The media chronically lies all day long spilling their toxic poison into living rooms all across the world. They are the abhorrent loathsome mouthpieces for this COVID takeover, and now they've politicized nearly everything in our society as an extremely powerful mechanism of control.

Politicization is so effective at manipulating the populace because most people emotionally connect their personal belief system to the belief system of their political party, and so then any attack on their party - legitimate or otherwise - is interpreted by their brain as an attack on themselves. Reason and logic then jump out the nearest window as raw emotion takes the helm, thus making them even more susceptible to the predatory controlling influences.

This is an extremely damaging and misfortunate exploit of human nature. Worse, this exploit is as easy to execute as flipping a light switch for the majority of the population - and it is currently being employed to its maximum effect.


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That’s probably the best article on our current media situation I have read thus far. Simply outstanding

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Thought the same thing!

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Thanks for all you hearts, that means a lot.

We are not going to give up without a fight. If any of you care to help us spread our message there are a few ways to do that on our site.

If we all do our research and share what we learn we can win this!

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Mee too 🤗🤗🤗.

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Thanks Gemma!

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Project Mocking Bird Never Ended. It has evolved into something more nefarious.

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It certainly seems that way twistertim.


In the past the CIA at least had the decency to hide their media infiltration. If they are doing this overtly now, god only knows what they are doing covertly.

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I'm told by my grandfather that The Shadow knows....

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Who knew how easily programmed the majority of the population was? I'm most gobsmacked by the people I regard(ed?) as smart who've completely fallen for The Narrative.

Saw and shared the below post today on FB. It doesn't contain any keywords that will flag an account restriction, and the post nails it:

PERSONAL THOUGHT (you do not have to agree): If you understand what's going on and didn't take the poison, you have survived the greatest psychological warfare in human history. Do you realize how much time, resources, money and effort they have put into this? They tried to manipulate, brainwash and force you. They have been trying to scare you and have attempted to make you feel incredibly guilty and shamed. They persisted with bribes. They attempted to confuse you, to question your reality, and also your sanity. They pressured you to abandon your principles, your morals, and your values. They even managed to turn your loved ones and friends against you. Many have fallen for it, but not you. You never gave up on yourself. You stood up for your families and ALL people against all odds and persevered. We are walking into a moment in time where those who stand and do not capitulate will be so utterly surpassingly thankful they stood. You are not alone and I honor you today. Standing with you, my friend.

(Copied from Rose Smith Pederson)

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Ditto, Rose. My siblings keep telling me that "Things would be so much easier if you and Mom would just get vaccinated."

I just sent them all this link a couple days ago:


Take care, and be blessed.

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Watched that conference with wide eyes, wishing those who’ve bought into the madness been watching. I wish I could send it to our families…but we’d be further chastised, I’m sure. Kudos to you…hope your family was receptive!

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A nephew of mine is a Physician's Assistant and he rejects any such information sent his way by my sister. To this day he's completely on board with the COVID scam. We've quit trying to change his mind.

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Cognitive dissonance is very hard to break free from.

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Project Mocking Bird Never Ended. It has evolved into something more nefarious.

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get that screwtube video out more people need to see this.

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Bless your heart Johnny. So hard to believe.

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https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/mainstream-media-reports-a-vaccine an actual media report on a coroner report of vax death! Also the dad talking about the 3 month delay due to that! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyeZZIY8B4s watch before they take it down!

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That coroner in the video news report is lying! The risk of myocarditis post vaccine is much higher than in natural infection!!! And this death isn’t the first nor is it rare and these lying &@$&@$&@! know this and they still parrot their bs… I’m so ticked!!! 😡

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I know he said a lot of wrong stuff. But let's focus on the fact that they actually put it on the news. That is a major change.

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Thanks for this!

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WHY is there no info about this video - who is this person, when, where - those of us who look for genuine data need to know the provenance of this, otherwise it is not meaningful,

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Find a video of the entire "COVID-19: A Second Opinion"conference hosted by Senator Ron Johnson. Almost all of the speakers are clearly identified in the first section of the video when they give their opening statements.

There are a few people who spoke briefly at the end who weren't so clearly identified; one is Leigh Dundas, a human rights attorney from California. I give some information about Dundas below in a reply to SaHib below.

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US Senator Ron Johnson moderated a panel discussion with many medical professionals on 1/24/22: COVID-19: A Second Opinion.

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Look on YouTube: Ron Johnson…Second Opinion. It’s on Rumble too. Five hours…worth listening!

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The meeting is with Senator Ron Johnson (R) WI. His staff can answer your questions better than I could, about the other attendees and related details.

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Good; wish it were better annotated. (E.g., who is the lead, vaunting the warlock (without truth) "under penalty of perjury" procedure, person, (Let him know, "data" is also plural. Am I a "they"?) and who are the two women speakers? No name is displayed for any of these. Oh, Lee Dendis (sp?) for the last.) And (despite it being Wicked Pedophilia) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudouridine#Medical_relevance_of_pseudouridine

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Watch the entire conference, and you'll understand who is who...people are clearly identified in the first section of the conference.

Leigh Dundas didn't speak in the first section; she's a California human rights attorney. I'm not familiar with all her work, but she did great investigative work on the behind-the-scenes conspiracy and collusion to wipe out medical exemptions to vaccines required for kids in schools and daycare in California. Here's the full press conference where she laid it all out -- well worth watching if you want to understand who she is, and the kind of hideous maneuvers done behind the scenes, re: mandating vaccinations.


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Excellent schneile, thank you for that. I am unvaxxed and came down with the dreaded plague on Saturday. Two days of fever, sore throat, headache, body aches and fatigue. NAAT test on Sunday verified my suspicions. Monday I had a much milder fever & all other symptoms were abating as well. Today I'm at about 90%. I only medicated for comfort with ibuprofen and Tylenol. I'm 63 and after this little spell I'm REALLY grateful that I didn't take the jab.

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Natural immunity rocks!

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And now, John, you have safe, effective, natural immunity! Congrats!

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Wonderfully said!

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I screen shot this to read it back to myself every day from here on in till this nightmare is over.

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I too will thank you for sharing that. As one who has been striving to be a diligent NWO/OWO genuine critically reasoning, meticulous, comparative analysis researcher, i knew from the start of this plan/scam-demic that this was part of the their agenda and that of course i would *never* capitulate to any of it for i comprehend quite well where this is all going and how "covid" is a step in the ladder to get to the realisation of the Antichrist kingdom, thus no poison death shots, don't wear a mask (i'm forced too for certain hospital treatment of other issues or else i can't get that treatment i require, and i've fought against them more than once about this and i was given the "either you wear it or no treatment" coercion and since my treatment can only be really done by them, i'm forced under duress which i tell them that, for those visits, but other than that, i do not wear a muzzle/mask).

As for this being the greatest psychological warfare in human history, i honourably disagree, since for me, the greatest spiritual/mental warfare in history is the war of the one and only true God against the Devil and most are on the side of the latter. Lastly, for the born again remnant believer, it's not about giving up on ourselves for we know we fail, rather it's about never giving up on God/Jesus, trusting in Him 100% for only HE is the one that can give all that and more of what Rose Smith Pederson mentions in order to make it through this profoundly formidable spiritual war because He is the only eternal, absolute, most sublime, transcendent, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent source of love-sinless-perfection, holiness, truth, justice, righteousness, most merciful, purity, innocence, goodness, longsuffering and thus the only one who is faithful and true, our strength, our Redeemer, our Lord, our King, our Saviour, our Spiritual Father, our God. All utmost and ultimate glory, honour, majesty, power, praise, splendor and gratitude belongs to Him from everlasting unto everlasting. Blessed be the name of the true Lord forevermore.

This video will be appreciated by some, not all;

videopress.com/v/p8R7ebPy - If people get jabbed after watching this they are are beyond saving - (well, only Jesus can save them if they want to be saved.)

[edit: Not "blessed in the name" but "blessed be the name."]

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I can't imagine this video not being appreciated by all on this substack. It is exactly right for people not willing to do the research, or hesitant about the vaccine.(on the fence) I intend to show it to my teenage grandaughters ASAP. Thank you and God bless you.

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Thank you for wishing His blessings. You would be surprised, there are those that do not appreciate it. Well-stated about not willing to do the research etc. I've heard and read some state that when they get called "hesitant", they reject that and reply "i'm not hesitant, i reject it!" heh. Thank you for sharing this with your teenage grandaughter ASAP. And no problem at all for sharing, it's part of the work in the field of truth, and may the Lord God bless you as He wills also.

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Amazing video

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:] Glad you appreciate it, share it if you feel like doing so.

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The biggest disappointment of the last 2 years is my fellow citizens.

I expect citizens to stand up.

I expect government to knock them down.

Only one expectation was fulfilled.

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Too many sheeple, 2 of my in laws have come over to the dark side so people are realising slowly what is happening. All restrictions are nearly dropped here in Ireland. I got covid last week and went to bed early 2 night and had a sore throat for 3 days... And that was it. My parents had it in October 2020 so knowing they had zero issue is what sold it for me

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BTW, I believe it's spelled "sheople".

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In the USA at least, the spelling is sheeple.

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I am in the USA.

You say sheeple, I say sheople. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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Rose's comment is very inspiring. But I wonder if we'll be as strong during the next (fake) crisis? Ukraine war? Supply chain collapse? Marburg or Smallpox? Alien invasion?

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Ahhh you know about the faux ET invasion. Well there is a factual alien invasion happening when you look at the southern border of USA. The elite have many cards they can pull out.. they are seeking what is called "Revelation of the Method".. where they pull out so many that we are overwhelmed immensely and just give up and give in to them accepting defeat. I know will not.

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I remain unvaxxed (pure blood). Last week I went into the hospital (Stanford, Palo Alto, CA) for elective outpatient surgery. I tested clean of Covid Monday 1/31 via PCR test as required . I went into surgery Tuesday morning and apparently left with a Covid infection, which began to appear on Thursday. Almost clear of it now.

Thanks Stanford for the natural Covid immunity protection I now have.

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Thank you for this! I copied and sent the inspiring FB message to several friends.

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Being Party Trained is a brain disorder.

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Well said!

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Hopefully the Dems/Woke Politicians get swept out of Congress so hard and fast this coming November it leaves their heads spinning for a long,long time. The Republicans , however, often find a way of F***King it up. So It's up to the American People to exact revenge for this Covid Debacle at the ballot box, but it has to be so overwhelming to negate the voter fraud that will be attempted. Everyone that died from the vax will still be voting, at least on the Dems side.

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election integrity is a major issue, so perhaps get to volunteer at your local polling station (which is what i'm doing) or get involved as a precinct member - https://precinctstrategy.com/


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Be careful what you wish for. The Dems totally blew it by following Fauci and the CDC well past the point where it should have been obvious that the Covid vax created more sickness than it prevented. But with the exception of a couple of senators, the Repubs are no better. At least the Dems have a sense of the rule of law. The Repubs blindly follow Trump - which, if he gets in again, they will follow him off a cliff. There is no Repub agenda except make the Dems look bad - and keep power so the grifting goes on. If you are someone who still believes that the election was rigged, I believe there are some good health sites where you can get supplements that aid brain health.

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I have to laugh at this because I believe the dems just blindly follow Biden as well. I have realized politics is all the same bullshit it just depends on what lens you are looking through…. Everyone needs to wake up

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Agree we all need to wake up. “They” have been purposely dividing us for years and it’s reached a peak. We need to come together in our shared desire for freedom to defeat “them”. The Jan 23 DC rally and then the trucker convoy lit that fuse- let’s put aside our differences and fight together on the side of our God given rights.

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Even BLS is political now with their latest fake employment report.

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Meantime. We are ALL falling for the media distractions. Again! People are dying. Jabs are killing. Babies are up next. Did you write to the FDA yet about Feb 15th? Early treatments are available but not all non-vaxed know or can get them so are at risk. PCPs hands are tied until treatments like HCQ and IVM and mabs and steroids etc are allowed EARLY! If the babies’ jabs passes, Pharma gets the pass on liability!

Love you all (most of you anyway ;). Please try not to fall for their distractions and write the FDA! Today!!! 💜🙏https://darbyshaw.substack.com/p/submit-comment-to-the-federal-register/comments

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46 year old Chelsea Handler had to put a hold on her tour called "Vaccinated and Horny" due to a "hospital scare." https://pagesix.com/2022/02/05/chelsea-handler-cancels-comedy-shows-due-to-hospital-scare/. The most disturbing part is that she assured fans that she did not have COVID and was not pregnant - and, amazingly, they probably cannot imagine any other reason she would be in the hospital.

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Her next (if she survives) tour: “Vaccinated and Hospitalized”

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Would an adverse reaction count as "COVID"?

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an adverse reaction to the vaccine? The MSM would love to say so, but that is the most evil whitewash I have ever heard. Toxic medicine given for a condition is causing the reaction, not the condition itself. I certainly hope you're not suggesting that label be given, or were you being sarcastic?

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I meant calling a hospitalization whatever be most politically correct. Can't blame the "safe and effective vaccines", so must have been a "breakthrough case"! But since we don't know, perhaps she slipped on a banana peel.

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If you really want to make a difference to try and thrwart this horrific antisocial efforts by the Lame Scream Propaganda Machine to control and crush independence freedom autonomy and choice, let's start by NOT referring to whatever the hell they shriek as lies and misdirections. Who the Fuck cares what is said or written at CNN (Corrupt Nasty Network), MSNBC (Morons &Shitbags &Nasty Bastards& Cretins), New York Slimes, Washington Compost, all the decaying and irrelevant three Nitwit Networks of SleezeBS, AtrociousBC & NeuteredBC, and all the sites on the Net that are just sewed-on Butt holes for Democrat shit spewing.

If we wanted to hear and read what these degenerates are offering, we'd go there and be shit on with glee and excitement.

I don't give a damn about Leftist narratives to tell us to shut up, submit, and be happy if we are deemed to die!!!

Watch them truly freak out when their dwindling ratings become single digit rectal exam indictments of how the majority of the people think nothing of their value!

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I wonder whether the powers that be measured how much the left hated Trump and realized if they forced him in there in 2016 the left would be so hateful they could trick them into destroying the world and taking a poisonous injection.

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I believe DJT was "chosen" as an outsider who truly loved this country and could not be intimidated. I also suppose that he knew they would lose their minds and do whatever it took to keep him from his second term (hence the massive voter fraud in 2020). I had really hoped that the "Big lie" would have been elucidated by now, but I imagine there are many factors at play. At least people are starting to wake up. As far as the "vaccine" goes, I think he had to let that play out as well, in order to demolish the corruption in the healthcare agencies and big pharma. It breaks my heart that so many innocent people were deceived into taking the death shot, though. I read the book, "The Real Anthony Fauci" by RFK Jr., and this deception has been taking place for decades. I don't know who's more despicable, Fauci or Gates, but they should both burn in hell, and by God, they will.

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Hate, Inc.

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Stop it, already! "Media" is plural. They may lie, but they can't "lies". Likewise, the United States are plural, as are phenomena. English isn't Chinese with no distinction between plural and singular except the numerical prefix.

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Hate to break it to you, but United States is a singular noun and takes singular verb forms. For example, we say “The United States is in the Western Hemisphere,” not “The United States are in the Western Hemisphere.” This really isn't the place for grammar policing.

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Ask a German. Why did the Reader's Digest have a column, "Life in These United States"? Is Alex' column become the "Bluecheck" column? Yeah, "States" is singular; right?

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Not interested in asking a German. And if you asked a Briton, they'd say it should be plural as well, because that's how they do it there. I'm American, and we refer to the US as a single entity, not a collection of states.

Your suggested "correction" is a rhetorical device that shifts the focus of attention from the country as a whole to the country as a collection of individual states. There's no change in meaning, just in how the speaker wants to frame his argument, on the whole or on the parts that comprise the whole.

Despite all the blue vs. red rhetoric of late (thanks to Brandon), I still prefer to think of our country as ONE--as a United States. You do you. Later.

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Before the Civil War it was these United States (pl), after the War it was this United States (sing.) A nation forged in fire to unite as one thing. (This point was made in Ken Burns Civil War series.

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Says Wicked Pedophilia. Reader's Digest was founded in 1922.

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Wear your mask, and get all your jabs and boosters.

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Go jab yourself, buddy.

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Do you feel better now that you've thrown your fit in front of Alex's entire audience?

What point are you trying to make, that you're smarter than the author of that piece because you spent a little more time in English class? Show me something you've written, put up or shut up.

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wtaf eh? talk about distracted from the issues at hand! go get yer ruler and start smacking wrists elsewhere, german nun. (since they said 'ask a german') and yeah, i did enjoy writing this with no caps and not perfectly. ALRIGHT? po

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Ezra is that you??

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Neither Ezra Pound nor Klein is I.

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Great! Then with all due respect, stop giving out grammar lessons. We don't care and we're not here for that.

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Just point me to a Hillbilly or Ebonic (preferably not Hollyweird or mediocrity) translator for commenting here.

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Or post elsewhere...

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It is, in fact, correct, (da nuns taught me real good), but you are really missing the point here, aren't you? I find the grammar in these feeds far superior to most social media, but it is the truth that you should be concerned about.

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I remember the Rogan/Gupta conversation much differently -- I remember that Rogan forced Gupta to admit that his network was lying. Then I remember Gupta slinking back to his own studio and doubling down on said lies.

And nobody's gone back on Rogan since.

The reason for that is because the 'experts' can't answer the questions that he (and we) have. It's the same reason none of the 'experts' have ever gotten up in front of a hostile crowd and answered questions.

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They refuse to debate because they've gone so far beyond reality that it's impossible for them to do so and win. So they frame and label instead.

The problem is that some people will not be cowed by just framing and labeling. So eventually they will have to do what they really don't want to do (if you can believe that) and resort to physical coercion. They won't have a choice if they want to remain in power.

And mark my words, they will say "See what you're making us do to you!" when they drop all pretenses and put the jackboots to work.

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So true. Some of the more innocent “progressives” actually think it’s possible to have their society freely. It’s not. Ultimately the left will always resort to force, compulsion and coercion. They have to because too many individuals want to be left alone and want no part of their collectivist slave pen. And the left will always resort to compulsion as a consequence

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I’m assuming at some point (it may be too late) when the “House of Cards” falls (AND IT WILL!) they will just blame TRUMP!

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....and us 'deplorables'. or the Constitution. or anything not themselves.

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Great comment.

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Well-reasoned and considering what the NWO agenda is about.

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One of Rogan's strengths is how calm he is. If Klein thought that Rogan was "too angry," then Klein is saying more about himself than Rogan.

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The Left is Terrified of being called out and forced to admit the TRUTH !

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I wouldn't call it the "Left". Lots of us who feel the Dems are the lesser of two evils are adamantly anti-vax - and the number is growing. I'd call it the "Establishment", as both Dems and Repubs, with a few exceptions, supported the whole vaccine narrative. The Repub pols are learning quicker, however. Too bad we don't have a third party as both of the parties are flawed in different ways.

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Klein is merely repeating the lefty aphorism that "facts inconvenient to The Narrative will always be ignored."

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Perfect. I remember that show as well.

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Gupta 👇🏿

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Feb 8, 2022Edited
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Hotez is a liar of the worst degree. Nobody should give him a forum. https://sharylattkisson.com/2021/06/read-dr-peter-hotez-defamation/

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Feb 8, 2022
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Bring Hotez and RFK Jr. on at the same time at let Rogan ask questions of each. In the past Hotez has expressed his discomfort with RFK Jr lawyer skills. If that doesn't work for Hotez, then get Peter McCullough. If everyone wants fair and balanced, then give them fair and balanced.

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Alex: Like you, I have worked in media for 20+ years until Forbes cut me loose in March as a full timer at the height of the pandemic (when the IFR in Italy was 14%...scary times. Thanks media!) Ive worked for NPR, The Boston Globe, Wall Street Journal; Ive freelanced for The Nation, Salon, even The Washington Times. I had a new media column for In These Times. All left of center if not screaming left wing publications, like ITT. Trust me, a lot of these people are losers. Ezra Klein...loser. You're wasting your time. The public doesnt know who he is. The public doesnt care who he is. Only non-binary agendered girls and boys read Vox. He's a bum. Don't try wrapping your head around these guys in any other framework other than: bullies, bitches and bums. All of them.

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Unfortunately most people I know do know who he is, and they respect him.

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Maybe most libtoons do? I had no idea who he was, and I only read VOX when someone shares a link. And then I usually regret it.

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pronouns in bios?

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Feb 8, 2022
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Ah, that explains it. I'm Gen X.

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Kenneth, As an aside, I liked reading your stuff in Forbes.

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Mencken was right all along on reporters and their ilk.

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Yes, he was right about a bunch of it.

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Thanks for sharing that you are a supporter of the left. Good to be upfront. Its sex not gender by the way since the latter usage is the hijacking and destruction of accurate, correct, precise and sound intelligent language and Orwell was a strong custodian and purist of such language informing us to resist that hijacking and destruction.

In his important essay, ‘Politics and the English Language’, George Orwell foresaw the corrosive impact of Socialist and Communist “verbal purification” (read: that same hijacking and destruction of sound, precise, accurate intelligent language) of the life of mankind. He warned that:

*“If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.” *

Cultural Marxism a.k.a. political correctness is indisputably intellectual colonialism and mental fascism for the gendering of “thought-crime.”

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I submitted a comment for one of the agitprop organs here in Australia that passes for "media", and the comment form asked for my pronouns. I replied: "My pronouns are Screw and You, I am a biological male and there is NOTHING that you communists can do to change that".

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i would say "was". the left today is the anime larpers, the fake science (boys have periods) and -- need i say more?

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ITT: international thief thief (Fela Kuti 1979)


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If your opinion begins with "should have been treated as a TARGET for..." it really doesn't matter what you say next.

When a human being is a "target" for anything at all, you have already diminished their humanity. Which makes you not the Good Guys.


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This is reaching French nobility disconnect levels. There seems to be a group of progressive zealots who have branched off progressivism and straight into a new-Jacobin mindset. We'd better start to pay close attention to them because it is they who will created a Reign of Terror. For our own good. Right now, it comes in the form of 'cancelling' but it can get worse. Much worse.

The Canadian government is also exhibiting shocking levels of arrogance with a 'let them eat brioche' dismissive tone. They had an emergency session in Parliament. It was as insufferable and tone deaf as you'd expect. They 'woe is us' the shit out of things while talking about everything except address the issue. They have no regard or respect for the people. Period. They hate you. Just listen to them. They just couch it in 'public safety' rhetoric but it's really just a totalitarian mindset driving them. They can't shake out of it anymore Robespierre could.

As fot Hotez, who has himself said some incredibly inflammatory things (why these quacks think it's a good idea to be political is beyond me), he's not alone. Topol is another one. There have been plenty. Mi ricordi. Je me souviens. Taking names.

Why? Because they pushed way too hard. Their arrogance and condescension meant they would and could not LEAVE US the fuck alone. They're the bullies and little twerps in school who didn't know when to back off when told to. And when they didn't. guess what happened?

I'm sick and tired of all these people. I should not know the names of vaccinologists and epidemiologists or any bureaucratic grunts like Fauci and others. But they were among the worst psychotics pushing mandates.

I've learn to despise a good chunk of public health, academics, lawyers, politicians and journalists.

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Absolutely. Add that England is working on anti hate and anti misinformation laws. Yes, a law (the Online Safety Bill) that can land you in jail for spreading “misinformation.” According to government (or BBC!?) factcheckers no doubt. We had best watch all the fine print of any new laws in each our own country! https://maajidnawaz.substack.com/p/liar-liar-fc1

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I read a book last year that was a biography of the Romanov sisters. (The author had previously written a book that had covered the last two weeks of the family's lives.) What struck me were the parallels of the society and social classes. The social elite of St. Petersburg pre-WWI and during could easily be the professional class in the West today. It was rather alarming to realize

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Why can’t Rogan just submit his podcasts to the Democratic National Committee for approval before they air? That way we know we are getting truth and facts…

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I have to find some new conspiracy theories, all my old ones turned out to be true.

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The lag between conspiracy theory and truth is now counted in weeks, maybe days, not months...

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Love this!

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If Rumble hadn't come in with a $100 million dollar offer yesterday the orchestrated super pac outrage mob would still be howling for Joe's head. They don't want Joe to leave Spotify (someone they can bully) for Rumble (someone they can't) so here we are.

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Why are they obsessed with Joe Rogan?? It’s creepy at this point!

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Because he won't follow their narrative. It's not that he's a conservative, because he's not, but he's a free thinker - and that is even worse than a conservative.

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Hey! Conservatives can be free thinkers too! 😃

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Of course. But if they are among those who take Trump's word that he really won the election - without any proof, then are they any better than then those who believe the lies of the medical establishment and their followers, when evidence has proven them wrong?

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I see your point. Read Mollie Hemmingway’s book. She goes into great detail about the 2020 election.

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Or better…😂

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Because he asks questions and he's effective at getting everyday, normal, average people of every age, race, socio-economic status, to ask questions. *They* need to show that they can "cancel" a major voice -- if they are successful, it will effectively destroy free speech for the rest of our generation. Because if someone with as big a following as Joe Rogan can be cancelled, no one else has a chance.

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Feb 8, 2022
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I remember Rush Limbaugh saying that the mainstream press couldn't cancel him, because they never did anything to build him up. I think Rogan is in the same situation in many respects. If Spotify dumps him, it's not like Rogan won't just do it on his own, and probably rake in even more cash.

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I hope you're right. I just have this feeling that the Rogan situation is a huge test -- of the elite Left's power vs constitutional rights. Because they seem to be going all-out right now.

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They're obsessed with anybody who stands against the narrative. Just a few short months ago it was Aaron Rodgers.

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Rogan is making them all look like lap dogs to power, which they so obviously, so disgracefully are.

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Brian Steltzer’s recent rant tells you all you need to know. More people listen to Rogan then CNN. He is competition and a threat to the narrative. Outfits like CNN want complete control on what you think and hear. “Not all opinions are created equal.”

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Because he is so influential. And he can't be controlled so far.

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Because he speaks truth to power. There is an old saying from a classic movie… “You can’t handle the truth!” Pretty much sums it up don’t you think?

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I think what separates Rogan from most is its not so much the truth he is after although I believe he wants it, but it's his curiosity to explore other's opinions which he does very well. Who doesn't want such open transparency regardless if you agree or disagree with what is said?

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Because they lost Trump.

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And that ought to give all the anti-Trumpers on this blog pause. Trump’s greatest misdeed, like Joe Rogan’s is denying the elite establishment’s narrative. For that, they’ve been crucified.

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Edugal, there are two kinds of anti-Trumpers that you need to acknowledge.

1. There are those on the Left (including the pseudo-conservatives at NRO) who are just knee-jerk "Trump bad because he's a Republican" (or not Jeb Bush in the case of NRO). Some in this group have TDS, which I classify as just a general hate for Trump because he mean-tweeted them. These people are so brain-dead that they don't even recognize that Trump advanced Obama's policies big-time. Trump did a better job at implementing what Hillary wanted to do than Hillary ever could have.

To wit:

Had Hillary won, the GOP congress would never have never gone along with jailbreak, funding Planned Parenthood, Trillion dollar spending, or continuing Obama's open-border policies. Also, with Hillary in the WH, the GOP would not have lost Congress. But because it was Trump who implemented these leftist policies, the GOP Congress willingly acquiesced to the President (read; the Kushners.)

2. Then, on the other side of the ledger, there are those of us who can't stand Trump because he's a liar, slanderer, a conman, a terrible judge of character, and worst of all, an implementer of Leftist policies when we expected the opposite from him.

He promised many conservative things on the campaign trail yet failed to implement any of those big promises. Furthermore, he slandered his primary opponents in order to undermine trust in those guys and thereby win the nomination. He claimed none of his opponents could balance the budget, get rid of the swamp, build the wall, or end Obamacare. "Only I" could do that, he said. When told that there were major forces in DC that would fight him, he said he had a "big brain" and would outsmart them." People on our side clapped about his big brain.

Millions bought his load of BS and he won the nomination.

Once elected, he went on to eventually turn the reigns of federal power over to Tony "mini-Mengele" Fauci and never looked back.

Today he has returned to his old slander playbook to try to win support for another run at the White House by calling DeSantis a "dull" and ineffective leader. He knows that a new generation of GOP leaders are out there but can't let go and go back to the golf course.

At this point, I have a hard time understanding how Trump's fan club can't see that he conned his way into power only to fail to deliver on any of his major campaign promises. Maybe there is no Trump fan base and people are just trolling folks like me to try to show he has support when actually he has none. I don't know. He can fill a stadium but then, he could last time around and yet he never "locked" Hillary up or built the wall, something demanded by those crowds.

I would honestly like to hear from a Trump fan who can justify their support for him based on his past performance. Usually what I hear is excuse-making rather than an actual list of major policy wins.

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You sound like a very bitter ex-Trumper. Contrary to your diatribe, Trump fulfilled many of his promises. Here are a few:

America First... That the US will no longer be obliged to participate nor pay into globalist, centrally controlled coercive endeavors which will not benefit US citizens; i.e., Paris Climate Accords, WHO & other anti-US programs of the UN, etc.

To defend and promote the importance of US sovereignty and citizens' safety and our right to have hundreds of miles of definitive, unbreachable borders.

To uphold the Constitution by removing anti-Constitution policies and laws, such as the requirement for citizens to purchase and/or retain health insurance and be forced to provide evidence of such annually; by implementing specific protections for free speech including religious speech; and by striving to block citizens' tax dollars from funding the eugenicist organization Planned Parenthood.

To "Drain the Swamp"... Making citizens aware of the decades of corruption inside all areas of federal government; disclosing the forces within FBI, CIA, WH, & Pentagon who together have established their own goals; revealing atrocities & perversion committed by individuals inside the FBI & CIA and the complicit tolerance which ignored such activities. This endeavor has recently just begun to prove fruitful with the identification and arrests of pedophiles employed by the CIA.

First Step Act Prison Reform; Tax Cut Act; Frederick Douglas Trafficking Victims Prevention & Protection Reauthorization Act; Religious Freedom Day; National Sanctity of Human Life Day; Human Rights Day; Negotiating Israel & UAE Peace Agreement; and many more...

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Wow, such a lame defense of the NY liberal grifter. Not even a good try.

He promised to "Drain the swamp" and you laughably list that as a fulfilled promise. He did no such thing. Quite the opposite. Everybody knows this except you.

The border? A few miles of replacement fence had zero effect on our national sovereignty. I'm amazed you even mentioned this abject failure.

Getting rid of Obamacare. A complete Trump failure.

And if you think Trump ushering in the First Step Act (AKA Jailbreak) was a fulfilled promise, sorry bud but if he had made that a campaign promise, Cruz would be president yet today.

Given that you were unable to list a single fulfilled campaign promise he made that got him the nomination, I'll chalk your post up to grasping at straws.

Once again. He got the nomination promising:

1. Draining the swamp

2. Building a big beautiful wall and ending illegal immigration.

3. Paying off the debt

4. Ending Obamacare

5. Getting us out of Afghanistan.

Oh, and locking up Hilary.

He didn't get elected for the things you claim were successes (some of which certainly were laudable, such as opting out of the Paris Accords).

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Oh yes, Herr Biden has done soooo much better on Afghanistan, the debt, illegal immigration, and opposing the national security state. LOL

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Wth? You acted like you wanted earnest dialog, but you personally attack me instead? Well BUD, you spit out Trump "failures" as if he had a crystal clear path for waving his magic wand without hundreds of Dems fighting him tooth and nail. Go crawl back under that dead bird which is much better suited for your type. Most of us users here abandoned the dead bird because of ugly people like you.

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Totally agree with this.

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The size of his audience dwarfs most of them.

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Anyone who is a threat and the greater the threat the creepier they become

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Alex, you are not at NYT anymore. NYT has always been a den of CIA and a factory of narratives and fake news. Nobody cares what Ezra K thinks.

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You're wrong, over 2 million people on Twitter care. That's not nothing.

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Twitter is full of fake accounts, also. Two million "accounts" does not equal "people." Follower count is nothing but "credibility fluff," assuming more is better. Some people are fascinated with stupid and will follow it for laughs--that was the only reason I followed the jerk back when I was on the platform: to watch him grasp at straws.

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That's true Robert, but even if it's 50% fake, that still means lots of people want to hear what he thinks.

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Furthermore, many on our side, especially in the GOP intelligencia, think Klein is a heavyweight with a large following and therefore, is a force to be reckoned with. So it doesn't matter how many fake followers he has, our side still bends to opinion makers on the left like this guy.

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what is Twitter?

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I dont care. That is 100% of opinion I care for. Fuck the libtards

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The "progressives" are not progressives. They are totalitarians. And probably the first impulse of any totalitarian, whether Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, or Kim Jung Un, is to shut down the speech of any opponent. That is precisely what is going on now, with Rogan merely being the latest example of it. These people want absolute power, they want to control your lives (vaccine mandates and mask mandates being a classic example of that), and they want to destroy your freedom. They are the enemies of Liberty. George Orwell's "Animal Farm" and "1984" reveal their playbook.

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I heard Tucker say yesterday, “Scratch a liberal and you’ll find a fascist”, and attributed it to a Black Panther quote. Whatever happening in Canada and Australia says it all.

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I heard that too. He was right. Go, Canada truckers.

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honk honk!!

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Wish I said that!

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honest reporting on Canadian truckers - https://rumble.com/user/thefreedomconvoy2022

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Thank you so much for the link. I listened to their press conference of 2/6/22. It was well thought out and incredibly respectful to the issue of their plight. (Our plight). Thanks.

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Rogan ground up Sanjay Gupta who thought he was going to have a compliant interviewer...

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Yeah, Klein seems to think Rogan is the one at fault for asking Gupta difficult questions. This speaks volumes about Klein's frame of mind.

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And Rumble just offered Rogan $100 mil over 4 years. No censorship strings attached.

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Perfect. I just canceled Spotify yesterday.

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Why??? That sends the message that you stand with Neil young and against Rogan! If people cancel they’ll think it’s an anti Rogan stance.

I’m playing Rogan 24/7. Sometimes I listen sometimes I let it play on mute. Let them know we support him.

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I canceled after they reversed their stance and apologized to the woke mob, deleted "objectionable" episodes, and flagged his posts as misinformation.

Spotify doesn't get my money. Get woke, go broke.

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Which ones got deleted? McCullough, Berenson and Malone are still up (with a covid banner)

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All the "n-word" episodes. None of which include Rogan actually using the word as a slur, but merely stating it or reporting on its use, like, "this guy said..."

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I'm with you on this. Upped my Spotify to premium the day hippie-hypocrite Neil Young came out with his diatribe.

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Don’t cancel if Joe stays. The woke need to know the size of the audience questioning the narrative. Now it looks like you’re with them.

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Exactly! That's the message we need to send.

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The media is trying to spin your cancel as a protest against Rogan. Also why are pro-Rogan people cancelling?

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Spotify is excising "objectionable" episodes from his archive and plastering misinformation warnings on all his listings.

They also formally apologized to their staff for allowing Rogan to continue to exist as an entity and acknowledged it it is "hurtful" to give him free speech.

I don't give a flying fuck how the media spins it. I don't give money to woke interests.


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By the way, the above was the specific reason I outlined in my "why are you canceling" message. There is absolutely no doubt as to why I and others are doing it. The timing coincides with their reversal.

Spotify tried to split the baby. That's gross. I like my babies in one piece.

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I heard "That's gross." in Gob Bluth's voice.

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Tricks are what whores do, Michael. I perform illusions.

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They can spin it anywhere they want. What counts is the share price. SPOT is off 2.4% as we speak. And you can bet it is owing to the Rumble story. Because Rogan is a drawing card. Capisci?

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You do realize that the anti Rogan faction wants people to cancel Spotify to punish them for keeping him on, right? That’s what Neil young wants.

I don’t understand why someone supporting Rogan would cancel Spotify?

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Let me explain this to you: Spotify will retain Rogan with certain caveats. Rumble offered him big bucks to make a move, This is what is known as PRICE DISCOVERY. Get it? Now Rogan knows what he's worth. And I hope he jumps on the offer because the Woke posse is relentless. And who knows if Spotify might cave going forward?

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I understand your position, but I do think that people leaving Spotify after Neil Young says to leave, and after Joe got criticized for saying what he said years ago, you send the message that you are leaving for woke reasons. I fear this is what the story will be:

People leave Spotify to protest their support of Joe Rogan

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Because Spotify is removing old Rogan episodes (against their Rogan agreement I think?) and putting misinformation labels on his podcasts now?

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Because we can and do watch his podcasts via other sources.

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Rogan's reach regardless of where he chooses to be is only gonna grow with all this

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Concur. He's gonna' laugh all the way to the bank; more power to him!

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Alex, I am beyond sick, too. That describes my exact sentiment. I am so angry that I have to tune everything and everyone out in order not to turn into a screaming lunatic. If I hear Jenn Psaki's voice, I have a visceral response. That's what they want to do. That's how they win. Calm, pointed condescension with a pinch of gaslighting makes their naysayers lose their mind and they can pretend to be compassionately fearful of this misinformed anger being hurled at them. They need to be stopped but I don't know how.

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I agree. I find myself wanting to yell at the TV. Psaki is disgustingly smug and Brandon's whispering makes my skin crawl

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stop watching tv. if need be select your own news & other distractions through the internet, it gives you more control. LGB

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"should've been treated as a target of persuasion, not punishment."

Sounds like CCP type of thinking.

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Having worked in the oil and gas industry for over 50 years, I have received much criticism and abuse. The Alex quote above is all too true, "The effort to demonize carbon fuels?

Turns out that alternative sources at this point can’t handle even the small fraction of the load environmentalists want to put on them."

In 2020, the 60% of electricity was generated using hydrocarbons, 20% from nuclear, 7 % from hydroelectric and 13% from Renewables. In addition all airplane traffic was fueled by hydrocarbons, a vast majority of auto/truck traffic used hydrocarbons, most homes are heated by hydrocarbons, and 6000 everyday products are made from hydrocarbons including windmill blades, solar panels, glasses, clothes, medical devices and the keyboard I am typing on.

So the Wokesters say handcuff the hydrocarbon industry and go all electric!

And the Chinese laugh so hard they have to be sedated to stop laughing!

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Logging family here. Same people would say to never cut down another tree. It would be a very interesting and fun experiment to let all those people spend one month with no carbon fuel or wood products. :)

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I'd love to see what some of these cultists would think if they saw what happens to the health of a new-growth forest with no culling.

If we never cut down another tree... we'd kill a lot of trees.

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I am for trying that experiment. I think the inmates are running the insane asylum.

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Yep! I don't think it would even take a month...

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Truckers can't truck without fuel. Housebuilders can't build without lumber. I think that covers food and housing!

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small correction: Donald Trump did not lose the election. Otherwise, outstanding article.

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I have concluded in my getting-older age that there's a solid 30% (up to 50% on a good day) of folk who I now deem to be 'intellectually challenged' in that these folk still believe in Santa Klaus and the tooth fairy; in otherwords, they believe that the State, the Collective We and the other Klaus (Anal Schwab) is the solution to all life's problems. My dear mother used to say that there is a continuous and never-ending battle between good and evil, and boy was she ever right!

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“All of the major/left/work policy initiatives…are going disastrously wrong.” I disagree. They are going EXACTLY as planned. They are siphoning off every saved dollar from the middle class through inflation, high gas and energy prices (Newsom doubled our water/electrical bills as of Jan and we will also be paying 100% increased state taxes this year. ). Crime is attacking us too. This is not the result of incompetence. It is part and parcel of a very well-developed strategized long game.

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The choice has always been apparent to me: You can swim in some progressive narrative, or use your God-given senses and mind and swim in Reality. Yes. They are mutually exclusive. And life is not a game.

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Ezra Klein is on the wrong side of the biggest crime of our lifetimes. He has NO EXCUSE at this point. He's a certified jackass.

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.....and he's very creepy.

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Alex, did you see the article about the CDC wants to push another booster on people because of the heart inflammation going on? This is just f@cking incredible!! Yeah, lets see just how many more people we can screw up by jabbing them with the source of the inflammation!

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If they jab enough people there won't be a meaningful control group.

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I remain in the control group.

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10 in our tribe. 🙌🏻

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We have determined that the best response to non-lethal symptoms of poisoning is more poisoning.

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Now you are getting to the crux of it. It is a war on truth.

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He talks as if the deed is done and Rogan has been vanquished and now he's going to quibble over the exact fashion of how it was carried out. Meanwhile Rogan sees Ezra's 2.7 M followers and raises him 5 Million. I'd like to hear how Rogan thinks we should deal with Ezra and the like. And I think Joe was more than fair to Gupta. Nice 20 minute consensus building on medical marijuana to show respect and let Gupta gain some foothold with his audience. What he did with that foothold is on him.

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Joe was definitely fair with Gupta. Gupta didn't hold his own. I think folks have lost the nerve to know how to present an argument and have an actual debate. Maybe that's in part why Gupta seems squishy during the show. The podcasts are long, but I think if people actually watched them they would see their value to the larger conversation.

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I watched the full Gupta interview. At that time I was frustrated about the lack of transparency with will risk to 5-11 year olds and has suspicions early treatments weren't being given a fair shake. But I still thought the vaccines were safe and good for anybody over the age of 20. The exchange about risk on myocarditas broke my brain for a few days where I could see where Gupta's logic fell apart but I still was buying the, well get the vaccine anyway mindset. Overall thought the show was a chance for the two main competing narratives to be heard and engage. On Twitter someone said if I liked that show then be sure to watch Berenson. I did. I haven't been the same since. :)

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The people Ezra Klein thinks I should listen to are precisely the reason that I no longer rely on network news, and have reduced my reliance on even cable news.

His bullshit/nonsense--telling me that he and people like him--are the BURNING BUSH of information is the exact reason that I've searched for and found OTHER sources of information.

I can remember WHEN I decided to find other information: It was when Dr. Peter McCullough said, in an interview, that he'd been discouraged from finding early treatments of covid. His actual statement was words to the effect, "What am I supposed to do? Let people DIE? I'm a DOCTOR. I'm hard-wired to treat patients!"

Ezra Klein is part of the problem--Joe Rogan has been part of the solution.

Klein can pick up his FRAUD badge as he exits the room.

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Until we get back to FAIR AND BALANCED news we are screwed.

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One person's "balance" is another's wildly corrupt, morally bankrupt, exploitative society. The use of the word often connotes that both sides of an argument are equally fair, and equally at fault, which is impossible.

Forget balance. Aim for the truth and correct your steering whenever needed.

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I love that reasoning ‘Aim for the truth and correct your steering whenever needed’. I might do that up on a tea towel!!! Thanking you in advance.

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I listened to the Joe Rogan "n-word" compilation. Even in the compilation, you can hear that he is not using that word *on* anybody. He's using it quoting others or as the word. If the word is that bad, then nobody should be using it. And if black people can use it freely, then it's not bad enough for white people not to say at all, as long as they are not using it as the slur. And Rogan's apology doesn't help because it leads to crap like this. Just freaking stop apologizing. Whoopi should not have apologized (as much as her comments were disingenuous and part of the victim olympics), Rogan should not apologize, Spotify should not apologize. Just freaking stop apologizing. These people are not acting in good faith, so stop feeding their egos.

Ezra Klein is not superior to Joe Rogan. In fact, he is inferior. He is just a shallow puppet where Rogan is an actual whole human being. It's people like Ezra Klein that need to be put in their place. Because I'll tell you, the sins of a man like Klein are far worse than using the n-word in an academic discussion.

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"How wrong do you get to be while still holding the default setting for people who represent 'The Science'?" -- Bill Maher (who is not as stupid as he often pretends to be)

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My take - "These People" are now running scared because they see the same numbers we all see with regard to the vaccines and their side-effects and they are desperately trying to squash the information and change the subject (War in Ukraine for example).

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Yup. They can't be wrong.

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You can only shout down and censor reality for so long before reality bites you in the you-know-what.

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Here's the thing, Alex. The choice was never between lockdowns, masking, etc. and nothing. There are a lot of things we could have done, like spend resources on the nursing homes. We could have encouraged exercise and getting fresh air and losing weight. And whether you believe in the efficacy of HCQ and IVM or not their safety can't be denied, so we COULD HAVE actually, you know, fairly studied those and other promising repurposed drugs.

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I say it all the time - if the only thing government had done was 'mandate' an hour-long walk in the sunshine on days it was possible, we would have had much better outcomes.

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This was always about the great reset - not about merely controlling a virus. Look at Australia. You cannot leave your house without your phone. You have to scan your face. Every place you go, you scan a QR code. They track every place you move. For Covid? Which can't even be kept out of a remote outpost on Antarctica. No, this was always about the Great Reset.

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We don't have to believe in hcq and ivm. Just look at the data. Prohibitionists moan that there are no peer reviewed studies. But they also prohibit peer reviewed studies. It's a corrupt, criminal scam to sell vax.

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I’m less concerned with Ezra Klein’s perceived “power,” than with the Canadian government’s power to crush the Truckers & the citizens.

Keep watching Canada…the progressive globalist cabal, cannot let the Truckers win.

A Trucker win shakes the foundation of the elites in politics & media and they know it.

This fight is far from over & it’s gonna get ugly.

Very ugly.

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Totally agree! I hope the truckers win and take that win to the USA. Shame on those Canadian policemen arresting people for wanting to bring diesel fuel to these truckers. I don't know how people like that sleep at night.

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I’m disappointed this didn’t happen here and that it’s left to Canada to do what should have been done in the “Land of the Free.”

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Someone tried to establish trucker convoy in the US. Facebook pulled the posting down (w/ 134K followers); also took down the personal page of the person who started the post.

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Anybody still using face is not serious. That's collaborating with the enemy.

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Yes, I know. I'm hoping it will continue here.

Of course, I'm sure the hypocrisy of closing one of our borders to prevent that will be seen for the entire world. Maybe the truckers should all relocate to Mexico and come up that way...

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The Left are not true humans, but humanoids, think Invasion of the Body Snatchers…

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People gonna die, either acutely by state sponsored violence, or by socioeconomic starvation…

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The funniest part about Klein's hot take is that the "credible" people he sides with don't want any part of a debate.

They censor opposing voices. There's no attempt at "persuasion".

These people are so deluded into believing themselves righteous that they still fancy themselves champions of the "liberal" values we all accepted as righteous -- persuasion, information, conversation, etc. -- even as they champion authoritarian policies in direct opposition.

Will they ever wake up, or is confronting how evil they've become too much to bear?

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Ezra Klein is a worthless tool of the left. He claims to understand large-scale economics, too, but has proven over and over he cannot do basic math. There is no greater waste of column inches in mainstream media than those that follow his byline.

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But the leftists have got that election rigging thing down pat. With that, they don’t have to be right about much else.

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then get involved in the elections, perhaps volunteering at your polling station or as a precinct member - https://precinctstrategy.com/


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This is Nudge Theory. Outright, physical force is distasteful, so they use other means of coercion, including gaslighting and bribery.

Cass Sunstein is a big proponent of the iron fist in a velvet glove. But make no mistake, when you still don't do what they want you to do, they'll drop the pretense and resort to physical force.

See what's about to happen in Ottawa for proof. (I hope I'm wrong.)

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Exactly although I'd say physical force is not distasteful against violent, racist truckers trying to overthrow government. So step 1 is to use the media, big tech, big business and weaponized govt agencies to turn peaceful truckers just wanting to be heard into violent, racist, dangerous truckers and then force is not only necessary but fully supported by the brainwashed population.

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Rumble offered $100 million contract to Rogan plus the freedom of expression. He should grab it and run with it, before he destroys his reputation with repeated apologies. The hell with Spotify and all that leftie nonsense. Rogan's loyal audience must come first!

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Somebody’s gettin’ red-pilled.

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Alex is such an old-school journalist - pugnacious, testy, not holding any cow sacred when hamburgers are on the menu, always ready to take down the powerful and lift up the interests of the common man. Seriously, I'm sure he does not smoke and uses the sleekest of new technology, but I always picture him hunched over a manual typewriter, with a pushed-back Trilby, suspenders, and a cig hanging out the corner of his mouth, a la some Clark Gable film from 1938. He's an honest, independent paleo-liberal, and, by gum, he's the best we've got in the trenches. Love this guy.

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Great word picture. Love it.

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I am waiting for one of you honest reporters who has been asking and reporting on the bad science to finally want to be the first to break the smothering lid of propaganda. The conspiracy writers have already moved there. Time for someone with a BIG audience to join in. This is not, and never has been, a medical/health problem. This has been a step in total control. First 2 weeks, then no mask/yes mask, then isolation, then spacing, then jabs, then more jabs, then still more jabs, and lets get the children in this too. Then masks once more and maybe monthly or quarterly 'boosters'. C'mon !! Even a blind squirrel stumbles on an acorn once in a while. Do it Alex!! Tell the sheeple that this has all been planned from the start. Break the ice. Others will follow. Leaders HAVE to lead.

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A point that deserves noting, which hasn't been mentioned much:

Ezra Klein and his ilk want Rogan to give the "real experts" a platform.

Rogan and Spotify say they want to make sure that, moving forward, they balance controversial opinions with alternative and "accepted" viewpoints.

The problem is, there is NO WAY that the "experts" like Fauci, Walensky, Murthry, etc. would EVER agree to go on his show. They would never allow themselves to be exposed to probing and informed questions in a long format interview. Remember, the most pointed questions that Fauci has ever been forced to answer were posed by a Mexican Comic. They saw what happened during the Sanjay Gupta episode, and it terrified them. And therein lies the rub.


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“Those “credible, informed voices” have been completely, totally, absolutely, unequivocally wrong about Covid from the jump.”

If only we had done nothing. It would all be behind us.

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The best response to the legacy media is -if something goes woke, let it go broke. I grew up on the infallibility of CBS News and the NYT during the late 1960s and early 1970s-but as I moved to a conservative perspective, I stopped watching CBS and gave up the NYT -which is now an expensive Twitter page with a sorry history of whitewashing Communism, minimizing Nazism and the particular intent of Hitler to eradicate the Jewish People , a terrible hostility to Israel and its right to self defense and promotion of the woke world and its agenda

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Any discussion of Ezra Klein must be preceded with a notation that he operated JournoList, the secret ListServ where he and other left wing journalists dictated what the narrative should be at WaPo, NYT and other outlets. https://www.conservapedia.com/JournoList

He's a villain who has always thought he should be allowed to tell you what to think. He's not a journalist or a real podcaster. He's a fraud struggling to find legitimacy, and I don't care how many Twitter bots follow him.

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So would Ezra Klein be interested in encouraging the “most credible, informed voices" on Covid to debate Steve Kirsch and his team?

I don't think so either.

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Alex, let me talk you down from the ledge. In my world, in our world, meaning those who are insatiably curious, Ezra Klein is NOBODY. NOBODY. On the other hand, thus far, you have proved to be SOMEBODY…….worth listening to.

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I never dreamed I could find a silver lining in this cluster f#%€ of the past 2 years, but here it is: not only is the scamdemic “narrative” imploding, so are the diabolical institutions who whipped it - politicians, elites, media, social media, “experts”, deeply corrupt organizations like the FDA, CDC (along w/ their counterparts in other countries), WHO, Gates Foundation, ad nauseum.

Already, truth tellers & freedom promoting entities are coming to be.

If these “injections” act as is being detailed now, the worldwide anger will grow expotentially.

I can only hope there is no place to hide for Faux-Xi, Turdeau, Gates, Ferguson, LGB=FJB & all the rest. Including healthcare providers who did great harm, even knowing better

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Really, what are all of you civil Acquiescing Tolerant polite folk gonna do, reprimand them into submission!? These F ‘s are sociopaths: relentless lying, shameless soulless hypocrisy, causing harm chaos and death, showing no remorse for consequences caused, and mocking and disdaining healthy accepted boundaries set by society for generations.

This is evil folks, and they fully expect you to be submissive and inactive, which this fucking country has done for two damn years now!!!

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My God, am I the only person in this country if not the world to know how to react to these dishonest disingenuous disdainful people?

“Fuck you, stick your anti humanity narratives and agendas so far up your asses you choke on them!”

“Oh, and get the Fuck out of this country if you hate it here so much, you sociopathic shitbags!!!”

Keep being civil polite acquiescing and tolerant to hate, enjoy those 2x4 smack downs…

Oh, and I guess thank you for letting me comment???…

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Thank you!

We all need to say and hear this more often, "Oh, and get the Fuck out of this country if you hate it here so much, you sociopathic shitbags!!!”

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This is one of your most brilliant posts, Alex. Great summary and very straightforward. I think I could get anyone to understand it--even my most libtoon friends. If only I could persuade them to read it...

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In Scotland 4 children were given adult doses rather than the less than half child dose.

It seems like 2 children were hurt although it is hard to tell from the story. There is a description of a child with a sore stomach feeling sick and also a description of a boy with a twitching vien in "horrific pain", which to me sounds like 2 seperate kids but the articles are not clear.

But it is ok! The doc said "I don't think there is anything to worry about"

Phew! Nothing to worry about! But my question is... how did this happen in the same week? I hate to be a conspiracy theorists but "oh we gave an adult dose" sounds like a great excuse for when the vaxine injures a child "it wasn't the vaxine it was the triple dose!"

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