Instead of a dangerous vaccine that grants its user heart attacks, let's look at suppressed alternative treatments:

Just to give some idea at the scope of the criminality with regard to alternative treatments:


Ivermectin is vouched for by a large number of doctors to be both safe and extraordinarily effective in treating COVID-19. It is also very cheap.

The entire edifice of authority from the media, to the pharmaceutical industry, to the government, to the NGOs, want to kill and bury Ivermectin as deep as possible under mountains of propaganda as a verifiable cure. And they are willing to destroy the reputation of anyone who gets in their way to achieve that.

This despite the fact that it's been on the WHO's Essential Medicines List for decades:


Follow the money. The CDC (as just ONE example) receives direct funding from the industry the are supposed to be regulating:



In early January 2020, just as the plandemic was getting underway, France inexplicably banned HCQ labeling it as a poisonous substance. Up until that day, it had been as easy to get in France as Tylenol is in America – over the counter:


If there is a treatment for a disease the FDA cannot grant an EUA for a competing treatment, in COVID's case, the vaccine. Put on your detective shoes and think critically about this for a minute.

This is highly relevant to our current situation and everyone the planet should watch it:


Here is the truth about the flim-flam-demic that covers the entire fraud from every angle:


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Until a month ago, I would have dismissed much of this as the ravings of a lunatic. But I'm reading RFK Jr.'s "The Real Anthony Fauci" where most, if not all the above points are noted. Did you know that HCQ had been in use since the 1950s and like Ivermectin and many other potentially repurposed drugs, suddenly was identified as "dangerous" and new "studies" financed by the medical guild (e.g. CDC, FDA, et al) suddenly found them ineffective, thus the calls (often heeded) to restrict or even ban these drugs? I'll admit I haven't verified RFK's claims, but there are hundreds of footnotes and sources cited. If he's a wacko, he's a damned convincing one. Provisionally, his case is sound. The pharma, medical, research, academy, government "regulatory" body is corrupt from top to bottom. Use it, or accept most any statement from them, at your own risk. The powers that be were (and still are) bending rules (when they don't break them) to promote, at times force, their preferred, often very high cost and dangerous favorite products or treatments. The back story on the "approval" of Remdesivir alone should indict the whole rotten lot of them. Meanwhile, medical freedom is curtailed. Even if the alternatives are ineffective, that should be the right of the individual patient and his doctor to determine, not some bureaucrat with conflicted interests.

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You got it. The entire apparatus is saturated with corruption from top to bottom. Here are some more examples: https://tritorch.com/criminal

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Jan 19, 2022
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Thanks AussieGerl - you are as well - thank you for all your great information

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Jan 19, 2022
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Nuremberg II

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A whole lot more than sacked.... hanged

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Not hanged, lethal injection.

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LIke the withches... if they sink, they are innocent.. If they don't they are witches and will be burned.

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Dude, either way . No argument from me.

Mat I suggest: meal for hungry wild boars?

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Just make them take 10 doses of their vax

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Lethal injection of choice? Pump them full of "vaccine" until they croak before the executioner and all eyes of the innocent.

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I'm thinking... feed them to gators or wild boars?

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HCQ is the BRAND NAME for PLAQUENIL the most scripted RA/LUPUS med on the market, and there have been no TV ads for 2 yrs. https://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-6986/plaquenil-oral/details my niece uses it for her SLE LUPUS.

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Other way around. HCQ is the generic and Plaquenil is the brand name.

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Sanofi is the brand manufacturer; they made every effort to prevent Plaquenil from being used in Europe, Africa, and other areas to treat covid-1984. https://lb.sanofi.com/en/media/information-on-plaquenil-and-covid-19

Over-the-counter HCQ was banned in the UK, Dec., 2019; in France, Jan./Feb., 2020.

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Can you cite the UK Ban? This indicates fore-knowledge...

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yes, please...that would certainly tighten the noose in court!

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There is the MIMS database in the UK used by professionals; HCQ should now be prescription-only. If you could get the mid-2019 designation from history, it will be OTC. For good measure, Australia:


Foreknowledge in France:


Best UK situation summary found in comments on Zerohedge, Nov. 2020:

"Johnson is pure evil. Girlfriend an outed satanist.

Chris Whitty, the chief UK medical officer, got 40 million from Gates in recent years, on the record.

Chris Whitty´s brother was CEO of GSK until late 2018. Now chairs the WHO vaccine council.

Kate Bingham, chair of UK govt vaccine council since May, runs SV investors, a UK vaccine private equity investment hub, for the past 30 years. Her husband is Jesse Norman, Boris Johnson´s treasury undersecretary, and baron/peer to the earl of Sandwich.

Covid is a high society swindle, nothing more."

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And many doctors were taking it when they were caring for COVID patients

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The guy who invented Ivermectin was given a Nobel peace prize. It is that extraordinary. My husband is currently reading the same book. It has opened our eyes and validates what we have long suspected. I to thought people were just nut jobs, not anymore.

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Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin was the only Senator who spoke loud and clear on Ivermectin in a consistent fashion. So GLAD he chose to run again !

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also his roundtable discussion (nov.2021) with vaccine injured and medical experts on federal vaccine mandates and the importance of health care freedom -

https://rumble.com/vokrf7-sen.-johnson-expert-panel-on-federal-vaccine-mandates.html (starts at 30:29).

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YES...watched it several times. How intensely that was suppressed too is tell-tale!

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Berenson's spoken clearly about it, too -- he said it doesn't work on Fox News. Then he said he would address the topic on Substack. Radio silence since then. I pointed out that he's writing about all kinds of things since he made that claim -- EXCEPT ivermectin -- in replies to a few of his Telegram posts today. I got banned from commenting there while writing like the 5th one. I'm sure I'll be banned from his substack, too. He needs to defend his position on ivermectin.

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He has a hell of a line up of docs ready to go for this Monday!! Can't wait to see it!

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Yes, me too. We need more Ron Johnson’s!

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Nobel Prize for medicine, not peace

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They knew chloroquine was active against SARS in 2005. I've heard of another 2010 study by Baric (funded by Fauci) that showed HCQ efficacy against SARS. Apparently, it is also active against influenza.


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Ralph Baric invented remdesiver. Which was just approved at the beginning of the pandemic. He is also on the gain of function research team with Dazsak. Fauci hid the fact that remdesiver did not pass clinical trials. They knew all along that Ivermectin and HCQ worked. They knew if a treatment was available they could not get an emergency use authorization. Fun facts.

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They tried to use remdesivir to treat Ebola too--and stopped using it for much the same reasons (patients dying of liver failure).

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I believe it's kidney failure , which leads to the patient

" drowning" when their

( intubated) lungs fill up with fluid as a result.

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They are still using it

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TQ for this info!

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be aware: Baric is not our friend (the corruption runs deep).

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That is good to know, I've never had the flu naturally, 1 case of Bird Flu as the injection was coerced, sick as a dog for 2 weeks. Never took another one. I have a hard fast rule, no long term injections or infusions, I need to be able to stop the reactions by throwing your poisons in the trash when I react to them.

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Quercetin/zinc/vitamin C also work synergistically to push zinc into cells and interfere with viral replication. No need for a script.

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Add NAC and D3 and it should be good.

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The time to take D3 is BEFORE an infection. Demand your doc checks your blood levels of D. Should be above 50. Start taking D prophylactically and check your levels, even if you have to pay for the test, to make sure you are where you should be. Not everyone absorbs D at the same rate so some people need 4000IU/day, some more and some less. I had my test and my levels were actually too high so the doc told me to stop for a month then cut back to 1000 IU/day for 2 months, then re-test. They take Vit D very seriously in the Nordic countries. Dark-skinned people in our Northern climates, especially during winter, are most likely deficient. This is why so many more African Americans and dark-skinned people were observed to have worse outcomes from Covid (not because of "racism") but because dark-skin makes absorbing sun and creating Vit D more difficult.

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And 325 mg aspirin if you catch this virus.

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True. An older nurse I met at work said the sane thing. She was shopping with a friend telling her what to buy.

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Same thing not sane

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I never had the flu before the shots either. I skipped years and was fine but then got them again thinking maybe it was a coincidence. But nope and my last reaction has left me still sick over 2 years later.

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SD...the first hundred pages are jaw dropping. The last chapter will have you screaming out loud. I just finished it two nights ago. I had to put it down for a bit as I was seeing blood red every moment, and was literally affecting my sleep. I’m not sure RFK would want to use that as a review, but his book is astonishing. Everyone should read it. I’ve read Alex’s also. Exceptional work by both.

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You just motivated me to get back to reading it. Been too tired after work, but will pick up again. Thx!

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Welcome to the party!! Ain’t it fun!?

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what RFK revealed had been known for decades and decades. The silver-lining perhaps of all our strife these past two years is this suppressed info is surfacing in a very BIG way!

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A lot of us in health care DID know this and screamed it at the top of our lungs for the last two years. Unfortunately, too many who should have stood up were silenced by their medical practice groups and hospital associations. My primary care admitted to me on my last visit that it was his association with Cleveland Clinic that made writing such an Rx impossible. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing...

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So TRUE! I know 2 nurses who are in "the know" with over 20 years experience in a large hospital setting, who have told me flat out the exact same thing. The mafia like coercion used to silence thru intimidation of lost medical license, ostracizing by peers and lost income threats were abundant across the land of the so called FREE!

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Lots of evidence and yet these guys are being "crowned" by the elite/ global criminals.....

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probably the most well referenced book I have read in 15 years!

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The references are a book by themselves.

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lol...seriously true!

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Totally! This book, Alex’s, and Don Trump Jr’s is most referenced books I’ve read, but like you said RFK’s is a book all in itself!

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I said same thing to a friend except it’s the only well referenced book I’ve read!

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Did you also know that Bill Gates is about to launch a vaxx for malaria?

What common drug is currently Standard of Care globally for malaria? That’s right.

How nice of Tiny Tony to do a favor to his puppet master Bill, and trash the reputation of this necessary medication. (Too bad they hired a model to write that study. If they’d sprung for, say, a pharmacy tech from CVS it might have got past them.)

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Zero accountability. These mongers just continue on to next con of corruption and infliction of suffering upon humanity! Nothing changes until these criminals are actually held to account...why would it?

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I have the book too. Just ordered another 10 copies to give to blue pilled friends and family. A late Christmas present.

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None of the blue-pilled friends and family in my circle will ever read it. Better to remain ignorant than realize that we followed the science--they didn't.

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Yep read it too - beyond mindblowing. Even if RFK is only right about HALF of it (and I doubt its only that much) its STILL utterly damning to the entire Big Health Oligarchy Cartel (which has surely killed more people than the ACTUAL cartels!!!!)...

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Ivermectin and HCQ are old, safe, effective, and widely used drugs. The problem with both of them is that their patents have expired, making them cheap and not especially profitable.

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You'd think that Fauci would sue for defamation if what RFK Jr. says is untrue. AFAIK, no lawsuits so what's in the book must be true. I have both the audio & kindle versions & have yet to find time to read or listen.

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He doesn't dare sue. The discovery phase would prove him to be a modern-day Mengele.

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If people turned off the Te-lie-vision and made an effort to learn about the many studies, Universities, research grants, patents, lawsuits, testimonials, Ted Talks, awards, speeches, books, related to viruses, vaccines, other drugs, abortion and fetal cells, food additives, synthetic fertilizers, GMOs, toxic substances in the air, water, soil, food, cosmetics, politics, religion, education systems that made possible what we are living, they all would be called "conspiracy theorists", right?

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“Future generations will look back on TV as the lead in the water pipes that slowly drove the Romans mad.”

— Kurt Vonnegut

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Wow Excellent. My husband i are 83 and had coviid in Dec 21...treated with ivermectin and did greaT. Many family members also. I am a RN and ca vouch for it. I am still disturbed because they do not aspirated when they give the ja

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While it seems small, as a retired RN, it bothers me immensely that very few aspirate when giving that experimental injection. We know the damage it can do when put into the muscle, imagine the possibilities of flowing directly into the bloodstream. I did see an article by a doctor in the UK who addressed this, and he felt it greatly increased clotting dangers.

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Even if they aspirate, this rat poison is still likely to get into the bloodstream because of the rich vascularity of the deltoid.

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Thank you everyone for sharing this information about aspiration. I was not aware of the import of aspirating before giving the shot. This may partly explain why some had severe reactions and others did not -- going directly into a blood vessel. The instructions for this new technology should have specified that one must do so to ensure it does not get in the blood stream.

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Jan 19, 2022Edited
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Wow! Thank you!

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love your comments, TQ. hub and i (the only unvaxx'd in my family) have often wondered about the unprofessionality of those administering the jab (by visibly under-trained part-timers) as well as some of the places where they make you take the swab test (pathetically unhygienic, like... a parking lot?!), absolutely horrifying.

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Is this important to do with any shot or just mRNA?

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It is important that any intramuscular injection be given by first pulling back on the plunger of the syringe (aspirating) to ascertain that you have not entered a blood vessel, before injecting the medication. The blood is easy to see, unless you are injecting a dark medication. In that case, like an iron preparation, you have to be hypervigilant. It only happened to me one time in my 50-year career as an RN. People have made these faux vaccines into production lines, have poorly trained personnel, and the quicker the better seems to be the order of the day!

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Love these explanations! I’m just an average person but have observed this and you’d even see this being done in old movies. Not too long ago, I questioned the lack of doing so to a med Asst giving me my tetanus shot and dismissed it. Needless to say, it’s first time, I had a lump so large after 2 weeks, i had to call to see if that was normal.

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Sorry to hear about your bad experience. While tetanus shots are a breed unto themselves-meaning injection site tenderness or even upper arm soreness are not uncommon-having an extremely large lump is not normal. Assuming you don't have any type of allergy to tetanus, maybe it was given into the subcutaneous or fatty tissue in your arm, either with a needle that was too short, or leakage of the vaccine on the way in or out of your arm(administrator's fault.) Tetanus injections do have side effects, but yours sounds rather prolonged.

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Don't get the worthless Jab and you don't have anything to worry about. Get the illegally mandated forced jab and you'll have to wonder the rest of your life if you made a mistake. If you're wondering, then your gut is probably telling you it was stupid and you got rushed and taken advantage of.

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One thing to remember is most of the people giving the shots are not RNs or LPNs. They've made it legally possible for just about anyone to stick a needle in an arm. What disturbed me most was people taking injections without any medical input, no personal medical advice or physician involvement. But then again, according to the "experts," no one has a valid exemption, medical or otherwise. That's right. Nothing to look at here. Carry on.

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Sure. Just toddle over to Walmart and have someone from behind the pharmacy counter come over and ruin your life. No thanks.

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or at an underpass or parking lot, it's gross

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Most people can be (properly) taught how to give injections.

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Just ask Walmart where they’re doing it as well.🙄

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Jan 19, 2022
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Because it’s not for the good of the people?

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About April of 2021, we drove past a parking lot COVID TEST SITE. It looked like a bunch of masked "Temps" standing around in white coats - holding clipboards and jamming things up noses. There were suspiciously few stacked boxes of Any sort - some looked shabby and more like old moving boxes. Of course with said spectacle, there were dozens of cars lined up.

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When my mother was hospitalized once, the AIDES were taking the blood samples! One blew through Mom's vein. Being on an anticoagulant, she bled like crazy. So while I was writing an email to the County Health Commissioner about other health conditions in the place, I mentioned the practice of aides performing phlebotomy on patients. I'll be damned if the commissioner didn't CALL me to tell me everything had been addressed by investigations and meetings and no longer will aides be allowed to do invasive procedures without the proper training and credentialing. I was impressed. Too bad the current commissioner isn't as diligent.

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This is insane, and I’ve been saying the same thing. You can go to a cvs and get a pharmacy tech or god knows who to inject you. If I ever were to get this vaccine and I never will, I at least would have expected my actual dr. or and RN to give me the shot. Not some guy in a drive thru or a drug store employee.

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Remember 3 months ago when CVS contacted the family of 4 who went in for flu shots and came out with covid stamps on their cards!? The under age children got ADULT COVID INJECTIONS!

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Yep 57 and the wife is 61 and we both contracted C19. Ivermectin and the Math+ PROTOCOL from FLCCC crushed it within 3 days from the dreaded cough starting. 3 day folks!!!! Cost was about $20 for everything needed from zinc, aspirin, melatonin, vitamin c etc. There was simply ZERO NEED for this 2 years of insanity that has crushed so many.

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Ditto. 36 hours using homeopathy

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Just curious what homeopathic remedies you used

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For me Bryonia worked. I took 2 doses...one the first day (it settled symptoms really well) and one on day 2 cuz I woke up with a return of the symptoms although they were a bit less, so I redosed and within 30 minutes I was much better, just tired. Did not have return of symptoms, but it took me a few days to fully recover from the lethargy. (I was 67 at the time, early April 2020) I do have a chart the homeopaths were sharing of the main remedies that were generally considered for CV as they fit the symptom pictures that were most prevalent. It's a jpeg. If you send me a direct message on telegram or twitter, I can send it to you. @lepusreg

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My best friend and her husband were treated with Ivermectin and were fine after 3 days. My neighbor and I, both retired RNs, have Ivermectin on hand just in case. We both take Vitamin C, D3, Quercetin, and Zinc daily, exercise, eat healthy, only wear masks where required, wash our hands frequently, and refuse to give up our social lives. She has unknowingly hugged Covid positive people 3 times without becoming ill. No "vaccines" for us.

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the majority of ppl who take a covid test is covid positive! It's the most ridiculous thing in the world...I would now be embarassed to tell ppl I've taken a test. And surprise...every single address in the USA is fixing to get a box mailed to their house to keep perpetuating the "i'm a victim" mentality...gotta run test everytime I pass gas or pick my nose or look at someone wearing a mask, you may have covid. Such BS

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I received a friend group text last evening for the express purpose of sharing each one's order of test kits. They were all so pleased. Oh yay! /sigh\

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Jan 19, 2022
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I believe your commenter missed the class on Giving Injections 101, in Nursing School. Nothing "old fashioned" about not wanting to inject a medication specifically intended for IM use, into the bloodstream. Some medications are corrosive if given that route.

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Your comment about "old fashioned" is insightful. It is dismaying how many old standards have been ignored or tossed aside over the years. This observation applies in spades to the development. testing and use of the Covid-19 "vaccines" and related drugs. Now admittedly, some of this could be justified in the name of the need for quick response to an emergency. But as time wears on, it is plain to anyone who looks that any inconvenient obstacle in the way of quick profits, or increasing political power, is ignored or otherwise subverted.

We live in a new era, after all, where all those silly old rules are outmoded and can be discarded. It never occurs to the vanguard, with their portfolios full of pharma stock, that perhaps the old rules were there for a reason.

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Thanks, I've had so many blown veins from ill trained 'professionals' even if the needle is the size of my Humalog flex pen, they will push it through the big elbow vein, told me to get a cancer portal put in if my veins were that fragile. Duh, it was your incompetency. I told you that 1 was a Roller, you just kept digging for it. Having small veins you need child size equipment. Worse when freezing or dehydrated, use heated pad to bring it up. 45 mins later a real older nurse hits the vein you didn't blow first try.

I've seen them put it in the shoulder joint not in the lower muscle. That causes damage. Someone needs to put a X on the right spot first.

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Reminds me of when my daughter was hospitalized for a few days for an intestinal problem. She kept blowing the IVs. A day nurse said he was going to wait for the evening shift nurse which I took as a cop out. Nope. He knew an old school retired-but-came-back-to-help-out nurse was coming on. She put warm compresses on daughter's arm, raised the bed as high as it could go, had her dangle her arm for 5 minutes, came back, and easily slipped the IV in. It stayed the rest of the stay.

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I have misdiagnosed for 4 yrs Gastropresis, every other month I was in the ER, then 2-3 days hospital for what they called IDIOPATHIC COLITIS, 4 yrs of IV'S ever other month. All they needed to do was stop running CT's and run a Gastric Delay test, my internist had to order. The head Gastro of the biggest GI clinic didn't make hospital visits. Have no idea who the 4 people who'd show up were. Liquid diet, even my 20 yr USN Sailor wouldn't touch as it was over salted and Stunk. I don't do red food dyes either or that Ensure, no one wants it's horrible, cold coffee, melted Ice for water tasted of mold. Hub brought me bottled water, and Campbells Chicken Noodle broth in a thermos. The IV and Dilaudid took care of the level 10 pain. Phenergan the puking. Zofran breaks me out in Hives on 1 pill.

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You sweet thing.....

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I see news casts where they show health care providers giving injections or preparing said injections and I absolutely CRINGE!!! I have said many times I would have flunked my lab sessions had I given or prepared syringes like that.

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Please excuse my ignorance, but what does it mean to asperate before giving injection?

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It means to pull back a smidge on the plunger (before injecting the medicine) to make sure you’re not in a blood vessel.

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They do the same thing, but squirt out a bit to make sure there are no air bubbles before inserting into a vein, muscle doesn't carry the same risk.. We have a lot of untrained NG doing the jabbing now, they might get 1 lesson, but it isn't that simple. Even using my Humalog flex pen took time to learn to use it right. And it is the simplest way to do Type 2 Diabetic injections, tiny needle, roll the pen top to the number of clicks you were instructed to use. Place in alternating fatty places, thighs work best.

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And then start over - and using fresh dose?

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Jan 19, 2022
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Obamacare fiasco RUINED most Doc's and healthcare! You're seeing the full ramifications of it now. Ppl are numbers and being killed with 1 single Govt protocol (remdesivir/breathers) and now that they've mandated and treated health employees like cattle with no rights I'll bet those left don't give a damn who they harm...it is now a paycheck and keep your mouth shut.

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I don't believe that. Most healthcare workers go into the profession because they care so much. There are always outliers in any profession, of course, but for the most part those in the healthcare field are honest and caring.

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This has definitely not been my experience!

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Ivermectin discoverers should get a second Nobel Prize along with a Peace Prize for the core group of doctors who all discovered it worked and used it last year.

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The NIH even did a study on the effectiveness of HQ against COVID and said it works which makes this all the more stupid and mind-boggling.

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Alex doesn’t believe IVM works.

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🤦‍♀️That’s right.

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It boggles the mind that in the face of the mountains of evidence of efficacy of ivm and hcq, that AB can still deny their role in early treatment. AB appears to be a one-trick pony, ie, virus gonna virus, vaccine bad, etc... It had its role earlier in, but honestly this information is somewhat stale at this point and he ought to use his platform (although from what I can gather, a diminishing one) to spread the word on early treatment protocols. Anyway, it appears that many of his readers (myself included) have been played, although fortunately, I never paid for subscription. His incessant hawking of his book and autographed copies (uh, narcissist?) was a HUGE turnoff.

Curious that comments are now open to anyone. Methinks it suggests that many paid subscribers have abandoned ship and to keep the appearance of a lively and active community, he's allowed anyone to comment now.

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Kind of like not believing in ibuprofen 🤷‍♀️

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I don't "believe in ibuprofen." I don't "believe in" any pharmaceutical drug, period. As for ibuprofen specifically, a number of years ago, one 200 mg pill of ibuprofen (the smallest dose available) caused my body to go into a full-blown lupus episode which lasted for weeks. A doctor I consulted while I was suffering told me that though that's unusual, it's certainly not unheard of. He told me to never take another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) (of any kind) again for any reason.

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It does work. Don't know where he's getting THAT from! And homeopathy works too.

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Jan 19, 2022
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that's exactly the reason: the whole narrative, world-wide, would implode because there would be no reason whatsoever to abide by some EUA.

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IVM very safe. My understanding is 3.8 billion doses administered over last 40 years & only 16 deaths. Compares that to all the deaths from the 'vaccines' in just the last year. This whole thing is ridiculous. #scamdemic

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While IVM may be inexpensive to produce, to buy it comes at a dear price. $10/pill is not my idea of cheap. Considering the circumstances.

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Jan 19, 2022
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Except it is my understanding that customs are confiscating IVM coming into the states because it is not an approved drug for RONA. How do they know what it is prescribed for? Could be for Limes disease. Could be RA.

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Jan 19, 2022
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That’s a huge study that ran a full year with clear results in infection, hospitalization and deaths all reduced substantially through prophylactic use of Ivermectin. Peer reviewed. It is larger, longer and offers more credible conclusions than the vaccine studies by far.

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This is the study Twitter is adding a misleading tag to.

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Jan 19, 2022Edited
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We need this insanity to stop. Also, if you get a chance, stock up on Iver and other proven, standard, low-risk treatments. Gawd knows what is coming next.

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I think Bill Gates and Tony Fauci know what's coming next.

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Jan 19, 2022
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Unfortunately, in the US, it is expensive to get. And I’ve heard the government is confiscating packages from India.

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I ordered mine from Mexico. Hopefully it gets through!

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I’m in Mexico now, trying to find cheap stuff, but tourist areas charge tripe to quadruple the price. Or maybe that’s just the gringo price

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Find yourselves an Indian friend or two. We all have at-home pharmacies of meds from the motherland ;)

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Ha! Yes! That’s probably the gringo price!🤣

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AllDayChemist is the outlet I ordered from successfully three times at $1.60 per 12mg tablet and you can use discount codes if you locate one.

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I ordered from India in 3 separate orders just in case several months back and luckily received all of them. I’m in Texas not sure if that matters. We are saving the human form in case we get sick. However, and I am unashamed to say, my family has been preventatively dosing once weekly with the horse paste version (by weight) and have done so for about five months now with no issues. Our local farm supply has a steady supply. We would prefer not to do this but the regulatory capture and corruption of the medical establishment has forced it. No one in my immediate family has gotten covid. Has our weekly dosing helped? I have no idea but it hasn’t harmed us. Before we did it (and ongoing) I deep dove it- finding groups where others had actually used it when they tested positive. I read about when people did have issues (rare) it was due to eating it on an empty stomach (it should be taken with or immediately after a meal preferably a fatty meal) or in one case a young man had taken it the same day he took an intestinal cleanse (yikes). I found everything I could on it. I’m immune to the public shaming and judgment.

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Desperate times lead to desperate measures! No shaming here!

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I ordered mine from buyivermectinforhumans.us & it took about a month to get here from India. Package was labeled 'medicine'. Was worried it wouldn't make it through. $110 for 100 12mg pills. Have it on hand if I catch COVID again.

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I just recived an order from India through the mail. I'm told small amounts usually fly under the radar. I order 100 12 mg. pill.

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Which site did you order from?

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I ordered it three times from AllDayChemist along with HQ, doxycycline

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this address will give you info: Ivm-Info@pm.me

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I ordered some from India in early December. It arrived a couple days ago.

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Jan 19, 2022Edited
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Definitely. So sad. Not the AUSTRALIA we all knew & loved💕 😢

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try making your own HCQ (we hope it's not illegal??). one only needs the skins of 1 lemon+1 grapefruit, 2L water (which gives you 1L HCQ after simmering). easy, highly recommendable & purely natural - https://covid-unmasked.net/home-recipe-for-hydroxychloroquine-hcq-quinine/

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I tried your recipe for my husband after he had COVID but still had stuff in his lungs. He said it worked great! I hear him telling everyone he knows about it. Thank you!!

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Yum! Sounds delicious!

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same goes for home-made Hydroxychloroquine/HCQ: easy, cheap, durable and purely natural, hub & i can recommend it - https://covid-unmasked.net/home-recipe-for-hydroxychloroquine-hcq-quinine/

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I give you an “a” fortiori

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Niiiiiice =)

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Pfizer is synonymous with Pfake, Pfhony, and Pfraud

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….and phuckzer

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And pfortune

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It's stunning how often FAILURE is Rewarded these days...I guess it's a sign of the times....Sad.

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I believe it’s sabotage AND people copying what others do: a greedy free for all. You see others cheating the system, cutting corners, and figure, ‘If I don’t then someone else will.’ It’s a race to the bottom.

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Worse. HCQ & Ivermectin were identified as "curative" against SARS cov-2 by the pharmaceutical companies themselves in their proposals to DARPA!

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I advise you keep it simple:

Sociopaths are the hallmark of hideous despicable evil, and by my definition it is simply this:

Relentless lying; shameless soulless hypocrisy; causing pervading chaos destruction and death; showing absolutely no remorse for consequences caused; and finally, vile cruel mocking and disdaining healthy accepted boundaries set by society for generations.

But, we can pontificate and wax poetic about how horrific these people are until finally their evil utterly crushes your lives…

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Yeah great point. Berenson claimed ivermectin doesn't work. He made that claim while denouncing Dr. Robert Malone -- to his face -- on Fox News. He said Malone didn't invent the mRNA vaccine (he did), and that ivermectin doesn't work (it does). He promised "more to come" about ivermectin here on Substack about a week ago. Not only has he had nothing to say about it since then, I just got kicked off his Telegram channel for bringing up the topic of his silence on the issue.

You can take the writer out of the NY Times, but you can't take the NY Times out of the writer, I guess, lol...

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Copying and sharing

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Thank you Cathleen. If we all work together we can win this thing

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Thanks for the links. I started going down the rabbit hole a while ago, but your links really completed the information that was missing.

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Thank you. The author of them is very well researched and is excellent at conveying that research from my perspective. Please share what you've learned in order to raise awareness

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I did, on my FB feed, as well as will include this in an article I have been writing on my own website, shakeyourfist.com

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Thank you for your website link, I will read it. Please check back here tomorrow, where I will reply with my thoughts

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Kris, I read your excellent 'Does anyone remember The Nuremberg Code (1947)' article and left a comment. Very well done and extensive. I plan on reading more of your work in the coming days.

Thank you for working hard to fight the good fight! If we all work together we can take back what is ours.

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Thank you for this info!

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Thank you for reading. Please share it far and wide so we can stop this madness

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You got it!

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Am I the only one who is pained by the irony of donating this money to Holocaust education?

Among other things, it's painfully clear that no one has learned from that history, least of all these people who profited from forced medical experimentation, segregation, collective punishment, and other human rights abuses during the last 1-2 years.

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I thought I was reading the Babylon Bee or The Onion.

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"NEVER AGAIN! Unless we're going after THOSE people."

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He's trying to make amends, give the guy a break ;)

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You mean like when George Bush donated the proceeds of his “color by numbers quality”paintings to Iraq War veterans after he was responsible for most of their injuries? Whatta guy !!!

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I didn't know that but yeah, something on those lines indeed

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Scoundrels have no conscience especially ones with silver spoons hanging out of their ass. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2017/4/13/george-w-bush-cannot-hide-his-crimes-behind-paintings

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It's stunning how often FAILURE is Rewarded these days...I guess it's a sign of the times....Sad.

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Definitely not the only one

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Thank you for stating that, I was also thinking the same thing!

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So I, and 4 other people I work with lost our job yester For not taking the poison shot and this motherfucker gets a million. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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I am so sorry. I may be in the same position myself in a few more weeks. I hope things work out for the best for you and your coworkers.

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Thank you. I am praying for all of us. Losing my job is devastating but if I lost my health? Who is going to pay the bills then? I don’t care how I put bread on the table, it’s the fact that this employer actually believes we are dirty scum. She is losing her BEST employees and that is no exaggeration. It will be interesting to see who walks in solidarity….I’m guessing no one because they are all afraid. What ever happened to integrity?

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or professionalism. expertise. training. understanding. empathy. hold the line sista, we're with you. where we go one we go all/WWG1WGA

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Can you not get a religious exemption where you work? Note a “deeply held moral belief” qualifies as a religious belief under US law. So you don’t have to be religious or lie. In fact your devotion to telling the truth is the key. You cannot sign that consent form without lying! Therefore you cannot be vaccinated because of your religious belief. Done! Details on how to craft your request here: http://howtosee2020.com/

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Thanks but she applied for and was granted her religious exemption. They claim that her exemption would cause ‘undue hardship’ on the agency and they rejected her accommodation of continuing to work from home as she and her entire agency did and has been doing since this plandemic started. She is suing and has a complaint filed with the agency who handles discrimination. They are swamped or don’t care(they are state workers too)…

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Thank you, yes - I have already submitted a religious accommodation form, but there’s no guarantee that they’ll grant it. They should, but I just don’t know how this is going to play out. We’re in uncharted waters here. We’ll see.

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My wife got canned almost 2 months ago for refusing the vaccine. She had a good job with the state of Massachsetts that paid well. All the jobs available out there are basically minimum wage. The MSM narrative that there are plenty of good paying jobs available is horse shit. Good luck to you and you former colleagues. You are going to need it.

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Does Mass not offer a religious exemption? Everyone is eligible for one of those if offered. Not too late to sue for medical discrimination (ADA). Details here: http://howtosee2020.com

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Oops. I replied to an earlier comment by you. Thank you for the info.

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Very sorry to hear that. Do you mind saying what the circumstances are? I.e., do you all work in the medical profession? Or do you all just happen to work for a company that decided to invoke a mandate?

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My son and I are chefs. The young ladies that got fired are housekeepers and laundry. Jobs that NO ONE wants because they are hard, especially at this place (I promise to post it as soon as we have received our severance packages). It’s privately owned so this bitch didn’t have to make this policy. We’ve been working side by side for 2 years through this plandemic and now with Omicron she thinks she needs to save us, by demanding we get the shot, she is demanding A PREGNANT WOMAN get the shot! SMH🤬🤬🤬🤮🤮🤮

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So Omicron presents as a common cold, has trouble infecting the lungs, and has a very very low mortality risk. Why does your employer panic now? SMH in harmony with you.

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It’s a violation of ADA. Discrimination on basis of perceived medical condition relating to the immune system without direct threat. Maybe have some lawyer friend send a cease-and-desist

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Stay strong. You are not alone. I believe I will be with you on or after March 1.

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It's infuriating and I'm so sorry. Hang onto your life though. The poor slobs that took the shots are going to need help. Going to be a wave of disease like we've never seen before.

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Stand strong

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And... I'd like to watch while Bourla gets "boosted"....

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This should be the top comment….

Ohhh, we can’t use the F-word, because that makes us look bad…

These Civil Acquiescing Tolerant Stooges really want America to be a better place… ask them where they are relocating to in accomplishing this Kumbaya moment…

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Jan 19, 2022
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Yes, eldest son manages a Backyard Burger, was told to do the Nasal Rape tests on his underaged employees, he Flat told them he's not medically trained, + he was Not getting jabbed or masking, he's a Type 2 Diabetic, managed up to district level, lost his job, took 6 months for UE back pay, finally found a lesser job, now faces firing, Lives in a Blue county in a Red State, can't afford to move, rent has skyrocketed in the other surrounding counties. Highest Crime/Covid numbers for the State. I sent him home with my .38 revolver, ammo and holster, as I'd bought a new hammerless one. We are Permitless, as long as you follow the permit rules. I've had one since '98. And open carry most of the time.

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Willingness to take risks! Man, I wonder if the willingness to take "risks" had anything to do with the whole freedom from liability thing.

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It seems someone doesn't understand the definition of "risk," which is that "if you get it wrong, bad things could happen." Being completely indemnified from any consequences of one's actions hardly constitutes "risk" :-D What a joke.

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Is the Nuremberg Code part of holocaust education?

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Fauci Ran Grotesque AIDS “Vaccine” Experiments on MINORITY Children in the 90’s, Causing ORGAN FAILURE, DEFORMITIES, BRAIN DAMAGE


Testing on Orphan Children




good old Hatch ran a inquiry see link below

In 2005, the AIDS research division under Fauci’s agency was also required to reinstate a whistleblower, Dr. Jonathan Fishbein, its chief of ethics and regulatory compliance, after he been wrongly fired in retaliation for raising safety concerns in Fauci’s agency’s research. Link is dead. Found this 1 https://lobbyistsforcitizens.com/2021/10/28/anthony-fauci-belongs-in-prison/ Sources used: Jon Solomon report, U.S. congressional investigation of Foster kids used for Aid research.

Complaints https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/fauci-says-americans-should-trust-doctors-himself-his-career

They’re still testing on orphan kids apparently- Dr. Davey Crocko has been covering this https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZunifmFMmbyU/

The House That AIDS Built



1955–1970: Saul Krugman, MD, conducted despicable medical experiments at Willowbrook


HPV Vaccine Risks Include Genocide


Anthony Fauci’s Wife: Christine Grady – Hidden Face of the Vaccine Trials?








Guinea Pig Kids https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/guinea-pig-kids-faucis-legacy-of-cruel-experiments-on-children-dead-babies-and-mass-graves/

2nd Source https://www.democracynow.org/2004/12/22/guinea_pig_kids_how_new_york

while I've not been able to tie this to Fauci it needs more digging

More children there is a link in the article where Geraldo did a story on it https://www.forbes.com/sites/leahrosenbaum/2020/06/12/willowbrook-scandal-hepatitis-experiments-hideous-truths-of-testing-vaccines-on-humans/?sh=1c659b98279c

This is the Beagle Puppy experiments https://beckernews.com/fauci-under-fire-for-cruel-experiments-on-sick-puppies-dogs-heads-locked-in-cages-with-flesh-eating-parasites-for-science-42657/

Monkeys https://100percentfedup.com/fauci-conducted-unreliable-painful-experiments-on-rhesus-monkeys-for-vaccines/

BOYS https://www.americanlibertyemail.com/articles/fda-hearing-covid-vaccines-killing-2-for-every-1-life-saved/

Investigation Reveals Damning Info On Dr. Fauci Torturing ORPHAN BABIES And CHILDREN In His AIDS Drug Experiments


NEWSFauci’s NIH Division Paid $205K For Researchers To Study T Monkeys https://truthpress.news/news/faucis-nih-division-paid-205k-for-researchers-to-study-transgender-monkeys/

Are you familiar with the 50’s? era “Special Cancer Virus Program”? Scientists took monkey viruses, juiced them up & injected them into humans as part of a vaccine experiment. This is where RSV originated, & many of our modern day viruses like MERS were borne from these types of programs. An anon researcher who has dug into the archives (much of which has been scrubbed) was just on a YT livestream presenting his findings & it was absolutely riveting.

Starts at 21:00ish: https://youtu.be/A75vnk8M4IQ

Yell at someone who will hear you.




Fauci's dead babies


NIH under investigation for $1.2M purchase of beagles for ‘hideous’ experiments: PETA VP


The National Institutes of Health spent $1.2 million buying Beagle puppies for experimentation from a Virginia-based puppy breeding mill currently under federal investigation for animal cruelty.


NIH Files Federal Investigation into Primate Facility


National Institutes of Health investigate AZ primate research lab over animal welfare concerns




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Exactly! This whole story is filled with sick irony!

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You'd think.

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That headline is such a load of absolute shit, it's thoroughly disgusting. This man has taken zero risks and is, in fact, immunized by law from any related risks -- the only immunity available from this gene therapy.

Further, it is the common people that have been forced to endure the risks due to the oppressive decisions, policies and actions of governments. And the people taking the actual risks, in order to maintain their income, travel, etc, have no avenue for compensation.

Even those of us that have refused this atrocity have been robbed. Of our income to pay for these poisons, by lockdowns, by ridiculous and ineffective mandates such as social distancing and masking, and of course have suffered numerous associated health issues because of it.

This man is evil.

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Albert Bourla.

Got that Nuremberg defendant ring to it.

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I spent the last hour wondering if this is real, a sick joke?

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I wonder what Bourla did as a veterinarian? I knew a vet who made farm calls and seemed nice enough, but found out he was involved with a local lab that used puppies and stray dogs for experimentation. What some people will do for money - it's sickening. Forever changed my opinion of the friendly farm vet.

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James Herriot he ain't.

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Oh I LOVE James Herriot, I think I’m going to read some of his books again to take my mind off the EVIL running rampant among us!

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Bourla holds a PhD in the Biotechnology of Reproduction (from the Veterinary School of Aristotle University in Greece). particularly his involvement with the sterilisation of horses makes the whole Pfizer vaxx story so creepy -


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Look up "bleeding calves disease," and prepare to be disgusted.

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I did. I couldn't. Fauci's Beagle story pales in comparison.

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I can't handle seeing any living being in pain, even more so if intentionally inflicted. I figure it's as bad as I imagine and skip the effect the images would hold, burning a hole in my soul. God help us.

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In a circle jerk... everyone gets a prize.

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Though it could get messy 😏

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Genesis Prize Foundation also announced they will be posthumously awarding Joseph Stalin the world hunger prevention honor of merit for his incredible and courageous efforts to end starvation. He will be sharing the honor with Kim Jung Un. Vladimir Putin will also be recognized by Genesis for his lifelong dedication to Drs Without Boarders for his efforts to effectively eliminate the very concept of boarders. AOC will be the keynote speaker and she will also be named a Rhodes Scholar Emeritus based on her social media posts which are now being auctioned off at Sotheby’s alongside of Emily Bronte’s lost works. Rumor has it the entire US congress is the odds on favorite to receive the Pulitzer Prize for Economics. It’s nice to see all these people finally recognized for all the wonderful contributions they make to civilization.

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Thanks! I needed a good laugh!

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Happy to help! Thank you

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You have a career with the Babylon Bee!

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Jan 19, 2022
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Of course-its my honor.

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He definitely "took risks." But those risks were shifted to the people taking the drug.

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The irony of donating to Holocaust education...

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I credit my Jewish upbringing (including the commandment (mitzvah) of bikur cholim “visiting the sick” virus or vaccination status be damned) with helping me see through this craziness the first place. My only explanation for this micro-atrocity here is these self-styled philanthropists must have slept through class at religious school the day they were discussing Dr. Mengele. By the way it’s the secularists (primarily “left wing”) who have completely missed the point of what’s going on because they try to follow science without any regard to Torah.

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He's a right wing jew, it's his duty duh!

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You got it backwards.

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No kidding

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so the million dollars now goes to CREATING A HOLOCAUST, ugh

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Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning, Pfizer created the ending.

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Medtronic's created the worst medical devises. Robert Yoho BUTCHERED BY HEALTHCARE.

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"donate money to Holocaust education..."

Wait a few years and the Holocaust will be a footnote in history compared to the inchoate horror underway.

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Imagine being able to experiment on human children for free with no liability and not a peep out of any ethics committee anywhere in the world.

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Not just kids, those swabs have Ethylene Oxide on them, Cancer/Fertility. At room temperature, ethylene oxide is a flammable colorless gas with a sweet odor. It is used primarily to produce other chemicals, including antifreeze. In smaller amounts, ethylene oxide is used as a pesticide and a sterilizing agent. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/substances/ethylene-oxide#:~:text=At%20room%20temperature%2C%20ethylene%20oxide,pesticide%20and%20a%20sterilizing%20agent.


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When Fauci was named Chief Medical Advisor to the President, I wonder if when they said ‘Advisor’ he thought they said “add Pfizer”

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What did you expect? We live in Moderna times, after all. It's hard to look through the Merck, but you can see the outlines...

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with ethics and human freedom

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add visor.

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I don’t get the same satisfaction from reading Mr Berenson’s posts as I did before he attacked Dr Malone. An apology or proof of his statements would be the adult thing to do. Moving on as if it didn’t happen shows his left-of-center training. The Biden admin has made moving on their go-to play. Mr Berenson, you promised ‘more on ivermectin’ in your Daily Beast post last week. Where is it?

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Really sorry about your loss of satisfaction here. But Malone's crying and comparing himself to Socrates is nauseating and smells like leftist tactics also. His followers' demanding an apology seems like 7th grade girl histrionics.

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where is the proof Berenson was touting? crickets...

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I can’t speak to Alex’s motives, but by virtue of the fact that The Daily Beast wrote about it, it exposed both Alex and Malone to a wider audience. Perhaps other news sources that would never mention these two guys have disseminated this dust up and there will be some good that comes of it.

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I didn’t read the Daily Beast article however I highly doubt they tried to paint either Malone or Berenson in a kind light. The Mass Formation that the left(and the Daily Beast is way, way far left) has succumbed to is going to be difficult to undo. That being said, I hope your optimistic take is correct.

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Seems like they've also bizarrely elevated him to "can do no wrong" God status. Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TRjR7vzMhA

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Jan 19, 2022
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obviously i have supported him monetarily or i would be unable to comment. i also have all his pamphlets and pandemia. they are all filled with facts and links. his anti-ivermectin slant is unsupported.

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us non-paying followers have been able to comment not in all, but definitely some of the posts. another observation is to be aware of division, because that's what 'they' want (and it weakens our movement against them).

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His comments should have been backed up with data. That is why almost every single person reads his posts. Dr Malone responded the following day with links to his papers on the development of the mRNA tech. Mr Berenson should expound on his denial of Dr Malone’s claims. Nobody ‘invents’ such complex technology single-handedly and I don’t think Dr Malone is claiming that. Mr Berenson came off to many of us as petty. The ivermectin dig is more in his wheelhouse and he stated ‘more on that to come’ but he has not released his facts or data that he claims dispute its effectiveness. There are studies out there as well as anecdotal evidence showing it is more effective than getting yourself on a ventilator…

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Jan 19, 2022Edited
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Dismissing his claim as the inventor of the mRNA technology is a diversion tactic. If they discuss that, they avoid talking about the facts that Dr Malone has and continues to expose. In such a complicated field, no single person ‘invents’ or discovers new technologies(granted there are rare instances). The technologies are discovered, invented and designed by teams of researchers and technicians.

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Jan 19, 2022
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Yeah, it's funny - they can give an EUA to an experimental drug that was a month old...but they can't give an EUA to an established drug that has been used safely and successfully for *other* treatments for a half-century and more than one billion times.

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yup. however, one can't have the official narrative implode now, can you.

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Jan 19, 2022
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Yes, but the docs' and the medical boards' resistance to allowing it to be prescribed as a WuFlu treatment would be completely mitigated if they *did* issue an EUA *for* its use on the Chinese virus.

That's a rhetorical point, I know, because the med boards and gov't don't WANT it to be available, because the med boards and gov't are IN Big Pharma's pockets, and Big Pharma's profits would be destroyed if IVM were to get an EUA for the CCP virus.

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Do you or anyone on this thread know specifically what Alex Berenson's view of Ivermectin is? All I've ever heard him say is that it hasn't been shown to be effective or it's not a "magic bullet." Has he, for example, commented anywhere about all the studies (75 to date; see here: https://c19ivermectin.com)? If his position (which I don't know) is simply that there are no randomized trials of large enough size to justify a belief in ivermectin's effectiveness as either a prophylactic or early treatment, then that is simply a philosophical position as to what constitutes scientific knowledge or a sufficient level of medical certainty as to a drug's efficacy against a particular pathogen. So, if anyone can provide a fuller account of what Mr. Berenson believes, that would be appreciated.

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Do you or anyone on this thread know specifically what Alex Berenson's view of Ivermectin is? All I've ever heard him say is that it hasn't been shown to be effective or it's not a "magic bullet." Has he, for example, commented anywhere about all the studies (75 to date; see here: https://c19ivermectin.com)? If his position (which I don't know) is simply that there are no randomized trials of large enough size to justify a belief in ivermectin's effectiveness as either a prophylactic or early treatment, then that is simply a philosophical position as to what constitutes scientific knowledge or a sufficient level of medical certainty as to a drug's efficacy against a particular pathogen. So, if anyone can provide a fuller account of what Mr. Berenson believes, that would be appreciated.

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The jury will be out if the Covidians have their way. The nearest thing they have to ‘treatment’ is the jab and masks, both of which have a lot of data showing they are of limited to no value and in the case of the jab, negative efficacy(after a few months) and adverse reactions that in the past would have forced the drug to be pulled from use.

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Maybe the family will highlight this in his obituary after he's hung for crimes against humanity 🤔

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Well, since we’re seeing history repeat itself here, perhaps he and Fraudci will get the Mussolini treatment.

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Ahhh...we can only wish (sigh).

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More like think of the justice to be metted-out to these monsters by the Almighty - especially those doing this (and worse) to children.

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Alex, stop with the shenanigans, and stop with hoping we will all forget your attack on Dr. Malone.

I know, it’s a trick you learned at the NYTimes.

Malone has you in checkmate.

Apologize, publicly and thoroughly.

Enough said.

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I'm letting my subscription run out this month. I've got enough good covid stacks to read without feeling dissed. Alex already has plenty of my money.

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I was really upset—he sh@t on my man Malone the day after I bought his book.

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The book was a good read. But I'm done with my support.

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I agree. Especially when lives are at stake. Loyalty to the cause, character and judgment matter.

the youth and the lefty's have no clue. Probably not their fault, Weak upbringing and poor role models, And the influence of liberal television.

Yet though it did help me explore other people on substack That are more proactive rather than reactive as here. Don't stagnate get proactive.

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I know there are dangers in becoming a rigid ideologue, but honor and loyalty matter. Their degradation is precisely how we have become divided and profligate as a culture.

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At the very least let's hear about Ivermectin as you stated.

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Waiting for that too.

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A place to communicate with former subscribers:


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Jan 19, 2022
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Sounds like you know him personally maybe you could fill us in of his character. As I can only go off of what seen With my eyes and heard With my ears. I guess if you knew him you'd know hes mostly known for his fictional is writing.

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Jan 19, 2022Edited
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Words matter and you used none of these words in your post.

I'm guessing you're here to defend Alex Somebody has to try as he is unable to Apparently.

Guessing about fauci and anal probes hard hitting science to you.

Science tip, Pay attention. Dark chocolate helps with the dementia.

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It's not a risk to produce vaccines as quickly as possible when you have legal immunity from said vaccines.

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"...willing to take risks." Seriously? They're immune from liability, give me an f'ing break. More absurd than Barry winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

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Holy shit, for taking risks, with other peoples lives, without giving them full disclosure

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So it’s like a $1 million bounty for killing Bob Saget.

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Bill Gates money stretches far and wide

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This is beyond preposterous. While they are freely passing out awards, let's give joey the "Einstein" award. This is exactly why all these awards and prizes have been reduced to nothing more than "Cracker Jack" toys in a box and are completely meaningless. Throw in Obama's Nobel peace prize as well.

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Excuse me for not being shocked.

Recall, a biracial man Barry Sotoreo with a Connecticut social security number yet having never lived in Connecticut, became the first "black" president of the United States and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize just days after being sworn in having done not a thing to deserve the prize. Next fauxci will be given the countries highest civilian award or something.

Oops! My bad! He already has that one.

"President George W. Bush shares the achievements of Dr. Anthony Fauci as he awards Dr. Fauci with the 2008 Presidential Medal Of Freedom.'

Coincidentally roughly the same year Barry got his prize! (Thick sarcasm)

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I didn't realize until I grew older, the vast majority of these "awards" the Oscar's, Tony's, humanitarian awards, etc. Are all BS! Just a bunch of elitist pricks telling each other how wonderful they are.


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Welcome to the party, pal.

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Time Magazine named Hitler "Man of the Year".

Our species is so smart, and yet so stupid.

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Oh, the irony. Bourla who is committing genocide worldwide, is awarded for his accomplishments in aiding and getting rich off of it. Then he donates the money to Holocaust Education. It must mean to learn how to perfect the art of mass murder and be good at it.

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He can enjoy it now. When the truth about these tox shots is elucidated, he'll be on trial for crimes against humanity, just like every person who administered them. I am a retired pharmacist, but I would have quit before giving a single one. I can't wait to watch "Nuremberg 2.0" on television.

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Willingness to TAKE risks???

No, willingness to MAKE risks.

He took his alleged risk all the way to the bank. As Sowell says, "You should never give power to people who will pay NO price for being wrong". (paraphrased)

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Easy to take risks when the USA federal government gives you $18 billion to come up with a failed product with absolutely no liability. Now that’s some award. And the parade plays on.

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The only risk this criminal took was to the health of 100’s of millions of innocent victims.

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I didn’t know they donated and raised money to create Holocausts either? I thought the idea was to memorialize them so they’d never happen again? Reminds me of something you’d see in Superman comics Bizarro World.

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That is just disgusting.

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I know this is probably a stupid statement, at this point, but will say it anyway-I am Stunned, Sad, Ashamed, Incredulous, and Super Angry at where we are!

First, Alex you always said you would tell the truth to your audience and that you value us. It’s time you put your money where your mouth is and explain why you hurt every single one of us the other night. I am NOT debating or even asking about Dr Malone or IVM. I am saying, the biggest problem with this pandemic is censorship! Period! If there was honest debate, legitimate death numbers, legitimate and honest information about the vaccines EVERYTHING would change. That was the platform you were suppose to be speaking about. Why did you throw that away? Please, do NOT patronize me and start talking about the doctor or the drug that’s what Fauci, Biden (while reading the script), and the elites do! Answer that question first!

Second, everything in medicine is subjective! There is NO Fact or perfect cure! Some things help some people. Back surgery works about half the time. For those it helps, it’s great. For those it doesn’t, it’s not so great. That is a fact in medicine! Why then, would you not try every drug for a disease. Why not try every last treatment. Especially, if the drugs have been used and proven safe over long periods of time? Debate is the cure! Trial and Error are paramount! What is dangerous is preventing debate. Selling one size fits all for everyone and every age! That is truly evil and dangerous!

Third, there was a reason why until now healthcare providers and trained professionals were the ones giving injections and dispensing medication! They were trained! If I have to explain this further, I am going to scream! I will simply say you wouldn’t hire a plumber to fix your computer. You also want a plumber to fix a broken toilet!

We need to get back to some common sense. A place where we allow free and open debate. Trial and error where you don’t tar and feather someone for a different point of view! We Must Stop Shooting ourselves in the foot. If you do, acknowledge it, we will respect you more for it and move on!

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Margaret, you wrote "Alex hurt every single one of us the other night." That's ridiculous. He didn't hurt me. Evidently you feel aggrieved. How did he hurt you?

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Alex was invited on to discuss censorship! Not to argue about Ivermectin etc. IF we didn’t have censorship we could debate it all. Does ivermectin work? I have no idea. Dr Malone is probably right about some things and wrong on others. Alex is probably also right on some things but not others. It has been hard to get any information. The reason is censorship! It would be nice to hear a debate. Unfortunately, we can hardly discuss anything. Alex is suing Twitter for censorship! I’m confused on the argument here. I think when guests sandbag each other that takes away from the censorship topic. Even the host was shocked. We is great we are able to discuss our disagreement. Isn’t that the point of no censorship?

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Sorry, the second to last sentence should say, Isn’t it great that we are able to discuss our disagreement?

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"You also want a plumber to fix a broken toilet!"

Your argument assumes all plumbers are equally competent and proficient. Hell, we had a plumber who plumbed our bathroom sink WITHOUT the required trap, and so sewer gases back-flowed into our bathroom until a different plumber identified the problem. Furthermore, your argument ignores that there are plenty of non-plumbers who are qualified to fix a broken toilet.

I myself - a frickin' CPA, never to be mistaken for a handyman - I myself have successfully replaced plenty of sinks, faucets, light fixtures, installed a dishwasher, wired and installed an over-the-range microwave, fixed a sump pump installation, I could go on - the point is, we're not all one-trick-ponies. Our skills and aptitudes extend beyond our primary bailiwick.

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one of Margaret B's main points is exactly that 'Selling one size fits all for everyone and every age.... is truly evil and dangerous!', which we all seem to agree on. an unskilled part-timer trying to stab a needle in someone's arm in a parking lot....no thanks! our janitor's good with computers ánd is an accomplished amateur classical singer, but we don't quite trust him with our computer and have only seen him performing once, that was enough. nice guy, and an excellent janitor though.

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"Why then, would you not try every drug for a disease."

With that rationale, the FDA *would* have approved Thalidomide for use in America. Thankfully, they did not.

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“Willing to take risks” like assuming zero liability for adverse reactions while taking in all the profit.

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"Holocaust Education" Is that ironic?

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I know right?...I'm ways they're so transparent...like the fascist group calling themselves antifa

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Should be called The Apocalypse Award. These wicked people are mocking us.

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Most conservatives are used to this

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By Holocaust education, he means he's paying himself in advance for his memoirs.

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Holocaust education indeed.

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I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.🤑

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Only a little?

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wow man, you started to engage with the readers! good for you!

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Alex gonna Alex 😎

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Alex, I’m a physician who’s been inspired by your work, but greatly discouraged by your attack on Dr. Malone—a good man and a courageous physician. I’ve been following the ivermectin research closely. Please look into the work that Dr. Tess Lawrie has done. She’s done work for the Cochrane Review—that publishes the best science available for recommendations regarding medical treatments. All physicians highly respect what they publish. Because of her research into ivermectin, she’s started the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD). Please take a peek at what she has to say. I just bought your book recently. I feel you owe people like me a bit of respect too.

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Ok a lot, but you guys are in USA and probably having afternoon s'mores or some $#!%, didn't want to ruin the afternoon buzx😁🤣😂

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By the way, I think there is inherently a self-destructive/masochistic tendency by Jews. And I am Jewish so I can say that.

It’s just incredibly stupid and moronic that American Jews as a large majority vote Democrat, they might as well go to the voting booth with razor blades and cut themselves up as they check off the letter “D“ with reckless abandon…

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The prize should include a little golden calf - shiny beads of gold by it's eyes as though crying tears of blood - UH - joy. Tears of joy. That blood thing is another Pfizer Moment.

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First of all, thank you for the opportunity to comment.

Even sociopaths at times honor their own. After all, they want to make sure that they acknowledge that someone making an effort to wipe out the human race should get some kudos.

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Lmfao, we are living in the Twilight zone!

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Jewish organizations: "Dear world-dominating Jewish guy, here's a million bucks for killing goy kids, which we hope you will launder into more propaganda."

Goy parents: "I don't want to be called an anti-semite but doesn't this feel kinda wrong?"

Jewish organizations: "ANTI-SEMITE!!!!"

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Fraud all the way around!

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Here is another “prize winner” not giving up on vaccines. https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/the-vaccinators-will-never-stop-vaccinating

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No more vaccines until they have gone through a normal 5-10 year clinical trial. No more EUA.

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Truly appalling prospect...

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Which Holocaust is CEO donating? 1936-1945 or 2020-2022?

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Aren’t they the same, just an 80 year gap for the generation gap of horrific sociopaths to regroup?

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How ironic -- Israel rewarding someone who's helping to maim or murder its own people, with proceeds going to Holocaust Museum. Couldn't make this stuff up.

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It's the foundation, not necessarily the nation of Israel. If anything, Israel has a great deal of dissent right now about vaccines and boosters. Some experts are calling it over. I did do a quick post on just that today. https://americanexile.substack.com/p/israel-is-leaving-the-fauci-alliance

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TY Lost in my mind

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Here we have a brand new, huge study that ran a full year with clear results in infection, hospitalization and deaths all reduced substantially through prophylactic use of Ivermectin. Peer reviewed. It is larger, longer and offers more credible conclusions than the vaccine studies by far.


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Wait, what? "willingness to take risks?" Shouldn't it say "willingness to take risks with other people's lives?" It is hard to fathom that "willingness to take risks" would be an award winning attribute in a Pharma exec.

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