And blamed the weather? It was too windy in Dallas or too sunny in Fresno or too cloudy in Miami or something?
So that was… not so true.
Turns out close to 90% of the cancellations were “crew”-related. Which DEFINITELY has nothing to do with the civil war over vaccine mandates that has now reached such a pitch that American’s own pilots are worried about it becoming a cockpit distraction.
And this potential distraction DEFINITELY won’t get worse now that the feds have finally issued their official mandate rules.
Solidarity here. I work for a Fortune 100 company and have so for 14 years. The CEO told us all more than once he would never mandate the vaccine, but today they did a 180 and are forcing all US employees (about 45,000) to get it, or an accommodation, or get fired on Jan 4. I have a family of 6; our only income. I say: Pound Sand and #LetsGoBrandon. Time to STAND.
I will say soon when I have my plan completely thought through. I can say this is a Silicon Valley based company… a name everyone would probably recognize.
Palpable evil -- people can't believe the stories I've shared about the deceit, the propaganda, the brainwashing -- heavily lapped up by malleable pie-eyed 20 and 30 year old employees desperate for attention and validation. It's a deranged mob...and the acceleration of this mindset has been astonishing.
What we need to do is make the mandators pay a heavy economic price. Leave their businesses and establish more agile competitors that will run the mandators out of business. Fight the mandates legally. Bankrupt them with legal challenges. Vote against the CEOs and the BoD.
We also need to reject the tyranny of the politicians. Virginia made a start on Tuesday. More is needed. Much more.
Intel is the only Silicon Valley company that I know of that has (or had) rejected the mandates. Did Intel switch their position because their HR department imposed their will?
Companies have huge leeway in how they implement this. It might lose in court by January 4th, it should, but if it doesn’t and they deny an exemption lots of lawsuits coming. So far only 13% are actually mandating it…….. stay strong, do what best for your family (both today and tomorrow). Lots of places threaten - follow through us a different beast entirely.
The corporate lawyer on the all hands call said this was a response to the Biden Executive Order around Federal Contractors. The US Govt is apparently our largest customer. She went on to imply “we had no choice as this has the same force as law”. That chat room running parallel to the video call was lit up like a Christmas tree. All US employees must upload proof of vaccination, OR submit a request for accommodation — which involves a “conversation” with “consultants” — no later than tomorrow. Can’t believe this is happening in the United States.
Request an accommodation and schedule the meeting as far out as possible………. It’s a game at this point. Use the rules. Play dumb, but have the VAERS report and ask LOTS of questions - including - if I am injured by this vaccine, will the company take full financial responsibility for my family? If it’s so effective at preventing spread, why did Pfizer say after 5 months it’s only 49% effective? Will I be required to take booster shots every 6-9 months? Why isn’t natural immunity acknowledged by US consultants, but it is by European countries? What are the longest term studies done on mRNA vaccines? Just keep asking questions and claiming you are trying to “educate” yourself……….
Also tell them you need a signed HIPAA form before you'll speak about your medical status, and then tell them you'll get back to them after you research and find the latest HIPAA form, which might take a long time...
Then tell them you are very surprised and upset that they would ask about your health status absent the form, and that you might request paid medical leave because of the stress this has induced...
A HIPAA form is something the patient signs to declare who they will allow to see their medical information. It hasn't changed since the act came into being. One can create their own written permission document.
I CANNOT believe it is also happening in New Zealand where it is worse, I am a physician, talking to some of my colleagues yesterday, they have been told that they cannot write ANY EXEMPTIONS(!!!) for Pfizer vaccine ( and we have no alternatives) no matter what - 2 exceptions - cardio event - but ONLY in last 2 weeks!! or PEG PROVEN anaphylaxis. They are livid but their medical licenses are even being threatened. It is mindblowing. the rhetoric the craziness here is a complete ) M I N D (swear word)!
It was announced this morning visors antiviral Covid drug Paxlovid, a protease enzyme inhibitor, reduces hospitalization by 89% went used within the first three days of symptoms, and is those almost as good when used within the first five days. What are the risks of protease inhibitor drugs--I assume this would be short-term use.
The original HIV drugs gave an interesting fat distribution. The cost is considerable, and might work as well as Ivermectin if started in the first three days. Also analysis based on "Relative Risk Reduction", your 89%, should be treated as Disinformation, ie Spam.
NG are now giving jabs, Pharmacist, nursing students, it's not that hard to teach anyone how to administer them. New Diabetics learn every day, even Type 1 children old enough to do so can give their own insulin shots.
also go look at Robert Barnes (vivaBarnesLaw) on Locals - he is doing a lot of suing and has got lots of form letters pinned for demanding accommodation - he is also working on a class action so it won't be expensive for people
There are many lawsuits from states about this-I just saw South Dakota Gov. Kriti Noem on FOX News saying that her state was suing the Biden administration for the unconstitutional mandate. I'm not sure if that applies to federal entities in this state or not.
That's what I just posted about- also in places like California that have a dictator as a Govenor - bottom'sup movement will need to happen. I can't even go on my son's school campus without the v / it's unreal what is happening right before our eyes.
We live in a parallel universe. Our private school in TN announced they will no longer mandate masks on campus based on declining #s and guidance from docs in epidemiology and emergency care. Then, there’s Biden’s World. Thank God we got out of California.
Mandating the v simply to walk on campus is beyond ridiculous, and the fact that many people are fully in favor of this is incomprehensible in a free country. California is its own special kind of animal though.
Get your son out of the government schools. This can and is happening en masse. Go to and listen to teleconference. And email to get put on email list (she has a daily video or article, hugely helpful in this area)
"The federal government has to have the cooperation from the American people. There is no federal force out there that can require 300,000,000 people to take steps they don't want to take” (Sam Nunn- Operation Dark Winter Participant, 2001)."
And find an expert attorney in your state who can review your exemption request letter once you write it. There are a zillion good resources out there to help! Start with the law firms that represent the EMPLOYERS. They will guide you on what the employer can and cannot do. Start with Fisher Phillips.
Now that I'm back at my desk, here are some helpful links for you!
First, definitely get on the Society for HR Management (SHRM) website. They will let you view three articles for free and they are a WEALTH of employer-side information. After you view the three articles, change to a different browser and view three more. And then clear your cookies on the original browser and view three more. And so on...
Then, like I said above, visit Fisher Phillips website. Full of blog posts advising employers how to comply with the law. This is basically a blueprint for what you, employee, CAN do. Here's one such post. Many more there--and they don't limit you after 3.
Prevent covid with Vit D3, 10000 units/day; Vit C, 3 gm/day; zinc, 50 mg/day. Ivermectin, a repurposed med used to de-worm horses kills covid. "Ivermectin" taken 50mg on day one then again on day 3 wipes out covid in 5 days=all better. Walmart in the pet section as Horse Health. Caution though, wife got covid, if you're taking lots of meds daily don't go into unventilated rooms full of people. Lots of meds daily depress the immune system. Read "Virus Mania" (Jan 2021.)
You can also just get a prescription for human invermectin and get it filled at CVS as I did as recently as 3 weeks ago.
I haven’t taken it because I’m uncomfortable with how high the recommended doses have gotten. I like my liver. But I have it if I get Covid and wake up sick. I’m at low risk. I take the vitamins and also have prescriptions filled for a zpack and Prednisone.
Telling people to get horse invermectin only adds to the narrative around it. Plenty of doctors happy to prescribe, and plenty of pharmacies happy to fill though yes, it might take asking a couple of pharmacies snd a couple of doctors. Online doctors are more likely to eperscribe to your local pharmacy.
I had read that testosterone replacement therapy can somewhat depress the immune system, but once infected it would also suppress inflammation. I'm not sure if that's correct that replacing testosterone to normal levels would suppress immunity, especially if estrogens were controlled--and does the effect vary between topical or injectable. Topical creates a more even level but can also increase DHT more than injectable.
We need boosters mandated ASAP, because that instantly doubles the ranks of the 'anti-vax' ranks. Winter covid season can't arrive soon enough. Once vaxxed are filling up hospitals, media and politicians will use that fear to mandate boosters. And I think that's where it all falls apart.
Already is-- all through the US (from my medical colleagues) and here in Canada hospitals are getting crowded-- not with COVID but a range of illnesses (vaccine related though not stated of course 🙄)-- heart, respiratory, autoimmune of all types. So bad is it here in Ontario that both our province and Quebec have publically backtracked on demanding vaccine proof for medical professionals or they will be fired. Not happening. Their reason? It will affect all the other operations and needs in the hospital system. Yeah they are worried. The worst thing you can do to a Canadian is NOT allow him to use his "free" health care.
BC has gone a step forward- Queen Bonnie has decreed that all Physicians must be injected. No recognition of superior natural immunity. Did not notice that the increasing hospitalisations and deaths mysteriously followed the injection programme, unlike a real respiratory virus which starts to rise in the fall. The peaks should unleash another pogrom against the resistance, but they are not yet issuing yellow stars for our raincoats. I will opt for the 5-pointed star in respect for the previous programme.
My former colleagues are so firmly indoctrinated that they wouldn't recognise a Vaxx injury if they experienced one themselves.
OSHA rule allows weekly testing OR vax. And I feel MUCH safer around unvaxxed/naturally immune than vaxxed superspreaders. So many reasons this rule needs to fail (how about it's crazy expensive to implement and opens door to more micromanagement of employee health decisions, violates ADA and EEOC laws...), hard to figure which company will sue first. And employees will be suing companies who try to implement this enourmous clusterf*ck. Let's go Brandon!
I'm "the company," managing (not own) a small (120 people) manufacturing company. There is no way in HELL I'm going to ask any of my beloved employees to take the jab, I'm so upset that many have already been hypnotized into doing it. So we're focusing on how we skate in with compliance with the least cost and intrusion, manage the risk associated with an inspection (OSHA is so inept and undermanned as it is), praying that lawsuits are effective... Finding a labor lawyer that actually wants to help us thwart this rather than cheer on their delusional tyranny is hard. Maybe we'll lie to them like they lie to us, or maybe we'll fire 21 Biden voters and push lead times out even farther, or maybe I'll just stop building the critical onsite power accessories they need for their data centers and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. If we all stand together their plan cannot survive...
Can you break the company up into 2 smaller ones without too much expense? Not sure if it would help with government contracts, but "let's go, government contracts" if not.
Thank you! I hope and pray for every leader like you that actually speaks up, there are 100x more that are doing doing the same -- but silent running...
Unless we stand up enough masses and shut down the bureaucracy and do mass walkout we will be ignored. We need to seriously plan a sit down for freedom. I think everyone on this thread should start a telegram group to organize.
I will start o e called #the Unreported Sit In:. Join on
33 years at a big, big biotech in Boston doing mad science all the while. They've given me until Dec 8 to worship correctly. Won't happen. That will be my last day. Fight and win.
If our Military can do it more can. How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out Of West Point
My unvaccinated friends and I were mocked for being in the 'dirty' platoon of only unvaccinated cadets, while officers told trainees to stay away from us.
There's a strange solace in the certainty of my beliefs. I do not feel as though I am guaranteed success or survival even, but I feel that I am right. I hope you find that. Big changes are coming and proportional challenges with them. Be well.
Well that's kinda weird because I just read some news that the big asshat in the big white abode has changed his mind on the mandates. It goes INTO affect Jan 4th. Alex Berenson have you head anything about this? Hang in there EMJ. I fully understand this. My husband lost his job. But on a positive note he has had two interviews. Peace out!
God bless you. I'm in the same boat -- my wife lost her healthcare job recently, we have two young kids, and I love my job, but will not be submitting.
I’m hoping more independent integrative medicine places pop up so she can return to work if she wants to. Ours is so overrun they completely stopped accepting new patients and getting in for regular ones takes a couple months. That could be an upside - reduction in one size fits few flow chart medicine.
We aren’t complying either. Also have 2 young kids. 🙏 and 💓 to your family.
Sad, but it was UPS sucking up to Brandon, not the actual Brandon mandate. Considering the shots are literally useless after 9 months this will end - those of us that can will say no permanently……
Germany just announce it yesterday: 6 months and you are no longer considered vaxxed. Even some news media pretended to be shocked. As people were promised a return to normal after two shots, I am watching in fascination.
And since I've been generally wrong about estimating the level of stupidity in this country, I revise my approach: I now predict they will be falling all over themselves to get the booster.
That would actually be good. More than half the people I know who ran out and got vaccinated quickly will NOT get another one, and most under 70 regret the one they got.
Drops from 40% of the adult population being defined as "unvaccinated" to 70% overnight. Redefining the term here would END this and people would finally stand up for themselves (though more and more are - which is good).
Everyone must take a stand now and be unafraid. I did. Was packed up and ready to leave but they accommodated. Unfortunately now they’re insulting and shaming me with the weekly discriminatory punishment testing. But they did scurry knowing 40% were walking.
How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out Of West Point
My unvaccinated friends and I were mocked for being in the 'dirty' platoon of only unvaccinated cadets, while officers told trainees to stay away from us.
It sound to me that you are a person of faith in God. May He be praise always. While things may get very difficult for you, I will be praying for "EMJ" that he, his wife and family receives the graces necessary to persevere through the difficult time ahead. I will pray that your family may experience, in this lifetime, a part of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Savior Jesus Christ.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but we are tried, tested and purified by suffering. Your strength is in the Lord. None of us do anything "good" without Him.
This whole mess of living is a battle between Darkness (sin and ignorance) and Light (God's Will and grace) and this at this point in time the battle appears to be reaching a crescendo. Your duty is to get and keep your wife and children in the Light. Your mission now is to prepare them for what is to come (practically and spiritually). Fortify them with excellent stories of heroic humans of the past. Embolden them to practice virtue, especially courage, kindness and truthfulness. The older children can understand a great deal more than commonly believed; tell them as much as you can without freaking them out. Trust in the love you have for one another and know God love all of you more than you do.
There are people on both the "left" and "right" who have willfully chosen to cooperate with the Dark, in a gnostic belief that they "know" things we do not; they are right, to a point. They know what they themselves are willing to do (evil) to be part of what they foolishly believe is "better". What they do not know is Truth, and that is what makes them especially dangerous. They kill or allow killing for convenience and money. You may know some of these people as they walk amongst us and appear to be like us in many ways.
We must begin to "fast and pray" for individual people who we know espouse this false belief. They will not dialogue until they have been freed of the oppressive ideology; they are closed-minded. Pray and fast to "open their hearts" to the Truth.
EMJ you and others in you position are in my prayers today, especially at Noon Central time if anyone would like to join me; truly God considers supplication of multiples and favors this type of prayer. Let us all pray for all persons throughout the world to have the courage necessary to do the difficult but right thing, especially in our country, our state, and most especially in our homes.
For an extraordinary education on how to be successful at notifying your employer you have a religious exemption; which means you don’t have to belong to a church, you can be a Buddhist, you can be an atheist, it could be just against your ethics and morals very deep-seated ethics and morals - go to Peggy Hall’s website the healthy She is helping thousands of people be successful at Notifying the employer of ones religious exemption. She knows all the federal law and state law for California.
Thank youI have listened to her a lot. I did her concierge package too in October. Thank you! Your link is not working because the words are disconnected. But I do love her and appreciate you sending that!
I wish we could afford to do that but we will have to assert our religious exemption. But I don’t know how we will be able to afford the cost of weekly testing.
Big corporations not very smart...takes years to build a 'community' mentality, and when you're not looking out for the best interest of your employees it's gonna breed HUGE CONTEMPT that will be worse than a 'woman scorned'. Insatiable hatred and no allegience. Once trust is lost, ur pretty much Fk'd.
So many of these companies don’t think ahead and are so disloyal. They just don’t want to get into a hot war with the feds and end up in the news. With so many complying they can just sneak under the radar because most of the employees have no where else to go, especially at the mid to senior level. With ageism rampant as well, mid to senior to executive level jobs are very hard to find, especially in certain industries. Even in Florida, private employers are demanding vaccines for all employees. DeSantis is trying to get that changed along with others but it hasn’t happened yet. So there are very few places one can go when going without a paycheck for more than a couple of weeks.
That would be helpful - I am trying to keep a positive attitude about it and it is a huge challenge because this company is quite large with a single owner who likes hanging onto every mite.
And you will not be allowed to see them. Mine are grown, 1 is 50, Type 2 Diabetic, Manages a Backyard Burger, works 6 days a week or 7. 19 yr old son. He is as educated on this crap as we are. Maybe more, he uses Black Sites. Youngest 40 head up butt, is babysitting their 4 yr old, while she works nights at FedEx, school in the day. Has nibbles, but then they'd need daycare. He is under wife's thumb, they disowned me when I became useless to them as a free sitter. I had a 2nd Meniere's attack in Jan. Lost most of my hearing, can't get my hearing aids set right, because we think you can set them in a quite room, WE LIVE IN A NOISY WORLD. Hubby has FLIGHT DECK hearing loss, VA DISABILITY, which is opposite mine. He hears every mail, trash, school, or Delivery go past the house with the door closed. I never could. I raised boys I know what kids can get into when your back is turned or hearing this impaired. My DL has a notice on it from the ENT I'm hard of hearing. A Cochlear Implant is $80K+, 2 yrs to learn. We are not rich, ins. doesn't cover a dime. No guarantee I'll hear better. BUT WILL BE DEAF! All programs are for kids, not adults. 1% USE ALS, most lip read.
I flew last week on American and there were a lot of people that had plans changed. Did not hear one person complain - they all knew the real reason and were in full support.
Side note- I travel all across the country and have throughout this pandemic. I listen to Brandon every now and then and honestly it is weird to hear him speak about the “pandemic” because I keep forgetting we are in a “pandemic”. I can’t explain the feeling but I honestly get weirded out about this alternate reality he speaks about that I don’t see happening anywhere.
I just passed through Washington DC. People on the streets outside wearing masks!! They may as well be wearing purple bunny ears for all of the medical benefit they are getting. But they are confirming to each other that they are pandemized and proud of it.
Solidarity here. I work for a Fortune 100 company and have so for 14 years. The CEO told us all more than once he would never mandate the vaccine, but today they did a 180 and are forcing all US employees (about 45,000) to get it, or an accommodation, or get fired on Jan 4. I have a family of 6; our only income. I say: Pound Sand and #LetsGoBrandon. Time to STAND.
Name the company so we can boycott. Or harass on Twitter because they are scum.
Yes, please disclose ( if possible)
Do not want you to be in harms way.
I will say soon when I have my plan completely thought through. I can say this is a Silicon Valley based company… a name everyone would probably recognize.
Well Google is doing the same
Silicon Valley has lost their minds. I've worked at Google for 10 yrs and will likely be terminated in January over this.
Palpable evil -- people can't believe the stories I've shared about the deceit, the propaganda, the brainwashing -- heavily lapped up by malleable pie-eyed 20 and 30 year old employees desperate for attention and validation. It's a deranged mob...and the acceleration of this mindset has been astonishing.
What we need to do is make the mandators pay a heavy economic price. Leave their businesses and establish more agile competitors that will run the mandators out of business. Fight the mandates legally. Bankrupt them with legal challenges. Vote against the CEOs and the BoD.
We also need to reject the tyranny of the politicians. Virginia made a start on Tuesday. More is needed. Much more.
Praying for you & family.
Sadly, I probably boycott the company already.
These companies that are that large already are so wide spread it is hard to completely avoid them. This is just Kellogg's, Coke is as bad. And who makes the store brands, same companies with a slight difference in ingridents.
Well, that means it's probably Intel. Intel is the only big Silicon Valley company I can think of that hadn't yet mandated vaccines.
At least they held out until now.
Find a way to make a religious exemption work, as that'll have to be included.
Jaunie, I had a dear friend years ago named Jaunie with whom I lost touch. Could you be her? I'm Maureen.
Maureen frim allentown ?
Wow, that's CRAZY! So cool to see a virtual reunion happen!
Hello dear friend -how best to connect?
Hello / I don’t do
Facebook- other options ?
From, not frim
Intel is the only Silicon Valley company that I know of that has (or had) rejected the mandates. Did Intel switch their position because their HR department imposed their will?
Companies have huge leeway in how they implement this. It might lose in court by January 4th, it should, but if it doesn’t and they deny an exemption lots of lawsuits coming. So far only 13% are actually mandating it…….. stay strong, do what best for your family (both today and tomorrow). Lots of places threaten - follow through us a different beast entirely.
The corporate lawyer on the all hands call said this was a response to the Biden Executive Order around Federal Contractors. The US Govt is apparently our largest customer. She went on to imply “we had no choice as this has the same force as law”. That chat room running parallel to the video call was lit up like a Christmas tree. All US employees must upload proof of vaccination, OR submit a request for accommodation — which involves a “conversation” with “consultants” — no later than tomorrow. Can’t believe this is happening in the United States.
Request an accommodation and schedule the meeting as far out as possible………. It’s a game at this point. Use the rules. Play dumb, but have the VAERS report and ask LOTS of questions - including - if I am injured by this vaccine, will the company take full financial responsibility for my family? If it’s so effective at preventing spread, why did Pfizer say after 5 months it’s only 49% effective? Will I be required to take booster shots every 6-9 months? Why isn’t natural immunity acknowledged by US consultants, but it is by European countries? What are the longest term studies done on mRNA vaccines? Just keep asking questions and claiming you are trying to “educate” yourself……….
Also tell them you need a signed HIPAA form before you'll speak about your medical status, and then tell them you'll get back to them after you research and find the latest HIPAA form, which might take a long time...
Then tell them you are very surprised and upset that they would ask about your health status absent the form, and that you might request paid medical leave because of the stress this has induced...
Like your approach.
Love your suggestions!
A HIPAA form is something the patient signs to declare who they will allow to see their medical information. It hasn't changed since the act came into being. One can create their own written permission document.
This is good stuff!
Thank you!
Thanks for posting this….I may need to do same.
Great suggestions-- it is truly a game-- one that changes day to day. As we say here " rag the puck"
I CANNOT believe it is also happening in New Zealand where it is worse, I am a physician, talking to some of my colleagues yesterday, they have been told that they cannot write ANY EXEMPTIONS(!!!) for Pfizer vaccine ( and we have no alternatives) no matter what - 2 exceptions - cardio event - but ONLY in last 2 weeks!! or PEG PROVEN anaphylaxis. They are livid but their medical licenses are even being threatened. It is mindblowing. the rhetoric the craziness here is a complete ) M I N D (swear word)!
Doctors and health advisers to government: "People are desperate for therapeutics." Federal government: "Let them eat vaccines."
It was announced this morning visors antiviral Covid drug Paxlovid, a protease enzyme inhibitor, reduces hospitalization by 89% went used within the first three days of symptoms, and is those almost as good when used within the first five days. What are the risks of protease inhibitor drugs--I assume this would be short-term use.
The original HIV drugs gave an interesting fat distribution. The cost is considerable, and might work as well as Ivermectin if started in the first three days. Also analysis based on "Relative Risk Reduction", your 89%, should be treated as Disinformation, ie Spam.
NG are now giving jabs, Pharmacist, nursing students, it's not that hard to teach anyone how to administer them. New Diabetics learn every day, even Type 1 children old enough to do so can give their own insulin shots.
I'm pretty sure we work at the same place. The chat was glorious. I'm calling their bluff.
also go look at Robert Barnes (vivaBarnesLaw) on Locals - he is doing a lot of suing and has got lots of form letters pinned for demanding accommodation - he is also working on a class action so it won't be expensive for people
There are many lawsuits from states about this-I just saw South Dakota Gov. Kriti Noem on FOX News saying that her state was suing the Biden administration for the unconstitutional mandate. I'm not sure if that applies to federal entities in this state or not.
That's what I just posted about- also in places like California that have a dictator as a Govenor - bottom'sup movement will need to happen. I can't even go on my son's school campus without the v / it's unreal what is happening right before our eyes.
We live in a parallel universe. Our private school in TN announced they will no longer mandate masks on campus based on declining #s and guidance from docs in epidemiology and emergency care. Then, there’s Biden’s World. Thank God we got out of California.
I'd be so sad to leave California but freedom is worth it and the safety of my children.
Mandating the v simply to walk on campus is beyond ridiculous, and the fact that many people are fully in favor of this is incomprehensible in a free country. California is its own special kind of animal though.
Get your son out of the government schools. This can and is happening en masse. Go to and listen to teleconference. And email to get put on email list (she has a daily video or article, hugely helpful in this area)
Thank you for recommending this website as I was unaware.
That should be Kristi Noem.
"The federal government has to have the cooperation from the American people. There is no federal force out there that can require 300,000,000 people to take steps they don't want to take” (Sam Nunn- Operation Dark Winter Participant, 2001)."
And find an expert attorney in your state who can review your exemption request letter once you write it. There are a zillion good resources out there to help! Start with the law firms that represent the EMPLOYERS. They will guide you on what the employer can and cannot do. Start with Fisher Phillips.
Now that I'm back at my desk, here are some helpful links for you!
First, definitely get on the Society for HR Management (SHRM) website. They will let you view three articles for free and they are a WEALTH of employer-side information. After you view the three articles, change to a different browser and view three more. And then clear your cookies on the original browser and view three more. And so on...
Then, like I said above, visit Fisher Phillips website. Full of blog posts advising employers how to comply with the law. This is basically a blueprint for what you, employee, CAN do. Here's one such post. Many more there--and they don't limit you after 3.
Liberty Counsel: Good advice on this site.
Alliance Defending Freedom:
Prevent covid with Vit D3, 10000 units/day; Vit C, 3 gm/day; zinc, 50 mg/day. Ivermectin, a repurposed med used to de-worm horses kills covid. "Ivermectin" taken 50mg on day one then again on day 3 wipes out covid in 5 days=all better. Walmart in the pet section as Horse Health. Caution though, wife got covid, if you're taking lots of meds daily don't go into unventilated rooms full of people. Lots of meds daily depress the immune system. Read "Virus Mania" (Jan 2021.)
You can also just get a prescription for human invermectin and get it filled at CVS as I did as recently as 3 weeks ago.
I haven’t taken it because I’m uncomfortable with how high the recommended doses have gotten. I like my liver. But I have it if I get Covid and wake up sick. I’m at low risk. I take the vitamins and also have prescriptions filled for a zpack and Prednisone.
Telling people to get horse invermectin only adds to the narrative around it. Plenty of doctors happy to prescribe, and plenty of pharmacies happy to fill though yes, it might take asking a couple of pharmacies snd a couple of doctors. Online doctors are more likely to eperscribe to your local pharmacy.
I had read that testosterone replacement therapy can somewhat depress the immune system, but once infected it would also suppress inflammation. I'm not sure if that's correct that replacing testosterone to normal levels would suppress immunity, especially if estrogens were controlled--and does the effect vary between topical or injectable. Topical creates a more even level but can also increase DHT more than injectable.
Look up the Jan 6 Prisoners torture. Tucker Carlson on Rumble has some of it.
We need boosters mandated ASAP, because that instantly doubles the ranks of the 'anti-vax' ranks. Winter covid season can't arrive soon enough. Once vaxxed are filling up hospitals, media and politicians will use that fear to mandate boosters. And I think that's where it all falls apart.
Everybody knows it's coming. Don't worry. People are concerned.
Civil unrest..we need a day of mass walkouts
Agree....the only way to make them see is to walkout and let them get a glimpse of what will happen when we all leave.
I heard rumors 12/3/21 anti vax were to block interstates nationwide...talking about messing up xmas and a narrative wow
that was Nov 3
what's coming? mass illnesses from vaxx's?
Already is-- all through the US (from my medical colleagues) and here in Canada hospitals are getting crowded-- not with COVID but a range of illnesses (vaccine related though not stated of course 🙄)-- heart, respiratory, autoimmune of all types. So bad is it here in Ontario that both our province and Quebec have publically backtracked on demanding vaccine proof for medical professionals or they will be fired. Not happening. Their reason? It will affect all the other operations and needs in the hospital system. Yeah they are worried. The worst thing you can do to a Canadian is NOT allow him to use his "free" health care.
BC has gone a step forward- Queen Bonnie has decreed that all Physicians must be injected. No recognition of superior natural immunity. Did not notice that the increasing hospitalisations and deaths mysteriously followed the injection programme, unlike a real respiratory virus which starts to rise in the fall. The peaks should unleash another pogrom against the resistance, but they are not yet issuing yellow stars for our raincoats. I will opt for the 5-pointed star in respect for the previous programme.
My former colleagues are so firmly indoctrinated that they wouldn't recognise a Vaxx injury if they experienced one themselves.
OSHA rule allows weekly testing OR vax. And I feel MUCH safer around unvaxxed/naturally immune than vaxxed superspreaders. So many reasons this rule needs to fail (how about it's crazy expensive to implement and opens door to more micromanagement of employee health decisions, violates ADA and EEOC laws...), hard to figure which company will sue first. And employees will be suing companies who try to implement this enourmous clusterf*ck. Let's go Brandon!
I'm "the company," managing (not own) a small (120 people) manufacturing company. There is no way in HELL I'm going to ask any of my beloved employees to take the jab, I'm so upset that many have already been hypnotized into doing it. So we're focusing on how we skate in with compliance with the least cost and intrusion, manage the risk associated with an inspection (OSHA is so inept and undermanned as it is), praying that lawsuits are effective... Finding a labor lawyer that actually wants to help us thwart this rather than cheer on their delusional tyranny is hard. Maybe we'll lie to them like they lie to us, or maybe we'll fire 21 Biden voters and push lead times out even farther, or maybe I'll just stop building the critical onsite power accessories they need for their data centers and pharmaceutical manufacturing plants. If we all stand together their plan cannot survive...
Agree. My whole family is still pure blood………
Can you break the company up into 2 smaller ones without too much expense? Not sure if it would help with government contracts, but "let's go, government contracts" if not.
Love your flexible plans-- that's what we all need to be flexible, creative and supportive. Wonderful the way you treat your workers 🥰 💗
You wont be allowed to fire people once they implement directive 10-289
Right? Wesley Mouch can shove it, I'm grabbing Dagney and heading to Galt's Gulch. Freedom, brother!
Thank you! I hope and pray for every leader like you that actually speaks up, there are 100x more that are doing doing the same -- but silent running...
Civil unrest must begin.
It will but please don't encourage it-- speak in terms of support and non-violence.
Unless we stand up enough masses and shut down the bureaucracy and do mass walkout we will be ignored. We need to seriously plan a sit down for freedom. I think everyone on this thread should start a telegram group to organize.
I will start o e called #the Unreported Sit In:. Join on
You need a plan B or the murders continue.
33 years at a big, big biotech in Boston doing mad science all the while. They've given me until Dec 8 to worship correctly. Won't happen. That will be my last day. Fight and win.
If our Military can do it more can. How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out Of West Point
My unvaccinated friends and I were mocked for being in the 'dirty' platoon of only unvaccinated cadets, while officers told trainees to stay away from us.
There's a strange solace in the certainty of my beliefs. I do not feel as though I am guaranteed success or survival even, but I feel that I am right. I hope you find that. Big changes are coming and proportional challenges with them. Be well.
It’s Faith! Hang in there.
Well that's kinda weird because I just read some news that the big asshat in the big white abode has changed his mind on the mandates. It goes INTO affect Jan 4th. Alex Berenson have you head anything about this? Hang in there EMJ. I fully understand this. My husband lost his job. But on a positive note he has had two interviews. Peace out!
A lot of people are going to be looking for work in smaller companies come January if this happens including us.
OSHA opening comments for rule on small companies, so they're coming for everyone.
So they say and if they can. show resistance then they won't.
Or non-Fed contractors....
I am standing with you and facing a similar ultimatum with my employer (regional health plan). Appreciate your rallying cry.
God bless you. I'm in the same boat -- my wife lost her healthcare job recently, we have two young kids, and I love my job, but will not be submitting.
I’m hoping more independent integrative medicine places pop up so she can return to work if she wants to. Ours is so overrun they completely stopped accepting new patients and getting in for regular ones takes a couple months. That could be an upside - reduction in one size fits few flow chart medicine.
We aren’t complying either. Also have 2 young kids. 🙏 and 💓 to your family.
UPS did it for management back in October. No testing option.
Sad, but it was UPS sucking up to Brandon, not the actual Brandon mandate. Considering the shots are literally useless after 9 months this will end - those of us that can will say no permanently……
Nearly everyone soon without the magic boosters will be declared “unjabbed”.
Wait for it….
Germany just announce it yesterday: 6 months and you are no longer considered vaxxed. Even some news media pretended to be shocked. As people were promised a return to normal after two shots, I am watching in fascination.
And since I've been generally wrong about estimating the level of stupidity in this country, I revise my approach: I now predict they will be falling all over themselves to get the booster.
Every shot will shed a few true believers. It's a bad road to the right realization, but it'll get us there in the end.
That would actually be good. More than half the people I know who ran out and got vaccinated quickly will NOT get another one, and most under 70 regret the one they got.
Drops from 40% of the adult population being defined as "unvaccinated" to 70% overnight. Redefining the term here would END this and people would finally stand up for themselves (though more and more are - which is good).
Useless after 4 - 6 months....
9 months? Three months is more accurate.
Everyone must take a stand now and be unafraid. I did. Was packed up and ready to leave but they accommodated. Unfortunately now they’re insulting and shaming me with the weekly discriminatory punishment testing. But they did scurry knowing 40% were walking.
How COVID Vaccine Coercion Drove Me Out Of West Point
My unvaccinated friends and I were mocked for being in the 'dirty' platoon of only unvaccinated cadets, while officers told trainees to stay away from us.
Is it a PCR test or can you buy the antigen tests and do those? Do they cover your costs?
It sound to me that you are a person of faith in God. May He be praise always. While things may get very difficult for you, I will be praying for "EMJ" that he, his wife and family receives the graces necessary to persevere through the difficult time ahead. I will pray that your family may experience, in this lifetime, a part of the Glorious Resurrection of Our Savior Jesus Christ.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but we are tried, tested and purified by suffering. Your strength is in the Lord. None of us do anything "good" without Him.
This whole mess of living is a battle between Darkness (sin and ignorance) and Light (God's Will and grace) and this at this point in time the battle appears to be reaching a crescendo. Your duty is to get and keep your wife and children in the Light. Your mission now is to prepare them for what is to come (practically and spiritually). Fortify them with excellent stories of heroic humans of the past. Embolden them to practice virtue, especially courage, kindness and truthfulness. The older children can understand a great deal more than commonly believed; tell them as much as you can without freaking them out. Trust in the love you have for one another and know God love all of you more than you do.
There are people on both the "left" and "right" who have willfully chosen to cooperate with the Dark, in a gnostic belief that they "know" things we do not; they are right, to a point. They know what they themselves are willing to do (evil) to be part of what they foolishly believe is "better". What they do not know is Truth, and that is what makes them especially dangerous. They kill or allow killing for convenience and money. You may know some of these people as they walk amongst us and appear to be like us in many ways.
We must begin to "fast and pray" for individual people who we know espouse this false belief. They will not dialogue until they have been freed of the oppressive ideology; they are closed-minded. Pray and fast to "open their hearts" to the Truth.
EMJ you and others in you position are in my prayers today, especially at Noon Central time if anyone would like to join me; truly God considers supplication of multiples and favors this type of prayer. Let us all pray for all persons throughout the world to have the courage necessary to do the difficult but right thing, especially in our country, our state, and most especially in our homes.
You are not alone, EMJ.
I am. And your words are so very very timely and have no idea!
I am a person of faith, that is. I am never alone!
Noon central praying
CEO got paid to flip flop.
For an extraordinary education on how to be successful at notifying your employer you have a religious exemption; which means you don’t have to belong to a church, you can be a Buddhist, you can be an atheist, it could be just against your ethics and morals very deep-seated ethics and morals - go to Peggy Hall’s website the healthy She is helping thousands of people be successful at Notifying the employer of ones religious exemption. She knows all the federal law and state law for California.
Thank youI have listened to her a lot. I did her concierge package too in October. Thank you! Your link is not working because the words are disconnected. But I do love her and appreciate you sending that!
I'm in the same boat. God speed.
National strike 11/8 to 11/11
I wish we could afford to do that but we will have to assert our religious exemption. But I don’t know how we will be able to afford the cost of weekly testing.
Big corporations not very smart...takes years to build a 'community' mentality, and when you're not looking out for the best interest of your employees it's gonna breed HUGE CONTEMPT that will be worse than a 'woman scorned'. Insatiable hatred and no allegience. Once trust is lost, ur pretty much Fk'd.
So many of these companies don’t think ahead and are so disloyal. They just don’t want to get into a hot war with the feds and end up in the news. With so many complying they can just sneak under the radar because most of the employees have no where else to go, especially at the mid to senior level. With ageism rampant as well, mid to senior to executive level jobs are very hard to find, especially in certain industries. Even in Florida, private employers are demanding vaccines for all employees. DeSantis is trying to get that changed along with others but it hasn’t happened yet. So there are very few places one can go when going without a paycheck for more than a couple of weeks.
That would be helpful - I am trying to keep a positive attitude about it and it is a huge challenge because this company is quite large with a single owner who likes hanging onto every mite.
We are in the same boat except our kids are grown. We will not comply.
And you will not be allowed to see them. Mine are grown, 1 is 50, Type 2 Diabetic, Manages a Backyard Burger, works 6 days a week or 7. 19 yr old son. He is as educated on this crap as we are. Maybe more, he uses Black Sites. Youngest 40 head up butt, is babysitting their 4 yr old, while she works nights at FedEx, school in the day. Has nibbles, but then they'd need daycare. He is under wife's thumb, they disowned me when I became useless to them as a free sitter. I had a 2nd Meniere's attack in Jan. Lost most of my hearing, can't get my hearing aids set right, because we think you can set them in a quite room, WE LIVE IN A NOISY WORLD. Hubby has FLIGHT DECK hearing loss, VA DISABILITY, which is opposite mine. He hears every mail, trash, school, or Delivery go past the house with the door closed. I never could. I raised boys I know what kids can get into when your back is turned or hearing this impaired. My DL has a notice on it from the ENT I'm hard of hearing. A Cochlear Implant is $80K+, 2 yrs to learn. We are not rich, ins. doesn't cover a dime. No guarantee I'll hear better. BUT WILL BE DEAF! All programs are for kids, not adults. 1% USE ALS, most lip read.
I flew last week on American and there were a lot of people that had plans changed. Did not hear one person complain - they all knew the real reason and were in full support.
Side note- I travel all across the country and have throughout this pandemic. I listen to Brandon every now and then and honestly it is weird to hear him speak about the “pandemic” because I keep forgetting we are in a “pandemic”. I can’t explain the feeling but I honestly get weirded out about this alternate reality he speaks about that I don’t see happening anywhere.
I just passed through Washington DC. People on the streets outside wearing masks!! They may as well be wearing purple bunny ears for all of the medical benefit they are getting. But they are confirming to each other that they are pandemized and proud of it.
Ugh! This is true all around Seattle, too. Just spent a week in Florida. How liberating!
I live in Florida I am so happy I’m proud of our governor we live in paradise
here in TX, we're doing our best to follow in DeSantis' footsteps. You have the absolute best Governor of all time!!