Twitter suspended Alex under the guise of Section 230 - sounds like he and his attorney's believe there are rules they broke which supersede their flimsy and arbitrary ruling... I hope he is correct for all of our sakes
2168 refers to dissemination of classified material and 230 refers to Section 230 protections which allow social media platforms to moderate their content by removing posts that violate the services’ own standards, so long as they are acting in “good faith.”
Good Faith to a lib means "I wanted it to be true so much that I was willing to dehumanize, cancel, incarcerate, and if every other way violate people's civil rights over it". That is the only standard of Good Faith that applies to the left.
Sorry, but 1-way "free trade", open-border, open-immigration, pro-amnesty "Libertarian" Globalists are de facto socialists. They redistribute our voting control & dilute our ownership share of public property, destroy our sovereignty, jobs, standard of living, privacy, security, cost of living, culture & quality of life. They do far more damage to the USA than honest up-front socialists, since conservatives think they're loyal Americans. They believe borders are evil and Americans have no right to immigration limits, which has NOTHING to do with the Constitution.
"Libertarians" can't honestly take the pledge of allegiance, let alone the oath to defend the Constitution.
Not totally off but distorted to its current and not original (correct) meaning, which some believe still applies if tested.
Section 230 protected online communities from damages of misinformation so long as they avoided participation/influence in the messages posted - and acted like telephone carriers.
Without this protection they’d go belly up instantly, as soon as one user relied on another for information they got from each other through the service. Like if a telephone company could be liable for any plans made over their phone lines.
Gradually, since the early days of online community when this protection was well understood and appreciated by operators, they have successfully manipulated the intent by arguing the need to moderate overrides the pure intent of the law.
They then went a step further (totally absurdly) to claim moderation included their duty to moderate the truth by inserting their preferred editorial/subjective opinion into moderation. Thus dismantling the entire purpose of the protection and bizarrely using it to argue exactly opposite of its intent.
Except it isn't 2168, it is 2169 (2168+1) which may refer to a number of things - e.g. Cal civil code regarding common carriers, except they are incorporated in DE, the USC, choice of law, arbitration or something else not even law related such as the number of tweets or ....
“the service may apply labels to tweets that contain “false or misleading claims that people who have received the vaccine can spread or shed the vaccine (or symptoms, or immunity) to unvaccinated people.”
Yet every major news source this week reported that omicron evades vaccines and vaccinated ppl can get it and spread it too (something we knew long before omicron). So leftie news sites can tweet this all they want and Twitter doesn’t suspend them but suspends Berenson. Definitely twitter’s case is on very thin ice.
has anyone ever claimed that the vaccine itself can be shed?
I've never heard that claim. Ive always heard that you can get covid after having the vaccine... opening up the possibility of vaccine enhancement of the virus... and that can be spread.
Im guessing that is what they are actually trying to shut down despite the weird language.
This clinical trial document is evidence that Pfizer ANTICIPATED that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). And that is exactly what happened, with thousands of women around the world (who did NOT take the "vaccine") reporting adverse effects with the menstrual cycles (severe bleeding, clotting, cramps, miscarriages, starting bleeding again after many years of no periods due to menopause, etc.) from coming into contact with those who received the mRNA "vaccine".
Read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." Got that?!
How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.
Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" (tranmission) of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. How can anyone pushing this dangerous jab claim that the public had "informed consent"? The public were not informed of this reproductive risk.
Read this part of the Pfizer bulletin to a nursing pharmacology class in January 2021 at a major research University. Discussed that there were no long term studies in women of child bearing age. Was reported by the surveillance culture and retired in May. Of course the goal was to vaxx every student and they came close.
I have heard that vaccinated people reproduce the spike proteins and that these proteins can be shed. That's not technically shedding the vaccine but it is shedding the part of the vaccine that is derived from the virus. Don't know if it's true but I've heard it.
This is the new information FAUCI must be putting out there, It's on the University of Tennessee Martin site, Alabama's state site and I seen it somewhere else. It's a long list too. PATHETIC, DEFINITE LIES. I can't stand these monsters. Did you all see the emails where Fauci and Collins are like lets debunk all this info by putting out BS. We need to make sure that we put out the truth quicker and more frequently. That's basically what they have been doing All along if you really think about it.
The "vaccines" are doing exactly what they're intended to do: injure, sicken, and kill tremendous numbers of people. Since this is their intended effect, and they're doing this, it's not the least bit surprising the authorities are doubling down on their efforts to get everyone vaxed, double, triple, infinitum...vaxed. Once covid simply becomes irrelevant, be assured there will be another planned pandemic, but next time probably using a more virulent pathogen. (Hasn't Bill Gates been predicting an imminent smallpox pandemic recently?)
Look at this short clip of Bill Gates chuckling and not being able to hide his glee as he talks about the next pandemic, "that WILL get attention this time."
We may think its not working because we are hoping for a cure. Could be this was their plan all along. They just didnt plan on the opposition screwing things up by asking questions and refusing to attend their party
Such a true statement. If 90% of people have been double vaccinated and also received their 3rd Booster they should be FULLY PROTECTED Right? 😤 Why all these restrictions again. Who are all these people in the hospital with Covid?. Perhaps the FULLY vaccinated.
That is EXACTLY my thought! They are just so obsessed with their “we know what’s best for you low rent peasants, even if you don’t”. It’s part of the progressives DNA. Can Moderna come up with a vax for THAT?
We'll see in time. The vaxxed haven't been exposed yet to a severe flu season or other diseases. And we have zero data on the long term side effects... We'll see.
I think your question is a bit intrusive. I don’t know you, and this is a public site. “How am I planning?” Well, I really don’t know how to answer that…sorry.
I heard Dr. Peter McCullogh (spelling?) on Joe Rogan over the last few days. He mentioned this March in DC on Jan 23rd. When I tried to find it on Google using search, it would not come up. I had to go to DuckDuckGo to locate the exact website of the organizing March. I already made hotel reservations. Please pass the word on.
But it hasn't slowed according the fake tests which keep showing more and more symptom-less -- "cases." And Fauci announced that the mask requirement on planes will never go away. Hah!
A Conservative mass exit would hurt those with big thumbs, zero ethics, and no ears. I'm looking for a rational answer....why stay where we are not wanted, let alone continue to accept irrational treatment offering anything but fair play???
That's what I keep saying. Why do our people act like it's surprising they are getting censored? And?? Why are conservatives literally supporting these commie networks. This is overtly odd to me. As odd as the Corona scam itself.
Unfortunately, Karens of any political stripe will not give up those social media accounts until their smartphones are pried from their cold dead hands.
Sure the Karens!!! WTH would the Karen's give up their karen-ness. I'm talking about you, me, and rhe rest of us who have IG, FB, and Twitter. I got booted from Twitter 4x blowing up the truth. I got booted from IG for the same. FB I don't go on BUT I use it for advertising. So if you're on it to make money that's one thing. Then I donate to the right organization. But to ve on there for anything than making money is wrong.
I get the feeling Alex believes or hopes that there are principles that will play a role in his case against his “cancellers”: principles of logic, law, precedent, even common decency. I’m afraid none of these now apply. It’s only about power now.
Is Jack Dorsey going to end up being the most brilliant of the tech CEOs for jumping ship right before the world finally wakes up and makes them pay for what they have done?
Good luck, Alex! Moreover, thank you for bringing us the truth. God Bless you for your courage and sacrificing your own financial gain just to help us hear the truth.
Alex- in your opinion, does the J&J vaccine have worse side effects that the mRNA vaccines as is being reported? Or is it being targeted because of NIH’s interest in the mRNA vaccines.
J&J is a mRNA "vaccine" as well, they just use a deactivated virus as the delivery method rather than lipid nanoparticles. On Rogan's podcast, Dr Peter McCullough theorizes it's the lipids in the Pfizer and Moderna that increases the uptake by the heart tissue, causing the myocarditis. The J&J have been linked to clotting issues, but there has obviously been a campaign against J&J by the "very smart people" so that should tell you something.
J & J is a recombinant vaccine - and does NOT use mRNA technology - that delivers the SARS-CoV-2 virus' DNA to the cells via a viral vector (adenovirus) to make the antigenic spike protein triggering an immune response [humoral = antibodies] against the spike protein component delivered. (e.g., whooping cough, shingles, etc. vaccines).
Just saw something this morning. I don't remember where...I've been reading mostly substack, so maybe in another post? Anyway, it was a blurb, that "they" are going after Moderna for having more severe side effects now. 🤔🤨 --- One down, one to go?
If someone else sees that article, would you please LMK where I saw it, so I can go back and read the whole thing?
It says something like "Moderna shot causes seven times more heart whatever than Pfizer." Sounds like Moderna didn't grease enough of the powerful paws.
Section 230 says that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider" If Twitter is not a publisher they can't treat their users as if they are a Publisher, picking and choosing who can say what.
Section 2168: Every one who offers to the public to carry persons, property, or messages, excepting only telegraphic messages, is a common carrier of whatever he thus offers to carry.
Section 2169: A common carrier must, if able to do so, accept and carry whatever is offered to him, at a reasonable time and place, of a kind that he undertakes or is accustomed to carry.
Hell. I've been a reader of twitter for several years, and have not posted yet, many are so stupid that I cannot think of replying, like many this morning praising JB for his leadership on Omicron (we are in for a dark winter...) and he will speak to the nation on Tuesday, what a disservice.
Hi Alex- I notice that the political commentator Styxhexenhammer666 announced he garnered 50,000 subscribers on Rumble (which he points out is growing dramatically). I recommend that you upgrade your use of Rumble to expand your un-censorable/non-Twitter-et-al reach.
Well, here’s what I found in the Cali Civil Code —
Section 2168: Every one who offers to the public to carry persons, property, or messages, excepting only telegraphic messages, is a common carrier of whatever he thus offers to carry.
Section 2169: A common carrier must, if able to do so, accept and carry whatever is offered to him, at a reasonable time and place, of a kind that he undertakes or is accustomed to carry.
Well perfect. I hope Kyle Rittenhouse's judge has moved to California, because the liberals don't care what the law says. That's been proven time and time again...
Twitter suspended Alex under the guise of Section 230 - sounds like he and his attorney's believe there are rules they broke which supersede their flimsy and arbitrary ruling... I hope he is correct for all of our sakes
Thanks...I was wracking my brain.
Ah, Of course ... and "lil bird" is an allusion to Twitter :-)
2168 refers to dissemination of classified material and 230 refers to Section 230 protections which allow social media platforms to moderate their content by removing posts that violate the services’ own standards, so long as they are acting in “good faith.”
2168 is the year this Pandemic is over !
Wow, an optimist!
As if we won't all be in servitude by 2028...
We're already there
"This ain't over until WE say it is!" - John Belushi, living room speech to his constituents
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!? No! And it's not over now!
Niedermayer? He's a dead man. Wormer? Dead! Fauci?
You're on a roll!
I think you’ll find the Germans didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor.
Time to watch "Animal House."
You’ be a hit on Leno’s Jaywalking.
If ever I met him on the street, I'd gaslight him just to get on TV.
Always loved Jay Leno. Equal Opportunity Destroyer of Foolishness wherever he found it.
Awesome! That’s much sooner than Fauci is predicting.
Thanx Ralphie!
But Fauci says the requirement for masks on airplanes will never go away!
Who cares what that pos says !!!!!!!!!!!!
can't wait!
I’ll be close to dead naturally!
Don’t you worry, they’ll have a jab for that too.
Aha! You have the secret decoder ring!
Good faith being the operative term
What is "Good Faith" anymore, seems to be an Illusion ,these days.
Good Faith to a lib means "I wanted it to be true so much that I was willing to dehumanize, cancel, incarcerate, and if every other way violate people's civil rights over it". That is the only standard of Good Faith that applies to the left.
Or "We want you to *pretend* it's true - enough to dehumanize, cancel, incarcerate & otherwise violate rights until you OBEY or we KILL you."
You also get an, "🙌Amen!"
...& replace you with a cute little beaver bot...
Good Faith
Like Truth
And gender
Are all on a spectrum
I’m good faith transient
Sometimes good faith non-conforming, cis-faith, faith fluid, bi-faith, faith-ful or less. How about you?
Nice to meet you
Excellent! Very post-modern, Comrade!
Excellent definition, might make Merriam Webster most recent language revision. Just saying I identify as vaxxed.
I agree ☝🏻 you nailed it!! I don’t see much difference about violating our alleged inalienable rights from ALL of the other idiots either…
The libertarians are the only ones who have actually READ the u.s. constitution & understood it.
Everybody else claiming they want government overreach “dialed back”
INVARIABLY insist on all of the unconstitutional government that THEY LIKE🙄🙄
Sorry, but 1-way "free trade", open-border, open-immigration, pro-amnesty "Libertarian" Globalists are de facto socialists. They redistribute our voting control & dilute our ownership share of public property, destroy our sovereignty, jobs, standard of living, privacy, security, cost of living, culture & quality of life. They do far more damage to the USA than honest up-front socialists, since conservatives think they're loyal Americans. They believe borders are evil and Americans have no right to immigration limits, which has NOTHING to do with the Constitution.
"Libertarians" can't honestly take the pledge of allegiance, let alone the oath to defend the Constitution.
🙌 Amen!
Is fraud considered good faith these days? So many changes...
Well, men are women, so you do the math.
All tyrannies use intentionally vague language like this.
pierce the veil of "good faith"
Are undisclosed double standards good faith?
Electeds exempt from shots, have access to prophylactics not avail to mortals = dbl standard = haughty reveals.
Exempted includes White House staff, Congress, and the hundreds of thousands of U.S. Post Office employees who handle our mail every day...
They've been disclosed now...
I mean Twitter's censorship double standards, undisclosed in-kind donations to the ChiDems, Pfizer etc
Not totally off but distorted to its current and not original (correct) meaning, which some believe still applies if tested.
Section 230 protected online communities from damages of misinformation so long as they avoided participation/influence in the messages posted - and acted like telephone carriers.
Without this protection they’d go belly up instantly, as soon as one user relied on another for information they got from each other through the service. Like if a telephone company could be liable for any plans made over their phone lines.
Gradually, since the early days of online community when this protection was well understood and appreciated by operators, they have successfully manipulated the intent by arguing the need to moderate overrides the pure intent of the law.
They then went a step further (totally absurdly) to claim moderation included their duty to moderate the truth by inserting their preferred editorial/subjective opinion into moderation. Thus dismantling the entire purpose of the protection and bizarrely using it to argue exactly opposite of its intent.
Except it isn't 2168, it is 2169 (2168+1) which may refer to a number of things - e.g. Cal civil code regarding common carriers, except they are incorporated in DE, the USC, choice of law, arbitration or something else not even law related such as the number of tweets or ....
They're still sticking to it.
“the service may apply labels to tweets that contain “false or misleading claims that people who have received the vaccine can spread or shed the vaccine (or symptoms, or immunity) to unvaccinated people.”
Yet every major news source this week reported that omicron evades vaccines and vaccinated ppl can get it and spread it too (something we knew long before omicron). So leftie news sites can tweet this all they want and Twitter doesn’t suspend them but suspends Berenson. Definitely twitter’s case is on very thin ice.
Remember, Twitter world has its own reality
Pretty sure vaccinated can get and spread any strain.
The pure ignorance in that headline says it all. You can't spread disease, you can only spread infection.
Exactly right.
has anyone ever claimed that the vaccine itself can be shed?
I've never heard that claim. Ive always heard that you can get covid after having the vaccine... opening up the possibility of vaccine enhancement of the virus... and that can be spread.
Im guessing that is what they are actually trying to shut down despite the weird language.
Here's the link for Pfizer's clinical trial protocol:
This clinical trial document is evidence that Pfizer ANTICIPATED that people coming into contact with the study participants (the ones receiving the Pfizer "vaccines") either via “inhalation or skin contact” might exhibit SAEs (serious adverse events) or AEs (adverse events). And that is exactly what happened, with thousands of women around the world (who did NOT take the "vaccine") reporting adverse effects with the menstrual cycles (severe bleeding, clotting, cramps, miscarriages, starting bleeding again after many years of no periods due to menopause, etc.) from coming into contact with those who received the mRNA "vaccine".
Read section 10.4.1, (pages 132 to 133), where it states, and I quote: "Male participants are eligible to participate [in the study, where they would receive the Pfizer Covid "vaccines"] if they agree to the following requirements during the intervention period for at least 28 days after the last dose of study intervention [the "vaccines"], which corresponds to the time needed to eliminate reproductive safety risk of the study intervention(s)." Read that part and what follows, as men receiving the jabs are then told to REFRAIN from having sex with a "female of childbearing potential." Got that?!
How many men taking the Covid jab have been warned not to have sex "for at least 28 days" after their 2nd Covid jab? According to this Pfizer document, anyone not knowing about that warning has potential to cause "reproductive safety risk”.
Also be sure to read sections to (pages 67 to 69) -- Pfizer anticipated what is now being referred to as "shedding" (tranmission) of the vaccine contents from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. How can anyone pushing this dangerous jab claim that the public had "informed consent"? The public were not informed of this reproductive risk.
Just wow. Thank you so much for sharing this!!
I wish I had all links to go down the list of the crap these University put on them to these young adults/children.
Sooo, if I'm reading this right, in 2022 we'll see lot's of mutants been born?
Spontaneous abortions
Yes, and, as Dr Mike Yeadon warned, "female sterilization". This article got nuked (in fact, the entire blog got nuked), but I archived it first:
Head of Pfizer Research: Covid Vaccine is Female Sterilization --
Read this part of the Pfizer bulletin to a nursing pharmacology class in January 2021 at a major research University. Discussed that there were no long term studies in women of child bearing age. Was reported by the surveillance culture and retired in May. Of course the goal was to vaxx every student and they came close.
I have heard that vaccinated people reproduce the spike proteins and that these proteins can be shed. That's not technically shedding the vaccine but it is shedding the part of the vaccine that is derived from the virus. Don't know if it's true but I've heard it.
But, shedding the (vaccine, symptoms, or immunity), is different than shedding the virus. Maybe, that's their defense.
This is the new information FAUCI must be putting out there, It's on the University of Tennessee Martin site, Alabama's state site and I seen it somewhere else. It's a long list too. PATHETIC, DEFINITE LIES. I can't stand these monsters. Did you all see the emails where Fauci and Collins are like lets debunk all this info by putting out BS. We need to make sure that we put out the truth quicker and more frequently. That's basically what they have been doing All along if you really think about it.
I know it's not new, what I mean is that it's like a complete write up.
Where does "classified material" fit in? (For the secret code impaired, ie me)
Who and what classified info??
That's my question. 7 or so hours ago Tom Yarmos wrote that the 1st# referred to classified materials.
I think it is Ca civil code 2168 & 2169 common carrier.
thanks for explaining that!
thanks Tom ..
Why can't the vaccinated let us die in peace?
It's weird that the vaxxers are tripling down at the same time as vaxxes are failing so spectacularly.
Yes, let's do more of what already isn't working.
The "vaccines" are doing exactly what they're intended to do: injure, sicken, and kill tremendous numbers of people. Since this is their intended effect, and they're doing this, it's not the least bit surprising the authorities are doubling down on their efforts to get everyone vaxed, double, triple, infinitum...vaxed. Once covid simply becomes irrelevant, be assured there will be another planned pandemic, but next time probably using a more virulent pathogen. (Hasn't Bill Gates been predicting an imminent smallpox pandemic recently?)
Bill Gates is evil incarnate. Cant wait to see what he does with his own nuke station😑
Look at this short clip of Bill Gates chuckling and not being able to hide his glee as he talks about the next pandemic, "that WILL get attention this time."
Of course this clip was removed from YouTube.
They always tip their cards a little bit in advance
Yes, he has. Utube vid from October or November 2021.
Exactly beautifully put-- but sad
Yes , he has said that !
We may think its not working because we are hoping for a cure. Could be this was their plan all along. They just didnt plan on the opposition screwing things up by asking questions and refusing to attend their party
My fear is that the movie "I Think We're Alone Now" will become reality.
Watch if you haven't seen it yet. Hollywood projecting?
Such a true statement. If 90% of people have been double vaccinated and also received their 3rd Booster they should be FULLY PROTECTED Right? 😤 Why all these restrictions again. Who are all these people in the hospital with Covid?. Perhaps the FULLY vaccinated.
That is EXACTLY my thought! They are just so obsessed with their “we know what’s best for you low rent peasants, even if you don’t”. It’s part of the progressives DNA. Can Moderna come up with a vax for THAT?
Because they know we will be the only ones left 🤣
We'll see in time. The vaxxed haven't been exposed yet to a severe flu season or other diseases. And we have zero data on the long term side effects... We'll see.
Yet we know from the failed coronavirus experiments on ferrets why they never got out of animal testing….until now
Stealing this
Funny funny funny
Alex, it is my sincere hope you are successful in your challenge and that you lead the wave of more success
Ok, I'm at the pizza restaurant per your secret message, which door goes to the basement?
You go get’em!!! You got a whole bunch behind you !!!! Hope that helps - we believe in you!
I hope you pull millions if not billions out of Twitter.
And that he pulls it out of a part of them that is really painful!
Sounds like the math they used to justify Convid lockdowns. :D
Good one!
I hope you guys have good people around you and security. This is war. Prepare for it as if it's going to happen.
They’ve been preparing for a long time. Many of us have as well :)
How did you plan???
Wishful thinking?
Are you answering someone else's question?
I think your question is a bit intrusive. I don’t know you, and this is a public site. “How am I planning?” Well, I really don’t know how to answer that…sorry.
You're the one that made the statement??!! I'm only asking you a sinple question about you stated you did. Am I missing something??
I "liked" the comment to fit in. (Media peer pressure). Also have no clue.
Careful with fitting in. That's how "two weeks to flatten the curve" Pandemics" lasts two years.
Myabe more.
Yeah, Mark, it was sarcastic.
I'm betting on you to win. Take their *sses to the cleaners, wipe the floor with them.
I heard Dr. Peter McCullogh (spelling?) on Joe Rogan over the last few days. He mentioned this March in DC on Jan 23rd. When I tried to find it on Google using search, it would not come up. I had to go to DuckDuckGo to locate the exact website of the organizing March. I already made hotel reservations. Please pass the word on.
Also check Children's Health Defense RFK's foundation for Jan 23 info
Just two years to slow the spread
But it hasn't slowed according the fake tests which keep showing more and more symptom-less -- "cases." And Fauci announced that the mask requirement on planes will never go away. Hah!
Thought it was weeks?!
Decades next?
I am confused
Twitter is wack. My account was suspended for replying to an offensive comment but the account that made the offensive tweet was active.
I was kicked off 4x. But why are we supporting Satan's network? We're all idiots for being on anything Twitter ig Facebook etc
A Conservative mass exit would hurt those with big thumbs, zero ethics, and no ears. I'm looking for a rational answer....why stay where we are not wanted, let alone continue to accept irrational treatment offering anything but fair play???
That's what I keep saying. Why do our people act like it's surprising they are getting censored? And?? Why are conservatives literally supporting these commie networks. This is overtly odd to me. As odd as the Corona scam itself.
Unfortunately, Karens of any political stripe will not give up those social media accounts until their smartphones are pried from their cold dead hands.
Sure the Karens!!! WTH would the Karen's give up their karen-ness. I'm talking about you, me, and rhe rest of us who have IG, FB, and Twitter. I got booted from Twitter 4x blowing up the truth. I got booted from IG for the same. FB I don't go on BUT I use it for advertising. So if you're on it to make money that's one thing. Then I donate to the right organization. But to ve on there for anything than making money is wrong.
I don't use facebook ig, just follow selected few on twitter.
Oh good. Now only if those dew u follow would go elsewhere! If someone designed a widget that would allow you to comment on all Social M sites.
What shall these someone's which is
I get the feeling Alex believes or hopes that there are principles that will play a role in his case against his “cancellers”: principles of logic, law, precedent, even common decency. I’m afraid none of these now apply. It’s only about power now.
“The absence of moral scruple in pursuit of what is thought to be a public good is the first symptom of totalitarianism.” Lord Sumpton
As in “the end justifies the means” which is evil incarnate.
We have some courts which still operate per the law. Maybe he'll get lucky.
Alex, don’t underestimate their commitment to complete lawlessness.
It would be great to win court battles against FB and the Twits and then leave for Truth Social. Lol.
Too bad it is a dumb name, though.
Sending positive thoughts and prayers that this begins a wave of lawsuits against the tech a**holes.
SUE the Pants off these fascists!
Many people rooting for you.
Is Jack Dorsey going to end up being the most brilliant of the tech CEOs for jumping ship right before the world finally wakes up and makes them pay for what they have done?
You are assuming he jumped....
Good luck, Alex! Moreover, thank you for bringing us the truth. God Bless you for your courage and sacrificing your own financial gain just to help us hear the truth.
I think Alex is doing okay financially...
No journalist will be able to make a living in an authoritarian state where free speech is prohibited. Free Assange.
The number of paid subscribers to his Substack Channel alone should be rewarding him nicely.
Alex- in your opinion, does the J&J vaccine have worse side effects that the mRNA vaccines as is being reported? Or is it being targeted because of NIH’s interest in the mRNA vaccines.
J&J is a mRNA "vaccine" as well, they just use a deactivated virus as the delivery method rather than lipid nanoparticles. On Rogan's podcast, Dr Peter McCullough theorizes it's the lipids in the Pfizer and Moderna that increases the uptake by the heart tissue, causing the myocarditis. The J&J have been linked to clotting issues, but there has obviously been a campaign against J&J by the "very smart people" so that should tell you something.
J & J is a recombinant vaccine - and does NOT use mRNA technology - that delivers the SARS-CoV-2 virus' DNA to the cells via a viral vector (adenovirus) to make the antigenic spike protein triggering an immune response [humoral = antibodies] against the spike protein component delivered. (e.g., whooping cough, shingles, etc. vaccines).
Battle of the advertising budgets ... its funny how Merck and Pfizer are going after each other on their "treatment" pills.
Just saw something this morning. I don't remember where...I've been reading mostly substack, so maybe in another post? Anyway, it was a blurb, that "they" are going after Moderna for having more severe side effects now. 🤔🤨 --- One down, one to go?
If someone else sees that article, would you please LMK where I saw it, so I can go back and read the whole thing?
Bless your heart, Thor! Thank-you very much!
You're welccome. It was my distinct pleasure.
It says something like "Moderna shot causes seven times more heart whatever than Pfizer." Sounds like Moderna didn't grease enough of the powerful paws.
That's what I saw. 👍
Twitter sucks! Pure and simple. I too was suspended. I where it like a badge of courage.
Exciting news! They need to be crushed. Orwellian weasels.
Alex...don't be such a tease!
When lawyers are involved, you have to be a tease.
Remember: Flatten people to flatten the curve
Section 230 says that "No provider or user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher or speaker of any information provided by another information content provider" If Twitter is not a publisher they can't treat their users as if they are a Publisher, picking and choosing who can say what.
I'll take CA civil code 2168 & 2169 common carrier, for 600, Alex.
Section 2168: Every one who offers to the public to carry persons, property, or messages, excepting only telegraphic messages, is a common carrier of whatever he thus offers to carry.
Section 2169: A common carrier must, if able to do so, accept and carry whatever is offered to him, at a reasonable time and place, of a kind that he undertakes or is accustomed to carry.
Good luck. You have many rooting and praying for you. Can't wait to hear what happens.
Let me guess, the Twitter lawsuit?
I’m so daft. I thought it was something to do about the yellow bird. But that’s the BIG bird…. Not the little one. Lol
I can’t wait to find out what this means.
Fuck Twitter
This. Why don't we make Twitter irrelevant?
Because it was from the beginning.
Lil Bird = Twitter. Numbers must be related to some of his postings that got him banned.
New phone, who dis
Monday mornings are Federal Court motion return dates.
Hell. I've been a reader of twitter for several years, and have not posted yet, many are so stupid that I cannot think of replying, like many this morning praising JB for his leadership on Omicron (we are in for a dark winter...) and he will speak to the nation on Tuesday, what a disservice.
Fjb! 🤢🤮
Paul is not dead!
Stay on them Alex!
Idk exactly what you’re talking about other than it involves twitter but I know I’m gonna love it!
Hi Alex- I notice that the political commentator Styxhexenhammer666 announced he garnered 50,000 subscribers on Rumble (which he points out is growing dramatically). I recommend that you upgrade your use of Rumble to expand your un-censorable/non-Twitter-et-al reach.
Great time too rock and roll. Truth is now classified “ let’s go tweeter “
Kick some ass Alex!
Well, here’s what I found in the Cali Civil Code —
Section 2168: Every one who offers to the public to carry persons, property, or messages, excepting only telegraphic messages, is a common carrier of whatever he thus offers to carry.
Section 2169: A common carrier must, if able to do so, accept and carry whatever is offered to him, at a reasonable time and place, of a kind that he undertakes or is accustomed to carry.
Well perfect. I hope Kyle Rittenhouse's judge has moved to California, because the liberals don't care what the law says. That's been proven time and time again...
In the words of Dumb and Dumber..."so your telling me their is a chance"
Pfew, and here I was worried that I'm the only one not in the loop on this! 🤣
Well now my interest is piqued
Tomorrow the Fascist Leftists at Twatter are going to get whacked with a legal filing.
...and so they should! Way to go Alex!
Have to wonder if Jack realized he was about to get jacked. Lol