Wait, so companies are held liable for “misinformation”, but vaccine makers aren’t liable for actual physical bodily harm?! This world makes no sense anymore.

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Effectively we're in a war with a deadly enemy, or so the government wants us to think (and many, many of us do). Technically, in the USA, people can be opposed to participation in a war, and many have opposed wars throughout our history, from the War of 1812 to the Iraq war in 2002.

But governments waging war don't appreciate dissenters. They're considered traitors, and laws are passed to silence or detain them. No leader is immune to this tendency, not even The Great Emancipator Abraham Lincoln.

So in the present conflict, Alex Berenson practices treason. So do Martin Kulldorf, Pierre Kory, Robert Malone, Joe Rogan, and a host of other "dissidents". They must be silenced, lest they undermine the "war effort".

For anyone who lived through the Vietnam War, this must seem familiar. Except the Right was most likely then to be censorious. In this war, it's mostly the Left.

But there's something I find ironic. In a shooting war, the goal is to shoot the enemy. In this war, our government wants all of us to be "shot".

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But we are in a war against a deadly enemy--the current administration, pharma, big tech, and all the morons and goons who support these global predators.

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My recollections of the Vietnam era and the war itself have resurfaced based on what is occurring today. Tyranny needs to be met head on by brave people who are willing to speak out and push back. Pushing back on tyranny is the only thing that stops it.

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But there's something I find ironic. In a shooting war, the goal is to shoot the enemy. In this war, our government wants all of us to be "shot".

Makes you wonder what this shot actually does ;)

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We are slowly finding out. Is one of the reasons that I/we follow Alex and his ongoing research.

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How many killed by the vaccine to date? Blood on the hands of the Obama/Biden administration.

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My relatives and friends who are vaccinated willfully went from believing the vaccination provided immunity to believing now if they get covid with it they will have a milder response than without the shot. They grab hold of every report of a death or hospitalization about someone unvaccinated to prove their point. My mom had the vaccine and was diagnosed with covid. She believes the shot kept her from having such a bad case of it but I don’t know if that’s true or not. The day after she was diagnosed she got Regeneron antibodies. I think early treatment is the key and needs to be given to people regardless of vaccination status. But I’m angry that the shot that she took which was supposed to keep her from getting Covid didn’t keep her from getting Covid and yet at the same time I feel like maybe I’m stubborn that I’ve not gotten the shot

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I completely understand your frustration… I’ve had Covid twice ( London 12/29/19 and Colorado 1/28/21)… I’m terrified the vaccine will aggravate my weakened immune system that never recovered and I’m petrified I’ll catch it again.. my physicians in NYC don’t agree and my pediatrician said do what feels right but millions took it.. so? I’m worried about what it does long term with clotting and my long haul symptoms that plague me daily. It took months to be able to do chores without needing a break every hour. I’m not sure as an unvaccinated person that I’m the reason it’s spreading. No one I know isn’t unvaccinated except a gal in Texas who is a long hauler as well. It’s going to get UGLY next summer now that Sweden blocked Moderna for people under 30!!!! Parents won’t want their kids in college etc getting the shot again.

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The UK is reporting that vaccinated people account for something like 14k cases per day.... of course the US doesn't track this kind of information for obvious reasons. Regardless, it's much more likely that the vaccinated people around you are spreading the virus than you are with natural immunity.

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I hate to hear you are struggling with recovery. I am pretty confident the vaccinated and unvaccinated could both spread it if we are sick. My dad is vaccinated and I am pretty sure he gave it to my mom. Not sure where they got it. But who can really even know if it is truly covid when the tests can also be wrong. I did read that Country was blocking vaccine for people under 30 and I think that is smart other than what is being done here pushing it on people. Best we can do is try to be as healthy and careful as we can and try to go on and lead our lives. Praying you recover strength

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What a lovely, mature and kind reply… indeed we all managed to stop the spread without a vaccine … eventually everyone like the flu or a cold will be exposed, catch it and have it … expecting a vaccine for this type of virus ( unlike smallpox and measles) to cure the world permanently is unrealistic. At what cost to the young people who have been locked inside for 12 months plus? I had Nyc physicians (2 plus a nurse in the pediatrician’s office) apologise to me after arguing that I did not catch it in December of 2019 in London.. one argued that I didn’t have it again in Colorado in 1/2021 after my whole family became sick with it, testing positive! NYC physicians affiliated with New York Weill Cornell..only my obgyn said let’s use logic.. of course you had it in London. You probably brought it back ( I went to bed for weeks and didn’t see anyone !!) … and she didn’t argue about me catching it from my husband who went out 2 nights in a row at 5 pm with work colleagues outside!! This virus is tricky, sneaky and the most frustrating in that you don’t know you have it …. Accusing me of killing people when I’m washing, masking, respecting distance etc and not going out a lot.. is beyond evil. Everyone has lost their humanity.

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I don't have a scientific background (my Dad does) but were you actually diagnosed twice with Covid? PCR tests? My understanding is you can't catch it twice, due to T Cell immunity. Just respectfully asking because you are the first person I have seen to state you caught it twice. And you have not had the vax. Thank you for giving more info about your situation.

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It’s unfortunate but true. December 2019 Dec 28: deathly ill in London hotel. After day 1 with high fever, chest pain unlike I’ve never felt I knew it wasn’t food poisoning. Told the hotel whatever I had was so nasty that my daughter and I couldn’t allow anyone in..she was not sick… was recovering from a concussion which is why we were not in the USA with family in Colorado… too risky for her recovery so we went to see godfather in uk… it didn’t occur to me until March 17 that it was Covid. It felt as if an elephant was on my chest; I kept saying it’s a tumor as a joke. I slept 8

18 hours plus in 48 hours and was a mess. I knew it wasn’t a normal virus. In late April I tested positive for the antibodies. Fast forward to January 2021…my husband went out to an outdoor bar at 5 pm with a co worker who had Covid in 2020… the next night we went to dinner alone. Our table was too close to a loud, boozy group of 8… I almost walked… that was 1/22/21… on 1/25 my husband and daughter left my family’s house, flew home and promptly became ill on 2/26/27…on 1/28 I had a fever of 102.5 and my son was sick in bed… we were so sick we couldn’t eat or crawl upstairs to get liquids without resting. On

1/31/21 my husband tested positive but my daughter’s 1/27 test was negative. Her 2/2 school saliva test was positive!! I have proof that over12 months apart that I caught it again…I’m not anti vaccine or pro ..but if we can catch the flu more than once we can catch Covid twice. Physicians argued with me until I showed them my tests. … antibodies didn’t help me not catch the Boulder variant (?) but as my husband said maybe it kept you from dying? Who knows but I can’t assume I won’t catch it a third time. No one is willing to discuss cases like mine or that so many are suffering with vaccine reactions. It’s just a mess.

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And I would like to add (should have said earlier) I feel terrible for you and your current situation. I truly hope you feel better. Long haul I understand can be debilitating. I apologize, I am losing my empathy in this 2 year fear crisis. You are obviously suffering and I wish only for you to feel better.

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My feeling, too. They are so desperate to bully everyone into taking this, I am left wondering what does this injection really do?

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Back when I was coming of political age, the 'leaders' told me I was unpatriotic because I was against the Iraq war. I didn't care then and nothing the 'leaders' have done since makes me think I should care what they say/think about me.

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I find it confusing that those with whom this Vietnam like practices, should be so familiar, and youd think therefore ineffective, are the ones screaming loudest for censorship, shutdowns, masking, etc!! In my personal experience, it's those that don't know any better (millennial and younger) being that they didn't live through Vietnam and it's lengthy aftermath. And those that SHOULD know better, those that recognise censorship, government BS and corporate greed- those freedom loving hippies from the 60's! As a child of one of those freedom fighters, I am flabbergasted at their current lack of fight☹

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And that is a tragedy. Sounds like they were never afforded the opportunity to crawl through a jungle. Changes ones perspective in interesting ways. I am all for peace but there may become a time.

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Good point, Bob. Its only a reason for taking away our liberties. And if the Feds come after parents who oppose CRT then maybe its time for an armed conflict.

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Sadly, history tends to repeat itself and we mortals prove over and over that we slow learners. 100 million souls lost there lives in combat or starved to death during WWII because they failed to push back on tyrants (ie. Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and on and on.) Chew on that.

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The kill shots the government is pushing are just as lethal as lead.

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It is clearly what corrupt Pharma asked for. They are desperate. Like a cornered rat. Remember that desperate people/animals act irrationally and make mistakes. They will trip up.

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Hold the line. Keep pushing. Another Project Veritas drop tonight. Drip, drip, drip. We will break them.

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From your lips...

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'Time and daylight'

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What we are observing on a daily basis, and Alex' dogged research and hunger for knowledge is a direct result of 'Time and Daylight'. It's proven. Trust me. I'm old.

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A very good contrast showing the absurdity of it all.

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An absurdity is a reality that shouldn't exist.

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It makes sense. You just have to look at it through green-tinted glass.

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“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names/words will never hurt me”

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IF ONLY Alex Berenson was becoming HHS Secretary in 2025...

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Yes! We could trust them again!

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Not until he embraces HQC cocktail and Ivermectin, which I have not seen here. If I am incorrect, please accept my apology.

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I don’t know how he feels about those but I feel certain that even if he didn’t like or believe in them, he would still allow them to be tried. I can’t see Alex ever being a tyrant like the loons in charge are now. My family all had Covid and my dad passed away. If HCQ and Ivermectin had been available at that time, we definitely would have tried them.

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They were available at the start of this plandemic, but we were lied to so until President Trump said something, we didn't know. Then the global predators shut that down, though Trump might have fought that better. I am sad for you that you lost your dad.

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Thank you! Yes, this whole thing has been one big lie. If those in charge really cared about America, it would have been over by now with so much less death. President Trump did his best for us and I miss him every day.

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Full-blown fascism is here -- and it's going to be really, really difficult to root it out.

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It’s only going to increase. Fascists always come in under the guise of being there and acting for the good of a nation

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Let us start with the plan, the action for the successful eradication project. We know their end-game. We know its repercussions.

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Why root it out? Ignore it. Laws? who right now is obeying them? Think.

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Ignoring - sure. But try to ignore the Internal Revenue Code and see where that gets you - especially when two-thirds of your income is Social Security and Navy pension, and the rest of it comes from qualified retirement savings.

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Can't cash out your Navy Pension or move it to an IRA? You need to get as detached from pension and govt income as you can. The economic situation in 2022 particularly will be trying for those on fixed incomes. Start getting cash.

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Oh please. You must know better than that. You can't cash out a Navy Pension (or 'move it to an IRA.') I know getting detached from government is the way to go, but when you're 75 years old, that's wishful thinking.

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Just get some cash, Frederic! (And let me know the secret when you figure it out...)

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Listen to Travis-- and BTW, like you assumed I am American I assumed you have cash.

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Nope. I planned out my retirement three-legged stool during my working years, figuring a Navy pension, and social security, and maximizing 401k contributions would be the way to go. Our house is debt free (a reverse mortgage is my hole card when all else fails), but here we are. 'Just get some cash . . . ' Okay. Yeah sure. Rob a bank?

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PS - if you are not American, I'm beginning to envy you.

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Fascism was traditionally defined as the corporatist control of private industry by government (leftists doing what they do so well, have redefined the concept as right-wing authoritarianism), but if we use the traditional definition, then it's not merely the government that we need to fight, but the corporations as well. As we see all too well with the oligopolies currently colluding with this administration to suppress free speech rights and to enforce unconstitutional vaccination decrees.

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Fascism: the marriage of government and business.

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Exactly. You said it so much more succinctly than I did.

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Thanks. I put it there as sound bite for people to use and easy to remember. I think your explanation is excellent and lays out the details, which is important. Hopefully once people use that sound bite, it will create an opening for a larger discussion based on your comment.

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Oh, you mean Xavier Becerra, the sleazy lawyer who was caught flat footed by Rand Paul last week about natural immunity? You want him to evaluate what is misinformation....no one better than a sleazy lawyer, I'll give you that.

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That's ballsy. Let's attack the guy on the platform he's banned from.

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Those who are still on Twitter should pass along Alex's reply ~ many times!

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We now need separation between State and health.

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Or Separation of State and Big Pharma.

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“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges.”—George Carlin

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You make a lot of very dishonest and greedy people angry, Alex. Well done.

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Making all the right enemies.

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These are the exact same tactics they used to thwart the truth about vaccines causing autism. Just look up the Hannah Poling case to see the truth. Under Obama they censored any evidence or scientific proof that yes, indeed vaccines do cause autism. Then they quietly removed the mercury (thimerosal) from most childhood vaccines, never admitting it was mercury poisoning that damaged the infant brains. Then they broadened the diagnostic criteria to include many more disorders under the Autism umbrella so now you can’t compare the incidence rates. These government hacks need to be fired and criminally prosecuted!!

F*** Joe Biden!!

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Hope you don’t mind I took a snap shot of your answer and posted it to his Twitter ? So now you did answer him on Twitter 😉

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LOL brilliant!

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This is why they will not win-- the ingenuity of people🥰 Technocrats cant think outside their box

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I was going to do the same thing but could not find the tweet. I guess he couldn't handle the responses.

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These people are incredibly dangerous. That they feel perfectly able to post this stuff in public is mind boggling. There is no society in the history of the world that has survived the thought police.

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The day Alex Berenson becomes HHS Secretary is the day government corruption no longer exists. Basically, the day he'll freezes over.

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Alex, I’m on a tour from Savannah to Charleston. It’s so instrumental to watch people from all areas of the country on this tour and to listen to them as they talk about slavery, segregation and now COVID. So many progressive liberals believe that they alone are smart enough to determine what needs to be enacted and who and what needs to be silenced. This country will split into 2 to 4 countries if socialists progressives stay in power. They are willing to do anything, including harassing ladies in the restroom to force their opinions down our throats.

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Note how , as did Hitler and Mousolini, they try to take guns first, THEN use DOJ( proven crooked) to stop parents at schools and now, “misinformation”@ will be labeled “terrorist”! Beware Alex

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Alex - I had you down for the chief of the ministry of truth ...

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As I said to friends as the first such laws were passed, "hate crime" laws were the camel's nose under the tent. A crime is a crime without somehow mind-reading the perpetrator. Now "hate speech" is considered by many to be a crime, even silence when confronted with certain topics..."silence is violence". Any law that restricts speech on political, scientific, social or other topics of societal concern based on some interpretation of the characterization of the speakers thoughts should be stricken from the books as unconstitutional. Now anyone proposing to remove these laws is shouted down as racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, etc. This will be a long struggle.

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I agree and have felt for years the same way with "safety" laws such as helmets, etc. It removes responsibility for the only person who is truly responsible, yourself.

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'Misinformation' is what the Communists called thoughts with which they disagreed.

It was almost always countered with government propaganda.

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I work at Google and have been there for almost 5 years. Right when I started, the company started making noise about "combatting misinformation" and such. On a company forum, I posted the following in Sep 2017 because I knew exactly where they were trying to go with this:

“This language to me seems like bait & switch, even if well-intentioned:

'At the same time, we’re elevating the voices that are most credible in speaking out against terrorism, hate, and violence. YouTube’s Creators for Change program highlights online stars taking a stand against xenophobia and extremism. And Facebook's P2P program has brought together more than 5,000 students from 68 countries to create campaigns to combat hate speech. And together the companies have participated in hundreds of meetings and trainings to counter violent extremism including events in Beirut, Bosnia, and Brussels and summits at the White House, here at the United Nations, London, and Sydney to empower credible non-governmental voices against violent extremism.'

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that "fighting terrorism" is the pretext for actually cracking down on whatever speech Google et al find offensive, to include "hate speech", in a world where a Jewish speaker arguing for free speech is considered"hate speech". Again, how is Google ensuring that their technology does not become weaponized as a tool for the Radical Left?”

It was clear to me then and painfully clear now that combatting misinformation was a smokescreen for "Our candidate (Hillary) lost, and no small part of that was due to information that was beyond our control to limit, so we need to stop that."

If this is allowed, then it is absolutely beyond question that we no longer live in a free society and the country, as conceived by the Founders, is gone.

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I suspect you are younger than myself. All that means is that I have had the benefit of observing first-hand the demise of our country. It is much, much further gone than you perceive. But, you seem to have the foundation and potentially a platform to engage in more research (i.e., our country's true history) and bring about true change (that is, return to our principles which are based on individual freedom and liberty).

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Well, I'm in my mid-50s and have been politically aware since I was 19 (thank you Dr. James Muller, Prof of Poli Sci 101 and good ole Rush Limbaugh). Been seeing the same trainwreck...

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Dont you love those great teachers (where are they now?) Good ones like Mark Crispin Miller are drummed out by "woke faculty and students" and now do wonderful pieces on Substack. I recommend him highly.

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Ditto-- I am 60 -- I totally agree-- its been a trainwreck in slow mo.

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"Don't be evil" 🤣🤣🤣 that makes sense if you can define what is evil which is what Google and Tech do. That day I switched search engines.

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Have you noticed they don't use the slogan "Don't be evil" anymore.

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A lawyer by trade, serving as a federal bureaucrat, making medical decisions for the general public — last time the world tried that, I believe his name was Eichmann.

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Maybe that Klobuchar bill is a good thing, so Pfizer and Moderna can now be held liable for all their false statements about their own sh*tty vaccines

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It won't be applied that way though. The left will define "misinformation".

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Depends on what the definition of "is" is !

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They will make a mistake. Overreaching assholes always do

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Greenwald’s latest segues seamlessly with your observation. Alex.https://greenwald.substack.com/p/democrats-and-media-do-not-want-to

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Thanks for sharing this link. It makes a lot more sense than the Epoch Times article I read this morning. I knew there was something wrong if I was agreeing with Vietnam Dick.

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Yeah, this is a great read.

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My momma brought me up to think. When I asked for advice about what to teach my infant son, momma said, "teach him to think". I know real tinfoil hat BS when I see it (like this guy's tweet).

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sounds like klobachar is establishing a ministry of truth under the guise of maintaining the frightened populace...

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Of course it is

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I no longer call myself unvaccinated but vaccine-free. Try it. Stops 'em in their tracks.

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First off, anything called the Klobuchar Bill tells you everything you need to know about it’s guidance on any matter. Secondly, 2025 can’t come soon enough Mr. Secretary.

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These people are scary, this is misinformation at it best. This question is long overdue, but why does anyone in government or the private sector feel they have the right to censor anyone. The Supreme Court allowed Neo-Nazis to protest and march in Skokie, Ill. back in the 70's. Now I guess they are running our government

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Censorship is admission they have no case. Competent people rebut critics. Incompetents censor.

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Ministry of Truth?

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So Twitter still has you censored? Got to love their support of the 1st Amendment.🙃

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China Joe and company have it all pretty well sewn up for our switch to Socialism. Im afraid the end os near. No one in power is stopping this China takeover of the free world. Just sayin--

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Ding. Ding. Ding. Right answer Alex.

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Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov foretold exactly what is happening even back in the mid 1980s. These useful idiots in the media will find themselves squashed once a takeover is complete because they thought they would be in powerboat Will realize realize it was all a ruse, so they become dissenters with too much knowledge, which can't be tolerated. Nicki Minoj found that out early and is trying to sound the alarm. Here's part of an interview with Bezmenov where he talks about this:


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Excellent commentary and observations. In addition, the current vaccine mandate program is following precisely the model used for population control in China (forced abortions and IUDs carried out largely via employment mandates).

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And it is beyond creepy and sick

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Message delivered.

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What liability does the guberment have for disseminating false or misleading health information? Maybe Klobuchar would like to pass a bill that actually protects the American people and not additional legalese that hurts them.

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The construction of WOKE-Auschwitz has begun... arbeit macht frei

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From the Glass-Half-Full Department: apparently this nutjob concedes that the president in 2025 won't be Biden, Harris or any other socialist/Marxist traitor.

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They need to rename that bill "The Joseph Goebbels" propaganda act of 2021, in remembrance of the actions of the man who pioneered large scale propaganda and censorship for political purposes.

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Hold the line Alex. Big change is coming.

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Are you a conservative yet, Alex?

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I would love for him to respond. Also ask: Glen Greenwald and Alan Dershowitz

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He won't, and that's okay. We don't have to agree on every subject. At least we know we can have an honest conversation with classical liberals. Alex doesn't wake up every day and check his talking points email from the DNC. He thinks for himself, as do I.

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Conservative in the Grover Cleveland sense of the word

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You speak for so many of us, Alex......and your courage in the face of the onslaught of mindless groupthink inspires us to speak up more ourselves. Thank you! Because of your courage and the courage of a few high profile individuals, we are emboldened to take a clear stand in the public forum..... and more and more of us are

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Ohhhhh they are so afraid of you. They hate the truth. Keep speaking.

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"Congress shall make no law ... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press..." That was simple. One man's truth is another's "misinformation". Such a law would be a blatant violation of the First Amendment, full stop, case closed.

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People assume others act as they (would) act. Which explains why the democrats surrounded Washington DC with concertina wire and soldiers. They would have rioted for months if they had lost the election.

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So how exactly does the Klobuchar bill differ from a Ministry of Truth? And by the way, why is it not misinformation to say that the current "vaccines" are FDA-approved?

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Starting today: "HHS vaccination ads use a new tactic to increase Covid-19 vaccination rates: fear"

It's an "CNN exclusive" so I won't post a link. But, the story is that HHS will start a scare campaign today to get people to "volunteer" to participate in their vaccine experiment. Looks like the campaign targets, let's say, certain demographics...

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Supreme Court....where are you?

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if you have ever read 1984 or brave new world, this is how they do it. an invisible enemy. always. this is a psychological war much like in those books, where humanity literally loses its...humanity. communication is broken, ability for independent thought and true emotions are broken. that is what they would like to see. that is their end game. complete domination. like we are NPC in their video game.

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Thank you, Alex, for standing strong and speaking the truth!

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The vaccine makers are using Senator Klobuchar to appoint a sales manager. With Delta slipping away and people rightfully standing up to mandates, Pharma is in a panic.

They’re asking “how do we sell vaccines when the pandemic is over”?

The answer: It’s not our problem

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