The reason they are so desperate to force *cough* mandate these vaxxines is that once those that took them start dropping like flies, and those that didn't take them are not dropping like flies from the same symptoms/causes/whatever, the jig will be well and truly up. Without a "control group,” they could simply claim this is "extra-extra-extra-long Covid" or the "KappaPhiMekongDelta Variant" and start jabbing people with the 17th booster shot.

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"KappaPhiMekongDelta Variant" 😄👍

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have to really wonder how they are counting the dead in the vaccinated pile. I guess in some hospitals and care homes, this is what's happening:

85 year old dies in nursing home:

scenario 1:

---Bureaucrat: Did the patient have a positive Covid test?

---Nurse: yes, but had no specific symptoms.

---Bureaucrat: He died of Covid !

scenario 2:

---Bureaucrat: Did the patient have a positive Covid test?

---Nurse: No. he was "vaccinated", didn't have a test.

---Bureaucrat: He died of old age !

We need to know if the frequency of testing for Covid is the same in the vaccinated vs. unvaccinated populations, and whether or not they are using different cycle thresholds between the 2 groups. If there is any difference , the numbers cited by Murhty and Fauci are totally invalid.

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You are probably right. The hospital that fired me for not taking the shot was not testing vaccinated patients until last week.

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It appears not. There is a massive survivorship bias at play. Vaccine card holders don’t have to test. They are tested only if they get sick enough to go to a clinic and ahow symptoms.

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There's certainly 1000+ post-vaccination Covid-19 deaths when you run a search at openvaers, mostly among 80-90 year olds who, just like last year, are probably merely dying "with" rather than "from." Regardless, I don't get the impression the vaccinated are getting a pass on PCR testing, at least not everywhere. And since manipulating the reported percentage to 95+% is so easy, why not keep over-reporting the absolute amount of "Covid-19 deaths" any way you can anyway.

It's a pointless attempt at propaganda. The media is trying to spend credit that they no longer have. The amount of still-unvaxxed who aren't convinced that something very unusual is going on is probably something like... .5%... And the vaxxed and the independent pro-vaccine advocates are just more or less shell-shocked. Absolutely every aspect of their argument has been revealed as a fiction sold to them by a nearly totally corrupt public health industry, the greatest swindle in history. I look forward to tomorrow morning's Commentary podcast title.

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If you are aware of Vaers then you also know that 11,005 people have been killed by the jab and 500,£00 INJURED.


How many that are hospitalized are having adverse reactions?

They will never tell you.

Btw the number of dead and injured from the hab is grossly under counted. VAERS only captures 1-10% of all vax deaths and injuries.

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Cdc.org: “it is recommended that fully vaccinated people with no COVID-19-like symptoms and no known exposure should be exempted from routine screening testing programs, if feasible.”

And the fully vaccinated can “refrain from testing following a known exposure if asymptomatic, with some exceptions for specific settings.”

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The CDC stopped reporting based on vaccination status on May 1-----unless the person was hospitalized. If you don't count "cases" among vaxed people who are not hospitalized, it is hard to claim that this is a "Pandemic for the Unvaccinated" Vaccinated people were carrying and transmitting a lot of virus withouth knowing. I think the CDC knew the vax was not as effective as they claimed.....but in May......prior to Biden's 4th of July goal for vaccinations, they didn't want to give anyone a reason to decline the vax

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Asymptomatic is just another Dem party slogan. Like flatten the curve and social distancing. Say it enough it become true. Classic psychological warfare.

Asymptomatic = YOU DO NOT HAVE THE VIRUS. They spent an entire 18 months convincing healthy people that they were sick with a test never meant to be used to diagnose illness and that when run at high cycles (CDC RAN AT 35-42), guarantees a FALSE POSITIVE.

Please look up Reiner Fuellmich on Telegram. He is a German American lawyer suing WHO THE CDC, Dr. Christian Drosten for RONA FRAUD via the PCR test. He won a major fraud class action lawsuit against Volkswagen for their faulty catalytic converter and Deutsche Bank for fraud.

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Those are all very good points. I highly doubt the frequency in the testing will even be close for those two groups. There is also a lack of information concerning comorbidities and age of those seriously ill or dying. The numbers by themselves prove very little without more detail.

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Perhaps one reason the vaccines are doing better in the US is because the US had a higher infection rate than Israel or the UK? Since we are vaccinating many people who already had covid and have natural immunity, which appears to be vastly superior to vaccine acquired immunity, it is skewing the efficacy of the vaccine. We should be tracking 2 sets of data for the vaccines. Efficacy of those who have only had the vaccine and efficacy of those who had both.

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Agreed. Maybe the reason natural immunity is ignored and those with previous infections are told to get the jab is intentional. There will be almost NO covid breakthroughs in that group. Fauchi and company know this and that should be a huge red flag to the medical community who are falling in line.

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Natural immunity is no longer…because Science! The WHO changed the definition of “Herd Immunity” from including those with natural immunity, to excluding everyone but the vaccinated. Believe Science! 💲

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Having worked in the pharma field for decades, I can tell you that a vaccine developed in 9 months, will definitely have risks. And perhaps, not enough protection. I believe this particular vaccine, while approved for use, is considered experimental. Doesn’t mean people shouldn’t get it, particularly if they are in a high risk category. But for the rest of us, it should be optional.

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It should be noted that, it's not just experimental regarding safety, but also efficacy. It's very likely the spike protein as an antigen is failing to cause longterm immunity to the virus, in which case the "vaccine" becomes prophylactic antibodies, that wear off after a few or just a couple of months.

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I agree. Efficacy too.

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Indeed. The spike protein IS THE PATHOGEN and weakens the immune system

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The spike protein doesn’t get access to your cells. Please don’t make things up

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Candace, the spike protein doesn’t get access to your cells?! The entire premise of the mRNA vaccines is that the spike protein IS MADE, is manufactured by your own cells… and you won’t believe it… from your own cells!

And then where the spike protein goes,

No one really knows.

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I was Pharma for 15 yrs, but left about a decade ago. Thank you for being sane. I've watched many still-pharma colleagues berate others for not having gotten the vax.

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They forgot the golden rule of drug dealing. Never get high from your own supply.

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Actually this one (moderna was first) was developed in a few days, refined in a few weeks, and completed phase 1 testing in a couple months. This is a new technology, a whole new game than traditional vaccines. New games have new risks. As with many things, it’s a risk management exercise. Most people have natural immunity of varying degrees, don’t need to worry about vax or masks. We know what conditions produce higher risk, and those folks should know it, and take more precautions than the rest of us.

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It should be noted that nearly 12000 have died from the hab and 500,000 INJURED

Telegram has a group called MRNA death toll. It is a running commentary if all who have been injured and died from this jab.

It is a true eye opener.

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What do mean Kay? All those people who posted about debilitating symptoms and the deaths of family and friends, they were all lying like Trump lies. That’s why Facebook and Twitter take it all down, Fake News!

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I love Alex's work but at a certain point we have to stop playing along with the politics. It's like how Republicans will point out various Democrat hypocrisies and then do absolutely nothing about it. The Biden Regime's playbook is to force this truly absurd "science" down the throats of their opponents precisely because it's completely absurd. What we really need is a response to that. How to overcome that kind of power? I feel like both sides have led us to this exhausting cliff where they say we are fascist morons who don't believe in science and we say they are authoritarian monsters who lie and the answer both sides give to how to get out of this soul crushing madness is... well, there are elections in 2022. In other words, nobody is going to do anything to help get us out of this train wreck of a national crises. We are getting played for political donations by ALL SIDES. We have to quit playing along entirely. I am not voting or donating to a single Republican candidate ever again. They talk talk talk but do nothing in reality. Watching Fox News is not a solution. Donating to Lauren Bobert is not a solution. We need someone to crush this insanity now and help put this country back together now. Not in 2022. We are being tortured intentionally.

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I believe that "someone to crush this insanity now"...is us.

We have to stop living as though we're riding in the back seat of our mom's SUV.

A government of the people, by the people, and for the people requires the people to be engaged...not worrying about some stupid celebrity's latest personal crisis...not living vicariously through sports or entertainment. We must be engaged on all levels and raise up our children to value freedom and also be engaged. Freedom isn't free. It never was.

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Worrying about politics all the time, i.e. "being engaged", is what Boomers do now that they are all 70+ and retired. They didn't have to do that back when our government was actually trying to help us rather than forcing us into this hyper-politicized gulag.

So no, I don't want to be engaged on all levels. That is the worst possible outcome. It's a treadmill of suffering punctuated by elections aimed at bilking us for money.

I guess we are all doomed to just "accept the science" because it's not happening and it couldn't possibly ever happen that the average person has enough information to make informed decisions about everything from the cost of parts on a Stealth Bomber for Defense budgeting to the average annual temperature of a glacier in Argentina to the best approach to Public Health in Minnesota to... and so on and so forth. Someone has to lead and stop telling us to vote MOAR!

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"We have to stop living as though we're riding in the back seat of our mom's SUV."

Maybe it's time we let everyone drive the kind of car they prefer instead of forcing them to ride in the back seat of the minivan:


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..."soul crushing madness"... Can Relate.

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Your frustrated with the politicians and I sympathize with you. But the fact is clear Republicans have no power at this time the Dems hold the House and sit in the presidency and the senate sits at 50-50 with Harris breaking ties, elections, even stolen ones, have consequences. The power flows from the people to the government but the people are split down the middle. So unless you want blood in the streets 2022 is the next solution.

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Two considerations here. First, the government has more guns. If anybody does any crushing it’s the ones with most guns. Second, it’s a risk management exercise. Masks don’t work. Don’t wear them. If they force you to, it won’t hurt. Take it off when they’re not looking. Vax doesn’t affect most people, other than an immunity boost. If you have weak immune system, that boost might help you, more or less according to the strength of your immune system. When dealing with a superior adversary and have lots of options, guerrilla tactics are best. Active resistance keeps them off balance and determination usually prevails. Replacing the tyrants is the real objective. Support rational candidates in 22.

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Hi Alex, just saw your segment with Tucker.

A few things to share here;

1. The CDC VAERS vaccine death and injury reporting system has the number of deaths from the jab at 11,005. And 500,000 injuries. VAERS is an extremely poor reporting system and records only 1-10% of all jab deaths and injuries. CDC has also been caught scrubbing deaths and injuries from the system


In 1976, President Gerald Ford halted the Swine flu jab at 53 deaths!

There is a reason people do not want these jabs. It is not a traditional jab but an MRNA gene therapy jab that has ZERO to do with Corona virus

There have been previous animal studies done in ferrets with these jabs.

The ferrets initially showed a robust immune response after the jab but when exposed to another Corona virus ALL THE ANIMALS DIED from a CYTOKINE STORM reaction. The spike proteins in this jab ATTACK THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. The spike protein IS THE PATHOGEN. Please see the NIH archives titled, "Antibody immune enhancement when challenged with a wild corona virus" as it should bring up the studies.

There was another clinical trial in 35 children around the time of RSV virus 20 or 30 years ago with the same MRNA and procedure as the previous animal testing. The exact same thing happened and 2 children DIED and the rest became gravely ill. You think the jab companies don't know this? Oh but they do. This is why animal testing and other safety protocols were SKIPPED with this jab and hence rushed to market.

This is also why the jab companies are free from prosecution for the deaths and adverse reactions....as are doctors or anyone else involved in the jab. Btw, what happened to the animals and children is called antibody immune enhancement and THAT is what's happening in the jabbed.

This next winter will surely be interesting. Did things not go according to plan when folks started DYING BEFORE winter?

One of my friends has a 12 year old Son. She caved to the fearmongering even though I worked on her for MONTHS to try to stop her getting the jab. But when she decided to take her Son to get the jab, I was horrified

She just got him home from the hospital after having been diagnosed with MYOCARDITIS after 2 Pfizer jabs..He will be on 6 different meds for six months. No strenuous activity AT ALL. His risk for arrhythmia and heart attack will be LIFE LONG.

I was very angry with her and couldn't speak to her for a few days afterward. But she is now riddled with guilt and in trying to tell her story has been treated like garbage by the Rona cultists and banned from social media for sharing about her Son.

These shots are DEADLY.

And this is a crime against humanity.

These politicians and psychopaths like Fraudci know EXACTLY what the history of these jabs are.

Also look into Bill Gates the WEF and Event 201 a pandemic simulation done in Oct. 2019. Gates is a EUGENICIST. A MENACE to human kind. Fraudci is an associate of his and both are raking in BILLIONS from the jabs via patents and stocks.

Gates also funds the WHO second only to the US. He also funds THE CDC NIH AND MSM.

Gates has a history in vaccines. His polio jab paralyzed 490,000 children in India and his TDAP jab sterilized 1000's of women in Africa.

Did I also mention that 1000's of women are having menstrual issues and still births and miscarriage with this jab?

Read OpenVAERS. A very interesting read.

From start to finish all of this was PLANNED. And will continue to do so unless Americans STOP IT.

Why is this not being discussed?

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Instead of debunking you point by point Kay, look how easy I can shout at you Conspiracy Theorist! Anti-Vaxxer Grandma Killer!

That’s what they called Jesus too:

“Leprosy was considered a sort of curse from God, of profound impurity.[6] To be declared unclean because of leprosy meant that the unfortunate person had to tear his clothes and put a covering upon his upper lip and cry, "unclean, unclean."[7] As the Jews were concerned that the condition was contagious, such individuals were to live separated outside the camp. Ostracized from the community, they were left homeless without the support structure of family and friends. In approaching Jesus, the man was in violation of Levitical law. In touching the leper, Jesus also defies Levitical law.[8]”

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it's starting to look like the "vaccine" offers a few months of protection at best (for those at risk and nothing for those not at risk). what's happening is that when the antibodies to the spike protein fade, the protection ends. unlike a traditional vaccine, the immune system's memory B cells don't recognize the virus as a trigger antigen to make more antibodies. The body doesn't remember the spike protein on the virus the same as the spike protein alone that came from the RNA in shot.

This is not really a vaccine. It's like an antibody shot that lasts a short while and fades away.

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That would almost be the best-case. However, antibodies without cellular immunity suggests that the mRNA/vector platforms program not only the wrong scope but the wrong type of immune response - IgE anti-allergen, which leads to antibody dependent enhancement as soon as antibodies fade below sterilizing level.

At which point the boosters (as opposed to therapeutics) can be hawked as the only thing to stave off ADE, even though topping up IgE antibodies just kicks the can down the road. This totally makes sense when you learn about the design of these fraudulent vaccines - because they do not actually *infect cells,* they do not provide the immune system with the markers of *viral infection.*

If not every, then some number of vaccine recipients already seem to be on this treadmill, and since the "vaccine" designers must have known this was likely from the start, they either didn't mind or wanted to turn the world into a captive population of antibody addicts.

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Always follow the money.

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Do we think that in the rush to develop the vaccine, they decided to err on the side of safety rather than efficacy? Sort of a “vaccine light”

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With no animal studies, with the low death rate overall from the virus, with questionable numbers of results after testing volunteers, as well as the current number of adverse events, there was and is no concern for safety.

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I read an article the other day that stated less than 25 percent of the African American population is actually vaccinated.

These corrupt politicians refuse to address the elephant in the room and continue to blame the spread of a respiratory virus on Trump supporters and half the country actually believes this.

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The reason people don't trust the vaccine, or vaccines, is because there is no transparency. If the MSM and the people involved would be honest we could each make our own risk/benefit assessment and decide, with confidence, for ourselves. I've had Covid. According to the data coming out of Israel, Covid immunity in those who have survived the disease seems to be long-term and protects against all variants.

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Fauci et al says: 99% of hospitalized are unvaccinated= vaccines work.

Fauci et al says: We need vaccinated to wear masks again = vaccines do not work

"Why are all these Americans so stubborn and won't listen to us?!"🙄

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People are not rioting to get the limited supply cure to the deadly disease. They are actually protesting to say no. Isn't that amazing?

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We need more protesting in huge groups here in the States. also, Fed employees, Netflix, big tech big Corp. Big medical employees doing class action lawsuits and leaving job before getting jab. If enough people refuse it at workplace , what will they do?

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So I heard that a whistleblower at a hospital in palm beach Florida said that they were told to stop asking vaccine status when patients are admitted to the hospital w COVID. That would be very interesting if true. Could this be why vaccinated deaths are lower than other countries? You should look into that

Thanks for all the valuable information that you report

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Getting these numbers right is exceedingly important, particularly for the more vulnerable. If the vaccine doesn't induce long term T and B cell activity, the vulnerable need to know. If protection ebbs perhaps the strategy for the vulnerable would be to seek a real infection so it would be mild and create proper T and B cell memory. The Delta variant might be a good good one to be exposed to because it generally doesn't produce as many bad outcomes as earlier variants. Seems like a real infection recovery has better protection than the jabs and doesn't require boosters. I can survive a mild flu for a few days, but my goal is to avoid the hospital and all those other hazards in the hospital.

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Now as a month passes, we are told the 'vaccines' are good for ~ 8 months and boosters are forever. Has the booster been proven any more safe, long term than the original? Wonder if our government can negotiate a fair price or assess an "excess profit" surcharge on these drug corporations.

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Extremely little, lab and short term data is available on boosters. Zero public health excuse to mandate them.

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I'm seeing a recommendation (https://health.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/pharma/do-doctors-need-a-third-dose/85562754) "if Covid antibodies are less than 100 binding antibody units per ml (BAU/ml), then a booster dose is advised. “If it is more than 400 units, then there is no need to take a booster dose". At least some guidance on the need for a booster.

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The vax mandates include those who were previously infected with COVID, though that makes no sense. They don't want to test for antibodies or any other level of immunity to the virus. There won't be any prior testing for boosters. People will just get jabbed.

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After that first sentence, I had the strongest impression you were going to say: "because their lips are moving." Thanks for the chapter & verse: "inflate the denominator, lie about the numerator." My trust in the corrupt US "health" authorities to look after my health approaches zero at this point. "I take vitamin D myself, but I find insufficient evidence to recommend it to you."

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I find anything coming from government is very expensive, inefficient and not believable.

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I am genuinely perplexed. CDC receives a LOT of funding. And it has enough brain power (folks publish regularly on peer reviewed journals) to run basic computations like what Alex shows here. Why the silence?

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I agree... It makes me think something else is afoot. Really: What is the end game here?

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Their end game is the elections in 22. They won in 20 based on a fear campaign, they think it’s their best shot for 22 and if successful then, again in 24. Fauxi has simpler needs — payoff from the pharma industry.

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This has been my frustration, why can't we get accurate data reports on all of this? Alex know points out that not only are they not releasing the basic computations, they are modifying the definitions or things as unicorns compared to other leading countries in the sciences. Disgusting that they obfuscate so readily, and the buck has to stop at Fauci. He runs all the disbursements.

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Because to give the real data would lead real treating doctors to tell their patients the actual effectiveness of the shot and the death rate leading to people opting not to get it which is the opposite of the big payoff to big pharma. The masking is just another effort by government to control the masses. Masks don't work and the CDC has been saying this all through this pandemic

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I am not going to get the jab anytime in the next 20 years. I believe a control group is necessary in order to determine what the long-term effects are of this experiment. We can't know what the long-term impact is in only 8 months - 8 years and we're getting a little closer. But if everyone is vaccinated, how can it be determined what the long-term health outcomes are? The short-term thinking in terms of the risk-benefit calculation is going to vary greatly by age and a one-sized-fits-all approach to medicine is anti-science IMO. In any event, no amount of money, beer, donuts or weed is going to convince me to get the jab. The social shaming and misplaced guilt-tripping only make me angry. Data might change my mind but at this point, it's become increasingly more difficult to trust any of it. I'll take my chances and unapologetically remain in the control group.

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Especially since the original control group has most of the people who got it - making it impossible to track any long term effects...

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This is a very interesting article, but I find it difficult to accept that the vaccines are "impressive" without considering other data. I recall a study in early in 2020 that showed a significant percentage of people were already immune. If I recall correctly, it was in the range of 20%. This study only looked for antibodies. There is to my knowledge no study for those with long term immunity, which apparently continues after antibodies fade away and would be difficult to determine. Nor have I seen an assessment of the health of the immune system of various groups, which seems to be critical for recovery beyond any co-morbidities.

While some information is now showing these experimental serums may cause some damage to the immune system of the naturally immune, we might also expect that those who are naturally immune and fully "vaccinated" contribute to the "vaccine" success. In addition, calling these experimental serums impressive does not factor adverse effects they cause, including death. We now hear 62% of the "vaccinated" have blood clots. As a former risk manager in another field, a risk/benefit assessment must consider the risks of the mitigation as well as various mitigations that can be employed. I would not call these experimental serums impressive compared to early treatments that have been suppressed.

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"In a study of donor blood specimens obtained in the US between 2015 and 2018, 50% displayed various forms of T cell reactivity to SARS-CoV-2. A similar study that used specimens from the Netherlands reported T cell reactivity in two of 10 people who had not been exposed to the virus.

In Germany reactive T cells were detected in a third of SARS-CoV-2 seronegative healthy donors (23 of 68). In Singapore a team analysed specimens taken from people with no contact or personal history of SARS or covid-19; 12 of 26 specimens taken before July 2019 showed reactivity to SARS-CoV-2, as did seven of 11 from people who were seronegative against the virus.8 Reactivity was also discovered in the UK and Sweden."


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Thanks. I collect some links in Excel, but did not have this.

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