I think a lot of people realized that the lockdowns, mRNA mandates were excessive and ridiculous. Ditto mask mandates etc. One thing Trump should do - which I advocated in April 2020 - is to release all the meeting notes etc that involved Fauci et al in the spring of 2020.

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To restore faith in science, medicine and the government - the sunlight is necessary. I hope RFK JR can shine the sunlight and reforms to can be made to ensure this NEVER happens again.

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Yes! Release all documents - that's how they might regain my trust. What about Pfizer contracts? What about payments to hospitals for suppressing other Covid treatments? And more and more... Make it all publicly available and I hope the horrible corruption and abuse is less likely to happen again.

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If RFK does that he’ll be a real hero. We’ll see how much he’s just talk

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You know the swamp who much of the "BIG" (AG, FOOD, PHARMA) own will fight RFK tooth and nail and spew propaganda thru the MSM (bought and paid for by the BIGS) saying RFK is a bad person for trying to clean up the corruption.

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As Trump would say Fight! Fight! Fight!

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That right there...saying whomever is a bad person for trying to clean up the corruption.

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I really believe RFK is dedicated to the truth about all this!

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It's best that the public never again put its faith and trust into the hands of any of these institutions. We must always remain skeptical.

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Without REAL accountability rest assured it will occur again. A rapist will rape until IT is not allowed too. This has never been rocket science, and yet the same people are allowed to stay in positions to ACT as they do repeatedly!

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Wait until they find out 1/100th of what we know. They actually might understand why our hair was on fire for 4 years before

It's definitely become the word on the street in the last 6-9 months or so . Something is in the air. Not exactly sure what happened....maybe because it's become "ok" to talk about...even initiating the dialogue.

I've had multiple casual unsolicited conversations like this lately, and it appears they're "looking" for information....like a person would seeking a bankruptcy lawyer in a "confessional booth" two years later than they should have.....talking all around the elephant in the room, but not actually saying it out loud. One part seeking advice and another "permission" and another absolution.


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Ryan, you are So right! In July, at an outdoor BBQ, the hostess introduced me to two other couples by telling them I had been right all along about the jabs and I was actually asked how I came to my decision! I was shocked because on the advice of her doctors and other family members in the medical community, she had the original shots and several boosters and had dismissed anything I had to say about not taking them. Unfortunately, she is now in stage 4 cancer. Do I wonder if the jabs contributed to her obviously weakened immune system? Maybe not but you bet I do…as well as the 27 year old down the street who died of aggressive pancreatic cancer…and another grandson of a neighbor who now has leukemia. Strokes, heart attacks, heart failure and miscarriages. Talk about a pandemic…

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My sibling in AK who is in real estate mentioned to me last week that one of her best clients,a cancer survivor who got multiple boosters, has had her cancer return. It seems like these anecdotes are legion.

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Trump brought in the very respected Dr. Scott Atlas (Stanford) who was astounded that neither Drs. Deborah Birx nor Fauci were at all interested in facts and science he brought forth. (Read Atlas’s “A Plague on our House” if you really want an inside look at how those two narcissistic fools operated.) They were only interested in their narratives. And Birx was worse than Fauci. They both basically dismissed anything Atlas had to say. Of course time has proven Atlas exactly correct.

So, absolutely. All of this needs to be “out there” because it will happen again if people don’t understand what was done to them. And there are way too many who do not. (I’m still quite angry and doubt I will ever get over this.)

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Can I double like this post?!!

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If I like yours and Free's, it's a double like, right?

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Also, Senate hearings investigating Fauci's role in all this must start within the first two weeks after the new senators are sworn in.

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That would be AMAZING.

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I'm 83 years old, absolutely in spite of my PCP telling me to get the shot, I simply refuse because of all the BS surrounding it. Pfizer & Company can kiss my ass!!!

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Good for you! Hard to swim upstream.

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I like your style!

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Strong message to follow! 😂😂😂

Love this, Andrew!!!

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My wife and I were talking about how we wish there would have been exit polling on vaccines and masks. Our hypothesis is that Trump took 100% of the vaccine refuser vote and that Harris got >95% of the currently still wearing a mask crowd.

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I worked the poles in the bluest city in the bluest state, (suburban Boston). If someone, usually a man, walked in and showed an ID, un-asked for, I assumed he was a Trump voter. If someone walked in, usually a woman but not always, wearing a mask, I assumed she was a Kamala voter.

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You're not totally correct. I know two people who refused who really like RFK but couldn't swallow the Trump pill. But I'm guessing he got at least 75%.

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He is right. My wife works in the health care system, and has observed the same exact thing. People that get the jab get sick easier, the sickness lasts longer and is often more severe. This includes all diseases from the common cold to bacterial infections. People that don't get the jab have the exact opposite results, they are rarely sick. It is a stark contrast and is often the topic of conservation amongst colleagues. Most people can see it, but don't want to admit it, especially people that got the jab. They know something has changed with their bodies permanently, and realize there is no way to reverse it. The most common complaint is " I feel bad all the time and nothing I do changes that".

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It's so true. There was nothing that I could say or send my family and friends that would stop them from taking the jab. I pleaded with them, but my voice was and still is, no competition against the relentless TV and radio propaganda. I finally gave up and said, 'I promise you- if this thing goes sideways I will do all I can for you to find a way to help." Now it's sideways everywhere! Like ice on a frozen bridge it goes from chronic unwellness fender benders, to turbo cancer crashes, to sudden death head on collisions. It's awful and there's nothing I can do at this point but give them Dr. McCullough's protocol and pray for them.

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Hi Judith. I feel your pain. Same thing happened with my family. I told them, they didn't listen. I was treated as a outcast by my own family because I wouldn't get the jab. That's okay. My wife and I are well, my family is not. My uncle had mild, treatable leukemia. After the jab, it accelerated to a more deadly form. My mother had lung cancer, treatable, slow spreading. After the jab, it took off like wild fire. It killed her in 6 months. People have to make their own choices, even if they are horrifically wrong. Talking to them is pointless, especially when it comes to mass formation. Read the book the psychology of totalitarianism by Mattias Desmet. It explains mass formation and how easy it is for people to fall victim to it. Believe it or not, Hitler used the techniques explained in the book to almost overtake the world.98 percent of the world's population is vulnerable to it. After reading the book, I completely understood why people acted the way they did. So I just stepped back and watched the show.

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Thank you Larry. I will get Desmett's book. I have heard him speak. I get signals in my dreams sometimes and woke up repeating the word wetiko over and over. Turns out it is a Native American word for "mind virus." It seems we have discovered that the spirit can be handed over through deception. It is a sad state, but must be if we are going to evolve.

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I find it hilarious that all the dem conspiracists are pointing out "15 million missing dem votes compared to 2020 - given the (supposedly) historic turnout". NONE are making the connection with the idea that COVID-rule voting allowed massive fraud on the dem side in 2020.

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At my workplace, there is an unmistakable correlation between vaccine/booster level and illness (colds/flu symptoms). The higher the level, the more persistent, relentless and severe the illness. Remarkably, this has become a year-long, not a seasonal, phenomenon.

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My husband works for a huge company that mandated the vaxx, though just when he was about to submit his religious exemption they dropped the mandate. His colleagues are ALWAYS sick. Bad colds, viruses, pneumonia, Covid. It’s nuts.

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The dose is definitely the poison.

There seems to be this lag effect where the boomerang "delay" keeps coming back faster and harder with each round.

I think we're starting to see both the accumulative effect of having more frequent and intense bouts of "colds" and the build up of the toxins.

I mean poison can't be good to give a person who is both progressively weakening their immune system by virtue of a couple extra colds a year while the toxin builds up like "mercury" poisoning.

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Exactly- vaccines are toxins injected into the body. With the current state of our air, food, water, etc, our bodies cannot handle the continuous insults. Everyone has an individual threshold for what they can process without noticing effects. These people are reaching their threshold, and it’s manifesting in this way. Very sad situation. I’m grateful every day that my husband got an exemption from his work and I was able to test weekly to avoid the poison. Unfortunately my daughter bought into the hysteria and since she’s on her own she got the first series. Fortunately it finally sunk in and she’s never gotten any boosters. My son had to take the first series or be unable to attend in person classes at UCSD which in a science major where you have lab classes that’s basically impossible. He got that first series only and then was able to fly under the radar as the university became more lax with checking the student’s records prior to registration. I got him a troponin( measure of heart inflammation/damage) test early on and again later which thankfully were both good. What a crime against humanity and especially against our young people this has been. Thank you Alex for your continued efforts!!!!

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Absolutely! You sound like a wonderful mother.

It will forever give me the heaviest of hearts to think about what was done to children. It's like everyone forgot what it was like to be a 9 year old.

Everyone just stood by and couldn't be bothered to lift a finger.There's a price to be paid for surrounding children in a spirit of fear for 2 years. It was all so obvious.

I'll never understand how, during the scamdemic, the more obvious something was, the more illusory it became.

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Thank you for your kind words, Ryan. I do a lot of my own research, never take anything at face value, and in the case of the COVID times, was fortunate to have had a strong science foundation and prior training in analyzing research studies for flaws. From the very beginning, my husband and I were pouring over now deleted CDC metrics which were telling a much different story than the media and powers that be ( Fauci). That information was quickly made unavailable but thankfully we had already seen it and formulated our views accordingly.

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Praying for you and your family always Alex. Praying for our country and leaders and Israel always as well.

I know your email from yesterday said no widespread evidence about the 2020 election, and that’s fine to think that. But with these numbers- I think we now have our strongest evidence.

Never forget Sleepy Joe got the most votes all time by a lot.....

Also the most black votes of all time....

Corn Pop was a bad dude and Joe had hairy legs and they'd play with his leg hair underwater....

But the man could get people to vote in record numbers from his basement.

Truly a remarkable feat, it would almost be unbelievable 🤔

Blessings and health to you and your family and please God in Heaven give you favor and victory in the lawsuit and to help you bring to light the atrocities done to you and your family and many with their suppression of free speech, mandates, lies and everything else they’ve done to tear apart our country and families. My dad is fighting a serious AML leukemia battle as I type this, I think the shots contributed to the weakening and destruction of his body, you know this well. Many prayers.

God bless

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I've seen posts on social media where non-conspiracy theorists are now questioning the results of 2020. I feel vindicated!

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I myself have gone back and begun to question 9-11. I'll be damned if those crazy 'truthers' don't make a good case.

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I've only had friends saying this election is illegitimate and doesn't make sense.

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Bridget, I’m thinking you need a new set of friends! You used your logic and voted appropriately for a brighter and more positive future. It sounds as if many of your friends might be in the MSNBC bubble!

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Most of my friends say Trump won in 2020 (even some liberal Democrats concede this!) Convincing the holdouts is impossible, though.

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As I love to tell all my liberal friends about the 2020 results is that “you see, this proves Biden carried Obama thru his 2 terms as president getting the most votes eva’”.

Prayers for your dad.

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The only plausible explanation!

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"Truly a remarkable feat, it would almost be unbelievable 🤔" ABSOLUTELY!!

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I'm not saying Trump won in 2020, but I'll never believe Joe Biden got 81 million votes. By the way, I heard Sleepy Joe called Trump to congratulate him and invite him to the White House. This sheds some light on the sincerity of Joe calling Trump a fascist and his supporters garbage.

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Fun fact: Counting only in-person votes, Donald Trump won the popular vote in all 50 states in 2020. Counting only mail-in ballots, Joe Biden won the popular vote in all 50 states in 2020.

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I'd love the opportunity to use a 2020 vs 2024 disparity to drive a serious political effort to secure elections.

But we won't get it.

Many ballots remain un-tallied, particularly on the Left Coast. These will not change the winner of the election, but they will add to the totals. By the end, I suspect there will be more total votes in 2024 than in 2020.

We should be angry that blue states choose to sow doubt and create opportunity for malfeasance with their election systems, but they're not going to hand us a smoking gun.

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Nov 7Edited

Trump and our soon to be GOP majority congress need to enshrine our right to medical freedom into law so that never again can we be subject to: "vax" or loose your Job, mask or you can't be around people, shut your business or church down for the "greater good", remove our children from school to protect society, subject your child to the 72 vax childhood immunization schedule or they can't attend public school. There are all vast overreaches by government that has heretofore sold out to the vast medical industrial complex. Time to make America healthy again and respect our constitutional liberties. This election shows that the American public is on to the cabals grift and we are not going to take it any longer.

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Yes medical freedom—back to Nuremberg principles. Let’s not let the liability issue take over all of our asks.

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Yesterday I received a Christmas letter from a friend of 40+ years who is retiring RN. 1) who sends Christmas letters? 2) He's retiring 3) When I asked him about the mRNA jab his response was immediate and unyielding: Get it or you're gonna die. I didn't. Nor did I die. The rest of his letter reveals that his retirement is due to 1) his BIL died of sudden stomach cancer 2) his inlaws died within 1 year of each other due to stomach cancer and colon cancer 3) his mother and father died within 1 1/2 years of each other "possibly due to broken heart" of his sister dying of myocarditis and the 2 of them by cardio-vascular procedures that were unsuccessful due to their age. NONE of these are assigned to the molten ash heap of the adverse effects on mRNA. Not one. Further, his wife's health is "greatly diminished and as middle-aged (60's) orphans we're headed to winters in Mexico."

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My ex father n law upon receiving his 2nd dose of the mRNA injections in 2021 within 4 days had massive clotting within his bowels which led to perforations. He was healthy as an OX at 70 going into this, and was in and out of hospital for 7 months finally getting home with a permanent feeding tube and bedridden since. He just passed away. Had just retired and was planning on doing all the things he wanted to do. SO MANY us out here have such a story within our families, and NO one can tell us this was spontaneous or of other cause. Its all just "allowed" crimes against humanity

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First of all, it IS sad that he is experiencing so many losses among family members. Secondly, it is sad that he is clueless abt the possible connection between the health issues and the experimental shots. Having said that, I keep my mouth shut around family members who took the shots (for a variety of reasons) and hope they will remain healthy.

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This is TRAGIC.

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Brother in law ended up stomach cancer and lost half his stomach.

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Some of these people are waking up, some still refuse to see it. Had an election-eve DM chat with a dear friend - she is an acupuncturist and "natural health" person who, oddly, used to be against vaccines but went all-in on the Covid shot. It is a most unusual combination! Extremely rooted in the social power of virtue-signaling and "I'm a good person because I took this for the 'greater good'." And what I am noticing is that, post-covid, some of these folks are so committed to convincing themselves that they did "the right thing" that no amount of data or anecdotal evidence will get through just yet. We humans are an interesting species... the drug-like effects of social power seem to trump all forms of reasoning/analysis/instinct.

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Interesting. A few years ago, I noticed several acquaintances who had severe TDS were people whom I'd been unable to interest in politics several election cycles earlier. I had other friends with whom I'd argue about politics. Some of them hate Trump, but talk to me about it. The worst cases (most irrational) are the formerly apolitical.

I had been chalking it up to tribalism, but perhaps it is virtue signaling as you say.

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ANYONE out here with a firm grasp on statistical analysis and odds-analysis? My question IS: What are the odds Harris received 15,000,000 LESS votes than Biden did in 2020 which was "officially" deemed the most secure election in HISTORY after all post election lawsuits saying otherwise never saw the light of day, yet most had strong MERIT.

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I have no firm grasp whatsoever on statistical analysis and odds-analysis....all I know is on election night in 2020 when I went to bed at 1 AM PST, Trump was ahead in PA by over 700,000 votes. I awoke at 7 AM that morning and Biden was approximately 138,000 votes ahead of Trump. Later some world renown mathematician stated that occurrence would be a statistical impossibility. Where are the 600,000 votes? They don't exist!

Trumps landslide victory makes it very clear that 2020 was stolen....the burden of proof to show it wasn't is now on those who claim it was the most free and fair election in history. 81 million votes, sure, right.

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This is almost exactly what I was going to post. There are lots of other anomalies from 2020, too. There's a reason that the establishment media is so sensitive about the stolen election.

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Only the machines know for sure.

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My best pal Alan T. knows the day he got the shot (Moderna). Sept 21st 2021. His life has never been the same. One long drawn out auto-immune response. For a time we thought for sure we would lose him. He is mostly stable now owing to the large and constant dosage of prednisone. Every time they try to ween him off his body reverts to an extreme response (hives, weight loss, exteme joint swelling etc). He had to take the shot or lose his job. His regret is daily. And he feels completely isolated because no doctor will talk to him about the cause...only the symptoms.

My wife took the J&J. Six weeks later developed strange nodules in both lungs. She developed sever difficulty breathing, and 2 years after the shot had to have a double lung transplant. Again no doctor will discuss causes...only symptoms and solutions. At least we got new lungs, we are forever grateful for that.

the road goes on forever and the party never ends.

RFK can't get to Washington soon enough for our liking. Alex thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do sir.

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How awful!

My dad (86) developed dementia over the last 3 years after getting repeatedly jabbed by my well-meaning, but clearly neurotic sister. My manager at work (mid 40s?) had a stroke.

Those are the most obvious ones in my life, but I'm fortunate I found Alex pretty early on and none of my immediate family got any jabs. I will be eternally grateful to Alex and others for that.

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It was my decision to vote for Biden because he swore he would not mandate shots! He lied and lied and lied and the media lied and they incited fear and hatred between jabbed and unjabbed. The Biden /Harris administration shunned me and spit me out. I had people I love tell me if "you're not getting vaccinated than you must believe in Jan. 6." I was like WTF does that have to do with anything?! (I dont watch television so I don't know the crap they were pushing) If you insist I must be a Trump supporter because I cherish my immune system than SO BE IT! And I learned that discernment had become a moral crime to liberals.

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I am pretty sure the Cleveland Clinic had a study which showed the more shots you got, the more frequently you got COVID.

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Yeah, the study was from late 2022. The numbers at the time showed that in a 90 day period, 6% of the shot/booster recipients were likely to catch Covid while only 1.5% of the unvaxxed were. My recollection and understanding.

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but aren't the people who take lots of covid shots the same people who take lots of covid tests? It makes it hard to measure if the jab-takers are really getting sick more often.

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In the wild that would be true, but in a controlled scientific setting I think they can draw that conclusion.

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So, as an RFK Jr. volunteer in San Francisco for the last year +, I can attest to the increasingly positive engagement w/us & our candidate over that election cycle, even here in the bluest of the blue cities. Many of the people we met during our tabling events walked up to us & told us similar stories to your DC reader, and seem to be coming to their senses.

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There is a ton of data revealed by Steve Kirsch. I highly recommend his substack. He has the goods and has analyzed the data from New Zealand, the VA and what happened in nursing homes. All show how deadly the shots were and are today. This is not anecdotal! He has the data!

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