The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. ~ Winston Churchill.

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We could really use a Winston Churchill right about now.

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No, an enraged public who is beyond mad as hell and not taking this relentless attack to destroy and kill people.

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Eh, love his quotes far more than his actual historical record.. not me idea as the man for the moment. My hopes go more to a pair of Frank Church/Otis Pike House and Senate Committees with teeth calling out covert ops & toxic policy to account.

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He was an imperfect man, no doubt. But "Never surrender" is the message for our times in my opinion. I don't see anyone with a high public profile coming anywhere close to this.

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True but the voices that fill a role of inspired and informed are so censored and smeared that we must ferret out Substack authors and other free speech platforms to find facts. Not a fan of citing myself but there's a virtual media blackout for RFK work from the early gmo campaigns increasing to smears and suspensions with vaccines. Bobby puts the best of them to shame as an inspirational speaker. Every top media in the world was spitting distance from Times Square not one reported. The great ones are out there just need to hunt outside Fauci and corp echo chamber system. :~)


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Another old AND applicable quote:

"It is better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees." Emiliano Zapata

(DISCLAIMER: I have no knowledge whatever about the character of Senor Emiliano)

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I'd prefer a John Adams. I'd settle for Nixon.

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people can't handle the truth, and, seem willing and ready to die for sociopathic agendas...

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In my experience it looks a bit different. Folks are the same through history; every group has every kind from angelic to evil and full range of skeptical and gullible. Read Homer and you can find a perfect personality match for everyone now in the roles.

The root of the problem here and for decades in media soaked America is our failure to grasp the sophistication and saturation of propaganda we are immersed in and misplaced trust cultivated over a lifetime.

They sell us our wars and drugs and politicians and social consensus the same way they do beer and sports. People can handle the truth they have conflict when those deeply held beliefs are dead wrong.

“What gets us into trouble is not what we don't know. It's what we know for sure that just ain't so.”. ― Mark Twain.

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The West had some sort of democracy. Alas, as lazy and as myopic most of us are, we neglected the basic principle -- "the democracy" is not a given state, it has to be fought for all the time and reinforced all the time.

And look at us in the USA. We have the same people 50++ years on power, all old degenerates like Pelosi, Biden, that Feinstein character in CA. They have been voted in the office for years and decades, an election after an election. The people voted them in. They're not some apparitions came from Hell, even though all of them behave exactly like demons from Hell.

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All very true but Emma Goldberg said long ago if voting were effective it would be outlawed. The parties have gerrymandered districts to look like an expert jigsaw puzzle redrawing rings around their voters. Deep pocket corp backers and presstitute media silence, slander, smear and misinform voters and challengers. In 2012 Prop 37 was on the ballot in Oregon to label gmo ingredients on food labels. Monsanto cabal spent $35 million and defeated Prop 37 because media buys lying about how gmo are feeding the world and labels spiking food costs needlessly when gmo are "perfectly safe" misled enough voters about what is in their best interest. Unlimited media voice is hard to beat this is just one example if how the money trumps public service.


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Who counts the votes?

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The man behind the curtain.

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Let's be candid, millions think Superman is flying in, soon, soooon, just keep looking up, pay no attention to that growing sound of a Mack truck on that road you are standing on...

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As George Carlin Said,

"The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments in a courthouse: You cannot post “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” and “Thou shalt not lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges, and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment."

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Perfectly said.

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For a lot of people, it's easier to just give up and die. When we rebuild society, it won't be the "soy boy's" doing it. It will be the members of the "rebellion". Sad, but true.

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150 million sociopaths and cowards, as I say, we either are shot in the face or stabbed in the back tolerating these partisan hacks keeping their faith in Republ-ocrats, and boy, Washington DC rulers have no desire for the public to know the truth, and, these F'ers were not vaccinated, count on it!

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I firmly believe all the politicians and celebrities got saline shots

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Yep. And here's another thought. You cannot kill everyone at once, hence the need for a "staggered approach". I've heard people speculating that they actually think its a 1/3 type deal. 1/3 of the "vaccines" at any given time are actual shots, the other 2/3, placebo aka. saline. That way, you spread out the death toll over a longer period of time. Keep giving booster shots, and eventually after 1 year of the vaccine process, you've been infected with the spike protein bio-weapon.

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Nefrella - another "conspiracy theory" that I no longer dismiss outright.

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I sure hope you're wrong. This is a horrific thought. Everyone I know has bought into this. I mean EVERYONE.

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BINGO. And , accelerating chronic illnesses to be lethal much sooner then expected, and then doctors ignore them so they die.

It’s incredible that physicians by in large are complicit with this relentless purge of humanity.

I don’t care who’s offended or outraged, I want to see random violence against these perpetrators, because I know in my heart, when leftists see their own fall to the ground lifeless, a good portion of them will realize, there are consequences for this relentless hate and lust for power.

But, more people who are victims are going to be falling first…

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Holy crap, that's scary!! I had not heard this one before.

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And most of the MSM and Local news....Can't have the messengers dropping dead....it's bad for the image of "Safe & Effective" !

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Yep, and now with the MSM saying "even with vaccine you can get and spread Delta....." So really, what's their point? What are they REALLY trying to accomplish here?

Obedience. Obedience. Obedience.

Take the shot, we own you. The gov is finding that people are starting to wake up and saying "take this Jab/Job and shove it!"

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Pierre Kory (FLCCC) has posted on twitter that well over a hundred members of Congress and their families were treated using FLCCC's protocols (specifically using ivermectin). None were hospitalized. And none of them have spoken out in the therapeutic's defense.

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I doubt the data are available but detailed information on exactly where Ivermectin was being dispensed would be fascinating to know.

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What I am interested in is how many politicians have actually been injected with the real vaccine

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Your comment made me think of something. Members of the rebellion? How about the Remnant? The unvaxxed might be the Remnant, the people left after the virus apocalypse who are still here to rebuild!

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The members of the "rebellion" are members of the "Remnant". Trust me, how many non-Christians do you see fighting this fight? There are a few, but the folks that follow YWHW, we will be the ones to see this thru.

We, the Bride of Christ, are getting to see the "framework" (as "Brandon" calls it) for the New World Order.

We won't have to live thru the 7 years of hell on earth. Praise the LORD!!!!

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I think the churches have also been subject to corruption over the last few decades.

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Sadly, you're right. Those "churches" are not churches. They are Apostate and False Prophets.

Jesus did not, nor does he discriminate. It's sad that this is happening, but, it's also part of the story.

We know there will be, and currently is a great falling away from sound doctrine.

People now accept the doctrine of demons.

And when you've gone that far, you're on the ledge of the pit. One shove, or move to displace you in your life, and, you're toast.

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Also, the folks that are part of the rebellion, but aren't born again followers of Christ, hopefully by the end of the 7 years, they'll change teams and save their souls. This is really what its about, after all.

We are all eternal beings - its WHERE you spend that eternity that counts ;)

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LOL I'd love to but my ovaries are done... mid 50s.

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Even if the Truth saves them !

Well, now this....Will there a massive Public Service Announcement campaign? Oh wait, no money in prevention !


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Exactly. Vitamin D , zinc, vitamin C, no money in Natural remedies. These folks are pure evil. Their greed, knows No bounds or satiation.

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Fab find thank you!

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Perfect quote

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15 boosters to flatten the curve

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It Looks like all the Curve Flattening is happening on the wrong Axis now.

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Canada is planning for at least 10: they have 38 million inhabitants and bought 400 million doses in May. This was even a top CBC news story. So why is anybody surprised about endless boosters? I just don't get it.

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I know right?! When I saw the doses purchased for Canada a few weeks ago I about fell out of my chair. It's like, survive the first shot, then boost till you die....Like Russian roulette.

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Yeah, on the mark! But, Communo-Facist Calamity!!!...

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Trudeau really hates his country, but, we'll see who dies first...

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hahah, truly.

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Perfect tag line.. random trivia related.. NYC tee shirts always have edgy themes & DeBlasio vax mandated has spurred a new crop of street options.. most seen on the streets is a giant hand w middle finger up & text below QR code block.. "Here's My Vaccine Passport" lol.. this would fit like a dream.

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Now at least I'm laughing. Thanks for that.

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yeah, that graph is about the population of the earth, watch it flat line at about 1 billion total, with America and Europe close to zero as a total for each region...

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More likely it would flatten the people and their health

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That article is confusing to me unless I totally missed something. It links to data and summaries that don't state that drop in vax effectiveness anywhere in plain text. It takes a math mind like Matthew or at least far better than mine to extrapolate from UK charts. Sorry to be cynical but my experience with Monsanto shills conditioned me to doubt linked study supports claims added with links.. unless it's obvious the study concluded what's claimed I tend to write it off as BS or find a trusted source to confirm it. j/s


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it seems the only places that are staying calm are those that didn't have lockdowns and have likely reached herd immunity based on natural immunity, like Sweden and Florida.

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Reminds me of an article I read a couple of days ago about how the dramatic drop in Florida cases should not be attributed to DeSantis. Rest assured, the same moron was likely blaming DeSantis when the cases were going up.

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DeSantis is one of the few bright spots to come out of all of this. And Alex, of course.

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You can add Spain to the list with Sweden and Florida. They locked down hard and early in 2020, but since then have lived normally except for masks. Summer 2021 had a big surge amongst the youth, but that is over now too. They should have high levels of natural immunity generally.

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Yeah baby! I was just thinking geez did the best govenor in the world cause this! So glad we have that great govenor!

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if it wasn't for him and Tucker Carlson, the US could still be under Australia-style lockdowns.

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Crazy how many people are upset that's not the case.

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the ones gaslit by the mainstream media "news"

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I avoid the mainstream media as much as possible, but I was under the impression that they routinely tut-tut at Florida as one of those deplorable Red states. Every so often an "opponent" on one of these forums will claim that some Florida hospital is overrun, ICU overloaded with unvaxxed COVID victims, etc. I will do a search of a "normal" news source like Yahoo or Google and rarely if ever is there even a mention of such. FL is supposed to have a huge number of hospitalizations, or at least "cases," which of course means somebody tested positive, and may not even have any symptoms of a disease. Still, I usually look in vain for any mention -- even other MSM sources, for confirmation that my State is experiencing some apocalypse. During the nearly 2 years of the pandemic, whenever they cried the sky was falling, I'd look about and (except for some relatively mild closings in early 2020) I'd be damned if I could tell that anything was out of the ordinary, save for the occasional odd looking mask-wearer. Still a few of those about, even now.

Now, apparently we are turning into a positive example (low cases?) despite being a deplorable Red state that didn't fall for the whole pandemic narrative. Pity the poor MSM: how are they going to spin this, the 3rd most populous State did everything "wrong" and yet is getting such good results?

My worst fear is that our Governor is going to jump ship and run for national office.

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Did everybody see the Amish response in PA? They just let the virus rip. Everybody got it as they all sipped out of same cup. They felt better to die at home with loved ones, than be forced to die in hospital unable to see anybody. They reported their best financial year as they were very busy. No cases presently. Time will tell. As soon as people come out and boast, they end up eating their words.

I stand with Geert. Vaccinating during pandemic, closing down everything, made this virus react different. He does not take into account this virus may be different if it was engineered in lab. He does not subscribe to any conspiracy theories. He warned months ago these boosters would cause virus to be forced to mutate aggressively so resist vaccine.

The other big issue is that the government and media have scared people into idiots with zero commonsense. At some point, closing down countries will not be tolerated and causing financial ruin. At that point they will want people to drop the fear and learn to live with virus threat. That will not happen as so many believe getting virus is death sentence. We have been told over and over again, this is not like the flu.

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We live in PA adjacent to the Amish. And God bless them. They are and have been going about their lives without fear. We have a farmer dropping off food in about an hour (some of them make provisions and drive). No Masks. Shaking hands. Life goes on.

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I now live in the south. For the most part people are out and about. Our city of about 40,000 is packed now with northerners. Building is through the roof. Road projects. People do wear masks to some extent. Maybe 1/4 of population. Most elderly.

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Not surprised. The most repeated command in the Bible is "Fear not."

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A locality that has both Blue Balls and the remedy (Intercourse), can't be altogether bad! 😁 Beautiful countryside in SE PA, at least it was 40-some years ago when I visited.

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Don't forget, after Intercourse there's Paradise.

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We Should of had covid parties with all the non vulnerable groups , especially the kids , this would be over now!! The "vaccines" are prolonging the situation, and making Fauci's PHARMA wealthy.

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Yup. I am still stunned well educated people really believed and still do that being outside can cause virus to spread.

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Agreed. My family and friends who promote the mRNA injections can't explain how they work, or how tests on animals ended disastrously. It's just "safe" and "effective". No thinking allowed.

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Oh, the vaccines are the problem, and the solution to the problem of the gain of function research. This virus doesn't exist in "the wild". we had to manipulate the viral envelope to make it work. All bio weapon, all day long...

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Spike Protein Coming (Virus) and Going ( Vaccine). They planned it well!

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100% Global depopulation event level 100.

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They really did.

They were doing weird experiments with coronavirus vaccines before SARS-COV-2 even got released.

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The past few days I have been on a campaign to (partially) debunk the money angle. Now, of course I will be the first to admit that the drugs, especially the mRNA jabs, are making Pfizer, Moderna, etc and their investors good money. Policy-wise, the most serious problem is that Big Pharma heavily influences politicians and even the CDC, FDA and others who "in theory" put science before politics or, I suspect, their retirement accounts. There probably are many conflicts of interest. But let's consider just how much money are in the vaccines alone. A single dose costs about $40. If everybody in the USA gets two per year that is 330 million x 2 x 40 = $26.4 billion dollars. That is a small fraction of total drug spending (about 7%) annually. In the big picture, $26.4 billion is chicken feed these days. This thing is not primarily about money or profit.

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It is a stepping stone. The cancer industry is the target. Who gets lab space? Only those that support that cancer is genetically caused. The Metabolic side has been financially ruined, can barely get noticed. Metabolic does not fit the narrative. So they begin with the premise of cause then look to make drugs that barely move the needle if at all. Cure is not the goal. They manipulate the data. So x has reduced a cancer tumor by 50 percent then drug approved on fast track by FDA. What they did not mention is that x drug did so only for a month. Who cares…tons of money made on x drug. There are over 100 chemo drugs. Not many years ago, cancer treatment cost around 10,000. Today over 100,000. A PET scan can cost a couple thousand dollars, or around 10,000. 😳 When cancer survival stats are used, it is based on 5 yrs survival. Nobody cares your actual condition. They do not count how many times a person was hospitalized. They do not care what health diseases occurred due to treatment. They do not care if that patient is on hospice. As long as that person is breathing, chemo is a success story. So a person on a chemo treatment that has a heart attack, that heart issue is NOT tagged to chemo. I will stop ranting. 😀

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If the money train ended with vaccines, that would be the case. But there are plenty of drugs to be sold to people living with the (upcoming) side effects from the vaccines... blood/heart issues, cancers, autoimmune deficiencies.... so much money to be made.

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Interesting. Like a chicken pox party when we were kids. Honestly, at this point if people do not see this for what is it, it is what it is......can't make people see the truth. Vaccine zombies, up next. The cognitive decline from people that have taken the shot is becoming more noticeable by the day.

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"Lets Go Brandon!"

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When we spoke with several of our Amish friends about how they've been dealing with their elders. They all responded with "We kept them out of the hospitals and got through it."

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Unreported Truths Podcast. NOW! C'mon warriors! Who's with me?

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At some point it seems like they will be unable to deny what is happening. I thought it would start to happen before now. It's amazing to me how they can keep spinning this without the torches and pitchforks coming out. What am I missing?

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You're missing a basic human nature, that based on ignorance, selfishness and cowardice. But, let us see how the smartest among us had described it:

"Nature has left this tincture in the blood, That all men would be tyrants if they could."

Daniel Defoe

"People settle for a level of despair they can tolerate and call it happiness."

Søren Kierkegaard

“It’s like déjà vu all over again.”

Yogi Berra

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Nah, Jack Nicholson: you can't handle the truth!!!

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"Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?" Maximus, Gladiator ( Russell Crowe).

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Great quotes.

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Just watch some of Brandon's "Build Back Better" agenda speech and realized it's just cover for the "Beat Down Harder" agenda he is really implementing! RESIST this BS !!!!

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What's happening is of a Biblical event. Why people don't see this for what it is? All part of the end of days delusion that will separate the wheat from the chaff. It's odd to watch this play out in real time. The persecution of Christians and Jews is off the chain.

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It takes a big man (person) to admit they were wrong. When will one of these 'public health officials' throw big pharma, WHO, CDC etc. under the bus ? - We were not told the truth, and we acted incorrectly in hindsight, based on the lies, or unfounded false hopes. Nope still telling the noble lies. They've have the panic porn turned to 11 for so long, it's like they can't walk it back. 99.97% survival - no worse than the annual flu bug. For the kids even less. Mass vaccination with mRNA (narrow band) cannot not work. We need to save the vaccinations for the most at risk. We know that now. How hard can this be? Guess it's hard to speak when big pharma is stuffing your mouth with $$

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Admitting it doesn’t sell vaccines

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haha, so true.

blood = money

They're all wicked (the vax pushers, big gov....etc.) , and guess what happens to wicked people? They die. And their death, isn't just the temporal physical death - its the eternal death, which should motivate for people to change, but when they don't see that they're doing anything wrong, why would they change? Society is on the brink of the next turning of the age, this turn just happens to be the final one.

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Also part of the strategy is threatening Lockdowns unless more people get jabbed. That is a way to make the unjabbed hated. This is a highly orchestrated Influence and persuasion campaign

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Oh, absolutely. Genocide 101. Gotta make us non-vax people into the disgusting cattle and farm animals that we really are. Dehumanize us, so killing us is nothing more than a Saturday afternoon activity.

For perspective, exchange "non-vax" with "Jew"....get the point?

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It's a religion, vaccinated people could be dropping dead all around them and they would be more than willing to deny it.

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It's not a religion. It's a cult.

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A [major] religion is a successful cult. Come to think of it, a horse is a successful colt.

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Nope. Certain religious sects may have cult-like characteristics, but those could hardly be considered "successful" because such sects are — by definition — splinter groups, small and separate. It's absurd to compare mainstream Christianity or Judaism to Heaven's Gate or the People's Temple. The Lutherans aren't likely to commit mass ritual suicide at a hotdish potluck.

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More and more like Jim Jones from Guyana. Except here it’s Kool Aid in a shot, and leaders exempted, just a cult of death killing all around the sociopaths..,

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"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink."

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Accurate af. How do you think the Rothchild's and Rockefeller's got their immense wealth?

Why, fund both sides of the fight, that's how!

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I thought they were just lizard people.

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ironically, up until the last 2years, i thought that the "lizard people" were a joke....however now, im like, "wow, underground government bases with demon lizard people...Holy SH*t!"

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Prophetic, unfortunately.

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"The vaccines are effective."

"The unvaccinated are putting the vaccinated at risk."

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You're absolutely correct - the vaccines ARE effective. However, not with the results they promised to Joe Blow American Citizen....

Take the vax - you're safe from Covid!! Not true at all. You can still be infected.

Tax the vax - it will keep you from getting a worse case of Covid!! (updated since good ole Brandon's "truth" is a lie). Not true at all, the vaccinated are actually sloughing off the virus in record particulates, infecting everyone else!

Don't take the vax, we will steal you and your children's legacy, livelihood and peace. 100% true.

The bioweapon / vaccine is effective - but, do we really want this type of "effective".

Nope, nope and "Let's Go Brandon"

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It is nothing less than despicable and pathetic that people will not take a stand against hate and lust for power, and will silently and complicitly let their loved ones die...

America is dead folks, it is just you personally aren't in a box yet...

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Oct 28, 2021
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And George Carlin also said..."It's Big Club and You ain't in it"

“Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that've long since bought and paid for, the senate, the congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don't want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They're not interested in that. That doesn't help them.”

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Oct 28, 2021
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When a government panel (FDA) unanimously approves a "vaccine" with an unknown risk profile, which may cause long-term harms, for an age group that will receive almost no expected benefit from the vaccine, nor will the vaccine even be expected to reduce the transmission of a virus, I cannot imagine any better proof there is no longer any reason to place trust in these public officials.

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Sadly, at bottom, they were both knee-jerk boomer liberals, hardwired to oppose any idea or person even remotely associated with "the right." Hunter made a minor stink in Rolling Stone but he ended up voting for Clinton in 1992, even though Bubba was promising to put 100,000 new cops on the street and enact sweeping gun control laws. Nothing Gonzo about that at all.

Carlin dogged on Clinton, but he was an angry atheist and he spat his most potent bile at conservatives and Christians. Funny as hell, but given his animosity toward religion, he was hardly the staunch defender of the 1st Amendment and civil liberties that legend makes him out to be.

I suspect Carlin and HST would have toed the Democratic party line on COVID simply because the alternative would require them to betray their lifelong tribal associations. For an indication of which way they would have drifted, look at what Noam Chomsky said the other day. Old liberals are always bitter and authoritarian under all that wrinkly skin.

The person I'd like to hear from is Frank Zappa. He never really fit into any mold.

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Both are probably happy they died before this mass paychosis that has taken over the world. Especially hunter s. A man who not only talked the talk, but walked the walked as far as being what they used to call a “rugged individualist”. Neither had any use for authority, or going with the crowd.

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We vaccinated everyone and it didn't work so the solution is we're going to lockdown unless everyone gets vaccinated!

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HAha, legit. So stop eating all those cakes and twinkies, I need to lose weight LOLOL.....

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"That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us!"

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Ha! This is what I said when Alex posted about Denmark dropping all of the mandates. It is getting easier to predict what the "Expert" bureaucrats are going to do.

Back on that September 13 post, I said "I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Denmark backtracks once cases start rising again."

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Naomi - ditto. Alex is ever the optimist. ;-)

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"It's not nice to fool Mother Nature."

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Please see: "COVID-19 seasonality is primarily driven by low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels in winter-spring Just like influenza": https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/covid-19-seasonality-is-primarily .

Cases are rising, in general, in northern hemisphere countries more than 90 degrees from the equator because winter is setting in, so UV-B skin exposure from high-elevation sunlight is being reduced, so vitamin D (circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D) levels are falling- and immune cells rely on at least 50ng/ml (125nmol/L) 25-hydroxyvitamin D to work properly.

Very few people have 50ng/ml unless they supplement properly with vitamin D3 (such as 0.125mg 5000IU D3 a day for 70kg 154lb bodyweight) or they have had a lot of UV-B skin exposure in the last month or two.

So most people have half or less the 25-hydroxyvitamin D they need even in summer, and this falls a lot as winter approaches. This further weakens the innate and adaptive (antibodies etc.) responses to viral pathogens and increases the risk that the infection will trigger a hyper-inflammatory (destroys healthy cells) dysregulated immune response.

Please also see: "What every MD, immunologist, virologist and epidemiologist should know about vitamin D and the immune system": https://vitamindstopscovid.info/05-mds/ .

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This is so true - anyone not taking Vitamin D is just plain nuts at this point. Also bad is the insistence of hand sanitizer and bleaching everything. Your immune system was made to be challenged and it is working hard ALL THE TIME! Of course, your own circumstances (and you should know yourself best) may dictate that you need extra protection.

Fun fact - your skin is covered with bacteria (and that's a good thing) - it's your natural flora - removing that with hand sanitizer or anti-bac soap gets rid of the good germs and makes space for the bad ones. Another fun fact - a 10% Bleach solution can only kill SARS-Cov-2 if it makes contact (stays wet) for a minimum of 20 minutes. Many of the things people do to stay "safe" is at their own folly.

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This is a very well written and well documented summary of the importance of vitamin D levels: https://nutritionmatters.substack.com/p/covid-19-seasonality-is-primarily

EVERYONE should read the article.

Vitamin D is readily available and may be our best defense against C-19. Unfortunately, as we in the northern hemisphere move into winter natural vitamin D obtained from sunlight will be insufficient for immune health. Supplementation is the only practical route.

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Ooops: more than 30 degrees north of the equator.

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Don't forget the zinc.

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The real pandemic is mass psychosis.

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Make insane asylums great again.

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"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche.

A most apropos quote...

As many have already noted, most of the official "management" of this pandemic and the responses to it seem to be more some odd cult, rather than anything informed by science or common sense.

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Biology is irretrievably complex. Every intervention causes multiple consequences.


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Enjoy reading your sub stacks. Keep up the great writing.

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Thanks, Aja. I wish I never had the reason to write these.

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Vaxes every 20 weeks for all until your arms fall off..

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Or until your heart explodes!

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More like amputate your legs off.

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I'm hoping Alex will comment on the all cause morbidity data in Europe..


Excess mortality among 45-64 year olds..

(Week 41)

2021.. 29,637

2020.. 16,960

2019.. 5,612

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Can't make up my mind whether this is the result of delayed care, suicide, or adverse vaccine events.

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James - this trend has been examined by substackers in Scotland, Germany, UK, and now some people are finding it in US data (but you have to know how to parce the data because it's hidden).

Yes, those other things (suicide, delayed care) are showing up, but cardiovascular events are specifically elevated in these age cohorts.

This has been gradually emerging over past 2 months and it has really been the final straw for me. The vaxxes are hurting far more than they are helping. I'm pretty firmly in that camp now; it took me a long time to get to this point.

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When I talk about this with vax-supporting friends, they typically claim that the risks are dwarfed (can we use that verb anymore?) by the benefits, that Covid itself can cause clotting, stroke, and heart problems. But it still doesn't make sense to me: if you are a 25 year old male in good health, extremely unlikely to become symptomatic, much less require hospitalization, are you supposed to endure the cardiac risk, "take one for the team," even when we know it doesn't appear to be effective at reducing case counts?

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Probably all of the above.

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James - badcattitude discusses this. Join his substack, too.

There's much discussion there that this is due to vax adverse events.

My constant refrain is that the vax damages heart muscle and blood vessels subclinically in many, and then after a period of time, they succumb to heart attack or stroke.

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Thanks for the tip on badcattitude..

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While some reflects a aging population, the growth is well beyond that. The vaccine is quite a killer.

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Here we go again...round and round. Can see Alex saying these same things 5 years from now and yet who controls the narrative in the end always? Just saying. ZERO ACCOUNTABILITY happenin!

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At least the unvaxxed will still be around to read Alex in 5 years.

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If they allow us internet access from Cell Block B

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Alex - exactly. We'll probably be the guinea pigs for all of their new horrid experiments. They might like to stick our heads in mesh bags, infect us with parasites from sand fly bites, and then test their new parasite vaccines on us.

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This is a freaking nightmare that never ends. Jeez people. Quit jumping through the hoops that make no sense. Noncompliance is your duty at this point.

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