly a former businessman/builder, however savvy, was not going to be second guessing epidemiologists and virologists, especially Fauci with his illustrious reputation.

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I believe he did it to protect himself from losing the election. Which doesn't make it any more honorable.

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Mr. Berenson has become the Nostradamus of the Ro.

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This is the old "damned if you do, and damned if you don't" situation.

Pfizer kept their dosage relatively low, and by month 6 their vaccine is basically worthless.

Moderna jacked up the dosage on their vaccine to squeeze a few extra months out of the antibody decay, but in the process have given a bunch of healthy people serious heart conditions. And for an extra month or two of protection.

Again, we are the lab rats. Well, not me. I got my immunity from surviving Covid (with some NyQuil). The folks taking the vaccine are the lab rats

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Tiny shafts of light in the darkness that surrounds us are sweet, but too late to save the millions who have had their lives, livelihoods, and health destroyed by these global predators. All these "vaccines" are unconscionably dangerous to the vast majority of the population, and once you add in the effectiveness of now many highly successful early treatment and prevention protocols from very safe and effective medicines, (off patent all,) and nutraceuticals, then these dangerous, toxic Chimeric Spike Protien manufacturing devices may be virtually nothing but risk, with no overall benefits for even our elderly and high risk populations. Please, God, send us more real medical doctors, scientists, statisticians, legislators, judges, and writers for the media, than we currently have, for while the competent and honest have been valiant, we need many more to expose the perpetrators of this unbelievable crime, and hold them fully accountable.

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More mRNA/shot in Moderna vax so trillions more toxic spikes coursing through your capillaries. Wondering what their data truly found.

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Can they concentrate on therapeutics????


Why was all research in HCQ and Ivermectin stopped when doctors were having success?

We must demand more access.

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No worries it's Safe and Effective here in Australia, they remind us everyday.

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Me too....the avalanche is about to begin!

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I feel a preference cascade coming on!

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All this tells me is that Pfizer is doing a better job of marketing. First they got rid of AZ, then in sone counties, J+J, now in Scandinavia, Iceland, Moderna. I’m concerned Pfizer is gaining the monopoly on these shots.

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Just because something is FDA approved does not mean it is safe. Do a little background on Vioxx…

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Not just Vioxx. Look at how many (MAAANNNYYYY) meds have been out there then have been pulled because of class action lawsuits. And they're STILL pushing out news meds for diseases. It's ridiculous.

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Penicillin can cause potentially lethal anaphylaxis in 10% of humans, but, hopefully the first experience won’t be a lethal endpoint and people know what their allergies are.

Besides, we have other antibiotics, and thus, we have other treatment interventions for Covid, but, those who have the agenda of using this virus and vaccines to cleanse society, they don’t want you to know that for one second…

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When will they start accepting Canadian refugees? Asking for a me.

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😆- Or Americans, right?

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Oct 8, 2021
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LOL Stop it!!! I live in GA and that idiot is such an embarassment. The look on the generals face in that video is priceless. To him it was just another day in congress.

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Oct 8, 2021
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I dont think he is really from GA. I think he is the offspring from one of those rats Fauci was using to sew baby scalps on

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Just in time for the heads of Moderna to crack the Fortune 500 list, Yep, there’s money to be made in killing people, here’s your next industry, genocide, sign up and get stock in it!

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Yeah and these same companies have heart medications they produce also. So vaccines make buttloads of cash and any heart issues caused by them make heart med sales go up too. They make money on both sides of this

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Article Translated to English

The Chief Epidemiologist has decided that the Moderna vaccine against Covid-19 will not be used in Iceland while further information is obtained on the safety of the vaccine during booster vaccinations.

An announcement states that in recent days there has been data from the Nordic countries on the increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with the Moderna vaccine in addition to the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

According to the epidemiologist, the Moderna vaccine has for the past two months been used almost exclusively here for booster vaccinations after the Janssen vaccine and after two-dose vaccinations for the elderly and immunocompromised. Very few individuals are said to have received the second dose of the basic vaccine that started with Moderna.

Sufficient supply of Pfizer

In Sweden, the use of Moderna has been restricted to individuals born before 1991. In Norway and Denmark, it has been emphasized that the Pfizer vaccine is recommended rather than Moderna for 12 to 17 year olds.

In Iceland, only the Pfizer vaccine has been recommended for primary vaccination at 12 to 17 years of age since the vaccination of the age group began.

According to the Chief Epidemiologist, the decision was made to wait with the use of Moderna as there is a sufficient supply of Pfizer vaccine for booster vaccinations of defined priority groups and basic vaccinations of those who have not yet been vaccinated.

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quite amazing that all of this jumble of numbers and rules regarding vaccines wouldn't even be necessary if no one got vaccinated. Great example of a "wrong doesn't correct a wrong". Or 2 wrongs don't make a right.

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Alex was not careful here in not noting that it was discontinued as a booster only.

This is how fake news starts and spreads.

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Why are you having such a problem following this? Almost no one in Iceland, per the story, has taken Moderna as both the first and second dose. It is almost exclusively used for a second or third dose. So if Moderna is blocked as a booster dose and the booster dose is it's only use in Iceland, then Moderna has effectively been blocked in Iceland, regardless on whether or not all theoretical shots are outright banned.

But, from the English Bloomberg story and the translation of the Iceland story, I see no actual verbiage saying the shot will somehow be allowed to continue as an initial dose (which you yourself admit wasn't happening anyway) and will ONLY be banned as a booster. I don't fucking see that anywhere. Please copy and paste the EXACT QUOTE referencing only a PARTIAL BAN from either article.

I'll wait.

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Are you sure? My interpretation is that although it has almost been exclusively used as booster in practice, it was nonetheless available as primary. Now it won’t be, for any age group. Perhaps someone could do a professional translation for us…..

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You're misreading the story. It says that Moderna has been used "almost exclusively as a booster." If it's only being used a s a booster, then it's tautological to state that it will no longer be used as a booster. The announcement is that they are going to stop using it altogether.

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Almost exclusively =/= exclusively. They're stopping the use of Moderna's vaccine for any and all vaccinations, not just boosters, until they get more information.

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Another doctor blinded by his confirmation bias?

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People are beginning to wake up to the fact that vaccines are bioweapons, used to make people sick, which increaes profits for the medical cartels. They're also part of a very long term eugenics program. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/interview-with-dr-tom-cowan-4a9

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But the victims will (mostly) be their own supporters.

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Sad but true.

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Iceland silent on their huge spike of vaxxed cases and hospitalizations. Antibody dependency enhancement syndrome. Same in Israel & the idiots now running the govt are taking “cues” from Pfizer to keep giving booster shots. Israelis are clueless they are human trials for Comarnity. There is an Israeli vax injury/death site on telegram. Horrifying

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I tried to search for this story on several search engines to try and read more details. Can’t find any mention of Iceland doing this. I think “they” are suppressing the story. It’s maddening.

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Ministry Of Truth works fast. 2+2=5

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That has been very common with these scandinavian language articles. They think that by not translating them, the bad vaccine news doesn’t exist.

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I use Duck Duck Go. Easy to find articles.

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Duckduckgo was always part of the establishment. It was never the little guy fighting against the bastards. They have been tricky with their language, I trust them as much as I'd trust Yahoo, which used to be (might still be) the company which provided duckduckgo its servers.

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Hmm can't see yahoo there now but try this site.


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ZeroHedge usually covers these stories.

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I’m sensing that the J&J vaccine is becoming harder to find. The powers that be want this mRNA shoved into us.

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I sense that J and J didn’t roll as much money into lobbyists as Pfizer did...

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J&J has several acknowledged deaths, but the breadth of harm may be larger for mRNA.

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please support the airlines fight against the mandates https://www.usfreedomflyers.org/

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🎵 "The wheels on the bus go falling off, falling off, falling off..."

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If I had a clapping emoji, this comment would qualify for its use.

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KNEW IT!!!!! It's what my husband had! We had a teleconference with the cardiologist yesterday and he said they've seen a huge uptick in people with heart problems because of it!!!!!

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And that pathologist from Idaho (forget his name) has seen a huge uptick in cancers, especially endometrial cancer.

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That quickly?

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Yes. And I am in a cancer support group, and people report that they or their loved ones had been in remission and suddenly they’re stage 4. The cancer just blossoms.

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Maybe I'm being too optimistic, but I really believe when the heart issues start happening in the 5-11 age group due to forced vaccinations... this will stop. They will "stop" by coughing up the excuse we have reached herd immunity and nothing more will improve it. That will be the excuse, I hope.

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Don't underestimate the power of doublethink, and the capacity for brainwashed people to disregard evidence before their eyes. It's just a mild heart issue, they'll say. Kids are resilient, they'll be fine, they'll say. A few side-effects are an acceptable cost to ensure the greater good and "build back better," they'll say. "We have to make you sick in order to keep everyone safe."

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Yes, judging from the huge numbers of people who unnecessarily put their kids in masks, I have no doubt most parents will rush right out to get their kids injected.

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"Munchausen By Proxy."

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gives whole new meaning to the word pedophile! You know, there are many well meaning parents who abuse their children and inflict generational curses without even realizing the damage passed down. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Quit avoiding God and His ways, read the bible and get back to your right mind.

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Uh....please let's not lump a severe and unable-to-be-cured mental health issue with ignorance.

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In the meantime it will be excruciating to hear about injured kids.😰

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All of the blame will be deflected the wrong way! they'll probably still be blaming the un-vaxed. Since they can't possibly blame themselves for being wrong. IT's called integrity and self-responsibility. God never intended for us not to make mistakes, but it is what we do afterward that defines who we are. If you keep blaming and deflecting responsibility, you'll live a painful agonizing life of no meaning as a perpetual victim.

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admit you made a mistake, learn a lesson and move forward. AND DON'T GET ANOTHER DAMN VACCINATION OR BE OBJECTIFIED BY PHARMA

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The gatekeepers won't release this information. It doesn't serve their purpose.

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Not my monkeys, not my circus. Kids are just little adults, and most adults are jerks.

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Children are not little adults in any sense of the word.

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Self-centered. Petulant. Impatient. Ignorant. Largely illiterate. Prone to whining and tantrums when they don't get their way. Easily frightened. Gullible. Obnoxious. Lacking self-control and self-awareness. Convinced the world revolves around them.

Am I describing children or adults? So hard to tell.

The only difference is some adults eventually learn to suppress their ugly side.


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Natural selection at work

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Complete disagreement with your contention

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Your statement was certainly clarifying.

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Yep, I'm both rubber **and** glue.

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Gosh, you entirely missed the sarcasm. There was a time when educated people had a good command of the English language. <sigh> Those days are not past, and that includes me. Oh, to be Edward Gibbon.

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You're discounting the possibility that I'm just a jerk.

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Sacrificing the health of little kids...it makes me unspeakably sad.

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gives whole new meaning to the word pedophile

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The push/mandates to vaccinate children, despite all the actual data, shows what is going on. It is all about power and control.

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If a child's parents are willing to sacrifice them at the altar of Big Pharma Science, they're probably better off dying young.

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The FDA, NIH and CDC may likely suppress the data on this because it goes against their mandates and narrative.

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I think the parents will be too angry and going to too many news outlets for it to be silenced. It will be impossible to shrug off the injuries the way they've done with athletes and teenagers. At least I hope.

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The only honest reporting is on Tucker Carlson, a few Fox news shows, Newsmax and OAN. While these are gaining audience, it is still a fraction of the news market.

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I think you underestimate the willingness of media and big tech to kill and destroy to avoid the unthinkable reality that they are the monsters here.

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I don't underestimate them at all. If this authoritarian/totalitarian trend continues with large swaths of the country deemed evil per CRT, conservatism, religion and Trump then terrible, evil things will happen. It is not inconceivable. We have seen mass murder/genocide in the 20th century.

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While I might not be as optimistic as I used to be I do share your hope that parents and people in general will speak up and I hope it's enough to change the path that we're on.

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google translation of the article:

The Chief Epidemiologist has decided that the Moderna vaccine against Covid-19 will not be used in Iceland while further information is obtained on the safety of the vaccine during booster vaccinations.

An announcement states that in recent days there has been data from the Nordic countries on the increased incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with the Moderna vaccine in addition to the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine.

According to the epidemiologist, the Moderna vaccine has for the past two months been used almost exclusively here for stimulation vaccinations after the Janssen vaccine and after two-dose vaccinations for the elderly and immunocompromised. Very few individuals are said to have received the second dose of the basic vaccine that started with Moderna.

Sufficient supply of Pfizer

In Sweden, the use of Moderna has been restricted to individuals born before 1991. In Norway and Denmark, it has been emphasized that the Pfizer vaccine is recommended rather than Moderna for 12 to 17 year olds.

In Iceland, only the Pfizer vaccine has been recommended for primary vaccination at 12 to 17 years of age since the vaccination of the age group began.

According to the Chief Epidemiologist, the decision was made to wait with the use of Moderna as there is a sufficient supply of Pfizer vaccine for booster vaccinations of defined priority groups and basic vaccinations of those who have not yet been vaccinated.

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I had this argument with my daughter who is in healthcare. She had my 14 y/o grandson vax. I was livid. It makes me sick to think they pushed this poison with no longer term studies. Our children are put in harms way. Damn it!!!!

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Mine is considering giving it to our 6 year old grandson, his dad is a doc.

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Can the "doc' articulate his reasoning? What does he expect the benefits to be for his 6 year old? You probably aren't going to win arguing over the risks but it's really hard for someone to explain the benefits for a 6 year old without losing credibility.

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He/they are relying on pediatrician friends who also are vaccing theyre kids. My grandson had Covid last year @ 5, mild runny nose, that was it. So,he has antibodies, right? Blows my mind, I’m hoping that enough is revealed before it is “approved” for his age group & they’ll will reconsider.

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@alex I just saw this posted 4 hours ago about Denmark now reversing their decision and saying the vaccines are effective and there was just some miscommunication on the heart issue topic. BS, some big players are getting involved I am sure... https://www.euronews.com/next/2021/10/08/denmark-will-still-offer-moderna-covid-vaccine-to-under-18s-following-heart-risk-miscommun

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Precisely. I recall something similar happened when a nordic announced they recommend against vaccination in the very elderly frail.

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Im about to go on a week vacation and my mother in law will be with us. She is in the vaccine cult. We are fit and in our 30s. We are at like .05% max of going to the hospital. And we already had covid so its less than that. I told her that statistically we habe 1% chance of dying in a car crash and for the last several decades of driving she never recommended us give up driving. Critical thinking is lost in this country

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People are so disconnected from reality. It just makes me shake my head when I see someone in a crowded place stressing over someone not wearing a mask or not being vaccinated.....really? The mask and the vaccination status are more concerning than THE CROWD??

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Keep underestimating the power of elitists who designate 90% of humanity inconsequential irrelevant and disposable. Watch the last 1/2 of the movie “2012”, art brutally imitating life, at your expense…

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Elysium as another example…

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I just watched this vid with actual data on what this vax did to a pt who made major lifestyle changes to get rid of Type 2 diabetes. You will see the actual before vax, post vax 1 and post vax 2 bloodwork and how it is destroying his immune system! I shutter to think what a booster will do! every pt should have this bloodwork done!


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I had this on my facebook and it got taken down as false information by fact checkers!

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no surprise LOL!

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WOW... Mind-Blowing. This is effing scary (since I'm rowing that same boat)

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I just watched the video, but what the man in the video fails to do is provide what the alleged pt's CD8 levels were before the covid vax, in order to compare what the CD8 levels are after 1st vax or 2nd vax. Hence the vid has zero cred

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I see your point but keep in mind that the CBC differential was completely normal. The differential shows whether an infectious process is occuring. It wasn't. But by the 2nd vax it was way out of line.

I personally think there is more work to be done and this Dr is pursuing it. This vid was recently posted. I'll be interested to see what else he puts out. But if this is accurate, it certainly explains breakthrough infections! The body doesn't have the tools to fight

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We don't know if the pt was sick at the time the cbc differential was done. If this was a reaction to vax, I had my covid vax and tested my cbc w/diff, and all of my levels were normal. As a medical provider, I found the video; pure quack

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But luckily Americans just have much stronger hearts, right? Not.

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Evil people are doing evil things and the masses and asses. wake up sheep

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(I like this very much; my new "signature" for my email. Thank you for sharing it)

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Praise God!

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The US woke-government and present administration are already to committed to CCP-globalism.

Sorry Benjamin, seems we were unable to keep the Republic.

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Because we traded security for liberty. The security ranged from free govt cheese to Corp welfare to govt protection from hot coffee and now a virus. We the people got weak, and now have the tyranny we asked for.

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“Socialism is like a mouse trap.

It works because the mouse doesn’t know why the cheese is free”

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(sorry for the type-error... I meant tp type TOO committed to THE CCP...

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Dr. Christopher Rake, an anesthesiologist from UCLA medical center, tells the crowd, “They want to force a vaccination or medication or treatment into my body that I don’t want. So they’re telling me, ‘Take the jab or we take your job.’ And I’m here to say no. That’s not ok.”


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The 'vaccines' don't work. In fact the vaccinated are the cause of the 'delta' variant. All going as planned by the NWO Marxist elites.

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I wish I had hope that people would listen, nobody is listening to anything that goes against the narrative anymore. Well, been this way since April 2020.

Pure evil forces at work.

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Nice to see some countries making wise public health decisions for the sake of their citizens health! Sleepy Joe? You there?

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I think all of the vaccines show no age discrimination -- what did Uncle Joe, Nancy & Chuck get injected with????

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I just can’t believe any of them got the real jab.

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they DID NOT and you know it. They're too elite for a jab planned and designed for the masses.

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Absolutely - let's see them do a walk-in appointment to any random drug store for their boosters!!

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I know it’s obvious to many of us on here, but let me provide some further evidence that our regulatory agencies and our government are purposefully behind the curve on acknowledging the adverse events of the vaccines so as to further their continued use. Based on my own personal experience and research in obtaining my employer’s medical exemption, the safety inserts for both Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines are different in the U.S. than they are elsewhere in the world. Specifically, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and Canadian inserts both list “Bell’s Palsy” or “facial paralysis/drooping” as post-marketing adverse events. The U.S. inserts do not reference that. If I recall correctly, I believe the U.S. inserts only list anaphylaxis/allergic reaction as the only adverse event. I believe this is the case because the CDC is telling all medical provider networks that the only reason a doctor can write an “exemption letter” is for anaphylaxis or documented history of vaccine allergies (I was told this by my doctor’s office). They don’t want to list any other adverse events - however obvious - so as to prevent people from actually not wanting to take the vaccine and getting exemptions because of them. The facial paralysis issue is a pretty obvious adverse event if you take a spin through VAERS. Clearly the Europeans and the Canadians know this and have had the manufacturers put it on their inserts.

The cardiac issue is going to be much more important because it can lead to death, so it will get a lot more notice/press by international regulators. Indeed, the whole clinical myocarditis issue skirts the other issue of subclinical myocardial damage. We know that young men and teenage boys are having their hearts damaged and are presenting clinically with chest pains, etc. That’s a fact. What’s not clear is what kind of damage may be going on at the subclinical level in the hearts of anybody who takes the vaccine. That damage may take sometime to accumulate. Any and all heart-related issues are going to be a very big deal. I have no doubt that U.S. regulators will seek to ignore it, but as Alex rightly points out, this is our Chernobyl. We’ve seeded the world with these medications. A lot of people are taking them. If they cause heart problems, that’s going to be seen all over the world and if a country has any worthy regulators, they will suspend use, as we’re seeing in Iceland and the Nordic countries. Those countries aren’t making things up. We’re just ignoring it and trying to force it on everybody. How my employer can tell all of us to take the Moderna vaccine when Iceland has suspended use of it entirely is really beyond me. I will admit that it is becoming really hard to feel good as an employee when our CEO is telling us to take the Moderna vaccine at the same time that safety regulators outside of the country are pulling it from use, even if for a certain age group, although that’s obviously changing in Iceland. Those regulators need to speak up and be honest about what they’re seeing. You can’t simply ban the use of a vaccine for an entire country and then be quiet about it as the rest of the world continues to take it, frequently under undue government pressure/coercion.

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The vaccines don't work....err let me correct that. They don't work well against the Fauci Wuhan Covid 19 virus but very well may work to make people sick and die from blood clots, heart disease, palsy, strokes etc. The Big Pharma are going to make a bloody mint treating the maladies and illnesses created by the "pretend vaccines". Sweden, Denmark and Iceland are catching on to what is happening to them! Watch them!!

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Alex, you’re doing God’s work don’t stop.

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This is genocide of all white countries and people. Those countries are forcing their citizens into infertility. We have all countries pouring through our (USA) border pregnant and here to reproduce and replace us. Remember in the 2020 census whites weren’t the majority anymore. That’s the plan. They want to change America. Most poor and unvaccinated countries are over Covid. The vaccines are keeping it spreading in all the advanced countries. Israel is on their 4th booster and still cases are surging. Africa is having food deaths not covid deaths. India has killed Covid with Ivermectin not vaccines. Wake up. Stop vaccinated.

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It's not just the western and developed countries. Africa, Asia, South America seem like they all are following, led by example from the campaign leaders. They want to force it on the entire world: look at this: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html and look at the growing rates in different countries. If you go country by country and look at the rates, you see that many start later and are catching up.

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I wonder what the political kickbacks are to the country leaders and politicians from the Monstrous Orders of vaccines? It is all behind the scenes.

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that's why they don't give a damn...all they can focus on is their increasing wealth from dishonesty and perceived increasing power! Gonna find it miserable in hell and permanantly cut off from their hearts, that they traded for objectification.

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Uh oh, those 3 guys might fall off Forbes 400!! The horrors!!

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If Pharma's liability expires at the first of the year, can it be renewed, or is that it? If the jab makers become liable after the first of the year, maybe all the mandate crap will end. Hence, the huge push before the end of the year.

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As soon as the fda “approved” the Comirnaty jab, the ACIP committee added it to the childhood vax schedule. That automatically gives the manufacturer immunity under the 1986 law (instead of the PREP Act) even for adult recipients of the jab.

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think I heard the military reservists have until june 22?

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I read that somewhere, and just saw it on Jimmy Dore’s show on YouTube. Governments are firing unjabbed workers and replacing them with (as yet) unjabbed National Guard.

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Why does this feel like bad news? An effort to get Pfizer for all.

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Assange 2018:

The future of humanity is the struggle between humans that control machines and machines that control humans.      

While the internet has brought about a revolution in our ability to educate each other, the consequent democratic explosion has shaken existing establishments to their core. Burgeoning digital super states such as Google, Facebook, and their Chinese equivalents, who are integrated with the existing order, have moved to re-establish discourse control. This is not simply a corrective action. Undetectable mass social influence powered by artificial intelligence is an existential threat to humanity.       

While still in its infancy, the geometric nature of this trend is clear. The phenomenon differs from traditional attempts to shape culture and politics by operating at a scale, speed, and increasingly at a subtlety, that appears highly likely to eclipse human counter-measures.      

Nuclear war, climate change or global pandemics are existential threats that we can work through with discussion and thought. Discourse is humanity's immune system for existential threats. Diseases that infect the immune system are usually fatal. In this case, at a planetary scale. 

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Now, *that's* effing scary!

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Add a few robots masquerading as political leaders.


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Singapore blames ENORMOUS spike of infections on "relaxation of lockdowns" and they have 80% vaccination rates! Give me a break! Can anyone use their logic to see the problem here?


Oct 8 (Reuters) - Singapore's health ministry reported 3,590 new cases of COVID-19 on Friday, the highest since the beginning of the pandemic, while it recorded six new deaths.

A recent spike in infections after the relaxation of some restrictions has prompted Singapore to pause further reopening. It also tightened curbs from last week that limited social gatherings to two people and made work from home a default. read more

More than 80% of Singapore's population has been vaccinated against the virus.

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at what point does "cry wolf" not work anymore??

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If you have time, just check out this 'testimonies' project from Israel (Pfizer shots). It's causing ALL kinds of havoc with hearts. Not "safe", that's for sure, and I simply don't see where it is "effective" either.


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