Communist rose tattoo and shoots up a 4th of July parade. Nothing to do with antifa I'm sure.

The picture of him in an FBI hat is my favorite. Especially as the feds scramble to delete his social media history.

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Tell me again what is “Homeland Security” and what is their annual budget? And who’s homeland are they protecting?

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It is a group that routinely violates all aspects of our Constitutionally protected freedoms, and is funded in very large part by Rothschildean, slimy sources. From the early days of the OSS, until now. They serve Zionism alone, and The Talmud calls for the extinction, enslavement, and disrespect for all others. Read the Sanhedrins.

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Can the anti-Jewish crap. You sound like a raving lunatic.

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There’s a lot of truth in what anti-communism had to say. If you’re Jewish, don’t take it personally, but do take the truth from it!

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Unless you are Hasbara or Talpiot, you would minimally refute my "lunatic rantings." But now, you get defensive, and hurl ad hominum abuse upon me. Old tactic, stabbing your opponent in the back, as you cry out in pain. Doesn't work anymore.

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They are protecting corrupt people from what corrupt people imagine in their guilty minds must be a horde of angry Citizens.

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Because corrupt people know what they DESERVE, and they are afraid they'll get it.

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If you find out, Dino, please let the rest of us know.

As Mayorkas is in charge of HS, we might suspect that homeland security‘s purpose is to destroy America

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U.S. Homeland Security is in charge of the Disinformation Bureau. Why - is there something else they should be doing?

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Shutting down the border would be nice😉

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The guy knew him years ago. If he had lost touch back in 2015-18, it surely got worse and his views on things may have gotten more radical.

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Well said! All is masquerade, and the people wearing the masks, need extra cutouts for their Nose!

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If your brain is damaged by pot any excuse will do.

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You're ASSUMING that cannabis = or leads to 'brain damage'. Despite Alex' monomania - that's not a reality.

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I am going on what I've observed. The stupidest people I've ever met are regular users.

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Except that you don't know about all of the Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, Teachers, College Professors, etc., whom you've met, throughout your life, that used it without letting on.

Perhaps you just noticed stupid people, who would've been that way, in any event, and not the smart ones - because they don't advertise.

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Since youre happy to argue whether pot it's a problem, let's add that drs, and all those professionals that you insist are using THC, likely aren't using at the "stupid" levels youre speaking of. But i can say my highly educated best friend , started using edibles 4 yrs ago and smoked occasionally. She's not the same person. Not psychotic, but is altered in a way that she was never before. My brother in law has smoked weed forever. Went from straight A student in college to non functioning adult in 5 years(ambition gone) We also know the head of Wa state liquor and cannibis board. The psychotic breaks in pot users is off the charts. I really don't care if you use or not, but it's a real problem, and not gonna get any better. We probably all know someone who can use and be OK, and also know people who are never gonna recover from thc use.

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I have a good friend whose daughter started smoking marijuana in college on a daily basis. It pretty much destroyed any ambition she had. After several trips to the ER for hyperemesis (following all day smoking - a known side effect of the high levels of THC found in today's marijuana) she told her mom "all I want to do is get high."

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So know we know why the professional class is so screwed up. Secret pot heads.

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That's developing your conclusions - before looking at the evidence. Maybe they drink alcohol, too... Why not blame that - for this nonspecific suggestion of broadbrush failings?

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You're ignoring that he's talking about very high doses. Plenty of smart people smoke weed. But I'm guessing they don't take super concentrated doses that make them go completely bye bye. I don't know the science on this, but as someone who is a fan of weed overall -- I can see where super high doses could be a problem for the brain.

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The only fatal dose for weed, is the weight of a bale, thrown out of a plane, being chased by the DEA.

The damage from weed is temporary. There's no science to the contrary. I've smoked plenty in my life - but don't use at present. The effects are gone after it leaves your fat cells.

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No I’m not. What do you think is being sold now? It’s super high doses of THC. For most people the whole CBD medicinal schtick is BS to get high.

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Adult brains. THC’s influence on an adolescent brain has a different effect altogether. (Males’ brains aren’t fully myelinated until ~26).

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Except that you don't know - what you don't know. Most people who use it - start in, or before, college. Meaning before 26.

Bodily Autonomy - means minding your own business, and worrying about yourself - and not the choices of others, where they don't concern you.

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THC affects different people in different ways. This I know from experience. It can spark creativity in some, lethargy in others. Some become extroverted, some introverted. And in some, it will induce psychosis - paranoia, delusions, hallucinations. The damage may be temporary but it can take weeks to regain mental stability. And it's more common in recent years because pot is far more potent than it was 20 years ago and often laced with god knows what.

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Bullshit - on several fronts. Pot isn't "laced" with anything. Nobody gives away hard drugs for free. And in a fair market, nobody needs to try to 'improve' bad weed with chemicals. They just need to grow better weed. The use of bug spray, and the like, was an unfortunate outgrowth of our failed experiment with prohibition...just like people being blinded by wood alcohol was a predictable effect of alcohol prohibition.

There's no weed that causes hallucinations and delusions. It may affect perceptions - but it doesn't create things that aren't there. One might conclude that those people are seeing more clearly, or just from a different perspective. That's extremely dangerous to an increasingly Totalitarian order like ours. They like to say that the people who perceive the Plandemic, and the lethal injections, for what they clearly ARE - are 'paranoid' and 'delusional', as well... But are we, really?

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Or maybe he just draws stupid people to him.

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Ok its settled then.

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Yes it kinda is.

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Lol ok

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

I agree that there can be some monomania around here sometimes, but I don't agree with you about cannabis. You can write this off as anecdotal, but only one of my three younger brothers smoked weed. He started at age 14 and the more he smoked the crazier he got. I won't bore you with the classic stoner stories but as the weed got stronger he got crazier. Finally he was arrested for armed robbery and got a 9 year sentence in Deer Lodge prison, served 4 years, one day he got an early release, smoked a ton and got drunk, robbed a liquor store that night, too stoned to run (and his partner in crime drove off in my bro's getaway car), he was arrested and sent back to Deer Lodge where he put a plastic bag over his head and hung himself off his prison bunk a year ago last May, ironically buried on April 2, his birthday. He's dead and weed was a huge part of it. It's bad shit, Covid vaccines are worse, I don't do either.

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That's one of the saddest stories I've ever heard. I'm so sorry.

My college years in upstate New York let me see at close range local guys who got into pot. They seemed lost. In the years since the users I've known seemed cracked/broken in different ways. The effects were a great repellent: I didn't want to be like them. Unscientific impression maybe, but gave me incentive to avoid marijuana.

I'm really sorry about your brother.

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Keep in mind that they may have been cracked and broken in the first place.

Terrible story. Sorry for your loss, and his.

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Thanks PD, and yes you are probably right but weed does not help, I'm positive.

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Thank you Zade, he had some good times before he died. I hate weed, I think of it as the "insidious high".

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I hate the stuff too for the lives it's wrecked around me while people insist on painting a happy face on it.

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Very sad story, I'm so sorry.

I think weed is like alcohol or gambling. Most people could probably do so with little or no damage to themselves. Yet, there's a small portion of society, probably about 5% of adults, that cannot drink even one ounce of alcohol without relapsing into an addictive downward spiral. Most of us can gamble but there's probably about 2-3% of society that will gamble until it's all gone and then go out in the parking lot and blow their brains out. The suicide rate in Vegas is higher than the national average... a lot higher. And cannabis is similar. Most people can use it recreationally but for others, cannabis is transformative and it makes them destroy themselves and others. And yet, we allow alcohol and gambling and now cannabis. At least with alcohol and gambling there's the acceptance that these are sinful and potentially harmful. With cannabis, there's this overwhelming societal push to create the narrative that cannabis is no different than drinking herbal tea or taking vitamins. Let's not kid ourselves, cannabis is destructive.

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Addictions to many things can be destructive. There definitely can be destructive elements to cannabis use but there too can be medicinal & beneficial uses. I’m not convinced it’s an all bad or good POV issue, as I think it can depend on various factors such as who is using the substance, how much they use it, why they use it, how often they use it, are they combining other substances with it, and how their use affects them along with other potential contributing psychological, social, emotional, physiological, intellectual/maturity capacity factors etc.

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I don't doubt there are medicinal qualities to cannabis, I just believe that most users are using cannabis for recreation and nothing else. As such, cannabis is mostly something that is harmful. I do not believe in banning cannabis or alcohol or smoking. I think you should be free to choose and accept whatever consequences come as a result.

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Emphasis mine:

At least with alcohol and gambling there's the acceptance that these are sinful and potentially harmful. With cannabis, there's this overwhelming societal push to create the narrative that cannabis is no different than drinking herbal tea or taking vitamins.


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Yeah... When were you born, exactly? Because Alcohol can CURRENTLY be promoted on Television, where the safer alternative cannot.

And for about a Century, it was a full court-press campaign of demonization and slander against a plant that shows up in the Bible, both as an herb bearing seed, and in the Oil of Anointment's ingredients.

And I'd love to see where you think cannabis is promoted as the same as herbal tea, or vitamins. There's no warning labels affixed to those products, last time I looked.

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Yeah. That's entirely anecdotal.

But for sure, dumb people do dumb shit. And I notice that you don't think too much about the alcohol that he used. That's a far more dangerous drug. Which one did he use first? I'll bet it was alcohol.

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Dude, you're coming at me pretty hard. You can smoke all you want in my book, I'm just not sure it's great to be extolling its virtues cuz kids pick up that vibe. To answer your question (you'll think Im lying, I can tell by the vibe) my bro started with weed. By years. Maybe cuz our father was a falling down drunk, which is why I stayed away from alcohol, but when he discovered weed at 14 he dove on it hard. A few years later he was dealing, selling to other teens, and made a fortune. Btw, you called him dumb cuz you're being defensive as hell, but he was not. Troubled, sure. Let's try this w/o you needing to write some smart ass reply: set plants on fire and inhale the smoke all you want, I never call it out when friends do it. But I caught a guy capping on my teen daughter for not taking a bong hit and I broke my hand. You know what I'm saying right DB?

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Getting caught TWICE - and sent to prison - for the same poorly planned and poorly executed Armed Robbery attempt, sounds stupid to me.

And you sound violent... what's YOUR EXCUSE? Not weed obviously.

You came at me with an assumption that I was high, or smoking regularly - and I'm not. But I am familiar enough with the weed and its effects, to know that your brother's story is an outlier... And I HIGHLY doubt, that your brother smoked weed before he drank alcohol. Especially since it sounds like that would have been far more accessible. You also noted that he was drunk during one of his Robberies. But you focus on weed for some reason. Would you have punched your daughter's boyfriend, for pressuring her to take a "shot" of alcohol? If not, why not? It sounds like you have a family history and susceptibility to that, as well. And alcohol gets promoted far harder from what I've seen. Sure you have "Tha Chronic" but also "Gin and Juice".

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Anyone who's been high should intuitively suspect that using herb leaves its mark on cognition. More use, more damage.

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Permanent damage? Nope!

And only a 'Rookie' would be worried about cognition. In fact, stoners tend to see through bullshit and propaganda, far more effectively, in my experience.

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You sound stoned, no offense.

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None taken - despite the fact that you're not . correct ...

Your family sounds like it skews towards the low end of the IQ scale, no offense.

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You may be right of course. My intense interest right now would be the gathering of data to compare the rate/percentage of people (now in their 60's - 80's) develop Alzheimer's, early dementia, and other neurological conditions, used cannabis, cannabis & alcohol, to those who were not users, or had only a brief exposure (such as college years, and not starting while still in elementary or high school). We never seem to put all our effort and $$$ into the study of things we may not WANT to know because the possible results may have significant impact on one, or more, very lucrative endeavors !

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The DEA and FDA have been spending tonnes of money on those kinds of studies, for decades. You never hear about the results - until they produce the anti-cannabis results that they're looking for...

Look...just like alcohol - people should use caution, and sound judgement, in the use of either. But while alcohol CAN BE "medicinal" - the plant clearly named in the Biblical Oil of Anointment has been used as medicine, since before we have historical records. Our biology has an endo-cannabinoid system. We've evolved in parallel. And where research is allowed to go forward - anti-cancer benefits are clearly demonstrated. MD's going back to O'Shaughnessy have found a plethora of beneficial uses... But beginning at the turn of the past Century, and the rise of Rockefeller sponsored Allopathic Medicine, it was DELIBERATELY suppressed, and maligned.

The Constitution and Declaration of Independence were written on Hemp. George Washington grew it, and noted the effects of the Indica varieties. It's as American as Apple Pie. Henry Ford built a dent-proof car out of it. It was only because of Robber-Baron capitalism that it was demonized so effectively by Hearst and Anslinger. That's why they used a "Mexican" name, for something that had always been here - to play upon racist sentiments.

In a free society, with freedom of conscience, health freedom and bodily autonomy - it should be up to people, to decide what they do or do not take. If you want to abstain. More power to you. But packing our prisons with farmers and nonviolent people, who engage in a black/graymarket economy - has always been a DELIBERATELY CREATED disaster, and a way to target the poor and minority communities, and out-group political movements.

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Jul 7, 2022·edited Jul 7, 2022

You have that backwards: cannabis is proven to prevent dementia and Alzheimer's.

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Sorry friend, your choice to be blind to the effect on your body from smoking pot on the regular is fine for you maybe but the fact is your health does not get better from smoking pot it just doesn’t.

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You should publish these findings in a peer-reviewed journal... It will overturn decades of research to the contrary... It might even invalidate some patents, held by the US Government.

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Photograthie, your first comment was a beauty! I'm not going to read his reply cuz the dichotomy will be too much to take.

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That's NOT - the Unabomber - that's the FBI's Sketch of who the Unabomber was supposed to look like...that doesn't really look like Ted Kaczynski, at all ...

And let's be clear - the last few years have managed to validate much of what he was saying - if not everything he did about it. And btw - we now know that Ted K. was a victim of MK-ULTRA, while he was at Harvard. Almost as big a victim as you are, of Operation MOCKINGBIRD.

WHAT are you saying that I've gotten wrong, exactly? Calling out Alex 'the (New) Drug Warrior' Berenson - for his obvious distortions and propaganda about weed (not to mention - Ivermectin) - isn't Trolling... it's called 'journalism'. And that's where this Username came from - my Radioshow, in the Nation's largest market - on the local Pacifica station. Calling out the NY Times' crew of MOCKINGBIRDs, was much of what I did. Alex still gets that title - even if he was formally let go, by the Old Gray (crazy) Lady. His shoddy propaganda work, earns it for him.

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Endocannabinoid system. Read up!

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STOP publishing the picture and name. Isn’t this obvious????

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And then what, pretend guns are the problem? Antifa is desperate to disarm the public, and people should be awake to their incentives. It would also be nice if the pressure could be turned up on politicians to rein in their "just an idea" faction.

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As one noted earlier , only when a cop is the shooter is it the fault of the shooter. The rest of the time it is the gun, the gun and ammo manufacturers, law abiding conservatives and the NRA’s fault

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Well put!

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I’ve said it a thousand times before and I’ll say it once more, the only way to deal with the politicians is to absolutely demand strict term limits!!

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These people do it for the fame/infamy it brings them. It started with 24 hour news & internet, or at least the school shootings did. Those people want to be remembered for something, & that's their only ticket, they feel. If society would quit giving them that fame, there would be much less incentive, IMO.

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This is actual doctrine in psychology. Psychopaths do a mental calculation of risk vs reward, in this case fame.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

I agree, however, if you are, or were, a psy major, or are/were in clinical study program, or are presently practicing, you are aware that the risk vs. reward calculation is a HUMAN trait, not one limited to those with a psychosis.

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Lee Harvey Oswald was ahead of his time in that way. He wanted to be famous but was too untalented and unmotivated to achieve it the hard way. Sad to say it worked. His "Historic Diary" is now in the National Archives.

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This actually made me laugh. "Desperate to disarm the public"? The fires, destruction, and death in Portland, OR, can certainly attest to that.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Yeah, they frequently riot and destroy struggling small businesses 'for the cause'... which can be anything. Fakety-fake, for-hire astroturfing. They are paid mercenaries. So sick and tired of it.

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Tools of the regime, attacking modern day kulaks.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Good point. Who could ever think that the ubiquity of guns might have anything to do with the enormously high rate of gun violence?

Clearly, the solution to this problem is more people walking around with more weapons, particularly high capacity weapons

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People aren't walking "around" with weapons......that's the problem. Increase the amount of cops with weapons on the streets and increase the amount of conceal-and-carry. Arm the innocent. The constitution says we have a right to protect ourselves. With what!!!

I'm not understanding your point. Are you being facetious??

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No, he's being willfully ignorant.

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All my criminal neighbors have unregistered high capacity weapons. Three of them broke into my house while my toddler slept, mere feet away. Should I be prohibited from owning a weapon?

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absolutely ..and you should stop taking Karate classes. Marshall arrts make you hands deadly weapons and give you an unfair advantage

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An unfair advantage against kalashnikovs and flamethrowers? (Which my neighbors actually have). Doesn’t compute. Also, how do you know I’m not disabled?

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Agree. Murders need to be labeled John or Judy Doe! No pics no names. Make them anonymous.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Ironic username for a position like that.

Some of us prefer truth and transparency for events like this or covid and the shots, regardless of perceived costs.

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There are a lot of facts that can be disclosed without naming names and showing pics ( i.e. Killer was a stoner). Naming names and showing pics, in my opinion, incentivizes theses nut cases to kill. No fame no reward for extremely bad behavior.

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The more details suppressed about ANY event, in ANY country, the closer that country comes to tyranny and the more liberty dissolves.

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Impossible "wish" unless we want to support yet another chink in the "armor" of our constitution and our bill of rights... however... it is one of those ideas that certainly is appealing, I agree. But, then how could you have a functioning government where "sunshine" laws are "selective". Say the husband of a national politician would get drunk, be in a serious accident, or as once happened, even leave someone to DIE in an accident in an effort to "protect" himself. Then, the law of no public information released would also become a point to huge contention ! ?

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Not obvious to me. The authorities would abuse this. They would report what they wanted to with no one being able to disagree. ‘Another mass shooting by a Trump supporter’.

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How many (Nadler/Schumer) pols have looked us straight in the face, and called ANTIFA a myth?

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No matter how fast they scramble, the word is out - the police physically removed 16 knives and swords from his house two years ago, and since then he threatened to kill his whole family – what exactly do the police think constitutes a red flag?

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Red flags include refusing the clotshot, not putting a Ukraine flag or BLM logo on your social media, and questioning whether Biden really got 81 million votes.

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My flag is blood red then! Hail Victory!

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Operation Gladio was a fail safe mechanism to leave "assets" in communized nations, that might later flip it back to freedom. Italy in the 1950's for example. These programs were subverted by the very forces all decent and freedom loving humans fight against, and the funding went in to training sick and alienated sorts like Uvalde and the July 4th cross-dresser. These are Homeland Security and FBI assets. Military intelligence uses them, AGAINST us, the founders and supporters of this no longer great nation. These tactics have been used by communists since 1895, same year as the 1st "Zionist Congress."

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As a committed conspiracy theorist, I applaud your theory there was no enemy we have to fear more than the enemy within

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We are Conspiracy RESEARCHERS, I refuse using the CIA terms used to denigrate people who notice their evil! Hail Victory Brother! Truth always wins, although at the moment, it is getting the snot kicked out of it!

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Red flag laws as I understand it are passed by individual states. Therefore the state (executive branch) has the ultimate responsibility to seeing that it’s enforced. The spotlight should also be on Govenor Pritzker. Where’s the media when you need them?

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Not only a fashion show, but a shout out.

"After describing to the viewers what his home might eventually look like, saying that it will include a window and a bench, Crimo concludes his video by saying: 'Goodbye Mr. FBI agent."


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Before his video was removed, I believe Crimo also stated he was being medicated with antidepressant drugs. Mind-altering drugs is a common factor in every single one of these mass shootings.

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Way more than marijuana! We start in elementary school with the ADHD diagnosis from teachers and a school nurse . Public schools have been a disaster for years , teachers are mostly unionized and really aren’t great teachers ! They want the children to be quiet , don’t ask questions as that’s interrupting the leader of the classroom’s lecture . Children are inquisitive and imaginative and are developing into their own unique personalities! They are told to behave , be quiet , and they are BORED ! It’s worse now with all the woke agenda . The drugs are readily available to prescribe if a child is too inquisitive, wants to share thoughts , maybe talks to much …. Parents are happy because they work two jobs and are too tired to listen at the once known dinner table ! All those psychotropic, SSRs , and “ADHD “ drugs are damaging are children , before they hit marijuana and harder drugs . Parents woke up with Covid zoom “Learning “ , but not a thing is changing with our Public schools , the Dems and the unions must be destroyed along with Public Schools . We have many parents begging for school choice , charter schools, yet homeschool is by far the best . It’s not easy for a lot of parents , but it’s the most important job you’ll ever have , raise your children , not techers who are part of the government and the New World Order !

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Agree 💯% with your comments regarding the schools and the pushing the prescription treatments of ADHD/other "behavioral" issues. My older daughter is on the autism spectrum and when she was in early elementary school focus was a concern. However that was secondary and due to her autistic profile, not ADD or ADHD. Instead of developing strategies to help her stay on task the school, including the speech pathologist, jumped to suggesting we should medicate her for attention issues. We did not agree and actually were told the school shouldn't even suggest medication. However the school's position nowadays is to butt their noses in to student's healthcare. In fact at the high school years, at least in my district, they openly talk to students about their medications and try to pry into what they're taking, who is prescribing it, etc. and things that they have no professional background to ask or expertise to assess. And they absolutely cut the parents out and unless the student tells the parents, the parents will never know that these questions were ever asked.

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Absolutely on target. I (shamefully) will admit I presided over many many of those IEP meetings, and yes, it was a constant "dance" to keep teachers placated who were ill equipped to deal with anything past writing an assignment on the board to keep students busy, and then going to their desk. ALL teachers ? NO, OF COURSE NOT, but far to many, and impossible to drop their employment contracts, impossible ! I left for private practice and university teaching after 17 years of working for public school districts who intentionally pressured and spoke "over the heads" of less educated parents ! If people only knew what REALLY goes on, if they only knew !

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Thank you for your post!

"I left for private practice and university teaching after 17 years of working for public school districts who intentionally pressured and spoke "over the heads" of less educated parents!" THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THEY DO!! Oh its infuriating! They sit there spewing out multi-syllabic words that they all learned in their masters of education only to make themselves sound more official and well-versed and super knowledgeable over the peons that are the parents and taxpayers. It was disgusting. And I agree with you if only people knew what really goes on, and what some of these teachers really say and really think about the kids and the parents...the majority of residents would be mortified!

And you're right of course it's not all of them, there's plenty of good teachers but there's more of the bad ones. And I found through working with the special education teachers and service providers that some of those were the really bad ones, and never should be anywhere near children let alone ones on IEPs. I pulled my youngest daughter (in her 10th grade year) out and homeschool her now, and in retrospect I wish I had pulled them both out in elementary school and home schooled them both.

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Both my kids have ADHD. We have resisted the urge to medicate. They are wonderful, inquisitive, intelligent critical thinkers. They do well in school (with a lot of hard work and, yes, a period of homeschooling). They read (even my dyslexic child, who also probably is on electronics too much). What else have we resisted? Social media. They are not allowed. They know it, their friends know it. We have told them WHY they are not allowed. But all of these responses and the new information coming out has me thanking God for making me resistant to medical intervention.

I pray for Highland Park, Uvalde, Buffalo and everywhere else that needless violence has hit. I pray for the families destroyed.

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I've never looked into ADHD, it was not a 'thing' when I was young, but I and many of my friends had the symptoms , inattentive and disruptive ( where we were bored and could get away with it ) . If I did look into it, I would start from the premise that it is not a thing at all, it's active minds growing and testing boundaries, and look to prove myself wrong.

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I read the list of symptoms by which they diagnose ADHD Virtually every human being would qualify. It’s a BS disease and diagnosis. ‘Do you ever have trouble concentrating?’ I have phenomenal concentration. But sometimes, every so often, I don’t. When I am bored, which is almost never, when I have serious issues going on at home/work and I am at work/home with someone nattering at me about inconsequential matters. When I’m not at all interested. Etc. Who doesn’t sometimes have trouble focusing? Yet I hat means we need RITALIN.

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So my experience is that the healthy state is to not be too focussed, with the ability to concentrate only when needed, high focus shuts down most other brain rationality outside of the subject. I find a good book ( one which actually interests me rather than one which I think I should read ) or programming are the two with which I can lose track of time itself.

Competitive sport was another in my younger days. I also think that high focussed, driven groups lose the balance of the mind, morality goes missing quite early, it seems.

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Excellent comment

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It may be over diagnosed, but it is a real description of how some brains work. Does everyone need drugs to focus. No, there are other tools that can be used to manage. Read the book Driven to Distraction and your opinion may change.

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The way it is diagnosed in Canada is from a simple list of ten questions. If you answer ‘yes’ to more than 5 they say you need drugs. I have, or rather had, great focus. I could daydream if I felt like it but when I needed to focus I could extremely well. I answered ‘yes’ five times. If I answered yes five times everyone would. I had a doctor tell me one of my kids needed Ritalin. I had the doctor answer the same ten questions. He needed it too. As did I. As did my wife. Etc. My son didn’t need Ritalin. He had an IQ of 176 and he was bored out of his mind.

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Of course you are correct ! Also, the present trend to blur the lines between male and female development in regard to fine motor skill development, general physical development (large muscle), focus, energy, physicality (loud, "rambunctious", play, etc.) and a host of other distinct developmental time lines for boy and for girls, is NOT going to help the situation. I look for the number of "girls" requiring "medication" for "learning" to increase and possibly equal the number of boys who are set on the path of addiction from an early age.

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Adult ADHD is the current pile of pharma bull designed to peddle meds. You can label anyone ADHD. I know older women taking Concerta and Vivance and it's not doing them any favors.

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My husband is a mathematician, ph,D. I am pretty sure if he were raised in the US right now they would say he has ADHD. He was (is) boisterous, mischievous and interrupts a lot. Luckily he was raised in Austria in the 70s so his brain was allowed to develop drug free. He has a mind like a steel trap. And enthusiasm for learning that is magically contagious. He’s a CUNY professor so I like to believe he’s making a difference among young people. He has surprisingly many gems in his classroom.

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What we learned is that a lot of ADHD diagnosis are untreated learning differences (or LDs alongside ADHD, and the untreated LD makes the ADHD appear to be worse). We also learned that a large part of ADHD, at least in some, particularly females, is a lack of natural executive functioning skills. Those can be taught. It is also a reaction to diet and chemicals. Does it take more effort to deal with it without meds? Yes. Are my kids worth the effort? Yes. Could I do better? Absolutely yes. And what COVID has taught us is that there are minerals (Vitamin D, magnesium, others) that most of us are deficient in - can also exacerbate ADHD. Oh, is it expensive to try to really understand? Yes - and out of reach for many. The thorough neuropsych evaluations required were in the thousands and not covered by insurance. I am incredibly thankful that we were aware enough to look early when my child wasn't learning to read on time - because that put us on an incredibly journey of awareness and checking the fine print.

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deletedJul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022
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What would that mean? Can’t make decisions? Has trouble making up her mind? Pretty standard for a lot of women. In my experience. The cure is some strategies for decision making and just accepting some people need to ask three questions about every item on the menu before she orders grilled salmon with sauce on the side.

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ADHD is utter bs! Now if you let kids run and play for an hour or more, THEN sat them down to actually LEARN…you’d probably have very focused attention on what you were teaching these minds!

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It's a boy thing especially. It's very hard for them to sit still unless they are particularly enthralled with a project of their own choosing.

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You are absolutely, 100%, correct. Just watch TV for one full day concentrating on ONLY the multiple ads for PRESCRIPTIONS. The ads are for "conditions" (not DISEASES) and urge the TV audience do CALL their doctors and ASK for a prescription for the advertised drug ! Doesn't that "register" with people as not quite "right" ? Seems not ! Then listen to the list of possible side effects...including death, and suicide ! Something has to be wrong in the thinking process of people who do not "hear" that part about the new drug, especially to "treat" an annoying, but relatively (compared to death, or possible suicide) non life threatening "condition". But of course, the supporters will point out, that NOT paying attention in school IS a "life threatening" condition, a life altering event, so drugs ARE called for ! It's no different a concept than the fact that Covid CAN cause death, therefore, a drug that could also cause death is automatically indicated !

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And the tv watchers, convinced their "brain chemistry" is out of whack, will run to the doctor and demand an SSRI or ADHD meds. As you point out, they disregard the voice-over in the tv ads that goes over what I call the "death or dismemberment" clauses. They just go for it. Sometimes with tragic consequences. I lost a friend, age 60, who just hanged herself in February. That's a typical mode of suicide for depressed people given SSRIs. And in my city, she'd be about the third to do that in the past six months. We need to wake up.

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I think ADHD is a concocted excuse to peddle meds. It's one example of disease mongering, like female sexual dysfunction and restless leg. If you see direct to public drug marketing you can count on some new "syndrome" that will bring in the bucks for pharma.

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Your children are blessed to have you as their Mom.

Many bright, talented, productive people have ADHD and readily admit to it. Among them are Elon Musk and David Neeleman. They also readily admit to the fact they do not take medication for it, as they believe their condition is essential to their creativity.

For every one of them there are probably tens of thousands of other equally talented people with ADHD that we will never know.

Pharmaceutical companies are obviously biased in treating a condition that probably ought not to be treated pharmaceutically.

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My comment was my experience with my schooling , my children’s and my former experience working with teens in rehab !

It’s not easy , but we’ll worth really raising your children! All the best to you and your family !

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Both of our sons were disciplinary problems for their public school beginning at any early age. In both cases, the school's default response was to view our sons as outliers and to strongly push us to put our kids on drugs.

We opted to proceed cautiously and to have our sons tested. Both scored in the high IQ range - 149 and 141, respectively. They had issues but a big part of it was the disconnect between their intelligence and their emotional development.

It was a nightmare for us because we declined to resort to drugs. Our sons were bored, struggled to conform, and they caused problems that the school was not equipped/inclined to deal with. We found support, rode out the storm, and our sons have matured.

As you implied, the schools are indoctrination centers. The last thing most teachers want is to have to work a little harder to accommodate a kid who asks questions or challenges authority (my kids, for example).

The disaster that is the public school system was clearly revealed in the remote learning debacle. Half of the teachers went AWOL. The vast majority of those who remained made little effort to "teach".

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I mentored a girl in public school in Maryland for three years. She was medicated with Ritalin or something like it. If she didn't take it she was lewd busy and obnoxious. But if she took it she drooled. Her eyes looked dead. I realize since those days the drug was the problem, the home situation the trigger. I don't think anybody should ever take those drugs. Especially not children

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So glad to hear you persevered for your sons' benefit! And you are correct... The school just jumps to medicate the students that they "can't control" because that's easier for them and a lot of times it's just a lazy way out. It takes a lot of work to think outside the box but that's what teachers should be doing!

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how many < 10 year olds whose parents are broke but get insurance are then targeted to get the kids on the ADHD meds? i was one of them, i have documentation from all the increased doses.... it's not the weed.

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I worked in foster care & adoption for years and if any child. male or female couldn't sit still which in many cases meant were just being a bored child in a classroom where the teachers really had no teaching skills to engage children, the first thing the school wanted to do was put the kids on Ritalin. My agency fought with many schools for foster kids to not drug them. The kids became zombies, not in the best condition to learn, but they sat still & were quiet. The foster parents developed a remedy that worked with some of the kids. They would include in their lunch, a thermos of warm coffee rather than milk or juice. It actually calmed some kids down. We tried to get the state to do a study but, the money from drugs won out.

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I taught at a state university and the young men on Ritalin/Vivance/Adderall had stunted senses of humor. Those drugs are so destructive.

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deletedJul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022
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Sounds a lot like my experience, they had no outlet for me to express myself and so they drugged me, i find cannabis works for me and people like Alex have no idea and want to demonize a plant not the people doing the horrible thing... he sucks at root cause analysis

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It's all bad. Putting substances in to control moods and behavior is destructive.

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After reading your very thoughtful post, it reminds me of a classic song, The Wall, Another brick in the Wall with my lil addition

We don’t need ur education... (we don’t need ur medication)...we don’t need ur thought control... hey, teacher leave those kids alone.

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Nobody said anything when black kids were considered disruptive in class. I was one of them. Instead of medicating me with Ritalin my parents got the school to advance me a grade. Many black kids were damaged by the public school system and overly medicated. But nobody says anything until it’s whites

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Victims of the racism of low expectations. I've seen that over and over again.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

I didn't think anyone possessed the analysis skills to link the various circumstances as you so clearly have done above. IF you can find a copy (pricey and rare) of Blumenfeld's: N.E.A., Trojan Horse in American Education, grab it and read in detail the ultimate goal that few, if any, innocent education majors realized when the indoctrination began in the colleges of education across the land. Innocent young, gifted, people, who admired their own teachers and wanted to become teachers, were totally convinced that joining a "professional association", while still students, was THE path to avoiding the "evils" of unions and would separate them from the non-professions (those most valuable citizens; miners, truck drivers, auto workers, etc. etc.) and the "status" of joining the ranks of the professions was so appealing to their young minds and egos. It enabled us to go from one of the premiere educational systems in the world (following WW2) to approaching, now, a largely ineffective and unchallenging public education system. One that has shortened instruction days and years. One that has largely abandoned the "judgmental and unfair practice of letter grades" in the early years. One that has cancelled routine homework (practice of one hour of out of class study for every hour of in class instruction, allows for more face book, twitter, snap chat, Tic Toc time in the evenings. We introduced cell phone to the classroom, first for teachers, then for students, thereby greatly reducing the stress of having to listen to boring instruction, and making drug dealing infinitely more efficient. Dead tired parents we SO relieved to have the burdens of overseeing homework, worrying about their "over active and energetic children....now drugged with a wide range of new miracle drugs to treat the never before heard of "conditions" of ADD, ADHA, oppositional defiance, and many other newly discovered "conditions" (especially in young boys). The same "conditions" once channeled through "recess", through family activities like hiking, hunting, boating, biking, and family chores. Chores, especially, gave children a sense of accomplishment, belonging, and WORTH to the family unit. Many school districts "cut" the non essentials that bolstered those who were not homecoming queen or football captain "material", a chance to "shine" and accomplish a feeling of self worth, of value (while also getting some personal recognition from teachers who "gave up" a hour or two a week to arrange and supervise chess clubs, science clubs, arts, crafts, music, and drama. Teachers demanded to be paid for those duties and responsibilities of the position, though they actually were a typical total "shift" most workers in auto plants, mines, meat packing, etc. routinely worked ! Then this expanded to NO MORE PLAY GROUND DUTY, a decades old practice of the teacher and his/her young students taking a "break" together, outdoors if at all possible, with teachers often joining in the game being played. This was discontinued in many districts, either because they were unable to afford additional paid employees to be responsible for such time, or, they succumbed to the pressure to provide more "in-service" time and "office time without students" for teachers. It goes on and on, a long list of how we destroyed an educational system second to none... and now probably somewhere around 37th I believe with a high school graduation rate under 50% now. Have we just gone too far to turn this around ? Would students even accept "hard" academic requirements such as ability to write in a cogent manner, with correct spelling, punctuation, etc. ? ?

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💯. Well stated

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Young Kids are induced drugs users before puberty. Is it any wonder where this leads sometimes???

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Standing ovation for that!!! Well written.

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I have read that the charts for SSRI prescriptions to under 25s correlate nicely with the uptick in mass shootings over the last few decades. Anyone here know if that is a true assertion or not?

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You might want to check this out https://ssristories.org/category/violence/spree-shooting-stabbing-attack/

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Thank you for that link. Why is it no surprise that Big Pharma could be behind all of this violence? In my 20s I worked in a dance club and one of the girls started taking Zoloft on a whim (with her doctor's permission, of course)...she was "sad" about breaking up with her boyfriend, but not clinically depressed from what I could tell. About a month into being on that prescription she shot herself in the head. A beautiful, young woman with her life ahead of her. I never for one second thought it didn't have to do with the drug.

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

And now OBGYNs push paxil for hot flashes, because they're terrified to prescribe HRT. I wonder how many older women have taken that bait and come off badly.

And if the crap doesn't work, you'll only know after a few weeks, and then the taper off would have to be done carefully.

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Thank you Sarah, I will.

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Good two part article. Link to the first part is at the beginning of this one.


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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Broken homes or missing fathers is another common thread for the vast majority of these shooters. But that's even more unspeakable than the pharma pattern.

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Lot of broken homes but sometimes not too. I have yet to read about a shooter not on meds. Marijuana is bad for you. It’s likely a contributing factor. But if we could do one thing it would be to STOP PHARMA.

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Just stop watching tv. That's where most of the disease mongering happens and those asinine drug commercials have proliferated.

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Apparently, this area is particularly affluent, and someone on here mentioned the father is in the picture still.

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I think what we're witnessing is a combination of a lot of societal ills: antidepressants, broken homes and communities, terrible schools pushing things like the trans agenda, Covid lockdowns and separation from friends, violent video games, and, yes, WEED. Until we acknowledge that this problem is very complicated and multi-faceted, we are only throwing out political slogans from each side and pretending that we care about solving it.

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Of course you are correct. There is an enormous push to normalize abnormal behavior, abnormal families, abnormal communities. No matter how much people would like to think otherwise, abnormal is abnormal and should be considered as such. Acceptance of abnormal behavior benefits no one.

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So true. Let's have the appropriate compassion and sympathy for the abnormal, but let's not pretend that it's mainstream or that it doesn't need to be addressed.

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By the way the Epoch Times has a story today citing a UN report that cannibis use increased dramatically, as a consequence of "the lockdowns." Another contributing factor.

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Oh, I don't doubt that one bit. We shut up countless kids in their homes with nothing else to do but get high, and we're baffled by the consequences of this? I'll go and search for that story, thank you.

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It boils down to the loss of the father. Men have been systematically denigrated for at least the past fifty years in the US. Fathers are parodied by figures like Homer Simpson and Al Bundy. You can raise kids without a father in the home, sure. But it's a huge loss for the kids and for Mom too if anyone cares to admit it.

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Amazing how anyone could not understand the value of a good Father in a boy's life especially. Daughters too, but there are so many boy's and men who are the way they are because of the lack of a goof Father or male role model. Sure there are those who overcame in amazing ways and that is possible, but certainly the many struggle and never are able to escape the realties of not having a good Father who was always real with the son and taught him right from wrong in human existence

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My city is full of kids who know no one gives a care about them. Mom may have turned them over to grandma, they roam the streets looking like they know they're not wanted by anyone. If the sperm donors that created them were to be actual fathers the scene would be very different.

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I also wonder how many of those men and women actually considered while they were having sex there could be a pregnancy, but just said F it. No pun intended

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how many of those mom's get government handouts for having those kids?

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They all get child support from the government. A dead beat sire down the street from me owed $238,000 in back child support for two or three kids he helped create. Those kids depended on the state. Meanwhile be was off creating more.

In the 60s the Supreme Court ruled that live in studs couldn't be held responsible for supporting the kids of other men. This quickly led to what we see now.

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I see it as satanic inversion of an order that was beautifully designed. Throw out the ones with the gift of being fathers and replace them with confused overworked power happy women... And the federal government.

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well said SK! Probably the greatest and most lasting answer is being raised in a stable loving home. Sounds corny perhaps or foreign to the world these days, but doesn't make it less true. Having solid role models in a loving way is lost on so many. The formative years so crucial..

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"Having solid role models in a loving way is lost on so many. "

Considering the left's protracted assault on the nuclear family and biology, even something as basic as having two loving parents has become the exception rather than the rule. Marriage and procreation have been trivialized along with other basic institutions of civil society.

Where does a child truly learn how to conduct themselves in society but within the microcosm of the family? Yet, governments and schools have inserted themselves in loco parentis. It only goes to follow that generations of asocial children have become asocial adults with predictable societal consequences.

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Let's hope the pendulum continues to swing back to people coming to realize it's the answer. There is a strong awakening of young moms and dad's seeing what is happening to their children by the Marxists so that is a blessing to see. I always say mama bear is awake and she is charging hard to Nov 22 and 24

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Such a sad time we're living in, isn't it? The best thing we can do is to raise our children in a healthy environment and teach them to raise theirs in one as well.

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Correct! But it's far less costly to blame and ban "guns" than to fix a broken society.

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It's also a political rallying point for the Democrat Party, which is the only real interest. To be fair, the Republicans do it, too - "They're gonna take our guns!"

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The veritable 'chickens' are coming home to roost. Add to your list generations of Americans raised on processed foods including fast food, and chemically treated water. (My thoughts about chemically treated water changed radically after being involved in a lawsuit involving alleged birth defects stemming from municipal water). Generations of children who have been given 30-plus vaccines by the time they reach twelve. Parents on SSRIs and other prescribed drugs who have conceived children.

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The problem is it always seems to start with big harma and spirals 🌀 outta control from there

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exactly...like the columbine boys. No one talks about the pharmaceutical drug angle. Kind of funny to see Alex touting this THC nonsense. Some of these psych medications should be banned.

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Its not nonsense, but I completely agree, it is not the whole story.

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The NONSENSE is in the concentrating of what was never meant to be. Only MAN concentrates

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Its truly FOREST for the TREES

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I can add my personal experience. I took a RX anti-depressant for many years. I didn't realize how much it was messing up my thinking. I would love to know how many of these mass shooters take RX anti-depressants. I'd bet it is nearly all of them. Of course, I was never going to become a mass shooter but I did notice that I was more comfortable getting into confrontations than is my normal self. I am a woman who believes strongly in peace and non-violence. I can only imagine what those RX drugs could do to a young man who is experiencing high levels of testosterone and who hasn't yet figured out who he is in the world.

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Here’s something else that you may want to consider, and I don’t mean to doubt your testimony, but often times the very diagnosis behind the Rx is an artifact of a psychiatric/pharmaceutical industry that has created a whole host of novel maladies that “need fixing.” After all, you can’t sell a “remedy” for a condition that doesn’t exist or a condition that was previously considered a normal, albeit undesirable, behavior such as unwarranted anger (that can otherwise be treated with counseling). In this sense, we’re in a replay of medieval Catholic Indulgences in which millions were conned into accepting a phony diagnosis to a non-problem and then suckered into spending their meager resources for a non-solution.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Well, my theory is that a lot of the depression and anxiety we feel today is because our lifestyles are so contrary to what we are biologically evolved to enjoy. For thousands of years, we lived hunter gatherer lifestyles in tribes. We are evolved to get rewarded from that lifestyle. You put that hunter gatherer in front of a screen, cut off from other humans, eating junk food that took no effort to harvest and all the wiring goes astray.

And if anyone wants to know how to counteract this without going to the extreme of "Naked and Afraid", here is my advice:

Spend time outdoors, interact with nature and animals, have close human relationships and get lots and lots of physical exercise. Turn off the electronics. Meditate. Eat whole foods.

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See, something like this makes more sense, that the SSRI could make the last little bit of difference from someone already predisposed to do something like this. But i don't buy that it makes killers out of otherwise normal people, personally.

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Large enough doses of RX drugs and marijuana and opioids and whatever else people are commonly taking can do a a number on almost anyone but it is always going to be the people on the margins who end up in extreme circumstances. Sadly, it only takes a handful of people to commit mass shootings to destroy our society, our trust in each other and our belief in our system of governance.

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Have you read Breggin's book "Medication Madness"? He documents the results of taking SSRIs, ADHD meds, tranquilizers, neuroleptics and anti-seizure meds. You might find it interesting.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Has been for how long now yet these drugs are only more and more prescribed as years pass. So similar to the EUA gene therapy med injections...we all know how dangerous they are. There is simply ZERO accountability of ANY kind and we all wonder WHY this continues, day after day, month after month and year after year. Everyone knows the system is corrupt to it's very core and those in the swamp who are bought off by big Pharma and Big Ag take the money and look the other way. Same old story. ZERO accountability is the #1 crisis we face and until it changes nothing does

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Agreed 100%

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Bingo! Although I agree with Alex’s general thesis regarding THC, we shouldn’t let that be a red herring against the larger conversation of traditional psychoactive drugs and their role in such tragedies.

Nice work with your steel, Hank.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Big Pharma will never be discussed as a cause of mass shootings; Big Pharma has a strangle-hold on our politicians with lavish incentives and contributions. And ad revenue for the Mass Media and local news is just too good. It's easier to blame the guns and weed. Neither of these items are the cause of these tragic incidents. Big Pharma Psychotropic Drugs will never be looked at as a possible cause. Never.

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So the gun lobby doesn't have it's own ad revenue & everything else that u mentioned? Weed lobby is getting big also & has many resources. If they're still blamed, that reasoning doesn't make sense. Why not just take the money from all 3 & blame a fictional 4th for all the problems? If this is the motivation?

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

You are correct. Their God is their belly, anything they can suck in from other people to satisfy the materialistic demons they are possessed with will be their downfall. In Jesus name, Amen.

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We’re all fighting for freedom. Thanks‼️

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People that want to blame the SSRIs need to show proof that this wouldn't have happened without those, IMO. They can't. Those are just trying to fix the persons already broken brain, most times. The broken brain is the reason they do these things, not the anti depressants.

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I’ve been doing a very interesting deep dive in vaccines, and found them to be the cause of much physical and mental brokenness in our society today. It’s actually very sad.

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Many of these drugs have FDA warnings due to increased thoughts of suicide when taken by people in certain age groups.

Meanwhile, the FDA is completely incurious about the fact that the same drugs have been taken by people of the same age who commit mass murders that they expect will end in suicide, either by killing themselves or “suicide by cop”.

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Right, but it's increased thoughts.of suicide, meaning those thoughts are already present, but the medication can increase them. They don't put suicidal ideations in people who would never have them otherwise, from my understanding. So, we can't necessarily say the kids still wouldn't have committed suicide eventually, because something is obviously wrong with their brain chemistry. It's hard to prove 1 way or another, either way, tho, especially if they're unwilling to do the studies (because I'm sure they're scared of any bad findings scaring people away from their products, meaning less income).

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I think there is a certain level of suicidal ideations in many people of that age dealing with depression and other disorders, even if it is just a fleeting thought.

Obviously there is only a tiny fraction of people committing these mass crimes. My concern is that in rare cases the drugs don't just increase suicidal ideation, but instead takes the person into the murder-suicide realm.

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Fair enough, but talk about a double standard. Does anyone anymore actually believe that Big Pharma bothers to honestly prove anything about their products?


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Correct, they can't. The reason is that you are asking to prove a negative. That is logically impossible.

If what you chose to characterize as a "broken brain" exists (and I would not choose those words) it needs to be treated with love and compassion.

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They can show that people only commit these atrocities while on SSRIs. There's no proof that SSRIs are the cause, was my point, & u know that. Big pharma can be bad, but not the cause of everything bad, at the same time.

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Is it the 'mind-altering' drugs or people ending the use of prescribed drugs that is the problem?

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Evil is the problem.

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is evil genetic?

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Evil is a choice, so I tend towards poor parental upbringing.

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Give it a bit of time, the videos will start appearing everywhere

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Would that include the paranoia that, for example, leads one to completely accept the ridiculously exaggerated threat from a relatively harmless virus and seek safety in self-imposed exile from society?

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And then we eat the fish.

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I wonder if he was talking to any retired FBI agents on Discord like the supermarket shooter was.

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Wondering the same.

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Just another of the many forms of plausibly deniable chemical, biological, psychological, and spiritual attacks to which our youth are being subjected

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I used to smoke weed or hash every fucking day from age 14-17, back in the 70s. Anyone who says pot isn't a gateway drug is clueless.

My high school friends who continued to smoke are totally worthless, and we grew up in a very affluent area with great schools. It most certainly affects one's mental state.

Weed is not good for you.

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The summer after I graduated from "high school" (pun intended), I realized I had to read the same paragraph in the newspaper three times before I could remember what I just read and follow the train of thought in whatever it was I was reading.

I was heading off to college in a couple months, and figured I needed to straighten up, because, as a chemistry major, it was going to get a lot more intense. It took several months before I regained my faculties.

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Did you and all of your friends turn into psychotic monsters shooting everyone up? because if no then we have some dissonant findings i'm afraid ;)

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They don’t all have to. It’s like the vax. Not everyone will die. But many many people are ruined by pot. It isn’t harmless. Pot rage is real.

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Yes, and people in good faith are just trying to find a pattern to this madness. For a start:

1. Not all stoners are mass shooters, but all mass shooters appear to be stoners.

2. Not all SSRI users are shooters, but all shooters seem to be on SSRIs.

3. Not all people from broken families become mass shooters, but all mass shooters seem to come from broken families.

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All mass shooters are also men.

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they conveniently ignore all the children murdered over a market manipulated plant..

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3 I don’t agree with. Some came from non broken homes...I think. 2, for sure. And 1 for sure.

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Agreed. It’s why I used the words “appear to be” or “seem”. There are no absolutes to this madness, except that every perp is a seriously disturbed individual who is solely responsible for his actions.

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that's not how it works tho

if the drug is the driver then the results should be the same ceteris paribus

that those "stoners" doing the horrible things fall in "outlier" cohort is super inconvenient for those that want to demonize the pot (the thing Udo found to have the most desirable ratio of omegas found in nature)

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That is seriously not true. Each person metabolizes differently. They smoke differently. They mix it with different things. They have different personalities. If you chug a lug a bottle of tequila there will be a similar experience with everyone. Everyone is wasted. But some will

Vomit. Some will pass out. Some though will walk around talking and seeming normal, but they’re in a complete blackout. The idea that some seemingly aren’t ruined does not mean many can’t be.

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And none died? is that what happened? Almost none turn into mass murdering mumble rappers and none overdosed... got it, good work.

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That's the point Lincoln missed.


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You missed the point.

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The point you want to conveniently ignore the non outcomes of violence regarding the millions upon millions of people that use daily? Was that the point i missed?

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I really don't give a fuck what you believe; my point was (and I believe) it's not good to go through life stoned. It affects different people in different ways, and none of them are good as far as I'm concerned.

At least that's the way I see it.

We can leave it at that, because, as I said above, I really don't give a fuck what you believe.

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Great, then you will do well to leave people that aren't you alone wouldn't you?

Hey Alex, I think we have a case of a notStoned human getting irritated and psychotic? See how dumb that is?

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Hey Einstein,

You have no idea how I treat others. I treat others exactly how I want to be treated, and I simply want to be left the fuck alone.

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I know dozens of people who smoke marijuana who are well-off, productive members of society.

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There are a couple of gateways before pot, including caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco.

"Weed is not good for you."

If you believe that, fine, don't consume cannabis, but don't presume to tell me what I can and cannot put in my own body.

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I agree with you on alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.

But you had it wrong in this: I didn't 'presume to tell you or anyone what to do'. I do not give a fuck what you do, or anyone else I don't know, as long as it doesn't affect me.

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I agree. IMO alcohol is more of a “gateway” than MJ, and studies even show that to be true.

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Keep telling the truth, Alex. People are waking up to the fact it's NOT "just pot".

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you guys are bat shit witch hunters, stick to mandated vaccines before you tear up your support base and we just capitulate on trying to help because this is disgusting

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I'm sure marijane is not good if taken in huge doses, but then again, you can overdose on water and broccoli too. There are too many stories of marijuana derivatives curing cancer and helping with other diseases to throw it out the window.

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Taken at the highest dose it kills nobody, #factcheckthis

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

SSRI’s more likely to be the issue here.


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I will say, I took both SSRIs and marijuana long enough to know that Celexa caused me to go into a very bad mixed episode and I had detailed plans to go to Niagara, get crunk and jump over the falls until a friend intervened. I quit SSRIs over a decade ago because of that. I quit marijuana about 5 months ago. Marijuana never made me depressed AND manic at the same time. Marijuana didn't affect me like that, but SSRIs nearly killed me That said, I'm open to the marijuana psychosis link too. Both can be true.

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My son got hooked on weed in the vaping form. We had many psychotic episodes from him during a long summer. He destroyed his room by punching holes in the walls and ripping his door off the hinges. He struggled for a solid year getting off of THC, withdrawals, suicide ideation, and bouts of anxiety. He saw a doctor who prescribed antidepressants. He decided to give those up too and join a gym. This horrific struggle is very real for families everywhere. Read the /trees sub on Reddit for some of the most tragic stories on addiction. Clean living, strong connections, and a faith in a higher calling are the only ways out of this hell.

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If he is vaping concentrate and not flower, that is the issue. Concentrate is way high and two puffs are enough. Problem is that some puff habitually.

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Your friend literally saved your life. Everyone needs a friend like that.

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Celexa and Remeron almost did me in. Cannabis? Not so much. Did have a few psychosis issues with high dosages, but scaled that back. Cannabis cures my incurable insomnia.

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Same here. I was on Effexor for almost 20 years, and have smoked MJ for over 20. MJ never made me depressed, manic, upset, or anything remotely like that. SSRI's made me compulsive and made me gain a lot of weight.

SSRI's should not be prescribed to anyone. They are terrible.

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Our then 20 year old bodybuilder/powerlifting son caught an unknown virus in 2017 which led to pneumonia and 100% life support for three days... After his two week intubation we were asked if he had any level of anxiety with which they should medicate for. We figured some low powered drug would be okay - just in case, not required. I went to work the next day and came to visit... I was utterly shocked as he was shaking like a heroin junky in recovery. I said "NO MEDS"! Stop it! The next day he was fine and relaxed.

I was convinced he was part of an experiment with a drug in the testing phase. We should be suspicious of ANYTHING handed out that doesn't have 20 years of basis behind it.

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Thanks for shining a light on this; I think the users often end up on SSRIs - can tell you first hand SSRI drugs are horrible, they take all feeling away. Maybe they help some people? But for many they are a gateway to hell.

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Worst decision I ever made was to take SSRIs, and I was a mess and needed them at the time (my early 30s). But they make you dead inside and took years to get off them. Withdrawal is horrible. I can easily see a percentage of SSRI users could become detached enough to do something horrible.

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In the late '80's I suddenly became aware that my 5 year old daughter was holding my face in her hands and saying, "Are you talking in your heart, Mommy?" I was able to see a Dr. the next day and he put me on Prozac. It was the difference in night and day. You would have had to shoot me to get me to stop taking it. I could be a functional mom again. I thanked God. As time has gone by, my medications have changed due to my diagnosis of major depressive disorder.

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I want to know who produced the video for this psychopath. They knew he had murderous tendencies. And they could easily see he was unstable.

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Accessory after the fact?

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Well, that's what legalizing drugs will do, make crazy people go mad

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I love how all the pro-marijuana people show up and insist there is no connection between marijuana us and violence. Keep up the good work Alex.

I work in a field that brings me into contact with the extremes and I know their is a connection even if it isn't entirely clear what that connection is.

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I love how all the Eric Ding style cannabis grifters find one person who did something horrible that used the substance so they make a retarded conclusion that it must've been the plant and not the clearly sick and broken person. All while ignoring the millions and millions of daily cannabis users that miraculously go without shooting the place up. Wake up, they're stuffing your kids into masks and you're alienating stoners!?

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Perhaps cannabis is a contributing factor, besides the aforementioned "clearly sick & broken person" along with several other "legal drugs" prescribed by "professionals"? I agree, that not everyone will react the same, to whatever chemicals they ingest. Which is why you see side effects listings for drugs a mile long, covering everything imaginable.

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I am grateful that I read your book not long after I discovered you about Covid. It confirmed many things I had thought/wondered about. It should be taught in parenting classes and elsewhere.

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which book?

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"Tell Your Children". It is about cannabis and schizophrenia, as well as the whole subject. Very thoroughly researched, as one would expect from a former medical/pharma reporter for the NYT.

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reefer madness propaganda

you realize how many cannabis users are out there and 1 outlier that used the same substance does something horrible and now we all get grouped together? this is not science, this is Eric Ding style propaganda

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He is far from "1 outlier". Even the NYT and other MSM outlets have been reporting on the increasing episodes of cannabis/THC-related psychosis. The "Reefer Madness" trope is a lazy slur that is evidence of an unwillingness to consider inconvenient information.

If you actually read the book or even the more recent studies you would know that this is not grouping all cannabis users together. Far from it. But don't let me interrupt your rigid stance.

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The Daily Mail (UK) had an excellent piece online about cannabis use over the weekend, particularly in California and what ER doctors are having to deal with on a daily basis. Lincoln, you are in denial.

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ER doctors? I'm out at ER doctors. What is causing them to go to the ER?

Is it analogous to someone who never drank downing a bottle of everclear because that gets you into the ER, not any quantity of cannabis consumption. Show me which of the ER doctors lost even a single patient to a cannabis overdose (you cannot because there's been zero throughout all recorded history)

sure people freak out, like those cops that ate what they confiscated, got paranoid and told on themselves... did these ER patients then go on to shoot up the place or is this another inconvenient data point that doesn't align with Alex Eric Dangle's cannabis fear campaign?

No love lost, bless up, it's not the weed 🙏

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i don't need to read a book of lies to counter decades of actual experience thank you

you all are speaking from ignorance, it shows

Eric Ding opportunist style reefer madness is what this is

inconvenient information that isn't happening on any scale (millions and millions of daily cannabis users not mumble rapping and shooting up parades, data) is not science, it's nit picking for your narrative not mine ;)

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Perhaps the weed we smoked back then (70s/80s)and the thc potency now are very different things? I know I can’t tolerate even a puff of the bc bud available around me in Canada- I have three sons and the eldest smoked since he was in “high”school (yes really, my Dutch husband was stunned to see that the kids would get high on the way (ferry) to or at school) - son became quite lethargic and depressed and took years of gentle encouragement and support to turn around. He struggles with intense anxiety to this day (looks like ocd) and I do “blame” the weed. He is a lovely man and well balanced now but I am puppy guarding his younger brothers….

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Sunflower Sue, your constant references to MSM and outlets like the NYT's as the authority and the experts is..well...frankly sad and pathetic.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Tell Your Children is the title. Alex authored it in 2019 I think. Reading it now and it's eye-opening.

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“Tell Your Children the truth about marijuana, mental illness, and violence”

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Alex. Growing up, almost my entire group of peers smoked a LOT of weed. Everyday. For years. Wake n bakes, bong rips, pipes, joints, day and night. All of us grew up to be fine. I am 47 now and not one of the people I knew ever shot up a school, nor became violent. Tons of celebrities smoke a lot of weed. I now know lots of people in their twenties. They all smoke constantly. My question is: why is my reality amongst my social group immune to this weed psychosis for over 25 years?

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Citing celebrities who smoke a lot of weed doesn’t exactly strengthen your case.

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Today’s marijuana is so much more potent than that shit you were smoking and just a couple of hits on a modern joint would be like smoking an ounce of the old shit. Those levels are clearly mind altering and may explain a lot of the psychosis that’s raging in our young people.

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so potent today that it still has killed nobody via overdose

potency as measure by ratio of some thing vs another is a sure interesting way to measure "potency" if we take a gallon of beer and 8oz of everclear, which is more potent?

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I never said it causes death, it causes psychosis…

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still wrong... try flipping the cause effect around, you might find psychotic people using pot and misapplying a root failure mode on what is likely the coping mech

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Defend marijuana all you want. It will be outlawed again in 20 years once everyone learns of the harm it will have done to our society…

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oh good another statist looking forward to paying the taxes to lock up your fellow citizens over a plant that never killed anyone who ingested it, great sciencing

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Define... fine?

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Have careers, own homes, have families, don’t shoot up large groups of people. Nobody is in jail. No assault charges.

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Is the stuff now any stronger, more purified or potent? Was it weaker rolling your own?

Don't know, just asking if it's not the same as 40 years ago (I'm 59)

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It's supposedly a lot stronger these days, although I don't have first hand experience. I think much depends on the source too. I'm about your age, and smoked somewhat in my early years. But, there was a wide variety back then, some of which was quite strong. Can only imagine it's been refined since those days.

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Same could be said for the overwhelming majority of SSRI users yet many folks nonetheless posit a link between SSRI use and violence and don’t get called out for it.

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I’ve known a ton of people hurt by marijuana. Tons. Most if they were daily for years. But an occasional pot smoker; then no. But it is addictive and it’s easy to over smoke. Because you can take a toke on your way to your government job. And be stoned half the day, tolling yourself up at lunch etc. teens especially.

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how many died from overdose? was it none?

how many of the (checks notes) "tons" turned into mumble rapping mass-murderers?

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How many have performed throughout their lives at a sub par level? How many guys lost their sex drives? How many mysteriously had no children? How many walk around in a mild depression more or less chronically? How many ruined relationships because the person is not present every single day? But you’re right, no mass murderers. But many very very angry all the time.

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Are you talking about sugars/calorie excess or what? I see a lot of obese people in the state you describe in line at starbucks but it's not my business even if i'm concerned.

Alex is drawing a relationship between cannabis and psycho mass-murderers, did you want to address this or nitpick?

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I’ve seen in family members a serious anger issue arise with chronic pot use. Which goes away when the person realizes how it hurts them. So yeah, serious anger issues are brought on by pot in many people. Do that in enough people

And some will kill.

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your analysis is that the pot did it, maybe, sometimes, but we're not sure....is not the higher ground to take any stance where freedom is to be challenged and oppression is to be ushered in, opt for freedom, let people be responsible for their actions not scapegoating a plant that didn't kill anyone.... because these arguments really get hairy when we apply them to the 2nd amendment which is where this will go next (it already is heading there if you didn't notice)

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He's full on retarded when it comes to the cannabis fear mongering.

Why are we focusing on an outlier or two who coincidentally also consumed a plant that makes people feel good? gee did he drink water or drive a car or speak a language? conflating root causes is apparently what Alex likes to do now, that and settle cases with Twitter after he said he wouldn't... he's beginning to look like a grifter.

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very likely he had been on prescribed ADHD meds from tiny and been treated for depression etc... it's all part of the plan to destroy boys

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Not called "stoners" by accident. I was a freshman at Keene State College in 1974. My next door neighbor in my dorm smoked pot when he got up, all day and before going to bed. He flunked out after 1/2 of one semester. That is where the term "flunky" comes from.

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And that herb of the 70’s is nothing compared to the potency of today’s stuff. One toke today is like smoking two joints by yourself back then.

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Also in the “old days” you’d probably just fall asleep at some point.

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i graduated with a 4.0

your analysis is shite :D

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I can't argue with that. I graduated with a man named Steven Moore. We were both pre med. He smoked a joint while studying. He claimed that it help him concentrate. He had a 4.0 GPA. I tried and had to read the same page 4 times and still forgot everything I read. It did NOT work for me. I would say that you, Steve and a few more are the exception.

How old are you? My daughter recently graduated from Lasell College in Newton, MA. Her curriculum was high school level. I believe I could get a 4.0 while smoking pot if I was repeating 4 years of high school. I attended college in the 1970s. I was athletically inclined so I went for degree in physical education. I was not being challenged. It was soooooo easy that I changed to Zoology. Pre med. THAT was a challenge.

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Like to know if he was also on SSRI! Many many documented mass killings were committed by people on SSRI scripts. Well documented and some successfully defended in court. The weed is definately an issue and I keep trying to get family members in Toronto to STOP the madness. It's simply getting to be very dangerous.. (but it's legal they tell me), and I sigh heavily!

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Just need to point out that millions of people use marijuana and don’t have psychotic breaks.

I don’t think it is what you’re making it out to be.

This is an individual, and I know you’re looking for answers and connections as any good journalist would do. But I feel you’re hyper focused on what you want it to be.

Yes this kid was out of his mind and should have been doing nothing recreationally, but it’s not the reason he did what he did.

He watched tv and played violent video games too, but we all know that’s a weak argument.

Plenty of people do horrific things and don’t smoke pot either.

Plenty of people do great things and smoke or don’t smoke pot.

I feel like you’re driving this conversation in that correlation = causation direction incorrectly. I don’t think it’s the magic pill you are saying it is.

Im sure this dude was on a ton of prescription drugs as well and those have massive side effects that are not limited to violence and whatever.

Not beating you up, not shouting you down, just giving you my opinion.

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The prescription drugs are a common feature of this phenomenon and that's been known ever since we learned they changed Eric Harris' Luvox Rx three days before Columbine or whatever it was (forgive me for not relocating the details). It is interesting about his pot use, but it is only one risk factor and others exist.

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Yeah agreed. There are surely going to be so many more dots we can all connect as more info comes out.

It’s human to try to scramble for answers immediately after things like this happen.

Favorites are politics, drug use, family, etc. but it’s probably a combination of everything mixed into a person with a predisposition for this level of insanity.

Agreed this person and persons like him should not be using pot or whatever else, but it feels like an escape hatch to a far more complex conversation

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Who owns the music industry, and has pushed low IQ, black rap on to increasingly isolated, young white males? Every single time...

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

More we hear this is sounding like Biden and his administration along with the entire elite media.

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How many Feds were involved?

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Wait you mean stoners are insufferable losers ?

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I'll rep your max and my netflix short is making a shit load of money... how am I doing?

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My uterus could crush you brah

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lelz you might want to get that check out then, i could smoke an ounce and run a 10k leaving you in the dust without shooting up a single shopping mall while you get your overgrown uterus checked on ;) (all out of love, it's not the pot my friend)

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You seem Angry. Do you smoke daily? Or once in a while? Why do you care what Alex thinks? Or I think? I think you’re really wrong but I’m not angry about it. You seem To be. Pot rage is real, Linc.

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paranoid fear campaigns, like this one, are the root cause drivers of laws which puts an economical framing around an otherwise "mostly peaceful" plant making it illegal which drives an economy built around it

(humans have used cannabis for thousands of years, you have an endocannabinoid system ?)

how many kids killed due to unjust manmade economic incentives?

You seem to be so arrogant that you can understand my emotional state over some internet text, get a grip.

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I asked. Maybe you’re not. You’re not convincing me though.

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am i irritated by ignorant people acting very arrogantly about things they don't understand while conflating cause and effect and driving fear porn not seen since Eric Dingle left the USA? yes I'm a tad... but to the specific question at hand; where are the bodies? ;) oh there are none? narrative evaporated (data is inconvenient I get it)

what's curious is who in Alex's life cut him off and chose pot over Alex to make him so upset over a plant.... Alex that person was broken my dude, it's not that the plant took them from you they just chose to cut out whatever was making them hurt maybe, maybe not..

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Maybe it’s you that doesn’t understand. You never know.

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Why did those in leadership positions want legalization of weed?

Is it possible that marijuana is useful in manipulating a political structure?

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The two main reasons I can see is 1: They can make money off it 2: When you’re under the influence, you don’t give a shit what your supplier does.

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you guys are delusional... if it were legal it'd be worth the cost of a tomato... it's not legal, therefore the market is "manipulated"

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They want the drugs legalized to control the masses ! Dumb us down and after you’re addicted your focus is more and nothing else . I wonder what Biden’s on ???

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Well, we all know Kamala's high as a kite.

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And insecure as shit!

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I was wondering what was wrong with her , the laughing/ cackle is the give away !! Thanks ! 😂😂

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It has legitimate medicinal uses; it is a waste of police time, taxpayer money, and results in gang violence when illegal; but mostly I suspect it's the tax revenue.

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Kennedy smoked weed in the whitehouse and the CIA still killed him. Couldn't they have just mind controlled him with the pot instead of having Jack Ruby kill the guy that "killed" him?

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Both the Uvalde and Highland Park shooters were "on spectrum" transsexuals. Both targeted innocent victims in the midst of trying to enjoy their lives because they had, for whatever reason, been denied the ability to do so themselves. Which Tribe pushes, and pushes, and pushes homosexuality, trannies, and other assorted spiteful mutations upon us? What Tribe gave them a month to party, and stick their hairy legs in our clean shaven faces?

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

If the kid has mental health problems, I'm pretty sure smoking a lot of weed won't help him.

And if he didn't have mental health problems, I'm pretty sure smoking a lot of weed could have something to do with his condition now.

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Sound reasoning from a sound mind unaffected by drugs.

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Cannabis is the least of our problems and is actually beneficial as we do have an Endocannabinoid System. Some real problems: giving kids amphetimines for ADHD, the poisoning of our food supply, the breakdown in the family. I've probably smoked about a gram/day for 50 years. No calories, no problem. In terms of motor impairment it is right up there with caffeine. Why you keep harping on this nonsense is beyond me.

Speaking of Cannabis. This essay of mine has been read well over 10,000 times. If you want to understand the discovery of the Endocannabinoid Systems and why all adults should have the right to grow this is worth a read. Enjoy.


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some people are so convinced that whatever hurt them/their friend/family in the past must've been the medicine they were seeking help through (as they found no other outlet) so let's blame that because it's easier than trying to fix broken people.. bless up 🙏

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Ok, my not in depth knowledge of yesterday’s event is that this kid was shooting from a rooftop, reports are that there were two series of shots, 5-6 rounds each series. 6 dead, 24 wounded. Ok, so there was likely police presence during the parade. Not SWAT/active shooter teams, but police, and probably some heavier armed guys for mass gathering event. My two glaring questions are: how does this kid get off the roof and away for 8-10 hours? (Not sure on that time honestly); how is the number of killed/wounded that high based on shot count?

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Probably first reports always being wrong. 30 killed or wounded though? I’m not a shooter but wouldn’t you need 60

Shots or more? Or even a lot more with people running? I think the Tsarnaev brothers were hiding in a boat. One brother dead. One wounded. Something like 1500 rounds? Didn’t they light up the boat?

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The younger Tsarnaev was alone in the boat. Older one was killed earlier in shootout, aided by Joker running him over. That boat was peppered pretty damn well if the photo was accurate. And he walked out of it. Now a fiberglass boat has significant foam under its skin to aid in floatation, so maybe that’s what stopped the cops from turning the kid into mincemeat.

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I’m more concerned with the fake pandemic and coming nightmare totalitarianism tbh.

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Thank god there’s still some not just fighting. I took up gardening now I’m fishing and learning to forage.

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Just one small part of the total picture. This person is a perfect product of the society the evil Leftists have worked to achieve for the past several decades. A useful tool to help achieve their agenda of the destruction of western society. Destruction of the nuclear family; radical socialist indoctrination of all academia including kindergarten - dumbing down of society; destructive immigration policies; increased government power and control over citizens; increased dependency on governments; elimination of the Bill of Rights; demonization and weakening of law enforcement and the military; decreased self reliance and independence of the citizenry; reduction of basic freedoms; government control of social media and radicalized Leftist media; elimination of the church as the last bastion against tyrannical control; legalization and encouragement of the use of brain damaging killer drugs, including cannabis; legalization and encouragement of immoral behaviour; creation of racial and class divisions; and the overall devaluing of life. End result - evil people with no morals or conscience who do evil.

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Oh Alex. Appreciate what you've done over the years but I can't take it anymore. Have to sign off. I agree - weed can mess up adolescent brains and like many things, kids shouldn't do it. But to blame mass shootings on marijuana??? Come on... Here's a thought - take a peak at big pharma and the anti-depressants the pedal. And then look at the number of shooters with these drugs coursing through their systems.

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For those asking about SSRI / antidepressant connections…

Some possibly related articles by A Midwestern Doctor (The Forgotten Side of Medicine) on the topic of SSRIs / anti-depressants / violence:




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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Maybe this has been addressed, but is there evidence that marijuana causes people to become isolated and/or violent rather than simply attracting those types?

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Alex Berenson, tut tut.

Do you remember why pot was criminalized? Maybe you should do a bit of research into the propaganda campaign that associated "Marijuana" (which was a new name given to it) with the so called "lazy Afro-American community". The purpose was the normal ones – money, control and making black people look bad (I am white, Swedish heritage, grew up in a predominantly Muslim suburb of Australia and have lived in Oman and Africa, so most of my childhood friends were not white).

I have been a stoner since I was 13 (I am 43) and so are most my friends and brothers and not one case of psychosis amongst us or the broader community of hundreds of stoners we know. I use edibles for the last 15 years cause smoking is unhealthy. The edibles mean the THC is processed in the liver and becomes more potent and penetrates the brains blood membrane more efficiently.

So many of you speak about lack of motivation but I use edibles in micro and not such micro doses to motivate me and stimulate my mind. I use it to perform my work better and I use it as a pre-workout and as a muscle recovery substance and I can tell you it is far more effective then any other pre and post workout substance I have used (every day, average of 4 doses a day). I am 6ft, 90kg and quite muscly (10% body fat), plus I hunt, surf and skateboard (with my two young sons), so I am extremely active and motivated.

I am 43, I run my own business developing tools for architecture, engineering, and construction software for companies all over the world. This requires me to develop complex parametric algorithms using my advanced understanding of mathematics and logic.

I do know a few people who have suffered psychosis, but they were semi-alcoholics who were diagnosed as bi-polar and put on anti-depressants. So, it seems the legal drugs are the issue to me, funny that, its as if its run by the same people who gave us covid and the vaccines… oh wait up, it is!

Pot is the most useful plant known to man due to both its industrial and medical benefits. As you well know from the last two years; the elites are trying to destroy both our health and our economy. They are also trying to take away freedoms and cause division. They want us fighting over pot, guns, and sexuality. If you can’t see this, I would suggest you open blow the dust from your mind with a few edibles.

Peace and Love,

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Why aren't people calling out who is behind the vaccination murder plot? Who's forcing the FDA to purposely harm babies?

Why aren't members of Congress writing legislation to attack/indict those Democrats destroying fossil fuel and therefore U.S sovereignty without having ready to use alternative

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The Dummy's leftist mafia completely to blame. No work, heavy drugs, mRNA injections, lockdowns...basically no future, describes 100's of thousands of new government robots with a head stuffed with meta virtual reality crappola.

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Legalizing weed is all part of the master WEF/NWO plan to destroy the U.S. from within. China smiles bigger every day.

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What Marijuana enthusiasts fail to recognize is the incredibly high concentrations of THC in modern pot can cause psychotic episodes. The pot in the sixties was way weaker and harmless.

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"THC in high doses is just slow-acting brain poison " Yes.

But I would clarify further: "THC, as ingested by chronically smoking high potency cannabis bred for that purpose, is literal brain poison."

Nothing would be more tragic than throwing out the reality of cannabinoid-based medicine with the bathwater by not taking care to clarify that it's the SMOKING of the dried plant that is bad for you in numerous ways (pulmonary, cardiac, psychiatric) and that anyone who promotes the smoking of high potency cannabis as "medicinal" is a scientific fraud on the scale of Fauci and CoVid.

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Jul 5, 2022·edited Jul 5, 2022

Can you provide links to the double blind. Reviewed studies that prove this. We’re always looking for a double blind studies peer reviewed for all of the Covid stuff I’d like to have it for this to. Please‼️ I know this guy he’s in his late 70s, he has smoked all his life, daily, and he’s the most productive person I know. What you guys have been talking about the last few weeks is such a joke. These People already have problems these people are mixing with heavy drugs people are doing some stupid ass shit I don’t know what, but it’s not pot.

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Reminds me of what can happen when you let go of the rope like what occurred in Germany’s Weimar Republic in the 1920s. Drugs legal or not impact the social fabric and don't ever think that policy is not being used to stitch the fabric together. More instability in life to come.

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Flame on, Alex! I'm making popcorn while reading the comments section, I don't care if you're right or not but this is entertainment

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“Agree to shoot up a place, get a free hat” -Today’s FBI

False Flag ops to push gun confiscation scheme.

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It appears that the experiment had more participants than first thought.

Everyone is MK Ultra.

/bites finger nails. Looks around nervously.

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Weed only ever made me paint great art

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Jul 6, 2022·edited Jul 6, 2022

You've really gone too far with your anti-marijuana crusade, and you're passively aggressively implying that correlation equals causation. How do you know that this guy wasn't on all sorts of psychotic prescription meds, brought to you by the same people that bring these absurd covid vaccines?

I grew up around stoners - none of them were violent in any way. We listened to Pink Floyd and such and enjoyed each others' company. Those types of stories go on forever - I never met anyone that smoked weed that lost their shit like this guy. Of course, none of the people i knew growing up were taking all sorts of prescription meds to deal with everyday life.

It's not the weed that makes people lose their shit - it's the "legal" meds that all these shooters seem to have in common. And a society that's lost complete touch with real connections (exacerbated significant by awful covid policies) and seemingly a large portion of family values.

Do you drink alcohol Alex? Know what makes people angry and violent far more than weed?

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Agree totally. We don't know what this dude was on. Did they give him Ritalin as a kid? Was he on one or more SSRIs? I bet he was and I also bet we will never find out.

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HEY Alex



It’s been WELL ESTABLISHED that publishing these psychopath’s name and photo ENCOURAGES COPYCATS!

It’s well known that most of the time these killers CRAVE the media attention, AND YOU’RE GIVING IT to them! It’s also known that many times they desire to out-kill previous mass killers.

Exactly what purpose does it serve to give these psychopaths the notoriety they lust after? EXACTLY WHAT???

So I BEG you to stop doing this, and encourage others to stop doing it also.

And maybe, write a story detailing what I’ve pointed out, there’s LOTS of research out verifying what I’m saying.

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The FDA and the CDC has some great stats about marijuana that aren’t skewed you can trust them. When you figure out how to ban a weed could you ban crabgrass also it’s infesting my lawn.

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Then he lied on Form 4473, and it was not a legal purchase.

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For 20 years I worked in a naturopathic clinic. We used to have marijuana users come in all the time looking for a shortcut to testing negative on their drug tests which were required for everyone who worked in the oil and gas industry. There was no way around the fact that it took 2-4 weeks for THC to clear from the average person's system. With various detox protocols and sweaty workouts we could slice maybe 25 per cent off that. Regular use therefore cannot not build up THC in your system and influence the health of your brain and nervous system.

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Your weed takes are beyond moronic. Stick to covid or something else you have a clue about.

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