I neither love nor loathe Trump. I hold him accountable for his horrendous handprint of Covid, and choosing Fauci over freedom. I tune out the noise politically and vote based on actual outcomes. With that standard, DeSantis has my support. He far outperformed Trump on understanding Covid and responding according to actual facts. Even when I have disagreed with DeSantis, which isn’t often, I respect him being effective and competent. Trump won’t be getting my vote in the primaries. I fear another Trump presidency, but I fear another tyrannical leftist presidency more. I’ll make a general election decision when the time comes, but I’m still hoping we have better choices than 2 old arrogant jerks in their 80’s who are ineffective and both decided to throw out a generation of kids like trash.

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I voted for Trump in 2020 and I'll vote for whoever the Republican nominee is in 2024, because the Democrats are legitimately insane. Not just their leadership, but many of their voters (covid proved that beyond a doubt).

I don't like the cult of personality this primary is taking on. Both Trump and DeSantis are infinitely better on just about every issue than the modern Left (which, did I mention is insane)?

Let the primary play out without destroying one another and go from there.

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The comments have a firmer grasp on reality than you do. No shame in that, you are still the dude from the NYT deep down inside.

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Alex - Which books does DeSantis want to ban or has banned?

You're a reporter - one of the last who is actually doing his job. So why don't you research this and get back to us about it. As I understand it, no books are banned in Florida. Books that are completely inappropriate for children have been removed from school libraries. That's not what banning books means, though.

Maybe your kids are too young still, but the culture war that the left has brought with the Trans cult has affected my kids' peers horribly. Teenagers mutilating themselves (having healthy organs removed, such as breasts, etc.) is far worse than getting a tattoo, yet lunatics are advocating for this very thing, and propaganda is pushed on our kids at early ages.

The teen fads of the past, of cramming into phone booths or eating goldfish or collecting pogs, do not compare with the transgender fad. Girls being told they're really boys and encouraged to get top surgery because they're uncomfortable in their bodies is heinous evil.

I think you're wrong in your beliefs about the culture war. I suspect it's due to naïveté. Please, look into these things. You cannot rely upon the mainstream media.

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Trump and his promotion of the vaccine is a huge swing and a miss. Pass

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It’s going to be an interesting few months. I voted for Trump and DeSantis is my Governor. I supported DeSantis and even went to his first inauguration. I really had hoped he would sit this one out. He really needs to do something about the Home Owners Insurance issue that should be getting ALL his attention. Trump I was not ready to vote for again, however given all the fresh dirt that’s come out showing he was railroaded by the Liberals and even some from his own party, I believe he should get a second chance to clean house.

I’m not naive enough to think that both of these men in the race, will just provide more fodder for the liberals to use against them when the winner finally rises. It’s going to be sad to watch the spectacle.

We have to unseat Joe & his puppeteers or our country’s demise will just quicken.

Trump does need to read the tea leaves and admit he was duped by the likes of Fauci and the entire media narrative on COVID or he’s toast.

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Between January of 2020 and December 2020, DJT likely spent every waking moment being briefed/bombarded/brainwashed by the “professionals” who were already a part of this deep state pandemic game and Event 201. What the hell else could he have done?? He was made to believe the nation needed to be vaccinated against this killer pandemic that would take millions of lives. He felt the vaccine was the only way to save lives and the only thing slowing the vaccine was too many regulations. He did what he felt was needed in order to save lives BASED ON THE INFORMATION he was being provided by PROFESSIONALS. He had no other motivation. Imagine the pressure campaign we all experienced to get the damn jab!!! He was living the pandemic fear mongering 24/7 by those in the top of their respective fields. Holy cow…give him a fricken break!!! Recall the military ship he sent to NYC that was never used? Recall the ventilators he had put into production? Everything he did was in the name of saving lives. How the fuck was he supposed to know he was being LIED to? Mistakes were made. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don’t need him to apologize. I need him to keep fighting to keep America from falling further into the hands of these soulless cretins. DJT cannot be controlled. That is a GOOD thing. Why do you think these people all hate him so much?? The powers that be do not have any dirt on this man as they do nearly all the other politicians who were all probably blackmailed by CIA operative, Jeffrey Epstein. You know it’s true when they cower and cave. Trump never backs down. That’s a GOOD thing. We are a corrupt nation and we need a president that represents the people, not the government.

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The reality. If you refuse to vote in the general election because the Republican nominee was not your choice, you have essentially voted for the Democrat.

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Neither Trump or DeSantis can win the presidency if the Republican Party is split. What is happening is exactly what the Dems want to happen.

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Trump accomplished more than any other president in my lifetime, even my fav Reagan. Is DJT perfect, no. But I don't need or want a saint. Politics is a blood-sport and I am shocked how easily so many are fooled by the media. So DJT can take a crap on live TV and I will still vote for him.

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I voted for Trump twice and loved him. I also lived in Florida during Covid and experienced what DeSantis pulled off there that no other state could. I truly admire them both for wildly different reasons. I am just going to sit back and watch and listen. I would love them both on the ticket. A girl can dream...

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May 30, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

Hi Alex,

I think I am uniquely positioned on this among your readers. I voted for Trump for President in 2016 and 2020, and voted for DeSantis for Governor in 2018 (Primary and General). Would have voted for him in 2022, but sadly had to move out of the State.

Ron DeSantis is strong on policy and from my perception a very stand up guy. He is a great Governor and I would say the one vote that I am most proud of in my forty years of voting. However, as many have mentioned in your comments, he lacks two things; 1) real charisma and 2) real money. He has improved vastly since the first time I saw him at a Lincoln Day dinner in Davie, Florida back in 2018. But he's not got the chops of a National candidate and he still relies on big donors. That makes him beholden to the Chamber of Commerce and Military Industrial Complex types. Trump has both charisma and money, and is therefore the stronger candidate.

You and others say that Trump's abrasive style makes him unelectable. I think he got something like 76 million votes in 2020. And, truth be told, it was a few urban precincts with over 100% turnout that got Biden in the White House. That doesn't sound unelectable to me. "But Biden got 81 million votes" you may retort. Biden would have gotten 81 million votes no matter who he was facing. California anyone? More importantly, Biden would have gotten however many votes he needed in Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee and Phoenix, if you know what I mean.

2024 is going to be a tough slog for whoever gets the GOP nod. That is simply because the other side cheats. Just wait and see what they do to RFK Jr. We need the strongest candidate we can find, and that remains Trump. Ron DeSantis is probably the best Governor I've ever lived under. But 2024 is not his time. He can only damage his brand by running against Trump.

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Trump will always be inacapable of executing a plan. He is incapable of doing detailed work himself, and also incapable of letting his ego hire competent people to execute such plans out of fear they will get the credit.

Therefore a DeSantis may be our only option. Or Youngkin. Some compromise on some things, but you also get a better chance of progress on Conservative issues as they flow through.

Disney quagmire aside, DeSantis is a thorough Middle Class guy who got Yale and Harvard.

God help up if a Democrat not named RFK wins.

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President Trump did a spectacular job considering that the FBI, CIA, NSA and military all sabotaged him. I think I can say that now without much fear of contradiction by reasonable people. And Trump was not sabotaged because he was a threat to America. He was sabotaged because he was a threat to their power. I think Eisenhower put it most excellently in 1961 in his exit speech. The relevant part is below:


If Trump were to win the presidency in 2024, I hope he learned the lesson of how to move corrupt and evil people out of America's way, and not the lesson of how to work with them to maintain the putrified organs of state we have now in most Western countries.

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Without Trump we might have been in WWlll with Hillary. Thank the lord for that alone. Additionally, Trump is not perfect but, he created the best of everything for our nation in the last 60 years. He exposed the SWAMP and boy is it murky with alligators.

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They write like they think their vote makes a difference. Republicans caved in the deft limit. How are they any better. Besides, the elections are rigged by the deep state with the cooperation of the media

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