The clearest proof yet of the failure of lockdowns and Zero Covid as a long-term strategy against the coronavirus is now unfolding in Hong Kong. The territory is suffering the worst coronavirus epidemic anywhere since New York City in April 2020. For two weeks straight Hong Kong has had the equivalent of 10,000 American deaths a day.
The breakdown comes after almost two years when Hong Kong tried everything possible to keep Covid out, including aggressive contact tracing, border controls, and rules on gatherings. It damaged its economy, made residents miserable, and drove away expatriates.
And it succeeded. As of late 2021, Sars-Cov-2 had infected barely 1 out of every 1,000 Hong Kong residents, a peer-reviewed study revealed.
Now Sars-Cov-2 is catching up, all at once - even though Hong Kong is highly vaccinated. Since the beginning of March, the city, which has 7.4 million residents, has had over 3,500 Covid deaths. That figure would translate into over 150,000 Covid deaths in the United States - in two weeks.
When Zero Covid goes bad:
The crisis in Hong Kong carries serious implications for China, which after two years of chasing zero Covid is seeing the start of an outbreak that it may not be able to control no matter how hard it locks down.
The spiraling death toll also proves - again - the limits of vaccines against Covid. More than 80 percent of adults in Hong Kong have received either mRNA or Chinese vaccines, though the city’s eldest residents are bizarrely enough the least likely to be vaccinated.
The crisis is unlikely to ease soon. After falling last week, new infections rose again Monday, to 26,000 - the equivalent of more than 1 million in the United States. Authorities predict thousands more deaths through April.
The death toll is especially stunning because the cases are essentially all Omicron, which is milder that earlier variants. Also, Hong Kong has almost no obesity, which trails only age as a risk factor for Covid. About 3 percent of adults in Hong Kong are obese, compared to 40 percent of Americans.
Further, physicians have the benefit of two years of treating Covid cases. They are no longer killing patients by putting them on ventilators too aggressively, a mistake that significantly increased the death total in New York in 2020.
Western media outlets have written only sporadically about the crisis in Hong Kong, and when they have they have generally put the blame on the fact that elderly residents in the territory have much lower vaccination rates than younger adults.
Those stories are accurate.
The rates of vaccination in people over 80 in Hong Kong have been bizarrely low - only about 35 percent of have received two vaccine doses - and it is not clear why. Hong Kong is now an authoritarian state and under increasingly strict and direct Chinese control.
Along with its strict anti-Covid rules, the territory has reported arresting more than 10,000 people for anti-government protests and prosecuted at least 2,500 of them. So why Hong Kong’s public health authorities were unable or unwilling to vaccinate elderly people - who have successfully been the focus of vaccination everywhere else in the world - remains a mystery.
Now Hong Kong is struggling to vaccinate people 80 and over. But in the short run its efforts may only be making matters worse, because of the fact that the first Covid vaccine dose actually raises infection risk - an effect seen in Britain and elsewhere more than a year ago. Meanwhile, with so many people being infected so quickly, a relatively high number of vaccinated people are also dying.
Meanwhile, across the border in China, Covid infections are accelerating.
The sudden surge may be both a medical and political problem for the People’s Republic.
Medical because China’s hospitals are less advanced than Hong Kong’s and may have even more trouble coping with an Omicron wave in a population that has no natural immunity to slow the spread. And political because China has leaned hard on its success against Covid as yet more evidence that freedom is overrated and Xi is the best Supreme Leader in the history of Supreme Leaders.
China has - inevitably - responded with another wave of lockdowns. But it may be about to learn that Zero Covid - like the fentanyl its factories export to the United States - is easy to start and hard to quit.
It is very important now to dominate the dialogue that the government utterly failed in its Covid response. Nothing they did worked; and much of it made things worse. The lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, and the so-called "vaccines". It was all an abysmal failure, and must, under no circumstances, be repeated.
If this ground is lost, the lunatics will be back to masks in eight weeks.
Yes. Because although I don't like making categorical predictions, I have little doubt we will see another wave by the end of the spring, in the Sunbelt if not everywhere. We have a lot of natural immunity in the United States, but not enough - too many people have vaccine antibodies that don't work very well against Omicron and probably won't work against what comes next. The UK data are clear - this pause is almost surely temporary.
the Vaxxed are pre-disposed to catch any variant! they could have been fine with one round naturally, but possibly caused their body to catch it every time it comes around now. Every booster vax'd person I know caught omicron! I still don't know if I've ever had covid..58 male 20lbs overweight but exercise and supplements/healthier diet.
Bourla just announced that we all need a fourth dose. What a Carny. He will keep peddling it as long as people will buy it. Hey, the man has to make a living too, right?
If they can do that, then it will probably be a combined "all variant vaccine" for the flu and rona. Though it's funny that they seem to be having difficulty coming up with the Omicron-only jab ~ 🤔
FOIA requests to Pfizer are being forced into the open. In my opinion, Pfizer won't exist in a year and it does appear that they took their stock off the NYSE. They be running to the islands they bot with all their blood money soon.
Yeah, that Malone post with the SEC form was a nothingburger and should show you that everyone has limitations and blindspots. You must do your own fact checking in times like these.
What I've read is that some people misinterpreted Pfizer's application to SEC; it's actually an application to SEC for a very ordinary, no-big-deal delisting of something that is NOT the stock that gets traded bigtime in the stock market. You could look for more information in Jessica Rose's "Unacceptable Jessica" substack, in a posting several days ago now.
I don't know either, if I had it. In the first lockdown I had a typical virus except it felt like a brick on my chest, no cough, took mucinex and was fine in two weeks. Last month I had horrible body pain. Every old injury I had was SCREAMING and my go to advil did not touch it. My friend in L A just had it and she said the worst part was the body pain. Her test was positive ( she is not vaxxed ) but mine was negative. I am not vaxxed and have had two years of negative tests for places that required it. I have not been sick and have not stopped going out other than those first two weeks wish I knew
Body aches were my main symptom with omicron, other than a runny nose. Barely slept a wink for three straight nights as no matter how I positioned myself my legs, back and shoulders were in pain. And then just like that, on Day 4 the pain waned. Felt more tired than usual for the next week or so.
Definitely an odd virus. Am unvaxxed and it was the first time I was sick in over 2 years. Never had the original strain but lived with someone who did -- their main symptom was complete loss of smell.
Heating pad works great on those aches and pains, I have a XLG heating pad that will stay on till I turn it off, or 2 hrs, I wrap it in a couple of towels and heat to high, then when I go to bed turn it down to 1. I have Fibromyalgia and Spine Spondolysis, really brings the pain down.
Heating blanket will work as well. We have a Split King Adjustable bed, I sleep better in a reclining position. Avoid the sleep # if in humid areas, or have a humidifer, use the Temperpedic, the baffles develop MOLD.
Your runny nose makes you also cough, because the pores are open and plasma runs out through the nasal membrane!
The masks don’t stop anything, so why not let Nature help you?
1- Kill the nasal infestation .Use a cotton swab drenched in 3% hydrogen peroxide.
2 - 10% of your plasma in your blood is collagen! A first stage before the formation of glue.
3- with a clean nasal membrane you hold the nostrils closed by pressing your fingers together, hard, so you can’t breathe through your nose, but have to open the mouth for air.
4- Hold the pressure at least a minute . That will block the nasal pores, forced open by virus/bacteria. If it’s a nasal bleeding , it takes 5 minutes. (Surgically practice proved)
But making it reel strong , 24 hours are required. And you know it from your use of glues of the wooden type.
Normally you should never breathe through your open mouth, but only through your nose. According to proof by 3 Nobel Prize winners that’s the only way you can improve the formation of NO, a chemical short form for Nitric Oxide. You can get all aspects on Google.
WE had Upper Respitories in Dec 2019, he took the 1 jab J/J, 81, 20 yrs in USN, PROF, so Flu. I react to the flu shot, refused, only wore masks were forced to. the idiots forgot heart patients need oxygen. When his Glucoma needed a Doc. for it, I had to drive, 3 freaking hrs in a mask in a no movinf arround waiting room. Now it's my turn to catch up on medical, I had a hissy over the mask wating on the colonscreen, said I'd wait outside. Course it didn't end as simple. He canceled the appointment when I refused to mask, DR came out, promised oxygen, took 30 mins. I pulled it below my nose. Nov we do the Upper Endoscope for Barrett's, I bought a 'I want a mean tweet, and $1.79 gas mask which works as well. I will be told to remove it, AH, NO!
Female, 72 y.o., 50# overweight, no vaxx, no plans to get vaxxed. Remain maskless unless handed one! Not sick yet, but who knows my future? Do take vitamins.
I'm 62, looking good... not worried about the sniffles... as Salty Cracker said 2 freaken years ago, I got my orange juice and chicken noodles soup right her and I'm good.
Added bonus: Mr Ed is on YouTube! Just like I'm 5 again
I'm in Northern CA. There has been a lull here, but I get regular reports from my daughter, who is a nurse in a rehab/nursing facility. In the last week there has been a sudden uptick in her hospital residents (ages range generally from mid 70's thru 104) with positive tests, although interestingly, they aren't really sick at all....a runny nose here and there, but mostly no symptoms at all at this point. The staff must all mask more carefully now as well as wear PPE's around the positive group, and the positives have all been moved to a Covid ward again. She has a nurse co-worker who just got her 3rd jab and was extremely sick for over a week afterwards, also testing positive for Covid by the way. I don't know if she would have been positive for Covid before the jab, or if it got missed. The staff has to test 2x week for what that is worth.
My daughter continues to test negative...she is unjabbed but had Covid herself back in November 2020, and has not caught anything since that time despite working with a lot of covid patients. She has observed quite clearly that her vaccinated co-workers have pretty much all gotten Omicron whereas she has not.
Yeah, except a nice moist mask breeds it's like your chain link fence attracts rapid-reproducing flies that land on the fence and lay eggs that quickly along with your not-stopped mosquitoes, you get swarms of flies coming through your window.
To put it bluntly, Covid may have already culled the herd and killed off the weakest in our population. Those surviving almost certainly have had prior exposure and some antibodies to previous variants.
I had Covid almost a year ago, I did not get the shot-I was caring for my mom who was extremely sick and was around a lot of people who had Covid. Didn’t get it again. I tested regularly. I’m a firm believer in natural immunity. Thank God mom is healthy. And, naturally immune.
my sister also works in a nursing home and caught covid around the same time. She is around patients in the nursing home with covid as well as she was around me, 2 other family members and her husband when we all had the delta variant around thanksgiving this past year and she has not gotten covid again
Yes BUT, the Sunbelt are made up of non marxist states that generally didn’t listen to the dolts in the CDC last summer and won’t again this summer! Sure the Marxist areas of those states the Miami’s, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston etc. will be more than happy to to continue with their unscientific nonsense to the extent it doesn’t cost them sanctions from the state, and the morons living there all too ecstatic. However NEXT Thanksgiving after the midterm elections when flu season starts in the Northeast and Northern stares in general (and left coast as well as dopey inter mountain west) leftist morons there will all happily add the idiocy back once they are all safely re elected! And those of us stuck there will get what we vote for and thus deserve
Yale political scientist James Scott :" More regimes have been brought, piecemeal, to their knees by what was once called ‘Irish Democracy,’ the silent, dogged resistance, withdrawal and truculence of millions of ordinary people, than by revolutionary vanguards or rioting mobs.”
That’s the best quote, other than biblical, that I’ve read in many days. Gives a wee bit o Irish hope. Makes this Scottish girl perhaps want to wear some green.
@Michael- not to be confused with Irish Diplomacy which is the ability to tell someone to go to hell and have them looking forward to the trip. My one daughter has mastered that. Helps that her name is Tara.
Maybe.... but other Texas cities are full of Californians who escaped the tyranny of taxes and high cost then brought with them high costs if not taxed. And brought their liberalism which will bring high taxes.
Well I should have added “and the already highly dysfunctional Houston Independent School District in line with urban public school districts whose main function is to provide adults with jobs rather than the education of children.” Does that fix it?
Austin is commie central here in Texas... but there are plenty of people who fucking despise commies. And they are commies. I head north to georgetown to relax... I head s to UT to post up sanity on college bulletin boards
It’s important to keep banging the natural immunity drum, or as Bret Weinstein calls it “immunity from previous infection”. I’m a 2020 Covid infection “survivor”. My wife recently contracted Omicron and I purposefully stayed in direct contact with her 24/7 to test my immunity. My natural immunity pitched a shut out. Consider it another booster IMO. Go with the science, guys. The good Lord created a wonderful immune system in our bodies. Trust it. So, Keep heart, keep preaching the truth of natural immunity from previous infection. Especially if you have resisted the jabs. You are free! Also, Alex and others, keep harping and tracking the new variants and how they infect the vaccinated vs those who aren’t. Truth eventually bubbles to the top. Lastly, Alex I am surprised you haven’t gotten Covid yet. Most people I know have already had it.
Apparently I'm a minority also, no vax no mask, no covid, but who knows their future.
Not worried at all. My male relative, post dbl. heart bypass, had covid, recovered, as well as his wife. Vax? "They'll have to hold me down," were his words early, early on.
Rock n roll film tour. Musicians jammed in buses, vans, and planes with a film crew jammed in with us. I did return in time for the Berlin concert and then everything locked down.
If Dr. Birx's upcoming book says we didn't lock down enough, Hong Kong's experience would seem to contradict that. And forget the Greek letters, whatever variant we get in late summer/fall will be called Mail In, as in we have to have mail in ballots for the mid terms or we're all gonna die.......
The more you lockdown the peasants, the more you can unlock the lives of the masters. In short, they're all full of shit. Fin. /adjust French beret in noir surrealism.
Just wait until the most deadly variant ever hits in late spring 2024 that will force in person voting IN CERTAIN STATES located all over the country to not be allowed!
I suspect VAIDS or ADE, whatever you want to call it will be a much bigger problem than most of the public health officials realize. Why? Because they probably believe their own rhetoric and don't dare expose themselves to other information. This is the case with my sister-in-law who is a doctor. She knows nothing about the reality. Only what the NHS feeds her.
That’s true here too. Are you in UK? I work for MDs and, though they could get other info if they chose to, they don’t. They consider it all misinformation and listen only to CDC and HHS.
I'm in the US, but grew up in the UK where my family still is. My brother and his (doctor) wife say they read the BMJ but there are several good articles in there but they even seem to ignore those. And the BMJ even got censored by FB when it ran an article about the whistleblower on the Pfizer trials!
Gosh, instead of lockdowns, why don't the Chinese bring in those magical mRNA vaccines like that talking head idiot Cramer just suggested (and can't figure out why they have not)?
key will be if this is the second or third winter. we shall see. if in second winter and purr the cat's ( affinity is correct we should ponder what this means for the third winter for the tripled jabstabs.
Also, mers is right where it needs in it's case rates in the middle east so to make a desperate survival recombinant switch offspring. Might be more to come. We will see.
Sunbelt? Where we are the most vaccine hesitant? Omicron chased Delta out of here and my wife and I both got one or the other. It will be interesting to see if your instincts prove accurate. But we are done. And waiting for Mr. Wells. ;-)
Sunbelt won't spike. Typical seasonal virus pattern in subtropical latitudes is a long, low hump in latter part of summer...that's what southeastern U.S. did in summer 2020. Temperate latitudes do winter spikes. Ivor Cummins had great info on these patterns in his Sept. 8 2020 update on youtube...won't be listed in his channel, but if you search hard enough you can still find it.
Added to the millions of other with this kind of thinking , she is sure it Will materialisme, to what I only have to reply, Then stay on the other weight scale!
For my neg. Conclusion from what we have just been through indicate, that a new wave Will come Rolling just before the Mid-wave Election:
A literal, catastrophic failure. Here in Quebec, finally a study was conducted examining what they called were the most restrictive measures in the West, and concluded basically (insert Gong Show sound here). Just another study further showing any and all the measures were pointless and highly divisive. They should introduce a new course in colleges and universities across North America: Duh studies.
I agree, all these vax and lock down nuts will be out in full force by the mid Spring. We are seeing the start of ADE immune weakness from too much vax.
lots of ppl still masked in the grocery stores where I am in DFW TX, Oddly black women,, Aldi stopped masks 2 weeks ago and half the checkers still wear them! Idiots.
I went to a coffee shop this morning. The two young girls behind the counter were masked. I said “hey, when are they going to let you take off those masks?” They said, “they already have. It’s optional now”. Oh.
Such a deep seeded psychosis. How is this not considered a crime against humanity. I mean it was intentionally done thru emotional FEAR 24-7 indoctrination. This was all intentionally done upon humanity. Hard to understand how not ONE perp has ever been held to real account. Surreal when you think what has been done to humans across the world in totality of over-all scope. Not ONE person!
Actually, I challenge you and I both to outright ask them. I did sort of (didn’t outright but I was speaking to a masked employee) and think Aldi and trader Joe’s requiring masking of the Unvaxxed. She stated they “required it” but she also implied she wasn’t vaxxed. Other employees were unmasked. I have a friend at TJs. I’ll ask next time.
My implication: it’s not their choice if they are unvaxxed I think.
Went to another coffee shop this morning. They had no masks. But last week they did have them. So I said “I see you have finally stoped wearing masks”. She said “they lifted the mask mandate”. Then I said “ they lifted the mandate a month ago, but I noticed you were still wearing them last week”. She said “Yes, it took us a while to get comfortable”. To which I said “Isn’t that crazy that people are
So afraid that they have to wean themselves off of wearing a mask on their face?”
Eegad. But you are so right! On Facebook the other day, I read a long, earnest series of comments by "smart, well-educated people" (West Coast liberals, actually) in response to another "smart, well-educated person" (another West Coast liberal) asking a question about the best combination of two masks to wear on an airline flight. These people have really studied up about masks and take them oh, so seriously!
I hope they've gotten the information about how important vitamin D is for them. Many black people have low vitamin D levels which makes them categorically more susceptible to problems with Covid. It would be extremely helpful for them to know this but I haven't heard a peep about it from health leaders anywhere. Go figure.
Not to mention if an N95 is fit correctly the CO2 and O2 exchange is very compromised. Every person I know who wears them for healthcare reasons have post headache issue and only were them for short durations. To think once the cloth mask hoax was finally revealed to masses the mongers wanted to go to n95's for kids. Can you imagine the damage done to a developing child's physiology wearing N95's for long periods. Talk about criminality!
Exactly. I wore a very tight fitting respirator with HEPA filtration during juniper allergy season a couple years ago. Am very allergic. Was warned that even WITH the respirator (I.e. slightly better air exchange) it would be hard on my heart. Interesting.
If they have such a deep distrust of the medical establishment why do they keep insisting that they are denied access to it and press to have more "access" to it?
The odd thing about that statement is that both of those were originally pagan festivals. Easter = Ishtar or Astarte a Chaldean festival in celebration of the "Queen of Heaven" - had nothing to do with Christ's crucifixion and was originally brought into England by druids. (the priests of the groves).
Christmas - again, nothing to do with the birth of Christ. It was celebrated in ancient Rome as the feast of Saturn (Saturnalia) and lasted 5 days.
So I guess the demons don't know their history, and are really human after all.
This is a very old argument. Not a very convincing one either. While I agree Christians should not use the term “Easter” which directly references a pagan goddess, the true celebration is of the truth of what happened. If you don’t believe it, fine, that’s your choice, but I celebrate the fact God so loved the world He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have true and eternal life because of His death and resurrection for us. I am not bound by ritual nor liturgy but by faith to s real God who came in flesh as a baby. I celebrate that each and every day. Not reserved for one day a year.
Neil Oliver just had an excellent monologue (YT continues to air him) on this in relationship to war. But it applies here, in this discussion as well as many others . He reminded of the Alexandre Solzhenitsyn quote about the line between good and evil. It does not run between people or groups or nations but runs in the center of each heart. I am reminded when I try to direct my own angst and anger at Fauci or Bourla or .... insert your own name. While our righteous anger at their deeds is appropriate, especially as we try to protect children and the innocent, the reason Jesus died was for MY sin. And theirs. Justice is still very much called for, individually and as bodies ( NIH, CDC, HHS, PHE) and nations. But if I remember that there is justice due to me for my deeds (and I have sins aplenty, including that of judging the character of a man), it’s harder to err on the side of self-righteous anger as opposed to righteous anger and quest for justice.
Agreed but isn’t that the whole point of having the Lord’s Supper? That was the only thing that Jesus asked us to celebrate. “This do in remembrance of Me”. Nowhere are we commanded to celebrate His birth and there is nothing in the Bible that tells us that He was born on Dec 25.
I came here intending to say exactly that, Stead Rolling. In my wilder, febrile imagination, I did have a flash of wonder if it was engineered to restart the global hysteria over COVID, all over again but something like that seems too hard to do (I think?).
Israel never took off the masks inside any closed public area…. except restaurants (?)
The stereotype of Jews being smarter than other peoples has completely blown up. Turns out, if you inject the slightest bit of fear into their collective, they'll turn into lemmings and follow each other off a cliff.
Many aren't aware: the lemmings story is a myth created by Disney documentary makers. They don't actually jump off cliffs. The filmmakers threw lemmings over to film it. Today the lemmings still are being pushed by Disney/ABC/etc.
Actually it's working as planned. They just didn't foresee the fierce resistance. Who thought so many here in America would be willing to live under a bridge rather than take DEATHVAX?
Piss on em all.
We will all watch them hang at NUREMBERG... or watch Great Catholic Monarch kill every last commie bastard involved.
Hong Kong refused to lockdown, this is why it got that bad. Had they done a snap lockdown and mass tested everyone the moment they got a few untraceable cases, they would have never gotten to this point.
Hong Kong essentially let it rip by stealth. For what purposes one can only guess, but that is what they did.
Lockdowns ruin society and don’t work in controlling the virus. You are talking to the wrong crowd to still be promoting the idea of a ‘snap lockdown’. You mean like two weeks? Is there a single city or country left that is your shining beacon of disease free tyranny?
The researchers of the MRNA technology told us that an auto immune response AFTER vaccination, if the virus was contracted, could lead to deaths, as it did in the animal studies. Alex, you need to research if the dying and vaccinated are having this happen. Also, are the unVaxxed elderly dying the most? My mom's 97 and lived to tell the tale of her mild Covid, and she's non Vaxed. Why is the "mild Omicron" killing people? I think it's killing those who are Vaxxed because of the inherent dangers?
I suspect she is not alone, as you probably know, it's just that (for some strange reason ?) you NEVER see this kind of uplifting report, ! When was the last time YOU heard on any TV news network, newspaper, radio, etc. any report AT ALL about anyone who was un-vaxed, contracted Covid, and recovered ? Stories like that, although there are several right on my BLOCK, are not to be "aired in public". Right now the BIG story is about the former president, Obama, a highly vaccinated and boosted person, having now contracted Covid and garnering attention by URGING anyone who is unvaccinated to "get vaccinated now" !
And although I haven't checked, Obama likely said something along the lines of "if I hadn't been vaxxed it would have been much worse". I'm still trying to figure out how they know this.
I too anticipated He would say that very thing (comment as you mentioned) but he seems seems to have gone completely silent; other than having his media person announce he has covid and wanted to wanted to urge anyone who was unvaccinated to get vaccinated immediately. Nothing further from him! As far as he or anyone knowing if their infection would have been worse if not for their "vaccination", that is ludicrous, completely unknowable, just look at the people who get, and even die, from flu each year AFTER getting their "annual" flu "shot". Unfortunately we will never know the answer to that because no because no one seems interested interested in doing those kinds of studies. Personally, I believe there is no interest because because they may not turn out to support the progressive narrative! Why set up true, rigorous, scientific studies, with MEANINGFUL numbers of participants in both groups, and a reliable time frame ? Why, that could produce some actual TRUE science ? ?
If she got tested for antibodies, and/or T-cell memory, you might well discover that she had COVID at some time in the past and didn't realize it. Could have been that "mild cold" she had in December...or a mild cold in Feb. or Mar. 2020.
My dad, 90, same. Emerges from his room at assisted living, constantly mingling with fellow geezers. Not a sniffle since I can remember. Oblivious to it all.
Mum and I had omicron at the start of the year. She is 88 and was not really any sicker than me. It was highly unpleasant but we certainly survived. Unpoked of course.
A few years back, mum took the flu jab a few years running - each time she was so sick later, she thought she was going to die. ADE perhaps? She stopped taking the flu jab and was not sick again till omicron, but she found that a walk in the park, in comparison. I have had her on a lot of vitamins D and C in the last two years. Also some zinc.
My husband took the H1N1 and spent 35 days in ICCU. Everything started shutting down. He got out of the hospital with a central line in his neck and on a Primacore pump. He was on home health for 8 1/2 months, he kept getting better until he got off the pump. So I don’t take vaccines.
A population with almost no natural immunity, is highly vaxxed (ADE/VAIDS), avoids the sun due to cultural stigma, and no early treatment. It's a nasty mix.
Edit: not to mention it's the most crowded place on Earth
Thanks for that information. I was wondering about those other factors (vitamin D and early treatment).
It is a really impressive achievement: how to make a mild variant like omicron have effects like alpha or delta in the population and keep the plandemic going on and on. The sadists in charge in other regions of the world were probably trying to achieve something similar with all the lockdowns, no early treatment, etc.
Yes, all my unjabbed family members who got "COVID" emerged unscathed including my 88-year-old mother. Her previously healthy 80-year-old brother itook the jab. Since then he has suffered: hearing loss, dead thyroid, blocked carotid artery, difficulty breathing and severe lower leg pain. Oh, and he got "COVID," too...🙄🙄🙄
In the U.S. "Omicron" (diagnosed by PCR testing at cycle numbers where 97% of positive tests are false positives) is killing people because the NIH "treatment protocol" using Remdesivir kills enormous numbers of people. I call the NIH treatment protocol "Fauci's Death Escalator" because it's his protocol...
How is it remotely possible not ONE perp who is responsible (we know who they are) for these frauds, corruption and in my opinion pre meditated murder have been held to account? Not ONE and its mid March 2022. I cannot get my head around this level of absolute ZERO accountability!
Same type of thing during the height of the American AIDs crisis (not over of course) with Fauci advising strenuously against drugs that helped with the opportunistic cancers that came early on in the disease.
You didn't address the biggest unspoken question that many of us have noticed and said would be an issue going forward: how many of the vaccinated are dying due to their natural immune system being unable to function correctly now that they took the jab and short circuited the body's natural response?
I would like that info, too. What I do know, and have posted elsewhere, is that here in MA more vaxed than unvaxed have been hospitalized for nearly two months (not sure how much longer than this, if at all). This info is easily accessible on Zthe website. I wonder what other states have tracked this same info. Would like to see a compilation.
One hospital. In California. And this was covered and promoted extensively. So don't expect the opposite (truth) to be promoted or discussed except places like here.
So much wrong with that study... Small window from Dec-Jan, and more. But it got major coverage and the CDC promoted it, because they have a narrative to defend.
I've heard quite a few anecdotal reports where the vaxxed are now continually off sick with corona and other colds. And the unvaxxed are the only ones left in the office, because they aren't getting sick.
Now that it's basically out there that the vaxxed damaged themselves by scurrying (their faces etched with fear) down to their local jab centers as instructed, I'd love to view a parallel universe where, like the Star Bellied Sneetches, the vaxxed are told to scurry back to the jab centers (fear etched on their soft little faces, masks firmly in place) to have the vaccine removed, and the doddering raspy president rails on national tv "Vaccine removal needs to be done now, our patience is wearing thin". And repeat.
Noticed this phenomenon from summer onwards. Vaxxed friends and family have kept getting colds or having issues like migraines. Many of them got Omicron too and had worse symptoms than me and my partner (who are unvaxxed).
You don't understand why an authoritarian communist tyranny turns a blind eye and doesn't care if age 80+ year olds die? Because individual human life has no worth to communists and that government WANTS them to die because they are a drag on the collective. Really a no-brainer.
No, the HK response is separate frim the Chinese CCP response and HK uses mRNA plus others. People live crowded together. Many elderly resist the vax and aren’t being forced to take it
Something about this doesn't smell right. I mean the CCP pretty much controls Hong Kong now. Anyone else not exactly trusting this narrative being so closely tied with the CCP?
Harvard Professor Charles Lieber (covertly working at the Wuhan lab for China's Thousand Talents Program), his male Chinese student (caught smuggling biological material into China from America), and his female student, a card-carrying CCP member, all arrested in January 2020. MSM ASSURES us this has NOTHING to do with COVID. BUT...Lieber's claim to fame is creating a virus-sized computer small enough to invade human cells...with a payload of...?? But, of course, I'm no conspiracy theorist. No, I'm a conspiracy factist. Lol. Methinks MSM doth protest too much.
I’m wondering why Hong Kong isn’t using ivermectin. They don’t have captured regulatory agencies or politicians getting kickbacks for mandating the pfizer and moderna vaxxes. So they could look to saving lives. Unlike our government and regulatory agencies
Unless - like Cuomo they prefer not to have people in nursing homes living for ever and costing money?
They’re ramping up for 2022 midterms. It’ll peak here late Sept/early Oct. Just in time to dissuade in-person voting and providing plenty of time for the mail-in ballots.
Ultimately, aside from the auto immune issues posed by mRNA transfections, the bigger issue with all of these shots is the narrow focus on spike proteins at the cost of ignoring the plethora of functionally constrained proteins across all the variants (which get attention during a natural infection). These jabs seem to be immunological one-trick ponies.
In other COVID news, I saw today that everyone's favorite veterinarian is now openly, one might say gleefully, talking about not only fourth vaccine shots, but annual COVID booster shots for everyone. When it comes to being fully vaccinated, you're only as good as your last booster.
For those of you with a little extra cash sitting around, ticker symbol PFE.
Not going to happen. Very few are going to go for shot number 4. Each one makes you sicker than the last. Bourla is just tooting his horn because that's what suits do when their product fails utterly and completely.
It will be drastically lower. As an example - I was looking at Taiwan's vaccination rates just now. It averages 80% for the first two shots, but 50% for the booster. I'd expect another significant drop for 4th shot (like only 20~30%). People are getting sick of this shitball.
I really hope you are right that it will be drastically lower. Even so, those I know that lined up for all three still think it was safe and effective. I would like to hear their rationale why, suddenly, they don’t need a 4th when they have believed the messaging that they needed three.
My good LA friend (whom I harangue with the latest proof of evil afoot) insists he'll get a second booster, then cites some tired debunked Reuters article on vaccine success. He told me last week that he'll believe vaccines are bad when he sees NBA players dropping on the court. He said the recent reel of athletes dropping on soccer fields etc. was "fact checked and labelled fake" cuz one of the clips had been repeated. He trusts the LA Times. He doesn't trust substack.
Yup. Basically the only ones now getting boosted are due to work and college and covidiots… actually the Covidiots were the first to line up for their booster
It does matter that he says this. It’s disturbing and disgusting and plenty of people believe him. Unless governments don’t fall in line, people will line up.
Omicron is a mild form of C19 with little death rate yet there are many body bags in Hong Kong? Something stinks here. Where's the Ivermectin/HCL? This story makes no sense. This looks like the opening for November C19 voting rules used in the fake 2020 election.
You make an interesting point I have not thought about until now. China propelled a lot of fear to the world in early 2020 about Covid. Then they initiated lockdowns as the way to fight it, then reported zero cases, as if they had figured it out. Our weak leaders took the bait and followed suit. Could it be they are trying to do it again? We KNOW Omicron is mild. And we know that biology is the same for every human regardless of what country they live in. Why would Omicron be killing people? Makes no sense. Good point. China (CCP) are masters of propaganda.
I would be wary of trusting any health data that comes out of China/Hong Kong. China has been manipulating its Covid data from the very start. The deaths in Hong Kong may not be real. We need to consider the possibility that China is using a covid "outbreak" as a pretext to shut down Hong Kong and stifle dissent. In addition, China wants to sustain the global lockdown policies and they need a new scare to keep the global lockdowns in place. And a Hong Kong "outbreak" might be just the thing to give the world another scare.
I highly recommend Michael Senger's book Snake Oil about the Chinese role in pushing the fear and global lockdowns. No understanding of the pandemic is complete without a deep understanding of China's role in promoting the pandemic and the global response. Twitter just banned Michael Senger if you want an endorsement.
So please be cautious when interpreting the new data coming out from Hong Kong. It may not be what it seems.
Evil PSYOP continues as planned. Meanwhile in Canada:
Canada Is a Partner in the “Known Traveller Digital Identity” Project, a World Economic Forum Initiative. If you wonder why the travel restrictions were not lifted, wonder no more.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal minority government is quietly fast-tracking labour code regulations requiring COVID-19 vaccination for all federal employees and federally regulated industries.
My patent lawyer living in Hong Kong states the information is more propaganda. He states doctors are implying the death numbers are manipulated (His wife is a doctor). Alex, I'm not suggesting the points you've made are aren't relevant but rather question the authorities. Lastly when you posted weeks ago the end of COVID was upon us I cautioned noting more propaganda would find it's way to our inbox very soon. Please forgive grammatical errors I currently endure ocular issues.
I said this long ago, and I will say this again there is no such thing as zero covid period. This is a pipe dream for some who believe in rabbits foot science and fairytales. 2nd this is why the elite media is 24/7 WW3 look over there and not dealing with all of their lies for well over 2 years now. They are sending medical supplies over to Russia when we have had very serious medical supplies and medication shortages for more than 14 months. Nice country we live in when we hide the truth and let the lies continue 90% on Twitter was wrong and never seen nor treated a covid patient.
Where I am I would say at least 75% still are wearing a face mask outside. And you can see most are struggling with their breathing as they walk outside. Then they wonder why so many go into respiratory failure stroke heart attack or death. Most have been tripled mRNA shot wearing the mask in a delusional state of mind and wonder why this has happened to me. This is another reason why our elite media is all in on WW3 and hope it goes on forever. Till what they have done is over but i will say things are looking like that the longer this goes on with these mRNA shot and most continue to wear the mask as they have been conditioned to do this to themself.
Masks have never been about the virus. Masks have always been about demonstrating who can be controlled.
For me, I'm partially deaf. Communicating with masked people is very difficult because somewhere along my life I unconsciously learned to lip read--and I can't do that with masked people.
Totally respect and understand what you have people dont think about some of our elderlies have them same issue and have depended on seeing a face to put some sense into what is going on and with the masks it has confusion and frustration as well. The surgical masks were meant for when you are in a hospital setting to be worn during a procedure example a heart transplant to keep food sweat anything falling from your face beard or mouth, so the patient doesn't catch an infection from your body. I have Stated many times with Berenson example a critical care doctor wearing a 3M 1870+ Mask has a patient come to see you as a referral from an internal medicine doctor for guidance for this patient that i am seeing present. To make this without going into full details you ask the patient if he does drugs, he says no then you ask him if he smokes marijuana, and he says no again. You are a handshake away from the patient from this man wearing you 3M 1870+ Mask and you can smell the odor of the marijuana right through the mask. So, with that said if a Pulmonologist can smell this odor of marijuana how is this or any types of masks short of a pressurized suit going to protect you from a virus. And most dont realize this but Berenson that your body is your 3rd lung and viruses can be absorbed through skin tissue and sweat. I am so sorry if I confused you in any way.
I live in a suburb in Texas that never fully masked up. There are 1 in 20 or so now that wear them, although some businesses require employees (but not customers) to wear them.
Alex, my wife and I recommend IVM, Vit D3, quercetin, Zinc and other immune boosting supplements that we have been on through the Omicron outbreak and the two years before. We circulate a lot in public without masks. No Covid yet! Viruses may virus but they don't like us.
We did the same, but we got the virus in early November. We are 74 & 73 years young, & we took Ivermectin. It was not fun, but we made it & now have natural immunity.
Three things: 1) I strongly suspect a change in policy is a part, possibly a large part, of this apparent uptick in deaths;
2) This upsurge in deaths may also be related to the vaccination campaign, as most of these deaths recently have been occurring in elderly and in nursing homes where vaccination rates are low, but increasing. The correlation in time is strong and highly suggestive. Hong Kong's vaccination rate did increase in the last few months, in general, but not massively, and I suspect that what happened is that the vaccination of elderly increased dramtically and resulted in a lot of deaths that are being called Covid deaths.
3) Last, and perhaps most important, as with all public Covid stats and particularly for deaths attributed to Covid, it's important to take all of this data with a huge grain of salt b/c it's so politicized in every country, is based on panic and government policies urging a "sweep it all in" kind of approach, and leads to massive exaggeration of the harm from the virus itself -- and equal diminution of the harm from the vaccines due to very different causal linkage standards being applied in the case of vaccine harms.
Turns out I was right (again): Hong Kong did enact a massive policy shift that is very likely a major part of this alleged uptick in cases, when they allowed at home positive antigen test results to substitute for PCR tests, and even required by law that people start reporting these at home positive test results. This continues a pattern of much of this pandemic resulting from extremely flawed tests and even more flawed testing policy.
“Hong Kong’s case data included results from rapid antigen tests, officials said, which the government has accepted in lieu of P.C.R. test results since last month to expand testing capacity. Residents who test positive with rapid antigen tests have not had to seek confirmation with P.C.R. tests. But the government has also asked them to self-report their infections, or face legal consequences. Those who receive a positive result from a rapid antigen test may be randomly requested to be administered a P.C.R. test, officials said.”
Vaccine mandates mostly effect those under 65. The US has high vaccines rates among elderly because most of them wanted the vaccine. Everyone I know who got the vaccine because of mandates was young and healthy. All the old, retired people I know who don't want the vaccine are untouched by mandates, and are still unvaccinated.
It took our Asst. Pastor's life. He was unvaxed, but a painter on the side. He fought hard for 6 weeks, but his lungs were scarred. He was slim & only 61. It has been a great loss. Many of us have beaten it, but as you said, it's very individual.
Ian Miller, author of "Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates," mentioned on Twitter recently the skyrocketing rates in many Asian countries; Thailand, Vietnam, S. Korea, etc. All very mask compliant societies, and highly vexxed.
Tell me about it. First time in 21 years Mrs' has seen me lose my shit. Against my explicit instructions, eldest daughter got two of these bloody awful injections "because college." I told her to scrap college and stay on the farm until this BS was over and we'll pick it up again later. But no!
Mrs and the other two kids haven't had these injections and never will and I've been promised eldest won't go near a third. This is Thailand.
I sympathise Mike . I have 3 adult children and one decided to get this shot, It breaks my heart . The other 2 have sworn they won't. I keep them updated with what I discover daily, but it's hard when the country you live in (Italy here) is making it compulsory for certain jobs / age groups. I wish I could go live on another planet.
I currently cannot work as I am over 50 and as I had covid I have natural immunity ,but the corrupt italian government demands that all over 50 get jabbed. I am beyond p***** off.
That's even worse. Did you see Edward Dowd's interviews, saying 18-44 age group in the US showing excess mortality up 84%, since these bloody injections appeared?
I'll say it? There's only one way to send the message at this point and it cannot be written.
This is beginning to sound as if Geert Vandenbosch's predictions are coming true. “Mass vaccination of those at minimal risk, with a vaccine that does not reduce transmission, is poor public health practice.” It’s ADE that is going to tip the balance in the wrong and irreversible direction. ADE in vaccinees will provide the virus with exceptional virulence and make it resemble Marek in unvaccinated…this means natural selection against all those whose innate immunity got messed up. (GVB Dec 19 2021)
I'm no epidemiologist but I was telling my family that was all about the lockdowns early on that we would come out of this with worse immune systems if we hid indoors forever and would really be sick.
So what’s next? I think I saw a report of something called deltacron in commiefornia. Lookout! the new shutdowns are a coming. To much freedoms leads to mass infections. And of course you won’t have natural antibodies and the jab will save us all. Until it doesn’t.
Rather strange that Hong Kong should be suffering such high Omicron death numbers when the variant was considered a low level lethality in the rest of the world. And I don't think we can cite as a cause the relatively low level of innoculation of the elderly there, as we have observed that Covid injections have not performed against Omicron any better than if no treatment was given.
I am reminded by the words of Dr Vanden Bossche a year ago who stressed that one of the drawbacks of lockdowns in combatting Covid is that they prevent the "exercise" the immune system needs to work properly, much like other human body systems. A poorly exercised immune system reacts slowly to invaders attacking its body, where as an immune system that frequently exercises against an array of different invaders works faster and more effectively. This is not a novel concept by any means, its why we want young children to be exposed to germs at rather young ages, so as to develop the flexibility of an adaptive immune response.
Indeed, we have seen in places that imposed harsh lockdowns that once the lockdowns were lifted, there was an inevitable spike in new cases and deaths. Britain was a good example of this phenomenon last summer when they relaxed their lockdown regimen. And of course, in a population where everyone's immune systems slowly came out of hibernation and were called into action, the most vulnerable suffered the most when confronted by pathogens their immune systems were not prepared to tackle. The same happened in Australia at the turn of the past year as they relaxed their draconian and long term lockdowns, new cases spiked by 7 times what they had been.
So if there is anything to be learned from the present Covid problems in Hong Kong which apparently are spreading to the immediate northern provinces of China, its another indictment of the foolish government lockdown policies. People cannot run nor hide from airborne pathogens, and the more government tries to reduce transmission and death from pathogens by promoting hiding from them, the higher the cost in terms of new cases and death that will be suffered once the lockdowns are relaxed.
What Hong Kong is proving - as if anymore proof is requireded at thios point - is that science always wins, even over Grand High Exalted Mystic Leaders and their allegedly infallible dictates.
All is well, in fact great in freedom land😉. March is a glorious month, so much in bloom and fruit trees setting. Both my kids, March babies and both of them have wedding anniversaries in March along with one of my grandkids…can’t complain in March❣️
The world appears to be a powder keg, however. I listened to a great podcast today, quite eye-opening historically speaking. It was on THE PBD PODCAST (Patrick Bet-David), interviewing Oliver Stone. I have never seen one of his movies and really don’t follow anything Hollywood, but this was fascinating…what a life. Your a very very very bright guy, I think you may like it.
Here is Stone's documentary just released on what's happening in Ukraine. Its eye-opening when juxtaposed against the Western propaganda that covers the airways in the West :
The US and NATO are up to their necks in filth over what caused this war. And none of them has the decency to admit it. They made anagreementin 1991 with Russia tha tif Russia pulled all ex-Soviet troops from Eastern Europe, NATO would not expand its membership Eastward. Well NATO lied and expanded into 14 different countries since, yet would not consider Russia's proposal to join in 2000 and form a consortium of all European countries committed to European peace and security. When NATO officials including this bumbling Sec'y Of State Blinken spoke during the last few months about expanding to Ukraine, and Ukraine's government said it not only wanted membership but would be willing toposition offensive weapons that could reach Moscow faster than the time it takes for the Russian defense systems to activate, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Remember, Russia has been attacked twice in the last two centuries from 2 different European nations, they are quite paranoid already without putting missiles aimed at them on their doorstep.
Recall also that the same self defense issues that Russia is using tojustify their invasion of Ukraine were similar to the reasons the US cited when taking military action in such places as Cuba, Santo Domingo, Grenada, Nicaragua, and Panama during the last 60 years. Its so hypocritical of both the US and NATO to approve of this line of self defense when the US practices it but not when the Russians do it. It just shows how far American foreign policy has come off the tracks in the last 20 years, and evenmore sosince 2014 when the US sponsored acoup in Ukraine of aduly elected government andreplaced it with a government that has been hostile towards Russia. The 6+ billion the US has sent toUkraine inmilitary weaponry since has added un-necessary fuel to the fire.
Further complicating the mess isthat the eastern part of Ukraine is predominantlyRussian people who have been discriminated against by the Ukraniangovernment almostg since the time that the Soviet Union fell apart. They want their natural right to political self determination and Russiais supporting that effort. In this regard, it is so strange to see the Russians supporting a typically American policy and the Americans opposing it.
And during the last week the problems for the US grew even greater as the State Department official in charge of leadingAmerica'sresponse tothis war admitted that the US hasbeen funding bioweaponslabsin Ukraine. While stating in Senate hearing testimony that the labs existed for peaceful purposes,shealso disclosed that the US government was afraid the materials in those labs could fall into Russian hands due to their invasion, which then could be used against the Ukranians. Problem with that part of the testimony is it begged the question of why the US would have such a worry if the labs only worked on peaceful projects and not the weaponization of pathogens. And if the projects were peaceful in nature, why were they being conducted in Ukraine rather than in the US ? And if thge labs really existed for peaceful purposes, why not allay Russian fears prior to the invasion by inviting them into the labs to show them they were not working on bio-weaponry ? Just like with the Covid policies from the US government, every time there is a new revlation with respect to the factors that contributed tothis war, the US government looks more like con artists and liars.
Perhaps what's most troubling is how in the Ukraine situation, just like in Covid, there is such a large body of the American public that blindly swallows the myths perpetrated by the government in Washington instead of looking into the history that led to this war for themselves. When there are so many in a population willing to defend lies, how can any country ever be considered righteous ?
I am a patriotic American, but that does not mean I have to support my government when they clearly are in the wrong. Especially when the stakes are so high as risking American kids' lives to defend misguided American policies over a country that presents no security or vital interests to the US, in a war that the US had a major hand in causing. It really is beyond the point of embarassing, and approaching the point of nauseating.
Agree on every account and am fully aware of what’s going on…nauseating may be a little gentle, however. And, like the plandemic, I do not understand why people do not see this for its historical reality and what is at play here. I can not believe that we are living through this craziness.
It’s on my list to watch…and if you get a chance, listen to the podcast, fantastic
Remember a large part of the hatred of Putin in the US stems from the mistaken belief that Putin's sidingwith Trump cost Hillary the election of 2016. So the support of such Americans for Ukraine now is actually a hope on the part of these people for revenge against Putin. Its totally emotional, which is why its so illogical when compared with the actual facts that caused this war.
We are living thorugh the craziness we see now because truth is no longer a value for many people in the world. For many different reasons that most boil down to an unhappiness with their lives, people wanttobelieve what they want to believe regardless if the truthis different from what they want to be true. This is an outgrowth of the situational ethics that developed in Western societies in the 1960-1970 era, where absolutes like right and wrong and good and evil became blurred because people did not want to see themselves in a bad light. So depending on the situation, their actions couldbe right or good even if a strict absolute wayof judging life gave a much stricter verdict. That ethos led necessarily to the belief that judgment was wrong for people to engage in, which in turnled to the present value system that negates the absolute value of eternal truth, replacingit with a definition that says truth is what each individual wants it to be in order to support their own desires and ambitions.
I think when viewed from this perspective, it explains the obvious contradicitions of modern life that redefine the meaning of traditional human activity like marriage, and also assign moral equivalence to different lifestyles,i.e., crime versus law-abiding, gay versus straight, freedom fighter versus terrosrist. It makes for a very confusing world in which the ground is constantly moving and perceptions constantly changing. And its uncomfortable for the human species that relies on a steady state to survive physically and emotionally.
But I think it explains the craziness we are now seeing on a regular basis from government, which at its core is nothing more than a reflection of the people it represents.
The idea of systems versus politics is an interesting manifestation of the globalist elite against the masses. I have read many predictions about how the globalists with their immense wealth and technology will conquor the world by using these assets to control governments. And I continue to laugh whenever I come across such tripe, due to the ignorance of history they represent.
If there is one constant that always has been and probably always will be its that nearly all matters of difference between nation states ultimately have been decided either by the point of the spear or the barrel of the gun. Which is why the masses usually win once they reach a tipping point where tolerance is exhausted. It also explains why globalists ultimately will fail. Their wealth is built on phony money that represents willingness of governments to put ink to paper and create bogus credits in electronic ledgers. Little of the globalist wealth represents anywhere near the value that the money-denomination of that wealth is wrongly perceived to represent. Phony wealth can be destroyed in a short period of time, such as when inflationary forces of excess debt and money printing restrict further printing of money to support over-priced capital markets, and the entire house of cards collapsed down to its true value.
The second prong of the globalist wrongly perceived base of power comes from the utilization they have created from technology. Here as well, this is a phony ruse to give the appearance of a strength the globalists really do not command. The technology they use to create control over masses is temporal at best. Technology is not monopolized, only its applications. And as such it can be used by others to make their own applications to rival the existing applications of the globalists, but at less cost and easier accessibility over time. The paradigm example today is social media. Being the first in because they had capital to do so, the globalists created social media sites whose novelty made them widely popular, and then used this popularity in a so-far successful attempt to control a majority of world thought. It has allowed them to successfully create revolution without armies, and tilt elections in the direction they want. The Covid propaganda was their first big global test of their thought control, and it turns out that they were successful in winning the minds of about 50 to70% of the global population, a level calculated by the percentage of the people they were able to convince to take a virtually un-tested and potentially dangerous drug.
But this may be their peak, and the hysteria of the globalists against the emergence of a simple interviewer named Joe Rogan using the same technology as the globalists has shown how tenuous is the control of thought the globalists believe they have. Rogan exposes the weakness in any technology application, there soon will be better applications achieved at far lower costs to displace and disrupt the existing applications and the control of thought they possess.
So just as the wealth of the globalists is temporal and fleeting, so to is their control over peoples' thoughts through the use of technology. The opponents to the globalists understand that any power the globalists may now have is wide but not deep, and as such, their reign of power is limited and difficult if not impossible to retain.
To which their apologists will respond "but what about AI, the ability to crunch large sets of data to predict what the future will hold? Doesn't that give the globalists the ability to see where the world is going before it gets there and adapt to that new world in order to maintain their control over it ?" Its a good question, but in the end comes to another failed conclusion.
In essence, AI is a very well calculated probability function that relies in its core on the belief that human activity is completely repeatable and thus predictable. And while it is eminently true that history repeats itself, what is not true is that we have any way to know what factors in the future will influence the course of that history repeating itself. When we rely on past data to predict future events, we become hostage to the egoistic idea that we know everything that can or will happen in the future. And if the last hundred years has taught us anything, its that we have no idea about what the world will be like a hundred or even fewer years from now. Without having that information, we may have a good idea about the themes but not the plots of future events, and its the details and timing of how history plays out that grants power to those who are able to take advantage of those details.
If anything, AI hinders the ability of those who possess it to garner control over future events, because it only has what has already happened to guide it in its predictions. That reliance on the past clouds ones view of the future, while those who remain committed to analyzing future details and events and then swiftly reacting to them will have the upper hand in outcome. So once again, a pillar of the globalist plan to control the world is made of sand and bound to fail.
But most importantly to who will own the future is what caused others who tried it to fail. The world is too big a place with far too many people to control for anyone to ever succeed in being the master of earth. Ultimately human existence and decision making comes down to individual choice about what benefits them most, guided by the primitive fight or flight mechanism. People will fight to maintain what benefits them most, and will organize into large groups of fighters to defend those values. Its why countries have militaries for which they spend more than most any other endeavour. And its why the globalists hate people like Putin, because he has what they do not have....the military to defend the values of his people, and the will to fight for those values regardless of the cost rather than become subjugated to the values of those who have different values.
All the money and technology of the globalists cannot defeat the force of a people willing to fight to the death to prevent subjugation. To the globalist, fighting a war to the finish is a loss for them, because there is nothing left for them to control. But ultimately if they are not willing to fight that battle, they cannot achieve their objective. This is why Putin let the world know he was activating his nuclear abilities shortly after his army moving into Ukraine, as he wanted to test the degree the globalists were willing to fight. You know the result, the globalists ran scared, unwilling to even try a no fly zone lest they are forced to fight.
The people of the world who think like Putin, that 30-50% who would not buy into the propaganda about the Covid drugs, the ones who refuse to be controlled by the power of globalists, have taken note of how the globalists have reacted and realize now that the globalists areon the flight side of the fight or flight mechanism. This knowledge now empowers them going forward as it has empowered Putin to continue his army's operations in Ukraine. And it is an omen for the globalists, they are doomed to fail as long as there is a sizable enough population in the worldf that will not trade their values and principles for any price.
This battle for world domination between globalists and the masses will continue. The globalists will now pullback and re-group, and reformulate strategies that they can use that they believe will leave them immune from direct fighting for survival warfare. But no matter what they come up with, they will fail. Because the people they want to control now see the globalists for the paper wealth cowards they are, and the masses will now have a new-found confidence to confront rather than comply. When a fighter recognizes his or her opponent is more apt to runaway than stand and fight, the fighter attacks. That will be the next round. It will get messy, as the globalists will call in their jack-booted mercenaries like that coward in Canada did against the truckers. But mercenaries bleed their sponsors dry and never win. In the end the mercenaries join with the masses lest they be devoured by them.
All that we know for sure right now is that in the end, the masses will win this war, and that is perhaps the most important lesson to be gleaned from what's going on in Ukraine now.
I don't understand. Omicron is killing people? I'm fully UNVACCINATED and just had Omicron, whole family did and whilst I had perhaps 36 hours of bed ridden rankness, this was far from any killer disease. Norovirus ten fold worse. Twenty-fold. Make that one hundred fold worse.
So what's killing people in Hong Kong and why is Shenzhen shut down?
With the Hong Kong life expectancy the highest in the world, so lots of octogenarians.
Younger cohorts are disproportionally highly vaccinated, counter-intuitively. Hence high mortality among them, it seems, compared to other countries. More to come?
Perhaps obesity will be less of a clear co-morbidity in the US, too? That is, perhaps we have lots of fat people dying because so much of our population is fat to begin with, and age will remain the biggest risk factor for reasons of less robust immune responses in the elderly.
Look up the work of Canadian researcher Denis Rancourt. He's concluded that it's not obesity alone that is a risk factor. It's obesity + poverty + living in sunbelt climates. The issue isn't the virus itself but the way covid policies have massively exacerbated the stress people are under. This stress hits poor, obese people in the south more than it does other groups. Also it's not covid that is directly killing them, but covid coupled with untreated pneumonia.
Could be a similar phenomenon in HK. Perhaps the factors there are poverty + old age + stress. Asian countries may not have care homes, but they are notorious for having few safety nets for those who live at the margins. You find 70- and 80-year-olds who continue to do back-breaking work, as cleaners, street sweepers, roadside market sellers, etc. Could it be this group that is being hit hardest by covid policies and thus succumbing to infection?
Is it hitting so hard because it's all at once and overwhelming and there are few people with natural immunity around to act as "fire breaks" so it just races through the population?
South Korea an example of a highly mask compliant and vaccine compliant nation … yet now cases are skyrocketing . Vaxxholes don’t have an answer when I ask them to explain that.
Did Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea have an early wave of a Covid-19 related bug that people missed but left enough immunity that they wouldn’t get the earlier variations? Now with omicron, it is sufficiently different enough that people in these countries are getting sick and dying? Just asking…I ain’t a doctor.
Or we could say Trump is in charge of Hong Kong. That is the fake news standard response when things go wrong.
This really sucks. I was told by Apple that a 5 year old Chinese slave labor kid was building my new iPhone and should be delivered next week. Now they are telling me the factory is shut down. Who cares? Just have the damn Chinese kid get it done!! I don’t care if he/she dies. I want my brand new spanking iPhone..
It is as plain as the nose on your face. Cause (mRNA vaccines) and effect. Excess deaths, blood clots, myocarditis, cancer reoccurrence. Does somebody think lockdowns cause Covid?
Then the lies. Long Covid (ridiculous), asymptomatic infection (ridiculous), blood clots and strokes in under 40 year old people (ridiculous),dropping dead on stage, on the playing field, piloting a plane, young fit soldiers found dead in their room. huge numbers of miscarriages, amputations on young people. (totally ridiculous). The most ridiculous of all a man with the longest career in history without a single accomplishment elected President.
It is very important now to dominate the dialogue that the government utterly failed in its Covid response. Nothing they did worked; and much of it made things worse. The lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, and the so-called "vaccines". It was all an abysmal failure, and must, under no circumstances, be repeated.
If this ground is lost, the lunatics will be back to masks in eight weeks.
Yes. Because although I don't like making categorical predictions, I have little doubt we will see another wave by the end of the spring, in the Sunbelt if not everywhere. We have a lot of natural immunity in the United States, but not enough - too many people have vaccine antibodies that don't work very well against Omicron and probably won't work against what comes next. The UK data are clear - this pause is almost surely temporary.
the Vaxxed are pre-disposed to catch any variant! they could have been fine with one round naturally, but possibly caused their body to catch it every time it comes around now. Every booster vax'd person I know caught omicron! I still don't know if I've ever had covid..58 male 20lbs overweight but exercise and supplements/healthier diet.
It's ok. Bourla is working on a vaccine 'for all the variants'. Pfizer's vaccine happiness is a warm vaccine. Where's that damn Vaudeville cane?
Bourla just announced that we all need a fourth dose. What a Carny. He will keep peddling it as long as people will buy it. Hey, the man has to make a living too, right?
Let's help him out with his "gotta make a living" problem by giving him free room and board in prison.
He ain't getting prison. That's for fucking sure.
I rank him just lower than Fauci in deeds worthy of prosecution for murder. And that, for me is saying a lot.
See the bearded lady while you get your 4th clot-shot. (S)he swims for Penn!
Right on ! And it’s so easy!
To become a millionaire, you need a lot of customers. Being in car sales, gas, oil , fruit &. Veggies, cigarettes , fentanyl, whatever. You deliver.
He's a dead man walking
If they can do that, then it will probably be a combined "all variant vaccine" for the flu and rona. Though it's funny that they seem to be having difficulty coming up with the Omicron-only jab ~ 🤔
Too busy responding to FOIA requests and ponying up the lawyers.
Happiness is a warm vaccine Moma. When I feel your needle in my arm, I know nothing can do me no harm. Happiness is a warm vaccine yeah.
They are working on the next pandemic -
FOIA requests to Pfizer are being forced into the open. In my opinion, Pfizer won't exist in a year and it does appear that they took their stock off the NYSE. They be running to the islands they bot with all their blood money soon.
? they do not appear to be delisted. In fact, their stock is up today.
they are waiting for the securities and exchange commission to do there part from what I read but they have applied to be delisted
Yeah, that Malone post with the SEC form was a nothingburger and should show you that everyone has limitations and blindspots. You must do your own fact checking in times like these.
What I've read is that some people misinterpreted Pfizer's application to SEC; it's actually an application to SEC for a very ordinary, no-big-deal delisting of something that is NOT the stock that gets traded bigtime in the stock market. You could look for more information in Jessica Rose's "Unacceptable Jessica" substack, in a posting several days ago now.
I think modernas was up higher but I’m not a stock watcher, just happened to notice some numbers today..... didn’t double ck.
That was jsut a maturing bond. They’re not delisting.
Stock is still trading publicly under ticker PFE. In fact, it's up 14% month to date.
I don't know either, if I had it. In the first lockdown I had a typical virus except it felt like a brick on my chest, no cough, took mucinex and was fine in two weeks. Last month I had horrible body pain. Every old injury I had was SCREAMING and my go to advil did not touch it. My friend in L A just had it and she said the worst part was the body pain. Her test was positive ( she is not vaxxed ) but mine was negative. I am not vaxxed and have had two years of negative tests for places that required it. I have not been sick and have not stopped going out other than those first two weeks wish I knew
Body aches were my main symptom with omicron, other than a runny nose. Barely slept a wink for three straight nights as no matter how I positioned myself my legs, back and shoulders were in pain. And then just like that, on Day 4 the pain waned. Felt more tired than usual for the next week or so.
Definitely an odd virus. Am unvaxxed and it was the first time I was sick in over 2 years. Never had the original strain but lived with someone who did -- their main symptom was complete loss of smell.
Heating pad works great on those aches and pains, I have a XLG heating pad that will stay on till I turn it off, or 2 hrs, I wrap it in a couple of towels and heat to high, then when I go to bed turn it down to 1. I have Fibromyalgia and Spine Spondolysis, really brings the pain down.
Heating blanket will work as well. We have a Split King Adjustable bed, I sleep better in a reclining position. Avoid the sleep # if in humid areas, or have a humidifer, use the Temperpedic, the baffles develop MOLD.
Here is your gift:
Your runny nose makes you also cough, because the pores are open and plasma runs out through the nasal membrane!
The masks don’t stop anything, so why not let Nature help you?
1- Kill the nasal infestation .Use a cotton swab drenched in 3% hydrogen peroxide.
2 - 10% of your plasma in your blood is collagen! A first stage before the formation of glue.
3- with a clean nasal membrane you hold the nostrils closed by pressing your fingers together, hard, so you can’t breathe through your nose, but have to open the mouth for air.
4- Hold the pressure at least a minute . That will block the nasal pores, forced open by virus/bacteria. If it’s a nasal bleeding , it takes 5 minutes. (Surgically practice proved)
But making it reel strong , 24 hours are required. And you know it from your use of glues of the wooden type.
Normally you should never breathe through your open mouth, but only through your nose. According to proof by 3 Nobel Prize winners that’s the only way you can improve the formation of NO, a chemical short form for Nitric Oxide. You can get all aspects on Google.
WE had Upper Respitories in Dec 2019, he took the 1 jab J/J, 81, 20 yrs in USN, PROF, so Flu. I react to the flu shot, refused, only wore masks were forced to. the idiots forgot heart patients need oxygen. When his Glucoma needed a Doc. for it, I had to drive, 3 freaking hrs in a mask in a no movinf arround waiting room. Now it's my turn to catch up on medical, I had a hissy over the mask wating on the colonscreen, said I'd wait outside. Course it didn't end as simple. He canceled the appointment when I refused to mask, DR came out, promised oxygen, took 30 mins. I pulled it below my nose. Nov we do the Upper Endoscope for Barrett's, I bought a 'I want a mean tweet, and $1.79 gas mask which works as well. I will be told to remove it, AH, NO!
Female, 72 y.o., 50# overweight, no vaxx, no plans to get vaxxed. Remain maskless unless handed one! Not sick yet, but who knows my future? Do take vitamins.
All good, Lalita exc:
Remain maskless
I'm 62, looking good... not worried about the sniffles... as Salty Cracker said 2 freaken years ago, I got my orange juice and chicken noodles soup right her and I'm good.
Added bonus: Mr Ed is on YouTube! Just like I'm 5 again
I'm in Northern CA. There has been a lull here, but I get regular reports from my daughter, who is a nurse in a rehab/nursing facility. In the last week there has been a sudden uptick in her hospital residents (ages range generally from mid 70's thru 104) with positive tests, although interestingly, they aren't really sick at all....a runny nose here and there, but mostly no symptoms at all at this point. The staff must all mask more carefully now as well as wear PPE's around the positive group, and the positives have all been moved to a Covid ward again. She has a nurse co-worker who just got her 3rd jab and was extremely sick for over a week afterwards, also testing positive for Covid by the way. I don't know if she would have been positive for Covid before the jab, or if it got missed. The staff has to test 2x week for what that is worth.
My daughter continues to test negative...she is unjabbed but had Covid herself back in November 2020, and has not caught anything since that time despite working with a lot of covid patients. She has observed quite clearly that her vaccinated co-workers have pretty much all gotten Omicron whereas she has not.
Masking up is like putting up a chain linked fence in front of your window to stop mosquitoes
Yeah, except a nice moist mask breeds it's like your chain link fence attracts rapid-reproducing flies that land on the fence and lay eggs that quickly along with your not-stopped mosquitoes, you get swarms of flies coming through your window.
@Kayla- that visual made me laugh and gag at the same time.
That sounds disgusting but it's the pure reality!
Excellent analogy. remember the Beatles song with words: “screen door on a submarine” ? Great for a cell phone ring about now.....
Woops. My very very bad. Not a Beatles song. Rich Mullins.!!!!!! Even better.
To put it bluntly, Covid may have already culled the herd and killed off the weakest in our population. Those surviving almost certainly have had prior exposure and some antibodies to previous variants.
That's true for natural immunity, but not necessarily if they jacked up their immune system with a COVID vax.
I had Covid almost a year ago, I did not get the shot-I was caring for my mom who was extremely sick and was around a lot of people who had Covid. Didn’t get it again. I tested regularly. I’m a firm believer in natural immunity. Thank God mom is healthy. And, naturally immune.
She has immunity from previous infection. It is real.
my sister also works in a nursing home and caught covid around the same time. She is around patients in the nursing home with covid as well as she was around me, 2 other family members and her husband when we all had the delta variant around thanksgiving this past year and she has not gotten covid again
@CMCM- she's lucky she didn't lose her job for not getting injected. They sure did here in New York State.
Is she in Calif? How did she get exempted? Glad for her but that’s interesting.
Yes BUT, the Sunbelt are made up of non marxist states that generally didn’t listen to the dolts in the CDC last summer and won’t again this summer! Sure the Marxist areas of those states the Miami’s, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston etc. will be more than happy to to continue with their unscientific nonsense to the extent it doesn’t cost them sanctions from the state, and the morons living there all too ecstatic. However NEXT Thanksgiving after the midterm elections when flu season starts in the Northeast and Northern stares in general (and left coast as well as dopey inter mountain west) leftist morons there will all happily add the idiocy back once they are all safely re elected! And those of us stuck there will get what we vote for and thus deserve
True. Most sunbelt states are
Red. Captain Ron in Florida is the gold standard. Spikes come and go and he stays the course. What a stud.
Irish Democracy has served us well in the SunBelt.
Being an Irishman I am wondering too! Must be good though - Happy St Pats Day where ever ye are.
Happy St Patrick's Day ☘️
Good man - and a Happy St Patricks Day to you too - keep her lit now!!!!
What’s Irish democracy?
Yale political scientist James Scott :" More regimes have been brought, piecemeal, to their knees by what was once called ‘Irish Democracy,’ the silent, dogged resistance, withdrawal and truculence of millions of ordinary people, than by revolutionary vanguards or rioting mobs.”
ooh, I like this :)
Oh, I thought it might have meant drunken democracy. Sorry for the stereotype.
That’s the best quote, other than biblical, that I’ve read in many days. Gives a wee bit o Irish hope. Makes this Scottish girl perhaps want to wear some green.
Thanks! Never heard that, glad to hear it now.
@Michael- not to be confused with Irish Diplomacy which is the ability to tell someone to go to hell and have them looking forward to the trip. My one daughter has mastered that. Helps that her name is Tara.
I totally need to learn that skill. I’m much more direct which gets me in trouble sometimes.
Hasn't done much for the Irish in Ireland...
Because the Irish no longer practice it. They are followers instead of rebels now.
Pfizer makes pharmaceuticals in Ireland now.
Bishop Daniel Dolan, Father McKenna, Father McGuire.
They are Catholic clergy. NOT in union with Rome. Listen to their sermons and talks.... and weep.
It’s done wonders for me mate.
It did work but isn't being done now.
Ireland bravely held the faith for centuries. Vatican II destroyed that country. Betrayed by false non Catholic non popes and false
When you here a man in white in the Vatican condemn Vatican II, our troubles (the world's miseries) are coming to an end.
Pope Pius XII, last true Pope, condemns the DEATHVAX.
Rome betrayed Ireland long before Vatican Ii.
hurrah for Irish Democracy
Many Irish have betrayed us... but the good ones are the best... Cristeros, Vendee, Vietnamese alsi
Ahem…Houston has been pretty sane except for our Medical Center
Maybe.... but other Texas cities are full of Californians who escaped the tyranny of taxes and high cost then brought with them high costs if not taxed. And brought their liberalism which will bring high taxes.
I can not disagree more unfortunately
Well I should have added “and the already highly dysfunctional Houston Independent School District in line with urban public school districts whose main function is to provide adults with jobs rather than the education of children.” Does that fix it?
Austin is commie central here in Texas... but there are plenty of people who fucking despise commies. And they are commies. I head north to georgetown to relax... I head s to UT to post up sanity on college bulletin boards
It’s important to keep banging the natural immunity drum, or as Bret Weinstein calls it “immunity from previous infection”. I’m a 2020 Covid infection “survivor”. My wife recently contracted Omicron and I purposefully stayed in direct contact with her 24/7 to test my immunity. My natural immunity pitched a shut out. Consider it another booster IMO. Go with the science, guys. The good Lord created a wonderful immune system in our bodies. Trust it. So, Keep heart, keep preaching the truth of natural immunity from previous infection. Especially if you have resisted the jabs. You are free! Also, Alex and others, keep harping and tracking the new variants and how they infect the vaccinated vs those who aren’t. Truth eventually bubbles to the top. Lastly, Alex I am surprised you haven’t gotten Covid yet. Most people I know have already had it.
BB, I love everything you wrote here. Yes. Trust in your amazing immune system! And YES, you essentially got your "booster" from your wife.
Great comment!!
Apparently I'm a minority also, no vax no mask, no covid, but who knows their future.
Not worried at all. My male relative, post dbl. heart bypass, had covid, recovered, as well as his wife. Vax? "They'll have to hold me down," were his words early, early on.
Your relative is a badass💕
you probably are too and just sloughed the virus off like it was nothing.
No, not really as you say. He was sick for 2 weeks, "about like the flu.".
I asked him how he knew to avoid the vaccine, very early on.
" Discernment.".
I believe he already had it? I thought he had a post about it?
some people just shake it off is my guess.
I got it in Feb 2020 on tour. had to drop out of the tour for a few days... sucked
@Boots- tour? Spill, dude.
Rock n roll film tour. Musicians jammed in buses, vans, and planes with a film crew jammed in with us. I did return in time for the Berlin concert and then everything locked down.
That sounds interesting!
If Dr. Birx's upcoming book says we didn't lock down enough, Hong Kong's experience would seem to contradict that. And forget the Greek letters, whatever variant we get in late summer/fall will be called Mail In, as in we have to have mail in ballots for the mid terms or we're all gonna die.......
The more you lockdown the peasants, the more you can unlock the lives of the masters. In short, they're all full of shit. Fin. /adjust French beret in noir surrealism.
Just wait until the most deadly variant ever hits in late spring 2024 that will force in person voting IN CERTAIN STATES located all over the country to not be allowed!
Not sure we’ll make it. I’m not meaning to be a party pooper nor hope dasher, just think we all need to be on our knees in prayer.
in scott atlas book he said all she knew was lockdowns & masks-never changed regadless of data.
oh no!
To broaden virus gonna virus, nature gonna nature – even if that nature was man-made in a laboratory.
tautologize...what a great word! thx!
Yes and he even made a pun/meme out of it. Clever!
🤣🤦♀️ both
I suspect the poo will hit the fan hard by mid April. This has been handled so poorly.
It’s seasonal. I would be surprised to see a resurgence this soon unless directly linked to vax damage.
I suspect VAIDS or ADE, whatever you want to call it will be a much bigger problem than most of the public health officials realize. Why? Because they probably believe their own rhetoric and don't dare expose themselves to other information. This is the case with my sister-in-law who is a doctor. She knows nothing about the reality. Only what the NHS feeds her.
That’s true here too. Are you in UK? I work for MDs and, though they could get other info if they chose to, they don’t. They consider it all misinformation and listen only to CDC and HHS.
I'm in the US, but grew up in the UK where my family still is. My brother and his (doctor) wife say they read the BMJ but there are several good articles in there but they even seem to ignore those. And the BMJ even got censored by FB when it ran an article about the whistleblower on the Pfizer trials!
I'm not especially keen to believe wild theories, but please look into this
Gosh, instead of lockdowns, why don't the Chinese bring in those magical mRNA vaccines like that talking head idiot Cramer just suggested (and can't figure out why they have not)?
Perfect timing for election fraudsters to ramp up main-in ballots.
key will be if this is the second or third winter. we shall see. if in second winter and purr the cat's ( affinity is correct we should ponder what this means for the third winter for the tripled jabstabs.
Also, mers is right where it needs in it's case rates in the middle east so to make a desperate survival recombinant switch offspring. Might be more to come. We will see.
Sunbelt? Where we are the most vaccine hesitant? Omicron chased Delta out of here and my wife and I both got one or the other. It will be interesting to see if your instincts prove accurate. But we are done. And waiting for Mr. Wells. ;-)
The sunbelt doesn't start their spike until summer.
Sunbelt won't spike. Typical seasonal virus pattern in subtropical latitudes is a long, low hump in latter part of summer...that's what southeastern U.S. did in summer 2020. Temperate latitudes do winter spikes. Ivor Cummins had great info on these patterns in his Sept. 8 2020 update on youtube...won't be listed in his channel, but if you search hard enough you can still find it.
My daughter hates me for negative thinking.
Added to the millions of other with this kind of thinking , she is sure it Will materialisme, to what I only have to reply, Then stay on the other weight scale!
For my neg. Conclusion from what we have just been through indicate, that a new wave Will come Rolling just before the Mid-wave Election:
It’s All by design, Foks! All by design
Alex, where is Novavax in all this?
Are the big two (Moderna & Pfizer) keeping them away from the cash cow?
Why in the sunbelt?
A literal, catastrophic failure. Here in Quebec, finally a study was conducted examining what they called were the most restrictive measures in the West, and concluded basically (insert Gong Show sound here). Just another study further showing any and all the measures were pointless and highly divisive. They should introduce a new course in colleges and universities across North America: Duh studies.
Please post link if you can! Thanks.
It got little attention of course:
I agree, all these vax and lock down nuts will be out in full force by the mid Spring. We are seeing the start of ADE immune weakness from too much vax.
Yup, and they'll blame it on not enough folks getting 'vaxxed'.
lots of ppl still masked in the grocery stores where I am in DFW TX, Oddly black women,, Aldi stopped masks 2 weeks ago and half the checkers still wear them! Idiots.
I went to a coffee shop this morning. The two young girls behind the counter were masked. I said “hey, when are they going to let you take off those masks?” They said, “they already have. It’s optional now”. Oh.
Such a deep seeded psychosis. How is this not considered a crime against humanity. I mean it was intentionally done thru emotional FEAR 24-7 indoctrination. This was all intentionally done upon humanity. Hard to understand how not ONE perp has ever been held to real account. Surreal when you think what has been done to humans across the world in totality of over-all scope. Not ONE person!
Actually, I challenge you and I both to outright ask them. I did sort of (didn’t outright but I was speaking to a masked employee) and think Aldi and trader Joe’s requiring masking of the Unvaxxed. She stated they “required it” but she also implied she wasn’t vaxxed. Other employees were unmasked. I have a friend at TJs. I’ll ask next time.
My implication: it’s not their choice if they are unvaxxed I think.
They are owned by same Corp I think.
Went to another coffee shop this morning. They had no masks. But last week they did have them. So I said “I see you have finally stoped wearing masks”. She said “they lifted the mask mandate”. Then I said “ they lifted the mandate a month ago, but I noticed you were still wearing them last week”. She said “Yes, it took us a while to get comfortable”. To which I said “Isn’t that crazy that people are
So afraid that they have to wean themselves off of wearing a mask on their face?”
Keep asking them. I will as well.
No mask works. The only thing that will work is full bio hazard suit with your own oxygen supply. I don't see anyone wearing those at Aldi.
no. we will eventually see them at Whole Foods
Eegad. But you are so right! On Facebook the other day, I read a long, earnest series of comments by "smart, well-educated people" (West Coast liberals, actually) in response to another "smart, well-educated person" (another West Coast liberal) asking a question about the best combination of two masks to wear on an airline flight. These people have really studied up about masks and take them oh, so seriously!
Steve Kirsch says P100s work. He has some posts on it. He’s an engineer geek on stuff like that.
I hope they've gotten the information about how important vitamin D is for them. Many black people have low vitamin D levels which makes them categorically more susceptible to problems with Covid. It would be extremely helpful for them to know this but I haven't heard a peep about it from health leaders anywhere. Go figure.
doesn't work with N95's either, really
Not to mention if an N95 is fit correctly the CO2 and O2 exchange is very compromised. Every person I know who wears them for healthcare reasons have post headache issue and only were them for short durations. To think once the cloth mask hoax was finally revealed to masses the mongers wanted to go to n95's for kids. Can you imagine the damage done to a developing child's physiology wearing N95's for long periods. Talk about criminality!
Exactly. I wore a very tight fitting respirator with HEPA filtration during juniper allergy season a couple years ago. Am very allergic. Was warned that even WITH the respirator (I.e. slightly better air exchange) it would be hard on my heart. Interesting.
Sounds awful all the way around. Hope you feel better and are safer.
If they have such a deep distrust of the medical establishment why do they keep insisting that they are denied access to it and press to have more "access" to it?
Watch before Easter. These lunatics abhor Easter and Christmas. Demons.
The odd thing about that statement is that both of those were originally pagan festivals. Easter = Ishtar or Astarte a Chaldean festival in celebration of the "Queen of Heaven" - had nothing to do with Christ's crucifixion and was originally brought into England by druids. (the priests of the groves).
Christmas - again, nothing to do with the birth of Christ. It was celebrated in ancient Rome as the feast of Saturn (Saturnalia) and lasted 5 days.
So I guess the demons don't know their history, and are really human after all.
This is a very old argument. Not a very convincing one either. While I agree Christians should not use the term “Easter” which directly references a pagan goddess, the true celebration is of the truth of what happened. If you don’t believe it, fine, that’s your choice, but I celebrate the fact God so loved the world He sent His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have true and eternal life because of His death and resurrection for us. I am not bound by ritual nor liturgy but by faith to s real God who came in flesh as a baby. I celebrate that each and every day. Not reserved for one day a year.
Agree. Without the resurrection, our faith is dead. He has crushed the serpent under his heel, and I fear no evil.
Neil Oliver just had an excellent monologue (YT continues to air him) on this in relationship to war. But it applies here, in this discussion as well as many others . He reminded of the Alexandre Solzhenitsyn quote about the line between good and evil. It does not run between people or groups or nations but runs in the center of each heart. I am reminded when I try to direct my own angst and anger at Fauci or Bourla or .... insert your own name. While our righteous anger at their deeds is appropriate, especially as we try to protect children and the innocent, the reason Jesus died was for MY sin. And theirs. Justice is still very much called for, individually and as bodies ( NIH, CDC, HHS, PHE) and nations. But if I remember that there is justice due to me for my deeds (and I have sins aplenty, including that of judging the character of a man), it’s harder to err on the side of self-righteous anger as opposed to righteous anger and quest for justice.
Agreed but isn’t that the whole point of having the Lord’s Supper? That was the only thing that Jesus asked us to celebrate. “This do in remembrance of Me”. Nowhere are we commanded to celebrate His birth and there is nothing in the Bible that tells us that He was born on Dec 25.
this is very reformed of you! no holidays besides the Lord's Day
I came here intending to say exactly that, Stead Rolling. In my wilder, febrile imagination, I did have a flash of wonder if it was engineered to restart the global hysteria over COVID, all over again but something like that seems too hard to do (I think?).
Israel never took off the masks inside any closed public area…. except restaurants (?)
The stereotype of Jews being smarter than other peoples has completely blown up. Turns out, if you inject the slightest bit of fear into their collective, they'll turn into lemmings and follow each other off a cliff.
Many aren't aware: the lemmings story is a myth created by Disney documentary makers. They don't actually jump off cliffs. The filmmakers threw lemmings over to film it. Today the lemmings still are being pushed by Disney/ABC/etc.
Not to mention Israel put a deal in place early on with Phizer to inject first. The irony was not lost
Well now they’re checking sewage for prevalence of Covid. They can really make up all sorts of numbers if they use that as their metric.
I'll start using bathroom in the woods
“If this ground is lost, the lunatics will be back to masks in eight weeks.“
What a pathetic ending, the ground is lost, and the lunatics will just degrade and lust for killing anyone who doesn’t genuflect to them absolutely.
The civility acquiescence and tolerance in this crowd, you folks really want to be shot in the face or stabbed in the back…
Actually, go read bitchtute folks.
I for one believe in Just War and death penalty.
I am praying for war
Here Here
and add to that:
When we quarantine kids, they dont form the important antibodies so important for development of a strong
One more bobo to those upholding the pandemic DICTATORSHIP. U U UH
Child murder cements them
The lunatics have ensured this will happen over and over again. Why?
Actually it's working as planned. They just didn't foresee the fierce resistance. Who thought so many here in America would be willing to live under a bridge rather than take DEATHVAX?
Piss on em all.
We will all watch them hang at NUREMBERG... or watch Great Catholic Monarch kill every last commie bastard involved.
Oh that’s already happened, don’t worry. Sarc.
WTF am I reading?
Hong Kong refused to lockdown, this is why it got that bad. Had they done a snap lockdown and mass tested everyone the moment they got a few untraceable cases, they would have never gotten to this point.
Hong Kong essentially let it rip by stealth. For what purposes one can only guess, but that is what they did.
And these are the results.
Lockdowns ruin society and don’t work in controlling the virus. You are talking to the wrong crowd to still be promoting the idea of a ‘snap lockdown’. You mean like two weeks? Is there a single city or country left that is your shining beacon of disease free tyranny?
The researchers of the MRNA technology told us that an auto immune response AFTER vaccination, if the virus was contracted, could lead to deaths, as it did in the animal studies. Alex, you need to research if the dying and vaccinated are having this happen. Also, are the unVaxxed elderly dying the most? My mom's 97 and lived to tell the tale of her mild Covid, and she's non Vaxed. Why is the "mild Omicron" killing people? I think it's killing those who are Vaxxed because of the inherent dangers?
My mom must have the immune system of a teenager! Unvaxxed, 89, she's not had covid or anything but a mild cold last December.
I suspect she is not alone, as you probably know, it's just that (for some strange reason ?) you NEVER see this kind of uplifting report, ! When was the last time YOU heard on any TV news network, newspaper, radio, etc. any report AT ALL about anyone who was un-vaxed, contracted Covid, and recovered ? Stories like that, although there are several right on my BLOCK, are not to be "aired in public". Right now the BIG story is about the former president, Obama, a highly vaccinated and boosted person, having now contracted Covid and garnering attention by URGING anyone who is unvaccinated to "get vaccinated now" !
And although I haven't checked, Obama likely said something along the lines of "if I hadn't been vaxxed it would have been much worse". I'm still trying to figure out how they know this.
Me too. It's just meaningless speculation. They have no proof.
they know that it can neither be proven or unproven so they can get away with saying it
I too anticipated He would say that very thing (comment as you mentioned) but he seems seems to have gone completely silent; other than having his media person announce he has covid and wanted to wanted to urge anyone who was unvaccinated to get vaccinated immediately. Nothing further from him! As far as he or anyone knowing if their infection would have been worse if not for their "vaccination", that is ludicrous, completely unknowable, just look at the people who get, and even die, from flu each year AFTER getting their "annual" flu "shot". Unfortunately we will never know the answer to that because no because no one seems interested interested in doing those kinds of studies. Personally, I believe there is no interest because because they may not turn out to support the progressive narrative! Why set up true, rigorous, scientific studies, with MEANINGFUL numbers of participants in both groups, and a reliable time frame ? Why, that could produce some actual TRUE science ? ?
Seriously! I forgot to add, that she has not social distanced, only masked when forced to, and has been with her family the whole time.
(like) God bless her! God bless you!
If she got tested for antibodies, and/or T-cell memory, you might well discover that she had COVID at some time in the past and didn't realize it. Could have been that "mild cold" she had in December...or a mild cold in Feb. or Mar. 2020.
That was probably Omicron
My dad, 90, same. Emerges from his room at assisted living, constantly mingling with fellow geezers. Not a sniffle since I can remember. Oblivious to it all.
more than likely ADE
I was going to say this. The jabberwocky diminishes your natural immunity and makes you more susceptible
perfect calling it a jabberwocky
Mum and I had omicron at the start of the year. She is 88 and was not really any sicker than me. It was highly unpleasant but we certainly survived. Unpoked of course.
A few years back, mum took the flu jab a few years running - each time she was so sick later, she thought she was going to die. ADE perhaps? She stopped taking the flu jab and was not sick again till omicron, but she found that a walk in the park, in comparison. I have had her on a lot of vitamins D and C in the last two years. Also some zinc.
My husband took the H1N1 and spent 35 days in ICCU. Everything started shutting down. He got out of the hospital with a central line in his neck and on a Primacore pump. He was on home health for 8 1/2 months, he kept getting better until he got off the pump. So I don’t take vaccines.
Was that the swine flu? I took that and spent days in hospital. I heard a lot of people died.
Hope your husband is well!
Bless you!
A population with almost no natural immunity, is highly vaxxed (ADE/VAIDS), avoids the sun due to cultural stigma, and no early treatment. It's a nasty mix.
Edit: not to mention it's the most crowded place on Earth
vitamin D3 goes a long way and I take Ivamectin twice a month. Also other supplements.
Well stated!
Thanks for that information. I was wondering about those other factors (vitamin D and early treatment).
It is a really impressive achievement: how to make a mild variant like omicron have effects like alpha or delta in the population and keep the plandemic going on and on. The sadists in charge in other regions of the world were probably trying to achieve something similar with all the lockdowns, no early treatment, etc.
Yes, all my unjabbed family members who got "COVID" emerged unscathed including my 88-year-old mother. Her previously healthy 80-year-old brother itook the jab. Since then he has suffered: hearing loss, dead thyroid, blocked carotid artery, difficulty breathing and severe lower leg pain. Oh, and he got "COVID," too...🙄🙄🙄
and yet not ONE perp has been held to account for your brother and how many other people across the world. Not ONE!
Does he notice how y'all unjabbed are okay?
How injecting toxins in your body is proclaimed as protecting you is beyond common sense. Worse, is this intentional? I bet so.
how is the intentionality not what it is based on what liberties were ignored the past few years
In the U.S. "Omicron" (diagnosed by PCR testing at cycle numbers where 97% of positive tests are false positives) is killing people because the NIH "treatment protocol" using Remdesivir kills enormous numbers of people. I call the NIH treatment protocol "Fauci's Death Escalator" because it's his protocol...
How is it remotely possible not ONE perp who is responsible (we know who they are) for these frauds, corruption and in my opinion pre meditated murder have been held to account? Not ONE and its mid March 2022. I cannot get my head around this level of absolute ZERO accountability!
I agree. A lot of people were murdered because of the poor treatment. There was things available but the doctors weren’t allowed to use.
Same type of thing during the height of the American AIDs crisis (not over of course) with Fauci advising strenuously against drugs that helped with the opportunistic cancers that came early on in the disease.
He's so corrupt.
I read back in 2020 that the CCP had patented a generic remdesivir in Jan 2020
You didn't address the biggest unspoken question that many of us have noticed and said would be an issue going forward: how many of the vaccinated are dying due to their natural immune system being unable to function correctly now that they took the jab and short circuited the body's natural response?
I would like that info, too. What I do know, and have posted elsewhere, is that here in MA more vaxed than unvaxed have been hospitalized for nearly two months (not sure how much longer than this, if at all). This info is easily accessible on Zthe website. I wonder what other states have tracked this same info. Would like to see a compilation.
The CDC (and media) would have you believe, based on one hospital, that the unvaccinated are far more hospitalized.
One hospital. In California. And this was covered and promoted extensively. So don't expect the opposite (truth) to be promoted or discussed except places like here.
that was with them counting people less than two weeks into their second jab as unvaccinated, no? (That's in the worry window?)
So much wrong with that study... Small window from Dec-Jan, and more. But it got major coverage and the CDC promoted it, because they have a narrative to defend.
Oh, yes. I’m well aware of the MSM narrative. So frustrating and disturbing
I've heard quite a few anecdotal reports where the vaxxed are now continually off sick with corona and other colds. And the unvaxxed are the only ones left in the office, because they aren't getting sick.
Now that it's basically out there that the vaxxed damaged themselves by scurrying (their faces etched with fear) down to their local jab centers as instructed, I'd love to view a parallel universe where, like the Star Bellied Sneetches, the vaxxed are told to scurry back to the jab centers (fear etched on their soft little faces, masks firmly in place) to have the vaccine removed, and the doddering raspy president rails on national tv "Vaccine removal needs to be done now, our patience is wearing thin". And repeat.
Noticed this phenomenon from summer onwards. Vaxxed friends and family have kept getting colds or having issues like migraines. Many of them got Omicron too and had worse symptoms than me and my partner (who are unvaxxed).
The only time my wife and I socially distance is when we see someone in a mask.
I've been socially distanced from Mrs for at least 20 years. Safer.
The Gubmint should subsidize upgrades to king-sized beds IMHO.
eww! God knows what they are cooking up in those masks. gross
You don't understand why an authoritarian communist tyranny turns a blind eye and doesn't care if age 80+ year olds die? Because individual human life has no worth to communists and that government WANTS them to die because they are a drag on the collective. Really a no-brainer.
No, the HK response is separate frim the Chinese CCP response and HK uses mRNA plus others. People live crowded together. Many elderly resist the vax and aren’t being forced to take it
My thought exactly……just like NY
# 1 Natural Immunity wins
# 2 proof vaccine doesn’t help transmissions
#3 When government is your god your god is deaf, dumb and blind
govt fucks up most things. Brandon fucks up the rest for profit.
Or you are...if you are a Lefty Sheeple.
Something about this doesn't smell right. I mean the CCP pretty much controls Hong Kong now. Anyone else not exactly trusting this narrative being so closely tied with the CCP?
Harvard Professor Charles Lieber (covertly working at the Wuhan lab for China's Thousand Talents Program), his male Chinese student (caught smuggling biological material into China from America), and his female student, a card-carrying CCP member, all arrested in January 2020. MSM ASSURES us this has NOTHING to do with COVID. BUT...Lieber's claim to fame is creating a virus-sized computer small enough to invade human cells...with a payload of...?? But, of course, I'm no conspiracy theorist. No, I'm a conspiracy factist. Lol. Methinks MSM doth protest too much.
Why would they lie about their failure?
To scare the world back into covid mania.
like, they are killing off problematic Hong Kong people?
just smells funny doesn't it? I don't know just a sense
They're messing with us. Maniacally laughing the entire time.
They still think more lockdowns will help?
What's that definition of insanity again?...
They don't care if it works or not. They just want us locked down. Biden extended the emergency powers because of Ukraine.
Damn. You went hard with that last statement about fentanyl.
We need more on this. CCP is killing Americans off with that evil stuff.
Vaccine Enhanced Disease
They should’ve been using ivermectin!
It's easier to get fentanyl in the US than Ivermectin. What a disgrace.
Let's Go Brandon!
I’m wondering why Hong Kong isn’t using ivermectin. They don’t have captured regulatory agencies or politicians getting kickbacks for mandating the pfizer and moderna vaxxes. So they could look to saving lives. Unlike our government and regulatory agencies
Unless - like Cuomo they prefer not to have people in nursing homes living for ever and costing money?
Yeah--this whole story reeks of pure propaganda.
They’re ramping up for 2022 midterms. It’ll peak here late Sept/early Oct. Just in time to dissuade in-person voting and providing plenty of time for the mail-in ballots.
Would be great to see rates by vax/unvax and by age. The mortality rates here seem higher than prior experience with omicron
And by which vax. Do mRNA jabs result in ADE or reinfection > non-mrna jabs?
Ultimately, aside from the auto immune issues posed by mRNA transfections, the bigger issue with all of these shots is the narrow focus on spike proteins at the cost of ignoring the plethora of functionally constrained proteins across all the variants (which get attention during a natural infection). These jabs seem to be immunological one-trick ponies.
It's mind-boggling and infuriating that USA and others don't even mention natural immunity??!!
I used to think it was ignorance of immunology but when it comes from 'officials' that excuse doesn't cut it anymore.
I think China uses its own product, not an mRNA product.
Interesting that China is not going mRNA
Nobody should be taking a mRNA shot...
They say it's national pride, but it could also be a sensible risk calculation.
what I've been thinking
In other COVID news, I saw today that everyone's favorite veterinarian is now openly, one might say gleefully, talking about not only fourth vaccine shots, but annual COVID booster shots for everyone. When it comes to being fully vaccinated, you're only as good as your last booster.
For those of you with a little extra cash sitting around, ticker symbol PFE.
Not going to happen. Very few are going to go for shot number 4. Each one makes you sicker than the last. Bourla is just tooting his horn because that's what suits do when their product fails utterly and completely.
Oh, I’m sure plenty of people will go for #4. I mean, they went for three. I have no doubt plenty of people trust the safe and effective narrative.
It will be drastically lower. As an example - I was looking at Taiwan's vaccination rates just now. It averages 80% for the first two shots, but 50% for the booster. I'd expect another significant drop for 4th shot (like only 20~30%). People are getting sick of this shitball.
I really hope you are right that it will be drastically lower. Even so, those I know that lined up for all three still think it was safe and effective. I would like to hear their rationale why, suddenly, they don’t need a 4th when they have believed the messaging that they needed three.
My good LA friend (whom I harangue with the latest proof of evil afoot) insists he'll get a second booster, then cites some tired debunked Reuters article on vaccine success. He told me last week that he'll believe vaccines are bad when he sees NBA players dropping on the court. He said the recent reel of athletes dropping on soccer fields etc. was "fact checked and labelled fake" cuz one of the clips had been repeated. He trusts the LA Times. He doesn't trust substack.
much to his chagrin in future and all of ours in the present
And they depend on mandates...
Yup. Basically the only ones now getting boosted are due to work and college and covidiots… actually the Covidiots were the first to line up for their booster
Darwin's new law?
I dunno. So many people getting myocarditis, rashes that won't quit, and clots and their friends are saying Long Covid
Didn't you see the Pfizer app to delist from the NY Stock Exchange? Smart money is fleeing Pfizer and trying to brush out their backtrail.
That was a delisting of a specific bond issue. It's nothing. But Pfizer and Moderna stocks are losing value daily, hopefully going to zero.
Except they took PFE off the NYSE today, rumor has it.
I wonder if people are dropping dead in the streets like last time.
There are vax cards coming up. This has not gone away. Pfizer just said a 4th booster is absolutely necessary.
Damn shame whoever complies to this shit again.
Doesn't matter what Bourla says. No one with a brain is going to take any more of their nasty shots.
There are plenty without a brain, Canadistan is full of them. I know I live amongst these zombies.
Indeed, they even infest Irish central, ranting against Trump.
It does matter that he says this. It’s disturbing and disgusting and plenty of people believe him. Unless governments don’t fall in line, people will line up.
Except those fearful for their jobs and their children's bellies.
Yes. vaccine coercion. beyond disturbing
Omicron is a mild form of C19 with little death rate yet there are many body bags in Hong Kong? Something stinks here. Where's the Ivermectin/HCL? This story makes no sense. This looks like the opening for November C19 voting rules used in the fake 2020 election.
You make an interesting point I have not thought about until now. China propelled a lot of fear to the world in early 2020 about Covid. Then they initiated lockdowns as the way to fight it, then reported zero cases, as if they had figured it out. Our weak leaders took the bait and followed suit. Could it be they are trying to do it again? We KNOW Omicron is mild. And we know that biology is the same for every human regardless of what country they live in. Why would Omicron be killing people? Makes no sense. Good point. China (CCP) are masters of propaganda.
Mama Bear - really good thought. I had already forgotten about BA.2.
I would be wary of trusting any health data that comes out of China/Hong Kong. China has been manipulating its Covid data from the very start. The deaths in Hong Kong may not be real. We need to consider the possibility that China is using a covid "outbreak" as a pretext to shut down Hong Kong and stifle dissent. In addition, China wants to sustain the global lockdown policies and they need a new scare to keep the global lockdowns in place. And a Hong Kong "outbreak" might be just the thing to give the world another scare.
I highly recommend Michael Senger's book Snake Oil about the Chinese role in pushing the fear and global lockdowns. No understanding of the pandemic is complete without a deep understanding of China's role in promoting the pandemic and the global response. Twitter just banned Michael Senger if you want an endorsement.
So please be cautious when interpreting the new data coming out from Hong Kong. It may not be what it seems.
Many bureaucrats & politicians revealed a Kathy Bates from Misery vibe.
Evil PSYOP continues as planned. Meanwhile in Canada:
Canada Is a Partner in the “Known Traveller Digital Identity” Project, a World Economic Forum Initiative. If you wonder why the travel restrictions were not lifted, wonder no more.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal minority government is quietly fast-tracking labour code regulations requiring COVID-19 vaccination for all federal employees and federally regulated industries.
Because he makes lots of money on his investment in the Death Jab, apart from being Castro's bastard.
My patent lawyer living in Hong Kong states the information is more propaganda. He states doctors are implying the death numbers are manipulated (His wife is a doctor). Alex, I'm not suggesting the points you've made are aren't relevant but rather question the authorities. Lastly when you posted weeks ago the end of COVID was upon us I cautioned noting more propaganda would find it's way to our inbox very soon. Please forgive grammatical errors I currently endure ocular issues.
Yup, that was my first suspicion. Fearful populations are far easier to control.
I said this long ago, and I will say this again there is no such thing as zero covid period. This is a pipe dream for some who believe in rabbits foot science and fairytales. 2nd this is why the elite media is 24/7 WW3 look over there and not dealing with all of their lies for well over 2 years now. They are sending medical supplies over to Russia when we have had very serious medical supplies and medication shortages for more than 14 months. Nice country we live in when we hide the truth and let the lies continue 90% on Twitter was wrong and never seen nor treated a covid patient.
Yes! The shiny object!
Well put.
It is very sad to see what they have done and what they continue to do. People are hurting in one way or more.
I just hope enough people have had ENOUGH.
But then again...The Masked Neurotics continue to walk among us.
Where I am I would say at least 75% still are wearing a face mask outside. And you can see most are struggling with their breathing as they walk outside. Then they wonder why so many go into respiratory failure stroke heart attack or death. Most have been tripled mRNA shot wearing the mask in a delusional state of mind and wonder why this has happened to me. This is another reason why our elite media is all in on WW3 and hope it goes on forever. Till what they have done is over but i will say things are looking like that the longer this goes on with these mRNA shot and most continue to wear the mask as they have been conditioned to do this to themself.
Masks have never been about the virus. Masks have always been about demonstrating who can be controlled.
For me, I'm partially deaf. Communicating with masked people is very difficult because somewhere along my life I unconsciously learned to lip read--and I can't do that with masked people.
That said, I'm anti-mask x 2.
Totally respect and understand what you have people dont think about some of our elderlies have them same issue and have depended on seeing a face to put some sense into what is going on and with the masks it has confusion and frustration as well. The surgical masks were meant for when you are in a hospital setting to be worn during a procedure example a heart transplant to keep food sweat anything falling from your face beard or mouth, so the patient doesn't catch an infection from your body. I have Stated many times with Berenson example a critical care doctor wearing a 3M 1870+ Mask has a patient come to see you as a referral from an internal medicine doctor for guidance for this patient that i am seeing present. To make this without going into full details you ask the patient if he does drugs, he says no then you ask him if he smokes marijuana, and he says no again. You are a handshake away from the patient from this man wearing you 3M 1870+ Mask and you can smell the odor of the marijuana right through the mask. So, with that said if a Pulmonologist can smell this odor of marijuana how is this or any types of masks short of a pressurized suit going to protect you from a virus. And most dont realize this but Berenson that your body is your 3rd lung and viruses can be absorbed through skin tissue and sweat. I am so sorry if I confused you in any way.
Me too. Spent years craning my head around the plestiglas to hear
I live in a suburb in Texas that never fully masked up. There are 1 in 20 or so now that wear them, although some businesses require employees (but not customers) to wear them.
I do hope the employees will be liberated soon.
Ya know this might interrupt the supply chain a bit.
Alex, my wife and I recommend IVM, Vit D3, quercetin, Zinc and other immune boosting supplements that we have been on through the Omicron outbreak and the two years before. We circulate a lot in public without masks. No Covid yet! Viruses may virus but they don't like us.
Plus, every organ system in your body is deeply grateful.
We did the same, but we got the virus in early November. We are 74 & 73 years young, & we took Ivermectin. It was not fun, but we made it & now have natural immunity.
Three things: 1) I strongly suspect a change in policy is a part, possibly a large part, of this apparent uptick in deaths;
2) This upsurge in deaths may also be related to the vaccination campaign, as most of these deaths recently have been occurring in elderly and in nursing homes where vaccination rates are low, but increasing. The correlation in time is strong and highly suggestive. Hong Kong's vaccination rate did increase in the last few months, in general, but not massively, and I suspect that what happened is that the vaccination of elderly increased dramtically and resulted in a lot of deaths that are being called Covid deaths.
In fact, I just looked a bit deeper and indeed the vaccination rate among 70 and older did go up far faster than the general population in Hong Kong in the last few months. Correlation is not causation but correlation close in time is highly suggestive of causation.
3) Last, and perhaps most important, as with all public Covid stats and particularly for deaths attributed to Covid, it's important to take all of this data with a huge grain of salt b/c it's so politicized in every country, is based on panic and government policies urging a "sweep it all in" kind of approach, and leads to massive exaggeration of the harm from the virus itself -- and equal diminution of the harm from the vaccines due to very different causal linkage standards being applied in the case of vaccine harms.
+100 to huge grain of salt.
Turns out I was right (again): Hong Kong did enact a massive policy shift that is very likely a major part of this alleged uptick in cases, when they allowed at home positive antigen test results to substitute for PCR tests, and even required by law that people start reporting these at home positive test results. This continues a pattern of much of this pandemic resulting from extremely flawed tests and even more flawed testing policy.
“Hong Kong’s case data included results from rapid antigen tests, officials said, which the government has accepted in lieu of P.C.R. test results since last month to expand testing capacity. Residents who test positive with rapid antigen tests have not had to seek confirmation with P.C.R. tests. But the government has also asked them to self-report their infections, or face legal consequences. Those who receive a positive result from a rapid antigen test may be randomly requested to be administered a P.C.R. test, officials said.”
Vaccine mandates mostly effect those under 65. The US has high vaccines rates among elderly because most of them wanted the vaccine. Everyone I know who got the vaccine because of mandates was young and healthy. All the old, retired people I know who don't want the vaccine are untouched by mandates, and are still unvaccinated.
how can you say untouched?--Isolated, not allowed to go anywhere?
untouched by vaccine mandates
Should have required the shots for SS checks. Govt missed out on that peachy keen mandate.
The courts would strike that down quicker than the OSHA mandate.
Perhaps the elderly Chinese are least vaxxed because they have the most memories of a catastrophically inept government.
Perth, Australia is also finding out the hard way.
Kept borders etc closed for far longer than other states, premier McGowan talked tough and now they’re experiencing an explosion in cases.
Was it worth it? I think not.
Cases mean nothing---stop spreading fear. Omicron is a bad cold.
That all depends. It's very individual.
It took our Asst. Pastor's life. He was unvaxed, but a painter on the side. He fought hard for 6 weeks, but his lungs were scarred. He was slim & only 61. It has been a great loss. Many of us have beaten it, but as you said, it's very individual.
He wasn't spreading fear, he was making a comment on the failure of lockdowns.
I agree. And For kids it’s less than a bad cold.
Its worth it to the Totalitarian set.
Don’t care about any Covid News as it’s all BS. How are you even reporting cases when the testing is so flawed?
Exactly---this whole story is pure BS.
Yeah, it really does seem that his veil is slipping. He must actually think people are stupid.
Ian Miller, author of "Unmasked: The Global Failure of COVID Mask Mandates," mentioned on Twitter recently the skyrocketing rates in many Asian countries; Thailand, Vietnam, S. Korea, etc. All very mask compliant societies, and highly vexxed.
Tell me about it. First time in 21 years Mrs' has seen me lose my shit. Against my explicit instructions, eldest daughter got two of these bloody awful injections "because college." I told her to scrap college and stay on the farm until this BS was over and we'll pick it up again later. But no!
Mrs and the other two kids haven't had these injections and never will and I've been promised eldest won't go near a third. This is Thailand.
I was fk'n livid.
I sympathise Mike . I have 3 adult children and one decided to get this shot, It breaks my heart . The other 2 have sworn they won't. I keep them updated with what I discover daily, but it's hard when the country you live in (Italy here) is making it compulsory for certain jobs / age groups. I wish I could go live on another planet.
I currently cannot work as I am over 50 and as I had covid I have natural immunity ,but the corrupt italian government demands that all over 50 get jabbed. I am beyond p***** off.
That's even worse. Did you see Edward Dowd's interviews, saying 18-44 age group in the US showing excess mortality up 84%, since these bloody injections appeared?
I'll say it? There's only one way to send the message at this point and it cannot be written.
haha, these deaths are being CAUSED by the vaxx cult and their precious "vaccine" that doesn't work
I see another wave coming:(
Hurry---go get another vaccination and lock yourself in the basement. The rest of us could care less about this fake BS data.
Myself, I could NOT care less.
So why are you here? Hoping to see your article explaining why there's nothing to see here.
Deflating the hysteria is a public service. The fear and panic need to end.
This is beginning to sound as if Geert Vandenbosch's predictions are coming true. “Mass vaccination of those at minimal risk, with a vaccine that does not reduce transmission, is poor public health practice.” It’s ADE that is going to tip the balance in the wrong and irreversible direction. ADE in vaccinees will provide the virus with exceptional virulence and make it resemble Marek in unvaccinated…this means natural selection against all those whose innate immunity got messed up. (GVB Dec 19 2021)
I'm no epidemiologist but I was telling my family that was all about the lockdowns early on that we would come out of this with worse immune systems if we hid indoors forever and would really be sick.
Nelly Korda, World’s #2 LPGA Golfer, Goes to Emergency Room Due to Blood Clot
Justin Bieber’s 25 yr old wife was hospitalized with blood clots in her brain and stroke like symptoms. Recently boosted???!
:( praying for Nelly.
So what’s next? I think I saw a report of something called deltacron in commiefornia. Lookout! the new shutdowns are a coming. To much freedoms leads to mass infections. And of course you won’t have natural antibodies and the jab will save us all. Until it doesn’t.
After the midterms.
Rather strange that Hong Kong should be suffering such high Omicron death numbers when the variant was considered a low level lethality in the rest of the world. And I don't think we can cite as a cause the relatively low level of innoculation of the elderly there, as we have observed that Covid injections have not performed against Omicron any better than if no treatment was given.
I am reminded by the words of Dr Vanden Bossche a year ago who stressed that one of the drawbacks of lockdowns in combatting Covid is that they prevent the "exercise" the immune system needs to work properly, much like other human body systems. A poorly exercised immune system reacts slowly to invaders attacking its body, where as an immune system that frequently exercises against an array of different invaders works faster and more effectively. This is not a novel concept by any means, its why we want young children to be exposed to germs at rather young ages, so as to develop the flexibility of an adaptive immune response.
Indeed, we have seen in places that imposed harsh lockdowns that once the lockdowns were lifted, there was an inevitable spike in new cases and deaths. Britain was a good example of this phenomenon last summer when they relaxed their lockdown regimen. And of course, in a population where everyone's immune systems slowly came out of hibernation and were called into action, the most vulnerable suffered the most when confronted by pathogens their immune systems were not prepared to tackle. The same happened in Australia at the turn of the past year as they relaxed their draconian and long term lockdowns, new cases spiked by 7 times what they had been.
So if there is anything to be learned from the present Covid problems in Hong Kong which apparently are spreading to the immediate northern provinces of China, its another indictment of the foolish government lockdown policies. People cannot run nor hide from airborne pathogens, and the more government tries to reduce transmission and death from pathogens by promoting hiding from them, the higher the cost in terms of new cases and death that will be suffered once the lockdowns are relaxed.
What Hong Kong is proving - as if anymore proof is requireded at thios point - is that science always wins, even over Grand High Exalted Mystic Leaders and their allegedly infallible dictates.
Which is why Vaxxing kids sucks generally and does drive autism.
Hi Ray…excellent points…always right on Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 💖🎨😘🦋
Thanks Wendy ! Nice to hear from you, hoping all is well in Paradise !
All is well, in fact great in freedom land😉. March is a glorious month, so much in bloom and fruit trees setting. Both my kids, March babies and both of them have wedding anniversaries in March along with one of my grandkids…can’t complain in March❣️
The world appears to be a powder keg, however. I listened to a great podcast today, quite eye-opening historically speaking. It was on THE PBD PODCAST (Patrick Bet-David), interviewing Oliver Stone. I have never seen one of his movies and really don’t follow anything Hollywood, but this was fascinating…what a life. Your a very very very bright guy, I think you may like it.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 💖👩🏼🌾🎨🦋
Here is Stone's documentary just released on what's happening in Ukraine. Its eye-opening when juxtaposed against the Western propaganda that covers the airways in the West :
The US and NATO are up to their necks in filth over what caused this war. And none of them has the decency to admit it. They made anagreementin 1991 with Russia tha tif Russia pulled all ex-Soviet troops from Eastern Europe, NATO would not expand its membership Eastward. Well NATO lied and expanded into 14 different countries since, yet would not consider Russia's proposal to join in 2000 and form a consortium of all European countries committed to European peace and security. When NATO officials including this bumbling Sec'y Of State Blinken spoke during the last few months about expanding to Ukraine, and Ukraine's government said it not only wanted membership but would be willing toposition offensive weapons that could reach Moscow faster than the time it takes for the Russian defense systems to activate, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Remember, Russia has been attacked twice in the last two centuries from 2 different European nations, they are quite paranoid already without putting missiles aimed at them on their doorstep.
Recall also that the same self defense issues that Russia is using tojustify their invasion of Ukraine were similar to the reasons the US cited when taking military action in such places as Cuba, Santo Domingo, Grenada, Nicaragua, and Panama during the last 60 years. Its so hypocritical of both the US and NATO to approve of this line of self defense when the US practices it but not when the Russians do it. It just shows how far American foreign policy has come off the tracks in the last 20 years, and evenmore sosince 2014 when the US sponsored acoup in Ukraine of aduly elected government andreplaced it with a government that has been hostile towards Russia. The 6+ billion the US has sent toUkraine inmilitary weaponry since has added un-necessary fuel to the fire.
Further complicating the mess isthat the eastern part of Ukraine is predominantlyRussian people who have been discriminated against by the Ukraniangovernment almostg since the time that the Soviet Union fell apart. They want their natural right to political self determination and Russiais supporting that effort. In this regard, it is so strange to see the Russians supporting a typically American policy and the Americans opposing it.
And during the last week the problems for the US grew even greater as the State Department official in charge of leadingAmerica'sresponse tothis war admitted that the US hasbeen funding bioweaponslabsin Ukraine. While stating in Senate hearing testimony that the labs existed for peaceful purposes,shealso disclosed that the US government was afraid the materials in those labs could fall into Russian hands due to their invasion, which then could be used against the Ukranians. Problem with that part of the testimony is it begged the question of why the US would have such a worry if the labs only worked on peaceful projects and not the weaponization of pathogens. And if the projects were peaceful in nature, why were they being conducted in Ukraine rather than in the US ? And if thge labs really existed for peaceful purposes, why not allay Russian fears prior to the invasion by inviting them into the labs to show them they were not working on bio-weaponry ? Just like with the Covid policies from the US government, every time there is a new revlation with respect to the factors that contributed tothis war, the US government looks more like con artists and liars.
Perhaps what's most troubling is how in the Ukraine situation, just like in Covid, there is such a large body of the American public that blindly swallows the myths perpetrated by the government in Washington instead of looking into the history that led to this war for themselves. When there are so many in a population willing to defend lies, how can any country ever be considered righteous ?
I am a patriotic American, but that does not mean I have to support my government when they clearly are in the wrong. Especially when the stakes are so high as risking American kids' lives to defend misguided American policies over a country that presents no security or vital interests to the US, in a war that the US had a major hand in causing. It really is beyond the point of embarassing, and approaching the point of nauseating.
Agree on every account and am fully aware of what’s going on…nauseating may be a little gentle, however. And, like the plandemic, I do not understand why people do not see this for its historical reality and what is at play here. I can not believe that we are living through this craziness.
It’s on my list to watch…and if you get a chance, listen to the podcast, fantastic
Remember a large part of the hatred of Putin in the US stems from the mistaken belief that Putin's sidingwith Trump cost Hillary the election of 2016. So the support of such Americans for Ukraine now is actually a hope on the part of these people for revenge against Putin. Its totally emotional, which is why its so illogical when compared with the actual facts that caused this war.
We are living thorugh the craziness we see now because truth is no longer a value for many people in the world. For many different reasons that most boil down to an unhappiness with their lives, people wanttobelieve what they want to believe regardless if the truthis different from what they want to be true. This is an outgrowth of the situational ethics that developed in Western societies in the 1960-1970 era, where absolutes like right and wrong and good and evil became blurred because people did not want to see themselves in a bad light. So depending on the situation, their actions couldbe right or good even if a strict absolute wayof judging life gave a much stricter verdict. That ethos led necessarily to the belief that judgment was wrong for people to engage in, which in turnled to the present value system that negates the absolute value of eternal truth, replacingit with a definition that says truth is what each individual wants it to be in order to support their own desires and ambitions.
I think when viewed from this perspective, it explains the obvious contradicitions of modern life that redefine the meaning of traditional human activity like marriage, and also assign moral equivalence to different lifestyles,i.e., crime versus law-abiding, gay versus straight, freedom fighter versus terrosrist. It makes for a very confusing world in which the ground is constantly moving and perceptions constantly changing. And its uncomfortable for the human species that relies on a steady state to survive physically and emotionally.
But I think it explains the craziness we are now seeing on a regular basis from government, which at its core is nothing more than a reflection of the people it represents.
The idea of systems versus politics is an interesting manifestation of the globalist elite against the masses. I have read many predictions about how the globalists with their immense wealth and technology will conquor the world by using these assets to control governments. And I continue to laugh whenever I come across such tripe, due to the ignorance of history they represent.
If there is one constant that always has been and probably always will be its that nearly all matters of difference between nation states ultimately have been decided either by the point of the spear or the barrel of the gun. Which is why the masses usually win once they reach a tipping point where tolerance is exhausted. It also explains why globalists ultimately will fail. Their wealth is built on phony money that represents willingness of governments to put ink to paper and create bogus credits in electronic ledgers. Little of the globalist wealth represents anywhere near the value that the money-denomination of that wealth is wrongly perceived to represent. Phony wealth can be destroyed in a short period of time, such as when inflationary forces of excess debt and money printing restrict further printing of money to support over-priced capital markets, and the entire house of cards collapsed down to its true value.
The second prong of the globalist wrongly perceived base of power comes from the utilization they have created from technology. Here as well, this is a phony ruse to give the appearance of a strength the globalists really do not command. The technology they use to create control over masses is temporal at best. Technology is not monopolized, only its applications. And as such it can be used by others to make their own applications to rival the existing applications of the globalists, but at less cost and easier accessibility over time. The paradigm example today is social media. Being the first in because they had capital to do so, the globalists created social media sites whose novelty made them widely popular, and then used this popularity in a so-far successful attempt to control a majority of world thought. It has allowed them to successfully create revolution without armies, and tilt elections in the direction they want. The Covid propaganda was their first big global test of their thought control, and it turns out that they were successful in winning the minds of about 50 to70% of the global population, a level calculated by the percentage of the people they were able to convince to take a virtually un-tested and potentially dangerous drug.
But this may be their peak, and the hysteria of the globalists against the emergence of a simple interviewer named Joe Rogan using the same technology as the globalists has shown how tenuous is the control of thought the globalists believe they have. Rogan exposes the weakness in any technology application, there soon will be better applications achieved at far lower costs to displace and disrupt the existing applications and the control of thought they possess.
So just as the wealth of the globalists is temporal and fleeting, so to is their control over peoples' thoughts through the use of technology. The opponents to the globalists understand that any power the globalists may now have is wide but not deep, and as such, their reign of power is limited and difficult if not impossible to retain.
To which their apologists will respond "but what about AI, the ability to crunch large sets of data to predict what the future will hold? Doesn't that give the globalists the ability to see where the world is going before it gets there and adapt to that new world in order to maintain their control over it ?" Its a good question, but in the end comes to another failed conclusion.
In essence, AI is a very well calculated probability function that relies in its core on the belief that human activity is completely repeatable and thus predictable. And while it is eminently true that history repeats itself, what is not true is that we have any way to know what factors in the future will influence the course of that history repeating itself. When we rely on past data to predict future events, we become hostage to the egoistic idea that we know everything that can or will happen in the future. And if the last hundred years has taught us anything, its that we have no idea about what the world will be like a hundred or even fewer years from now. Without having that information, we may have a good idea about the themes but not the plots of future events, and its the details and timing of how history plays out that grants power to those who are able to take advantage of those details.
If anything, AI hinders the ability of those who possess it to garner control over future events, because it only has what has already happened to guide it in its predictions. That reliance on the past clouds ones view of the future, while those who remain committed to analyzing future details and events and then swiftly reacting to them will have the upper hand in outcome. So once again, a pillar of the globalist plan to control the world is made of sand and bound to fail.
But most importantly to who will own the future is what caused others who tried it to fail. The world is too big a place with far too many people to control for anyone to ever succeed in being the master of earth. Ultimately human existence and decision making comes down to individual choice about what benefits them most, guided by the primitive fight or flight mechanism. People will fight to maintain what benefits them most, and will organize into large groups of fighters to defend those values. Its why countries have militaries for which they spend more than most any other endeavour. And its why the globalists hate people like Putin, because he has what they do not have....the military to defend the values of his people, and the will to fight for those values regardless of the cost rather than become subjugated to the values of those who have different values.
All the money and technology of the globalists cannot defeat the force of a people willing to fight to the death to prevent subjugation. To the globalist, fighting a war to the finish is a loss for them, because there is nothing left for them to control. But ultimately if they are not willing to fight that battle, they cannot achieve their objective. This is why Putin let the world know he was activating his nuclear abilities shortly after his army moving into Ukraine, as he wanted to test the degree the globalists were willing to fight. You know the result, the globalists ran scared, unwilling to even try a no fly zone lest they are forced to fight.
The people of the world who think like Putin, that 30-50% who would not buy into the propaganda about the Covid drugs, the ones who refuse to be controlled by the power of globalists, have taken note of how the globalists have reacted and realize now that the globalists areon the flight side of the fight or flight mechanism. This knowledge now empowers them going forward as it has empowered Putin to continue his army's operations in Ukraine. And it is an omen for the globalists, they are doomed to fail as long as there is a sizable enough population in the worldf that will not trade their values and principles for any price.
This battle for world domination between globalists and the masses will continue. The globalists will now pullback and re-group, and reformulate strategies that they can use that they believe will leave them immune from direct fighting for survival warfare. But no matter what they come up with, they will fail. Because the people they want to control now see the globalists for the paper wealth cowards they are, and the masses will now have a new-found confidence to confront rather than comply. When a fighter recognizes his or her opponent is more apt to runaway than stand and fight, the fighter attacks. That will be the next round. It will get messy, as the globalists will call in their jack-booted mercenaries like that coward in Canada did against the truckers. But mercenaries bleed their sponsors dry and never win. In the end the mercenaries join with the masses lest they be devoured by them.
All that we know for sure right now is that in the end, the masses will win this war, and that is perhaps the most important lesson to be gleaned from what's going on in Ukraine now.
I don't understand. Omicron is killing people? I'm fully UNVACCINATED and just had Omicron, whole family did and whilst I had perhaps 36 hours of bed ridden rankness, this was far from any killer disease. Norovirus ten fold worse. Twenty-fold. Make that one hundred fold worse.
So what's killing people in Hong Kong and why is Shenzhen shut down?
Do we know deaths by age? Who's dying? I could find the overall stats:
Death rate by gender and age group, Hong Kong SAR, 2019
(number of registered deaths per 100 000 population of respective sex and age group)
Age group Male Female
14 and below 18.2 13.7
15-24 27.4 15.5
25-34 51.1 20.5
35-44 107.7 47.3
45-54 269.6 144.3
55-64 617.1 308.2
65-74 1498.2 689.8
75 and above 6323.2 4785.3
Sources: Census and Statistics Department, Department of Health
Kinda a lot of deaths in younger age cohorts, even in 14- age bracket. Wow!
Just found out the reason ( Vaccination rates by age group in Hong Kong:
12-19 65%
20-29 81%
30-39 82%
40-49 89%
50-59 84%
60-69 73%
70-79 59%
80+ 29%
With the Hong Kong life expectancy the highest in the world, so lots of octogenarians.
Younger cohorts are disproportionally highly vaccinated, counter-intuitively. Hence high mortality among them, it seems, compared to other countries. More to come?
Perhaps obesity will be less of a clear co-morbidity in the US, too? That is, perhaps we have lots of fat people dying because so much of our population is fat to begin with, and age will remain the biggest risk factor for reasons of less robust immune responses in the elderly.
Look up the work of Canadian researcher Denis Rancourt. He's concluded that it's not obesity alone that is a risk factor. It's obesity + poverty + living in sunbelt climates. The issue isn't the virus itself but the way covid policies have massively exacerbated the stress people are under. This stress hits poor, obese people in the south more than it does other groups. Also it's not covid that is directly killing them, but covid coupled with untreated pneumonia.
Could be a similar phenomenon in HK. Perhaps the factors there are poverty + old age + stress. Asian countries may not have care homes, but they are notorious for having few safety nets for those who live at the margins. You find 70- and 80-year-olds who continue to do back-breaking work, as cleaners, street sweepers, roadside market sellers, etc. Could it be this group that is being hit hardest by covid policies and thus succumbing to infection?
I found this podcast with Rancourt really fascinating
China sucks.
China is asshole
The CCP are the criminals and there is only 100mm of them. My heart goes out to the rest of the population.
Is it hitting so hard because it's all at once and overwhelming and there are few people with natural immunity around to act as "fire breaks" so it just races through the population?
The lockdowns are deadly.
Something smells funny about this.
I wonder if mass vaccinations have made things a bit worse than they would have been otherwise.
Would like to see how they come up with a “vaccine” for a variant that has yet to emerge.
By the time a vaccine is developed, the variant has come and gone. no one on vaccines.
South Korea an example of a highly mask compliant and vaccine compliant nation … yet now cases are skyrocketing . Vaxxholes don’t have an answer when I ask them to explain that.
Did Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea have an early wave of a Covid-19 related bug that people missed but left enough immunity that they wouldn’t get the earlier variations? Now with omicron, it is sufficiently different enough that people in these countries are getting sick and dying? Just asking…I ain’t a doctor.
Or we could say Trump is in charge of Hong Kong. That is the fake news standard response when things go wrong.
LOL. Trump is guilty. He also caused the fire ant and wild hog problems.
This really sucks. I was told by Apple that a 5 year old Chinese slave labor kid was building my new iPhone and should be delivered next week. Now they are telling me the factory is shut down. Who cares? Just have the damn Chinese kid get it done!! I don’t care if he/she dies. I want my brand new spanking iPhone..
The jab killed their natural immunity...they would have been fine with Omicron if they hadn't taken the clot shot...
It is as plain as the nose on your face. Cause (mRNA vaccines) and effect. Excess deaths, blood clots, myocarditis, cancer reoccurrence. Does somebody think lockdowns cause Covid?
Then the lies. Long Covid (ridiculous), asymptomatic infection (ridiculous), blood clots and strokes in under 40 year old people (ridiculous),dropping dead on stage, on the playing field, piloting a plane, young fit soldiers found dead in their room. huge numbers of miscarriages, amputations on young people. (totally ridiculous). The most ridiculous of all a man with the longest career in history without a single accomplishment elected President.
They suppressed their immune system to much. Now Omicron is kicking their asses.