DeSantis was an up and coming star of the WEF. He is supported by the Bush family. Notice the shock from both left and right when he initially stated we shouldn't be in Ukraine. Then take note of walking that statement back. DeSantis has been installed to splinter the Maga movement. We won't notice though because we are stupid.

Alex has allowed his deep hatred of Trump to blind him to the fact that no other candidate has nothing to gain, except maybe bragging rights. Do we enjoy how much Trump loves himself or berates others? No, but who else has the balls to stand up and fight. Not DeSantis and not any of the politicians who do not serve anyone but themselves.

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Yeh. A Wef star would go against Corona restrictions. A WEF star would go against ESG. A WEF star would push a six week abortion ban. Trump's our guy because in 2018 because he pushed amnesty rather than the wall. Trump's our guy because he supports Disney's tranny stuff. Trump's our guy because he worked with Fauci. Wait...

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Trump's our guy because he brought us a "beautiful vaccine" and gave legal liability immunity to pharma.

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Trump's our guy because he's not being paid off. We know this because he hasn't been indicted.

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He was indicted. He also worked with Swampman Fauci.

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I am with you 100% Joe C.....Trump had plenty of opportunity both during COVID and lately to admit he made some huge mistakes during the scamdemic....the only thing I hear out of his mouth is "get vaccinated" although someone finally told him it was not gaining him brownie points at his rallies. If he is the republican nominee....I will vote for him but will hold my breath. I am sick of hearing the rumors about DeSantis and a close relationship with the Bush family. I would imagine the Bush family probably do support DeSantis....cannot imagine they support DJT. Love the idea of a DeSantis and Kennedy sign in my yard. Although I live rural so will have to go on the front fence.

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For being paid off? Nope.

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Good point. Trump LOVES Trump though I believe he really does love America. Trump isn’t a card arguing member of the military industrial complex. This is why he is so hated by the Demonrats. It’s also why many republicans also distance themselves. He did speak out in opposition to the Iraq invasion and I remember thinking “why does anyone care what Donald Trump thinks?” I couldn’t stomach Trump before he ran for President. It’s still cringy to hear him speak but not as much as it is to see Biden do anything. Or Kamala for that matter. I’d be all in on impeaching Biden if it didn’t mean Kamala might step in. That idea is both frightening and insane. So much so that I pray he doesn’t have any debilitating or life threatening events common to the elderly. I’d rather have Obama back than Kamala. Now I’m gonna have nightmares just for saying it.

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This is how many of us feel. I’ve had many moments of “Why did he have to say that?” The delivery needs work, but if you get down to the content he is spot on. I’d rather the intent and follow through than being lied to and treated as if I’m stupid.

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Really? And Trump's auditioning for Newsom's campaign.

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Lately there's one in every Unreported Truths comment thread that can't stop telling everyone how wrong they are. Same M.O., post the same comments numerous times to many people.

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You know, a lot of people had the scales fall from their eyes during the whole Covid scam. Now I read Matt Taibbi, and Naomi Wolf, and Alex Berenson, and I am seriously considering changing my voter registration so I can support RFK Jr. vs. the Brandon regime.

DeSantis when he was in Congress apparently swallowed the party line on trade-- "free trade" deals like NAFTA and TPP are good; tariffs only hurt consumers so they are ipso facto bad. He embraced that conventional wisdom, as did pretty much every Republican not named Pat Buchanan or Ron Paul. And so did the base. And then Trump came along and showed us all how wrong it was.

Does DeSantis now support these trade deals he once supported? Or has he come around to Trump's way of thinking on China, and trade, and tariffs? I wish I knew.

On Covid alone, I would take DeSantis. But I need to know where DeSantis's loyalties lie as far as trade policy before I pick one or the other.

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All great points. I like DeSantis but didn’t like Trump. I liked what Trump did for many people I know including Vets. I like what RD has done in Fla but also will be watching closely on these other issues. I am a determined conservative but have compassion for every sector of life, but don’t worship at the altar of Gaia.it is up to humanity to be good stewards of this magnificent world but we live here too. Throwing a huge portion of the world under the bus and back into abject poverty many have clawed their way out of is EVIL.

I’ll take mean tweets over sky rocketing prices, higher taxes, less freedom and reduced safety.

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The problem is - if Trump is the nominee, we are handing the next four years to Biden. Trump is so polarizing and so hated he is not electable. Once, yes, but not again. If the right ever wants to win again, they have to find a more palatable candidate.

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I agree. They will do anything to keep him from returning. He brought out the worst in every demonrat.

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What's changed? The DNC has not let any grass grow under their feet in the last 2 1/2 years ....especially in the swing states. The RNC????? They re-elected Rona....who has been the CEO of the RNC for the last two losing election cycles. They should have elected Harmeet Dhillon...but no....Harmeet is not part of the RNC cabal.

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You,my dear, are a moron. Did Trump have the balls to stand up and fight against Fauci and Birx? He Even had Scott Atlas advising him and still sided with the idiots. Trump is easily duped, a poor judge of character, and afraid to bring aboard Alpha males that will tell him the truth to his face. We don’t need a vindictive loser to get elected just so he can set out on a campaign or revenge and self serving. Wake up. Trump still hails Operation Warp Speed and the. COvid Vaccines as SUCCESSES!! My God…this is as dangerous as his responses during the initial wave of Covid. And your fantasy claims of DeSantis being backed by WEF and Republican establishment is just as retarded as your continued cult following of Trump. Especially after he single handedly allowed the Bureaucracy to foist the biggest scam upon America while also giving them the keys to the Election hen house so they could steal the election right under his dim witted nose.

Trump is not fit to be President again. As for DeSantis not ever getting the Trump Vote…..another fantasy of yours. I voted for Trump twice and there’s no way he gets my vote again.

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Bravo!!!!!!! My sentiments exactly. This country and the world are in the current mess as a result of the actions and non-actions of DJT. I also voted for him twice......will vote for him again if he is the candidate.....unless Robert Kennedy makes it as the democratic front runner. I will vote for Kennedy over Trump...without blinking an eye.

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Kinda if a day late and a dollar short. My better half still loves Trump and he looked at me like it was sacrilege when I declared that I would vote for DeSantis in the primary but if Trump wins that I would vote for him over ANY democrat. I didn’t used to despise the democrats but over the past decade they’ve been hijacked by leftist socialists. That’s not good for America. I love America, warts and all. I am not a heartless money grabbing right wing bigot. Wasn’t raised that way. That’s all the left does, divide to conquer and they have had some success as too many people are too lazy to check their crazy claims themselves. I learned a long time ago that it’s not wise to take the words of pretty much any person of authority at face value. The internet has been a double edged sword in that it offers easy ways to research everything but now has become a tool for brainwashing. Well that’s been a part of media for at least the last century. Marketing is a science; we are the lab mice.

Wow, went off the rails on this one.

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Chosen by the donors to get rid of Trump and Trumpism. Does Ron ever talk about China? I haven’t heard anything. Thus we know him.

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A school library, not a public library, not a bookstore, deeming a book inappropriate is NOT a book ban. Stop with the hyperbole.

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first they came for the child porn, but i was not a pedophile, so i said nothing

next ...well, pretty much everybody just agreed to stop there because we just have too many pedophiles right now & that's the main problem that needed to be addressed

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I have a lot of respect for you Alex. But commenting on the Republican primary? You make it patently clear that you are not a conservative or a Republican- so recommending that DeSantis not represent his base is kind of silly. While you are at it, got any advice for Pope Francis? 🤣🤣🤣

Perhaps your time would be better spent advising RFKJr how to beat Biden.

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Victor Davis Hansen's great analogy is "Trump is like chemotherapy for the cancer", you gotta be rough to kill the cancer. My father was diagnosed with pancreatic and given 3 months to live. He drove himself 104 miles, both ways, for his chemo, and lived 6 extra years. Many people wouldn't fight like he did, and many told him he was doing more worse than good by tiring himself out and getting cranky as hell, and many didn't know what they were talking about. My father was an old school New York City hippy professor who moved to a cabin in the Montana woods and hated Trump. A year before he died I said to my father "stop ranting against the only man who fights harder than you", and immediately apologized. My dad's gone now, and I no longer apologize for agreeing with Victor D Hansen. Rome is burning, it's a Defcon 1, and I'd love to see a Trump/Desantis ticket with safeguards against a repeat of the rampant fraud we saw in 2020. Well, not all of us saw it, but we all had to live with the results.

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Oh no, we saw it but too many were too cowardly to stand against it. The unending attempts to neutralize Trump is exhausting! And expensive. We pay for this nonsense and it’s insulting to the entirety of America.

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So true Maureen. I hope you see this late comment cuz you cheered me up, I just had a tough time with one of my long time friends who sees nothing, ever, at all, regarding deep state (et al) maneuvering and there was an audience of six taking his side, and it becomes too easy for me to walk away thinking everybody's blind to the obvious, but your comment was a mini watershed of other (more successful) friends "coming out" on our side, armed with big time well researched unassailable facts. Btw, Alex would theoretically have these facts too, but like Covidians, Covidians gonna Covidian.

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Oooh. Shots fired!

I like you Alex but she’s right.

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I agree with much of your points, but please stop with the “book ban” nonsense. HE did not remove books like Huckleberry Finn; that was the Democrats. He simply took pornographic books out of elementary schools. They can still be found at any bookstore for those parents who think it is necessary for their 8 year olds to learn how to perform oral sex on each other, among other things. Check out Gender Queer for one example.

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The left banned To Kill A Mocking Bird because it portrays a white savior helping a black man.

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last week in my local metropolitan rag it was headlined that a well-known independent children's bookstore was afraid for its bottomline if sex books could not be sold...tells ya all you need to know

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Alex, Desantis didn't "pick a fight with Disney" and he didn't indiscriminately throw himself into the culture war just to peel off Trump voters. Disney picked a fight with him. He was minding his own business passing a law through the duly elected legislature to keep elementary school kids from being exposed to sexualized education, when Disney decided to throw their massive weight against the people of Florida. What was he supposed to do??

I truly wish you could see that covid madness, sexualizing kids, open borders, climate change, diversity, racism, etc, etc, etc, etc, are all cut from the same piece of cloth.

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You are correct. Disney inserted itself into FL politics. Disney chose to go against parents who don't want their kids sexualized in elementary school. By the way Alex, Disney doesn't make fun films that kids enjoy anymore. They make films for kids with woke characters that lack humor. Most have been panned by audiences. They are also taking their classics and remaking them ruining some of their best work.

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Yup. They also have the same smell!!!

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DeSantis is a trojan horse. I vote by who can get the job done, not by personality. I'll stick with the sure thing--Trump.

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A sure thing to lose. Lost for the Republicans in '18, '20 and '22. Shooting for 4th time in '24.

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Nothing lost, just stolen.

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And how will he win it back? At least desantis won in Florida by a landslide. And had coattails.

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Trump won Florida in 2020 by the largest margin for a republican candidate in over 20 years. He increased his margin of victory over 2016.

DeSantis ran against - Charlie Crist. Who was rolled out by the left to be the sacrificial lamb in the state because Florida is now solidly republican. In large part thanks to Donald Trump.

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And they’ll do it again. After all, it worked!

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So you think Ron DeSantis is "not getting the job done" in Florida? Trump did not always get the job done....especially with COVID. I will never forgive him for signing the executive order removing all our rights and freedoms. Never.

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Which executive order are you referring to?

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Wonder why she didn't reply? I'd think she'd want to nail it down, because it sucks that Trump "removed all our rights and freedoms". I'm glad Biden stepped in and restored all our rights and freedoms. Other than that, Biden and his puppeteers have been, literally, by far, the biggest most insane lying sack of shit train wrecks in our lifetimes, and everybody with an IQ over a very low IQ knows it, and people who are still only talking about the previous administration are doing so cuz they want to pretend these last 2 1/2 years didn't really happen, but they did, look at it, it's been an epic, beyond batshit crazy disaster on every level, and no amount of media complicity has been able to hide the massive amount of election fraud and federal interference that put this current meth-eyed pants shitter in the oval office, oh and guess what? Trump haters including Alex all know it, but they're just like Covidians who believe Jan. 6th almost ended our democracy and don't wanna hear a word about VAERS.

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Exactly! And we both know M Lang didn't respond because no such executive order exists. I love all the armchair quarterbacks who are now trying to blame Trump for COVID, like they knew all along the BS. Everything was planned to help take Trump out.

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I think the whole COVID debacle was designed to destroy Trump, his economy and his admin. Fauci was well aware of the COVID virus. It is a patent held by the US government since the ‘90’s. His own name is on it as department head. There was NOTHING novel about it. They also knew it wasn’t a particularly strong strain, likely to cause fatalities in the general population. If they could tank the economy they had a shot at shedding Trump. Election shenanigans were only needed in a select and isolated couple venues. The massive mail in ballot scheme would do the heavy lifting to tilt things enough and by god, it worked. It’s precisely why mail in voting is not allowed at all in Europe. We really need to secure our elections. Conservatives will never win again

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Completely agree. Though I feel it is one big party and those that are in power now are all too happy to keep it. Thus, from here on out our votes will never count again and our leaders were be selected. The Republicans are doing absolutely nothing to stop any of this.

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Sorry...but I have to work for a living. Yesterday was a work day. I never said I blamed Trump for COVID. I do blame him for allowing the Fauci team to destroy both the American and world economy. The real damage began with the lock downs and giving "essential" status to the corporate elite. He was either duped...or he is part of the cabal. I tend to think a little of both. To this very day he still encourages vaccination. Still! Americans dropping dead all around him everyday and he acts like it is no big deal. He also signed the 2020 Executive Order that declared an Emergency that suspended all of our rights and our Constitution. That Emergency Declaration was still in effect until a week or so ago.The Emergency Act allowed the DoD to use secrecy and "immunity grants" in getting the poison to the market and into our arms with zero "informed consent". Trump didn't have to sign this act, but he did. He doesn't have to defend the poison to this day, but he does. I believe that declaration was signed March 18, 2020 but do not have the particular number. What he also did with that declaration......was cause his defeat in the 2020 election. It allowed mail in voting, ballot harvesting out the kazzoo and as a result...he was cheated out of a win. I was a hard core Trump supporter especially in 2016. Heavily involved in both local and state politics. I would love to hear him say he should have fired team Fauci....listened to Scott Atlas.....but no he will not because he thinks he did a great thing with "WARP SPEED". The narcissist in Trump is dangerous...to our health and to our republic. IMHO to which I am entitled. I am no arm chair quarterback. Never in my wildest dreams did I believe I would one day be living in an American totalitarian regime. Yet...here we are. With a stroke of a pen.....Trump began the slide into hell for Americans.. If Trump wins the republican nomination....he will not win the general election. So there is that to consider. We shall see....a lot can happen in 17 months.

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This one? If so, please reply with the wording that where it states that Donald Trump has "declared an Emergency that suspended all of our rights and our Constitution".

NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 201 and 301 of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) and consistent with section 1135 of the Social Security Act (SSA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5), do hereby find and proclaim that the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States constitutes a national emergency, beginning March 1, 2020. Pursuant to this declaration, I direct as follows:

Section 1. Emergency Authority. The Secretary of HHS may exercise the authority under section 1135 of the SSA to temporarily waive or modify certain requirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children’s Health Insurance programs and of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule throughout the duration of the public health emergency declared in response to the COVID‑19 outbreak.

Sec. 2. Certification and Notice. In exercising this authority, the Secretary of HHS shall provide certification and advance written notice to the Congress as required by section 1135(d) of the SSA (42 U.S.C. 1320b-5(d)).

Sec. 3. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b) This proclamation shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.

(c) This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of March, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-fourth.

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Alex, it is almost as if you believe the lame stream media headlines. Removing Disney's independent and unaccountable special tax district is not akin to 'going to war' with Disney. Holding a large employer in your state to the same standards as all other employers in the same state amounts to nothing more than common sense!

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Ron DeSantis wins by talking about nothing but freedom.

Trump is chained to c19 as a fearful follower who traded freedom for safety.

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The vaccines might be his downfall.

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Yeah. Probably so. I'll still vote for him if that's my only choice.

Totalitarianism is the other option.

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Under Trump, we had totalitarianism for months. Many of us escaped to Florida to live free.

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Trump was president but it was the governors who made the lockdown rules.

And Ryan, below, is exactly correct. I’m a native Floridian who moved back from MA to Florida and the difference between the two states was astounding. I hated the authoritarianism in Massachusetts.

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LOL. Ryan’s comment is now above mine.

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What's interesting is if someone hasn't had that experience, it's almost like trying to explain what it's like to have children to someone who doesn't.

The other interesting side of this, is that a lot of native Floridians don't quite understand how oppressive it was in most other states. How could they? They didn't experience it.

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True dat!

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May 30, 2023
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Do you own a business and did you move from a red state to Florida in April of 20'?

I did. I can tell you it was a world of difference.

If you did. Let's talk.

If not; try being more specific with further comparative analysis.

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Hilarious. Interesting. I am originally from San Diego. We left in 08' for KC.

when I went back in early 22 it still felt like living behind the iron curtain

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I don't know it was just awful in the Show-Me State...of all places!

You could feel the oppressive hand of totalitarianism pushing down on you

I think it may have been worse than San Diego.

I will say the gulf side and northern Florida were night and day compared to the south east coast of Florida.

The other thing in Florida is, even in retail chain stores you weren't required to wear a mask even when it was supposed to be.

I hated the fucking masks. That's one of the biggest reasons we moved to Florida; we didn't want our kids to have to cover their faces for cowardly adults.


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Plenty of videos with Trump threatening the same thing. Difference is, Trump has a lot more, and Trump still says his lockdowns were the right think. Desantis backed off and went the other direction. Trump just has a nomination to win and a general to lose.

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Clearly your a shill for DeSantis. Trump didn’t force anyone or take any freedoms away. It’s a desperate attempt by the left and Dessntis lovers to try and pin something on him. You got nothing. He was fighting against all that and trying to open the country back up. He was surrounded by people who lied and were in on the Covid BS. He couldn’t win either way.

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Oh, so... praising the King of Lockdowns doesn't count. OK. You Only-Trumpers are brimming with logic.

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A leader takes responsibility by changing course when they're wrong. Most important part of being a leader.

Who else did that, that early? Who did at all in politics - except him?

Certainly wasn't Trump; nor will it ever be.

That doesn't excuse this though.

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Encourages book banning? Have you heard any excerpts from books allowed in elementary school libraries? Close to pornographic and not suitable for young kids.

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They literally won't show parents reading from these books on TV because the material isn't suitable for kids.........

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I've seen that.

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I personally got the book series Heartstopper taken out of our middle school in Western New York. My 12 yr old checked it out upon a recommendation from a friend. What a piece of trash. Nothing of literary value, but rather an intro to an unhealthy, at times violent, same sex relationship spattered with profanity. Some of the districts here contain LOTS of questionable sexually explicit books. Some of the elementary schools carry a book or two about how your parents may have chosen the wrong gender for you at birth…they assumed you were a girl or a boy. The world is going mad. I do not want classic books like those mentioned in this thread banned….but to think that the school feels my child should be exposed to sexual content without my permission….hell no. All taxpayers should be furious. As someone else mentioned, one can obtain these books from many other sources. It is extremely inappropriate to house these in a school library.

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I watched a video of an 11 year old boy read to his school board from a book that was in his school library. It was a sexually graphic encounter between two boys called Nick and Charlie. When he went to take out the book, the librarian asked if he wanted more books like this or the graphic novel version. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The school board sat there in silence.

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That is the series Heartstopper! I saw that video too. Apparently our former librarian hand picked that book. I want to find her and ask her why she thinks it’s a good book for my 12 yr old who does not know much about sex to read😤

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Wow! I cringed while I listened to the reading. I would like to know also what's behind this push to sexualize young kids. Drag queen shows, pornographic books, and secret transgender clubs at schools would have been strictly off limits to elementary age kids a few years ago. Some people say it's grooming them to accept all kinds of sex as appropriate at any age because the people who introduce this garbage want to normalize pedophilia.

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Politics is downstream from culture. A WOKE America is a culturally Marxist America. "Please don't fight the 'icky' culture wars Governor, they're 'icky'" Porn for 6 years; abortion ON DEMAND; middle-aged men in women's clothing reading books to 8 year olds in the PUBLIC LIBRARIES; Black Queer Gender Studies supplanting Rosa Parks, Jim Crow, and MLK, Jr in the universities; Disney making cartoons for 5 year olds proclaiming "SLAVES BUILT THIS COUNTRY" No real conservative leader can ignore such madness. Alex is from the Left, he discounts "culture" as we've watched his "side" march though the institutions, tearing down one after another. The military now included! He'll hit Trump with COVID; the First Step Act; excess federal spending; that he loses elections. Those will be his main themes - but he will not retreat from the "culture" wars. Or soon, there will be nothing LEFT to save . . .

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DeSantis proved he can't win when he decided to run. It illustrates he doesn't understand what's going on around him - and aligning with David Sachs, who I quite enjoy on his podcast but who perfectly represents the disconnect from real humans that our entire ruling class has - only further illustrates it.

DeSantis was the leading candidate in '28 by such a wide margin it's ridiculous to consider. For the disaffected, which is a huge crowd, he's not just behind Trump, he's behind Trump and RFK Jr. and probably Vivek.

He was talked into running by mega-donors - which really tells you all you need to know.

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I agree, DeSantis should not have run for '24. He won the governorship of FL by an overwhelming margin. He should stay another 4 years and work for Floridians.

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I completely agree. He made a commitment, and when your first act as reelected governor is to fight with Disney and then flea to start campaigning, it's hard to take you serious. I thought DeSantis had potential, but he speaks to all the ills of politics today. Train up your replacement (Matt Gaetz, maybe?), run the state as you committed to doing, and then prepare for a presidential run in '24. This whole thing was laid out for him. But people care more about stopping Trump than they do about anything else, so here we are.

And that disqualifies him, because if you believe stopping Trump is a good reason to run for president, you don't understand the people you're pretending to represent.

Though I'll always hold against Trump that he didn't form a true and competitive 3rd party, so part of me is hoping he'll lose the GOP nomination after he gets disqualified for something ridiculous and outlandish, and then hopefully the Freedom Party becomes a formal political party and now we're starting to have some fun...

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Some of Trump's biggest obstacles were and are establishment Republicans. Imagine what he could have accomplished if they didn't join Dems to obstruct him at every turn. DeSantis is the chosen one to rid the establishment of Trump once and for all. I don't think it will work.

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No one thought Trump had a chance I hell when he threw his hat in the 2016 ring either. I wouldn’t count Ron out just yet. Polls have been way wrong and are not an accurate measure.

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For the umpteenth time, Trump did not lose, the election was stolen. Disney inserted itself into the bill that was passed to not allow the sexualization of children controversy; they had no business doing that. DeSantis fought back, you make it seem DeSantis went after Disney.

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Calling restrictions in books in schools “book banning” is like calling restricting child porn in school “movie banning”. Anyone can buy the books or look at a public library.

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I disagree about Disney. Culture is killing our country, stealing our children's outlook on themselves, their life, our country. This is a war we have to fight and win, at all cost, or as a country, we are doomed. Children can no longer watch a clean pure Disney movie without them trying to spread an agenda. They must be challenged.

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The same media propaganda machine that produced the “safe and effective”narrative produced the “orange man bad” narrative. What is keeping you from seeing that?

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Am I wrong? Wasn't Operation Warp Speed Trump's initiative? Sorry -- it is HIS anchor. If Trump didn't have the wherewithal, intelligence or balls to stop the propaganda machine, then that is a real problem for him.

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You know very well the propaganda machine is against Trump. Warp speed was Trump indeed. Safe and effective was definitely Fauci and Pharma. 2 completely different operations. Especially when the data started coming in. Had Pharma not lied, DJT would have done the right thing. Stop the jabs.

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Are you telling me that DJT bought the "safe and effective" hook, line and sinker? I think you are making my point. You did not need a year or two's data to know that an experimental injection forced on the American public was a really bad idea. He pushed it because he thought it would make him a hero; he thought it would go over bigly. He cannot run from it-- ever.

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And he is still pushing the jabs.....no lack of data now. Pharma lied and people died and are still dying. Trump also keeps stating he did not "mandate" the jabs but with his executive emergency powers order signed, sealed and delivered and given to HHS....he allowed everyone else to mandate the jabs. Especially those with gov contracts like medicare and medicaid. Blackmail more or less. You either mandate the jabs or no more medicare/medicaid funding for you . You are exactly right Mar....Trump thought it would make him a bigger star than he ever dreamed about. BY the way....who appointed Fauci head of the covid dream team? Oh...DJT. He needs to own his mistakes as they cost a lot of Americans their life. I do think it was a set up...to get rid of Trump. It worked!

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No I’m not telling you what DJT bought or not. He is guilty of trusting Fauci and Pharma too much for sure and he was getting lied to by people in position of power who were not on his team. Sure, I would prefer he pivot and admit it was a mistake to listen to America’s Mass Murderer Fauci, but that’s only my opinion.

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Your argument has nothing to do with why Alex doesn’t like Trump. If only it were a 1 issue hang-up. My argument you never really addressed. You only deflected it because it is so on target🎯Can you tell me why you believe DJT is an awful person? Did that information come from the propaganda machine? How can you not see that it’s a psy op just like “ safe and effective?

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Why is it the Unreported Truths folks still don't seem to understand the following:

-the top of the Org Chart for our Covid Response was the NSA,

-the contractors were military,

-Pfizer/Moderna were mere "branding partners" and

-Fauci with regard to covid was the Cover-Up man charged with condescendingly lying to Congress at every turn and controlling the propaganda campaign ?????

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It’s kind of like remodeling an old home- sometimes you’re scared to peel back that first layer of wallpaper, or to take a look in the attic to check out the wiring, because you just might find that you’ve got more work than you bargained for, and you got swindled on the deal. That’s where most people are. They want to put lipstick on a pig and call it good. It’s a lot easier to know something’s a total tear down going in.

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"Meanwhile, DeSantis has encouraged book bans..."

You should stick to covid and drug commentaries Alex. Your inner liberal keeps asserting itself when you stray beyond that. It seems to be driven by some version of the "self-doubt" quality that you accuse Trump of.

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