If our government would just admit these aren't the vaccines we were looking for and go back to the drawing board for a better vax- some trust in gov. could be restored. In the meantime, let doctors, without fear of persecution, prescribe medicines which are working for so many around the world, to prevent people from dying. What kind of world do we live in that doctors can't try to save their patients from Covid because they are afraid of losing their medical license? What is going on!?

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At this point every conspiracy theorist looks like Nostradamus

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You have to wonder how long this whole “pandemic” has been planned. This whole thing reeks of deception, and manipulation. No coincidences everything has been gamed out what is the goal? I suspect one world totalitarianism.

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The control group must be eliminated at all costs, hence the upcoming mandatory door to door vax squads. I dare not discuss the word play of “eliminated” however.

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Alex... I may have missed your commentary.... but have you commented on Scott Atlas's book: "A Plague on Our House"? I am just finishing it and it validates from inside the White House and from significant available valid science research what you and others have suspected. Masks ineffective, lockdowns don't work, kids at low risk and should be in school. One issue that he validated and I have not heard you talk about is the shortcomings of PCR testing and overstating positive cases. If you have written about, I probably missed it. Confession, I bought your book but not yet through it. Thoughts? Steve

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Isn't it starting to seem that the point of all this has actually nothing to do with vaccines?

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Well Alex, first thing is the "Vax" is not about your health or improving the lives of anyone who is not an "Elite". It's about fear, control and maybe even taking you off this earth to make room for a replacement group. What might that group look like? Not me that's for sure. Pray. Plan. Prepare. Resist.

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It's the ninth booster that'll do it. Just keep believing!

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“The experts”

Story about the volcano in Spain (you probably have heard about it):

- Expert: when the lava reaches the water (we are talking about an island) a super explosion is going to happen.

- Nothing like that happened.

- Expert: nothing happened because it was seawater.

Perhaps he did not know that islands in the ocean are surrounded by seawater…

He keeps talking and being an expert

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Come on Alex, don't question it, it's science!!!

On a serious note, that number of fully vaccinated makes me ill. Anyone have two un vaxxed teen girls they want marry off when they're of age to two extremely handsome and smart teen boys? I'm worried their selection is running thin.

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How much longer until the narrative collapses under the weight of it's lies?

Hold the line!


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So far past lunacy now there are no more words to describe. Remember it was just 15 days to flatten the curve!

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Plandemic! Started with a faulty PCR Test that was set at 45 cycles which meant almost everyone tested would be positive. Regardless it can't prove infection regardless of cycles (now 25). For most 99.9 % + recovery rate. Plandemic!

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Wait, I've heard this before, in the movie Anchorman:

Brian Fantana telling Ron Burgundy that his cologne, Sex Panther by Odion, "60 percent of the time, it works every time".

Seems legit.

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Hey, can someone give me a hand with those goalposts? We're gonna need to move them back. No, further back.

No, back even further...

Just keep on moving them, I'll tell you when to stop...

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Idk if anyone is keeping track but, I don't think a single prediction that has been made since the beginning of this thing has been hit. Its like professional wrestling. They just throw out ridiculous story lines and think nobody will remember a month ago when the story was totally different 🤣

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