Hint: It’s arguably the most science-driven of all.
Not only that, vaccinated employees cannot say they do not want to work with unvaccinated employees. (Policy 8.4)
Not only that, Intel FORBIDS managers from asking for vaccination status. (Policy 8.13)
Not only that, Intel ACCEPTS antibodies as a full substitute for vaccination for people who must quarantine after a Covid exposure or for travel requirements. (Policy 1.2)
The "Law " Resident Puppet, is allowing 10's of thousands of illegal aliens criminals unvaccinated people cross our borders. But America 🇺🇸 Citizens are forced into an unproven vaccine trials no FDA approval and up to 70% of the fully vaccinated are hospitalized or death from Covid-19. Data from the UK and Isreal if they failed in the use of these vaccines trials why would we see a better results.
OSHA can say what it wants, but liability will be determined by the courts. It has no more authority to waive liability than it does to mandate vaccines.
I'm vaccinated and understand it's a risk of using an experimental drug and made the choice without coercion. I'm proud of all those who are refusing to be bullied and applaud Intel for being respectful and intelligent in their decision. I hope Southwest and others wake up soon because I would rather drive than fly with an airline or company that supports the overreach of our arrogant overlords.
as has happened already. Check out Stew Peters report on several cases of pilots, flight attendants, and other airline staff suffering from severe AEs and death.
This is entirely the point: individual freedom & choice. Do you feel better with a mask? Go ahead! Wear it! Will a vaccine make you feel better after you've (presumably) done some research? Then roll up your sleeve.
And do NOT foist your decisions onto anyone else.
This is the basic problem in our society: lack of respect for persons whose opinions differ.
The only solution available is to throw out the morons who have enriched themselves and grown the resentful bureaucrats to critical mass. When we’ll paid bureaucrats feel their limited skills deserve the same level of compensation that highly skilled and productive private workers receive the result is jealousy and revenge. They ignore their dependence on tax payers and instead push to squeeze the only portion of the tax base capable of giving them more, the working class.
We have a bureaucracy that not only can undermine voters but self-perpetuates and expands.
If we have learned nothing else from the pandemic it is that there are many, many jobs that do not require sitting at a desk, in an office building in a particular location.
Now, after you eliminate the federal Dept. of Education--because that is unnecessary and even unconstitutional...then you move on to other federal agencies.
WHY does the Dept. of Agriculture need to be in Washington? How about moving it to Des Moines. Lots more farms there.
The Dept. of the Interior, if relocated to Cheyenne, Wyo., would be closer to national parks, tribal reservations, etc.
The Commerce Dept. could be relocated to Kansas City, which is a central location. And while we're at it, combine it with the Dept. of Transportation.
By relocating these federal departments, the staffs could be cut because I'm going to guess there's lots & lots of current employees who would have contempt and disdain for relocating to "fly-over country," where their new neighbors go to church and own guns.
Those who would move would have a lower cost of living, and therefore their salaries could be reduced.
On the occasions when federal workers must have meetings, there's "zoom."
All bureaucracies are like a bad virus that feeds upon a host, when our elected representatives fail to regulate their growth the host dies. Our leaders are promoting censoring of the very information that implicates them, and their failure to manage our bureaucracy. I believe one of the governments primary objectives, to make sure American citizens get their monies worth from the taxes we supply . The courts have allowed government employees to organize and pool their influence to extort more benefits and accumulate more power.. They are a power to be reckoned with. The result has been the obvious domination of policy by the DOJ, FBI, CDC, Military, etc demonstrating politicians in general are not in control of much. They can point but execution is optional since there is no accountability for failure. The list of very poor decision making by our leaders now includes high level bureaucrats who appear to know the answer to everything and characterize their failures as success is purely Owellian. We are living the very definition of Dystopia: according to Webster, "society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives". Storming Roger Stones home in the middle of the night by armed military style Federal officers/troops when as an old man he had offered to surrender. The Ministry of Truth would be proud of their ability to change their story from day to day and know their Trusted voters will swallow it hook line and sinker.
We need good government and bureaucrats but that takes transparency and virtue which we appear to have lost much of both. We have the power to change 537 politicians every 4 years and mostly focus on a handful at best. There are millions of organized permanent government employees who have a mission to get paid more and promoted and expect us to foot the bill for the miserable job performance they offer. We don't interact with most of the government millions on a daily basis but the ones we know should be the warning of our future. Much of the solution is simple and some may be impossible. Live within our means and pay down our debt is absolutely possible. Tax everyone something even if it's a chicken, eliminate most exemptions and lower rates to compensate and to simplify the process, let all children go to the school of their choice public or private and let the money follow the child. cut government spending including the military. Voting for the same elite bunch of lying scumbags will ensure nothing above ever happens.
Without coercion, and not trying to convince others that they should make your choice, and that the mandates are a good thing because more people got vaccinated! (Coercion does tend to cause people to act against their better judgment). Anyway, you’re a breath of fresh air.
Since the jabs are demonstrably more dangerous than any vaccine in history and are demonstrably failing as evidenced by the UK data...how is eschewing the jabs against their better judgment? They're making a personal risk assessment.
Coercion breads fear and forces people to lie. Nearly all people who disagree with vaccine domination need their jobs and must either accept illegal edicts until the courts intervene or leave. This is if the courts do their job which is not guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. Those who Choose to stay either trust their self righteous politicians and bureaucrats or lie about their true beliefs and hope they aren’t discovered. This represents a form of cancer in society where everyone is afraid and suspicious of everyone. Great movie to get an idea of how it can go wrong is “The Lives of Others”. Story about the East German Stasi. The indoctrination of our children and employees is well under way due to our lack of attention and naive belief that nothing could ever happen to change the freedom and liberty that has always made us the envy of the world. We live in a very fragile society where even single digit disruptions can create exaggerated results, look at oil, electricity and even toilet paper all without any major catastrophe. The supply chain issues we currently face were exacerbated by policies that failed to even consider the obvious affects of free borrowed money, closing schools, arresting the unmasked. Our country has had the same critical problems for decades while citizens have been on auto pilot re electing the same fool’s time after time. Our best chance to come together is to share our progress with friends about the positive progress this country and system has made over the past 400 years without Big government. We threw off a King and instituted a democratic republic when 90% of all people were poor slaves or serfs. We ended slavery in the US and pushed successfully to eradicate it around the world. Millions of people of all races have come and still do for the Best opportunity In the world to become successful. Watch the Ken Burns documentary on “The Statue of Liberty” or talk to Haitian migrants about why they are coming.
My friend calls the unvaccinated a "minority who need to be protected from discrimination and abuse". So true. In my town, supposedly only 5% are unvaccinated -- very much a minority.
Finally a company with (excuse my wording) balls. This along with the airline industry employees, I want to say thank you. I'm retired, will not get jab - I can only give my support at the polls and donations. It is so sad to see what is happening to this wonderful country and the people. These radicals are hateful, stupid and insane.
Speaking of balls, now if only every governor (at least R governor) had the balls like TX's governor to forbid vaccine mandates.... So disappointed in my "R" governor.
Not really. Intel simply shifted the monkey over to the gov's back. The fed gov has been using taxpayer and borrowed money to bribe and blackmail schools, employers, lower level govs, and others to be their enforcement arm. As usual, rightists and leftists ignore everything except the presidency. Neither group cares that CONGRESS and Fed Reserve have been responsible for all the oppression on us since they control the purse strings. Both the GOP and Dems elites support this stuff though the money payouts were passed entirely by the latter. Did Intel want a much bigger payout or are US fed gov contracts such a small part of their entire business that it wasn't worth taking on this liability?
I’m about to lose my job in a law firm (not a lawyer) because I won’t get the jab. I’m in technology and a full time remote employee. None of this makes sense. I applaud Intel for not furthering this employment apartheid
Since there is no actual mandate from the federal government, just a speech, it is all on your law firm. Their mandate violates the People with Disabilities Act, the Fourth Amendment, and at least the spirit of HIPAA. And because only 27% of black Americans are vaccinated, it is an EEOC violation.
So the legal reasons I've heard is that a company can set the terms of your employment (in at will states). My good friend works at a company that had a Vax mandate before the President tried to push his. The only way out is a religious exemption. I really hope they get some clarity on this because if your employer can make you get a medical treatment you don't want in order to keep employment, what else can they try to do?
Absolutely- from the perspective of the employee- companies do not own you or your body. Your wages are a payment for labor, not the purchase of your physical life…that’d be enslavement.
I've worked from home for 3 years. How can they possibly justify even asking my vaccine status under the guise of workplace health and safety? Yet, they are.
Stephen - thanks for that resource; it looks incredible. I very much like that it acknowledges Biblical Scripture as well.
I fear that its success depends, to a large extent, upon regaining election (voting) integrity. If that remains corrupt, it will be very difficult to find courts that are not also corrupt.
As always, all I can do is read, "talk," vote and leave the rest in God's hands. Not necessarily in that order!
Just a thought. Given breakthrough cases of the vaxxed why vax? Seems cumbersome but testing could be applied equally to all employees. I doubt your employer is aware of this.
Also. Go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for the vaccine. Obviously the doctor will not write one. Given your general practitioner will not prescribe this, if you can have a paper ready for him/her to sign that attests to his/her verbal recommendation in lieu of a written prescription allowing you to present this document to your employer who is not a doctor. Since your doctor will not write a prescription for the vaccine and your employer is definitely not a doctor and neither are you present then this:
Go to a vax center and request
A document which gives known side effects of the vaccine such as all medications have. Ask the pharmacist to sign that he/she has no such document available which is why your doctor btw will not and cannot write a prescription. Ask your pharmacist to verify that all treatments/medicines come with a paper presenting side effects.
Then basically you have proven
A. The vaccine isn’t working
B. Your doctor will not write a prescription
C. Your employer is not a doctor who can prescribe a medication
D. The pharmacist will not be able to give to you a page of side effects.
You were encouraged to participate in a medical experiment by your employer.
I'm a paralegal doing intellectual property at a large manufacturing company. We are still remote but they apparently are working on a vaccine/testing mandate. I think they plan to have only the unvaxxed have to test. I will also object once they roll it out, just waiting to see what they come up with.
It would be so refreshing if people who do studies like the one cited here would instead do studies digging into the veracity or lack thereof of vax studies by pharma and mask studies by cdc.
Studies done by Bug Pharma are a conflict of interest conflict of interest and I used to think the CDC was unbiased and apolitical but it has become glaringly apparent they are neither. So any study done by the CDC would also be highly questionable
I just spent the last 15 minutes running at top speed trying to catch a piglet to weigh because I was shocked at how incredibly pudgy they've gotten in just a few weeks. I failed utterly and am now sitting at my desk drenched in sweat while the little lardball is cozied up to its mother gorging on milk, apparently devoid of fatigue.
LOL, no, I'm not Jeremy Clarkson. I'm a 40-year old woman in Pennsylvania with a beef and hog farm. I don't believe Clarkson keeps any livestock apart from his silly sheep experiment, and he's got a gigantic industrial farm that he has very little real hand in. I don't think he'd get off his ass to run down pigs. Great show, though. :)
Intel is under pressure from AMD and maybe Nvidia. They can't afford to provoke their very expensive, very employable workers. Their workers are also unusually clever and likely to have a sober assessment of the true risk from the virus.
I've actually heard the same thing about Merck..can anyone confirm or deny? I also heard that they were getting ready for all the vax side effects to come about by developing a medicine for clots. It would be comical if not so disturbing...
Its par for the course. The new business model-- just ask the Sacklers-- create an Opioid crisis, then create something to treat the effects, then go bankrupt (ie hide all the family money first). Watch and see how many big corps go this route. And then like Monsanto, have someone buy the shell and then rinse and repeat. They are the true viruses
Thanks for the reply and I couldn't agree more with everything you posted. I just looked it up and Merck is mandating it, so unfortunately I was wrong on that.
Worked there for 19years - EXTREMELY DATA DRIVEN...Also, I think the legal ramifications on companies forcing the mandates has been outed....their lawyers are not stupid and they've always been a big lawsuit target
I’ll repeat this - it’s the field workers, try to mandate this on utility line crews in red states before a winter ice storm or hurricane (and the contractors that they all use because most utilities have 50% or more of their work done by contractors) and watch the power be off for a month in some places. Railroads the same, will cripple the country
Alex, you are doing us such a great service! Thank you. I just heard Ben Shapiro also say that. He said “Alex is doing the best reporting in America-better than all the media outlets combined!”
I am also vaccinated but hate the mandates. While I am working in the morning, I play Shapiro, Knowles, Walsh and Rubin in the back. Evening - Fox prime time.
Shapiro goes which way he thinks the wind is blowing. Much like David From (former Cheney republican now full left Democrat) An embarrassment to my Canadian sensibiltities (he is Canadian-- so much for "we are nice"
Really? I thought Shapiro was one of the smartest people in America and has very deep convictions. I don't think he is a flake. He does not swear allegiance to any party or politician. That is probably why he seems like an opportunist. But his support and opposition are based on logic and thought which makes him appear on different sides of different issues.
I am about to lose my job for refusing to attest my vax status. This information is SO helpful! THANK YOU! Are there ANY OTHER COMPANIES that are not requiring attestation? Let's create that list for all the people out there who are about to be laid off. THANK YOU!
I'm going to get kicked to the curb Dec. 8th if my religious exemption is denied. My sister told me that Hannity talked to these people on his show (I think): https://redballoon.work/
This gives me a certain amount of hope... (Hope has been in short supply lately as elected officials and public health overlords trip over themselves as they race to impose mandates and spread fear.)
At the Fortune 500 tech company I work at we recently had an org-wide meeting where they presented the results of a survey asking if people would work remotely more often going forward and, if so, why.
One of the top reasons given for wanting to work remotely was "fear of being around the unvaccinated". Which is doubly insane because we have a vaccination requirement for on-site work.
These people are beyond the bend. I don't know if there's a recovery protocol for them, at this point.
I hear this crap even on fox business / CNBC / Jim Cramer, etc. The avg person doesn't understand this isn't a real vaccine, nor do they understand that being vaccinated doesn't make someone non contagious in the slightest bit. They just drink Fauci koolaid and click buttons on facecrap all day.
This is great news. I'm an engineer, and there are Intel facilities where I live. So, I have a place to go if my company enforces a mandate. However, my company said a vaccination status survey would be sent to each employee Monday, but so far, nothing has arrived. Maybe they witnessed what's happening with Southwest.
Did you see the post Alex B had where readers shared stories of how they beat their companies' vax mandates? Be sure to check it out -- lots of good advice there. Seems like the consensus was to try a "deeply held religious belief exemption" (or just a "my conscience") first.
Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, is a very devout Christian. Definitely not part of the secular intelligentsia of Silicon Valley. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Yes! Every company should be this way. It really has created a hostile work environment for me, and no doubt countless others as well. The vaccinated people actually asked if they could work from home to protect themselves from the unvaccinated...what?? And also suggested that the unvaccinated/impure should pay more for health insurance premiums and also pay for weekly testing if that becomes forced. Two different groups of people, the upper class and the impure.
I find this so interesting, albeit disturbing. A question to ask them: when did you receive your shot?
Because shots are only good for a certain amount of months. right? Isn't that "following the science?" At what point do these people start asking for proof of date? Someone could've gotten the shot in December of 2020. It's NO good anymore!! Aren't those people also "dirty" and "impure"?
Good point! It's not only not good anymore but they fail to recognize that they can spread it to everyone. Plus, in their high and mighty frame of mind, if they think the shot makes them invincible, why in the world do they care about anyone else's status? It's all just insane isn't it?
It doesnt matter-- the impurity comes from the fact that this jab IS NOT A VACCINE in the traditional sense. It is A MEDICAL DEVICE which augments/replaces/ mutates your DNA through the mRNA replication protein spikes. It causes chronic disease-- weakens/replaces your immune system with an UNTESTED gene therapy. Please stop comparing "efficacy" of antibodies like that was the main issue. It's not.
And how many of those vaccinated authoritarians are obese? diabetic? hypertensive? or have other major medical issues that have driven up YOUR health insurance premiums way more for years.
Ummm... the person making the BIGGEST deal about it all weighs about 375-400 pounds, no doubt hypertensive and other medical issues. You're exactly right, she's way too high up on her pedestal to see that she has been and will be a problem for years.
Technically, it's they unvaccinated who have not been genetically modified and are "purebloods". These tables can turn, though they probably won't because we're not insane authoritarians.
Large American pharma in Europe,Told will not be asking as it's against EU GDPR, to ask question and anyone asking % vaccinated was politely cut off that is no concern of company as 80% + population are vaccinated ( it's not Pfizer)
The cowardly idiots like the moron at the Coca-Cola company, Universities, Hospitals and others that are sacrificing there employees will face such a backlash as more and more people wake up to the lies and crimes against humanity fomented by the paid hacks at the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO and the Euro equivalents. The globalists at Gates Foundation, Rockefeller foundation, Soros and big Pharma who have infiltrated and funded these vile activities at these agencies must face swift and appropriate justice for the death, suffering and chaos they have caused by their psychopathic depopulation agenda. These crimes will be revealed to be far worse than the atrocities committed by Stalin, Chairman Mao and Hitler.
What? A sensible company not schlepping the Governments scare tactics? I am buying more Intel products. In fact, I am already ordering a new computer with Intel parts.
I’m starting to think that Emperor Biden has no clothes and OSHA may never issue a rule. Even his EO on contractors doesn’t require the vaccine but companies are acting if it does.
My employer's client, one of those tech companies who loves censoring people, will start the vaccine mandate if you want to go to the campus. Note, they also will apply mandatory return to office soon. so basically they mandate their employee to go to work and get vaccinated or have weekly testing. I won't comply for this silly unscientific rules. so I'm going to apply for a job where the management is rational. i won't even bother to sue them. They can have all like-minded people hurdling in their cubicles together. I know i'm replaceable. My health is more important than just a job.
Feel free to both find a new employer and sue them. There are likely many legal entities (Pacific Legal Foundation, Institute for Justice, etc.) who probably already have clients suing the very same employer. Your efforts added to theirs can only do good.
These mandates represent a full employment act for lawyers. I suspect that firms with a strong employment law practice have been gearing up since the faux mandate.
Tucker showed a clip last night of Joe going to whisper mode to say Fox News requires vax, which Fox employee Tucker assured us is (yet another) lie. As people figure out it doesn't work for most people, especially those who need it most, it will go away.
Just shared this with my son in Chicago who is so worried about losing his job. He’s 28 and got a great job 9 months ago. I told him to hold his ground because he does NOT or need this shot. Thank you Alex B. for your tireless attention to this subject!
Couldn't offer more money so they offered health insurance. Much longer story, but I think Intel is being crafty and no doubt will attract the brightest minds out there. You know the ones that didn't participate as lab rats and passed the IQ test of vaccines.
Top-Management actually consulted with the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), with whom properly informed him of several factors: 1) if we loose any percentage of employees, this organization could suffer operational, financial, safety & reputational damage for starters, and 2) there's a good chance of lawsuits that could lead to unnecessary liability exposure, and 3) judging by our workforce pipeline and knowing the steep requirements (KSA) we seek in our workforce or human capital assets, we cannot expect to replace staff, especially key engineering staff, and 4) the security office is very worried about potential unknown threat vectors that span insider, workplace violence, malicious intent, trade-secret & IP loss and any number of threats unseen from angry employees.
Interesting words from Southwest CEO Gary Kelly putting the blame for the vaccine mandate on Biden... inferring that it is not something that Southwest management would otherwise support.
The pressure from the Biden admin on private companies is real... an effective mandate. Especially for the airlines that got billions in COVID relief payments.
I saw a blurb on CEO's statement,,,, dis-ingenious as best... Biden hasn't signed a mandate, and OSHA hasn't issued any directives under the OSHA header... There is no mandate at the Federal level and only some state mandates, applicable to that state exclusively As of this morning 10/12/2021, my statements are accurate. I am not a lawyer and am not offering any legal advise. I have not and will not submit to the (non)vax's available for the 'protection' against c-19 (farce). No I don't wear masks. I am in the 'high risk' age bracket with no co-morbidity issues. I think that the 4th Estate has abandoned the banner of 'The Peoples' Voice' with very rare exception. Good fortune to all who seek to prevail against Tyranny.
Yup. I own and operate a small business. From the moment those "free money" programs were announced last spring, my attitude was: NFW am I taking a cent. We either swim or sink, but I will *not* take that money because there are *always* strings attached.
Good for you. Most people don't have the moral fortitude to turn down the "free" money. However, a CEO of a public company would have pressure from the board and stockholders to take all the money available.
I review small business commercial real estate loan applications and about 50% of those I see have a much stronger cash positions with all the PPP money. We wasted trillions on the "relief" going to business that did not need it and in fact ended up having the best revenue years on the rebound and market disruption. Meanwhile restaurants, bars, gyms and salons are dying all across the country.
“Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses. Ostensibly, GoF research is conducted for biodefense purposes. These experiments, however, are extremely dangerous. Those deadly science-enhanced pathogens can, and do escape into the community where they infect and kill people. What’s more, this line of research can be used for biological warfare.“
Why aren’t Doctors and the Science and Medical industry speaking out loudly about what Fauci and Gang doing to the World as it has become obvious. These man made, often deadly, protein injections were never meant to destroy the virus, as the human immune system does. These injections were made to turn the world population into a large “gain of function” laboratory, and allow the virus to continue to evolve into a more deadly variant and reduce world population. Isn’t it obvious by now, by requiring multiple injections that are not fully effective , they are only making a more deadly variant of the COVID virus evolve and turn the injected that live through it into being carriers. ….which I am beginning to believe was always the plan.
Fauci and Gates are well aware of the fact these spike protein are only making the virus more deadly….they use the fact continually as part of the fear tactics game…..”more masks, more lock downs, more deaths and a more deadly COVID variant is just around the corner.” They forget to add….the spike protein injections are causing it!
Anyone that allows themselves to be injected with this crap is nuts…at best your immune system fights back and blocks it’s effects….at worst you die or become a “typhoid Mary” carrier.
FYI-- your immune system becomes heavily compromised by being on high alert due to the proliferation of MrNA induced protein spikes (trillions-- yup with a t). Blocking its effects are being optimistic.
While they are better than most places for non-traveling employees, you need to read Section 5.
If you travel for Intel, especially if you are customer-facing, you must be vaccinated. No choice.
They made this policy long before countries were requiring the vax for entry. They had an email go out that stated that they wanted their employees to “represent their (Intel’s) values” when visiting customer, partner, and client sites.
You all are amazing. Love reading through these comments and seeing people supporting freedom.
I am in the airline industry and support the right to choose for myself as everyone before me has for this shot. If you are interested, here is a link for an email form to be sent in to some higher ups at SWA, including Gary Kelly, to take away this mandate that threatens thousand of employee’s jobs and livelihoods. Feel free to send one if you so please! We appreciate any and all support! Thank you all so much.❤️
I work at a large med device company. Software engineer, office job. So far they haven't made it mandatory, but they have signaled they will follow the ETS when and if it comes, and will not accept prior infection as a substitute. It's not even clear if they'll give us the option to be tested weekly. Unvaccinated are no longer welcome in the office, and they need approval from high up the chain for any business travel. Also, they forced everyone to provide their status. I used to work at Intel. I should probably be reaching out to my old boss...
i used to work as a field service engineer at an intel plant. they had pretty demanding/weird policies (3 second rule for making eye contact with others, railing police to make sure you used the railing to when on stairs) but they were usually aimed at making the workplace safe. they are, if nothing else, science driven so i am not at all surprised by this. also, their policies were worldwide so i am sure their facility heads got together and determined that the best way to continue making a profit was to not require the jab...
Their lawyers know what the future holds.
They are actually following the Science.
Nice to see some companies will follow the science
And the law.
The "Law " Resident Puppet, is allowing 10's of thousands of illegal aliens criminals unvaccinated people cross our borders. But America 🇺🇸 Citizens are forced into an unproven vaccine trials no FDA approval and up to 70% of the fully vaccinated are hospitalized or death from Covid-19. Data from the UK and Isreal if they failed in the use of these vaccines trials why would we see a better results.
Exactly. Its the corporations that fall for this bluff that will be holding the bag down the line.
Wonder if it will come done to workman's comp.!? I mean if your employer NOW mandates that you get one..and you get SICK/DEAD..who owns that mandate?
I think that OSHA stated that employers mandating the vaccines are responsible for vaccine adverse events in their employees.
Osha retracted that. Employers now not responsible for vax injury or death.
OSHA can say what it wants, but liability will be determined by the courts. It has no more authority to waive liability than it does to mandate vaccines.
100% correct
I’m not a lawyer but I agree.
This is correct
I’d heard that but I can’t find it in their regs.
It’s not in their regs. It’s tort law.
Spot on.
I'm so convinced that my children need to go to law school for Civil Rights Attorney. It's going to be a tremendous field very soon, if not now.
What a switch, a law firm just being honest...as they smell endless suits coming down the pike. Now that will be some real justice for the shot free.
Good point.
Good point, Brooke. I think you are right.
That pub(l)ic auto-cunnilingus is quite delicious
We'll hope so.
Again,completely illegal and our courts have failed as have the unions.
I'm vaccinated and understand it's a risk of using an experimental drug and made the choice without coercion. I'm proud of all those who are refusing to be bullied and applaud Intel for being respectful and intelligent in their decision. I hope Southwest and others wake up soon because I would rather drive than fly with an airline or company that supports the overreach of our arrogant overlords.
Especially if the pilot throws a clot or strokes out at 35,000 feet.
as has happened already. Check out Stew Peters report on several cases of pilots, flight attendants, and other airline staff suffering from severe AEs and death.
I watched it a couple hours ago. Terrible.
This is entirely the point: individual freedom & choice. Do you feel better with a mask? Go ahead! Wear it! Will a vaccine make you feel better after you've (presumably) done some research? Then roll up your sleeve.
And do NOT foist your decisions onto anyone else.
This is the basic problem in our society: lack of respect for persons whose opinions differ.
The only solution available is to throw out the morons who have enriched themselves and grown the resentful bureaucrats to critical mass. When we’ll paid bureaucrats feel their limited skills deserve the same level of compensation that highly skilled and productive private workers receive the result is jealousy and revenge. They ignore their dependence on tax payers and instead push to squeeze the only portion of the tax base capable of giving them more, the working class.
I almost hesitate to write this...but here goes.
We have a bureaucracy that not only can undermine voters but self-perpetuates and expands.
If we have learned nothing else from the pandemic it is that there are many, many jobs that do not require sitting at a desk, in an office building in a particular location.
Now, after you eliminate the federal Dept. of Education--because that is unnecessary and even unconstitutional...then you move on to other federal agencies.
WHY does the Dept. of Agriculture need to be in Washington? How about moving it to Des Moines. Lots more farms there.
The Dept. of the Interior, if relocated to Cheyenne, Wyo., would be closer to national parks, tribal reservations, etc.
The Commerce Dept. could be relocated to Kansas City, which is a central location. And while we're at it, combine it with the Dept. of Transportation.
By relocating these federal departments, the staffs could be cut because I'm going to guess there's lots & lots of current employees who would have contempt and disdain for relocating to "fly-over country," where their new neighbors go to church and own guns.
Those who would move would have a lower cost of living, and therefore their salaries could be reduced.
On the occasions when federal workers must have meetings, there's "zoom."
Never mind "drain the swamp." Abandon the swamp.
O.M.G. I fear I've stepped in it now.
All bureaucracies are like a bad virus that feeds upon a host, when our elected representatives fail to regulate their growth the host dies. Our leaders are promoting censoring of the very information that implicates them, and their failure to manage our bureaucracy. I believe one of the governments primary objectives, to make sure American citizens get their monies worth from the taxes we supply . The courts have allowed government employees to organize and pool their influence to extort more benefits and accumulate more power.. They are a power to be reckoned with. The result has been the obvious domination of policy by the DOJ, FBI, CDC, Military, etc demonstrating politicians in general are not in control of much. They can point but execution is optional since there is no accountability for failure. The list of very poor decision making by our leaders now includes high level bureaucrats who appear to know the answer to everything and characterize their failures as success is purely Owellian. We are living the very definition of Dystopia: according to Webster, "society in which people lead dehumanized, fearful lives". Storming Roger Stones home in the middle of the night by armed military style Federal officers/troops when as an old man he had offered to surrender. The Ministry of Truth would be proud of their ability to change their story from day to day and know their Trusted voters will swallow it hook line and sinker.
We need good government and bureaucrats but that takes transparency and virtue which we appear to have lost much of both. We have the power to change 537 politicians every 4 years and mostly focus on a handful at best. There are millions of organized permanent government employees who have a mission to get paid more and promoted and expect us to foot the bill for the miserable job performance they offer. We don't interact with most of the government millions on a daily basis but the ones we know should be the warning of our future. Much of the solution is simple and some may be impossible. Live within our means and pay down our debt is absolutely possible. Tax everyone something even if it's a chicken, eliminate most exemptions and lower rates to compensate and to simplify the process, let all children go to the school of their choice public or private and let the money follow the child. cut government spending including the military. Voting for the same elite bunch of lying scumbags will ensure nothing above ever happens.
Isn't it great being the host?
I wouldn't like to fly in an airplane where the pilot collapses due to a vaccine reaction in the middle of the air. I would also prefer to drive.
Without coercion, and not trying to convince others that they should make your choice, and that the mandates are a good thing because more people got vaccinated! (Coercion does tend to cause people to act against their better judgment). Anyway, you’re a breath of fresh air.
Since the jabs are demonstrably more dangerous than any vaccine in history and are demonstrably failing as evidenced by the UK data...how is eschewing the jabs against their better judgment? They're making a personal risk assessment.
Coercion breads fear and forces people to lie. Nearly all people who disagree with vaccine domination need their jobs and must either accept illegal edicts until the courts intervene or leave. This is if the courts do their job which is not guaranteed by any stretch of the imagination. Those who Choose to stay either trust their self righteous politicians and bureaucrats or lie about their true beliefs and hope they aren’t discovered. This represents a form of cancer in society where everyone is afraid and suspicious of everyone. Great movie to get an idea of how it can go wrong is “The Lives of Others”. Story about the East German Stasi. The indoctrination of our children and employees is well under way due to our lack of attention and naive belief that nothing could ever happen to change the freedom and liberty that has always made us the envy of the world. We live in a very fragile society where even single digit disruptions can create exaggerated results, look at oil, electricity and even toilet paper all without any major catastrophe. The supply chain issues we currently face were exacerbated by policies that failed to even consider the obvious affects of free borrowed money, closing schools, arresting the unmasked. Our country has had the same critical problems for decades while citizens have been on auto pilot re electing the same fool’s time after time. Our best chance to come together is to share our progress with friends about the positive progress this country and system has made over the past 400 years without Big government. We threw off a King and instituted a democratic republic when 90% of all people were poor slaves or serfs. We ended slavery in the US and pushed successfully to eradicate it around the world. Millions of people of all races have come and still do for the Best opportunity In the world to become successful. Watch the Ken Burns documentary on “The Statue of Liberty” or talk to Haitian migrants about why they are coming.
Unvaccinated is my preferred pronoun. (Joke. Preferred pronouns are stupid.)
I don’t like the word because it sounds like I’m missing something. Too much like unwashed. Maybe untainted would be better. Maybe “not injected.”
Okay then you don’t have to use the term. I don’t have a problem with the term “unvaccinated“.
Think of it as a synonym for enlightened ...or don’t.
Idk I’m feeling squeaky clean as an unvaccinated
More power to you. But keep the noise down
I was thinking the same thing--The Great Unwashed.
My friend calls the unvaccinated a "minority who need to be protected from discrimination and abuse". So true. In my town, supposedly only 5% are unvaccinated -- very much a minority.
Or we could be called the Wise Ones.
Finally a company with (excuse my wording) balls. This along with the airline industry employees, I want to say thank you. I'm retired, will not get jab - I can only give my support at the polls and donations. It is so sad to see what is happening to this wonderful country and the people. These radicals are hateful, stupid and insane.
Speaking of balls, now if only every governor (at least R governor) had the balls like TX's governor to forbid vaccine mandates.... So disappointed in my "R" governor.
I'll name my 'R' gov. DeWine.
Yeah … that ain’t gonna happen. Sorry, brother.
One word...cowards.
I'll second that. At least we have an AG who has a pair.
Not really. Intel simply shifted the monkey over to the gov's back. The fed gov has been using taxpayer and borrowed money to bribe and blackmail schools, employers, lower level govs, and others to be their enforcement arm. As usual, rightists and leftists ignore everything except the presidency. Neither group cares that CONGRESS and Fed Reserve have been responsible for all the oppression on us since they control the purse strings. Both the GOP and Dems elites support this stuff though the money payouts were passed entirely by the latter. Did Intel want a much bigger payout or are US fed gov contracts such a small part of their entire business that it wasn't worth taking on this liability?
I’m about to lose my job in a law firm (not a lawyer) because I won’t get the jab. I’m in technology and a full time remote employee. None of this makes sense. I applaud Intel for not furthering this employment apartheid
Since there is no actual mandate from the federal government, just a speech, it is all on your law firm. Their mandate violates the People with Disabilities Act, the Fourth Amendment, and at least the spirit of HIPAA. And because only 27% of black Americans are vaccinated, it is an EEOC violation.
So the legal reasons I've heard is that a company can set the terms of your employment (in at will states). My good friend works at a company that had a Vax mandate before the President tried to push his. The only way out is a religious exemption. I really hope they get some clarity on this because if your employer can make you get a medical treatment you don't want in order to keep employment, what else can they try to do?
Terms of employment are NOT equivalent to terms of living. They buy your labor, not you.
Absolutely- from the perspective of the employee- companies do not own you or your body. Your wages are a payment for labor, not the purchase of your physical life…that’d be enslavement.
Yes I understand. I was just providing the argument I've heard some lawyers put forth. I'm not saying I agree.
I've worked from home for 3 years. How can they possibly justify even asking my vaccine status under the guise of workplace health and safety? Yet, they are.
Here is the best advice I have seen for those "about to get fired." https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/guide-to-employer-injection-ultimatums
Good luck!
Jeff Childers is awesome! He’s been a God- send here in Florida! Fighting the fight.
Been following Jeff and CC for a few now. Very good info.
Stephen - thanks for that resource; it looks incredible. I very much like that it acknowledges Biblical Scripture as well.
I fear that its success depends, to a large extent, upon regaining election (voting) integrity. If that remains corrupt, it will be very difficult to find courts that are not also corrupt.
As always, all I can do is read, "talk," vote and leave the rest in God's hands. Not necessarily in that order!
Thanks for posting this!!
Thank you for this advice! It is very helpful!
Thank you Stephen W. Harden for this link. Valuable information in a concise article.
those lawyers must realize that is not legally supportable. Sue them.
I plan on it…
go get em! I worked in NY Law Firms for decades as a paralegal. We both know they don't like being sued by employees.
Just a thought. Given breakthrough cases of the vaxxed why vax? Seems cumbersome but testing could be applied equally to all employees. I doubt your employer is aware of this.
Also. Go to your doctor and ask for a prescription for the vaccine. Obviously the doctor will not write one. Given your general practitioner will not prescribe this, if you can have a paper ready for him/her to sign that attests to his/her verbal recommendation in lieu of a written prescription allowing you to present this document to your employer who is not a doctor. Since your doctor will not write a prescription for the vaccine and your employer is definitely not a doctor and neither are you present then this:
Go to a vax center and request
A document which gives known side effects of the vaccine such as all medications have. Ask the pharmacist to sign that he/she has no such document available which is why your doctor btw will not and cannot write a prescription. Ask your pharmacist to verify that all treatments/medicines come with a paper presenting side effects.
Then basically you have proven
A. The vaccine isn’t working
B. Your doctor will not write a prescription
C. Your employer is not a doctor who can prescribe a medication
D. The pharmacist will not be able to give to you a page of side effects.
You were encouraged to participate in a medical experiment by your employer.
I'm a paralegal doing intellectual property at a large manufacturing company. We are still remote but they apparently are working on a vaccine/testing mandate. I think they plan to have only the unvaxxed have to test. I will also object once they roll it out, just waiting to see what they come up with.
If they don't test everyone, it's discrimination.
Pivot to cyber.
And sorry you have to go through this. nonsense.
What about becoming a freelancer? No benefits but you could ask for more money.
When this nightmare finally plays itself out.....it will be a win in your column. You will be many.
They won't have any trouble with recruiting.
Intel doesn't want to lose their Intellectual Edge by firing Intelligent People who would be hard to replace!! It's not called Intel for nothing !!
It would be so refreshing if people who do studies like the one cited here would instead do studies digging into the veracity or lack thereof of vax studies by pharma and mask studies by cdc.
Studies done by Bug Pharma are a conflict of interest conflict of interest and I used to think the CDC was unbiased and apolitical but it has become glaringly apparent they are neither. So any study done by the CDC would also be highly questionable
Agreed 100%
Amen!! I'm already recommending them to my son based on this
Brandon isn't going to like this.
Look for DOJ or FTC or EPA or some other alphabet soup agency to "coincidentally" launch an investigation into Intel sometime soon.
You are so Clever!! Bravo!
Never trust anyone who tells you they're honest.
And, any statement that begins with “I want you to know…” is a lie.
"I'm not racist, but..."
Honestly, I want you to know, I'm not a racist. But –
Sanity peeks over the barbed wire fence of propaganda.
And cuts its chin.
Just a flesh wound.
I just spent the last 15 minutes running at top speed trying to catch a piglet to weigh because I was shocked at how incredibly pudgy they've gotten in just a few weeks. I failed utterly and am now sitting at my desk drenched in sweat while the little lardball is cozied up to its mother gorging on milk, apparently devoid of fatigue.
I feel like there's a metaphor here.
This made me laugh out loud at my desk. I needed it. Thanks.
I think it was probably one of the ones I castrated last month, so there's probably a metaphor in that too. :)
Well, no wonder he was running away from you.
This whole story begs for a C&W lyric writer! Wish I had that talent.
Ditto!! 🤣
You’re not the Clarkson’s Farm guy are you? Sounds like something he would do. (Love that show.)
LOL, no, I'm not Jeremy Clarkson. I'm a 40-year old woman in Pennsylvania with a beef and hog farm. I don't believe Clarkson keeps any livestock apart from his silly sheep experiment, and he's got a gigantic industrial farm that he has very little real hand in. I don't think he'd get off his ass to run down pigs. Great show, though. :)
love that
Ooh, poetry! Nice.
Intel is under pressure from AMD and maybe Nvidia. They can't afford to provoke their very expensive, very employable workers. Their workers are also unusually clever and likely to have a sober assessment of the true risk from the virus.
Intel doesn't want to lose their Intellectual Edge by firing Intelligent People who would be hard to replace!! It's not called Intel for nothing !!
In fat, now would be the time to pick off strategic talent from the competetion.
I've actually heard the same thing about Merck..can anyone confirm or deny? I also heard that they were getting ready for all the vax side effects to come about by developing a medicine for clots. It would be comical if not so disturbing...
Its par for the course. The new business model-- just ask the Sacklers-- create an Opioid crisis, then create something to treat the effects, then go bankrupt (ie hide all the family money first). Watch and see how many big corps go this route. And then like Monsanto, have someone buy the shell and then rinse and repeat. They are the true viruses
Thanks for the reply and I couldn't agree more with everything you posted. I just looked it up and Merck is mandating it, so unfortunately I was wrong on that.
I wonder how much more money Pfizer is making off its drug Eliquis which is an anti-coagulant?
This is because Pat Gelsinger is CEO. A self identified believing Christian he is the best CEO I have ever had the opportunity to work under.
Worked there for 19years - EXTREMELY DATA DRIVEN...Also, I think the legal ramifications on companies forcing the mandates has been outed....their lawyers are not stupid and they've always been a big lawsuit target
I’ll repeat this - it’s the field workers, try to mandate this on utility line crews in red states before a winter ice storm or hurricane (and the contractors that they all use because most utilities have 50% or more of their work done by contractors) and watch the power be off for a month in some places. Railroads the same, will cripple the country
I was thinking it might be wise to make sure the household was indeed well stocked for the winter as it could get interesting.
Had the discussion this weekend, need to be stocked up on lots of things in case something is out for 30/45 days
The SW debacle has awakened them to the power they possess.
Its coming-- you are right!!!
Alex, you are doing us such a great service! Thank you. I just heard Ben Shapiro also say that. He said “Alex is doing the best reporting in America-better than all the media outlets combined!”
I am also vaccinated but hate the mandates. While I am working in the morning, I play Shapiro, Knowles, Walsh and Rubin in the back. Evening - Fox prime time.
Is that Joan Walsh 😳😳😳😳😳
🤣🤣Matt Walsh.
Shapiro goes which way he thinks the wind is blowing. Much like David From (former Cheney republican now full left Democrat) An embarrassment to my Canadian sensibiltities (he is Canadian-- so much for "we are nice"
Really? I thought Shapiro was one of the smartest people in America and has very deep convictions. I don't think he is a flake. He does not swear allegiance to any party or politician. That is probably why he seems like an opportunist. But his support and opposition are based on logic and thought which makes him appear on different sides of different issues.
I am about to lose my job for refusing to attest my vax status. This information is SO helpful! THANK YOU! Are there ANY OTHER COMPANIES that are not requiring attestation? Let's create that list for all the people out there who are about to be laid off. THANK YOU!
Best advice ever on mandates - https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/guide-to-employer-injection-ultimatums
Thank you Stephen!
You're welcome.
I'm going to get kicked to the curb Dec. 8th if my religious exemption is denied. My sister told me that Hannity talked to these people on his show (I think): https://redballoon.work/
Best advice ever on mandates - https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/guide-to-employer-injection-ultimatums
Excellent. Thank you so much.
Attestation? No prob. Yes! I got it. Hurt like hell. It was awful.
Thank you so much. I will pass these on. This is so helpful.
This gives me a certain amount of hope... (Hope has been in short supply lately as elected officials and public health overlords trip over themselves as they race to impose mandates and spread fear.)
Reason might be taking hold. Corporations need to take the lead.
Look at what is currently happening to Southwest.
Government obviously isn't going to listen to small business owners and regular people, so maybe they will listen to the people who write big checks.
Man, I hope so!!!
We seem to be down to deciding which is more incredible and amazing, the collective insanity, or the islands of sanity remaining.
Point 8.4 is amazing.
At the Fortune 500 tech company I work at we recently had an org-wide meeting where they presented the results of a survey asking if people would work remotely more often going forward and, if so, why.
One of the top reasons given for wanting to work remotely was "fear of being around the unvaccinated". Which is doubly insane because we have a vaccination requirement for on-site work.
These people are beyond the bend. I don't know if there's a recovery protocol for them, at this point.
I hear this crap even on fox business / CNBC / Jim Cramer, etc. The avg person doesn't understand this isn't a real vaccine, nor do they understand that being vaccinated doesn't make someone non contagious in the slightest bit. They just drink Fauci koolaid and click buttons on facecrap all day.
What's worse is that these same people think that unvaccinated means you're automatically infected.
It's the Matrix, for sure. They're all (voluntary) batteries.
I find it harder to watch Cramer since he started preaching. Never expected Mr Opinionated to lean Woke.
Fear trumps reason and is resistant to new information.
There isn’t, they’ve gone mad. You can’t fix it.
Let the floodgates open!
😍. Rush me a job application!
This is great news. I'm an engineer, and there are Intel facilities where I live. So, I have a place to go if my company enforces a mandate. However, my company said a vaccination status survey would be sent to each employee Monday, but so far, nothing has arrived. Maybe they witnessed what's happening with Southwest.
Best advice ever on dealing with mandates - https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/guide-to-employer-injection-ultimatums
Did you see the post Alex B had where readers shared stories of how they beat their companies' vax mandates? Be sure to check it out -- lots of good advice there. Seems like the consensus was to try a "deeply held religious belief exemption" (or just a "my conscience") first.
How could they put so many people AT RISK?! They aren't "Following the Science."
Are they hiring? Asking for a friend.
Intel is about to be flooded with a lot of high-quality, non-neurotic, potential hires.
Intel's CEO, Pat Gelsinger, is a very devout Christian. Definitely not part of the secular intelligentsia of Silicon Valley. Wonder if that has anything to do with it.
Yes! Every company should be this way. It really has created a hostile work environment for me, and no doubt countless others as well. The vaccinated people actually asked if they could work from home to protect themselves from the unvaccinated...what?? And also suggested that the unvaccinated/impure should pay more for health insurance premiums and also pay for weekly testing if that becomes forced. Two different groups of people, the upper class and the impure.
I find this so interesting, albeit disturbing. A question to ask them: when did you receive your shot?
Because shots are only good for a certain amount of months. right? Isn't that "following the science?" At what point do these people start asking for proof of date? Someone could've gotten the shot in December of 2020. It's NO good anymore!! Aren't those people also "dirty" and "impure"?
Good point! It's not only not good anymore but they fail to recognize that they can spread it to everyone. Plus, in their high and mighty frame of mind, if they think the shot makes them invincible, why in the world do they care about anyone else's status? It's all just insane isn't it?
It doesnt matter-- the impurity comes from the fact that this jab IS NOT A VACCINE in the traditional sense. It is A MEDICAL DEVICE which augments/replaces/ mutates your DNA through the mRNA replication protein spikes. It causes chronic disease-- weakens/replaces your immune system with an UNTESTED gene therapy. Please stop comparing "efficacy" of antibodies like that was the main issue. It's not.
And how many of those vaccinated authoritarians are obese? diabetic? hypertensive? or have other major medical issues that have driven up YOUR health insurance premiums way more for years.
Ummm... the person making the BIGGEST deal about it all weighs about 375-400 pounds, no doubt hypertensive and other medical issues. You're exactly right, she's way too high up on her pedestal to see that she has been and will be a problem for years.
They are upper class wanna-be's and we are the pure.
Those star bellied sneetches
Technically, it's they unvaccinated who have not been genetically modified and are "purebloods". These tables can turn, though they probably won't because we're not insane authoritarians.
Same at Home Depot. Don't ask, don't tell. They don't care and don't want to know. Anyone asks, they're in big trouble.
Large American pharma in Europe,Told will not be asking as it's against EU GDPR, to ask question and anyone asking % vaccinated was politely cut off that is no concern of company as 80% + population are vaccinated ( it's not Pfizer)
But US plants it's mandatory 🤐
The cowardly idiots like the moron at the Coca-Cola company, Universities, Hospitals and others that are sacrificing there employees will face such a backlash as more and more people wake up to the lies and crimes against humanity fomented by the paid hacks at the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO and the Euro equivalents. The globalists at Gates Foundation, Rockefeller foundation, Soros and big Pharma who have infiltrated and funded these vile activities at these agencies must face swift and appropriate justice for the death, suffering and chaos they have caused by their psychopathic depopulation agenda. These crimes will be revealed to be far worse than the atrocities committed by Stalin, Chairman Mao and Hitler.
Send me an application! Go Intel!
What? A sensible company not schlepping the Governments scare tactics? I am buying more Intel products. In fact, I am already ordering a new computer with Intel parts.
Sanity is so refreshing.
I’m starting to think that Emperor Biden has no clothes and OSHA may never issue a rule. Even his EO on contractors doesn’t require the vaccine but companies are acting if it does.
My employer's client, one of those tech companies who loves censoring people, will start the vaccine mandate if you want to go to the campus. Note, they also will apply mandatory return to office soon. so basically they mandate their employee to go to work and get vaccinated or have weekly testing. I won't comply for this silly unscientific rules. so I'm going to apply for a job where the management is rational. i won't even bother to sue them. They can have all like-minded people hurdling in their cubicles together. I know i'm replaceable. My health is more important than just a job.
Feel free to both find a new employer and sue them. There are likely many legal entities (Pacific Legal Foundation, Institute for Justice, etc.) who probably already have clients suing the very same employer. Your efforts added to theirs can only do good.
These mandates represent a full employment act for lawyers. I suspect that firms with a strong employment law practice have been gearing up since the faux mandate.
Tucker showed a clip last night of Joe going to whisper mode to say Fox News requires vax, which Fox employee Tucker assured us is (yet another) lie. As people figure out it doesn't work for most people, especially those who need it most, it will go away.
Just shared this with my son in Chicago who is so worried about losing his job. He’s 28 and got a great job 9 months ago. I told him to hold his ground because he does NOT or need this shot. Thank you Alex B. for your tireless attention to this subject!
Good for your son. Younger adults seem to be the ones most brainwashed. Nice to see some courage in his generation.
Tell him to hold on....it's his life you are talking about! Patience, the evil will be outed!
Like WWII hiring was tough
Couldn't offer more money so they offered health insurance. Much longer story, but I think Intel is being crafty and no doubt will attract the brightest minds out there. You know the ones that didn't participate as lab rats and passed the IQ test of vaccines.
Top-Management actually consulted with the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), with whom properly informed him of several factors: 1) if we loose any percentage of employees, this organization could suffer operational, financial, safety & reputational damage for starters, and 2) there's a good chance of lawsuits that could lead to unnecessary liability exposure, and 3) judging by our workforce pipeline and knowing the steep requirements (KSA) we seek in our workforce or human capital assets, we cannot expect to replace staff, especially key engineering staff, and 4) the security office is very worried about potential unknown threat vectors that span insider, workplace violence, malicious intent, trade-secret & IP loss and any number of threats unseen from angry employees.
Interesting words from Southwest CEO Gary Kelly putting the blame for the vaccine mandate on Biden... inferring that it is not something that Southwest management would otherwise support.
And that's a lie because there is no actual mandate, only a press release. He's doing it voluntarily.
The pressure from the Biden admin on private companies is real... an effective mandate. Especially for the airlines that got billions in COVID relief payments.
I saw a blurb on CEO's statement,,,, dis-ingenious as best... Biden hasn't signed a mandate, and OSHA hasn't issued any directives under the OSHA header... There is no mandate at the Federal level and only some state mandates, applicable to that state exclusively As of this morning 10/12/2021, my statements are accurate. I am not a lawyer and am not offering any legal advise. I have not and will not submit to the (non)vax's available for the 'protection' against c-19 (farce). No I don't wear masks. I am in the 'high risk' age bracket with no co-morbidity issues. I think that the 4th Estate has abandoned the banner of 'The Peoples' Voice' with very rare exception. Good fortune to all who seek to prevail against Tyranny.
Weasel words.
Southwest received piles of cash from the Biden Admin so there is probably some weaseling.
Yup. I own and operate a small business. From the moment those "free money" programs were announced last spring, my attitude was: NFW am I taking a cent. We either swim or sink, but I will *not* take that money because there are *always* strings attached.
Ditto for me and my husband here in Toronto
Good for you. Most people don't have the moral fortitude to turn down the "free" money. However, a CEO of a public company would have pressure from the board and stockholders to take all the money available.
I review small business commercial real estate loan applications and about 50% of those I see have a much stronger cash positions with all the PPP money. We wasted trillions on the "relief" going to business that did not need it and in fact ended up having the best revenue years on the rebound and market disruption. Meanwhile restaurants, bars, gyms and salons are dying all across the country.
Nothing is EVER free
Oh but they had NO problem accepting the billions in cash and loans from Biden 😳🤔
Alex! This is wonderful! This is why I have no problem subscribing to your sub stack! Won’t see this in the msm.
Yesterday's post about Southwest pilots sick out was reported by CNBC as weather. MSM can't handle the truth.
Geeze, I wonder how many new resumes Intel is about to receive? I suspect Intel will have no worker shortages.
Intel is actually following the science! I really wish the rest of the planet would get on board!
Unbelievable. Oregon has a huge Intel facility. Those pro jab people will be rolling on the floor having a fit over this.
What is “gain of function”?
“Gain-of-function” is the euphemism for biological research aimed at increasing the virulence and lethality of pathogens and viruses. GoF research is government funded; its focus is on enhancing the pathogens’ ability to infect different species and to increase their deadly impact as airborne pathogens and viruses. Ostensibly, GoF research is conducted for biodefense purposes. These experiments, however, are extremely dangerous. Those deadly science-enhanced pathogens can, and do escape into the community where they infect and kill people. What’s more, this line of research can be used for biological warfare.“
Why aren’t Doctors and the Science and Medical industry speaking out loudly about what Fauci and Gang doing to the World as it has become obvious. These man made, often deadly, protein injections were never meant to destroy the virus, as the human immune system does. These injections were made to turn the world population into a large “gain of function” laboratory, and allow the virus to continue to evolve into a more deadly variant and reduce world population. Isn’t it obvious by now, by requiring multiple injections that are not fully effective , they are only making a more deadly variant of the COVID virus evolve and turn the injected that live through it into being carriers. ….which I am beginning to believe was always the plan.
Fauci and Gates are well aware of the fact these spike protein are only making the virus more deadly….they use the fact continually as part of the fear tactics game…..”more masks, more lock downs, more deaths and a more deadly COVID variant is just around the corner.” They forget to add….the spike protein injections are causing it!
Anyone that allows themselves to be injected with this crap is nuts…at best your immune system fights back and blocks it’s effects….at worst you die or become a “typhoid Mary” carrier.
As by NY friends would say…..”think about it”
FYI-- your immune system becomes heavily compromised by being on high alert due to the proliferation of MrNA induced protein spikes (trillions-- yup with a t). Blocking its effects are being optimistic.
While they are better than most places for non-traveling employees, you need to read Section 5.
If you travel for Intel, especially if you are customer-facing, you must be vaccinated. No choice.
They made this policy long before countries were requiring the vax for entry. They had an email go out that stated that they wanted their employees to “represent their (Intel’s) values” when visiting customer, partner, and client sites.
Happy to send screenshots to prove that
i believe that they accept antibody tests for travel in some cases as of this month
Yes that is correct. They are It seems mimicking what is accepted in the countries they have operations in.
That’s great news
If the Joe Rogan podcast is being censored, please let us know. I will cancel my subscription to Spotify.
I wondered why Alex's interview with Joe hasn't shown up yet?
Wondering this too.
My hubby is starting to freak
You all are amazing. Love reading through these comments and seeing people supporting freedom.
I am in the airline industry and support the right to choose for myself as everyone before me has for this shot. If you are interested, here is a link for an email form to be sent in to some higher ups at SWA, including Gary Kelly, to take away this mandate that threatens thousand of employee’s jobs and livelihoods. Feel free to send one if you so please! We appreciate any and all support! Thank you all so much.❤️
Wonderful 🥰. thank you!!
Freedom meets common sense!
I identify as "Trans-vaccinated"....I'm not really vaccinated...I just identify as someone who is.
ohh Snap 😝
Excellent. Go Intel!
I work at a large med device company. Software engineer, office job. So far they haven't made it mandatory, but they have signaled they will follow the ETS when and if it comes, and will not accept prior infection as a substitute. It's not even clear if they'll give us the option to be tested weekly. Unvaccinated are no longer welcome in the office, and they need approval from high up the chain for any business travel. Also, they forced everyone to provide their status. I used to work at Intel. I should probably be reaching out to my old boss...
i used to work as a field service engineer at an intel plant. they had pretty demanding/weird policies (3 second rule for making eye contact with others, railing police to make sure you used the railing to when on stairs) but they were usually aimed at making the workplace safe. they are, if nothing else, science driven so i am not at all surprised by this. also, their policies were worldwide so i am sure their facility heads got together and determined that the best way to continue making a profit was to not require the jab...
😳 What??? Common sense???
I’m shocked!!!