This is the golden ring: Once Pfizer can get the vax on the kids schedule, they win basically full immunity from any harm to anyone. Pfizer is a criminal enterprise.

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French citzens were protesting other day outside their offices, this is the beginning of the end of the criminal Medical industrial complex....

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Unfortunately not the case. France is full of Commies that want forced Jabs and Jab Passports. They put Macron in power. They are doubling down at Pfizer and other Jab companies wishes.

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Did the French put macron in power like 81 million Americans put Biden in power?

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Macron is a young global leaders member. Schwab put him in power.

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Yes and the WEF is Marxist in nature.

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actually techo-Marxist-Leninist, which is worse

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You are out of your mind. It is the antithesis of marxist! No marxists in the world would support Macron or Biden!

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Macron received only 24% of the vote. It is the center-right, much like our Rinos, who are avid vaxxers here. The Left is actually against vaxx mandates and passes and speaks up for liberty and individual rights. See Jean-Luc Melenchon, the lawyer Fabrice Di Visio (a Catholic) and philosopher Sydney Touati…I’ve lived in France 25 years, and I actually miss François Hollande…c’est dire!

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

So Macron is not on the Left? He appears to have major support on the Jabs and Jab Passports. Many think he will win reelection? Is Le Pen in favor of Jab Passes? It's apparent you are on the Left. I know François Hollande is pro Jab.

I am a Italian Dual Citizen and the only Center Right that is super pro Jab and Jab Passes is Forza Berlusconi but they are only 9%. nationally Lega Salvini (who has lost influence) is split and has gone to the darks side in support Draghi. Brother's of Italy Meloni who has moved to the front of the Center Right are in opposition to Jab Passes and Draghi.

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Think of Macron, member of the globalist cabal, as the French Draghi (Rothschild/ECB). He has used the pandemic for political gain, quite maliciously. Elections are in April ‘22…

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No, Macron took on the Gilets Jaunes, remember? He is a “ socialist” in name only! And poor Italy! “ Draghistan” now…the EU and elites control it - I commend Thmas Fasi’s articles on Unherd…

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in italy is draghi mussolini who is going after you, none else counts.

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Dominion elected everyone

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

What a name for the company too. They essentially sell dominion over democracy.

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🤔 🤔 🤔

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well then you missed the few hundred citizens yelling ASSASINS out side Pfizer HQ in Paris a few days ago...they were not happy customers..thats coming here...and soon...

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

I not saying there are people against the Jabs, Jab Mandates and Jab Passports. The Problem is:

Commie France = Commie NYC Jab Prison

We have States and Cities in America that approach France but where is France's Florida, Texas, Georgia, Alabama, and on and on? They don't have it and Macron is Commie (the WEF type of Marxism) Maniac Dictator that will keep doubling down.

Also we already have protests against Big Pharma. Dr. Shiva is doing them in Cambridge, MA. Check this video.


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understand totally, jeez..wish i had known that Love Dr. Shiva...i am close by to Kendall Sq to...great info..thx amigo..

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Dr. Shiva is intense but he has some great information. I actually agree with much of his views but people are too stupid to see what is really going on.

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then the public have to double down even harder. save the children. this is beyond heinous.

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Biden has a higher approval rating than Marcon……. Just sayin

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This is just the beginning. They've harvested social media data for a decade, now they want to harvest data below the skin. Mandates are the easiest way to obtain this data. Why else would it be so important to jab every human on earth?

Nothing is going to stop them.

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Their shots are a huge failure, with clear danger signals over the very short time they have been out, and not effective beyond a few months at best. And the mildness of omicron makes their grand plans even more difficult.

Their plans are failing. Spectacularly.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

That is wishful thinking. They blocked early treatment resulting in 500,000 deaths (per Peter McCullough, I believe), they've slandered and ruined the careers of countless medical professionals, they knee-capped health care in this country by making professionals flee, they've destroyed the retirement plans of millions, first by keeping interest rates low thereby forcing people into stocks, small businesses and rental real estate, only to turn around and close down the businesses through lockdowns and the cancelled rental income by letting renters defer rent but at the same time foreclosing on landlords who couldn't pay their mortgages due to lack of rental income. They manipulate and censor news, keeping a lid on adverse events, deaths. There was a report about excess deaths in the military brought by whistleblowers but now the military is claiming the data was corrupted and will be corrected. You may think people are waking up, but if you go to any liberal site, you'll find they think DeSantis is insane and should be brought up on charges for murdering all the children in his state by not keeping the mask mandate. I kid you not. I just saw this entry from Thom Hartmann on his substack.

But most telling, CA is mandating the vaccines for children, NYC and DC are mandating vaccine passports, OR has just passed a permanent mask mandate and the FDA has just fully approved the Moderna jab. And soon will approve the Pfizer jab for children.

They will not back down. If anything , they are speeding up. Look at what they've already done - they don't care about death and destruction of the economy.

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If you’re not religious, that might be why you only see doom and gloom. Academia and most media has criticized Christianity our entire lives, despite the fact it was integral to building western civilization. Consider the idea they misled you on God and religion just like they’re trying to mislead you on covid. Taking God away from the people made us weaker. Reconsider.

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I'm still trying to decide if we are seeing the final manifestation of the "beast system" as described in Revelation 11/12. It has always been there throughout the centuries, but in the past there has been a strong opposition force to keep it in check - eg the Allies in WW2. Now it seems as if all opposition is being silenced, and so many countries are carrying out the same policies. The rise of the second beast (the false prophet/religious beast) should be next, if this is the time.

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Whether I am or am not religious doesn't make me blind to the suffering running rampant at present. God winning in the end, triumph over evil, is not erasing now what is happening now.

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The fact they continue to push the nonsense in spite of the evidence tells me the mission is to get a needle into every arm, regardless of the cost.

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Mass death, and destruction of the economy, are two of their big goals. They care very much about these things and are skillfully accomplishing them.

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They didn’t approve the Moderna jab that is actually available, it’s a “Comirnaty” type of bait and switch.

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Yeah, But Moderna just received full FDA approval ,18 yo & Older.

Their "new" shot is called SPIKEVAX. Can't make this stuff up !!

The FDA clearly says the EUA version is FULLY interchangeable with the new SPIKEVAX. FDA has our best interests, right? NOT !

Got to use up supply......

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Doctors who complied and provided no care after diagnosis except wait and go to the hospital if you stop breathing…

…are guilty of malpractice

Their excuse will be “I was forced to provide NO CARE”, I can’t be sued…

Many physicians will be hospital employees at this time…

Sue the Doctors and the hospitals…only pharmaceutical companies have some liability waver…

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I will say, until the day that I die, that this was a pandemic of the untreated. WTF did they think would happen when they sent people home and told them to come back when they couldn't breathe? I mean, your viral load is so high at that point, most people can't come back from it. I can't think about it for too long because I am just enraged by the number of people who died because of lack of treatment.... all because some greedy assholes wanted to make money via a shot.

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It was the most bizarre thing, no? My doctor did prescribe a Z-pak for my sinus infection, but offered nothing else in the way of care or advice. It was essentially, "Gee, sucks to be you. Hope you live."

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As I understand it, you can't sue the hospital in terms of C0VID treatments because they are following CDC/FDA/NIH protocols for treatment. As long as they follow the protocols (which are designed to kill) they are legally shielded. As for the government body who put out these protocols, well, you can't sue the government. So they can keep up their sociopathic killing spree unabated.

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Sadly it's not only big pharma (and vaccines) protected by the PREP Act. All EUA products and all entities involved (from hospitals to providers to administrators to even the United States) are indemnified as long as there's a "public health emergency" and they are following the NIH, CDC, HHS guidelines. PREP Act pretty much gives them carte blanche with slim chance for legal recourse. This is a great review article outlining just how badly it screws the people to protect anyone who could be sued.


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Unfortunately, I believe it's the PREP Act or maybe the CARES act that gives just about anybody involved with covid care immunity - but only as long as they follow government protocols.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

they are guilty of murder. they also have euthanized the elderly with covid while on vents in the UK with Midazolam. Off with their heads.

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You've got this right. They've got control of all the levers of power. With an endless supply or retards like Lloyd Austin to do their bidding. The Davos crowd has no empathy. We are merely "eaters" that threaten them and "their" planet. We are to be manipulated, controlled and exterminated. We are not free and made in the image of God as far as Klaus is concerned.

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👍 well said.

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then they better care about their deaths and destruction bc momma bears will not allow this.

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Their shots aren't a huge failure. The shots have killed huge numbers of people (50,000 to 400,000 in the U.S., depending on whose estimate you believe), disabled many more, probably sterilized countless adults and teens, and set in motion health problems that will kill many more people over the next five years. All this was deliberate. The shots have been spectacularly successful at their real purposes.

Not to mention that the shots apparently installed MAC addresses in people who got the vaccines, as well as installing nano surveillance devices and graphene oxide for self-assembling nano-transmitters...and graphene hydroxide for "nano razor blades" to cut people up (athletes engaging in vigorous exercise dropping dead, and God help anybody who gets an MRI because the strong magnetic field will dramatically move the "razor blades" through tissues...and other nasty things.

It doesn't matter that omicron is a dud. Their agenda will roll forward, perhaps slowing down somewhat for a while, but they've got plenty of other crises they can roll out to train-wreck Western democracies, including additional plandemics like Marburg Virus.

They'd love for you to think their plans are failing spectacularly. You and so many other people. Go back to sleep while they line everything up for the next crisis.

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It will be interesting to observe the effects on the insurance companies of the vaxxed who survive with serious medical conditions. I suspect that many life & health insurers will wiped out.

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Yeah, But Moderna just received full FDA approval ,18 yo & Older.

Their "new" shot is called SPIKEVAX. Can't make this stuff up !!

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evidently if they get approved for kids, then they can't be held financially liable for any injury to anyone of any age... very strange law, passed under Obama, i believe.

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The liability shield for makers of vaccines on the CDC's Recommended Vaccination Schedule for Children was part of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Reagan was the President who signed this law. If you wanted to point to one law that destroyed democracy in the U.S., this would be it. Why? Because the liability shield, combined with government-mandated vaccinations for public school attendance, enabled Big Pharma to make incredible amounts of money, liability free, and buy up the mainstream media along with almost all members of Congress and almost all legislators in every U.S. state.

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I think the argument went like this: if it’s safe enough for kids, then it’s safe enough for everyone, so that’s a good proxy for extending immunity. Of course, pharma then trained its Death Star energies on FDA, leading to approval of an absurd number of additional kids vax for diseases kids don’t get and/or that won’t hurt them, without any proof of net lives benefit to kids. Safe vax don’t need immunity; unsafe vax should never get immunity.

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personally, tho, i think SCOTUS affirming that donating unlimited money to politicians and political causes, as well as that lying during political campaigns are both protected speech for Corporations was far more damaging overall. it's made the big Pharma thing so much worse, and the China thing, too.

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it is certainly shameful.

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Vaccines are now insanely profitable but that's recent.

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Recent? As in since the 90's soon after this act was passed. Vaccines are THE money maker for Big Pharma. Prior to this act, the vaccine schedule was 3 doses. That's it. Today's children receive up to 75 different doses! Over 50% of todays child population has asthma, autoimmune/chronic illness, allergies. If you read an insert, all of these including behavioral disorders are possible side effects.

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the law of unintended consequences, i guess. very shameful.

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Why else? Control group. if you inject everyone then no liability is possible if everyone group is injected.

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The data is useful for control, but I think the real reason is much more nefarious.

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Citizens become livestock. What happened to livestock when Mad Cow Disease was reported?

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Remember the Star Trek episode (original series) where war was waged via computer, and those who were electronically hit had to report to a death chamber? How far away are we from "this PCR test says you've been exposed to a lethal strain of C0VID, report to your nearest hospital for euthanasia?"

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Was this episode filmed in New Zealand?

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per @Coastbound below, it was passed in the 80s

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Exactly! This massive worldwide push to shoot up everyone on the planet is crazed.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Joe Rogan should cover this issue and explain that this is the reason the FDA-approved version isn't available in the US yet. He could interview Albert Bourla or Scott Gottlieb. That should make the left happy.

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Not interested in hearing anything these 2 shills have to say. Rogan said in his little video (that he recorded on his phone outside in the sun) that he realizes he needs to interview more people from the "other side". You know, to be fair and balanced. Just like FoxNews. I don't watch Rogan very much, but when I do, I don't want to hear corrupt people telling us how to live our lives.

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He's pretty tough on them, though. He interviewed Sanjay Gupta a few months ago, and didn't take any crap from him. He actually asks the tough questions that the MSM wouldn't go near. Not that it matters, but at least it makes them squirm for 5 minutes.

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Did you watch Joe's hostage statement response to the Spotify/Neil Young brouhaha?

Joe sings the praises of Sanjay. Extremely disappointing.

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Agree. He caved

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Probably one reason this progressed after the Gupta interview…

Imagine Fauci actually having to debate with someone…let Fauci explain mandating the failing and dangerous mRNA technology…

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Ok fine. You have a point. I just selfishly prefer not to listen to corrupt fools who get paid lots of money to sell their agendas, or snake oil, or whatever.

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Are you talking about Fauci?

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Sure. Lord Fauci and his type. They are only interested in perpetuating this madness and holding onto whatever power they have left.

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The people from the “other side” are interviewed every day on corporate media. They are hardly being silenced. With his interviews, Joe Rogan was telling a story that hasn’t been widely told and in fact has been, for the most part, censored.

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You hit the bullseye with this comment.

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Apparently he’s supposed to balance Truth with some leftist narrative lies…

They think the opposing view can spout BS…let them try to explain CRT logically or the border or vaccines…

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I think for "balance" he should invite on publicity starved ex-royal Megan, and then lay waste to her. But nicely.

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Or men getting pregnant.

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and now there's even an emoji for that, according to Bill Maher

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Well, I would like someone to put them in the hot seat and a podcast would the perfect place because they couldn't talk themselves out of a question in a five-minute clip. But of course, their lawyers would never let them.

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Bourla was on Lex Fridman. So was Francis Collins.

Fridman then had on Jay Bhattacharya, who Collins and Fauci teamed up to SMEAR over the Great Barrington Declaration.

Fridman defended Collins. The capture is real, fam.

I'm terrified that Joe Rogan is going to go full zombie on this.

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Yep, very few people and institutions aren't captured apparently.

If Joe wants to follow-up a Malone interview with a so-called expert with a competing view, fine. But then he should also do that in the reverse. And even better would be to have competing views on the same podcast. Not once have I heard two differing experts go at it.

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They got to him.

He needs to nip this in the bud, or he is going to end up a zombie.

His pal, Sam Harris is already a full walking zombie. Lex Fridman is close behind.


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Rogan has had our very own Berenson on to do that when the topic was marijuana. He’s done it other times. If the other side will agree to it, Rogan will do it.

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The CAN NOT defend their positions in a REAL scientific debate…

So you would either accept “narrative” straw man hypotheticals or you would make the Faucian society admit lies…

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sadly they realize Rogan is far more useful if they can strong arm him into helping their messages rather than kicking him off spotify altogether

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Joe Rogan did a really good job of putting Sanjay Gupta on the hotseat and not letting him talk-squirm out of answering Rogan's questions. Rogan will grab onto a question like a bulldog and not let it go until it's been answered. Even in the interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, there was one question that Rogan circled back to over and over and over until McCullough addressed the exact point Rogan wanted addressed "in perfect focus."

You're right about the lawyers, though...

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I think Rogan interviewing them could be a good thing. A 3 hour long conversation with them would either put to bed the questions that many of us have or give sunlight to those who are still on the fence on the vaccines or not rabid vaxxers. I would doubt any of them would take up his offer for an interview though which would be pretty damning in itself.

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I think very public offers to debate should be offered.

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Yes! He did not mention that he would have the ‘experts’ on the show with Malone but allllllllllll the consensus crew will not show up.

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Rogan should interview Niel Young and discuss his recent music deal and how it's tied to Pfizer.

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You should be his booker. Lol.

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It is?

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yeah, according to another article on substack, the BlackRock group that bought half of his music catalog is ran by an ex Pfizer CEO, and he decided to complain about Rogan right after taking the payout.

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BlackRock as in the corp buying up houses?

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yeah. It's a spin off group. Check out the story this substack writer did on it. Really good stuff.

https://tessa.substack.com/?utm_source=discover_search. Second story in the list.

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No. but the CEO of Blackrock used to be from Pfizer. He sold 50% of his music to Blackrock.

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LOL great idea LOL

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Would love to see Bourla squirm when his history of gruesome calf murders is tied in with Vioxx and the current jabs' dramatic exponential increase in death and severe illnesses among military and working age people. JR could bring AB and Steve Kersch to "fact check" f'realz!

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He would simply shrug it off the Vioxx deaths as the cost of doing business. Just like Fauci shrugs off the AZT deaths. Just like breaking eggs for an omelet. Inconsequential to them.

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a seared conscience is a terrible thing to behold

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Why does Joe not talk more about how Fauci and friends refuse to debate any of those they defame?

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No idea. Maybe he has. I have only heard a few podcasts. Either way, Joe can be direct, but he is never hostile. He is a really humble, decent guy, even now as people are going after him and Spotify.

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Or just call up old Neil, who looks exactly like every other drugged out old hippie. His pickled brain wants to be "Rockin In Un-Free World."

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Crazy that Neil pulls this stunt as Canadian truckers are actually standing up for freedom.

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It was planned to distract from the truckers. Do you think Neil and Joni came up with this idea or their Pharma backers? Read Tessa's substack. She explains it all. And it's not pretty.

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Hadn't really thought about the connection, but I could see it.

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Nothing makes the left happy...

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Yes please🙏

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Yeah. This is it. Get the word out to Alex — it’s to get full immunity. So dirty

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Except these jabs don’t even cause create immunity. Hence why the CDC changed the definition of vaccine in 2020.

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There is a preexisting law passed in 1986ish that states that manufactures of immunizations on the children’s schedule cannot be held liable for injury from the vaccines.

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if they get this approved for all children then they are scott free in the future. protected from ALL liability

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So corrupt!

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National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, 1986, signed by Reagan.

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This was nearing end of Reagan’s second term. Wondering if the Alzheimer’s affected his judgement on that. I didn’t know this law happened on his watch. Sad.

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Regan expressed concern about the law but signed it anyway.

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Legal Immunity

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“So why aren’t these FDA approved shots making their way to US customers. The answer may lie in the legal status of the shots. As I explained in The Dossier last month:

““Due to a law passed during the Reagan Administration, in order for drug makers to be granted more robust legal liability protection for their vaccines, they must first secure full approval for the children’s version of their shot.

“The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which was passed into law in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.”

“Are Pfizer and Moderna waiting for full authorization for children’s shots to distribute Comirnaty and Spikevax to the masses? There’s plenty of litigators who have suggested that this is exactly what is going on in Big Pharma world.“

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Wouldn't blatant fraud, gaps in proper vax testing and toxicity vetting legally dissolve their immunity? As in atrocities against humanity? The pushers are trying to speed this up because more people are waking up and crying for a stop to mandates. It's going to be down to the wire, but I see signs they may not be able to pull their plan for world domination off. But then again, I'm a "the glass is half full" kind of person.

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Blatant fraud, lack of proper vax testing, and gross negligence re: toxicity testing -- These things apply to all vaccines on the CDC's recommended vaccination schedule for children. For example: None of the currently used childhood vaccines have been safety tested against inert placebo injections. The widely-used aluminum adjuvants have never undergone safety testing, and aluminum is known to be neurotoxic, and the HepB vax given to newborns in the U.S. contains an extreme brain-whacking dose of aluminum. The FDA's own research (2012) showed that neither acellular nor whole cell pertussis vaccines prevent infection and transmission of pertussis; they just (in most cases) act as anti-toxoids, preventing the characteristic symptoms of pertussis and making vaccinated people asymptomatic carriers. By 2014, the CDC knew that the current acellular pertussis vaccines increase the risk of infection with the current dominant (PRN-negative) pertussis strains instead of decreasing the risk. These are just a few examples; I could go on and on and on.

If you want an accurate understanding of the "atrocities against humanity" via vaccines that are acceptable to the powers that be in the U.S., read Neil Miller's book "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies." Heck, just flip through the book reading the summary headlines at the top of each page, which cover the research summarized on that page (usually just one study, but sometimes more than one). Also read Fisher and Coulter's book "A Shot in the Dark" to get a good understanding of the range of damage a vaccine can cause.

The parents of vaccine-injured children, and their attorneys have been pointing out all these things and more for years. Has anything been done about all this? No. State legislatures just keep making vaccine mandates for children to day care and school attendance tighter and tighter, abolishing religious and philosophical exemptions, and making "medical exemptions" impossible to get. But most people have just drifted along believing the bovine manure propaganda of "Vaccines are safe and effective" and ignoring the warnings from parents of vax-injured kids.

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Also, I just learned today that 50% of the FDA's funding comes from big pharma, so there is a conflict of interest that may be able to be prosecuted as corruption.

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And Bill Gates supports the WHO. This whole thing is so incestuous that it must be totally dismantled.

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The EUA says that the C0VID injections are to stop people from getting C0VID. Yet they have now admitted that you can still get it after being injected. As I understand it, that's technically fraud. Yet the EUA is still in place, and there are no lawsuits screaming 'fraud.' The FDA is owned by Big Pharma, our government is owned by China and our DOJ is owned by Soros. All have the same agenda.

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The short answer is no. None of the above would "dissolve" (your word) their immunity.

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So there is no basis upon which or mechanism by which "full authorization" be revoked? Surely it was foreseeable the even an uncorrupted entity (in theory) could make a huge mistake.

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It should be ludicrous for anyone to assert that any firm could get liability exemption that applied to people whose 'treatment' pre-dated the relevant authorisation.

Retroactive law is unconstitutional on its face - the 'Ex Post Facto' clause (Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 of the Constitution).

However the BlackRobes, being power's lickspittles, have already parsed gigantic holes in that clause, such that civil legislation can be retroactive so long as it's not punitive. (This - and their manifold other crimes against justice - is why I fucking despise SCOTUS in particular, and BlackRobes generally).

If the legal system was remotely concerned with 'justice' or the black letters of the Constitution, it would not be possible to indemnify Pfizer from liability that attached to harm to anybody who had a clot-shot before Pfizer gets its FDA-whores to sign off on infecting babies.

However that's not what the legal system is there for - in its post-'Marbury' form it is there to make it prohibitively expensive for a peon to obtain redress from tyranny, and for successive generations of BlackRobes to parse away what remains of the pesky Bill of Rights.

Put it this way: if I had a kid and it got harmed by a vaccine, I would not bother asking for redress from the State's paid lickspittles. (I don't have kids: I have better things to do with my free time... and more free time!).

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. (Actually there's no need for the blood of patriots... just use more from tyrants).

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(I don't have kids: I have better things to do with my free time... and more free time!).

This statement is insulting to me and my husband, who are "using free time" to raise the next generation that will keep your lights on. Show a little appreciation, friend.

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Yes absolutely. I just found out this is true and it’s chilling. These monsters are making our children collateral damage

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Let’s do math, at the rate boosters are needed, let’s say….oh 3 jabs a year. So if you’re 2years old you’ll have about 24 jabs by the time you’re 10. That makes perfect sense to me. For a disease that if you’re 2 you are at 0 risk of dying from. WTF are people thinking?!

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People stop vaccinating your children completely! You don't have to. Almost every state has exemptions in place. My 2.5 year is pure blood and incredibly healthy and smart. Have you ever read a vaccine insert for any vaccine?? The ingredients including aluminum, aborted fetal cell (from a fetus aborted in the 70's!), monkey/pig dna, formaldehyde, plastic, the list goes on. Also read the insert for potential side effects and then wonder why today's child population have the highest rates of chronic illnesses, allergies, behavioral issues etc. The blood brain barrier is not closed until about age 7, this means anything injected into your babies is crossing that blood barrier and entering the brain.

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They aren't thinking. They are still caught in the jaws of hysteria to the detriment of those that rely on the good judgement of others.

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Ah, and that’s the crux of the matter…”They aren’t thinking”. I think we’re all getting tired of people not thinking.

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They are thinking that Pfizer wants to make billions more and that if they get it on the childhood vaccine schedule, they can never be held accountable for sterilizing and killing our children.

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Immunity can be withdrawn by legislation and it can also be retroactive.

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Yep, I heard that from RFK, Jr. a while ago.

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This is the answer. How has Alex not figured this out yet? Getting it on the children’s vaccine schedule is the golden ticket to Pharma getting away with the damage. He needs to have a chat with RFK jr.

How can we stop this approval?

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he has spoken with RFK jr

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Pfizer has become a mafia establishment as engaged in racketeering, bribery, intimidation, blackmail and does whatever it takes to protect it's interest no matter whose ox is gored.

Their persiatent in giving the killer vaccines to children was to get it onto child immunization schedule and win full immunity from prosecution when the EUA expires and Comirnaty becomes available in the US.

It is ironnous CDC and FDA that was constituted to protect our health from the avarice and criminality of pharmaceutical organisations is actively conniving with them to distribute and mandate harmful products that are maiming and killing not just Americans but world citizens.

God help us all.

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Orin Hatch exonorated him in a Whitewash.

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They were permitted to do that after the Swine Flu non-demic in the '70's.

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Never got jabbed for that, 1 corerced Bird Flu jab cured me of any but a Tetanus shot. My first was the 1960's Smallpox, then a Tetanus, Bird Flu was 3 weeks of sick. ER trip.

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I agree - this has to qualify as child abuse

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Just imagine if the Covid vaccines (each and every one experimental) start creating health problems for people, including children, 2, 5 or 10 years down the road. Imagine the righteous fury and anger at all those who imposed these tyrannical vaccine mandates. It will exceed anything ever seen in the United States.

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all part of the CCP s grand plan to take down the USA without firing a shot, thats why they are going after forced injections of poison on the military, weaken us on a # of levels so they can just waltz in and take over...theres a reason why they are buying up large swaths of farm land...their population of 1 billion starving...they need the bread basket of the world, US..they are evil !!!

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You can be accused of spouting conspiracy theories for saying that. And I say, Why take the chance? Since we have only very short term study results, I will remain in the control group.

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Exactly this - all about VICAP coverage, which they can't get until all ages are covered. It's also why you can't get Comirnarty in the States - they would be liable to being sued for the FDA-approved flavor of Fauci juice.

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Hey folks, here is something SPECIFIC we can ALL do THIS weekend before the vote. PLEASE WRITE to these people. https://darbyshaw.substack.com/p/pfizer-is-coming-for-the-babies-now ... and NOTE the following quote from NYT:

“The disappointing trial results, announced in December, prompted [Pfizer] to test a third low dose of the shot in that age group. But rather than wait until the end of March for the results, federal regulators decided to encourage Pfizer to apply for authorization of a two-dose regimen now in hopes of getting a head start on the vaccination effort.”

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Another post about it - Dr. Toby Rogers has compiled all the contact information for the 23 people we need to reach out to before Feb. 15. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/urgent-call-to-action-the-fda-wants (this includes the full contact info and credentials)

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I don't think most of our political leaders respond to appeals to reason or decency anymore. I think the only thing they respond to is power and money, i.e. societal disruption like the Canadian Freedom Convoy.

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Another reason they're so keen to get these into the youngest age group is to best round out their experiment. This "public health emergency" was the perfect excuse for testing two things they have been dreaming about for years-- coronavirus vaccine AND the mRNA tech. Imagine being a researcher, pharma exec., medical bureaucrat...In order to get data on what happens in this age group (to be applicable to any vaccine they want now and in the future), this is their best chance to test these on a grand scale. They don't want to let this end before they have enough of this age group in their experimental group. After reading hundreds of previous SARS and MERS articles, Fauci's track record and sentiments in journal articles, and with the money at stake previously and in the future, this makes sense from their perspectives.

Certainly getting it on the childhood schedule can benefit them, but right now they already have even better immunity under the PREP Act. Imagine how many of the existing vaccines they could phase out and substitute pricey mRNA tech saying it's "better" (especially flu shot). And imagine how many future vaccines we don't even have vaccines for yet that could utilize this tech. If they can get millions of test subjects for data, they get much closer to these goals. It's not just about these COVID jabs, it's about the experiment for application in the future. The billions made this past year are a drop in the bucket compared to what they stand to make over the next 5-10 years+ if they can expand their market.

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Ding ding ding...

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But isn't it already on their vax schedule?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

The only explanation is RFK Jr.'s explanation: Once it's on the vaccine schedule for children they have complete and total immunity.

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Unfortunately, it may not be the only explanation. Hopefully, it is the explanation. There remains the possibility that this is a depopulation effort, something that no one wishes to seriously discuss. I am not saying it is a depopulation effort, or not, I'm simply saying that it is an open issue and vaccinating young children is consistent with what one would do if one wanted to depopulate.

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No, it's not about depopulation. It's about vaccinations for as many as possible and it's recorded. The people who don't get it are another list, the non compliant. They're going to target anyone who refuses it.

If everyone, I mean everyone gets the job, there is no control group. No way to compare that health problems caused by the shot.

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I sincerely believe there are a lot more unjabbed than the powers that be say there are. They lie about that too.

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Totally agree!!

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If their lips are moving…

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Exactly. The famous Fauci trick. “The results were so promising that it would be unethical to withhold the drug from the control group.”

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But the reason the public masterminds say its failing is because the people are refusing the jab.

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Even if that were true, it simply means the experimental shot did not show effectiveness in vivo.

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It did not show effectiveness against mortality even in the Pfizer trial 2020.

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Bill Gates was quoted as saying he would like a 10-15% decrease in world population.

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See above. It can be both...

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that was my first thought

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If part of the payload routinely escapes the deltoid, as we know it does, and passes via the circulatory system into the ovaries, as we know it does, and recruits a bunch of egg cells, as it logically would...well those are all the egg cells those little girls are ever going to have. So deliberate or not, depop is what we may very well get.

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Depopulation angle is a cRaZY conspiracy theory...

New Zealand OK's euthanasia for Covid19 patients if they don't **think** you'll survive.


"When we looked at anyone who got treated BEFORE 7 DAYS, we are at almost 9,000 patients & we still HAVE NOT SEEN A SINGLE MORTALITY for those who started w/early treatment before day 7." @ 19:10

"The Man Who Treated 7,000 COVID Patients."


If you catch COVID, the masks will make you sicker. Viruses & bacteria work symbiotically to kill in pandemics. Fauci co-authored a paper about it in 2008. Certain bacteria, STREP & STAPH, worked w/influenza virus to kill patients.



...course the problem with conspiracy theories is they've been turning into front page news at an alarming rate...

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And on top of that I've heard one of the adverse effects from this brand new therapy is miscarriages and sterilization. That's a whole lot of babies not being born

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Friend of mine had 2 miscarriages this year both requiring a D&C. So gruesome. She sees no connection with the vax.

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There seems to be a surprisingly high number of hysterectomies among women of child-bearing age since the covid vax campaign began, too.

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That is a new fact. I'd had 2 C sections, which back in 82 was the limit, old belly button to pubic bone cut, had my tubes tied at same time. Years later developed AB adhesions as I entered Menopause, Fibroids, Cysts, ended up with full Hystrectomy, Woke up with a Hormone patch puking Acid. Never could take hormones, not even wild yam cream or Blackcohosh.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Wow. Interesting you say this! My friend just had a hysterectomy. She is @50 (she has 2 teenage kids), but I don’t believe she had previous issues, and it was apparently urgent enough as to not be put off according to her. She is from China (has a PhD) and was boosted. I have not heard of a woman getting a hysterectomy in a Very Long Time.

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My boys turn 51 and 41 in March, 600,000 are performed for variuos reasons a year. many like me prior AB surgeries adhesions, cancer, fibroids, cysts. DDG coughed up 2 articles saying the Jab disrupted the menstural cycle, but were not informative enough to be useful. Younger women might think a early miscarriage which it could be, or if cycle late pregnant, while just developing girls might panic if they are not told. I was just 10, hadn't had the school taught stuff yet, scared the Heck out of me, mom, threw a belt and a pad in the bathroom with no verbal instructions what to do with them. Clothes followed, as PJ's were bloody. Took me awhile to figure out how to use them. Not much of a talk, it last about 5 days, you get it once a month. Glad I had boys, the Talk was not my job. By then they learned earlier.

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No. But a woman neighbor of mine (of child-bearing age) had a hysterectomy not long after getting vaxed, and I read on this blog (and perhaps others as well) of other young women having had severe uterine clotting and bleeding problems which resulted in their having hysterectomies not long after having been vaxed.

What angers me more than anything is that these women do not connect the uterine clotting / bleeding problems which "necessitated" their hysterectomies to the fact that they'd been recently vaxed! See no evil, hear no evil, think no evil, do not even allow the possibility of any negative thought about these "vaccines" into your fragile, hypnotised, brainwashed mind, is their overriding modus operandi. Of course the entire medical establishment does the same thing.

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I am still not 100% this is true because I don't completely trust any news organization any more, but the military numbers for 2021 are horrifying (mandatory vaccinations) https://alethonews.com/2022/01/26/covid-vaccines-causing-miscarriages-cancer-and-neurological-disorders-among-military-dod-data-show/

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"I'm not saying it is aliens.....but it is aliens." Haha. For real though I wouldn't dismiss the theory that the clot shots are a depop effort.

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Further, if one wanted to foment war (another form of depopulation), the best way to radicalize adults is to injure or harm their children.

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Or possibly to just close the circle in the vax pass system so that there won’t be any exceptions to barring entry to un-jabbed? It makes it easier to eventually close society to those without thee bio-ID QR code - and whatever comes after.

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Remember the Movie "2001 Space Odyssey"? "HAL" The computer that (I imagine) represents technology, kills everyone. How do we unplug the machine?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

“Dave. Dave. What are you doing Dave?”


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Indeed. It was a book before it was movie. Arthur C. Clarke.

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I dunno. Georgia Guidestones...first tenet...

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I believe it is definitely a plan to kill off as many people as they can in order to depopulate the planet. The top echelon of this group are not getting the vaccines because they know they cause serious illness and death!

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i tend to think it's a biometric tracking scheme. if some die while laying the data collection infrastructure, all the better.

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It doesn't make sense for a vaccine to be a depopulation effort, because it would depopulate the compliant people.

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Those are the low hanging fruit. And there are certainly plenty of them.

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Welcome to the Age of Aquarius.

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The point is compliance. Once rulers can make people by law have an injection, then rulers get to selectively choose what is in the injection and which “animal” gets which version. Humans become Livestock.

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This has been my issue with the theory as well FWIW.

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Same here, but it appears that whatever plan they have has just begun. The "Great Reset" has been rehearsed and gamed for years...

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It's a shame for those kids.

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Does that make it okay?

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Ironically Pfizer will get legal immunity but the children won't get immunity from covid. The shot does come with other fringe "benefits" though like heart failure - imagine the advertising jingles they could come up with.

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This summer, the first oral blood thinner for children was FDA approved.

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The kids will however get immunity from political persecution

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As long as they keep up with their weekly boosters.

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Yup. Likely all about the liability shield. They don't want to have to give all of those billions back.

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i heard they do not give it to anyone coming across the southern border for fear of their (by law) lack of immunity from Those involved

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Uncle Joe is the President of Ukraine and he is sending Military equipment and Men to Protect the Ukrainian Border but not our own. And if we go to war our Gas Prices will be even more because this Bag of bones in the white house is buying oil from Russia.

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Check this out. Kind of makes way too much sense. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/what-does-vladimir-putin-have-on-joe-biden I've not seen Tablet before but am impressed with the articles I've read so far.

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Excellent article! Saying the quiet part out loud!

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It got the part about firing the prosecutor wrong (pretty important fact to get wrong) and I stopped reading.

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Hi Andre' I cannot say I have read deep history into all the stories behind this story. Why do you say this is wrong? (serious question) I saw a video of Biden saying that in a video. Found this today: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2019/09/27/flashback_2018_joe_biden_brags_at_cfr_meeting_about_withholding_aid_to_ukraine_to_force_firing_of_prosecutor.html Let me know what's wrong. thanks

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

The prosecutor was corrupt and should have gone. That would you do sometimes to clean house.

That's not a knock against Biden, which the Tablet magazine and RealClearPolitics seem to think.

Trump used pressure tactics for personal political gain. Completely different thing. That neither of these two sites see (or publish) the difference shows their bias.

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I humbly suggest that “they are going after our children”… all of them because it is precisely our children who could end/save all of us. Their immune systems wouldn’t be compromised & the mind control would be over. These fuckers want our children so they can get their poison into each & every one of them. Total compliance of everyone forever. Crimes against humanity on steroids. Parents who do this should be charged with child abuse. That’s how I REALLY FEEL btw🇨🇦🤮

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A good Doctor one who cares about life. Why try and fix something if it is not broken. Only a few of us know what these vaccines trials and boosters have done to the American people Elderly who are in Nursing homes as well. The Mortality rate is being held back or hidden from the American people Purposely. Just like all the Patients that are Hospitalized and have been Vaccinated. The Elite media is Silent on this topic as well.

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If that happens our Government has failed us American people and they clearly don't care about its own citizens.

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Did you actually think those in power in U.S. government care about the citizens? There are some who do, I imagine, but it's been evident for some time many are in it for themselves and the power they hold and have no interest in looking out for the citizens of this country.

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these politicians and bureaucrats do NOT see themselves as the public servants they are supposed to be. They see US as their servants.

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Welcome to the Revolution


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They see themselves as The Ruling Class.

Now what does that make everyone else?

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How much more confirmation did you need? Wasn't Vietnam enough? AIDS, opioid? Catch up!

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Over. My. Dead. Body.

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The only appropriate parental response.

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So those kids will almost be 80 once the FDA releases all of the original "study"?

The FDA does not care if they kill your family. NEVER forget that.

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"So those kids will almost be 80...." The ones who manage to avoid the jabs. Not so hopeful jabbed children will make it that far, what with heart damage, blood clots and vascular damage, autoimmune problems, reduced immunity leading to increased sickness and cancer. Bottom line, under no circumstances allow this to be done to your children! As you say NEVER forget.

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I thought the courts overruled this and gave Pfizer 6 months or so? Then I heard Pfizer is dragging their heels and ignoring the order.

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Pfizer has its lawyers in the court room now asking for multiple redactions, because it’s so safe and effective…

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Definitely need to keep the “safe and effective” data locked up. Sheesh!

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I don't understand how all of this foot dragging, redacting, and general obfuscation doesn't make more people highly skeptical. It just utterly sounds me, but...PR Barnum was correct.

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I think it’s because most people don’t know that’s what’s happening. Also they likely don’t want to know after putting it in their bodies. They blindly trusted the government and media and a lot are doubling down on that.

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Neither does that delusional mannequin who sits in the white house. He should be impeached for what he has done to the American people and our country. Making a fool of us all high inflation open borders.

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Just listened to the War Room interview with Edward Dowd (former Blackrock investment guru) . He's predicting that if the data isn't released immediately it will look like fraud and that Pfizer and Moderna stocks will tank. about 18 min in - https://rumble.com/vtkou8-episode-1602-the-big-short-pfizer-and-moderna-the-new-enron-are-criminal-ch.html

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The only safe Place for these People who have done this to the American people. Will be North Korea.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Frankly, tanking stocks couldn't happen fast enough for these cretinous goons.

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FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, CDC. It is obvious none of them care.

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Dr Yeadon showed where each of the 3 vax companies shared in the release of the deadlier lots of vaxes. Not all at the same time. But each company would follow in step with the bad lots which Dr Yeadon and his research shows how one batch will have two adverse events while another 5,000. As if Each company got to share in profits while each releasing a bad lot. Frightening the evil to be doing this is beyond comprehension.

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Do you have a link for this?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Do a search on Odysee videos for Reiner Fuellmich and the Corona Committee. I know he had some info on this. I’ll have to try and find tomorrow. Pretty sure the movie Planet Lockdown had some info too. Fuellmich and Yeadon both featured. It’s got packed info.

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they care to walk as one

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Is that a commie aphorism? If not, should be.

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I won't.

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Any jabbed kid will not live to be 80.

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Going into Year 3 of wearing a face Mask for the children. The damages alone just with that along is going to be Biblical. Never mind these unproven vaccine trials non fda approval for safety Booster shot. The Surgeon General needs to be fired or resign effectively imeditally.

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And the architects of all these crimes will be long dead and won't have to answer for anything...ever.

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Sad but true Fauci and Birx have been doing this for Years. Our Government leadership is to blame for Fauci and Birx they have Profited as well as Birx and Fauci with the Handling of the AIDS pandemic.

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And none of the Fauci worshipers appear to be aware of his past history with AIDS. Surely the gay community who suffered with AIDS due to Fauci are still furious with him. But I haven't heard much unless news of it has been suppressed.

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Fauci and Collins created this Virus with an mRNA Vaccine trial in his back Pocket thinking that he they were going to be some kind of Super Hero. But it failed on him and he is doing his best to take the world down with him. Has the CCP bought any of Fauci and Collins Vaccine trials or booster shots. I don't believe they have done any sort of Mass vaccination of the Chinese People. What Fauci has done to the Gay community is Globally not just here in America 🇺🇸 goes the same way with this endemic he once again created.

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Fauci is a monster.

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This is beyond insanity.

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Hmmm... maybe FETAL injections will get fast-tracked?

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already did...I know many pregnant women who took the jab

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And the miscarriage numbers are astonishing

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The coverup on this issue is HUGE. No one wants to talk about it.

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How in the world can Pfizer prove the "vaccine" is effective? Kids that age never get sick from Covid. So they can say, "The jab was 100% effective." Yes, and NOT giving the jab was equally effective.

There is a very warm spot in Hell awaiting these people. They are EVIL. And the parents who give into their irrational fear and harm their children are INSANE.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Same as 5-11: Reduces symptomatic infection. Not a single severely ill patient in that trial, IIRC!

Just be grateful they aren't using "higher antibody titres" (that will be for the booster(s)).

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The medical establishment claims kids are vectors for adults hence must be vaccinated heavily. Personal benefit doesn’t exist. Only to protect adults. Gross. Sorry. A society that willingly risks children for the benefit of adults is insane. A doctor who suggests this shouldn’t be a doctor.

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STATS Military is a 2% Microsome of the US population. Military MED Skyrocketing Disease Data Leaked! Biden Regime Knowingly Continues Destruction of Force


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What you don't hear is the cancer, autoimmunes, and Autisium increases since we started the 40 or more vaccines. Granddaughter developed RA and Fibromyliga from Gate's Gardasil. Just the Binders/Perservatives cause those, Antizfreese, Mercyry, Acetone, Alumin salts, Ethelyne Oxide on the Swab is Cancer/Fertility. while vac pushers are exempt, companies like Roundup can be held accountable, P & G just got hit for a long used cancer agent in their dry Hair products. Why no one has sued for Metformin's failure is lack of knowledge. It is a failure of a drug that has disastorous conquences. No one connects the organ failure of Vent

Patients to the Toxic organ desyroying Remisdar drug name brand Veluxy which failed as a HIV/EBOLA DRUG, and the long list of Anthesia drugs used on them. Brand names: Veluxy Drug Remdesivir is causing many diagnosed Covid Patients to Die

What is remdesivir, and who has the patent? | wusa9.com


China: Gilead VERIFY: What is remdesivir, and who has the patent https://www.wusa9.com/article/news/verify/verify-what-is-remdesivir-and-who-has-the-patent/507-ae00b396-a731-487c-8951-c15ec8668505 GENOCIDE DRUG . Brand names: Veklury Drug Remdesivir is causing many diagnosed Covid Patients to Die – OH-17 News https://oh17.com/2021/12/14/remdesivir-is-causing-many-diagnosed-covid-patients-to-die/ The Strange Story Of Remdesivir, A Covid Drug That Doesn’t Work https://www.forbes.com/sites/jvchamary/2021/01/31/remdesivir-covid-coronavirus/?sh=12659ec66c27



Stromectol = Ivermectin FDA APPROVED FOR HUMANS 1997.

PLAQUENIL = HCQ = Hydroxychloroquine FDA APPROVED 1955.

TRUMP gives ER use to Chloroquine, Chloroquine is an antimalarial drug that was developed in 1934. Hydroxychloroquine, an analogue of chloroquine, was developed in 1946. Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to malaria. https://www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov/therapies/antiviral-therapy/chloroquine-or-hydroxychloroquine-and-or-azithromycin/#:~:text=Chloroquine%20is%20an%20antimalarial%20drug,arthritis%2C%20in%20addition%20to%20malaria.


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Yup, absolute risk vs relative risk. The same game they play with statins.

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But adults can make their own decisions about this, a luxury small children do not have.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Keep pushing damn near infants this poison. If this doesnt cause a radical push back nothing will I'm afraid

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I have a former good friend from grad school who always did well academically and hails from a family of gynecologists. She has been relentlessly touting vaccination since the start (and I’m the only one in our school friend circle who counters the narrative with all of them but it falls on deaf ears and glazed eyes).

She and her hubby (both vaxxed) just recovered from covid over the holidays (NYC). Their 3yr old got it too. And now she can’t wait for kids under 5 to get vaxxed this summer. I cannot even fathom.

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Instead of countering their narrative, maybe ask them to show you the "science."

Go on offense. They'll hate you :)

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They'll show you the CDC page saying the vaccines are safe & effective. I know--I've tried this with my MD sister. I send her graphs & charts & studies. All she says is "safe & effective", "safe & effective". I'm not convinced they aren't lacing the vaxxes with some drug that turns them all into Pod People.

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I'm my experience, the doctors will be the last to get what's going on. The nurses are smarter.

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It is sad the willful blindness that many doctors have. Then again many doctors have lifestyles that require they keep pulling in the big bucks, and pushing back with the truth would cause them to lose their jobs. Sad to say, but most MDs are putting their income and careers over the well being of their patients. If they don't look at the really data they can keep kidding themselves for a long time. I think it is called plausible deniability.

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Just ask her "what would it take for you to admit this vaccine is a failure?" Granted, she will probably refuse to answer, because whatever low bar she sets will eventually happen.

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One would think but I'm not so certain. I'm afraid there are too many psycho parents that have stopped living and are in abject fear, needlessly of course. They think this is the only way to continue. And I will point once again to New Yorkers and Los Agelenos.

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Apparently they have not read that children under 17 (and really young adults) are statistically close to zero of dying from Covid. Are they this insane to give them the vaccine at this age?

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Reason, logic, sense or "science" have left the barn long ago and are not coming back anytime soon. The jabs have acquired a sacred aura for Team Blue, only creepy bigots and other unwashed heretics question the daily dogma, and as vaxxes make you a Good person the more vaxxed you and your babies are, the Gooder (Holier) you are.

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How many babies and children dying of heart attacks, strokes, severe neurological problems, how many stillbirths and infants dying in their first few days or weeks of life, how many children with severely impaired intellectual and social development and speech delays will it take to wake these people up? I fear the answer may be infinity. Has there ever been a time or society in history where such numbers of children were so unceremoniously and unthinkingly slaughtered? I can only repeat these words, I don't remember from whom: "May God forgive them, because I can't."

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Other countries are walking away from all covid-19 restrictions and Policies. America is doubling down on failure and unproven vaccine trials. Well into year 3 we can't take the lies and misinformation from the administration or the Elite media.

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They know. They don't care.

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Yes they are this insane, greedy and in the event we didn't have certainty before this point they are also unfathomably evil.

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And Vermont. A young couple we know moved there and I was shocked to see a proud Instagram post of their 5 year old going for a spa day to celebrate being double Vaxxed 😩😩

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… and they were afraid to book a Florida trip to see parents/grandparents because their four-year-old is not yet vaxed! Usually we are their older/wiser friends they seem to value our opinions (per them, I was flattered to hear this a few years ago)-yet they never asked anything about this and considering we are medical you would think that would be a big one! I think it is the pressure of being there in Vermont which has an extremely high vaccination rate for the five and up child crowd, and probably what the drs there push. I did, however, convince the mom to book that Florida trip because it’s healthier getting the vitamin D! And you can get Covid as easily at the grocery store in Vermont lol

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Vermonters have lost their shit. They have the highest vaccination rate for 5-11 in the country. Well, maybe those shots will have turned out to be long term safe for little kids. But if they aren't, I hope their kids disown them.

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😢 me too

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This is terrible news. I was so hoping that the vaccine for young children would never happen. I am the nana of a 2 and 1/2 year old and my daughter will get her vaccinated .

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Nonna of an almost 3 year old and a 4 week old. Their parents do not want that for their children despite the fact that they have or will need to do so in order to stay employed. I twitch at the very thought of this and wish I was rich enough to support them and allow them to change their work and do something where they aren't subjected to this covidiocy. Alas, I am not, but will do what I can to ensure that my grandchildren won't have to do this.

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Thank you Gabriella. Wish you the best in protecting your grandchildren.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Parents are eager for the pediatric vaccines for two main reasons. The first group are convinced their children will get long Covid and brain damage. (I have family members in this category.) They are in denial about the fact that the vaccines don’t prevent transmission, so in reality their kids will get whatever bad side effects from the vaccine AND eventually from Covid. The second group is made up of lazy parents who celebrate the vaccines because then their kids will not have to isolate/quarantine after exposure. I sympathize with the second group but the solution is to get rid of restrictions, NOT vaccinate our babies.

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PANIC! for the professional managerial class in the DC/NY/SF/LA power nodes is like a pacifier for an infant. They are addicted to a constant infusion of panic (Trump, Floyd, Covid, climate, ad infinitum), it makes them feel alive and gives them purpose, makes them feel wiser and holier than the grimy Deplorables.

I assure you there is no bridge too far for these people, they would double vaxx in utero as long as it keeps providing a steady crackpipe high of sanctimony and social superiority.

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"steady crackpipe high of sanctimony and social superiority." So well stated!

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And alliterative!

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

You effing nailed it. The latest trend has been to post signs in stores saying that "hate/racism isn't welcome here" (LOL - where *is* it welcome?). Now...help me get out of here.

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Hey folks. I live in southern cali. I know them by name. Im not talking about them. Im talking about us. Those who are awake.

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Grimy deplorable?

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hey, feel free to swap out the adjective

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I’ve seen people in the Washington Post comments begging for a vax for their toddlers. They are mad.

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Everything about that article is psychotic.

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Your opinions are not clear, no offense.

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Visit Toby's Substack. It will be very clear.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

If ever there was a litmus test for Karen-itis, this is it.

The first 30,000 women who sign their toddlers up for this should go on a watch list for Munchausen by Proxy.

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Let's all wear STOP KAREN t-shirts

Women and Men alike. This is insane

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Munchausen by Proxy.. EXACTLY!!!

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Let me understand … they want an eua for a shot based on the alpha variant which is no longer in circulation for a population that is not at high risk for covid ?? Since when was it an emergency for these children! Hands off ! Parents please don’t do this to your child. I’m probably speaking to the wrong crowd but how does any of this make any sense unless you are a double masked with n95 triple vaxxed Covidiot wearing a face shield and gloves ?

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You're right. None of this makes any sense. The hysterical want this because it calms their hysteria.

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It defies logic! I’ve witnessed so many ‘well educated’ and ‘intelligent’ people say the most bind bending, illogical things. It’s very cult-like…

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I'm 16 weeks pregnant, and there os no way in hell my son will be getting this sorry excuse for a vaccine, as a baby or older.

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3 of my grandchildren were born during the covid era. All 3 moms’ midwife recommended the vax…all 3 said no.

When they delivered, the hospital nurses agreed “no vax”…but the house pediatrician pushed the vax to the moms, stating “your baby will benefit from the antibodies conferred in breast milk”…all 3 moms answered “no thanks”

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Nevermind the horror stories of kids reacting to vaxxed breast milk. So safe and effective, we don’t even need to study it.

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I hope you are able to have a home birth. I would hate to have to face delivering my baby in a hospital these days.

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Yes, home birth is the plan!

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deletedFeb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022
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Yes, I'm honestly overwhelmed by the amount of vaccines given within the first 2 years. Because my husband is more mainstream, I feel like we're going to have to go through the whole list and see which ones he'll be okay with forgoing, and which we might compromise and delay or get as a single shot.

I do know about the HepB one though. Crazy, isn't it? I think it started with not knowing who was admitted to labor & delivery with STDs, so they treat every baby as if their mothers are HepB+. It's an old policy that needs to go.

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Read, read, read, read! Perhaps you can get him to read and watch things and sway him. HIghly recc watching Vaxxed and Vaxxed II. I don't know how you could watch those and NOT be swayed.

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Meanwhile in Malawi, they tested people for prior infection and found that around 80% of the population had already had Covid. And most of them didn't even know. Prior to this testing, it was thought that only around 10% of the population had ever been infected.

Yesterday, Malawi had 35 new cases and one death. The Omicron wave seems to already be nearly over.

Malawi is a very young country with a median age around 18 and they have little obesity. But still, they seem to be completely done with Covid. They have achieved herd immunity.

What is so special about Malawi? They are 100% vaccinated! JUST KIDDING! Only 4.2% of the population is vaccinated.

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Yet, on the other side of Tanzania, Rwanda is forcibly vaccinating citizens and has banned the unvaccinated from public spaces.

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Given Rwanda's history of genocide, it makes sense.

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“Aid money” is a hell of a drug

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Have you seen where poor countries that took aid money from USA over decades, have remained poor? Whereas many poor countries that refused USA "aid" money their economies are booming?

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022

Surprising only in the sense that the leaders and countries that turned it down were left alone.

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I can't take it anymore. Every day the evidence against the vaccines grows more compelling, and yet I wake up every morning and nothing has changed: the relentless ads on TV to get vaccinated, the corporate mandates, now this from Pfizer. My son's employer is mandating the booster. When will it stop????????

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It's all up to the truckers now.

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Not fair to put it all on the shoulders of the truckers…It’s up to each and every one of us.

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It was my attempt to show the faith I have in the truckers. Couldn't be more proud and impressed with what they are doing in Canada. Yes we all have to figure out what we can do.

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"If kids start having serious reactions the anger will be off the charts."

"If kids start having serious reactions, parents will have only themselves to blame"

There. I fixed it.

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It has happened. "Your kid had a stroke the day after the jab, but it has nothing to do with the jab". Ok good! Thanks Mr. Expert! Give me a booster!

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Never forget Maddie De Garay:


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I keep pointing her out as well as two examples of women who lost both legs to some sort of MIS-a or vascular/thrombotic effect. There are so many examples of vaccine injuries.

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Thanks for sharing that. So kids are having reactions but just like the adults they're deep sixing them.

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The vaccine will never come close to my children.

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This is straight up genocide. But then that was obvious when they pushed these shots on pregnant women. We NEVER push experimental drugs onto pregnant women. NEVER. Until now.

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A pregnant doc where I work got the vax when she was about 4 months along. I couldn’t believe the denial and stupidity she exhibited. I hope the baby will be ok. Time will tell.

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Demo code….that’s when the government kills their own citizens

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A dangerous vax for an illness that is not in any way whatsoever dangerous for children. Hell no.

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Pfuk Pfizer

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Anyone who didn’t expect this has not been paying attention.

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Right! Why is anyone surprised? We all knew this was coming.

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I am a great aunt to several young people. I have already started grieving for them as well as for everyone I know who is vaccinated. I was under the impression that child sacrifice was no longer practiced in developed countries. I have not yet figured out to which "god" these parents are sacrificing their offspring. Any guesses?

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Because; "Due to a law passed during the Reagan Administration, in order for drug makers to be granted more robust legal liability protection for their vaccines, they must first secure full approval for the children’s version of their shot.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA), which was passed into law in 1986, provides a legal liability shield to drug manufacturers if they receive full authorization for all ages.”

Are Pfizer and Moderna waiting for full authorization for children’s shots to distribute Comirnaty and Spikevax to the masses? There’s plenty of litigators who have suggested that this is exactly what is going on in Big Pharma world."

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The upside is exactly what Robert Kennedy told you it was Alex. If Pfizer gets the vaccine approved for children then it gets a liablity sheild for EVERYONE who gets it, including adults. If they do not get approval for children then they will Not have a liability sheild.

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They are currently immune from liability as it’s under EUA. If it’s on the childhood schedule, they are immune from liability based on a law from the 80s, once it goes off EUA, and they can start selling Conmarty( or whatever the brand name is called). They are beyond evil.

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Thanks for the info.

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PREP Act. Here's a comparison. PREP Act is actually even better for pharma et al than the Vaccine Act.


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Because, based on the 1986 law, pharma companies can't be sued for vaccine damage.

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We are beyond the beyonds.

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Thanks for the information

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Pfizer is straight up evil.

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One of the things that still blows my mind is how so many people used to be skeptical of big Pharma and those same people now think it is a crime to even question Pfizer and their motives.

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Same here! I was hoping some of my democrat friends and family would openly engage in discussion about the shots and display at least a little skepticism of big pharma. Unfortunately, they believe 100% in everything they are told- even with the ever changing narrative.

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They are zombies.

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Right? WTF? What kind of hypnotic Jedi mind tricks have made people such willing sheep to inject themselves and their children with this jungle juice?

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It honestly feels like some kind of hypnosis has taken place.

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Lawyers I worked with who handled medical malpractice and injury cases involving opioids who now completely trust Big Pharma and who cut in line to get their shots.

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When this is the most blatantly criminal thing they've ever done. The world is too far bizarro and upside down.

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Always have been…

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"... if kids start having serious reactions the anger will be off the charts."

I wish that were true. But 5-17 year-olds are having heart attacks, strokes, and other weird medical events that don't normally happen to kids. Do you see their parents banding together and demanding it to stop? Why will it change with younger kids? In most cases, the parents will be told, and will believe, that the vaccine had nothing to do with the injury. Americans have not rebelled against any of the covid craziness—not even when it kills their children. At this point, I really don't expect that to change.

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They see it is acceptable risk, absurdly, like the story of the person who died from Covid but it would have been worse had they not been vaccinated.

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So, so, SO depressing.

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Maybe they think they can eliminate the control group by forcing the shots on everyone

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BINGO! Buy that man a beer!!!! Been the goal all along.

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Sad, but it's both cultural & natural selection of mentalities & genes Pfucked up & stupid enough to trust the government & Big Pfarma and do this to their offspring. Injured children who survive will hate their parents for it along with the institutions, ideology & party that pressured it. The ones who don't survive are guaranteed not to pass on stupid genes & culture.

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I’ve been a pediatrician for over 20years and with 30k cases of myocarditis reported, I would not give my own kids any Covid vax and we will not ever give it in my clinic and that’s what I tell my patients. However, I could lose my medical license because the American Board of Pediatrics sent every pediatrician in the US a letter last September threatening us to revoke our board certifications and medical licenses if we are found to be saying negative things about Covid vax & masks. Welcome to Medical Marxism 😡

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Do you still have that letter? Black out your PII and take a scan and send it to Alex and Project Veritas!

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Feb 1, 2022·edited Feb 1, 2022


I’ve sent it to Alex, Tucker, Rogan, Shapiro, Fox News…nothing 😑

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What a load of crap.

"providing misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine contradicts physicians’ ethical and professional responsibilities"

No shit!

No definition of what misinformation is. So you can't say anything either way without putting yourself in jeopardy. Except like you already said, "I'm not giving these to my kids".

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We are living in a time of remarkable evil.

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I am sure a small bribe will be offered a stuffy or an ice cream cone. These are crimes/sins against humanity. Parents that allow this are imbeciles.

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I'm not really surprised. The far left radicals also LOVE abortion, the killing of unborn babies, too -- so much so that they almost worship it. Some actually do. It is the far left group pushing these "jabs" too. They're kind of the same, seriously twisted-up, thing.

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Abortion is the sacrament for Democrats. It’s been that way for years. Horrible.

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I’m a former liberal but I remain pro-choice, across the board. Freedom to choose what is right for you. That goes for abortions or the jabs or anything else that entails bodily autonomy.

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kmeh, I've always believed people should be allowed to make their own choices in things, but they also need to accept the consequences for those choices. Ultimately, they will.

My Christian belief cherishes, honors and values the life, even in its unborn state, while in the womb. They are the most innocent of innocents in that state. I wish to protect those lives as best we can and I grieve when any of their lives are taken away from them.

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Let me ask you a question… Is the unborn in the womb fully human with its own separate DNA from the mother?

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Science says it is. As such the unborn must be fully protected. They are no less human than an adult is.

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We can debate the ethics and science of abortion to no end. The bottom line is - I respect your beliefs and your choices. I don’t, however, believe those beliefs and choices should be imposed on me.

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kmeh - I respect your beliefs as well and your right to make them. I am Christian and try my best to follow God's Word. I cannot --and I would not even try to force you to choose Christ, but I sincerely wish that all people would.

You are correct that the ethics and science of abortion can be debated ad nauseum, but the Bible is pretty clear. If you were right and the unborn are "just tissue" then I would agree with your right to remove it as you would a wart or a cancer. If I'm right, then terminating the fetus is murdering an exceptionally innocent life. I know which side of that I prefer to be on.

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I am pro-choice as long as it does not result in the death of the unborn in the womb. They are fully human and deserve to be protected. They are the most vulnerable of our population. To deny this and say killing babies should be a choice is unfathomable to me.

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What is murder?

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Absolutely. They are not the same choices. Well said Sophia.

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Something must be done with these ghouls.

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Alex, please, please follow and report on the money. On all sides of the aisle. Who in government agencies/politics is getting generational wealth from these pokes being allowed?

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dems are catering to their insane base that demands the shots for their infants. no infant outside of this base will be getting a single dose of this garbage.

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Nothing is data driven in the US.

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As the parent of a three year old boy, I would hide in a bunker in Montana (metaphorically speaking) before I'd allow him to be jabbed.

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There's a lot to be said for Montana bunkers.

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Pfizer you have done enough damage just with our Elderly. The Children are off Limits take your snake oil and leave the country now.

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FDA is just a big automated rubber stamp, and CDC are another department of politicians.

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They both need to be abolished. They’re doing more harm than good.

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Pfizer...for Kids. Slimy bastards.

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Guardians should be appointed by the court for any child whose parent is submitting them to this vaccine at such a young age.

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Scary: A grandmother was talking about her 12 year old granddaughter and how they had to take her to a psychiatrist because she won't take the jab. ("She's afraid for some reason!") Poor child. Freaking child abuse! You can bet the schools and doctors won't protect that poor kid in this case. Breaks my heart (I have zero direct access to this grandmother and do not know the family).

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Child sacrifice, may god have mercy on our souls

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Lets recap. The mRNA vaccines aren't very effective or durable. They can cause myocarditis and other problems. Children are not at high risk from Covid. I don't see the logic of pushing them on kids.

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I’m tired of trying to finding the logic to any of this. I don’t recognize the world I live in anymore.

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What can we do but accept that for this period of history we have to disengage from the world we live in, and hopefully come back to it later.

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I walk on a path that cuts between two lands. On one side there are people who just want to live life, most have had Covid, some chose to get vaccinated, some have not, this side of the path is living life, these are the people that just want life the way it was. Then there’s the other side, they’re frightened, they’ve hid for 2 two years, the talking heads on their TV preach gospel every day to them that they must hate and punish the people on the other side of the path that are going about their life, those who dare live the life that was before Covid. This path use to go through a forest that looked the same on both sides, now there’s a clear difference. I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to walk off the path and join the people who have chosen to live life the way it was before Covid.

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It's so easy to forget how lucky we all are. Of course we are heartbroken to see the world so broken and many of us are persecuted. But how much worse it would be to actually buy into the fear and hysteria and anger. People are permanently damaged after two years of it. There is no way not to be, and they will never recover. Whereas when we get our life back, somehow, we will be just fine.

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Suspect the damage is only beginning. We really don't know how wide ranging the effects are going to be long term. Short term, already dramatic.

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There isn't even logic in pushing them on adults but that doesn't stop them. The goal is to kill as many people as possible. The Nazis didn't have any qualms marching small children into the gas chambers.

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I hate these people.

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So clearly the Biden administration is willing to sacrifice young children for big pharma. Just despicable.

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They’ve been doing this for decades. Since the government released them from liability they’ve been sacrificing kids! Mine included!

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I'm so sorry. Well if Americans can't see that they are doing it now, Americans never will.

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Thank you. Luckily my boys didn’t die, but will carry their injuries with them for life. It’s criminal. Praying that Americans finally wake up!

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Sacrifice is their bag

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Conspiracy theorist here: there will be saline shots mixed in with the real shots to dilute the number of vaccine injuries.

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I would say there "have been saline shots mixed in with the real shots to dilute the number of vaccine injuries thus far".....

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Remember when it leaked out that a Walgreens got a shipment of saline shots "by mistake " ?

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I remember hearing that and it sounded so odd and wondered how the supposed vaccine vials would contain saline. Furthermore, how would anyone KNOW they contained saline, how did Walgreens know? I looked at the VAERS list of all the lot numbers with their associated reactions,deaths, etc. Some had large numbers, others a few, and a great many had nothing at all...no adverse effects, no deaths, etc. I wonder if those were the saline doses.

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"by mistake"..... the scam of all scams under the crime of all crimes...

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Dr Yeadon proves this. Some lots have 5,000 adverse events, some 2. Orchestrated so as not to be as noticeable? But still allows them to obtain the results of their experiment by the batch lot numbers. Unbelievable evil!!!!

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Check this guy out. He explains what's going on. You're got it right, but he explains the reason. Someone else here posted this here.


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First I would like to see data on the children over 5 who dramatically reduced their infections and death rate with the "vaccine".

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This is good news. My 1 year old and 3 year old will be first in line. We are all in this together.

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Then you are nuts!

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I think that was sarcasm.

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Who can tell anymore? There are people clamoring to have their newborns vaxxed!

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Mass formation psychosis

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I and you hope it was

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Can't ...tell if....serious....**squints eyes **

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Dead together. Happy burial

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Just like Jim Jones death cult.

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What in the actual fuck.

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The FDA advisory panel will recommend against it citing the dearth of data & potential side effects.

The FDA will overrule the advisory panel & authorize.

4 more people will quit the FDA & be replaced with people who like beach houses.

Just like their last few decisions.

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