I distinctly remember the absolute sickest feeling when Biden announced the federal contractor and OSHA mandates. These affected my young adult kids who worked their a**** off for their jobs. Have rarely been so angry. Will never forget it. The assholes outed themselves forever.
Media has never asked him or his mouthpiece about it. You know, if Trump had done that, it would be a fucking feeding frenzy at every press conference.
And rest assured if Trump had gotten reelected we would know of every single vaccine injury and every time someone who was vaccinated got a sniffle. It's a disgusting double standard drenched in hypocrisy.
My comment is not deluded at all, and I'm not singing his praises... read my comment again! Trump was blamed and still continues to be blamed for everything that goes wrong. He put all of his trust in Fauci and absolutely that was a mistake, but it doesn't change the fact that he, in the eyes of the left including the MSM, is the bane of everybody's existence and anything that has ever gone wrong regardless of who sits in the White House is Trump's fault.
Because they would have been "Trump's Vaccines" and the democrats would have done anything to show the problems and issues to make him look bad. It's why the whole thing was politicized in the first place.
And apparently in San Diego, they are losing 22% of their police department because they STILL have a vax mandate. Literally these vaccine fanatics would rather their cities burn than people be free to choose whether to take a slightly effective vaccine or not.
I hate to use the term, but this seems to be literally NAZI fervor.
Hundreds of thousands of military across all branches set to be dishonorably discharged over the useless jab. Recruitment way down. They are willfully destroying the military IMO. I know a friends son was all set to join the coast guard, his mom had a stroke right after 2nd jab so he changed his mind.
The puppet was placed into the WH because his puppeteers KNEW he had ZERO remorse for anything he or his son and family has done. He would do and say exactly what he is told and still is. Think of the things he said to Americans and has been allowed to get away with...
once again, the ugly hand of blackmail, applied to the young eager beavers just after they've had their first career political victory, a lasting and irremovable stain on their consciences and yet another cancer to the body of national governance.
And not just in the more privileged jurisdictions.
Even in public schools without vaccine mandates, many in NC openly discriminated against and overtly harassed unvaccinated kids. They went so far as to pull them a couple times a week from their hardest classes and make them sit around for 45-60 minutes getting “tested.” The biggest discrimination, or perhaps the cruelest, has been directed at children.
My daughter was the only one in her class of 10 young adults who was not jabbed...and some of her teachers even called her out, and questioned her decision in front of her classmates....and pressured her to comply. Professional misconduct anyone? I am also a teacher, and was appalled. She did not wear a mask either...I am so proud of her; she is a true and rare warrior in my mind...she graduated this week, and I met some of her classmates and spoke with a few. Sadly, none were worth talking to. They are that brainwashed. I prefer to conserve my energy, and debate with others who have at least been reading something the last 27 months. We live in Switzerland, so I imagine there are pockets of stupidity and ignorance everywhere. I will always remember, and am on high alert to show civil disobedience once again. I am also unjabbed, never masked, and untested, not even once. I will never forget the evil deeds, and my perhaps forgiveness rests on accountability for those responsible...all of them, every last single one. Friends who bought the false narrative were lost yes, but a whole new awareness of our governments, formerly trusted institutions, and medical establishments was born out of this scam. I retained my conscience, and my courage. Full steam ahead on obtaining justice. Thanks ALEX for keeping the pedal to the metal.
Eileen, yet another Wow today on this site. It’s one thing for you to persevere with people standing in judgement on you if they do but it’s another thing altogether when it happens to your child. No second chances for those people. Leave them in your wake.
Yes, I was ready to pounce on that particular teacher, but my daughter was stronger. She had written him a note, and preferred to handle her disgust with him on her own. I have so much respect for her as she is 23. What the young people, who stood up for truth, were asked to bear, is absolutely unforgivable in my opinion. Talk about strength. I think my personal strength came from learning how to live with a father I was afraid of...it made me question almost everything. I feel fortunate in that respect. Trust is a treasure to be shared with a few.
Thank you Denise; it's a very kind comment. She also had a good role model in her father who was probably the most non-compliant person I've ever known. He was a bit too much sometimes, but it appears that both of my children have independent, and critical minds, like both of their parents. My daughter is the most like my ex-husband. I can just imagine how he would have handled this whole Covid scam. He found enjoyment in provoking stupid people, so it's no doubt he would have been very occupied with this. He died of cancer in 2018 so he missed it all. But the kids remember his actions well, talk about him fondly, and they think before they act; they use logic and rationale to direct their paths. I try to instil this method in the children I teach, but often parents do a super job of making so many blindly compliant. There is a lot of work to do. Unfortunately, and perhaps unknowingly, we, as a society have made their ( the ones behind the scam, and all their followers) task so much easier. It is easy to sway weak and apathetic humans. We need to work on our overall mental strength; the percentage of dissenters is way too little. Our education system has failed us dramatically. Team Reality needs time; the damage has occurred over decades and it will take decades to reverse. That is also reality, but I am hopeful it will happen. Tyranny never wins. It always falls. Hannah Arendt knew.
Preach, sis! Every word could have came out of my mouth. I am always a hair-trigger away from screaming at someone who says anything about a mask, etc.
Haha...she is like a gangster. Most of the young lads she has dated do not know what hit them! She has no energy for weak ones. And she is very discerning. I believe I was quite naive at her age. She does not seem to care what others think of her; she retains her energy for those who she knows love her, for her. Even if it's a few, it's more than enough.
Kids at my school were very much pressured to get vaccinated, and I believe that most of the middle schoolers succumbed to the pressure. Students were also pressured to conform to all the insane dictates of the Covid cult, and to not question masking, eating outdoors in the freezing cold, etc.
I fought all year against the insane containment measures at my (former) school, and I taught my students to think critically about the bio-medical security measures that became the pathological new normal. And it cost me my job. But I do not regret standing up for the kids and for what's right. I wrote in detail about this on my Substack if anyone reading this is interested in one teachers fight against the madness.
That's absolutely horrible! These poor innocent children being victimized and lied to, being pulled every which way till Sunday with information that was false and deceitful and outright wrong. The vice principal in my daughter's high school announced to the kids that it's up to them if they want to take their masks off because they had to reach 80% vaccination rate and if they didn't do that then the masks had to stay on. Outlandish behavior from so-called educated adults none of which should be anywhere near children!
the supposed "educators" in the public school system have shown there hand these past few years. They are mostly idiot beuracrats that will go along with anything thats put in front of them to protect there bag. Especially the administrators. The public school system should collapse and if it does it will be a silver lining of all this covid bull shit. Most of these dummies running schools couldnt operate a lemonade stand. Most teachers are dumber than rocks and onky took the job because all the time off. Pull your kids out, especially elementary age. If my kids were elementry age with all this madness they would never have gone back. Id give up everything I had too to keep them out of those hellholes.
Absolutely agree and that's why I pulled my daughter out of high school this past March and I'm homeschooling her for the rest of her high school years. She was instantly happier not having to go back into that cesspool shit-sty environment!
I taught university physics for many years and had several students who'd been homeschooled the whole way. They were excellent serious students. They were different too. They tended to be more mature and less crowd following. They were stand-outs. No guarantee that will happen with homeschooling but it does make independent thinkers.
I homeschooled our youngest son grades 5-8 and he went to West Point out of high school. You can give a child the best possible education at home.
Nothing like that here in Texas. Kids were in school the entire time and masks and vaccines were always optional. In fact, many of us get annoyed when we see folks wearing slave masks…or rocking BETO stickers on the back of their Prius. It’s a good way to get ran off the road…along with having a California license plate.
One of my sons, too. Three children, a house mortgage, etc. He hung on—worked from home—and eventually left the company that would not stand up for basic human rights to not agree to an experimental medical product that was ALWAYS KNOWN to be “leaky”—rushed to market, always failed in animal tests, no distribution study for the spike protein, from companies with terrible reputations for honesty, etc.
Same here. I had my little speech rehearsed. "No, I'm not getting vaxxed. No, I'm not going to resign. You'll have to fire me. Give me a piece of paper saying I'm fired, and we'll let the courts straighten it later."
My employer was tracking us through data we were required to submit through ADT. I refused to load the app on my personal cell. Fortunately, the thing fizzled out before it reached the end point.
Yes, I never could understand why so many people just left on their own. You were so right to stand up to it, and I'm sure part of you wanted the chance to deliver your little speech! Glad that your potential confrontation didn't have to happen, but so many people lost their jobs. Don't ever forget these horrible people.
Yup, really pissed me off. I quit my job because of it. Even though I had real Covid a few months prior they were still pushing me to get the clot shot. I though my military veteran brothers would stay strong but only three of us didn’t bend the knee.
Everyone in healthcare is still up against these mandates. They haven't gone away. At my hospital unvaxed need an exemption (which they pretty much just granted to every request because the other option would have been to shut down). Unvaxed are still required to get a weekly covid test, which is costing the hospital a small fortune and is completely irrational- we watch in amazement as they continue to do this while our double, triple and quadruple vaxed collegues are coming down with covid by the hundreds... Personally, I've lost all respect for the medical field and can barely tolerate working in it anymore.
This is the part that exposes that whole thing for the scam it is. Jabbed and getting covid? No need for testing. Unjabbed and not getting covid? Get tested!!! Constantly. It’s clearly not about covid and all about making life difficult and wearing you down so you’ll just get the shot to make the crazy stop.
I think a lot of nurses at my local hospital refused the jab and were let go. Because in mid March of this year while visiting my mother in the hospital I saw on the nursing station dashboard a message saying the hospital was proud to announce that since January they hired 239 new nursing staff.
I noticed many of the nurses were young, like right out of college, and were terrible at their job. Many sat at the station on their phones or chatting to one another using foul language. I have no hope for healthcare in the US.
My son's fiancee supervises the heart ward at a local hospital. She constantly has to work short handed because he new hires and travelling nurses simply don't show up for work. The fallacy of "bean counter thinking" is that anyone can be replaced with a cheaper less experienced person and still get the same performance. First of all experience counts. Less experience results in more mistakes and poorer results. That is true in any profession. Second, the work ethic of the Millennials and Genxers is in general pathetic. That spells double trouble.
Lone Star, I too am a health care professional. I refused the jab using the religious exemption and have thus far been protected. I am not foolish enough to think they won’t come back at us when Covid flares again. At my facility there are over 800 staff members who have stood firm and many more who have taken the first round and are not lining up for following “boosters”. Here physicians are silenced with threats of reporting them to the medical board or losing their place on staff. I have resolved to stay firm and am determined to speak truth in kindness. I especially admire those, like you, who stand nearly alone…. Please remember you are not alone.
Why have people started writing like this is all in the past? My daughter still can't finish her degree (well, maybe, exemption letter is sent), my friend overseas will have to get a booster she doesn't want to visit me, and a friend of a friend died of unknown causes 5 days after beginning to feel ill and her son couldn't be in the room as she was dying Because Covid, only one visitor allowed. I heard yesterday on Twitter that all US military bases have mask mandates still. It is not over, especially for college kids.
Perfectly healthy unvaccinated employees are still being penalized, surcharged $25 per paycheck. $650/year at my company which employs 50,000 people. People on a tight budget were pressured to take the shots.
Saw on the news this morning here in Los Angeles they’re going to bring the indoor mask mandate back starting august 1 because “cases” are up. It’s only a hop skip and a jump back to proof of vaccination again to enter businesses which presently has been scrapped.
dont comply. Mass resistance is needed this time around if they try to implement this shit. If people just go along again they are getting what they deserve. I believe this next round of mandates that is def coming this fall and winter is really gonna seperate the brain dead sheeple from the rest of us. It will also cause the normal people to move to greener pastures in free states like where i am at-Florida.
Agreed. I already told my wife I won’t be wearing anymore masks when they spool this crap up again. If enough people refuse it’ll lose all its meaning.
I'm in LA County, and I'm going into various places with the Mask Required signs on the door or right when you enter. I don't wear the mask and no one says anything to me either. I'm at the point where I will no longer comply or indulge people in their germ obsession or fear.
It’s gonna be really hard for them this next time. I think most people are over it by now. I still see a lot of people wearing them anyway, but even before the indoor mandate went away there were people not wearing them and from what I could tell no one gave them a guff over it.
So, they're setting the mask mandate date to August 1...why not do it now, if "cases" are up and everything is getting scary? If it works (which, of course, it doesn't), then nip it in the bud, so to speak. But instead they set an arbitrary date to implement it? Because, Covid knows dates...got it.
I don't see how the shots can get pushed again now that there's undeniable data showing their total failure. Insanity is the only reason I guess. I hate resorting to that explanation but it seems the only one that covers all of what we're seeing. Money is only part of it.
The college kids will just have to boycott for one semester for the schools to wake up. The financial impact would actually close the doors of many colleges for good.
College age kids seem the most compliant, even though they’ve got the least to worry about. Quite telling actually. I always have to laugh when I see 20 somethings running around all masked up everywhere they go. I went on a river rafting trip recently and half the 20 somethings on the rafts on the river had masks on. Outdoors! On a river! Really. They’re completely brain washed and incapable of critical thought.
You are all right on this thread. If everyone just said NO NO NO, it would be over with the masks. Peaceful,100% ,( and I mean everyone ) civil disobedience is the only solution to this madness.
College age these days is so different from the Boomers. We challenged everything. These kids are the opposite, though there are many exceptions. They want to do the right thing, and to them it means protect minorities, do right by animals and even old people. In many ways they're gentler than my generation by far. But they're far too trusting of authority and that's how they're getting hurt.
A generation raised through helicopter parenting, participation trophies, super-scored standardized testing, antidepressants, processed foods, and social media. No one is allowed to lose, there are no consequences or accountability, no one is "fat", no one is "unattractive", and most cannot handle failure when it happens.
I think that's why our co-called "best and brightest" are the most compliant. Academia and society rewards those who play by the elite's rules. Independent thinkers and iconoclasts are shunned and ostracized.
4.0 GPAs may reflect intelligence but more often they reflect a person who excels at following instructions and regurgitating information. These are the people who the elite selects as their successors. They work in BigLaw, Wall Street, BigMed, and the rest of the 'Bigs' through which the elite rules the rest of us.
You have a good point there. The hovering is incredible. My mother couldn't have told you one class I took in college; my youngest sister is busy fretting over her daughters' high school and college curricula. I think it makes the kids fold up: is it their education or hers?
I used to teach a merit badge college in energy for Boy Scouts. Until an angry fat lady holding her scary Chihuahua came in to tear me a new one for not giving her son the merit badge. He hadn't done the work. But that didn't matter to her. This stuff isn't doing the kids any good at all.
Zade……Ok, I had to chuckle (2nd sentence, 2nd paragraph.) Now, what you told this Chihuahua Holder should have set her straight and jolted her, but I’m sure it didn’t. You did the correct and right thing and kudos to you. We all thank you.
Scouts has become another one of those 'check the box' exercises that suburban parents engage in to pad their kids' college CVs. Both of our sons were in Scouts, the oldest for about six months, our youngest through Cub Scouts followed by a year of Boy Scouts.
Both of them quit for the same reason: it was neither challenging nor fun for them. The emphasis was more on accumulating merit badges than the 'scouting experience'.
Personally, I struggled with the 'scout dads' - basically middle-aged 'dad bod' guys in their scout uniforms that included the khaki shorts - and the other parents. I wasn't upset when my sons asked to quit.
This is all very true, sadly. There are some of us teachers who work against what you mentioned, but we can only impact a few. Little by little, as the saying goes. We are out there.
Your efforts are appreciated although we parents recognize that talented, dedicated teachers like you are up against the woke leviathan. I know a few young teachers who became disillusioned and quit to pursue other things. It's our loss.
Nailed it. That’s why they all ran out and rolled up their sleeves. Notice all the articles lately normalizing strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks among that age group? I even saw a recent article saying digging in the soil can release toxins leading to heart attacks.
You are so right about the college kids being compliant. For the life of me, I just don’t understand. I went to college in the 70s. I guarantee masks would have been burned in a bonfire in the middle of campus. And the vaxx mandates would have been ridiculed. And ignored.
One might hope—that kids will boycott, and if they do, the schools won’t be just making up their losses with the bribes, er, subsidies they get from the government to inject poison into their students. The operative word is “hope” and I’m running short on that for either of the options.
Agree. I walked into a medical building for a doctor's appt yesterday and there were mask signs all over the place. I didn't even have one and ignored the signs. Got the side eye from Karen at the elevator. I got to the doctors office (more signs) and walked in maskless. Cranky nurse said, "Do you need a mask?" I replied, "I don't need one, but if you're going to make me wear it..." Don't get me started on the doctor. I have completely lost faith in the medical field.
When the Government muscled its way into the health care industry by subsidizing payments, they assured that one day, down the road, an industry would be created where those providing services would no longer be paid for the services by those receiving them, but by organized, rent-seeking cartels. As currently constituted, doctors & hospitals are nothing more than a cartel that provides horrible service, with the full knowledge that no matter what they do, they will get paid absurd amounts of money and take little, if no responsibility for dereliction of duty. To wit, the mass prescription of a toxic, lethal drug like Remdesevir to unsuspecting victims over the past 2 years. "First, do no harm" has now firmly become "First, do what you are told and pocket the money". One needs to experience medical care in "third world" countries to fully appreciate how over-rated and over-priced ours is. Until medical providers are directly compensated by those receiving the service, without the long line of rent-seekers, nothing will change. Take any advice they give you with a huge grain of salt. Thank God for the few good ones who are fighting tooth & nail.
This was a big reason Obamacare was passed. The medical industry had hit a wall on what they could charge so the next step was to pass a law mandating everyone chip in for “essential services” whether they needed it or not.
To get control over this monster we’ve created we need for starters get rid of Obamacare, force the medical industry to post prices and estimated final costs patients can use to shop around, and most importantly ban all drug ads from television. 2/3 of all advertising budgets are Pharma ads. We’ve all seen them, “ask your doctor about…”. They’re everywhere and that allows Pharma to dictate much of the content you see in media. That’s why no one will touch any stories about the downside of the jabs. Don’t piss off Pfizer, they may stop spending money on your network, and like any good drug pusher, the networks have become hooked on their product, which are the huge advertising budgets.
Had a similar experience but with proof of vaccination at the eye dr. They asked me if I was fully vaccinated, I said no even though there were signs all over the place saying it was required for entry to the practice. They just looked at me and told me to wait to see the doctor.
Absolutely agree! I'm in the process now of filing for religious exemptions for my two daughters... One entering college in the fall and one still in high school but doing dual enrollment courses at the local community college. You would think that these so-called educators and "super smart people" would pause and look at the data showing the utter failure of the vaccines. You don't even have to get into vaccine injuries (I'm sure they would deny the vaccines caused injuries) and while that's extremely important it cannot be debated that he vaccines don't do what they are supposed to do which is prevent infection, prevent transmission, even prevent serious illness and hospitalizations. They failed!! Whether people believe someone is injured by the vaccine, which there is also overwhelming data for, it is clear cut the vaccines have failed.
Exactly. And what about the school children? We cannot stop until vaccine mandates are outlawed in every state for children and others. They can switch this stuff on again any time- and they don’t even need a “new” virus, as Alex mentions. They just need a new ‘variant’ to hype. No doubt they are planning that for fall.
My son has to be jabbed+ boosted to start college this fall. He has two but we don’t want him to take the booster (his brother had a bad reaction); my husband is also supposed to have the booster for his job at CUNY. He’s been holding out as they keep extending the deadline…but it’s not over yet.
I"m so sorry, if any more requirements come out I already told them they're headed out of state. I am also prepared to leave my job for similar reasons. Hoping Hochul will just drop it, as midterm elections are looming.
Thank you. I will pursue both avenues. I emailed with Joni and Lucia at college mandates today. They are doing great work. Fingers crossed colleges are going to start running from these mandates.
Never forget! Never forget the politicians that shut society down and closed your small business. Never forget the politicians that forced a BS “vaccine” that’s led to the untimely deaths of many. Never forget the politicians that called shutting down travel from China racist. Never forget the clowns that said it was ok to riot, I mean protest! Never forget the politicians that allows the continued invasion of the southern border during the so called pandemic! Never forget!
I agree 100%. Voted for Trump twice, although he got us into this mess with Operation Warp Speed. He removed the safety measures on big pharma. He created the template for future Rx abuse. They are already working to change the laws. CDC & FDA will now just rubber stamp every Rx approval. He was played like fiddle by Fauci.
Yup, I liked Trump but didn’t like his pushing of the vaccine. In his defense, he never mandated the experimental “vaccine”. I ended up quitting my job after my previous woke corporation made it mandatory thanks to FJB.
Unfortunately, Trump listened to the so called experts in his cabinet which a president is supposed to do as he’s not a medical expert. Most of these career DC folks are pieces of shit who only care about money and power. Leprechaun Fauci definitely found the pot of gold at the end of the Covid rainbow.
Oh yes, don't you know that will be the case? They'll scrounge up someone who is willing to fabricate a story against him. I think he's the one they're most anxious about.
Let’s not forget when on 12/16/2021 Joe Biden said “ For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. ”
As bad as that was, it was tame compared to what was being said in European countries like Italy, France and Germany and others. Here are some examples:
-Italian president: Unvaccinated are no longer considered citizens
-French president: I want to piss on the unvaccinated (or something similar)
-German politicians openly called the unvaccinated terrorists, angels of death, hostage takers etc.
My brother-in-law works for the DEA and had to choose between his job & the shot. He chose his job, because he has a family to provide for, despite not wanting anything to do with these jabs. Subsequently, he appears to be permanently injured--chronic, daily migraines; tinnitus; tingling in his hands & feet. After repeated tests which show "everything is fine," a neurologist put him on anti-seizure medications and at long last finally admitted: "I think it's safe to say this is a result of the vaccine."
Keep in mind he has had countless other vaccines. His job has required him to go to both Africa and South America. He has had ZERO issues with those. It was only when, last summer, he was forced to the THIS shot, that his health has deteriorated. This is a healthy, fit, mid-40s fella with NO prior health problems--he would've conquered natural illness in a week, tops. Thanks, US government, for destroying my BIL's health for what appears to be forever.
When this all comes out (and I believe it will), I plan on contacting my previous employer to ask if they will be refunding the additional premiums they charged the unvaxxed employees at the beginning of the 2022 plan year.
I am currently looking for work and there are still a lot of job postings stating they need proof of vax. If I get push back, I will be keeping a list there too.
I am keeping a list of those listings also. I even had one that asked in their application, offered an interview, then said "will you get vaxxed" and withdrew the interview. I may file with the EEOC on them also. This insanity has to stop.
An amazing column, Alex. This one hits home as my son awaits a Covid "vaccine" exemption decision by his college (he will be a freshman student-athlete). It's frankly unbelievable that ANY college still pulls this crap what with all the data points proving this experimental drugs utter failure. We have a gap-year plan B ready to go, and it will be the school's loss, but what a ridiculous hoop to jump thru.
Also waiting for the religious exemption for my son to go to college. Ridiculous. Just the fact they are still requiring it makes us question the value of going to an institution where they begin by trying to inflict harm and demand violation of your body. Sick.
And me too, for my daughter. The is the university where I went myself, and learned about the principles of informed consent, and that coercion or bribery can never be part of it. Haven't heard a peep of protest even from the profs and colleagues who taught me this.
those profs are all marxists that believe the state should be worshipped and any decree should be followed....unless the state is a republican, then all that freedom stuff applies.
If my girls weren’t teenagers who insisted on doing what their friends were doing even if it meant dying, with a dad who watches CNN (oops I really messed up with that choice), I would have simply moved to a non-blue state. As it is we are f*#%ed.
In God The Father’s World, you are never f*#%ed! You just may have to adapt to your situation differently than you normally would (a teaching moment?). I’m a tenacious little b*tch and cry in my beer occasionally, but when I stop crying, I’m tougher than hell-WATCH OUT! I threw my television out about 20 years ago, best thing you could do for yourself…and your husband!
That’s awesome! I’m 58, so I did watch television when I was a kid. BUT, after cartoons on Saturday and Sundays, I spent all day outside running around. We also had no computers.
It worked for both of my kids. And one of them had already gotten the jab (against my wishes). When he was forced to get the booster, I stated in a letter that he did not know about the aborted fetal cell lines. It was a lie, but you have to fight fire with fire.
Good for you! My former coworkers that did the same were all DENIED. One letter was from an Archbishop-DENIED! We are dealing with pure evil! Never forget that!
We had the same issue with my son last year as a college athlete. After reading data and seeing the trends I told my son he could not take that genocide crap under any circumstances. They gave him trouble about it but he was armed with facts so they left him alone after a while.
Do not allow her to get anymore shots! Under any circumstances! I would call the college and ask for an exemption form. Our former employer had exemption forms, which my bf filled out. They were denied! We’re in Commifornia, so it’s an uphill battle. There are medical exemptions and religious exemptions. Remember, they are violating your daughter’s rights!
Good for you Gail. I have a liberal nurse friend, 2x vaxxed, 2x boosted who is still praising the shots. Told me because she works with young patients it was her obligation to get jabbed, although we all know it doesn't stop spread or infection. She got really sick last March, but blames covid for everything, that way she doesn't have to question her saintly vaccine.
I’m hoping for DeSantis. He has his moments but he was brilliant during Covid (I’m in Florida). I didn’t like him in the 2018 primaries either. I’d follow him anywhere at this point.
It's hard and it has to start from the bottom up. School Board, Planning Commission, Elections Board, even Dog Catcher. And never voting for a Democrat ever again.
Yes! That’s an important point! I found myself lingering for days about who to vote for in a recent, local electric board. I’ve decided to ignore party and pay closer attention to the person; although, it seems I’ll get it wrong sometimes regardless.
I don’t know! I can’t vote for Trump but Biden is in atrophying mode! Bill Maher says voting for a third party is cowardly (paraphrasing!) I voted 2x for Perot and am still proud of those votes. I guess I won’t know until I have the ballot in front of me.
Remember Radicals, Liberals and Democrats 99% of the time stay in lockstep. Very rarely do they go outside of what legacy media, twitter bots or ultra left Facebook persuade them to do and six months later after an issue they are always wrong or have lied.
IF I vote, I will only vote for a pro-American, FREEDOM agenda. If that’s not doable, they can shove it. It’s not about party anymore (that ship sailed a long time ago). Here in Commifornia, I didn’t vote. Why bother? It’s rigged.
There are teachers (not all of them) that are closet sadists that were looking for a chance to take revenge against those nasty little irritants (students). Doubly delicious was getting to pretend to love them and care about their health the whole time they made them suffer and submit.
These same individuals despise parents too and their hearts leapt for joy when mom and dad had to scramble to find child care every time their kid had to go into quarantine due to a "close contact".
The best ones were from people that wanted to hurt you economically, physically and spiritually because it was for your own good. These people were monsters, and they still are. I could forgive them if they at least looked in the mirror and recognize what they have become. A simple sorry would be nice as well but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I will never forget that the Democrats wanted to strap us down and inject us with a weird genetic inoculation. And I will never forget that most Republicans were more or less ok with that.
I distinctly remember the absolute sickest feeling when Biden announced the federal contractor and OSHA mandates. These affected my young adult kids who worked their a**** off for their jobs. Have rarely been so angry. Will never forget it. The assholes outed themselves forever.
Oh, yes, the "our patience is wearing thin" speech. That was the Rubicon moment for me.
Going to be a dark winter for the unvaccinated....
Going to be a dark Eternity for Joe.
One of my favorite FJB quotes.
Media has never asked him or his mouthpiece about it. You know, if Trump had done that, it would be a fucking feeding frenzy at every press conference.
And rest assured if Trump had gotten reelected we would know of every single vaccine injury and every time someone who was vaccinated got a sniffle. It's a disgusting double standard drenched in hypocrisy.
What makes you so sure of this?
Trump is the one who STARTED this bullshit. Completely abdicated control to Anthony Fauci and you're singing his praises?
Your statement here is as deluded as any from a COVID pro-vaxxer.
You need to call bullshit when you see it NO MATTER who did it.
My comment is not deluded at all, and I'm not singing his praises... read my comment again! Trump was blamed and still continues to be blamed for everything that goes wrong. He put all of his trust in Fauci and absolutely that was a mistake, but it doesn't change the fact that he, in the eyes of the left including the MSM, is the bane of everybody's existence and anything that has ever gone wrong regardless of who sits in the White House is Trump's fault.
Read A Plague Upon Our House by Scott Atlas. Trump tried to get the whole truth.
Because they would have been "Trump's Vaccines" and the democrats would have done anything to show the problems and issues to make him look bad. It's why the whole thing was politicized in the first place.
What an insane double standard. Blithering Joe gets a media pass when he poops his pants at the Vatican. You're right.. If Trump did that..!
And apparently in San Diego, they are losing 22% of their police department because they STILL have a vax mandate. Literally these vaccine fanatics would rather their cities burn than people be free to choose whether to take a slightly effective vaccine or not.
I hate to use the term, but this seems to be literally NAZI fervor.
Hundreds of thousands of military across all branches set to be dishonorably discharged over the useless jab. Recruitment way down. They are willfully destroying the military IMO. I know a friends son was all set to join the coast guard, his mom had a stroke right after 2nd jab so he changed his mind.
The puppet was placed into the WH because his puppeteers KNEW he had ZERO remorse for anything he or his son and family has done. He would do and say exactly what he is told and still is. Think of the things he said to Americans and has been allowed to get away with...
Exactly. 100% soulless.
once again, the ugly hand of blackmail, applied to the young eager beavers just after they've had their first career political victory, a lasting and irremovable stain on their consciences and yet another cancer to the body of national governance.
And not just in the more privileged jurisdictions.
In my opinion there is no eternity too dark for someone like Joe Biden.
honestly, it was amazing
someone there had to know that omicron was a bad cold & essentially a flying vaccine
they could have easily declared victory at that point & taken credit!
"our incredibly successful vaccination campaign has bought us the time needed to bridge the gap to the expected, lesser mutations..."
instead like a few weeks later, the white house gives up & says nothing can be done to fight covid - it's up to the states
and a few weeks after that, everything is open & it's all fine
Nope. I think it will be very bright eternity. The lake of fire he will be thrown into will likely burn very brightly.
is there dementia in hades? or are you like cured of that?
Cured, if you think about it, though the effect on his companions should be even funnier.
That's an interesting question.
But it will be warm. Very, very warm.
It actually was as I was in Alaska for a good portion of the winter!
How about when Joe told the unvaccinated, "You're not as smart as I thought you were." Ooh, that hurt...!
Even in public schools without vaccine mandates, many in NC openly discriminated against and overtly harassed unvaccinated kids. They went so far as to pull them a couple times a week from their hardest classes and make them sit around for 45-60 minutes getting “tested.” The biggest discrimination, or perhaps the cruelest, has been directed at children.
My daughter was the only one in her class of 10 young adults who was not jabbed...and some of her teachers even called her out, and questioned her decision in front of her classmates....and pressured her to comply. Professional misconduct anyone? I am also a teacher, and was appalled. She did not wear a mask either...I am so proud of her; she is a true and rare warrior in my mind...she graduated this week, and I met some of her classmates and spoke with a few. Sadly, none were worth talking to. They are that brainwashed. I prefer to conserve my energy, and debate with others who have at least been reading something the last 27 months. We live in Switzerland, so I imagine there are pockets of stupidity and ignorance everywhere. I will always remember, and am on high alert to show civil disobedience once again. I am also unjabbed, never masked, and untested, not even once. I will never forget the evil deeds, and my perhaps forgiveness rests on accountability for those responsible...all of them, every last single one. Friends who bought the false narrative were lost yes, but a whole new awareness of our governments, formerly trusted institutions, and medical establishments was born out of this scam. I retained my conscience, and my courage. Full steam ahead on obtaining justice. Thanks ALEX for keeping the pedal to the metal.
Eileen, yet another Wow today on this site. It’s one thing for you to persevere with people standing in judgement on you if they do but it’s another thing altogether when it happens to your child. No second chances for those people. Leave them in your wake.
Yes, I was ready to pounce on that particular teacher, but my daughter was stronger. She had written him a note, and preferred to handle her disgust with him on her own. I have so much respect for her as she is 23. What the young people, who stood up for truth, were asked to bear, is absolutely unforgivable in my opinion. Talk about strength. I think my personal strength came from learning how to live with a father I was afraid of...it made me question almost everything. I feel fortunate in that respect. Trust is a treasure to be shared with a few.
You have a great daughter and, obviously, she has a great mom.
Thank you Denise; it's a very kind comment. She also had a good role model in her father who was probably the most non-compliant person I've ever known. He was a bit too much sometimes, but it appears that both of my children have independent, and critical minds, like both of their parents. My daughter is the most like my ex-husband. I can just imagine how he would have handled this whole Covid scam. He found enjoyment in provoking stupid people, so it's no doubt he would have been very occupied with this. He died of cancer in 2018 so he missed it all. But the kids remember his actions well, talk about him fondly, and they think before they act; they use logic and rationale to direct their paths. I try to instil this method in the children I teach, but often parents do a super job of making so many blindly compliant. There is a lot of work to do. Unfortunately, and perhaps unknowingly, we, as a society have made their ( the ones behind the scam, and all their followers) task so much easier. It is easy to sway weak and apathetic humans. We need to work on our overall mental strength; the percentage of dissenters is way too little. Our education system has failed us dramatically. Team Reality needs time; the damage has occurred over decades and it will take decades to reverse. That is also reality, but I am hopeful it will happen. Tyranny never wins. It always falls. Hannah Arendt knew.
Preach, sis! Every word could have came out of my mouth. I am always a hair-trigger away from screaming at someone who says anything about a mask, etc.
Great comment. It’s been terrible for the unvaccinated
Yes, it has. But also extremely empowering; it's the strongest and most convicted I have ever felt in my life!
Your daughter is a straight up gangster, just like her mom apparently. Kudos to you both!
Haha...she is like a gangster. Most of the young lads she has dated do not know what hit them! She has no energy for weak ones. And she is very discerning. I believe I was quite naive at her age. She does not seem to care what others think of her; she retains her energy for those who she knows love her, for her. Even if it's a few, it's more than enough.
We changed schools because of the testing, masks, and general insane bullshit.
We changed states.
Us too. We left NYC.
Action counts!!
We changed states.
Kids at my school were very much pressured to get vaccinated, and I believe that most of the middle schoolers succumbed to the pressure. Students were also pressured to conform to all the insane dictates of the Covid cult, and to not question masking, eating outdoors in the freezing cold, etc.
I fought all year against the insane containment measures at my (former) school, and I taught my students to think critically about the bio-medical security measures that became the pathological new normal. And it cost me my job. But I do not regret standing up for the kids and for what's right. I wrote in detail about this on my Substack if anyone reading this is interested in one teachers fight against the madness.
That's absolutely horrible! These poor innocent children being victimized and lied to, being pulled every which way till Sunday with information that was false and deceitful and outright wrong. The vice principal in my daughter's high school announced to the kids that it's up to them if they want to take their masks off because they had to reach 80% vaccination rate and if they didn't do that then the masks had to stay on. Outlandish behavior from so-called educated adults none of which should be anywhere near children!
the supposed "educators" in the public school system have shown there hand these past few years. They are mostly idiot beuracrats that will go along with anything thats put in front of them to protect there bag. Especially the administrators. The public school system should collapse and if it does it will be a silver lining of all this covid bull shit. Most of these dummies running schools couldnt operate a lemonade stand. Most teachers are dumber than rocks and onky took the job because all the time off. Pull your kids out, especially elementary age. If my kids were elementry age with all this madness they would never have gone back. Id give up everything I had too to keep them out of those hellholes.
Absolutely agree and that's why I pulled my daughter out of high school this past March and I'm homeschooling her for the rest of her high school years. She was instantly happier not having to go back into that cesspool shit-sty environment!
I taught university physics for many years and had several students who'd been homeschooled the whole way. They were excellent serious students. They were different too. They tended to be more mature and less crowd following. They were stand-outs. No guarantee that will happen with homeschooling but it does make independent thinkers.
I homeschooled our youngest son grades 5-8 and he went to West Point out of high school. You can give a child the best possible education at home.
Teachers and their unions have been right at the front of this parade of evil.
The Teachers Unions were telling the CDC what to do.
Nothing like that here in Texas. Kids were in school the entire time and masks and vaccines were always optional. In fact, many of us get annoyed when we see folks wearing slave masks…or rocking BETO stickers on the back of their Prius. It’s a good way to get ran off the road…along with having a California license plate.
That is so disgusting. I still have to test daily and meant to wear a mask when not at my desk but I don’t.
Where are you, if I may ask? I thought testing was essentially over, at least in schools.
In the UK but I work in London for an extreme left leaning woke USA law firm,
One of my sons, too. Three children, a house mortgage, etc. He hung on—worked from home—and eventually left the company that would not stand up for basic human rights to not agree to an experimental medical product that was ALWAYS KNOWN to be “leaky”—rushed to market, always failed in animal tests, no distribution study for the spike protein, from companies with terrible reputations for honesty, etc.
I was ready to lose my job over that one.
My bf and I both lost our jobs. I’ll NEVER forget! This isn’t the USA anymore.
My wife lost hers and I was in fear of losing mine. I took names from the beginning and I will neither forgive nor forget.
I’m so sorry, but you have your health
Same here. I had my little speech rehearsed. "No, I'm not getting vaxxed. No, I'm not going to resign. You'll have to fire me. Give me a piece of paper saying I'm fired, and we'll let the courts straighten it later."
My employer was tracking us through data we were required to submit through ADT. I refused to load the app on my personal cell. Fortunately, the thing fizzled out before it reached the end point.
Yes, I never could understand why so many people just left on their own. You were so right to stand up to it, and I'm sure part of you wanted the chance to deliver your little speech! Glad that your potential confrontation didn't have to happen, but so many people lost their jobs. Don't ever forget these horrible people.
At the same time, why work with such incredible assholes. There's that too. They'll lie, cheat, and walk all over you.
My kids too but thankfully it worked out for them.
Number ONE on the list: Christine Grady. Evil to the core. Fauxi’s wife.
There is not a deep and dark enough place in the bowels of hell for her!
WTF 🤦♀️
Yup, really pissed me off. I quit my job because of it. Even though I had real Covid a few months prior they were still pushing me to get the clot shot. I though my military veteran brothers would stay strong but only three of us didn’t bend the knee.
Unvaxxed are STILL not allowed to work in offices in nyc. Zip from any press (even substacks like this one. )
Same!! I was forced by Hochul as were my SUNY kids. Never again. I would never vote for her. My employer forced it too.
At the hospital where I work 25% of my fellow employees never got the shot. The pressure was incredible. I'm proud of them.
My son's fiancee who is a nurse is still fighting this insanity in Texas of all places.
Everyone in healthcare is still up against these mandates. They haven't gone away. At my hospital unvaxed need an exemption (which they pretty much just granted to every request because the other option would have been to shut down). Unvaxed are still required to get a weekly covid test, which is costing the hospital a small fortune and is completely irrational- we watch in amazement as they continue to do this while our double, triple and quadruple vaxed collegues are coming down with covid by the hundreds... Personally, I've lost all respect for the medical field and can barely tolerate working in it anymore.
This is the part that exposes that whole thing for the scam it is. Jabbed and getting covid? No need for testing. Unjabbed and not getting covid? Get tested!!! Constantly. It’s clearly not about covid and all about making life difficult and wearing you down so you’ll just get the shot to make the crazy stop.
I think a lot of nurses at my local hospital refused the jab and were let go. Because in mid March of this year while visiting my mother in the hospital I saw on the nursing station dashboard a message saying the hospital was proud to announce that since January they hired 239 new nursing staff.
I noticed many of the nurses were young, like right out of college, and were terrible at their job. Many sat at the station on their phones or chatting to one another using foul language. I have no hope for healthcare in the US.
My son's fiancee supervises the heart ward at a local hospital. She constantly has to work short handed because he new hires and travelling nurses simply don't show up for work. The fallacy of "bean counter thinking" is that anyone can be replaced with a cheaper less experienced person and still get the same performance. First of all experience counts. Less experience results in more mistakes and poorer results. That is true in any profession. Second, the work ethic of the Millennials and Genxers is in general pathetic. That spells double trouble.
I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Lone Star, I too am a health care professional. I refused the jab using the religious exemption and have thus far been protected. I am not foolish enough to think they won’t come back at us when Covid flares again. At my facility there are over 800 staff members who have stood firm and many more who have taken the first round and are not lining up for following “boosters”. Here physicians are silenced with threats of reporting them to the medical board or losing their place on staff. I have resolved to stay firm and am determined to speak truth in kindness. I especially admire those, like you, who stand nearly alone…. Please remember you are not alone.
Why have people started writing like this is all in the past? My daughter still can't finish her degree (well, maybe, exemption letter is sent), my friend overseas will have to get a booster she doesn't want to visit me, and a friend of a friend died of unknown causes 5 days after beginning to feel ill and her son couldn't be in the room as she was dying Because Covid, only one visitor allowed. I heard yesterday on Twitter that all US military bases have mask mandates still. It is not over, especially for college kids.
Perfectly healthy unvaccinated employees are still being penalized, surcharged $25 per paycheck. $650/year at my company which employs 50,000 people. People on a tight budget were pressured to take the shots.
Delta airlines?
Thank you! I too am sick and tired of all those who think "it's all over". Seems denial isn't just something that infects the jabbers.
Saw on the news this morning here in Los Angeles they’re going to bring the indoor mask mandate back starting august 1 because “cases” are up. It’s only a hop skip and a jump back to proof of vaccination again to enter businesses which presently has been scrapped.
dont comply. Mass resistance is needed this time around if they try to implement this shit. If people just go along again they are getting what they deserve. I believe this next round of mandates that is def coming this fall and winter is really gonna seperate the brain dead sheeple from the rest of us. It will also cause the normal people to move to greener pastures in free states like where i am at-Florida.
Agreed. I already told my wife I won’t be wearing anymore masks when they spool this crap up again. If enough people refuse it’ll lose all its meaning.
I'm in LA County, and I'm going into various places with the Mask Required signs on the door or right when you enter. I don't wear the mask and no one says anything to me either. I'm at the point where I will no longer comply or indulge people in their germ obsession or fear.
It’s gonna be really hard for them this next time. I think most people are over it by now. I still see a lot of people wearing them anyway, but even before the indoor mandate went away there were people not wearing them and from what I could tell no one gave them a guff over it.
So, they're setting the mask mandate date to August 1...why not do it now, if "cases" are up and everything is getting scary? If it works (which, of course, it doesn't), then nip it in the bud, so to speak. But instead they set an arbitrary date to implement it? Because, Covid knows dates...got it.
It’s their way of prepping us all for it. “We told you it was coming!”
Ugh, they're disgusting.
Yes they are. It’s all about compliance and doing what we’re told. It’s not about your health.
I don't see how the shots can get pushed again now that there's undeniable data showing their total failure. Insanity is the only reason I guess. I hate resorting to that explanation but it seems the only one that covers all of what we're seeing. Money is only part of it.
The college kids will just have to boycott for one semester for the schools to wake up. The financial impact would actually close the doors of many colleges for good.
College age kids seem the most compliant, even though they’ve got the least to worry about. Quite telling actually. I always have to laugh when I see 20 somethings running around all masked up everywhere they go. I went on a river rafting trip recently and half the 20 somethings on the rafts on the river had masks on. Outdoors! On a river! Really. They’re completely brain washed and incapable of critical thought.
OMG...I cannot believe that? Where was this?
You are all right on this thread. If everyone just said NO NO NO, it would be over with the masks. Peaceful,100% ,( and I mean everyone ) civil disobedience is the only solution to this madness.
College age these days is so different from the Boomers. We challenged everything. These kids are the opposite, though there are many exceptions. They want to do the right thing, and to them it means protect minorities, do right by animals and even old people. In many ways they're gentler than my generation by far. But they're far too trusting of authority and that's how they're getting hurt.
A generation raised through helicopter parenting, participation trophies, super-scored standardized testing, antidepressants, processed foods, and social media. No one is allowed to lose, there are no consequences or accountability, no one is "fat", no one is "unattractive", and most cannot handle failure when it happens.
I think that's why our co-called "best and brightest" are the most compliant. Academia and society rewards those who play by the elite's rules. Independent thinkers and iconoclasts are shunned and ostracized.
4.0 GPAs may reflect intelligence but more often they reflect a person who excels at following instructions and regurgitating information. These are the people who the elite selects as their successors. They work in BigLaw, Wall Street, BigMed, and the rest of the 'Bigs' through which the elite rules the rest of us.
You have a good point there. The hovering is incredible. My mother couldn't have told you one class I took in college; my youngest sister is busy fretting over her daughters' high school and college curricula. I think it makes the kids fold up: is it their education or hers?
I used to teach a merit badge college in energy for Boy Scouts. Until an angry fat lady holding her scary Chihuahua came in to tear me a new one for not giving her son the merit badge. He hadn't done the work. But that didn't matter to her. This stuff isn't doing the kids any good at all.
Zade……Ok, I had to chuckle (2nd sentence, 2nd paragraph.) Now, what you told this Chihuahua Holder should have set her straight and jolted her, but I’m sure it didn’t. You did the correct and right thing and kudos to you. We all thank you.
Scouts has become another one of those 'check the box' exercises that suburban parents engage in to pad their kids' college CVs. Both of our sons were in Scouts, the oldest for about six months, our youngest through Cub Scouts followed by a year of Boy Scouts.
Both of them quit for the same reason: it was neither challenging nor fun for them. The emphasis was more on accumulating merit badges than the 'scouting experience'.
Personally, I struggled with the 'scout dads' - basically middle-aged 'dad bod' guys in their scout uniforms that included the khaki shorts - and the other parents. I wasn't upset when my sons asked to quit.
Very, very well said. thanks for that.
Greatly appreciated. We're in this together.
This is all very true, sadly. There are some of us teachers who work against what you mentioned, but we can only impact a few. Little by little, as the saying goes. We are out there.
Especially you!
Your efforts are appreciated although we parents recognize that talented, dedicated teachers like you are up against the woke leviathan. I know a few young teachers who became disillusioned and quit to pursue other things. It's our loss.
Nailed it. That’s why they all ran out and rolled up their sleeves. Notice all the articles lately normalizing strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks among that age group? I even saw a recent article saying digging in the soil can release toxins leading to heart attacks.
I've met some independent thinkers who refuse the masks and shots but they really need to organize.
You are so right about the college kids being compliant. For the life of me, I just don’t understand. I went to college in the 70s. I guarantee masks would have been burned in a bonfire in the middle of campus. And the vaxx mandates would have been ridiculed. And ignored.
And, it can’t happen soon enough.
One might hope—that kids will boycott, and if they do, the schools won’t be just making up their losses with the bribes, er, subsidies they get from the government to inject poison into their students. The operative word is “hope” and I’m running short on that for either of the options.
I haven't been able to figure out why this hasn't happened already. These kids and their parents are lost, I'm afraid. Mindless.
Easier said than done. Ours seems that they approve exemption requests without much follow up
I told my SUNY daughter no way, no more!!!
Agree. I walked into a medical building for a doctor's appt yesterday and there were mask signs all over the place. I didn't even have one and ignored the signs. Got the side eye from Karen at the elevator. I got to the doctors office (more signs) and walked in maskless. Cranky nurse said, "Do you need a mask?" I replied, "I don't need one, but if you're going to make me wear it..." Don't get me started on the doctor. I have completely lost faith in the medical field.
When the Government muscled its way into the health care industry by subsidizing payments, they assured that one day, down the road, an industry would be created where those providing services would no longer be paid for the services by those receiving them, but by organized, rent-seeking cartels. As currently constituted, doctors & hospitals are nothing more than a cartel that provides horrible service, with the full knowledge that no matter what they do, they will get paid absurd amounts of money and take little, if no responsibility for dereliction of duty. To wit, the mass prescription of a toxic, lethal drug like Remdesevir to unsuspecting victims over the past 2 years. "First, do no harm" has now firmly become "First, do what you are told and pocket the money". One needs to experience medical care in "third world" countries to fully appreciate how over-rated and over-priced ours is. Until medical providers are directly compensated by those receiving the service, without the long line of rent-seekers, nothing will change. Take any advice they give you with a huge grain of salt. Thank God for the few good ones who are fighting tooth & nail.
This was a big reason Obamacare was passed. The medical industry had hit a wall on what they could charge so the next step was to pass a law mandating everyone chip in for “essential services” whether they needed it or not.
To get control over this monster we’ve created we need for starters get rid of Obamacare, force the medical industry to post prices and estimated final costs patients can use to shop around, and most importantly ban all drug ads from television. 2/3 of all advertising budgets are Pharma ads. We’ve all seen them, “ask your doctor about…”. They’re everywhere and that allows Pharma to dictate much of the content you see in media. That’s why no one will touch any stories about the downside of the jabs. Don’t piss off Pfizer, they may stop spending money on your network, and like any good drug pusher, the networks have become hooked on their product, which are the huge advertising budgets.
Had a similar experience but with proof of vaccination at the eye dr. They asked me if I was fully vaccinated, I said no even though there were signs all over the place saying it was required for entry to the practice. They just looked at me and told me to wait to see the doctor.
Sue all of their asses into oblivion. The wave of lawsuits coming against organizations & individuals is Biblical.
I hope so! I hope these assholes are smothered with lawsuits!!
I think so too...the lawyers are salivating! If not now, soon enough.
Absolutely agree! I'm in the process now of filing for religious exemptions for my two daughters... One entering college in the fall and one still in high school but doing dual enrollment courses at the local community college. You would think that these so-called educators and "super smart people" would pause and look at the data showing the utter failure of the vaccines. You don't even have to get into vaccine injuries (I'm sure they would deny the vaccines caused injuries) and while that's extremely important it cannot be debated that he vaccines don't do what they are supposed to do which is prevent infection, prevent transmission, even prevent serious illness and hospitalizations. They failed!! Whether people believe someone is injured by the vaccine, which there is also overwhelming data for, it is clear cut the vaccines have failed.
Exactly. And what about the school children? We cannot stop until vaccine mandates are outlawed in every state for children and others. They can switch this stuff on again any time- and they don’t even need a “new” virus, as Alex mentions. They just need a new ‘variant’ to hype. No doubt they are planning that for fall.
Excellent points.
I have to write a 2nd exemption request for 2nd son in college… They still require it.
My son has to be jabbed+ boosted to start college this fall. He has two but we don’t want him to take the booster (his brother had a bad reaction); my husband is also supposed to have the booster for his job at CUNY. He’s been holding out as they keep extending the deadline…but it’s not over yet.
I"m so sorry, if any more requirements come out I already told them they're headed out of state. I am also prepared to leave my job for similar reasons. Hoping Hochul will just drop it, as midterm elections are looming.
they must have exemption process.. Do that in parallel with protesting. Follow https://nocollegemandates.substack.com/?utm_source=%2Factivity&utm_medium=reader2-nav
Thank you. I will pursue both avenues. I emailed with Joni and Lucia at college mandates today. They are doing great work. Fingers crossed colleges are going to start running from these mandates.
You are so right!! Plus how they’re pushing this new variant
Never forget! Never forget the politicians that shut society down and closed your small business. Never forget the politicians that forced a BS “vaccine” that’s led to the untimely deaths of many. Never forget the politicians that called shutting down travel from China racist. Never forget the clowns that said it was ok to riot, I mean protest! Never forget the politicians that allows the continued invasion of the southern border during the so called pandemic! Never forget!
I agree 100%. Voted for Trump twice, although he got us into this mess with Operation Warp Speed. He removed the safety measures on big pharma. He created the template for future Rx abuse. They are already working to change the laws. CDC & FDA will now just rubber stamp every Rx approval. He was played like fiddle by Fauci.
Yup, I liked Trump but didn’t like his pushing of the vaccine. In his defense, he never mandated the experimental “vaccine”. I ended up quitting my job after my previous woke corporation made it mandatory thanks to FJB.
Unfortunately, Trump listened to the so called experts in his cabinet which a president is supposed to do as he’s not a medical expert. Most of these career DC folks are pieces of shit who only care about money and power. Leprechaun Fauci definitely found the pot of gold at the end of the Covid rainbow.
Totally agree.
Exactly. I’d vote for him over Biden (not a high bar lol) but I don’t want him back again.
Yes. Don't want him back again. Please God, could we have someone else without his baggage?
Get ready for the Ron DeSantis sexually assaulted me in 1991 allegations
Oh yes, don't you know that will be the case? They'll scrounge up someone who is willing to fabricate a story against him. I think he's the one they're most anxious about.
Let’s not forget when on 12/16/2021 Joe Biden said “ For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. ”
The white house is run by drama queens with not a modicum of sense or decorum.
Yep! Gee I’m still around 🙄. But what an evil thing to say and to suggest to people.
It is evil.
I'll never forget those lovely Christmas words! Made me feel so warm and fuzzy.
As bad as that was, it was tame compared to what was being said in European countries like Italy, France and Germany and others. Here are some examples:
-Italian president: Unvaccinated are no longer considered citizens
-French president: I want to piss on the unvaccinated (or something similar)
-German politicians openly called the unvaccinated terrorists, angels of death, hostage takers etc.
He's such a mouthpiece. But how do you explain the meatheads that voted for him?
You can’t.
“Our patience is wearing thin”. Remember that one?
Lock him up
Oh yes 🙄
My brother-in-law works for the DEA and had to choose between his job & the shot. He chose his job, because he has a family to provide for, despite not wanting anything to do with these jabs. Subsequently, he appears to be permanently injured--chronic, daily migraines; tinnitus; tingling in his hands & feet. After repeated tests which show "everything is fine," a neurologist put him on anti-seizure medications and at long last finally admitted: "I think it's safe to say this is a result of the vaccine."
Keep in mind he has had countless other vaccines. His job has required him to go to both Africa and South America. He has had ZERO issues with those. It was only when, last summer, he was forced to the THIS shot, that his health has deteriorated. This is a healthy, fit, mid-40s fella with NO prior health problems--he would've conquered natural illness in a week, tops. Thanks, US government, for destroying my BIL's health for what appears to be forever.
Please encourage him to check out FLCCC's I-RECOVER post-vaccine treatment protocol. There ARE doctors treating vaccine injury successfully! https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/
My friend’s teen daughter has chronic migraines, she won’t consider the fact it could be the vaccine:(, but I’ll send her this
This makes me very angry. How easy our rights we’re just dismissed.
They need to have their noses rubbed in it. Hard.
When this all comes out (and I believe it will), I plan on contacting my previous employer to ask if they will be refunding the additional premiums they charged the unvaxxed employees at the beginning of the 2022 plan year.
I am currently looking for work and there are still a lot of job postings stating they need proof of vax. If I get push back, I will be keeping a list there too.
Don't let them skate by.
I am keeping a list of those listings also. I even had one that asked in their application, offered an interview, then said "will you get vaxxed" and withdrew the interview. I may file with the EEOC on them also. This insanity has to stop.
I think the real issue of some employers is that imo in absence of a feseral vax mandate for the company vax injuries can be considered work injuries.
An amazing column, Alex. This one hits home as my son awaits a Covid "vaccine" exemption decision by his college (he will be a freshman student-athlete). It's frankly unbelievable that ANY college still pulls this crap what with all the data points proving this experimental drugs utter failure. We have a gap-year plan B ready to go, and it will be the school's loss, but what a ridiculous hoop to jump thru.
Sorry your son is in this position. FYI parents, Colleges in Virginia do not required the COVID shot. Not sure about other states.
University System of Georgia does not require vax or masks. It was federal contractor mandate that fucked us.
Also waiting for the religious exemption for my son to go to college. Ridiculous. Just the fact they are still requiring it makes us question the value of going to an institution where they begin by trying to inflict harm and demand violation of your body. Sick.
And me too, for my daughter. The is the university where I went myself, and learned about the principles of informed consent, and that coercion or bribery can never be part of it. Haven't heard a peep of protest even from the profs and colleagues who taught me this.
those profs are all marxists that believe the state should be worshipped and any decree should be followed....unless the state is a republican, then all that freedom stuff applies.
I'm a fan of the "mass formation" explanation myself, and I certainly think totalitarianism can come from the left, not just the right.
I don’t know how any parent could allow a college to force their child to put poison in their body. It’s utterly despicable. STEP UP PARENTS!
If my girls weren’t teenagers who insisted on doing what their friends were doing even if it meant dying, with a dad who watches CNN (oops I really messed up with that choice), I would have simply moved to a non-blue state. As it is we are f*#%ed.
In God The Father’s World, you are never f*#%ed! You just may have to adapt to your situation differently than you normally would (a teaching moment?). I’m a tenacious little b*tch and cry in my beer occasionally, but when I stop crying, I’m tougher than hell-WATCH OUT! I threw my television out about 20 years ago, best thing you could do for yourself…and your husband!
You are so right...almost 30 years without a TV; kids grew up without one! Best decision of mine.
That’s awesome! I’m 58, so I did watch television when I was a kid. BUT, after cartoons on Saturday and Sundays, I spent all day outside running around. We also had no computers.
My daughter will be a college athlete next year—could you please share advice on how to get an exemption? She has already had two shots :(
I said that our family is Catholic and opposed to abortion - and the vaccines were created with the use of aborted fetal cell lines. https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2021/09/02/opinion-why-catholics-should-oppose-vaccine-mandates-both-private-and-public/
It worked for both of my kids. And one of them had already gotten the jab (against my wishes). When he was forced to get the booster, I stated in a letter that he did not know about the aborted fetal cell lines. It was a lie, but you have to fight fire with fire.
Both exemptions were granted.
Good for you! My former coworkers that did the same were all DENIED. One letter was from an Archbishop-DENIED! We are dealing with pure evil! Never forget that!
My SUNY kid denied!!!
Thank you, this looks great!
We had the same issue with my son last year as a college athlete. After reading data and seeing the trends I told my son he could not take that genocide crap under any circumstances. They gave him trouble about it but he was armed with facts so they left him alone after a while.
Do not allow her to get anymore shots! Under any circumstances! I would call the college and ask for an exemption form. Our former employer had exemption forms, which my bf filled out. They were denied! We’re in Commifornia, so it’s an uphill battle. There are medical exemptions and religious exemptions. Remember, they are violating your daughter’s rights!
Good luck!
I adore Peggy! She really came through for me the last few years. Her and her husband are AWESOME (a God send)!
She is a special person. I found her after my husband and I took the J&J- never took another shot.
Thank you!
And I am (was!) a hyper liberal. I can’t forgive them
I give you a great deal of credit. Cognitive dissonance is a thing.
Good for you Gail. I have a liberal nurse friend, 2x vaxxed, 2x boosted who is still praising the shots. Told me because she works with young patients it was her obligation to get jabbed, although we all know it doesn't stop spread or infection. She got really sick last March, but blames covid for everything, that way she doesn't have to question her saintly vaccine.
Good for you. What they did was unforgivable. And please stop voting for them, too., At all levels, even dog catcher. Forever.
I’m posing this to you because I am asking this myself: Who do you even vote for now??? It’s so topsy-turvy. I’m so disoriented, politically.
I’m hoping for DeSantis. He has his moments but he was brilliant during Covid (I’m in Florida). I didn’t like him in the 2018 primaries either. I’d follow him anywhere at this point.
You and many, many others!
Thank you for your sincere reply: I will pay attention to him more closely.
It's hard and it has to start from the bottom up. School Board, Planning Commission, Elections Board, even Dog Catcher. And never voting for a Democrat ever again.
Yes! That’s an important point! I found myself lingering for days about who to vote for in a recent, local electric board. I’ve decided to ignore party and pay closer attention to the person; although, it seems I’ll get it wrong sometimes regardless.
We all will get it wrong occasionally but it's a start.
I don’t know! I can’t vote for Trump but Biden is in atrophying mode! Bill Maher says voting for a third party is cowardly (paraphrasing!) I voted 2x for Perot and am still proud of those votes. I guess I won’t know until I have the ballot in front of me.
I really appreciate what you shared here!
Remember Radicals, Liberals and Democrats 99% of the time stay in lockstep. Very rarely do they go outside of what legacy media, twitter bots or ultra left Facebook persuade them to do and six months later after an issue they are always wrong or have lied.
IF I vote, I will only vote for a pro-American, FREEDOM agenda. If that’s not doable, they can shove it. It’s not about party anymore (that ship sailed a long time ago). Here in Commifornia, I didn’t vote. Why bother? It’s rigged.
Welcome to TRUTH.
It’s what they did in the schools, and the exposed hatred of children by the left.
There are teachers (not all of them) that are closet sadists that were looking for a chance to take revenge against those nasty little irritants (students). Doubly delicious was getting to pretend to love them and care about their health the whole time they made them suffer and submit.
These same individuals despise parents too and their hearts leapt for joy when mom and dad had to scramble to find child care every time their kid had to go into quarantine due to a "close contact".
The president of the United States said the unvaccinated were killing people. Doesn’t get worse than that.
I personally invite Matthew Yglesias to come and try hold me down and give me jabs. It'll be a fun time.
Can I come to????
Sure. Can make it a live made for facebook and youtube broadcast event. It'll be awesome.
I'll give Matt the 50.
Funny, I needed that.
The best ones were from people that wanted to hurt you economically, physically and spiritually because it was for your own good. These people were monsters, and they still are. I could forgive them if they at least looked in the mirror and recognize what they have become. A simple sorry would be nice as well but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
I'm waiting in hope for colleges to get sued for their ridiculous mandates destroying the fertility of an entire generation.
I will never forget that the Democrats wanted to strap us down and inject us with a weird genetic inoculation. And I will never forget that most Republicans were more or less ok with that.
Don't forget that they literally wanted to put you in camps!! That was an actual poll result with 60% of Democrats in favor of it!!!
💯 CargoShortGuy