This is the fight of our generation. 1A is the whole ball of wax. It is non-negotiable. It is life itself and should be treated as such. Without it we are nothing but slaves.

Does anyone think being a slave is a life worth living?

Don't forget free speech is a sword AND shield. It is just as important to the "listener" as the "speaker". Suppression of speech violates both participants rights in the agora of ideas.

Just as importantly how else could you force our overlords to listen? That is why they want to be the sole transmitter to an endless sea of receivers.

"Our freedom of speech is freedom or death, we got to fight the powers that be!"

― Chuck D, rapper, Public Enemy.


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Our "shadow rulers" knew they couldn't implement their programs in a world where free speech was sacrosanct or fully protected. They, thus, started working on programs to end real free speech years ago. This was, in fact, a proactive chess move to help them win their "end game."

It's terrifying to ponder the level of pre-planning and coordination that must have gone into setting up our now massive Censorship Industrial Complex.

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Waiting, praying and believing - the truth will prevail. Thanks for fighting this fight for all of us!

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I think if this was a vaccine injury case or a "hospitals killed my loved one with dangerous protocols" or the "lockdowns killed my business" case, you'd clearly lose - as that verdict would open the floodgates for millions of similar verdicts and probably blow up the Magic Printing Press.

But this is a First Amendment or Free Speech case. Would the Courts want to be perceived as anti First-Amendment or free Speech? Probably not (but they might not care at this point). It seems to me all the Establishment cares about is keeping and expanding their control. Do they think they MUST be able to restrict free speech and demonetize dissidents to continue their program (and cover their asses)? Probably or perhaps ... which doesn't bode well for your prospects.

Could many other plaintiffs who were harmed by censorship file and win similar judgements if you prevail? I would think so. A lot of them. This prospect also makes me think you might not prevail.

Of course, your case SHOULD prevail and seems open-and-shut to me. But what "should" happen in our Twilight-Zone New Normal almost never happens anymore. What shouldn't happen and makes zero sense ... will happen.

Maybe they'll come up with some compromise and throw you a bone while protecting themselves from similar lawsuit judgements?

My personal opinion is all important "truth-seeking organizations" are completely captured. This would mean the U.S. Supreme Court must be captured as well. If it wasn't, all their hard work to become Big Brother might have been for naught. I assume they know they have the Supreme Court in the bag too.

Babbling complete ... Good luck. We're all pulling for you.

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My first thought, which I even expressed in a Substack column, was that Missour v. Biden might be one of the most important legal case in U.S. history. I've now changed my view. I do think "Missouri" will win that case. However, the result of that "victory" is probably going to be a Nothing Burger. The Court will say: "This was wrong. Don't do that again!"

But will that ruling make any kind of real difference? Nobody will go to jail or pay a fine or be fired from government. And the media and tech companies that are doing the censoring will keep censoring away. At this point, they don't need any government workers telling them what or who to censor. They get this on their own.

Just look at Facebook or the NY Times. Have they changed their activities based on any "alternative media" bad press about the evils of censorship? No, they haven't changed at all ... and won't in the future. Somehow they already KNOW nothing bad is going to happen to them if they keep doing exactly what they're doing. They no doubt know they'll be rewarded somehow for "playing ball." They AGREE with these "anti-disinformation" programs. They think they are being great corporate citizens.

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More succinctly summarized: Moving forward, how important is on-going censorship (and intimidation of "the resistance") to our shadow rulers? My first thought/answer: Pretty damn important.

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Ongoing censorship is crucial in order for the establishment to control the narrative and the country. With substack, Elon’s X & other alternative media they’re losing their grip & they know it. A couple of important legal wins for truth would help move the resistance forward.

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Thanks for this post. You're an incredibly important part of getting our country on the right track, respecting the Constitution, the law and individuals. Keep rolling!

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Alex, I'm curious as to the kind of pressure that Slavitt et al. exerted on Twitter. Did government officials limit themselves to hectoring Twitter and demanding that you get banned, or did they threaten some kind of regulatory or legal action against Twitter to get it to do what they wanted?

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I believe the threat was the legal liability protections that social media companies enjoyed in federal statute. That has been the implicit and explicit “basis of the bargain”. Tech companies shut down who the government wants and they get to keep their liability shield. It’s like corporate America going along with ESG and then are left alone to do whatever they want. Corporations are just pragmatic in pursuit of returns for shareholders. The latter part is the essence of capitalism and I’m fine w that. The government is the problem here. That it has been at war with the citizenry and used corporations and agencies of government (FBI, IRS etc) to do so.

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Reading this on a cold winter night in the Midwest: It warms my heart and soul to see you fighting the good fight, Alex. Never never never give up. We’ll keep you (and this wonderful country) in our prayers. God bless. Jerry

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I’m the praying type and I will, this is for all of us who still hold our Rights as precious.

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So, our collective 1A constitutional rights will ultimately be decided by a Supreme Court that was heavily influenced by Donald Trump, he who the left deems a "fascist dictator." Got it. Ready to vote for him yet, Alex? I personally wasn't going to vote for him again because of electability concerns, but I've changed my mind. I have to admit 've been slowly realizing that my thoughts and following of you will certainly be influenced by where you fall politically this coming election cycle. While I've been a die-hard supporter since the onset of your covid writings, if you continue to support democrats, your just another hypocrite.

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Are you the only journalist who has the guts to take this to court? Strength in numbers sort of thing. You are brave. I hope so much for you and all of us that truth will prevail.

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Alex, I will pray this week @ Mass for your success here. Keep at it!!!

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democrats are commies, this isn't really difficult folks

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Prayer, you got it !

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I'm following your case with great interest. The battle between totalitarian government and our Constitutional Republic was laid out in Missouri v. Biden. The Supremes should uphold the 5th Circuit and put an end to the Big Brother move. In your case, I would be cautious when it comes to the opposition's Motion to Dismiss. Your attorneys should be very alert to the switch to an ad hoc bench trial that happens at the Rule 12 Motion to Dismiss step. The courts have been violating parties Seventh Amendment rights and Due Process rights by holding what are essentially ad hoc bench trials in which you are deprived of your discovery rights and the right to cross examination. If the District Court oversteps its role and does not accept your very plausible claims at face value as the law dictates - and instead pretends to "try" the case on merits -your attorneys should appeal and begin to make legal history by putting an end to improper "heightened pleading" standards that violate your rights.

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Praying.. thank you for standing up for the First Amendment for all of us.

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Godspeed Alex,

I truly believe good triumphs over bad. This is a good - for everyone - cause, and a momentous one!

the US Government has been drifting further and further away from our founding fathers ideologies and we need someone like you and Elon to make sure our constitutional rights stay intact.

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