It was a good article, thanks alex.

Here's a bunch of truth about the injection:

So regarding that warp speed COVID vaccine…

Rushed, guaranteed to succeed, corruptly tested, experimental injection? ✓

That killed and maimed well-over a thousand people during the severely abbreviated trial phase? ✓

And also caused 23 spontaneous abortions and 75 serious clinical events from 270 expectant mothers during said trial? ✓

Using a highly dangerous mRNA tech that in the past killed every mouse with ADE? ✓

A tech previously untested on humans, the emergency usage of which upended over a century of vaccine safety and efficacy research? ✓

For a virus far less deadly than the lockdowns themselves? ✓

Also less deadly than the flu - which conveniently went AWOL when COVID hit the scene? ✓

For a (cold) virus they’ve been unable to cure after over a century of trying? ✓

But somehow all of a sudden, the criminal pharmaceutical companies - notorious for rampant felonious trial fraud - figured it out in less than a year? ✓

And then went on to manufacture billions of quality assured, safe and effective doses at record speed which were then lawfully distributed by the US military? ✓

People actually bought into this on a grand scale, and voluntarily injected this poison? ✓

Expanded version with embedded references here: https://tritorch.com/doormat

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the wuh flu was made for the injection and not the other way around. plandemicseries.com/davidmartin/

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Faucistein said the virus was made for the vaccine... Freudian slip?

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From the Internet:

The best way to prevent future pandemics is to arrest those who created the first one.

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Mar 10, 2023
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Absolutely you can! Best way to credit would maybe be just a small text reference at the bottom that is nothing more than a link leading back to the article itself.

It's not really about the credit, but about getting the message out there. We cannot allow this to ever happen again. Here are my full thoughts on the situation summed up in a few sentences: https://tritorch.com/safety

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Mar 10, 2023
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I think the strongest evidence Fauci was involved and it was a planned pandemic is the video of Fauci, soon after Donald Trump was elected, saying that Trump would face a novel respiratory virus pandemic before the end of his first term.

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I think the NC “theory of the crime” is highly probable — esp as the Chinese at one point said that it came from a U.S. lab. Were they admitting the truth for once? Maybe.

Additionally it would not surprise me in the least if Baric and EcoHealth were working at the direction of intelligence agencies. Between the documentation In Devil’s Chessboard and now the Twitter Files it seems almost a given…

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Notice it is the foreign intelligence agencies and DOD who claim to be uncertain about Covid origins, even when they should be the ones who have the most information.

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People think this impossible, even though:

(1) We have fifty-one constitutions because our agents cannot be trusted.

(2) Our lawbooks, which pertain only to cases taken on up to appeal, and aside the many cases not uncovered, are replete with examples of agents convicted of criminal acts, such as, extortion, rape, murder, arson, trafficking, pedophilia, bribery, election tampering and so on.

(3) History books and the public record have numerous examples of major conspiracies, such as STD and LSD experiments on citizens by government agents, nuclear experiments that altered our atmosphere for a decade, an entire court being declared a RICO enterprise (Operation Graylord), recent election tampering via violations of protected speech rights, and so on.

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It was moved in 2014(?) by Fraudci and Obummer when gain of function was made illegal here. Along with the virus, went $430,000,000 of our taxpayer money.

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I just had a look at your website, Tritorch. I think we are going to need more lampposts...

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Snort, sometimes, old technology is the best technology. Yardarms were a thing and had more than one use.

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Hey Tritorch! Good to see you back! And spot on as always. Best wishes.

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Great summary, Tritorch. You’ve nailed it!

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Damn near exactly what many of us have been saying from the get go.

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The virus was also circulating around the world for at least six months before the lockdowns.

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Actually I don’t think it was an mRNA vaccine that killed mice with ADE. The danger of mRNA is rather that it causes immune tolerance.

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I never knew about the aspirin issue and the 1918 flu. A very important piece of data.

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Fraudci was on the committee that exhumed bodies from 1918 flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia from wearing MASKS!

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D4D, No I didn't know about the aspirin either. I read about the poisonous vaccines that caused the so called flu and how victim numbers have been falsely raised over time.

Interesting how short our collective memories are: Bayer invented aspirin - having previously trademarked heroin for children's cough medicine and they made chlorine gas in WW1 and produced Xyklon B gas for the Nazis death camps and now they own Monsanto's Round Up/Glyphosate which causes Hodgkins Lymphoma whilst being the widest used pesticide in the world.

That's quite a hostory! Yet it's still one of the world's major corporations. If anyone ever needed any evidence that these monster companies do not work in our best interests - they need look no further!

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Completely agree!

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quite interesting on the aspirin

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Imagine IF Trump had had the kahunas to replace the elf fraud Fauci with say Atlas or Jay Bhattacharya in early 2020 just where we would be as a country and world and how many lives did NOT have to be lost. Its surreal how diff things would have been. Off topic but watch plandemicseries.com/davidmartin/

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And Trump had so much experience saying "You're FIRED!". It's sad he didn't say it when it so desperately needed to be said!!!!

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Right! If only...

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Trump actually had Robert Kennedy Jr. lined up back in 2016, I believe. Then Donny accepted a million bucks from Pfizer for his inauguration party and RFK Jr. was jettisoned.

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yes I remember hearing that...good point

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I'm going to go ahead and give a shout out to my father. After seeing the HIV/AIDS scandal play out from the late 80's to mid-90's, where the public health infrastructure entirely cancelled the world's foremost expert on retroviruses, Peter Duesberg, for his heresy regarding the pseudo-disease, he exposed his children (including me) to the embedded corruption and falsehood in the medical profession.

My father taught me in the 1990s what Bad Cat is saying in 2023: pandemics are a non-threat to a modern society. And even better, he exposed me to the economic and social theories that justify why we should expect that corruption to exist (hint: it has to do with Hayek, Mises and Rothbard). I recommend Murray Sabrin for new readers that would like to understand the systemic and structural problems in our healthcare system.

So good for Bad Cat, but I knew this as a teenager thanks to my father. We chuckled at every new ebola scare or Hollywood pandemic propaganda film (remember 12 monkeys and outbreak? What dreck).

This gave me a framework to see Covid for what it was at the outset of 2020: a convenient excuse for the bureaucracy, and then the power-elite, to opportunistically play up a threat and steal an election.

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Russell Brand makes the best case ever. He tends to ramble on but all of the industries with their partners in government and media are in a constant pursuit of money its always about the money, forever having the next crisis that only they can help us solve. I’m not sure we will be allowed by those controlling forces to ever escape it, now.

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Ken I do like you comment except for the use of the word "allowed". We have not reached that point nor must we ever accept what is presently happening in this country. the power should and will remain with the majority - not those elites who plan a redesign of this country.

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I hate the word allowed as well but look at the world as a whole. I could probably type for an hour or more about things going on that are increasingly out of our control. People appointed to places and jobs who become the final arbiters. Elections that more and more people distrust the outcome, so people feeling they are disenfranchised and the person they think should be in place is not. Look at the congressional hearings yesterday. You have a couple of journalists who have basically proven the government working with private companies are restricting and censoring free speech and a political party that seems to fully support that and no one else in the MSM supporting them. That is insanity. I could go on and on.

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Last night I watched some clips of the hearings. I was struck by how completely uninformed and idiotic the Democratic reps came across.

Garcia didn’t even know what SubStack is. “Good grief, woman, did your staff not brief you at all?” I thought.

The NY rep seemed to think that merely calling the Twitter Files “a false narrative” constituted an argument. Ironically she correctly cited the gist of the documented government interference, so calling it false revealed how deep an ideological hole such folks dwell in.

Bad as that is, the sidelining of Matt T & Michael Shellenberger’s research by the legacy media is just beyond despicable.

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You are so right. The Democrats sounded foolish, and unprepared…and just dumb! It seemed to me they were more interested in posturing, and trying to sound righteously angry…but they failed at that and everything else.

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Ha, they are nothing more than actors, playing a part. Their feigned stupidity at common knowledge is so laughable.

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Its commiecrat 101. Destroy and come to the rescue to profit on both ends and keep people controlled thru breaking their will and becoming more and more dependent on government

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I'm not sure we will ever trust the Government...ours or theirs....again, especially on health matters!

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Russell the Groovy (Fire-)Brand has emerged as a central figure on the side of Truth Telling. (You just can't make these characters up!) Anyway, Brand is especially good at reminding folks that a lot of "controversies" are mere distractions to keep us divided so the real baddies can gain more control. I love that he has gained such a large following,

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IMO the threat was stated as it was supposed to be. It turned out much less damaging than they had hoped. But they ran with it anyway, as they tried to decade earlier with swine flu but couldn't make it stick because there was too much pushback from the media. So they bought the media, the unis, the hospitals, everything. And they made it stick. But the virus was a damp squib.

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I too very much enjoyed this writing by our favorite bad kitty. The part of this piece that found the most interesting was the correlation of the use of high doses of Aspirin and fatal flu outcomes in young Americans. Having read a lot about the last 150 years of pandemics and the faulty nature of how we issued treatment and vaccines, the Aspirin link was the first I had heard of lethal doses being used and not exposed for the iatrogenic harm.

More Americans need to understand that it is well documented that the third leading cause of death is iatrogenic. We need to ask for second opinions when possible and stay fully informed about our healthcare choices.

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Bad cat nailed it. Wonder what detail Alex doesn’t agree with? Read Scott Atlas book and the complete ignorance of Birx and Fauci never could site any studies to back up their policies. Brix going around the country telling the governors information that was wrong to get them to destroy their economy’s (only South Dakota resisted). It was medical malpractice on a gross level and it continues to today.

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So, have the populations of America and other western countries learned anything from the Covid event and the lies that sustained it? I suspect that the answer is mostly "No". The same people who went into panic mode over Covid, masks and the "unvaccinated" will be easily led into panic again when they launch the next big "thing".

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That is what is so depressing about hummanity. We never learn

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This all traces back to the Great Flu of 1918 PsyOp which started accelerating out of nowhere in the 1980s after no one had paid any attention to it since the 1920s. What else started in the 1980? NIH went into hyper-aggressive mode to save itself from redundancy. From a 1920s estimate of 20 million to a big leap to 50 million in an NIH funded 1980s era study. To the "probably more like 100 million" that BS news media hacks now routinely peddle. It's all explained in a chapter in my book "Unraveling the COVID Con - Part II" from material I originally published in 2020

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Other than his inability to capitalize, this was an interesting article. You missed a few points, however. Beyond ventilators, the use of Remdesivir killed numerous patients, with its 40% serious side effect profile. Also, hospitals were actually incentivized monetarily, to label all deaths as Covid deaths. By setting the cycles on the PCR tests too high, everyone who went near a hospital was found to have Covid even if they were completely asymptomatic and dying from a gunshot wound. Of course, the answer to every issue became testing, testing and more testing. Remember the block long lines? Follow all this with the demonization of all inexpensive, yet effective therapies (methylprednisolone, hydroxychoroquine, ivermectin, warfarin). As if this weren't enough malfeasance, then they rushed their experimental "vaccine" to market. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg on the deaths and disabilities caused by that. Besides the obvious "sudden adult death syndrome", I believe we will soon be assaulted by a sudden spike in immune system diseases like nothing we've ever seen previously. Undeniably, this was the plan all along, to weed out the compliant people.

I made a decision early on that I would not buy into their fear mongering and it was the best decision since my divorce. I am untested, unvaxed and unafraid, living my life to the fullest with a vast supply of horse paste at the ready for the next plandemic. Bring it on!

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Seems illogical though that the evil "they" behind all of this would want to "weed out the compliant people" as you stated. Do you see the contradiction here?

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We are the cream of the crop, are we not? I am not sure that's the case. It's just a postulation that I have. I do also believe that they never thought so many people would question the narrative and not comply. They didn't take into account that truthers and alternative media would emerge to contradict their story. That's why they have worked so hard to silence us. There are surely two opposing forces at work here - perhaps good and evil, light and dark, white hats and black hats. Will we evil know the truth? Who knows?

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I'd settle for seeing the media and those "Oh, smarter than thee!" Being forced to eat crow publicly!

When will the Supreme Court defrock the conspiracy media. Time to remove their protections....they aren't journalists! Let the talking heads say what they want, but no more freedom from lawsuits and personal liability from reading teleprompter lies!

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FWIW, aspirin was rushed out in 1918 courtesy of AG Bayer, the nice people who also brought us heroin.

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Aspirin dates back to 1899. I think doctors overestimated its effectiveness. For example Czar Nicholas II’s son, who had hemophilia, was given aspirin as a treatment which probably made it worse.

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Doctors also underestimated aspirin's risks. This (longish) piece by Sebastian Rushworth spells out how doctors consistently, even now, overestimate benefits, underestimate risks, and fall into motivated reasoning to the detriment of patients. https://sebastianrushworth.com/2022/06/14/should-the-patient-really-get-the-drug/

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And the poison gas that was also used on Holocaust victims, I believe.

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I think Bayer was absorbed into IG Farben, which made those products.

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Another point I’ll raise about the 1918 influenza epidemic is that it occurred just as millions of young men were returning from WW1 - and very unsanitary conditions. WW1 was the last war fought almost entirely from the trenches. Lookup the medical condition “trenchfoot” to see what they were exposed to - walking around in standing water for months at a time. It seems inconceivable that most of these people wouldn’t catch a severe flu at some point.

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It is usually assumed to have broken out in March 1918 in Kansas although there were some cases before. With America sending a million men to fight in the trenches to preserve Serbia’s right to murder the heir to the Austrian-Hungarian throne, it spread quickly.

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One of the best exposés I’ve read in the past 3 three years. Bookmarked!

Huge kudo’s Gato!

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Keep uncovering what was and is being done. Truth exists.

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I read somewhere on the internet that the best way to prevent future pandemics is to arrest those who started the first one.

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I have been following with bad catitude since 2020 before he got kicked off of Twitter.

-Nothing is obvious to scared people.

-Iatrogenic death.

-Patients were intubated when they should not have been. when this failed to work, they kept turning up the pressure on the vents. And this killed people wholesale.

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Another interesting factoid about the Spanish Flu: The pandemic broke out near the end of World War I, when wartime censors in the belligerent countries suppressed bad news to maintain morale, but newspapers freely reported the outbreak in neutral Spain, creating a false impression of Spain as the epicenter and leading to the "Spanish flu" misnomer. Hmm....sounds familiar.

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only in govt. can you fail up. fauchi screwed up aids, sars, mers, h1n1 - so he was the right person to lead.

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When you screw up that many times....and there is no accountability....the question is or remains, was it by design?

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His column from today is equally good, and a follow-up to the one you linked.

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Scott Atlas left out the biggest lie the government told us: Existing drugs are not effective against COVID. Most of the deaths attributed to COVID could have been avoided through prompt treatment with existing and often inexpensive drugs.

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From the first time I saw you on television, Alex, I have trusted you and believed fervently that you were totally invested in exposing the shameless calamity that is the Fauci-Birx charade. You have not disappointed. I have been around for a long time and I cannot remember anyone in my experience who has more bravely defended family and Country against such evil. Thank you.

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Bad cat good

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Everyone go read the full article!! Very worth your time!!!

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I refuse to live in fear.

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And guess where this VASTLY overstated threat potential was already a thing? The SPARS Pandemic exercise by the same US Think Tank that brought you Event 201, sponsored in January 2017 by Open Philanthropy (effective altruism/longtermism) to the tune of $16 million. And we are seeing the whole reaction to the public picking apart the narrative right now play out in real time. Latest Twitter thread by Matt Taibbi on how true statements were supposed to be censored, because they could potentially run counter the official narrative. Good thing someone already had a tabletop exercise ready long before all those steps needed to be taken.


My take on the SPARS exercise as video and as PDF



I will put up a new, revised version on my substack soon.

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The medical community has major issues. They don’t see errors in their ways and aren’t open to listening to other opinions.

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2 limited hangouts who ignore intentional release.

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I suppose you disagree mostly with the last part, right? I think the drop in antibiotic use is probably the leading cause for the first of the deadly waves everywhere, and that this social malpractice continued in the urban areas well into 2021.

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El gato malo has MANY great articles to read! Thanks for the pointer, Alex.

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Let's be clear as Atlas points out (often glossed over) this Wuhan business was no more deadly than a typical bad flu.

If as Redfield (another bad actor) points out, the virus was circulating much earlier than announced then you have almost 7 months of ACM data and Excess death data to compare the flu pattterns established by 5 & 10 year averages. When you overlap the graphs = no significant differences.

Then as draconian mitigations nihilistic medical approaches came about post April, one then sees significant rises in ACM and Excess deaths. And when you take a deeper dive on just one question who was dying surprise, surprise , surprise the frail and vulnerable at a much higher pace. The public got scammed into the vaccines which Berenson points out and ACM & Excess data conclusively points out are the main drivers of an impending health catastrophe that will last for decades in a progressive manner. The vaccines are not safe and assocaited with excess deaths 2021 & 2022.

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Doctors strikes have no increase in death rates or decreases in death rates! Hmmnnnn! Sounds itrogenic!

Soc Sci Med

. 2008 Dec;67(11):1784-8. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.09.044. Epub 2008 Oct 10.

Doctors' strikes and mortality: a review

Solveig Argeseanu Cunningham 1, Kristina Mitchell, K M Narayan, Salim Yusuf

Affiliations expand

PMID: 18849101 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2008.09.044


A paradoxical pattern has been suggested in the literature on doctors' strikes: when health workers go on strike, mortality stays level or decreases. We performed a review of the literature during the past forty years to assess this paradox. We used PubMed, EconLit and Jstor to locate all peer-reviewed English-language articles presenting data analysis on mortality associated with doctors' strikes. We identified 156 articles, seven of which met our search criteria. The articles analyzed five strikes around the world, all between 1976 and 2003. The strikes lasted between nine days and seventeen weeks. All reported that mortality either stayed the same or decreased during, and in some cases, after the strike. None found that mortality increased during the weeks of the strikes compared to other time periods.

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What kills people is letting the "Government" decide which medical treatments physicians prescribe. Doctors are usually pretty smart people and figure things out. The government - not so much.

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I don't think the general public can be moved by the word iatrogenic. Just calling it malpractice would get the message across better. A malpractice death spiral in the face of a new infection with ever increasing death rates due to ... malpractice.

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I agree, Alex. El Gato Malo’s article yesterday exposing the iatrogenic connection between the Covid pandemic and the 1918 Spanish Flu was a real eye-opener for me. Modern ‘advanced’ Western Society has become the victim of what is probably the 2nd worst act of iatrogenic incompetence and group-think in history. (It looks like the worst may have been the Spanish Flu).

I never expected that the 2006 movie “Idiocracy” would come true in my lifetime. It was billed as a ‘comedy’ - but upon review just now - I realise that it was actually a biting satire on the direction modern society is heading. One citation describes the film as “a cautionary tale about low-intelligence dysgenics” being in charge of society. That pretty well describes the politicians and bureaucrats in positions of power and influence who were in control of the disaster of the Covid response – especially in my country, Australia. I note that one of the Cohen brothers was the screenplay writer, in conjunction with Mike Judge. That explains the film’s clairvoyance.

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As an expat Aussie living in Canada watching the events of the past three years unfold here and back home I concur with your assessment. I can’t believe that intelligent people in charge of the covid response would have allowed the mass hysteria that resulted from the daily assault on our senses by the public health deity As another independent commentator said early on it isn’t so much conspiracy theory as it is a conspiracy of idiots.

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This article deserves to be read widely. I had not heard of this guy before but am now following him and sharing this essay with as many people as I can.

Thank you again Alex, for pointing the way to more connections in what truly has become the battle for the soul of America

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Harry you are in for a treat! el gato malo is the best - and he can write!

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Just about to publish an article on how important Robert Redfields statement about covid escaping WIV in September 2019 actually is to how we analyze the threat of covid-19. AKA - covid-19 presented NO THREAT whatsoever to all-cause mortality. September 2019 through the lockdowns in March of 2020 was literally the healthiest flu season on record.

It’s impossible to overstate how much damage was done because Fauci didn’t want GoF resuspended, government loves to be seen “doing something,” TDS had ruined half the country’s mind, and Dems needed mail in balloting to have a chance in the 20 election - and for those who doubt the last one (Alex) go read the stories on how Dems used mail in balloting during the primaries to screw Bernie Sanders out of the nomination in favor of Biden. 30% mail in ballot rejection rate during the primary - less than 1% during the general election. I wonder who’s ballots that cast aside during the primary….?

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Agree. This may be the Bad Cat's best.

Thanks for sharing!

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"This may be the Bad Cat's best."

And given how he writes, that is saying something!

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Those crazy and deadly aspirin dosages remind me of Anne of Green Gables. There is this heroic chapter where she saves the life of a baby with croup by giving it ipecac… today we know that baby was lucky to survive the ipecac, let alone the croup! The more you learn about medical “expertise” in the past, the less you will trust tye experts today. This is a big reason why they don’t want to teach history anymore…

P.s. great Sidney Lumet/Paul Newman/Davit Mamet film on the deadly arrogance of hospitals:


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What don't you agree with Alex? He didn't say he would vote for Trump or that we shouldn't get involved in Ukraine. We know you will vote for Biden and you want to send your kids to die in Ukraine.

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It is not a lie that “pandemics are dangerous to modern (read Western) societies.” They are extremely dangerous because the vast majority of people in the West have, to put it mildly, rejected God. Those without faith in divine providence are easy prey to fear, then to panic and hysteria. They then become submissive to the soft tyrants such as Fauci and Biden, and the government/media complex that perpetuates the lies that generates the fear. Always keep in mind that the opposite of love is fear and use.

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This is a spectacularly good article. Thank you.

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Just finished Pandemia and attempted an " I never lived in fear". And didn't believe in 90% of the media reports. I wrote in what I thought was a respectful manner. Anyway Amazon flagged my review and gave me a "warning" LoL I guess some businesses still want to run on fear and lies.

I've been a critical care nurse and paramedic for 30 years. Yes, the vid is real and people died. But in my region it was now where near as bad as they wanted people to believe.

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Sorry. Iatrogenic

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Let's all focus on GOF, something they did 40 years ago in the CIA-DOD operation-paperclip nazi bio-lab research; Today the hot topic is "Directional Evolution" and that is what they're working on today to kill you tomorrow.

Forget about "GAIN of FUNCTION" people that is +40 year old R&D managed by retired Fauci detour. Like the recent CIA dis-info chatter about 'wuhan leak' that's all designed to make the herds "Look Over There".

Russia has just released internal documents "Directional Evolution" from Pfizer where they admit that all products of Pfizer are in fact "Biological Weapons"

Turns out that mRNA vax was deployed since 2017 to be a delivery system for bio-weapons; We could of course say 'duh' that but explains the "look over there GAIN of Function BS we see 24/7 on alt-media", when in fact the real Mother of it ALL is "Directional Evolution" this is the top-secret work today, and "GOF" is your grand-fathers biological-weapons;


( Tass is the official news source of Russia from the Gov )

Well we all kind of knew all along mRNA was a bio-weapon and we knew that URKAINE had like 19 BIO-WEAPON lab's operating in under CIA-DOD, we also knew that Russia intended to release all the information about the lab's, and now its happening.

"Consequently, Pfizer’s employee(s) admits the fact of conducting ‘directional evolution’ research aimed at gaining competitive advantages and boosting profits,"

Pfizer’s former employee Karen Kingston, who said that the products of the US pharmaceutical company "by definition, are biological weapons"

... So "Gain of Function" was what they're were doing at CIA-DOD with Fauci as leader some 40 Years ago, but "Directional Evolution" is what they're doing today

˜gain of function™ is perhaps one of the most misunderstood in the scientific lexicon. I would like to explain what the phrase means from the perspective of a scientist who has done gain of function research for the past 40 years.


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"I don’t agree with every detail" . Ha. So Alex, Alex.

Would be interested if it was Bad Cat, or Scott Atlas, dude.

Cheers and keep it up.

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Quick Look over there, ...

The cat is out of the bag; You people can ignore it, but it is now proven that TRUMP & Pompeo(CIA Director) orchestrated the entire COVID operation as a means to destroy China & the European Economy.

Now Trump hired Pompeo, and CIA orchestrated the release of Covid on Iran, Italy, USA (mil-bases), and China; Trump was complicit with the operation from early 2019, even working with Gates in the simulation; Trump wanted a war, he wanted to beat China, he thought it would get him a second term by destroying China; Trump also wanted to market and monopolize the world distribution of mRNA knowing it would make 100's of billions of USD cash for his mafia pals in Israel; Trump wanted to justify the release of $2 Trillion USD to fight COVID flood cash in the USA and win his re-election;

The chattering classes keep going on about 'how trump didn't know", how he fired everybody who didn't go along with his lies and denial of real science. Guess what people the truth is out, and Trump is going down; Claw-Back time to return 10's of Billions of USD from the Kushner, Ivanka, and Baron Foundations;


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They, the ruling class, are doing the same thing to us with the “Global Warming” is an existential


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Thanks for turning us on to this! I became acquainted with the term iatrogenic several years ago, and had almost forgotten it. I wish I could be more optimistic that we've learned anything or will be able to hold anyone accountable.

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I often hear people cite the polio vaccine as the most successful example of vaccine development. When people show a god-like reverence of Jonas Salk and his polio vaccine that supposedly eradicated the polio epidemic they have no idea that it is all just BS. The polio virus was a circulating enterovirus long before paralytic poliomyelitis appeared in the late 1800's and became epidemic in 1948-1955. Enteroviruses, including polio, are usually mild unless they infect the central nervous system. Fortunately there is an effective barrier between the circulatory and central nervous system. The increased use of pesticides, lead arsenic in the late 1800's and then DDT in the 1940's, caused spinal lesions in the lower developing spinal cords of the young. These lesions created a previously non-existent vector for the polio virus to enter the central nervous system causing the paralysis that the polio epidemic is so well known for. The Salk polio vaccine was introduced at the same time the EPA began imposing restrictions on the use of DDT. The vaccine had little to nothing to do with the eradication of the polio epidemic, but was hyped by the government-pharma complex for obvious reasons.

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